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Senate Bills

Introduced Jan. 6, 2004

SB 1 (BR 5) - D. Williams, C. Borders, J. Denton, E. Harris, A. Kerr, V. McGaha, R. Roeding, D. Seum, K. Stine, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Westwood

AN ACT proposing amendments to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to health care matters.

Propose amending the Constitution of Kentucky to add a new section permitting the General Assembly to limit noneconomic damages, limit punitive damages, provide for a statute of limitations on actions, and require alternative dispute resolution in cases involving health care providers licensed or certified by the Commonwealth; propose amending Section 14 relating to access to the courts, Section 54 relating to prohibiting limits on damages, and Section 241 relating to the right to sue in death and injury cases to conform; provide for submission to the voters in the normal manner.


SCS (1) - Retain original provisions; permit the General Assembly to enact uniform statutes of repose; provide ballot language.

SCS (2) - Retain original provisions; specify that the General Assembly shall not set limits on noneconomic or punitive damages of less than $250,000 for each instance; clarify that any mandatory dispute resolution system occur prior to a jury trial; amend ballot language to conform.

SFA (1, T. Shaughnessy) - Amend to prohibit General Assembly from establishing limits on noneconomic and punitive damages lower than $250,000 and to require that the alternative dispute resolution system preserves access to the courts.

SFA (2, T. Shaughnessy) - Amend to prohibit the General Assembly from having the authority to limit noneconomic damages or punitive damages to less than $250,000 each and to require that access to the courts be preserved.

SFA (3, J. Rhoads) - Amend to specify that the provisions of the amendment shall apply to medical negligence actions.

SFA (4, J. Rhoads) - Amend to specify that the provisions of the amendment shall apply to medical negligence actions.

SFA (5, J. Rhoads) - Amend to provide that the mandatory alternative dispute resolution system which may be authorized by the General Assembly shall be nonbinding and shall not abridge the right of trial by jury.

SFA (6, J. Rhoads) - Amend to provide that the mandatory alternative dispute resolution system which may be authorized by the General Assembly shall be nonbinding and shall not abridge the right of trial by jury.

SFA (7, D. Mongiardo) - Retain original provisions except delete the proposal to amend the Constitution to permit the General Assembly to limit noneconomic and punitive damages in civil cases involving a health care provider licensed or certified in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; make technical correction.

SFA (8, J. Rhoads) - Amend to specify that the provisions of the amendment shall apply to medical negligence actions.

SFA (9, J. Rhoads) - Amend to provide that the mandatory alternative dispute resolution system which may be authorized by the General Assembly shall be nonbinding and shall not abridge the right to trial by jury.

HCS - Retain original provisions, except specify that provisions of amendment shall apply to medical negligence actions; provide that mandatory alternative dispute resolution system shall not abridge the right of trial by jury; require centralized reporting; amend ballot language to conform.

HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Amend to raise the noneconomic and punitive damage recovery floors from $250,000 to $1,000,000.

HFA (2, R. Wilkey) - Delete subsection (3)(c) relating to status of malpractice reports and insert in lieu thereof a requirement that the records be public and be provided to the General Assembly, Legislative Research Commission, Department of Insurance, and such other persons or organizations as the General Assembly shall provide by law.

HFA (3, J. Barrows) - Delete ballot language.

HFA (4, J. Barrows) - Provide effective date of amendment.

HFA (5, B. Yonts) - Amend to raise the noneconomic and punitive damage recovery floors from $250,000 to $500,000.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 7-to State and Local Government (S)

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to State and Local Government (S); floor amendments (2) (4) (5) and (7) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendments (8) and (9) filed to Committee Substitute (2) , floor amendments (1) (3) and (6) filed; reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2) ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and (7) withdrawn ; floor amendments (8) and (9) defeated ; Committee Substitute withdrawn; passed 23-14-1 with Committee Substitute (2)

Jan 16-received in House

Jan 22-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 19-discharge petition filed

Mar 24-discharge petition filed

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (2) (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 29-floor amendment (5) filed to Committee Substitute

SB 2 - See Introductions on February 4, 2004

SB 3 (BR 65) - G. Tapp, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, V. McGaha, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, R. Roeding, K. Stine

AN ACT relating to tax credits for biodiesel.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 142 to provide nonrefundable tax credits of one dollar per gallon for biodiesel producers, two cents per gallon for blenders, and one cent per gallon for retailers of biodiesel fuel; limit total credits available each year for each group (producers, blenders, retailers) to one million dollars; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2005.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 4/CI (BR 131) - R. Roeding, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, P. Herron Jr, A. Kerr, V. McGaha, A. Robinson, D. Seum, K. Stine, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to fetal homicide.

Amend KRS 507.010 to include unborn child within the definition of person for purposes of the criminal homicide statutes.


SFA (1, R. Jones II) - Amend to exclude stem cell research from the coverage of the bill.

SFA (2, D. Thayer) - Amend to insert the short title: The Caleb-Haley-Landon Act.

SFA (3, R. Roeding) - Insert the phrase "in utero" so as to define an unborn child as an unborn child in utero from fertilization onward.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 7-to Judiciary (S)

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 20-floor amendment (2) filed

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004; floor amendment (3) filed

Jan 22-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) and (3) withdrawn ; motion reconsidered; floor amendment (1) defeated 13-24 ; passed 31-6 with floor amendment (2)

Jan 23-received in House

Jan 27-to Judiciary (H)

SB 5 (BR 154) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to insurance claims.

Create a new section of Subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit the use of third-party liability claims for purposes of underwriting or rating by a private passenger automobile insurer or homeowner's insurer unless the insurer gives written notice to the insured within 30 days after a third party liability claim is filed; require the notice to state whether the insurer uses the number of claims filed for underwriting or rating purposes; provide that if the number of claims filed is used, the notice shall describe how it is used and the number of claims on the insured's record; require a private passenger automobile insurer and homeowner's insurer, that uses the number of claims filed for underwriting or rating purposes to give its insured written notice within 30 days after an insured files a claim that the insurer uses the number of claims filed for underwriting or rating purposes, describe how it is used, and disclose the number of claims on the insured's record.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 6 (BR 196) - D. Boswell, J. Rhoads

AN ACT relating to conditions of probation and conditional discharge.

Amend KRS 533.030, relating to conditions of probation and conditional discharge, to authorize the court to include as such a condition a payment to a crime stoppers organization and a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) program.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

SB 7 (BR 195) - D. Thayer, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to income tax.

Amend KRS 141.010 to exempt income received from a tobacco quota buyout from the state income tax.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 8 (BR 210) - D. Thayer, J. Pendleton, G. Tapp, E. Tori

AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt feed and feed additives, chemicals, on-site facilities, fencing, equipment, machinery, attachments, and repair and replacement parts used in the raising of equine as a business from the sales and use tax; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 9 (BR 211) - D. Thayer, J. Pendleton, G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.531 to exempt fees paid for breeding a stallion to a mare in this state from the sales and use tax; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2003.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 10/LM (BR 255) - D. Seum, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to governmental smoking policies.

Amend KRS 61.165 to permit the adoption of smoking policies in buildings owned, occupied, leased, or rented by state and local governments and their agencies, boards and commissions as prescribed; prohibit any local government from adopting smoking policies for any private building not owned, occupied, leased, or rented by the local government or any of its agencies, boards, or commissions; make null and void any local smoking policy enacted prior to the effective date of this Act.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 11 (BR 11) - E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to blasting operations.

Amend KRS 351.330 to restrict blasting operations in an urban-county.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 12 (BR 140) - T. Buford

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Sections 7, 14, 54, and 241 of the Kentucky Constitution and proposing to create a new section of the Kentucky Constitution, relating to medical malpractice.

Propose new section of the Kentucky Constitution to establish a medical malpractice screening panel; define "medical malpractice" and "health care provider"; require the General Assembly to establish a medical malpractice screening panel by general law; provide that the medical malpractice screening panel shall review each case of alleged medical malpractice prior to the filing of any civil suit in court; provide that any civil suit filed prior to the issuance of an opinion by the medical malpractice screening panel shall be dismissed by the court; require the medical malpractice screening panel to issue an opinion on each case of alleged medical malpractice whether the evidence supports the conclusion that the health care provider committed medical malpractice; provide that the opinion on each case of alleged medical malpractice issued by the screening panel shall be admissible as evidence in court, but shall not be a conclusive determination in court proceedings on whether medical malpractice was committed; propose to amend Section 7 of the Kentucky Constitution, relating to trial by jury; propose to amend Sections 14 and 54 of the Kentucky Constitution, relating to access to courts; propose to amend Section 241 of the Kentucky Constitution, relating to the right to sue in cases of death or injury; submit to voters and provide ballot language.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 13 (BR 290) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to license plates.

Amend KRS 186.240, relating to the design of regular license plates, to establish the permanent design of Kentucky's regular plates as images of the U.S. flag and the Commonwealth of Kentucky flag waving; replace the slogan "Bluegrass State" with the slogan "IN GOD WE TRUST"; establish a background color of light blue with black letters and numerals; amend other sections in KRS Chapter 186 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Transportation (S)

SB 14/LM/CI (BR 337) - R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to drug control.

Amend KRS 218A.202 to require any practitioner or pharmacist licensed or permitted in Kentucky, and any dispenser licensed or permitted by the Board of Pharmacy, to report specified data about controlled substances to the Cabinet for Health Services relating to the all-schedule prescription electronic reporting system; require incomplete or inaccurate data to be corrected upon notification by the cabinet; expand the entities permitted to receive data to include the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, with specified purposes, and a court or probation or parole officer administering a diversion or probation program of a criminal defendant arising out of a substance abuse violation; permit the sharing of data among law enforcement officers engaged in a bona fide specific investigation involving a designated individual, and permit the Department for Medicaid Services to share data regarding overutilization by recipients with a licensure board; permit the cabinet to limit the length of time that data remains in the electronic system, and require any data removed to be archived; require the cabinet to work with each affected board, the Kentucky Bar Association, and the Justice Cabinet to develop continuing education programs related to the electronic reporting system; amend KRS 218A.240 to permit the Cabinet for Health Services to use the data for investigations, research, statistical analysis, and educational purposes, and to publish trends reports; require the cabinet to notify licensure boards of potential problems identified by the trends reports; require the cabinet to develop criteria, in collaboration with the Board of Medical Licensure and the Board of Pharmacy, to be used to generate the trends reports; permit law enforcement officers to request trend reports; create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to permit the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to enter into reciprocal agreements for sharing of information with other states that have prescription drug monitoring programs, and specify the criteria to be used to determine compatibility; require the secretary to annually review the programs of other states with which Kentucky has a reciprocal agreement; require an annual report to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission about the status of any reciprocal agreement; prohibit the unauthorized sharing of information about a Kentucky resident, practitioner, pharmacist, or prescriber; and amend KRS 315.0351 to make technical changes.


SCS/LM/CI - Retain provisions of original bill; amend Section 1 to provide that the cabinet shall establish acceptable error tolerance rates for data, and to provide that dispensers shall correct inaccurate data upon notification from the cabinet that errors exceed the determined error tolerance level.

SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Amend to create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to allow any practitioner, pharmacist, dispenser, or person, upon payment of a ten dollar fee, to have access to data or reports relating to him or in which he is mentioned by name, and to require the Cabinet for Health Services to promulgate administrative regulations establishing a procedure for the practitioner, pharmacist, dispenser, or person to challenge and change incorrect information found in the data or reports.

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Amend KRS 218A.202 to require a prescriber of a controlled substance to report the prescription under the electronic system for monitoring Schedules II, III, IV, and V controlled substances, and specify the information to be reported; establish penalty for failure to transmit data; amend KRS 218A.240 to authorize licensure boards of professionals authorized to prescribe controlled substances to inspect and to remove files from the prescriber or the custodian of records for the prescriber upon tendering a receipt; and authorize the cabinet to collaborate with the boards to develop criteria to generate trend reports.

HFA (2/P, S. Nunn) - Retain original provisions and add the provisions of HB 220.

HFA (3, B. Yonts) - Amend KRS 218A.202 to establish a process by which the Commonwealth's attorney or county attorney would request KASPER information for local law enforcement officers after determining that a bona fide examination exists, and require the officers to update the Commonwealth's attorney or county attorney if requested to do so after receipt of the information; allow any person to request a KASPER report of their own information, and if the person is not in the system, the department must provide a written response that the person is not in the system; require any sharing of data among law enforcement officials to be reported to the Commonwealth's attorney or county attorney; and provide that a trend report can be requested by a Commonwealth's attorney or county attorney on behalf of law enforcement officials only after the officials have demonstrated a need for the reports.

HFA (4, G. Lindsay) - Amend KRS 218A.202 relating to the KASPER system to limit peace officer who may request KASPER reports to Kentucky certified peace officers, certified and full-time peace officers of another state, and federal peace officers; 218A.240 relating to enforcement of controlled substances statutes to provide that only peace officers certified under KRS 218A.202 may request KASPER reports.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 7-to Judiciary (S)

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Jan 27-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 28-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) defeated ; passed 33-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-received in House

Feb 2-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 5-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 12-floor amendment (4) filed

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with floor amendment (4)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendment (4) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House floor amendment (4) ; passed 33-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 107)

SB 15 (BR 130) - R. Roeding, J. Pendleton, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to anaphylaxis reaction in schools.

Amend KRS 158.832 to define "anaphylaxis" as an allergic reaction resulting from sensitization following prior contact with a causative agent which can be a life-threatening emergency; amend KRS 158.834 to permit students with anaphylaxis in public or private schools to self-administer prescribed medications; and amend KRS 158.836 to permit students who meet the requirements of KRS 158.834 to use anaphylactic medications when at school, at a school-sponsored activity, or before and after normal school activities while on school properties.


SCS - Retain original provisions, except specify that EpiPen or other auto-injectible epinephrine may be self-administered by students at school and school activities; and make technical corrections.

SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Retain original provisions; EMERGENCY.

SFA (2/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Health and Welfare (S)

Jan 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 13-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Jan 14-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Jan 16-received in House

Jan 22-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 16-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

SB 16 (BR 413) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to the report on dispensing prescription medications.

Amend KRS 205.561 to repeal the Medicaid prescription drug dispensing fee study; amend KRS 205.6316 to conform.


HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Retain original provisions and create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to specify legislative intent to remove barriers to employment for persons with disabilities; require Cabinet for Health Services to convene a policy group to develop a Medicaid Buy-In program for persons with disabilities; specify membership; permit policy group to establish ad hoc groups and require policy group to conduct its first meeting by August 15, 2004, to have access to data, to identify financing and address availability of funding, to assess cost-effectiveness and economic benefits, and to make recommendations on eligibility, personal care assistance services, coordination with other programs, and policy considerations; require cabinet to apply for federal grants to support program development; require all state agencies to assist upon request; present program to Governor and LRC, by November 1, 2004.

HFA (2/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, D. Pasley) - Retain original provisions, add a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to provide Medicaid recipients with access to drugs prescribed for the treatment of severe mental illness without prior authorization or other restriction.

HFA (4/Title, D. Pasley) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 33-0; received in House

Feb 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 23-floor amendments (3) and (4-title) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 93-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 108)

SB 17 (BR 80) - R. Roeding, W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to Medicaid oversight.

Amend KRS 6.940 to change the name of the Medicaid Managed Care Oversight Advisory Committee to the Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee and expand its oversight to include the entire Medicaid program instead of being limited to Medicaid managed care.


HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Retain original provisions and create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to specify legislative intent to remove barriers to employment for persons with disabilities; require Cabinet for Health Services to convene a policy group to develop a Medicaid Buy-In program for persons with disabilities; specify membership; permit policy group to establish ad hoc groups and require policy group to conduct its first meeting by August 15, 2004, to have access to data, to identify financing and address availability of funding, to assess cost-effectiveness and economic benefits, and to make recommendations on eligibility, personal care assistance services, coordination with other programs, and policy considerations; require cabinet to apply for federal grants to support program development; require all state agencies to assist upon request; present program to Governor and LRC, by November 1, 2004.

HFA (2/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, T. Burch) - Amend KRS 205.540 to increase the membership of the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance from 18 to 19 members, and allow for membership on the council of a member of the Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers; and amend KRS 205.590, relating to advisory committees to the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance, to establish the Technical Advisory Committee on Adult Day Health Care consisting of 5 members appointed by the Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers.

HFA (4, T. Burch) - Amend KRS 205.540 to increase the membership of the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance from 18 to 19 members and allow for membership on the council of a member of the Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 32-0; received in House

Feb 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 29-floor amendment (4) filed

SB 18/LM (BR 245) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186 to establish a special license plate for the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; set initial state fee at $50; require 900 applications before plate is to be printed; specify that if 900 requests are not received within one year of the effective date, the section is repealed; set fees for licenses beyond the initial 900 applications; allow individuals applying for a deaf and hard of hearing license plate to make a voluntary $10 contribution to the commission; set forth replacement, transfer, and renewal procedures for the plate; mandate that the county clerks forward money collected under this section quarterly to the commission for use in direct services, training, and educational programs; required that funds received under this section be audited by the state auditor in conjunction with the routine audits of the commission; outline parameters for the design of the plate.


SCS/LM - Delete original provisions and replace with the following: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to create a special license plate for the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; require the Commission to obtain a minimum 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate expire; establish an initial fee for the plate of $28 and a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $10 contribution that will be sent to the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; declare the General Assembly appropriates funds received by the commission under this section to be used to further the commission's mission; require the commission to pay to annually audit the funds received from the sale of the license plate and submit the audit to the Transportation Cabinet.

SCA (1/Title, V. Moore) - Make title amendment

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Transportation (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 11-received in House

Feb 12-to Transportation (H)

SB 19/LM/HM (BR 343) - T. Buford, D. Karem

AN ACT relating to health insurance coverage for colorectal cancer detection.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require health benefit plans to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screenings in accordance with guidelines of the American Cancer Society.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 6-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 20/LM (BR 416) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles.

Amend KRS 187.590 to require surrender of a motor vehicle license plate for failure to maintain motor vehicle insurance; amend KRS 187.990 to authorize payment of $100 from the fine for failure to maintain motor vehicle insurance to the employing agency of a peace officer for securing possession of a motor vehicle license plate pursuant to KRS 187.590 ; and amend KRS 304.99-060 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Judiciary (S)

SB 21/LM (BR 52) - J. Turner

AN ACT relating to hardship driver's licenses.

Create various new sections of KRS 186.400 to 186.640, relating to driver licensing, to allow a District Court to issue a person a hardship driver's license for violating general traffic laws that have caused a person's driver's license to be suspended; pattern the license after the provisions currently in place for a DUI hardship license.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Judiciary (S)

SB 22 (BR 323) - E. Scorsone, G. Neal

AN ACT relating to tax credits for historic property rehabilitation and construction.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to provide a tax credit for qualified rehabilitation expenses paid to rehabilitate a certified historic structure against the individual income tax, corporate income tax, corporate license tax, public service corporation property tax, or bank franchise tax; define terms; provide that the credit is equal to 30% of the expenses in the case of owner-occupied residential property and 20% in the case of all other property; provide that the maximum amount of the credit is $60,000; provide that the credit may be transferred or assigned with some or no consideration; require the Revenue Cabinet to assess a penalty for disqualifying work; provide that the director of the Kentucky Heritage Council may impose fees for processing applications; allow the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide that the provisions of this section apply to applications filed on or after January 1, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to allow a tax credit for qualified construction expenses for a certified home; define terms; provide that the credit is equal to 10% of the expenses; provide that the maximum amount of the credit is $20,000; provide that the credit may be transferred or assigned with some or no consideration; require the Revenue Cabinet to assess a penalty for disqualifying work; provide that the director of the Kentucky Heritage Council may impose fees for processing applications; allow the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide that the provisions of this section apply to applications filed on or after January 1, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 136 to reference the credits permitted in this Act; amend KRS 141.0205 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Feb 5-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 23 (BR 257) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to nonsubstantive review of an application for a certificate of need.

Amend KRS 216B.095 to allow nonsubstantive review of an application for a certificate of need for a rehabilitation agency that consents in writing not to seek Medicaid certification or Medicaid reimbursement.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 24/LM (BR 451) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to county coroners.

Amend KRS 64.5275 to allow county coroners to participate in the training incentive benefits available to other elected county officials.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 25/CI (BR 810) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 507.020, relating to murder, to establish that a person is guilty of murder when he or she commits or attempts to commit certain felonies, and, in the course of or in furtherance of such offenses, or in immediate flight therefrom, he or she, or another participant, causes the death of another person other than one of the participants.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 33-4

Mar 11-received in House

Mar 15-to Judiciary (H)

SB 26 (BR 200) - E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to the official theatre pipe organ of Kentucky.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate the Kentucky Theatre's Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ located in Lexington as the official theatre pipe organ of Kentucky.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

SB 27 (BR 329) - D. Karem

AN ACT relating to condemnation.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 416 relating to eminent domain to create a procedure allowing a condemnor to test legal validity of a proposed series of condemnations needed for a single project by utilizing the procedures currently set out in statute for a condemnation action but without the procedures relating to valuation of the subject land and by having the determination of validity bind the condemnor and the condemnee in any subsequent litigation.


SCS - Retain original provisions except amend to clarify that venue is governed by KRS 416.570.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Judiciary (S)

Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 1-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 28/AA (BR 811) - J. Turner, W. Blevins, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, G. Neal, R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 158.070 to require school districts or schools that extend the length of regular school days to make up instructional time missed due to weather, illness, or other emergency to calculate the additional time toward the required 175 instructional days and toward service credit for retirement for certified and classified personnel; EMERGENCY.


SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Require a school district to have its approved school calendar contain a provision that days lost due to emergencies will be made up by using additional time; allow certified and classified employees who make up missed days by working longer hours to count this additional time toward the required minimum 185-day school calendar; allow a district to assign additional job responsibilities to those classified employees whose current job responsibilities do not allow them to make up service time lost due to lengthened days.

SFA (1, J. Turner) - Require a school district to have its approved school calendar contain a provision that days lost due to emergencies will be made up by using additional instructional time; allow certified and classified employees who make up missed days by working longer instructional hours to count this additional time toward the required minimum 185 day school calendar; allow a district to assign additional job responsibilities to those classified employees whose current job responsibilities do not allow them to make up service time lost due to lengthened instructional time.

HCS - Retain original provisions but rewrite proposed changes for clarity.

HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Clarify that a certified school employee must meet both state and local school requirements regarding the number and type of days required to fulfill his or her contract and receive service credit for retirement.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Education (S)

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading; committee amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 37-0 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 12-received in House

Feb 13-to Education (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 1-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; passed 35-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 89)

SB 29 (BR 444) - T. Buford, E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to training for staff members of long-term care facilities.

Amend KRS 216B.072 to require a long-term care facility, except for an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled, to provide 6 hours, rather than 8 hours, of specified training; update the training requirements to include an orientation related to dementia care, including facility policies related to dementia care and residents' rights, an overview of Alzheimer's, problem solving with challenging behaviors, and communication skills; reduce from 5 to 4 the number of continuing education hours related to dementia care and Alzheimer's disease; and delete exemption of a personal care home from the education requirements.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 30 (BR 917) - D. Karem

AN ACT relating to the Office of Education Accountability staff.

Amend KRS 7.410 to prohibit any person who left employment April 15, 2003 or thereafter from the Office of Education Accountability from acting as a legislative agent or legal advisor or representative, paid with public funds, for any public school district, education cooperative, or other educational organization until after two years have elapsed since the date the employee left the position; provide that a violation of this provision shall be considered ethical misconduct; amend KRS 6.666 to give the Ethics Commission responsibility for reviewing complaints in this matter.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Education (S)

SB 31 (BR 352) - C. Borders, T. Buford


SB 32 (BR 143) - T. Buford, W. Blevins, D. Mongiardo, E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to appropriate and cost effective staffing of long-term care facilities.

Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to provide findings and declarations regarding nursing staff shortages and requirements; require the Cabinet for Health Services to implement a system that increases the number of direct-care staff within long-term care facilities; create a long-term care staffing committee and establish membership and duties; require long-term care facilities to maintain staffing requirements established by the committee; establish civil penalties for long-term care facilities that do not maintain established staffing standards; amend KRS 205.6326 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 33/LM (BR 447) - D. Karem

AN ACT relating to alternative dispute resolution in land use disputes.

Create several new sections of KRS Chapter 417 to allow state and local agencies involved in land use disputes to utilize alternative dispute resolution proceedings to attempt to resolve the disputes.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

SB 34/LM (BR 414) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to home inspectors.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 198B to require that home inspectors be licensed; define terms; establish the requirements of licensure; create the Kentucky Board of Home Inspectors; establish qualifications of board members; establish duties of the board including an annual licensing fee not to exceed $250; require certain support for the board from the Kentucky department of housing, buildings and construction; establish a revolving fund in the State Treasury for the use by the board; establish waiver of the licensing requirement under certain conditions; establish reciprocity with other states; establish license renewal criterion; require continuing education; prohibit a political subdivision from having a registration or licensing requirement or an employment fee for home inspectors; require the board to take disciplinary actions for noncompliance; establish that hearings be conducted in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B; establish that certain actions constitute a Class B misdemeanor under KRS 534.040; establish a one year statute of limitations for actions in tort or contract regarding home inspections; establish July 1, 2006 as the deadline for a home inspector to be licensed; and amend KRS 198B.030 to attach the board to the department.


SCS/LM - Retain original language and add language to exclude certain manufactured home professionals from licensure; increase the board from 8 to 9 members; require that all fee-paid home inspections be conducted in accordance with certain standards of practice; clarify that political subdivisions are not prohibited from imposing an occupational license tax on a home inspector; require the general counsel of the Department of Housing, Building, and Construction to act as the legal adviser for the board; require that a cause of action be filed within 1 year from the time that the claimant knew or should have known that the inspection was deficient and delete certain exemptions from liability; prohibit inspector from writing in the initial home inspection report that any condition found is out of compliance with any building code enforced under KRS Chapter 198B; and create 7 new sections of KRS Chapter 411 to establish notice and opportunity to repair provisions.

SFA (1, G. Tapp) - Increase the number of board members from 8 to 9; add the Executive Director of the Office of Housing, Buildings and Construction, or his or her designee, as a board member; change the date for license renewal from July 15 to the last day of the licensee's birth month; and permit the board to establish an inactive license for licensees who are not actively engaging in the home inspection business but wish to maintain their license.

HCS/LM - Retain original provisions except revise make-up of Board of Home Inspectors to require that two members be licensed home inspectors or owners or managers of a home inspection company; and make technical corrections.

HFA (1, J. Adams) - Amend to grandfather in those persons who have been licensed under KRS Chapter 324 for at least 20 years.

HFA (2, L. Napier) - Retain original provisions of the bill; insert additional provisions that would allow persons who have served in the GA for 20 years and interned with a licensed attorney for one year to take the bar exam and, upon passing, be admitted to practice law.

HFA (3/Title, L. Napier) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 7-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 25-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 30-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in House

Mar 1-to Labor and Industry (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 19-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed ; 3rd reading; floor amendment (1) rejected ; passed 63-32 with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 36-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 109)

SB 35/LM/CI (BR 984) - D. Kelly


SB 36 (BR 954) - D. Kelly, D. Boswell, V. Moore, R. Roeding, G. Tapp, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to the establishment of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 171 to establish and attach the Commonwealth of Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission; attach the commission to the Kentucky Historical Society; assign membership and duties; sunset on June 30, 2010.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 34-0

Feb 6-received in House

Feb 10-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

SB 37 (BR 23) - D. Boswell, J. Rhoads

AN ACT relating to mines and minerals.

Amend KRS 352.010 to define "hazardous voltage", "suitable", and "workmanlike manner"; amend KRS 352.220 to include requirements for use of nonconductive materials for suspending trailing cables or high voltage feeder cables, for use of suitable circuit interrupting devices for power circuits and equipment at the mine, for grounding or insulating frames of hand-held electrically driven tools and pumps; include specifications for underground high-voltage cables used in resistance grounded systems and for power circuits and disconnecting devices; require underground transformer stations, battery charging stations, substations, rectifiers and water pumps be housed in noncombustible structures and include specifications for ventilation, monitoring and warning systems for noncombustible structures; provide exemption from the requirements for noncombustible structures for certain rectifiers and power centers; provide fire safety requirements for flame resistant belting and underground belt conveyors; require insulation and electric shock protection on communication wires and cables; require weekly testing for ground wires in trailing cables; specify procedures for testing and working on underground power circuits and electrical equipment; require switch boxes, contactors, controllers, and other similar devices to be free of accumulations of combustible dust; provide electrical safety requirements and procedures for trolley wires and trolley feeder wires; delete requirements for protective barriers between high voltage wires and other conveyor wires in surface mining operations and delete requirements for four wire circuits to minimize wire damage; prescribe electrical safety requirements including de-energizing and lock and tag procedures for testing or troubleshooting power circuits or electrical equipment located on the surface; amend KRS 352.230 to permit all electric driven equipment except intrinsically safe equipment taken or used inby the last open crosscut and in return airways in underground mines; delete existing requirements for operators in charge of electrical face equipment in mines and for certain inspection procedures of electrical face equipment being used next to the working face; prescribe examination and testing procedures for electrical equipment and circuits; prescribe maintenance requirements for electrical equipment utilized in intake airways; and prohibit accumulations of combustible materials including grease and other lubricants to prevent fire hazards; create new section of KRS Chapter 352 to establish qualification requirements for persons in charge of electrical face equipment; specify the types of mine workers that are permitted to conduct tests for gas; prescribe examination requirements for approval to test for gas; prescribe gas detection and testing requirements for electric face equipment being used near the working face; require twenty-minute interval testing for gas and safety requirements when electric equipment is being used at the face.


SCA (1, E. Harris) - Exclude from the provisions of the Act certain electrical facilities that are owned by a retail electric supplier or a cooperative and that are covered by the National Electric Safety Code.

SFA (1, D. Boswell) - Retain the provisions of the original bill; add language to clarify that installations controlled exclusively by utilities are exempt.

SFA (2, D. Boswell) - Amend Section 1 to delete definition of "hazardous voltage" and "suitable"; amend definition of "workmanlike manner" to mean consistent with established practices and methods utilized in the coal industry; provide that the chapter shall not apply to installations under the exclusive control of utilities; amend Section 2 to add definitions for "approved" and "suitable"; provide that power wires and cables be properly insulated and protected by proper installation and guarding; require that splices made in cables provide continuity components; delete requirement for single conductor trailing cables to be used on cutting machines; provide that suitable disconnecting devices be provided at the beginning of branch circuits; establish requirements for installations in noncombustible structures including monitors and fire suppression systems; provide that communication wires and cables be properly insulated and protected by proper installation and guarding; change the term "telephone wires" to "telephone lines"; delete requirement that insulating mats be of suitable size; delete requirement that trailing cables be capable of allowing hazardous voltage; require suitable disconnect providing for visible evidence that the power is disconnected when electrical work or major mechanical work is performed; require that repairs or maintenance not be performed on machinery until the power is off and the machinery is blocked against motion; delete requirement that telephone lines crossing trolley wires be carefully guarded in a nonconductive conduit; and add definitions for "approved" and "suitable" to Sections 3 and 4.

SFA (3, D. Boswell) - Amend to grant an exemption from the provisions of the bill to electrical facilities owned, operated, or otherwise controlled by an electric utility as defined under KRS 278.010 or organized under KRS Chapter 279 for purposes of communication, metering, billing, or for the generation, control, transformation, or transmission of electric energy in buildings used exclusively by electric utilities located outdoors or on property owned or leased by the utility or on public highways, streets, roads, or outdoors as established by easement rights on private property and that are covered by the NESC or other applicable safety codes.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 12-reported without opinion with committee amendment (1) ; 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-passed over; placed in the Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Feb 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (3) filed

Feb 25-3rd reading; committee amendment (1) withdrawn ; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with floor amendments (2) and (3)

Feb 26-received in House

Mar 1-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 37)

SB 38 (BR 302) - J. Westwood, T. Buford, D. Thayer

AN ACT relating to adoption.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 199, relating to adoption, to provide a procedure for court recognition of foreign judgments of adoption, outline the requirements therefor, and provide for a readoption in Kentucky if the requirements are not met; amend KRS 199.520 and 199.570 to conform; and make technical amendments to KRS 199.011, 199.470, 199.471, and 199.473.


SCS - Delete original provisions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 199 to provide for the recognition of an adoption from a foreign nation by petitioning the circuit court in the county of residence of the petitioner for an order to the registrar of vital statistics for the issuance of a Kentucky birth certificate.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Health and Welfare (H)

SB 39/LM (BR 1064) - J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186 to create a Choose life license plate; set forth procedures for transfer or replacement; require a minimum of 900 applications before the plate is to be printed; set the fee for the plate at $53 for the first 900 applications and $15 for all subsequent applications; specify that if 900 applications are not received within one year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions establishing a Choose Life license plate are automatically repealed; provide that an applicant for a Choose Life license plate may also give a voluntary $20 contribution when applying for or renewing a registration under this section that a county clerk will forward quarterly to the Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Care Association, Inc.; create a new section of KRS Chapter 186 to set forth accounting procedures to allowable uses of contributions given under this program; require the association to use money contributed from the sale of Choose Life license plates for qualified agencies that promote counseling for pregnant women about the option of adoption.


SCS/LM - Delete Section 1 of the Act and replace with the following: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to create a special Choose Life license plate; require the Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Care Association, Inc. to obtain a minimum 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate expire; establish an initial fee for the plate of $28 and a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $20 contribution that will be sent to the Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Care Association, Inc.

SFA (1, D. Karem) - Retain the provisions of the Senate Committee Substitute and add two sections to create a Protect Choice special license plate; define a "qualified agency" to mean an agency or organization that is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that provides family planning or reproductive health services; provide that the term shall not mean any agency or organization that prohibits or limits access to abortion services; establish that 900 applications with the appropriate fee must be presented to the Transportation Cabinet before the license plate will be printed; allow persons to make a voluntary contribution of $20 when initially purchasing or renewing a Protect Choice license plate; require the county clerk to transmit the contributions on a quarterly basis to the qualified agency or agencies that applied for the plate to be printed.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Transportation (S)

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) defeated ; passed 27-4 with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-received in House

Feb 5-to Transportation (H)

SB 40 (BR 423) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to prescriptions.

Amend KRS 218A.202 to permit the Department for Medicaid Services to use data from the electronic system for monitoring controlled substances to identify Medicaid recipients whose usage of controlled substances may be appropriately managed by a single outpatient pharmacy or primary care physician; and permit the department to use the data from the system as evidence in an administrative hearing; amend KRS 218A.240 to authorize the Cabinet for Health Services to submit data from the electronic monitoring system as evidence in administrative hearings.


SFA (1, D. Karem) - Create a new section to cite this Act as "The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004."

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Retain original provisions and create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to specify legislative intent to remove barriers to employment for persons with disabilities; require Cabinet for Health Services to convene a policy group to develop a Medicaid Buy-In program for persons with disabilities; specify membership; permit policy group to establish ad hoc groups and require policy group to conduct its first meeting by August 15, 2004, to have access to data, to identify financing and address availability of funding, to assess cost-effectiveness and economic benefits, and to make recommendations on eligibility, personal care assistance services, coordination with other programs, and policy considerations; require cabinet to apply for federal grants to support program development; require all state agencies to assist upon request; present program to Governor and LRC, by November 1, 2004.

HFA (2/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, D. Pasley) - Retain original provisions, add a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to provide Medicaid recipients with access to drugs prescribed for the treatment of severe mental illness without prior authorization or other restriction.

HFA (4, J. Jenkins) - Retain original provisions; add a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to prohibit the Cabinet for Health Services from excluding an individual who meets the nursing facility level of care from the home and community-based waiver program based on the care needs being directly related to a mental illness, mental retardation, or developmental disability.

HFA (5/Title, J. Jenkins) - Make title amendment.

HFA (6, T. Burch) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to provide that no prescription drug, laboratory test, or diagnostic test that is medically necessary and properly prescribed shall be subject to any limitation or prior authorization if the drug or test is for the treatment or prevention of HIV or AIDS; and provide that these provisions shall not apply to an outpatient pharmacy program in a Medicaid partnership.

HFA (7, T. Burch) - Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to implement the federally mandated Medicaid estate recovery; require the cabinet to allow for undue hardship determinations on a case-by-case basis, considering specified circumstances for certain beneficiaries; and prohibit recovery from an estate with a value under $15,000.

HFA (8/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 29-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 32-0; received in House

Feb 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 23-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 24-floor amendments (4) and (5-title) filed

Mar 25-floor amendment (6) filed

Mar 26-floor amendments (7) and (8-title) filed ; 3rd reading; floor amendment (4) ruled not germane ; passed 92-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 68)

SB 41 (BR 483) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to health care providers.

Amend KRS 304.17A-270 to exempt the purchase of supplies and durable medical equipment by the Medicaid program from the any-willing-provider provision.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 42 (BR 169) - D. Mongiardo, R. Jones II, J. Pendleton, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to international medical graduates.

Create a new section of KRS 211.005 to 211.380 to require that the commissioner of the Department for Public Health give priority to international medical graduates in making recommendations for J-1 waivers if the graduates have submitted the application and have an offer of full time employment at a health facility in a rural area; define "rural area."

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 43 (BR 235) - E. Scorsone, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads

AN ACT relating to licenses and tags of the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.

Amend KRS 150.175 to direct that proof of disability for purposes of obtaining a Fish and Wildlife senior/disabled license shall be valid for the life of the license holder.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 44/LM/CI (BR 967) - E. Scorsone, W. Blevins, R. Jones II, D. Mongiardo, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to inspections of long-term care facilities.

Amend KRS 216.530 to make intentionally informing a long-term care facility of an upcoming inspection by the Cabinet for Health Services a Class D felony; establish a civil penalty of not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

SB 45 (BR 145) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to wages and hours.

Amend KRS 337.010 to exempt from minimum wage and overtime provisions, individuals engaged in providing companionship services who are employed by a third party employer or agency.


SCS - Delete provisions of the bill and amend KRS 337.285 to provide an overtime exemption to in-home companionship services; define companionship services; and amend to conform.

HCS - Retain original provisions of the bill, except amend to make technical correction to replace "and" with ",i.e.,.".

HFA (1/P, S. Nunn) - Retain the original provisions and attach HB 60.

HFA (2/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-received in House

Feb 10-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 4-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 35-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 122)

Introduced Jan. 7, 2004

SB 46 (BR 1102) - D. Boswell


SB 47 (BR 1022) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to engineering.

Amend KRS 329A.070 to exempt professional engineers and their bona fide employees from licensure requirements for private investigators under provisions of KRS 329A.070 to 329A.090.


SFA (1, G. Tapp) - Retain original provisions of bill except exempt land surveyors in addition to engineers from licensure requirements for private investigators.

SFA (2/Title, G. Tapp) - Make title amendment.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Jan 27-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Jan 29-received in House

Feb 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 87-0; received in Senate

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 38)

SB 48 (BR 260) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to long-term care.

Amend KRS 205.6326 to require reimbursement systems implemented by the Cabinet for Health Services to contain components of accountability and quarterly accounting for each participating long-term care facility and requires funds to be used to increase the number of direct-care staff in the facility; create a long-term care staffing committee and establish membership and duties; require long-term care facilities to maintain staffing requirements as established by the committee; establish civil penalties to long-term care facilities that do not maintain established staffing standards.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 49 (BR 1048) - R. Roeding, D. Seum

AN ACT relating to public agency meetings and records.

Amend KRS 61.810 to exempt from the Open Meetings Law that portion of a public agency meeting devoted to a discussion of certain homeland security records; amend KRS 61.878 to exempt certain homeland security records from disclosure under the Open Records Law.


SCS - Limit the bill's amendment to KRS 61.810 so that a public agency meeting is closed during discussion of a specific homeland security record exempted from disclosure under KRS 61.878; delete the amendment to KRS 61.878 and replace it with an amendment to KRS 61.878 that exempts from disclosure certain homeland security records pertaining to preventing, protecting against, mitigating, or responding to a terrorist act.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 50 (BR 965) - R. Roeding, D. Thayer, J. Denton

AN ACT relating to administrative regulations.

Amend KRS 13A.190 to establish the requirements for filing an emergency administrative regulation, including the subject matter of emergency administrative regulations; amend KRS 13A.240 to require the regulatory impact analysis to include cost estimates for the impact of the administrative regulation on regulated parties.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 51 (BR 32) - R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to charter buses.

Amend KRS 138.470 to exempt from the motor vehicle usage tax vehicles operating under a charter bus certificate issued by the Transportation Cabinet under KRS Chapter 281; amend KRS 139.480 to exempt from the sales tax repair and replacement parts for charter buses operating under a charter bus certificate issued by the Transportation Cabinet, or operating under similar authority granted by the U.S. Department of Transportation; EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2004.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 52 (BR 1033) - R. Roeding, J. Pendleton, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to children.

Amend KRS 610.345 to require that the school principal of the public or private elementary or secondary school that a child attends be notified within 24 hours when a petition that involves a controlled substance or the possession, carrying, or use of a deadly weapon is filed against the child; amend KRS 158.153 to conform.


SFA (1, W. Blevins) - Amend KRS 158.155 to require that notification of a student being adjudicated guilty or expelled for various crimes be sent to a new school within five working days.

SFA (2, R. Roeding) - Retain original provisions of the bill, except amend KRS 610.345 to require the judge of the court in which a petition against a child has been filed or in which a child has been adjudicated guilty to direct the court clerk to notify the principal of the school in which the child is enrolled of the court action; require 24-hour notification to cover offenses related to physical injury as well as those involving a controlled substance and deadly weapons; amend KRS 158.155 to require that notification of a student being adjudicated guilty or expelled for various crimes be sent to a new school within 5 working days.

SFA (3, R. Roeding) - Amend KRS 610.345 to require that if the petition is dismissed, the information shall not be included in the child's school records.

HCS - Retain original provisions; require the superintendent in the public school district or the principal in a private school be the person notified by the court clerk.

HFA (1/P, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (2, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (3/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

HFA (4/P, B. Yonts) - Attach the provisions of HB 37 related to the Kentucky Virtual High School.

HFA (5/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

HFA (6/P, M. Cherry) - Attach provisions of HB 303/GA.

HFA (7/P, M. Cherry) - Attach the provisions of HB 304 to SB 52/HCS.

HFA (8/P, R. Damron) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to designate September as Character Education Month in the public schools.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Education (S)

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004; floor amendment (2) filed

Feb 12-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 13-floor amendment (3) filed

Feb 17-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 18-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 36-0 with floor amendments (2) and (3)

Feb 19-received in House

Feb 20-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 23-floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (5-title) filed

Mar 24-floor amendments (6) and (7) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 25-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) withdrawn ; floor amendment (8) filed to Committee Substitute

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 93-2 with Committee Substitute ; received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 36-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 185)

SB 53 (BR 1038) - R. Roeding

AN ACT changing the classification of the City of Warsaw, in Gallatin County.

Reclassify the City of Warsaw, in Gallatin County, population 3,000, from a city of the fifth class to a city of the fourth class. As provided in Section 156A of the Kentucky Constitution, the population requirements for the classification of cities established by the former Section 156 of the Kentucky Constitution remain in effect until changed by law. Therefore, classification as a city of the fourth class requires a population of 3,000 to 7,999.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 54 (BR 469) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to circuit clerks.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 27A to require the circuit clerk to report to the Administrative Office of the Courts monthly on arrest warrants and bench warrants which have been unserved for more than 30 days; require the Administrative Office of the Courts to make information available for public computer search.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Judiciary (S)

SB 55/LM (BR 981) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to homeland security and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 36.224 and 39A.287 to establish a process for the reporting of federal homeland security funding received by state and local public agencies to the Governor, Auditor of Public Accounts, Legislative Research Commission, Interim Joint Committee on Seniors, Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection, and Office of Homeland Security; require the adjutant general to each year submit a homeland security report to various public agencies; amend KRS 11.5163 and 36.010 to conform; EMERGENCY.


SFA (1, D. Seum) - Change deadline for reporting by state agencies from September 15 to October 1; change deadline for report of Office of Homeland Security to the Governor, the Auditor, LRC, and the Interim Joint Committee on Seniors, Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection from between September 15 and October 10 to October 15.

HFA (1/P, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (2, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (3/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

HFA (4, M. Weaver) - Amend KRS 61.810 to create an exception to the Open Meetings Law for the discussion of homeland security records; amend KRS 61.815 to conform; amend KRS 61.878 to create an exception to the Open Records Law for homeland security records; amend KRS 319.082, 327.070, and 342.347 to conform.

HFA (5, R. Webb) - Attach provisions of HB 48, except allow recovery for negligence in compiling or providing information and by specifying that the newly created statute prevail over any conflicting statute in KRS Chapter 411.

HFA (6/Title, R. Webb) - Make title amendment.

HFA (7, D. Butler) - Attach provisions of HB 48, except allow recovery for negligence in providing information and by specifying that the newly created statute prevail over any conflicting statute in KRS Chapter 411.

HFA (8/Title, D. Butler) - Make title amendment.

HFA (9, D. Butler) - Attach provisions of HB 48, except allow recovery for negligence in providing information and by specifying that the newly created statute prevail over any conflicting provision of Section 1 of HB 48.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with floor amendment (1)

Jan 29-received in House

Feb 2-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 24-floor amendment (4) filed ; floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) withdrawn

Mar 25-floor amendments (5) (6-title) (7) (8-title) and (9) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 91-1 with floor amendment (4) ; received in Senate

SB 56 (BR 1005) - T. Buford, D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to accessible electronic information for the disabled, and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 163 to provide legislative findings and declarations; define "accessible electronic information service" and "blind and disabled persons"; create the Accessible Electronic Information Service Program and provide the scope of the program; require the program to be administered by a nonprofit entity selected in a competitive bidding process; create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to direct the Public Service Commission to require all local exchange telecommunications companies to impose periodic surcharges on bills rendered to all local exchange telecommunications company providers; names short title of Act to be "Accessible Electronic Information Act"; appropriation.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Introduced Jan. 8, 2004

SB 57/LM (BR 498) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of vehicles, to require the Transportation Cabinet to create a decal depicting the seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that a person could obtain from a county clerk for the purpose of covering the "smiley face" sun image on regular license plates; establish a $1.00 fee for the decal; provide for the fee to be divided equally between the Transportation Cabinet and the county clerk; require the provisions of the bill to sunset on December 31, 2007.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Transportation (S)

SB 58 (BR 231) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to government operations.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 45 to require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to establish a process for reviewing state functions and recommending functions for privatization; define governmental functions; require Governor to determine functions to be privatized prior to each biennium, and to include projects in executive budget; require the Finance and Administration to monitor contracts for privatized functions and to report annually to the Legislative Research Commission.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 59 (BR 808) - J. Denton, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, G. Tapp, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to the traumatic brain injury trust fund.

Amend KRS 42.320 to increase the limit to the traumatic brain injury trust fund from $2.75 million to $3.25 million.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Health and Welfare (S)

Jan 14-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 60 (BR 9) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to local government employees and officers.

Amend KRS 61.409 to define public servant, to forbid any local government or taxing district from requiring public servants be registered voters or have a residency requirement for public servants, to allow any local government or taxing district to response time limit to residency for public servants subject to call back, to forbid any local government or taxing district from requiring any public servant employed as of the effective date of the Act from having to move their residence; repeal KRS 15.335 and KRS 311.657.


SCS - Retain original provisions; permit local governments to impose a response time requirement, but no residency requirement, on certain employees.

SFA (1, J. Denton) - Amend to permit local governments, if they so choose, to require public servants be residents of Kentucky.

HCS - Remove the words "appointee" and appointed from SB 60/GA; delete provisions relating to KRS 147A.027; provide that planning commissioners and board of adjustment members do not have to file financial disclosure statements; provide that the planning commission consult with various groups on the comprehensive plan formation and reexamination, as well as adding groups, rather than providing for individuals representing the groups to be appointed to provide input to the planning commission in a committee format.

HCA (1/Title, J. Wayne) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1/P, J. Callahan) - Attach provisions of HB 668 to SB 60/HCS.

HFA (2/AA/P, B. Yonts) - Attach the provisions of HB 9/GA and HB 15/GA.

HFA (3, J. Coleman) - Amend SB 60/HCS to allow cities of the first class, cities of the second class, and charter county governments to levy a 1% transient room tax on certain hotel accommodations.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 19-received in House

Feb 20-to Local Government (H)

Mar 16-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute

SB 61/FN (BR 1015) - J. Rhoads, D. Boswell, B. Guthrie, P. Herron Jr

AN ACT relating to toll roads.

Amend 175.525 to make school district vehicles being operated in an official capacity eligible for a nonpaying toll-road identification card.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Transportation (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Transportation (S)

SB 62 (BR 109) - D. Kelly, T. Buford, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to death certificates.

Amend KRS 213.076 to provide that, if a cause of death is unknown or pending investigation, the death certificate may be filed with an "unknown" or "pending investigation" notation on the cause of death; provide that results of pending tests or investigation shall be filed at a later time with the Department for Public Health with a supplemental report.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

SB 63 (BR 1112) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to fire safety.

Create a new section of KRS 383.010 to 383.285 to specify that any rental agreement relating to on campus housing at an institution of postsecondary education shall contain a disclosure as to whether or not the premises are equipped with an automatic fire suppression system.


SCS - Create a new section of KRS 383.010 to 383.285 to specify that any rental agreement relating to on campus housing at an institution of postsecondary education is required to contain a disclosure as to whether or not the premises are equipped with an automatic fire suppression system; to require that lessees be given a copy of the disclosure form; and to require institutions of postsecondary education to make available upon request from the state fire marshal or any local fire official, a copy of the disclosure form and an affidavit certifying that disclosures regarding a fire suppression system were made.

HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Require that if the institution has an automatic fire suppression system in place and properly functioning at every on-campus housing facility under the control of the institution, the institution shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-received in House

Feb 2-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendment (1) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House floor amendment (1) ; passed 36-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 110)

SB 64/FN/LM/CI (BR 1110) - D. Kelly, D. Karem, T. Buford, G. Neal, J. Rhoads, R. Roeding, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to jail inmates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 210 to require the Cabinet for Health Services to create a telephonic behavioral health jail triage system to screen jail prisoners for mental health, suicide, mental retardation, and acquired brain injury risk factors; require that the system consist of a written screening instrument to be used upon a prisoner's admission to jail, and a telephonic hotline for use if an increased risk factor is identified; require that the system recommend protocols for the prisoner's housing, supervision, and care to reduce the identified risks; create a new section of KRS Chapter 441 to require jailers to use the triage system, and to consider utilizing the triage system's recommended protocols for housing, supervision, and care.


SCS/LM/CI - Retain provisions of original bill except make discretionary the use of the telephonic triage hotline.

HCA (1, H. Moberly) - Make technical corrections.

HFA (1, H. Moberly) - Retain original provisions except do not require that the screening instrument be written and clarify that facilities have discretion to use the telephonic behavioral health triage system.

HFA (2, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions except include schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as examples of mental illness.

HFA (3, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions except include requirement that if all or a portion of operational responsibility for the triage system is delegated to the regional community mental health and mental retardation services program, then each program must be paid based on the number of jail beds in the region as a proportion of the total number of jail beds statewide.

HFA (4, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions of bill and create a new section of KRS Chapter 441 to provide that a licensed physician or licensed health care professional who is treating the prisoner or who is employed by the jail may alter any protocols or mental health care procedures or treatments recommended by the triage system or by the Cabinet for Health Services; and require such physician or health care professional to determine that the alternative treatment is medically necessary.

HFA (5, J. Jenkins) - Retain original provisions and create a new section of KRS Chapter 441 to require the jailer or the person in charge of the local or regional detention facility to transport all misdemeanant prisoners to court appearances within the Commonwealth.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Judiciary (S)

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 32-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

Feb 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 10-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 19-floor amendments (2) (3) and (4) filed

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendment (5) filed

SB 65/FN (BR 1092) - D. Mongiardo

AN ACT relating to Medicaid reimbursement for tobacco dependence treatments.

Amend KRS 205.560 to provide Medicaid reimbursement for evidence-based treatment for tobacco dependence.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 66 (BR 297) - T. Buford, D. Karem, R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 413.190, relating to tolling the statute of limitations when defendant is out of state or concealing himself, to include KRS 413.249, relating to child sex abuse; amend KRS 413.249, relating to statutes of limitations in child sex abuse cases, to change the time limit for bringing an action from 5 years to 20 years.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Jan. 9, 2004

SB 67 (BR 1042) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, W. Blevins, P. Herron Jr, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to insurance covering residences of firefighters.

Create a new section of Subtitle 13 of KRS Chapter 304 to require any rates, rating schedules, or rating manuals for a homeowners or residential fire insurance policy delivered, issued, or renewed on or after the effective date of this Act for a residential building located in Kentucky to provide for a premium discount if the insured property is the policyholder's primary residence and the policyholder is a firefighter as defined in KRS 61.315(1).

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 68 (BR 1099) - E. Harris, D. Seum

AN ACT relating to the regulation of the use and consumption of tobacco and tobacco products.

Create a new section of KRS 248.701 to 248.727 to prohibit the use of tobacco master settlement agreement moneys in a county where a unit of local government has regulated the use or consumption of tobacco or tobacco products except in areas owned or controlled by the government, where the use would otherwise be illegal, or where the fire marshal has established a ban and clarify that the Phase II settlement moneys and moneys dedicated to early childhood development and health care are not covered by the prohibition.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 69 (BR 997) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to contained landfills.

Create a new section of subchapter 40 of KRS Chapter 224 to expand the circumstances created by contained landfills that are to be deemed public nuisances; require the cabinet to establish new permit conditions to stop the public nuisances, including odors.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 70/LM (BR 988) - E. Harris, D. Boswell, G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to levy and recall of taxes.

Amend KRS 132.017 to clarify language, remove the requirement that petitions be organized by precinct, set forth the information that must be included on a petition, and add notification procedures and timelines for determination of the validity of the petition; amend KRS 132.100 to delete provisions relating to precinct requirements for petitions and to set forth the requirements for a petition; amend KRS 160.485 to clarify language, remove the requirement that petitions be organized by precinct, set forth the information that must be included on a petition, and add notification procedures and timelines for determination of the validity of the petition; amend KRS 160.597 to clarify language, remove the requirement that petitions be organized by precinct, set forth the information that must be included on a petition, and add notification procedures and timelines for determination of the validity of the petition.


SCS/LM - Retain provisions of original bill; standardize time during which petition must be filed; require that the filing of the petition be publicized; standardize petition requirements regarding number of signatures required; establish timelines for challenging a county clerk's certification of a petition; provide that the provisions of the Act shall apply to ordinances, orders, resolutions, or motions passed after July 15, 2004.

SFA (1, E. Harris) - Allow 45 days for the filing of recall petitions; allow petitioners to request the clerk to advertise the formation of the committee if the petitioners pay for the advertisement; delete provisions that permitted the petition committee to correct a deficient petition.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feb 4-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 5-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 9-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 10-3rd reading, passed 29-5 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 11-received in House

Feb 12-to Local Government (H)

Feb 23-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

SB 71 (BR 813) - V. McGaha, J. Westwood, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, D. Mongiardo, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to school-based decision making councils.

Amend KRS 160.345 to add a classified employee representative as a member of a school-based decision making council; allow school employees to vote in the council election at the school where they spend the majority of the school day or where assigned for administrative purposes; allow school employees to be eligible to serve on the school council at the school where they spend the majority of the school day or where assigned for administrative purposes; in schools having eight percent or more minority students, allow classified employees to select a minority employee to serve as a classified employee member of the council.


SCS - Retain original provisions; add language to clarify the classified employees eligible to vote in an election to select a minority classified employee to serve as a member of the school-based decision making council.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Education (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-received in House

Feb 20-to Education (H)

SB 72 (BR 1120) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle retail installment contracts.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 190 to establish a statute of limitations for actions involving a breach of a motor vehicle retail sales installment contract; amend KRS 382.675 to delete the requirement that a motor vehicle registration be recorded before an instrument reserving a security interest.


SCS - Retain original provisions except delete amendment relative to recording of a motor vehicle security interest and repeal KRS 382.675 in lieu thereof.

SFA (1, D. Karem) - Amend Section 1 to reduce the statute of limitations for the enforcement of a motor vehicle retail installment contract to four (4) years.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Judiciary (S)

Jan 29-reassigned to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 11-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) defeated ; passed 25-10 with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-received in House

Feb 13-to Judiciary (H)

SB 73 (BR 1142) - T. Shaughnessy, B. Jackson, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, J. Turner, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to Medicaid and declaring an emergency.

Prohibit the Cabinet for Health Services from making any policy changes to the Medicaid program and suspend all hearings and final decisions on appeal cases related to denial of services related to changes in eligibility criteria or benefits that were in effect on January 1, 2003 until the passage of the executive budget for the 2004-2006 biennium or July 1, 2004; EMERGENCY.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 74 (BR 418) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to homeland security.

Create KRS Chapter 39G to place Kentucky homeland security responsibilities with the Office of Homeland Security; attach that office to the Office of the Governor; require the Governor to appoint the executive director of the Office of Homeland Security; amend KRS 39A.050, 36.010, 39A.070, 11.5163, and 39A.283 to conform; repeal KRS 36.224 and 39A.287.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

SB 75 (BR 976) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to private investigators.

Amend KRS 329A.010 to remove a sole proprietorship from the definition of "company"; amend KRS 329A.020 and 329A.025 to prohibit a board member from serving if the member no longer meets the necessary qualifications and to permit the board to waive examination based on reciprocity; amend KRS 329A.030 to permit initial fees or the cost of the examination to be paid from the revolving fund; amend KRS 329A.035 to increase the amount of required coverage from $250,000 to $1,000,000 and to require the board to confirm license status of a licensee upon request; amend KRS 329A.040 to decrease the amount of the fee from $500 to $400; amend KRS 329A.070 to reduce the annual number of work hours for employees qualifying for exemption from regulation; amend KRS 329A.080 to add an additional penalty for violations of KRS 329A.015; create a new section of KRS Chapter 329A to impose a penalty on those who knowingly hire or contract with an unlicensed investigator or private investigating company; create noncodified sections to extend the time a company or an individual may be licensed based on experience; require that excess fees be refunded by the board to the applicants.


SCS - Amend KRS 329A.035 to restore the insurance minimum requirement to $250,000 and to add a requirement for an applicant to show proof of current national certification from either the National Association of Fire Investigators or the International Association of Arson Investigators in order to be licensed as a private investigator who conducts arson investigations; amend 329A.040 to require only an individual private investigator's license for any company whose workforce is comprised of only 1 person; create a new section of KRS Chapter 329A to require a private investigator who conducts arson investigations to be licensed and certified; create noncodified sections to require a company or an individual who applies for a license based on experience to make such an application within 60 days after the effective date of this Act; to require that renewal fees be reduced for the first renewal after the effective date of this Act; and to declare an emergency.

SCA (1/Title, J. Denton) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, J. Denton) - Amend to include the intention to conduct fire investigations regarding a private investigator's license application.

SFA (2, R. Stivers) - Amend KRS 329.070 to exclude an authorized agent of an attorney-at-law from provisions of KRS 329A.010 to 329A.090.

HCS - Retain original provisions; add language limiting the scope of an attorney's authorized agent's exemption to document and record retrieval and interviewing witness; make technical corrections.

HFA (1, J. Barrows) - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 199.570 to specify that adoption records shall not be disclosed to any person or entity except those licensed under KRS Chapter 329A or by court order; amend KRS 199.572 to specify that if the cabinet utilizes the services of another person or entity to perform searches of adoption records the cabinet shall contract with a person or entity licensed under KRS Chapter 329A and require contact with biological parent to be made by the cabinet only; amend KRS 199.990 to include a violation of KRS 199.572.

HFA (2/P, J. Barrows) - Retain original provisions and exclude professional engineer, professional land surveyor, or their employees from licensure under KRS Chapter 329A; add new sections to amend KRS 199.570 to specify that adoption records shall not be disclosed to any person or entity except those licensed under KRS Chapter 329A or by court order; amend KRS 199.572 to specify that if the cabinet utilizes the services of another person or entity to perform searches of adoption records the cabinet shall contract with a person or entity licensed under KRS Chapter 329A and require contact with biological parent to be made by the cabinet only; amend KRS 199.990 to include a violation of KRS 199.572.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 11-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 12-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 13-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendments (1) and (2)

Feb 18-received in House

Feb 19-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 22-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) ; received in Senate

Mar 29-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) for Monday, March 29, 2004; Senate refused to concur in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) ; Conference Committee appointed in Senate; received in House

Apr 13-House refused to recede from Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) ; received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) ; bill passed 36-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 186)

SB 76 (BR 252) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to administrative hearings.

Amend KRS 15A.011 and 15A.030 to establish the Division of Administrative Hearings within the Justice Cabinet; create a new section of KRS Chapter 15A to set forth the duties of the division; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 13 to centralize the state administrative hearing process; provide that the division shall assign hearing officers to conduct administrative hearings; amend existing statutes relating to administrative hearings to require agencies to refer matters to be heard to the Division of Administrative Hearings; retain specific statutory authority for certain boards and collegial bodies to hear administrative proceedings; repeal KRS 15.111; provide that current full-time hearing officers are to transfer to the Division of Administrative Hearings unless approval to stay is granted by the agency's appointing authority.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Jan. 12, 2004

SB 77 (BR 1121) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to the Department of Agriculture.

Amend KRS 246.030 to create, abolish, rename, and transfer various offices and divisions in the Department of Agriculture; amend KRS 151.629, 247.800, 249.400, 249.410, 249.420, 251.015, and 363.560 to conform; confirm Executive Order 04-01.


SCS - Same as original, except rename the Division of Public Relations and Farm Safety to the Division of Public Relations; rename the Division of Agricultural Education and Farmland Preservation to the Division of Agricultural Education, Farm Safety, and Farmland Preservation; and create an Office of the Chief Executive.

HCA (1, R. Thomas) - Rename the Division of Value-Added Animal Production to the Division of Value-Added Animal and Aquaculture Production; have a House and Senate member as a nonvoting legislative liaison to the Interagency Technical Advisory Committee on Groundwater.

Jan 12-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-received in House

Jan 27-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 94-1 with committee amendment (1)

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House committee amendment (1) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House committee amendment (1) ; passed 36-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 88)

SB 78 (BR 1207) - E. Tori, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to peace officers.

Amend KRS 61.365, relating to federal peace officers with Kentucky peace officer powers to add the U. S. Mint Police of the United States Department of the Treasury.

