12pt text starts here

Level A

1. Which of these words would come first in a dictionary?

A) morning

B) afternoon

C) evening

2. Which of these words would come first in the index to a cookery book?

A) chicken curry

B) spaghetti

C) pizza

3. Which of these words would come first in the index to a book on football?

A) offside

B) referee

C) goal kick

4. Which of these words would come nearest the beginning of the index in a book on sport?

A) swimming

B) golf

C) archery

5. Which of these words would be nearest the end of an index in a book about photography?

A) digital camera

B) lens

C) zoom

6. Which of these words would be nearest the end of the dictionary?

A) purpose

B) suppose

C) compose

7. Which of these words would come first in the index of a book on computers?

A) internet

B) computer

C) keyboard

8. Which of these words would come last in a map index?

A) Upper Street

B) High Street

C) City Road

9. Which of these words would be nearest the end of the dictionary?

A) vicious

B) signal

C) national

10. Which of these would be nearest the beginning of the index to a book on crafts?

A) knitting

B) pottery

C) basketry

Level B

1. Which of these words would come first in the dictionary?

A) formal

B) faint

C) graceful

2. Which of these words would come first in the index to a book on pets?

A) gerbil

B) goldfish

C) hamster

3. Which of these words would come first in the index to a recipe book?

A) bread

B) biscuits

C) baking

4. Which of these words would come last in the index to the A-Z of London?

A) Oxford Street

B) Pall Mall

C) Piccadilly Circus

5. Which of these words would come last in a dictionary?

A) respect

B) rocket

C) railway

6. Which of these words would come first in the index to a medical dictionary?

A) acne

B) allergy

C) asthma

7. Which of these words would come last in the index to a gardening book?

A) potato

B) primrose

C) pansy

8. Which of these words would be nearest the beginning of the dictionary?

A) memory

B) microphone

C) mould

9. Which of these words would come first in the index to a book on childcare?

A) bottles

B) bedwetting

C) bathing

10. Which of these words would be nearest the end of the index to a book on cars?

A) Headlights

B) Handbrake

C) Horn

Level C

1. Which of these words would come first in an A-Z Street Atlas?

A) Regent Street

B) Queen Anne Crescent

C) River Avenue

2. Which of these words would be nearest the beginning of a list of station names?

A) Burnley Barracks

B) Burnley Central

C) Burnley Manchester Road

3. Which of these names would come first in the phone book?

A) Deborah Prince

B) Raj Patel

C) Jeremy Parker

4. Which of these businesses would come first in the Yellow Pages?

A) plumber

B) plasterer

C) painter and decorator

5. Which of these names would come last in the phone book?

A) Susan Ottery

B) Zara Omar

C) James Oliver

6. Which of these topics would come first in the Yellow Pages?

A) Motor Vehicle Repairs

B) Mobile Homes

C) Motorcycle sales

7. Which of these names would come last in a school register?

A) Jamila

B) Janet

C) Jack

8. Which of these towns would come last in an atlas of Britain?

A) Bristol

B) Birmingham

C) Blackburn

9. Which of thes words would come last in the index to a cookery book?

A) potatoes, baked

B) potatoes, mashed

C) potatoes, roast

10. Which of these words would come last in a list of Olympic sports?

A) weightlifting

B) wrestling

C) water polo


Level A

1. Which of these words would come first in a dictionary?

The correct answer is: B. Afternoon would come first as it begins with an A and this comes before E and M.

2. Which of these words would come first in the index to a cookery book?

The correct answer is: A. Chicken curry would come first as C comes before S and P.

3. Which of these words would come first in the index to a book on football?

The correct answer is: C. Goal kick would come first as G comes before O and R.

4. Which of these words would come nearest the beginning of the index in a book on sport?

The correct answer is: C. Archery would be nearest the beginning of the index as it begins with A and this is before G or S.

5. Which of these words would be nearest the end of an index in a book about photography?

The correct answer is: C. Zoom would be nearest the end of the index as it begins with a Z and this comes after D and L.

6. Which of these words would be nearest the end of the dictionary?

The correct answer is: B. Suppose would be the word nearest the end as it begins with S which comes after C and P.

