High School Biology Problem Solving Drill – 20:The Skeletal, Muscular ...

[Pages:5]High School Biology Problem Solving Drill ? 20:The Skeletal, Muscular, & Integumentary Systems

Question No. 1 of 5

Instruction: (1) Read the problem statement carefully (2) Follow the outline to solve the problem on paper (3) Review the completion and compare with your own. (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.

Which bone cells are responsible for remodeling bone?

Question #01

(A) Osteocytes & Spongy Bone (B) Osteoblasts & Osteoclasts (C) Calcium & Matrix (D) Joints & Tendons (E) Actin & Myosin


(A) Incorrect! Spongy bone is a layer of bone. (B) Correct! These break down and produce bone. (C) Incorrect! The matrix refers to all of the parts

that hold a bone together. (D) Incorrect! Tendons attach muscles to bones. (E) Incorrect! These refers to muscle contraction.

Correct Answer

(B) Osteoblasts & Osteoclasts. Osteoblasts produce new bone and osteoclasts break down bone.

Detailed Solutions

Remodeling bone means breaking down or producing new bone. The body remodels bone in accordance to its needs, such as when more minerals like calcium are needed, the body breaks down bone to release the minerals into the blood. Osteoblasts reform the bone by depositing minerals back onto bone whereas osteoclasts break down bone to release the minerals into the blood.

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Question No. 2 of 5

Instruction: (1) Read the problem statement carefully (2) Follow the outline to solve the problem on paper (3) Review the completion and compare with your own. (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.

A person who has a weak immune system might have a disorder in which part of the skeletal system?

Question #02


(1) Identify the parts of the skeletal system. (2) Recognize that bones produce new immune

cells. (3) List the layers of bone. (4) Identify which layer produces new cells.

Correct Answer

Bone marrow produces new blood and immune cells. A person with a weak immune system might have problems with the bone marrow.

Detailed Solutions

The skeletal system is made mostly of bone. Bones have four layers: the periosteum, compact bone, spongy bone, and bone marrow. Bone marrow produces new blood and immune cells. Thus, a person with a weak immune system might have problems with the bone marrow.

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Question No. 3 of 5

Instruction: (1) Read the problem statement carefully (2) Follow the outline to solve the problem on paper (3) Review the completion and compare with your own. (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.

"The purpose of hair is to prevent dirt and moisture from entering the body."

Question #03

(A) True (B) False


(1) Identify the parts of the integumentary system. (2) Identify the role of the integumentary system. (3) Identify the function of hair. (4) Evaluate the statement.

Correct Answer

(A) True. Eyelashes, eyebrows, hair in the ear canals, and hair in the nostrils prevent dirt and moisture from entering the body.

Detailed Solutions

The integumentary system can be thought of as a protective system, to separate the body from the external environment. Hair is a dead layer of cells, and thus is used for protection. Eyelashes, eyebrows, hair in the ear canals, and hair in the nostrils prevent dirt and moisture from entering the body.

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Question No. 4 of 5

Instruction: (1) Read the problem statement carefully (2) Follow the outline to solve the problem on paper (3) Review the completion and compare with your own. (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.

What is the neurotransmitter released by a motor neuron to cause muscle contraction?

Question #04

(A) Actin (B) Myosin (C) Ossification (D) Glutamate (E) Acetylcholine


(A) Incorrect! Actin that makes up thin filaments. (B) Incorrect! Myosin makes up thick filaments. (C) Incorrect! Ossifcation is bone formation. (D) Incorrect! Glutamate is a different type of

neurotransmitter. (E) Correct! Acetylcholine is released to activate

muscle contraction.

Correct Answer

(E) Acetylcholine. The motor neuron releases acetylcholine to cause an electrical impulse in the muscle. The muscle releases calcium which causes muscle contraction.

Detailed Solutions

The nervous system controls voluntary muscle movements. When the brain wants to tell a body part to move, it sends an electrical signal down to the motor neuron. The motor neuron has to pass the electrical signal to the muscle. It does so by releasing neurotransmitter: acetylcholine. The muscle picks up the acetylcholine, which causes it to pick up the electrical signal. This electrical impulse causes the muscle cell to release calcium, which tells the myosin of thick filaments to pull the actin of thin filaments closer. The thin filaments get shorter, and this is muscle contraction.

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Question No. 5 of 5

Instruction: (1) Read the problem statement carefully (2) Follow the outline to solve the problem on paper (3) Review the completion and compare with your own. (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.

What is the basic unit of the skeletal muscle and what is it composed of? How does this basic unit bring about muscle contraction?

Question #05


(1) Identify the organization of muscles. (2) Identify the parts of a sarcomere. (3) Identify the interactions of thin

filaments and thick filaments. (4) Describe how this brings about

muscle contraction.

Correct Answer

The sarcomere is the basic unit of muscles. The thick filaments pull the thin filaments closer together, causing the thin to overlap with the thick filaments. This overlap shortens the muscle, and shortening is muscle contraction.

Detailed Solutions

A muscle is composed of many fibers. Each fiber is composed of many sarcomeres. Each sarcomere has thin (actin) filaments and thick (myosin) filaments. When the thick filaments yank the thin filaments closer together, the thin filaments shorten. Many sarcomeres shorten, thus the entire muscle shortens. This is contraction.

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