
Test #1

Metric/metric Conversions

unit of

Kilo hecto deca measure deci centi milli

x1000 x100 x10 x .1 x.01 x.001

km hm dam meters (m) dm cm mm

kL hL daL Liters (L) dL cL mL

kg hg dag grams (g) dg cg mg

English/metric Conversions

*pounds to grams- (1 pound /454 grams or 454 g/1 lb)

*inches to meters- (1 inch /2.54 centimeters or 2.54 cm/ 1 in)

*quarts to Liters- (1 quart/946 milliLiters or 946 mL/1 qt)

Temperature conversions

Boiling point of water 100oC or 212oF

Freezing point of water 0oC or 32oF

1) 40 method a) add 40

b) multiply or divide by 1.8

c) subtract 40

2) Formulas oF = (9/5) (oC)+32

oC = 5/9 (oF-32)

Dimensional analysis

Known quantity ( Conversion factor ( unknown

Example conversion of 120 miles to kilometers

(120 miles)(5280 ft/1 mile)(12 in/1 ft)(2.54 cm/1 in)(1 m/100 cm)(1 km/1000 m) =

Rounding off

Significant figures

Scientific notation

Scientific method


□ Hypothesis

□ Experimentation

□ Theory/law/Scientific Law

Mass ( grams) is measured with a balance

Weight (pounds) is measured with a scale

Length (meters) is measured with a meter stick


Density = mass per unit volume

D = g/1 mL = g/1 cc = g/1 cm3 = g/1 L (= lbs/1 ft3 = lbs/1 gallon)

a) calculate density

b) mass to volume

c) volume to mass

Specific Gravity = mass of an object divided by the mass of an equal

volume of water ( same as density but it has no units)


Chemistry - the branch of science that deals with the nature of matter and

the changes that matter undergoes.

Precision- how well a set of measurements agree with each other

Accuracy-how well a set of measurements agree with the true value

Crystalline – solid with a regular pattern

Amorphous – solid with no regular pattern

Physical change - there is no change in chemical composition only a change in

state or in shape

Chemical change - a change in chemical composition resulting in new physical


Matter - anything that has mass and occupies space

Substance - a particular kind of matter

A pure substance has a definite composition with definite properties

Mass -a measure of the quantity of matter

Element - a substance that can not be broken down into simpler substances

by ordinary chemical means

It is the basic form of matter at ordinary conditions

Atom - the smallest particle of an element

Compound - two or more elements chemically combined

Molecules - two or more atoms chemically combined

Diatomic molecule – molecules that contain two atoms

Binary compound – compound that contains only two kinds of elements

Diatomic elements - elements that exist in nature as two combined atoms

Ions - atoms with excess electrons or the lack of electrons

Polyatomic ion - two or more combined atoms that have a charge

Property - inherent characteristic of a substance chemically or physical that

we can measure

Physical property - a property that can be measured with out a change in

chemical composition

Chemically property – tells how a substance reacts

Physical state – solid, liquid, or gas

a) solid has definite shape and a definite volume

b) Liquid has shape of container and a definite volume

c) Gas has the volume of its container and the shape of its container

Mixture composed of two or more substance

a) variable composition

b) can be separated mechanically

Homogenous mixture – It is the same throughout

Heterogeneous mixture – It has different phases

Solution – a homogeneous mixture

Temperature – a measure of the intensity of heat

Heat - thermal energy

Energy – is the ability to do work

Calories -amount energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of

H20 one degree Celsius

BTU (British thermal unit) - amount of energy required to raise the

temperature of one pound of H20 one degree Fahrenheit

Law of conservation of mass

Law of conservation of energy

E = mc2

Law of conservation of mass and energy

Types of energy Heat of reaction

Kinetic or Potential Exothermic – Rx gives up energy

Endothermic – Rx needs energy

Forms of energy







Chemical Reactions

2 Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ( 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g) + energy

Reactants ( Products

+ and

( reacts or yields

(s)- solid

(l)- liquid

(aq)- aqueous (dissolve in water)

(g)- gas

energy (product side) - exothermic

energy (reactant side) - endothermic

Catalysts- speeds up a chemical reaction but it is not used up in the

reaction. (Found listed above the reaction arrow)

← add heat energy (endothermic)

2KClO3 MnO2, Δ 2KCl + 3O2


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