SAMS Participant Guide Template v2.0


Self Employment Income Reporting


Participant Guide

Version 1.1

Last Updated: 29/03/2016

Table of Contents

Before Getting Started 3

Disclaimer 3

Caution! 3

Steps are Documented based on the Scenarios 3

Information Notes 3

Toggling Between Applications in Microsoft Windows 3

Topic 1: Working with Self Employment Income and Expenses in the Month of Grant 4

Topic Objectives 4

Self Employment in the Month of Grant 4

Expenses and Expense Reporting 5

Self-Employment-related Expenses 6

Dependent Care Expenses 7

Activity 1: Guide Me – Capture Self Employment and Business-related Expenses in the Month of Grant 8

Knowledge Checkpoint 29

Topic 2: Working with Self Employment and Expenses for Ongoing Clients 30

Topic Objectives 30

Ongoing Client – Self Employment 30

Activity 2: Guide Me – Capture Self Employment and Business Expenses for an Ongoing Client 31

Knowledge Checkpoint 44

Topic 3: Summary & Next Steps 45

Self Study 46

Appendix: Answers to Knowledge Checkpoint 47

Topic 1 47

Topic 2 47

Supporting Documents 49

Release Notes 50

Before Getting Started


The scenarios contained within this document and the data in the training environment are fictitious in nature, contain no real client data, and are intended for the purposes of training only. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


[pic] To ensure the protection of sensitive data participants must not enter any real client data into the SAMS training environment at any time.

Steps are Documented based on the Scenarios

Note that not all page clusters and fields are documented within this guide. Only mandatory fields and fields that are important to the specific scenarios are included.

Detailed text information is included in some fields as an example of the type of information that may be required in the production environment; however, you may be asked to enter partial information for the purposes of this learning session.

Information Notes

[pic] Information notes are provided throughout this participant guide to highlight key points.

Toggling Between Applications in Microsoft Windows

During a virtual classroom session you may be asked to toggle between multiple applications such as the virtual classroom software, the online version of the SAMS Participant Guide in MS Word and a web browser through which you can access the SAMS Training Environment. To quickly toggle between applications in Microsoft Windows:

|[pic] | |

| |Press and hold the Alt key |

| |Press the Tab key to view all open|

| |applications |

| |Press Tab again to choose an |

| |application |

| |Release the Alt key to view the |

| |application selected |

Topic 1: Working with Self Employment Income and Expenses in the Month of Grant

Topic Objectives

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:

• Work with self-employment income and business-related expense evidence in the month of grant for a new application

Self Employment in the Month of Grant

If you are recording self-employment income during the month of grant, only the source income record needs to be entered (i.e., only the Self Employment record is required to be recorded.) The Gross Receipt record does not need to be entered.

Provincial legislation dictates that self-employed ODSP clients must report their income on an annual basis. (Reporting on a monthly basis is an exception for self-employed ODSP clients.)

The associated Income Reporting record can be set up so that the client does not need to report their self-employed income for 12 months. Once the 12-month period ends, the caseworker will be sent a notification informing them that the 12-month period has ended and the annual self-employed income reporting must be completed.

Expenses and Expense Reporting

There are two expense evidence types that ODSP clients can report which will affect the amount of their monthly entitlements, namely:

• Dependent Care Expense (e.g., babysitting, daycare, etc.).

• Employment Expense. This includes self-employment-related work expenses and disability-related work expenses (e.g., specialized transit services, attendant care services, specialized equipment, and sign-language interpreting).

The process in SAMS for monthly expense reporting is as follows:

|Step |Details |

|1 |For each type of expense, create a corresponding record of it on the client’s Integrated Case. For example, you |

| |might need to create one Dependent Care Expense (e.g., daycare) record and two Employment Expense records (e.g., |

| |one for a self-employment-related expense and the other for a disability-related work expense). |

|2 |For each expense you’ve recorded, create a corresponding Expense Reporting Stub evidence type. |

|3 |Apply the changes. |

|[pic] |In order for expenses to be deducted each month (including during the month of grant) they must be reported by the |

| |client and entered as Dependent Care Expense and/or Employment Expense, along with the accompanying Expense Reporting |

| |Stub. If the Expense Reporting Stub is not entered, then the client will not receive the appropriate expense |

| |exemption. |

Self-Employment-related Expenses

Let’s take a moment now to review how expenses associated with self-employment should be captured and reported in SAMS.

|[pic] |Currently in SAMS, self-employment-related expenses that are captured as evidence are not being deducted from the |

| |self-employed income. You will need to manually deduct the expenses from the amount entered in the Self Employment |

| |record. You’ll see how to do this later in the course. |

|Scenario |What must be entered in SAMS? |How does it work in SAMS? |

|Client has Employment |Self Employment evidence with Amount |Expenses in the month of grant are accounted for when entering the |

|Expense: Month of Grant |field reflecting net income after all|Amount field on the Self Employment evidence. |

|/ Ongoing |expenses for the self-employment are |The amount will be deducted each month from the client’s |

| |taken into account. |entitlement in accordance with ODSP rules. |

| | |As per annual income reporting rules for self-employed ODSP |

| | |clients, you only need to capture one Expense Reporting Stub for |

| | |each type of Employment Expense at the end of the 12-month period. |

| | |Start Date: 1st day of the 1st month of the reporting period. |

| | |End Date: Last day of the last month of the reporting period. |

Dependent Care Expenses

|Scenario |What must be entered in SAMS? |How does it work in SAMS? |

|Client has child care |To add a new dependent care expense: |Clients are required to report childcare expenses, |

|expenses |Dependent Care Expense evidence |including the name of the caregiver, type of childcare and|

| |Household Member |amount paid on a monthly basis. This information must be |

| |Care Recipient Name |entered in SAMS every month. One Expense Reporting Stub |

| |Amount |must be completed for each payment that the client makes |

| |Frequency |to the child care provider. |

| |Start Date |SAMS will not carry over this information month to month. |

| |Child Care Expense Type |Therefore, clients must provide this information on the |

| |If Care Provider is registered, |form or online each time they are required to complete the|

| |search and find the Care Provider or |report. |

| |enter Care Provider details |Child care expenses are deducted in accordance with income|

| |Expense Reporting Stub |reporting periods. |

| |Link the Expense Reporting Stub to |Month of Grant: |

| |the Dependent Care Expense record |Dependent Care Expense is dated within the same calendar |

| |The Received Date is the date the |month as the grant month. Expense Reporting Stub is not |

| |record is created and defaults to |required. |

| |today’s date | |

| |Enter the Amount |Ongoing: |

| |Enter the Payment Date |Expense Reporting Stub is required and dated based on the |

| | |related income reporting period. |

Let’s see how capturing self-employment and business-related expenses for an ODSP client in the month of grant works in SAMS with the help of our first activity.

