Property Disposition Form - | hsema

Property Disposition Form

Before proceeding with any disposition of grant-funded property, the SAA may need to obtain a final determination from DHS. Items of interest, as outlined in 2 CFR § 200.313 Equipment (e) Disposition and 2 CFR § 200.314 Supplies, include the following:

• Items of equipment with a current per unit fair market value in excess of $5,000

• Residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 in total aggregate value

Subrecipients must provide additional information for items meeting the threshold before taking steps towards disposition. Please provide this completed form to your designated Program Manager.

1. Subaward number

2. Briefly describe the disposition method the subrecipient will use, and whether it complies with the subrecipient’s disposition policy.

3. Briefly explain why the items are being disposed.

4. What, if any, capability gap does disposition create? How will the subrecipient address this gap?

In the table below, please provide details for each of the items. If needed, please add additional rows to the table below or provide an attachment that includes all of the required fields.


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DESCRIPTION Provide a brief description (10 words or less) of each piece of acquired equipment (e.g., Brand X portable digital gateway).

ID NUMBER Provide the item identification number (manufacturer’s serial number or agency/jurisdiction inventory #).

ACQ. COST Enter the item acquisition cost.

ACQ. DATE Enter the date the item was acquired by the subrecipient.

COND. CODE Enter the applicable condition code from the following list:

1 Excellent. Property that is in new condition or unused condition and can be used immediately without modification or repairs.

4 Usable. Property which shows some wear, but can be used without significant repair.

7 Repairable. Property which is unusable in its current condition but can be economically repaired.

X Salvage. Property which has value in excess of its basic material content, but repair or rehabilitation is impractical and/or uneconomical.

S Scrap. Property which has no value except for its basic material content.

CURRENT FAIR MARKET VALUE Reasonable asking price for the same item of the same age and condition. The basis for this estimate may need to be explained.


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