”Swallowing Stones” Unit Package - Rocky View Schools

”Swallowing Stones” Unit Package

This is a novel that unfolds piece by piece and is told through multiple points of view. Stories overlap and the retelling of stories only stands to deepen the understanding the reader has of the novel. This novel asks you to look at basic reading, comprehension, vocabulary, personal response, and anticipating text.

As we move through the novel, there are some important (essential) questions you should be considering:

· What are the risks of youth and guns?

· How does the culture in which ones lives influence the way they think about guns?

· What are the ethical risks in keeping a vital secret?

· What are the steps in the grief process?

· How does tragedy affect different people?

Important Information

· Each chapter has vocabulary and comprehension/anticipatory questions. Some may also contain a journal entry (which is either a personal response or a free write – minimum one page in length). These are located in boxes at the end of a question set. Refer to the attached calendar for specific due dates. We will read each section of the novel together in class and then hold a class discussion. Class time will be given to complete the package responses. Effective use of class time is crucial in completing this novel with maximum understanding and marks. Check your calendar for due dates.

· On class discussion days there may be a short reading quiz. There are two substantial tests in the unit as well, check the calendar attached for dates. Participation marks will be assigned for participation in the discussion.

· The novel package will be submitted in sections and an essay will be written. When the novel itself is finished, we will continue to look at the essential questions that arise from the novel in terms of research, viewing, debate, and another essay.

Part One: “Prologue” to page 58

Vocabulary: Define each word in context (in your own words, in sentence format) and then write another sentence using the word in that context.

· dulled (p.19) · obstinate (p.33)

· bay (p.25) · sophomore (p.36)

· impede (p.26) · unrelenting (p.38)

· barrage (p.28) · graceful (p.47)

· gobbled (p.32 · obligatory (p.49)


1) This novel is unique in that it has two main characters. List the two main characters and give both physical and internal characteristics of each.

2) Give two reasons that Michael is excited about turning seventeen.

3) What is the setting of the novel? Describe the town from clues that the author gives you in this section.

4) Who is the protagonist in the story? Who is the antagonist? Remember that this novel is unique.

5) Make a list of secondary characters in the novel and give some information about each.

Reading Comprehension:

1) How is Joe an accessory to the crime? What plan do the two boys devise?

2) Describe the relationship between Jenna and her mother.

3) List at least three personality characteristics of Meredith Ward.

4) What do you think the relationship between Jenna and her father was like? Explain with support from the text.

5) Why do you think Jenna is worried about not feeling anything?

6a) How does the title of the novel become significant in this section (see page 38)? Explain.

6b) What is Michael’s “stone?” What is the main emotion connected with his stone (at this point)?

7) How has the shooting incident changed Michael’s relationship with Darcy?

8) How does your perception of Amy change? What causes this? What do you think her purpose is at this point in the novel?

9) “A stupid tragedy.” His father pounded his fist on the table. In spite of himself, Michael flinched. “That’s what happens when irresponsible people play with guns. [] That’s why I’ve taught my boys to respect guns.” How is this quote from Michael’s father (p. 45) ironic?

10) What is the atmosphere/mood at the end of chapter four? How does the author create this?

11) Why does Michael end up on the street where Jenna lives?

12) Amy and Joe each share a secret with Michael now. Why would the author do this? Is this good or bad? What might happen as a result?

Part Two: Page 61-92

Vocabulary: Define each word in context (in your own words, in sentence format) and then write another sentence using the word in that context.

· haphazardly (p.61) · gummy (p.68)

· gyroscope (p.61) · scavenged (p.78)

· choked (p.62) · mortified (p.86)

· folklore (p.62) · involuntarily (p.88)

· taut (p.63) · mourning (p.92)

· condolences (p.68) · blanketed (p.61)

· profusion (p.68) · iridescent (p.61)

Reading Comprehension:

1) Describe Jenna’s dream about the Ghost Tree. How is this tree symbolic in the novel? Why does the tree get harder to fight?

2) What does Jenna do to her room? Why do you think she does this?

3a). How does Jenna escape her problems (what does she do to divert her thoughts)?

3b) Why does she like doing this?

4) Who is Jenna’s best friend? Give some characteristics.

5) How has the tragedy changed Jenna and her mother’s relationship?

6) What does Michael continue to do every night? Who notices?

7) By the end of chapter sic both Jenna and Michael have changed. Explain how they have changed and what has changed them.

8) What “stones” are now present in the novel? Explain with specific support from the text.

9) What happens when Jason tries to comfort Jenna?

10) What news does the Ward family find out about the investigation?

11) What about the “Honey Do” list sets Meredith off?

12) On page 85, we see the first sign of emotion from Jenna. What is it and what do you think the cause of it is? Is this normal in the grieving process?

13) In what ways are Jenna and Michael leading parallel lives?

14) Who comes to Jenna’s rescue at the movie theater? Might you consider this foreshadowing – why or why not?

Part Three: Pages 95-129

Vocabulary: Define each word in context (in your own words, in sentence format) and then write another sentence using the word in that context.

· hypocrite (p.98) · oxidized (p.112)

· snide (p.100) · attuned (p.114)

· deceit (p.106) · disconcerting (p.121)

· futile (p. 108) · yoke (p.122)

· renegade (p.112) · anguished (p.124)

Reading Comprehension:

1) Describe Michael’s nightmare. How is this significant?

2) What does Josh say that makes Michael mad? What effect does his character have on the story? On Michael?

