Rs. 2,06,526 - Rs. 2,19,301

India's First & Only Alg orithmic Pricing Eng ine for Used Automobiles




Bo b b y P ur i

Or de r ID : 157 8 0 1

ka wa lmotors @ g ma il.c om

14 Ma y 2 0 19

Automobile from dealer in g ood condition is valued at

Rs. 2,06,526 - Rs. 2,19,301


Maruti Suzuki Swift 20 10 LDI BS IV

Vehicle Price in All Conditions


Rs.2,01,363 - Rs.2,13,818


Rs.2,11,689 - Rs.2,24,784


Rs.2,16,852 - Rs.2,30,266

6 8 ,0 0 0

Vehicle Details


Maruti Suzuki




20 10



KM Driven

6 8 ,0 0 0 kms









20 10

Advanced Evaluation Conditions


Transmission, Suspension, Steering, Frame, Engine,

Electrical, Car Interior, Car Exterior, Brakes, AC


Th e Oran ge Book Valu e or an y pricin g or valu ation men tion ed in th e report is an in dicative pricin g, gen erated based on proprietary paten ted meth odology of Droom

an d/ or its a liates/partn ers/su bsidiaries. Th e actu al price of th e veh icle/ mobile device may vary based on actu al con dition of th e veh icle/ mobile device an d several

oth er parameters. Droom can n ot be h eld respon sible for an y losses in cu rred or liabilities arisin g by th e party relyin g on th is report.

India's First & Only Alg orithmic Pricing Eng ine for Used Automobiles




Bo b b y P ur i

Or de r ID : 157 8 0 1

ka wa lmotors @ g ma il.c om

14 Ma y 2 0 19

Ne w Ve hicle

Price Now

Ne w Ve hicle

Price T he n

Rs. 6,72,470

Rs. 5,71,455

T ot al Cost of

Owne rship

Rs. 2,68,836

What Ot he rs


Rs. 3,11,100

Next 3 Year Depreciation of Vehicle

Est imat e d Buying Price From De ale r

Est imat e d Se lling Price T o De ale r

2 02 0

2 02 0


2 02 1


2 02 1


2 02 2


2 02 2




Th e Oran ge Book Valu e or an y pricin g or valu ation men tion ed in th e report is an in dicative pricin g, gen erated based on proprietary paten ted meth odology of Droom

an d/ or its a liates/partn ers/su bsidiaries. Th e actu al price of th e veh icle/ mobile device may vary based on actu al con dition of th e veh icle/ mobile device an d several

oth er parameters. Droom can n ot be h eld respon sible for an y losses in cu rred or liabilities arisin g by th e party relyin g on th is report.

India's First & Only Alg orithmic Pricing Eng ine for Used Automobiles




Bo b b y P ur i

Or de r ID : 157 8 0 1

ka wa lmotors @ g ma il.c om

14 Ma y 2 0 19

Similar Listing s for Past 6 0 Days

Similar Orders for Past 6 0 Days

Similar Listing s for Past 9 0 Days

Similar Orders for Past 9 0 Days

Similar Listing s for Lifetime

Similar Orders for Lifetime


Th e Oran ge Book Valu e or an y pricin g or valu ation men tion ed in th e report is an in dicative pricin g, gen erated based on proprietary paten ted meth odology of Droom

an d/ or its a liates/partn ers/su bsidiaries. Th e actu al price of th e veh icle/ mobile device may vary based on actu al con dition of th e veh icle/ mobile device an d several

oth er parameters. Droom can n ot be h eld respon sible for an y losses in cu rred or liabilities arisin g by th e party relyin g on th is report.

India's First & Only Alg orithmic Pricing Eng ine for Used Automobiles




Bo b b y P ur i

Or de r ID : 157 8 0 1

ka wa lmotors @ g ma il.c om

14 Ma y 2 0 19

Component Health Check

A vehicle underg oes enormous wear and tear with time. It is often imperative to inspect and replace parts of the vehicle

on a timely basis to keep it in prime condition. T hese aspects often g o unnoticed and become real pain points with time.

