January 1, 2008-December 31, 2008

Prepared by Megan Clark, Town Planner/Zoning Administrator

Table of Contents



Boards and Commissions……………………………………………………………………………………………3

Staff 3

Fees 4


Overview 5

Major Subdivisions/Commercial Site Plans 5

Minor Subdivisions 6

Variances & Special Exceptions 7

Administrative Adjustments……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Comprehensive Plan 7

Zoning Text and Subdivision Amendments 8

Building and Zoning Permits 9

Property Maintenance 10


Appendix A: 2008 Board and Commission Member, Meetings, and Attendance……………………………………13

Appendix B: Town Planner & Zoning Administrator Job Description… ……………………………………………14

Appendix C: 2008 Fees……………………………………………………………………………………………….15

Appendix D: 2008 Zoning Code/Enforcement Report……………………………………………………………….16


The purpose of the Annual Report is to summarize the activities of the Planning and Zoning Department for the year and to look ahead for the planning of years to come. The report is developed in accordance with Article 66B §3.09 of Maryland State Code to assist both the citizens of the Town Of Boonsboro and the Officials of the Town, including Mayor & Council, the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, etc in evaluating the performance of the Department, determining growth patterns, and planning the future of the Town.


Boards and Commissions

The Town Of Boonsboro has two appointed boards/commissions that are charged with upholding the Regulations and Codes of the Planning and Zoning Department. The Planning Commission hears applications of subdivision and site plan, makes recommendations on variance and special exception requests, and implements and updates the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board of Zoning Appeals hears and decides cases of requests of variances and special exceptions. The Board also hears appeals from decisions made by the Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission is comprised of seven (7) members that serve five (5) year staggered terms and one Mayor and Council Liaison appointed by the Mayor and Council. The Planning Commission meets every fourth Wednesday evening as and when necessary on the second floor of Town Hall located at 21 North Main Street in the Town Of Boonsboro.

The Board of Zoning Appeals is comprised of five (5) members and one alternate that serve three (3) year staggered terms. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets every third Tuesday as necessary in the Community Center at Shafer Park.

The names of the members of these boards, meeting dates, attendance records, and the member term expirations are located in Appendix A.


Megan Clark is the current Town Planner/Zoning Administrator for the Town. She is directly responsible for all activities related to land use within the Town Of Boonsboro. The Town Planner/Zoning Administrator reports to the Town Manager as well as Mayor and Council and the Boards and Commissions. The Town Planner and Zoning Administrator job descriptions are located in Appendix B.

The Planning and Zoning Department is located on the 2nd Floor of Town Hall and is open from 8-4:30pm Monday thru Friday.


The Planning and Zoning Department collects review fees for all applications, including but not limited to permits, Preliminary Plan review, Zoning Amendments, entrance permits, Annexation fees, etc. Since mid 2006, a $15.00 technology fee is applied to all applications. In addition, seventy-five percent of building permit review fees go to Washington County for the processing and inspection of the Town Permits. For the year 2008, the total revenue of the Planning and Zoning Department was $21,381.07. Appendix C provides a break down of all the fees collected.



The Planning and Zoning Department processes all applications regarding land use, including but not limited to building, subdividing, commercial use, signs, road entrances, property maintenance, etc. The Department also keeps and maintains records that are available to the public. The following sections are broken down into categories based upon the type of applications.

Major Subdivisions/Commercial Site Plans

In 2008, the Planning Commission heard five applications of Major Subdivisions/Commercial Site Plans.

The Dean South Property is located adjacent to the Fletcher’s Grove Subdivision off of Chase Six Boulevard. The property is currently zoned both Multi-Family Residential (MR) and Suburban Residential (SR), consists of approximately 12 acres, and is required, per the Annexation Agreement effective in February of 2007, to provide single story attached senior housing units. On January 23, 2008, the Planning Commission granted Concept Plan approval of forty-eight (48) single story condominiums reserved for property owners ages fifty-five (55) years and older. The approval was granted contingent upon a zoning text amendment to the SR zone to allow a condominium use and is described in detail under the Zoning section.

The Dean North property, directly across Chase Six Boulevard from the Dean South property, also gained Concept Plan approval from the Planning Commission. The property consists of approximately 16 acres zoned MR, which allows for 7500 sq. ft. single family dwelling lot. The Concept Plan is approved for sixty-one (61) single family dwelling lots off of existing Burton Way.

The Flook property, located on the North and South side of Lappans Road, gained Concept Plan approval from the Planning Commission on July 23, 2008. The majority of the fifty-two (52) acre property is Zoned GC with approximately five (5) acres zoned MR. The plan proposes the entire property to be developed for commercial offices and a shopping center. The Planning Commission thus approved the plan contingent upon a Zoning Map amendment for the five acre MR portion of the property and contingent upon water and sewer taps being available for the property.

Tri-State Church of God, located on Alternate 40 North, presented a concept to the Planning Commission to build a gymnasium and add additional parking. Concept Plan Approval was granted contingent upon public utilities serving the property.

Battlefield Estates, a development of 35 townhomes on Orchard Drive, submitted a Final Plan to the Planning Commission in November. The Final Plan was granted approval contingent upon Signed Public Works Agreements and Bond Amounts posted, and approval from Washington County regarding Stormwater Management and Forest Conservation.

Minor Subdivisions

The Planning Commission granted approval of four (4) Minor Subdivisions in 2008.

Lot 1, Dale and Paula Ford and the Lands of William Tritapoe both created one new building lot on each of the properties.

The Lands of Hillard Hull minor subdivision created a lot for each of the existing buildings on the property.

The Lands of Todd Easterday minor subdivision divided approximately ninety-six (96) acres into three parcels based upon the existing zoning boundaries.

Variances & Special Exceptions

Both the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals heard eight (8) requests of Variances and Special Exceptions in 2008. Below is a breakdown of the type of requests heard.

The case descriptions can be found in Appendix D, “Zoning Code/Enforcement Report”.


Administrative Adjustment

An administrative adjustment may be granted by the Zoning Administrator of certain requirements within the Zoning Ordinance such as setbacks. In 2008, the Zoning Administrator granted two administrative adjustments. Both applications were to vary the setback requirements by less than twenty percent (20%).

Comprehensive Plan

In mid 2007, ERM was contracted by the Boonsboro Mayor and Council to update the Comprehensive Plan with a projected adoption date of April 2008. Due to delays concerning information about the new wastewater treatment facility, the schedule of adoption and hearings was revised to extend the adoption date to mid 2009. In January of 2008, the Planning Commission and ERM held a workshop to identify the issues and opportunities of the Town for the draft plan. ERM then prepared a draft based on the discussion in January and presented this draft to the Planning Commission in May 2008.

Upon receipt of the Draft Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission worked diligently throughout the summer reviewing the Plan chapter by chapter. Comments from the Planning Commission’s summer sessions were then forwarded to ERM to be included into the Draft. After several drafts were prepared and reviewed, the Planning Commission agreed in November of 2008 for the Draft Comprehensive Plan to be forwarded to the appropriate State Agencies for a 60 day interagency review, as mandated by Article 66B of the State of Maryland.

Upon receipt of the comments from the State, ERM is prepared to address such comments and then presented a revised draft to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is then scheduled to meet with the Mayor and Council in a workshop session in April to discuss the draft prior to a public hearing. It is the intent of the Planning Commission to have the Comprehensive Plan adopted by summer of 2009.

Zoning and Subdivision Text Amendments

One Zoning Text Amendment and one Subdivision Ordinance amendment were adopted in 2008.

As mentioned earlier, a Zoning Text Amendment was required to allow for the establishment of age-restricted housing. The amendment provided for age-restricted housing to be established in the MR Zone with a minimum lot size of 4,000 square feet and within the SR Zone provided the density does not exceed more than five units per acre (8,700 square foot minimum lot size).