3) How does Michael’s relationship with Amy provide him comfort?

4) What happens between Michael and Darcy? Why would he want Darcy to be the one to end the relationship?

5) What happens when the police come to question the MacKenzie’s?

6) How does the author reveal Michael’s paranoia? Do the other characters see this? Why or why not?

7) How does Michael further complicate matters? Who does he involve?

8) Contrast Michael and Joe. How are they different in the way they are handling the situation? What does each boy have to gain? To lose?

9) Why do you suppose Michael continues to maintain his friendship with Joe?

10) The little league game could be considered both ironic and metaphorical – explain how.

11) Why does Amy decide that she doesn’t want to talk to Michael anymore?

12) “Jeez, Amy. This is a game. People make up words if they think they can get away with it.” Michael swung his hands out, palms up. “They want to win!” He reached over and snapped up the dictionary from the coffee table. “Doubt me,” he said, handing it to her. (p. 102) What does this passage mean and explain what happens in this scene.

Part Four: Pages 133-184

Vocabulary: Define each word in context (in your own words, in sentence format) and then write another sentence using the word in that context.

· bleed (p.133) · apprehension (p.146)

· precariously (p.135) · contaminate (p.169)

· deranged (p.136) · warrant (p.174)

· vulnerable (p. 144) · skirted (p.168)

· indignant (p.145) · interjected (p.172)

Reading Comprehension:

1) Is the stain symbolic or metaphorical? Explain which and how so.

2) Where does Jenna suggest she and Andrea go? Why do you think she wants to go here, in spite of the bad weather?

3) What does Jenna find in the mail when she returns?

4) How do both Jenna and Amy harbor grief for accidents they aren’t responsible for?

5) What is the effect of increasing the association between Jenna and Amy?

6) Jenna dreams of the Ghost Tree once again. How is the dream different than the dreams of the tree before? Why is this significant?

7) Jenna’s mother takes her outside to show her something. What has been happening around the Ward’s house?

8) Why is it important that Amy is watching the conversation between Jenna and Michael?

9) Why does Michael sneak around and do what he does outside the Ward’s house?

10) What do the police find outside in the MacKenzie’s yard?

11) How does this become important to the case?

12) When Michael chooses not to tell the police the truth, is this a good or bad decision? What might happen if he told the truth?

13) Why does Mr. MacKenzie need to believe that Joe is the one who fired the gun?

14) Michael meets with Joe to tell him what has happened. How does this conversation go? How does Joe change in this chapter?

15) What happens with the boys and Amy on the way back from the swamp? Why would the author place Amy inside the car? How is this significant in terms of her character and the relationships she has with both Joe and Michael?

Part Five: Pages 187-245

Vocabulary: Define each word in context (in your own words, in sentence format) and then write another sentence using the word in that context.

· persistent (p.187) · fury (p.212)

· mausoleum (p.190) · incessant (p.227)

· fateful (p.193) · intuitively (p.242)

· finesse (p.195) · pariah (p.224)

· invariably (p.199) · filaments (p.239)

· obstruction (p.213) · speculate (p.236)

Reading Comprehension:

1) Jenna once again dreams of the Ghost Tree. What is different this time?

2) What memory does the Ghost Tree make Jenna recall? What does this tell us about Charlie Ward?

3) What development in the case do Jenna and her mom hear about?

4) Jenna sneaks across town. Where does she go and why?

5) Describe Joe’s demeanor in this part of the novel.

6) What does Michael learn from Joe that bothers him?

7) What answers might Amy have for Jenna?

8) When Michael visits Amy, what does she tell him? How does this change the relationship between the two of them?

9) What kind of person is Amy really? Give a brief characterization of her personality with support from the text.

10) What does Jenna realize that she had forgotten about the day her Dad was killed? How does this upset her?

11) Guilt visits many characters throughout the novel. Name the characters who carry guilt and why they feel guilty.

12) Why do both Jenna and Michael end up at the Ghost Tree?

13) If Amy is the key character, why not tell the story from her point of view? What is the effect of the three points of view that are used?

Part Six: Short Essay (Formal Personal)

There’s an old adage “the truth will set you free.” Write about a time when the truth set you free and the importance of honesty in that situation. Connect this with Michael and his decisions throughout the novel. This is required to carry the five paragraph essay structure, contain formal language, and should be 2-3 pages double spaced, typed (12 point Times New Roman font).

**May be in the first person, but language must remain formal even with the use of “I.”

**A focal point should be the lesson learned for both you and Michael.

** Ensure to pre-write and organize your thoughts.


Journal Entry

Is there a difference between not telling the whole truth and lying? Explain.

Journal Entry

With consideration for the old adage “don’t judge a book by its cover,” explain the following relationships:

· Michael and Amy

· Amy and Darcy/Society

· Joe and Michael

· Joe and Society

Journal Entry

“Lives invariably [collide], jostling other lives,” is a thought that Jenna has as she begins to process the death of her father. With consideration for this quote discuss: What is cause and effect? How can one incident influence the lives of several people?

Summary of Due Dates

(fill this in for easy reference)

Part One: Comprehension ______________________

Part One: Journal Entry ______________________

Part Two: Comprehension ______________________

Part Three: Comprehension ______________________

Part Three: Journal Entry ______________________

Part Four: Comprehension ______________________

Part Four: Journal Entry ______________________

Part Five: Comprehension ______________________

Part Six: Short Essay ______________________

Novel Test One (pages 1-129) ______________________

Novel Test Two (pages 133-245) ______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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