Library News Combined 2011-2012 High School for …

 August 11, 2011August is Happiness Happens Month!“People who read often are happier than those who watch more TV, according to researchers at the University of Maryland—even if the plot of their paperback is depressing.” Stop by, pick up a book, and read to increase your happiness! ?Excerpt from “Sunny Side Up” in Parade Magazine.Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30PASSES TO THE LIBRARY/COMPUTER LABBelow is a copy of an acceptable pass. It includes the date, time, student name, teacher name, and purpose for being in the library/lab. Only one student name is written on the pass.Time LeftStudents with passes that DO NOT include the above information on a WHITE HALL pass or when there is more than one student listed will be sent back to class. Only write passes for students that need to work on assignments for your academic class. Study hall teachers cannot write passes to library/lab. Encourage substitute teachers to limit the number of passes they write.By filling out passes properly, you help us make sure the library and labs are safe & secure for everyone.Thank you! Courtney & PamScheduling Classes in the Library LabsI am pleased to announce that this year the library will have access to 3 labs of computers!Lab 1 (East) --used primarily by classes not requiring direct instruction (typing, etc.) and/or student walk-ins.Lab 2 (West) --open sometime in September. There will be 34 student computers & a Smart board. This lab will be primarily used for direct instruction.Library Mobile Cart will be used in the library by overflow students and small classes. The cart can also be brought to classrooms where I will be co-teaching with the classroom teacher. It cannot be checked out.For scheduling, please check the online calendar FIRST! acherResources/tabid/513/Default.aspxThen please either stop by or e-mail me with your requests. BOOK FAIR at BARNES & NOBLEThank you!Mark your calendars! Saturday September 17, 2011 More info coming soon...Library NewsWELCOME BACK!EQUIPMENT The library does have several DVD players, VCRs, CD players and other equipment available for teachers to check out. These items are for a temporary loan. If you need a long term loan, please see your curriculum specialist. Overhead projectors and 2 TVs on carts are available for the entire year!BROKEN EQUIPMENT If you have a piece of electronic equipment (not computer related) that breaks, please let me know. We will need to know the item, its location, and the problem. We will submit the work order and provide you with a replacement if necessary.If you use or enter the library outside of our normal hours, PLEASE lock the door when you leave. An unlocked door means books and equipment can disappear!Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30Classes Scheduled in the LibraryStep 1: Check the online calendar for available dates. Secure those dates with library personnel. ources/tabid/513/Default.aspxStep 2: Provide Mrs. Pentland with a copy of your lesson plans at least 1 week prior to your visit. This helps determine which lab you are using. Plans can be e-mailed or printed out and dropped off. PLEASE if you need instructional support, highlight that portion of your lesson plan or write a note so we know you need assistance-- the sooner the better so that we do not double book Mrs. Pentland’s time.Step 3: Fill out a seating chart for your students. Seating charts help us learn names, return lost equipment, & handle issues/problems.BOOK FAIR Join us Saturday September 17th at the Barnes & Noble Oakview for our 3rd Annual book fair.20% of sales made that day by customers who mention Burke at the cashier will go directly back to the library.Last year we raised $250 for new books for the library and reader incentives for students. Let’s aim higher this year. Please promote with your students.Posters for your classroom available soon!THE FACULTY BOOK CLUB is reading Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom RiggsWe will order books for $9 from Amazon. Let me know if you are interested in a copy by Wednesday August 24th. Also, take the DOODLE survey in the book club folder on the Burke Schoolhouse to help determine a meeting date.August Library News22, 2011National Inventors “Teachers MonthWhat the Heck is BrainPOP? you looking for short introductory videos to show your students that relate to your content area? BrainPOP is the place to go for that and so much more! Closed Captioned Videos! Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Engineering & Tech, Health, Arts & Music BrainPOP is a new subscription service to Burke High School this year. Many of you may have had free educator accounts in the past. Now we have access to ALL that BrainPOP has to offer.Founded in 1999, BrainPOP creates animated, curriculum-based content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement. Our award-winning online educational resources include BrainPOP Jr. (K-3), BrainPOP, BrainPOP Espa?ol, and BrainPOP ESL. In June 2011, we launched GameUpTM, a collection of top free online game titles that tie right in to curriculum. All of our resources are supported by BrainPOP Educators, our teacher community now more than 135,000 members strong and featuring free lesson plans, video tutorials, professional development tools, graphic organizers, best practices, groups and forums, and much more.Tech Updates Most Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors should have Noodle Tools accounts. Freshman should have theirs by the first part of second quarter. Remember ANYTIME a student uses information, pictures, music, or videos that they did not originally create, they must give proper credit. OTHERWISE THEY ARE STEALING! Let’s start good habits now!Learn more about plagiarism help with your teacher webpage or need to set up a webpage on the Burke High site? Stop by for a short tutorial.Check the Burke Diigo account for wonderful website resources. Know of a good site we need to add? Send me an e-mail with the link! “TeachersNews September 12, 2011Welcoming in the New Year!Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30BOOK FAIR is Sat Sept 17th @ Barnes & Noble OakviewCreating a Literate Environment Please encourage everyone you know to go and support the Burke Library that day. THANK YOU!from Rachel BillmeyerThere are numerous ways to create a literate environment. Listed below are examples observed in exemplary COLLECT HY-VEE RECEIPTS!educational settings where students are reading to learn. (Pictures to accompany these ideas will appear on the website – in the near future.) Your 5th Period class could win TREATS! The 5th period class that collects the most (as in number of) receipts during the month of? Model the love of reading and show students what it means to be a life-long reader. Make displays of adults' “favorite reads,” read authentic materials, read with and read aloud to students, September will win TREATS! We get $1 for every $200 collected back whichand discuss favorite selections with students.? Create a classroom library containing students’ favorite books, magazines, and newspapers. Use an interest inventory means we can buy more books for the library!to determine student interests.? Display reading material for students to reference on a dailyItems that DO count: GROCERIES & GAS!basis. Students become independent learners when they are held responsible for reading steps to solve problems, Items that do not count: alcohol, tobacco, stamps, lottery tickets, and prescriptions.Faculty Book ClubWe are reading Miss Miss Peregrine’s Peregrine’s Home Home for for Peculiar Peculiar Children Children by Ransom Riggs. We will meet on Wednesday Sept 21st at 3:00 in the library. 2 Copies available for check out!directions, or different genre selections.? Provide student choice about what they read. Students need to make some of their own choices when pursuing learning goals as well as to have opportunities to independently read self-selected materials.FROM COMMON SENSE MEDIA? Incorporate numerous opportunities for students to talk with others and to write about what they read. The use of a “Think Free Cyber-bullying Toolkit for EducatorsPad” encourages students to frequently take a thinking break to ideas during a read aloud, reactions during an experiment, or thoughts about a selection they’re reading. Talking to Kids About Cheating? Display literacy strategies for students to use and reference on daily basis. Many teachers provide word walls and discover that students and teachers use the words more in their talkingSeptember is Library Card Sign-Up Monthand writing.There are many perks to having a library card,To receive your Strategy of the Month e-mail rachelb2@ and our students can sign up for theirs in the library. And so can you! Students can get FREE ONLINE tutoring from 2:00-9:00 every day, FREE access to practice college entrance tests, and of course TONS of free books that they can have delivered to the branch they use!Educators now get a 15% discount at Michael’s Craft Stores. Just show your staff id or other proof or educator-ship!Library News October 24, 2011November is Native American Heritage “Teachers MonthReminders!CAN SCHOOLS TEACH CRITICAL THINKING?Hy-Vee Receipts Contest Each Month toBy Sherry Posnick-Goodwinwin treats for 5th hour!“When students are encouraged to do actual thinking about Reading Rewards goes from October 17-the material, deeper understanding replaces the recall of November 18th. Students can earn prizesfacts. Students are able to state the material in their own for reading. I would be happy to speakwords, elaborate on it, illustrate it, provide examples from with your classes about the program.content and their own experience, and provide analogies,Always check the library calendar for themetaphors or other examples of the information.availability for both our labs!Those who possess critical thinking skills are excited about learning and will be better prepared for life, says Hale. They Did You Know?will be skeptical enough to avoid being taken advantage of by The Online databases offered through theothers, understand why things are the way they are in the library webpage cover science, history, literature, careers, theatre, health,world, and be able to understand other people's point of view.”biographies, the environment, inventions &Suggestions to Help Teach Critical Thinking discoveries, and two are in Spanish andHold on to your handouts (as in be more hands-on) French! And, you can access them fromModel critical thinking for your students home with the logins & passwords?Some questions a teacher may pose to build a critical-thinking Check them out atclassroom environment omahapsCreate stimulating multiple choice testsLink curriculum to current events Resources:Create a thinking mapLooking for an alternative for professionalResearch, re-enact, sing the subjectdevelopment? Go online, for FREE!For the full article: /txtl/GiveawayNL/0/Webinars/V1//////&ym_MID=1372079&ym_rid =2972531Expo Writing Resource Center—FREE eawayNL/0/Expo/V1//////&ym_MID=1372079&ym_rid=2972531Win a Teacher’s Lounge Make-Over! Book ClubWe are reading a non-fiction selection this month about two Smith College graduates teaching in the wilds of Colorado circa 1917. Our meeting to discuss the book will be November 9th at 3:00 in the library.Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30Strategic readers know mental habits influence thinking, comprehending, and learning.Because reading is “thinking cued by text,” readers create meaning by interacting mentally with the words on the page. It is more than simply moving one’s eyes across the page of written symbols or word calling. The complex act of constructing meaning from text involves intellectual processes or dispositions that can be taught, learned, and optimized over time.Sixteen Habits of Mind? Gathering Data Through All Senses? Thinking Interdependently? Listening With Understanding and Empathy? Finding Humor? Questioning and Posing Problems? Thinking about Thinking? Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations? Striving for Accuracy? Creating, Imagining, Innovating? Persisting? Taking Responsible Risks? Thinking Flexibly? Responding with Wonderment and Awe? Managing Impulsivity? Remaining Open to Continuous Learning? Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and PurposeCosta, A. & Kallick, B. (2000). Discovering & exploring habits of mind. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development From Rachel Billmeyer’s Monthly Reading Strategy NewsletterFaculty Book Club will meet Wed Nov 15 at 3:00 in the libraryWe will be discussing our latest book and deciding our next few books. Come join us!Great Books YOU Might want to Check Out The Burke High School Library has many great books you might be interested in reading!Recipe Books & Home Improvement BooksChild and Parenting Books (discipline, potty training, crafts & activities, nutrition, etc.)Great Mystery Series—we have a wonderful selection of mystery books by great authors like James Patterson, Tony Hillerman, Rita Mae Brown, Mary Higgins Clark, Lilian Jackson Braun, and Alexander McCall Smith.“Did you Know?Thank you for supporting the library!November Library News 14, 2011Did You Know?Brain Pop is closed captioned? A great way to introduce new topics and begin the thought process!Tackling Tasks that Deplete our Time and EnergyHow many times each day do you try to work yourself up to tackle some undesirable task? If you’re like me – several. Nothing is more exhausting than the task that is never started, so I've come up with some tricks to use on myself, to prod myself to get started:1. Put yourself in jail. If I feel pressure to jump in and finish something in a rush, and therefore can't bear to start, sometimes I put myself in jail. If you're in jail, you have all the time in the world. You have no reason to hurry, no reason to cut corners or to try to do too many things at once. You can slow down, concentrate. You can take the time to get every single detail right.2. Ask for help. This is one of my most useful Secrets of Adulthood. Why is this so hard? I have no idea. But whenever I have trouble getting started because I don't know exactly what to do, and I ask for help, I'm amazed at how much it...helps.3. Remember: most decisions don’t require extensive research. I often get paralyzed by my inability to make a decision, but by reminding myself that often, one choice just isn’t that much different from another choice, I can get started. Also, I try to identify a knowledgeable person, and just follow whatever that person does.4. Take a baby step. If you feel yourself dismayed at the prospect of the chain of awful tasks that you have to accomplish, just take one step today. Tomorrow, take the next step. The forward motion is encouraging, and before long, you’ll probably find yourself speeding toward completion. In the same vein...5. Suffer for 15 minutes. You can do anything for fifteen minutes, and fifteen minutes, day after day, adds up surprisingly fast. That's how I finally dug myself out of my crushing (if virtual) load of digital photos. Fifteen minutes at a time.6. Do it first thing in the morning. The night before, vow to yourself to do the dreaded task. Get everything ready -- any phone numbers of information you need, files assembled, everything ready to go. And the next day, at the first possible moment – as soon as you walk into work, or when the office opens, or whenever – just do it. Don’t allow yourself to reflect or procrastinate. This is particularly true of exercise. If you think you’ll be tempted to skip, try to work out in the morning.7. Protect yourself from interruption. How often have you finally steeled yourself to start some difficult project, only to be interrupted the minute you get going? This makes a hard task much harder. Carve out some time to work.8. Remember, work can be one of the most pernicious forms of procrastination. Don't kid yourself.From a post by Gretchen Rubin—Author of The Happiness ProjectLibrary Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30What Can I do for You?As the school librarian for our building, I am extremely lucky in that I get to work with such a wide variety of teachers. Here a just a few of the things I can do to help you with your classroom goals:1) Plan lessons—I love seeing an idea come to life or just being a sounding board. 