The Subdivision Ordinance was amended to require the submission of as-built drawings of projects that require the installation of infrastructure. Requirements for as-built drawings were included in the amendment as well as the requirement of bonding of all infrastructure with ten percent inflation included within the amount established.

Building and Zoning Permits

Building and Zoning Permits are issued for all types of construction, use, signs, occupancy, etc within the corporate limits of the Town. All permits are processed and approved within the Planning and Zoning Department. For building permits with proposed construction greater than 200 sq. ft., Washington County Permits Department reviews and inspects the construction. The Planning and Zoning Department handles permits more than 200 square feet. In 2008, 75 building permits over 200 square feet and 17 permits fewer than 200 square feet were submitted. The table below provides a breakdown of the type of building permits submitted. Appendix D provides a further summary of all building permits processed.


The majority of the building permits issued for new construction and decks was within the Fletcher’s Grove Subdivision. Miscellaneous permits included roofs, gazebos, driveways, etc.

The year 2008 also saw a number of new businesses locating or re-locating within the Town Of Boonsboro. These businesses include H& R Block, Black Rock Enterprises, Palettie Restaurant, BodySense PT, Delegate Chris Shank’s office, Shaff’s Country Corner, South Mountain Day Spa, Gifts Inn Boonsboro, Awesome Yarn, and four (4) in home occupations, including an in-home daycare, salon, fitness center, and a cake making business. The following chart shows the number of Zoning Permits and in which zones they were issued:


Property Maintenance

In 2008, approximately forty properties were cited to be in violation of the Property Maintenance Code. The majority of the violations included tall grass, weeds, excessive rubbish, and untagged vehicles. Several Municipal Citations were issued to address such violations in addition to notices.


Below is a summary of future projects/goals for the Planning and Zoning Department.

A Boonsboro Webpage was established in early of 2006. Included on this page is a link to the Planning and Zoning Department. Meeting minutes, agendas, Ordinances and applications were all added to the webpage in 2008. The Planning and Zoning Department plans to continue adding more information to inform the public through the internet.

A $15.00 Technology fee was included in the revised Fee Schedule adopted in late 2006. The purpose of the technology fee is for new hardware and software, including Geographic Information Systems. Washington County Government has free information for municipalities to use for GIS; however this information can only be used with the appropriate software. With the implementation of the technology fee, the Planning and Zoning Department would like to purchase ArcView GIS to help guide planning activities, introduce spatial analysis activities, and provide an abundance of information to the public.

Completion of an updated Comprehensive Plan is expected in mid 2009. Once this is completed, it is expected that revisions to both the Zoning Ordinance, including the Zoning Map and the Subdivision Regulations, will follow. It is also desired to help the Town publish a Capital Improvements Plan and Utilities Master Plan to assist the Town in planning for the future growth.

|2008 Board and Commission Member, Meetings and Attendance | | | | |

|2008 Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings and Attendance | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Meetings | | | | | |


2008 Fees

|Report for January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008 |  |

|County Permits |  |

|Permits Filed |75 |

|Entrance Fees |$250.00 |

|Permit Fees Collected |$11,397.47 |

|Redeemable to County |$8,548.10 |

|Town Portion (25%) |$2,849.37 |

|County Excise Tax |  |

|New Residential Permits |3 |

|Total Paid |$38,000 |

|Town Collects (28%) |$10,640 |

|Town Permits |  |

|Permits Filed |17 |

|Review Fees Paid |$1,276.70 |

|Technology Fee |$255.00 |

|Zoning Permits |  |

|Permits Filed |24 |

|Review Fees Paid |$1,500.00 |

|Technology Fee |$150.00 |

|Sign Permits |  |

|Permits Filed |13 |

|Review Fees Paid |$70.00 |

|Technology Fee |$210.00 |

|Board of Appeals |  |

|Review Fees Paid |$1,800.00 |

|Technology Fee |$150.00 |

|Development Review |  |

|Lot 1, Dale & Paula Ford |$200.00 |

|Lands of Hillard Hull |$200.00 |

|Zoning Text Amendment |$2,000.00 |

|Lots 1 & 2, Terry Hutzell |$215.00 |

|Misc. Fees, etc. |  |

|Ordinance Copies |$50.00 |

|  |  |

|2008 TOTAL FEES COLLECTED |$57,309.17 |

|2008 TOTAL REVENUE |$21,401.07 |


January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008

Location: 102 Stuart Place 06-034055 Total Fee: $542.20

Permit No: BO2008-001

Owner: 8486 LLC PHONE: 301-620-4490

Applicant: Ausherman Homes PHONE: 301-620-4490

Address: 7210 Corporate Court, Ste B, Myersville, MD 21773

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 84

Project: “Chesapeake A” 2 story sfd, single door basement entry, 9’ ceilings on 1st floor, expand family room 2’10” to rear, morning room, bay window in front living room, finish recreation room, full bathroom, and media room in basement, gas fireplace in family room, brick front, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, Lot 84 Fletcher’s Grove Phase II

Applied: 01/22/08 Town Approved: 01/22/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 103 Green Fern Lane 06-033458 Total Fee: $130.90

Permit No: BO2008-002

Owner: Fletcher’s Grove Townhomes, LLC #4 PHONE: 301-620-4490

Applicant: Ausherman Homes PHONE: 301-620-4490

Address: 7210 Corporate Court, Ste B, Myersville, MD 21773

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 52

Project: Add finished recreation room and half bath in basement

Applied: 02/04/08 Town Approved: 02/04/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 103 Green Fern Lane 06-033458 Total Fee: $130.90

Permit No: BO2008-003

Owner: Fletcher’s Grove Townhomes, LLC #4 PHONE: 301-620-4490

Applicant: Ausherman Homes PHONE: 301-620-4490

Address: 7210 Corporate Court, Ste B, Myersville, MD 21773

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 52

Project: Add a 14’x10’ wood deck off rear of house

Applied: 02/04/08 Town Approved: 02/04/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 107 Chieftan Lane 06- 030645 Total Fee: $100.00

Permit No: BO2008-004

Owner: Jose Hernandez PHONE: 301-422-9849

Applicant: Jose Hernandez PHONE:

Address: 107 Chieftan Lane

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C28

Project: Place a 10x20 shed on the rear of the property

Applied: 2/12/08 Town Approved: 2/13/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 211 Chieftan Lane 06-030882 Total Fee: $170.00

Permit No: BO2008-005

Owner: Mark & Hilda Donovan PHONE: 301-524-0228

Applicant: Joe Brandts MHIC#85930 PHONE: 301-416-7770

Address: P.O. Box 4677 Hagerstown, MD 21742

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C49

Project: Finish Basement, including bathroom

Applied: 02/18/08 Town Approved: 02/18/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 900 Brookridge Drive 06-030475 Total Fee: $100.00

Permit No: BO2008-006

Owner: Augustine & Goddy Ugorji PHONE: 301-432-8663

Applicant: Same PHONE:

Address: 900 Brookridge Drive

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C79

Project: Install 10’x20’ deck on rear of property

Applied: 02/21/08 Town Approved: 02/21/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 7-9 North Main St 06-000991 Total Fee: $65.00

Permit No: BO2008-007

Owner: James & Constance Fitzsimmons PHONE:

Applicant: Millbrook Remodeling PHONE: 301-739-2117

Address: 13555 Poplar Grove Rd., Hagerstown, MD

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 429 Lot:

Project: Demo and stabilize fire burned structure

Applied: 02/29/08 Town Approved: 02/29/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 29 Ford Avenue 06-011322 Total Fee: $140.00

Permit No: BO2008-008

Owner: Wayne & Kimberly Needy PHONE: 301-432-8611

Applicant: Flohr Pools MHIC#7109 PHONE: 301-791-3400

Address: 1406 Oak Ridge Place, Hagerstown

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 499 Lot:

Project: Install an 18’ x 36’ in ground pool in the rear of property

Applied: 03/04/08 Town Approved: 03/04/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 5 Potomac Street 06-017738 Total Fee: $225.00