Jan 12-introduced in Senate

Jan 15-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 36-0

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Judiciary (H)

SB 79 (BR 1177) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverage wholesalers.

Amend KRS 243.170 to allow wholesalers of distilled spirits and wine to extend credit to licensed retailers for a period not to exceed 20 days.


SCS - Retain original provisions of bill except amend KRS 243.170 to extend time period from 20 days to 30 days for wholesalers of distilled spirits and wine to extend credit to licensed retailers.

HFA (1, J. Jenkins) - Make federal standards of fill provisions applicable to containers in their original sealed packages.

HFA (2/Title, J. Jenkins) - Make title amendment.

Jan 12-introduced in Senate

Jan 15-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 30-2 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

Feb 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 53-29 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendments (1) and (2-title) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House floor amendments (1) and (2-title) ; passed 30-1

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 123)

SB 80 (BR 1164) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to excused absences from school.

Amend KRS 159.035 to require a school principal to give a student an excused absence of up to ten days to pursue an educational enhancement opportunity of significant educational value, and provide for an appeal of a negative decision to the local board of education.


SFA (1, J. Denton) - Retain original provisions, except have a student's initial appeal be to the district superintendent rather than the local board of education, and permit a second and final appeal to the local board of education; and establish that a student receiving an excused absence shall be considered present for the purposes of calculating average daily attendance under the SEEK formula.

HFA (1, D. Graham) - Retain provisions of SB 80/GA, except specify that a student shall not be eligible to receive an excused absence during a school's testing window for the CATS assessment or during the testing period for a district-wide assessment, except under extenuating circumstances.

Jan 12-introduced in Senate

Jan 15-to Education (S)

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 13-received in House

Feb 17-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 77-12 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendment (1) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House floor amendment (1) ; passed 35-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 87)

SB 81 (BR 312) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to the Criminal Justice Council.

Amend KRS 15A.040 to add two members to the Criminal Justice Council, one from the Kentucky Association of Counties and one from the Kentucky League of Cities.

Jan 12-introduced in Senate

Jan 15-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Jan. 13, 2004

SB 82 (BR 486) - G. Neal

AN ACT relating to Commonwealth individual development accounts.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 41 to create within the Office of the State Treasurer the Commonwealth Individual Development Account Program; authorize the State Treasurer to enter into contracts with qualified administering agencies; provide that an individual may submit an application to a qualified administering agency which shall coordinate arrangements between the individual and a financial institution to open an individual development account; authorize an individual, business, organization, or other entity to contribute matching funds to a qualified administering agency; permit an eligible individual or household to receive up to $2,000 in matching funds in a calendar years but no more than $10,000 during the existence of the account; allow funds to be withdrawn from the account for only qualified purposes or an emergency; define "qualified purposes" as costs for job training and postsecondary education, costs for purchase or repair of an automobile, costs to purchase or repair a primary residence, costs to purchase all or part of a business or to expand an existing small business, and costs to purchase a home computer; define "emergency withdrawal" as a withdrawal for medical care, to prevent eviction from a residence or mortgage foreclosure, and to enable the individual to meet living expenses upon loss of employment; prohibit an administering agency from using more than 15 percent of pooled fund accounts for administrative costs; require an administering agency to establish a financial education program which must be completed by individuals who establish individual development accounts; require the State Treasurer to collect data from the administering agencies on a quarterly basis; require the State Treasurer to file an annual report on the program with the Legislative Research Commission; provide that income from deposited funds that are withdrawn for a qualified purpose are excluded from adjusted gross income; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide that funds deposited in an administering agency's pooled account are eligible for a tax credit up to 25 percent of the amount contributed during a calendar year; provide that the credit for a taxable year cannot exceed the lesser of $10,000 or the amount of individual or corporate income tax due; permit an unused tax credit to be carried over for up to three years; provide that the total amount of tax credits per taxable year cannot exceed $1,000,000; amend KRS 141.010 and 141.0205 to conform.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 83 (BR 183) - E. Tori, R. Roeding, D. Thayer

AN ACT relating to licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons.

Amend KRS 237.110 relating to concealed deadly weapon licenses to permit active duty members of the Armed Forces of the United States who are at a post in Kentucky and have been present in Kentucky for at least six months to apply for a concealed deadly weapon license.


HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Amend SB 83/GA to allow funds from the sale of confiscated firearms to be expended for firearms and ammunition, as well as body armor.

HFA (2, S. Nunn) - Amend SB 83/GA to allow confiscated firearms be exchanged with a licensed dealer for fire arms, ammunition, or equipment; extend deadlines for turn in to 180 days.

HFA (3/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Feb 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 34-0

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 87-1 with floor amendments (1) and (3-title)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendments (1) and (3-title) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House floor amendments (1) and (3-title) ; passed 36-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 86)

SB 84/LM (BR 939) - E. Tori

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of vehicles, to require the Transportation Cabinet to begin issuing a special breast cancer license plate on January 1, 2005; in addition to the normal fees charged to license a vehicle, require a person initially purchasing a breast cancer license plate to pay an additional $10 fee, and when renewing the plate to pay an additional $5 fee; provide for the extra funds collected from the sale of breast cancer license plates to be deposited into the breast cancer screening fund created under KRS 214.552; provide for the plate to be designed by the Breast Cancer Advisory Committee created under KRS 214.554.


SCS/LM - Delete original provision and replace with the following: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to create a special Breast Cancer Awareness license plate for the Breast Cancer Advisory Committee; require the Committee to obtain a minimum 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate expire; establish an initial fee for the plate of $28 and a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $10 contribution that will be sent to the breast cancer screening fund established under KRS 214.552; declare the General Assembly appropriates funds remitted to the screening fund under this section to be used to assist the breast cancer screening program established under KRS 214.554.

SCA (1/Title, V. Moore) - Make Title Amendment.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Transportation (S)

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 31-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 4-received in House

Feb 5-to Transportation (H)

SB 85 (BR 1178) - T. Shaughnessy

AN ACT relating to fines for traffic offenses.

Amend KRS 189.394, regarding fines for speeding, to double fines for speeding in a school zone where the speed limit has been lowered and flashing lights have been installed pursuant to KRS 189.336.


SCS - Make a technical correction to the format of the fine table and clarify in subsection (7) that fines are doubled in a school zone only when the flasher caution lights are flashing.

HFA (1/P, M. Cherry) - Attach provisions of HB 304.

HFA (2/Title, M. Cherry) - Make title amendment.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Transportation (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 6-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-received in House

Feb 13-to Transportation (H)

Mar 19-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 88-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 98)

SB 86/LM/CI (BR 66) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 516, criminal simulation in the first degree, to prohibit the knowing manufacture, marketing, or distribution of any product which is intended to defraud an alcohol or drug test; provide a Class D felony for violation thereof; amend KRS 516.110 to create criminal simulation in the second degree, and to add the use or possession of a product so designed with the intent to defraud an alcohol or drug test; provide a Class A misdemeanor for violation thereof; amend KRS 516.010 and 523.100 to conform.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 15-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 17-posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 93-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 94)

Introduced Jan. 14, 2004

SB 87/LM (BR 398) - R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to create a special license plate for the Kentucky Colonels; require the group to obtain a minimum of 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate are automatically repealed; require membership in the Honorable Order of the Kentucky Colonels to be eligible for the plate; establish a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $10 contribution that will be sent to the Kentucky Colonels to be used to provide grants to charitable and educational organizations; require the Kentucky Colonels to pay to annually audit the funds received from the sale of the license plate and submit the audit to the Transportation Cabinet.


SCS/LM - Make Technical Corrections.

Jan 14-introduced in Senate

Jan 20-to Transportation (S)

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-received in House

Feb 5-to Transportation (H)

SB 88 (BR 1183) - V. McGaha

AN ACT relating to social work.

Amend KRS 335.080, 335.090, and 335.100 to change provisions disqualifying person from licensing or certification who has failed board-administered exam from the past six months to the past three months.

Jan 14-introduced in Senate

Jan 20-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feb 4-3rd reading, passed 32-0

Feb 5-received in House

Feb 6-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 24-posting waived retroactively; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

SB 89/FN (BR 1196) - R. Roeding, K. Stine, D. Thayer, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to property affected by actions of state agencies.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 381 to establish guidelines for governmental taking of property or regulation of use of property that is privately owned.


SCS/FN - Delete original provisions of bill; create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 that specifies that the Attorney General shall create a guidance document that summarizes state and federal constitutional law principles with regards to governmental takings; create deadline and locations for availability; state that this section shall be known as "The Kentucky Takings Guidance Act."

SCA (1/Title, K. Stine) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, G. Lindsay) - Amend to delete provisions of bill, insert in lieu thereof to propose an amendment to Section 109 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit courts from ordering substitution of alternative law for any act found unconstitutional and from ordering the General Assembly to pass laws; clarify that public money shall be appropriated by the General Assembly; propose amendment to Section 43 to designate the parties to be named when challenging the constitutionality of a law; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (2/Title, G. Lindsay) - Make title amendment.

Jan 14-introduced in Senate

Jan 20-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; received in House

Mar 18-to Judiciary (H); posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Apr 13-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Introduced Jan. 15, 2004

SB 90/FN (BR 106) - D. Mongiardo, E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to medical errors.

Create various sections of KRS Chapter 216B, 164, and 27A to define terms; create an Academy for Health Care Improvement and Cost Reduction; identify responsibilities of the academy related to research to improve patient safety and lower costs of health care, analysis of medical errors, and recommendations to prevent recurrence of medical errors; require the academy to submit a summary report of the data collected by the academy to the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services, the commissioner of the Department of Insurance, and the Legislative Research Commission beginning no later than one year after the implementation of the database and quarterly thereafter; authorize the academy to receive state appropriations, gifts, grants, revolving funds, fees for services, federal funds, and any other public and private funds; require hospitals to report adverse medical events, medical errors, and sentinel events; encourage licensed health care providers to report adverse medical events, medical errors, and sentinel events; protect an individual reporting an adverse medical event, medical error, or sentinel event from civil or criminal liability; prohibit a supervisor or administrator for any health facility from taking disciplinary action against an employee reporting an event to the academy; require the academy to remove the identity of the person or the entity making the report after the academy has completed its investigation and reports; exclude patient safety data and reports of the academy from the Kentucky open records law; protect patient safety data and recommendations, findings, and conclusions of the academy from subpoena or submission as evidence in court; require the clerk of the Circuit Court to provide the Administrative Office of the Courts with information sufficient to identify every civil complaint filed with the clerk in Circuit Court or District Court alleging medical malpractice; require the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide those to the academy; permit the academy to inspect court records relating to civil actions involving medical malpractice; provide a copy of requested documents related to a medical malpractice claim to the academy for a reasonable fee; and hold records obtained from the court to be held in absolute confidence and not subject to subpoena, open records request, or other compelled or voluntary mechanism in any civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding, except for aggregate summary data.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 91 (BR 267) - E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to medical malpractice and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of Subtitle 40 of KRS Chapter 304 to create the Kentucky Physicians' Mutual Insurance Authority to provide medical malpractice insurance to physicians; provide that the authority is a nonprofit, independent, self-supporting de jure municipal corporation and political subdivision of the Commonwealth; provide for a board of directors which shall function in a manner similar to the governing body of a mutual insurance company; direct the board to hire a manager who shall have proven successful experience for a period of at least five (5) years as an executive at the general management level in insurance operations or in the management of a state fund for medical malpractice; establish powers and duties of the manager; provide that the authority shall provide medical malpractice insurance to any physician who pays the premium and complies with any other qualifications and conditions adopted by the authority; require the authority to provide coverage to any physician who is unable to secure coverage in the voluntary market unless the physician owes undisputed premiums to a previous medical malpractice carrier or to a medical malpractice residual market mechanism; direct the authority to establish separate rating plans, rates and underwriting standards for different classes of risks; require rates to be based only on Kentucky experience; authorize the board to declare an annual dividend and distribute it in the form of premium discounts, dividends, or a combination of discounts and dividends if certain conditions are met; require a quarterly report of assets and liabilities to be provided to the board, the Governor, and the Legislative Research Commission; require the board to file an annual report indicating the business done in the previous year and deliver the report to the Governor, commissioner of the Department of Insurance, Auditor of Public Accounts, Attorney General, and co-chairs of the Legislative Research Commission; prohibit the authority from entering into a contract for an audit unless the Auditor of Public Accounts has turned down a request to perform the audit; provide that if the assets of the authority are less than its liabilities, the board may levy an assessment on its policyholders; require the board to formulate and adopt an investment policy; require the manager to compile and maintain statistical and actuarial data; prohibit the authority from receiving any direct state general fund appropriation; authorize the board to initiate a one-time surcharge on all licensed physicians to provide initial funding; provide that upon request of the board, the Governor and the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet may determine additional initial funding which may include a loan from an existing state agencies not to exceed seven million dollars ($7,000,000); authorize the issuance of revenue bonds not to exceed forty million dollars ($40,000,000); provide that the authority may utilize only agents duly and legally licensed and in good standing with the provisions of this chapter; exempt board members, the manager, and any employee from being held personally liable for acts taken in official capacity; require the board, manager, and employees to comply with the Executive Branch code of ethics; prohibit the authority from participating in any plan, pool, association, guarantee, or insolvency fund required by this chapter; require the board to comply with the open meetings and open records laws; direct the Attorney General and the Auditor of Public Accounts to monitor operations of the authority and authorize each to make examinations or investigations of the operations, practices, management, and other matters of the authority; require the Attorney General and the Auditor of Public Accounts to report jointly to the General Assembly in January in each year in which the General Assembly convenes in an even-numbered regular session the results of their monitoring activities; create the Kentucky Physician Liability Insurance Premium Assistance Program as a temporary mechanism to assist in payment of medical malpractice insurance premiums of physicians or physician specialties in a medical malpractice insurance emergency; authorize the commissioner of insurance to establish and administer the program; authorize the commissioner of insurance to hold a hearing to determine if a medical malpractice insurance emergency exists; direct the commissioner to hold such a hearing if requested by the Kentucky Medical Association or at least fifteen (15) physicians; establish qualifications for a physician to participate in the program; direct the Governor to appoint a seven (7) member Kentucky Physician Liability Insurance Assistance Program advisory council to advise the commissioner of insurance about the medical malpractice insurance market; establish a Kentucky Physician Liability Insurance Assistance Program Trust Fund to receive appropriations, gifts, and grants; create new sections of KRS 216B to create a patient safety center within the Cabinet for Health Services to maximize patient safety, reduce medical errors, and improve the quality of health care; require as a condition of licensure that every hospital and ambulatory surgical center report a medical error, adverse medical event, sentinel event, and related patient safety data to the center; amend KRS 311.377 to conform; direct the Legislative Research Commission to establish a 19 member task force on reducing meritless claims of medical malpractice and costs related to medical malpractice claims in the Commonwealth; direct the task force to report its recommendations as proposed legislation and proposed adoptions to the Rules of Civil Procedure to the Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary and the Civil Rules Committee of the Kentucky Supreme Court no later than October 1, 2004.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 92 (BR 1161) - A. Kerr

AN ACT relating to the board of trustees for the University of Kentucky.

Amend KRS 164.170 to require quarterly meetings of the University of Kentucky board of trustees and delete specific meeting date requirements.


HFA (1/P, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (2, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (3/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Education (S)

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 4-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 32-0

Feb 6-received in House

Feb 10-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 88-0; received in Senate

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 39)

SB 93/FN (BR 316) - C. Borders

AN ACT relating to health insurance.

Amend KRS 18A.225, relating to the state medical insurance group, to increase the state contribution in counties with higher-cost premiums to make the amount the employee must pay for dependent coverage the same statewide for the lowest-cost option A plan.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 17-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 94 (BR 1277) - A. Robinson

AN ACT relating to unlawful possession of a weapon on school property.

Amend KRS 527.070, relating to unlawful possession of a weapon on school property, to require signs to be posted at specified buildings and at the perimeter of all open areas owned, operated, leased, or controlled by the school; specify that if notice is not posted that no prosecution for violation of statute may take place.


SCS - Delete original provisions; amend KRS 527.070 relating to unlawful possession of a weapon on school property to specify that the prohibition shall not apply to a person hunting on rural or remote lands owned by a school if the area is not properly posted as closed to hunting by the school.

SFA (1, A. Robinson) - Amend KRS 527.070 to require signs to be posted at all public entrances to school buildings, sports arenas, gymnasiums, stadiums, and cafeterias, at unenclosed corners of school property, at the gate or controlled entrances of enclosed properties, and at the entrance of any access road for all open areas owned, operated, leased, or controlled by the school; specify that if no required sign is posted no prosecution for violation of the statute may take place; retain the provision that the prohibition against unlawful possession of a weapon on school property shall not apply to a person hunting on rural or remote lands owned by a school if the area is not properly posted as closed to hunting by the school governing board.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Education (S)

Mar 5-reassigned to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; returned to Rules

Mar 16-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 18-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 95/LM (BR 1276) - A. Robinson, R. Roeding, K. Stine

AN ACT relating to zoning.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 100 to specify that a firearms dealer may locate anywhere in the jurisdiction in which another business may locate.


HCA (1, J. Wayne) - Delete provisions of bill and require that consolidated local governments shall not enact a zoning ordinance prohibiting firearms importers and dealers from locating where retail sporting good businesses may locate and prohibiting firearms manufacturers from locating where iron or steel fabrication or assembly businesses may locate.

HFA (1, S. Riggs) - Specify that the provisions of the bill will not affect local governments' ability to exercise control of exterior appearance of property and number of paid employees as set for other commercial uses in residential zones as well as providing that no restrictions shall be enacted that could reasonably be construed to solely affect the firearms manufacturers, importers, or dealers.

HFA (2/P, R. Damron) - Retain original provisions; add provisions of House Bill 18 which proposes to amend KRS 237.110, relating to concealed deadly weapon licenses, to specify when a person with a concealed deadly weapon license may carry a weapon into a detention facility; delete requirement that instructor submit class roster to the department; increase from 30 to 45 days the time for a student to return a class information form; specify that the State Police shall revoke the license of a person found by the Department of Criminal Justice training to have received no training or to have received insufficient training; amend KRS 237.115, relating to concealed deadly weapon licenses, to specify when a person with a concealed deadly weapon license may carry a weapon into a detention facility; amend KRS 527.020, relating to carrying concealed deadly weapons, to specify when a person may carry a weapon into a detention facility; clarify that the term detention facility does not include courtrooms or other facilities used by the Court of Justice or administered by the Administrative Office of the Courts.

HFA (3/Title, R. Damron) - Delete original title and insert "AN ACT relating to deadly weapons matters."

HFA (4, R. Palumbo) - Insert language to prohibit the application of the bill to zoned residential areas or to those zones in which the proposed location of a firearms manufacturer, importer, or dealer is within a one-mile radius of a school, day care, hospital, or mental health care facility.

HFA (5, K. Stein) - Exempt urban-county governments from the provisions of the bill.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 33-4

Feb 25-received in House

Feb 27-to Local Government (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendments (1) (2) (3-title) (4) and (5) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) ruled not germane ; committee amendment (1) defeated ; floor amendment (4) defeated ; passed 77-17 with floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendment (1) ; Senate concurred in House floor amendment (1) ; passed 34-4

Apr 12-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 187)

SB 96 (BR 908) - B. Guthrie

AN ACT relating to postsecondary education finance.

Amend KRS 164.740 to delete definitions of "business school", "college", "grant", "school of nursing", and "vocational school"; amend for clarity definitions of "eligible institution", "participating lender", and "scholarship"; to define "institutional grant" and "student grant"; amend KRS 164.748 to clarify powers, functions, and duties of the boards of the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) and the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation (KHESLC), including allowing the boards to enter into contracts with the Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust (KESPT) and the Commonwealth Postsecondary Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund without it being considered a memorandum of agreement; and to award grants to eligible entities upon application and such other terms and conditions as the board prescribes; amend KRS 164.753 to ensure a student's scholarship does not exceed the student's total cost of attendance and to conform; amend KRS 164.785 to conform, and to limit, for eligibility purposes, the maximum number of academic terms a student has not previously attended a college or university; to require the use of the free application for federal student aid as a method of needs analysis for grant eligibility purposes; amend KRS 164A.050 to provide mutuality of services between KHEAA, KHESLC, KESPT, and KAPT by agreements that would be exempt from filing with the Government Contract Review Committee; amend KRS 164A.350 to give KHEAA the option of charging a penalty instead of requiring a penalty for withdrawals not used for payment of the beneficiary's higher education costs; amend KRS 45A.690, 164.7535, 164.7881, and 164A.060 to conform.


SCS - Retain original provisions, except restore the requirement for a legislative contract review when KHEAA contracts with the KY Student Loan Corp. and the boards for the KY Savings Plan Trust and the KY Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund; eliminate terms "student grants" and "institutional grants" and restore previous language relating to grants; make technical changes to conform.

SFA (1, D. Karem) - Delete new language in KRS 164A.050 authorizing the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation to purchase liability insurance.

HFA (1, R. Damron) - Create a new section of KRS 164A.550 to 164A.630 to provide an intercept clause to ensure payment on agency bonds issued by postsecondary institutions.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in House

Mar 10-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 88-1 with floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate

Mar 29-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendment (1) for Monday, March 29, 2004; Senate concurred in House floor amendment (1) ; passed 33-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 111)

SB 97/FN (BR 1334) - T. Buford, D. Karem, L. Casebier, J. Denton, E. Harris, D. Mongiardo, R. Palmer II, L. Saunders, T. Shaughnessy, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to breast cancer research, education, awareness, screening, treatment and funding and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish an income tax check-off for the breast cancer research and education trust fund; create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to establish the breast cancer education and research trust fund and appropriate the funds for the uses set forth in the Act; create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to establish the Breast Cancer Education and Research Trust Fund Board; establish the duties of the board.


SCS/FN - Retain the original provisions and repeal KRS 141.442.

SCA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Amend to provide that the income tax refund designation for the breast cancer research and education trust fund conforms with the design of the tax return.

SCA (2/Title, R. Sanders Jr) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (2-title) as a Consent Bill

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in House

Mar 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

SB 98 (BR 379) - L. Casebier, T. Shaughnessy, B. Guthrie, D. Karem, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to the Governor's Scholars Program.

Repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 158.796 as a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to attach the Governor's Scholars Program to the Council on Postsecondary Education for administrative purposes, establish that the program shall be a nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors with an executive director appointed by the board; amend KRS 12.020 to conform.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 99 (BR 191) - B. Jackson, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Tori, J. Turner, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to volunteer fire department aid.

Amend KRS 95A.362 to increase aid to volunteer fire departments under the Firefighters Foundation Program from $8,250 per year to $10,000 per year in FY 05 and $11,000 in each year thereafter.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 100/FN (BR 881) - D. Kelly, J. Westwood, R. Roeding, D. Thayer

AN ACT relating to reading, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Establish new section of KRS 158 to describe the General Assembly's findings and intent regarding reading; amend KRS 158.792 to define reading terms, establish the Reading Diagnostic and Intervention program to help teachers improve the reading skills of students in the primary program; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations; identify the guiding principles for all grant recipients; require the Kentucky Department of Education to make annual reports of the use of grants and in odd-numbered years to estimate the cost of expanding the program; amend KRS 158.794 to rename the Early Reading Incentive Grant Steering Committee the Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Grant Steering Committee, revise the steering committee membership, and expand the responsibilities of the steering committee; amend KRS 164.0207 to modify role of the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development; specify the Collaborative Center's role relating to research; amend KRS 154A.130 to align with other provisions; provide that the bill shall be cited as the "Read to Achieve Act of 2004"; EMERGENCY.


SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Require the Kentucky Board of Education to consider recommendations from the secretary of the Education Cabinet before promulgating administrative regulations for the Read to Achieve grants.

SCA (2, L. Casebier) - Require grant recipients to assure that they will have a system in place for informing parents of struggling readers of the family literacy services within the district.

SCA (3, L. Casebier) - Add the president of the Council on Postsecondary Education or designee to serve on the Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Grant steering committee.

HCS/Analysis - Delete the provisions of SB 100/GA and include provisions of HB 395/GA with the following changes: The State/Executive Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund, General Fund-Tobacco, Road Fund, Restricted Funds, Federal Funds, Bond Funds, Agency Bonds, Capital Construction Surplus, Investment Income, and other funds, $139,106,000 in fiscal year 2003-04, $22,161,569,900 in fiscal year 2004-05, and $19,692,144,200 in fiscal year 2005-06, as follows:

General Government

2003-04 $8,037,000

2004-05 $631,182,100

2005-06 $666,437,300

Commerce Cabinet

2003-04 $550,000

2004-05 $193,585,000

2005-06 $202,957,500

Economic Development Cabinet

2003-04 $1,452,300

2004-05 $24,584,400

2005-06 $26,155,700

Department of Education

2004-05 $3,573,965,900

2005-06 $3,740,197,700

Education Cabinet

2003-04 $7,000

2004-05 $1,205,341,800

2005-06 $1,231,438,600

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet

2003-04 $23,500

2004-05 $629,110,200

2005-06 $629,480,300

Finance and Administration Cabinet

2003-04 $554,000

2004-05 $525,019,200

2005-06 $543,728,500

Health and Family Services Cabinet

2003-04 $110,000

2004-05 $5,727,927,800

2005-06 $5,796,415,500

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet

2004-05 $661,175,400

2005-06 $664,024,200

Postsecondary Education

2003-04 $122,309,200

2004-05 $3,761,365,200

2005-06 $3,985,901,600

Transportation Cabinet

2004-05 $2,073,835,800

2005-06 $1,993,441,600

Budget Reserve Trust Fund

2004-05 $2,873,100

Not included in the above appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows:

Capital Projects

2003-04 $6,063,000

2004-05 $3,151,804,000

2005-06 $211,965,700;

provide additional General Fund support of $25,00 each year for Animal Health Ultrasound Testing - North American International Livestock Exposition; increase the Water and Sewer Resources Development Fund for Tobacco Counties, Part II, Capital Budget, to $82,000,000 and provided a General Fund appropriation for additional debt service; add a General Fund grant of $150,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 for the Hopkins County Exposition Center; authorize $300,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 from the Local Government Economic Development Fund for a Coal Waste Impoundment Study; provide $4,095,100 in fiscal year 2004-2005 from the Local Government Economic Development Fund for debt service on for the Bond Funded Water and Sewer Resources Development Fund for Coal Producing Counties projects that were authorized in the 2003 session; provide General Funds (Tobacco), in the amount of $4,095,100, in fiscal year 2004-2005 for the debt service on the Water and Sewer Resources Development Fund for Tobacco Counties projects authorized in the 2003 session, and $4,095,100 in Coal Severance Funds, for debt service, in fiscal year 2004-2005 for the Water and Sewer Resource Development Fund for Coal Producing Counties projects that were authorized in the 2003 session; add language that clarifies that the Bond Funds appropriated in Part II, Capital Budget, Statewide Repair, Maintenance, and Replacement Pool Fund are to be used for nonroutine repair, maintenance, improvements, and replacement, and not to be used for minor routine maintenance of facilities; provide bond funds rather than investment income for the Department of Revenue's tax collection system interface; provide $300,000 from the Local Government Economic Development Fund in FY 05 to the University of Kentucky for a Coal Waste Impoundment study; provide $50,000,000 in bond funds for the Renovation of the East Wing/Hall of the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center; provide language that allows employees of Innovation and Commercialization Centers to receive part of their compensation from service fees and returns generated from investments made through the centers; provide $11,575,000 in FY 05 and $11,485,000 in FY 06 for the High Tech Investment and Construction Pools in the Office of the New Economy; provide language relating to the completion of the Emerging Technology Center Building at Murray State University; provide language prohibiting the Board of Claims from investigating, hearing proof, or adjudicating claims against the Department of Education or the Kentucky Board of Education for the actions of local education agencies; General Fund support totaling $800,000 in each fiscal year for local school district audits is not provided; provide $550,000 in federal funds authorization in each fiscal year for the Jobs for Kentucky's Graduates program and require this to become a necessary governmental expense if the full amount does not materialize in FB 2004-2006; require the Kentucky Department of Education to provide $94,000 in each fiscal year for the Child Assault Prevention Program; provide $800,000 in FY 2004-2005 and $800,000 in FY 2005-2006 for equalized growth nickel funding; language relating to Equalized Facility Funding is not provided; provide debt service totaling $995,700 in fiscal year 2005-2006 and new bonding authority totaling $11,800,000 for specific school construction projects in local school district number 491 and local school district number 535; General Fund support totaling $250,000 in each fiscal year for the Leadership Development Initiative is not provided; provide language to require that the Governor's Scholars grant dollars be allotted during the first quarter of each fiscal year; language requiring that the Teachers' Retirement employer's contribution be a necessary government expense is not provided; language identifying the continuation of the $150,000 Interpreter Services for students at postsecondary institutions is provided; personnel cap of 494 positions for the Education Cabinet is authorized; provide $1,750,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,750,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for Housing, Buildings, and Construction additional personnel which includes 11 plan reviewers, 10 building inspectors, 20 plumbing inspectors, and 10 heating ventilation and cooling inspectors; provide language that allows the Petroleum Storage Tank Environmental Assurance Fund to request additional funds not to exceed $1,500,000 to be deemed as a needed government expense if necessary to comply with financial responsibility requirements; permit the Petroleum Storage Tank Environmental Assurance Fund to request additional funds as a necessary government expense to comply with state and federal requirements for underground petroleum storage tank programs; permit any municipality to issue revenue bonds for the acquisition or purchase of wholesale electric power, or natural or artificial gas; direct the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority and the Kentucky Equine Drug Research Council to utilize the Gluck Equine Research Center at the University of Kentucky for all equine drug research and testing functions; provide an additional $195.7 million in total funds, contingent upon the Cabinet obtaining a federal waiver to assess Nursing Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded/Developmentally Disabled, and Supports for Community Living providers with a portion of the assessment utilized to support the Medicaid program and the remaining assessment going back to these providers through inflationary increases; permit local health department Restricted Funds to be utilized as state match to fully fund health department Medicaid services and noncompetitive contract negotiations for Medicaid managed care contracts; language relating to Kentucky Independence Plus Through Consumer Directed Care is not included; reauthorize and reallocate Eastern State Hospital capital funds to fund a water piping replacement system project; provide Bond Funds totaling $13,727,000 and associated debt service to construct the Kentucky Public Safety Training Center; does not provide Bond Funds totaling $5,522,000 and associated debt service for the replacement of the Records and Secure Evidence Facility; does not provide Bond Funds totaling $3 million and associated debt service for Phase I of the Offender Management System; provide $9,000,000 in FY 2004-05 for the Manchester Postsecondary Education Center; provide $12,000,000 in FY 2004-05 for the Madisonville Technology Center; provide $12,000,000 in FY 2004-05 for the Franklin/Simpson Technology Center; provide $500,000 each year of the biennium is restored to the Council on Postsecondary Education for personnel; provide $100,000 each year of the biennium for scholarships for the Washington Internship Program; provide $50,000,000 per year of Road Fund to Kentucky State Police; decrease the issuance of Road Bonds for state-funded road construction projects from $250,000,000 to $200,000,000; language regarding Certified Air Carriers was modified; language for issuance of $200,000,000 of Economic Development Bonds was added that directs the proceeds to state construction, with half-year debt service in FY 2005 and a full-year debt service in FY 2006; the Highway Construction Contingency Account has $14,500,000 in each year of the biennium with $2,500,000 each fiscal year earmarked for Kentucky Pride; does not provide language for the Industrial Road Access Road Program or the $2,000,000 per year earmark; direct the Transportation Cabinet to use Toll Credits to match all eligible Federal dollars; include three additional Miscellaneous Road Projects; include language provision regarding Toll Road Facilities; include language provision regarding Paving and Rehabilitation; allow additional office space for the Department of Veterans' Affairs; direct the Administrative Office of the Courts to collect a minimum of $4,000,000 excess funds from the local operating accounts of Master Commissioners in FY 2004 and to transfer these funds and all future excess funds collected from the local operating accounts of Master Commissioners to the General Fund Surplus Account each fiscal year; authorize the Kentucky Historical Society to purchase a Kentucky Long Rifle in honor and on behalf of Captain Jack Hart; exempt KCTCS and state universities from the State Vehicle Reduction; provide $500,000 from the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Fund in Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for the University of Kentucky Oral History Program, which shall be named the University of Kentucky/Edward T. Breathitt-Louie B. Nunn Oral History Program; name and designate the Horse Cave Repertory Theater located in Hart County, Kentucky, as the official repertory theater; amend KRS 6.420 relating to provision of legislative security by the Kentucky State Police to provide for the appointment of legislative security specialists; amend KRS 16 16.010 relating to definitions to conform; amend KRS 16.185 relating to indemnification to conform; allow the Premium and Retaliatory Taxes collected by the Department of Revenue to be credited to the General Fund; make qualified businesses in an enterprise zone eligible for tax incentives for projects begun before the expiration date of the enterprise zone, retroactive to January 1, 2004; increase the Budget Reserve Trust Fund $50,764,800 to $53,637,900; provide debt service for KIA water and sewer projects established in 2003 HB 269, the State/Executive Branch Budget Bill; create new sections and amend existing sections of KRS Chapters 48 and 164A to provide a process for postsecondary institutions to issue auxiliary enterprises agency revenue bonds or hospital agency revenue bonds upon authorization by the General Assembly; provide an intercept clause to ensure bond payment; require all postsecondary institutions' general fund-supported bonds to be issued by the State Property and Buildings Commission unless otherwise approved by the Finance and Administration Cabinet; establish an income tax check-off for breast cancer research and create an education trust fund to be used to support breast cancer research, education, treatment, screening, and awareness in Kentucky; create new sections of KRS Chapter 164A to create the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program to defray indebtedness incurred for law school for eligible attorneys employed in the Office of the Attorney General, the Prosecutors Advisory Council, the Department of Public Advocacy, or nonprofit legal services organizations designated as eligible and direct the program shall be administered by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, which shall promulgate administrative regulations; create the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program trust fund in the State Treasury where interest and funds shall not lapse but be carried forward for the purposes of the program; amend KRS 42.320, the court cost distribution fund, to direct that $2 of each court cost be deposited in the fund be paid to the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program; amend KRS 164A.337 to conform; amend KRS 403.213 relating to the effect of emancipation on child support to specify that if a court has determined that the child is mentally ill, mentally retarded, or incompetent that emancipation does not occur at age 19, unless the court determines otherwise.

HCA (1, H. Moberly) - Provide that the General Assembly shall not receive a cost-of-living adjustment in 2005 or 2006.

HCA (2, H. Moberly) - Amend to require the Transportation Cabinet to establish KY 1336 as an access point to the relocated KY 11 in the community of Tilton in Fleming County.

HCA (3/Title, H. Moberly) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Education (S)

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendments (1) (2) and (3)

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feb 4-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with committee amendments (1) (2) and (3)

Feb 5-received in House

Feb 6-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 22-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Apr 12-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H); reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) to Committee Substitute and committee amendment (3-title) to bill; taken from the Rules Committee, placed in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, passed 62-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) and (3-title)

Apr 13-received in Senate

Introduced Jan. 16, 2004

SB 101/LM (BR 1031) - R. Roeding


SB 102/FN/LM/CI (BR 152) - R. Roeding, D. Thayer

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 506.010 and 506.030 to provide the penalty for attempt or solicitation to commit the offenses of unlawful transaction with a minor in the first degree and use of a minor in a sexual performance carry the same penalty as the actual offense.


SCS/FN/LM/CI - Delete original provisions and insert provisions creating a new section of KRS Chapter 510 to prohibit using an electronic communications system to procure a minor or a peace officer posing as a minor to commit certain specified sexual offenses.

HCS/FN/LM/CI - Amend to prohibit prosecution for the newly created offense and designated inchoate offenses where there was a single course of conduct directed toward a single victim.

Jan 16-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 22-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

SB 103/FN/LM (BR 851) - R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to communicable diseases.

Amend KRS 211.180, 214.181, 214.625, and 214.645 to require physicians and other health care professionals receiving laboratory reports of a positive test for HIV to report the patient's name, rather than unique code, and other identifying information as required by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Cabinet for Health Services; require the information to remain confidential and prohibit the release of the patient's name or other identifying information; establish requirements for the name reporting system.


SCA (1/LM, E. Scorsone) - Retain original provisions, except add a new Section that creates a Class A misdemeanor for persons who disclose the identity of a person whom has been tested for HIV or who intentionally releases any name or identifying information of a person with HIV.

Jan 16-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 6-received in House

Feb 10-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Introduced Jan. 20, 2004

SB 104/LM (BR 1332) - C. Borders

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to create a special license plate for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life; require the group to obtain a minimum of 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate will expire; establish a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $15 contribution that will be sent by the county clerk to the American Cancer Society to be used to further the organization's mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem; require the American Cancer Society to pay to annually audit the funds received from the sale of the license plate and submit the audit to the Transportation Cabinet.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to Transportation (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 12-received in House

Feb 13-to Transportation (H)

SB 105 (BR 383) - E. Scorsone, D. Karem, G. Neal, T. Shaughnessy

AN ACT relating to civil rights.

Amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky's civil rights chapter, to include a prohibition on discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.040, 344.050, 344.060, 344.070, 344.080, relating to prohibited discrimination in various labor and employment practices, to include sexual orientation and gender identity, and amend KRS 344.025, 344.100, 344.110, and KRS 18A.095, relating to the same, to conform; amend KRS 344.120 and 344.140, relating to prohibited discrimination in places of public accommodation and advertisements therefor, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.170, 344.180, 344.190, 344.300, and 344.310, relating to the state and local human rights commissions, to include prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the scope of their powers and duties; amend KRS 344.360, 344.680, 344.370 and 344.380, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain housing, real estate, and other financial transactions, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.367, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain insurance sales, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.400, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain credit transactions, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.010 to include definitions for "sexual orientation" and "gender identity"; and make various technical amendments.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 106/LM (BR 1335) - V. Moore

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Amend KRS 186.172 to change the volunteer firefighter license plate to the firefighter license plate; eliminate exclusive references to volunteer firefighters; and allow professional firefighters to receive the firefighter license plate.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of SB 106 in their entirety and add a new Section 2 to name a bridge in Martin County in memory of John C. Cline; add a new Section 3 to name a bridge in Johnson County in memory of W.W.II veterans; and add a new Section 4 to name a segment of KY 112 in Hopkins County in honor of Dr. Loman C. Trover.

HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Amend the title to read as follows: "AN ACT relating to transportation.".

HFA (1/P, T. Edmonds) - Attach provisions of HJR 9.

HFA (2/P, M. Denham) - Attach provisions of HJR 43.

HFA (3, D. Pasley) - Retain the provisions of the House Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 106 in their entirety and add a new section to increase penalties for the operator of a motor vehicle that fails to yield the right-of-way to a motorcycle and that failure to yield results in a traffic accident.

HFA (4, D. Pasley) - Retain the provisions of the House Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 106 in their entirety and add two new sections to create an Off-road Motorcycle and ATV Commission; establish membership and duties; attach to the Transportation Cabinet for administrative purposes.

HFA (5, D. Pasley) - Retain the provisions of the House Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 106 in their entirety and add a section to amend KRS 186.891 to restrict the use of funds in the motorcycle safety education program fund to only provide training.

HFA (6/LM/P, C. Belcher) - Attach the provisions of the In House version of House Bill 699.

HFA (7/LM/P, C. Belcher) - Attach the provisions of SB 84/GA.

HFA (8/P, R. Meeks) - Attach the provisions of HJR 107/GA.

HFA (9, D. Butler) - Amend KRS 186.065 to allow vehicles of the Public Protection and Regulation Cabinet to receive regular registration plates for its undercover vehicles.

HFA (10/P, B. Yonts) - Attach the provisions of the GA Copy of HB 40.

HFA (11, J. Barrows) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186 to establish a special Big Brothers Big Sisters license plate; require minimum 900 applications; set forth fees; allow for voluntary contributions to Big Brothers and Big Sisters; specify permitted uses of donated funds and auditing requirements.

HFA (12/P, R. Damron) - Attach the provisions of the GA Copy of Senate Bill 142.

HFA (13/P, R. Damron) - Attach the provisions of the GA Copy of House Bill 392.

HFA (14/LM/P, C. Hoffman) - Attach provisions of HB 533.

HFA (15/P, E. Ballard) - Attach the provisions of the GA copy of HJR 55.

HFA (16/P, F. Nesler) - Attach the provisions of HB 384/GA.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to Transportation (S)

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 34-0

Feb 4-received in House

Feb 5-to Transportation (H)

Mar 19-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; floor amendments (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) and (9) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 25-floor amendments (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) and (16) filed to Committee Substitute

SB 107/LM (BR 1275) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to law enforcement and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 15.420, relating to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program Fund (KLEFPF), to define full-time and part-time police officers; amend KRS 15.430 to authorize use of KLEFPF funds for the purpose of providing salary supplements; amend KRS 15.460 to provide a $1,500 supplement to qualified part-time police officers; amend KRS 15.500 to provide that if insufficient funds exist to pay all supplements, supplements for full-time police officers take precedence; amend KRS 15.440, 15.470, 15.490 and 15.340 to conform.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 108/LM/CI (BR 1247) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to domestic relations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to provide civil remedies for parental interference where court ordered visitation with minor children is intentionally denied without good cause; create a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to allow interaction in public places between non-custodial parents and their children unless good cause exists to prohibit the interaction; create a new section of KRS Chapter 509 to create the crime of parenting interference involving a violation of either of the first two sections of the Act.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Jan. 21, 2004

SB 109 (BR 1281) - J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to factory-built housing.

Amend KRS 227.550 to make various definition changes; amend KRS 227.555 to include manufactured and mobile homes within manufactured home parks and communities within the smoke detector notification and correction of violation requirements; amend KRS 227.560 to include certifying installers within the powers of the Manufactured Home Certification and Licensure Board and provide that the members of the board appointed from the manufactured housing industry remain licensees of the board and are subject to removal for chronic absenteeism; amend KRS 227.565 to conform to definition changes; amend KRS 227.570 to require that all installations of manufactured homes and mobile homes be done by certified installers; amend KRS 227.590 to conform to definition changes; amend KRS 227.600 to require retailers who have acquired previously-owned manufactured and mobile homes and recreational vehicles to apply for a B1 seal; amend KRS 227.610 to require proof of liability insurance before licensing retailers and provide for penalty for noncompliance; amend KRS 227.620 to set fees for seals and provide for when new licenses for retailers are necessary; amend KRS 227.630 to include certification of installers within denial, suspension and revocation criteria of the offices; amend KRS 227.640 to include certification of installers within authority of fire marshal to deny, suspend and revoke applications, and provide for a dispute resolution system before the complaint proceeds to a Chapter 13B hearing; amend KRS 227.650 to allow the office to inspect the storage place of manufactured homes; create a new section of KRS Chapter 227 to prevent persons from transporting into the state a pre-owned manufactured or mobile home for sale or use in the state that does not have a B1 seal and provide for mechanism for acquiring a B1 seal, and provide that no person shall sell, lease, rent, or furnish as a dwelling a pre-owned manufactured or mobile home without a B1 seal.


SCS - Amend KRS 227.550 to change an internal reference; and retain all of other original provisions.

SFA (1, J. Westwood) - Amend definition of "retailer" in Section 1 to exclude a licensed real estate agent who does not acquire possession of any manufactured homes rather than 2 or more manufactured homes; and amend Section 13 of the bill to clarify that no person shall bring into the Commonwealth for resale or use as a dwelling a previously owned manufactured or mobile home without the proper seal.

SFA (2, J. Westwood) - Amend Section 13 of the bill to allow persons purchasing a manufactured or mobile home and moving that home to Kentucky to live in to purchase a seal, and provide that mobile and manufactured homes installed before the effective date of the Act do not require a seal or need to be installed in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

HFA (1, J. Wayne) - Clarify Section 13 to provide that a B1 seal will not be necessary for a manufactured or mobile home that was installed before the effective date of the Act that remains installed on that same site.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 26-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 11-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 12-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 13-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2)

Feb 18-received in House

Feb 19-to Local Government (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 18-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 92-2; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 74)

SB 110 (BR 1353) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to emergency telephone service.

Amend KRS 65.760 to allow local governments to spend surplus revenue from the 911 tax for necessary equipment and supplies, in addition to communications services.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Jan. 22, 2004

SB 111 (BR 909) - B. Guthrie, G. Neal

AN ACT relating to school councils.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to require a scholastic audit team, when auditing a school that for two successive accountability cycles has failed to meet its goal, to include actions to improve the functioning of the school council and make recommendations concerning the council in the improvement plan; require the audit team to recommend to the commissioner of education whether the school council shall retain the authority granted to it under KRS 160.345 and if not, recommend whether the authority shall be transferred to the superintendent or a highly skilled educator, and whether the school council shall continue to act in an advisory capacity until all authority has been restored; provide that a scholastic audit team, when auditing a district of a school that for two successive accountability cycles has failed to meet its goal shall include actions to strengthen the school council in the district's assistance plan; require the district audit team to recommend to the commissioner of education whether the school council shall retain the authority granted to it under KRS 160.345 and if not, recommend whether the authority shall be transferred to the superintendent or a highly skilled educator, and whether the school council shall continue to act in an advisory capacity until all authority has been restored; provide that if the school and district audit teams recommend transfer of the council's authority to the superintendent, the commissioner of education shall transfer the authority; within 30 days of the commissioner's action, the school council may request that the Kentucky Board of Education consider the matter by submitting a written request including any supporting information; if both the audit teams recommend transfer of the council's authority to a highly skilled educator, or if they recommend transfer of the council's authority but are not in agreement as to the party granted the council's authority, the commissioner shall make a recommendation to the state board; the school's right to establish a council or the school's right for the council to assume the full authority granted under KRS 160.345 shall be restored when the school meets its accountability goal for an accountability cycle as determined by the Kentucky Department of Education; amend KRS 158.6455, 158.782, and 160.345 to conform.


SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Clarify that schools shall have two scholastic audits before the provisions of the section are implemented.

HCS - Retain original provisions; provide that if, in the course of a school or district scholastic audit, the audit team identifies information suggesting that a violation related to the implementation of school- based decision making may have occurred, the commissioner of education shall forward the evidence to the Office of Education Accountability for investigation.

HFA (1, R. Nelson) - Clarify that a superintendent shall send additional names when additional qualified classified or certified applicants are available.

HFA (2, R. Nelson) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 651.

HFA (3/Title, R. Nelson) - Make title amendment.

HFA (4, R. Nelson) - Add definitions for "qualified applicants" and "qualified candidates"; require that upon request a superintendent provide all additional qualified candidates in addition to the original list transmitted by the superintendent if they are available; add provision that a superintendent who fails to comply with the personnel hiring procedures or who attempts to impede the implementation of the procedures be subject to a review by the Education Professional Standards Board who may impose a formal reprimand on the superintendent.

HFA (5/P, B. Yonts) - Attach the provisions of HB 37 related to the Kentucky Virtual High School.

HFA (6/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 27-to Education (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 26-received in House

Mar 1-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004; floor amendments (2) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed

Mar 23-floor amendments (5) and (6-title) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading; floor amendment (5) ruled not germane ; passed 96-1 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (4) ; received in Senate

Mar 29-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (4) for Monday, March 29, 2004; Senate refused to concur in House floor amendment (4) ; received in House; House receded from floor amendment (4) ; passed 88-0; received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 32-1

Apr 12-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer

Apr 13-delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 188)

SB 112 (BR 968) - E. Scorsone, W. Blevins, T. Buford, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to long-term care.

Amend KRS 205.6326 to require the Cabinet for Health Services to provide for a 3% increase in reimbursement for facilities that meet or exceed the staffing standards established by the long-term care staffing committee; create a long-term care staffing committee and establish membership and duties; require the long-term care staffing committee to develop minimum voluntary staffing requirements for long-term care facilities.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 27-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 113 (BR 497) - L. Casebier, T. Shaughnessy, E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to the safety and well-being of students.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to establish that students must be provided a school environment free of harassment, intimidation, or bullying; amend KRS 158.441 to define "harassment, intimidation, or bullying," and "volunteers"; amend KRS 158.148 to require a school's code of conduct to prohibit harassment, intimidation, or bullying, include procedures for reporting and investigating incidents, and require a school district to provide information and training to employees and volunteers; amend KRS 158.150 to include harassment, intimidation, or bullying as a cause for suspension or expulsion of a student; amend KRS 158.444 to require school districts to report all incidents of harassment, intimidation, or bullying to the Kentucky Department of Education.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 27-to Education (S)

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 6-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Jan. 26, 2004

SB 114 (BR 1420) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to highway signs.

Amend KRS 177.830, relating to state and federal highways, to define "advertising device viewing zone," "cabinet," "multiple message system," "permit," "trim or prune," "routine maintenance," "destroyed," and "routine change of message"; amend KRS 177.863 to establish that a multiple message system shall be one advertising device for spacing purposes; establish a permit process for owners of legally erected advertising devices to apply to trim or prune vegetation obscuring the advertising device; create various new sections of KRS 177.830 to 177.890 to require all trimming and pruning to be performed by a International Society of Arborculture certified arborist; establish penalties for trimming or pruning vegetation in violation of the terms of the Act; require all illegal advertising devices to be removed by July 1, 2005, or the owner will be subject to a penalty of $100 per day for each day the device is not removed; provide that the cabinet is not required to pay just compensation to the owner of an illegally erected advertising device; provide that the requirement to remove illegally erected devices shall not be subject to conditional discharge, suspension, or other form of reduction of penalty by judicial discretion; and amend KRS 177.860 to conform.


SCS - Retain original provisions of the bill with the following exceptions: remove Section 6, which required all illegally erected advertising devices to be removed by July 1, 2005; and amend section 5, regarding penalties for violation, to make the $100 a day fine permissive rather than mandatory, and allow the Cabinet to extend the 30 day grace period for compliance without a fine at its discretion.

SFA (1, E. Harris) - Expand vegetation control permit provisions to include highways other than interstates.

Jan 26-introduced in Senate

Jan 29-to Transportation (S)

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 30-7 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in House

Mar 15-to Transportation (H)

SB 115 (BR 912) - B. Guthrie, L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to civil actions under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Amend KRS 157.224 to require that a request for an administrative hearing alleging a violation of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act be commenced within two years after the cause of action accrued.


SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Make technical corrections; add clarifying language that parents must be provided all information relating to the hearing issues.

SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Amend to include an eligible student within the coverage of the bill and to require that the time to request a hearing begins to run when the violation is actually known and not when the violation should have been known.

SFA (2, B. Guthrie) - Retain same provisions as CA #1 except change CFR reference from "300.511(a)" to "300.500."

SFA (3, B. Guthrie) - Consolidates CA#1, FA#1, and FA#2 into one amendment and changes the limitation period from two years to three years.

HCS - Retain provisions of SB 115/GA, except specify that the three year time limit to request an administrative hearing may be waived if a longer period is reasonable because a violation is continuing.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 200.660 to make technical correction; add reference to the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C; add cabinet consulting on the development of policy.

HFA (2/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendment.

Jan 26-introduced in Senate

Jan 29-to Education (S)

Feb 3-reassigned to Judiciary (S)

Feb 10-reassigned to Education (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 19-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 25-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 26-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 27-passed over; floor amendment (2) filed ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 1-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 2-3rd reading; committee amendment (1) withdrawn ; floor amendments (1) and (2) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with floor amendment (3) ; received in House

Mar 3-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 33-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 124)

SB 116 (BR 1394) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.

Amend KRS 164.350 to direct the board of regents of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to designate an annual budget pool for salary increases expressed as a percentage of each individual employee's base salary or wage; require the board of trustees to ensure that the percentage increase is the same for community college employees, technical college employees, employees who transferred into the Kentucky Community and Technical College System from the University of Kentucky and the former Workforce Development Cabinet, and employees hired by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.

Jan 26-introduced in Senate

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 117/LM (BR 1044) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to special motor vehicle license plates.

Amend KRS 186.041 to require an additional $5 fee for the renewal registration of certain special military license plates; permit the donation of $5 for the renewal registration of certain special military license plates; require the depositing of the fees in the veterans' program trust fund.

Jan 26-introduced in Senate

Jan 29-to Transportation (S)

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 20-recommitted to Transportation (S)

Introduced Jan. 27, 2004

SB 118 (BR 801) - B. Guthrie, B. Jackson, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to the sale of electric power from cooperatives to municipalities.

Amend KRS 279.120 to delete the requirement for cooperatives to sell only to other states or any county, city, or political subdivision of those states; amend KRS 279.125 to require authorization from the Public Service Commission of a sale of electric energy to a municipal utility; provide that the authorization does not imply an extension of the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission to municipal utilities.

Jan 27-introduced in Senate

Jan 30-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 25-posting waived

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 100-0

Mar 10-received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 12)

SB 119 (BR 1465) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to vaccination for meningococcal meningitis disease.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require institutions of higher learning to provide all students enrolling full-time and living in student housing with information on meningococcal meningitis disease and to require evidence of receiving the vaccine or a statement indicating receipt of information and refusal of the vaccine; require mailing of meningococcal meningitis vaccine information at least one time per year; prohibit requiring institutions to pay or provide for vaccines.

Jan 27-introduced in Senate

Jan 30-to Education (S)

SB 120 (BR 1464) - E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to real estate.

Repeal KRS 381.300, which allows real estate of a nonresident alien to be escheated to the state after eight years unless the alien becomes a citizen; call the Act the "International Trade Incentive Act."

Jan 27-introduced in Senate

Jan 30-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

SB 121 (BR 1437) - G. Neal

AN ACT relating to deeds to real property.

Amend KRS 382.135, relating to deed requirements, to exclude deeds conveying real property to governmental agencies from certain requirements.

Jan 27-introduced in Senate

Jan 30-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Jan. 28, 2004

SB 122 (BR 1244) - R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to plumbing.

Amend KRS 318.030 to require liability insurance of not less than $500,000 for a person, firm, or corporation engaged in plumbing, or for issuance or renewal of a master plumber license.


SFA (1, G. Tapp) - Amended to reduce the amount of liability insurance required from $500,000 to $250,000 for master plumbers.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 19-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 20-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 31-3 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 26-received in House

Mar 1-to Labor and Industry (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 83-1

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 40)

SB 123 (BR 1466) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to local school district taxes.

Amend KRS 160.640, relating to school taxes, to delete the requirement that ad valorem taxes must obtain the amount of money needed as shown in the school district's budget; amend KRS 160.470 to delete requirement for publishing notice of public hearing for two consecutive weeks and permit a school board to levy a general tax rate that produces revenue that is four percent above the revenue produced by the compensating tax rate; and amend KRS 424.250 to require the school board to publish the notice of the tax rate levy in a qualified newspaper.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 124 (BR 1467) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to school bus specifications.

Amend KRS 156.153 to require that school bus standards and specifications be set by the Kentucky Department of Education rather than by the Kentucky Board of Education; delete obsolete language; amend KRS 189.540 to conform.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to Education (S)

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Feb 13-received in House

Feb 17-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 89-0; received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 1-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 22)

SB 125 (BR 1468) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to school facility funding.

Amend KRS 157.440 to permit a local board of education to commit an additional nickel for facilities above the current nickel authorized by the facilities support program of Kentucky; delete obsolete language; amend KRS 157.621 to delete the sunset provision relating to the ability of local boards of education to levy a growth nickel needed for facilities when they experience unusually high student population growth.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 126 (BR 1469) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 157.390 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate an administrative regulation to provide a state adjustment for a local school district whose local tax effort in the formula is greater than the local revenue that can be generated by the district and for purposes of KRS 157.440(1); EMERGENCY.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 127 (BR 1172) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center.

Amend KRS 7B.060 to establish that the purpose of the Long-Term Policy Research Center is to provide decision-makers a broader context in which to make decisions, considering the long-term implications of policy, critical trends, and emerging issues which may impact the state; require a quadrennial, rather than a biennial, report on long-term trends affecting the Commonwealth, to be completed every four years beginning with December 31, 2006; authorize period studies that may include alternative futures for the state, rather than require a report on alternative futures; permit, rather than require, the studies to include the potential long-term effects of current trends and policies and to identify future policy options; require the center to continually inform policymakers and the public, rather than just the public, on long-term issues, critical trends, and alternative futures; require the center to maintain databases for trend identification instead of to develop a single database; amend KRS 7B.070 to direct that study findings and policy options, rather than recommendations, be transmitted to the Governor and the Legislative Research Center; make various amendments to conform.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 128 (BR 1389) - D. Mongiardo, P. Herron Jr, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, T. Buford, B. Jackson, D. Karem, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to an electronic health network and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 11 to define terms; create the Kentucky e-Health Network Board to oversee the development, implementation, and operation of a statewide electronic health network of voluntary participants using federal and voluntarily contributed funds; attach the network to the Governor's Office of Technology for administrative purposes; establish the membership of the board and various committees; require the board to establish certain committees and an advisory group to ensure input into implementation of the network; require the board to consider various models, including a model with the capability to integrate an electronic Medicaid management information system and public health alert features; require the board to submit the model to be implemented to the Legislative Research Commission; require any transactions to comply with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; require the board to oversee the development of the network of providers and payors and adopt standards for computer systems communicating with the network; require that geographical locations that are critical to homeland security and protection of energy production be given priority in phasing in the network; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations; require an annual report to the Governor, Cabinet for Health Services, Office for the New Economy, Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare, and the Interim Joint Committee on Banking and Insurance; establish a "Ke-HN fund"; amend KRS 45A.605 to permit the network to use the "information highway" for transactions, but not limit the network to the use of the highway to implement its communications; amend KRS 164.6015, 164.6021, 164.6029, 164.6037, and 154.12-274 to encourage the research, development, and funding of an electronic health network; and amend KRS 154.12-278 to expand the duties of the Office of the Commissioner for the New Economy to include assisting with the securing of funding for and promoting the research and development of health information technology in this Commonwealth; EMERGENCY.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 129/LM (BR 821) - V. Moore

AN ACT relating to local government ordinances.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 413 to limit local ordinances that affect farm equipment.


SCA (1, A. Robinson) - Exempt the provisions of the bill from applying to a consolidated local or urban-county government or county containing a city of the second class.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 19-13 with committee amendment (1)

Mar 19-received in House

Mar 22-to Local Government (H)

Introduced Jan. 30, 2004

SB 130/LM (BR 1344) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to governmental smoking policies.

Amend KRS 61.165 to permit local governments to adopt smoking policies for buildings which are owned, occupied, leased, or rented by local governments or their agencies, boards, or commissions; prohibit local governments from adopting smoking policies in private buildings except as provided; permit local governments to require by ordinance the posting of the smoking or nonsmoking policy of private buildings and the businesses located in these buildings; specify contents of posted notices; permit the use of logos or symbols in lieu of a written posted notice; void any smoking policies adopted by local governments enacted prior to the effective date of this Act.


SCS/LM - Retain original provisions; direct the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to design and make available if requested a smoking policy logo placed on a sign; allow the department to charge a fee up to $25 for a sign.

SFA (1, G. Neal) - Require public notices of smoking policies for private buildings to be available in Braille code.

SFA (2/Title, G. Neal) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, D. Thayer) - Retain original provisions, add local option election for smoking ban.

SFA (4, D. Thayer) - Retain original provisions, add local option election for smoking ban.

SFA (5, D. Boswell) - Affirm that governments may ban entirely smoking in spaces the governments occupy; and remove the conditions relative to state and local government smoking policies that space be provided for smoking and favor smoking in ventilated areas.

Jan 30-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 18-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Feb 20-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); floor amendments (4) and (5) filed to Committee Substitute

SB 131 (BR 1488) - E. Worley, T. Buford, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, L. Casebier, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, J. Turner

AN ACT relating to hunting dogs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 150 to allow hunters to enter private property to retrieve hunting dogs.

Jan 30-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 132 (BR 1542) - J. Denton, D. Boswell, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to interior designers.

Amend KRS 323.410 to extend the original grandfather provision to license interior designers without examination from two to four years.

Jan 30-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 36-0

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 89-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 1-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 23)

SB 133 (BR 1520) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to licensing veterinarians.

Amend KRS 321.211 to require veterinarians to pay a renewal fee for licensing in even-numbered years only, rather than every year; modify renewal fee grace period to conform with revised licensing period.


HCS/LM - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 258 to prohibit the use of gunshot as a method of euthanasia in animal shelter settings; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 258 to delete references to "dog pounds" and "dog wardens" and use the terms "animal shelter" and "animal control officer"; define "cat," "animal control officer," "ferret," "board," "euthanasia," "animal shelter," "livestock," "poultry," and "quarantine;" require dogs, cats, and ferrets to be vaccinated against rabies; require persons with feral cats on their premises to make a reasonable effort to vaccinate the cats; require a dog to wear a rabies tag; allow a qualified person to vaccinate his own dog; allow a dog, cat, or ferret from out of state to not be vaccinated against rabies if the animal is already vaccinated and meets the rabies standards of Kentucky; allow, rather than require, local health departments to sponsor mass rabies immunization clinics; require the destruction and testing for rabies of a wild or exotic animal that has bitten a person; require an owner of an animal with rabies to be responsible for costs associated with any quarantine or rabies testing of that animal; allow a governmental agency to contract with other counties or entities to maintain an animal shelter; establish minimum standards for animal shelters; require the Animal Control Advisory Board to promulgate administrative regulations regarding animal control in the state; delete the requirement that all dogs be licensed and allow each county to establish its own licensing program; require all counties to meet the minimum standards established regarding animal shelters within three years of the effective date of this Act; allow animal control officers to impound dogs that do not bear a valid rabies tag; allow animal control officers to issue uniform citations, local citations, or local notices to enforce animal control, cruelty, and torture laws; reduce the minimum holding period of impounded dogs from seven to five days; require proof of, or the purchase of, a valid rabies vaccination before an impounded dog, cat, or ferret may be reclaimed from a shelter; require the confinement of a vicious dog; prohibit a dog from violating local nuisance ordinances; require the owner of any dog, cat, or ferret that bites a person to be responsible for any damages resulting from the bite; amend KRS 436.605 to require agents of humane societies to be employed by or have a contract with a governing body before the agent can have the power of a peace officer in enforcing statutes relating to cruelty to animals; prohibit animal control officers and officers or agents of humane societies from having the power of arrest, unless they are peace officers; specify that money collected from fines be credited to the Animal Control and Care Fund; allow veterinarians to renew their licenses biannually, rather than annually; amend KRS 67.592, 212.625, 257.100, 321.181, and 436.610 to conform; make technical corrections; repeal KRS 258.025, 258.105, 258.115, 258.125, 258.145, 258.155, 258.165, 258.175, 258.185, 258.205, 258.275, 258.285, 258.295, 258.305, 258.325, 258.345, 258.355; and provide that funds remaining in the livestock fund be deposited in the Animal Control and Care Fund.

