Razor Planet

Hello, Rising Star Youth families! Below you will find a few links and activities that you and your family can do together. We will continue to add resources here to support you. We love and are praying for you and your family!Love, The RSMBC Youth Team!June 14, 2020Grade/Grades: K-2ndTitle of Lesson: Jesus Heals a Roman Officer‘s ServantOverview of Today’s Lesson: We go to Jesus in hard times.Foundational Bible Verse: Matt. 8:5-13Vocabulary centurion: Roman military officer in charge of 100 soldiersKey Verse: Psalm 107: 1 – Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Bible Lesson: Jesus had been teaching and performing miracles, his reputation was well known. In the city of Capernaum he met a Roman officer, a centurion, who had authority over a large group of soldiers. The centurion asked Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant. When Jesus agreed to go to his home and heal the servant, the centurion said he was not worthy to have Jesus in his home. He believed that all Jesus had to do was say it and the servant would be healed.Jesus spoke to those following him and said that the centurion had shown great faith. In fact although he was a Roman citizen, he had shown more faith than many Jews. Some Jews thought, that because they were God’s chosen people, they would automatically enter heaven. Jesus said that is not so, many would find themselves in darkness, weeping and gnashing their teeth. Because of the centurion’s unwavering faith Jesus healed the servant.Real Talk: Take a moment to look at the character of the centurion. He was compassionate and empathetic because the request he made to Jesus was not for himself. He was humble, he was not worthy to have Jesus in his home. Although he had authority as a military officer he understood that Jesus’ authority was greater. He had faith. As a Roman citizen (Gentile) he was not subject to the authority, religion or customs of Jewish culture. Yet when faced with a situation beyond his control he turned to Jesus for help. Look at how Jesus responded. He immediately recognized the centurion’s situation and agreed to help his servant. He used the situation as a moment to teach. He let the crowd with him know that in difficult times we should rely on our faith in the Father for help. He reinforced the centurion’s steadfast faith by simply speaking. Live It: Do: Tornado In a Bottle Items needed: Two 2-liter bottles with caps, super glue, nail or drill, optional: food coloring and glitter.Glue the flat sides of the bottle caps together. Drill or use a nail to punch a hole through the caps.Fill one bottle ? full with water add a drop of food coloring and glitter if you’d like.Screw on the cap, screw the second bottle on top. (It should look like an hourglass when completed). Gently swirl the bottle to create a tornado!Tornados are very destructive forces, in a matter of minutes that can destroy entire communities. People take shelter in a basement when tornados strike. Difficult situations can seem like tornados in our lives. Jesus is our shelter when we face difficult times. He promised he would always take care of us, when just need to ask.Review: books of the Old Testament : books of the New Testament . : Tell someone one thing that’s hard for you or you’re sad about right now. Pray together, and ask Jesus to help you with your hard time. OR Draw pictures of things God has helped you with in the past. Prayer: Pray that you, like the centurion put your faith in God and will seek Him first when you are faced with difficulties. ................

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