Permit No: BO2008-009

Owner: Barbara J. Glausier PHONE: 301-432-5289

Applicant: Bill Murray PHONE: 717-485-9911

Address: 190 Dalzell Lane, McConnellsburg, PA 17233

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 606 Lot:

Project: New shed roof (20’x20’) built over existing flat roof on rear loading dock

Applied: 03/25/08 Town Approved: 03/25/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 134 South Main Street 06-023835 Total Fee: $201.00

Permit No: BO2008-010

Owner: Mt. Nebo UMC PHONE: 301-432-7841

Applicant: Crigger Home Improvements, Inc PHONE: 301-432-4904

Address: 18911 Rocky Road, Sharpsburg, MD

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 762 Lot:

Project: Install 12’x20’ shed on rear of property

Applied: 03/26/08 Town Approved: 03/26/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 1 North Main Street 06-000037 Total Fee: $0

Permit No: BO2008-011

Owner: Wilder Family LLC PHONE: 301-432-7727

Address: 19239 Burnside Bridge Road, Keedysville

Zone: TC Map:601 Parcel: 428 Lot: 1

Contractor: Wilder Family LLC PHONE: 301-432-4588

Project: Phase-1 of "Inn Boonsboro" to include: repairs to existing stone and brick walls, new structural and architectural work

to include new addition and porch (Previously BO2007-055 which was voided due to fire)

Applied: Town Approved: County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 201 St. Paul Street 06-006884 Total Fee: $128.00

Permit No: BO2008-012

Owner: Vickie Zimmerman PHONE: 301-416-2027

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 201 St. Paul Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 504 Lot:

Project: Install 24’x20’ garage

Applied: 03/27/08 Town Approved: 03/27/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Permit No: BO2008-013 VOID

Location: 304 Maple Avenue 06-009999 Total Fee: $105.60

Permit No: BO2008-014

Owner: Janet & Stephen Jacobs PHONE: 301-432-5666

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 304 Maple Avenue

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1472 Lot: 8

Project: Remove and reconstruct a 16’x16’ deck

Applied: 03/31/08 Town Approved: 03/31/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 304 Maple Avenue 06-009999 Total Fee: $105.60

Permit No: BO2008-014

Owner: Janet & Stephen Jacobs PHONE: 301-432-5666

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 304 Maple Avenue

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1472 Lot: 8

Project: Remove and reconstruct a 16’x16’ deck

Applied: 03/31/08 Town Approved: 03/31/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 208 Tiger Way 06-032400 Total Fee: $115.40

Permit No: BO2008-015

Owner: Yvonne Lukes & Sherlie Melendez PHONE: 240-447-9138

Applicant: Steve Ferguson c/o Built #4U, LLC MHIC#93122 PHONE: 301-845-8422

Address: 6802 Quail Knob Ct, Frederick, MD 21702

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 24

Project: Construct a 2 story deck (14’x15 upper and 12’x12’ lower levels)

Applied: 04/02/08 Town Approved: 04/02/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 107 Green Fern Lane 06-033423 Total Fee: $94.00

Permit No: BO2008-016

Owner: Edyta Malik PHONE: 301-992-4623

Applicant: Anderson Custom Framing, LLC MHIC#123356 PHONE: 301-730-6423

Address: 7809 Fingerboard Road, Frederick, MD 21704

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 50

Project: Construct a 14’x10’ deck

Applied: 04/07/08 Town Approved: 04/07/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 210 Carroll Ct 06-008313 Total Fee: $137.60

Permit No: BO2008-017

Owner: Marilyn Disbennett PHONE: 301-432-2969

Applicant: Wigfield Home Improvement MHIC#16087 PHONE: 301-791-3509

Address: 12411 Huyett Lane, Hagerstown, MD 21740

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1468 Lot: 63

Project: Construct a 24’x24’ 2 car attached garage on existing concrete slab

Applied: 04/07/08 Town Approved: 04/07/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Permit No: BO2008-018 VOID

Location: 5 Campus Avenue 06-023274 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BO2008-019

Owner: Wash. Co. Bd. Of Education PHONE: 301-766-8787

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 820 Commonwealth Ave, Hagerstown MD

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1381 Lot:

Project: Add two portable classrooms at Boonsboro Elementary School

Applied: 04/10/08 Town Approved: 04/10/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 104 South Main St 06-009778 Total Fee: $124.80

Permit No: BO2008-020

Owner: David & Renee Jarrell PHONE: 301-432-7790

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 104 South Main Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 752 Lot:

Project: Replace existing metal roof with new shingle roof

Applied: 04/10/08 Town Approved: 04/10/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 1 Coldstream Court 06-027504 Total Fee: $154.40

Permit No: BO2008-021

Owner: David D. Parmelee PHONE: 301-432-5733

Applicant: Joe Brandts/Basement Works PHONE: 301-416-7770

Address: P.O. Box 4677, Hagerstown MD 21740

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B20

Project: Finish Basement

Applied: 04/11/08 Town Approved: 04/11/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 215 Green Fern Cir 06-033059 Total Fee: $112.40

Permit No: BO2008-022

Owner: George P. Klisas PHONE: 410-206-8369

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 215 Green Fern Circle

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 16

Project: Build a 18’x18’ deck

Applied: 04/21/08 Town Approved: 04/21/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 623 North Main Street 06-014313 Total Fee: $246.30

Permit No: BO2008-023

Owner: Morgan A. Boyd PHONE: 301-432-4704

Applicant: Tom Norton Builders, LLC PHONE: 301-573-0917

Address: 10702 Pickett Ct, Williamsport, MD

Zone: SR Map: 600 Parcel: 195 Lot: 1

Project: Construct a 29’x 57’ addition on front/side of house

Applied: 04/21/08 Town Approved: 04/21/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 2 Orchard Drive Unit 704 06-018629 Total Fee: $80.00

Permit No: BO2008-024

Owner: County Village Assoc LTD Partnership PHONE: 301-791-0425

Applicant: J Grubbs Construction PHONE: 301-846-0879

Address: 5797 Hurdle Hill Ct, Frederick MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 530 Lot:

Project: Interior renovations to include new plumbing and electrical due to fire in Unit #704

Applied: 04/22/08 Town Approved: 04/22/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 429 Green Fern Circle 06-033806 Total Fee: $94.00

Permit No: BO2008-025

Owner: Fletcher’s Grove TH, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick MD 21703

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 56 Lot: 84

Project: Build a 14’x10’ wood deck off rear of house

Applied: 04/28/08 Town Approved: 04/28/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 429 Green Fern Circle 06-033806 Total Fee: $110.30

Permit No: BO2008-026

Owner: Fletcher’s Grove TH, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick MD 21703

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 56 Lot: 84

Project: Finish basement den to include full bath

Applied: 04/28/08 Town Approved: 04/28/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 105 Redfern Place 06-028144 Total Fee: $101.60

Permit No: BO2008-027

Owner: Thomas Nittinger PHONE: 301-432-2366

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 105 Redfern Place

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B68

Project: Add a 12’x17.6’ sunroom on rear of house

Applied: 04/29/08 Town Approved: 04/29/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 146 South Main Street 06-005535 Total Fee: $237.00

Permit No: BO2008-028

Owner: Enkore Realty, LLC PHONE: 240-674-1859

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 5231 Buckeystown Pike, Frederick MD 21704

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 768 Lot:

Project: Add a 24’x20’ deck with stairs to grade on rear of property

Applied: 04/29/08 Town Approved: 04/29/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 6633 Old National Pike 06-015379 Total Fee: $65.00

Permit No: BO2008-029

Owner: Todd Easterday et al PHONE:

Applicant: Caleb Eby PHONE: 717-552-8222

Address: P.O. Box 15, St. Thomas, PA 17252

Zone: GC Map: 73 Parcel: 15 Lot:

