1-Why were Sumerian Cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphics important?_______________________

2-Hammurabi’s Code was an?__________________________________________________________

3-The practice of agriculture meant that people could:_______________________________________

4- Why was the development of government necessary in early cities of Ur?_____________________

5-Why did pharaohs have absolute power in Egypt?_________________________________________

6-Which form of government was ruled by all citizens?______________________________________

7-In ancient Greece, a tyrant differed from other leaders in that he:_____________________________

8-Why did Constantine build a new capital?_______________________________________________

9-Which of the following contributed to the fall of Rome?____________________________________

10-Roman law is the foundation of what type of law today?___________________________________

11-Some Christians objected to the presence of icons in churches because they believed____________

12-The schism of 1054________________________________________________________________

13-The Eastern Roman Empire_________________________________________________________

14-Europe became a feudal society because_______________________________________________

15- Historians mark this event as the end of ancient history and the beginning of the Middle Ages.____

16-The pope’s influence in the Middle Ages resulted from____________________________________

17-The feudal system had which of the following effects?____________________________________

18-In medieval Europe the system that governed economics was called the________________ system.

19-Unlike the East, the West evolved into separate ruling nations because:_______________________

20-The goal of the First Crusade was to___________________________________________________

21-Which of the following was an effect of the Crusades?____________________________________

22-The Black Death led to_____________________________________________________________

23-Who won the Hundred Years’ War?___________________________________________________

24- The Aztec Empire grew wealthy through______________________________________________

25-What led to the downfall of both the Inca Empire and the Aztec Empire?_____________________

26-The ultimate goal of the early Portuguese explorers was to_________________________________

27-The voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean was known as the__________________

28-During the 1300s and 1400s, Europeans set out on voyages of exploration to find_______________

29-How did the Renaissance contribute to the Age of Exploration?_____________________________

30-European investors willingly took the risk of investing in overseas trade because_______________

31-Mercantilists would advocate that a nation to which of the following?________________________

32-What was an effect of the Columbian Exchange?________________________________________

33-Humanism was inspired by interest in_________________________________________________

34-Johannes Gutenberg’s invention has been described as revolutionary because__________________

35-The new way of thinking that involved the use of observation, experimentation, and reason that emerged in the mid-1500s is called the___________________________________________________

36-Who argued that there existed a social contract between people and their government?__________

37-Which political philosopher suggested that power should be balanced between Legislative, Judicial and Executive Branches?_____________________________________________________________

38-Which of the following occurred as a result of Martin Luther’s stand against indulgences?________

39-The Church’s scholastic education gave way to the subjects known as humanities and inspired the movement known as__________________________________________________________________

40-How did the work of the Flemish School differ from Italian Renaissance painting?______________

41-Throughout the 1500s and 1600s, many European monarchs worked to_______________________

42-Which of the following explains the difference in France’s absolute monarchy and England’s constitutional monarchy?______________________________________________________________

43-With the Glorious Revolution in England in 1688________________________________________

44-Until the Scientific Revolution, the traditional authorities were______________________________

45-What led scientists to study the natural world more closely in the mid-1500s?__________________

46-Who advocated Free Market Capitalism, Laissez Faire, and the Laws of Supply and Demand is his book of “The Wealth of Nations”?_______________________________________________________

47-John Locke is best known for advancing which idea?_____________________________________

48-The Enlightenment idea that government should be created and controlled by the people is called__

49-The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution because__________________________________

50-Why did the French and Indian War lead to increased taxes on Britain’s American colonies?______

51- The Declaration of Independence put forth the idea that___________________________________

52- Both the American and French revolutions_____________________________________________

53- The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in part because____________________________

54- Industrialization led to_____________________________________________________________

55- Two of the first countries in Europe to unify under nationalist movements were________________

56- Mass production, which created an increase in the quantity of goods produced, led to___________

57- Industrialization had which of the following effects on middle-class people?__________________

58- What did Otto von Bismarck mean by the phrase “blood and iron”?_________________________

59- Which best describes political motives driving the new European imperialism in Africa?________

60- Which of the following was one factor that allowed European nations to extend their control over Asia and Africa after 1800?____________________________________________________________

61-The U.S. Constitution established a system of___________________________________________

62-Germany fought most of WWI on how many fronts (sides)?________________________________

63-Why did both sides in World War I turn to new weapons?_________________________________

64- What was a social change influenced by the war?________________________________________

65-Many colonial people volunteered to fight for the Allied forces because they:__________________

66-What was the Zimmermann Note?____________________________________________________

67-The partnership formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the late 1800s:_________

68-What events led to World War I?_____________________________________________________

69-France, Russia, and Great Britain made up which alliance?_________________________________

70-What was the immediate result of trench warfare?________________________________________

71-Which best describes conditions in Russia on the eve of World War I?_______________________

72-Following World War I, what happened economically:____________________________________

