2014 Math Standards K – 2

K-2 CCRS Math StandardsProblems We See:Use of “compose” and “decompose”Large jumps from 1st to 2nd 1.CA.11.CA.51.CA.72.NS.12.NS.22.NS.32.CA.42.CA.7MCLASS Testing #ID in Kindergarten (0 – 100) Standard 0 – 20 Kindergarten Standard – Introduction to moneyFor measurement – at what grade level is “on the hour” taught? No standard on documentKindergartenDay 1Number SenseNewK.NS.6K.NS.10Student ChallengesAbility to identify sets of objects to 10 without countingTeacher ChallengesMastery of skillsPotential ResourcesEveryday Math GamesTeachers Pay TeachersPinterestComputation & Algebraic ThinkingNewWritten equations not required to decompose numberPatternsTeacher ChallengesInterpretation of StandardGeometry Nothing newStudent ChallengesCreativity needed to construct real world pictures using shapesFluencyPosition words MeasurementNewConcepts of timeClocks and calendars measure timeStudent ChallengesVocabularyProgression1st and 2nd – Money Kindergarten – No standard for moneyData Analysis Nothing newStudent ChallengesDifferent ways to sortMaterialsManipulatives First GradeDay 1Number SenseNewOrdinal numbersCounting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s – not capped at 120Counting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s from any given numberChallenge for StudentsCounting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’sCounting by 1’s 5’s, 10’s from any given numberExplain thinking process NS.5Mentally 10 more/10 less NS.5Challenge for TeachersExplain thinking process NS.5Mentally 10 more/10 less NS.5ProgressionNS.1 – 120 in 1st grade *not goodNS.1 – 1,000 in 2nd grade *not goodNS. 3 – ordinal to 10 in 1st grade *goodNS.3 – ordinal to 30 in 2nd grade *goodThe rest are goodResourcesEveryday Math gamesEnvision Reteaching pagesTPT checklistsGames for individual centersComputation & Algebraic ThinkingNewCA.3 – Create real-world problems (add/subtract to 20)CA.7 – Create, extend, give rule for # pattern (add to 100)Student ChallengeCA.3 – Real-world connectionTeacher ChallengesDrill computation for fluency (above Everyday Math)Model real-world computation FluencyCA.1 – add/subtract to 20BadCA.1 – Addition 1st grade to 20 2nd to 100 fluentCA.5 – Two digit addition 1st grade to 100 2nd grade to 1,000CA.7 – Pattern to 100 1st grade 2nd grade 1,000 and subtraction ResourcesEveryday Math gamesFastt MathRocket MathTPTManipulatives GeometryNewG.1 – 2D/3D shapes with attributesStudent ChallengesVocabularyTeacher ChallengesVocabularyK.G.1 – Position wordsNot standard in 1st grade at allResourceReal objectsMeasurementNewM.1 – Compare/order, area, capacity, weight, temperatureM.3 – Money Penny, nickel, dimeM.2 – Read digital clock to min & hourStudent ChallengesM.3 – Count collection of pennies, nickels, dimes ProgressionM.3 – No money even ID in Kindergarten1st grade – value of collectionM.2 – Skips – days, weeks, months (calendar)Data Analysis New Divided into own strandStudent & Teacher ChallengeHow many more/less – interpretResourcesVary graphs for exposureSecond GradeDay 1Number SenseNew2.NS.4 – Ordinal numbers2.NS.3 – up to 1,000 nowStudent ChallengesGoing above 120One object left over when adding odd numbers (pairing)ResourcesNumber scrolls Math Facts Rocket MathFastt MathMath Facts in a FlashComputation & Algebraic ThinkingNew2.CA.7 – Create, extend, and give an appropriate rule for number patterns Student & Teacher Challenges2.CA.1 – Get the students to learn their math facts accurately and efficiently (to 100)“How I got the answer”2.CA.4 – Explaining is a challengeTerminology compose and decompose3 digit addition and subtraction – regrouping2.CA.1 – needs to do fluentlyAdding up to 100 1,000 nowResourcesMath FactsGeometryNew2.G.2 – Create squares, rectangles, triangles, cubes…using app materials2.G.3 – Investigate & predict result of composing & decomposing 2D/3D shapesStudent ChallengesVisualizing – especially 3DPredict results of composing & decomposing 2D/3D shapes Portioning shapes – fractional partsVocab – fraction wordResourcesTangramsHershey barsManipulativesLiterature/Trade booksMeasurement New2.M.1 – Describe relationships among inch, foot, yard, centimeter and meter2.M.4 – Estimate and measure volume using cups