HCA (1/Title, R. Thomas) - Make title amendment.

Jan 30-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 19-received in House

Feb 20-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 16-posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; received in Senate

Apr 13-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; passed 35-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 189)

SB 134 (BR 1549) - R. Jones II, J. Turner, W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program.

Amend KRS 15.410 to 15.510 to include Kentucky State Police in the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program.

Jan 30-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Feb. 2, 2004

SB 135 (BR 1150) - T. Buford, R. Roeding, K. Stine

AN ACT relating to health insurance.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17C of KRS Chapter 304 to subject limited health benefit plans for the provision of dental-only benefits to the payment of claims requirements contained in KRS 304.17A-300 to 30417A-730 except as to time for response, reporting requirements, and payment of interest on a claim; effective January 1, 2005.


HFA (1/P, R. Crimm) - Attach the provisions of HB 592.

HFA (2/P, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (3, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (4/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

HFA (5, D. Sims) - Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require rates for health benefit plans to be reduced by at least fifteen percent (15%).

HFA (6, T. Thompson) - Amend KRS 18A.225 to authorize the Personnel Cabinet to develop or rent a provider network for a self-funded plan.

HFA (7, T. Thompson) - Amend KRS 304.17A-200 to authorize an insurer to permit an individual to refuse coverage in a small employer group of two to ten employees within an employer-organized association; provide that such individuals shall be eligible for coverage in Kentucky Access; create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that an insurer issuing or renewing health benefit plans on or after January 1, 2005, until December 31, 2007, shall not be required to include any additional state-mandated benefits; direct the commissioner of insurance to promulgate administrative regulations by April 1, 2005, to establish standards and procedures for disclosure of information required by insurers; require insurers offering or issuing a health benefit plan to use the uniform employee application form developed by the commissioner of insurance no later than August 1, 2004; amend KRS 304.12-090 to prohibit an insurer from negotiating any pricing for a good or service provided under a health insurance contract that includes a rebate or return of funds to the insurer unless the insurer returns the funds directly to the policyholder and accounts directly to the policyholder for the application of the funds returned to the insurers; amend KRS 304.17B-015 to conform.

HFA (8, T. Thompson) - Amend KRS 304.17A-200 to authorize an insurer to permit an individual to refuse coverage in a small employer group of two to ten employees within an employer-organized association; provide that such individuals shall be eligible for coverage in Kentucky Access; create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that an insurer issuing or renewing health benefit plans on or after January 1, 2005, until December 31, 2007, shall not be required to include any additional state mandated benefits; direct the commissioner of insurance to promulgate administrative regulations by April 1, 2005, to establish standards and procedures for disclosure of information required by insurers; require insurers offering or issuing a health benefit plan to use the uniform employee application form developed by the commissioner of insurance no later than August 1, 2004; amend KRS 304.12-090 to prohibit an insurer from negotiating any pricing for a good or service provided under a health insurance contract that includes a rebate or return of funds to the insurer unless the insurer returns the funds directly to the policyholder and accounts directly to the policyholder for the application of the funds returned to the insurers; amend KRS 304.17B-015 to conform; amend KRS 18A.225 to authorize the Personnel Cabinet to develop or rent a provider network for a self-funded plan.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 22-floor amendments (2) (3) and (4-title) filed

Mar 23-floor amendment (5) filed

Mar 25-floor amendments (2) (3) and (4-title) withdrawn ; floor amendment (6) filed

Mar 26-floor amendments (7) and (8) filed

SB 136 (BR 484) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to the state insurance group.

Amend KRS 18A.225, relating to the state group medical insurance plan, to permit inactive members of the Kentucky National Guard not eligible for employer sponsored health insurance to participate in the state group effective January 1, 2005.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 137 (BR 1546) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to attorney's fees.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 453 to limit attorney's contingency fees in medical negligence cases to 40% of the $50,000 recovered, 33 1/3% of the next $50,000 recovered, 25% of the next $500,000 recovered, and 15% of any amount on which the recovery exceeds $600,000; supply definitions for the section.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Judiciary (S)

SB 138 (BR 1096) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to payments for sexual assault examinations, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 346 to establish the sexual assault victim assistance fund to be administered by the Crime Victims' Compensation Board; specify uses of fund and require federal matching funds to be deposited into sexual assault victim assistance fund; specify requirements for management of funds; require fund to reimburse children's advocacy centers for child sexual abuse medical examinations; specify that no additional investigation by Crime Victims' Compensation Board is required; amend KRS 216B.400 to require that the Crime Victims' Compensation Board pay for sexual assault forensic medical examinations; specify that no additional investigation by Crime Victims' Compensation Board is required; EMERGENCY.


SCS - Retain original provisions and delete provision requiring expenditures be considered as a necessary governmental expense and require the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund to reimburse for exams if the sexual assault fund is depleted; specify that the board shall not conduct an independent investigation but may require proof that an examination was conducted.

HFA (1/P, M. Cherry) - Attach provisions of HB 303/GA.

HFA (2/Title, M. Cherry) - Make title amendment.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Judiciary (S)

Feb 10-reassigned to Health and Welfare (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-received in House

Mar 1-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) ruled not germane ; passed 94-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 73)

SB 139/LM (BR 1388) - T. Buford, A. Kerr, E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to pension systems of urban-county governments.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 67A, related to the retirement fund for urban-county police and firefighters; authorize members with 20 years of service who withdrew prior to age 46 to be eligible for health insurance paid by the government; permit members to retire at any age after attaining 20 years of service; increase the minimum monthly benefit to $1,250; eliminate the requirement that benefits to a surviving spouse cease upon remarriage; provide a minimum occupational disability of 75% of pay for members who began contributing prior to July 14, 1994; increase the death benefit to $1,500.


HFA (1, C. Geveden) - Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 67A relating to the pension fund for police and firefighters of an urban-county government; permit current members to retire after 20 years regardless of age and receive insurance benefits; increase the minimum lump sum death benefit to $1,500; and set filing deadline for application for service purchase.

HFA (2, J. Barrows) - Amend sections of KRS Chapter 67A relating to retirement after 20 years regardless of age to apply to current members.

HFA (3, J. Barrows) - Delete Section 5 relating to an increase in the minimum monthly annuity.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 5-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 36-0-1; received in House

Mar 10-to State Government (H)

Mar 24-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Apr 12-floor amendments (2) and (3) filed

SB 140 (BR 1567) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, R. Stivers, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to the solemnization of marriage.

Amend KRS 402.050 to allow mayors to solemnize marriages.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Feb. 3, 2004

SB 141/HM (BR 1588) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to mercury contained in immunizations and dental restorations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to prohibit the use of mercury in immunizations and dental restorations; create a new section of subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter to require a health benefit plan to provide the same coverage for immunizations and dental restorations not containing mercury after the effective date of this Act, as was provided before the effective date for immunizations and dental restorations containing mercury.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 142 (BR 1574) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to the Airport Zoning Commission.

Amend KRS 183.861, regarding the Airport Zoning Commission, to expand the commission's jurisdiction over land use to include private airports with paved runways greater than 2,900 feet in length


HFA (1/P, H. Collins) - Attach the provisions of HB 526/GA.

HFA (2/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Local Government (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 24-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) ruled not germane ; passed 92-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 112)

SB 143 (BR 1451) - R. Stivers, J. Turner, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to embalmers and funeral directors.

Amend KRS 316.030 to require that licensed embalmers and funeral directors who practice in Kentucky to practice only from a licensed funeral establishment; make technical changes to conform; amend KRS 316.140 to exclude holders of courtesy cards from the requirement to practice only from a licensed funeral establishment.


HFA (1, T. Kerr) - Create an exemption from the requirement that Kentucky-licensed embalmers and funeral directors practice from a licensed funeral establishment for any licensee whose license was issued prior to the effective date of this Act and who is currently approved by the board to practice from a location that is not a licensed funeral establishment.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 34-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; 3rd reading, passed 91-1; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 69)

SB 144 (BR 1159) - G. Neal, B. Guthrie, W. Blevins, T. Buford, D. Karem, J. Rhoads

AN ACT relating to equity in hiring in the public schools.

Amend KRS 156.500 to require every board, commission, council, or other type of advisory or decision-making body created by state statute regarding public elementary and secondary education to regularly review data on participation of men, women, persons of different racial backgrounds, and persons of different socioeconomic circumstances in the programs for which that body is responsible; amend KRS 158.6455 to require that the scholastic audit review a school's planning in relation to the participation of men, women, persons of different racial backgrounds, and persons of different socioeconomic circumstances; amend KRS 160.345 to require a school council, prior to filling a vacancy, to review the current minority and gender composition of the personnel in the school to determine if there is adequate representation of the various groups; require the school council to adopt a policy establishing procedures for selection of a principal, including but not limited to meetings, timelines, interviews, review of written applications, review of references, and development of written criteria for selection; amend KRS 160.350 to require the local board and the superintendent's screening committee to receive training endorsed by the Department of Education when there is a vacancy in the position of the superintendent; require the board to establish written criteria to be used in selecting an applicant to be hired as superintendent; require the local board to adopt a plan for recruitment of applicants for superintendent, including minority applicants; and amend KRS 160.380 to define "district-level vacancy" and require the superintendent to establish written criteria to be used in selecting applicants to be hired in district-level vacancies; amend KRS 158.153 to conform.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Feb. 4, 2004

SB 2 (BR 937) - D. Williams, R. Leeper, C. Borders, V. McGaha, R. Roeding, G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to transportation.

Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 174 to require the Governor and Transportation Cabinet to establish a statewide transportation plan; amend the process the cabinet must follow when preparing the six-year road plan for enactment by the General Assembly; require the cabinet to develop a long-range capital facilities plan and a short-term maintenance plan for all buildings and facilities owned or leased by the cabinet; require the cabinet to revise procedures for the purchasing and leasing of vehicles and equipment; require the cabinet to conduct a review of vehicles and equipment owned or leased by all executive branch agencies; require the cabinet to report to the Governor and General Assembly and, based upon the vehicle review, make recommendations on ways to improve efficiency in the administration of the state fleet; require the cabinet to develop a business plan that establishes strategic objectives and improvement priorities; create a legislative Transportation Oversight Subcommittee; establish membership, powers, and duties of the subcommittee; create various new sections of KRS Chapter 176 to require the cabinet to create a cost estimating and markets analysis section to develop the cabinet's engineers estimate for highway projects; require the cabinet to create an awards committee; establish membership and duties of the committee; require the cabinet to implement methods to increase competition on bids for highway projects; establish requirements for the cabinet to meet to improve management of highway projects; require the cabinet to create a project manager position and career path; establish the duties of a project manager; require the cabinet to improve the collection of financial information for both the preconstruction and construction phases of highway projects; require the cabinet to post information for major milestones of a highway project on the cabinet's web page; require the cabinet to meet new requirements for the approval of change orders and supplemental agreements; require the cabinet to review and update all policy and procedure manuals used in the design, right-of-way, utility, or construction phase of a highway project; require the cabinet to establish standardized guidelines for the outsourcing of work associated with a highway project; establish guidelines that must be followed to prohibit employees of the cabinet, or a consultant under contract to the cabinet, from divulging confidential information relating to a highway project; establish standards the cabinet must follow in the disadvantaged, minority, and women business enterprise program; require the cabinet to give LRC staff read-only access to all cabinet computer applications relating to highway construction; require the cabinet to report within 18 months of the effective date of the Act on the status of implementing the provisions of the Act; and amend KRS 45.245, 45.247, 176.010, 176.050, 176.070, 176.100, 176.110, 176.121, 176.140, 176.210, 176.260, 176.419, 176.420, 176.430, and 176.440 to conform.


SCS - Retain original provisions of the bill with the following exception: amend Section 5 to increase the membership of the Transportation Oversight Subcommittee from 12 to 14 members by adding the chairs of the House and Senate Transportation Committees as ex officio, nonvoting members; specify that a quorum of the subcommittee shall be seven voting members.

SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: Delete the provisions of Section 8, relating to the Transportation Oversight Subcommittee review of Transportation Cabinet contracts, and insert in lieu thereof a requirement that all Transportation Cabinet contracts, including contracts awarded through a competitive bidding process, be reviewed by the LRC Government Contract Review Committee.

SFA (2, R. Leeper) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: In Section 17, delete subsection (7) in its entirety to eliminate the provision for a $10,000 fine and other civil and criminal penalties.

SFA (3, D. Williams) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 8 amend subsection (1) to change from a permissive review of Transportation Cabinet contracts to a mandatory review by the LRC Transportation Oversight Subcommittee.

SFA (4, E. Scorsone) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 8 amend subsection (1) to change from a permissive review of Transportation Cabinet contracts to a mandatory review by the LRC Transportation Oversight Subcommittee.

SFA (5, B. Guthrie) - Direct that the co-chairs of the Transportation Oversight Subcommittee have joint responsibilities for meeting agendas and presiding at Subcommittee meetings; direct that, on an alternating basis, each co-chair has the first option to set the monthly meeting date; permit a monthly meeting to be canceled by agreement of both co-chairs; require a quorum to be a majority of the entire membership of the Subcommittee; require all actions of the Subcommittee to be by vote of a majority of its entire membership.

Feb 4-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Transportation (S)

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading; Committee Substitute adopted; floor amendment (2) adopted ; laid on clerk's desk; floor amendments (3) (4) and (5) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 19-taken from clerk's desk; returned to the Orders of the Day; floor amendments (1) and (4) withdrawn ; passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (2) (3) and (5)

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Transportation (H)

SB 145/FN/LM/CI (BR 809) - D. Thayer, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 510 to create the crime of indecent exposure in the first degree when the person indecently exposes himself under circumstances in which he knows or should know that his conduct could cause affront or alarm to a person under the age of 18 years, to establish that the first offense is a Class A misdemeanor and the second and any subsequent offense is a Class D felony; amend KRS 510.150 to change the crime to indecent exposure in the second degree when the person indecently exposes himself under circumstances in which he knows or should know that his conduct could cause affront or alarm to a person 18 years of age or older.


SFA (1, J. Rhoads) - Retain original provisions of the bill except change the penalty for indecent exposure in the first degree to Class B misdemeanor for the first offense, Class A misdemeanor for the second offense, if committed within three years of the first conviction, Class D felony for the third offense, if committed within three years of the second conviction, and Class D felony for any subsequent offense, if committed within three years of the prior conviction.

SFA (2, G. Neal) - Amend to lower penalties by one level for indecent exposure in the first degree, to require that the court shall, upon conviction for a second offense of indecent exposure in the second degree, sentence the offender to an appropriate sexual offender education and treatment program, and to create procedure for licensure of sexual offender education and treatment programs.

HCS/FN/LM/CI - Retain original provisions of the bill except change the penalty for indecent exposure in the first degree to Class B misdemeanor for the first offense, Class A misdemeanor for the second offense, if committed within three years of the first conviction, Class D felony for the third offense, if committed within three years of the second conviction, and Class D felony for any subsequent offense, if committed within three years of the prior conviction.

Feb 4-introduced in Senate

Feb 9-to Judiciary (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2004; floor amendment (2) filed

Feb 25-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; floor amendment (2) defeated ; passed 35-1

Feb 26-received in House

Mar 1-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 17-posted in committee

Mar 23-posting waived

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 87-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 37-1

Apr 12-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer

Apr 13-delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 190)

SB 146 (BR 1504) - V. McGaha, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to agriculture.

Amend various sections in KRS 41.600 to 41.610 to create the linked deposit program in the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation rather than the Department of Agriculture and to make conforming changes; amend KRS 247.942 to add to the definition of agricultural loan, woodland product production as an activity that qualifies for a loan, to broaden the definitions of applicant and project, and delete the Department of Agriculture definition; amend KRS 247.944 to administratively link the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation to the Office of the Governor rather than the Department of Agriculture; increase the membership of the corporation's board to 12 from 10; require the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture to serve as chairperson rather than require the board to elect a chair; allow the commissioner and the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet to vote on matters before the board; remove the Lieutenant Governor from the board; add as members, an officer from a commercial lending institution and a horticultural farmer; require that the Governor shall appoint a member from the Agricultural Development Board to fill one of the positions on the Agricultural Finance Corporation board for which they would be qualified; require the executive director of the Agricultural Development Board to serve as director of the corporation, rather than allow the board of the corporation to hire a director; delete the allowance of per diem to board members; amend KRS 247.978 to declare that first time farmers as defined by the USDA, Farm Service Agency, may receive loans up to $250,000 and other loan applicants may receive loans up to $1,000,000; make conforming change.


HFA (1, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (2, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (3/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

Feb 4-introduced in Senate

Feb 9-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 34-0

Feb 19-received in House

Feb 20-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 89-0; received in Senate

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 41)

Introduced Feb. 5, 2004

SB 147 (BR 1679) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to personal motor vehicle insurance database.

Create a new section of Subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that beginning on January 1, 2006, every insurance company that writes liability insurance on personal motor vehicles shall report the vehicle identification number of each insured motor vehicle and the name of the policyholder to the Department of Vehicle Regulation each month; exempt an insurer from civil liability for reporting the information unless there is malice, fraud, or gross negligence; amend KRS 186A.040 to require the Department of Vehicle Regulation to notify the insured if the vehicle identification number does not appear in the database for two consecutive reporting months; provide that in developing the mechanism to electronically transfer the information to the department, the commissioner of the Department of Vehicle Regulation shall consult with the commissioner of insurance and insurers; provide that information obtained by the Department of Vehicle Regulation from insurers is not subject to the Open Records Act and cannot be disclosed; create a new section of KRS Chapter 186A to provide that on and after January 1, 2006, a county clerk cannot process an application for, or issue, a title, registration, replacement plate, duplicate registration, transfer of registration, or temporary tag for a personal motor vehicle if AVIS does not list the vehicle identification number; provide that if AVIS does not list the vehicle identification number, the county clerk may process the application if the applicant has an insurance card issued no more than 45 days before submission of the application to the clerk; amend KRS 304.39-085 to provide that the requirement of reporting cancellations and terminations will not apply to personal motor vehicles on and after January 1, 2006; amend KRS 304.39-117 to provide that on and after January 1, 2006, as to personal motor vehicles, the insurance card and the database shall be evidence of insurance to a peace officer if the peace officer has access to the database through AVIS; provide that if the vehicle identification number does not appear in AVIS, the peace officer may accept as proof of insurance an insurance card issued no more than 45 days prior to the request of proof by the peace officer; amend KRS 186.021, 186.180, 186.190, and 186A.100 to conform.

Feb 5-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 15-to Transportation (H)

Introduced Feb. 6, 2004

SB 148 (BR 1555) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to electrical licensing and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 227.480 to prohibit the issuance of a permit unless the applicant submits proof of being licensed as an electrical contractor or of acting on behalf of a licensed electrical contractor; amend KRS 227A.010 to prohibit a master electrician from working for more than one electrical contractor if the electrical contractor is not a master electrician and the contractor has employed the master electrician full-time; amend KRS 227A.100 to change the license renewal time from the anniversary date of the license to the last day of the licensee's birth month; to allow the department to establish an inactive license for licensees who are not actively engaged in the electrical business but wish to maintain their license, to reduce the license and renewal fees of inactive licensees, to waive the insurance requirements for inactive licensees; amend KRS 227A.080 to allow the department to issue a pending license to an applicant prior to July 15, 2004; EMERGENCY.


SCS - Retain original provisions of bill, except amend KRS 227A.030 to exempt low-voltage, power-limited installations by persons licensed under various statutes; require the department to determine experience and testing for low-voltage installer certification and to set fees not to exceed actual cost of issuing certificate.

HCS - Retain original provision; add provision requiring the commissioner of housing, buildings and construction to approve a local government's petition to oversee inspections relating to local plumbing permits unless the commission determines that the local government is unable to perform that function.

HFA (1, J. Coleman) - Allow a person to be licensed as an electrician upon submitting an application, paying fees, and passing an examination if the applicant completes a postsecondary electrical program that culminates in a diploma or degree; require that the program be substantially equivalent to a program approved by the Council on Postsecondary Education.

HFA (2, L. Napier) - Retain original provisions of bill and create a new section of KRS Chapter 309 to define "internship"; allow members of the General Assembly to sit for the Kentucky bar examination, and upon passing of which he or she shall be granted a license to practice law if he or she has completed twenty (20) years of service as a member of the General Assembly and a one (1) year internship with an attorney who has been practicing law in Kentucky for more than one (1) year.

HFA (3/Title, L. Napier) - Make title amendment.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

Mar 4-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed

SB 149 (BR 1543) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 243 to clarify the purpose and uses of a supplemental bar license; amend KRS 241.010 to define "caterer," "limited restaurant," "minor," "restaurant," "service bar," and "supplemental bar"; amend KRS 243.033 to expand the territories in which the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control may issue a caterer's license and impose limits on food sales based on the types of alcoholic beverage sales permitted in the territory; require that records be maintained consistently with other records required by the department and delete the requirement that a list of functions catered, and other identifying information, be submitted to the board upon request; amend KRS 243.030, 243.040, 243.060, and 243.070 to establish license fees for limited restaurants and limited golf courses; amend KRS 243.480 to permit the board to require board-ordered training in lieu of or in addition to suspension; permit the board to order a licensee and some or all of its servers to attend a training program; permit the board to require the licensee attending board-ordered training to pay for the program; amend KRS 243.025 to require that all moneys generated from the department's server training program, except from board-ordered training, be placed in the department's revolving trust and agency account.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

SB 150 (BR 501) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes relating to the Office of the Governor, to add the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Department of Personnel, and the Office of the State Budget Director; transfer various entities from the Office of the Governor to other agencies; change the name of the Personnel Cabinet to the Department of Personnel and abolish the Personnel Cabinet; establish the Department of Personnel under the Office of the Governor; transfer the Governor's Office for Technology to the Finance and Administration Cabinet; reflect the organizational change of the Personnel Cabinet to the Department of Personnel attached to the Office of the Governor; confirm Part I of Executive Order 2003-064, dated December 23, 2003, relating to the Office of the Governor, to the extent it is not otherwise confirmed or superceded by this Act.


SCA (1, A. Robinson) - Make technical corrections.

HFA (1/AA/P, B. Yonts) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 9/GA and HB 15/GA; exempt postsecondary institutions from the prohibition of employment of teachers.

HFA (2/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3/P, L. Clark) - Attach the provisions of HCR 16, except for the "Whereas" clauses.

HFA (4/Title, L. Clark) - Make title amendment.

HFA (5, J. Coleman) - Amend SB 150/GA to allow cities of the first class, cities of the second class, and charter county governments to levy a 1% transient room tax on certain hotel accommodations.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 18-received in House

Feb 19-to State Government (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendments (1) (2-title) (3) and (4-title) filed

Mar 25-floor amendment (5) filed

SB 151 (BR 502) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend KRS 12.020 to rename the Education, Arts, and Humanities Cabinet as the Education Cabinet; create three new offices in the Education Cabinet; abolish the Workforce Development Cabinet and transfer specific departments therein to the Education Cabinet; transfer the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Education Professional Standards Board to the Education Cabinet; amend KRS 12.023 to abolish the Office of Early Childhood Development; amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to abolish the Cabinet for Workforce Development and transfer its duties and responsibilities to the Education Cabinet; transfer various functions and responsibilities related to unemployment insurance from the Department of Employment Services to the Finance and Administration Cabinet; transfer the duties and responsibilities of the Department for Adult Education and Literacy from the Cabinet for Workforce Development to the Council on Postsecondary Education and rename the Kentucky Adult Education System; amend various sections to conform; repeal KRS 12.401, KRS 151B.023, 156.120, and 156.666; confirm Executive Order 2003-600 dated June 16, 2003, Executive Order 2003-712 dated July 7, 2003, and Executive Order 2003-064 dated December 23, 2003, as it relates to the Education Cabinet and Executive Order 2004-029 dated January 6, 2004.


SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Clarify that employees of the Council on Postsecondary Education who were employees of the Kentucky Adult Education System at the time it was transferred to the council shall continue to participate in the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System.

HCS - Retain original provisions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to require that the Governor shall not effect a temporary reorganization plan that would change, abolish, reconstitute, or alter in any way the organizational structure, authority, or autonomy of the School Curriculum, Assessment, and Accountability Council, the Kentucky Board of Education, the commissioner of education, the Department of Education, the Education Professional Standards Board, the executive director of the Education Professional Standards Board, the Council on Postsecondary Education, and the president of the Council on Postsecondary Education; amend KRS 12.027 and 12.028 to conform; EMERGENCY.

HFA (1/AA/P, B. Yonts) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 9/GA and HB 15/GA and exempt postsecondary institutions from the prohibition of employment of teachers.

HFA (2/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3/Title, J. Coleman) - Amend title to read as follows: "AN ACT relating to government operations."

HFA (4, J. Coleman) - Amend SB 151/HCS to allow cities of the first class, cities of the second class, and charter county governments to levy an additional 1% transient room tax on certain hotel accommodations.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Education (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 25-received in House

Feb 26-to State Government (H)

Feb 27-reassigned to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 25-floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed

SB 152 (BR 503) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend KRS 12.020 to abolish the Revenue Cabinet and create the Department of Revenue within the Finance and Administration Cabinet; attach to the Finance and Administration Cabinet the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, and the Kentucky River Authority; transfer the Governor's Office for Technology from the Office of the Governor to the Finance and Administration Cabinet and change its name to the Office for Technology; transfer the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Board of Trustees from the Education, Arts and Humanities Cabinet to the Finance and Administration Cabinet; amend KRS 11.065 to remove the Revenue Cabinet from the Governor's Executive Cabinet; amend 11.515 to replace the secretary of the Revenue Cabinet with the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet on the Geographic Advisory Committee; amend KRS 56.450 to remove the secretary of the Revenue Cabinet from the State Property and Buildings Commission and adjust the quorum; amend KRS 56.861 to remove the secretary of the Revenue Cabinet from the Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 131 to establish the Department of Revenue headed by a commissioner and set forth its organization, duties, and powers; amend various sections in KRS Chapters 11, 15, 29A, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45A, 47, 48, 56, 62, 65, 68, 75, 76, 91, 96, 96A, 99, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 143A, 144, 147A, 137B, 148, 149, 154, 157, 160, 164A, 175, 179, 186, 186A, 190, 197, 198A, 205, 209, 211, 224, 230, 234, 241, 243, 244, 247, 248, 262, 273, 275, 278, 281, 287, 299, 304, 342, 351, 353, 365, 387, 438, and 514 to replace references to the Revenue Cabinet with either the Finance and Administration Cabinet or the Department of Revenue and to replace references to the secretary of the Revenue Cabinet with either the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet or the commissioner of the Department of Revenue; provide direction to the reviser of statutes; make provisions for administrative regulations; confirm the portion of Executive Order 2003-064, dated December 23, 2003, relating to the Finance and Administration Cabinet and the abolishing of the Revenue Cabinet to the extent it is not otherwise confirmed or superseded by this Act.


SCS - Make technical corrections.

HCS - Retain the original provisions except change the name of the Office for Technology (currently the Governor's Office for Technology) to the Commonwealth Office for Technology; restore current statutory language exempting the chief information officer of the Commonwealth from the classified service and the salary limitations of KRS 64.640; clarify that the chief information officer is appointed by the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet; restore current statutory language directing the chief information officer for the Commonwealth to be the principal adviser to the Governor on information technology policy; include the Secretary of Finance and the Commonwealth as others to whom the chief information officer is principal adviser.

HFA (1, C. Geveden) - Make technical correction.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-received in House

Feb 26-to Education (H)

Feb 27-reassigned to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

SB 153 (BR 504) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend various sections to merge the Cabinet for Health Services and Cabinet for Families and Children into the newly created Cabinet for Health and Family Services; amend KRS 11.065 to make the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services a member of the Governor's Executive Cabinet; amend KRS 11.182 to reduce the membership of the Kentucky Appalachian Development Commission from 48 to 47 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 11.515 to reduce the membership of the Geographic Advisory Council from 26 to 25 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 12.020 to delete the organizational structure of the Cabinet for Families and Children and Cabinet for Health Services and add the structure of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; amend KRS 12.330 to reduce the membership of the KY-ASAP Board from 18 to 17 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; repeal and reenact KRS 12.350 as a new Section of KRS Chapter 194A, and amend to move the Office of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Services from the Office of the Governor to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; amend KRS 62.160 to require bonding of the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; amend KRS 142.301 and 142.307 to insert the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and include reference to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in addition to the Health Care Financing Administration; amend KRS 142.12-203 to reduce the voting membership of the Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs from 25 to 24 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 163.506 to reduce the membership of the Commission on Deaf and Hard of Hearing from 15 to 14 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 194A.010 to set forth the functions of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; amend KRS 194A.030 to update the organizational structure of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services; amend KRS 194A.050 to include the Council for Families and Children; amend KRS 194A.505 to update prohibited activities to include those relating to food stamp programs; repeal and reenact KRS 194B.100, 194B.102, 194B.360, 194B.370, 194B.530, 194B.535, 194B.570, 194B.572, 194B.575, and 194B.578 as new sections of KRS Chapter 194A; amend KRS 198A.035 to add the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services as a member of the Kentucky Housing Corporation, and to delete the reference to the secretaries of health services and families and children; amend KRS 200.700 to reduce the membership of the Early Childhood Development Authority from 17 to 16 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 210.502 to reduce the membership of the Commission on Services and Supports for Individuals with Mental Illness, Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Disorders, and Dual Diagnoses, from 27 to 26 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 210.575 to reduce the membership of the Commission on Services and Supports for Individuals with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders from 25 to 24 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 309.308 to reduce the membership of the Board of Interpreters for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Policy Committee from 11 to 10 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; amend KRS 403.700 to reduce the membership of the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault from 37 to 36 by deleting the secretaries for health services and families and children as members and adding the secretary for health and family services; make conforming amendments; repeal 194B.005, 194B.010, 194B.025, 194B.030, 194B.040, 194B.050, 194B.060, 194B.070, 194B.080, 194B.090, 194B.110, 194B.130, 194B.140, 194B.150, 194B.160, 194B.170, 194B.190, 194B.200, 194B.360, 194B.500, 194B.505, 194B.510, 194B.515, 194B.990; confirm Executive Order 2003-064 and Executive Order 2004-032.


SCA (1, J. Denton) - Make technical correction; and clarify that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services shall work to achieve the goals of the Healthy Start in Child Care Program, rather than in collaboration with the agencies that have been merged into the cabinet.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Retain original provisions of the bill except to amend KRS 200.654 by amending the definitions of "Council" and "Early intervention system."

HFA (2, T. Burch) - Provide that the Division of Administrative Hearings shall be established within the Office of Legislative and Public Affairs, rather than in the Office of Inspector General.

HFA (3/P, T. Feeley) - Attach the provisions HB 148, HB 207, and HB 261.

HFA (4/Title, T. Feeley) - Make title amendment.

HFA (5, T. Burch) - Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to implement the federally mandated Medicaid estate recovery; require the cabinet to allow for undue hardship determinations on a case-by-case basis, considering specified circumstances for certain beneficiaries; and prohibit recovery from an estate with a value under $15,000.

HFA (6/P, T. Feeley) - Attach the provisions of HB 148/GA and HB 261/GA.

HFA (7, J. Wayne) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to define "continuing care retirement community" to mean a community that provides, on the same campus, a continuum of residential living options and support services to persons 60 years of age or older under a written agreement, and provide that the residential living options shall include at least one independent living unit, plus nursing home beds, and either assisted living units or personal care beds.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Health and Welfare (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 25-received in House

Feb 26-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004; floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 23-floor amendments (3) (4-title) and (5) filed

Mar 24-floor amendment (6) filed

Apr 12-floor amendment (7) filed

SB 154 (BR 507) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Create and amend various sections within the Kentucky Revised Statutes to combine within one cabinet the programs relating to natural resources and the environment, labor, and public protection; direct the consolidation of support offices for the programs within one cabinet; repeal 224.10-030, 224.10-055, and 224.10-060 relating to past actions; confirm Executive Order 2003-064, dated December 23, 2003, Executive Order 2003-513, dated May 22, 2003, and Executive Order 2004-031, dated January 6, 2004, to the extent the orders are not otherwise confirmed by this Act.


SCS - Retain original provisions but correct in text references to agencies and to agency supervisory personnel.

SFA (1, D. Kelly) - Direct that the executive directors of offices within the Department of Public Protection are responsible to the commissioner rather than to the secretary; refer to inspectors rather than auditors; and refer to the division of waste management rather than to the assurance fund in sections relating to the underground petroleum storage tank program.

HCS - Retain the original provisions but delete the requirement that underground petroleum storage tank fund claim disputes be heard under KRS Chapter 13B and require that the hearing be held under KRS Chapter 224; make technical changes relating to in-text references.

HFA (1, H. Collins) - Amend KRS 353.5901 to delete the requirement, when negotiations between a surface owner and an oil or gas well operator fail to reach an agreement on disturbed areas and a mediator resolves the differences between the parties, that the recommendation of the mediator on the reasonable use of the surface by an oil or gas well operator become a permit condition; require the director of oil and gas conservation to issue an oil or gas well permit within 5 days of the mediator's recommendation; require the director to consider the recommendations when issuing the permit and allow the director to make any of the recommendations conditions of the permit.

HFA (2/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3/AA, B. Yonts) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 9/GA and HB 15/GA and exempt postsecondary institutions from the prohibition of employment of teachers.

HFA (4/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

HFA (5, H. Collins) - Amend KRS 353.5901 to delete the requirement, when negotiations between a surface owner and an oil or gas well operator fail to reach an agreement on disturbed areas and a mediator resolves the differences between the parties, that the recommendation of the mediator on the reasonable use of the surface by an oil or gas well operator become a permit condition; require the director to consider the recommendations when issuing the permit and allow the director to make any of the recommendations conditions of the permit but require as permit conditions those recommendations that are accepted or other conditions deemed necessary and to place in the file written justification of the action taken on the recommendations.

HFA (6, J. Coleman) - Provide a means for computing when a subsequent local option election may be held if the election is held on a primary or general election day.

HFA (7/Title, J. Coleman) - Make title amendment.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 25-received in House

Feb 26-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 23-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (4-title) filed

Mar 24-floor amendment (5) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 25-floor amendment (6) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (7-title) filed

SB 155 (BR 508) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend and repeal various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes relating to the former Justice Cabinet, which is renamed Justice and Public Safety Cabinet; transfer the Kentucky Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program from Governor's office to new cabinet; transfer Division of Motor Vehicle Enforcement in the Transportation Cabinet to the new cabinet; make other changes required; confirm Executive Order 2003-064, dated December 23, 2003, and Executive Order 2004-028, dated January 6, 2004.


SCA (1, R. Stivers) - Make technical correction.

HCA (1, G. Lindsay) - Amend KRS 15A.020 relating to Justice Cabinet agencies to delete specifics of Department of Motor Vehicle Enforcement authority; change amendment, repeal, and reenactment of KRS 281.770, to restrict the authority of motor vehicle enforcement officers peace officer powers to enforcement of motor vehicle laws; provide for extension of powers of motor vehicle enforcement officers by order of the secretary of justice and public safety during times of disaster, emergency, impending disaster or emergency, or other special need; require secretary's order to be in writing and a public record; prohibit using "disaster" provisions to violate the intent of the statute to limit the authority of motor vehicle enforcement officers.

HCA (2/P, G. Lindsay) - Attach the provisions of HB 424.

HFA (1, T. Couch) - Amend to allow up to 30 Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers to have full statewide peace officer authority upon written approval of the commissioner of the department.

HFA (2/AA/P, B. Yonts) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 9/GA and HB 15/GA and exempt postsecondary institutions from the prohibition of employment of teachers.

HFA (3/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Judiciary (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Feb 17-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 20-received in House

Feb 23-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendments (1) and (2)

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-floor amendments (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) withdrawn

SB 156 (BR 509) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to abolish the Kentucky Racing Commission and to establish the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority; change existing language to conform; attach the authority to the Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet for administrative purposes; establish the authority's membership to consist of 13 appointees of the Governor, including two appointees with no financial interest in the industry regulated; allow members to serve 3 three-year terms with initial terms staggered; include secretaries of the Environmental and Public Protection, Commerce, and Economic Development Cabinets as nonvoting, ex officio members; allow the Governor to appoint from membership one chairperson and one vice chair to serve in the chairperson's absence; allow duly promulgated administrative regulations of the Kentucky Racing Commission, in effect on January 6, 2004, to remain in effect until revoked or modified by the authority; allow licenses approved by, and dates awarded by, the Kentucky Racing Commission to remain in effect through December 31, 2004; define authority's duties and responsibilities regarding programs and incentives to promote tourism and the horse industry; allow Governor to establish qualifications and salary for and to appoint an executive director to be responsible for the authority's day-to-day operations, personnel, reports, budgets, and other policy and program directives; and confirm Executive Order 2004-030, dated January 6, 2004; abolish the Backside Improvement Commission and transfer all records and responsibilities to the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority; confirm Executive order 2003-858, dated August 20, 2003.


SCA (1, G. Tapp) - Make technical corrections.

HCS - Retain original provisions; add language requiring that at least two members of the racing authority be from each of Kentucky's United States Congressional Districts and that no more than seven members have the same political party affiliation; add provision permitting quarter horses and Appaloosas foaled by artificial insemination or other means to race under the provisions of this chapter.

HFA (1, D. Butler) - Delete language requiring that representation on the Racing Authority be politically and geographically diverse.

HFA (2, T. Burch) - Add a new section to amend KRS 100.111 to make various activities involving horses an agricultural use on acreages of five or more, and specify that those uses, no matter the size of the tract of land, being used on the effective date of the Act are agricultural uses; specify that all shows, competitions, sporting events, and similar activities that are associated with youth and amateur programs and are not regulated by KRS Chapter 230 and have more than 70 participants shall be subject to local applicable zoning regulations; add and amend KRS 100.203 to specify equine uses on tracts of land five acres or more may be subject to conditional use permits; and renumber sections accordingly.

HFA (3/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendment.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 25-received in House

Feb 26-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 8-posting withdrawn

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed

Apr 12-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) ruled not germane ; passed 69-25 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Apr 13-received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; passed 35-0-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 191)

SB 157/LM/CI (BR 1378) - D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to the transportation of prisoners.

Amend KRS 441.510 to require payment to sheriffs who transport prisoners at a rate of $10 per hour.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 158 (BR 1377) - D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to the compensation of sheriffs and other law enforcement officers for serving a Circuit or District Court.

Amend KRS 64.092 to increase the amount of compensation a sheriff or other law enforcement officer receives per hour from $8 to $15 for serving the Circuit and District Courts.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 159 (BR 1669) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to maintenance.

Amend KRS 403.250, relating to modification of marital maintenance awards, to change the provision making remarriage a bar to receiving continued maintenance to one where remarriage may be considered as a changed circumstance allowing the award to be modified.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Judiciary (S)

SB 160 (BR 505) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Confirm Executive Orders 2003-064 and 2004-027 as they pertain to the Transportation Cabinet; create new sections of KRS Chapter 174 to establish the responsibilities of the executive director of the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs and the executive director of the Office of Transportation Accountability; amend KRS 12.020, 174.020, 174.025, 281.755, 281.757, 281.771, and 281.880 to conform.


HFA (1/P, J. Lee) - Retain the provisions of SB 160/GA in their entirety and attach the provisions of HJR 11/GA.

HFA (2/P, B. Yonts) - Retain the provisions of SB 160/GA in their entirety and attach the provisions of the GA Copies of the following House Joint Resolutions: 7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 40, 42, 46, 54, 55, 69, 82, 90, 91, 107, 116, 126, 147, 192, and 212.

HFA (3/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

HFA (4/P, E. Ballard) - Retain the provisions of SB 160/GA in their entirety and attach the provisions of HJR 55/GA.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Transportation (S)

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Feb 17-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 19-received in House

Feb 20-to Transportation (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendments (1) (2) (3-title) and (4) filed

SB 161 (BR 506) - D. Kelly

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to abolish the Tourism Development Cabinet and create the Commerce Cabinet; create within the Commerce Cabinet the Office of Financial Affairs, Office of Legal Affairs, Office of Legislative Affairs, Office of Personnel, Office of Communications, and the Office of Technology; transfer the Department of Travel, Department of Parks, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Kentucky Horse Park Commission, State Fair Board, Office of Administrative Services, and the Tourism Development Finance Authority from the Tourism Development Cabinet to the Commerce Cabinet; abolish the State Parks Commission; transfer the Kentucky Appalachian Commission and the Commission on Small Business Advocacy from the Office of the Governor to the Commerce Cabinet; transfer the Kentucky Arts Council, the Kentucky Historical Society, the Kentucky Center for the Arts, the Kentucky Craft Marketing Program, the Governors' School for the Arts, the Kentucky African-American Heritage Commission, and the Kentucky Heritage Council from the Education, Arts, and Humanities Cabinet to the Commerce Cabinet; repeal KRS 148.815, 148.820, and 148.825; confirm Executive Orders 2003-064 and 2004-026 to the extent they are not otherwise confirmed by this Act.


SCS - Retain provisions of the original bill; delete Section 2; amend KRS 153.180 to attach the foundation to the office of the secretary for the Commerce Cabinet; make technical corrections.

HFA (1/P, B. Yonts) - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of SB 161 in their entirety and attach the provisions of the GA Copies of HB's 40, 74, 317, 392, 539; HCR's 5 and 60; and HJR's 64 and 142.

HFA (2/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate; to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 18-received in House

Feb 19-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

SB 162/FN (BR 844) - R. Jones II, D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association.

Amend KRS 304.36-050, relating to the Kentucky Insurance Guaranty Association, to exempt health care providers from the $25 million threshold; amend KRS 304.36-080 to increase the obligation to a claimant who is a health care provider to $1 million; amend KRS 304.36-110 to exempt health care providers from the $25 million threshold; apply retroactively to include all claims pending by Kentucky health care providers on the effective date of this Act.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Feb. 9, 2004

SB 163/FN/LM/CI (BR 1398) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to create the crime of controlled substance endangerment to a child when a child is present during illegal manufacture of a controlled substance; enhance penalties for physical injury, serious physical injury, or death of the child.


SCS/FN/LM/CI - Delete definition of "minor" add definition of "child"; delete definition of "chemical substance" add definition of "hazardous chemical substance" add definitions of "knowingly," and "with intent"; require that for a person to be guilty of the offense the chemical has to be possessed under circumstances that place a child in danger of serious physical injury or death; add criminal homicide to the list of offenses for which a conviction for violation of this section and other offenses is not permitted.

SFA (1, G. Neal) - Retain provisions of the committee substitute, except delete the provision providing for a capital crime in the case of the death of a child and replace it with a provision providing for a Class A felony in such a circumstance.

HCS (1/FN/LM/CI) - Retain original provisions of bill and include provision to create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A establishing civil liability for damages caused by the sale or trafficking or transfer of any drug or drug products specified in KRS 218A.138 and provide that such a civil action may be brought by the Attorney General or by the Commonwealth's attorney.

HCS (2/FN/LM/CI) - Retain original provisions of the bill; amend to provide that no person shall be sentenced to death as a result of the death of a child due to one of the factors articulated in this bill.

HCA (1/Title, G. Lindsay) - Change title from "AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments" to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances, including their precursors."

HFA (1, L. Napier) - Retain original provisions of bill and create a new section of KRS Chapter 309 to define "internship"; allow members of the General Assembly to sit for the Kentucky bar examination, and upon passing of which he or she shall be admitted to the practice of law if he or she has completed twenty (20) years of service as a member of the General Assembly and a one (1) year internship with an attorney who has been practicing law in Kentucky for more than one (1) year.

HFA (2/Title, L. Napier) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, J. Wayne) - Amend to prohibit imposition of a sentence of life without the benefit of probation or parole for the offense created in the bill.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Judiciary (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 25, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 25-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) defeated ; passed 35-2 with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-received in House

Mar 1-to Judiciary (H); posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-recommitted to Judiciary (H); posted in committee

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2)

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute (2)

Apr 13-3rd reading; floor amendment (3) rejected ; passed 93-1 with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title) ; received in Senate

SB 164 (BR 1491) - D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to natural gas.

Amend KRS 353.570 to establish a "domestic use only" permit for drilling natural gas; establish the eligibility requirements for a "domestic use only" permit; establish the permit application requirements.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 165 (BR 1689) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to health benefit plans.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to permit insurers offering health benefit plans to offer as an option catastrophic plans that exclude any or all state-mandated benefits; require the plan to be designed to provide necessary coverage in the event of catastrophic illness or injury and to meet minimum requirements established by the commissioner of insurance; direct the commissioner to compile and maintain a list of state-mandated and federally mandated benefits; require the policyholder to sign a disclosure statement that lists the benefits mandated to be covered by state law and the mandated benefits that are excluded in the policy; require the insurer to retain the statement, or an electronic copy, for a reasonable period of time established by the commissioner.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 166/CI (BR 1440) - G. Neal, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to youthful offenders.

Amend KRS 640.040, relating to penalties for youthful offenders convicted of a capital offense, to eliminate the possibility of the youthful offender being sentenced to death or to life imprisonment without parole; retain provision permitting a youthful offender convicted of a capital offense to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for 25 years.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Judiciary (S)

SB 167/CI (BR 1252) - W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to sex offenders.

Amend KRS 17.495, relating to sex offenders who are on parole, to prohibit an offender from residing within 1000 feet of a school during the required period of registration.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Feb. 10, 2004

SB 168 (BR 977) - E. Worley, E. Scorsone

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 372 to declare choice-of-forum provisions in contracts that limit access to the courts of the Commonwealth and favor of access to courts of another state, if a Kentucky court would otherwise have jurisdiction.

Feb 10-introduced in Senate

Feb 13-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

SB 169 (BR 1565) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to the recovery of assessments paid to the Kentucky insurance guaranty association.

Amend KRS 304.36-160, pertaining to the Kentucky insurance guaranty association, to permit a policy to contain a provision for a direct surcharge in an amount calculated to allow the insurer to recoup a sum equal to the amounts paid to the association by the member insurer less amounts returned to the member insurer by the association; require the surcharge to be based on the proportion of the premium for the policy to the net direct written premiums of the member insurer for the preceding calendar year; amend KRS 304.36-080 to conform.

Feb 10-introduced in Senate

Feb 13-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 170 (BR 1548) - G. Neal

AN ACT relating to operator's licenses.

Amend KRS 186.010, 186.412, 186.430, and 186.435 to replace references to "Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service" with "Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration"; amend 186.412 to require a Social Security number of applicants for operator's licenses only if the applicant has a number; allow noncitizens who do not have documentation from the Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration, to apply for an operator's license or nondriver identification card at the Transportation Cabinet in Frankfort or at a cabinet field office; require noncitizens without documentation to present an unexpired photo identification from the applicant's country of citizenship; make nondriver ID cards for undocumented noncitizens expire two years from the date of issue; amend KRS 186.430 to make operator's licenses issued to undocumented noncitizens expire two years from the date of issue.

Feb 10-introduced in Senate

Feb 13-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Introduced Feb. 11, 2004

SB 171 (BR 1444) - J. Denton, T. Buford

AN ACT relating to reinsurance.

Amend KRS 304.5-140 to provide that no credit shall be allowed in the event of insolvency of the ceding insurer unless the reinsurance shall be payable under a contract reinsured by the assuming insurer on the basis of reported claims allowed by the liquidation court; permit the reinsurance agreement to provide that the domiciliary liquidator of an insolvent ceding insurer shall give written notice to the assuming insurer of the pendency of a claim against such ceding insurer on the contract reinsured within a reasonable time after such claim is filed in the liquidation proceeding; amend KRS 304.33-330 to delete the provision that provided that no set-off or counterclaim shall be allowed in favor of any person where the obligation of the person is to pay earned premiums to the insurer; amend KRS 304.33-350 to prohibit the reduction of the amount recoverable by the liquidator from a reinsurer as a result of delinquency proceeding unless the reinsurance contract provides that in the event of insolvency of the ceding insurer the reinsurance shall be payable under a contract reinsured by the assuming insurer on the basis of reported claims allowed by the liquidation court; amend KRS 304.33-380 to provide that no section in this subtitle shall be construed as authorizing the receiver to compel payment from a reinsurer on the basis of estimated incurred but not reported losses or outstanding reserves; permit the liquidator to negotiate a voluntary commutation and release of all obligations arising from reinsurance contracts or other agreements; create a new section of KRS 304.5-130 to 304.5-150 to permit an authorized insurer to reinsure its risks in any insurer authorized to do business in this state, any other state, the District of Columbia, or in any alien insurer; permit an authorized insurer to reinsure an unauthorized insurer as to property and casualty insurance policies which principally contemplate performance in Kentucky or as to such policies the principal subjects of risk of which are located in Kentucky.


SCS - Retain original provisions, except provide that an authorized insurer may reinsure an insurer eligible for export, pursuant to Subtitle 10 of KRS Chapter 304; and provide that the amendment to KRS 304.33-330 does not affect contracts entered into prior to the effective date of this Act.

HCS - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 304.33-330(2)(d) to delete provision on right of a person to set off premium; provide that the paragraph shall only apply to reinsurance contracts entered into prior to the effective date of this Act; delete Section 6 of the Act.

Feb 11-introduced in Senate

Feb 17-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

Mar 4-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; passed 34-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 125)

SB 172 (BR 1315) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to executive branch ethics.

Amend KRS 11A.040 to allow the Executive Branch Ethics Commission to grant exemptions to certain postemployment restrictions if the exemption would not create an appearance of impropriety; direct that the postemployment restriction relating to representing a person or business before a state agency shall not prohibit the former public servant from performing certain ministerial functions (i.e., filing tax returns, incorporation papers, etc.) which may include discussions with state agencies about those functions; reduce the filing of agencies' lists of employees approved for outside employment from quarterly to annually, covering the previous fiscal year; amend KRS 11A.045 to increase the gift limitation from $25 to $50; allow a $200 limitation on a gift based on personal friendship if the gift is given by an individual with whom the public servant has a friendship history, the friend personally pays for the gift, and the gift is not linked to any official action that the public servant has taken or will be taking; increase from $25 to $50 the tangible property value in excess of which the property must be turned over to the Cabinet for Economic Development by a public servant who accepted it in the performance of official duties; amend KRS 11A.050 to increase the time for filing a final statement of financial disclosure from 30 days to 90 days after the date the person no longer serves as an officer or public servant; create a new section of KRS Chapter 11A to prohibit a member of any executive branch board, commission, authority, council, or committee from doing business with the board, commission, authority, council, or committee of which he is a member; provide an exemption for purchases available on the same terms to the general public or which are made at public auction; require a member of an executive branch board, commission, authority, council, or committee to disclose, in writing or in the formal minutes, any direct or indirect conflict of interest; require the member to abstain from any decisions concerning his interest if the decision would affect him differently from other members of his business, profession, occupation, or group; require members of a board, commission, authority, council, or committee to be subject to KRS 11A.045, relating to the acceptance of gifts; allow a public servant's family members to be employed in the same agency as the public servant, but prohibit the public servant from advocating or influencing the employment, appointment, promotion, transfer, or advancement of any family member to a position that the public servant directly supervises or manages; prohibit a public servant from participating in any disciplinary action relating to a family member; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require the governing board of each public postsecondary educational institution to adopt a code of ethics applying to all faculty, staff, and members of the governing board; require the Council on Postsecondary Education to establish guidelines to implement the adoption of each code of ethics.

Feb 11-introduced in Senate

Feb 17-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Feb. 12, 2004

SB 173/FN (BR 947) - E. Worley, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to individual income tax.

Amend KRS 141.010 to exclude from the definition of "adjusted gross income" compensation received by active duty military and National Guard personnel stationed outside the United States or its territories for service performed outside the United States or its territories; provide that the exclusion applies for tax years beginning after December 31, 2003.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 174 (BR 1760) - J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to liens for labor.

Amend KRS 376.230, relating to liens for labor, materials or supplies furnished on public improvements, to increase the time frame for the filing deadline in the county clerk's office from 30 days to 60 days.


HCA (1/Title, G. Lindsay) - Make title amendment.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 22-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

SB 175 (BR 1231) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to fertilizer and pesticide use and application.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 217B to delete the provisions allowing a "dealer" to engage be in the business of applying pesticides; require that a "trainee" be employed by an operator and not a dealer; allow the department to promulgate administrative regulations establishing any fees necessary to carry out the provisions of the chapter; delete all references in the chapter that relate to specific licensing costs; require pesticide operators to provide proof of financial responsibility; and make technical corrections.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Introduced Feb. 13, 2004

SB 176 (BR 1744) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Create several new sections of KRS Chapter 411 to define terms; to provide that manufacturers, packers, distributors, carriers, holders, sellers, marketers, and advertisers of food are immune from civil liability for any claim arising out of weight gain, obesity, a health condition associated with weight gain or obesity, or other generally known condition caused by or likely to result from long-term consumption of food; to provide for exceptions to the immunity; to provide for pleading requirements for actions that fall under the exceptions; to require discovery and other proceedings to be stayed when a motion to dismiss is pending unless the court finds that particularized discovery is necessary; to require the provisions of the Act to apply to covered claims pending on the effective date of the Act and all claims filed thereafter, regardless of when the claim arose.

Feb 13-introduced in Senate

Feb 19-to Judiciary (S)

SB 177 (BR 1828) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to insurance accounting practices and procedures.

Amend KRS 304.2-065 to require the early warning analyst in the Department of Insurance to report annually, rather than biannually, to the General Assembly; amend KRS 304.2-080, 304.2-195, 304.2-300, 304.2-360, 304.3-150, 304.8-010, 304.8-020, 304.8-040, 304.8-090, 304.8-095, 304.8-100, 304.8-110, 304.8-150, 304.8-170, 304.8-180, 304.8-190, 304.27-070, 304.28-070, 304.32-030, 304.32-140, 304.33-110, and 304.38-170 to make technical changes; amend KRS 304.3-110 to provide that only an insurer with a certificate of authority to sell life insurance may grant and issue annuity contracts; amend KRS 304.3-180 to prohibit an insurer from using the same accounting firm for preparing the audited financial statement for more than seven (7), rather than four (4), consecutive years; amend KRS 304.3-240 to require the annual statement of domestic insurers to contain original signatures and permit foreign or alien insurers to execute an annual statement by facsimile or reproduced signature; amend KRS 304.3-320 to require foreign life and health insurers domiciled in states without a guaranty fund to furnish the commissioner with a deposit of cash or publicly traded securities in the specified amounts; create a new section of Subtitle 6 of KRS Chapter 304 to define "accounting practices and procedures manual" and "SSAP"; amend KRS 304.6-010 to provide that collectible interest one hundred eighty (180) days past due on a mortgage loan in default is a nonadmitted asset; clarify what are nonadmitted and admitted assets; amend KRS 304.6-020 to specify what assets shall not be allowed in determination of the financial condition of an insurer; amend KRS 304.6-040 to require certain deferred tax liabilities to be charged against assets in determining the financial condition of an insurer; amend KRS 304.6-050 to provide for computation of unearned premium reserves; amend KRS 304.6-090 to require mortgage guaranty insurers to maintain a liability referred to as a statutory contingency reserve; amend KRS 304.6-100 on casualty insurance loss reserves to delete provision on minimum reserve requirements; amend KRS 304.6-180 on premium deficiency reserves of property and casualty insurers; amend KRS 304.13-390 to delete current language and provide that if the state fire marshal gives notice that any authorized insurer has failed to comply with the provisions of KRS 227.250 the commissioner may revoke or suspend the insurer's certificate of authority; amend KRS 304.24-300 to provide when a surplus note shall be reported as surplus and not debt; amend KRS 304.24-500 to provide for filing an application for redomestication and transfer of domicile; amend KRS 304.29-281 to specify statutory provisions that domestic, foreign, and alien societies are subject to for purposes of determining financial condition, market conduct, and business practices; amend KRS 304.30-060 to specify statutory provisions that premium finance companies are subject to for purposes of determining financial condition, market conduct, and business practices; create a new section of Subtitle 32 of KRS Chapter 304 to restrict activities of corporations whose certificates of authority have been suspended; amend KRS 304.32-210 to specify statutory provisions that nonprofit hospital, medical-surgical, dental, and health service corporations are subject to for purposes of determining financial condition, market conduct, and business practices; amend KRS 304.32-270 to subject nonprofit hospital, medical-surgical, dental, and health service corporations to the provisions of Subtitle 3 of KRS Chapter 304; amend KRS 304.38-120 to specify statutory provisions that health maintenance organizations are subject to for purposes of determining financial condition, market conduct, and business practices; amend KRS 304.38-130 to allow the commissioner to suspend or revoke the certificate of authority of a health maintenance organization on the grounds established in Subtitles 2 and 3 of KRS Chapter 304; amend KRS 136.410 to delete provision requiring a copy of the statement of all amounts paid to the bail bondsman to be filed with the commissioner when the bondsman files the report of assets and liabilities; amend KRS 431.510 to define "bail bondsman"; amend KRS 304.2-195 to conform; repeal KRS 304.8-060, 304.8-070, 304.13-043, 304.32-220, 304.32-230, 304.34-010, 304.34-020, 304.34-030, 304.34-040, 304.34-042, 304.34-045, 304.34-050, 304.34-060, 304.34-070, 304.34-075, 304.34-080, 304.34-090, 304.34-100, 304.34-110, 304.34-120, 304.34-130, 304.34-140, 304.34-160, and 304.99-030.

Feb 13-introduced in Senate

Feb 17-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 31-0; received in House

Mar 1-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 89-0; received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 1-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 24)

SB 178/LM (BR 1457) - R. Jones II, T. Buford

AN ACT relating to coroners and their deputies.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 72 to prohibit coroners from soliciting business for the funeral industry when executing their public duties; amend KRS 72.992 to provide that a violation of the prohibition is a Class A misdemeanor; create a new section of KRS Chapter 316 ordering the Kentucky Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors to promulgate administrative regulations to discipline coroners who solicit business for the funeral industry.

Feb 13-introduced in Senate

Feb 19-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Feb. 17, 2004

SB 179 (BR 897) - J. Westwood, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to recommendations for a healthy Kentucky and declaring an emergency.

Create sections of KRS Chapter 194A to set forth General Assembly findings, declarations, and goals; create the 9 member Commission for a Healthy Kentucky within the Cabinet for Health Services to develop an action plan to improve the health and well-being of all Kentuckians pursuant to the goals identified by Health Kentuckians 2010; establish membership qualifications with members to be appointed by Governor by June 1, 2004; require Governor to appoint the chair; require the First Lady of the Commonwealth to be a special advisor to the commission; permit members to be reappointed to a second term of 4 years, and permit staggering of terms to assure continuity of experience; require commission to cease to exist no later than December 31, 2010; require commission to meet monthly for first 18 months, and quarterly thereafter, with first meeting by August 1, 2004; establish duties of the commission to include an inventory of local resources, including faith-based, for-profit, and not-for-profit entities that are active in providing health care education, preventive care, disease detection, and treatment; require testimony to be solicited from local citizens, health department directors, directors of family resource and youth services centers, teachers, students, school cafeteria administrators, and others; require strategies to be developed to achieve goals of commission; require input from local extension agents; place local groups with responsibility to implement the plan, such as 4-H Club councils, faith-based organizations, extension advisory councils, among others; encourage development of incentives for participation in employee wellness programs; involve state college and university personnel for assistance with developing action plan; require media consultation for advice on methods to disseminate information about the action plan; build upon existing collaborative initiatives, wherever possible; assess availability of federal and other grant opportunities; permit commission to employ consultants; permit commission to form subcommittees or work groups consisting of members or nonmembers of the commission; require commission to use available data to assess effectiveness of local entities in meeting the health care goals; require recommendations for an action plan in a report to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission; EMERGENCY.


HCS - Retain original provisions; include the reduction of the incidence and severity of injuries among the health goals that the Commonwealth should work toward.

HFA (1/P, J. Jenkins) - Attach the provisions of HB 148/GA and HB 261/GA.

HFA (2, J. Jenkins) - Amend the General Assembly's findings and declarations to provide that obesity leads to additional health problems and creates financial burdens on individuals, families, employers, the health care industry, and state health care programs; provide that the percentage of adults, children, and adolescents in Kentucky who are obese exceeds the national average; encourage dental health for children; permit persons to offer information to the commission on the implementation of restrictions on the sale of school food items; amend the duties of the Commission for a Healthy Kentucky to require the commission to assess the effectiveness of and make recommendations for modifications of the restrictions on the sale of school food items; permit the commission to create a subcommittee to monitor the implementation of the restrictions on the sale of school food items; create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to prohibit the sale of certain food items through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers while students are at school; permit schools to only offer food items on the cafeteria line that meet federal standards for school breakfast or lunch components with exceptions; provide that the restrictions do not apply to the sale of food or beverage items to teachers or other adult employees.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Apr 12-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

SB 180 (BR 1809) - R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to counterfeit prescription drugs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to define "counterfeit prescription drug;" provide that it is unlawful for any person to sell, possess, distribute, or facilitate distribution of a counterfeit prescription drug; provide for subject of a counterfeit prescription drug and all fixtures, equipment, materials, and personal property used in substantial connection with the sale, possession, distribution, or facilitation of distribution of a counterfeit prescription drug; provide that any person who knowingly violates the prohibitions relating to a counterfeit prescription drug is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000), and that any person who knowingly violates the prohibitions for a second or subsequent time is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and, if applicable, the revocation of the person's general business license or revocation of any professional license, or both, issued by the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Judiciary (S)

SB 181 (BR 1870) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to security interests.

Amend KRS 186.045 to provide that when a security interest in a motor vehicle has been discharged, the secured party must deliver an authenticated termination statement in compliance with KRS 355.9-513 and 186A.195.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 36-0; received in House

Mar 4-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 9-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 1-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 25)

SB 182 (BR 1797) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to fees for criminal records checks.

Amend KRS 216.793 to provide that a request for out-of-state criminal records must be on forms or through a process required by that state, and that any fees will be determined by the out-of-state agency.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Judiciary (S)

SB 183 (BR 1778) - J. Denton, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to transportation services in Medicaid.

Amend KRS 205.8457, relating to prior approval for medical-related services and goods in the Medicaid program, to remove the reference to "transportation."

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Transportation (H)

SB 184 (BR 1802) - J. Denton, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to immunizations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to require the reporting of information about immunizations, consistent with federal law, as required by the Department for Public Health.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 94-0; received in Senate

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 93)

SB 185 (BR 1780) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to certificate of need.