Activity 1: Guide Me – Capture Self Employment and Business-related Expenses in the Month of Grant


Jason Pritchard inquired last month about what information he required in order to apply for ODSP. He has come into your office today to apply for social assistance. Jason brought all relevant information (bank account information, etc.) and has provided you with the documentation.

Jason is self-employed and receives $900/month in CPP benefits. He is renting his apartment for $500/month and has a personal bank account worth $150. He has a second business-related bank account worth approximately $350.

Jason started his business on July 1st, 2014 under the name Jay’s Labels. The Statement of Business Activity form he provided indicates he’s making on average approximately $250/month. His business assets include a printer valued at $750 and expenses for printing supplies valued at approximately $50/month. He also owns a truck (worth approximately $2,000) which doubles as his work vehicle. You’ll capture this information via SAMS’ Application Wizard.



SAMS Homepage

1. From the SAMS homepage, click the Case Management tab.

Case Management

2. Click [pic] on the left hand side of the screen.

3. Click Registration.

4. Click Person…

Register Person

5. Enter the following search terms:

|First Name |Jason |Last Name |Pritchard XYZ* |

| | | |*where XYZ is your three-character |

| | | |client code |

|Date of Birth |28/05/1982 |

6. Click [pic].

7. Your search returns no results. Click [pic].

8. Enter the following Registration information:

|Middle Name |James |Gender |Male |

|Marital Status |Single |Country of Birth |Canada |

9. Click [pic] beside Validate Address search.


10. Enter the following Address information:

|Street Number |4061 |Street Name |Brookdale |

|Street Type |Dr |City |Niagara Falls |

|Province |ON | | |

11. Click [pic].

12. Your search returns one result. Click Select beside the suggested address.


13. Type 218 in the Unit Number field.

14. Click [pic].

|[pic] |You have registered the client and created a person record. |


Jason James Pritchard XYZ

15. Click the Applications tab.

16. Click [pic].

New Application

17. Select Ontario Disability Support.

18. Click [pic].


19. Select I am the applicant and I agree to the collection and use of my information as described above.

20. Click [pic].

Third party information

21. Select I am the applicant and I agree to let you start checking my information before my appointment.

|[pic] |A second option is also available: I am the applicant and I do not agree to the above. I want to wait until my |

| |appointment to have my information checked. |

| |Please note that you can only select one option. |

22. Click [pic].

About You - Online Application

23. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Emergency need |

|Enter No for these four questions. |

|Your current situation |

|Enter No for this question. |

24. Click [pic].

About You - Information About You

25. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Personal details |

|Title |Mr. |Social Insurance Number |Leave this field blank |

| | | |Note: Due to the SIN validation|

| | | |it may be difficult to “fake” a|

| | | |working SIN number. |

|Are you a person with a disability? |Yes |

|Other personal details |

|What language do you wish to be contacted in? |English |

|Education |

|What is your current school |Finished high school |What was the last grade you |Post-secondary |

|status? | |completed? | |

26. Click [pic].

About You – Address Information

27. Review / complete the following fields:

|Address |

|Are you currently homeless? |No |Street Number |4061 |

|Street Name |Brookdale |Street Type |Drive |

|Unit Number |218 |City |Niagara Falls |

|Province |Ontario |Postal Code |L2H2A9 |

28. Click [pic].

About You – Address Information

29. Select the radio button to accept the suggested address (i.e., 4061 BROOKDALE DR NIAGARA FALLS ON L2H2A9).

30. Click [pic].

About You – Contact Information

31. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Address |

|Is your mailing address the same as your home address? |Yes |

|Contact details |

|Home Phone Number |905-555-8206 |Phone Number Type |Personal |

32. Click [pic].

About You - Household Information

33. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|People in your household |

|Do you have a spouse, a child who lives with you or a child who is in your temporary care? |No |

|People using this address |

|Is any other person using this address for any other reason? |No |

34. Click [pic].

About You – Review Your Answers

|[pic] |This screen allows you to review your client’s answers and edit them if necessary. |

35. Click [pic] to confirm your answers.

Your Home - General Information

36. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|General Information |

|Was anyone in your household |No |Is anyone in your household |No |

|born outside of Canada? | |currently living in an | |

| | |institution or place of care? | |

37. Click [pic].

Your Home – Your Household Summary

|[pic] |This screen allows you to review your client’s answers and edit them if necessary. |

38. Click [pic] to confirm your answers.

Assets - Asset Information

|[pic] |The Assets pages provide details on banks and other financial assets available to the family. |

39. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Asset Information |

|Does anyone in your household have a bank account or cash? |Yes |

|Pick a person |Select the checkbox for Jason |

|Does anyone in your household have a life insurance policy? |No |

|Does anyone in your household have any trust funds? |No |

|Does anyone in your household have any investments? |No |

|Does anyone in your household own property or vehicles? |Yes |

|Pick a person |Select the checkbox for Jason |

|Does anyone in your household have a pre-paid funeral plan? |No |

|Does anyone in your household have any other assets, such as receivables or a financial interest in |No |

|a business? | |

|Has anyone in your household sold, transferred or given away any assets in the past 12 months? |No |

|Does anyone in your household expect to get any assets in the future? |No |

40. Click [pic].

Assets – Cash or Bank Account Asset

41. Enter the following bank account information:

|Cash or bank account details |

|What type of asset does Jason |Bank Account |Name of bank |CIBC |

|have? | | | |

|How much is this asset worth? |150 |Does Jason have any other cash |Yes |

| | |or bank accounts? | |

42. Click [pic].

Assets – Cash or Bank Account Asset

43. Enter the following bank account information:

|Cash or bank account details |

|What type of asset does Jason |Bank Account |Name of bank |CIBC |

|have? | | | |

|How much is this asset worth? |350 |Does Jason have any other cash |No |

| | |or bank accounts? | |

44. Click [pic].

Assets – Property Assets

45. Enter the following vehicle information:

|Property or Vehicle details |

|What type of property or |Vehicles |How much is this property or |2000 |

|vehicle does Jason have? | |vehicle worth? | |

|Please provide a description of|2002 Toyota 4 Runner |Does Jason have any other |No |

|the item | |property or vehicles? | |

46. Click [pic].

Assets – Summary

|[pic] |This screen allows you to review your client’s answers and edit them if necessary. |

47. Click [pic] to confirm your answers.

Income – Income Information

|[pic] |The Income pages provide details about the income of each member of the benefit unit. |

48. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Income Information |

|Does anyone in your household receive money from a job or training? |No |

|Does anyone in your household receive money from self-employment? |Yes |

|Pick a person |Select the checkbox for Jason |

|Does anyone in your household receive money from the government? |Yes |

|Pick a person |Select the checkbox for Jason |

|Answer No to all other questions. |

|[pic] |Answering Yes to the question “Does anyone in your household receive money from self-employment” means that an Employer |

| |record will be created for your client on his or her Person Page, specifically the Employments section. |

| |Answering Yes to the question “Does anyone in your household receive money from the government?” prompts you to enter |

| |details of the government income in the Income – Government Income screen that follows. Once completed, SAMS will create |

| |the corresponding Benefit Income evidence on the Evidence Dashboard within the Integrated Case Application. |

49. Click [pic].

Income – Self-Employment Income

50. Enter the following self-employment information:

|Self-employment information |

|What type of self-employment income does Jason have? |Income from Self employment |

|What is the name of the self-employment business? |Jay’s Labels XYZ |

| |XYZ is your three-character |

| |client code |

|What is the start date of the self-employment business? |01/07/2014 |

|How much money does Jason earn every month from this type of employment (before deductions)? |300 |

|Does Jason have business assets related to the self-employment business? |Yes |

|Does Jason receive any other self-employment income? |No |

|[pic] |Note that even though you’ve answered Yes to indicate that the applicant has business assets, SAMS will not create any |

| |associated evidence on the Evidence Dashboard as no specifics about the asset are captured in the wizard. |

51. Click [pic].

Income – Government Income

52. Enter the following information:

|Government Income Information |

|What type of government income does Jason have? |Canada Pension Plan (CPP) or |

| |Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) |

| |CPP disability benefits |

|How much money does Jason receive each month from this type of income? |900 |

|Does Jason receive money from any other type of government program? |No |

Income – Summary

|[pic] |This screen allows you to review your client’s answers and edit them if necessary. |

53. Click [pic] to confirm your answers.

Expenses – Expense Information

|[pic] |The Expenses pages provide details about the expenses incurred by each member of the benefit unit. |

54. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Expense information |

|What best describes your |Rent |Do you pay any utility costs? |No |

|housing situation? | | | |

55. Click [pic].

Expenses – Shelter Expense

56. As required, review/complete the following fields:

|Shelter expense details |

|What type of housing costs does|Rent |How much does Jason spend on |500 |

|Jason have? | |this each month? | |

|Does Jason have any other housing costs? |No |

57. Click [pic].

Expenses – Summary

|[pic] |This screen allows you to review your client’s answers and edit them if necessary. |

58. Click [pic] to confirm your answers.

Other Benefits - Additional benefits

|[pic] |The Additional benefits pages provide details on other possible expenses that may be applicable to the client and/or |

| |family. |

59. Enter the following additional benefits information:

|Additional benefit details |

|Do you live in a remote, far |No |Does anyone in the household |No |

|north community that does not | |have a certified guide dog? | |

|have year-round road access? | | | |

60. Click [pic].

Other Benefits – Summary

|[pic] |This screen allows you to review your client’s answers and edit them if necessary. |

61. Click [pic] to confirm your answers.

Full Summary

|[pic] |The Full Summary screen is your final opportunity to review your client’s answers and edit them as necessary. |

62. Click [pic] to confirm the summary and submit the application.

Jason James Pritchard XYZ

|[pic] |The application is in the submitted status. (It may also be in the submitting |

| |status if it is processing.) |

63. Click [pic] (refresh) to update the Application tab with the new application.

64. Click the reference number associated with Jason’s application case.


Integrated Case Application (###)

|[pic] |You will now work with the application case until the product delivery case is active and the application is disposed.|

| |First, let’s add the reason for applying which is used for statistical analysis of the client base. |

65. Click the Administration tab.

66. Click Reason for Applying in the left navigation panel.

67. Click [pic].

New Reason for Applying

68. Click [pic] beside the Program Type field and select Ontario Disability Support from the drop-down list.

69. Click [pic] beside the Reason for Applying field and select Unable to Work - Long Term/Ill health/Disability from the drop-down list.