Project: Demolish barn

Applied: 05/07/08 Town Approved: 05/07/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 103 Stuart Place 06-034071 Total Fee: $450.50

Permit No: BO2008-030 (previously voided BO2008-013)

Owner: 8486 LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes Inc. PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick, MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 86

Project: Braddock “A” Plan, 4 bdrm, 2.5 baths, 2 story sfd with garage, 9’ ceilings 1st floor, gas fireplace in family room, walk-out foundation, full bath rough-in in basement. Expand house 2’ to rear

Applied: 05/08/08 Town Approved: 05/08/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 106 Green Fern Circle 06-033512 Total Fee: $96.80

Permit No: BO2008-031

Owner: Jason Moore PHONE: 301-418-8013

Applicant: Wiles Contracting PHONE: 301-898-3652

Address: 212 Sandstone Dr., Walkersville, MD 21793

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 58

Project: Build a 14’x12’ pre-treated deck on rear of TH, no stairs

Applied: 05/19/08 Town Approved: 05/19/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 302 Green Fern Circle 06-033229 Total Fee: $99.20

Permit No: BO2008-032

Owner: Joseph & Ashley Gossard PHONE: 301-204-9214

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 302 Green Fern Circle

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 32

Project: Build a 12’x16’ deck on rear of TH, no stairs

Applied: 05/21/08 Town Approved: 05/21/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 431 Green Fern Circle 06-033814 Total Fee: $95.80

Permit No: BO2008-033

Owner: Davy Ly PHONE: 240-818-3544

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 431 Green Fern Circle

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot:85

Project: Finish basement, including full bath

Applied: 05/27/08 Town Approved: 05/27/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 29 North Main Street 06-034659 Total Fee: $134.40

Permit No: BO2008-034

Owner: Pete Buchanan PHONE: 301-432-6834

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: same

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 434 Lot: 1

Project: Remodel 2nd floor apartment including new floor and ceiling joists and beams

Applied: 06/04/08 Town Approved: 06/04/08 County Approved: PENDING

Permit No: BO2008-035 VOID

Location: 113 Della Lane 06-001432 Total Fee: $84.80

Permit No: BO2008-036

Owner: Sidney Boudreaux PHONE: 301-432-8423

Applicant: Woody’s Home Improvement PHONE: 301-432-7036

Address: 21110 Boonsboro Mountain Road

Zone: SR Map: 600 Parcel: 358 Lot: 57

Project: Build a 8’ x 6’ new roof over existing porch

Applied: 06/06/08 Town Approved: 06/06/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 101 Conestoga Ct 06-030653 Total Fee: $200.30

Permit No: BO2008-037

Owner: Joseph Raymond PHONE: 301-432-6281

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 101 Conestoga Court

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: c29

Project: Finish basement including living room, office, and full bathroom

Applied: 06/10/08 Town Approved: 06/10/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 29 Ford Avenue 06-011322 Total Fee: $158.00

Permit No: BO2008-038

Owner: Wayne & Kimberly Needy PHONE: 301-432-8611

Applicant: Denny Talbert PHONE: 301-432-6659

Address: 214 Graystone Drive

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 499 Lot:

Project: Build a 26’ x 30’ garage (2 car) with electric on rear of property

Applied: 06/11/08 Town Approved: 06/11/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 8 Della Lane 06-015034 Total Fee: $92.60

Permit No: BO2008-039

Owner: Wilfred Smith PHONE: 301-432-8081

Applicant: Oliver Homes PHONE: 301-797-0000

Address: 19733 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown MD 21742

Zone: SR Map: 601 Parcel: 356 Lot: 9

Project: Build a 18’ x 7’ open front porch with roof

Applied: 06/13/08 Town Approved: 06/13/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 6927 Monroe Road 06-023479 Total Fee: $0

Permit No: BO2008-040

Owner: Boonsboro Mayor & Council PHONE: 301-432-5141

Address: 21 North Main Street

Zone: EC Map: 73 Parcel: 130 Lot:

Contractor: PHONE:


Cost: Applied: 06/16/08 Town App: 06/16/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Permit No: BO2008-041 VOID

Location: 101 Orchard Drive 06-017916 Total Fee: $140.00

Permit No: BO2008-042

Owner: Joseph & Janell Rowe PHONE: 301-600-2582

Applicant: Flohr Pools MHIC#7109 PHONE: 301-791-3400

Address: 1406 Oak Ridge Place, Hagerstown MD 21740

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 537 Lot:

Project: Build a 16’ x 32’ in-ground pool

Applied: 06/17/08 Town Approved: 06/17/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 213 Chieftan Lane 06-030890 Total Fee: $90.00

Permit No: BO2008-043

Owner: Gregory & Lesley Weir PHONE: 301-416-2004

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 213 Chieftan Lane

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C50

Project: Obtain permit for an existing 15’ diameter, 36” deep above ground pool

Applied: 06/23/08 Town Approved: 06/23/08 County Approved: PENDING

Location: 205 Carroll Avenue 06-008038 Total Fee: $83.90

Permit No: BO2008-044

Owner: Kevin & Julie Dougal PHONE: 301-432-5147

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 205 Carroll Avenue

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1402 Lot: 49

Project: Remove a window and replace with a 72” x 80” French Door

Applied: 06/25/08 Town Approved: 06/25/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 111 Green Fern Cirlce 06-033571 Total Fee: $99.60

Permit No: BO2008-045

Owner: Laurie Ballow PHONE: 301-432-1110

Applicant: Affordable Handyman Pros MHIC#97136 PHONE: 301-371-4888

Address: 4507 Willow Tree Drive, Middletown, MD 21769

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 64

Project: Build a 14’ x 14’ deck on rear of townhome

Applied: 06/25/08 Town Approved: 06/25/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 403 Brookridge Drive 06-027555 Total Fee: $123.60

Permit No: BO2008-046

Owner: Robert Poling PHONE: 301-432-4746

Applicant: Crigger Home Improvement MHIC#87971 PHONE: 301-432-4904

Address: 18911 Rocky Road, Sharpsburg, MD

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: 25

Project: Build a 436 sq. ft. deck attached to pool

Applied: 06/30/08 Town Approved: PENDING County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 10 Thompson Court 06-029108 Total Fee: $102.80

Permit No: BO2008-047

Owner: Randy Tew PHONE: 301-432-5352

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 10 Thompson Ct

Zone: TR(2) Map: 601 Parcel: 360 Lot: 144

Project: Build a 12’ x 19’ deck

Applied: 07/01/08 Town Approved: 07/01/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 413 North Main Street 06-015948 Total Fee: $99.80

Permit No: BO2008-048

Owner: Doris Munson PHONE:

Applicant: Millbrook Home Remodeling PHONE: 301-739-2117

Address: 13555 Poplar Grove Road, Hagerstown, MD 21742

Zone: SR Map: 600 Parcel: 167 Lot:

Project: Remodel 9’x12’ sunroom in rear of structure

Applied: 07/02/08 Town Approved: 07/08/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 22 St. Paul Street 06-006515 Total Fee: $155.00

Permit No: BO2008-049

Owner: J & L Cochran PHONE: 301-432-2844

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 7704 Mapleville Road, Boonsboro

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 550 Lot:

Project: Obtain permit for existing above ground pool

Applied: 07/01/08 Town Approved: 07/09/08 County Approved: PENDING

Location: 221 North Main St 06-000487 Total Fee: $90.00

Permit No: BO2008-050

Owner: Frank & Myra Nuice PHONE: 301-432-5038

Applicant: Flohr Pools PHONE: 301-791-3400

Address: 1406 Oak Ridge Place, Hagerstown MD 21740

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 337 Lot: 1

Project: 16’ diameter (4’ deep) above ground pool

Applied: 07/17/08 Town Approved: 07/17/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 101 Green Fern Lane 06-033466 Total Fee: $96.00