Amend KRS 216B.020 to remove exemption of primary care centers and rural health clinics from certificate of need requirements.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 186 (BR 1783) - J. Denton, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to a program of all-inclusive care for the elderly within Medicaid.

Amend KRS 205.6338 to provide for full implementation of the PACE program within Medicaid, and to set guidelines for the negotiation of capitation amounts.


HFA (1/P, S. Nunn) - Retain original provisions and create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to specify legislative intent to remove barriers to employment for persons with disabilities; require Cabinet for Health Services to convene a policy group to develop a Medicaid Buy-In program for persons with disabilities; specify membership; permit policy group to establish ad hoc groups and require policy group to conduct its first meeting by August 15, 2004, to have access to data, to identify financing and address availability of funding, to assess cost-effectiveness and economic benefits, and to make recommendations on eligibility, personal care assistance services, coordination with other programs, and policy considerations; require cabinet to apply for federal grants to support program development, require all state agencies to assist upon request; present program to Governor and LRC by November 1, 2004.

HFA (2/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, J. Wayne) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to define "continuing care retirement community" to mean a community that provides, on the same campus, a continuum of residential living options and support services to persons 60 years of age or older under a written agreement; and provide that the residential living options shall include at least one independent living unit, plus nursing home beds, and either assisted living units or personal care beds.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 16-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Apr 12-floor amendment (3) filed

SB 187 (BR 1800) - J. Denton, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to the Public Health Services Advisory Council.

Amend KRS 194A.050 to permit, rather than require, the Public Health Services Advisory Council to review administrative regulations relating to the public health issues within the Cabinet for Health Services.


HFA (1/P, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (2, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (3/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) filed

SB 188 (BR 1799) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to services for children with serious emotional disturbances.

Amend KRS 200.505 to add the director of the Office of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers and the general manager of the Office of Juvenile Services of the Administrative Office of the Courts to the State Interagency Council for Services to Children with an Emotional Disability.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 24-posting waived

SB 189 (BR 1796) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to long-term care facilities.

Amend KRS 216.789 to provide that no long-term care facility shall employ a person in any position if that person has been convicted of any felony, rather than a felony involving theft, abuse, neglect, or exploitation; remove limitation that only a person in a position involving direct care must pass the criminal background check; provide that a person shall not be employed if the person has been convicted of a misdemeanor involving a sex crime, in addition to the other types of misdemeanors previously prohibited; and require that out-of-state criminal background information must be requested for a person who has lived or worked outside Kentucky within the 10 year period preceding the application for employment.


SCS - Delete original provisions; create new section of KRS Chapter 216 to specify criminal record check and hiring requirements for persons with a criminal record for long-term care facilities owned, managed, or operated by the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services.

SFA (1, J. Denton) - Make technical correction.

HFA (1, K. Bratcher) - Retain original provisions; add a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to provide eligibility under the home and community-based waiver program for an individual who has a mental or physical condition that results in care needs that meet the nursing facility level of care criteria as established by the Cabinet for Health Services if the individual meets the conditions for nursing facility services as defined in U.S.C. sec. 1396r.

HFA (2/Title, K. Bratcher) - Make title amendment.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 23-posted in committee; posting waived retroactively; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 26-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 87-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 113)

SB 190 (BR 433) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to individual income tax.

Amend KRS 141.010 to exclude from the definition of "adjusted gross income" compensation received by active service military and National Guard stationed outside the Commonwealth; limit exclusion for commissioned officers to the maximum amount received by enlisted members when on active duty stationed outside the Commonwealth; provide that the exclusion applies for tax years beginning after December 31, 2003.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 191 (BR 1583) - J. Turner, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to discounted lodging fees for senior citizens at Kentucky state parks.

Amend KRS 148.021 to direct the Kentucky Department of Parks to reduce campsite fee rates by one-half for persons age 60 years or older, on Sunday through Thursday.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

SB 192 (BR 1782) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to copayments in Medicaid.

Amend KRS 205.6312 to remove the one dollar Medicaid copayment maximum established for a prescription or over-the-counter drug by providing that the copayment may not exceed an amount allowable under federal law.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 193/LM (BR 1774) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to special license plates and containing an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to create a special Emergency Medical Services license plate for the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services; require the board to obtain a minimum 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate expire; require that applicants for the plate show affiliation with the state EMS system; establish an initial fee for the plate of $28 and a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $10 contribution that will be sent to the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services; declare that the General Assembly appropriates funds received by the board under this section to be used to further continuing education for EMTs; require the commission to pay to annually audit the funds received from the sale of the license plate and submit the audit to the Transportation Cabinet.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Transportation (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Transportation (H)

SB 194 (BR 1781) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to Medicaid.

Amend KRS 44.070, relating to the Board of Claims, to exempt Medicaid expenditures from the reduction to be made for workers' compensation and other amounts paid; amend KRS 205.520 to state the intent to pursue against all third-party payments to Medicaid recipients the recovery of amounts paid for the Medicaid care and treatment of the recipient; and amend KRS 342.180 to exempt Medicaid assignments from the prohibition against assignment of workers' compensation claims.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

SB 195 (BR 1849) - J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to volunteer fire department trustees.

Amend KRS 75.031 to remove the limit that only one member of the board of trustees of a fire protection district or volunteer fire department district may be an employee of the fire protection district.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Local Government (H)

Mar 24-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 92-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 92)

SB 196/LM (BR 1776) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.

Amend KRS 342.680 to create a rebuttable presumption that a heart or lung disease, or related medical condition, in a paid or volunteer firefighter is work-related if the employee has served as a firefighter for a minimum of five consecutive years, and been engaged in firefighting activities during his or her employment; permit the presumption to be rebutted by competent medical evidence; make a firefighter eligible for benefits if he or she successfully passed a medical examination upon entering service as a firefighter, has no medical history of heart or lung disease or related medical conditions, and has the requisite years of experience; make a firefighter ineligible for benefits, in a local government that requires employees to participate in a wellness and fitness program, undergo an medical examination, and observe a no-smoking policy in the workplace, if the firefighter fails to do so.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Introduced Feb. 18, 2004

SB 197 (BR 1670) - J. Westwood, R. Roeding, D. Thayer

AN ACT relating to sanitation districts.

Amend KRS 220.010 to add definitions for "sanitary purposes," "sanitary system," "storm water system," and "storm water purposes"; amend KRS 220.030 to add storm water systems to the powers and purposes for establishing sanitation districts; amend KRS 220.170 require the board of directors to annually elect from its membership a chair, instead of a president, a vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer; clarify that all board meetings, minutes, contracts, shall be open to inspection pursuant to the Kentucky Open Records Act; allow a board to appoint a dispute resolution officer to review customers complaints if a hearing is not required; allow aggrieved person to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court; amend KRS 220.180 to specify that the district, under the direction of the secretary, shall maintain the minutes and records of the district board of directors, and assist the board; amend KRS 220.190 to require checks or vouchers for the district to be valid only if countersigned by two management employees of the district instead of the president of the board; amend KRS 220.200 to allow the board of directors to employ a president and other officers to operate the district; amend KRS 220.280 to include storm water in language relating to the powers of the board; amend KRS 220.290 to raise requirements for contracts for work exceeding $20,000, rather than $1,000 to be advertised by bids for publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424; amend KRS 220.320 to change references to sewers to sanitary systems and storm water systems; allow a board to impose a civil penalty on a person or public corporation for regulation violations; raise the penalty from not more than $1,000 to not more than $5,000; amend KRS 220.322 to make property owners responsible for maintaining any improvements made to private property for storm water collection; amend KRS 220.510 to add language to allow the board of directors, by resolution or regulation to determine rates and compensation of rentals to be charged for the management and operation of the storm water system; amend KRS 224.73-100 to allow private sewage treatment companies to condemn rights of way; amend various other statutes to conform.


SCS - Retain original provisions; amend Section 17 to remove language raising the requirement for contracts for work exceeding $20,000 (rather than $1,000) to be advertised by bids for publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424; amend Section 20, related to the removal or adjustment of obstructions, to restore language stating that "The reasonable cost and expense of such damage shall be met by the district."

SFA (1, J. Westwood) - Amend Section 7 to cap the time frame for which an appeal to the Circuit Court can be made to "within 30 days from entry of the final order"; amend Section 19 to clarify that the property owners shall be responsible for private property improvements they make.

SFA (2, J. Westwood) - Delete Section 28 relating to eminent domain use by corporations.

HCS - Retain original language; restore original language in KRS 220.135 to require uniform rates with variations only on the rate of consumption; amend KRS 220.200 to require only the president and chief engineer to serve at the pleasure of the board and permit the board to require them to give bond, delete language regulating the employment of other employees and office expenditures, and delete language which required the attorney to serve only at the pleasure of the board; restore language in KRS 220.280 outlining the power of the board of directors; restore original language in KRS 220.320 relating to the recovery of fines by civil action for violation of regulations of the district, delete language which would require oversight of district rules and regulations by the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, and permit attorney fees to be recovered in a civil action along with other specified costs; amend KRS 220.510 to clarify that all rates within the sanitary system be uniform varying only on the basis of consumption and delete language relating to the discontinuation of service for non-payment of storm sewer fees; and amend KRS 220.140 to require at least 1 appointee made by the county judge/executive of the most populous county to be a resident of the most populous city in that county.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 3-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 4-3rd reading; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2) ; received in House

Mar 10-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

Mar 15-reassigned to Local Government (H)

Mar 19-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 95-1 with Committee Substitute ; received in Senate

SB 198 (BR 1675) - R. Jones II

AN ACT relating to the local road repaving fund and making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 178, regarding county roads, to declare legislative intent; establish the local road repaving fee set at one-half cent on each gallon of gasoline and special fuels received in the state; establish the local road repaving fund within the Department of Rural and Municipal Aid; establish accounts within the fund for local planning, county repaving, and city repaving; direct that the fund receive all money derived from the local road repaving fee; set forth the allowable uses and distribution formulas for the county repaving account, the city repaving account, and the local planning accounts; require annual reports from local governments receiving funds from the local government repaving fund to the department detailing the uses of funds received; require the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate regulations to administer the local road repaving fund; amend KRS 224.60-145 to reduce the amount of the petroleum environmental assurance fee by one-half cent, from 1.4 cents to 0.9 cents; amend KRS 224.60-130 and 224.60-140 to conform; EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2004.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 199/LM (BR 1801) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to public health.

Amend KRS 211.005 to specify that the role of the Department for Public Health includes data collection, identification of health risks, and establishment of policies to reduce health risks; specify mandated services of the state department and local health departments; permit personal preventive services to the extent that funds are available; permit billing to Medicaid, Medicare, and other third-party payors for personal preventive services; permit seeking additional sources of revenue for personal preventive services or other unmet public health needs; require state department to promulgate administrative regulations; cite as the Kentucky Core Public Health Act.


SFA (1, D. Karem) - Retain the original provisions of the bill; add lead paint screening to the services provided to protect the public health.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 200 (BR 1835) - R. Leeper

AN ACT relating to tuition for postsecondary education.

Amend KRS 164.020 to require the Council on Postsecondary Education in defining in-state residency to include a student who met the residency requirements at the beginning of his or her last year in high school.


SFA (1, R. Leeper) - Limit the provision to students who enter a Kentucky postsecondary institution within 2 years of high school graduation.

HFA (1/P, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, attach provisions of SB 245/GA.

HFA (2, J. Gray) - Delete provisions, propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

HFA (3/Title, J. Gray) - Make title amendment.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Education (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in House

Mar 15-to Education (H)

Mar 16-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 87-0; received in Senate

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 42)

Introduced Feb. 19, 2004

SB 201/AA (BR 884) - A. Robinson

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend and create various sections of KRS Chapter 6, relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan, to set forth retirement provisions, including definitions, final compensation, death benefits, disability benefits, and refunds, currently codified in Chapter 21 and cross-referenced; amend KRS 61.525 and KRS 61.680 to conform.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 202/LM (BR 278) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the licensing and registration of motor vehicles, to create a Support the Arts and a Support Public Education special license plates; require 900 applicants with an accompanying $25 state fee to apply at one time for the plate before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print either a Support the Arts or Support Public Education license plate; require the cabinet to work with the spokesperson who submits the 900 applications on the design of the respective plates; establish the initial state fee for each plate to be $25 and the state renewal fee to be $12; provide for the county clerk to receive a fee of $3 for each initial plate or renewal issued; provide that the initial fee and renewal fee include the applicant's fee to register their motor vehicle.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Transportation (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 17-to Transportation (H)

SB 203 (BR 1854) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to local industrial development authorities.

Amend KRS 154.50-326 to allow members to be chosen by agreement between legislative bodies of the cities and counties.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 15-to Local Government (H); posting waived

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 43)

SB 204/LM (BR 1855) - E. Tori

AN ACT relating to interest on tax claims.

Amend KRS 134.460 and 134.500 to provide that the 12% interest that attaches to a certificate of delinquency also applies to the clerk's add on fee and the county attorney's add-on fee.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 35-0; received in House

Mar 10-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

SB 205/LM (BR 2078) - D. Boswell


SB 206 (BR 2042) - B. Guthrie

AN ACT relating to certifying surgical assistants.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to license surgical assistants; define terms; exempt from licensure certain individuals; appoint six-member Advisory Committee for Surgical Assistants by Kentucky State Board of Medical Licensure to serve two-year terms with no policy-making authority; authorize board to promulgate administrative regulations to oversee surgical assistant program; require the board to develop public information pamphlets with regard to surgical assistants; require the board to keep a file on complaints written about surgical assistants; establish a procedure for addressing and investigating complaints; require medical professionals who work with surgical assistants to report to the board surgical assistant behavior that may pose a threat to the public welfare; establish qualifications for licensure and annual renewal; establish criteria for reciprocity; allow a grandfathering provision to qualifying surgical assistants prior to July 1, 2006; establish violations that the board may sanction and a process for a surgical assistant to appeal.


SCS - Retain original provisions of bill except change "license" and "licensure" to "certificate" and "certification" of surgical assistants, respectively; and make technical corrections.

SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Retain original provisions of bill except change board meetings held at the request of the board to meetings held quarterly; include as a person who shall not serve as a member of the committee one who is subject to a disciplinary action; eliminate need for written request of health care entity regarding status of a complaint under active investigation; change effective date of grandfather provision from 2006 to 2005; and make technical corrections.

HCS - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 327.040 to permit the Board of Physical Therapy to promulgate an administrative regulation to establish a measure of continued competency as a condition of license renewal for physical therapists.

HCA (1/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, L. Napier) - Retain original provisions of the bill; insert additional provisions that would allow persons who have served in the GA for 20 years and interned with a licensed attorney for one year to take the bar exam and, upon passing, be admitted to practice law.

HFA (2/Title, L. Napier) - Make title amendment.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in House

Mar 15-to Health and Welfare (H); posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 90-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; passed 35-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 126)

SB 207 (BR 2137) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 525.100 to make language gender neutral.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

SB 208 (BR 2140) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to probate matters.

Amend KRS 389A.025 to make language gender neutral.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

SB 209 (BR 2138) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 411.070 to make language gender neutral.


SCS - Amend KRS 150.645 relating to permission to hunt on private premises to require suits against department employees who participate in wildlife management practices to be brought as claims in the board of claims; provide for the issuance of cooperator permits to individuals or organizations who enroll land with the department for public hunting.

SCA (1/Title, K. Stine) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Amend to limit liability provisions to property damage only.

HFA (1, R. Thomas) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 246 to prohibit the tampering or sabotaging of livestock; define "Tamper" and "Sabotage"; amend KRS 246.990 to provide penalties for tampering and sabotaging.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (1)

Mar 19-received in House

Mar 22-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 23-posting waived

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 92-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 85)

SB 210 (BR 2136) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 516.020, 516.030, and 516.040 to make language gender neutral.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

SB 211 (BR 2139) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 411.100 to make language gender neutral.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

SB 212 (BR 2045) - R. Jones II

AN ACT relating to bankruptcy.

Amend KRS 427.010 and KRS 427.060 to increase the exemptions allowed for a debtor's property in bankruptcy proceedings.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

SB 213 (BR 1798) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to mental examinations of criminal offenders.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 610 to define "incompetent to participate in an adjudicatory hearing"; amend KRS 610.010 to reference procedures when there is evidence that that child may be incompetent to participate; create new section of KRS Chapter 635 to require a court to appoint a psychiatrist or psychologist to examine a child and report on competency; require the report within 10 days; require an exam to be performed on an outpatient basis or at site of detention; require the cabinet or its designee to conduct the examination; require the report to state whether the child is competent, or may become competent with treatment; permit cabinet to have standing to petition or appeal; create new section of KRS 635 to require the court to conduct a competency hearing within 10 days of report and require the child to be present unless his or her presence is waived or harmful; specify court actions based on competency findings; repeal KRS 210.360.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Feb. 20, 2004

SB 214 (BR 1905) - R. Roeding, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to the Board of Pharmacy.

Amend KRS 315.150 to limit the Kentucky Pharmacists Association's submission of its list of Board of Pharmacy candidates to years that are the last full year in a sitting board member's term; limit outside recommendations for the candidate list to the same years; limit appointments by the Governor to the same years; extend the length of the terms of board members from three years to four years starting January 1, 2005; change prohibition on membership beyond two full terms on the board to include only two consecutive terms; prohibit a board member from serving again for at least four years after serving two consecutive full terms; allow any member serving on December 31, 2004, to remain eligible to serve an additional full term after the expiration of the member's current term before the prohibition on consecutive service takes effect for that member; and make technical corrections.


SCS - Amend to delete section establishing system for term limits for current members and future prohibitions of eligibility for members of the Board of Pharmacy.

HCS - Retain original provisions; permit House and Senate members to co-sponsor a bill that has passed one chamber if a substantially similar bill is pending in the other chamber; require primary sponsors of the bill to jointly petition the Committee on Committees of both chambers for authorization to co-sponsor; require approval by each chamber's Committee on Committees; specify how primary sponsors and co-sponsors are to be listed.

Feb 20-introduced in Senate

Feb 25-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-received in House

Mar 15-to Licensing and Occupations (H); posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Introduced Feb. 23, 2004

SB 215/LM (BR 2146) - R. Sanders Jr, D. Boswell, R. Jones II, D. Karem, J. Pendleton, J. Turner

AN ACT relating to the provision of broadband service.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 278 to find that state-of-the-art telecommunications is essential and that market-based competition creates innovation and reduces cost; add definitions for "ARMIS," "basic local exchange service," "broadband service," "competing local exchange carrier," and "telephone utility"; prohibit any type of state regulation of broadband services; prohibit the implementation of any requirement on facilities or equipment used to provide broadband; prohibit any type of state regulation of broadband rates, the terms of broadband service, or entry by providers into the broadband market; sunset any existing requirement on broadband service; affirm that the duties of local exchange carriers to provide unbundled network elements to providers to the extent required by federal law; affirm the right to charge for access and other charges for broadband services; affirm the right of service providers to obtain access to the publicly switched network; permit a telephone utility to elect to remain regulated or choose to be competitive; establish requirements for making an election to remain regulated; establish requirements for a telephone utility to make an election to be competitive under an alternate regulation plan; require a telephone utility making an election to be competitive under an alternate regulation plan to cap its rates for basic local exchange service and adjust the price of basic local exchange not to exceed its cap; require a telephone utility making an election to be competitive to establish ongoing rates for intrastate switched access services and provide a ceiling for that rate; permit a telephone utility making an election to be competitive to adjust its own depreciation rates, rate caps for basic local exchange service, rates for nonbasic services, and rates for services that are exchange specific and wire center specific; require that rates, charges, earnings and revenues of a telephone utility making an election to be competitive to be just and reasonable; establish the Public Service Commission's jurisdiction over complaints for basic service; provide a mechanism for a telephone utility to rescind its election; require that basic local exchange service and switched access shall be governed by the alternative regulation plan for a telephone utility making an election to be competitive; require telephone utilities to continue to file tariffs for services; permit telephone utilities to offer services under flexible pricing arrangements pursuant to written or verbal contracts; permit telephone utilities to offer contracts without filing, giving notice or seeking commission approval of those contracts; establish requirements for a level playing field for local exchange carriers; permit a telephone utility to petition for rate rebalancing for basic local exchange service and prohibit the commission from using a telephone utility's earnings in evaluating the petition; establish measures for the performance of a retail service standard; prohibit a local exchange carrier from targeting individual customer direct outbound marketing within 10 days of that customer switching to another service provider and sunset this provision in 2 years; severability clause; amend KRS 278.512 to restrict the commission or any other party from seeking an exemption from any part of KRS 278.516.


SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Retain original provisions of the bill; create new definitions for "digital subscriber service" and "primary rate interface"; amend definition of "basic local exchange service" to delete flat-rate; amend definition of "broadband" to not include intrastate service except digital subscriber lines; amend Sections 3 and 4 of the Act governing broadband service providers and telephone utilities elected to be regulated by the commission; make technical corrections.

SFA (2/FN, R. Sanders Jr) - Retain original provisions of the bill; create new definition for "primary rate interface"; amend definition of "basic local exchange service" to delete flat-rate; amend definition of "broadband" to not include intrastate service except digital subscriber lines; delete authority for a telephone utility to exceed the basic rate cap; amend Sections 3 and 4 of the Act governing broadband service providers and telephone utilities elected to be regulated by the commission; and make technical corrections.

SFA (3, R. Sanders Jr) - Remove municipal utility from the definition of telephone utility and exempt municipal utilities that provide telephone service from the provisions of the bill.

SFA (4, R. Sanders Jr) - Preserve the Public Service Commission's jurisdiction to arbitrate and enforce interconnection agreements.

SFA (5, E. Harris) - Retain original provisions of SB 215; create new definition for "primary rate interface"; amend definition of "basic local exchange service" to delete flat-rate; amend definition of "broadband" to increase the rate of transmission to 200 kilobits and predicate that the technology is used to access the Internet; amend definition of "telephone utility" to remove municipal utilities from the bill; retain the Public Service Commission's jurisdiction delegated under 47 U.S.C. secs. 251 and 252; provide that the provisions neither confer nor remove jurisdiction for voice over Internet protocol services; retain the Public Service Commission's arbitration and enforcement authority over interconnection agreements; retain the Public Service Commission's enforcement authority granted under 47 U.S.C. sec 271; authorize the Office of the Attorney General and the Public Service Commission to investigate and enforce consumer service complaints and anticompetitive practices; permit the Public Service Commission to terminate an alternative rate plan; provide that all rates, charges, earnings and revenues, tariffs for basic services, and tariffs for flexible price contracts are presumed just and reasonable; restore commission authority to review under KRS 278.030 and 278.260; provide that filings are presumed in compliance with KRS 278.030(3); delete authority for a telephone utility to exceed the basic rate cap; amend Sections 3 and 4 of the Act governing broadband service providers and telephone utilities elected to be regulated by the commission; require verbal contracts for flexible price arrangements be subject to consumer protection provisions in KRS Chapter 367; require that the basic rate component of a flexible price contract be made transparent to the customer and that basic rates not exceed any applicable rate caps; and make technical corrections.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004; floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 15-floor amendments (3) and (4) filed

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (5) filed

Mar 17-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (4) and (5) withdrawn ; passed 31-4 with floor amendments (2) and (3)

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

SB 216/LM (BR 2147) - R. Jones II, J. Pendleton

AN ACT relating to animals.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 258 to prohibit the use of gunshot as a method of euthanasia in animal control situation; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 258 to delete references to dog pounds and dog wardens and use the terms animal shelter and animal control officer; define "cat," "animal control officer," "ferret," "board," "euthanasia," "animal shelter," and "quarantine;" require dogs, cats, and ferrets to be vaccinated against rabies; require a dog to wear a rabies tag; allow a qualified person to vaccinate his own dog; allow a dog, cat, or ferret from out of state to not be vaccinated against rabies if the animal is already vaccinated and meets the rabies standards of Kentucky; allow, rather than require, local health departments to sponsor mass rabies immunization clinics; require the destruction and testing for rabies of a wild or exotic animal that has bitten a person; require an owner of an animal with rabies to be responsible for costs associated with any quarantine or rabies testing of that animal; allow a governmental agency to contract with other counties or entities to maintain an animal shelter; establish minimum standards for animal shelters; delete the requirement that all dogs be licensed and allow each county to establish its own licensing program; require all counties to meet the minimum standards established regarding animal shelters within two years of the effective date of this Act; allow animal control officers to impound dogs that do not bear a valid rabies tag; reduce the minimum holding period of impounded dogs from seven to five days; require proof of, or the purchase of, a valid rabies vaccination before an impounded dog, cat, or ferret may be reclaimed from a shelter; require the confinement of a vicious dog; prohibit a dog from violating local nuisance ordinances; require the owner of any dog, cat, or ferret that bites a person to be responsible for any damages resulting from the bite; amend KRS 436.605 to require agents of humane societies to be employed by or have a contract with a governing body before the agent can have the power of a peace officer in enforcing statutes relating to cruelty to animals; amend KRS 67.592, 212.625, 257.100, 321.181, and 436.610 to conform; make technical corrections; repeal KRS 258.025, 258.105, 258.115, 258.125, 258.145, 258.155, 258.165, 258.175, 258.185, 258.205, 258.275, 258.285, 258.295, 258.305, 258.325, 258.345, 258.355; and provide that funds remaining in the livestock fund be deposited in the animal control and care fund.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Judiciary (S)

SB 217/CI (BR 2202) - J. Denton, T. Buford, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 508.025, relating to assault in the third degree, to provide that a person is guilty of assault in the third degree when he causes or attempts to cause physical injury to emergency medical services personnel, organized fire department members, and rescue squad personnel; and name the Act the "Brenda D. Cowan Act."

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 15-to Judiciary (H)

SB 218 (BR 1984) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to children committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice or the Cabinet for Families and Children.

Amend KRS 610.010 to clarify the authority of the Cabinet for Families and Children and the Department of Juvenile Justice for children in the custody of or committed to the Cabinet or the Department.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Judiciary (S)

SB 219 (BR 2101) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to federally funded time-limited state employees.

Amend KRS 18A.005 to define a federally funded time-limited employee and position; specify that the position terminates upon conclusion of the grant which created it; amend KRS 18A.113 to include federally funded time-limited employees among those employees which shall be effected by layoffs prior to full-time or part-time employees with status; amend KRS 18A.115 to exempt all federally funded time-limited positions from the merit system provisions; amend KRS 278.050 to conform.


HCA (1, C. Geveden) - Provide noncodified language which specifies that no federally funded position shall exceed the original grant period or any renewal of that original grant; specify that a copy of the relevant grant sections establishing a time frame for that position become part of the employee's personnel file and also be reported and justified to the State Personnel Board.

HFA (1, J. Wayne) - Allow federally funded time-limited employees who are disciplined or terminated to have the right to file a grievance with the appointing authority of the agency and be heard by the appointing authority prior to the effective date of the disciplinary action or termination.

HFA (2, L. Napier) - Retain original provisions of bill and create a new section of KRS Chapter 309 to define "internship"; allow members of the General Assembly to sit for the Kentucky bar examination, and upon passing of which he or she shall be admitted to the practice of law if he or she has completed 20 years of service as a member of the General Assembly and a one-year internship with an attorney who has been practicing law in Kentucky for more than one year.

HFA (3/Title, L. Napier) - Make title amendment.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 10-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1) ; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendments (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) ruled not germane ; passed 98-0 with committee amendment (1), floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate

Mar 29-posted for passage for concurrence in House committee amendment (1), floor amendment (1) for Monday, March 29, 2004; Senate concurred in House committee amendment (1), floor amendment (1) ; passed 36-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 127)

SB 220 (BR 56) - K. Stine, R. Roeding, J. Westwood

AN ACT relating to school finance.

Amend KRS 157.360 to require that SEEK funding be provided for limited English proficient students, limit the funding for individual students to those students enrolled in Kentucky schools for two academic years or less; amend KRS 157.370 to provide that, effective with the 2006-2007 school year and thereafter, the aggregate and average daily attendance of transported pupils shall include all public school pupils transported at public expense who live one-half mile or more from school; define equivalent property tax rate and amends KRS 157. 440 to permit local boards of education to levy an equivalent property tax rate up to the maximum of Tier 1 and for purposes of participation in Facilities Support Program of Kentucky (FSPK), subject to recall; equalize permissive tax revenue at 150% of the statewide average; allow districts currently not levying a permissive tax to do so subject to recall; allow continued use of permissive tax revenue to calculate the equivalent tax rate for purposes of equalizing Tier 1 and FSPK, but disallow the use of permissive tax revenue for both the equalization of permissive tax revenue and the continued use to calculate the equivalent tax rate for purposes of equalizing Tier 1 and FSPK; amend KRS 160.470 to conform.


SCS - Retain original provisions; make technical corrections.

SFA (1, K. Stine) - Provide that a school district levying two permissive taxes at the effective date of this Act may use revenue to equalize the permissive tax and any excess revenue from the permissive taxes to be calculated for equalization under other provisions.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Education (S)

Mar 5-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Education (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Education (H)

SB 221 (BR 2312) - R. Sanders Jr

AN ACT relating to trade practices.

Create and amend sections of KRS Chapter 365, relating to trade practices, to prohibit the misrepresentation of a business location in a manner that results in potential customers unknowingly placing long distance telephone calls to the business.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Judiciary (S)

Introduced Feb. 24, 2004

SB 222 (BR 2011) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to environmental protection.

Amend KRS 224.46-580, to extend collection of the hazardous waste assessment fee until June 30, 2006, rather than June 30, 2004.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 25-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 35-0; received in House

Mar 4-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 91-0; received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 44)

SB 223/LM (BR 2243) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to the tax collection duties of the sheriff in counties containing a consolidated local government and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 67C.147 to require the sheriff to collect the taxes in an urban service district created by a consolidated local government and require the commission paid to the sheriff for the collection of these taxes be the same as permitted by KRS 134.290; amend 134.290 to clarify its applicability to consolidated local governments regarding the allowable tax collection commission for sheriffs; EMERGENCY.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 224 (BR 2012) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to underground storage tanks.

Amend KRS 224.60-130 to require tank owners to file for eligibility for the petroleum storage tank account by January 15, 2008, rather than January 15, 2004, require reimbursements for corrective action under the petroleum storage tank account to be submitted by July 15, 2013, rather than 2009, delete July 15, 2010, as the deadline for submission of petroleum storage account claims, and set July 15, 2008, rather than July 15, 2004, as the date for the end of the small operator assistance account; amend KRS 224.60-142 to require registration of tanks installed after July 15, 2004, rather than 2002 to be eligible to participate in the fund and require registration of tanks currently existing to register the tanks by July 15, 2006, rather than July 15, 2004, prior to applying to the fund; and amend KRS 224.60-145 to direct that the small operator assistance program continue until July 15, 2008, rather than July 15, 2004.


SFA (1, T. Shaughnessy) - Sunset the petroleum environmental assurance fee on July 15, 2012.

SFA (2, T. Shaughnessy) - Divert petroleum environmental assurance fee receipts to the road fund beginning July 15, 2012.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 25-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 4-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) defeated ; floor amendment (1) ruled out of order ; passed 34-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Mar 8-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 89-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 1-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 26)

SB 225 (BR 2191) - E. Worley

AN ACT relating to certificates of deposit.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to provide that a financial institution that issues a certificate of deposit that is subject to automatic renewal at maturity shall, upon automatic renewal, renew at the best available rate of interest; require any notice of options at renewal sent to the holder of such a certificate of deposit to disclose that any automatic renewal will be at the best available rate; provide that violation of this section is an unfair, false, misleading, and deceptive act or practice in the conduct of trade or commerce in violation of KRS 367.170.


SCA (1, R. Palmer II) - Require that automatic renewal of the certificate of deposit be for a like term and the rate of interest be the same as posted at the issuing financial institution for similarly issued certificates of like term.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with committee amendment (1)

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-to Banking and Insurance (H); posting waived

Mar 24-posted in committee; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 91-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 80)

SB 226 (BR 1737) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to selection of school personnel.

Amend KRS 160.345 to clarify language relating to the selection of school personnel, including the principal; provide that the superintendent shall provide additional applicants upon request when qualified applicants are available for positions other than the principal; provide that upon request by the council, the superintendent may provide additional applicants for the position of principal, but the school council shall not select an applicant who does not have the recommendation of the superintendent; provide that the superintendent shall select the principal when a vacancy exists in a school that has not reduced the percentage of novice readers below ten percent; provide clarifying subheadings.


SCS - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to outline the procedures and roles to be assumed by school superintendents and school-based decision making councils; retain current statutory procedures relating to the selection of school personnel other than a school principal; define qualified applicants; retain the requirement that council members receive training before selecting a principal; require in an open meeting that the superintendent and council discuss procedures to be used in the selection and to agree to criteria for the principal; prohibit someone who was demoted or terminated by the superintendent as eligible for the principal's position; specify procedures for appointing an interim; prohibit a candidate that had been rejected by the council from being appointed as interim; require a review of current minority and gender composition of the personnel in the school before any personnel appointments are made; provide that the council and superintendent agree on the appointment of a person as principal; provide that a scholastic audit team of a school that failed to meet its goal may recommend to the commissioner of education that the authority for hiring the principal be temporarily transferred to the superintendent; amend KRS 160.345 to provide clarifying subheadings; delete personnel language that is proposed in the new section of KRS Chapter 160; add requirement for a school council to establish procedures for selection of a principal; make technical changes to conform.

SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Delete provision that the authority to select a principal may be transferred temporarily from the school council to the school superintendent in those schools that have had a school audit and the audit team recommends the transfer and the commissioner of education concurs.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 25-to Education (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 22-14 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in House

Mar 15-to Education (H)

Mar 16-posted in committee

SB 227 (BR 2281) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to the waste disposal facility permitting process.

Amend KRS 224.40-310 to provide that waste facility construction permits for expanded facilities when the expansion results in substantial additional capacity comply with public notice requirement.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 228/FN (BR 493) - D. Thayer

AN ACT relating to debts owed to the Commonwealth and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 45 to require each cabinet to develop and apply preaudit procedures to all expenditure transactions for the purpose of detecting errors, fraud, or abuse prior to the issuance of a check or warrant; require initial procedures to be established by October 1, 2004; set forth the actions each cabinet must take in establishing these preaudit procedures; require cabinets to attempt to collect amounts paid venders due to error, fraud, or abuse for 90 days after the improper payment is discovered; require the cabinet, after 90 days, to certify the improper payment as a debt and refer all certified debts to the Finance and Administration Cabinet (FAC) for further collection action; require funds recovered within the 90 day period to be allocated to the fund from which the improper payment was expended; require each cabinet to submit monthly summaries of debts, payments, and referrals to the LRC for its referral to the co-chairs of the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue; establish content of the summaries; create a special collections unit within the FAC to pursue collection of certified debts; establish collections methods; provide direction for recordkeeping, and eventual writing off, of debts deemed unfeasible or cost ineffective to pursue; impose interest and collection fee on all certified debts received by the FAC; permit the FAC to retain the collection fee and require the interest and recovered funds to be deposited in the budget reserve trust fund; exempt Medicaid benefits and funds required by law to be remitted to a federal agency; permit referral to the Attorney General of any unsatisfied claim, demand, account and judgment for further civil or criminal action; require the FAC to report annually by October 1 to the LRC; prescribe content; require the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to establish a system for tracking and identifying types and amounts of fees, fines, and other payments due the state by court judgment or order; direct AOC to establish and operate a system for collecting those fees, fines, and other payments due the state by court judgment or order; require consideration of technology to assist in the accurate, timely, and efficient delivery of payments; require AOC to submit an annual report to the LRC; prescribe content; amend KRS 44.030 to require each cabinet to provide information on all certified debts due to error, fraud, or abuse to the State Treasurer for action to prevent money being paid to a person indebted to the state; amend KRS 45.240 to conform; amend KRS 15.060 to limit the Attorney General's actions, regarding collection of payments, to those requested by the Revenue Cabinet; EMERGENCY.


SCS/FN - Retain the original provisions except amend language relating to the promulgation of regulations by the Finance and Administration Cabinet to instead require that a system of internal controls be developed; delete the provisions creating a special collections unit within the Finance and Administration Cabinet and provide instead that all qualified debts shall be forwarded to the Revenue Cabinet for review and possible collection; delete monthly reporting requirements; incorporate the provisions of HB 162; allow the Court of Justice until October 1, 2005 to fully implement its tracking system; delete provisions requiring the Court of Justice to report by district and circuit court.

SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Add language to require the Court of Justice, Justice Cabinet, and Revenue Cabinet to collaborate in the development of a system to collect old court debts if possible; require annual reporting of debts collected from October 1, 2005, through October 1, 2009; make technical correction.

HCS/FN - Restore provisions of SB 228 as introduced in the Senate.

HFA (1, H. Moberly) - Define terms; require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to develop a system of internal controls and preaudit policies and procedures for disbursement transactions; change the time frame from reporting debts from 90 to 60 days; require annual rather than monthly reporting; require referral of debts to the Revenue Cabinet rather than a special collections unit created in the Finance and Administration Cabinet; require the Court of Justice to implement a system for tracking debts; require the Courts, Justice Cabinet, and Revenue Cabinet to collaborate on the collection of old court debts, and to report the results on an annual basis.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in House

Mar 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 22-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; passed 37-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 192)

SB 229 (BR 1995) - G. Tapp

AN ACT relating to contracts.

Create a new section in KRS Chapter 45A to define public works, to establish that no damage for delay clauses are against public policy and unenforceable, and to clarify that other specific contract provisions remain enforceable.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 230 (BR 2310) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to statutory definitions for capital planning and budgeting.

Amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to increase the dollar thresholds used in the definitions for the state's capital planning and budgeting processes.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 231 (BR 186) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to rural economic development and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 154.22-040, relating to minimum wage requirements established for companies which seek rural economic development incentives, to exempt nonprofit corporations which employ handicapped and sheltered workshop employees at federally established subminimal wages; EMERGENCY.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 15-to Licensing and Occupations (H); posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 93-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 84)

SB 232 (BR 1738) - L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to the Board of Claims.

Amend KRS 44.070 to include language that prevents the Board of Claims from investigating, hearing, or adjudicating claims against the Commonwealth for the acts of a local board of education or its members, officers, agents, or employees.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Education (S)

SB 233 (BR 1091) - D. Mongiardo

AN ACT relating to drug-related disorders.

Amend KRS 205.560 to provide Medicaid payment for the treatment of drug-related disorders; amend KRS 216B.020 to exempt chemical dependency treatment beds from the certificate of need requirements upon the effective date of this Act until January 1, 2005; and amend KRS 222.211 to require the Department for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services to employ at least one physician with expertise in substance abuse treatment to provide oversight of state-funded substance abuse prevention and treatment programs.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 234 (BR 2342) - L. Casebier, J. Denton, D. Karem

AN ACT relating to insurance.

Amend KRS 304.39-020 to eliminate the presumption that medical bills submitted to a no-fault motor vehicle insurer are reasonable; amend KRS 304.39-210 to require a provider of medical expenses to submit a statement of medical expenses incurred to a reparation obligor within 45 days of the date treatment is initiated and every 45 days thereafter; provide that failure to timely submit a statement of medical expenses will render the expenses not compensable; prohibit a provider from billing a patient for services which have been denied by a reparation obligor for failure to submit bills within 45 days following treatment; amend KRS 304.19-270 to permit a reparation obligor to require a person to submit to a mental or physical examination at the expense of the reparation obligor; delete the requirement that the reparation obligor petition a court for an order directing such examination; permit a reparation obligor to limit coverages for persons who fail to submit to an examination pursuant to contract provisions approved by the commissioner of the Department of Insurance; authorize a reparation obligor to submit any claim for benefits to an independent review, evaluation, or opinion to determine issues such as reasonable medical necessity, appropriateness of treatment, whether charges are usual and customary, and whether the injury or loss is related to the accident.


SCS - Amend KRS 304.39-020 to provide under the definition of "medical expense" when a medical bill shall not be presumed reasonable; define "emergency care"; amend KRS 304.39-210 to require medical expense benefits for providers of emergency care to be paid by the reparation obligor directly to persons supplying products, services, or accommodations to the claimant; provide that basic reparations benefits be paid without regard to fault and be primary except for benefits payable under a workers' compensation law; require a provider of services for medical expenses, other than medical expenses billed by a hospital or other provider for emergency care or inpatient services rendered at a hospital, to submit claims to a reparation obligor within 45 days from the date the services are provided; amend KRS 304.39-241 to provide exception for emergency care services where the reparation obligor pays the provider directly; amend KRS 304.39-270 to permit a reparation obligor to require a person to submit to a mental or physical examination by a health care provider licensed in Kentucky; require the reparation obligor to pay for the costs of the examination; create new sections of Subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter 304 to permit a reparation obligor to submit a claim for an independent review of reparation benefits to determine if the medical expenses furnished to a reparation insured are medically necessary or reasonable; permit a reparation obligor to contract with a private review agent to perform independent reviews of medical expenses; restrict disclosure of medical records or other confidential medical information; require written notice of decisions to the reparation insureds and providers; define "adverse determination"; require every reparation obligor to have an appeals process to be utilized by the reparation obligor; permit the appeals process to be initiated by the reparation insured or a provider acting on the insured's behalf.

SFA (1, L. Casebier) - Delete the definition of "emergency care" and create a definition of "emergency medical expense"; provide that the reparation obligor may require a mental or physical examination after an independent review of the insured's medical condition has been conducted; require persons providing or performing independent reviews use the services of physicians or other appropriate health care providers.

SFA (2, L. Casebier) - Delete the definition of "emergency care" and create a definition of "emergency medical expense"; provide that the reparation obligor may require a mental or physical examination after an independent review of the insured's medical condition has been conducted; require persons providing or performing independent reviews use the services of physicians or other appropriate health care providers; replace Sections 5 and 6 with new sections to provide that a reparation obligor may submit a claim for an independent review of reparation benefits to determine whether medical expenses furnished to a reparation insured are medically necessary or reasonable; require every reparation obligor have an appeal process to be used by reparation insureds or providers of health care services.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 18-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 235/LM (BR 2159) - E. Worley, P. Herron Jr

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 95.624, relating to pension benefits of police and firefighters in third class cities, to permit the pension board to offer medical insurance to retirees and beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicare.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Feb. 25, 2004

SB 236 (BR 365) - W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to the inclusion of works of art in state buildings and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 153 to establish a state art fund using 1% of all state appropriations for construction of new state office buildings; provide that the Kentucky Arts Council administer the fund and use it to acquire art to be displayed in state office buildings; exempt construction of detention facilities; allow funds to be carried forward into the next fiscal year; amend KRS 153.220 to conform.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 237 (BR 2245) - G. Neal, T. Buford, L. Casebier

AN ACT relating to residential schools serving students with disabilities operated by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Amend KRS 18A.115 to clarify that certified employees in the Kentucky School for the Deaf and the Kentucky School for the Blind are exempt from the KRS Chapter 18A provisions; amend KRS 163.032 to clarify that the salary schedule for the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf does not limit experience as defined in KRS 157.320 for a certified employee who transfers to the school, provide that if teachers in these schools request a tribunal under certain circumstances under KRS 161.790 that the Attorney General will appoint the tribunal members, provide that the Department of Education may employ retired teachers in critical shortage areas in the schools under provisions of KRS 156.106 and KRS 161.605, require the Kentucky Department of Education and the Cabinet for Personnel to complete hiring processes for teachers in these schools within two weeks; amend KRS 158.6455 to include the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf in the accountability system of rewards and consequences.


SFA (1, T. Buford) - Delete the language that exempts persons employed in certified positions at the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf from the provisions of KRS Chapter 18A; amend KRS 18A.095 and KRS 161.790 to clarify the original provisions that direct the Attorney General to appoint members to a tribunal for teachers employed at the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf who qualify for a hearing.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Education (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 18-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; 3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 35-0

Mar 19-received in House

Mar 22-to Education (H)

SB 238/FN (BR 1794) - L. Casebier, T. Shaughnessy, B. Guthrie

AN ACT relating to postsecondary student financial assistance.

Amend KRS 164.7874 to include a summer session in the definition of "academic term"; define "base GPA award," "KEES award," "supplemental CATS award" and "supplemental Jeff Green Scholar's award"; amend KRS 164.7877, 164.7879 and 164.753 to establish the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) as the primary administrative agency for the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) program, in place of the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), with the authority to promulgate administrative regulations; amend KRS 164.7879 to increase the minimum GPA needed to receive a KEES base GPA award from 2.5 to 3.0, increase the minimum ACT score needed to receive a supplemental ACT award from 15 to 20, beginning August 1, 2004, and equalize KEES awards for a student who graduates from high school in 3 years or less; create a new section of KRS 164.7871 to 164.7885 to provide an additional KEES award of $100 for each "proficient" or "distinguished" a high school student receives on the CATS assessments in reading, science, mathematics, social studies, and the writing portfolio, up to the difference between a student's ACT award and the $500 ACT award maximum; provide a Jeff Green Scholar an additional KEES award of $500 per year; amend KRS 164.7881 to require a postsecondary student to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in order to continue to receive KEES awards, and specify that students with less than a 3.0 shall lose their awards permanently, beginning August 1, 2004; amend 154A.020 to permit the Kentucky Lottery Corporation to expend funds to educate and inform the general public of the use of lottery funds to support postsecondary education and early literacy initiatives in a manner entirely separate from the marketing and promotion of the lottery; direct KHEAA to undertake a study of the KEES program, the College Access Program, and the Kentucky Tuition Grant program and report findings to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the LRC by December 1, 2004; amend 154A.020, and 164.7877 to conform.


SCS/FN - Retain original provisions of the bill, except delete the provisions permitting the Kentucky Lottery Corporation to educate and inform the public of the use of lottery funds to support education; permit KHEAA to transfer funds from the KEES trust fund to the College Access Program and Kentucky Tuition Grant Program in the event there are excess funds after the disbursal of the full amounts of all KEES awards; make technical corrections.

SFA (1, J. Westwood) - Provide that the provision relating to a supplement for CATS scores does not become effective until the Kentucky Board of Education has evidence that the CATS scores are valid and reliable and may be reported individually as required under KRS 158.6453(3)(d).

SFA (2, W. Blevins) - Retain provisions of the Senate Committee Substitute, except remove the provision to provide an additional KEES award of $100 for each "proficient" or "distinguished" a high school student receives on the CATS assessments; remove the provision to provide an additional KEES award of $500 per year to Jeff Green Scholars; remove the provision requiring a postsecondary student to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in order to continue to receive KEES awards; and remove the provisions specifying that postsecondary students with less than a 3.0 GPA shall lose their awards permanently, beginning August 1, 2004.

SFA (3, W. Blevins) - Retain provisions of the Senate Committee Substitute, and amend KRS 164.7881 to require KHEAA to make an initial disbursal of KEES awards to a postsecondary institution based on the prior year's award amount; require KHEAA to issue a reconciling disbursal of KEES awards within 30 days of receiving a report from an institution; establish that an institution shall not require a student to pay the anticipated KEES award amount prior to the disbursal of KEES awards by the authority.

SFA (4, W. Blevins) - Amend to provide that the minimum GPA KEES base award begins with a 2.5 GPA but at reduced award amounts for the 2004-2005 academic year.

SFA (5, T. Shaughnessy) - Retain provisions of SB 238/SCS, except amend KRS 164.7881 to require a postsecondary student to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the end of the first award period to receive his or her maximum KEES award amount for the second award period, and a GPA between 2.5 and 3.0 to receive 50% of his or her maximum KEES award amount for the second award period; require a student to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the end of his or her second award period and subsequent award periods to receive his or her maximum KEES award amount for the next award period; establish that a student having a cumulative GPA of less than 3.0 at the end of the second award period or a subsequent award period shall lose his or her KEES award for all succeeding award periods.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Education (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 10-floor amendments (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 11-floor amendment (5) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 12-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 239 (BR 2201) - G. Neal

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Sections 145 and 150 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the restoration of civil rights for felons.

Propose an amendment to Section 145 of the Kentucky Constitution to provide for automatic restoration of civil rights upon completion of a sentence; propose an amendment to Section 150 of the Kentucky Constitution to provide for automatic restoration of ability to serve in public office upon completion of a sentence; submit to voters.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 240 (BR 865) - B. Guthrie, J. Pendleton, J. Turner, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority of advanced registered nurse practitioners.

Amend KRS 314.011 to authorize advanced registered nurse practitioners to prescribe and dispense controlled substances; amend KRS 314.042 to require an advanced registered nurse practitioner to enter into a written collaborative practice agreement with a physician that defines the scope of the prescriptive authority prior to prescribing or dispensing controlled substances; amend KRS 218A.010 to define an advanced registered nurse practitioner as a practitioner and add an advanced registered nurse practitioner to the list of practitioners authorized to sign a prescription.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 241 (BR 2260) - V. McGaha

AN ACT relating to the Local Superintendents Advisory Council.

Amend KRS 157.007 to require the local superintendents advisory council to meet prior to each Kentucky State Board of Education meeting, require the council to submit in writing to the state board its position on proposed administrative regulations and policy issues, require the state board to provide time on the board meeting agenda to allow the council's position to be heard, require the state board to attach the council's written position paper to the back of administrative regulations submitted to the Legislative Research Commission for review.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Education (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Education (H)

SB 242 (BR 2340) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Parole Board and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 439.320 relating to parole board votes to take action to require a vote of four members for administrative and policy matters; delete membership numbers for parole hearings; amend KRS 439.340 relating to parole hearings to permit rather than require the presence of the inmate at the hearing; delete provision relating to permissive hearings only for Class D felons; expand the means of notification of Commonwealth's attorney of parole hearings to include fax or other electronic means; amend KRS 439.330 relating to duties of the parole board to remove the requirement for actual parole hearings and substitute for them a requirement for "reviews"; amend KRS 439.302 relating to membership on the Commission on Correction and Community Service to include the executive director of the Parole Board; EMERGENCY.


SCS - Retain original provisions of bill except require the Governor to appoint six part-time Parole Board members, each of whom must be from a different congressional district and no more than three from the same political party; for parole hearing, require either two members whose decision must be unanimous or three members whose decision must be by majority vote; require at least one full-time member to serve on panels of the board; allow prisoner to appear in person or via video teleconferencing; and allow board to hold interviews and hearings for Class D felons.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 4-reported without opinion; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Judiciary (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute

Mar 26-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Feb. 26, 2004

SB 243 (BR 1206) - D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to flood plain management.

Amend KRS 151.230 to authorize local governments with sufficient staff expertise to issue building permits to landowners seeking to develop land in a floodplain; amend KRS 151.250 to conform.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Mar 2-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 244/CI (BR 2142) - C. Borders

AN ACT relating to real estate brokerage.

Amend KRS 324.020 to limit split fees by real estate brokers to referral fees only; amend KRS 324.046 to remove the notarized affidavit requirement as proof of academic credit; require a sworn notarized statement by the principal broker or brokers to fulfill the experience requirement for a sales associate; amend KRS 324.112 to require that a licensee register a branch office with the commission within ten days after it is opened; make technical corrections to conform; amend KRS 324.117 to direct licensees to list either the real estate company from the licensee's own license or from the affiliated principal broker in all advertising for any listed property; require licensees to provide written notification of the requirements of this section to any customer or client of the licensee who advertises listed property; specify that the licensee shall keep a file of this notification to the client or customer; amend KRS 324.121 to mandate that a designated agent shall inform and obtain the consent of the seller of lessor to the designation; forbid a principal broker from designating himself or herself as a designated agent; require that a principal broker acting as a dual agent keep confidential information relating to either party in an individual file maintained and accessed by the principal broker only; amend KRS 324.150 to authorize the commission, while investigating violations, to compel the production of books, papers, documents, and other evidence, review evidence, or enter the office or branch office of a licensee for the purpose of conducting inspections; make technical corrections to conform; amend KRS 324.160 to expand the language prohibiting discrimination to include any violation of the Federal Fair Housing Act; amend KRS 324.330 to require that licensees inform the commission in writing of a change of residence within ten days; amend KRS 324.395 to raise the annual insurance premium ceiling for "errors and omissions" insurance potentially provided by the commission for licensees from $125 to $200; amend KRS 324.990 to designate unlicensed real estate brokerage as a Class D felony; allow the commission to make exceptions for those who engage in unlicensed real estate brokerage if the violation is due to failure to renew a previously valid license.


SCS/CI - Retain provisions of original bill, except limit the commission's power to enter the office or branch office of a licensee to conduct inspections to apply only to principal brokers and to only inspect required documents relating to the allegations of practices violating the provisions of KRS Chapter 324; modify penalty provision for unlicensed real estate brokerage to designate a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class D felony for any subsequent offenses, and indicate that unlicensed real estate brokerage due to failure to renew a previously valid Kentucky license will only provide an exemption from the criminal penalty if the person is entitled to and does avail himself of the remedial provisions of KRS 324.090(3).

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Mar 2-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

Mar 15-to Licensing and Occupations (H); posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 92-0; received in Senate

Mar 22-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 45)

SB 245 (BR 2286) - V. McGaha, G. Tapp, C. Borders, E. Harris, R. Jones II, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, D. Seum, K. Stine, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Westwood

AN ACT proposing an amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky by creating a Section 3A relating to marriage.

Propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3A to by law provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized a a marriage in Kentucky; provide that a legal status identical to or substantially similar to that for marriage shall not be valid or recognized; submit amendment to the voters for approval or rejection.


SFA (1, V. McGaha) - Add ballot language.

HCS - Propose amending Section 109 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit courts from ordering substitution of alternative law for any act found unconstitutional, and to prohibit courts from ordering the General Assembly to pass laws, and provide that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky; propose amending Sections 109 and 230 to clarify that public money may be spent only by act of the General Assembly; propose amending Section 43 to designate the parties to be named when challenging the constitutionality of a law; submit to voters.

HCA (1/Title, A. Arnold) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, S. Lee) - Amend to delete provisions of substitute and insert in lieu thereof the provisions of SB 245/GA, except change the section of the Constitution being amended from 3A to 233A.

HFA (2/Title, S. Lee) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, L. Napier) - Amend to delete provisions of substitute and insert in lieu thereof the provisions of SB 245/GA, except change the section of the constitution being amended from 3A to 233A.

HFA (4/Title, L. Napier) - Make title amendment.

HFA (5, R. Nelson) - Amend to delete provisions of substitute and insert in lieu thereof the provisions of SB 245/GA, except change the section of the Constitution being created from 3A to 233A.

HFA (6/Title, R. Nelson) - Make title amendment.

HFA (7, K. Hall) - Retain original provisions; insert in language relating to the definition of marriage a provision that a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be recognized.

HFA (8, J. Hoover) - Insert provision to provide that a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.

HFA (9, J. Hoover) - Amend to delete provisions of substitute and insert in lieu thereof the provisions of SB 245/GA, except change the section of the Constitution being amended from 3A to 233A.

HFA (10, P. Bather) - Specify that nothing in the section shall limit the ability of unmarried individuals to obtain legal rights, protections, or benefits, or assume corresponding responsibilities, obligations, or duties.

HFA (11, P. Bather) - Delete provision specifying that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky.

HFA (12, R. Wilkey) - Amend to delete proposed amendment to Section 230; specify that General Assembly has power to define any relationship conferring marital benefits and the courts of the Commonwealth shall not have the power to determine otherwise.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Mar 2-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 33-4-1 with floor amendment (1) ; received in House

Mar 15-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 22-discharge petition filed

Mar 23-posting waived

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendments (1) (3) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) and (11) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendments (2-title) (4-title) and (6-title) filed; floor amendments (10) and (11) withdrawn

Mar 26-3rd reading; Committee Substitute adopted; defeated 55-10

Mar 29-floor amendment (12) filed to Committee Substitute

Apr 12-bill reconsidered; 3rd reading, passed 85-11 with floor amendments (5) and (6-title)

Apr 13-received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute, floor amendments (5) and (6-title) ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute, floor amendments (5) and (6-title) ; bill passed 33-5; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer

Apr 14-delivered to Secretary of State (Acts ch. 128)

Introduced Feb. 27, 2004

SB 246 (BR 2259) - R. Stivers, J. Turner

AN ACT relating to construction of certain electric transmission lines.

Amend KRS 278.020 to specify certain length and capacity electric transmission lines will require a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the PSC; provide some exemptions and hearing requirements; amend KRS 278.516 to conform.


SCS - Amend KRS 278.020 to require a certificate of public convenience and necessity for certain transmission lines; include cooperatives; shorten time period for commission decision from 120 to 90 days; make technical changes; amend KRS 278.516 to conform.

HFA (1, T. Feeley) - Amend KRS 278.020 to prohibit construction of transmission lines within 100 feet of a cemetery.

HFA (2, M. Denham) - Require the Public Service Commission when conducting a public hearing to consider the effects of a transmission line extension on agricultural land.

HFA (3, J. Barrows) - Requires the Public Service Commission to hold a public hearing if the transmission line is more than one (1) mile in length and to provide public notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation 14 days prior to the hearing date.

Feb 27-introduced in Senate

Mar 2-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in House; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 19-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 22-posting waived

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 86-5; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 75)

SB 247 (BR 2013) - E. Harris

AN ACT relating to metering of electricity.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 278 to require retail electric suppliers to facilitate and accommodate "eligible customer-generators" who generate electricity with photovoltaic cells on their premises; require that the utility credit such customers for the cost of any excess power generated by those customers which is fed back into the electric grid.


SCS - Require electric suppliers to facilitate interconnection with "customer generators" who generate a portion of their own electricity with photovoltaic cells; require suppliers to issue credit to such generators who feed power back to the grid; reduce rated capacity of eligible customer generators from 25 to 15 kilowatts and below; reduce cap on cumulative capacity of all such home systems from 1% to one-tenth of 1% of supplier's single hour peak load; change responsibility for additional meter cost from supplier to customer; eliminate transferability of excess electricity credits; require verification of safety and compliance when any system is transferred to a new owner; include interconnecting equipment in safety and power quality section.

Feb 27-introduced in Senate

Mar 3-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 29-2nd reading, to Rules; placed in the Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 93-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 193)

SB 248 (BR 2190) - C. Borders, R. Roeding

AN ACT relating to economic development.

Amend various sections of subchapter 26 of KRS Chapter 154 to increase the percentage of approved costs that the company may recover, to be negotiated by the authority and not to exceed 75%; remove the employee contribution portion of the wage assessment, and limit total assessment to 5%; allow the authority to negotiate the license tax credit up to 100% of the computed license tax attributable to the location of the project; create a new section of subchapter 26 of KRS Chapter 154 to give preliminarily approved companies the option to operate under existing terms or request that the agreement be amended to comply with amendments to the program; give companies under a final agreement the option to operate under existing terms or request that the agreement be amended to comply with the amendments to the employee assessment portion of the agreement; amend KRS 136.0704 and 141.310 to conform.

Feb 27-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 10-to Economic Development (H); posting waived

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 91-0

Mar 18-received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 26-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 18)

SB 249 (BR 6) - D. Boswell

AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky and amend Section 226 of the Constitution of Kentucky, relating to casinos.

Propose a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to casinos; allow the General Assembly to permit the operation of casinos, which may include casinos at horse racing tracks; provide, if General Assembly authorizes casino gaming, for agency of state government to be created to regulate casinos by special law notwithstanding Section 59 or 60 of the Constitution, establish qualifications of individuals and entities authorized to operate casinos, limit number and location of casinos, define types of lotteries, gift enterprises and gambling games to be permitted, provide for other standards to ensure honest operation of casinos; define casino and casino-style gaming; restrict operation of casinos until the state agency shall have first approved the conduct of casinos and the governing body of the county, urban-county, charter county, or consolidated local government has approved the operation; propose to amend Section 226 of the Kentucky Constitution to provide that the new section is an exception to the prohibition against lotteries and gift enterprises; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

Feb 27-introduced in Senate

Mar 3-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 250/LM/CI (BR 51) - D. Boswell

AN ACT relating to gaming and making an appropriation therefor.

Establish KRS Chapter 239 to authorize gambling at horse racing tracks and casinos; create numerous definitions; create the Kentucky Gaming Commission; establish the duties and responsibilities of the commission; require the commission to determine the occupations related to casino gaming and the qualifications for an occupational license; establish the application procedures for a casino, racing association, manufacturer's, and supplier's license; establish the requirements and qualifications for all gaming related licenses; prohibit a licensee from transferring or assigning the license without prior commission approval; permit a licensee to conduct gaming operations from a temporary facility under certain conditions; require racing association licensees to make certain requests to the Racing Commission regarding the number of racing days the licensee will have scheduled during a year; create an exemption for facilities developed for gaming activities regarding zoning and require that for certain other zoning and building codes there is no exemption; establish the position of and the duties of the executive director of the commission; establish that certain job classifications are to be established by agreement of the parties to a collective bargaining agreement; require that before a gaming license is issued, the governing body in the jurisdiction where gaming operations are proposed must first enact an ordinance to permit casino gaming; require a gaming licensee to post bond and to maintain specific types of insurance; limit the number of gaming licenses to 5 racing association gaming licenses and four casino licenses, establish criteria for gaming operation locations, require certain information from applicants seeking a gaming license; establish the fees for applications, licensure, and renewal for all licensees; create the Kentucky gaming fund, the Kentucky municipal public safety fund, the Kentucky county public safety fund, Kentucky horse racing equity fund, and Kentucky thoroughbred claiming fund; require that certain amounts of the gaming fund support administrative operations of the commission, and other amounts from the gaming fund be dispersed to the Kentucky compulsive gamblers assistance fund, the Department of Education and the Council on Postsecondary Education, the Cabinet for Health Services for health care services for certain indigent Kentuckians and for a prescription drug program for senior citizens, to the Kentucky municipal public safety fund, the Kentucky county public safety fund, capital construction, sewer and water projects administration under the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, the Kentucky veterans trust fund, the state road fund, the budget reserve trust fund, and the equine industry program trust and revolving fund; establish the disbursement of funds to the Kentucky municipal public safety fund and the Kentucky county public safety fund; establish the disbursement of funds to the Kentucky horse racing industry; prohibit licensure to certain people under specific circumstances; establish the expenditure of moneys from the municipal public safety fund and the county public safety fund; establish a wagering tax at a rate of 35% of adjusted gross receipts received and reported monthly by the licensee obliged to pay the tax; establish the terms of all licenses regarding gaming operations; require the commission to promulgate administrative regulations to prescribe procedures for gaming licensees regarding the effective control over their internal fiscal affairs, to require periodic financial reports from gaming licensees, to require annual audits of the financial statements of gaming licensees, to define and limit gambling games and devices, to address how moneys deposited into the compulsive gamblers assistance fund will be expended; require the State Auditor to perform an annual audit of the commission; require gaming licensees to compile a list of persons to exclude or eject from licensed gaming establishments; require the commission to notify a person placed on an exclusion or ejection list; permit the commission to take disciplinary action if a gaming licensee knowingly fails to exclude or eject a person on the list; establish penalties for persons placed on the list who enter premises of a licensed gaming establishment; provide that the transport of gambling equipment and supplies into the state will not be a violation of federal law; define the term cheat and establish penalties for persons who cheat; created the compulsive gamblers assistance fund; establish how expenditures from the compulsive gamblers assistance fund will utilized; require the commission to prepare an annual report detailing activities and expenditures of the compulsive gamblers assistance fund; encourage gaming licensees to cooperate with local business and community organizations to stimulate the economy through tourism; require gaming licensees to pay the salaries of certain commission employees; require gaming licensees to make office space available for certain commission employees; prohibit a person under 21 from placing a wager or being in an area where gambling games are operated; establish that commission members, the executive director, and commission employees are subject to executive branch ethics; limit the administrative fine to $50,000 per offense; establish that administrative review under KRS Chapter 13B is available for persons aggrieved by an action by the commission; create a new section of KRS Chapter 131 to attach the commission to the Revenue Cabinet for administrative purposes; create a new section of KRS Chapter 242 to permit a local option election in certain areas; amend KRS 243.030 to establish a $7,500 annual license fee for a casino entertainment license and a racing association casino entertainment license; amend KRS 243.040 to establish a $3,500 annual license fee for a casino entertainment license and a racing association casino entertainment license; amend KRS 243.040, 243.500, 243.505, 525.090, 528.010, 528.100, 15.380 to conform; include a severability clause; include rules to follow for actions brought for declaratory or injunctive relief regarding constitutionality of this Act; and include language that this Act is void if the voters fail to approve a constitutional amendment permitting the General Assembly to authorize casinos.