70. Click [pic].

Integrated Case Application (###)

71. Click the Evidence tab to access the Evidence Dashboard.

|[pic] |Take time now to review how Self Employment evidence (listed under the Income evidence category) is recorded as a |

| |result of information captured in the Application Wizard: |

| |Self Employment: Reflects the self-employment information you recorded during the application process. Note that the |

| |Amount field in this evidence captures net income. At the moment it records $300 which is the gross income you entered|

| |in the Application Wizard. In the steps below, you will modify this evidence to account for the standard expense |

| |deduction of $100 as per current ODSP policy directives. |

| |Income Reporting: Created automatically for all ODSP clients and is used for income reporting purposes. Note that this|

| |evidence has a start date of the 1st of the current month. Later in this activity, you will enter an end date for this|

| |record to indicate that monthly reporting will not be required for 12 months. |

|[pic] |You should also notice that an Issue icon ([pic]) appears to the right of the Self Employment evidence on the Evidence|

| |Dashboard. This indicates that we need to add Ownership evidence for the Self Employment evidence. In the steps below,|

| |we will work with Jason’s Self Employment record to add the associated Ownership evidence as well as edit the Self |

| |Employment record directly. |


72. Under the Income evidence category, click Self Employment.

Self Employment – Integrated Case

73. Click the Issues tab.

74. Click the Add ownership evidence link.

New Ownership Evidence

75. Click [pic] beside the Owner Participant field and select Jason Pritchard XYZ from the drop-down list.

76. Type 01/07/2014 in the Start Date field. (Scroll down the screen to view this field.)

77. Click [pic].

Self Employment – Integrated Case

78. Click the Evidence tab.

79. Click [pic] beside the Self Employment record.

80. Click [pic] and select Continue Editing… from the drop-down list.

Edit Self Employment Evidence

81. Type 200 in the Amount field.

|[pic] |Recall that Jason declared his expenses (i.e., printing supplies) for the current month as $50. As per current ODSP |

| |policy directives, you would deduct either $100 (standard expense deduction) or the actual expense amount, whichever |

| |is higher. In this case, you have deducted $100 from your client’s gross income. SAMS dos not currently deduct |

| |self-employment-related expenses from a client’s income which is why you must manually deduct the amount from his |

| |self-employment income. |

82. Click [pic].


Self Employment – Integrated Case

83. Under the Description column, click the link Is Self Employed by Jay’s Labels Self-Employment Income with an ownership type of Individual.

Self Employment – Jason Prichard XYZ

84. Click [pic] and select New Business Asset… from the drop-down list.

New Business Asset Evidence

85. Enter the following business asset information:

|Business Asset Type |Tools |Amount |750 |

|Start Date |The 1st day of the current | | |

| |month | | |

|[pic] |We don’t need to manually exempt this business asset as SAMS will automatically exempt it since the value of the |

| |printer falls below the current $20,000 limit for business assets. |

86. Click [pic].

Self Employment – Jason Pritchard XYZ

87. Click [pic] and select New Employment Expense… from the drop-down list.

New Employment Expense Evidence

88. Enter the following Employment Expense information:

|Household Member |Jason Pritchard XYZ |Expense Type |Business or office supplies |

|Total Amount |50 |Approved Amount |50 |

|Frequency |Monthly |Start Date |The 1st day of the current |

| | | |month |

|[pic] |For the above employment expense, you didn’t enter an end date as this is an on-going expense. For one-time expenses, |

| |you would need to populate an end date. For on-going expenses (if you deem it necessary), you would enter the actual |

| |amount claimed by the client every month using the Expense Reporting Stub. In most cases, you will capture this |

| |information once per year during the annual income reporting review. |

89. Click [pic].

|[pic] |Now let’s add the associated Ownership evidence for the business asset (i.e., the printer valued at $750). |

Self Employment – Jason Pritchard XYZ

90. Click the Business Asset tab.

91. Under the Description column, click the link labelled Has an asset of type Tools associated with their business Jay’s Labels XYZ.

Business Asset – Jason Pritchard XYZ

92. Click [pic] and select New Ownership… from the drop-down list.

New Ownership Evidence

93. Click [pic] beside the Owner Participant field and select Jason Pritchard XYZ from the drop-down list.

94. Type the 1st day of the current month in the Start Date field. (Scroll down the screen to view this field).

95. Click [pic].

Business Asset – Jason Pritchard XYZ

|[pic] |Please note that you will not record Jason’s vehicle as a business asset since he also uses it for personal needs and |

| |we have already captured this asset under Vehicle evidence. |

|[pic] |You have finished capturing all relevant self-employment and expense-related information, so we can now begin |

| |adjusting and capturing other evidence to ensure all relevant information is recorded before performing the |

| |eligibility check. |

96. Close the last three tabs you opened to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case Application (###)

97. Under the Household evidence category, click Disability Determination.

Disability Determination – Integrated Case

98. Click [pic] beside Jason Pritchard XYZ.

99. Click [pic] and select Continue Editing… from the drop-down list.

Edit Disability Determination Evidence

100. Click [pic] beside the Disability Type field and select CPP – D from the drop-down list.

101. Type the 1st day of the current month in the Start Date field.

102. Click [pic].

Disability Determination – Integrated Case

103. Close the Disability Determination – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.

Integrated Case Application (###)

104. Under the Resource evidence category, click Vehicle.

Vehicle – Integrated Case

105. Click [pic] beside the vehicle record.

106. Click [pic] and select Continue Editing… from the drop-down list.

Edit Vehicle Evidence

107. Enter the following vehicle information:

|Vehicle Make |Toyota |Vehicle Model |4 Runner |

|Year |2002 |Start Date |The 1st day of the current |

| | | |month |

108. Click [pic].

|[pic] |SAMS automatically exempts the first (i.e., primary) vehicle from counting against ODSP client asset limits which is |

| |why you didn’t enter exemption amounts into this Vehicle evidence. |

Vehicle – Integrated Case

109. Close the Vehicle – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case Application (###)

110. Under the Income evidence category, click Income Reporting.

Income Reporting – Integrated Case

111. Click [pic] beside Jason Pritchard XYZ.

112. Click [pic] and select Continue Editing… from the drop-down list.

|[pic] |Recall that when an application is completed, Income Reporting evidence is automatically created with a start date of |

| |the 1st of the current month. |

| |You will now adjust this record in indicate that Jason does not need to reporting his self-employment income for a |

| |period of 12 months. Once the 12-month period has ended, Jason will need to provide you with various documentation |

| |that details his annual income and expenses which you will then record in SAMS for the purpose of income reporting. |

| |Note that after this is done, an overpayment (or underpayment) case may be created based on the income and expense |

| |reports your client provides you with during the annual review. |

Edit Income Reporting Evidence

113. Click [pic] beside the Reason for No Report Or Late Report field and select Not Required from the drop-down list.

114. Type the last day of the month 12 months from the current month in the End Date field (e.g., if the current month is January you would enter December 31 of the current year).

