Holy family school for boys Math 1st grade

Addition with base 10 blocks (tens andones)97199494594211783189279461898319909937143998911892642092159891941227632290993725286581189264331199487393335058348559374050677837941426633610992594266336131526044826681207259Draw blocks to solve the addition questions.Example: 23 + 34 =+==5Tens=57 7unitsa) 14 + 31 ==Tens=unitsb) 42 + 16 ==Tens=unitsc) 33 + 34 ==Tens=unitsd) 10 + 26 ==Tens=unitsAddition with base 10 blocks (tens andones)Grade 1 Base Ten Blocks Worksheet97199494594211783189279461898319909937143998911892642092159891941227632290993725286581189264331199487393335058348559374050677837941426633610992594266336131526044826681207259Draw blocks to solve the addition questions.Example: 23 + 34 =+==5Tens=57 7unitsa) 32 + 51 ==Tens=unitsb) 17 + 20 ==Tens=unitsc) 63 + 11 ==Tens=unitsd) 10 + 40 ==Tens=unitsAddition with base 10 blocks (tens and ones)-444544450-2984519050Draw blocks to solve the addition questions.Example: 23 + 34 =5 Tens+==7 Ones =57a) 15 + 14 ==OnesTens = __b) 22 + 33 ==OnesTens = __c) 54 + 31 ==OnesTens = __d) 14 + 14 ==OnesTens = __-444541910337185-67671952677160-68211704605020-6452235Counting tens and ones-444544450-2984519050Find the total number of blocks.497205132080= 3 tens + 5 ones = ____351362710-2292351362710-229235147320513715-17145302895= __ tens + __ ones = ____-10160-307340-10160-307340= __ tens + __ ones = ____1308735-342901308735-34290165100010160016510001016001812925-1492251812925-14922520828003175002082800317500127254035433012725403543301128395840105-8255563880= __ tens + __ ones = ____-10160-297180-10160-297180= __ tens + __ ones = ____74930653415363220671195= __ tens + __ ones = ____-4445547370912495-1962151362710-321945172275519050858520253365129095573025Counting tens and ones-444544450-2984519050Find the total number of blocks.317577470= __ tens + __ ones = ____11468105232401362710-520701362710-52070-17145384810-17145384810= __ tens + __ ones = ____1290955-2540001290955-254000-10160-307340-10160-307340= __ tens + __ ones = ____-8255-149225-8255-149225= __ tens + __ ones = ____1056640-990601056640-99060-10160549275= __ tens + __ ones = ____36322067119517767307969251146810652780= __ tens + __ ones = ____-4445547370912495-1962151362710-32194585852019050Counting tens and ones-444544450-2984519050Find the total number of blocks.317577470= __ tens + __ ones = ____11468105232401525270-342901525270-342902647957207251866900-196215-17145384810= __ tens + __ ones = ____1290955-254000-10160-307340-10160-307340__ tens + __ ones = ____ __ tens + __ ones = ____ -10160-1236345-10160-1236345= __ tens + __ ones = ____1568458388351506855598805= __ tens + __ ones = ____-4445547370139065-321945139065-321945Counting tens and ones-444544450-2984519050Find the total number of blocks.317577470= __ tens + __ ones = ____11468105232401525270-342901525270-3429016510006673852647957207251866900-196215679450594995-17145384810-76835162560= __ tens + __ ones = ____-10160-307340-24765168275__ tens + __ ones = ____ __ tens + __ ones = ____ 1293495-9423401293495-942340-10160-1236345= __ tens + __ ones = ____150685559880511176034290= __ tens + __ ones = ____-444554737066675-334010Counting tens and ones-444544450-2984519050Grade 1 Base Ten Blocks WorksheetFind the total number of blocks.21532851320801435100220980317577470= __ tens + __ ones = ____-17145-196215-17145-196215= __ tens + __ ones = ____212090312420-10160-307340-10160-307340__ tens + __ ones = ____ __ tens + __ ones = ____ 1293495-9423401293495-942340-8255-1236345-8255-1236345= __ tens + __ ones = ____-10160561340715010-138430715010-1384301146810-1384301146810-1384301632585-1384301632585-138430242824022225129857518415= __ tens + __ ones = ____-4445547370139700-334010Counting tens and ones-444544450-2984519050Find the total number of blocks.-2540076614-102870121285= __ tens + __ ones = ____-17145-124460-173990162560= __ tens + __ ones = ____-50165-307340-95885241300__ tens + __ ones = ____ __ tens + __ ones = ____ __ tens + __ ones = ____ 1293495-21520151293495-2152015-10160-2446020-13271567945= __ tens + __ ones = ____-4445547370-94615-334010Creating groups of 10-444544450-2984519050Draw loops around sets of 10 blocks. Redraw the blocks as sets of ten.Write the number.434975-2540== 244328160-294640928370959485-17145474345==854075-404495854075-404495217805626745-17145453390==276225731520-111125450215==24809451270-171456432551129030102552591249580073517545059429755403851000760==-44457105651220470-226695870585-379095945515-1606551572895-235585Creating groups of 10-444544450-2984519050Draw loops around sets of 10 blocks. Redraw the blocks as sets of ten.Write the number.434975-2540== 244328160-294640-17145474345==335280626745-17145453390==217805-327025217805-327025-111125450215247650603250==130810-407035130810-40703549403097599522440901068705-1790708255==-4445710565497205-421640497205-421640Creating groups of 10-444544450-2984519050Draw loops around sets of 10 blocks. Redraw the blocks