Famous Americans “Live Wax Museum”

[pic]Famous Americans “Live Wax Museum”

This year in Social Studies, we will be presenting a live wax museum. We will take this opportunity to do an in depth study of many famous Americans and detail for our audiences how they have changed our lives today, and also how they show positive character traits for many Americans.

This project will consist of several different parts. The completed project will be presented in class as well as, displayed on February 26 at our “Social Studies Night” celebration.

Please see listed below all requirements, due dates and the rubric that explains how the projects should be structured and graded.


1. Parent & Student Signatures Due Monday, January 26, 2015

2. Typed Biography Paper Due Thursday, February 12, 2015

3. Poster Due Monday, February 23, 2015


How to complete this project:

STEP 1: First, the student and parent need to read through this paper and discuss the project. The famous American will be assigned to students in English Language Arts. Return the last sheet completed by January 26. This is a 10 point homework grade.

STEP 2: Next, the student must research the famous American. After researching, the student will write a typed three paragraph biography (see rubric below) on the chosen person. This is due by February 12. This is a 36 point project grade.

STEP 3: Finally, the student will complete a poster (see rubric below) on the famous American. This is due by February 23.This is a 15 point project grade.

Biography Rubric—Typed Three-Paragraph Biographical Sketch

Papers will be graded on the following:

1. IDEAS—Relevant descriptive details, including sensory details, capture the subject.

2. ORGANIZATION—The beginning introduces the person and draws the reader in. Details are organized logically.

3. VOICE—Quotations are effective and give voice to the person.

4. WORD CHOICE—Vivid, descriptive language gives the reader a clear picture of the person.

5. SENTENCE FLUENCY—Well-placed prepositional phrases as flow and information to sentences.

6. CONVENTIONS—Phrases are clear and enhance the meaning of sentences.

6 points for each category, which gives students a possible of 36 points.

Note: This rubric comes directly out of the students E.L.A. workbook.

Poster Rubric

Posters will be graded on the following:

1. Person’s Name and Biographical Information

2. Quotes (at least 2)

3. Pictures of the Person (at least 2)

5 points for each section, which gives students a possible of 15 points.

Questions? Please email me: mbartkowiak@pacek-


Please review the guidelines and rubrics attached and return the last page by January 26.


My child, ________________________________, and I have read the guidelines, rubric, and requirements.

Please check one:

[ ] My child would like to participate in the “Social Studies Night” celebration on February 26, 2014 from 4:30- 6:00pm.

[ ] My child will not be available to participate in the “Social Studies Night” celebration on February 26, 2014 from 4:30- 6:00pm.

___________________________ Name of Famous American (assigned in E.L.A.)

___________________________Student’s signature

____________________________Parent’s signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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