Feb 27-introduced in Senate

Mar 3-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Mar. 1, 2004

SB 251 (BR 2066) - D. Williams

AN ACT relating to juries.

Amend KRS 29A.040 and 29A.170 to revise the method for compiling the master list of county jurors and to revise the eligibility for and amounts of juror pay.


HCS (1) - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 387.570 and 387.580 to retain the right to a trial by jury in a competency hearing conducted in a guardianship proceeding but allow the hearing to be held before the court without a jury if no jury trial is demanded; allow jury trial to be demanded by an immediate family member of the respondent.

HCS (2) - Amend KRS 136.071 to reverse the ITW decision for back tax years; create a new section of KRS Chapter 136 to provide that the provisions of the corporate license tax shall not apply for tax periods ending on or after December 31, 2004; amend KRS 141.010 to exclude, in calculating corporate gross income, the distributive share income or loss received from another corporation and to redefine "corporation" and to define "doing business in this state"; amend KRS 141.011 to disallow net operating loss carrybacks; amend KRS 141.0205 to reorder the use of tax credits; amend KRS 141.040 to reduce the top corporate tax rate to 7.5%, to impose an alternative minimum calculation, and to impose a minimum tax due of $250; amend KRS 141.200 to require mandatory consolidated reporting for corporations with Kentucky nexus; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide filing provisions for pass-through entities, to provide a credit against the individual income tax for non-corporate owners of flow through entities, and to address issues relating to basis; amend KRS 141.205 to disallow certain deductions among affiliated groups; amend KRS 141.068, 141.120, 141.206, 141.347, 141.390, 141.400, 141.401, 141.403, 141.405, 141.410, 141.414, 141.415, 141.990, 136.530, 141.125, and 155.170 to conform; provide that the provisions of Section 1 of the Act apply to corporate license tax returns without regard to extension on or after April 14, 2004; provide that the provisions of the Act take effect January 1, 2005.

HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, R. Damron) - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 29A.100 to exempt from jury duty persons who are caring for a child or an elderly person.

HFA (2, R. Damron) - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 29A.100 to exempt from jury duty persons who are caring for a child or an elderly person.

HFA (3, S. Westrom) - Insert provision to amend KRS 29A.100 to provide for deferments from jury service for those who are primary caregivers for children under age six or for a disabled or elderly family member.

HFA (4, H. Moberly) - Amend KRS 141.040 to provide that the top corporate income tax rate will be reduced to 6% for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2007.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 4-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 17-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 23-posting waived

Mar 24-posted in committee; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) filed

Apr 12-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H); reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title) ; taken from the Rules Committee, placed in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute (2) ; 3rd reading, passed 60-34 with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (4)

Apr 13-received in Senate

SB 252 (BR 2284) - T. Buford

AN ACT relating to health insurance.

Amend KRS 304.17A-500 to exempt a preferred provider arrangement health insurance policy from the definition of "managed care plan" if the policy meets specific requirements.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 4-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 253 (BR 2187) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to vehicles involved in the transportation of persons and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 281.014, regarding motor carriers, to define the terms "livery vehicle" and "livery vehicle license"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 281 to outline requirements and procedures for obtaining a livery vehicle license and exempt livery vehicles from the certificate of necessity process; amend KRS 281.655, regarding insurance requirements for motor carriers, to require limousines and livery vehicles to carry the same insurance as taxicabs; amend KRS 281.656 to require the insurance carrier to notify the licensing authority when a taxicab, limousine, or livery vehicle operator cancels its insurance coverage; amend KRS 281.912, regarding safety requirements, to include limousines and livery vehicles among the vehicles that must have annual safety inspections; amend KRS 186.052, 281.6185, and 281.910 to conform; EMERGENCY.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 4-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 254 (BR 2072) - R. Leeper, T. Shaughnessy

AN ACT relating to lung cancer research.

Amend KRS 164.476 to provide that the institutional review board at the University of Kentucky or University of Louisville shall review research and determine appropriateness of proposed methods for selecting research subjects and protocols for sites in the statewide clinical trial network relating to lung cancer research, if the site does not have an institutional review board; provide for the review board to receive and review annual reports from those sites; permit the Governance Board of the Lung Cancer Research Project to enter into contracts with other persons or entities and to solicit and accept grants and funds from certain other sources; provide that no director or other person acting on behalf of the board shall be personally liable for actions associated with board duties; and require the board to report executed contracts to the vice presidents for research at the respective universities.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 4-to Education (S)

Introduced Mar. 2, 2004

SB 255 (BR 1985) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to anticonvulsants.

Amend KRS 218A.170 to allow drug manufacturers to distribute anticonvulsants, including those classified as a controlled substance, to physicians through the patient assistance program.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 3-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 256 (BR 2094) - D. Boswell, B. Guthrie

AN ACT relating to liability of dealers of liquefied petroleum gas.

Limit liability of licensed dealers of liquefied petroleum gas for work done by others on equipment or appliances, except in cases of gross negligence or willful or wanton acts.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Judiciary (S)

SB 257/LM (BR 1490) - V. Moore

AN ACT relating to swimming pools.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 198B to require swimming pools to be enclosed by a fence or other barrier; establish fence or barrier requirements; provide exceptions; require person building a swimming pool or person selling a dwelling with a swimming pool to give the buyer a notice explaining safety education and responsibilities of pool ownership as approved by the Cabinet for Health Services; establish that a person who violates the requirements is guilty of a violation and that no fine may be imposed if the person subsequently equipped the swimming pool with a barrier as required within 45 days of citation.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

SB 258 (BR 2079) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to health benefit plans.

Create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require that a health benefit plan provided to individuals through an association not related to employment be considered coverage in the individual market; provide that an insurer issuing or renewing a health benefit plan on or after January 1, 2005 until December 31, 2007, not be required to include any additional mandated state benefits; require an insurer that is not a managed care plan but provides financial incentives for a person to access a network of providers must notify the covered person that certain information is available at the time of enrollment and upon request; amend KRS 304.17A-095 to restrict retroactive reduction of rates to filings containing misrepresentations or based on fraudulent information; amend KRS 304.17A-250 to permit, rather than require, insurers in the individual and small group market to offer the standard plan after July 15, 2004; delete the benefits comparison; amend KRS 304.17A-330 to exempt from the annual data reporting requirement insurers, employer-organized associations that self-insure, and health purchasing outlets that insure less than 500 persons; amend KRS 304.17A-500 to change the definition of "enrollee" and other terms; amend KRS 304.17A-527, 304.17A-550, 304.17A-520, and 304.17A-532 to make technical changes to eliminate certain requirements for non-HMO insurers; amend KRS 304.17A-545 to provide that the medical director of a managed care plan may be licensed in the state where the insurer is domiciled or in any state in which the insurer is licensed to do business; amend KRS 304.17A-600 to define "urgent care"; amend KRS 304.17A-607 to delete requirement of rendering written notice of utilization review decision within one (1) day of decision and delete other time requirements for preadmission review of hospital admission, preauthorization for a treatment, procedure, drug, or device, and receipt of requested information when a retrospective review is initiated; amend KRS 304.17A-617 as to the internal appeal determination letter to delete requirement that letter contain a description of alternative benefits, services, or supplies in cases retrospective review; amend KRS 304.17A-623 to provide that external reviews which are not expedited must be conducted by the review entity and a determination made within 21 days from the receipt of all information required from the insurer rather than from the receipt of the request for external review; amend KRS 304.17A-627 to delete requirement that the independent review entity annually submit certain information to the department in a form acceptable to the department; amend KRS 304.17A-722 to exempt, with approval of the commissioner, an insurer from the data reporting requirements if the total number of insureds is less than 500; amend KRS 304.17A-700 to conform; repeal KRS 304.17A-533.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 259 (BR 2188) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to the merger of fire protection districts.

Amend KRS 75.020 to delete language which would prevent the merger of a newly merged district from changing its boundaries for a 2-year period.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 260/FN (BR 2285) - R. Sanders Jr

AN ACT relating to business.

Amend KRS 275.195 to establish additional circumstances under which a person may be admitted to a limited liability company; amend KRS 275.285 to provide for the dissolution of a limited liability company if there are no members, unless certain exceptions apply; create new sections of KRS Chapter 275 to permit a limited liability company to acquire a corporation; amend KRS 362.425 and 362.575 to make a technical change; amend KRS 313.240 to permit dentists to form limited liability companies.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 261/LM/CI (BR 2206) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to the Department of Corrections.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 197 to require that, in a civil action, the party requesting the presence of a prisoner from a jail or prison to testify in court shall pay the costs of guards, transpiration, food, and other costs; provide for videoconferencing testimony; create a new section of KRS Chapter 197 to permit the Department of Corrections to drug test all employees in hazardous duty positions.


SFA (1, W. Blevins) - Retain original provisions of bill and amend KRS 197.505, relating to privatization of prisons, to prohibit the state from entering into new contracts with private providers to establish new prisons or operate or manage other existing prisons; allow the state to renew contracts with private providers, but prohibit extending such contracts to establish new prisons or to operate or manage prisons not originally contracted for; provide that the Act applies retroactively to contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2004; EMERGENCY.

SFA (2/Title, W. Blevins) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, J. Denton) - Amend to include amendment to KRS 439.315 to raise the minimum monthly fee for persons on probation, parole, or other form of release subject from $10 to $25.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 17-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 262 (BR 2135) - D. Seum

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 36 of the Constitution of Kentucky, relating to sessions of the General Assembly.

Propose to amend Section 36 of the Kentucky Constitution to limit odd-year sessions to revenue and appropriation bills, other subjects that may be proposed by the Governor, any two subjects proposed for consideration by the Senate President and House Speaker and agreed to by both of them, and items referred by statutorily created legislative committees to the General Assembly for action; restrict action upon revenue and appropriation bills in even-year sessions to 3/5 vote; provide transition schedule for effectiveness of amendment; submit to voters.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Mar. 3, 2004

SB 263 (BR 2119) - B. Guthrie, R. Sanders Jr, D. Boswell, J. Rhoads, J. Turner

AN ACT relating to coalbed methane development and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new KRS Chapter 349 relating to coalbed methane development; declare the importance of coalbed methane development in the Commonwealth and find that development of a process to extract coalbed methane does not imply ownership of coalbed methane; establish definitions; establish a 5-member Coalbed Methane Review Board; establish the authority, jurisdiction, responsibilities and duties of the review board; authorize the Department of Natural Resources to receive applications for permits to drill coalbed methane wells and require a coalbed methane operator making an application for a coalbed methane permit to submit a plat; require that the plat become a public record subject to inspection; require notifications to surface, adjoining landowners, and subsurface owners; require descriptions of mineral tract boundaries and of drilling operations; require an operator to submit a groundwater protection plan to the department if the well is within 1/2 mile of a water supply used for residential or domestic purposes and permit deviation from the requirement; establish submission requirements for a person filing an application to drill a coalbed methane well; provide a method for interested parties to make objections to the Department of Natural Resources concerning the drilling of a coalbed methane well; prescribe rules for the plugging and abandonment of a coalbed methane well; authorize the Department of Natural Resources to receive and oversee the plugging and abandonment of coalbed methane wells; establish rules and procedures for a mine licensee to obtain authorization to mine through a coalbed methane well; authorize the review board to issue orders and issue mine-through certificates to mine operators to allow mine-through operations; prescribe a method for determining compensation to all parties with an interest in a coalbed methane well; establish a method for appeals of the review board's authorization for mine-through certificates and provide a method for the escrow of funds; prohibit the waste of coalbed methane and provide for certain exceptions from the definition of waste; establish submission, authorization, and bonding requirements for an application to obtain a permit to drill a coalbed methane well; authorize voluntary pooling agreements for operators and owners of coalbed methane; establish requirements and procedures for stimulating a workable coal seam; prohibit stimulation of a coal seam absent a filed agreement to stimulate; prohibit coalbed methane operations absent necessary permits including surface discharge and underground injection; require notification of state and federal agencies with jurisdiction over the protection of surface waters and groundwater and coordinate permit review; authorize the review board to consider and order the stimulating of the coalbed; establish the authority, powers, and rules of procedure for review board hearings; authorize the review board to promulgate and enforce administrative regulations; authorize the review board to hear and rule upon appeals of departmental actions on permits, field rules, drilling units, pooling, and unitization; establish spacing requirements for both vertical and horizontal coalbed methane wells; establish a 500 - foot horizontal setback from a workable coalbed; authorize the review board to act upon applications and prescribe pooling for coalbed methane wells when the ownership is in dispute; authorize the department to receive applications to pool; establish requirements for pooling applications; permit persons aggrieved by an action of the review board to bring civil action; establish requirements, procedures, and defenses for civil actions; establish requirements and procedures for the installation and removal of casings in a coalbed methane well; authorize the department to bid for the plugging of coalbed methane wells; establish reclamation requirements for coalbed methane wells; establish a coalbed methane well plugging fund to receive funds paid on the sale of equipment removed from a well that is being plugged and bond forfeitures; authorize the expenditure of funds from the coalbed methane well plugging fund for plugging coalbed methane wells; authorize the department to supervise the drilling, casing, plugging, and filling of coalbed methane wells; authorize the department to adopt rules and conduct hearings; require applicants for a permit to drill a coalbed methane well to submit a bond whose amount will be determined by the department based on the cost of reclamation, restoration, and abatement work; prescribe a minimum bond of $5,000; allow a person to submit a blanket bond; require a successor to a well to bond and pay a fee of $25; establish termination of operations requirements for coalbed methane well operators; require applicants for coalbed methane drilling permits where there is severance of surface and subsurface to comply with KRS 353.5901 and 353.595; establish reclamation requirements where there is a situation other than complete severance of the surface and subsurface rights; set an expiration date for coalbed methane drilling permits and allow for the extension of the permit for one year; establish an affirmative defense for willful trespass arising from coalbed methane drilling operations; authorize the department to bring suit in Circuit Court for violations and to seek restraint of operations; allow persons to protect water resources affected by coalbed methane operations; require the operator of a coalbed methane well to replace water to the person affected; establish penalties for violations; establish contractual rights of mineral rights owners; provide that ownership of coalbed methane is not affirmed; prohibit rules and requirements affecting coalbed methane permits to apply to non-coalbed methane permits unless converted; require that provisions be liberally construed; and require gathering lines associated with wells to be regulated under KRS 353.500(2).

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 264 (BR 1986) - J. Denton

AN ACT relating to assisted-living communities.

Amend KRS 194A.700 to change the definition of "assisted-living community" to include, among other requirements, a series of living units on the same site operated "by," rather than "as," one business entity.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Health and Welfare (S)

SB 265 (BR 1534) - C. Borders

AN ACT relating to hospitals.

Amend KRS 142.303 to provide that payments by hospitals for services provided to Medicaid patients shall not be subject to the provider tax unless payments to out-of-state hospitals are reduced to account for the fact that they do not pay the provider tax, and to apply the tax to hospital revenues received during state fiscal year 2003 for each year after fiscal year 2005; and create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require payments to out-of-state hospitals to be reduced to reflect the nonpayment of the provider tax.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 266 (BR 360) - R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to the designation of the official fruit of Kentucky.

Create a new Section of KRS Chapter 2 to name and designate the blackberry as the official fruit of Kentucky.


HFA (1/P, D. Sims) - Retain the original provisions of SB 266 and attach the provisions of HB 317.

HFA (2/Title, D. Sims) - Make title amendment.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 33-0

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 24-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 80-12; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 114)

SB 267 (BR 2083) - R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to fish and wildlife licenses.

Amend KRS 150.990 to provide that any person who fails to appear pursuant to a citation or summons issued by a conservation officer or peace officer for violation of the chapter relating to fish and wildlife forfeits his license.


SFA (1, R. Palmer II) - Retain original provisions of bill except provide that a person who forfeits his license cannot purchase another license or exercise the privileges granted by a license until the citation or summons is resolved.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 268 (BR 2085) - R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance.

Amend KRS 304.39-080 to require an operator of a motor vehicle to maintain basic reparation insurance.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Banking and Insurance (S)

SB 269 (BR 2130) - R. Jones II

AN ACT relating to eligibility for a principal internship.

Amend KRS 161.027, relating to the certification of school principals, to delete the one-time limitation from the provision that allows an applicant to renew eligibility by completing six hours of graduate study.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Education (S)

SB 270 (BR 2132) - R. Jones II

AN ACT relating to recreational fishing programs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 82 to create a city recreational fishing program and allow city to establish a user fee for all designated public bodies of water; create a new section of KRS Chapter 150 to require Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to cooperate with cities creating a recreational fishing program and allow cities to stock designated public bodies of water with compatible fish species.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

SB 271/FN (BR 2313) - R. Leeper, E. Harris, T. Shaughnessy

AN ACT relating to Brownfield site incentives.

Amend KRS 99.595 to include definition of brownfield site; amend KRS 99.600 to include brownfield site as property eligible for property assessment or reassessment moratoriums; amend KRS 99.605 to include brownfield site owner as person eligible to apply for property assessment or reassessment moratorium; create new section of Chapter 141 to provide for tax credit for brownfield site remediation costs; amend KRS 141.0205 to include brownfield site remediation tax credit in list of tax credit priorities.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SB 272 (BR 1224) - G. Neal, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, V. Moore, J. Rhoads, J. Turner, E. Worley

AN ACT relating to a civil claim against the Commonwealth for wrongful imprisonment.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 44 to permit convicted felons who were wrongfully incarcerated to bring a claim in the Board of Claims for wrongful incarceration; place limits on damage awards.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Judiciary (S)

SB 273 (BR 2123) - D. Karem

AN ACT relating to fireworks.

Amend KRS 227.710 to require that the definition of a permit requiring "public display of fireworks" shall include the use of pyrotechnic devices or pyrotechnic materials before a proximate audience, whether indoors or outdoors; amend KRS 227.715 to increase the annual fee to sell fireworks to no more than $50; amend KRS 227.720 to require that no permit shall issue under KRS 227.710 unless the applicant gives a bond or has liability insurance of no less than $1,000,000.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 36-0

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 22-posted in committee

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 88-0; received in Senate; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 70)

SB 274 (BR 1405) - E. Scorsone, T. Buford, A. Kerr

AN ACT relating to the Lexington Community College, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to transfer the Lexington Community College from the University of Kentucky to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, effective July 1, 2004; amend KRS 164.580 to provide that students enrolled at Lexington Community College on or before September 1, 2004, in approved associate degree programs who complete the associate degree programs on or before June 30, 2010, shall have their degrees conferred by the University of Kentucky board of trustees; amend KRS 164.5807 to transfer the facilities, property, management responsibilities, personnel, and funding of the Lexington Community College from the University of Kentucky to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; provide that students enrolled on the date of transfer shall be afforded all their current benefits and benefits for future students shall be negotiated by the Lexington Community College, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and the University of Kentucky; amend KRS 45A.840, 161.220, 164.001, 164.125, and 164.591 to conform; EMERGENCY.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 275 (BR 2084) - R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 189.125 to make riding in the bed of a moving pickup truck a primary offense under the state's mandatory seat belt law, with an exception allowed for authorized or sanctioned parades.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Transportation (S)

SB 276 (BR 1659) - R. Leeper, R. Palmer II

AN ACT relating to the Board of Medical Licensure.

Amend KRS 311.550 to define "special faculty license" for the practice of medicine or osteopathy within a medical or osteopathic school program; amend KRS 311.560 to prohibit first-year postgraduate trainees from violating KRS 311.595 and 311.597, relating to ethics, and require a training program to report any violation to the Board of Medical Licensure; amend KRS 311.571 to permit the Board of Medical Licensure to grant a special faculty license for a renewable period of 1 year when conditions are met, require a fee for the license, prohibit the practice of medicine or osteopathy outside an academic setting, and permit board to grant regular license to a person who has held a special faculty license for 5 consecutive years; amend KRS 311.617 to designate the Kentucky Physicians Health Foundation, rather than the Kentucky Committee on Impaired Physicians, as a program that the Board of Medical Licensure may support through contractual arrangement with a nonprofit corporation or medical professional association; create a new section of KRS 311.840 to 311.862 to permit the executive director of the Board of Medical Licensure to grant a temporary certificate to practice as a physician assistant, and specify conditions and expiration of temporary certificate.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Mar 18-received in House

Mar 19-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 23-posted in committee; posting waived

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

SB 277 (BR 2217) - R. Stivers

AN ACT relating to supersedeas bonds.

Amend KRS 411.187 to limit supersedeas bonds to no more than $100,000,000; create a non-codified provision to apply the amendment to all civil actions pending on the effective date of the act.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Judiciary (S)

SB 278 (BR 1704) - R. Jones II

AN ACT relating to government service contracts.

Require state service contracts to be performed in the United States and require contractors to certify employment eligibility of contractor's employees.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

SB 279 (BR 1037) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to a veterans' personal loan program.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 40 to establish a veterans' personal loan program.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

SB 280 (BR 1560) - D. Seum

AN ACT relating to denturists.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 313 to require licensing of persons engaging in the practice of denturitry; define the practice; prohibit one from engaging in the practice if he or she is not licensed and has not registered with the Board of Dentistry or does not meet minimum competencies; require that documentation of training or of previous experience be submitted to the board; amend 313.200 to add two denturists to the board; amend KRS 313.220 to require the board to establish a licensing process for denturists within six months of the effective date of this Act.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

SB 281/CI (BR 1260) - W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 531.340, relating to distribution of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, to increase penalty for repeat offense from Class D to Class C felony; amend KRS 531.360, relating to advertising material portraying a sexual performance by a minor, to increase penalty for repeat offense from Class A misdemeanor to a Class D felony.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Judiciary (S)

SB 282 (BR 492) - W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to the Court of Justice.

Amend KRS 45.345, which allows state agencies to accept credit card payments, to also allow Circuit Court Clerks to accept credit cards and other forms of electronic payment with the approval of the Supreme Court.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Judiciary (S)

SB 283 (BR 983) - W. Blevins

AN ACT proposing amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky by adding a Section 77A to create a Kentucky Pardon Board and amending Sections 145, 150 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky to conform.

Propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to add a Section 77A to create the Kentucky Pardon Board and grant it the power to grant pardons and sentence commutations, lessen sentences, lessen fines, remit fines and forfeitures, and grant convicted persons the right to vote, the right to hold public office, and the right to own firearms; specify that the Kentucky Pardon Board and its actions are in addition to the power of the Governor to grant pardons and commutations and do not affect the right of the Governor to grant pardons and sentence commutations; amend Sections 145, 150, and 240 of the Constitution to conform; provide ballot language; provide for submission to the voters in the normal manner.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to State and Local Government (S)

SB 284 (BR 2073) - V. McGaha

AN ACT relating to the Education Professional Standards Board.

Amend KRS 161.028 and KRS 161.048 to provide consistency among requirements for alternative certification programs and options; permit alternatively certified persons to have a certificate for three, versus two, years; allow alternatively certified persons to teach at all levels; amend KRS 161.1221 to clarify timelines, and delete obsolete statements; provide gender neutral language.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Education (S)

SB 285 (BR 185) - W. Blevins

AN ACT relating to state government.

Amend KRS 12.255, 12.040, 12.050, 11.511, 15A.020, 15A.030, 15A.042, 15A.050, 18A.015, 18A.025, 40.300, 42.014, 42.0201, 42.400, 148.011, 148.522, 151B.020, 151B.025, 151B.260, 151B.280, 154.12-222, 154.12-223, 154.12-224, 154.12-225, 154.12-265, 171.130, 174.020, 194A.030, 194B.030, 224.10-020, 224.10-025, 227.205, 238.510, 241.015, 287.012, 304.2-020, 350.035, and 351.051 to require Senate confirmation of cabinet secretaries and heads of departments and offices; amend KRS 14.020, 15.100, 36.020, and 43.030 to require Senate confirmation of deputy heads of constitutional administrative departments; and make technical amendments to KRS 11.200, 148.260, 36.067, and 12.010.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to State and Local Government (S)

Senate Resolutions

Introduced Jan. 6, 2004

SR 1 (BR 880) - D. Williams

Adopt Rules of Procedure to govern the 2004 Regular Session of the Senate.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate; adopted 36-0

SR 2 (BR 876) - D. Williams

Extend an invitation to the pastors of the Frankfort churches to open session of the 2004 Regular Session with prayer.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SJR 3 (BR 305) - R. Roeding, J. Denton, D. Seum, K. Stine, D. Thayer, J. Westwood

Directs the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet (NREPC) to close the Northern Kentucky Emissions Check Program (VET) on or before November 1, 2004, terminate the contract with the operators of the VET program, and ensure that vehicle owners are not penalized for failures to comply with program requirements prior to November 1, 2004, after October 31, 2004.


SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Declare that the Northern Kentucky Emissions Check Program is unconstitutional, illegal, and unenforceable and that any contract term that purports to bind the Commonwealth to its terms or to create a debt payable by the Commonwealth is unconstitutional, illegal, and unenforceable rather than to direct the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet to terminate the contract and close the program.

HCS - Replace test of the original resolving provisions with the following: direct the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet (NREPC) to submit a revised State Implementation Plan (SIP) to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reflecting the removal of the Northern Kentucky vehicle emissions testing program; declare that the contract for VET testing services is a violation of the constitution and unenforceable; direct NREPC and the Transportation Cabinet to remove sanctions for motorists who do not comply with VET requirements prior to the cancellation of the VET program; direct NREPC to create a SIP without a VET program in the event that the area is declared in nonattainment for the 8-hour ozone or 2.5 PM standards; direct NREPC to provide technical assistance and training to the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District, if asked.

HFA (1, C. Walton) - Delete all text in the resolving sections and replace as follows: direct Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet (NREPC) to submit a revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that removes vehicle emissions testing (VET) in Northern Kentucky from the state SIP; state that the Commonwealth will determine best method to comply with Clean Air Act standards and not permit punitive actions against citizens and businesses; direct NREPC and Transportation Cabinet to ensure no vehicle owners have registration affected after cancellation of the VET program; direct NREPC to formulate state SIP without a VET program in Northern Kentucky if the area is designated nonattainment for 8-hour Ozone; direct NREPC to provide technical assistance, if asked, to the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District related to compensating reductions in emissions in order not to have to rely on a VET program.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 7-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, January 27, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 27-3rd reading, adopted 19-16 with floor amendment (1)

Jan 28-received in House

Jan 29-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 93-2 with floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate

Mar 29-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute for Monday, March 29, 2004; Senate concurred in House floor amendment (1) ; adopted 22-15; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 115)

SJR 4 (BR 53) - R. Jones II

Name the reconstructed US 460/KY 80 in Pike County from the city of Pikeville to the Virginia State Line in memory and honor of Brandon Jacob Rowe.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Transportation (S)

SCR 5 (BR 986) - D. Boswell, T. Buford, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads

Create a task force to study the needs of grandparents raising their grandchildren and to develop an action plan to address their needs; and require report on findings and recommendations no later than December 15, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SR 6 (BR 878) - D. Williams

Direct the appointment of a committee to wait upon the Governor.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 13-adopted by voice vote

SJR 7 (BR 182) - D. Mongiardo

Name a segment of KY 72 in Harlan County in memory of the victims of the 1932 Yancey Mine Disaster.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 9-to Transportation (S)

SR 8 (BR 985) - J. Rhoads, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of William S. "Billy" Bearden.

Jan 6-introduced in Senate

Jan 7-to Senate Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 7, 2004

SR 9 (BR 932) - D. Seum, T. Buford, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Major General John R. Groves, Jr.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 10 (BR 933) - D. Seum, T. Buford, G. Tapp

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Darrin K. Potter.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 14-adopted by voice vote

SR 11 (BR 934) - D. Seum, T. Buford, G. Tapp

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Specialist James E. Powell.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 15-adopted by voice vote

SR 12 (BR 931) - D. Seum, R. Roeding, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Martin Andrew Tori II.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

SR 13 (BR 935) - D. Seum, G. Tapp, T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Michael D. Acklin II.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 20-adopted by voice vote

SR 14 (BR 936) - D. Seum

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Gary B. Coleman.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 22-adopted by voice vote

SR 15 (BR 1027) - D. Thayer, A. Kerr, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Express gratitude and appreciation for the contributions and sacrifices of the United States Armed Forces during the liberation of Iraq.

Jan 7-introduced in Senate

Jan 8-to Senate Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 8, 2004

SR 16 (BR 862) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Julian "Moose" Moss.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Senate Floor

Jan 13-adopted by voice vote

SCR 17 (BR 957) - D. Mongiardo

Urge the United States Congress to fund the development and implementation of a national electronic health information indexing server system in Kentucky as a part of the National Health Information Infrastructure.

Jan 8-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Health and Welfare (S)

Introduced Jan. 9, 2004

SJR 18 (BR 103) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, T. Shaughnessy, E. Worley

Name the bridge over Big Creek in Pike County in memory of Ernest Cochran.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 14-to Transportation (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Transportation (S)

SR 19 (BR 1140) - G. Neal, B. Jackson, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, R. Palmer II, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Nellie Armstrong Whitfield.

Jan 9-introduced in Senate

Jan 12-to Senate Floor

Jan 20-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 12, 2004

SR 20 (BR 1179) - D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, W. Blevins, B. Jackson, D. Karem, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, L. Saunders, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Martin David Warren Sr.

Jan 12-introduced in Senate

Jan 13-to Senate Floor

Jan 15-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 13, 2004

SJR 21 (BR 945) - R. Jones II, J. Turner, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, E. Worley

Name the reconstructed US 460/KY 80 in Pike County from the city of Pikeville to the Virginia State Line in memory and honor of Brandon Jacob Rowe and Gary Brent Coleman.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Transportation (S)

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 6-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SR 22 (BR 1230) - D. Kelly, E. Worley, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams

Recognize Disabilities Awareness Day.

Jan 13-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor

Jan 14-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 14, 2004

SR 23 (BR 1176) - D. Thayer, J. Westwood, R. Roeding, K. Stine

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Robert C. "Bucky" Robinson.

Jan 14-introduced in Senate

Jan 15-to Senate Floor

Jan 20-adopted by voice vote

SR 24 (BR 1195) - T. Shaughnessy, A. Kerr, E. Scorsone

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Bill Glaser.

Jan 14-introduced in Senate

Jan 15-to Senate Floor

Jan 21-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 15, 2004

SR 25 (BR 27) - J. Turner

Name October 15, 2004, and subsequent yearly anniversaries as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

SR 26 (BR 1250) - E. Scorsone, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of William T. Young.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor

Jan 21-adopted by voice vote

SR 27 (BR 1173) - D. Karem, L. Casebier, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Honor and commend the work of the Kentucky Family Resource and Youth Services Centers.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Senate Floor

Feb 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 28 (BR 1288) - C. Borders, G. Neal

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Amo Lucille Powell Peters upon being the recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Citizenship Award.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 29 (BR 1203) - D. Thayer, A. Kerr, T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Joseph Lannon Taylor.

Jan 15-introduced in Senate

Jan 16-to Senate Floor

Mar 1-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 16, 2004

SR 30 (BR 1219) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Bobby J. Horn.

Jan 16-introduced in Senate

Jan 20-to Senate Floor

Jan 22-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 20, 2004

SR 31 (BR 1339) - G. Tapp

Declaring January 29, 2004 as Preservation Day and adjourning the Senate in honor of the Kentucky Heritage Council and Renaissance Kentucky Main Street Program.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Senate Floor

Jan 29-adopted by voice vote

SJR 32 (BR 218) - G. Tapp

A joint resolution urging the P-16 Council to add the Commissioner of the Department for Technical Education of the Cabinet for Workforce Development as a member of the council.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to Education (S)

SR 33 (BR 1324) - R. Roeding, J. Westwood, D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of James A. Wulfeck Sr.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Senate Floor

Jan 22-adopted by voice vote

SJR 34 (BR 1354) - J. Rhoads, J. Pendleton, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, G. Neal

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate KY 70 in Muhlenberg County from the intersection with First Street in Central City (Milepoint 15.34) to the Hopkins County line the "Tom Christerson Memorial Highway" and to erect appropriate signs.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 23-to Transportation (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Transportation (S)

SR 35 (BR 1357) - D. Boswell, D. Williams, W. Blevins, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, V. McGaha, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, G. Tapp, J. Turner, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Carrie Lee Newman Kuegel.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Senate Floor

Jan 22-adopted by voice vote

SR 36 (BR 1238) - G. Neal, W. Blevins, B. Guthrie, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, V. McGaha, R. Sanders Jr, E. Tori, J. Turner, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Juanita Blakey Vasser.

Jan 20-introduced in Senate

Jan 21-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 21, 2004

SR 37 (BR 1283) - E. Harris

Memorialize Donald Heilman.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Senate Floor

Jan 26-adopted by voice vote

SR 38 (BR 1282) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Elizabeth Lee Severance.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Senate Floor

Jan 26-adopted by voice vote

SR 39 (BR 1284) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in memory of Harry D. Richey

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Senate Floor

Jan 27-adopted by voice vote

SR 40 (BR 1286) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in memory of Nancy Steele.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Senate Floor

Jan 27-adopted by voice vote

SR 41 (BR 1237) - G. Neal, J. Westwood, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, V. Moore, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, R. Roeding, D. Seum, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, E. Tori, J. Turner, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Alma Jeannette Hawthorne.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Senate Floor

Jan 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 42 (BR 1399) - D. Karem, D. Kelly, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Mary Lou Heleringer.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor

Jan 22-adopted by voice vote

SR 43 (BR 1404) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Robert L. Barnett Jr.

Jan 21-introduced in Senate

Jan 22-to Senate Floor

Jan 26-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 22, 2004

SJR 44 (BR 1227) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, W. Blevins, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, L. Saunders, G. Tapp, E. Tori

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to name KY 979 in Floyd County the " Eula Hall Highway," and to erect appropriate signs.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 27-to Transportation (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Transportation (S)

SR 45 (BR 1019) - V. Moore


SR 46 (BR 1287) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in memory of Vincent Senior, Jr.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 26-to Senate Floor

Jan 28-adopted by voice vote

SR 47 (BR 1285) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in memory of Captain Mark Steven Fowler.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 26-to Senate Floor

Feb 2-adopted by voice vote

SR 48 (BR 1382) - D. Williams, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dr. Virginia Daugherty Kratz.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 26-to Senate Floor

Jan 28-adopted by voice vote

SR 49 (BR 1417) - D. Thayer, E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of June Mallory Redding McConnell.

Jan 22-introduced in Senate

Jan 26-to Senate Floor

Feb 2-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 26, 2004

SR 50 (BR 1438) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Paige Stevens upon being named 2004 Middle School Principal of the Year by the Kentucky Association of Secondary School Principals.

Jan 26-introduced in Senate

Jan 27-to Senate Floor

Jan 28-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 27, 2004

SR 51 (BR 1459) - E. Scorsone, J. Pendleton

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Paul C. Van Booven.

Jan 27-introduced in Senate

Jan 28-to Senate Floor

Feb 19-adopted by voice vote

SR 52 (BR 1449) - P. Herron Jr, D. Boswell, D. Karem, G. Neal

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Virginia N. Newman.

Jan 27-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor

Jan 28-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 28, 2004

SR 53 (BR 1436) - D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Mary Samantha Lusby.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Jan 29-to Senate Floor

Feb 3-adopted by voice vote

SJR 54 (BR 1402) - G. Neal, L. Saunders, L. Casebier, J. Denton, D. Karem, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy

Name I-65 in Jefferson County the "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Highway."

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Feb 2-to Transportation (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Transportation (S)

SR 55 (BR 1496) - J. Turner, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Declare Friday, October 15, 2004 as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

Jan 28-introduced in Senate

Jan 29-to Senate Floor

Feb 10-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 2, 2004

SR 56 (BR 1557) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, P. Herron Jr, J. Rhoads

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Ballard James Mosley.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 3-to Senate Floor

Feb 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 57 (BR 1558) - A. Robinson, J. Denton

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 3-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 58 (BR 1572) - D. Williams, D. Kelly, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Louie B. Nunn.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 59 (BR 1568) - J. Denton, A. Robinson

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Order of the Eastern Star.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 3-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 60 (BR 1556) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, R. Palmer II, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Joshua D. Harris.

Feb 2-introduced in Senate

Feb 3-to Senate Floor

Feb 11-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 3, 2004

SR 61 (BR 1550) - R. Roeding

Recognize the third Saturday in May as Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Senate Floor

Feb 6-adopted by voice vote

SR 62 (BR 1629) - D. Karem, D. Williams, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Blanche R. Mahoney.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 63 (BR 1635) - D. Thayer

Memorialize Charles Kavanaugh Hamilton.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Senate Floor

Feb 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 64 (BR 1356) - R. Leeper

Recognize and commend the efforts and accomplishments of the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education; encourage all education partners to provide sufficient resources to ensure that gifted and talented students are identified and provided appropriate educational opportunities.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 4-to Senate Floor

Feb 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 65 (BR 1605) - C. Borders

Appoint George H. Helton to serve as a member of the Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals. with a term set to expire on July 26, 2007.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

SR 66 (BR 1616) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Jack C. Smith, Jr. to the Personnel Board for a term to expire on January 1, 2008.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

SR 67 (BR 1617) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of William S. McCune to the Personnel Board for a term to expire on January 1, 2008.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 18-recommitted to State and Local Government (S)

SR 68 (BR 1603) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Patricia Ann Combs to the Kentucky Parole Board for a term expiring June 30, 2007.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 69 (BR 1598) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Nell O. Glass to the Kentucky Parole Board for a term expiring June 30, 2004.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 70 (BR 1602) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Kammy Daugherty to the Kentucky Parole Board for a term expiring May 10, 2005.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

SR 71 (BR 1604) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of James D. Provence to the Kentucky Parole Board for a term expiring June 30, 2007.

Feb 3-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

Introduced Feb. 4, 2004

SR 72 (BR 1586) - E. Worley, J. Pendleton, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, B. Jackson, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, G. Neal, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams

Memorialize Nannie Lee Sallee Lackey and adjourn the Senate in her honor.

Feb 4-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Senate Floor

Feb 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 73 (BR 1483) - R. Roeding, J. Westwood, C. Borders, T. Buford, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. Moore, R. Sanders Jr, D. Seum, K. Stine, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori

Memorialize the thirty-first anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision of Roe versus Wade, which legalized abortion.

Feb 4-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 74 (BR 1642) - V. McGaha, G. Tapp, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, D. Karem, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, R. Sanders Jr, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, D. Thayer, J. Westwood

Recognize Career and Technical Education Week with Student Organization Leadership Day on February 10, 2004.

Feb 4-introduced in Senate

Feb 5-to Senate Floor

Feb 10-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 5, 2004

SR 75 (BR 1640) - E. Tori

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Ronald Allen Boone.

Feb 5-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 76 (BR 1654) - D. Mongiardo

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dr. W. B. Bingham II

Feb 5-introduced in Senate

Feb 6-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 77 (BR 1628) - D. Thayer, J. Westwood, C. Borders, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, V. Moore, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, D. Seum, K. Stine, G. Tapp, E. Tori, D. Williams

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Granville O. Carey.

Feb 5-introduced in Senate

Feb 9-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 78 (BR 1632) - D. Karem, T. Shaughnessy

Adjourning the Senate in loving honor and memory of William J. Kearney Jr.

Feb 5-introduced in Senate

Feb 9-to Senate Floor

Feb 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 79 (BR 1647) - D. Seum

Resolve that Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government is supported in its efforts to obtain approval by the U.S. EPA of a revision to the State Implementation Plan which deletes the vehicle emissions testing program as an air emission control mechanism.

Feb 5-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SJR 80 (BR 1631) - J. Westwood

Urge the establishment of a committee to evaluate existing school civic literacy programs, determine a strategy for enhancing long-term civic education, and recommend a plan for implementing a civic education program.


HCS - Retain original provisions; amend to conform with companion bill, HJR 129.

Feb 5-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Education (S)

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted 35-0; received in House

Mar 4-to Education (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; adopted 34-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 91)

Introduced Feb. 6, 2004

SR 81 (BR 1686) - R. Roeding, J. Westwood

Express support for Cinergy/ULH&P acquisition of 1105 megawatts of electric generation facilities at net book value and urge Federal Regulatory Commission and Securities and Exchange Commission to grant approvals.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Senate Floor

Feb 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 82 (BR 1596) - D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Kevin Goemmer.

Feb 6-introduced in Senate

Feb 9-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 9, 2004

SJR 83 (BR 1576) - J. Westwood, R. Palmer II, R. Roeding

Designate Millersburg Military Institute as the official Kentucky military school.


HFA (1/P, B. Yonts) - Attach provisions of HB 40.

HFA (2/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3/P, B. Yonts) - Attach provisions of HB 40.

HFA (4/P, E. Ballard) - Attach the provisions of HJR 55/GA copy.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, adopted 37-0; received in House

Mar 5-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 22-posting waived

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendments (1) (2-title) and (3) filed

Mar 26-floor amendment (4) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) ruled not germane ; adopted 91-0 with floor amendments (2-title) and (4) ; received in Senate

Apr 13-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendments (2) and (4) ; Senate concurred in House floor amendments (2-title) and (4) ; adopted 38-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 194)

SR 84 (BR 1680) - G. Neal

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Jewel K. McNari.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Senate Floor

Feb 17-adopted by voice vote

SR 85 (BR 1712) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Pamela Lea Vickers Crutchfield.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Senate Floor

Feb 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 86 (BR 1713) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dr. Robert "Bob" William Lyon Sr.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Senate Floor

Feb 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 87 (BR 1714) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Jo Ann Kroggel.

Feb 9-introduced in Senate

Feb 10-to Senate Floor

Feb 11-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 10, 2004

SR 88 (BR 1715) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dr. Mel Bonner.

Feb 10-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Senate Floor

Feb 17-adopted by voice vote

SR 89 (BR 1743) - D. Kelly

Commemorate Abraham Lincoln's life and achievements on his birthday.

Feb 10-introduced in Senate

Feb 11-to Senate Floor

Feb 17-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 11, 2004

SR 90 (BR 1727) - J. Westwood, K. Stine, R. Roeding, D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Richard A. "Dick" Von Hoene.

Feb 11-introduced in Senate

Feb 12-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 12, 2004

SR 91 (BR 1682) - W. Blevins, V. Moore, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, D. Karem, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, D. Mongiardo, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, R. Roeding, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Glen O. Boodry.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 13-to Senate Floor

Feb 19-adopted by voice vote

SR 92 (BR 1681) - W. Blevins, V. Moore, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, D. Karem, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, D. Mongiardo, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Benjamin F. Lowe.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 13-to Senate Floor

Feb 19-adopted by voice vote

SCR 93 (BR 1694) - V. McGaha, J. Pendleton

Request the members of Kentucky's Congressional delegation to secure federal financial assistance to assist in the start-up costs that can be expected from implementing a national animal identification program.


HCA (1, R. Thomas) - Include USDA Secretary Ann Veneman in the request to fund an animal identification program.

HCA (2/Title, R. Thomas) - Make title amendment.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 31-0; received in House

Mar 1-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, adopted 93-0 with committee amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in House committee amendments (1) and (2-title) for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-Senate concurred in House committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; adopted 35-0

Mar 29-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 90)

SR 94 (BR 1767) - J. Pendleton

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Roy D. Gibson.

Feb 12-introduced in Senate

Feb 13-to Senate Floor

Feb 17-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 13, 2004

SR 95 (BR 1764) - J. Turner, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, R. Palmer II, L. Saunders

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Veda Hamilton Tackett.

Feb 13-introduced in Senate

Feb 17-to Senate Floor

Feb 18-adopted by voice vote

SR 96 (BR 1721) - J. Turner, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, R. Palmer II, L. Saunders

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Carol Blackburn Holland.

Feb 13-introduced in Senate

Feb 17-to Senate Floor

Feb 18-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 17, 2004

SR 97 (BR 1810) - D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of William E. "Bill" Woizeschke.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 98 (BR 1630) - K. Stine, J. Westwood, R. Roeding, D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Justin A. Scott.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 19-adopted by voice vote

SR 99 (BR 1756) - R. Leeper

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Buddy J. Smith upon being the recipient of the Kentucky Transportation Hall of Fame Award.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 100 (BR 1763) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Freddie Samons Jr.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 101 (BR 1851) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dr. Sheldon Schiller.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 102 (BR 1722) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Curtis "Curt" Hall.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 103 (BR 1979) - E. Scorsone, G. Neal, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Brenda Denise Cowan.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 104 (BR 1765) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Irene Spurlock Conn.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 105 (BR 1831) - D. Boswell, D. Karem, J. Rhoads

Adjourn the Senate in the loving memory of Bernard J. Fischer.

Feb 17-introduced in Senate

Feb 18-to Senate Floor

Feb 20-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 18, 2004

SR 106 (BR 1772) - D. Williams

Honor Kentucky's independent college and university students.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 107 (BR 1968) - D. Karem

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Lucy Perry Durham.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 108 (BR 2002) - D. Kelly

Declaring February 26, 2004 as Kentucky Museum and History Day.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate

Feb 19-to Senate Floor

Feb 26-adopted by voice vote

SR 109 (BR 1904) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Nancy B. Cahill.

Feb 18-introduced in Senate

Feb 19-to Senate Floor

Feb 23-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 19, 2004

SR 110 (BR 1952) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, W. Blevins, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, D. Karem, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Gertrude Crider Greer.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 20-to Senate Floor

Feb 24-adopted by voice vote

SJR 111 (BR 1806) - R. Sanders Jr

Direct the Personnel Cabinet and Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board to study the feasibility of establishing a health reimbursement arrangement for state employees.

Feb 19-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Feb. 20, 2004

SR 112 (BR 2118) - L. Casebier

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Gene Hilen.

Feb 20-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Senate Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 113 (BR 69) - L. Casebier, G. Neal, B. Guthrie, D. Karem, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Ethel Blanche Richardson Alston.

Feb 20-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 114 (BR 68) - L. Casebier, G. Neal, D. Karem, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of the Reverend Edward Deedom Alston.

Feb 20-introduced in Senate

Feb 23-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SCR 115 (BR 1812) - T. Buford

Encourage the Kentucky Heritage Council and Dry Stone Conservancy of Kentucky to document rock fences worthy of preservation and to develop standards for preservation and protection.

Feb 20-introduced in Senate

Feb 25-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 12-received in House

SJR 116 (BR 2186) - R. Jones II

Name the bridge on US 23 in Johnson County located at the junction of US 23/KY 40 the "World War II Veterans Memorial Bridge."

Feb 20-introduced in Senate

Feb 25-to Transportation (S)

Introduced Feb. 23, 2004

SR 117 (BR 1619) - R. Stivers

Confirm the appointment of Robert D. Neff to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

SR 118 (BR 1608) - G. Tapp

Confirm the appointment of Keith Dana Griffee to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation for a term ending November 28, 2006.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

SR 119 (BR 1620) - J. Westwood

Confirm the appointment of Joseph J. Koester to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

SR 120 (BR 1622) - R. Stivers

Confirm the appointment of Marcel Smith as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

SR 121 (BR 1618) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Kent T. Young as a member of the Workers' Compensation Board for a term expiring January 4, 2008.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 122 (BR 1611) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of George Demaree, Jr. to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation for a term ending November 28, 2007.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

SR 123 (BR 1624) - C. Borders

Confirm the reappointment of James L. Kerr as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 36-0-1

SR 124 (BR 2160) - D. Karem, V. Moore

Recognize the Kentucky Festivals and Events Association as a premier organization representing Kentucky's festivals and events.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 24-to Senate Floor

Mar 1-adopted by voice vote

SCR 125 (BR 256) - C. Borders

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to establish a task force to examine the development of the Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail, and suggest a strategy for its completion.

Feb 23-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Introduced Feb. 24, 2004

SJR 126 (BR 2172) - J. Turner, R. Jones II, W. Blevins, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, J. Rhoads

Name the by-pass around Alice Lloyd College in Pippa Passes, Kentucky the "Alice Lloyd Highway."

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Transportation (S)

SJR 127 (BR 2046) - R. Jones II

Direct the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations for emergency action plans for coal waste impoundment dams.

Feb 24-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 4-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading; returned to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Introduced Feb. 25, 2004

SR 128 (BR 1771) - D. Seum

Urge the BB&T Corporation to fulfill commitment to former Bank of Louisville employees to receive paid leave.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Senate Floor

Feb 27-adopted by voice vote

SR 129 (BR 2287) - G. Neal

Recognize the month of February 2004 as Black History Month.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Senate Floor

Feb 27-adopted by voice vote

SR 130 (BR 2360) - R. Leeper, B. Jackson

Honor the opening of the Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor

Feb 26-adopted by voice vote

SR 131 (BR 2370) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Joyce "Joy" Hagan Martin.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Senate Floor

Feb 27-adopted by voice vote

SR 132 (BR 2365) - D. Boswell, J. Pendleton, W. Blevins, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, J. Rhoads, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Bob D. Martin.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Senate Floor

Feb 27-adopted by voice vote

SJR 133 (BR 1189) - D. Mongiardo

Require the Cabinet for Health Services to study the impact of prospective reimbursement for hospitalized Medicaid beneficiaries on quality and cost of care; require the cabinet to determine the feasibility of providing cost-based reimbursement for hospital services and incentive payments for higher quality of care; require the cabinet to report its findings to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2004.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Health and Welfare (S)

SR 134 (BR 2371) - J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Betty Louise Slone Thacker.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Senate Floor

Mar 4-adopted by voice vote

SR 135 (BR 2098) - D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Michael Rowland.

Feb 25-introduced in Senate

Feb 26-to Senate Floor

Mar 22-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 26, 2004

SR 136 (BR 2378) - G. Neal

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Harriet Elizabeth Bibb Porter.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Senate Floor

Mar 2-adopted by voice vote

SR 137 (BR 2329) - R. Jones II, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Gary Brent Coleman.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Senate Floor

Mar 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 138 (BR 2381) - W. Blevins, R. Jones II, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of James Howard "Sheepie" Queen.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 139 (BR 2372) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Tincy Lafferty Crisp.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Senate Floor

Mar 9-adopted by voice vote

SR 140 (BR 2330) - R. Jones II, E. Worley, B. Jackson, J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the bravery and service of Sergeant Samuel Kevin Hannah.

Feb 26-introduced in Senate

Feb 27-to Senate Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 27, 2004

SR 141 (BR 1972) - D. Kelly, W. Blevins, V. Moore

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Colonel James O. Day.

Feb 27-introduced in Senate

Mar 1-to Senate Floor

Mar 9-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 1, 2004

SR 142 (BR 1599) - C. Borders

Confirm the Governor's appointment of Kenneth Wade Kerns to the Kentucky Housing Corporation's Board of Directors, representing the interests of local government, for the remainder of the unexpired term of Robert J. Shore, whom he replaces, ending October 30, 2004.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 4-to State and Local Government (S)

SR 143 (BR 1606) - R. Sanders Jr

Confirm appointment of John C. Rogers of Glasgow to the Registry of Election Finance for a term expiring August 15, 2007.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 4-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 144 (BR 2402) - T. Buford

Urge the United States Congress to pass the "Calling For 2-1-1 Act," directing funds to the states for the national implementation of a 2-1-1 dialing code system for health and human service information and referral.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 2-to Senate Floor

Mar 5-adopted by voice vote

SR 145 (BR 2398) - K. Stine


SR 146 (BR 2393) - D. Boswell, D. Karem, W. Blevins, C. Borders, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Senator Wendell H. Ford and wishing him a speedy recovery.

Mar 1-introduced in Senate

Mar 2-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 2, 2004

SR 147 (BR 2410) - K. Stine

Recognize Read Across America Day: Celebrating the Seussentennial, Dr. Seuss's 100th Birthday; commend school districts and schools participating in the celebration on March 2, 2004.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SJR 148 (BR 1375) - T. Buford

Establish a suicide prevention advisory committee in the Cabinet for Health Services, specify membership and duties, require report to Governor, state mental health commission, and the General Assembly.


HFA (1, M. Marzian) - Retain clauses and delete remaining language and add that the Commission on Services and Supports for Individuals with Mental Illness, Substance Abuse and Other Drug Disorders, and Dual Diagnoses shall establish a suicide prevention workgroup appointed by co-chairs of the commission; specify membership and chairperson; require workgroup to develop recommendations and strategies to coordinate efforts; require workgroup to report to commission by July 1, 2005; require commission to include recommendations in its annual report.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

Mar 19-received in House

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 23-posted in committee; posting waived

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 91-0 with floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate

Apr 13-posted for passage for concurrence in House floor amendment (1) ; Senate concurred in House floor amendment (1) ; adopted 38-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 195)

SR 149 (BR 2397) - E. Scorsone, D. Mongiardo, D. Boswell, G. Neal, J. Pendleton

Recognize March as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and honor Kentucky's rape crisis centers.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 3-to Senate Floor

Mar 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 150 (BR 2408) - D. Boswell, J. Turner, W. Blevins, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Charles Lynn "Charlie" Riney.

Mar 2-introduced in Senate

Mar 3-to Senate Floor

Mar 4-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 3, 2004

SR 151 (BR 1850) - G. Neal

Declare April as "Kentucky Donate Life Month."

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Senate Floor

Mar 16-adopted by voice vote

SJR 152 (BR 1709) - W. Blevins

Direct the Department of Education to implement a pilot project effective with the 2004-2005 school year to provide distance learning to students in three school districts with the highest number of days missed for illness, weather related causes, and other disasters during the 2003-2004 school year; require regular progress reports to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and a final report no later than October 1, 2005; EMERGENCY.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Education (S)

SJR 153 (BR 2128) - R. Jones II

Name a bridge on KY 1469 in Pike County in memory of Epp Bartley.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Transportation (S)

SJR 154 (BR 2122) - B. Jackson

Name the new bridge under construction on KY 1824 in Calloway County the "Dexter Memorial Bridge."

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Transportation (S)

SR 155 (BR 2391) - R. Jones II, W. Blevins, P. Herron Jr, D. Karem, G. Neal, J. Rhoads, E. Scorsone

Urge President and Congress to evaluate future trade policies to ensure fairness and equity for American workers.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

SJR 156 (BR 2074) - D. Williams, D. Kelly, C. Borders, T. Buford, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, V. Moore, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, D. Seum, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Westwood

Direct the Office of Education Accountability to conduct a study of the Commonwealth Accountability Testing System; complete study by September 15, 2004.


SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Make technical corrections.

HCS - Retain original provisions, except require that the study by the Office of Education Accountability be under the direction of the Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee (EAARS); require that the Kentucky Department of Education provide analysis of data and information upon request by the Office of Education Accountability; provide that the written draft report be made by September 15, 2004, to EAARS and with its approval that the report be transmitted to the Legislative Research Commission and the Interim Joint Committee on Education; permit consultants to be employed to assist with the study upon request of EAARS and approval of the Commission.

HFA (1/P, L. Clark) - Attach the provisions of HCR 172/GA.

HFA (2/Title, L. Clark) - Make title amendment.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; to Education (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, to Rules with committee amendment (1)

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted 36-0 with committee amendment (1) ; received in House

Mar 17-to Education (H); posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 91-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in Senate

Apr 13-posted for passage for concurrence in House Committee Substitute ; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute ; adopted 38-0; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 196)

SJR 157 (BR 2129) - R. Jones II

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to name the bridge on Kentucky Route 1469 at Long Fork (Bridge Number B00145) the "O. Stanley Johnson Bridge," and erect appropriate signs.

Mar 3-introduced in Senate

Mar 8-to Transportation (S)

Introduced Mar. 4, 2004

SR 158 (BR 2388) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Staff Sergeant Roger Clinton Turner, Jr.

Mar 4-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 159 (BR 2422) - L. Casebier

Adjourn the Senate in memory and honor of Charles F. Noble.

Mar 4-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Senate Floor

Mar 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 160 (BR 2424) - W. Blevins, V. Moore, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, A. Kerr, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, E. Scorsone, G. Tapp, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Jean Arrowood.

Mar 4-introduced in Senate

Mar 5-to Senate Floor

Mar 9-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 5, 2004

SR 161 (BR 2396) - J. Rhoads, D. Boswell, W. Blevins, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, P. Herron Jr, R. Jones II, D. Karem, V. McGaha, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, G. Tapp, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Urge the Secretary of the Commerce Cabinet to develop and promote the use of coalbed methane.

Mar 5-introduced in Senate

Mar 9-to Senate Floor

Mar 10-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 8, 2004

SR 162 (BR 2414) - J. Pendleton

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Bernard H. Bockweg.

Mar 8-introduced in Senate

Mar 9-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 163 (BR 2389) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the bravery and service of Specialist Robert Fleming.

Mar 8-introduced in Senate

Mar 9-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 164 (BR 2423) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dennis Jackson Sr.

Mar 8-introduced in Senate

Mar 9-to Senate Floor

Mar 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 165 (BR 2425) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Dr. H. Mac Vandiviere.

Mar 8-introduced in Senate

Mar 9-to Senate Floor

Mar 10-adopted by voice vote

SR 166 (BR 2409) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Beulah Coulter Thompson.

Mar 8-introduced in Senate

Mar 9-to Senate Floor

Mar 10-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 9, 2004

SR 167 (BR 2404) - R. Leeper

Urge that an agreement be reached between Murray State University and Kentucky's Tourism Development Cabinet to transfer the Wickliffe Mounds Research Center to the Cabinet.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 11-to Senate Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 168 (BR 2392) - R. Leeper

Urge the United States Congress to direct the construction of Interstate 66 through the Purchase Area of Western Kentucky.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 11-to Senate Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 169 (BR 2413) - D. Karem, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, D. Williams, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Marie Abrams upon being named chairwoman of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 10-to Senate Floor

Mar 16-adopted by voice vote

SR 170 (BR 2432) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Betsy Conrad upon being named the recipient of the Florence Rotary Club Citizen of the Year Award for 2004.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 10-to Senate Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 171 (BR 2431) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in honor of George and Shirley Toadvine upon being named the recipients of the Florence Rotary Club Citizen of the Year Award for 2004.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 10-to Senate Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 172 (BR 2383) - D. Mongiardo, D. Karem, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy

Urge the United States Congress to fully fund the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SR 173 (BR 2403) - G. Neal

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Ernest Jasmin upon being named the recipient of the Louisville Bar Association's Trailblazer Award.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 10-to Senate Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

SR 174 (BR 2420) - G. Neal

Commemorate the 1964 Civil Rights March on Frankfort and the 2004 Civil Rights March on Frankfort.

Mar 9-introduced in Senate

Mar 10-to Senate Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 10, 2004

SR 175 (BR 2384) - W. Blevins, B. Jackson, C. Borders, D. Boswell, J. Denton, E. Harris, D. Karem, A. Kerr, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, R. Roeding, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, D. Thayer, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Declare the first Sunday in June as Kentucky Child's Day.

Mar 10-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 176 (BR 2436) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Andrew N. Fetterolf.

Mar 10-introduced in Senate

Mar 11-to Senate Floor

Mar 12-adopted by voice vote

SR 177 (BR 2442) - D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, W. Blevins, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, E. Scorsone, J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Maurice Peter Ebelhar.

Mar 10-introduced in Senate

Mar 11-to Senate Floor

Mar 12-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 11, 2004

SR 178 (BR 2445) - D. Kelly

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Frederick Booker Noe II.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 179 (BR 2416) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Grant S. Roark as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 180 (BR 1625) - A. Robinson

Confirm the reappointment of Sheila C. Lowther as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 181 (BR 2415) - C. Borders

Confirm the appointment of Howard E. Frasier, Jr. as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 182 (BR 1626) - C. Borders

Confirm the reappointment of Lawrence F. Smith as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 183 (BR 1621) - C. Borders

Confirm the reappointment of David H. Snowden to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 184 (BR 2417) - C. Borders, T. Buford

Confirm appointment of Mark David Goss as a commissioner to the Public Service Commission for a term expiring July 1, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 185 (BR 2366) - C. Borders

Consent to the reappointment of Cicely Jaracz Lambert as director of the Administrative Office of the Courts.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 186 (BR 1610) - C. Borders

Confirm the reappointment of Lynda B. Wright to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation for a term ending November 28, 2007.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, adopted 35-0

SR 187 (BR 2375) - C. Borders

Confirm the Governor's appointment of Judge James William Howerton to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation, replacing Tina Conner who resigned, for the remainder of the unexpired term ending November 28, 2004.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 188 (BR 2443) - L. Casebier

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Rogelio Carbajal.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to Senate Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 189 (BR 1758) - J. Denton, D. Karem, W. Blevins, C. Borders, T. Buford, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, R. Leeper, D. Mongiardo, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Encourage the President of the United States, the Kentucky United States Congressional Delegation, and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to make it a priority to advance the commitment to community integration and personal security for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities by ensuring a stable, high quality, direct support workforce.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

SR 190 (BR 2444) - J. Turner, B. Jackson, W. Blevins

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Nolan A. Hays.