Use the Component Health Check for maintaining your vehicle components without any hassles. It would provide the list

of parts to be inspected every subsequent year based on their ag e to help you find out the parts needing replacement.

Eng ine O il

Powe r Ste e ring O il

Air Filte r

Fue l Pump

T ire s ,Wipe r Bla de s

Shoc ks a nd Struts

Le a f Spring s


Fue l Filte r

Spa rk Plug

Coola nt

Bra ke Pa ds

Sta rte rs

Bra ke Pa ds

Wa te r Pump

O il Filte r

Eng ine oil

Ba tte ry

T ire s

Ra dia tor

Wipe r Bla de s

T iming Be lts

Fue l Inje c tor

Se a ts

Fue l Inje c tor

Se rpe ntine Be lt

Alte rna tor

Bra ke Pa ds

T ire s

Air- c onditione r

Wa te r Pumps

T ra ns mis s ion

Se a ts

Wa te r Pump

Air Conditione r

*This is a suggestive list and is not based on the actual physical inspection of this vehicle


Th e Oran ge Book Valu e or an y pricin g or valu ation men tion ed in th e report is an in dicative pricin g, gen erated based on proprietary paten ted meth odology of Droom

an d/ or its a liates/partn ers/su bsidiaries. Th e actu al price of th e veh icle/ mobile device may vary based on actu al con dition of th e veh icle/ mobile device an d several

oth er parameters. Droom can n ot be h eld respon sible for an y losses in cu rred or liabilities arisin g by th e party relyin g on th is report.

India's First & Only Alg orithmic Pricing Eng ine for Used Automobiles




Bo b b y P ur i

Or de r ID : 157 8 0 1

ka wa lmotors @ g ma il.c om

14 Ma y 2 0 19


Ne w Ve hicle Price Now: This provides the current On-Road Price of a new vehicle of the same Make-Model-Trim

Ne w Ve hicle Price T he n: This provides the On-Road Price of the vehicle at the time it was purchased in brand new


T ot al Cost of Owne rship: This provides the total cost of owning this vehicle which includes the cost of running this

vehicle and its maintenance cost over the next 5 years

What Ot he rs Paid: This provides an estimated value of the price paid by others for a similar used vehicle. However,

the final valuation provided might vary based on the city, condition of the car and many other factors.

Ne xt 3 Ye ar De pre ciat ion of t he Ve hicle : This provides an estimated price that your used vehicle would fetch or an

estimated price that you would have to pay for a similar vehicle over the next 3 years.

Similar List ing s f or Past 6 0 days/Past 9 0 days/Lif e t ime : This provides some data points regarding similar vehicles

that have been listed on Droom in the respective duration. Low and High provide the Lowest and the Highest Values

Quoted for similar vehicles whereas Mean and Median indicate the average and median values.

Similar Orde rs f or Past 6 0 days/Past 9 0 days/Lif e t ime : This provides some data points regarding similar vehicles

that have been sold on Droom in the respective duration. Low and High provide the Lowest and the Highest Values at

which similar vehicles have been sold whereas Mean and Median indicate the average and median values.

Compone nt He alt h Che ck: This provides a list of parts that are advised to be inspected every subsequent year based

on their age. This would help you find out the parts needing maintenance/replacement.


Th e Oran ge Book Valu e or an y pricin g or valu ation men tion ed in th e report is an in dicative pricin g, gen erated based on proprietary paten ted meth odology of Droom

an d/ or its a liates/partn ers/su bsidiaries. Th e actu al price of th e veh icle/ mobile device may vary based on actu al con dition of th e veh icle/ mobile device an d several

oth er parameters. Droom can n ot be h eld respon sible for an y losses in cu rred or liabilities arisin g by th e party relyin g on th is report.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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