Computer Applications Final Culminating Project

Names: ________________________________ Identity Theft Presentation Rubric

In pairs, you will create a 2-minute presentation on Identity Theft using PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Presentation or another software presentation tool. Find an article on the Internet about a person who was a victim of identity theft. Your presentation should include:

• To whom and when did it occur?

• How did the identity theft occur?

• How did the victim find out it occurred?

• Summarize the details of the crime.

• What did the victim do to resolve the problem?

• If resolved, how long did it take?

Last slide will be your cited source for the article.

** Make sure you practice your presentation.

| |Unacceptable-1 |Needs Improvement-2 |Proficient-3 |Exemplary-4 |

|Write |Writing is disorganized. Slideshow|Writing could be more clear and |Clear and organized writing. |Clear and organized writing. |

|effectively|outline is poor and unacceptable. |organized. Slideshow outline could be|Slideshow has a logically written |Slideshow has a logically written |

| |Grammar, spelling, punctuation or |more logically written. Many |outline. Few grammar, spelling, |outline. No grammar, spelling, |

| |capitalization errors are |grammar, spelling, punctuation or |punctuation or capitalization |punctuation or capitalization errors.|

| |unacceptable. Did not proofread. |capitalization errors. Needs to |errors. Demonstrates acceptable |Demonstrates extremely careful |

| | |improve editing skills. Word |editing. Demonstrates good word |editing. Demonstrates excellent word |

| | |selection, word choice and sentence |selection, varied word choice and |selection, varied word choice and |

| | |structure could be improved. |varied sentence structure. |varied sentence structure. |

| | | | | |

| |0 points |17 points |20 points |25 points |

|Communicate|Student did not communicate |Expresses little enthusiasm when |Expresses some enthusiasm when |Expresses enthusiasm when presenting.|

|effectively|effectively in writing or orally |presenting. Little oral communication|presenting. Most oral |All oral communication is expressed |

| |throughout the duration of this |is expressed clearly. The |communication is expressed |clearly. The communication of ideas |

| |project. Final product |communication of ideas and |clearly. The communication of |and information within the project |

| |demonstrates an unacceptable |information within the project are |ideas and information within the |are clear and easily understood by |

| |ability to communicate |not very clear and misunderstood by |project are somewhat clear and |the audience. Communicates a clear |

| |effectively. |the audience. Many aspects of |understood by the audience. Some |message to a specific audience. |

| | |presentation could have been clearer.|aspects of presentation could have| |

| | |Communicates an unclear message to a |been clearer. Communicates a | |

| | |specific audience. |somewhat clear message to a | |

| | | |specific audience. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |40 points | |

| | |35 points | |50 points |

| |0 points | | | |

|Identify, |Does not demonstrate the ability |Demonstrates the ability to use and |Demonstrates the ability to use |Demonstrates the ability to use and |

|analyze, |to use or apply technology |apply technology (presentation |and apply technology (presentation|apply technology (presentation |

|and solve |(presentation software) |software) appropriately some of the |software) appropriately most of |software) appropriately. Always uses |

|problems |appropriately. Unable to use |time. Sometimes uses software to |the time. Most of the time uses |software to solve problems in an |

| |software to indentify, analyze or |solve problems. |software to solve problems. |appropriate manner. |

| |solve software problems. | | | |

| | | |20 points | |

| |0 points |17 points | |25 points |


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