115. Click [pic].

Income Reporting – Integrated Case

116. Close the Income Reporting – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.

|[pic] |You have finished capturing and updating all relevant evidence so you can now apply the changes to the Application |

| |Case. Before doing so, it is recommended that you review all evidence you have recorded for your client to ensure that|

| |it is accurate and correct before you apply changes. For the purposes of this activity, you will not need to do this. |


Integrated Case Application (###)

117. Click [pic] and select Apply Changes… from the drop-down list.

Apply Changes

118. Select all listed evidence.

119. Click [pic].

Integrated Case Application (###)

|[pic] |Before submitting the application for approval, you need to resolve any outstanding issues in the Application To Do |

| |List. |

120. Click the Home tab.

121. Under the Application To Do List section, click Check the client’s potential eligibility for benefits.

Check Eligibility

122. Select Ontario Disability Support.

123. Click [pic].

Integrated Case Application (###)

|[pic] |You may need to click [pic] (refresh) to view the checkmark beside the eligibility check. |

124. Click [pic] and select Review Eligibility Result… from the drop-down list.

Review Eligibility Results

125. Click [pic] beside Ontario Diability Support Porgram (ODSP) to view the monthly eligible amount available to the client.

126. Click the [pic] (list actions) to the right of Ontario Disability Support and select Authorize… from the drop-down list.


127. Click [pic].

Review Eligibility Results

128. Click [pic].


Integrated Case Application (###)

|[pic] |Before continuing on, let’s add a verification item for the Disability Determination evidence. This must be done |

| |before granting the product delivery case otherwise SAMS will return a message indicating that the verification must |

| |be done if you try to grant the case. |

129. Click the Evidence tab.

130. Under the Household evidence category, click Disability Determination.

Disability Determination – Integrated Case

131. Click the Verifications tab.

132. Click [pic] and select Add Item… from the drop-down list.

Add Verification Item

133. Click [pic] beside the Item field and select Medical Document from the drop-down list.

134. Click [pic] beside the Case Participant field and select Jason Pritchard XYZ from the drop-down list.

135. Click [pic].

Disability Determination – Integrated Case

136. Close the Disability Determination – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case Application (###)

137. Click the Eligibility Checks tab.

138. Click [pic] next to the most recent eligibility check (there should only be one at this point).

139. Click [pic] and select View Case… from the drop-down list.

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

140. Click [pic] and select Submit For Approval… from the drop-down list.

Submit Case For Approval

141. Click [pic].

Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

142. Click [pic] (refresh) to update the screen. (You should see the status of Approved if all went well.)

143. Click [pic] and select Activate Online… from the drop-down list.

Activate Case

144. Click [pic].

Ontario Disability Support (ODSP)

145. Click [pic] (refresh) to update the screen.

|[pic] |You should see that the status of the ODSP product delivery case is now set to “active.” |


You have completed the application for Jason and successfully captured and applied his Self Employment and employment-related expenses and assets for the month of grant. The case is now granted and the cheque will be printed during overnight processing.

|[pic] | |

| |At this point, you would need to give Jason a number of documents, including the ODSP – Instructions for Client Record|

| |Keeping (Self-Employed Clients) document which details everything your client will need to keep track of with regards |

| |to their self-employment. This includes directions on the types of documents to maintain as well as what the client |

| |needs to bring with them when it is time to report their self-employed income at the end of the 12 month period. |

| |Please refer to your local office policy for more information on working with clients with self-employed income during|

| |the month of grant. |

|[pic] |Navigate to Jason’s Determinations tab on his ODSP product delivery case to see the breakdown of the self-employment |

| |income that was deducted from his social assistance. Go ahead and do that now. What do you notice? |

Knowledge Checkpoint

|Question: |Your self-employed client declares a business asset during the application process. You capture this |

| |information in SAMS’ Application Wizard. Is corresponding asset evidence created in SAMS? |

| | |

| |Yes |

| |No |

|Answer: ( | |

| | |

|Question: |When an application is completed, Income Reporting evidence is automatically created with a start date of|

| |the 1st of the current month. True or false? |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|Answer: ( | |

| | |

Topic 2: Working with Self Employment and Expenses for Ongoing Clients

Topic Objectives

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:

• Capture self-employment and employment expenses for ongoing clients

• Report self-employment income and expenses for ongoing clients

Ongoing Client – Self Employment

We’ve covered how to work with self-employment and business-related expenses during the month of grant. Now let’s turn our attention to capturing self-employment evidence for ongoing ODSP clients.

Depending on whether or not you decide to have your client report their self-employed earnings, you must adjust or capture the following evidence when an ongoing ODSP client informs you that they’ve become self-employed:

• Employment (found on the Person Page)

• Income Reporting

• Self Employment

Let’s practice capturing self-employment and employment expenses for an ongoing ODSP client using our next activity.

Activity 2: Guide Me – Capture Self Employment and Business Expenses for an Ongoing Client


Your client, Joanna King, started her own property care business called Joanna’s Landscaping last month. She reported a total business income of $600 from the sale of services in the last calendar month. Joanna purchased a lawnmower ($300) as well as various tools ($200) for her business on the 1st of the previous month. Her other business expenses were travel (35 kms) and a cell phone bill ($55). In addition, Joanna opened a business-only bank account with TD Canada Trust into which she deposited her monthly earnings (after expenses) from her business ($200).

During a conversation with Joanna, you advise her that she will not need to report her self-employed income until a year from now. You will capture the above details to determine Joanna’s ongoing eligibility.

