Basic Interview Questions - Bill Collins

Basic Interview Questions

1. Hi! My name is------

(other person introduces her/himself)

2. So [ name ] where are you from? [Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? [Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

4. What do you like to do for fun? [Answer:   ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

5. What kinds of things are you good at? [Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

6. Where do you live now? (dorm, with family, etc.) [Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

7. What’s your major? [Answer:         ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

8. Have you joined any clubs here at the university? [Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

9. Are you working anywhere?

[Answer:   ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

10. What are two things you’d like to try? [some challenge/ exciting thing / unusual thing / exotic food]

[Answer:   ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

11. Do you go out with friends a lot? [Answer:    ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

12. Can you --------? (example: cook / play any musical instruments)

[Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

13. Do you [go shopping / go to the movies / go to concerts / play sports ] much?

[Answer: ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

14. What are your interests? [Answer:        ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

15. Are you dating anyone? [Answer:         ]

[Follow-up question: ]

[Answer: ]

Now, try to ask the questions again without looking at the English.

1) 私はOOです。[あなたは?]

2) 出身はどこ?

3) 兄弟は?

4) 楽しいこといつも何をしている?

5) 何が得意?

6) 今どこに住んでいる?

7) 何学部?

8) サークルやクラブに入った?

9) 何かバイトをしている?

10) やってみたいことを2つ教えて下さい。

11) よく友達と出掛ける?

12) [料理できますか?]と[何か楽器を弾ける?]

13) たまに [買い物に行きますか?・映画を見る?・コンサートに行く?スポーツをやる?]

14) 趣味や興味のあるものは何ですか?

15) 好きな人がいる?


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