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Ancient Rome

A History

Second Edition

Ancient Rome

A History

Second Edition

D. Brendan Nagle

University of Southern California

2013 Sloan Publishing Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nagle, D. Brendan, 1936Ancient Rome : a history / D. Brendan Nagle, University of Southern California. -- Second edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-59738-042-3 -- ISBN 1-59738-042-3 1. Rome--History. I. Title. DG209.N253 2013 937--dc23 2012048713

Cover photo: Cover design by Amy Rosen, K&M Design

Sloan Publishing, LLC 220 Maple Road Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the Publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 13: 978-1-59738-042-3 ISBN 10: 1-59738-042-3

Brief Contents

Introduction: Rome in Context 1 Part One: The Rise of Rome 13

1 The Founding of the City 21 2 Early Rome: External Challenges 37 3 The Rise of Rome: How Did it Happen? 63 4 Roman Religion 86 5 Roman Society 107 Part II: Rome Becomes an Imperial Power 125 6 The Wars with Carthage 129 7 After Hannibal: Roman Expansion 145 Part III: The Fall of the Roman Republic 159 8 The Consequences of Empire 163 9 The Crisis of the Roman Republic: The Gracchi 187 10 After the Gracchi 198 11 The Fall of the Republic: From Sulla to Octavian 210 Part IV: The Republic Restored: The Principate of Augustus 239 12 The Augustan Settlement 247 Part V: Making Permanent the Augustan Settlement 269 13 The Julio-Claudians: Tiberius to Nero 273 14 From the Flavians to the Death of Commodus 289 Part VI: The Roman Empire: What Held it Together? 305 15 What Held the Empire Together: Institutional Factors 309 16 What Held the Empire Together: Social and Cultural Factors 337 Part VII: Rome on the Defense: The Third Century A.D. 359 17 Rome on the Defense 363 18 The Challenge of Monotheism 374 Part VIII:Late Antiquity:Rome Reinvents Itself 393 19 Recovery and Transformation 401 20 Final Transformations: East and West 416 Glossary 447 Suggested Readings 451 Credits 461 Index 463


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