Title: Get Smart: When Life is Ridiculously Random

Text: Proverbs 10 – 20

Intro: The life of a teenager may be about as random as it comes! Have to deal…

Wake Up: How long do you sleep? How long do you stay in bed? Rest? Lazy?

House: What do you listen to? What gives you wisdom? How do you respond to your family? Do you decide to read your Bible?

Drive to School: Do you experience road rage?

At School: Think on so many different levels in different classes as a Christian.

Deal with so many different people.

Deal with so many different emotions.

After School: Hang out with friends. How to use wisdom.

Go to work.

Go shopping. Use wisdom.

Play sports. Use wisdom.

Go home all alone. Use wisdom.

Evening: Supper with family. How do you respond. What do you talk about? How do you receive instruction?

How hard do you work on your homework? What do you do with your time?

What do you do on the internet? What do you watch on TV? What do you listen to? Who do you chat/text with? What do you chat/text about? Use wisdom!

Need: Because life is so random, you have to be quick to think on your toes. You don’t always have time to stop, think, and pray before you make a decision. Those times do happen, but Proverbs is written for us to read and re-read, for us to internalize, and for us to be able to live-out at a moments notice. Proverbs is a book for natural reactions. So godliness and wisdom have to become 2nd nature to us.

Proverbs deals with issues like: Wisdom, and Instruction, Fathers and Parenting, Diligence and Laziness, Mouth and Words, Beauty and Brains, Generosity and Selfishness, Planning and Working, Money and Saving, Friendships and Family, Government and Laws, Lying and Gossip, Faith and Fear, Pride and Humility.

“Proverbs” are biblical truths with some exceptions.

Solomon wrote 3,000 Proverbs (1 Kings 3), but he probably didn’t just sit down and start writing 3,000 at once. Solomon is probably sitting down at the end of his day, thinking through his day, and reciting godly wisdom that he either used or wish he would have used after hindsight. Some people say Solomon was the wisest man to ever live. Not true. Jesus is! And if you think about wisdom…you are wiser than Solomon. I will show you how here in a minute… (Colossians 2:2-3).

The gospel is a call to a new life, not just a prayer to get to eternal life in heaven. If your gospel is just a one-time prayer, then you don’t have Jesus. But if the gospel is your key to a life with Jesus and for Jesus, and a call to live life like Jesus…then you get it! Colossians 1 is a prayer I need to be praying for you daily: that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will with all wisdom and understanding. God’s will is not just what college you go to, who you’re going to marry, and what kind of job you’re going to have. God’s will is Proverbs…how to live in daily wisdom. God reveals His mysterious future will to those who live His biblical will on a daily basis. Colossians 2:2-3 says that in Christ alone are where you can find the hidden treasures of knowledge and wisdom.

Remember, as Christians we are called to do this. We examine, evaluate, and pick-apart our days and our lives. What are we thinking? What are we saying? How are we acting? How are we living? What is our schedule? What needs to change? Where do we need apply more Christlike wisdom?

Truth: Because life is so ridiculously random, you have to be ready to wisely respond to anything.

So, here we go…in order to communicate the point that you’ve got to keep on your toes, that you’ve got to be ready with truths like the book of Proverbs at a moment’s notice…I’m going to preach whatever chapter of Proverbs that you call out from our chapters this week (10 – 20).

(preach random Proverb here)

What does it say? Comparison or Contrast? How do we live it for Jesus? Any examples?

Story: My nephew living by the moment. Running away, jumping out of the car, etc.

Challenge: Prepare yourself to respond in Christ-like wisdom to everything by meditating in the Proverbs often.


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