COURSE: Integrated 2 INSTRUCTOR: Morgan

PHONE: (916) 355-1174 ext. EMAIL: smorgan@

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Welcome to Mr. Morgan’s class. This year will be full of dynamic learning experiences where the students will receive rigorous, standards-based instruction. In order to maximize the experience, the students must take ownership of their individual tasks. The goal of that ownership is to produce lifelong learners who strongly contribute in today’s global marketplace.

COMMON CORE STANDARDS: Teachers, parents and community leaders have all weighed in to help create the Common Core State Standards. The standards clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. This will allow our teachers to be better equipped to know exactly what they need to help students learn and establish individualized benchmarks for them. The Common Core State Standards focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures starting in the early grades, thus enabling teachers to take the time needed to teach core concepts and procedures well—and to give students the opportunity to master them.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: The Folsom High School Mathematics department is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals. Activities shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration.

HOMEWORK: Homework is due by the due date. Students who do not turn their work in on time will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. All homework will be posted on the homework board and in the homework binder.

TESTS: Quizzes may be given at any time. Tests are given at the end of each unit and may cover any assignment, classwork, or previous work. A comprehensive final will be given at the end of each semester. No make-up of tests or quizzes are allowed following an unexcused absence.

METHOD OF EVALUATION: Students’ are expected to keep all graded assignments through the end of each grading period for their own record keeping. In accordance with Folsom Math Department policy, graded tests will be reviewed in class, kept in the teacher’s file, and are viewable in class upon request due to testing security. The grade weight will be as follows:

Integrated 2

Homework 15%

Tests 55%

Final 30%

Total 100%

Note that 85% of all Geometry grades are based solely on tests, quizzes, and the Final. In addition, Folsom math department policy dictates that the students’ semester grade cannot be more than 1 letter grade higher than their semester Final grade. (ex. “A” in class beore the Final. Student earns a “C” on the semester Final. The student’s semester grade cannot exceed a “B” due to the low grade on the Final.)

GLOBAL PROGRAM STUDIES (GPS) INTEGRATED CURRICULUM INCLUDES: Navigating the historical development of the international language of mathematics.

ATTENDANCE/LATES AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Absences and make-up policy- It is the student’s responsibility upon returning to class after an absence to check the assignment board and write down any homework they missed. The homework binder can be used to pick-up any missed handouts. They will also ask another student for the notes from the absence. Students will have two days to make-up homework for every day they are absent. For example, if the student is absent Thursday, they have until Monday to turn-in both Thursday and Friday’s assignments. Those make-up assignments are to be turned in to the “Absent Work” tray. If they do not turn homework in on this timeline, they will receive a grade of zero on that assignment.

In addition to homework, any tests and/or quizzes that need to be made-up are to be completed with Mr. Morgan in his PAWS class. 1 month prior to the semester cut-off date, students will be informed as to the final date to make up any missed tests or quizzes.

Lates – If a student enters the door 30 minutes or less after the late bell rings they are late. If they enter the door 30 minutes or more after the late bell then they are tardy. The number of lates and consequences for those lates per semester are as follows:

1 to 2 Lates = Warning

3 Lates = 50 minute detention

4 Lates = 50 minute detention

5 Lates = 1 day suspension from class

6 Lates= 2 day suspension from class


EXTRA CREDIT: Students will not be allowed to salvage a poor grade by doing extra credit at the end of the term. Extra credit opportunities may be given sparingly through the semester as enrichment activities.

SCHOOL RULES: Campus rules and policies in the PAWS PORT will be adhered to in this classroom; see appropriate pages for a detailed list. Remember that no food, drink, or gum will be allowed; all iPods, cell phones and accessories must be turned off and placed out of sight during class; and all staff will be enforcing the school dress code throughout the entire school day.

CITIZENSHIP: Pease see the PAWSPORT for the citizenship grades of O, S, N, and U.

MATERIALS: Each student should bring:

Multiple pencils – Mechanicals are best. Don’t forget extra lead.

Graph paper – All assignments are completed on graph paper NOT regular lined (i.e. college ruled etc.). Anything scored on lined paper will be reduced 50%.(( next page)

Calculator – Integrated 2 students will have access to a graphing calculator in class. They may also need one at home. Calculators are not to be used on tests without the clear consent of the teacher.

Binder with three distinct sections:

Section I – Homework – on graph paper

Section II – Daily Notes/Handouts – on graph paper.

Section III – Returned work

Geometry students must also purchase a compass, protractor, and straight edge. They are required to have them in class every day.

TEXTBOOK/MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITY: bStudents are required to have at least the section of the textbook and skill practice workbook with them every day in class. If they do not have it, they will lose credit for that day. Please bring all of the materials listed above.

CHEATING: Cheating will be defined as using someone else’s efforts in place of your own or providing work for someone else. Consequences for all individuals, both receivers and providers, involved in cheating will receive a zero on the assignment in question. Examples include letting a friend copy your work, providing answers to a test, or printing two copies of work produced on a computer. All students at Folsom High School are held accountable to the school wide Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the PAWSPORT. Please consult the policy for a detailed list of what constitutes cheating and consequences for each step. A single instance of cheating counts as a Step 1 Offense and follows a student throughout their entire class schedule and through all of their years at Folsom High. The next instance (even if in a different class or years later) counts as Step 2.

RULES AND CONSEQUENCES – All successful learning starts with an organized and safe learning environment. All cell phones and electronic devices must be put away in a student’s backpack or purse. If you are caught with a cell phone or electronic device in your sweatshirt pocket, “hoodie” pocket, or anywhere outside of your backpack or purse, Mr. Morgan will confiscate that phone, assign a 50 minute detention, and give the phone to the appropriate vice-principal. In addition to California Educations Code and district and school-wide rules, students are expected to abide by the following rules:

1) All students must be in their assigned seat ready to learn, with all required

materials, when the late bell rings.

2) No gum, eating, grooming, or wearing of hats will be permitted in the classroom.

3) Students will remain seated until Mr. Morgan dismisses you.

4) Respect all people and things in the classroom.

The following consequences will apply for breaking the rules:

1) Warning

2) 30 minute detention with all applicable

3) Class suspension and parent notification

Depending on the severity of infractions, Mr. Morgan reserves the right to waive preliminary consequences at any time.

Parents and students, please make sure the last page of this form is signed and returned to Mr. Morgan, keep the first 3 pages of for your records, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at smorgan@.

Welcome back,

Mr. Shannon Morgan, M.Ed.

Folsom High School


Folsom High School 2014-15


COURSE: Geometry


To the Student’s Family: Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed the course expectations with your student. Thank you for returning this form to me. I appreciate your time and support. Please feel free to email me at smorgan@ if you have any questions.

Student Name (PRINT)

Student Signature

Parent Name (PRINT)

Parent Signature


Do you have internet access at home? yes / no

Parents, please tell me something great about your child . . .

Thank you!


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