Mar 11-introduced in Senate

Mar 12-to Senate Floor

Mar 16-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 16, 2004

SR 191 (BR 2025) - D. Williams, W. Blevins, C. Borders, D. Boswell, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, E. Harris, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Roeding, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Seum, T. Shaughnessy, K. Stine, R. Stivers, G. Tapp, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Hart, Captain Jack, memorializing

Mar 16-introduced in Senate

Mar 17-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 192 (BR 2456) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of William C. LeFan Jr.

Mar 16-introduced in Senate

Mar 17-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 193 (BR 2454) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Vicki Joy Wheat.

Mar 16-introduced in Senate

Mar 17-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 194 (BR 2449) - L. Casebier

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Nicholas P. Beasley.

Mar 16-introduced in Senate

Mar 17-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 195 (BR 2459) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Lona "Pet" Hall.

Mar 16-introduced in Senate

Mar 17-to Senate Floor

Mar 18-adopted by voice vote

SR 196 (BR 2455) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of David Harmon Little.

Mar 16-introduced in Senate

Mar 17-to Senate Floor

Mar 18-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 17, 2004

SR 197 (BR 2464) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Carolyn Stamper Johnson.

Mar 17-introduced in Senate

Mar 18-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 198 (BR 2465) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Draxie R. Owens.

Mar 17-introduced in Senate

Mar 18-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 199 (BR 2468) - D. Karem

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Herbert "Hoover" Dawahare.

Mar 17-introduced in Senate

Mar 18-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 200 (BR 2452) - R. Sanders Jr

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Pauline Toms, City Clerk of Park City.

Mar 17-introduced in Senate

Mar 18-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 201 (BR 2461) - L. Saunders

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Irvin J. Kupper Sr.

Mar 17-introduced in Senate

Mar 18-to Senate Floor

Mar 23-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 18, 2004

SR 202 (BR 1623) - A. Robinson

Confirm the reappointment of R. Scott Borders as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 203 (BR 1627) - C. Borders

Confirm the reappointment of William Bruce Cowden, Jr. as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims for a term expiring December 31, 2007.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 204 (BR 1615) - C. Borders, R. Leeper

Confirm the appointment of Larry Sanderson to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2005.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

SR 205 (BR 2469) - E. Scorsone

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Russell Wilson "Buzz" Sipe.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to Senate Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 206 (BR 2471) - R. Jones II

Memorialize Johnny Dean Mounts.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to Senate Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

SR 207 (BR 2484) - D. Seum, K. Stine

Request the Program Review and Investigations Committee to study, evaluate, and make recommendations to improve the process for the issuance, tracking, and service of criminal warrants in the Kentucky criminal justice system.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to Senate Floor

Mar 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 208 (BR 2462) - L. Saunders

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Paige Cardwell.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to Senate Floor

Mar 23-adopted by voice vote

SR 209 (BR 2478) - D. Boswell, E. Harris, W. Blevins, C. Borders, T. Buford, L. Casebier, J. Denton, B. Guthrie, P. Herron Jr, B. Jackson, R. Jones II, D. Karem, D. Kelly, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, A. Robinson, R. Sanders Jr, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, D. Thayer, E. Tori, J. Turner, J. Westwood, E. Worley

Honor the Troopers and Facilities Security Branch Officers of the Kentucky State Police.

Mar 18-introduced in Senate

Mar 19-to Senate Floor

Apr 12-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 19, 2004

SR 210 (BR 2472) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of James Howard Hatfield.

Mar 19-introduced in Senate

Mar 22-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 211 (BR 2476) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Thomas Daniel Syck.

Mar 19-introduced in Senate

Mar 22-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 212 (BR 2473) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of James "Jim" Hopkins.

Mar 19-introduced in Senate

Mar 22-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 22, 2004

SR 213 (BR 2487) - J. Turner

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Donna Faye Hall Allen.

Mar 22-introduced in Senate

Mar 23-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 214 (BR 2483) - G. Tapp

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Robert Leslie Samples.

Mar 22-introduced in Senate

Mar 23-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 215 (BR 2482) - G. Tapp

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Ronald Ray Gargala Sr.

Mar 22-introduced in Senate

Mar 23-to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 216 (BR 2363) - A. Kerr

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Lieutenant Jeffrey C. Graham.

Mar 22-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor

Mar 24-adopted by voice vote

SR 217 (BR 2477) - L. Casebier

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the military career of Master Sergeant Charles B. Welch III.

Mar 22-introduced in Senate

Mar 23-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 23, 2004

SR 218 (BR 2486) - R. Leeper

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Staff Sergeant Joe L. Dunigan.

Mar 23-introduced in Senate

Mar 24-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 219 (BR 2480) - A. Kerr

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the bravery and service of James "Jim" Franklin Sandford, Jr.

Mar 23-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 220 (BR 2491) - B. Guthrie, R. Sanders Jr

Honor the Warren Central HS Dragons, 2004 KHSAA Boys Sweet Sixteen Basketball Champions.

Mar 23-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 221 (BR 2498) - D. Williams

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Kentucky Federation of Republican Women.

Mar 23-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 222 (BR 2474) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Coolidge Johnson.

Mar 23-introduced in Senate

Mar 24-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 223 (BR 2490) - J. Pendleton

Adjourn Senate in honor of James Chaney upon being recently honored as Master Breeder by the American Jersey Cattle Association.

Mar 23-introduced in Senate

Mar 24-to Senate Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 24, 2004

SR 224 (BR 2502) - D. Karem, K. Stine

Encourage the passage of federal legislation extending the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.

Mar 24-introduced in Senate

Mar 25-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 225 (BR 2507) - E. Scorsone

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of David R. Gibson.

Mar 24-introduced in Senate

Mar 25-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 226 (BR 2497) - J. Turner, D. Mongiardo, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of MeloDee Denise Meade.

Mar 24-introduced in Senate

Mar 25-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 25, 2004

SR 227 (BR 2500) - J. Westwood, K. Stine, R. Roeding, D. Thayer

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Officer Douglas Bryant.

Mar 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 26-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SR 228 (BR 2512) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Minnie Pearl Lane.

Mar 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 26-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 229 (BR 2511) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Bluford E. Sebastian.

Mar 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 26-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 230 (BR 2515) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Honor Ancie Casey upon his induction into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame.

Mar 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 26-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

SR 231 (BR 2509) - J. Turner, R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Harry Alan Ranier.

Mar 25-introduced in Senate

Mar 26-to Senate Floor

Mar 29-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 26, 2004

SR 232 (BR 2514) - R. Jones II

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Cora Taylor upon the occasion of her 100th birthday on March 8, 2004.

Mar 26-introduced in Senate

Mar 29-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

SCR 233 (BR 2506) - D. Williams

Adjourn the Senate and the House of Representatives on Monday, March 29, 2004, and reconvene on Monday, April 12, 2004.

Mar 26-introduced in Senate

Mar 29-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote; received in House; 3rd reading, adopted 65-24

SR 234 (BR 2522) - R. Jones II, J. Turner

Honor Pike County Schools Superintendent Frank Welch upon being named Kentucky Superintendent of the Year.

Mar 26-introduced in Senate

Mar 29-to Senate Floor

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 29, 2004

SR 235 (BR 2528) - T. Buford, D. Thayer, C. Borders

Request and urge the state's congressional delegation to support and vote for a ban on the federal estate tax.

Mar 29-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 236 (BR 2531) - V. Moore

Urge the Kentucky Congressional Delegation to support the President's effort to protect the United States from terrorists and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Mar 29-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 237 (BR 2533) - G. Tapp

Honor the Facilities Security Branch of the Kentucky State Police for its hard work and dedication during the 2004 General Assembly.

Mar 29-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 238 (BR 2534) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Bill Hill.

Mar 29-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 239 (BR 2530) - D. Thayer, R. Roeding, T. Buford, J. Denton, A. Kerr, R. Leeper, V. McGaha, A. Robinson, K. Stine, J. Westwood

Urge the Congressional Delegation of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to work to support and vote to make President George W. Bush's tax cuts permanent.

Mar 29-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted 33-1

Introduced Apr. 12, 2004

SR 240 (BR 2538) - G. Neal

Honor Joan Neal Taylor for her lifelong contribution to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and adjourning in her honor.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 241 (BR 2517) - W. Blevins, B. Jackson, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Steve Watts.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 242 (BR 2516) - W. Blevins, B. Jackson, D. Boswell, P. Herron Jr, D. Karem, D. Mongiardo, V. Moore, G. Neal, R. Palmer II, J. Pendleton, J. Rhoads, L. Saunders, E. Scorsone, T. Shaughnessy, J. Turner, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the Reverend Lloyd Dean upon being the recipient of a Community Service Award on December 4, 2003.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 243 (BR 2558) - D. Williams

Confirm Ellen Conaway Williams as a commissioner of the Public Service Commission for a term expiring July 1, 2005.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; to State and Local Government (S); reported favorably; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, April 12; adopted 37-0-1

SR 244 (BR 1612) - A. Robinson

Confirm the appointment of James F. Howard to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority for a term expiring December 31, 2005.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; to State and Local Government (S); reported favorably; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, April 12; adopted 38-0

SR 245 (BR 2549) - E. Harris

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of George Leonard Cambron II.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 246 (BR 2550) - T. Buford

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Colonel Joseph Brigandi.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 247 (BR 2554) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of the Reverend Jerome Charles Britt.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 248 (BR 2553) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Donald W. Stith.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 249 (BR 2466) - T. Shaughnessy

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Senator David Karem upon the occasion of his retirement on December 31, 2004.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 250 (BR 2556) - D. Thayer

Honor Georgetown College Football Coach Bill Cronin.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 251 (BR 2546) - D. Williams, D. Kelly, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Senator Lindy Casebier on the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 252 (BR 2547) - D. Williams, D. Kelly, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Senator Bob Jackson upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 253 (BR 2545) - D. Williams, D. Kelly, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Senator Larry Saunders upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 254 (BR 2544) - D. Williams, D. Kelly, E. Worley

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Senator David Karem upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 255 (BR 2551) - D. Karem

Affirm the Senate's appreciation of ethnic diversity in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

SCR 256 (BR 2525) - D. Williams

Adjourn the 2004 General Assembly sine die.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote; received in House

SR 257 (BR 2552) - J. Pendleton

Declare April 19, 2004, as 7th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment Appreciation Day.

Apr 12-introduced in Senate

Apr 13-to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Apr. 13, 2004

SR 258 (BR 2561) - R. Roeding

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Alan T. Helmig.

Apr 13-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 259 (BR 2562) - R. Roeding, K. Stine

Adjourn the Senate in loving memory and honor of Hannah Hume Baird.

Apr 13-introduced in Senate; to Senate Floor; adopted by voice vote

SR 260 (BR 2564) - L. Saunders

Adjourn the Senate in honor of Phil Huddleston and his many years of devoted service to the General Assembly.

Apr 13-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 261 (BR 2569) - L. Casebier, D. Karem, B. Guthrie, T. Shaughnessy

Adjourn the Senate in honor of the staff of the Committee on Education.

Apr 13-introduced in Senate; adopted by voice vote

SR 262 (BR 1607) - A. Kerr

Confirm appointment of Sam Burchett of Lexington to the Registry of Election Finance, for a term expiring August 15, 2007.

Apr 13-introduced in Senate; defeated

House Bills

Introduced Jan. 6, 2004

HB 1 (BR 284) - J. Richards, P. Bather, B. Buckingham, D. Pasley, T. Thompson, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to executive branch state employees.

Amend KRS 11A.010 in the executive branch ethics code to add to the definition of "family" a public servant's aunt, uncle, nephew, and niece; amend KRS 11A.040 to increase from six months to eighteen months the length of time a former officer or public servant is required to wait after termination of his employment before he is allowed to do business with the agency by which he was employed; increase from six months to eighteen months the length of time a present or former public servant is required to wait before accepting employment or other economic benefit from a business that does business with, or is regulated by, the state in matters in which he was directly involved during the last thirty-six months of his tenure; increase from six months to eighteen months the length of time an individual returning to the same business or profession he was involved in prior to his state tenure is prohibited from working on any matter in which he was directly involved during the last thirty-six months of his state tenure; create a new section of KRS Chapter 11A to prohibit a member of the family of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, secretary of the Governor's cabinet, or a cabinet secretary from being employed or appointed to an executive branch position; prohibit the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, secretary of the Governor's cabinet, or a cabinet secretary from advocating or causing the employment, appointment, promotion, transfer, or advancement of a family member to a position in the executive branch, and from participating in any disciplinary action of a family member; create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A to prohibit retirees receiving a retirement allowance from the Kentucky Employees Retirement System from being eligible for state employment or reinstatement for two years after the date of retirement except in an interim position that does not exceed four months in a calendar year; amend KRS 18A.032 to prohibit certain executive branch unclassified employees who did not previously have merit system status in a classified position from being eligible for certification on a register for a classified position for one year from the date of termination or resignation from the unclassified position; amend KRS 18A.115 to limit the total number of principal assistant positions in the executive branch to fifty.


HCS - Retain the original provisions except ban a former public servant from acting as a lobbyist or lobbyist's principal in any matter for two years; clarify that the two-year wait before a retiree could be reemployed by the state applies to those former employees whose date of retirement under the Kentucky employees Retirement System occurs on or after the effective date of this Act; add a noncodified section to clarify that the increased postemployment restrictions apply only to those officers or public servants whose date of leaving state service occurs on or after the effective date of this Act.

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Add the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, and Auditor of Public Accounts to the constitutional officers prohibited from employing or appointing family members to an executive branch position; add Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, and Auditor of Public Accounts to the constitutional officers prohibited from advocating or causing the employment, appointment, promotion, transfer, or advancement of a family member to a position in the executive branch, and from participating in any disciplinary action of a family member.

HFA (2, T. Feeley) - Direct that certain executive branch employees who do not have previous merit status in a classified position shall not be eligible for certification on a register for a classified position during the last 12 months of the term of office of the sitting Governor; allow the Executive Branch Ethics Commission to grant an exception on the showing of good cause by the agency and upon the applicant's petition to the commission; require the commission's consideration of the issue to occur in an open meeting to which the public is invited; amend KRS 11A.110, relating to duties of the Executive Branch Ethics Commission, to conform.

HFA (3, J. Richards) - Apply the nepotism provisions to all statewide elected officers; exempt from the prohibition against employment or appointment of a family member any family members employed in the executive branch prior to the effective date of this Act; delete Section 5 amending KRS 18A.032; amend KRS 18A.111 to require an initial probationary period of 12 months for certain unclassified employees appointed to a classified position unless that employee had previous status in the classified service or had been separated from his or her previous unclassified position for at least 180 days prior to the effective date of appointment to the classified service; clarify that the limitation of 50 principal assistants does not apply to those appointed by the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, and the Auditor of Public Accounts.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 16-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 95-1 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3)

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 2 (BR 287) - J. Richards, P. Bather, B. Buckingham, D. Pasley, T. Thompson, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to noncompetitive negotiation.

Amend KRS 45A.095 of the Model Procurement Code to permit noncompetitive negotiation only for certain listed items, certain personal service contracts, and in an emergency; define "emergency"; permit governing boards of state universities and any other contracting body that has statutory exemptions from KRS Chapter 45A to use noncompetitive negotiation for sole source purchases when competition is not feasible, or when an emergency exists; define "sole source."

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 3/CI (BR 13) - S. Lee, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, Dw. Butler, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, J. Hoover, T. Kerr, P. Marcotte, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, M. Rader, J. Reinhardt, T. Riner, C. Siler, B. Smith, J. Stewart, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to fetal homicide.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 507 to include an unborn child from conception onward within the definition of "person" for purposes of the criminal homicide statutes; provide for short title of "The Caleb-Haley Act."

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 4 (BR 17) - R. Damron

AN ACT relating to parks and recreation.

Amend KRS 97.035 to allow any city, except a city of the first class, and a county, except a county containing a city of the first class, operating a joint system of parks and recreation facilities, to by joint action create a joint city/county department to maintain and conduct a park and recreational system or systems; dissolve the board as a corporate entity and transfer all assets and liabilities of the board to the joint department; allow establishment of an advisory board.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 12-posting waived

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, passed 91-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 5 (BR 18) - R. Damron


HB 6 (BR 30) - R. Damron

AN ACT creating the Interstate Compact for Juveniles.

Repeal and reenact KRS 615.010 to replace the existing interstate compact relating to juveniles with the Interstate Compact for Juveniles; repeal KRS 615.020; provide that this Act takes effect when the thirty-fifth state ratifies the compact or on July 1, 2004, whichever is later.


HCS - Retain original provisions of bill except amend to require additional representatives on the State Council, and to change effective date from the later of July 1, 2004, or upon enactment by the thirty-fifth jurisdiction to the later of July 1, 2005, or upon enactment by the thirty-fifth jurisdiction.

HFA (1, J. Hoover) - Change "Kentucky Association for Defense Lawyers" to "Kentucky Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers" under the list of representatives for the State Council.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 9-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 16-3rd reading, passed 90-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Jan 20-received in Senate

Jan 23-to Judiciary (S)

HB 7/LM/CI (BR 31) - R. Damron, P. Bather, P. Clark, J. Crenshaw, F. Nesler, D. Sims, M. Weaver, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to consumer protection.

Create a new section of KRS 434.550 to 434.730 relating to credit and debit cards to require that electronic cash registers and similar machines print not more than the last five digits of the credit or debit card number and do not print the card expiration date on credit and debit card receipts; provide that the Act does not apply to handwritten receipts or to nonelectronic imprints of credit and debit cards; amend 434.560 to define merchant, payment card, reencoder, and scanning device; amend KRS 434.730 to create a Class D felony for using a scanning device or reencoder to gather information encoded on magnetic strip of payment card or place information on the magnetic strip of a different card with intent to defraud authorized user or issuer of card; make subsequent offenses a Class C felony; provide for suppliers of credit or debit card hardware or software to comply with the bill; effective January 1, 2005 for newly installed machines and January 1, 2007 for current machines.


HCS/LM/CI - Retain original provisions except delete Sections 1 and 5 pertaining to debit and credit card receipts.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 13-posting waived retroactively

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 16-3rd reading, passed 90-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 20-received in Senate

Jan 23-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 36-0

Mar 23-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 27)

HB 8 (BR 29) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to mines and minerals.

Amend KRS 352.010 to define "hazardous voltage," "suitable," and "workmanlike manner"; amend KRS 352.220 to include requirements for the use of nonconductive materials for suspending trailing cables or high voltage feeder cables, suitable circuit interrupting devices for power circuits and equipment at the mine, and grounding or insulating frames for hand-held electrically driven tools and pumps; include specifications for underground high-voltage cables used in resistance grounded systems and for power circuits and disconnecting devices; require underground transformer stations, battery charging stations, substations, rectifiers, and water pumps be housed in noncombustible structures and include specifications for ventilation, monitoring, and warning systems for noncombustible structures; provide an exemption from the requirements for noncombustible structures, for certain rectifiers and power centers; provide fire safety requirements for flame resistant belting and underground belt conveyors; require insulation and electric shock protection on communication wires and cables; require weekly testing for ground wires in trailing cables; specify procedures for testing and working on underground power circuits and electrical equipment; require switch boxes, contactors, controllers, and other similar devices to be free of accumulations of combustible dust; provide electrical safety requirements and procedures for trolley wires and trolley feeder wires; delete requirements for protective barriers between high voltage wires and other conveyor wires in surface mining operations and delete requirements for four wire circuits to minimize wire damage; prescribe electrical safety requirements including de-energizing and lock and tag procedures for testing or troubleshooting power circuits or electrical equipment located on the surface; amend KRS 352.230 to permit all electric driven equipment, except intrinsically safe equipment taken or used in by the last open crosscut and in return airways in underground mines; delete existing requirements for operators in charge of electrical face equipment in mines and for certain inspection procedures of electrical face equipment being used next to the working face; prescribe examination and testing procedures for electrical equipment and circuits; prescribe maintenance requirements for electrical equipment utilized in intake airways; prohibit accumulations of combustible materials, including grease and other lubricants, to prevent fire hazards; create new section of KRS Chapter 352 to establish qualification requirements for persons in charge of electrical face equipment; specify the types of mine workers that are permitted to conduct tests for gas; prescribe examination requirements for approval to test for gas; prescribe gas detection and testing requirements for electric face equipment being used near the working face; require 20 minute interval testing for gas and safety requirements when electric equipment is being used at the face.


HCS - Retain original provisions except provides an exclusion for electrical facilities regulated by the Public Service Commission or electrical cooperative if they are subject to an applicable safety code; and make technical corrections.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 90-1 with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

HB 9/AA (BR 45) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.637, relating to reemployment after retirement, to void the retirement of an elected official who resigns from office and is reemployed in an elected position contributing to the same retirement system within 12 months; require member to repay benefits received and to contribute to previous retirement account; apply provisions to elected officials who retire after effective date of the Act.


HCS/AA - Amend KRS 61.637, relating to reemployment after retirement, to suspend rather than void the retirement of an elected official who resigns and is reemployed in an elected position; amend KRS 64.5275, relating to elected county officials, to restrict the salary of an elected official who resigns office to retire and is reemployed in the same office within 12 months.

HFA (1, R. Adkins) - Amend KRS 61.510, relating to the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, to include District Court Trial Commissioners who work 80 or more hours a month in the retirement system; amend KRS 61.552 to permit District Court Trial Commissioners to purchase service credit for past employment in the position.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 12-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 13-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 10 (BR 26) - T. Couch

AN ACT relating to children with disabilities.

Amend KRS 159.030 to provide that a student may be granted an exemption from compulsory attendance if the student's individual education plan specifies that his or her placement in home or hospital is the least restrictive environment.


HCA (1, F. Rasche) - Provide that the requirement for signed statements from two medical professionals when a student is excused from school attendance for more than six months shall not apply to a student whose doctor or other medical professional certifies that the student has a chronic physical condition that renders attendance inadvisable and that the condition is not likely to improve within one year; and provide that for an exceptional child whose doctor or other medical professional certifies the child has a chronic physical condition that renders attendance inadvisable and that the condition is not likely to improve within three years, the admissions and release committee shall annually consider the child's condition and existing documentation, and request updated evidence if required or at least every three years.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with committee amendment (1)

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 46)

HB 11/LM/AA (BR 62) - R. Nelson, Dw. Butler, L. Clark, C. Embry Jr, C. Hoffman, T. Riner

AN ACT relating to insurance.

Create a new section of KRS 18A.225 to 18A.229 to require employers participating in the County Employees Retirement System to pay an adjustment fee to cover the cost of unescorted retirees in the state group who retire beginning in 2004; direct the Personnel Cabinet, with assistance from the retirement system, to determine the additional actuarial cost to the state group because of retirees from non-participating agencies by using a separate rating of the retirees from non-participating agencies; define "adjustment fee," state group, "and" "unescorted retiree"; direct the Kentucky Retirement Systems to determine the administrative costs to be incurred under this section and notify the Personnel Cabinet of the amounts; require the Personnel Cabinet to notify each employer of the adjustment fee to be paid starting July 1, 2006; require the Department of Education to include funds for local districts' portion of the adjustment fee in the department's biennial budget request; require the Kentucky Retirement Systems to deposit the amounts paid participating employers into the insurance subsidy escrow account; allow the Kentucky Retirement Systems to remove funds to pay administrative costs; require, beginning January 1, 2008, the health insurance premium paid for an unescorted retiree from an employer to include the adjustment fee, but not otherwise differ form the premium paid by other state group members; direct the Attorney General to take necessary action to recover funds from participating employers who become delinquent in the payment of their adjustment fees; prohibit any retired member or beneficiary from having his or her health insurance coverage reduced or terminated because of any provision of this Act.


HCS/LM/AA - Retain original provisions, indicate the state is responsible for the adjustment fees for employees of local school boards in the state insurance group.

SFA (1, D. Kelly) - Delete the language basing the adjustment fee only on retirees who retire after January 2004; authorize the Personnel Cabinet to determine cost of unescorted retirees in a self-funded plan; specify that protections extended to retirees do not prohibit cancellation for failure to pay premiums.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-received in Senate

Feb 11-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004; taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 19-taken from committee; to Rules (S)

Mar 22-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 25-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 12 (BR 40) - S. Lee

AN ACT relating to school financial statements.

Amend KRS 160.463 to change the means by which public school systems publish annual financial statements.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 13/LM (BR 107) - L. Napier, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, B. Crall, R. Crimm, J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gooch, K. Hall, M. Harper, C. Hoffman, T. Kerr, S. Lee, P. Marcotte, R. Mobley, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Reinhardt, T. Riner, A. Smith, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Vincent, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to the notification of parents or guardians when certain health services are provided to minors.

Create a new section of KRS 214 to require the notification of parents or guardians when health services relating to sexually transmitted diseases, emergency contraception, pregnancy, illegal drug use, or the contemplation of suicide are provided to minors by state or local government employees.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 25-discharge petition filed

HB 14/LM/CI (BR 81) - S. Lee, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to tongue splitting.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to prohibit anyone except a licensed physician or licensed dentist from performing tongue splitting; require a therapeutic or clinical basis for tongue splitting; provide that performing tongue splitting in violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class D felony for the second or subsequent offense; amend KRS 211.760 to clarify that body piercing does not include tongue splitting.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 15 (BR 105) - B. Yonts, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to employment practices of public agencies.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to prohibit public agencies from rehiring a person retired from the agency within one year, except through a competitive hiring process; exempt local school districts from the prohibition in the employment of teachers.


HCS - Retain original provisions; permit hiring of retiree if a more qualified person does not apply; permit school districts to rehire nonteaching staff who have retired.

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Apply provision only to the hiring of workers retired from the same agency.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 16 (BR 111) - R. Nelson, T. Couch, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to the hiring of school personnel.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to establish that school councils select all classified and certified personnel in a school; define qualified candidates for classified and certified positions; require the superintendent to send all applications for all qualified certified applicants for a specific school to the school council; specify the conditions under which a school interim principal may be appointed; amend KRS 160.345 to provide clarifying subheadings in the subsections and paragraphs; delete language relating to personnel selection and incorporate revised language.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 17 (BR 112) - R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to selection of school personnel.

Amend KRS 160.345 to require that the school-based decision making council select all school personnel; provide clarifying subheadings in the subsections and paragraphs; revise language relating to the required personnel policy development by a council.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 18/CI (BR 70) - R. Damron, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, C. Belcher, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, M. Cherry, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Edmonds, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, Ji. Lee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, S. Riggs, D. Sims, T. Thompson, M. Weaver, R. Webb, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to carrying a concealed deadly weapon.

Amend KRS 237.110, relating to concealed deadly weapon licenses, to specify when a person with a concealed deadly weapon license may carry a weapon into a detention facility; delete requirement that instructor submit class roster to the department; increase from 30 to 45 days the time for a student to return a class information form; specify that the State Police shall revoke the license of a person found by the Department of Criminal Justice training to have received no training or to have received insufficient training; amend KRS 237.115, relating to concealed deadly weapon licenses, to specify when a person with a concealed deadly weapon license may carry a weapon into a detention facility; amend KRS 527.020, relating to carrying concealed deadly weapons, to specify when a person may carry a weapon into a detention facility; clarify that the term detention facility does not include courtrooms or other facilities used by the Court of Justice or administered by the Administrative Office of the Courts.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 9-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 20-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Feb 4-3rd reading, passed 93-0

Feb 5-received in Senate

Feb 10-to Judiciary (S)

HB 19/LM (BR 72) - R. Damron

AN ACT relating to the insurance premium tax.

Amend KRS 91A.080 to exempt premiums paid to insurers of municipal bonds, leases, or other debt instruments issued by or on behalf of political subdivisions of the Commonwealth including local governments, special districts, and nonprofit corporations from the insurance premium tax; specify that the exemption shall not apply if the bonds, leases, or other debt instruments are issued for profit or on behalf of for-profit or private organizations.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 85-9

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 36-0

Mar 23-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 28)

HB 20 (BR 73) - R. Damron, P. Clark, F. Nesler, D. Sims, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to the identification of certified volunteer firefighters.

Create new section of KRS 95A to create a certified volunteer firefighter identification program, establish the purpose of the program, establish requirements for application, establish fees, establish division of fees, establish issuing agency, grant the Fire Commission the authority to promulgate administrative regulations for the creation of the program.


HCS - Amend original language to clarify that the identification card program is voluntary for volunteer firefighters and insert language to authorize news-gathering organizations to have full access to descriptive information and photo contained on card.

SFA (1, J. Pendleton) - Amend KRS 95A.262 to increase aid to volunteer fire departments under the Firefighters Foundation Program from $8,250 annually to $9,750 if at least 50% of the firefighters in that department are IFSAC I certified and to $10,750 if at least 50% of the firefighters in that department are IFSAC II certified.

SFA (2/Title, J. Pendleton) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 26-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 21 (BR 74) - R. Damron

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Military Museum.

Amend KRS 171.345 to change the composition of the Kentucky Military Museum Committee and to stagger the terms of the members; EFFECTIVE December 1, 2005.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 29)

HB 22 (BR 133) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to the use of juries in competency hearings conducted in guardianship proceedings.

Amend KRS 387.570 and 387.580 to retain the right to a trial by jury in a competency hearing conducted in a guardianship proceeding but allow the hearing to be held before the court without a jury if no jury trial is demanded.


HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Retain original provisions of the bill except allow a jury trial to be demanded by an immediate family member of the respondent.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Jan 30-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 2-3rd reading, passed 79-11 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 3-received in Senate

Feb 6-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

HB 23 (BR 132) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to actions terminating parental rights.

Amend KRS 625.080 to provide for appointment of appellate counsel for an indigent parent in an involuntary termination of parental rights action.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 24/CI (BR 117) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 218A.1432, relating to the production of methamphetamine, to specify that possession of two or more chemicals or two or more items of equipment with intent to manufacture methamphetamine is a violation of the statute.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 25/CI (BR 118) - G. Lindsay, J. Crenshaw, T. Riner

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 218A.1432 relating to manufacture of methamphetamine to rename the crime unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine and apply the penalties when the defendant unlawfully manufactures methamphetamine or possesses all of the chemicals, or all of the equipment, for the unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine; create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to create the crime of possession of chemicals or equipment, for the unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine in the first degree when a person possesses 5 or more of the chemicals or 5 or more of the items of equipment for the manufacture of methamphetamine; create the crime of possession of chemicals or equipment for the unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine when a person possesses 2 to 4 chemicals or 2 to 4 items of equipment for the manufacture of methamphetamine.


HCS/CI - Delete original provisions and insert new sections to amend KRS 218A.1438 to delineate the offense of unlawful trafficking in or transfer of a methamphetamine precursor; amend KRS 218A.1437 to redefine the elements of the offense of unlawful possession of a methamphetamine precursor; amend KRS 218A.010 to delete references to KRS 218A.1431; amend KRS 250.991 relating to the penalties for possession of anhydrous ammonia to delete the sentencing enhancement provisions; amend KRS 218A.1402 to provide that the penalty for inchoate offenses relating to trafficking in a controlled substance be the same as for the actual offense; amend KRS 514.030 and 514.110 to delete the sentencing enhancement provision relating to anhydrous ammonia; repeal KRS 218A.1431 and KRS 1432.

HFA (1, T. Feeley) - Make technical correction.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 1-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 18-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

HB 26/CI (BR 202) - M. Weaver, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, P. Clark, R. Damron, T. Edmonds, J. Gooch, K. Hall, J. Haydon, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Pasley, R. Rand, J. Richards, S. Riggs, D. Sims, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to partial-birth abortion.

Repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 311.720 to define "partial-birth abortion;" repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 311.765 to ban partial-birth abortions unless all other available abortion procedures would be a greater risk to the life or health of the mother and only when necessary to save the life or preserve the health of the mother; to allow physician to seek a hearing before the State Board of Medical Licensure for a determination of whether the physician's conduct violated this section; and to allow a physician, before performing a partial-birth abortion, to petition the court for a determination of necessity; repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 311.990 to delete exception for partial-birth abortion offense and to delete State Board of Medical Licensure hearing provisions.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-reassigned to Judiciary (H)

HB 27/CI (BR 116) - J. Coleman

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 218A.1432 relating to the manufacture of methamphetamine to specify that possession of two or more chemicals or two or more items of equipment for the manufacture of methamphetamine, along with requisite intent, violates the statute; EMERGENCY.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 28 (BR 128) - R. Nelson, K. Hall, R. Mobley

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship program.

Amend KRS 164.7874 to permit a student to use a KEES scholarship award to attend a postsecondary institution with a program of study comprised solely of sectarian instruction.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 12-posting withdrawn

HB 29/LM (BR 158) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to personal motor vehicle insurance database.

Create a new section of Subtitle 39 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that beginning on January 1, 2006, every insurance company that writes liability insurance on personal motor vehicles shall report the vehicle identification number of each insured motor vehicle and the name of the policyholder to the Department of Vehicle Regulation each month; exempt an insurer from civil liability for reporting the information unless there is malice, fraud, or gross negligence; amend KRS 186A.040 to require the Department of Vehicle Regulation to notify the insured if the vehicle identification number does not appear in the database for two consecutive reporting months; provide that in developing the mechanism to electronically transfer the information to the department, the commissioner of the Department of Vehicle Regulation shall consult with the commissioner of insurance and insurers; provide that information obtained by the Department of Vehicle Regulation from insurers is not subject to the Open Records Act and cannot be disclosed; create a new section of KRS Chapter 186A to provide that on and after January 1, 2006, a county clerk cannot process an application for, or issue, a title, registration, replacement plate, duplicate registration, transfer of registration, or temporary tag for a personal motor vehicle if AVIS does not list the vehicle identification number; provide that if AVIS does not list the vehicle identification number, the county clerk may process the application if the applicant has an insurance card issued no more than 45 days before submission of the application to the clerk; amend KRS 304.39-085 to provide that the requirement of reporting cancellations and terminations will not apply to personal motor vehicles on and after January 1, 2006; amend KRS 304.39-117 to provide that on and after January 1, 2006, as to personal motor vehicles, the insurance card and the database shall be evidence of insurance to a peace officer if the peace officer has access to the database through AVIS; provide that if the vehicle identification number does not appear in AVIS, the peace officer may accept as proof of insurance an insurance card issued no more than 45 days prior to the request of proof by the peace officer; amend KRS 186.021, 186.180, 186.190, and 186A.100 to conform.


HCS/LM - Retain original provisions except change "issued" to "effective" in Sections 3 and 5.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 13-posting waived retroactively

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 20-recommitted to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 130)

HB 30 (BR 157) - R. Crimm


HB 31 (BR 59) - S. Lee, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT relating to birth control education programs.

Prohibit a state agency from participating in program which includes birth control education unless the program gives equal representation to pro-choice and pro-life viewpoints.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Feb 26-discharge petition filed

Feb 27-discharge petition rejected 32-44

HB 32/LM (BR 60) - S. Lee, P. Marcotte

AN ACT relating to abortion.

Amend KRS 311.715 to prohibit the use of public funds for abortion-related education or counseling programs.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Feb 27-discharge petition filed

Mar 1-discharge petition rejected 35-19

HB 33 (BR 100) - J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to traffic regulations.

Amend KRS 189.125, regarding seat belts, to allow primary enforcement of the mandatory seat belt law, exempt operators or passengers for which the seat belt does not fit to NTSHA and manufacturers' specifications; amend KRS 189.990 to specify that a fine for violation of the mandatory seat belt law may be prepaid, and, if prepaid, exempt offender from payment of court costs; amend KRS 431.452 to conform; create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to prohibit law enforcement agencies from erecting roadblocks for the sole purpose of checking for violations of the seat belt law; mandate that between the effective date of the Act and 7/1/2005, law enforcement agencies shall provide educational materials on the benefits of seat belt usage when issuing a citation for a seat belt violation; require the Transportation Cabinet to erect signs on the interstate system notifying motorists of the requirement to seat belts in the Commonwealth; DELAY EFFECTIVE DATE OF SECTION 1 UNTIL JULY 1, 2005.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

HB 34 (BR 67) - Ji. Lee

AN ACT relating to encouraging transportation within the Commonwealth.

Amend KRS 138.470, relating to usage tax exemptions, to exempt from usage tax motor carriers operating under a charter bus certificate issued under KRS Chapter 281; amend KRS 139.480, relating to sales tax exemptions, to exempt from sales tax repair or replacement parts for the direct operation or maintenance of a motor vehicle operating under a charter bus certificate issued under KRS Chapter 281 or under similar authority granted by the U.S. Department of Transportation; amend KRS 189.2226, relating to hauling building materials without a permit, to consolidate similar provisions governing farm and forest products currently codified under KRS 189.222; define "farm products"; amend KRS 189.221, 189.222, 189.223, 189.272, 189.990, 431.105, and 431.452 to conform; provide that amendments to KRS 138.470 and 139.480 are EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 35 (BR 222) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to tuition at public postsecondary education institutions.

Amend KRS 164.020 to prohibit postsecondary educational institutions from increasing, for four consecutive years, the initial tuition charged any first time, undergraduate student who is a resident of Kentucky; allow an increase in tuition only if, following initial enrollment, the student changes majors and the amount of tuition charged for the changed major is greater than the amount charged for the previous major.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 36/AA (BR 209) - C. Siler, C. Embry Jr, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to participation of Head Start teachers in the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System.

Permit members of the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System to purchase service credit for Head Start experience under the same conditions that out-of-state service credit may be purchased under KRS 161.515.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 100-0

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 54)

HB 37 (BR 104) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Virtual High School.

Amend KRS 158.140 to require the Kentucky Virtual High School to confer a high school diploma upon a Kentucky student that completes all state requirements for graduation and is not enrolled in another school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the Kentucky Virtual High School to accept credits from other schools; require public schools to accept credits from the Kentucky Virtual High School; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations, including the establishment of fees for students.


HCS - Delete provisions of the original bill; amend KRS 158.140 to permit a local board of education to award a high school diploma to a district resident aged 21 or older who completes state board requirements through the Kentucky Virtual High School (KVHS) and award a diploma to a district resident between the ages of 18 and 21 who completes all state and local board requirements through KVHS; establish that a local district is not responsible for the cost of KVHS courses for individuals not enrolled in that district; amend KRS 158.622 to require that a local district shall pay for a KVHS course for an enrolled student if the course is part of the student's regular school day coursework, the course is not provided by the school, the course is not available due to a scheduling conflict, or the student receives an alternative school placement to KVHS; create a new section of KRS 158 to permit a high school to, with the approval of the student and the student's parent or legal custodian, provide a student with an alternative school placement to the KVHS; provide that a student with an alternative placement shall remain enrolled in the high school, receive a diploma upon completion of state and local requirements, and be counted as present for the purposes of calculating average daily attendance; require the school and KVHS to provide guidance to students; establish that this Act does not require the KVHS to provide a comprehensive program of studies; and require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations.

HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Clarify that a school district may award a high school diploma to residents 18 to 21 years of age rather than residents between the ages of 18 to 21 who complete all state and local requirements through the Kentucky Virtual High School; and make technical corrections.

SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Add provision that requires if costs exceed the board allocation for virtual high school for students in a given school, the principal shall submit a request for additional funding to the superintendent for consideration.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 85-2 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 38 (BR 268) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to compulsory school attendance.

Amend KRS 159.030 to provide that effective July 1, 2006 until June 30, 2007 compulsory school attendance shall be between the ages of six and seventeen; effective July 1, 2007 and thereafter compulsory school attendance shall be between the ages of six and eighteen; direct the Department of Education by January 1, 2005 to develop a comprehensive implementation plan to identify issues, strategies, models, and resources to assist school districts in serving all students until graduation or age eighteen; and by January 1, 2005, require each local school district, working in cooperation with the school-based decision making councils of its middle and high schools, to revise the comprehensive school and district improvement plans to provide academic and support services to meet the needs of students until graduation or age eighteen.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 39 (BR 269) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to compulsory school attendance.

Amend KRS 159.030 to provide that effective July 1, 2006 until June 30, 2007 compulsory school attendance shall be between the ages of six and seventeen; effective July 1, 2007 and thereafter compulsory school attendance shall be between the ages of six and eighteen.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 40 (BR 274) - B. Yonts, S. Baugh

AN ACT designating Muhlenberg County as the birthplace of thumb picking as a style of guitar playing.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate Muhlenberg County as the birthplace of the thumb picking style of guitar playing.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 20, 2004

Jan 20-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Jan 21-received in Senate

Jan 26-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 41/LM (BR 275) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to anhydrous ammonia.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 250 to require anhydrous ammonia storage areas owned by any wholesaler, retailer, or dealer of anhydrous ammonia to be enclosed by a wire fence; require Division of Fire Prevention to promulgate and enforce regulations setting forth fence specifications and require the fences to be locked at certain times; amend KRS 250.991 to include penalties for violations of the fence requirement.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

HB 42 (BR 276) - B. Yonts

AN ACT abolishing the rule against perpetuities.

Repeal KRS 381.215 to 381.223 to abolish the rule against perpetuities; amend KRS 287.219, 386.430, and 397.1006 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 43/LM (BR 214) - J. Draud, R. Crimm, R. Mobley, R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to providing the public with information about sex offenders.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to require sheriffs to notify the public of sex offenders living within the county who are required to perform lifetime notification, permit notification of other sex offenders.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

HB 44 (BR 90) - J. Comer

AN ACT relating to telephone solicitation.

Amend KRS 367.46951 to include the making of campaign calls soliciting a vote for or against a candidate for election to public office unless the call is made by the candidate or by the candidates' immediate family.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Labor and Industry (H)

HB 45/LM/CI (BR 20) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to electronic gaming at racetracks as a part of the state lottery.

Establish Chapter 230A of Kentucky Revised Statutes to authorize electronic gaming to be supervised by the Kentucky Lottery Corporation; make findings regarding gaming as a part of the state lottery; add numerous definitions; provide that electronic gaming shall be a part of the state lottery; clarify that authority of the Racing Commission shall not be diminished; appoint 8 member advisory board from the Lottery Corporation and the Racing Commission to oversee electronic gaming at tracks; set duties of the Lottery Corporation regarding oversight and enforcement of the chapter; provide that the Lottery Corporation shall investigate qualifications of applicants and supervise licensing of applicants; authorize the Lottery Corporation to issue emergency orders in extreme circumstances, and provide for hearing after issuance of emergency order; authorize the Lottery Corporation to promulgate administrative regulations consistent with this chapter; provide that the Lottery Corporation shall have all powers necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter; prohibit gaming manufacturers and distributors from placing equipment in this state unless approved by the Lottery Corporation; require that all equipment be tested and approved by the Lottery Corporation before placement in this state; provide exemption from certain local zoning requirements; prohibit a racetrack from engaging in electronic gaming if an owner sells property, goods or services relating to electronic gaming to eligible associations or the Lottery Corporation; set forth application and licensing information requirements, including criminal background checks; set qualifications and limitations on licenses issued by the Lottery Corporation; require that license holders assure that there will be no net reduction in racing days in order to receive a license to conduct electronic gaming; set conditions for suspension or revocation of electronic gaming device (EGD) operator licenses under this chapter; prohibit the transfer of licenses without the approval of the Lottery Corporation; require that gaming devices only be acquired from licensed manufacturers or distributors; provide for training of all licensees and personnel, and set requirements for training components; authorize EGD operators to determine the number of machines and hours of operation; allow the Lottery Corporation and the Racing Commission access to all records of the EGD operator; require EGD operator to file change of officers or directors and give the Lottery Corporation 30 days to approve; require EGD operator to provide tax returns to the Lottery Corporation; set forth stringent internal controls to be adopted by EGD operators; provide for licensing of EGD employees by both the Lottery Corporation and the Racing Commission, but require that parties seek to adopt a single employee license under the control of the Racing Commission; authorize a fee for the single license; prohibit EGD manufacturers from operating unless licensed by the Lottery Corporation; set criteria to be followed by EGD operators and manufacturers in reporting violations of law and conducting gaming activities; prohibit persons under 21 from playing EGDs or being employed as an EGD employee; provide procedure for resolution of disputes between the Lottery Corporation and the Racing Commission; provide that the transport of EGD equipment into the state shall not be a violation of federal law; set out criminal penalties for violations of laws regarding electronic gaming; provide that certain nonsupervisory employees of EGD operators be authorized to continue collective bargaining agreements; include a local option provision; amend KRS 154A.010 to add definition of lottery ticket; amend KRS 154A.030 to allow certain meetings to be closed in certain circumstances pertaining to an applicant or license holder under KRS Chapter 230A; amend KRS 154A.040 to exempt certain records of the Lottery Corporation from those that are deemed open records and subject to public inspection; amend KRS 154A.050, 154A.060, 154A.063, 154A.070, 154A.080, 154A.090, 154A.110, 154A.130, 154A.420, 154A.650 to conform to KRS Chapter 230A; amend KRS 230.260 to clarify that the Racing Commission shall have all powers needed to enforce the provisions of this Act and that the Racing Commission can charge a fee for all licenses issued, including those under KRS Chapter 230A; amend KRS 230.310 to provide for EGD employee license by the Racing Commission; amend KRS 230.378 to set out the commission splits on quarter horse races in the absence of a valid contract with a horsemen's organization; amend KRS 243.500, 243.505, 525.090, 528.010, and 528.100 to include references to KRS Chapter 230A; provide that upon the effective date of this Act various state agencies, including the Lottery Corporation, the Racing Commission, and the Department of Charitable Gaming shall meet and establish a comprehensive and unified approach for the education, prevention, and treatment of problem gambling, and provide a report and recommendations be presented at least 120 days before the next session of the General Assembly; include a severability clause.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 46 (BR 21) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to electronic gaming at racetracks as a part of the state lottery, and making an appropriation therefor.

Establish Chapter 230A of Kentucky Revised Statutes to authorize electronic gaming to be supervised by the Kentucky Lottery Corporation; make findings regarding gaming as a part of the state lottery; add numerous definitions; provide for limits on application and annual licensing fees; grant the Lottery Corporation the powers necessary and proper to effectuate the provisions of Chapter 230A; provide that an application for an electronic gaming device (EGD) operator license may be denied or revoked or not renewed if gaming income is not remitted to the Lottery Corporation in accordance with Section 7 of this Act; require that each EGD operator be responsible for remitting gaming income to the Lottery Corporation; provide for the distribution of gaming income among various entities; provide for advance payment of gaming income from each electronic gaming device operator license holder and set out crediting procedure against any future gaming income payable to the Lottery Corporation; set out the one-time distribution of advance payment monies and distribution of recurring appropriations; amend KRS 137.190 to comply with new gaming statutes; amend KRS 138.480 to provide admission tax to a race track not to be paid with a free admission; amend KRS 154A.130 to require that all gaming income paid to the Lottery Corporation shall be deposited into a separate gaming income account; amend KRS 154A.420 to require that all licensed electronic gaming device operators furnish to the Lottery Corporation all protocol documentation and electronic funds transfer data necessary to effectuate the timely transfer of gaming income; amend KRS 230.260 to clarify that the Racing Commission shall have all powers needed to enforce the provisions of this Act, including promulgating administrative regulations governing the integration of EGD games at race tracks, and that the Racing Commission can charge a fee for all licenses issued, including those under KRS Chapter 230A; amend KRS 138.510 to retroactively exempt standardbred race tracks from certain excise taxes imposed and increase the amount of moneys to be allocated to the equine industry program trust and revolving fund at the University of Louisville; amend KRS 230.265 to increase the amount of moneys to be used in financing equine drug research and testing; amend KRS 137.990, 138.550, 230.360, and 230.380 to conform to the repeal of KRS 137.170 and 137.180 in this Act; amend KRS 230.550 to provide that part of the funds for the equine industry program at the University of Louisville shall be used for education and an annual symposium to promote Kentucky's thoroughbred industry; repeal KRS 137.170 and 137.180; include a severability clause; include language stating that the excise tax exemption referred to in Section 15 of this Act shall be applied retroactively to July 1, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 47 (BR 93) - T. Burch

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 226 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to video lottery terminals at racetracks.

Propose amendment to Section 226 of the Kentucky Constitution to permit General Assembly to authorize the operation of video lottery terminals at horse racing tracks; submit question to voters; prescribe ballot question.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 48 (BR 41) - S. Lee

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to provide limited immunity to an employer who discloses job performance information about a former or current employee to a prospective employer of that employee if requested to do so by that employee or prospective employer.


SFA (1, R. Stivers) - Retain original provisions, add provision to subsection (1)(a) relating to false information to add that the information was "compiled or provided in a negligent manner."

SFA (2, R. Stivers) - Retain original provisions, add provision to subsection (1)(a) relating to false information to add that the information was supplied in a negligent manner.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Feb 25-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 71-15

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 25-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) and (2) withdrawn ; passed 25-10; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 77)

HB 49 (BR 285) - J. Richards, D. Pasley, T. Thompson, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to an annual report to citizens on the finances, operations, and management of state government.

Amend KRS 12.110 to require the Office of the State Budget Director to prepare and issue a brief, clear, and concise annual report for each fiscal year to the citizens of the Commonwealth on the financial highlights, operation, and management of state government; establish report's title; require report to be issued no later than September 30 of each year; set forth minimum contents; encourage use of charts, tables, graphs, and other visual representations of data that would enhance understanding; require the report to be made available electronically on the state website until it is replaced by the following year's report.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 50 (BR 286) - J. Richards, D. Pasley, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to candidates' disclosure of income tax returns.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 118 to require members of a slate of candidates or a candidate for statewide office to file a copy of the candidate's state and federal income tax returns, amended tax returns, and all schedules for the previous two years; require the candidate to certify that those are the actual and complete tax filings; require tax filings to be filed at the same time that filing papers for office are required; direct that until those requirements are met, candidacy papers, a nomination or declaration, or a petition under KRS Chapter 117 or 118 will not be accepted for filing; set forth procedures for redacting the candidate's Social Security number; require the Secretary of State to promulgate administrative regulations regarding redacting additional information relating to the candidate's spouse and children that will prevent identity theft, fraud, or other illegal acts; after redactions have been completed, direct the tax filings to be forwarded to the Registry of Election Finance, which shall make the information available to the public on the Internet three days after its receipt by the registry.


HCS - Retain original provisions, specify that filing requirement does not apply to candidates for federal office, and specify that the Secretary of State may redact additional information related to the candidate.

HFA (1, J. Hoover) - Add General Assembly candidate to those candidates required to file income tax returns at the time of filing for candidacy.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Jan 13-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 20, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 29-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) ruled not germane ; passed 50-43 with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 51 (BR 42) - S. Lee

AN ACT relating to school employees.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 161 to limit a teacher's civil liability for damages resulting from acts or omissions taken in good faith during the supervision or discipline of students.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Feb 25-posted in committee

HB 52/FN (BR 375) - J. Jenkins, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, P. Bather, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, De. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, C. Embry Jr, T. Feeley, D. Graham, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, T. Kerr, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, B. Montell, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, M. Rader, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, D. Sims, K. Stein, J. Thompson, J. Vincent, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to breast cancer research, education, awareness, screening, treatment and funding and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish an income tax check-off for the breast cancer research and education trust fund; create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to establish the breast cancer education and research trust fund and appropriate the funds for the uses set forth in the Act; create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to establish the Breast Cancer Education and Research Trust Fund Board; establish the duties of the board.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 20-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 53 (BR 817) - P. Marcotte, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to vehicle emission control.

Amend KRS 224.20-710, relating to definitions governing vehicle emission testing, to define a "vehicle" as a car or truck five model years and older to exempt cars and trucks four model years and newer from mandatory vehicle emission testing, regardless of the number of times legal title and registration to the car or truck have been transferred within that four year period; amend KRS 77.115, 77.170, 186.290, 224.20-130, 224.20-715, 224.20-720, 224. 20-750, 224.20-755, and 224.20-760 to conform.


HFA (1, P. Marcotte) - Add non-codified section to provide that new definition of vehicle as five model years or older take effect after EPA approval of SIP amendment; add non-codified section to provide that Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet file for amendment to SIP within 30 days of effective date of section requiring filing of SIP amendment; provide that effective date for filing of SIP amendment requirement be emergency on passage and approval by Governor or otherwise becoming law.

HFA (2/Title, P. Marcotte) - Make title amendment

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Feb 11-posted in committee

Feb 18-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 19-floor amendment (2-title) filed

HB 54 (BR 88) - J. Draud, J. Callahan, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, J. Wayne


HB 55 (BR 273) - L. Napier, J. Arnold Jr, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, J. Bruce, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Jenkins, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, P. Marcotte, R. Mobley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, A. Simpson, B. Smith, J. Stewart, J. Vincent, C. Walton, M. Weaver, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to telephone rates.

Direct telephone service providers to serve churches at the same rate available to residential customers.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 56 (BR 139) - S. Nunn, T. Burch

AN ACT relating to an electronic health information network.

Create various sections of KRS Chapter 216 to create the Kentucky e-Health Information Network Corporation as an independent, de jure municipal corporation and political subdivision of the Commonwealth to facilitate the building of the Kentucky e-Health Information Network; establish the composition and terms of the board of directors and the executive board; establish the requirements of the president of the corporation; establish the responsibilities of the board and the executive board; require the corporation to create a business plan to become a financially self-sustaining business entity; require the corporation to apply for federal funds; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations; create the Kentucky e-Health Information Network fund.


HCS - Retain original provisions except create a Health Information Network Board within the Cabinet for Health Services instead of an independent Kentucky e-Health Information Network Corporation; require the chair of the board to be appointed by majority vote of the board; delete language related to the president of the corporation; amend KRS 45A.605 to permit the Health Information Network Board to use the information highway for transactions; delete all references to e-health.

HCA (1/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 26-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 57 (BR 148) - M. Denham, C. Belcher, T. McKee, R. Thomas, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to sales tax.

Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt straw, wood shavings, and sawdust used in agricultural or equine pursuits; EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 58/FN (BR 332) - R. Wilkey, T. McKee, J. Barrows, J. Callahan, L. Clark, J. Crenshaw, C. Geveden, H. Moberly, J. Richards, R. Thomas

AN ACT relating to the tobacco master settlement agreement.

Amend KRS 131.602, regarding the tobacco master settlement agreement, to require nonparticipating manufacturers to base their escrow payment on units sold in the state, as participating manufacturers are required to do with regard to their master settlement agreement payments; create a new section of KRS Chapter 131 to provide for nonseverability of the Act if the amendment to KRS 131.602 is held unconstitutional.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 16-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H); posting waived

HB 59/FN (BR 76) - R. Damron, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to continuing care retirement communities.

Repeal KRS 216B.335, relating to the sunset clause for the establishment of continuing care retirement community nursing home beds.


HCS/FN - Delete the repeal of KRS 216B.335 and amend KRS 216B.335 to permit the establishment of continuing care retirement community nursing home beds until July 1, 2008.

SCA (1, D. Kelly) - Amend to permit the establishment of continuing care retirement community nursing home beds until July 1, 2006.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 20-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Jan 21-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 22-received in Senate

Jan 27-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 27-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 9-taken from committee; returned to Rules (S); posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading; committee amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 38-0

Mar 11-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 16)

HB 60 (BR 309) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to individuals with disabilities.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to specify legislative intent to remove barriers to employment for persons with disabilities; require the Cabinet for Health Services to convene a policy group to develop a Medicaid Buy-In program for persons with disabilities; specify membership; permit policy group to establish ad hoc groups and require policy group to conduct its first meeting by August 15, 2004, to have access to data, to identify financing and address availability of funding, to assess cost-effectiveness and economic benefits, and to make recommendations on eligibility, personal care assistance services, coordination with other programs, and policy considerations; require the cabinet to apply for federal grants to support program development; require all state agencies to assist upon request; present program to the Governor and LRC, by November 1, 2004; require program implementation by January 2005.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 61 (BR 496) - T. Thompson


HB 62 (BR 91) - J. Comer

AN ACT relating to industrial recruiters.

Create various sections of KRS Chapter 65 to require those persons who engage as industrial recruiters to disclose to their local governmental employers the names of their other clients; permit the local governmental client to waive disclosure; require that a statement evidencing waiver be signed by both parties to the contract; permit the local governmental client to void the contract if the industrial recruiter's disclosure is not truthful and complete; require the local recruiter who obtains additional clients during the tenure of his or her contract with the local governmental client to notify the local government of the additional clients unless notice is waived; require that evidence of the waiver of or compliance with the disclosure requirements be placed in close proximity to the contract or employment agreement; permit the contract to be voided if the industrial recruiter does not answer truthfully and completely; prohibit an employee of state government, an area development district, or local government who is engaged in the business of soliciting, recruiting, or attracting businesses and industries to locate there from accepting employment as an industrial recruiter; prohibit a person formerly engaged in recruiting for a state government, area development district, or local government from accepting employment as an industrial recruiter until one year has expired from the time the person was last employed by the government in the capacity of recruiting or attracting businesses; apply these provisions only to contracts entered into on or after the effective date of this Act.


HFA (1, M. Denham) - Remove prohibition that one year lapse from when a person working for various levels of government to attract industry to that government can begin work as an industrial recruiter as defined by the Act.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 63 (BR 242) - J. Richards, M. Denham, K. Hall, R. Nelson, T. Thompson, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to credit card solicitations.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to require credit card issuers to register with a designated official of a postsecondary institution prior to soliciting students on a college campus; require the registration to include the principal place of business of the credit card issuer and to be in such form as required by administrative regulation of the Council on Postsecondary Education; state that an application for a credit card executed by a student who was solicited for the card on a college campus shall be void and unenforceable unless the parent or legal guardian of the student consents in writing to the student's submission of the application; state that parental consent shall not be construed as an agreement by the parent or guardian to be liable under the credit card agreement unless the parent or guardian specifically agrees in writing to do so; prohibit a credit card issuer to take any debt collection action against the parent or legal guardian of a student for whom a credit card has been issued unless the parent or guardian has agreed in writing to be liable for the debts of the student and make a violation of this prohibition an unfair trade practice under KRS 367.170; state that this Act shall be known and may be cited as the College Campus Credit Card Solicitation Act.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 56-31

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Judiciary (S)

HB 64 (BR 351) - J. Richards, M. Denham, K. Hall, R. Nelson, T. Thompson, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to unsolicited electronic mail communications.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to define "advertiser," "Kentucky electronic mail address" or "Kentucky e-mail address," "commercial e-mail advertisement," "direct consent," "domain name," "electronic mail" or "e-mail," "electronic mail address" or "e-mail address," "electronic mail service provider," "initiate," "incident," "Internet," "preexisting or current business relationship," "recipient," "routine transmission," and "unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisement"; create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to make initiating or advertising in unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisements from Kentucky or sent to a Kentucky e-mail address unlawful; create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to establish a cause of action for violations of the Act and provide a remedy for a recipient of an unsolicited commercial e-mail advertisement.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 30-posting withdrawn

HB 65 (BR 87) - B. Buckingham, M. Denham, K. Hall, T. McKee

AN ACT relating to telephone solicitation.

Amend KRS 367.46955 to include making a telephone solicitation to a wireless cellular or wireless personal service communications customer in the list of prohibited acts.


HCS - Retain original provision of the bill except amend KRS 367.46994 to permit rather than require the Kentucky Public Service Commission to require a telephone company to include consumer education pamphlets with the telephone bill.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Judiciary (S)

HB 66/LM (BR 237) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to the regulation of the use or consumption of tobacco and tobacco products.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to preempt local laws, including those of political subdivisions, relating to the use or consumption of tobacco or tobacco products, unless the local law is authorized by another section of the KRS, relates to property owned or controlled by the local government, involves situations where the use, possession, or consumption is otherwise illegal, or involves actions of the state fire marshal.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

HB 67/FN (BR 311) - S. Nunn, T. Burch, M. Cherry

AN ACT relating to hospitalization of a disabled or incapacitated person.

Amend KRS 311.631 to permit a durable power of attorney to make health care decisions when the adult patient does not have decisional capacity and specify patient's physician is required to make determination of capacity; specify that health care decision may include hospitalization at a general hospital for psychiatric treatment not to exceed 14 days; define general hospital.


SFA (1, D. Thayer) - Insert provisions to amend KRS 222.430, relating to involuntary commitment of persons with alcohol and other drug abuse and mental illness, and create new sections of KRS Chapter 222, relating to alcohol and other drug abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment, to provide a procedure for involuntary treatment of persons suffering from alcohol and other drug abuse modeled, in part, after the procedure for the involuntary hospitalization of mentally ill persons under KRS Chapter 202A, except to provide that the petitioner for court-ordered treatment for alcohol and other drug abuse shall guarantee payment for such treatment; name Sections 1 to 8 of the Act the "Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 210, relating to state and regional mental health programs, to provide that regional community mental health-mental retardation boards shall provide lists of hospitals and treatment programs to circuit clerks in their region; amend KRS 222.475, relating to annual reports on treatment centers from the cabinet to the Governor, to include delivery to the General Assembly; make technical amendments to KRS 222.005, 222.231, 222.311, 222.421, 222.460, 600.020, 610.127, and 620.023; repeal KRS 222.021, relating to the Substance Abuse, Pregnancy, and Women of Childbearing Age Work Group, whose sunset date was July 15, 2002.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 26-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 90-1

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; passed 94-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-became law without Governor's signature (Acts ch. 116)

HB 68 (BR 446) - R. Damron

AN ACT relating to voting.

Amend 117.085 to provide that absentee ballots shall not allow straight ticket voting, and that each candidate shall be voted for individually; amend KRS 117.125 to provide that voting machines shall not have straight ticket voting capability and that each candidate shall be voted for individually; amend KRS 117.145 to provide that no absentee ballot in a general election shall permit a voter to vote a straight political party ticket and that each candidate shall be voted for individually; amend KRS 117.381 to eliminate requirement for voting machines to have straight ticket voting capability and provide that each candidate shall be voted for individually; amend KRS 118.025 to provide that no voting machine shall permit a voter at a general election to vote a straight political party ticket and that each candidate shall be voted for individually.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 23-posting waived

HB 69 (BR 306) - M. Cherry, K. Hall, R. Nelson, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, R. Webb, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship program.

Amend KRS 164.7877 to direct the General Assembly to appropriate general funds, in addition to lottery revenues, to cover the full costs of awarding the statutory amounts for KEES scholarships; amend KRS 164.7879 to prohibit the Council on Postsecondary Education from lowering award amounts as specified in statute.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H); posting waived

Jan 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 8-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 9-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 70 (BR 291) - J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to wineries.