Permit No: BO2008-051

Owner: Jessica Jenkins PHONE: 301-748-8221

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 101 Green Fern Lane

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 565 Lot: 53

Project: 10’ x 16’ deck, no stairs

Applied: 07/17/08 Town Approved: 07/17/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 19 Thompson Court 06-029256 Total Fee: $99.00

Permit No: BO2008-052

Owner: Mary & Scott Myers PHONE: 301-432-0565

Applicant: TF Starr Contractors MHIC#125523 PHONE: 301-788-5066

Address: 5604 Morning Gate Ct, New Market, MD 21774

Zone: TR(2) Map: 601 Parcel: 360 Lot: 158

Project: 10’ x 19’ deck with stairs to grade

Applied: 07/22/08 Town Approved: 07/22/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 109 Green Fern Circle 06-033598 Total Fee: $98.20

Permit No: BO2008-053

Owner: Sunil & Trishna Sukla PHONE: 301-432-7964

Applicant: National Deck & Patio PHONE: 301-714-1880

Address: 11377 Robinwood Drive Ste 201, Hagerstown MD

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 65

Project: 13’ x 14’ deck

Applied: 07/24/08 Town Approved: 07/24/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 118 Burton Way 06-034101 Total Fee: $524.00

Permit No: BO2008-054

Owner: 8486, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick, MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 88

Project: 2 story sfd with 2 car integral garage, expand house 2’ to rear, single basement entry with rails, sitting room in master bedroom, full bath, gas fireplace in family room, vinyl siding, covered porch, 4 BDRM, 2.5 BATH, “Braddock B Plan, Fletcher’s Grove, Lot 88 (Previously voided BO2007-038)

Applied: 07/31/08 Town Approved: 07/31/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 311 Green Fern Circle 06-033199 Total Fee: $99.60

Permit No: BO2008-055

Owner: Michael Ganley PHONE: 619-971-1497

Applicant: Mountain Contracting MHIC#125957 PHONE: 240-422-2320

Address: 27 Young Avenue, Boonsboro MD 21713

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 29

Project: 14’ x 14’ deck

Applied: 07/31/08 Town Approved: 07/31/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 311 North Main Street 06-003680 Total Fee: $308.60

Permit No: BO2008-056

Owner: William Tritapoe PHONE: 301-491-1041

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 121 Southern Oak Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 346 Lot: 1

Project: 52’ x 42’ 4BDRM, 2BTH SFD (1830 sq ft) with a 52’ x 6’ front porch and 12’ x 12’ rear patio

Applied: 08/04/08 Town Approved: 08/04/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 7-9 North Main Street 06-000991 Total Fee: $65.00

Permit No: BO2008-057

Owner: BAW, LLC PHONE: 301-432-7727

Applicant: Reese’s Home Improvement PHONE: 301-432-8133

Address: 20230 Lappans Road, Boonsboro, MD 21713

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 429 Lot:

Project: Demo: remove old plaster, partition removal where needed, & remove flooring

Applied: 08/05/08 Town Approved: 08/05/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 114 Winner Lane 06-021271 Total Fee: $180.00

Permit No: BO2008-058

Owner: John & Robin Michael PHONE: 301-432-4357

Applicant: L.A. Slifer & Son MHIC#15882 PHONE: 301-432-6315

Address: P.O. Box 51, Rohersville, MD 21779

Zone: SR Map: 600 Parcel: 358 Lot: 107

Project: Finish basement & add a 36” door

Applied: 08/12/08 Town Approved: 08/12/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 7628 Old National Pike 06-001025 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BO2008-059

Owner: Gary Lee Haas PHONE: 301-432-6814

Applicant: Diamond Electric PHONE: 301-432-2200

Address: 5709 Red Hill Road Keedysville, MD 21756

Zone: GC Map: 68 Parcel: 251 Lot:

Project: Place 8 poles with six solar panels each on side property line

Applied: 08/20/08 Town Approved: 08/20/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 231 North Main Street 06-001998 Total Fee: $229.80

Permit No: BO2008-060

Owner: Susquehanna Bank PHONE:

Applicant: Hub City Builders PHONE: 301-573-4365

Address: P.O. Box 2888, Hagerstown MD 21740

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 338 Lot: 2

Project: 12’ x 36’ brick exterior addition in front of structure for 2 more offices and extended foyer area

Applied: 08/26/08 Town Approved: 08/26/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 121 Burton Way 06-033962 Total Fee: $118.40

Permit No: BO2008-061

Owner: Mason & Christina Scuderi PHONE: 240-217-7720

Applicant: HAC Renovations c/o Herb Younker MHIC#83675 PHONE: 301-393-4759

Address: 18124 Summerlin Drive, Hagerstown MD 21740

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 75

Project: 16’ x 24’ deck with stairs to grade

Applied: 08/27/08 Town Approved: 08/27/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 208 Tiger Way 06-032400 Total Fee: $112.00

Permit No: BO2008-062

Owner: Yvonne Lukes & Sherlie Melendez PHONE: 443-838-6353

Applicant: same PHONE: 202-636-2103

Address: 208 Tiger Way

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 24

Project: Replace roof trusses & finish space above garage for sitting room & closet

Applied: 09/03/08 Town Approved: 09/03/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 201 St. Paul Street 06-006884 Total Fee: $87.60

Permit No: BO2008-063

Owner: Vickie Zimmerman PHONE: 301-416-2027

Applicant: R.L. Poffenberger & Son MHIC# 7471 PHONE: 301-573-3328

Address: 6587 Gilardi Road, Boonsboro MD 21713

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 504 Lot:

Project: 4’ x 19’ deck on side of house

Applied: 09/03/08 Town Approved: 09/03/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 104 Green Fern Circle 06-033520 Total Fee: $96.00

Permit No: BO2008-064

Owner: Evelyn Halich PHONE: 240-405-5958

Applicant: Broad Run Construction MHIC#39841 PHONE: 301-371-0002

Address: 6400 Burkettsville Road, Middletown, MD 21769

Zone: MR Map: 68 Parcel: 561 Lot: 59

Project: 16’ x 10’ deck with stairs to grade

Applied: 09/05/08 Town Approved: 09/05/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 208 Burton Way 06-034012 Total Fee: $527.80

Permit No: BO2008-065

Owner: 8486, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes, Inc PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick, MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 80

Project: 2 Story SFD with 2 car integral garage (4478 sq ft), Chesapeake A Plan Reversed

Applied: 09/12/08 Town Approved: 09/12/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 103 Stuart Place 06-034071 Total Fee: $140.80

Permit No: BO2008-066

Owner: 8486, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes, Inc PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick, MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 86

Project: Finish recreation room and full bath in basement

Applied: 09/12/08 Town Approved: 09/12/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 101 Burton Way 06-032749 Total Fee: $471.40

Permit No: BO2008-067

Owner: 8486, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes, Inc PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick, MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 65

Project: 2 Story SFD with 2 car integral garage (3914 sq ft), Braddock A Plan Reversed

Applied: 09/19/08 Town Approved: 09/19/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 100 Stuart Place 06-034047 Total Fee: $471.40

Permit No: BO2008-068

Owner: 8486, LLC PHONE: 301-620-4415

Applicant: Ausherman Homes, Inc PHONE: 301-620-4415

Address: 7210 Corporate Ct, Ste B, Frederick, MD 21703

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 83

Project: 2 Story SFD with 2 car integral garage (3914 sq ft), Braddock A Plan

Applied: 09/19/08 Town Approved: 09/19/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 309 South Main Street 06-014399 Total Fee: $65.00

Permit No: BO2008-069

Owner: Todd Easterday, Et Al PHONE: 301-991-3735

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 11012 Staley Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21742

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 812 Lot:

Project: Demolish 3 barns in rear of property

Applied: 09/19/08 Town Approved: 09/19/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 101 David Drive 06-029264 Total Fee: $130.20