2) Give Research instruction—fromstart to finish: selecting a topic, finding relevant/reliable sources, summarizing, writing or producing end products, proofreading... 3) Help design and teach readingstrategies lessons. 4) Find articles for students to readabout content area topics 5) Locate amazing resources!Just ask some of my partners! Mrs Niebur, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Palmer, Mrs. Akins, Mrs. Boltinghouse, Ms. Little, Mrs. Jager, Mr. Deardoff, Mrs. Messerschmidt., Ms. Wayt, Mr. Bertschinger, Mrs. Kegley, Mrs. Gillian, Mr. Nguyen, Mrs. Kawecki, Mr. Grier, and many more!The library calendar for second semester is available to schedule classes. Check our calendar online & contact us to schedule!Faculty Book Club!One for the Money by Janet Evanovich meeting Jan 2!The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin start reading in January!Library “TeachersNews December 9, 2011HAPPY HOLIDAYS!25 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress1. Set realistic expectations. Things aren’t going to go perfectly and that’s ok. 2. Get moving. It’s not the chores, shopping, and Uncle Stanley’s visit that’s stressing you out – it’s your anticipation of them! Act now by creating a to-do list, and tackle one or two items per week through the holidays. 3. Avoid the shotgun approach. You’ll accomplish more by tackling one thing at time and giving it your full attention. 4. Budget your holiday expenditures. Set per person limits on gift giving and stick to them. Don’t overlook special outlays for travel, decorations, food and entertainment. 5. Pay as you go. Charging your purchases may delay your bills, but knowing they’re waiting for you in January increases stress. 7. Pare down on gift giving. For extended family and social groups, suggest each person give just one gift by drawing names out. of a hat. 8. Cut your costs. Give inexpensive but thoughtful gifts like home-baked goods or hand-made photo albums. Bundling several small items around a theme provides a low cost, personal touch. 9. Don’t lose the meaning. If consumerism has you down, check out for awhile with inspirational literature and reconnect with what makes the holidays special and important. 13. Take advantage of the internet. Most sites offer free shipping for the holidays. Find great unique and inexpensive gifts at sites like . 14. Ask for help. If you’re playing host, assign chores and duties to your spouse and children. 15. Cheer loves company. Combine household holiday prep with socializing. Ask some friends over for a baking and gift wrapping party. 16. Lighten your cooking duties. It’s perfectly acceptable to cook a main course and ask dinner guests to bring a side. 17. Get on the same page with family. Come to a consensus on what activities are most important and cut out the extras that add work and scheduling pressure. 18. Recruit a child wrangler. Kids underfoot can add to the stress of big events. Designate one adult to organize games and fun activities in a confined space. 20. Help someone who needs you. Nothing melts away personal troubles like helping someone else overcome theirs. 21. Pass down wisdom and tradition. Instead of mourning the passing of better times, keep those memories alive by sharing them with the next generation. 24. Make a gratitude list. Review it whenever you’re feeling depressed, anxious, depressed or stressed out. 25. Take a time out. Indulge in things you stopped doing because you “just don’t have time for anymore” like a long lunch or a night out with friends.For the full list visit: Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30Library “Teachers M-Th 7:00-4:00 HoursFri 7:00-3:30Book Talks Coming to You! Looking to inspire your students to read during SSR? Schedule a visit to the library or a visit to your classroom to hear about great books we have available. Students would be able to check out any books presented immediately. Contact me to schedule a time and vs. Books: What is Winning Your Kids’ Time?Little kids love digital. Among 0- to 8-year-olds, a quarter (27 percent) of all screen time is spent on digital devices like computers, video games, smartphones, and tablets. Books take a back seat to television. Zero- to 8-year-olds spend an average of 1 hour and 40 minutes per day watching television and DVDs, compared to 29 minutes reading or being read to. Babies and toddlers under age 2 spend more than twice as much time watching television and DVDs (53 minutes) as they do reading or being read to (23 minutes). The digital divide is growing. Nearly three out of four (72 percent) of 0- to 8-year-olds have a computer at home, but access ranges from 48 percent among those from low-income families to 91 percent among higher-income families. There's a new "app gap." Among lower-income children, 27 percent have a parent with a smartphone, compared to 57 percent for higher- income children.One thing you can act on now is your unique role in creating healthy lifelong patterns in your kids' critical early years. Here's how: Provide balance. Balance the types of media your kids are exposed to -- television, computers, music, books, etc. And balance the time kids spend using them with other activities that foster their emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development. JOIN THE Omaha Public Library Winter Reading Club!Make wise choices. Choose age-appropriate, quality content that