• Be Present

o Missed Work - If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me for your make-up work. You have 2 days for each day you are absent to complete the missed assignments. If you fail to complete your work or make arrangements to do so within the time allotted, you will receive a zero for each assignment missed. To obtain a list of the work and any presentation material you missed, please see me before/after class/school.

• Be Prompt

o You must make it to class on time. This means you must be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are in the room, but not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be counted as tardy. Tardies will result in 5 points being deducted from your participation test grade per tardy. Consistent tardies will also result in a phone call home.

• Be Prepared

o You must bring all materials to class each day; this includes writing utensils. You will not be permitted to go to your locker to retrieve any materials forgotten (including homework). This does not include your textbook. Textbooks, when needed for in class use, will be provided.

o As this is Chemistry class, when performing labs, it is necessary that you dress appropriately. We will discuss what is and is not allowed. It might be a good idea for you to put together a lab kit for your locker which includes a pair of pants, closed toe shoes, ponytail holder, and a shirt with sleeves for those days you forget and show up to school in shorts/skirts.

• Be Pleasant

o Always be respectful to your teacher and peers, as well as their ideas and opinions.

o DO NOT TALK WHILE SOMEONE ELSE IS SPEAKING. If you have a question or comment, raise your hand and you will get your turn, I promise.

o Throw waste materials away at the end of class. You are not permitted to wander around the room anytime during class time.

o Keep your backpacks out of the isle way at all times during class. We move around a lot due to labs and hands-on inquiry. We have to make sure we have a “trip-free” zone.

o If you have to go to the restroom during class, wait for an appropriate time to ask to be excused (appropriate time is not while I am presenting your material or you are conducting a lab).

o At no time are you allowed to put your head down on your desk. Your head should be up and your eyes open. If you are too sick to do so, you need to go home.

o You are not permitted to leave class without permission.

o We work from bell to bell. You are to remain in your seat working until you are dismissed (i.e. bell ringing).

o Do not pack up until you are told to do so. I will give an appropriate amount of time for you to gather your belongings and get them packed before class is dismissed. Packing up early will result in your losing points from your participation test grade and/or spending time with me after school as your packing up early will disturb your working classmates.

o Use cosmetics, lotion, hairbrushes, etc. at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is not during my class.

o Absolutely no food, carbonated drinks, Kool-Aid, candy, or gum of any kind is allowed in class. This is a science class with chemicals in the room; food and chemicals do not mix. Capped bottle water is acceptable, however, it must be sealed in a closed back pack anytime we are conducting labs or using equipment/chemicals or any kind.

o Cell phones, IPods, MP3 player of any kind have an appropriate place in my classroom and that is in your backpack or purse. Bringing them out and using them will result in a loss of points on your participation test grade (5 pts per offense).

o The use of profanity will not be tolerated.

• If you are assigned after school detention (ASD) for the consistent violation any of the class rules, the time must be served within the 2 school days following the assignment. If you fail to serve ASD, parent contact will be made in an effort to arrange a more acceptable time for your ASD. In an effort to comply with busy schedules, detention can be served before school.

• Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. Copying, “borrowing”, allowing someone else to do the work and you claiming ownership, plagiarism (big or small), programming calculators with notes and/or formulas, cheating, and forging a parent’s/guardian’s signature will be viewed as academic misconduct. This applies to homework, class work, quizzes, tests, projects, and lab reports. If academic misconduct occurs, the following steps will be taken:

o 1st offense: A zero on the assignment and parent contact

o 2nd offense and beyond: Zeroes on said assignments, parent contact, and referral to the office where out of school suspension is a possibility.

• Participation Test Grade

Your will be given a participation test grade each 9 weeks you are in class. This grade rewards all that come to class on time, come prepared, pay attention, stay focused on work, choose to keep cell phones and MP3 players in back packs (during class time) and follow all safety guidelines for labs. If you follow all rules, you will receive a 100 test grade. The grade will show up beginning with the 1st progress report and notes will be added detailing why grade is not a 100, where applicable.


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