73-Women’s participation in World War I consisted primarily of doing what?____________________

74- Why did Japan forces attack Manchuria?______________________________________________

75-Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union into a:______________________________________

76-Stalin’s approach to Communist government differed from Karl Marx’s because:_______________

77-How did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt propose to fight the Great Depression?___________

78-The terms of the Treaty of Versailles are often blamed for contributing to the rise of:____________

79-The Great Depression helped lead to the rise of:_________________________________________

80-Which of the following was a key turning point in Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union?______

81-What was the goal of the Nazis’ Final Solution?_________________________________________

82-The U.S. effort to rebuild Europe after World War II was known as__________________________

83-Which of the following began World War II?___________________________________________

84-What recent invention allowed the British to more effectively defend against German air attacks?__

85-What event led to a decisive shift away from isolationism in the United States? (event)__________

86-Before entering World War II, the United States did what to help the Allies?___________________

87-What was the significance of the Battle of Coral Sea?_____________________________________

88-The Nazi campaign to imprison inferior people included which groups?______________________

89-Hitler’s declaration that “Surrender is forbidden” at the Battle of Stalingrad led to______________

90-What was the goal of the Yalta Conference?____________________________________________

91-Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill issued the Atlantic Charter, a document that did what?__

92-For the Soviet Union, what was the turning point in the war in Europe?_______________________

93-Who was part of the military alliances known as the Axis Powers?__________________________

94-When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, he went against what agreement?__________

95-Which group was treated most harshly by the U.S. government during World War II?___________

96-Hitler’s Final Solution included what locations? (camps?)_________________________________

97-How did Hitler respond to the successful invasion of France by the Allies?____________________

98-One reason Western Europe made a rapid recovery from World War II was because_____________

99-The U.S. was alarmed by Soviet control of Eastern Europe at the end of World War II because _____

100-Which event led to the end of the Cold War?___________________________________________

101-One effect of the arms race was a threat of :____________________________________________

102-The Cold War ended when_________________________________________________________

103-Nations that refused to take sides in the rivalry between superpowers in the 1950s were called:___

104-What caused the Cuban missile crisis?________________________________________________

105-In what ways did the Cold War conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States affect the rest of the world? ____________________________________________________________________

106-What led to the Test Ban Treaty (event?)______________________________________________

107-What was the goal of the United States when it went to war in Korea?_______________________

108-How was the Vietnam War related to the domino theory?_________________________________

109-The US experienced a severe economic slowdown in the 1970s because_____________________

110-The US led invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on the belief that ___________________________

111-How is globalization changing the world?_____________________________________________

112- The Nuremberg Laws ____________________________________________________________________

113- What led Hitler to believe that European powers would not interfere in his plans for Anschluss?_________

114- Control of North Africa was vital for the Allies because_________________________________________

115- The primary cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union was ______________________________________

116- The end of communism and the introduction of market reforms in Eastern Europe has led to____________

117- Soviet leaders wanted to control Eastern Europe after World War II because_________________________

118- Winston Churchill used what image to describe the division of Europe?____________________________

119- How did the Zimmermann Note affect American neutrality?______________________________________

120- What law resulted in the spread and deepening of the Great Depression?____________________________

121-Why was the Soviet Union unprepared for Hitler’s attack in June 1941?_____________________________

122- Why did American and British forces plan a massive invasion of Western Europe?____________________

123- As a result of the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. Congress agreed to send hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to which countries?__________________________________________________________________________

124- China’s Great Leap Forward resulted in______________________________________________________

125- When some observers predict that the 2000s will be an “Asian century” they mean what?______________

126- The 1954 peace talks that resulted in dividing Vietnam into northern and southern halves reflected_______

127- A U.S.-led coalition launched the Persian Gulf War in 1990 after what event:________________________

128- How did Iran change under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s leadership?____________________________

133- In the 1980s and 1990s, Latin America generally became what____________________________________

134- What were Fidel Castro’s goals in Cuba?_____________________________________________________

135- While the North American Free Trade Agreement was intended to remove barriers to trade, many Mexicans worried that the economy would do what?________________________________________________

136- The tsunami that devastated large areas of Southeast Asia in 2004 is an example of a__________________

137- Which of the following is a typical “pull” factor in migration?____________________________________

138- Which of the following is a typical “push” factor in migration?___________________________________

139- During recent years, worldwide terrorist attacks have been (increasing/decreasing)____________________

140- Americans who contracted and died from anthrax in 2001 were victims of what type of weapon?________

141- In which area of the world is desertification most likely to take place?______________________________

142- What has led to the rapid growth of biotechnology?____________________________________________

143- Desertification and deforestation are both caused by____________________________________________

144- Some people argue against multinational corporations because they believe that:_____________________

145- Opponents of free trade believe what?_______________________________________________________

146- Some scientists believe that global warming is caused by:________________________________________


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