reinforces your family's values. Remember that not every show or game has to be labeled "educational" to foster learning; if something is Read 5 books between now and February 29th and earn a canvas bag and coffee cup. You will also be entered to win a $25 restaurant gift certificate (one per branch). Just for signing up, you can earn a couponWelcoming a Bright New Year!Did You Know?? You can register to receive professional journals delivered right to you at school? For FREE!! Sign up to be part of the rotation by visiting the Educational Research library link under staff links on the OPS homepage. You can also sign up to get special kits, trunks, videos, and much more from the MTC! Just visit the Media Technology Center also under staff links.engaging your kid's mind, go with it. Check Common Sense Media for reviews and recommendations on movies, TV shows, books, games, websites, music, and apps. Watch, play, read, and listen with your kids. Don't underestimate the value of co-viewing. Especially in the early years, it's crucial to sit with your kid and play, watch, sing along, and interact with them. All media to the library book sale! Sign up online today! ww..consumption for kids under 8 should happen in your presence -- or be heavily monitored. Be sensitive to differences. One of the key findings of the Zero to Eight report is that media exposure and choices differ by socio- Faculty Book Clubeconomic status. Don't assume that everyone has the same technology or follows the same rules -- or even has rules for media consumption at We are reading The Happiness Project byall. Uneven access can lead to uneven knowledge, so help your kids Gretchen Rubin. If you would like to beunderstand that all families are different. part of the online or in person discussions, please e-mail me or stop by and see me!For the full article visit: vs-books-whats-winning-your-kids-timeJanuary Library News 5, 2012Library News January 30, 2012February is Black History MonthWith Your Public Library Card! You have FREE access to: A to Z: The USA Academic Source Premier American Decades: Primary Sources Encyclopedia of Associations ERIC—Education Resources Information Center Green Education: An A-to-Z Guide Learning Express MAS-High School Magazines Newspaper Source NewsBank Professional Development Collection Teacher Reference Center AND MUCH MORE! (Including subject areas like art, en Espanol, health & wellness, world culture & society, etc.) check out the Resource Center tab... Sign up for a card in the library today!Reading Strategy SpotlightSummary Wheel (Summarization or Note Taking)In this strategy, students can work alone, with a partner, or in a small group (no more than 3). Students are provided with a handout that contains a circle broken into sections. The circle may contain as many sections as you would like students to summarize or take notes on (for example one for each paragraph or one for each concept, etc.). The topic for summarization or note taking is on the “crust” of the wheel. The summarized information or notes details are added as “toppings” to bigger sections. Encourage students to USE THEIR OWN WORDS and avoid sentences or long phrases. Based on the information they record on their summary wheel, students should then be able to come up with an overall summary statement for the article or be able to repeat note information in their own words.Links to Cool Tech Technology tips for Classroom Teachers tips-for-teachers-free-easy-and-useful-creation-tools/ Tech Tips For Teachers: Free, Easy, and Useful Creation Tools (from the NY Times) ols.shtml Members of the Ed World Tech Team talk about the tools they find most useful in their professional lives. technology/86-great-tech-tools A list of technology tools focused on learning goals.(Disclaimer: Not all of the tech tools featured in these websites and articles will work within the OPS network. But, many do!—Give them a shot)Professional Books of the MonthImproving Comprehension with Read Aloud Strategies by Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Ph.D. (171 pgs) “Through this book, we gain a deeper understanding of our own reading process, along with hundreds of ideas for deepening the comprehension and engagement of every reader we teach.Classroom Instruction that Works by Robert Marzano (178 pgs) Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement.GOING GREENYou can recycle a lot more than plastic shopping bags in the bins provided at grocery, drug, and big box stores. Most take any clear film (including dry cleaning, bread, and newspaper bags and the wraps from bulk snack and water bottle cases and water-bottle cases and from toilet paper, napkins, and paper towels. Can’t go in: Salad bags, cling wrap, frozen food bags. To learn more visit Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30You can still get your picture taken for a READ poster.Bring your favorite book to the library or borrow one of ours. Pictures can be taken anytime! Also be sure to update your “I am reading” signs for your classroom!READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY is MARCH 2nd!All 5th period teachers MUST check out a Dr. Seuss book from the library to read on Friday 3/2/12.You have many titles to choose from! First come, first choice!Green Eggs and Ham Ten Apples Up On Top Go Dog Go! Hop on Pop The Foot Book Fox in Socks The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat Comes Back Oh the Thinks You Can Think Are