For this activity, you’ll work with the following evidence:

• Self Employment

• Ownership

• Business Asset

• Employment Expense

• Income Reporting

Note that you’ll first need to register the business in SAMS before you can capture Joanna’s Self Employment evidence.

|[pic] |For clients who declare themselves self-employed, you will need to send them the self-employed information package. |



Case Management

1. Click [pic] to expand the Shortcuts panel.

2. Select Registration.

3. Select Employer…

Register Employer

4. Type Joanna’s Landscaping XYZ (where XYZ is your three-character client code) in the Employer Name field.

5. Type Niagara Falls in the City field.

6. Click [pic].

|[pic] |Your search returns no results. This confirms that this employer is not yet registered in SAMS. You can now go ahead |

| |and register the employer. |

7. Click [pic].

8. Enter the following Employer information:

|Employer Address |

|Street Number |4173 |Street Name |Portage |

|Street Type |Rd |City |Niagara Falls |

|Province |ON |Postal Code |L2E 6A2 |

|Business Address |

|Street Number |4173 |Street Name |Portage |

|Street Type |Rd |City |Niagara Falls |

|Province |ON |Postal Code |L2E 6A2 |

|Trading Details |

|Industry Type |Other Services (Except Public Administration) |

9. Click [pic].


Joanna’s Landscaping XYZ

10. The employer’s Participant Page appears (this is the name of the client’s business). From the Shortcuts panel, click Searches.

11. Select Person…

Person Search

12. Type Joanna in the First Name field.

13. Type King XYZ (where XYZ is your three-character client code) in the Last Name field.

14. Click [pic].

15. Your search returns one result: Joanna King XYZ. Click her name.

Joanna Christina King XYZ

16. Joanna’s Person Page opens.

17. From the left navigation pane click Employments.

18. Click New…

New Employment

19. Click [pic] beside the Employer field.

Employer Search

20. Type Joanna’s Landscaping XYZ in the Employer Name field.

21. Click [pic].

22. Your search returns one result. Click Select beside the employer’s name.

New Employment

23. Type the 1st day of the previous month in the From Date field (e.g., 01/MM/YYYY).

24. Click [pic].

|[pic] |Remember to fill in as many fields as you can when capturing information about your client. While the From Date (i.e.,|

| |the start date of the self-employment) field is not mandatory for this record, it is a good practice to capture it |

| |here for consistency purposes. This date is the same date that will be recorded later in the exercise in the client’s |

| |Integrated Case. |

Joanna Christina King XYZ

|[pic] |The employer now appears on Joanna’s Employment page. |

25. Click the Cases tab.

26. Click the reference number associated with Joanna’s Integrated Case.


Integrated Case

27. Click the Evidence tab.

28. Under the Income evidence category, click All.

29. Click Self Employment.

Self Employment – Integrated Case

30. Click [pic] and select New… from the drop-down list.

New Self Employment Evidence

31. Select the Employment record for Joanna King XYZ.

32. Click [pic].

33. Enter the following Self Employment information:

|Ownership Type |Individual |Self Employment Type |Self-Employment Income |

|Amount |440 |Frequency |Monthly |

|Start Date |1st day of the previous month | | |

|[pic] |If you require your client to report their self-employed income on a monthly basis then you would enter $0 in the |

| |Amount field and select the Monthly Reporting Required checkbox. Any deductions from social assistance would be taken |

| |from the Gross Receipt evidence that is used during monthly income reporting for self-employed clients. |

| |Note that the amount entered in the Amount field of the Self Employment record reflects the net income. Currently, |

| |SAMS does not deduct business expenses from the Self Employment income. In our calculation above, we have factored in |

| |the monthly travel costs (35 kms X 0.18 cents/km = $6.30) and the $55 in monthly cell phone bills. We’ll use the |

| |standard business expense deduction of $100 since it is higher than Joanna’s actual business expenses. Taxes for the |

| |month were $60. Therefore, the net income for the month was $600 gross income - $100 - $60 = $440.00. |

|[pic] |Populating the Self Employment Type field with Self-Employment Income indicates that Joanna’s business is not |

| |registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If her business was registered with the CRA, you would need to select|

| |Business from the drop-down list. |

34. Click [pic].

Self Employment – Integrated Case

|[pic] |You need to indicate ownership of the Self Employment record. |

35. Click the Issues tab.

36. Click the Add ownership evidence link.

New Ownership Evidence

37. Click [pic] beside the Owner Participant field and select Joanna King XYZ from the drop-down list.

38. Type the 1st day of the previous month in the Start Date field.

39. Click [pic].

Self Employment – Integrated Case

40. Close the Self Employment – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case

|[pic] |Now, let’s add Business Asset evidence for both the bank account and the lawnmower. |

| |In the steps below, you will link each Business Asset record to the appropriate Self Employment evidence. Should there|

| |be multiple Self Employment records on file, consider reviewing the Description line to ensure that the Business Asset|

| |is linked to the correct Self Employment evidence. |

41. Under the Resource evidence category, click All.

42. Click Business Asset.

Business Asset – Integrated Case

43. Click [pic] and select New… from the drop-down list.

New Business Asset Evidence

44. Select the Self Employment record for Joanna King XYZ.

45. Click [pic].

46. Enter the following Business Asset information for Joanna’s bank account:

|Business Asset Type |Cash or investments |Amount |200 |

|Start Date |1st day of the previous month |Comments |TD Canada Trust – Acc#18922555 |

47. Click [pic].

|[pic] |Due to a defect, SAMS will incorrectly apply the $20,000.00 business exemption when a business asset type is Cash or |

| |investments. When you review the applicable determinations periods at the end of this activity, you’ll notice that |

| |SAMS will add an additional $5,000.00 to the business exemption. This will be fixed in a future release. |

