Mucha Suerte- Spanish to GSCE. Dierckens, Fernand - Weebly

C. GASKIN 2014

Mucha Suerte- Spanish to GSCE. Dierckens, Fernand

Grammar Exercises

Chp 1- Mucho gusto

Present tense pg. 19 Ex 1 (ser, estar,tener,hacer, ir) & Ex 2 (1-10) Pg 20 Vocabulary on family, civil status, relationships with family,

descriptions, character traits

Chp 2- El tiempo libre

Preterite tense pg. 27 Ex1 (1-10) & Ex 2 (1-12) Pg 28 Vocabulary on leisure activities

Chp 3- En casa

Household chores pg. 33 Ex 12

?Quieres ayudar en casa?- Ejemplo: ?Puedo lavar los platos? Look at each picture and start the question with (puedo...) and replace lavar los platos with a different verb.

Pg 35. Ex. 3(Present tense),Ex. 4 (Preterite tense),Ex. 5 (Future tense) Pg 36 Vocabulary on rooms in the house, household tasks

Chp 4- ?D?nde vives?

Pg 43. Ex 2 Linking prepositions (de/a ) with the article (el/la/los/las) if it is necessary

Pg 43. Ex 3 Choose the appropriate adjective Pg 44. Vocabulary on places, directions, descriptions of the town,

neighbourhood, climate

Chp 5- El colegio

Pg 51 (Future tense) Ex. 1, 2 & 3 Pg 52. Vocabulary on subjects, school, passing and failing exams

C. GASKIN 2014

Chp 6- El trabajo

Pg 59. Ex 1 & Ex 4. (Imperfect tense) Pg 60. Vocabulary on jobs, the world of work, useful phrases- Pay attention

especially to phrases which begin with : "Cuando sea mayor....., Cuando tenga trabajo...., Me gustar?a....

Chp 7 ? Buen viaje

Pg 67. Ex 1 & 3 (Present continuous tense) Pg. 68. Vocabulary on travel

Chp 8- Todo bajo el sol

Pg 75. Ex 1 (Imperfect tense) & Ex 4 ( Choose the right form: preterite or the imperfect)

Chp 9- Comprar y comer

Pg 83. Ex 1 & 2 ( Use of demonstrative adjectives)

Chp 10 ? La salud y el bienestar

Pg 91. Ex 1 (Choose the right form: ser or estar) Pg 91. Ex 2 ( Choose por or para) Pg 91. Ex 3 ( Choose the right preposition)

Chp 11- Los servicios p?blicos

Pg 99. Ex 1 ( Place the right form of the auxiliary verb haber) Pg 99. Ex 4 (Direct object) Pg 99. Ex 5. (Indirect object)

Chp 12- Una mirada al mundo

Pg 107. Ex 1 ( Choose the right form of the present subjunctive) Pg 107. Ex 2 (Choose the right form of the present subjunctive) Pg 107. Ex 3 (Choose the right form of the present subjunctive or the

present indicative)

C. GASKIN 2014


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