Amend KRS 243.155 and 243.156 to remove provisions regarding both the small and farm winery licenses, that allow these licensees to sell beer on their premises.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 19-posting withdrawn

HB 71 (BR 403) - M. Marzian, J. Jenkins, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to the penalty for violating handicapped parking requirements.

Amend KRS 189.990, relating to penalties for violations of traffic laws, to increase the penalty for violating handicapped parking rules from a fine of $20 to $100 to a fine of $250; require 100% of the $250 fine be dedicated to the personal care assistance program under KRS 205.900 to 205.920.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following changes: Add a new Section 1 to amend KRS 189.456, relating to permanent parking placards, to reduce the time a permanent placard is issued from 6 years to 2 years; add a new Section 2 to amend KRS 189.458, relating to temporary parking placards, to reduce the time a temporary placard is issued from 6 months to 3 months and delete the ability to renew a temporary placard; renumber existing Section 1 as Section 3 and provide that the fine shall be divided by sending 90% of the fine moneys collected to the personal care assistance program created under KRS 205.900 to 205.920, and sending the remaining 10% to the county where the violation occurred and distributed equally to all law enforcement agencies within the county.

HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: In Section 1, provide that a person may renew a permanent handicapped parking placard twice, each for a period of two years, without any additional fee being charged the applicant.

HFA (2, M. Marzian) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: Amend Section 3 to make a technical correction that provides that fine moneys collected for a handicapped parking violation shall be collected and disposed by the circuit clerk into the State Treasury in accordance with KRS 24A.180, and that once deposited into the State Treasury, the fines are to be divided between the personal care assistance program and designated law enforcement agencies.

SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of HB 71 in their entirety and add a new section to create a Kentucky Colonel license plate.

SFA (2/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, L. Casebier) - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of HB 71 in their entirety and add two new sections to create a Support the Arts license plate and a Support Public Education license plate.

SFA (4/Title, L. Casebier) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004; floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 84-5 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendments (1) and (2)

Feb 24-received in Senate

Feb 27-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-floor amendments (1) (2-title) (3) and (4-title) filed ; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (2-title) (3) and (4-title) withdrawn ; passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 131)

HB 72/FN (BR 458) - M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to nursing.

Amend KRS 314.011 to add a definition of "clinical internship"; amend KRS 314.041 to require applicants for licensure as a registered nurse to complete a clinical internship within six months of being granted a provisional licensure; require the internship to be at least 120 hours in length; authorize the board to extend the time period for meeting the internship requirements; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations establishing procedures related to the internship; permit graduates of a prelicensure registered nurse program who has not successfully completed the licensure examination for registered nurses to be eligible to take the examination for licensed practical nurses upon completion a board approved practical nursing role delineation course; permit a graduate of a prelicensure registered nurse program who holds a practical nurse license from another jurisdiction to apply for a licensure as a licensed practical nurse by endorsement; amend KRS 314.051 to require applicants for licensure as a practical nurse to compete a clinical internship; amend KRS 314.071 to require every nursing license to be renewed for a period of time as determined by the board, rather than at least biennially; amend KRS 314.075 to delete the biennial licensure fee; amend KRS 314.089 to delete language authorizing the board, in cases where disciplinary action is imposed, to order that a temporary suspension continue in effect until the later of expiration of the time permitted for appeal or termination of the appellate process; amend KRS 314.091 to permit the board to take disciplinary action when a licensee, credential holder, or applicant has been convicted of any felony or a misdemeanor involving drugs, alcohol, fraud, deceit, falsification of records, a breach of trust, physical harm or endangerment to others, or dishonesty, under the laws of any state or of the United States; amend KRS 314.099 to include the expiration of a temporary permit as jurisdiction of the board; amend KRS 314.101 to discontinue the issuance of temporary work permits to new graduates of an approved school of nursing or nurses educated outside of the United States; amend KRS 314.109 to exclude convictions of traffic-related misdemeanors from being notified to the board; provide that the amendments requiring nursing applicants to complete a clinical internship take effect on January 1, 2006.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions and specify dates after which inactive licenses shall not be issued and specify dates after which special licenses for retired registered and licensed practical nurses may be obtained; permit fees for special licenses to be set by administrative regulations; amend KRS 314.108 to require licensee to notify board within 30 days of a final order by submitting a certified copy of the order and letter of explanation when a license is surrendered, suspended, or revoked

HFA (1, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and delete age specification for a retired nurse.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 27-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 55)

HB 73/FN/LM/CI (BR 459) - M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to nursing.

Amend KRS 314.011 to define "medication aide"; create a new section of KRS 314.011 to 314.161 to specify that medications may be administered only by licensed and credentialed professionals or under an approved medication administration plan; prohibit a person on the nurse aide abuse registry from practicing as a medication aide; create a new section of KRS 314.011 to 314.161 to specify requirements for application as a medication aide that include training, fees, and an examination; permit Board of Nursing to issue credential; require administrative regulations to establish standards and requirements for a medication aide credential and a medication administration plan; permit only a person credentialed to use the title of medication aide; amend KRS 314.991 to specify penalties.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

HB 74 (BR 355) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to Myositis Awareness Day.

Amend KRS 2.135 to establish September 21 of each year as "Myositis Awareness Day."

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 91-0

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 75 (BR 349) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to the child support guidelines table.

Amend KRS 403.212 to add new amounts in the child support guidelines table and delete the old amounts.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 76 (BR 350) - K. Stein, J. Crenshaw, R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to adjustments to child support awards for shared parenting time.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to establish conditions for adjusting the presumptive child support award under the child support guidelines table on the basis of a shared parenting order for physical custody of a child; establish a formula for making an adjustment to the presumed child support obligation under the child support awards guidelines table on the basis of a shared parenting order for physical custody of a child.


HCS - Retain original provisions; add provisions to exempt children who receive public assistance; add that noncompliance be on a consistent, repeated basis in order to recalculate the child support award with no adjustment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 86-5 with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-received in Senate

Feb 11-to Judiciary (S)

HB 77/LM (BR 178) - T. Kerr, J. Draud, T. McKee, A. Simpson

AN ACT relating to substance abuse.

Amend KRS 222.430, relating to involuntary commitment of persons with alcohol and other drug abuse and mental illness, and create new sections of KRS Chapter 222, relating to alcohol and other drug abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment, to provide a procedure for involuntary treatment of persons suffering from alcohol and other drug abuse modeled, in part, after the procedure for the involuntary hospitalization of mentally ill persons under KRS Chapter 202A, except to provide that the petitioner for court-ordered treatment for alcohol and other drug abuse shall guarantee payment for such treatment; name Sections 1 to 8 of the Act the "Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 210, relating to state and regional mental health programs, to provide that regional community mental health-mental retardation boards shall provide lists of hospitals and treatment programs to circuit clerks in their region; amend KRS 222.475, relating to annual reports on treatment centers from the cabinet to the Governor, to include delivery to the General Assembly; make technical amendments to KRS 222.005, 222.231, 222.311, 222.421, 222.460, 600.020, 610.127, and 620.023; repeal KRS 222.021, relating to the Substance Abuse, Pregnancy, and Women of Childbearing Age Work Group, whose sunset date was July 15, 2002.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

HB 78/FN (BR 221) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to the provision of services by county interlocal agreement, making an appropriation therefor and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 15.460 to allow a $600 payment to peace officers whose counties have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of law enforcement services or tax collection services across county lines; amend KRS 65.250 to specify certain criteria for the approval of interlocal agreements; amend KRS 65.260 to grant the Department for Local Government the right to review all interlocal agreements; amend KRS 95A.250 to allow a $600 payment to firefighters whose counties have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of fire protection services across county lines; amend 95A.262 to allow a $1,650 payment to volunteer fire departments that have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of fire protection services across county boundaries; require preferences be given to those volunteer fire departments that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of fire protection services across county boundaries; increase reimbursement to volunteer fire departments for lost equipment for those departments that have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of fire protection services across county boundaries; amend KRS 311A.115 to require the board to grant preferences to counties that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of emergency services across county boundaries; increase reimbursement to counties for lost equipment for those counties that have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of emergency services across county boundaries; reduce deduction from state aid for reimbursement of lost equipment to counties for lost equipment for those counties that have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of emergency services across county boundaries; amend KRS 39B.020 to encourage the creation of voluntary, regional emergency service districts through the creation of interlocal agreements; increase supplementary state funds for those regional emergency service districts created through valid interlocal agreements; amend KRS 258.119 to require the commissioner to grant preferences to those counties that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of animal control services across county boundaries; amend KRS 224.43-505 to require the reimbursement of 100% of direct expenses involved in eliminating illegal open dumps in counties that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of solid waste management services across county boundaries; reduce matching grant requirements for counties that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of solid waste management services across county boundaries; amend KRS 177.320 to establish a new road fund for counties that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of road and bridge construction and maintenance across county boundaries; establish a formula for the distribution of this new road fund; set conditions for the use of this fund by counties that have entered into valid interlocal agreements for the provision of road and bridge construction and maintenance across county boundaries and to provide for the lapsing of unused funds; amend KRS 75.440 to conform.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions of the bill except delete Sections 1 and 4 relating to incentives for peace officers and paid firefighters; amend Section 11 to reduce the level of funding granted to counties that have entered into a valid interlocal agreement for the provision of road and bridge construction and maintenance across county boundaries; create a new section to require the Department of Criminal Justice Training to study the costs of incentives for peace officers to provide law enforcement and tax collection services across county boundaries, establish reporting date for the study; create a new section to require the Commission of Fire Protection Personnel and Standards to study the costs of incentives for firefighters to provide fire protection services across county boundaries, establish reporting date for the study.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 79/FN (BR 382) - T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to use of a Kentucky Excellence Education Scholarship award in an out-of-state institution.

Amend 164.7883 to direct the Council on Postsecondary Education to permit an eligible student to use his or her KEES scholarship award at an out-of-state institution that meets the requirements for a participating institution if the student's degree major is not available in Kentucky or in the Academic Common Market.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 80 (BR 435) - T. Pullin, M. Cherry, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to the state lottery.

Amend KRS 154A.020 to eliminate the intent of the General Assembly that government programs and services not be mentioned in advertising or promoting the lottery.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 81 (BR 173) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to school facilities.

Require school-based decision making councils to give priority to students with disabilities, preschool students, and primary students when assigning ground floor classroom space; require the Office of the State Fire Marshal to investigate complaints regarding the inappropriate placement of these classrooms, prescribe necessary corrective action, and execute sanctions for noncompliance.


HCS - Retain original provisions of the bill, except amend KRS 160.345 to require school-based decision making councils to locate rooms normally occupied by preschool, kindergarten, or first-year primary students on the level of exit discharge, locate rooms normally occupied by second-year primary students no more than one story above or below the level of exit discharge, and provide limited exceptions, rather than give priority to preschool and primary students when assigning ground-floor classroom space; require schools to ensure that students with disabilities have a safe means of egress from rooms normally occupied by those students, rather than give priority to students with disabilities in assigning ground-floor classroom space.

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Amend KRS 344.010 to clarify that the definition of "disability" includes sensory, cognitive, or neurological deficits or impairments, and certain other conditions.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 18-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 23-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) ruled not germane ; passed 81-7 with Committee Substitute

Feb 24-received in Senate

Feb 27-to Education (S)

HB 82/FN (BR 248) - T. Burch, P. Clark, D. Horlander, R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to communicable diseases.

Amend KRS 211.180, 214.181, 214.625, and 214.645 to require physicians and other health care professionals receiving laboratory reports of a positive test for HIV to report the patient's name, rather than unique code, and other identifying information as required by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Cabinet for Health Services; require the information to remain confidential and prohibit release of name or other identifying information; and establish requirements for name reporting system.


SCS/FN/LM - Retain original provisions, except add a new section that creates a Class A misdemeanor for persons who disclose the identity of a person whom has been tested for HIV or who intentionally release any name or identifying information of a person with HIV.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 20, 2004

Jan 20-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Jan 21-received in Senate

Jan 26-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 12-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 22-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 29-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 95-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 102)

HB 83/LM (BR 249) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to the Harm Reduction Act of 2004.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to require the Cabinet for Health Services to implement a harm reduction program in health departments; amend KRS 217.177 and 218A.500 to exempt penalties for participants of the harm reduction program and health department employees administering the harm reduction program.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 84 (BR 282) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Racing Health and Welfare Fund and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS 230.361 to 230.373 to set forth the functions and purposes of the Kentucky Racing Health and Welfare Fund; establish the membership of the board of directors of the fund; require the approval of the Kentucky Racing Commission prior to disbursing moneys from the fund; require the Kentucky Racing Commission to promulgate administrative regulations establishing procedures by which a person aggrieved by a decision may appeal; subject funds to appropriate investment practices, open meeting requirements, and open records requirements; amend KRS 230.374 to place the Kentucky Health and Welfare Fund under the jurisdiction of the Kentucky Racing Commission and require that all moneys be prudently invested and that investments be reviewed quarterly by the Finance and Administration Cabinet and the Legislative Research Commission; amend KRS 230.375 relating to the Kentucky Race Track Retirement Plan, to require prior approval of investments made by the Kentucky Racing Health and Welfare Fund's board of directors; amend KRS 230.265 to subject disbursements of the Kentucky Equine Drug Research Council to the approval of the Racing Commission; require that all properties and moneys be transferred within 30 days of the effective date of the Act.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 19-posting withdrawn

HB 85 (BR 325) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to graduated driver's licenses for teenagers.

Amend KRS 186.450, 186.412, 186.470, 186.480, 186.6401, and 186.990 and create new sections of KRS Chapter 186 to expand the graduated driver license program for young drivers; establish requirements for an intermediate license to operate a motor vehicle for persons age 16-1/2 years old; require an instruction permit to be held for a minimum of 180 days with no traffic offenses; require a statement signed by a parent or guardian that the applicant has completed 60 hours of driving, including 10 hours at night before applying for an intermediate license; require an applicant for an intermediate license to pass a road test to receive an intermediate license sticker; require the intermediate license holder to have the license in possession when operating any motor vehicle; prohibit an intermediate license holder from driving between the hours of 12 midnight and 6 a.m. and from driving with 2 or more persons under 21 years of age except with good cause; amend KRS 186.480 to permit the State Police to examine unlicensed applicants for an instruction permit and an intermediate license; specify that an applicant age 18 years or older is not required to hold an intermediate license.


HFA (1, T. Burch) - Change the term of an instruction permit from one to three years and change the passenger restrictions for permit and intermediate license holders to limit them to transporting two passengers under the age of 18 instead of one passenger under the age of 21.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 12-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 58-38 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Transportation (S)

HB 86 (BR 339) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to the charitable drug repository program.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 217 to define "board," "charitable health care provider," "health care facility," "pharmacy," and "prescription drug"; provide, by November 1, 2004, for the Board of Pharmacy and Department for Public Health to jointly establish a plan for a drug repository program to accept and dispense prescription drugs donated for the purpose of being dispensed to individuals who meet eligibility standards established by administrative regulation; establish packaging and storage requirements for drugs; require implementation by July 1, 2005; permit drug manufacturers, health care facilities, and any government entity to donate prescription drugs to the program, with donation occurring at a pharmacy, hospital, or charitable health care provider that participates in the program; prohibit the resale of donated drugs; define "health care professional"; exempt designated health care professionals from criminal or civil liability, in absence of bad faith, for dispensing drugs in the program; provide, by November 1, 2004, for the Board of Pharmacy to consult with the Department for Public Health and the Department for Medicaid Services to establish program components relating to eligibility, standards for safe acceptance and storage of donated drugs, inspections of donated drugs, formula for determining a handling fee that may be charged to recipients of the drugs to cover restocking and dispensing costs, development of a program identification card for program participants, and other standards as necessary.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 87 (BR 340) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to the dispensing of emergency contraceptives.

Amend KRS 217.182 to provide that a practitioner may dispense an emergency contraceptive to women who may or may not be patients of the practitioner; provide that emergency contraceptives may be dispensed by a practitioner in compliance with standards adopted by the respective licensing authority for the practitioner; amend KRS 311.565 to require the Board of Medical Licensure to establish standards by promulgation of administrative regulations relating to emergency contraceptives; amend KRS 311.723 to provide that the definition of "abortion" does not include emergency contraceptives; amend KRS 311.858 to permit a physician assistant to prescribe and administer an emergency contraceptive to the extent delegated by the supervising physician and in compliance with administrative regulations promulgated by the Board of Medical Licensure; amend KRS 314.011 to provide that "registered nursing practice" includes the preparing and giving of emergency contraceptives under specified standards; amend KRS 314.042 to provide that an advanced registered nurse practitioner may prescribe and dispense an emergency contraceptive in compliance with standards established by the Board of Nursing through administrative regulation.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 88/CI (BR 341) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to the abolition of the death penalty.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to abolish the death penalty and require court with jurisdiction over person sentenced to death to sentence the person to imprisonment for life without benefit of probation or parole; amend KRS 24A.110, 27A.430, 431.060, 431.215, 431.510, 439.265, 506.010, 506.030, 506.040, 506.080, 507.020, 509.040, 520.120, 527.200, 532.030, 532.040, 532.050, 532.100, 532.140, 533.010, 610.265, 635.020, 635.090, 640.040, 17.173, 17.176, 17.177, 524.140, 605.090, and 610.200 to conform; repeal KRS 422.287, 431.213, 431.2135, 431.218, 431.220, 431.223, 431.224, 431.240, 431.250, 431.260, 532.025, 532.075, 532.300, 532.305, and 532.309, relating to the death penalty.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 89/LM/HM (BR 342) - T. Burch, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to health insurance coverage for colorectal cancer detection.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require health benefit plans to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screenings in accordance with guidelines of the American Cancer Society.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 13-posting waived retroactively

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Jan 26-3rd reading, passed 80-12

Jan 27-received in Senate

Jan 30-to Banking and Insurance (S)

HB 90 (BR 347) - T. Burch, C. Embry Jr, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to children's psychiatric residential treatment facilities.

Amend KRS 216B.450 to permit psychiatric residential treatment facilities to have nine beds and permit more than one psychiatric residential treatment facility on the same grounds that are not located in or on the grounds of a psychiatric hospital, specify maximum number of beds at 324 statewide distributed among four established mental hospital districts, and require state agencies to study and report on the need for specialized services for children placed in treatment facilities.


HCS - Retain original provisions and define "freestanding" facility, reduce the number of beds statewide to 315, increase beds in District II from 81 to 99, decrease beds in District III from 117 to 90; amend KRS 216B.455 to include entities holding an approved certificate of need to those who may be granted nonsubstantive review of CON application, and require entities who do not open or operate a PRTF within 2 years of a CON approval to resubmit the application.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Retain original provisions and specify that after July 1, 2006, entities with an approved certificate of need who do not open or operate a psychiatric residential treatment facililty shall be required to resubmit the application and shall not be granted a nonsubstantive review of the application.

SCS - Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 216B.455 to provide that a psychiatric residential treatment facility licensed and operating on the Act's effective date shall be granted nonsubstantive review of an application to increase the number of beds by one or two, depending on the type of facility, if the facility meets the cabinet's standards providing for stability of care, and exempt this application from any certificate of need moratorium; and delete provision requiring a facility that does not open or operate a psychiatric residential treatment facility within two years of certificate of need approval to resubmit the application.

SFA (1, T. Buford) - Amend KRS 205.540 to increase the membership of the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance from 18 to 19 members, and allow for membership on the council of a member of the Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers; and amend KRS 205.590, relating to advisory committees to the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance, to establish the Technical Advisory Committee on Adult Day Health Care consisting of 5 members appointed by the Kentucky Association of Adult Day Centers.

SFA (2/Title, T. Buford) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

SFA (4, R. Roeding) - Attach the provisions of SB 52/HCS to HB 90/SCS.

SFA (5/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

SFA (6, R. Roeding) - Retain original provision; attach the provisions of SB 17/GA.

SFA (7, R. Roeding) - Amend KRS 158.832 to define "Anaphylaxis" as an allergic reaction resulting from sensitization following prior contact with an antigen which can be a life-threatening emergency and amend the definition of "Medications" to include EpiPen or other auto-injectible epinephrine; amend KRS 158.834 to permit students with anaphylaxis in public or private schools to self-administer prescribed medications; amend KRS 158.836 to permit students that meet the requirements of KRS 158.834 to use anaphylactic medications when at school, at a school-sponsored activity, or before or after normal school activities while on school properties; EMERGENCY.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feb 5-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 9-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 10-received in Senate

Feb 12-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 26-floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed ; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) withdrawn ; floor amendments (6) and (7) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (5-title) filed ; taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading; floor amendments (3-title) and (4) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (5-title) (6) and (7) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Apr 12-taken from committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendments (5-title) (6) and (7)

Apr 13-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendments (5-title) (6) and (7) ; passed 96-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 132)

HB 91 (BR 318) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to adoption of the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 403 to replace Kentucky's Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, adopted by Kentucky in 1980, with the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1997; amend KRS 403.270, 403.280, 403.740, and 403.750 to conform; repeal KRS 403.400, 403.410, 403.420, 403.430, 403.440, 403.450, 403.460, 403.470, 403.480, 403.490, 403.500, 403.510, 403.520, 403.530, 403.540, 403.550, 403.560, 403.570, 403.580, 403.590, 403.600, 403.610, 403.620, and 403.630.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Feb 6-3rd reading, passed 84-1

Feb 9-received in Senate

Feb 13-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Apr 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, April 13, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 133)

HB 92 (BR 1012) - D. Pasley, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to special military license plates.

Amend KRS 186.041, pertaining to special military related license plates, to allow such plates to be issued for motorcycles; amend KRS 186.050 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Transportation (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Mar 23-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 30)

HB 93 (BR 232) - K. Stein, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to child safety.

Amend KRS 189.125, relating to the state's mandatory seat belt law, to require all drivers transporting children between 40 inches and 4 feet, 9 inches in height, and weighing less than 80 pounds, to have the children secured in a child booster seat that meets federal safety standards; make violations for failure to have a child in a child booster seat a primary offense.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

HB 94 (BR 234) - L. Clark, J. Adams, C. Belcher, B. Buckingham, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, R. Damron, C. Geveden, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, Ji. Lee, P. Marcotte, S. Nunn, T. Pullin, T. Thompson, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to sponsorship of bills.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to permit House and Senate members to co-sponsor a bill that has passed one chamber if a substantially similar bill is pending in the other chamber; require primary sponsors of the bills to jointly petition the Committees on Committees of both chambers for co-sponsorship authorization; require approval by both Committees on Committees; specify how primary sponsors and co-sponsors are to be listed.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, passed 91-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 95 (BR 839) - J. Gray, H. Collins, H. Cornett, R. Crimm, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, B. Montell, R. Nelson


HB 96 (BR 807) - S. Brinkman, T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to engineering.

Amend KRS 322.160 to change the date that all business entity permit renewals shall be completed from June 30 to December 31 of the year of expiration.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 93-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 134)

HB 97/FN (BR 2) - R. Thomas, T. McKee, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, C. Belcher, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, J. Comer, M. Denham, D. Ford, J. Gooch, C. Hoffman, R. Mobley, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, D. Pasley, R. Rand, D. Sims, T. Thompson, R. Webb, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to income tax.

Amend KRS 141.010 to exclude any amounts received from a tobacco quota buydown.


SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Amend KRS 131.602, regarding the Tobacco Master Settlement model act, to require nonparticipating manufacturers to base their escrow payment on account of units sold in the State, just as participating manufacturers are required to do with regard to their Master Settlement Agreement payments.

SFA (2/Title, R. Sanders Jr) - Make title amendment.

CCR - Request free conference committee.

FCCR/Title - Amend KRS 141.010 to exempt moneys received from a tobacco quota buyout from the state income tax; amend KRS 131.602 to require nonparticipating manufacturers to base their escrow payments on the number of cigarette units sold in the state; amend KRS 131.620 to allow the Attorney General to promulgate administrative regulations requiring nonparticipating manufacturers to make quarterly escrow payments and to produce information sufficient to enable the Attorney General to determine the adequacy of the escrow payments; make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 9-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Jan 12-posting waived

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, passed 91-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 25-6-1 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 23-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendments (1) and (2-title) for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 26-House refused to concur in Senate floor amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in Senate; posted for passage for receding from Senate floor amendments (1) and (2-title) ; Senate refused to recede from floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 29-Conference Committee appointed in House and Senate; Conference Committee report filed in House and Senate; Conference Committee report adopted in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee appointed in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee report filed in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee report adopted in Senate; Bill passed 24-10; received in House

Apr 13-Free Conference Committee report adopted in House; bill passed 45-38; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 135)

HB 98 (BR 452) - J. Draud, P. Bather, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to children in the custody of the state.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 199 to permit the Cabinet for Families and Children to establish a pilot program to provide residential services for sibling groups committed to the cabinet; require the cabinet to solicit proposals from existing agencies; permit the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to implement the program.


HCS - Retain original provisions except require the Cabinet for Families and Children to establish a pilot program to provide residential services for sibling groups committed to the cabinet instead of permitting the cabinet to establish the pilot program; and require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to implement the pilot program.

HFA (1, J. Draud) - Retain original provisions and clarify that the pilot program applies if each sibling requires placement at a residential treatment facility, delete child-placing agency, provide that the cabinet determine whether a threat to the child's health and safety exists, whether services can be provided on site, and whether a sibling's needs can be met in a less restrictive setting in consideration of the separation of siblings; add that payment shall be made separately for each child in accordance with KRS 199.641(2).

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 3-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 99 (BR 165) - B. Montell, T. Edmonds, R. Mobley

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship.

Amend KRS 164.7881 to provide KEES scholarships to eligible high school seniors enrolled in a dual credit course of study; amend KRS 164.7885 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 100/CI (BR 254) - M. Weaver, E. Ballard, P. Clark, F. Nesler, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to security of vital records.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 213 to require the Commonwealth to create indexes of birth, death, marriage, and divorce vital records; establish the contents of the indexes; require the Department for Libraries and Archives to provide copies of the indexes to the public for a fee; require the Department for Libraries and Archives to permit the public to inspect the indexes free of charge; amend KRS 213.041 to enhance the security features of certified copies of vital records; amend KRS 213.131 to establish who may obtain a certified copy of a vital record; amend KRS 213.136 to subject vital records to civil and criminal discovery under federal and state rules; require the Office of Vital Statistics to provide a certified copy of a vital record to a person when directed to do so by court order; amend KRS 213.991 to increase the criminal penalties for violating the vital records statutes.


HCS/CI - Retain original provisions, except delete language authorizing a fiduciary to obtain copy of vital records, and delete language that refers to terms in KRS 387.010; and permit a personal representative of a decedent's estate or a person with a claim against the decedent's estate to obtain a certified copy of a death certificate.

HFA (1, M. Marzian) - Permit an elected official on behalf of a constituent to obtain a vital record; permit a named beneficiary of an insurance policy of a decedent to obtain a death certificate; make technical correction.

SCS/CI - Retain original provisions; permit funeral director to obtain death certificate; permit news-gathering organization to obtain vital records for purpose of reporting news.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 10-3rd reading, passed 94-2 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 25-recommitted to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HB 101 (BR 372) - B. Montell


HB 102 (BR 94) - K. Upchurch

AN ACT relating to selection of personnel.

Amend KRS 160.345 to clarify that a superintendent shall provide, upon request of the school council, additional qualified applicants, if available, for all vacant certified positions, except for a school principal; clarify that a superintendent may provide, upon request of the school council, additional qualified applicants, if available, for the position of a school principal.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

HB 103 (BR 346) - S. Nunn


HB 104 (BR 377) - S. Nunn, D. Sims, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT designating the official state repertory theater.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate Horse Cave Theatre as the official state repertory theater.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 16-recommitted to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

HB 105/FN/LM/CI (BR 814) - Ji. Lee, J. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, P. Bather, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, De. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, J. Coleman, R. Crimm, T. Feeley, C. Geveden, D. Graham, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, B. Montell, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, M. Rader, S. Riggs, C. Siler, D. Sims, K. Stein, J. Thompson, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to the protection of adults.

Amend KRS 209.010 to clarify that the purpose of chapter is to protect vulnerable adults suffering from abuse, neglect, or exploitation who request or do not refuse services, require reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation to be reported, and make findings and declarations, including the need for a system of protective services with due process; amend KRS 209.020 to define "abuse," "access to records," "authorized agency," "caretaker," "court," "deception," "emergency," "emergency protective services," "emotional injury," "exploitation," "intimidation," "investigation," "neglect," "protective placement," "protective services," and "vulnerable adult"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 209 to authorize the secretary of the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations relating to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation; amend KRS 209.030 to clarify elder abuse reporting responsibilities, require oral or written reporting to the cabinet, local law enforcement, State Police, Commonwealth's attorney, or county attorney, and specify information to be given, if known; require the cabinet to take action as soon as practicable upon receipt of report, and to notify each appropriate agency; require cooperation of authorized agencies; authorize authorized agency to enter premises of health facility or service licensed by Cabinet for Health Services; authorize the agency to be allowed access to financial records in possession of financial institution, in addition to previously identified records; amend KRS 209.040 to clarify that any authorized agency or private citizen may apply for restraining order to prohibit elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult; amend KRS 209.050 to provide for civil immunity for a person making good faith effort to assist a vulnerable adult; amend KRS 209.060 to clarify that only the attorney-client privilege may be a ground for excluding evidence regarding abuse, neglect, or exploitation; create a new section of KRS Chapter 209 to set forth the jurisdiction of the various authorized agencies, and establish the process for handling reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation; amend KRS 209.100 to require any protective services to be in an integrated setting that is appropriate to placement needs; amend KRS 209.110 to prohibit service of an emergency protective order on a person believed to have perpetrated the abuse, neglect, or exploitation; amend KRS 209.120 to require services to be in a setting appropriate to a person's placement needs; amend KRS 209.130 to prohibit service of an ex parte order on a person believed to have perpetrated the abuse, neglect, or exploitation; amend KRS 209.140 to require an authorized agency that receives information in an investigation to maintain confidentiality; provide for exceptions, to include a financial institution or other authorized agencies; amend KRS 209.150 to provide that any person with knowledge of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult by a caretaker may file a criminal complaint, a vulnerable adult may file a criminal complaint, or an authorized agency may file a criminal complaint; create a new section of KRS Chapter 535 to define "abuse," "caretaker," "deception," "emotional injury," "exploitation," "intimidation," "neglect," and "vulnerable adult"; provide for penalties for elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, provide that penalties may be assessed against a person, and create penalties for financially exploiting a vulnerable adult; provide for immunity for people who make good faith effort to assist a vulnerable adult; and repeal KRS 209.090, relating to legislative intent, and KRS 209.990, relating to penalties.


HCS/FN/LM/CI - Retain original provisions, except clarify definition of "vulnerable adult" and add new definition of "victim of spouse abuse"; clarify that the reporting provisions apply to reports of elder abuse involving vulnerable adults and to reports about victims of spouse abuse, but the state agency investigation requirements apply only to reports of elder abuse; provide that the final determination reports must be included in the state agency's file for legal as well as illegal facilities; technical changes; provide that "intimidation" does not apply to actions made in good faith by a facility seeking to discharge a patient under regulatory authority; limit most of the criminal penalties to apply to "caretakers" and not to "persons."

HFA (1, J. Lee) - Delete requirement that for elder abuse cases involving reports related to the Department for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services the adult must reside in a certified Supports for Community Living Program; permit the attorney-client privilege and clergy-penitent privilege to be a ground for refusing to report elder abuse or spousal abuse; and provide that the definition of "intimidation" does not apply to good faith actions to discharge a patient under regulatory authority.

HFA (2, J. Lee) - Delete the limitation of a penalty for knowingly and willfully financially exploiting a vulnerable adult to the meaning of adult in KRS Chapter 209.

SCS/FN/CI - Delete original provisions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 530 relating to family offenses to establish definitions for adult abuse crimes; create new sections of KRS Chapter 530 to establish the crimes of adult abuse or neglect in the first, second, and third degree, and adult exploitation in the first, second, and third degree; provide that certain acts are not criminal; create a new section of KRS Chapter 209 to specify how reports of adult exploitation, abuse, or neglect are to be handled; amend KRS 209.020 relating to adult protection definitions to harmonize the definitions in KRS Chapter 530 with this section; amend KRS 209.030 to require annual reporting of abuse cases and dispositions to the Legislative Research Commission; amend KRS 209.990 to conform; direct Cabinet for Families and Health Services to report to the Program Review and Investigations Committee the actions taken by the cabinet in response to the committee's study of elder abuse.

SFA (1, C. Borders) - Retain original provisions; insert additional language to clarify that deception requires a "knowing" state of mind.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 23-3rd reading, passed 89-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2)

Jan 26-received in Senate

Jan 29-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in House

HB 106 (BR 490) - D. Graham, K. Hall, R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to state employee layoffs.

Amend KRS 18A.113 to provide that interim employees, unclassified employees with less than 12 months of service, individuals employed by public service contracts, and classified employees serving their initial probationary periods shall be laid-off prior to full-time or part-time employees with status.


HCS - Retain original provisions except specify that the layoff provisions do not pertain to cabinet secretaries, commissioners, or executive directors.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 107/LM (BR 896) - J. Draud, J. Callahan, T. Feeley, M. Marzian, R. Palumbo, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation, and making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 142 to impose a tax of 32% of the gross receipts of wholesale sales of smokeless tobacco, cigars, loose tobacco, and pipe tobacco and specify that funds received shall be deposited into a new children's dental care fund; exempt sales between wholesalers and distributors; require certificate of registration; require tax returns; permit time extension for filing tax returns; require interest on tax not paid by date due; permit offset payments; require wholesalers and distributors to keep records for 4 years; permit tax refunds and credits; permit civil penalties for violations; amend KRS 138.140 to impose a surtax of $0.75 per pack of cigarettes and specify that funds received shall be deposited into a new Commonwealth fund; amend KRS 138.146 to specify that the tax evidence compensation remains at $.30 per $3 and require the $0.75 tax to be paid at the time of purchase of tax evidence stamps; amend KRS 248.652 to specify the $0.03 tax remains credited to the agriculture diversification and development fund; amend KRS 438.335 to specify that the Department of Agriculture retains $0.0005 of the $0.03 tax; amend KRS 438.337 to specify that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control retains $0.0005 of the $0.03 tax; create new sections of KRS Chapter 41 to establish a children's dental care fund from the tax imposed on smokeless tobacco, cigars, loose and pipe tobacco and to create a Commonwealth Fund from the surtax imposed on cigarettes and specify use of cigarette tax money for mental health and substance abuse services, Medicaid health care services, cost-of-living pay raises for certified and classified public school employees, smoking prevention and cessation, public school construction or renovation for local school districts with growth in enrollment, veterans' nursing homes, university medical schools for cancer research, and the state general fund; require any agency or entity receiving moneys from the Commonwealth Fund to report on use of the funds; create a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to require the Department for Public Health to administer the children's dental fund for children whose family income is below 250% of the federal poverty level, and require the Cabinet for Health Services to report on the use of funds; create a new section of KRS Chapter 132 to exempt motor vehicles from the state ad valorem tax; amend KRS 134.805 to levy a $3 administrative fee on motor vehicle registrations; provide that county clerks are allowed to retain $1 of the fee and that the remaining $2 is to be remitted to the Revenue Cabinet; amend KRS 132.487, 134.800, 134.810, 134.815, and 134.820 to conform; provide that the new cigarette and tobacco taxes takes effect July 1, 2004, provide that motor vehicles exemptions from state ad valorum tax takes effect January 1, 2005. EMERGENCY, APPROPRIATION.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 108/LM/CI (BR 16) - R. Damron, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, K. Bratcher, B. Buckingham, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, D. Ford, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, C. Hoffman, S. Lee, P. Marcotte, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Pasley, R. Rand, J. Richards, S. Riggs, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, R. Thomas, T. Thompson, C. Walton, M. Weaver, R. Webb, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to the protection of unborn children.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 507 to include an unborn child after viability within the definition of "person" for purposes of the criminal homicide statutes to criminalize fetal homicide; create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to provide a sentence enhancement for criminally causing a miscarriage or stillbirth of a fetus before viability.


HCS/CI - Delete provisions of bill and insert new sections of KRS Chapter 507A to create the crimes of fetal homicide in the first, second, third, and fourth degree beginning from conception, prohibit imposition of the death penalty for the death of the unborn child, and exempt abortion, non-negligent medical and fertility treatment, and acts of the pregnant woman from coverage of the bill.

HFA (1, C. Hoffman) - Amend to include emergency clause.

HFA (2/Title, C. Hoffman) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, R. Damron) - Amend provision excluding abortion to which the pregnant woman has consented to include situations where consent is implied by law in a medical emergency.

HFA (4, S. Lee) - Amend to allow imposition of a sentence of death.

HFA (5, M. Marzian) - Delete everything after the enacting clause and create a new section of KRS Chapter 508 to define "health care provider", "miscarriage", and "stillbirth"; require increased felony penalty when a person commits a felony and causes injury to a pregnant woman that causes miscarriage or stillbirth; require increased misdemeanor penalty when a person commits a domestic violence misdemeanor and causes injury to a pregnant woman that causes miscarriage or stillbirth or permit the misdemeanor to become a Class D felony; exempt acts of health care providers during abortion, in vitro fertilization, or other diagnostic or treatment services, or acts of a pregnant woman.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 27-posting waived

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; floor amendments (1) (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004; floor amendment (5) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 88-5 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) (2-title) and (3)

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Judiciary (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Feb 17-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 33-4

Feb 19-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Feb 20-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 1)

HB 109 (BR 331) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to interlocal agreements.

Create a new section KRS 65.182 to 65.190 establishing a further method for the abolition of taxing districts; make provisions for notice, a public hearing, burden of proof requirements, and the district's legal obligations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 174 to establish the intercounty road maintenance fund; establish funding mechanism; establish purposes and funding requirements and limitations; grant authority to promulgate administrative regulations for the administration of fund; set timeline for distribution; amend KRS 65.260 to grant Department for Local Government primary review for all interlocal agreements involving cities, counties, charter counties, urban-county governments, consolidated local governments, sheriffs, and special districts; make the Department for Local Government responsible for the initial review of any interlocal agreement where one party is a city, county, charter county, urban-county government, consolidated local government, sheriff, or a special district; require that the Department for Local Government establish a log of all submitted interlocal agreements, and establish criteria for log, require that the Department for Local Government create a document, electronic or published, that explains the benefits of interlocal agreements and the procedures for their creation; amend KRS 147A.021 to include explanation of the benefits of interlocal agreements as one of the duties of the Department for Local Government.


HCS (1) - Retain provisions of original bill; amend Section 2 to allow fund established to lapse; create new section to declare an emergency to exist and to declare the provisions of the bill to become effective July 1, 2004.

HCS (2) - Retain provisions of HCS 2, except amend Section 1 to require taxing districts approve their dissolution and require a vote by the subscribers approving their dissolution, and to exempt Chapter 75 fire departments from the dissolution procedures.

HCA (1/Title, R. Meeks) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 22-recommitted to Local Government (H)

Jan 27-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2)

Jan 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 110/LM/CI (BR 92) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to prohibit the sale or distribution of any dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids; provide for exceptions for medical purposes and for resale or distribution outside the Commonwealth; establish penalty of Class A misdemeanor for first offense and Class D felony for a second or subsequent offense.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 111/LM (BR 194) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to autopsy records.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 72 to prohibit access to autopsy photographs, visual images in whatever form, video recordings, or audio recordings except in particular circumstances described therein; provide a procedure to petition the court for access otherwise; and amend KRS 72.992 to provide a penalty for a violation thereof.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

HB 112 (BR 975) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to business names.

Amend KRS 365.015 to require the Secretary of State to remind a business entity that its assumed business name certificate is about to expire; require an individual to file a certificate of assumed name with the county clerk where that individual maintains his or her principal place of business; permit an individual to file a certificate of assumed name with the Secretary of State.


HCS - Delete subsection 8 which provided for duplicate filings of assumed named certificates with the secretary of state.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 113 (BR 953) - M. Weaver, R. Adkins, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, B. Crall, R. Damron, M. Denham, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, D. Ford, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, D. Sims, B. Smith, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to the awarding of high school diplomas.

Amend KRS 158.140 to require local boards of education to award high school diplomas to certain honorably discharged veterans of the Korean War.


SCS - Amend KRS 156.160 to require that if a school offers the Reserve Officers Training Corps program, the course be accepted as meeting the physical education requirement for high school graduation.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 12-posting waived; posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, passed 94-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 25-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute

Mar 29-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 91-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 97)

HB 114/FN (BR 301) - B. Farmer

AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.470 to exclude from the computation of the sales and use tax gross receipts from any sale made to a contractor purchasing materials, supplies, or fixtures for use in fulfilling a construction contract with a governmental agency or public school district if the sale would have been exempt if made directly to the governmental agency or public school district and the contract is funded at greater than 50% from the state general fund or bond funds; make these provisions effective for sales made on or after August 1, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 115 (BR 345) - S. Nunn, T. Burch

AN ACT relating to telehealth.

Amend KRS 205.510 to add telehealth consultation to the definition of "medical care" and add the asynchronous transmission of clinical data, including store and forward, to the definition of "telehealth consultation"; amend KRS 205.559 to require Medicaid reimbursement for asynchronous telehealth consultations provided through the telehealth network; amend KRS 304.17A-138 to require health benefit plans to reimburse for asynchronous telehealth consultations provided through the telehealth network; amend KRS 11.550 to change the University of Kentucky member of the telehealth board from the chancellor of the medical school to the Executive Vice President of Health Affairs.


HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Delete prevention, early detection of disease, health promotion, and management of a chronic disease as a purpose for which a "telehealth consultation" may be provided; add post-surgical follow-up as a purpose for which a "telehealth consultation" may be provided.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 26-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 116/FN (BR 405) - Ji. Lee, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, L. Clark, P. Clark, B. Crall, B. DeWeese, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, T. McKee, H. Moberly, S. Nunn, S. Riggs, D. Sims, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Independence Plus through Consumer-Directed Services Program Act of 2004.

Create new sections of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to define "budget allowance," "consumer," "covered long-term care services," "fiscal intermediary," "provider," "representative," and "service advisor"; establish the Kentucky Independence Plus through Consumer-Directed Services Program to provide an option within each of the home and community-based services waivers for enrolled persons to voluntarily participate and to choose providers of services and to direct the delivery of those services to meet long-term care needs; permit a person in the program to be given a monthly budget allowance based on the results of his or her assessed functional needs and the financial resources of the program, and provide for the budget allowance to be received from the fiscal intermediary; require the Cabinet for Health Services to develop purchasing guidelines to assist the consumer in using the budget allowance to purchase needed, cost-effective services; require the consumer to use the allowance to pay for nonresidential and nonmedical home and community-based services that meet the consumer's long-term care needs and that constitute a cost-effective use of the funds; permit the consumer to choose providers of services; establish the duties of the consumer whether or not the consumer is the employer of record; establish the duties of the cabinet and the fiscal intermediary; require background screening as appropriate; authorize the cabinet to promulgate an administrative regulation to implement the program; require the cabinet to review and assess the implementation of the program and to report to the General Assembly by January 15 of each year; and provide that the worker's compensation laws shall not apply to the provision of services between a provider and the state or the provider and the consumer.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions, except provide that the Cabinet for Health Services shall allocate funds for a consumer's use in the program, rather than submit the funds directly to the consumer; provide for the roles of the cabinet and its agents, rather than just the cabinet; and require the fiscal intermediary to deliver paychecks, rather than provide the checks to the consumer for distribution.

HFA (1, J. Lee) - Clarify that program is intended to provide for services and supports, not just long-term care services; clarify that consumer will have a person-centered plan; require the fiscal intermediary and service advisor be independent from any entity that provides services and supports to consumers in the program; require the cabinet to seek any federal waiver necessary to permit a consumer to hire a family member to provide services and supports; permit the cabinet to apply for grants to support the program; require cabinet reporting to solicit consumer input.

SCS/FN - Retain original provisions; make technical corrections; delete provisions requiring the fiscal intermediary and service advisor to be independent of any person acting as a provider or caregiver in the program; and delete provision permitting a consumer to hire a family member to provide services in the program.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 26-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to Health and Welfare (S)

Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 27-passed over; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute

Mar 23-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 94-0

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 60)

HB 117/FN (BR 871) - C. Walton

AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 157.390 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate an administrative regulation to provide a state adjustment for a local school district whose local tax effort in the formula is greater than the local revenue that can be generated by the district and for purposes of KRS 157.440(1); EMERGENCY.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 118/LM/CI (BR 860) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to drugs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to place current nonprescription formulations of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine under controls similar to controlled substances; provide for dispensing by a pharmacist or a person under direct control of pharmacist; remove from publicly accessible shelves.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 119/CI (BR 1006) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to the collection of DNA.

Amend KRS 17.170 to require the collection of DNA from any person, including any juvenile, who is convicted on or after the effective date of any felony offense, or who is in the custody of the Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice, or a local or county jail on the effective date for conviction of a felony offense, or who is on probation, parole, conditional discharge, conditional release or diversion for a felony offense that occurred prior to the effective date; repeal KRS 17.171, 17.172, 17.173, and 17.174.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 120/LM (BR 223) - T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to library boards.

Amend KRS 173.480 to allow the county judge/executive, with the approval of the fiscal court, to make appointments to library boards and delete language authorizing the Department of Libraries and Archives to submit a list of recommended names to the county judge/executive for board appointments; amend KRS 173.490, KRS 173.725, and KRS 173.730 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Local Government (H)

HB 121/LM (BR 212) - D. Sims


HB 122/FN/LM (BR 462) - D. Sims

AN ACT to homestead exemptions.

Amend KRS 132.810, relating to the homestead exemption, to allow married residents over the age of 65 to each claim a homestead exemption on a joint marital residence; include non-codified transitional provision allowing exemptions to be combined for the 2004 taxable year.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 123 (BR 938) - D. Sims, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, R. Meeks, R. Thomas, M. Weaver, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to state employee educational requirements.

Create a new section in KRS Chapter 18A to exempt Highway Superintendents I and Highway Superintendents II, hired prior to July 1, 1999, from the requirement of obtaining a high school diploma, equivalency certificate, or a passing score on the General Educational Development (GED) test.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

HB 124 (BR 962) - K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, R. Crimm, J. Jenkins, B. Montell

AN ACT relating to public decency.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 233 relating to the abatement of houses of prostitution to broaden the chapter to include the abatement of obscenity based businesses violating the provisions of KRS Chapter 531 relating to obscenity, by allowing the costs of the action to be recovered in addition to the recovery of a reasonable attorney's fee, by allowing the fine for a continuing violation to be imposed for each day of the violation, and to allow for a civil penalty.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

HB 125/LM (BR 987) - K. Bratcher, R. Crimm, J. Jenkins, B. Montell

AN ACT relating to the zoning of adult businesses.

Amend KRS 100.187 to require that the comprehensive plan for a locality with zoning include planning for the location of businesses offering sexually based entertainment or material; amend KRS 100.203 to direct that zoning regulations adopted by a locality require that businesses offering sexually based entertainment or material that is inappropriate for residential or commercial areas be located only in zones where heavy industrial activity is allowed.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posting waived

HB 126 (BR 298) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to boxing and wrestling.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 229 to require that two physicians be present at each professional match; authorize a physician to stop a fight if a contestant's physical or mental condition so requires; amend KRS 229.180 to establish administrative regulations to set out when the weigh-ins are to occur, require that a promoter ensure a contestant has health insurance, and require that a licensed physician and an ambulance be present at the professional match; amend KRS 229.111 to require that a physician performing examinations of boxing and wrestling contestants be licensed by and in good standing with the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, have medical malpractice insurance in an amount determined by the board, have never had his or her license suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction, and have training in ringside medicine; require that a urine test be given on the day of the match; prohibit contestants who have been knocked out, experienced several consecutive losses, or possess a serious injury from participating until the contestant supplies the commission with proof of having undergone medical tests which indicate that the contestant is well enough to participate; authorize the commission to establish administrative regulations setting out high-risk conditions that warrant more extensive testing; require a contestant to undergo a blood test prior to participating in a match and authorize the commission to cancel the match of a contestant who has a communicable disease that threatens the contestants' or other licensees' health; amend KRS 229.151 to establish requirements for the physician serving on the commission; prohibit a member of the commission or his or her family members or affiliates from having a financial interest in any person or business entity involved in or connected with the boxing industry; amend KRS 229.171 to require the commission to maintain records and electronically record commission hearings and other proceedings; amend KRS 229.081 to prohibit specified persons from serving in another managerial or official role for the same contestant.


HCS (1) - Retain original provisions; add provisions specifying that certain test be given at specified frequencies; require that officials be vaccinated for hepatitis B and C and HIV; require that physicians receive continuing education in ringside medicine as a condition of their continued involvement in the sport; require that a final physical examination be given within 3 hours of the bout; require that a contestant be precluded from sparring or boxing if he or she has experienced a technical knockout in the past 30 or 45 days, respectively; require that a suspended boxer be reinstated only by the suspending commission; require that bio-hazard bags be placed in the corners of the ring and in the dressing rooms and that disposable gloves be worn by officials during the match; require professionals to submit a signed medical information release to the commission by which it may access medical records

HCS (2) - Retain original provisions except delete requirement that two physicians be present at ring and require that only one be present; add provision requiring that certain tests be given at specified frequencies; require that physicians receive continuing education in ringside medicine as a condition of their continued involvement in the sport; require that a final physical examination be given within 24 hours of the bout; require that a person be placed on medical suspension if he or she experiences knockouts or technical knockouts or has more than six consecutive losses; delete requirement that a person who has fought more than 200 rounds undergo extensive testing prior to participating in a match; require that officials wear disposable gloves and that bio-hazard bags be used; prohibit the use of flash photography at the match; delete provision that urine tests be given on the day of the match and require such tests be given as determined by the commission; require contestant to provide access to medical records to the commission; permit the physician or the board to require that a contestant undergo additional tests.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 16-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2)

Jan 29-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 89-0 with Committee Substitute (2)

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 127 (BR 122) - C. Belcher

AN ACT relating to the control of pest plants.

Create a a new section of KRS Chapter 146 to establish the Pest Plant Board to identify and coordinate a statewide response to noxious weeds and invasive plant species; describe membership, terms of service, meetings, compensation, mission, and duties.


HCS - Create Pest Plant Board; replace "noxious" with "invasive"; eliminate regulatory authority, farm bureau member to be a full-time farmer.

HFA (1, C. Belcher) - Exclude "agronomic crops" from any listing of pest plants.

HFA (2, C. Belcher) - Exclude "agricultural crops" from any listing of pest plants.

HFA (3, R. Thomas) - Exclude agricultural crops from list of pest plants; define agricultural crops

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 16-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 18-recommitted to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

HB 128 (BR 156) - D. Sims

AN ACT designating the official state repertory theater.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate Horse Cave Theatre as the official state repertory theater.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

HB 129 (BR 1001) - B. Smith

AN ACT designating the official state Daniel Boone portrait.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate the portrait of Daniel Boone entitled "Gateway to the West," painted by American historical artist David Wright, a Kentucky native, as the official portrait of Daniel Boone.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

HB 130 (BR 855) - S. Westrom, J. Crenshaw, M. Denham, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to student credit cards.

Amend KRS 287.385 to prohibit the offer of a gift in exchange for a student credit card application; require public postsecondary education institutions and encourage nonpublic postsecondary institutions to include credit card and debt education sessions as part of new student orientation; direct the Council on Postsecondary Education to promulgate administrative regulations to regulate credit card marketing practices on public postsecondary campuses; make the adoption of a credit card marketing policy a requirement for licensure of a nonpublic postsecondary college or university; amend KRS 164.947 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Feb 25-received in Senate

Mar 1-to Judiciary (S)

HB 131 (BR 856) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to public safety.

Create a new section of KRS 383.010 to 383.500 to specify that any rental agreement relating to on campus housing at an institution of postsecondary education shall contain a notice as to whether or not the premises are equipped with an automatic fire suppression system.


HFA (1, F. Rasche) - Retain original provisions; exempt those postsecondary institutions with automatic fire suppression systems in place in all on-campus housing facilities from having to disclose the fact that all buildings contain an automatic fire suppression system.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Jan 23-floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 27-3rd reading, passed 89-0 with floor amendment (1)

Jan 28-received in Senate

Feb 2-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 132 (BR 992) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to indoor air quality and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 198B.658 to require appropriate education about prevention, detection, and remediation of toxic mold or other indoor environmental toxins, for any person seeking licensure or certification as master heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractor, journeyman heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanic, and apprentice heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanic; amend KRS 198B.090 to require the Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction to mandate appropriate education about prevention, detection, and remediation of toxic mold and other indoor environmental toxins in any training curricula program conducted or sponsored for inspectors; and establish a twenty-member task force on indoor air quality, and require a report to the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare by December 1, 2004; establish membership of task force and specify duties; EMERGENCY.


HFA (1/P, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 155.

HFA (2/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 26-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed ; 3rd reading, passed 87-5

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 133/LM (BR 990) - S. Brinkman, T. Feeley, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to alternative dispute resolution in land use disputes.

Create several new sections of KRS Chapter 417 to allow state and local agencies involved in land use disputes to utilize alternative dispute resolution proceedings to attempt to resolve the disputes.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 134 (BR 944) - S. Baugh

AN ACT relating to cosmetology licensing.

Amend KRS 317A.050 to require the Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists to promulgate administrative regulations allowing continuing education credit for programs at trade shows; require that credit be given to programs that use brand-name and particular products if they otherwise meet the criteria established for programs using generic products.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 135/FN (BR 998) - B. Farmer, C. Belcher, T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to enhancing state electronic services to businesses.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 14 to allow the Secretary of State to accept electronic signatures as notarization for business filing requirements.


HCS/FN - Retain provisions of the original bill with the exception of removing language about notarization.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 16-recommitted to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 84-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 136)

HB 136/FN (BR 999) - B. Farmer, C. Belcher

AN ACT relating to tax return information.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to require business entities to report, on a percentage basis, the amount of net income earned in each county for tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 2006; provide that the information shall be compiled annually and provided to the Cabinet for Economic Development and any unit of local government that requests it.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Economic Development (H)

HB 137 (BR 259) - J. Vincent, J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to condominiums.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 381 to restrict the use of condominium common funds, to prohibit condominium common funds for personal use, and to establish that violation of the restriction and prohibition constitutes a Class B misdemeanor.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

HB 138 (BR 354) - J. Vincent, J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to county attorneys.

Create a new section of KRS 403.715 to 403.785 to allow county attorneys to represent domestic violence petitioners; amend KRS 69.210 to conform.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

HB 139 (BR 378) - J. Vincent, J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to insurance premium surcharges.

Amend KRS 91A.080 to permit the Department of Insurance to impose a penalty against an insurance company that willfully engages in a pattern of business of failing to properly collect and remit the fee or tax imposed by a city, county, or urban-county government on insurance premiums; provide that the penalty shall be no greater than ten percent of the additional license fees or taxes determined to be owed to the local government; provide that the department shall collect the penalty and remit it to the local government; provide that any agent or company that overpays any license fee or tax to a city, county, or urban-county government must be refunded the amount overpaid.


HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Provide that if the local government fee or tax on insurance premiums was collected upon lives or risks which are discovered to be located outside the local government which was paid the fee or tax, the insurance company or agent who paid the tax shall be refunded the fees and taxes within ninety days of notice to the governmental entity paid.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 13-posting waived retroactively

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Feb 2-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 140 (BR 836) - J. Vincent, J. Hoover, J. Crenshaw, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to protection of personal privacy.

Create three new sections of KRS Chapter 365, relating to trade practices, to require businesses, when they dispose of customer records not required to be retained, to take reasonable steps to destroy the portions of the records containing personally identifiable information so that the personal information is unreadable or indecipherable; create a civil cause of action for a customer who is injured and can claim damages because of the failure of a business to conform; and amend KRS 434.870, relating to disclosure of financial information, to expand the definition of "person" to include any type of business entity.


HCA (1, R. Thomas) - Delete the word "all" as the modifier of reasonable steps to destroy records.

HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Amend to exclude banks and regulated financial institutions.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 21-recommitted to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, to Rules with committee amendment (1)

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 141/LM/CI (BR 846) - J. Vincent, J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to mobile infrared electronic transmitters.

Create a new section of KRS 189.910 to 189.950, regarding emergency vehicles, to define "MIRET", to prohibit the use of mobile infrared transmitters to change traffic signals unless operating an emergency vehicle, and set penalties for violation.


HCS/LM - Clarify that emergency vehicles may only use a MIRET device when responding to or engaged in an emergency situation; amend penalties for violation to a $500 fine; specify that a violation resulting in an accident which causes physical injury shall be a Class B misdemeanor; specify that a violation resulting in an accident which causes serious physical injury shall be a Class A misdemeanor.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-recommitted to Transportation (H)

HB 142 (BR 969) - B. Smith

AN ACT relating to traffic regulations.

Amend KRS 189.010 to define "bicycle", "bicycle helmet", "bicycle path", and "tricycle"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 189, relating to traffic regulations, to require all persons under the age of 16 to wear a bicycle helmet when riding on a public highway or public bicycle path; require all persons selling or renting bicycles to post a sign informing patrons of the requirement to wear a bicycle helmet; exempt children riding tricycles from wearing a helmet; require a written warning to be issued to parents whose child has been cited for the first time for failure to wear a bicycle helmet; levy a $25 fine for a second offense and a $50 fine for a third or subsequent offense; allow the court to waive the fine if the parents show proof they have purchased or otherwise obtained a bicycle helmet for their child; provide for all fine moneys from the failure to wear a helmet to be placed in a separate trust and agency account under the control of the Kentucky State Police to be used to purchase bicycle helmets and provide them free of charge for children in need, and to promote bicycle safety throughout the Commonwealth; cite as Marshea Nicole Neau Bicycle Safety Act.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Jan 26-posted in committee

HB 143 (BR 918) - J. Fischer, A. Simpson

AN ACT relating to code enforcement boards.

Amend KRS 65.8825 to allow code enforcement officers to issue citations to an offender's family members on the premises who are at least 18 years old or, if the offender or offender's eligible family member is not on the premises, the code enforcement officer may post a copy of the citation or notice on the premises and issue a copy to the offender's last known address by mail; provide that if mailed, the offender shall have ten days to respond rather than seven.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 144 (BR 898) - C. Embry Jr, J. Coleman, C. Hoffman

AN ACT relating to compulsive gambling, making an appropriation therefor and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 222 to create the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund to be administered by the Division of Substance Abuse of the Department for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services; appropriate moneys for the purposes defined; establish funding mechanism and limitations on expenditures; define responsibilities of director; amend KRS 138.510 to partially fund the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund from the total amount wagered in Kentucky subject to excise taxes; amend KRS 154A.130 to partially fund the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund from the gross revenues of the state lottery; amend KRS 238.570 to partially fund the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund from the gross receipts derived from all charitable gaming; amend KRS 164.7871 to conform; EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2003.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 145/LM (BR 129) - C. Hoffman

AN ACT relating to radon mitigation in buildings.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 198B to define "Zone 1," "radon mitigation system," "local government," and "building"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 198B to require the installation of radon mitigation systems in new single family dwellings, multifamily dwellings, child daycare facilities, and public and private elementary schools located in Zone 1 counties as designated by the Cabinet for Health Services; permit local governments to require the installation of radon mitigation systems in new buildings that are in Zone 1 counties; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow a nonrefundable tax credit in an amount equal to 50% of the cost of the radon mitigation system required to be installed in the new single-family dwellings, multifamily dwellings, child daycare facilities, and public and private elementary schools in Zone 1 counties; amend KRS 141.0205 to establish the order of the tax credit; amend KRS 211.855 to conform; provide that the credit applies to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except delete provision allowing non-Zone 1 local governments to require radon mitigation systems in family dwellings, long-term care facilities, child daycare facilities, and public and private elementary and secondary schools; delete the corresponding authorization for those non-Zone 1 local governments to withhold a certificate of occupancy for buildings with no radon mitigation system.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 146 (BR 994) - J. Vincent, J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to the marriage of minors.

Amend KRS 402.020 to require in cases where judicial permission is sought for permission to marry in situations involving a minor and pregnancy that the court, prior to granting the permission, first give the parents or guardian of the minor notice and an opportunity to be heard on the request.


HFA (1/LM/P, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 155.

HFA (2/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Feb 26-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 147 (BR 993) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to building inspectors.

Amend KRS 198B.090 to prohibit building inspectors from submitting bids for the correction of code violations that they discover.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 148/FN (BR 837) - T. Burch, J. Higdon, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to children's health.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to make General Assembly findings and declarations relating to obesity; define "school day"; prohibit the sale at school, during the school day, of chewing gum, water ices, foods with more than 40% added sugar by weight, and other certain other items with more than six grams of fat; prohibit the sale of any food or beverage in competition with the School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunch period, but exempt water, low-fat milk, or juice with at least 25% of real juice from the prohibition; establish 2005-2006 school year as effective date for compliance; require each school district to appoint a food service director and require credentialing; amend KRS 156.160 to establish penalties for failure to comply with school food sale prohibitions.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions except delete provisions prohibiting the sale of food or beverage items in competition with the National School Breakfast Program or the National School Lunch Program.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Define "competitive food" at the federal standard for any food sold to children in food service areas in competition with the School Breakfast Program or the National School Lunch Program, or both.

HFA (2, S. Nunn) - Define "competitive food" at the federal standard for any food sold to children in food service areas in competition with the School Breakfast Program or the National School Lunch Program, or both.

HFA (3, T. Burch) - Define "competitive food" as any food or beverage item sold to children during the school day until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunch period.

HFA (4, S. Nunn) - Define "competitive food" as any food or beverage item sold to children during the school day until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunch period.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 20-floor amendments (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 51-37 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3)

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 149 (BR 1062) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to Hepatitis B vaccinations for postsecondary students.

Amend KRS Chapter 164 to require state universities to require full-time students to be vaccinated against Hepatitis B prior to enrollment or within 9 months; require state universities to provide all full-time students with information concerning Hepatitis B; prohibit state universities from being required to provide or pay for Hepatitis B vaccinations; require state universities to exempt students for whom the vaccination is medically contraindicated or conflicts with the students religious tenets and practices.