You My Mother Wacky Wednesday The Tooth Book There’s No Place like Space I Can Read with My Eyes Shut One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish I am Not Going to Get Up Today Dr. Seuss ABC There’s a Wocket in my Pocket Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now The Cat in the Hat (en Espanol)P.D. Eastman, author of some of the books, was a protégé of Theodore Geissel (aka Dr. Seuss)March is...Faculty Book Club! We will have a brief meeting on Women’s History MonthWednesday February 15 at 3:00 in the Nutrition Monthlibrary to discuss our current book and Music in Schools Monthdecide on our next book! Youth Art MonthMarch 6-12 Foreign Language WeekMarch 14-20 Brain Awareness WeekGet out there and celebrate!USING PICTURES IN PROJECTS Just a friendly reminder that students need to cite the sources of any pictures they use for a project—unless it is from clipart or an image they create. Anything from Google Images should be included in a bibliography to provide proper credit.Library NewsCelebrate Reading!“TeachersFebruary 13, 2012Introducing Prezi U: Your educational community. Prezi U is now live! Learn and discuss best practices using Prezi in education, read articles and case studies about how top universities are using Prezi, find downloadable content, and more, all in one place.Download, search, and share Prezis from other educators in both University and K-12 areas. Upload your best prezis, and show how you use them! StrategyProvide Sentence StemsFor this strategy, students can work on their own or with a partner. Students will look over the handout/chart prior to reading. Then, students can read the article out loud or on their own. During or when finished reading, students will fill out information on handout/chart. The handout/chart will consist of sentence beginnings for the students to complete. For example:The author’s purpose in this article is to...Before reading this article I knew...A piece of information the author should have explained more is...This article applies to the world around me because...One question I have after reading this article is...Library News March 5, 2012The Luck o the Library May be Yours! More “Teachers Info Soon!Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30READING STRATEGY: Jigsaw Read and Respond For this strategy students need to be in groups of 3 or 4. Students will split up their article or section of text based on the number of group members. If there are 3 members, split the article into 3 sections. Each person reads their section on their own. Have students write their own summary of their section or write down the most valuable point from that section. Students willCOPYRIGHT REMINDER VIDEOS then share their information with their group members. As a group, come up with an overall summary of the article. Share the summary with the class.The following types of videos may be used in the classroom for “face to face” instruction: * Instructional videos selected using the district’s criteria and purchased for the non-print collections of the school library or media center. * Videos and DVDS obtained from the Media Technology Center collection or duplications services. * Streaming media available through the district or ESU subscription service. * Rented or purchased legally made copies of videos if the program applies to direct instructional needs and is used in face-to-face instruction. You MUST fill out a permission form located on the OPS district website— preferably at least 5 days in advance. Excerpts are recommended rather than showing the entire program. *Instructional programs recorded at the request of the teacher “off air” from any broadcast channel that can be received via television antenna—but certain guidelines must be followed.PLEASE BE AWARE! * DO NOT use programs taped from cable channels unless specific taping rights or written permission has been obtained from the copyright owner. * Non-print media (videos) cannot legally be shown for entertainment or rewards unless the school has purchased public performance rights. * Individuals, as well as the District, may be held liable for copyright infringement. Damages for which can range from $750 to $30,000 per infringer and per work infringed. If the court decides the infringement was willful, damages can run as high as $150,000 per instance. Faculty Book Club Selection for March Empire Falls by Richard Russo (2002 Pulitzer Prize Winner!) Let me know if you want to be a part of this discussion!TECH TIPSFree Teaching Resources from Scholastic 301///EDU//TeachersLessonPlansandActivitiesBookWi zard/Schools_SL1//////&ym_MID=1401555&ym_rid=2 972531 Lesson Plans, Student Activities, Book Wizard, Whiteboard ResourcesFREE Teaching Resources from PBS Sign up for a FREE account! A collection of 16,000+ resources by subject area. Includes documents, video clips, images, interactive, and lesson plans. Some resources are also in Spanish!Create a Chart of Objective-Based Learning Tasks The Differentiator is a simple online tool that helps you create objectives based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Simply click on the Thinking Skill, Content, Resources, Product or Group tab and then select what you want students to do by clicking on the subcategories. For example, under the Thinking Skill tab, you can choose Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating or Creating and then a subskill. The Product tab leads to lists of