Part B: Changes, Cycles, & Relationships (30 points)


Deadline: Friday, April 12th 2013

Unit Objectives:

1. * Explain the theory of plate tectonics.

2. * Describe the three types of plate boundaries.

3. Explain how stress in the crust changes Earth’s surface.

4. Describe where faults are usually found and why they form.

5. * Identify the land features that result from plate movement.

6. * Describe how the energy of an earthquake travels through Earth.

7. * Identify the scales used to measure the strength of an earthquake.

8. Explain how scientists locate the epicenter of an earthquake.

9. Explain how seismographs work.

10. Describe how geologists monitor faults.

11. * Explain how seismographic data are used.

*Accommodation of special needs students (SE, ELL, 504, G & T):

❖ Classes are split based on abilities for small group instruction.

❖ Guided notes

❖ Extended/ additional testing time.

❖ Modified grading criteria

* Ask test prep: See above starred

Core Content Standards Addressed:

NJCCCS: 5.4.8.B.1-2, 5.4.8.C.1-3. 5.4.8. D1-3, and 5.4.8.G.1-2

1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, & 8.1

5.2.12.A.1; 5.3.12.A.1-3&5-6; 5.3.12.D.1-3; 6.2.12.C.6.d;

Common Core: ELA-RST. 4-6 (Grades 6-8),

ELA-WHST. 1,2, 4-6, 8-10 (Grades 6-8) and M.7.RP, EE, G & SP) 

“…We have to be prepared always for the possibility that each new discovery, no matter what science furnishes I, may modify the conclusions we draw” ~ Alfred Wegener. The Origins of Continents and Oceans

|Mon. April 8 |Tues. April 9 |Wed. April 10 |Thurs. April 11 |Fri. April 12 |

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|Video: Earthquakes (VHS: 11 min) |Notes: Forces in Earth’s crust: Kinds of |Notes: Earthquakes and seismic waves |Assignment: Skills Lab |Internet connections for earthquakes: |

|Watch the video, Answer the questions |faults & Changing Earth | |Pages 58-59 |1. kids/quake.htm |

| | | | |Follow steps 1-4 |

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|*Notes: Types of stress | |Assignment: Complete 1 and 2 | |Find the latest earthquakes, complete today in |

| |Class Activity: |1. Math: Analyzing data Page 56 | |earthquake history, and cool earthquake facts. |

| |Identify and label types of stress and |2. Section 2 Assessment – Read pages 51-57 and| | |

| |faults. |answer questions 1-3 on page 57 | | |

|*Assignment: Choose 1 | | | | |

|1. Look at Figure 2 on page 45 and Answer the | | | |Mini-Layered Curriculum Due |

|following questions: |*Assignment: Choose 1 | | | |

|A. How does stress in the crust change Earth’s |1. Complete A and B | | | |

|surface? |A. Section 1 Assessment- Read Pages | | | |

|B. What type of landform results from tension? |(44-50) and answer questions 1-3 in |Article Analysis Due | | |

|What type of landform results form compression? |complete sentences. | | | |

|C. Draw and label the three kinds of stress: |B. Lab zone-At-Home Activity Modeling | | | |

|Compression, Tension and Shearing. |faults (Page 50) | | | |

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|2. Forces in Earth’s Crust Key |2. Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key | | | |

|Terms |Terms | | | |

|Define all twelve (12) terms listed on Page 44 |Define all eleven (11) terms listed on | | | |

| |Page 51 | | | |

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|General Information E-mail: stanflotien@burlington- Worksheets are available in the box and on my webpage. Oral defense required on assignments marked with asterisk (*) and as determined by the teacher. Turn in |

|assignments by next day/due date to avoid late penalty. |

|ARTICLE ANALYSIS: Choose a recent article on earthquake, hurricane, or tsunami - Print the rubric from my webpage -due by Wednesday April 10, 1013. |


















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