The Skeletal System I. Facts: A. Bones

[Pages:2]The Skeletal System

I. Facts: A. Bones ______ bones in an adult made of _____________________________ protected by periosteum (outer covering) B. Spongy bone "spongy" with holes (_________________________) C. Compact bone ___________________________

II. Skeleton: A. Axial skeleton parts = skull, vertebrae, ribs job = B. Appendicular skeleton parts = arms, shoulders, legs, pelvis job =

III. Cartilage skeletons of babies are mostly ________________________ bone replaces most cartilage by age 25 cartilage cushions the ends of ___________________________

IV. Joints A. What are they?

____________________________________ some cushioned with cartilage or fluid B. Types: immovable (cranium) Slightly movable (vertebrae) Movable (the rest)

V. Ligaments and Tendons A. Ligaments connects __________________________ B. Tendons connect ____________________________ if pulled, causes a ________________

Muscles I. Three types of muscle:

A. Skeletal muscle move bones (____________________________)

voluntary (______________________________) lots of nuclei & mitochondria for energy looks "striped" B. Smooth muscle found in organs, blood vessels, etc involuntary (_________________________________) no stripes, _____ nucleus per cell slow

C. Cardiac muscle found only in ________________

_________________________ constantly at work

II. Movement muscles only move bones in 1 direction, so they _________________________________ flexor=


III. Sliding filament theory (how muscles work) Muscle cells are called fibers Fibers are made of 2 proteins called actin (thin) & myosin (thick) Actin & myosin layers form a sarcomere o sarcomere = if muscles run out of ATP & calcium, they lock in place (causing cramps & rigor mortis)

Integumentary System

I. Function: Protection from: Infection by ___________________________________. Physical damage by objects, like a rock from entering your body.


II. Parts: * S






Oil glands release acidic oils to prevent fungal or bacterial infections.

Nails & hair are made of keratin. Nails protect your sensitive fingers and toes and hair

insulates you head by keeping it warm & preventing sunburn.

The sweat glands remove water, salt & urea from the blood. They also help cool the body

when it's too hot.

III. Layers: 1st layer: ______________________ ? the outer layer of the skin that contains pores that can release sweat, oils, and salt. Its cells contain lots of keratin and melatonin. The melanin is responsible for you getting a tan when exposed to sunlight.

2nd layer: ___________________ ? contains glands and cells that make elastin and collagen. Elastin makes skin flexible and collagen gives skin its shape (when it breaks down, you get wrinkles.

3rd layer: ____________________________: this layer protects and insulates the body (like blubber in penguins and whales).


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