and pints2.M.6 – Describe relationships of time, including: seconds in a minute; minutes in an hour; hours in a day; days in a week; and days, weeks & months in a year.Progressions2.M.1 = New2.M.2 = New2.M.3 = New2.M.4 = New2.M.5 = Extended from 1st grade (hour and half hour), 2nd grade (nearest 5 min and time intervals ?)2.M.6 = New2.M.7 = Extended from 1st grade (pennies, nickels, dimes), 2nd grade (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars)ResourcesCoinsJudy Clock and St. ClocksMeasuring toolsEveryday MathTrade booksGamesData Analysis Nothing newStudent ChallengesLabelingDrawing graphsSolve simple put together-take apart and compare problems using information from graphsProgression – GoodResourcesGrid paperEveryday MathK - 2Day 2Rigor is NOT:Slow and easyRepetitiveMemorizationBusy workDrill and practiceRecallingRight or wrongAnswers are not always in the back of the bookRigor IS:Thinking deeplyTaking it furtherDifficultExplicit teachingConsistent and fast pacedThinking creativelyThinking criticallyProblem solveTeachers need to consider in all planningEmbrace messinessChallenge * kids take responsibilityFormative assessment process and practiceClear connectionsEntry points for allGetting all kinds involved in math discussionsCredit for thinking Persistence KEY WORDSIN MY OWN WORDSTEACHERS SHOULD:STUDENTS SHOULD:PS.1: Make sense of problems and persevere?Explain Plan?Simplify Solve?Check Connect?Make senseUnderstand the problem, plan, solve, check and make connections ModelProvide practiceDrawPlanUse various manipulativesPS.2:Reason abstractly and quantitatively?Decontextualize?Symbolically?Manipulate?Contextualize?Quantitative reasoning?Coherent representationIdentify problem; solve; be able to apply process againModelThink aloudsCreating various situationsWalk the talkI do, we do, you doProvide practice timeThinking out loudCollaborate with peersTrial and errorFocusMany opportunitiesExplain and teachPS.3:Construct viable arguments and critique reasoning of others?Data Logical?Analyze Compare?Justify Question?CommunicateAnalyze, question, and justify the reasoning of others (self K-2)Model the processGive opportunities for questioningCheck for understandingUse data to support their arguments and question the reasoning of othersPS.4:Model with MathEveryday life problemsApplyCommunicateIdentifyAnalyzeInterpretStudents apply/problem solve, while using concepts and tools they’ve acquiredTeacher models, teaches and thinks aloud everyday problems. Students can construct knowledge based on model. Teacher involves kids and allows their approximations.Guided practice stage – kids learn by doing! They problem solve and are engaged in self-monitoring and attacking problem using multiple approaches. PS.5:Use appropriate tools strategicallyToolsDecision-makingTechnologyPoseExploreSolveStudents explore with tools and technology to solve and pose problemsMake tools available to chooseAllow opportunity to explore with tools and technologyModel processGain knowledge and experience of tools and technologyPose and solve problemsMake decisionsPS.6:Attend to precisionCommunicatePreciselyDefinitionsExpressUnderstand and communicate mathematical terms and solutionsHold class discussions using correct mathematical termsClearly explain their methods and solutionsUse correct mathematical terms in the explanationPS.7: Look for and Make use of structuresPatternsPropertiesGeometric shapesOperations Understand patterns and geometric thinkingProvide hands-on exploration of geometric figuresModel patterningFind patternsUnderstand the properties of geometric shapesPS.8:Look for and express regularity in reported reasoningProficient EvaluateRegularityFormulaLookingAttendingShort cutsStudents are self-monitoring, constructing, attacking the problems, finding the rule and then evaluating. Teachers are giving instruction explicitly and modeling the short cuts while attending to details awhile working the problems and evaluating the results Students have to continually monitor their work and formulas to solve the problems they have to show the details and evaluate their thinking to demonstrate that it makes sense ................

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