7. Which of these words would come first in the index of a book on computers?

The correct answer is: B. Computer would be the first in the index as C comes before I and K.

8. Which of these words would come last in a map index?

The correct answer is: A. Upper Street would be the last in the index as U comes after C and H.

9. Which of these words would be nearest the end of the dictionary?

The correct answer is: A. Vicious would be nearest the end as V comes after N and S .

10. Which of these would be nearest the beginning of the index to a book on crafts?

The correct answer is: C. Basketry would be nearest the beginning as it begins with B and this comes before K and P

Level B

1. Which of these words would come first in the dictionary?

The correct answer is: B. Faint would come first. Faint and formal both begin with an F, but if we look at the second letter, A comes before O.

2. Which of these words would come first in the index to a book on pets?

The correct answer is: A. Gerbil would come first. Gerbil and goldfish both begin with a G, but if we look at the second letter, E comes before O.

3. Which of these words would come first in the index to a recipe book?

The correct answer is: C. Baking would come first. Even though all these words begin with B, if we look at the second letter, A comes before I and R.

4. Which of these words would come last in the index to the A-Z of London?

The correct answer is: C. Piccadilly Circus would come last; P comes after O in the alphabet. Even though Pall Mall and Piccadilly Circus both begin with a P, if we look at the second letter, I comes after A.

5. Which of these words would come last in a dictionary?

The correct answer is: B. Rocket would come last. Although all the words begin with R, if we look at the second letter, O comes after A and E.

6. Which of these words would come first in the index to a medical dictionary?

The correct answer is: A. Acne would come first. Even though all these words begin with an A, if we look at the second letter C comes before L and S.

7. Which of these words would come last in the index to a gardening book?

The correct answer is: B. Primrose would come last. Even though all the words begin with P, if we look at the second letter, R comes after A and O.

8. Which of these words would be nearest the beginning of the dictionary?

The correct answer is: A. Memory would be nearest the beginning. Even though all three words begin with an M, if we look at the second letter E comes before I and O.

9. Which of these words would come first in the index to a book on childcare?

The correct answer is: C. Bathing would come first in the index. Although all three words begin with a B, if we look at the second letter, A comes before E and O.

10. Which of these words would be nearest the end of the index to a book on cars?

The correct answer is: C. Horn would come last. Although all three words begin with H, if we look at the second letter, O comes after A and E.

Level C

1. Which of these words would come first in an A-Z Street Atlas?

The correct answer is: B. Queen Anne Crescent comes first as it begins with Q which comes before R in the alphabet.

2. Which of these words would be nearest the beginning of a list of station names?

The correct answer is: A. Although the first word, Burnley, is the same in all three stations, Burnley Barracks begins with a B and so comes before C (Central) and M (Manchester Road)

3. Which of these names would come first in the phone book?

The correct answer is: C. The phone book is listed by surname. Parker comes before Patel and Prince.

4. Which of these businesses would come first in the Yellow Pages?

The correct answer is: C. Although they all begin with a P, when you look at the second letter, A comes before L.

5. Which of these names would come last in the phone book?

The correct answer is: A. The phone book is listed by surname. Although all the names begin with O, if you look at the second letter, T comes after L and M.

6. Which of these topics would come first in the Yellow Pages?

The correct answer is: B. The first two letters are the same in all three topics but if you look at the third letter, B comes before T.

7. Which of these names would come last in a school register?

The correct answer is: B. Janet. All three names begin with Ja but if you look at the third letter, N comes after C and M in the alphabet.

8. Which of these towns would come last in an atlas of Britain?

The correct answer is: A. All three towns begin with B but if you look at the second letter, R comes after I and L in the alphabet.

9. Which of thes words would come last in the index to a cookery book?

The correct answer is: C. Although the first word is the same for all three dishes, if we look at the second word, roast would come after baked and mashed in the index.

10. Which of these words would come last in a list of Olympic sports?

The correct answer is: B. Although all three sports begin with W, if you look at the second letter, R comes after A and E.


Dictionaries and indexes quiz


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