2 Corinthians 5 v 17 — Sermon Manuscript – Jonathan Klimek — 1st ...


Date: 1st January 2023

Preacher: Jonathan Klimek

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Title: Out With the Old in With the New

Proposition: In Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17, the Apostle Paul

presents two realities of the believer in Christ, so that you can live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.


1) You are Recreated 2) Your life is Redirected

Explanation: Paul wrote this Letter under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,

just one month after First Corinthians, during his third missionary journey from the city of Macedonia, on his trip from Ephesus to Corinth, which took place around the end of A.D. 55 or beginning of A.D. 56--near the end of the current year or the beginning of the new year. In his First Letter, he confronted the church for their worldliness--heavily influenced by their immoral context; he confronted them for their disunity and division and their disorderly worship. And praise be to God, they repented, but the false teachers were still infiltrating the church and trying to discredit Paul's apostleship--saying he wasn't a true Apostle of Jesus Christ. If they can succeed in discrediting him, they can discredit the message he preached--which was the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ.


Thus, Paul wrote this Second Letter to the Church in Corinth to express relief that the Corinthians had repented of their previous rebellion against his instructions; and to defend his apostleship whilst confronting false apostles. In chapter 1 he reminded the church that God comforts the afflicted. In chapter 2 he reassured the church of his love for them and that he preaches the genuine gospel of Jesus Christ. In chapter 3 he explained that the gospel of the glory of the Lord is unveiled to the believer, in contrast to the fading glory of Moses' face; and it transforms the believer into the image of Christ from one degree of glory to another. In chapter 4 he explained that the preaching of the gospel leads to affliction but, nevertheless, he will continue to preach because of the glory to be received in the future (4:17?18). In chapter 5, Paul explains that his motivation for proclaiming the message of reconciliation (5:11?21) is to be pleasing to Jesus (5:9). And it is within this chapter that we find Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."


Attention ? Happy New Year.


? On the cusp of a new year, o I can now see the past year with more clarity than before.

? As I, and I'm sure you too, look ahead to a new year-- o not knowing what tomorrow may bring, o I find myself facing a plethora of different ? thoughts and emotions.


? This past year I personally have experienced many o mixed emotions, o moments of ? awe, ? and gratitude-- ? marvelling at the Lord's kindness to me and His church.

? But also deep dark valleys--times of o discouragement, o sadness, o disappointment, o and difficult trials.

? But through it all, o the Lord and His people ? have loved me ? and have encouraged me.



? As I and you, ? look to the year ahead with our limited

o time, o abilities, o and resources,

? We can very easily become o anxious, o discontent, o and faithless, ? which can in turn result in us becoming ? self-focused, ? self-seeking, ? selfish, ? and self-reliant.

? But God's Word calls us to the exact opposite.



? In Philippians 2, o the Apostle Paul said to the Christians in Phillipi that ? "if there is any encouragement in Christ, ? if there is any consolation of love, ? if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, ? if any affection and compassion,"--

? and since there is, o we should "think the same way, ? by maintaining the same love, ? being united in spirit, ? thinking on one purpose, ? doing nothing from selfish ambition ? or vain glory,


o but with humility of mind ? regarding one another as more important than" ourselves, ? "not merely looking out for" our "own personal interests, ? but also for the interests of others."1

? Christ Jesus is our example ? and although He existed "in the form of

God," o He "did not regard equality with God

as a thing to be grasped, o but emptied Himself,

? by taking the form of a slave, ? by being made in the likeness of


1 2:1?4.


o Being found in appearance as a man, ? He humbled Himself ? by becoming obedient to the point of death, ? even death on a cross."2

? Therefore, God "highly exalted Him, ? and bestowed on Him

o the name which is above every name, ? so that at the name of Jesus

o EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, ? of those who are in heaven ? and on earth ? and under the earth,

o and that EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS ? that Jesus Christ is LORD, ? to the glory of God the Father."3

2 2:5?8. 3 2:9?10



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