visual, multimedia, oral, written and constructed products that students can use to demonstrate learning. Under the Group tab, you can indicate whether students will work individually or in groups of up to four students. PINT SCHOOLS BOOKFAIR! STRATEGY“Say SomethiMarch 26th-30th Bring your new or gently used books to school Reflective thiand our school could win $200! article or textbooDona preset points in th about the topic tocommstarters to promp respond to the stng” nkers!Read silently teacher chosen k passages then students pause ate reading and must “say something” their partner. You could use sentence t discussion. The partner must atement with a related statement.TECH TIPSKHAN ACADEMY Watch. Practice. Learn. A library of over 3,000videos available at school or home for students to learn about everything from math, science, government, history and finance. EDUCATION Free 9-12 Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans. teacher- resources/index.cfm?campaign=footer_teacher_912tions benefit local nonprofit groups in our unity. Bring kids or YA books!STATE TESTING HOURS Staff please check the library schedule during state testing. If students are testing in the library Faculty Book Club—Come pick up your book! Empire Falls by Jamie Ford Meeting to discuss April 11th at 3:00 p.m. in the library!we are closed and CANNOT allow other classes or walk-ins in the library.Website Evaluation“It is imperative that students learn to separate the wheat from chaff, so to speak, in the information world. Where students find information matters as much as what information they obtain.”Wakeland High School Evaluation Lesson Site teevaluation Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Edcuators eval.html Cornell University Library al.html UC Berkeley Library Evaluate.html Purdue University Library Henry, R. (2010, August/September). Source matters. Libraryn/evaluation/websiteevaluationchart.html Media Connection, 34-35.Library News March 26, 2011April 2nd is International Children’s Book Day!Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30SQ3R Reading comprehension strategy that helps students think about what they are reading while they are reading it. There are 5 steps:?Survey: Students review the text to gain initial meaning from the headings, bolded text, and charts.?Question: Students begin to generate questions about their reading from previewing it.?Read: As students read, they need to look for answers to the questions they formulated during their preview of the text. These questions, based on the structure of the text, help focus students' reading.?Recite: As students move through the text they should recite or rehearse the answers to their questions and make notes about their answer for later studying.?Review: After reading, students should review the text to answer lingering questions and recite the questions they previously answered.Strategy came from: Wordle is a fun tool to help visualize text, play with language and help make meaning from text.? Allows students to find frequency in any text? Illuminates major characters/themes? Highlights key vocabulary, content and concepts? Positive experiencefor English Language Learners? Patterns found in complex textD.E.A.R. Day is April 12th, 2012To celebrate Drop Everything and Read Day, take time to read out loud to your students onThursday, April 12th.Need a suggestion??? Come ask us!Library News April 9, 2012National Library Week April 8-14th!Library Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30Tips for a Healthy Media Diet from Common Sense Media THE FACTS: Kids spend more than 7.5 hours a day with media, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.? 43% of children under 2 years old watch TV every day (2007 Kaiser Family Foundation).? Kids 8 to 18 spend over an hour a day on the computer (Kaiser Family Foundation).? Kids who watch more TV than their peers during middle and high school years have less healthy diets five years later (2009 University of Minnesota).? Children who watch between two and four hours of TV a day are 2 1?2 times more likely to have high blood pressure (2007 American Journal of Preventative Medicine).THE ANSWERS: Use media together and talk about what you see, hear, and read. Whenever you can, watch, play, listen, and surf with your kids. Talk about the content. When you can’t be there, ask them about the media they’ve used. Help kids question and analyze media messages. Share your own values. Let them know how you feel about solving problems with violence, stereotyping people, selling products using sex or cartoon characters, or advertising to kids in schools or movie theaters. Help kids connect what they learn in the media to events and other activities in which they’re involved, like playing sports and creating art, in order to broaden their understanding of the world. Be a role model. When kids are around, set an example by using media the way you want them to use it. Don't bring cell phones and Blackberries to the dinner table and turn the TV off when it's not actively being watched. Use a VCR or TiVo to record shows that may be inappropriate for your kids to watch – even the news – and watch them at a later time when kids are not around. Keep an eye on the clock. Media is fun and our kids love it. But kids can have too much of a good thing. Keep an eye on how long kids spend online, in front of the TV, watching movies, playing video games. The secret to healthy media use is to