California State University, Northridge


|(1) Record Keeping: Teachers have a professional responsibility to monitor, record and communicate student progress. Many schools |

|and districts have adopted networked grading systems, and some publish grades on secure websites. |

| |

|Use a your school's gradebook program to develop a report for a real or hypothetical class of ten or more students who are assessed|

|on five or more assignments. Submit a printout of your gradebook and the detailed report card (progress report) for an individual |

|student. If you do not have access to such a program, you may use Gradekeeper or download a sample shareware "gradebook" program. |


|(2) Assessment: Teachers must regularly assess student progress. Many textbook publishers make test construction easier by |

|providing test generators, software which allows the teacher to quickly compose tests and keys from question databases. Test |

|generators allow the teacher to input questions, and often provide databases of questions the teacher can select from. *TPE-tip A |

|well-structured exam may be used as an artifact for TPE3, Interpretation and Use of Assessments. |

| |

|Use a test generator to construct an exam composed of questions you have selected from existing question banks. |

| |

|Software such as Examview allows teachers to develop tests and post them on the Internet. Take this short physics quiz generated |

|with the Examview, or this geology quiz made with Quizmaker. Include a screen capture of your score (actual score is |

|inconsequential) and discuss the benefits and problems associated with online testing. |



One of the benefits associated with online testing is that as long as you have access to a computer and the internet you can take the test from any location you want to ex: home, office, etc… especially if your class or school is geographically located far away – it saves you the headache of driving through traffic and also a few dollars due to the high or rising gas prices.

On the other hand, one of the problems associated with online testing you do not have the actual professor or teacher readily available to ask questions if need clarification or have some confusion while taking the test.

|(3) Communication: Students benefit when teachers clearly state their expectations in written form. When these expectations are |

|availalbe on the Internet, all students and parents can benefit, particularly students who have been absent. A variety of |

|commercial resources exist with which teachers can post calendars, homework assignments, and other important documents. |

| |

|Put your class assignments on the web at Yourhomework , SchoolNotes or similar service. Include a screen capture of your published |

|assignment schedule. |


|(4) Presentations: Presentation software provides teachers the opportunity to display text and graphics in a slide show fashion. |

|PowerPoint and Keynote are two of the most popular presentation tools. Teachers and professors make extensive use of presentations,|

|but many are concerned about the potentially negative effects such presentations can have on instruction. *TPE-tip A well developed|

|educational presentation can serve as an artifact for TPE 4, Making Content Accessible, or TPE 10, Instructional Time, if used with|

|presenter tools. |

| |

|After reading the articles on the educational use and abuse of presentation software, summarize how presentations should be |

|constructed and delivered to maximize learning and minimize abuse. |

| |

|Locate and download one or more PowerPoint presentations relevant to your teaching needs. Include the URL of the location from |

|which you obtained them and summarize the PowerPoint and where in your curriculum you will use it. |

| |

|Make a PowerPoint presentation to teach a lesson in your subject area, keeping in mind the principles you have outlined above and |

|the guidelines provided (see tutorial). Your presentation should include numerous graphics and be at least 10 slides in length. (a)|

|Provide an electronic copy of your presentation (ppt format) on your website. (b) Embed screen captures of your presentation in |

|the template. Make sure the content is easy to read. |

| |

|Using iPhoto (Mac), Picasa (Windows), or similar slide viewer software, create a photo library for your discipline. You should |

|include photos you have taken plus ones retreived from a graphic search engine. Create two or three slide shows from the library. |

|Include a screen shot of the slide sorter window for one of your shows. Create a photopage for your website. |

| |

Presentations should be constructed and delivered that can appeal to a number of different learning styles. Presentations must be structured carefully – know the level and purpose by developing the contents appropriately depending on the target audience. A successful presentation has these key components – talk at a normal pace, utilized the visual and other media opportunities offered to enhance your presentation. Keep it simple and don’t overload your students with too much information when doing a power point presentation.

I chose this website with a power point presentation because it gives you the basic concepts or a template on how to go about in designing your own physical fitness / exercise program. This will be a valuable tool when I teach my physical fitness unit, which is one of the major components in a physical education curriculum. Students can individualize their own exercise programs that best fit their needs. The basic lessons or principles learned goes beyond the school setting and can be incorporated into their lives, which will help them lead a healthy and active lifestyle into their adult lives.

