The College Promise in California

The College Promise in California

A Collection of Program Profiles


About REL West

The Regional Educational Laboratory West (REL West) at WestEd, serving Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah, is part of a national network of 10 RELs whose mission is to provide research, analytic support, and resources that increase the use of highquality data and evidence in education decision-making.

Most REL West work is carried out in partnership with educators--from state and local decision-makers to district and school support providers and practitioners--through eight regional research alliances.

This booklet can be found online at:

For more information, contact Mary Rauner at relwest@ This booklet was developed for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) under Contract ED-IES-12-C-0002 by Regional Educational Laboratory West administered by WestEd. The content of the booklet does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of IES or the U.S. Department of Education nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This REL West booklet is in the public domain.

Table of Contents

Map of California College Promise Programs -- August 2016


Introduction to California College Promise Program Profiles


Adopt a Fifth Grader Program............................................................ 5

Cabrillo Commitment S4C Scholarships......................................... 7

Cerritos Complete................................................................................. 9

College of Alameda Promise.............................................................. 11

College of the Siskiyous Promise...................................................... 13

The Cuesta Promise.............................................................................. 15

Folsom Lake College/Rancho Cordova College Promise.......... 19

Higher Edge Promise............................................................................ 21

Long Beach College Promise............................................................. 25

Los Angeles College Promise............................................................. 31

Oakland Promise.................................................................................... 33

Ontario-Montclair Promise Programs.............................................. 37

Richmond Promise................................................................................ 41

San Diego Promise (Pilot Program)................................................... 45

The San Marcos Promise..................................................................... 47

Santa Ana College Promise................................................................ 51

Santa Barbara City College Promise................................................ 57

The Skyline College Promise.............................................................. 61

South Bay Promise................................................................................. 65

Valley-Bound Commitment................................................................ 69

Ventura College Promise..................................................................... 73

West Hills Community College District........................................... 77

West Valley College Community Grant.......................................... 81

Appendix A. List of California College Promise Programs


Appendix B. Timeline for California College Promise Programs


Appendix C. California College Promise Programs by District Affiliation




Map of California College Promise Programs -- August 2016

1 The College Promise in California: A Collection of Program Profiles


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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