establish time limits and stick to them -- before your kids turn on and tune in.READING STRATEGY Anticipation Guides: Students are presented with short, attention grabbing statements. Students decide whether or not they agree with the statements, pair up, and share their responses. Volunteers are asked to share whether or not they agreed. Students are asked to determine if their opinions matched the information in the text as they read. Share amended responses after the reading.FREE ONLINE TOOL FOR TEACHERS Technology Entertainment Design (TED) is launching a free website TED-Ed.? High quality online lessons and assignments? Houses 1,100 free “video talks”? Advertising is barred from the videos? Geared towards high school & college studentsCHECK IT OUT! OF YEAR ProceduresHere are some reminders about our end of the year procedures:1) We are closed the last week ofschool for library duties 2) ALL student books are due backMay 11th! 3) Teachers with equipment,videos, or books checked out should return them by the end of the day Monday May 21st.Library “TeachersNews April 23, 2012Digital Citizenship Week April 24-30CommonSense Digital FactsDid you know???? 73 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds have at least one social networking profile (Pew, 2010).? 38 percent of girls online report being bullied, compared with 26 percent of online boys.? About 40 percent of kids have posted something on their social networking pages that they later regret. (Common Sense Media, 2009).? 22 percent of teen girls and 20 percent of teen boys have sent nude or semi-nude photos of themselves over the Internet or their phones. (CosmoGirl and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2009.)? Nearly 4 in 10 social network users (39 percent) have been cyberbullied, compared with 22 percent of online teens who do not use social networks (all from Pew, 2007).Some tips to think aboutGive them a code of conduct. Tell them that if they wouldn’t say something to someone’s face, they shouldn’t text it, IM it, or post it.Facebook : Pre-approve tags. Choose the settings that allow you to see everything you’ve been tagged in (including photos) before the tag links to your page.Help kids think long term. Everything leaves a digital footprint. Whatever gets created may never go away. If they don’t want to see it tomorrow, they’d better not post it today.Check out That’. It’s a fabulous site that gives kids the language and support to take texting and cell phone power back into their own hands.Nebraska Digital Citizenship Week Activity Kit sponsored by the Common Sense Media & the Nebraska Department of Education. 2012.pdfLibrary Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30PLEASE RETURN Any DVDS or VCRSPLEASE KEEP Overhead projectorsTools to Check Out Before AugustFree Online Tools to Enhance Student Engagement Looking for free tools to help you keep your students engaged and excited about your class? Here is an on- demand webinar to watch on your schedule that will help you discover new ways to teach with technology! Learn more here.100 Free Printables for Back-to-School Need ideas for back-to-school? Check out these 100 specially selected, free printables to help get your classroom back in the swing of the next school year. Perfect for summer planning! Learn more hereFree On-Demand Webinar: Differentiating Instruction With Technology We all know that students learn in different ways. The question is: how do we teach the same concepts to multiple learners with different abilities? Watch now for tips and strategies for differentiating instruction. Learn more here.Thank you to Everyone!Thank you to the many teachers who allowed me to work with your students, who let me in on your lesson planning, and who took the leap to try new unitsand projects with me. We worked with nearly 65,000 students this year as walk-ins and with classes.Thank you for continuing to support our library and our programs here at Burke through our book drives, book fairs, Hy- Vee Receipts, quote contests, reading programs, book clubs, and so much more.I look forward to working with you allagain next year!May Library News17, 2012Summer FunAd Lib pr“TeachersLibrary Hours M-Th 7:00-4:00 Fri 7:00-3:30ult Summer Reading Program through Omaha Publicrary. For every 3 items you log, you are entered to win ize drawings! Each branch will award the following:? 5 $50 restaurant gift cards? Joslyn Museum family membership? Lauritzen Gardens family membership? Durham Museum family membership? Film Streams dual membership? Henry Doorly Zoo household membership? Omaha Children's Museum family membership? Kindle TouchJu ne 2-3 Sa nd in the City Taste of OmahaJu ne 8 W orld Oceans’ Day @ HD zooIf you need to check out books over theJu ne 8-10 Su mmer Arts FestivalSanta Lucia Festivalsummer, please e-mailJu ne 14 Op ening Day CWS me the title and barcode. Thanks!June 15-25/26 College World SeriesJu ne 29 Me morial Park ConcertJune 21-July 8 Shakespeare on the GreenJulius Caesar & Comedy of ErrorsJu ly 14-15 Ra ilroad DaysMay 26-Sept 9 Wizard of Oz @ Children’s MuseumMay 26-Sept 2 Mindbender Museum @ DurhamFree Admission to Joslyn Art Museum every Sat 10-12FREE Outdoor Concerts Jazz on the Green Thursdays 7:00 Shadow Lake Towne Center Fridays 6:30-8:30 Rockbrook Village Fridays 7:00-9:00 Village Pointe Saturdays 6:30-8:30An annual Nebraska state park permit only costs $26! ................

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