Permit No: BO2008-070

Owner: Kevin Chambers PHONE: 301-432-6972

Applicant: L.A. Sifler & Son PHONE: 301-432-6315

Address: P.O. Box 51, Rohersville, MD 21713

Zone: SR Map: 601 Parcel: 360 Lot: 159

Project: Finish Basement

Applied: 09/25/08 Town Approved: 09/29/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 204 North Main Street 06-005926 Total Fee: $166.40

Permit No: BO2008-071

Owner: Robert Vanreenen PHONE: 301-432-5505

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 204 North Main Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 332 Lot:

Project: 24’ x 36’ pole barn

Applied: 10/7/08 Town Approved: 10/7/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 103 Redfern Place 06-028136 Total Fee: $132.50

Permit No: BO2008-072

Owner: Charles & Marcella Harris PHONE: 301-432-8760

Applicant: Remodel USA c/o Robert Quinn PHONE: 540-949-4351

Address: 1 Solutions Way, Ste 114, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B67

Project: Finish basement

Applied: 10/9/08 Town Approved: 10/9/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 102 Redfern Place 06-028187 Total Fee: $123.20

Permit No: BO2008-073

Owner: Matthew & Jessica Hollis PHONE: 301-606-3310

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 102 Redfern Place

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B72

Project: 16’ x 27’ pressure treated mahogoney platform

Applied: 10/27/08 Town Approved: 10/27/08 County Approved: APPROVED

Location: 214 North Main Street 06-002560 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BO2008-074

Owner: Boonsboro Mayor & Council PHONE: 301-432-5690

Applicant: Cronise Corporation PHONE: 301-432-2868

Address: 6573 Gilardi Road, Boonsboro

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 328 Lot:

Project: Restore Trolley Station

Applied: 10/29/08 Town Approved: 10/29/08 County Approved: PENDING

Location: 6741 Old National Pike 06-023746 Total Fee: $447.15

Permit No: BO2008-075

Owner: Boonsboro Bible Church PHONE: 240-818-1473

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 6741 Old National Pike

Zone: GC Map: 73 Parcel: 121 Lot:

Project: Enclose pavilion including framed windows, insulation, heating

Applied: 11/4/08 Town Approved: 11/4/08 County Approved: PENDING

Location: 201 Young Ave 06-004792 Total Fee: $90.00

Permit No: BN2008-01

Owner: Sharon Shaffer PHONE: 301-471-2181

Applicant: same PHONE:

Address: 201 Young Avenue

Zone: SR Map: 601 Parcel: 703 Lot: 1

Project: To replace existing shed with 10’x10’ new shed

Applied: 01/11/08 Town Approved: 01/11/08

Location: 51 South Main Street 06-001483 Total Fee: $88.00

Permit No: BN2008-02

Owner: Steven Gigeous PHONE: 301-432-6648

Applicant: same PHONE:

Address: 51 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 786

Project: Place a 10’x8’ shed on the rear of the property

Applied: 01/14/08 Town Approved: 01/14/08

Location: 206 Graystone Drvie 06-021247 Total Fee: $81.60

Permit No: BN2008-03

Owner: James & Janice Porter PHONE: 301-432-4939

Applicant: Same PHONE: Same

Address: 206 Graystone Drive

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 358 Lot: 123

Project: Install a 16’ long ramp to be attached to deck- 33” drop

Applied: 02/25/08 Town Approved: 02/25/08

Location: 11 McKeldin Drive 06-002625 Total Fee: $92.00

Permit No: BN2008-004

Owner: Donald & Nancy Cronise PHONE: 301-991-5644

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 11 McKeldin Drive

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 671 Lot:

Project: Place a portable on-demand storage unit on property (temporarily)

Applied: 03/03/08 Town Approved: 03/03/08

Location: 104 North Main Street 06-011160 Total Fee: $80.00

Permit No: BN2008-005

Owner: David & Vickie Myers PHONE: 301-432-8408

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 104 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 417 Lot: 1

Project: Recreate driveway with gravel and cover other driveway

Applied: 03/25/08 Town Approved: 03/25/08

Location: 202 David Drive 06-020372 Total Fee: $94.30

Permit No: BN2008-006

Owner: Glenn & Stella Jerome PHONE: 301-432-4879

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 202 David Drive

Zone: SR Map: 600 Parcel: 358 Lot: 94

Project: Construct a 11’x13’ stone pad for a 10’x12’ pre-fab shed

Applied: 04/01/08 Town Approved: 04/01/08

Location: 101 Conestoga Ct 06-030653 Total Fee: $94.40

Permit No: BN2008-007

Owner: Joseph & Melissa Raymond PHONE: 410-336-4997

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 101 Conestoga Ct

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C29

Project: Construct a 12’x12’ pergola

Applied: 05/16/08 Town Approved: 05/16/08

Location: 16 Holder Court 06-032508 Total Fee: $89.60

Permit No: BN2008-009

Owner: Bret Thompson PHONE: 301-432-4768

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 16 Holder Court

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 33

Project: Construct a 8’x12’ shed

Applied: 06/16/08 Town Approved: 06/16/08

Location: 21 Zachary Court 06-032773 Total Fee: $88.00

Permit No: BN2008-010

Owner: Donald & Kathy Nagl PHONE: 301-432-7665

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 21 Zachary Court

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 21

Project: Construct a 8’x10’ shed

Applied: 07/03/08 Town Approved: 07/03/08

Location: 204 Young Avenue 06-009263 Total Fee: $94.00

Permit No: BN2008-011

Owner: Thomas E. Long PHONE: 301-432-8946

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 204 Young Avenue

Zone: SR Map: 601 Parcel: 713 Lot: 11

Project: Construct a 10’x14’ shed

Applied: 07/07/08 Town Approved: 07/07/08

Location: 16 Della Lane 06-012531 Total Fee: $95.00

Permit No: BN2008-012

Owner: Donald W. Reeder PHONE: 301-432-6317

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 16 Della Lane

Zone: SR Map: 601 Parcel: 357 Lot:7

Project: Place a 15’ diameter gazebo in rear yard

Applied: 07/11/08 Town Approved: 07/11/08

Location: 405 Brookridge Drive 06-027563 Total Fee: $89.60

Permit No: BN2008-013

Owner: Timothy & Julie Selin PHONE: 301-432-7077

Applicant: More & Better Sheds PHONE: 301-432-7100

Address: Boonsboro, MD

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B26

Project: 8’ x 12’ shed

Applied: 08/04/08 Town Approved: 08/04/08

Location: 216 Southgate Drive 06-001459 Total Fee: $83.00

Permit No: BN2008-014

Owner: Chauncey Rohrer PHONE: 301-432-2298

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 216 Southgate Drive

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1398 Lot:53

Project: Build a handicap ramp off front stoop of home

Applied: 08/18/08 Town Approved: 08/18/08

Location: 707 Brookridge Drive 06-029809 Total Fee: $81.00

Permit No: BN2008-015

Owner: Steven & Leslie Gordon PHONE: 301-432-0740

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 707 Brookridge Drive

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C3

Project: 6’x 10’ cut to extend driveway

Applied: 09/15/08 Town Approved: 09/15/08

Location: 104 Chieftan Lane 06-030904 Total Fee: $92.00

Permit No: BN2008-016

Owner: Mitchell Lake & Catherine Reuter PHONE: 301-471-2322

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 104 Chieftan Lane

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: C51

Project: 10’ x 12’ shed

Applied: 09/18/08 Town Approved: 09/18/08

Location: 311 North Main Street 06-003680 Total Fee: $100.00

Permit No: BN2008-017

Owner: William Tritapoe PHONE: 301-491-1041

Applicant: same PHONE: same

Address: 311 North Main Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 346 Lot: 1

Project: 10’ x 20’ shed

Applied: 11/6/08 Town Approved: 11/6/08

Location: 7708 Old National Pike 06-004040 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-01

