Mrs. E. Dezmal

Mrs. E. DezmalEnglish Language Arts Grade 7th/Intensive Reading Grade 8th2020-2021PHASE I – CLASSROOM RULES & EXPECTATIONS(Posted on School Website: and K12 Platform)DISTRICT RULES/GUIDELINES (See ONLINE Student Code of Conduct)CLASSROOM (ONLINE) 4 P’s & E RULES: PROMPTNESS:Every student is required to attend ONLINE CLASSES DURING HIS/HER REGULAR SCHEDULED CLASS TIME.Every student is required to log in ON TIME. Suggested log-in time is 5-10 minutes before class begins. Attendance will be taken the first 5 minutes of class. Students who are more than 5 minutes late, will be marked tardy. //PRESENTABLE: Every student is required to wear school uniform shirt to ALL classes.Every student is required to have CAMERAS ON. If student’s cameras are not on, he/she will be marked absent. In addition, students must stay in camera view (unless excused to use the restroom, etc.) and always keep camera’s still and focused.Every student is required to use a professional virtual background.PREPAREDNESS:Every student should attempt to find a QUIET place for online classes. Every student should make sure that their devices ARE CHARGED BEFORE CLASS.Every student should make sure that they have all required materials – (See: Required Supplies).POLITENESS (Respect):Students must ALWAYS have MIC MUTED (unless teacher directs student to speak).Students are not allowed to type in CHAT or write on WHITEBOARD (unless teacher directs student to type).Students must listen when others are speaking.Students must use appropriate comments (both verbally and on chat app).Students are expected to practice Digital Citizenship etiquettes.ENGAGEMENT:Stay focusedAsk and Answer QuestionsRaise your hand or use the “Raise Your Hand” button to ask or respond to a questionCLASSROOM (ONLINE) BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: DAILY OPENER: Prepare to complete an online 5-10-minute DAILY OPENER (DO NOW or WARM UP activity) each day. RESTROOM: Please raise your hands (or use the raise hands buttons) if you must use the restroom or leave your camera while class is in session. FOOD AND DRINKS: No food, drinks, candy or gum are allowed during online class time! SMALL GROUPS/PAIRS: When working in small groups DURING BREAKOUT ROOM SESSIONS, everyone must stay on task!MISBEHAVIOR/TARDY CONSEQUENCES: TARDINESS/BEHAVIOR ISSUES: 1st Offense = Verbal warning2nd Offense = Student/Teacher Conference3rd Offense = Parent Contact4th Offense = Referral (Administrative Consequences)POSITIVE BEHAVIOR CONSEQUENCES: Team Leadership, Online Games Privileges, Praise, Recognition, Homework Exemption, Etc….” REQUIRED SUPPLIES: Basic Supplies (Paper, Pens, Pencils) Composition/Journal book Earphones/Earbuds Laptop (Charged Before Class)HOMEWORK: Will be posted on SCHOOL WEBPAGE and K-12 PLATFORM on a WEEKLY BASIS (Website: ) GRADING SCALE/CATEGORIES: A = 90 – 100% HOMEWORK = 20%B = 80 – 89%CLASSWORK = 20%C= 70 – 79%TEST = 25%D = 60 – 69% QUIZZES= 10%F = 0 – 59% PROJECTS= 20% PARTICIPATON/ = 5% (COMPLETION)WHAT STUDENTS CAN EXPECT FROM TEACHER: Courtesy/Respect Teaching/Learning Teacher’s BEST!!!!! REV: 8/27/20 ................

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