as sets of ten.Write the number.434975-2540== 244328160-294640-17145474345610235739775193040583565193040583565==335280626745-1714545339076200-33718576200-337185==1111885-19304069278529210842010-412750842010-412750325120-2851151464310-9906011868151187452348230101602458720-3727451918970-698501539240-4038601539240-403860-111125450215==-17145643255150495097599519881858655052244090106870510636251124585419100932180806450876300==-444571056570993059690346075-421640346075-421640Creating groups of 10-444544450-2984519050Draw loops around sets of 10 blocks. Redraw the blocks as sets of ten.Write the number.434975-2540== 244328160-294640-17145474345193040583565==471805659765-1714545339076200-33845576200-338455==1744345-3886201744345-388620217805-399415217805-399415-111125450215350520603250==-17145643255648335-401320648335-401320274955807720==-44457105651684655-360045854710-2006601024890-38100904875-403860904875-403860157480-11938017589503270251758950137795Creating groups of 10-444544450-2984519050Draw loops around sets of 10 blocks. Redraw the blocks as sets of ten.Write the number.434975-2540== 244328160-294640-17145474345==-17145453390==-111125450215247650603250==1449070-4013201449070-401320238125-401320238125-401320180340791210-2647958255==-4445710565255270130175Breaking a number into tens and ones2032044450-444519050Draw rods (tens) and blocks (ones) to represent the numbers shown.34 =14 =12 =60 =7 =31 =27 =19 =22 =44 =203201498601098550-68478402127885-65493902127885-6119495Breaking a number into tens and ones2032044450-444519050Draw rods (tens) and blocks (ones) to represent the numbers shown.34 =81 =16 =33 =20 =31 =22 =3 =62 =26 =203201498601098550-68478402127885-65493902127885-6119495Breaking a number into tens and ones2032044450-444519050Draw rods (tens) and blocks (ones) to represent the numbers shown.34 =15 =15 =51 =43 =34 =50 =30 =12 =22 =203201498601098550-68478402127885-65493902127885-6119495Breaking a number into tens and ones2032044450-444519050Draw rods (tens) and blocks (ones) to represent the numbers shown.34 =10 =11 =12 =20 =30 =42 =52 =36 =63 =203201498601098550-68478402127885-65493902127885-6119495Breaking a number into tens and ones2032044450-444519050Draw rods (tens) and blocks (ones) to represent the numbers shown.34 =26 =53 =27 =17 =15 =45 =32 =30 =21 =203201498601098550-68478402127885-65493902127885-6119495Identifying Place Value C1Determine the place value of the underlined digit.-34925596901)4 =2)69 =3)79 =4)6 =5)81 =6)3 =7)7 =8)60 =9)5 =10)8 =11)40 =12)38 =13)72 =14)64 =15)61 =16)91 =17)30 =18)56 =19)58 =20)18 =Identifying Place Value C2Determine the place value of the underlined digit.-34925596901)84 =2)28 =3)24 =4)2 =5)85 =6)4 =7)43 =8)7 =9)1 =10)70 =11)37 =12)17 =13)40 =14)29 =15)9 =16)6 =17)5 =18)44 =19)60 =20)62 =Identifying Place Value C3Determine the place value of the underlined digit.-34925596901)84 =2)48 =3)44 =4)9 =5)4 =6)7 =7)15 =8)98 =9)99 =10)77 =11)3 =12)49 =13)63 =14)8 =15)6 =16)81 =17)2 =18)30 =19)80 =20)76 =Identifying Place Value C4Determine the place value of the underlined digit.-34925596901)60 =2)4 =3)6 =4)2 =5)84 =6)79 =7)68 =8)3 =9)29 =10)49 =11)46 =12)48 =13)64 =14)41 =15)89 =16)14 =17)5 =18)7 =19)57 =20)1 =Identifying Place Value C5Determine the place value of the underlined digit.-34925596901)83 =2)2 =3)4 =4)34 =5)16 =6)55 =7)14 =8)22 =9)1 =10)3 =11)89 =12)66 =13)58 =14)51 =15)8 =16)61 =17)9 =18)45 =19)25 =20)7 =Identifying Place Value C6Determine the place value of the underlined digit.-34925596901)64 =2)95 =3)5 =4)10 =5)21 =6)18 =7)82 =8)4 =9)45 =10)2 =11)73 =12)8 =13)88 =14)6 =15)66 =16)38 =17)3 =18)72 =19)7 =20)92 =Place Value-1714555245Complete:tens andones=37ones=43tens andones=81tens andones=72tens andones=44tens andones=56tens andones=87tens andones=10tens andones=24tens andPlace Value-1714555245Complete:tens andones=76ones=12tens andones=50tens andones=52tens andones=65tens andones=89tens andones=74tens andones=27tens andones=64tens andPlace Value-1714555245Complete:tens andones=41ones=17tens andones=55tens andones=83tens andones=39tens andones=62tens andones=28tens andones=73tens andones=95tens andPlace Value-1714555245Complete:tens andones=53ones=78tens andones=92tens andones=60tens andones=17tens andones=21tens andones=36tens andones=46tens andones=84tens andPlace Value-1714555245tens andones=67ones=93tens andones=14tens andones=71tens andones=50tens andones=48tens andones=26tens andones=85tens andones=32tens and-8890-265430-1714555245Fill in the correct tens and ones for the given numbers.tens andones=80ones=11tens andones=23tens andones=75tens andones=98tens andones=59tens andones=61tens andones=33tens andones=47tens and-8890-265430Place Value-1714555245Fill in the correct tens and ones for the given numbers.=5 tens and 8 ones=6 tens and 6 ones=1 ten and 9 ones=3 tens and 7 ones=4 tens and 3 ones=8 tens and 7 ones=9 tens and 4 ones=2 tens and 6 ones ................

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