Owner: Teresa Mills PHONE: 301-432-8112

Tenant: Rain or Shine Tanning Salon PHONE: 301-432-8112

Address: 7708 Old National Pike

Zone: GC Map: 68 Parcel: 130

Project: Projecting Business Sign

Applied: 01/16/08 Town Approved: 01/16/08

Location: 27 South Main Street 06-015735 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-02

Owner: Jeffrey & Bethany Worth PHONE: 301-432-7330

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 27 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 793

Project: Place a wall sign above business

Applied: 03/04/08 Town Approved: 03/04/08

Location: 1 South Main Street 06-006841 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-03

Owner: Wilder Family, LLC PHONE: 301-432-7727

Tenant: Lettie Gordon “Palettie” PHONE: 301-432-5445

Address: 34 Skyline Ct, Keedysville, MD 21756

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 799

Project: Painted sign for restaurant “Palettie- A Gourmet Bistro and Catering Restaurant”

Applied: 04/01/08 Town Approved: 04/01/08

Location: 7644 Old National Pike 06-012817 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-04

Owner: Joe Reese PHONE: 301-491-4467

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 7644 Old National Pike

Zone: GC Map: 68 Parcel: 184

Project: Free-standing business sign for “Reese’s Equipment Sales”

Applied: 04/24/08 Town Approved: 04/24/08

Location: 146 South Main Street 06-0005535 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-05

Owner: Enkore Realty, LLC PHONE: 240-674-1859

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 5231 Buckeystown Pike, Frederick, MD 21704

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 768

Project: Temporary Banner

Applied: 04/29/08 Town Approved: 04/29/08

Location: 69 South Main Street 06-011772 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-06

Owner: Robert H. Kells PHONE: 301-432-2184

Tenant: Robert Barrett “Boonsboro Automotive” PHONE: 301-685-3141

Address: 69 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 781

Project: Wall Sign on front of building “Now Open”, “Boonsboro Automotive 1-800-421-7554”

Applied: 06/10/08 Town Approved: 06/10/08

Location: 146 South Main Street 06-005535 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-07

Owner: Enkore Realty, LLC PHONE: 240-674-1859

Tenant: Enkore Kids PHONE: 240-674-1859

Address: 146 South Main Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 768

Project: Wall Sign on front of building “Enkore Kids”

Applied: 06/30/08 Town Approved: 06/30/08

Location: 20 North Main Street 06-005535 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-08

Owner: Inn Boonsboro, Inc PHONE: 301-432-7727

Tenant: Gifts Inn Boonsboro PHONE: 301-432-7727

Address: 20 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 425

Project: Projecting 3’ x 3’ sign “Gifts Inn Boonsboro”

Applied: 08/07/08 Town Approved: 08/07/08

Location: 6-8 South Main Street 06-001912 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-09

Owner: Kathy Hartle PHONE: 301-491-4900

Tenant: Ted’s Place PHONE: 240-675-4383

Address: 9235 Mountain Meadows Drive, Boonsboro MD 21713

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 737

Project: Suspended 3’ x 3’ sign

Applied: 08/20/08 Town Approved: 08/20/08

Location: 141 South Main Street 06-024874 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-10

Owner: Reeder’s Memorial Home PHONE: 301-432-5457

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 141 South Main Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 770

Project: Monument Sign

Applied: 11/4/08 Town Approved: 11/4/08

Location: 210 North Main Street 06-000339 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-11

Owner: Lisa Piston PHONE: 301-529-4208

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 210 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 329

Project: Wall Sign “South Mountain Day Spa”

Applied: 11/10/08 Town Approved: 11/10/08

Location: 69 South Main Street 06-011772 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-12

Owner: Robert Kells PHONE: 301-432-2184

Tenant: Robert Barrett PHONE: 301-685-3141

Address: 69 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 781

Project: Wall Sign “Awesome Yarn & Gifts”

Applied: 11/14/08 Town Approved: 11/14/08

Location: 210 North Main Street 06-000339 Total Fee: $20.00

Permit No: BS08-13

Owner: Lisa Piston PHONE: 301-529-4208

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 210 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 329

Project: Wall Sign “South Mountain Day Spa” on Secondary Building Frontage

Applied: 11/18/08 Town Approved: 11/18/08

Location: 114 Grove Lane 06-020887 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-01

Owner: Curtis & Celeste Hornbecker PHONE: 301-797-6528

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 114 Grove Lane

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 538 Lot: 13

Project: Establish an in-home occupation for a hair salon

Applied: 01/17/08 Town Approved: 03/19/08

Location: 702 Chase Six Blvd 06-031897 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-02

Owner: Weis Markets, Inc PHONE:

Tenant: H&R Block c/o Christa Boyer PHONE: 301-432-5880

Address: 702 Chase Six Blvd

Zone: GC Map: 68 Parcel: 559 Lot: 1

Project: Open H&R Block Tax Service Business

Applied: 02/06/08 Town Approved: 02/06/08

Location: 8 North Main St 06-012868 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-03

Owner: Virginia Morgan PHONE:

Tenant: Matt McTigue PHONE: 301-432-2871

Address: 6133 Vantage Ct, Boonsboro, MD

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 427

Project: Open IT Service Shop

Applied: 02/11/08 Town Approved: 02/11/08

Location: 29 North Main St 06-006698 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-04

Owner: Hillard Hull PHONE:

Tenant: Pete Buchanan PHONE: 301-223-7669

Address: 29 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 434

Project: Establish new single family detached dwelling lot with varied lot and width sizes

Applied: 02/20/08 Town Approved:

Location: 21 South Main Street 06-016715 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-05

Owner: Leroy Daugherty PHONE: 301-432-5404

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 21 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 795 Lot:

Project: Operate an in-home occupation for fitness business

Applied: 03/03/08 Town Approved: 03/05/08

Location: 1 South Main Street 06-006841 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-06

Owner: Wilder Family, LLC PHONE: 301-432-7727

Tenant: Lettie Gordon PHONE: 301-432-5445

Address: 34 Skyline Ct, Keedysville, MD 21756

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 799 Lot:

Project: Open restaurant in 1st Floor of building “Palettie”

Applied: 04/01/08 Town Approved: 04/01/08

Location: 311 North Main Street 06-003680 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-07

Owner: Terry Hutzell PHONE: 301-432-5180

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 20427 Locust Grove Road, Rohrersville, MD 21779

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 346 Lot:

Project: Create new single family lot

Applied: 04/11/08 Town Approved:

Location: 7644 Old National Pike 06-012817 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-08

Owner: Joe Reese PHONE: 301-491-4467

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address:7644 Old National Pike

Zone: GC Map: 68 Parcel: 184 Lot:

Project: Operate Equipment Sales Business

Applied: 04/24/08 Town Approved: 04/24/08

Location: 9 St Paul Street, 3rd Floor 06-024890 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-09

Owner: Boonsboro Professional Center, LLC PHONE:

Tenant: Shannon Murphy PHONE: 301-432-8585

Address: 9 St. Paul Street, 3rd Floor

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 591 Lot:

Project: Operate a physical therapy office “Bodysense PT, LLC”

Applied: 04/30/08 Town Approved: 04/30/08

Location: 403 Brookridge Drive 06-027555 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-010

Owner: Robert Poling PHONE: 301-432-4746

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 403 Brookridge Drive

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: 25

Project: Build an attached deck on existing pool within side and rear setback

Applied: 06/13/08 Town Approved: 7/16/08

Location: 21 North Main Street 06-023568 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-011

Owner: Boonsboro Mayor and Council PHONE: 301-432-5141

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 21 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 432 Lot:

Project: Lease office space in part of old library to Del. Chris Shank

Applied: 07/02/08 Town Approved: 07/02/08

Location: 311 North Main Street 06-003680 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-012

Owner: William Tritapoe PHONE: 301-491-1041

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 311 North Main Street

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 346 Lot:

Project: New single family dwelling with 9’ side setbacks rather than 10’ minimum

