Archived: GEAR UP Program Draft Parent Survey

Archived Information


According to our records, _____________________ is participating in __________________________, our GEAR UP project.

Please answer the following questions with respect to the child listed above. These questions are about his/her experiences with school and your expectations for your child’s future.

The purpose of this survey is to help us to determine whether the GEAR UP project your child is participating in is doing a good job. The information you provide will not be discussed with anyone and your child will not get into trouble because of your responses.


1. For each subject, about how much time does your child spend on homework EACH DAY?

| | | | |3 or more |They’re not |Don’t know |

| |None |1 |2 | |taking | |

|English |( |( |( |( |( |( |

|Science |( |( |( |( |( |( |

|Math |( |( |( |( |( |( |

|History/social studies |( |( |( |( |( |( |

|All other subjects |( |( |( |( |( |( |

2. What type of student do you consider your child? Think about your child’s academic performance in school and his or her study habits.

Excellent (

Good (

Fair (

Poor (

3. Have you talked with anyone at your child’s school about the courses or grades your child needs in order to graduate from high school?

Yes (

No (

4. Do you feel you have enough information about the graduation requirements for high school?

Yes (

No (

5. How often do you attend activities or events at your child’s school?

Frequently (

Occasionally (

Seldom (

Never (


6. Who provides your child with information about options for continuing his or her education after high school?

Yes No

Myself ( (

Other adults at home ( (

Siblings ( (

Teacher(s) at school ( (

Coach at school ( (

Other school staff ( (

His or her friends ( (

GEAR UP tutor ( (

GEAR UP mentor ( (

Other GEAR UP staff ( (

Someone else (Who? ) ( (

Don’t know ( (

8. How far in school would you like to see your child go? (CHECK ONLY ONE)

Should get a certificate from a vocational,

trade or business school (less than 2-year program) (

Should get an Associate’s (AA) degree or

2-year degree from a community college (

Should get a Bachelor’s (BA) degree or

4-5 year degree from a college or university (

Should get a graduate or professional degree

such as a Master’s (MA), doctorate (Ph.D.),

law (JD), or medical (MD) degree (

Should not continue his or her education after high school (

Don’t know (

9. If your child does not continue his or her education after high school, what would be the main reason? (CHECK ONE)

It costs too much or cannot afford it (

College is too far from home (

He/she needs or wants to work (

His/her grades are not good enough (

He/she is not interested (

He/she wants to join the military service (

It is not necessary for job he/she wants to do (

Some other reason (describe: __________________________) (


10. Have you talked with anyone at your child’s school about the courses and grades he/she needs to get into college?

Yes (

No (

11. As you may know, there are three basic types of postsecondary institutions. Are you familiar with the entrance requirements for each of these types of schools?

Yes No

2-year or community colleges ( (

4-year colleges or universities ( (

Vocational, trade or business schools ( (

12. Have you talked with your child about attending college?

Yes (

No (

13. Have you started saving any money for your child’s college education?

Yes (

No (

14. How much do you think it costs to attend a 4-year public college in your state?

| | |

|4-year public college |$_________ |

15. Do you think your child would be able to afford to attend a 4-year public college or university after high school?

Definitely (

Probably (

Not Sure (

I doubt it (

Definitely not (

16. FOR PARENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS ONLY: Has your child applied to any colleges for next year?

No, my child doesn’t plan on attending college (

No, but my child plans to apply (

Yes, my child applied to a 4-year college or university (

Yes, my child applied to a 2-year college (

17. Have you heard of the following source of money for education beyond high school?

| |Yes |No |

|Federal Pell Grants |( |( |

|Federal student loans |( |( |

|Federal work-study |( |( |

|State scholarships |( |( |

|Institutional scholarships |( |( |

|Private or academic scholarships |( |( |

|Athletic scholarships |( |( |

18. Do you think your child is likely to qualify for enough of the above sources of financial assistance to attend college?

Yes (

No (

Don’t know (


19. Does your child attend Gear Up program activities regularly?

Yes (

No (

Don’t know (

20. Do you feel these activities are helping your child prepare to go to college after high school?

Yes (

No (

Don’t know (

Child is not going to college (

21. Have you attended any events provided by or sponsored by the GEAR UP project?

Yes (

No (

22. FOR THOSE WHO ANSWERED “YES” IN QUESTION 20. Which of the following types of GEAR UP activities have you attended?

| | |Did not attend |Not offered |

| |Attended | | |

|Workshop on types of financial aid available |( |( |( |

|Workshop on filling out the federal financial | | | |

|aid forms (also known as FAFSA) | | | |

| |( |( |( |

|Workshop on preparing your child for college | | | |

| |( |( |( |

|Workshop on career opportunities |( |( |( |

|Some other workshop |( |( |( |

|Visited a college |( |( |( |

|Attended a cultural event |( |( |( |

|Some other type of activity |( |( |( |

|Attended some other GEAR UP family activity | | | |

| |( |( |( |

|Other (specify) ___________ |( |( |( |

23. In general, do you feel that the activities you attended were helpful to you?

Very helpful (

Somewhat helpful (

Not helpful (

24. IF YOU THINK YOUR CHILD NEEDS ADDITIONAL HELP, What other help do you think your child needs to help them prepare for college?

25. As part of your child’s participation in the program, has he or she received a 21st Century Scholar Certificate? This certificate indicates how much financial assistance your child may be eligible to receive from the federal government for college.

Yes (

No (

26. for those who answered “yes” in question 24, Has receiving the 21st Century Scholar Certificate changed your plans for your child about going to college?

Yes (

No (

27. During this school year, how frequently have you spoken with GEAR UP staff about your child?

Frequently (

Occasionally (

A few times (

Once or Twice (

Never (

28. In general, how satisfied are you with the GEAR UP project?

Very satisfied (

Satisfied (

Somewhat satisfied (

Dissatisfied (


29. What is your highest level of education?

Less than high school diploma (

High school diploma (

Certificate program (less than 2-year degree) (

AA or Associates degree (2-year degree) (

BA or Bachelor’s degree (4-5 year degree) (

Graduate or professional degree (MA, Ph.D., law, MD) (

30. Are there any other adults living in your household?

Yes (

No (

31. Is anyone in your family currently attending college?

Yes (

No (

Not sure (

32. Are you . . .

Male? or (

Female? (

33. How do you describe yourself? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

American Indian or Alaska Native (

Asian (

Black or African American (

Hispanic or Latino (

White (

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (

Other (Describe) (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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