Power Point presentation:





|(5) Other resources: Complete three of the following, using content related to your curriculum whenever possible. |

| |

|Use Timeliner to create a timeline relevant to the curriculum you teach. |

|Develop an educational digital video. |

|Construct a professional resume using Word. |

|Develop a concept map with graphics and text. |

|Create a crossword puzzle or other puzzle relevant to your class. |

|Create and conduct an on-line survey form for one of your classes. |

|(a) Find the lowest cost of a specific piece of equipment (projector, computer, digital camera, etc.) for your classroom, (b) |

|identify the next national conference for your discipline, AND (c) determine the best airfare to attend the conference. |

1. Puzzle – Word Search:

Baseball Terms

i f l w c e a y e e v a s d f

r n f x f v n x l t w o i z x

n u n v s c f l b m f v z g z

l q b i r f w z u h i y t e c

b u i l n f v v o d b q l k y

p a e e q g a z d a p p h p t

v z o y y k w l l r i j o w e

s t r i k e e l v r t s u e u

n v b o f z x l t k g w i l c

x i a u v v a u g o l a o z m

v t x o m s r q h n e a o g b

w i q n u r e m o h i k b g u

t w s r q c v h j r b s e b n

f w w w x u m z s c o b a v t

v f t c r z s u g n s j z z k











10 of 10 words were placed into the puzzle.

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Created by Puzzlemaker at


2A) Lowest cost for an exercise bike:


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|[pic][pic]View Larger | |Description: |

| | |Stationary cycling is one of the most effective low-impact aerobic exercises for increasing |

|Stamina Products 15-5300 Silent| |your metabolism for more efficient calorie and fat burning without the impact on your joints. |

|Magnetic Resistance Upright | |Choose your own workout intensity with the 8-step adjustable tension control, or use one of |

|Bike | |the 6 preset programs: Fat Burn, Maximum Fat Burn, Aerobic, Hill, Interval, or Mountain. The |

| | |electronic, battery-operated monitor lets you know when you are working within your target |

| | |heart rate zone, and keeps you motivated during your workout by displaying speed, distance, |

| | |time, and calories burned. The aero handlebars have built-in pulse sensors take your pulse. |

| | |The oversized, molded seat is padded and adjustable to fit any size rider. Because it is an |

| | |impact-free activity, stationery cycling can be a lifelong form of exercise. For effective |

| | |aerobic exercise, work within your target heart rate zone (70% to 85% of your maximum heart |

| | |rate). |

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2B) National Conference:

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|[pi|Event Details | | | |

|c] |Back | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Event Name: | | | |

| |National Coaching Educators' Conference | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Event Location: | | | |

| |Indianapolis | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Start Date: | | | |

| |6/7/2007 | | | |

| | | | | |

| |End Date: | | | |

| |6/9/2007 | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Contact Name: | | | |

| |Christine Bolger | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Contact Telephone: | | | |

| |800-213-7193 | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Contact Email: | | | |

| |cbolger@ | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Event Details: | | | |

| |The conference will provide a forum for state-of-the-art information about coaching education and quality coaching practices. Coaches, administrators, | | | |

| |coaching certification representatives and coaching educators from across the country will access the latest information about coaching and preparation | | | |

| |of coaches, debate critical issues facing amateur sport and network with professionals in the field. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

2C) Airfare –From: Los Angeles to Indianapolis:


3) Resume:


(6) DVD: Develop a lesson using a computer-based DVD-player that includes bookmarks and video clips to access speficic scenes.

Itentify the DVD and explain why you chose this for a lesson.

Include a screen capture showing your catalog of bookmarks and video clips.

Describe how the scan fast, scan slow, step, mute, bookmark, video clip, and screen size features can be used to enhance your lesson.

I chose a Yoga DVD for my lesson because it incorporates the following

1. Strength – to hold the different yoga poses for a period of time (10 seconds)

2. Balance - holding the yoga poses without falling down

3. Flexibility – getting into the different yoga poses – you need to manipulate your body in various ways – reaching, twisting, stooping, etc.

Knowing how to use the different features on your DVD such as scan fast, scan slow, mute, etc. Allows you to teach and also for the children to learn and progress at their own pace. Mastery of a skill varies depending on the individual learner – some students will master the concepts at a slower rate than others. Therefore, they might need more practice time and repetition to acquire a specific skill or yoga pose. Advance learners can help their peers with the desired skills – if they are able to help and teach their classmates the proper technique is also a manner to gauge mastery because it reinforces what they have learned.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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