Business Asset – Integrated Case

48. Click the Issues tab.

49. Click the Add ownership evidence link.

New Ownership Evidence

50. Click [pic] beside the Owner Participant field and select Joanna King XYZ from the drop-down list.

51. Type the 1st day of the previous month in the Start Date field.

52. Click [pic].

Business Asset – Integrated Case

53. Click the Evidence tab.

54. Click [pic] and select New… from the drop-down list.

New Business Asset Evidence

55. Select the Self Employment record for Joanna King XYZ.

56. Click [pic].

57. Enter the following Business Asset information for Joanna’s lawnmower:

|Business Asset Type |Tools |Amount |300 |

|Start Date |1st day of the previous month |

|[pic] |Note that the start date of the lawnmower reflects the purchase date. |

58. Click [pic].

Business Asset – Integrated Case

59. Click the Issues tab.

60. Click the Add ownership evidence link.

New Ownership Evidence

61. Click [pic] beside the Owner Participant field and select Joanna King XYZ from the drop-down list.

62. Type the 1st day of the previous month in the Start Date field.

63. Click [pic].

Business Asset – Integrated Case

|[pic] |At this point, you would continue capturing all of Joanna’s declared business assets. For the purposes of this |

| |activity, you will simply record the one for her lawnmower. |

64. Close the Business Asset – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case

65. Under the Expense evidence category, click All.

66. Click Employment Expense.

Employment Expense – Integrated Case

67. Click [pic] and select New… from the drop-down list.

|[pic] |As mentioned previously, SAMS does not currently deduct business-related expenses from the amount entered in the Self |

| |Employment record. Nonetheless, it is considered good practice to record all business-related expenses in SAMS as this|

| |will be fixed in a future release. |

New Employment Expense Evidence

68. Select the Self Employment record for Joanna King XYZ.

69. Click [pic].

70. Enter the following Employment Expense information for Joanna’s tools:

|Household Member |Joanna King XYZ |Expense Type |Equipment and machinery |

|Total Amount |200 |Approved Amount |200 |

|Frequency |One-time |Start Date |2nd last day of the previous |

| | | |month |

|End Date |Last day of the previous month | | |

|[pic] |Note that the above expense for equipment and machinery is considered a one-time expense because it is not recurring |

| |and, as such, you have recorded an end date for this evidence. |

| |When recording start and end dates for one-time expenses, a recommended practice is to capture the dates as follows: |

| |Start Date is to be the day prior to the last day of the calendar month in which the expense was incurred. |

| |End Date is to be the last day of the calendar month in which the expense was incurred. |

71. Click [pic].

Employment Expense – Integrated Case

|[pic] |A new Employment Expense record now appears on Joanna’s Employment Expense page. Next, let’s add the employment |

| |expense for gas. Later on, you will also add the telephone bill expense. As both of these expenses are recurring, you |

| |will not be recording end dates for them. |

72. Click [pic] and select New… from the drop-down list.

New Employment Expense Evidence

73. Select the Self Employment record for Joanna King XYZ.

74. Click [pic].

|[pic] |Joanna provided you with a travel log indicating she had travelled a total of 35 kms for business purposes the |

| |previous month. To calculate the amount she can claim, multiply the kilometres travelled by 0.18 (i.e., 18 cents per |

| |kilometre). Consult ODSP policy directives for up-to-date travel reimbursement information. |

75. Enter the following Employment Expense information for Joanna’s travel costs:

|Household Member |Joanna King XYZ |Expense Type |Travel |

|Total Amount |6.30 |Approved Amount |6.30 |

|Frequency |Monthly |Start Date |1st day of the previous month |

|[pic] |Please consult ODSP policy directives for detailed information regarding the exclusive use of a vehicle for a business|

| |and expenses that are allowed. |

|[pic] |When recording a Start Date for ongoing expenses, a recommended practice is to enter the 1st day of the calendar month|

| |in which the expense was incurred. |

| |A second Employment Expense record now appears on Joanna’s Employment Expense page. Now let’s add the last employment |

| |expense which is for Joanna’s cell phone bill. |

76. Click [pic].

Employment Expense – Integrated Case

|[pic] |A second Employment Expense record now appears on Joanna’s Employment Expense page. Now let’s add the last employment |

| |expense which is for Joanna’s cell phone bill. |

77. Click [pic] and select New… from the drop-down list.

New Employment Expense Evidence

78. Select the Self Employment record for Joanna King XYZ.

79. Click [pic].

80. Enter the following Employment Expense information for Joanna’s cell phone bill:

|Household Member |Joanna King XYZ |Expense Type |Telephone and internet |

|Total Amount |55 |Approved Amount |55 |

|Frequency |Monthly |Start Date |1st day of the previous month |

81. Click [pic].

Employment Expense – Integrated Case

82. Close the Employment Expense – Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case

|[pic] |Before you can apply the changes to Joanna’s Integrated Case, you must first adjust the active Income Reporting record|

| |to indicate that Joanna will not need to report her self-employed income for 12 months. |

| |When the 12-month period has come to an end, Joanna will need to report her annual self-employed income along with her|

| |business-related expenses to you. You will then capture this evidence in SAMS and apply it to Joanna’s Integrated |

| |Case. Because of this, an overpayment (or underpayment) case might be created. It is good practice to inform your |

| |client of this possibility beforehand. |

Integrated Case

83. Under the Income evidence category, click Income Reporting.

Income Reporting – Integrated Case

84. Click [pic] beside the active Income Reporting record (the record will cover a period of 24 months).

85. Click [pic] and select Edit… from the drop-down list.

Edit Income Reporting Evidence

86. Click beside the Change Reason field and select Case Review from the drop-down list (if not already selected).

87. Type the last day of the month 11 months from today in the End Date field.

88. Click [pic].

Income Reporting – Integrated Case

89. Close the Income Reporting - Integrated Case tab to return to the Evidence Dashboard.


Integrated Case

90. Click [pic] and select Apply Changes… from the drop-down list.

Apply Changes

91. Select all of the evidence except for the open-ended Income Reporting record.

92. Click [pic].



|[pic] |The evidence you’ve applied to Joanna’s Integrated Case is now being used for eligibility and entitlement purposes. |

| |Navigate to Joanna’s ODSP product delivery case and access the Determinations tab. Review the changes to her |