Applied: 07/17/08 Town Approved: PENDING

Location: 9 South Main Street 06-009468 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-013

Owner: John Shaff PHONE: 240-675-0276

Tenant: Shaff’s Well Drilling PHONE: same

Address: 9 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 797 Lot:

Project: Change of Use from Well Drilling Business to Arts & Crafts Gen. Retail (“Shaff’s Country Corner”)

Applied: 08/04/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 19 North Main Street 06-023568 Total Fee: WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-014

Owner: Boonsboro Mayor & Council PHONE: 301-432-5141

Tenant: Municipal Administration PHONE: same

Address: 19 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 432 Lot:

Project: Utilize vacant space for offices and meeting hall

Applied: 08/06/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 121 North Main Street 06-003273 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-015

Owner: St. James Catholic Church PHONE: 301-432-2887

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 32 East Potomac Street, Williamsport, MD 21795

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 444 Lot:

Project: Utilize home for church offices

Applied: 08/18/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 204 North Main Street 06-005926 Total Fee: Waived

Permit No: BZ08-016

Owner: Robert Vanreenen PHONE: 240-291-0504

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 204 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 332 Lot:

Project: Vary side setback for 3 car garage

Applied: 08/21/08 Town Approved: PENDING

Location: 210 North Main Street 06-000339 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-017

Owner: Thomas & Lisa Piston PHONE: 301-824-2641

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 10204 Easterday Court, Hagerstown, MD 21742

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 329 Lot:

Project: Open a Personal Service Business (Spa/Wellness Center)

Applied: 08/28/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Permit No: BZ08-018 VOID

Location: 301 Lanafield Court 06-004074 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-019

Owner: Thurston & Carole Faulder PHONE: 301-432-6415

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 301 Lanafield Court

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1443 Lot: 72

Project: Demolish existing 10’ x 20’ accessory building and replace with 35’ x 20 building

Applied: 09/15/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 101 Mason Place 06-028-276 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-020

Owner: Robert & Leigh McFarland PHONE: 301-416-2545

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 101 Mason Place

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B59

Project: Establish an In-Home Occupation for wedding/specialty cake business

Applied: 09/23/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 16 North Main Street 06-028403 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-021

Owner: ERW Family, LLC PHONE: 301-432-0090

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 16 North Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 425 Lot: 1

Project: Open general retail (gift shop) “Gifts Inn Boonsboro”

Applied: 09/23/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 69 South Main Street 06-011772 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZ08-022

Owner: Robert Kells PHONE: 301-432-7605

Tenant: Robert Barrett PHONE: 301-685-3141

Address: 69 South Main Street

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 781 Lot:

Project: Open general retail (yarn shop) “Awesome Yarns”

Applied: 09/26/08 Town Approved: APPROVED

Location: 5 Zachary Court 06-032370 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-023

Owner: Jeffrey & Suzette Summers PHONE: 301-432-6886

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 5 Zachary Court

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 21

Project: Operate an In-Home Family Day Care

Applied: 10/10/08 Town Approved: PENDING

Location: 10 Thompson Court 06-029108 Total Fee: $WAIVED

Permit No: BZ08-024

Owner: Randy Tew PHONE: 301-432-5352

Tenant: same PHONE: same

Address: 10 Thompson Court

Zone: TR(2) Map: 601 Parcel: 360 Lot: 144

Project: Build stairs off deck within side setback

Applied: 11/17/08 Town Approved: PENDING

Location: 114 Grove Lane 06-020887 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZA08-01

Appellant: Celeste Hornbecker PHONE: 301-797-6528

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 538 Lot: 13

Hearing Date: March 18, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a special exception request by Celeste Hornbecker, appellant, to establish an in-home occupation for a hair salon in accordance with Article 3, §305.15. The special exception request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1006 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: January 17, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 03/18/08

Location:27-29 North Main St 06-006698 Total Fee: $315.00

Permit No: BZA08-02

Appellant: Pete Buchanan PHONE: 301-223-7669

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 434

Hearing Date: March 18, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a variance request by Pete Buchanan, appellant, to vary the lot size and width requirements for a single family detached dwelling in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The variance request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1005 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: February 20, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 03/18/08

Location: 311 North Main Street 06-003680 Total Fee: $315.00

Permit No: BZA08-03

Appellant: Ed Schreiber with Frederick, Seibert, & Assoc. PHONE: 301-791-3650

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 346 Lot:

Hearing Date: May 20, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a variance request by Ed Schreiber on behalf of Terry Hutzell, appellant, to vary the width requirements for a single family residential Dwelling in the TR Zone in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The variance request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1005 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: April 11, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 5/20/08

Location: 403 Brookridge Drive 06-027555 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZA08-04

Appellant: Robert Poling PHONE: 301-432-4746

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: 25

Hearing Date: July 15, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a variance request by Robert Poling, appellant, to vary the side and rear setback requirements for a deck attached to the existing pool in the SR Zone in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The variance request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1005 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: June 13, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 7/15/08

Location: 204 North Main Street 06-005926 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZA08-05

Appellant: Robert Vanreenen PHONE: 240-291-0504

Zone: TC Map: 601 Parcel: 332

Hearing Date: September 16, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a variance request by Robert Vanreenen, appellant, to vary the side setback requirement for a three car garage in the TC Zone in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The variance request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1005 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: August 21, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 9/16/08


Location: 301 Lanafield Court 06-004075 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZA08-07

Appellant: Thurston Faulder PHONE: 301-432-6415

Zone: TR Map: 600 Parcel: 1443

Hearing Date: October 21, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a variance request by Thurston Faulder, appellant, to reduce the side setback from 10’ to 5’ and reduce the rear setback requirement from 20’ to 5’ for a 35’ x 20’ accessory building in the TR Zone in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The variance request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1005 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: September 15, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 10/21/08

Location: 101 Mason Place 06-028276 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZA08-08

Appellant: Leigh McFarland PHONE: 301-416-2545

Zone: SR Map: 602 Parcel: 845 Lot: B59

Hearing Date: October 21, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a special exception request by Leigh McFarland, appellant, to establish an in-home occupation to produce and distribute wedding/specialty cakes in the SR Zone in accordance with Article 3, §305.B.15. The special exception request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1006 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: September 23, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 10/21/08

Location: 5 Zachary Court 06-032370 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BZA08-09

Appellant: Suzette Summers PHONE: 301-432-6886

Zone: TR Map: 68 Parcel: 554 Lot: 21

Hearing Date: November 18, 2008

Reason for Hearing: to hear a special exception request by Suzette Summers, appellant, to establish an in-home family day care of up to eight (8) children in the TR Zone in accordance with Article 3, §305.B.16. The special exception request is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 10, Section 1006 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: October 10, 2008 Commission Decision: APPROVED 11/18/08

Location: 311 North Main Street 06-003680 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BOAP08-01

Appellant: William Tritapoe PHONE: 301-491-1041

Zone: TR Map: 601 Parcel: 346 Lot:

Reason for Administrative Adjustment: to hear a variance request by William Tritapoe, appellant, to vary the side setback requirement of 10’ to 9’ for a new single family dwelling in the TR Zone in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The Administrative Adjustment is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 9, Section 905 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: July 17, 2008 Zoning Administrator’s Decision: APPROVED

Location: 10 Thompson Court 06-029108 Total Fee: $165.00

Permit No: BOAP08-02

Appellant: Randy Tew PHONE: 301-432-5352

Zone: TR(2) Map: 601 Parcel: 360 Lot: 144

Reason for Administrative Adjustment: to hear a variance request by Randy Tew, appellant, to vary the side setback requirement of 15’ to 12’ for stairs attached to the existing deck in the TR(2) Zone in accordance with Article 4, §401.A.1. The Administrative Adjustment is in accordance with the procedures provided under Article 9, Section 905 of the Boonsboro Zoning Ordinance.

Applied: November 17, 2008 Zoning Administrator’s Decision: APPROVED


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