Classifying Matter Worksheet

Elements, Compounds & Mixtures Worksheet

Part 1: Read the following information on elements, compounds and mixtures. Fill in the blanks where necessary.

Elements (pure substances):

1. A pure substance containing only one kind of ____________.

2. An element is always uniform all the way through (homogeneous).

3. An element _____________ be separated into simpler materials (except during nuclear reactions).

4. Over 100 existing elements are listed and classified on the ____________________.

Compounds (pure substances):

5. A pure substance containing two or more kinds of _______________.

6. The atoms are _________________ combined in some way. Often times (but not always) they come together to form groups of atoms called molecules.

7. A compound is always homogeneous (uniform).

8. Compounds ___________________ be separated by physical means. Separating a compound requires a chemical reaction.

9. The properties of a compound are usually different than the properties of the elements it contains.


10. Two or more ________________ or _________________ NOT chemically combined.

11. No reaction between substances.

12. Mixtures can be uniform (called ________________________) and are known as solutions.

13. Mixtures can also be non-uniform (called ________________________).

14. Mixtures can be separated into their components by chemical or physical means.

15. The properties of a mixture are similar to the properties of its components.

Chemistry: Classifying Matter

Classify each of the materials below. In the center column, state whether the material is a pure substance or a mixture. If the material is a pure substance, further classify it as either an element or compound in the right column. Similarly, if the material is a mixture, further classify it as homogeneous or heterogeneous in the right column. Write the entire word in each space to earn full credit.

|Material |Pure Substance |Element, Compound, |

| |or Mixture |Homogeneous, Heterogeneous |

|concrete | | |

|sugar + pure water | | |

|(C12H22O11 + H2O) | | |

|iron filings (Fe) | | |

|limestone (CaCO3) | | |

|orange juice (w/pulp) | | |

|Pacific Ocean | | |

|air inside a balloon | | |

|aluminum (Al) | | |

|magnesium (Mg) | | |

|acetylene (C2H2) | | |

|tap water in a glass | | |

|soil | | |

|pure water (H2O) | | |

|chromium (Cr) | | |

|Chex mix | | |

|salt + pure water | | |

|(NaCl + H2O) | | |

|benzene (C6H6) | | |

|muddy water | | |

|brass | | |

|(Cu mixed with Zn) | | |

|baking soda (NaHCO3) | | |

Name: ________________________

Hour: ____ Date: ___________

Chemistry: Classifying Matter

Classify each of the materials below. In the center column, state whether the material is a pure substance or a mixture. If the material is a pure substance, further classify it as either an element or compound in the right column. Similarly, if the material is a mixture, further classify it as homogeneous or heterogeneous in the right column. Write the entire word in each space to earn full credit.

|Material |Pure Substance |Element, Compound, |

| |or Mixture |Homogeneous, Heterogeneous |

|concrete |Mixture |Heterogeneous |

|sugar + pure water |Mixture |Compound |

|(C12H22O11 + H2O) | | |

|iron filings (Fe) |Pure Substance |Element |

|limestone (CaCO3) |Pure Substance |Element |

|orange juice (w/pulp) |Mixture |Heterogeneous |

|Pacific Ocean |Mixture |Heterogeneous |

|air inside a balloon |Mixture |Homogeneous |

|aluminum (Al) |Pure Substance |Element |

|magnesium (Mg) |Pure Substance |Element |

|acetylene (C2H2) |Pure Substance |Compound |

|tap water in a glass |Mixture |Homogeneous |

|soil |Mixture |Heterogeneous |

|pure water (H2O) |Pure Substance |Compound, |

|chromium (Cr) |Pure Substance |Element, |

|Chex mix |Mixture |Heterogeneous |

|salt + pure water |Mixture |Homogeneous |

|(NaCl + H2O) | | |

|benzene (C6H6) |Pure Substance |Compound |

|muddy water |Mixture |Heterogeneous |

|brass |Mixture |Homogeneous |

|(Cu mixed with Zn) | | |

|baking soda (NaHCO3) |Pure Substance |Compound |


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