| |entitlements. What changes do you see? |

|[pic] |So what happens at the end of the 12-month period when your client is required to report his or her yearly income and |

| |business-related expenses? |

| |You will do the following: |

| |Gather your client’s various self-employment documentation including the Business Income and Expense Report, Business |

| |Assets Review Form, receipts, invoices, etc. |

| |Verify all documentation against the Business and Income Expense Report and the Business Assets Review Form. |

| |Create one Gross Receipt record that covers the entire year: |

| |Start Date: The 1st day of the 1st month of the reporting period. |

| |End Date: The last day of the 12th month of the reporting period. |

| |Amount: The net income for the reporting period (Net Income = Gross Income – Expenses – Taxes, etc.). |

| |Create one Expense Reporting Stub record for each type of business-related expense for the reporting period. |

| |Average out the net income/month based on the annual net income from the Gross Receipt evidence. |

| |Adjust the Self Employment record as follows: |

| |Amount: The average net income/month figure you calculated in Step 5. |

| |Effective Date of Change: The 1st day of the 1st month of the new 12-month reporting period. |

| |Adjust the in-edit Income Reporting record as follows: |

| |Start Date: The 1st day of the 1st month of the new reporting period. |

| |End Date: The last day of the 12th month of the new reporting period. |

| |Apply changes. |

| |Once you’ve done this, an overpayment/underpayment case may be created based on the annual self-employed income |

| |numbers you entered. |

| |The amount you entered in the adjusted Self Employment record will now be used for income deductions for the next 12 |

| |months for your client. |

Knowledge Checkpoint

|Question: |An ongoing ODSP client has recently started their own company. In general, what is the first action you |

| |should take to capture the self-employment information? Select the best answer. |

| | |

| |End date the active Income Reporting record. |

| |Record the Employment information on their Person Page. |

| |Register the employer in SAMS. |

| |Record the Self Employment evidence. |

|Answer: ( | |

| | |

|Question: |Capturing Self Employment evidence links the Self Employment evidence to the Employer record on the |

| |Person Page. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|Answer: ( | |

| | |

|Question: |For a one-time expense, you should enter an end date. True or false? |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|Answer: ( | |

| | |

| | |

Topic 3: Summary & Next Steps

Congratulations! You have completed the Self Employment Income Reporting (SAD133) course.

In this course, you:

• Worked with self-employment income and business-related expense evidence in the month of grant for a new application

• Captured self-employment and employment expenses for ongoing clients

• Reported self-employment income and expenses for ongoing clients

You’ll now want to work through the Self Study activity that follows. It provides you with extra practice working with various self-employment situations for both new and ongoing clients. You can do this on your own time in the Self Study environment using the provided scenarios and clients OR you can create your own client(s) and work through the Self Study that way.

Self Study


For the Self Study portion of this course, you can use the data from the previous activities to explore other avenues while working with self-employment income and business expenses in SAMS.


The table below outlines two specific self-employment and expense reporting situations that you may need to capture in SAMS in your role as a caseworker. They are not intended to cover every possible scenario and you can deviate from them as you see fit. Do not be afraid to experiment in the Self Study environment with your own scenarios. It’s meant to be a place where you can practice and test your abilities and knowledge of SAMS.

Self Employment Income and Employment Expense Reporting Scenarios

|Client |Scenario |

|Sarah Pleasance XYZ |New Application for Social Assistance |

|CPP-D income of $800/month |Sarah is self-employed and applying for social assistance. She does |

|Pays rent of $450/month |tutoring work for elementary school students and her company is |

|Self-employment started 01/07/2012 |called Whiz Kidz. Work through the ODSP application process using |

|Earns approximately $500/month |SAMS’ Application Wizard. |

|Travel expenses of approximately $100/month | |

|Owns a 2008 Toyota Corolla worth $5,500 | |

|Student lesson workbook expenses of approximately | |

|$30/month | |

|Rosa Diabo XYZ |Ongoing Client |

|Self-employment started on the 1st of the previous month |Rosa has recently started her own company called Guitar by Rosa. She|

|Her only income so far was $300 received on the 27th of |purchased a new guitar for approximately $500 and received her first|

|last month |earnings of $300 last month. You’ll capture this information in |

|One-time guitar purchase expense of $500 on 17th of last |SAMS. |

|month | |

|Blank sheet music workbooks expense of approximately | |

|$25/month starting 1st of last month. | |

Appendix: Answers to Knowledge Checkpoint

Topic 1

|Question: |Your self-employed client declares a business asset during the application process. You capture this |

| |information in SAMS’ Application Wizard. Is corresponding asset evidence created in SAMS? |

| | |

| |Yes |

| |No |

|Answer: ( |B |

| | |

|Question: |When an application is completed, Income Reporting evidence is automatically created with a start date of|

| |the 1st of the current month. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|Answer: ( |A |

| | |

Topic 2

|Question: |An ongoing ODSP client has recently started their own company. In general, what is the first action you |

| |should take to capture the self-employment information? Select the best answer. |

| | |

| |End date the active Income Reporting record. |

| |Record the Employment information on their Person Page. |

| |Register the employer in SAMS. |

| |Record the Self Employment evidence. |

|Answer: ( |C |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Question: |Capturing Self Employment evidence links the Self Employment evidence to the Employer record on the |

| |Person Page. |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|Answer: ( |A |

| | |

|Question: |For a one-time expense, you should enter an end date. True or false? |

| | |

| |True |

| |False |

|Answer: ( |A |

| | |

| | |

Supporting Documents

For further information related to the content in this course, consult the list of relevant SAMS user guides below that you can find on the SAMO website.

• Maintaining Client Details on the Person Page

• Ontario Disability Support Program Application Guide

• Recording Income Types and Exemptions

• Reporting Income

• Searching for and Registering Participants

Release Notes

Version 1.0

• Original Release

Version 1.1

• Added list of user guides on the Supporting Documents page.

• Adjusted titles of activities to indicate that each one is a “Guide Me” activity.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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