HFA (1, T. Burch) - Delete original provisions; amend KRS Chapter 164 to require public and postsecondary institutions to provide first-time, full-time students with information about hepatitis B disease and prohibit the cabinet or postsecondary institutions from any requirement to provide or purchase vaccinations for hepatitis B.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 29-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Feb 19-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 81-6 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 1-received in Senate

Mar 4-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 57)

HB 150/LM/RM/RS (BR 455) - T. Burch


HB 151 (BR 854) - T. Feeley

AN ACT relating to continuing education for doctors and dentists.

Amend KRS 311.601 and KRS 313.080 to require continuing education credit in new prescription drug protocols for doctors and dentists, respectively; require the equivalent of two hours of training to be incorporated into each board's current continuing education requirements; require the State Board of Medical Licensure and the Kentucky Board of Dentistry to collaborate with the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy and the Office of the Attorney General to develop and present training to practitioners within the medical and dental boards' respective continuing education cycle; allow fees for training to come from state funds, the participants, or a combination; and require training updates to accommodate new drug therapy and technology.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 152 (BR 910) - H. Moberly

AN ACT relating to the Education Professional Standards Board.

Amend KRS 160.350 to update language relating to a superintendent's certificate and the role of the Education Professional Standards Board; amend KRS 161.028 and KRS 161.048 to provide consistency among requirements for alternative certification programs and options; amend KRS 161.1221 to clarify timelines, delete obsolete statements; provide gender neutral language.


HCA (1, F. Rasche) - Make technical corrections to replace "master's" degree with "graduate" degree and to delete a reference to "undergraduate."

SCS - Retain original provisions; add an additional option for alternative certification.

SFA (1, K. Stine) - Exempt persons with a professional degree from the requirements for Graduate Record Examination scores under Option 7 for alternative certification.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 20-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with committee amendment (1)

Jan 21-received in Senate

Jan 26-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 29-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; passed 93-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 117)

HB 153 (BR 438) - M. Marzian, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to fines for traffic offenses.

Amend KRS 189.990, relating to fines for traffic offenses, to increase the fines for violations of KRS 189.125(3) and (6) by $25; direct that $25 from each fine imposed for violations of those statutes be split evenly between the traumatic brain injury trust fund established under KRS 211.476 and the Cabinet for Health Services.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

HB 154 (BR 424) - M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Lottery Corporation.

Amend KRS 154A.020 to allow government services and programs to be mentioned in advertising and promotion of the lottery.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to State Government (H)

HB 155/LM (BR 396) - M. Marzian, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to all-terrain vehicles.

Amend KRS 189.515 to require any person operating an all-terrain vehicle to wear protective headgear; require that no person under the age of 16 years shall operate an all-terrain vehicle; amend KRS 189.990 to provide community services for a first offense and a $100 fine for each subsequent offense; amend KRS 186.574 to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

HB 156/LM (BR 1017) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to county police forces.

Amend KRS 70.540 to make county police appointments by the county judge/executive for four year terms instead of one year terms; specify that county officers may be removed by the county judge/executive for neglect of duty, improper conduct, or due to budgetary constraints; stipulate that if a county judge/executive does decrease the number of county police officers, officers with the least amount of service shall be the first released.


HFA (1, S. Riggs) - Amend to include sworn members, dispatchers, and telecommunicators to 4-year contracts; specify that police department employees shall still serve for the 1-year term.

HFA (2, S. Nunn) - Amend HB 156 to allow local law enforcement personnel to exchange confiscated firearms for firearms and equipment with a federally licensed firearms dealer; extend time limit for exchanges or transfers to 180 days from 90 days.

HFA (3/Title, S. Nunn) - Amend title to read as follows: "AN ACT relating to local law enforcement departments."

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Local Government (H)

Jan 12-posting waived

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 16-floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Mar 8-floor amendments (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 157/FN (BR 394) - M. Marzian, B. Buckingham, R. Crimm, C. Embry Jr, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to services for individuals with brain injuries.

Amend KRS 189A.050 to increase the DUI service fees from $250 to $325 and specify that 16% of the service fee shall be credited to the Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund and the Cabinet for Health Services for providing services to individuals with brain injuries; amend KRS 42.320 to increase the cap for the traumatic brain injury trust fund from $2.5 million to $3.25 million.


HCS - Retain original provision, except add an appropriations clause.

HCA (1/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title amendment.

SCS (1/FN) - Delete the provisions amending KRS 42.320; retain the other provisions and provide that 46% of the DUI fee shall be transferred for the support of jails rather than the remainder of the fee and provided that the remainder of the fee be transferred to the general fund.

SCS (2) - Retain provisions of SCS1; create a new section of KRS Chapter 210 to require the Cabinet for Health Services to create a telephonic behavioral health jail triage system to screen jail prisoners for mental health, suicide, mental retardation, and acquired brain injury risk factors, with the system consisting of a screening instrument to be used upon a prisoner's admission to jail, a telephonic hotline to be used at the discretion of the screening personnel if an increased risk-factor is identified, and recommended protocols for the prisoner's housing, supervision, and care to reduce the identified risks; create a new section of KRS Chapter 441 to permit detention facility personnel to use the triage system, hotline, and protocols at their discretion; create new sections of KRS Chapters 23A and 24A to create an additional $5 court costs fee to be allocated to the Cabinet for Health Services for the implementation and operation of a telephonic behavioral health jail triage system.

SCA (1/Title, D. Kelly) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 21-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, to Rules

Feb 4-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 86-4 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 6-received in Senate

Feb 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 13-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title) ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, April 13, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H); taken from Rules committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title) ; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (1-title) ; bill passed 56-26; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 137)

HB 158/FN (BR 849) - K. Stein, C. Hoffman

AN ACT relating to appropriate and cost effective staffing of long-term care facilities.

Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to provide findings and declarations regarding nursing staff shortages and requirements; require the Cabinet for Health Services to implement a system that increases the number of direct-care staff within long-term care facilities; create a long-term care staffing committee and establish membership and duties; require long-term care facilities to maintain staffing requirements established by the committee; establish civil penalties for long-term care facilities that do not maintain established staffing standards; amend KRS 205.6326 to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

HB 159/LM/CI (BR 1028) - K. Stein, C. Embry Jr, C. Hoffman, R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to inspections of long-term care facilities.

Amend KRS 216.530 to make intentionally informing a long-term care facility of an upcoming inspection by the Cabinet for Health Services a Class D felony; establish a civil penalty of not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to Judiciary (S)

HB 160 (BR 409) - J. Wayne, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to social work.

Amend KRS 335.010 to exempt a graduate student or intern participating in a board-approved practicum from licensure or certification requirements; require practicum to be recognized by transcript as a part of the student's or intern's supervised course of study; amend KRS 335.080, KRS 335.090, and KRS 335.100 to change provisions disqualifying person from licensing or certification who has failed board-administered exam from the past six months to the past three months.


HCS - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 335.010 to include volunteers of church-related or church-affiliated agencies to persons who are not required to be licensed social workers.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 81-10

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

HB 161 (BR 419) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to the Justice Cabinet.

Amend KRS 15.280, relating to the criminal justice analysis center, to place it in Chapter 15A, relating to the justice cabinet, and to move its administration to the office of the secretary; amend KRS 15A.040, relating to the criminal justice council, to remove all references thereto and to provide that the office of the secretary shall assume remaining functions; amend KRS 15.030, relating to organizational units of the Justice Cabinet, to remove the criminal justice council; amend KRS 15A.060 to provide that the office of the secretary shall administer federally supported criminal justice programs; amend KRS 17.131, relating to the unified criminal justice information system to provide that the secretary and the chief information officer shall, with the assistance of the director of AOC, administer the system; amend KRS 31.015, 196.701, 210.502, and 403.700, to conform; make technical corrections to KRS 15A.011, 15A.090, 15A.160, 16.010, 16.080, 16.090, 196.035, 196.075, 197.010, 197.020, 197.110, 197.500, 439.250, 439.470, 439.580, and 441.005; provide that all funds, assets, credits, appropriations, obligations, equipment, records, and files, of the criminal justice council shall be retained by the justice cabinet; and repeal KRS 15A.042, 15A.120, 15A.130, 15A.170, 15A.180, 15A.270, 17.080, and 30A.055.


HCS - Insert language creating a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to create a criminal justice council composed of 11 members to undertake duties as assigned by the secretary of justice or the General Assembly and which meets at the call of the secretary of justice.

HFA (1, K. Stein) - Amend to include the Deputy Public Advocate of Kentucky and a representative of the Commonwealth's Attorneys Association to the members of the Criminal Justice Council created in this Act; make technical corrections.

SCS - Amend so that the Public Advocate, rather than the Deputy Public Advocate, is a member of the committee.

SFA (1, W. Blevins) - Retain original provisions of bill and amend KRS 197.505, relating to privatization of prisons, to prohibit the state from entering into new contracts with private providers to establish new prisons or operate or manage other existing prisons; to allow the state to renew contracts with private providers, but prohibit extending such contracts to establish new prisons or to operate or manage prisons not originally contracted for; to provide that the Act applies retroactively to contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2004; EMERGENCY.

SFA (2/Title, W. Blevins) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, R. Stivers) - Attach the provisions, HB 43, HB 409/HCS, HB 410, and HB 389/HCS; retain original provisions of bill and create a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to require sheriffs to notify the public of sex offenders living within the county who are required to perform lifetime notification, permit notification on other sex offenders; create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to permit convicts selected by the Department of Corrections to serve the final 60 days of their sentence on home incarceration with a monitoring device; permit the inmate to be charged with escape if they violate the provisions of home incarceration; amend KRS 17.500 relating to sex offender registration to clarify that a person convicted of violation of KRS 530.064 relating to unlawful transaction with a minor to require registration only when the person has caused a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity and to require certain provisions to be retroactive and apply to persons convicted before, on, or after the effective date; establish that any person who is not covered under the Act after the effective date does not have to register as a sex offender, unless required to do so pursuant to another provision of law; require a registered sex offender who is no longer required to register as a sex offender under this Act to apply to the deputy commissioner of Local Facilities and Community Services of the Department of Corrections for a document indicating that the person is no longer required to register as a sex offender; require the deputy commissioner, after performing a record check and verifying identity, to notify the applicant as to whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender; require the Department of Corrections to promulgate administrative regulations for the application process and for an appeal process; amend various sections of KRS Chapters 17, 197, 439, and 532 to change term "sexual offender" to "sex offender"; amend KRS 454.415, relating to inmate lawsuits, to require exhaustion of all administrative remedies prior to filing of a lawsuit; delete the provision permitting a court to continue an inmate lawsuit while the inmate exhausts administrative remedies.

SFA (4, J. Denton) - Amend to include amendment to KRS 439.315 to raise the minimum monthly fee for persons on probation, parole, or other form of release subject from $10 to $25.

SFA (5/P, R. Stivers) - Attach the provisions of HB 43, HB 410, and HB 389/HCS; retain original provisions of bill and create a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to require sheriffs to notify the public of sex offenders living within the county who are required to perform lifetime notification, permit notification on other sex offenders; amend KRS 17.500 relating to sex offender registration to clarify that a person convicted of violation of KRS 530.064 relating to unlawful transaction with a minor to require registration only when the person has caused a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity and to require certain provisions to be retroactive and apply to persons convicted before, on, or after the effective date; establish that any person who is not covered under the Act after the effective date does not have to register as a sex offender, unless required to do so pursuant to another provision of law; require a registered sex offender who is no longer required to register as a sex offender under this Act to apply to the deputy commissioner of Local Facilities and Community Services of the Department of Corrections for a document indicating that the person is no longer required to register as a sex offender; require the deputy commissioner, after performing a record check and verifying identity, to notify the applicant as to whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender; require the Department of Corrections to promulgate administrative regulations for the application process and for an appeal process; amend various sections of KRS Chapters 17, 197, 439, and 532 to change term "sexual offender" to "sex offender"; amend KRS 454.415, relating to inmate lawsuits, to require exhaustion of all administrative remedies prior to filing of a lawsuit; delete the provision permitting a court to continue an inmate lawsuit while the inmate exhausts administrative remedies.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 18-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 20-received in Senate

Feb 25-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 23-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 24-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendments (4) and (5) filed to Committee Substitute

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

HB 162/FN (BR 348) - H. Moberly

AN ACT relating to debts owed to the Commonwealth.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 45 to define terms; require executive branch agencies and the Administrative Office of the Courts to develop, maintain, and update an ongoing inventory of each debt owed to it; require each agency and the Administrative Office of the Courts to make every effort to collect the debt; direct the Auditor of Public Accounts to review each agency's debt identification and collection procedures as part of the annual audit of state agencies; prohibit an agency, unless otherwise provided by statute, to forgive any debt owed to it; direct the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations prescribing standards and procedures for agencies without statutory procedures for collecting debts to follow; require each agency and the Administrative Office of the Courts to identify all liquidated debts (legal debts for which all appeals and legal actions have been exhausted) and submit them to the Revenue Cabinet for review; direct the Revenue Cabinet to determine the cost-effectiveness for the cabinet to further pursue collections of those liquidated debts; permit the cabinet to return a liquidated debt to the submitting agency or the Administrative Office of the Courts under certain criteria, stating the reason in writing; require the cabinet to identify the liquidated debts it determined cost-effective to pursue and request official referral to the cabinet; require submitting agency or the Administrative Office of the Courts to retain a complete record of all referrals to the cabinet until the debt is collected or forgiven; require each agency and the Administrative Office of the Courts to make appropriate accounting of any uncollected debt as prescribed by law; direct that debt funds collected by an agency prior to referral be retained by the agency according to statutory authority; direct that liquidated debts referred to the Revenue Cabinet be subject to interest and a 25% collection fee, unless waived by the cabinet; require any debts recovered by the cabinet, plus the interest and collection fee, to be deposited in the general fund, except for Medicaid benefits and funds required by law to be remitted to a federal agency; permit the cabinet to deduct and retain from the liquidated debt, recovered an amount equal to the lesser of the cost of collection fee or the actual expense incurred in the collection of the debt; direct that the Revenue Cabinet is not prohibited from entering into an agreement with an agency for collection of debts prior to liquidation; direct that the agency entering into the agreement retain collection funds in accordance with the provisions of the agreement; direct the cabinet to prescribe, by administrative regulation, the format and form of a referral and the information to be included in it; require the Revenue Cabinet, each of the remaining cabinets, and the Administrative Office of the Courts to report annually to the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue; require the General Government Cabinet's report to be done by the Finance and Administration Cabinet; prescribe contents of the reports; require information about liquidated debts to the Revenue Cabinet to be provided by the referring agency and the Administrative Office of the Courts to the State Treasurer for the Treasurer's action under existing law regarding payments of claims against the state when the person is indebted to the state; amend KRS 44.030 to conform; amend KRS 131.030 to direct that the Revenue Cabinet have all powers and duties necessary to collect any debts owed to the Commonwealth that are referred under the process established; amend KRS 131.565, relating to state agencies' establishment of claim against Kentucky individual income tax refunds, to include the Administrative Office of the Courts in the meaning of "state agency" for purposes of this section; require state agencies with provisions in statutes or administrative regulation for debtor appeal and hearing rights, rather than state agencies that desire to do so, to establish claims against tax refunds; require a state agency to furnish its list of all liquidated debts for which withholding of tax refunds is required to the Revenue Cabinet by dates agreed to by the Revenue Cabinet and each state agency, rather than by the date of the following December 31; permit the Revenue Cabinet, to decline the withholding of individual income tax refunds from agencies if the request would adversely impact the operation of the Revenue Cabinet; amend KRS 131.585 to conform.


HCS/FN - Retain provisions of original bill; define "court of justice"; provide exception from the liquidated debt collection provisions for contracts in existence on the effective date of the act, and for the collection of delinquent taxes by county attorneys; amend KRS 131.130 to conform.

HFA (1, H. Moberly) - Amend to define "liquidated debts" for the Court of Justice; provide that the Court of Justice shall be required to file reports beginning on October 1, 2005, and that the reports will include the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004 and beyond.

HFA (2, H. Moberly) - Amend Section 1 of the Act to define "forgivable loan agreement" and to provide that debts relating to forgivable loan agreements can be forgiven by state agencies.

SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Add improper payments to the items covered by the legislation; require the Court of Justice to implement a system for tracking and identifying debts; require the Court, Justice Cabinet, and Revenue Cabinet to collaborate on the collection of old court debts; require that the results of the collections efforts be reported to the Legislative Research Commission.

SFA (2, R. Sanders Jr) - Add improper payments to the items covered by the legislation, exclude the collection of performance or reclamation bonds from the provisions of the Act; require the Court of Justice to implement a system for tracking and identifying debts; require the Court, Justice Cabinet, and Revenue Cabinet to collaborate on the collection of old court debts; require that the results of the collections efforts be reported to the Legislative Research Commission.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 5-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 9-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2)

Feb 13-received in Senate

Feb 19-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 26-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 34-0 with floor amendment (2)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate floor amendment (2) ; passed 90-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 118)

HB 163/FN (BR 168) - H. Moberly

AN ACT relating to school finance.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160.613 to 160.617 to define terms; amend KRS 160.613 to incorporate defined terms; amend KRS 160.614 to incorporate defined terms; amend KRS 160.615 to require payments and returns to be submitted to the Revenue Cabinet rather than the school districts; create new sections of KRS 160.613 to 160.617 to provide for the administration of the tax by the Revenue Cabinet, and to provide for the distribution of the tax revenues to the school districts imposing the tax; create a new section of KRS 160.613 to 160.617 to allow administrative adjustments to distributions; create a new section of KRS 160.613 to 160.617 to allow claims for refunds to be filed; create a new section of KRS 160.613 to 160.617 to require school districts to report school district boundaries to the Revenue Cabinet and to each entity providing utility services within the school district; create new sections of KRS 160.613 to 160.617 to provide for penalties and to provide for the waiver of penalties in some circumstances; amend KRS 160.617, 160.640, 160.648, and 160.520 to conform; provide that the act takes effect July 1, 2005.


HCS/FN - Retain provisions of original bill; restore language allowing for the energy use exclusion and sale for resale exclusion; set cap of 1 percent on administrative fee that may be retained by the Revenue Cabinet; add language to clarify that receipts from the utilities gross receipts tax remain the property of the school district levying the tax; provide that taxpayers who pay the proper amount shall not be subject to penalties or interest due to mistakes in allocations; delete designation of interstate or intrastate utilities.

HFA (1, H. Moberly) - Amend to delete the provisions that distributions shall be made on at least a quarterly basis and provide that the distributions shall be made on a monthly basis.

SCS/FN - Amend to clarify that communications service does not include prepaid calling services, interstate telephone service if the calls are separately itemized, and if the interstate calls are not itemized, the portion of the telephone charges identified and set out on the customer's bill as interstate as supported by the provider's books and records.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 5-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 10-3rd reading, passed 96-1 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 94-0

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 79)

HB 164/FN (BR 338) - H. Moberly

AN ACT relating to state personnel.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A to require the Secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to review annually the number of permanent, full-time positions assigned to each organizational unit of the executive branch; direct the secretary, by October 1 each year after review with the appointing authority, to provide the Legislative Research Commission with justification for retaining any organizational unit consisting of five or fewer full-time filled positions; establish procedures relating to the transfer of the employees of any organizational unit abolished as a result of the review; establish procedures for the transfer and salary of a classified employee in a management position of the abolished unit; create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A to direct the Secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to abolish any organizational unit management position that is vacant or not advertised for filling for ninety days and to review with the appointing authority the necessity to retain the organizational unit.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 165 (BR 973) - S. Baugh, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT relating to individual income tax.

Amend KRS 141.010 to exclude from the definition of "adjusted gross income" compensation received by active service military and National Guard stationed outside the Commonwealth for service outside the Commonwealth; limit the exclusion for commissioned officers to the highest rate of enlisted pay; provide that the exclusion applies for tax years beginning after December 31, 2003.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 166/LM (BR 818) - S. Baugh

AN ACT relating to adverse possession.

Amend KRS 413.010 to increase the statute of limitations in actions for the recovery of real property involving adverse possession from 15 years to 20 years; if the adverse possession arises from fraud or illegality, or in the absence of a recorded or filed deed, instrument, judgment, or decree, deem the plaintiff's right to bring an action to accrue when notice is sent to the plaintiff, or the plaintiff actually brings suit; create a new section of KRS Chapter 413 to allow an adverse possessor of real property to file a notice of adverse possession claim with the county clerk, set requirements for such notice, and require a separate notice to be filed for each person who is to be notified; require the county clerk to mail the notice to the person specified in the notice, record and index the notice, and certify on the face of the recorded notice that a copy was mailed to the person specified in the notice; set the fee for filing the notice at $10; amend KRS 413.070 to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

HB 167 (BR 946) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 171 to establish the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission to promote, in partnership with the Education, Arts and Humanities Cabinet, awareness of significant Native American influences within the historical and cultural experiences of Kentucky; direct that the commission consist of 17 members appointed by the Governor; establish membership, terms, reimbursement of expenses, meetings, quorum, formation of committees; direct Governor to appoint a chair and vice chair; authorize the commission to seek and accept grants or raise funds; attach the commission to the Kentucky Heritage Council for administrative purposes and set forth the council's administrative responsibilities; establish the duties of the commission; amend KRS 2.230, relating to observation of November as "Native American Indian Month," to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 49)

HB 168/LM (BR 1011) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186 to create a special license plate to promote advertising and design talent in Kentucky; provide for the Advertising Federation of Louisville to conduct a design competition for the plate and allow the public to select the final design through an Internet web based voting procedure; require the federation to submit 900 applications with the required $25 state fee to the Transportation Cabinet before the special license plate must be printed; provide that initial applicants may make a voluntary contribution of $2 and that renewal applicants may make a voluntary contribution of $5, in addition to the $25 initial fee and the $15 renewal fee, to be used by the Louisville Advertising Education Foundation to issue scholarships to promising students who are studying advertising or market communications and who are committed to entering the industry upon graduation; establish requirements for a student to be a scholarship recipient; permit a county clerk to receive $3 for every plate issued and to retain investment income earned from holding voluntary contributions and forwarding the contributions on an annual basis; require the foundation to audit the funds received from voluntary contributions; require 100% of the contributions to be used for scholarships and prohibit the contributions from being used for administrative or personnel costs of the foundation, the Community Foundation of Louisville, or the Advertising Federation of Louisville.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

HB 169 (BR 812) - S. Baugh

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship program.

Amend KRS 164.7879 to allow a student to be eligible for a KEES award if the student's parent or guardian is a resident of Kentucky but teaches in a school in a contiguous state and if the student graduates from an accredited high school in the district in which the parent or guardian teaches.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

HB 170/CI (BR 919) - J. Fischer, S. Baugh, M. Harmon, S. Lee, B. Montell

AN ACT relating to human embryos.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 438 to prohibit destructive testing of human embryos, including buying, selling, receiving, or other transfers of embryos or gametes for the purposes of destructive testing; set civil penalty; make the prohibited conduct a Class C felony.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 9-posted in committee

HB 171/LM/CI (BR 920) - J. Fischer, S. Baugh, H. Cornett, M. Harmon, S. Lee, B. Montell

AN ACT relating to the cloning of humans.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 436 to prohibit the cloning of human beings by defining

"human cloning," "asexual reproduction," and "somatic cell," by prohibiting actual or attempted human cloning, by prohibiting shipping, receiving, or importing a cloned human embryo or any product derived from a cloned human embryo, by delineating application of the new section to research activities, by setting civil and criminal penalties, and by naming the Act the "Kentucky Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2004."

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 9-posted in committee

HB 172/LM/CI (BR 415) - H. Collins

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the licensing and registration of motor vehicles, to define "special license plate," "street rod," "SF," "CF," and "EF"; establish the total initial fee and renewal fee for all special license plates currently in existence; provide that all extra funds required for a special plate in addition to the state fee shall be collected by a county clerk and transmitted annually to the appropriate designated group; permit the clerk to retain any investment income earned from holding the extra funds to offset administrative costs incurred by the clerk; establish a total fee of $28 for all special license plates created after the effective date of this Act, with the Transportation Cabinet receiving $25 and the county clerk receiving $3; establish general guidelines governing the design and replacement procedures for special license plates; provide that any group wanting a special license plate to be created must collect a minimum of 900 applications, each accompanied by a $25 state fees, and submit the applications and fees to the Transportation Cabinet as a whole; upon receipt of the 900 applications and fee require the cabinet to design and print the special license plate; permit applicants initially purchasing or renewing their registration to be permitted to make a voluntary donation, in addition to the required state and clerk fees, that is to be designated for a particular group or organization; establish the information that groups must submit to the Transportation Cabinet in order to be eligible to receive donated funds from the sale of their special license plate; establish a penalty of a Class D felony and a $5,000 fine for any individual or group violating the provisions governing the use of donated funds; require the Transportation Cabinet to perpetually produce all special license plates currently in existence until directed otherwise by the General Assembly; amend KRS 41.400, 186.041, 186.042, 186.043, and 186.174 to conform; repeal KRS 186.171, 186.1721, 186.1723, 186.1724, 186.1751, 186.1761, 186.177, 186.178, 186.179, 186.1831, 186.1835, 186.184, 186.185, 186.186, 186.18651, 186.1867, 186.1868, 186.18685, 186.187, 186.188, and 186.189.


HCS (1/LM/CI) - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following exception: In Section 2, increase the fee a county clerk will receive for administering donations for special license plates from the amount of interest earned on each license plate account to five percent of the funds donated for each license plate.

HCS (2/LM/CI) - Retain the provisions of the first committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 1 amend subsection (3) to provide that the $25 fee for a personalized license plate shall be divided with the Transportation Cabinet receiving $20 and the county clerk receiving $5; in Section 2 delete subsection (1) in its entirety relating to the county clerk retaining and distributing funds to groups and insert a provision for the clerk to forward funds to the Transportation Cabinet and the cabinet retain and distribute the funds to the various groups; permit the cabinet to retain investment income earned from holding funds for groups to offset administrative costs incurred by the cabinet; amend subsection (3) to clarify that the initial and renewal fees for future special license plates shall include an applicant's fee to register the vehicle under KRS 186.050; amend subsection (10) to conform; in Section 4 amend subsection (4) to make a technical correction to delete the provision for a renewal decal to be issued on July 31 and provide for the renewal decal to expire on July 31; add a new Section 9 to amend KRS 186.065 to include investigators of the Public Protection and Regulation Cabinet in the category of personnel that may be issued a state vehicle without official markings; renumber existing Section 9 as Section 10.

HCS (3/LM/CI) - Adopt the provisions of the second committee substitute in their entirety with the following changes: In Section 2, amend subsection (9) to establish conditions groups must comply with prior to being eligible to apply for a special license plate; amend subsection (10) to establish an appeals process for a person or group denied a special license plate by the Transportation Cabinet; and amend Section 7 pertaining to the issuance of personalized license plates to conform.

HFA (1, H. Collins) - Add a new Section 9 to amend KRS 186.065, relating to how state vehicles are to be marked, to authorize regular license plates to be issued to motor vehicles being driven by investigators of the Public Protection and Regulation Cabinet.

HFA (2/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

HFA (4, C. Belcher) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: add $5 to the renewal cost for most veterans' license plates and designate the money for the Veterans' Trust Fund; require the $25 fee for personalized license plates to be divided with the Transportation Cabinet receiving $15 and the county clerk $10; delete provisions for the county clerk to collect, hold, and distribute extra money for special plates and place those duties with the Transportation Cabinet; provide that the initial and renewal fees for new special license plates created include the applicant's registration fee; establish a uniform voluntary contribution of $10 for all groups that want a voluntary contribution for their special plate; make a technical correction to delete reference that disabled veterans' plates are to be issued on July 31 and insert that the plates expire on July 31.

HFA (5, C. Belcher) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following exception: add $5 to the renewal cost for most veterans' license plates and designate the money for the Veterans' Trust Fund.

HFA (6, C. Belcher) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: delete provisions for the county clerk to collect, hold, and distribute extra money for special plates and place those duties with the Transportation Cabinet; make a technical correction to delete reference that disabled veterans' plates are to be issued on July 31 and insert that the plates expire on July 31.

HFA (7, C. Belcher) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following additions: allow the county clerk to retain all fees collected on behalf of groups for special license plates to hold the fees in one account; require the clerk to ensure funds are properly tracked and identified for disbursement annually; provide that the clerk shall not be required to maintain a separate account for each group receiving funds from special license plates.

HFA (8, M. Weaver) - Retain the provisions of the second committee substitute with the following change: In Section 1 increase the renewal fee for a military license plate by $5 on all veterans except disabled veterans who receive assistance to purchase a vehicle from the VA, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and recipients of one of the Distinguished Service Crosses.

HFA (9, J. Hoover) - Increase initial and renewal fees for special General Assembly member license plates by $10, with the extra fee going to the Kentucky Employees Charitable Campaign.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed to Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (2-title) withdrawn ; floor amendment (3-title) filed

Feb 11-floor amendments (4) (5) (6) and (7) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 12-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2) ; floor amendments (4) (6) and (7) withdrawn ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 23-floor amendment (8) filed to Committee Substitute (2)

Feb 24-3rd reading; returned to the Orders of the Day; recommitted to Transportation (H)

Feb 26-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (3)

Feb 27-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-floor amendment (9) filed to Committee Substitute (3)

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 85-7 with Committee Substitute (3), floor amendment (3-title)

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to Transportation (S)

HB 173 (BR 921) - J. Fischer

AN ACT relating to labor organizations.

Amend KRS 336.130 to prohibit mandatory or financial support as a condition of employment or continued employment to a labor organization; amend KRS 336.180 to revise the definition of "labor organization" to include a union for collective bargaining for any employer or public body; define "public body" to mean the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions including cities, counties, charter counties, urban-counties, consolidated local governments, districts, school districts, and postsecondary education systems; define "employee" to mean any person employed by an employer, including employees of a public body; amend 336.990 to make a violation the Act a Class A misdemeanor; award damages and provide injunctive relief; create a new section providing that the provisions of KRS 336.130 shall not apply to existing contracts or agreements, but shall apply to new, renewed, or extended contracts; create a new section declaring this Act as the "Kentucky Right to Work Act"; amend KRS 345.050, 78.470, and 78.480 to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Labor and Industry (H)

HB 174 (BR 406) - R. Rand

AN ACT relating to emergency telephone service.

Amend KRS 65.760 to allow local governments to spend surplus revenue from the 911 tax for necessary equipment and supplies, in addition to communications services.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

HB 175 (BR 1035) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to interior designers.

Amend KRS 323.410 to extend the original grandfather provision to license interior designers from two to four years.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 176 (BR 978) - J. Coleman, R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to school accountability.

Amend KRS 158.6455 to require that a student be enrolled in a specific school for at least 100 days prior to the beginning of the statewide testing period before being counted in the school's accountability index; require that a student who is not enrolled for 100 days be counted in the state accountability index.


HCS - Delete original provisions of the bill and amend KRS 158.6455 to require that a student's test scores be counted in the accountability index of a school if the student is enrolled in the school for at least 100 days prior to the beginning of the statewide testing window, in the accountability index of a district if the student is enrolled in the district for at least 100 days prior to the beginning of the statewide testing window, and in the accountability index of the state if the student is enrolled in a Kentucky public school prior to the beginning of the statewide testing window.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 58)

HB 177 (BR 979) - J. Coleman, R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to student dropouts.

Amend KRS 158.145 to require that all students who drop out of school be counted in the annual state dropout index; amend KRS 158.6455 to require that a student be counted in the school's annual average dropout rate if the student was enrolled in the school of record for at least 100 days during the school year prior to the day he or she was recorded as dropping out of school.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

HB 178 (BR 980) - J. Coleman, K. Hall, R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to student dropouts.

Amend KRS 158.145 to require that all students who drop out of school be counted in the annual state dropout index; amend KRS 158.6455 to require that a student not be counted in the school's annual average dropout rate if the student is enrolled and making satisfactory progress in the General Educational Development (GED) program; require a student who does not complete the General Educational Development (GED) program within one year of dropping out of school to be counted in the school's next annual average dropout rate.


HCS - Delete original provisions of the bill and amend KRS 158.145 to require that all students who drop out of school shall be included in the statewide annual average dropout rate, including students who have not graduated, fail to enroll in the school for the following school year, and do not transfer to another school; amend KRS 158.6455 to establish that a student shall not be included in a school's annual average dropout rate if the student is enrolled in a district-operated or district-contracted alternative program leading to a certificate of completion or a GED; require such a student to participate in the appropriate CATS assessments; and amend KRS 158.146 to clarify that no state or federal funds appropriated for adult education and literacy are to be used to pay for a high school student enrolled in a district-operated or district-contracted alternative program leading to a certificate of completion or a GED.

HFA (1, J. Coleman) - Retain provisions of the committee substitute and amend KRS 158.6455 to require that a student who has withdrawn from school and is awarded a GED diploma by October 1 of the following school year shall not be included in the school's annual average dropout rate.

SCS - Retain original provisions of HB 178/GA, and amend KRS 158.6455 to require that a student be counted in the school's annual average drop-out rate if the student was enrolled in the school of record for at least 30 days during the school year prior to the day he or she was recorded as dropping out of school.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 17-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 31-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 29-placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 92-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 103)

HB 179 (BR 55) - J. Coleman

AN ACT relating to stream construction permits.

Amend KRS 151.250 to exempt cities, counties, or other political subdivisions of the state from obtaining a construction permit from the Natural Resources Cabinet when reconstructing, improving, or replacing an existing structure such as a bridge, concrete slab, or previously approved low water crossing currently being utilized by a city or county road maintenance program; amend KRS 151.280 to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 19-posting withdrawn

HB 180 (BR 54) - J. Coleman

AN ACT relating to emergency telephone services.

Amend KRS 65.760 to allow funds derived from a local tax for the establishment of an emergency telephone service to also be used for the purchase and operation of cellular phones for emergency service personnel and appointed or elected officials with emergency services responsibilities.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

HB 181 (BR 427) - M. Harper

AN ACT relating to health care.

Establish Chapter 335C of Kentucky Revised Statutes to allow persons to practice complementary and alternative health care under certain conditions and without a license; make findings regarding the use of complementary and alternative health care in the state; acknowledge that a person may practice complementary and alternative health care as long as the provider does not perform certain activities; require that complementary and alternative health care providers provide a client with a written statement describing, among other items, the nature of the services to be provided.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 182/CI (BR 244) - B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 218A.1432, relating to manufacture of methamphetamine, to specify that possession of two or more chemicals or two or more items of equipment for the manufacture of methamphetamine, along with the requisite intent, violates the statute; EMERGENCY.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

HB 183 (BR 904) - B. Buckingham, P. Clark, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship.

Amend KRS 164.7879 to equalize the KEES amount for students who graduate from high school in three or fewer years with the amount earned by students completing high school in four years.


HCS - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 164.7874 to include summer school sessions in the definition of "academic term;" amend KRS 164.7881 to allow a postsecondary student who completes an undergraduate program in less than 8 academic terms to be eligible to receive the remainder of his or her accumulated Kentucky educational excellence scholarship, the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship and supplemental award, or the supplemental award in his or her final academic term.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 94-1 with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Education (S)

HB 184 (BR 324) - M. Harper

AN ACT relating to primary elections.

Amend KRS 116.055 to permit a registered independent to vote in the primary of one party for each primary election; amend KRS 118.125 to provide that a primary candidate shall not be a registered independent; and amend KRS 117.125 to provide that electronic voting machines shall allow a registered independent to vote for a party's candidates that he or she is entitled to vote for.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 185 (BR 453) - C. Geveden, M. Cherry, K. Hall, F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to a teacher advancement fund and declaring an emergency.

Establish a teacher advancement fund to provide for the reimbursement of the cost of tuition for courses leading to a master's degree or equivalent in pursuit of education Rank II; require teachers who receive reimbursement to teach at least five years after obtaining Rank II or repay portion of funds received from the teacher advancement fund; require the Education Professional Standards Board to administer the fund and to promulgate administrative regulations by August 15, 2004; EMERGENCY.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

HB 186/LM (BR 816) - R. Nelson, K. Hall, J. Gray

AN ACT relating to minimum wage.

Amend KRS 337.275 to increase the state minimum wage to $5.65 an hour effective January 1, 2005, and to $6.15 an hour effective January 1, 2006; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2005.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

HB 187 (BR 361) - J. Thompson, Dw. Butler

AN ACT relating to peace officer certification.

Amend KRS 15.400 relating to certification of grandfathered peace officers, to permit an officer to retain certification if transferring to another law enforcement agency subject to certification; amend KRS 15.386 and 15.392 to conform.


HFA (1, T. Feeley) - Amend to clarify that transfer is allowed when employment is continuous between agency of origin and new law enforcement agency.

SFA (1, E. Tori) - Attach provisions of SB 78, relating to peace officers; amend KRS 61.365, relating to federal peace officers with Kentucky peace officer powers to add the U.S. Mint Police of the United States Department of the Treasury.

SFA (2/Title, E. Tori) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 16-floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 20-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with floor amendment (1)

Jan 21-received in Senate

Jan 26-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendments (1) and (2-title) for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 29-House refused to concur in Senate floor amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in Senate

HB 188 (BR 253) - M. Weaver, J. Haydon, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, B. Buckingham, P. Clark, R. Damron, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, R. Rand, S. Riggs, D. Sims, A. Smith, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to public records.

Amend KRS 61.878 to exempt from the Kentucky Open Records Law certain homeland security records pertaining to preventing, protecting against, mitigating, or responding to a terrorist act.


HCS - Retain original provisions; allow exemption only for those infrastructure records that expose a vulnerability to terrorist acts; require approval of the Office for Security Coordination before an agency may exempt records.

SCS - Retain provisions of the bill; amend KRS 61.805 to apply the Open Meetings Law to arts organizations receiving $1,000 or more in public funds; amend KRS 61.810 to close public agency meetings during the discussion of a homeland security record; amend KRS 61.815 to conform; amend KRS 61.870 to apply the Open Records Law to arts organizations receiving $1,000 or more in public funds; amend KRS 61.878 to exclude from the Open Records Law under certain circumstances the identity of an individual or a business making a donation to a public agency providing financial support to an institution of education; exclude from the Open Records Law the amount of the donation; exclude from the Open Records Law public or private records having historic, literary, artistic, or commemorative value when accepted by the archivist of a public university, museum, or government depository from a donor or depositor other than a public agency; limit the exclusion by requiring that the donor or depositor request the extent of the nondisclosure in writing; amend KRS 319.082, 327.070, and 342.347 to conform.

SCA (1/Title, D. Seum) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, T. Buford) - Exclude from the Open Records Law those portions of public records that identify an individual donor to a public agency giving financial support to an institution of education, provided that individual has requested nondisclosure of his or her identity in writing.

SFA (2, T. Shaughnessy) - Delete new language which excludes from the Open Records Law under certain circumstances the identity of an individual or a business making a donation to a public agency providing financial support to an institution of education.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 23-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 26-received in Senate

Jan 29-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 18-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 19-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 2nd reading; returned to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 22-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004; 3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; floor amendment (2) defeated ; passed 24-13 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 25-received in House; to Rules (H)

HB 189 (BR 895) - M. Denham, R. Webb

AN ACT relating to court-appointed special advocate programs.

Amend KRS 620.500 to create additional definitions relating to the court appointed special advocate (CASA) program used in dependency, neglect, and abuse cases; amend KRS 620.505 to allow for administration of CASA program in circuits having family courts, to provide for required accounting for funds received and expended; require adherence to state CASA standards in addition to national CASA standards and reduce the maximum caseload for a CASA worker from 50 children to 30 children; amend KRS 620.510 to raise the minimum age of a CASA volunteer from 18 to 21 and raise the minimum training for a CASA volunteer from 15 hours to 30 hours; amend KRS 620.520, 620.537, and 620.540 to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 89-0

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules Judiciary (S)

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 138)

HB 190 (BR 437) - S. Brinkman, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to business organizations.

Create two new subchapters of KRS Chapter 362, relating to partnerships, to adopt with some changes the Uniform Partnership Act, approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1994 and with amendments thereto in 1997, and the Uniform Limited Partnership Act, approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 2001; create a new section of KRS Chapter 275, the Kentucky Limited Liability Company Act, to permit the conversion of a limited liability company to a limited partnership; amend KRS 446.010, relating to definitions for the Kentucky Revised Statutes, to provide that the word "partnership" shall include all varieties of both general and limited partnerships, unless otherwise required by the context; amend KRS 365.015, 313.310, 148.851, 164.6011, 274.005, 275.010, 292.310, 342.0011, 67.750, various sections in Title XI, relating to revenue and taxation, and various sections in KRS Chapter 154, relating to state development, to conform; and, effective January 1, 2006, repeal KRS 14.140, the Uniform Partnership Act, KRS 362.150 to 362.360, the Kentucky Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, KRS 362.401 to 362.525, and remaining sections of KRS Chapter 362 relating to registered limited liability partnerships, merger of various partnerships with other business entities, and suits by and against partnerships.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

HB 191 (BR 97) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to highway signage.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 177, relating to highway signage, to require the Transportation Cabinet to erect recreational and cultural interest area signs at specific locations in West Kentucky to promote the lake areas of Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake; require the cabinet to work with Kentucky Western Waterlands on the slogan to be used on the signs; require the signs to be erected within six months of the effective date of this Act.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following changes: in subsection (1) amend the location of the sign on the Wendell Ford Parkway to require the sign to be placed at the Dawson Springs exit in Hopkins County; delete the requirement for signs to be erected on the future segment of I-66 in Ballard County, US 51 in Fulton County, US 60 in Ballard County, US 62 in McCracken County, US 68 in Trigg County, US 641 in Calloway County, KY 91 in Crittenden County, and KY 135 in Livingston County.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 87-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HB 192 (BR 71) - R. Damron, C. Belcher, J. Coleman, K. Hall, R. Nelson, R. Webb

AN ACT relating to sales and use taxes.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to define "sales tax holiday"; amend KRS 139.480 to exempt clothing, school supplies, and personal computer equipment sold during the first week of August each year from the sales and use tax; define terms; allow the Revenue Cabinet to issue educational bulletins; amend KRS 139.210, 139.220, 139.340, and 139.370 to allow retailers to absorb the tax on other items sold during the sales tax holiday and to advertise accordingly; make conforming amendments.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 193 (BR 1046) - H. Moberly, F. Rasche, T. Feeley, R. Palumbo, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to improving student achievement.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to establish an education compact to help students reach proficiency in reading and mathematics; require school-based decision making councils to implement procedures to review academic progress of students who performed below the proficiency level on the state assessments under KRS 158.6453 and to design individual intervention strategies and modifications to instruction practices for these students; require parental agreement if the intervention strategies are to occur outside the regular school day; provide that if a parent agrees to a program outside the school day, the student and parents are subject to compulsory attendance laws.


HCS - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 156.553 to give priority for professional growth fund grants, beginning June 1, 2005 through 2008-2009 school year to train teams of teachers as mathematics coaches and mentors and reading coaches and mentors; create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to create a Committee for Mathematics Achievement to develop a strategic plan to address specific issues relating to mathematics achievement, including developing a statewide program of professional development; define the committee's role, responsibilities and membership; provide a sunset clause to end the committee on December 31, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to create a mathematics achievement fund to support local schools and teachers in the implementation of continuous assessment and intervention services relating to mathematics for those students not performing at proficiency on state assessments; amend KRS 158.792 relating to the reading fund for primary struggling readers, to expand it to include grants to serve students grade 4 and beyond; require the Kentucky Department of Education to manage grant programs; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations relating to the math and reading initiatives; require reports from the Committee for Mathematics Achievement to the Education Assessment Review Subcommittee, the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the Legislative Research Commission.

HCA (1/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, H. Moberly) - Eliminate requirement for colleges and universities to observe teachers, administrators at school sites in reading and mathematics; eliminate the requirement for school councils to adopt a policy for procedures for a review of the academic progress of each student who performed below proficiency in reading and mathematics the previous year on state assessments administered under KRS 158.6453 and in compliance with the federal "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. sec. 6301 et seq. and the components of the review; eliminate a required intervention plan for each student who performed below proficiency in reading and mathematics; provide that teacher members to be appointed to the Committee for Mathematics Achievement be appointed by the statewide education professional association with the largest paid membership rather than by the commissioner of education and the administrative members to be appointed to the Committee for Mathematics Achievement be appointed by the statewide school administrators' association with the largest paid membership; attach selected sections of SB 100/GA; make technical changes to conform.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Mar 15-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 76-15 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Education (S)

HB 194 (BR 1047) - H. Moberly, F. Rasche

AN ACT relating to the teachers' professional growth fund.

Amend KRS 156.553 to give priority for grants from the 2005-2006 school year through the 2008-2009 school year to train teams of teachers as mathematics and reading coaches and mentors; require that the fund be used for increasing content knowledge, classroom-based diagnostic and intervention assessment and intervention strategies as well as teaching methodologies; require the Department of Education and the Kentucky Board of Education to seek recommendations from other education entities in developing statewide initiatives relating to reading and mathematics; require the Kentucky Department of Education to annually evaluate the costs and effectiveness of activities and initiatives; require reports to the Interim Joint Committee on Education by November 1 of each odd numbered year.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

HB 195 (BR 903) - C. Miller, C. Siler, Dw. Butler, H. Collins, R. Crimm, C. Embry Jr, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, R. Meeks, L. Napier, R. Nelson, J. Thompson, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to leaves of absence for teachers.

Amend KRS 161.770 to permit a local board of education to grant a leave of absence to a teacher or superintendent for any reason it deems acceptable.


SCA (1, L. Casebier) - Clarify that the leave of absence approved by the local board is not eligible to be purchased for retirement purposes.

SFA (1, D. Seum) - Retain original provisions of the bill, and amend KRS 161.011 to permit a local board of education to grant a leave of absence to classified school employees for a period of up to two years for reasons of illness, maternity, adoption of a child or children, other disability, or any other reason deemed acceptable by the board.

SFA (2/Title, D. Seum) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Feb 2-3rd reading, passed 93-0

Feb 3-received in Senate

Feb 6-to Education (S)

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 5-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Jan. 7, 2004

HB 196 (BR 147) - C. Hoffman, J. Gray, K. Hall, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to give employers a tax credit of up to $5,000 per year for making workplace safety improvements for the purpose of reducing or preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders; amend KRS 141.0205 to conform; and make the Act applicable for taxable years beginning December 31, 2003.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 197 (BR 1034) - C. Hoffman


HB 198 (BR 170) - E. Ballard, R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to cemeteries.

Create a new section of KRS 367.934 to 367.974 to provide that a contract between a consumer and a cemetery owner for the purchase of grave space, a columbarian niche, a mausoleum crypt, or an underground crypt shall prohibit the burial, entombment, inurnment, or otherwise placement of human and animal remains in the same cemetery unless the cemetery owner expressly sets out in the sales contract that animal and human remains may be placed in the same cemetery; require that a consumer and a subsequent purchaser be notified if animal and human remains are or will be buried or otherwise placed in the same cemetery; set forth how notice shall be given and require that compliance with the notification requirements be evidenced by the signature or initials of the purchaser; require that a contract that is silent as to whether human and animal remains may be placed in the same cemetery be deemed as prohibiting such placement; provide that this section shall not apply to contracts issued prior to the effective date of this Act; permit the Attorney General to promulgate administrative regulation for implementing the provisions of this section.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 89-1

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 199 (BR 296) - E. Ballard

AN ACT relating to roads.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 178, relating to county and public roads, to delete references to roads adopted into the county road system after July 1, 1914; amend KRS 178.010 to require a private road, street, or highway being given as a gift to a county after the effective date of the Act to meet minimum construction standards established by a fiscal court; amend KRS 178.025 to make uniform at fifteen years the time a road used by the general public is presumed to be a public road; delete references to how the width of a public road is measured in the absence of any record; amend KRS 178.040 to require that all county roads and all public roads that are being adopted in a county road system after the effective date of the Act occupy a minimum 30 feet right-of-way width; provide that all county roads and public roads in existence prior to the effective date of the Act shall be deemed to meet and occupy a minimum 30 feet right-of-way width in the absence of any written record to the contrary; amend KRS 178.070 to require notices for a road being discontinued to be posted at three prominent and visible public places within one mile of the road; require the viewers appointed by the fiscal court to have no vested interest in the discontinuance of the road; require the viewers' report to be presented at a public meeting of the fiscal court; amend KRS 178.117 to expand to all counties the provisions governing persons wanting to personally pay for improvements to a public road; amend KRS 178.080, 178.100,178.115, 178.405, and 178.415 to conform; repeal KRS 178.155 governing the effect of lack of maintenance of a road by a county for 15 years.


HCS/LM - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following change: In Section 3, subsection (2), add a provision that the 30 foot minimum right-of-way may be reduced if a fiscal court finds the minimum cannot be met due to the topography of the road or other extraordinary circumstances exist; amend Section 10 to conform.

HFA (1, K. Hall) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: In Section 2, delete all the new language in subsection (2) that precludes a road that has not been maintained for 15 consecutive years from being part of the county road system and prohibits the fiscal court from spending county funds for maintenance or improvements on the road.

SCS - Retain original provisions of the bill with the following exception: remove language that roads in existence prior to the effective date of the Act are deemed to have a 30 foot right of way and instead exempt roads in existence prior to the effective date of the Act from the minimum right of way requirement.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 19-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to Transportation (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 23-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 91-0

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 61)

HB 200 (BR 330) - E. Ballard, D. Horlander

AN ACT relating to barbering.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 317 to provide that the holder of a license to operate a barber shop shall not be responsible for the actions or inaction of any person who rents physical space from the barber shop license holder as an independent contractor in the practice of barbering.


HCS - Delete original provisions; add provisions that require that the board not hold the holder of a barber shop license responsible for statutory or regulatory violations committed by an independent contractor.

HFA (1, H. Collins) - Prohibit the cosmetology board from making beauty salon and nail salon owners responsible for statutory and regulatory violations of independent contractors.

HFA (2/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 20-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Jan 21-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Jan 22-received in Senate

Jan 27-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 34-0; received in House

Mar 4-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 12-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 9)

HB 201/LM (BR 114) - E. Ballard

AN ACT relating to the compensation of elected county officials.

Amend KRS 64.5275, relating to elected county officials, to restrict the salary, insurance, and retirement eligibility of an elected official who resigns office to retire and is reemployed in the same office within six months.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

HB 202 (BR 263) - R. Adams

AN ACT relating to sewer systems.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to require any entity that furnishes sewage treatment service to customers of another sewer system by using its installations to pay just compensation; grant the power of eminent domain over sewage treatment facilities; permit entities to recover costs through surcharge to customers; repeal KRS 65.115, which contains the same provisions but excludes urban-counties.


SFA (1, J. Denton) - Sewer acquisitions, whether by purchase or condemnation must be approved by referendum of ratepayers.

SFA (2, T. Buford) - Require ratepayer approval of any acquisition of a sewer system or a waterworks

SFA (3/Title, T. Buford) - Make title amendment

SFA (4, T. Buford) - Acquisition of sewer system or other public utility must be approved by a referendum of the ratepayers.

SFA (5/Title, T. Buford) - Make title amendment.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day; floor amendments (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Mar 22-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendments (4) and (5-title) filed

Mar 23-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (2) (3-title) (4) and (5-title) withdrawn ; passed 35-0; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 53)

HB 203 (BR 1039) - R. Adams, J. Draud

AN ACT changing the classification of the City of Warsaw, in Gallatin County.

Reclassify the City of Warsaw, in Gallatin County, population 1,811, from a city of the fifth class to a city of the fourth class. As provided in Section 156A of the Kentucky Constitution, the population requirements for the classification of cities established by the former Section 156 of the Kentucky Constitution remain in effect until changed by law. Therefore, classification as a city of the fourth class requires a population of 3,000 to 7,999.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Feb 6-received in Senate

Feb 11-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 204/CI (BR 328) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to unused property markets.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 365 to prohibit an unused property merchant from selling or offering to sell baby food, infant formula, cosmetics, personal care products, nonprescription drugs, or medical devices at an unused property market unless exempt; exempt duly authorized representatives of the manufacturer or distributor from the prohibition; require the unused property merchant to maintain records of each transaction for at least two years; establish the content of the records; make it a violation for an unused property merchant to falsify, obliterate, or destroy the receipts or to refuse or fail to make the receipts available within a reasonable time; exempt specified sales; amend KRS 365,990 to establish penalties.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

HB 205/LM/CI (BR 201) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to the treatment of sex offenders.

Creates a chemical treatment program for sex offenders by creating a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to require that person receiving a second conviction for rape, sodomy, sexual abuse, or incest be sentenced to a program of therapy and chemical treatment.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Judiciary (H)

HB 206 (BR 943) - J. Draud

AN ACT relating to automobile insurance policy claims for diminution in value.

Create a new section of Subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that diminution in value shall be an element of property damage under an automobile insurance policy for both first party and third party claimants; provide that if a release or full payment of claim is executed by the claimant, involving a repair to a motor vehicle, it shall not bar the right of claimant to promptly assert a claim for diminution in value if the diminution was directly caused by the accident and the diminished value could not be determined or known until after the repair or attempted repair of the motor vehicle.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 27-posted in committee

HB 207 (BR 463) - J. Draud, R. Adams, J. Callahan, T. Feeley, L. Napier, M. Rader, A. Simpson, D. Sims

AN ACT relating to physical activity for students.

Amend KRS 156.160 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations that require 30 minutes of physical activity each day or 150 minutes each week for a public school, coordinated by a certified physical education specialist within a school or school district, effective with the 2006-2007 school year for preschool through intermediate program and 2007-2008 for the middle school program; encourage consultation with physical education specialists.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Education (H)

HB 208 (BR 834) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to filing deadlines for write-in candidates.

Amend KRS 117.265 to provide for 4 p.m. deadline for filing of declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate.


SCS - Retain original provisions of the bill and amend KRS 242.020 to provide for filing of petition where territory to be affected is in more than one county, and provide that county judge/executive makes an order specifying the date of the local option election, except where the date is specified by the petition, and provide that county clerk shall notify the State Board of Elections of the date and subject matter of the election; amend KRS 242.030 to specify that the local option election shall not be held within 60 days of a primary or general election, except as provided in KRS 242.185, and provide filing deadlines for elections held on primary or general election days; amend KRS 242.040 to provide that the county clerk shall notify the sheriff that a valid petition stating a specific date for the election has been filed; amend KRS 242.070 to delete provisions relating to nomination of election officers, witnesses, and guards, and provide that the officers of the election shall be those appointed for all other elections under KRS 117.045; amend KRS 242.110 to provide for certification of the local option election when territory affected lies in more than one county; KRS 242.120 to provide for recanvass procedures in local option elections; repeal KRS 242.080 and KRS 242.090.

SCA (1/Title, A. Robinson) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, T. Buford) - Amend KRS 242.030(5) to provide for time frame for local option elections held on a primary or general election day.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Jan 13-posted in committee

Jan 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 21-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 26-3rd reading, passed 91-0

Jan 27-received in Senate

Jan 30-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day; recommitted to State and Local Government (S)

HB 209/LM (BR 827) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to election officers.

Amend KRS 117.045 to increase precinct election officer pay from minimum of $60 to $100 per election day served; provide a $10 flat fee for delivery of election packets to the polls by election officers and provide a $10 flat fee for delivering election returns by the precinct election judges; amend KRS 117.187 to increase minimum training compensation for election officers from $10 to $25.


HCS/LM - Retain original provisions, and amend KRS 117.345 to increase state share of election payments from $255 to $700 per precinct; appropriate $2,433,900 in FY 2004-2005 and $2,433,900 in FY 2005-2006 to State Board of Elections for increase in state share of elections payments to counties.

HCA (1/Title, A. Arnold) - Make title amendment.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Jan 13-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 210 (BR 828) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to elections and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 117.345 to increase state share of election payments from $255 to $700 per precinct; appropriate $2,433,900 in FY 2004-2005 and $2,433,900 in FY 2005-2006 to State Board of Elections for increase in state share of elections payments to counties.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Jan 13-posted in committee

HB 211 (BR 832) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to payments to county clerks for election related expenses and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 117.343 to increase the amounts paid to county clerks per registered voter from 50 cents to $1.00; appropriate $2,720,000 to the State Board of Elections for FY 2004-05 and $2,720,000 for FY 2005-06.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Jan 13-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 212/LM (BR 439) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to peace officers.

Amend KRS 15.331, relating to peace officer training on bias-related crimes, to add training on human diversity, on handling mentally ill persons, mentally retarded persons, and persons suffering from alcohol and other drug abuse, and on standards for the use of force, defensive tactics, and situations where less than lethal force should be used; amend KRS 67C.321, relating to discipline of peace officers in consolidated local governments, to add procedural process for citizen complaints and appeals; amend KRS 67C.325, relating to subpoena power of police merit boards of consolidated local governments, to specify that subpoenas may be issued upon a prevailing motion of the board for the purpose of the investigation rather than at the benefit of the officer or the chief and at the request thereof; amend KRS 15.310 to conform; make technical amendments to KRS 15.420 and 15.340; repeal and reenact KRS 15.515 as a new section of KRS 15.410 to 15.510.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Judiciary (H)

HB 213 (BR 1085) - T. Burch


HB 214 (BR 326) - T. Burch


HB 215 (BR 440) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to consumer loans.

Amend KRS 288.530 to allow charges on consumer loans secured by the certificate of title to a motor vehicle at a rate of three percent (3%) per month on the unpaid principal balance not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), and two and one-third percent (2.33%) on the unpaid principal balance exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000) but not exceeding three thousand dollars ($3,000); permit charges of two and one-third percent (2.33%) per month if the original principal amount exceeds three thousand dollars ($3,000); permit the licensee to recover actual and commercially reasonable expenses paid to a third party for repossession and storage of any motor vehicle pledged as security; prohibit recovery of expenses for repossession and storage if the licensee owns any portion of or controls the entity that performs the services.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 5-posting withdrawn

HB 216 (BR 1103) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to an electronic health network to simplify administrative transactions.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 216 to define terms; create the Kentucky e-Health Network Board to oversee the development, implementation, and operation of a statewide electronic network of health care providers and insurers for the purpose of simplifying administrative transactions; establish the membership of the board; establish the responsibilities of the board; require any transactions by the network to comply with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; require the board to adopt standards for computer systems communicating with the central components of the network; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations; require an annual report to the Governor, Cabinet for Health Services, Office for the New Economy, Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare, and the Interim Joint Committee on Banking and Insurance; establish a Ke-HN fund; amend KRS 45A.605 to authorize the use of the information highway for transactions and activities associated with the network, but not limit the board to using the information highway for all its communications services; permit the Cabinet for Health Services to be excluded from the network; clarify that state funds are not being appropriated under this Act.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

HB 217 (BR 1069) - M. Denham

AN ACT relating to school health.

Amend KRS 156.502 to establish guidelines for the development and implementation of an individual care plan for a student with health concerns or conditions that may impact the student's safety while enrolled in a public school; establish timelines for revision and review of the plan.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 218 (BR 250) - T. Burch, J. Higdon

AN ACT relating to children's health.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to make General Assembly findings and declarations relating to obesity; define "school day"; set standards for the sale of certain food, beverage, and snack items in vending machines or otherwise; permit high schools to sell soda waters thirty minutes after the close of the last lunch period; prohibit the sale of certain foods inconsistent with the School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunch period; permit a school to sell water, low-fat milk, or juice that contains at least 25% real juice at any time during the school day; permit only high schools to sell soda waters at designated time; provide that a la carte foods on the cafeteria line meet federal standard for breakfast or lunch components; establish 2005-2006 school year as effective date for compliance; require school district to appoint a food service director and require credentialing; require continuing education; amend KRS 156.160 to establish penalties for the failure to comply with the food standards in schools; and create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the Kentucky Department of Education in cooperation with other entities to develop guidelines to incorporate planned, sequential instruction within the elementary and middle school curriculum that promotes lifelong physical activity for implementation in the 2006-2007 school year.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 219 (BR 1089) - T. Feeley


HB 220 (BR 1060) - S. Nunn, J. Coleman, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to Medicaid.

Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.630 to authorize the Department for Medicaid Services to designate providers for a recipient who abuses or overutilizes Medicaid services or who is convicted of unlawfully distributing a controlled substance; provide that the provider restriction will continue for a minimum of 12 months; exclude emergency services and referrals from the restrictions; require the department to annually determine if the restrictions for a recipient shall continue; authorize the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to promulgate an administrative regulation establishing guidelines to determine overutilization or inappropriate utilization of Medicaid services; amend KRS 218A.202 to permit the Department for Medicaid Services to use data from the electronic system for monitoring controlled substances to identify Medicaid recipients whose usage of controlled substances may be appropriately managed by a single outpatient pharmacy or primary care provider; permit the department to use the data from the system as evidence in an administrative hearing; amend KRS 218A.240 to authorize the Cabinet for Health Services to submit data from the electronic monitoring system as evidence in administrative hearings; and amend KRS 205.560 to require Medicaid coverage for inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 221 (BR 436) - S. Brinkman

AN ACT relating to business entities.

Create seven new sections in KRS Chapter 275, the Kentucky Limited Liability Company Act, to authorize the creation of "series" limited liability companies; provide that the word "series" shall appear in the name of the company; provide that the written operating agreement can designate members, managers, or company interests as separate series with regard to specific property, assets, debts, liabilities, or profits or losses associated therewith, of the company; provide other structural arrangements that may be included in the written operating agreement; provide conditions under which debts, liabilities, and obligations of a series can be enforceable only against that specific series and not against other series within the company or the company generally, and conversely as against a specific series; provide creditor's rights of members associated with a series; provide for the dissolution and termination of a series limited liability company; create seven new sections in KRS Chapter 275 to authorize the creation of "special purpose" limited liability companies; provide that the words "special purpose" shall appear in the name of the company; provide that the special purpose limited liability company shall be headed by an independent member or independent manager; provide that the special purpose limited liability company shall not, without the prior written consent of the independent member or manager, institute bankruptcy or other related proceedings, or to otherwise liquidate its assets or arrange for the transfer thereof into another business entity, to provide that fiduciary and other related duties as between the independent member or manager and the members or managers do not exist; provide that restrictions in the written operating agreement on actions of members or managers without the prior written consent of the independent member of manager shall be specifically enforceable; create a new section of KRS Chapter 275 to provide that a series limited liability company may also be a special purpose limited liability company; create five new sections of KRS Chapter 275 to authorize limited liability companies to acquire corporations through a "share exchange," and to provide for a plan of share exchange, its adoption, and rights of members with respect thereto; create five new sections of KRS Chapter 275, modeled in part after KRS 273.237, 273.241, 273.303, 273.333, 273.320, and 273.327, relating to nonprofit corporations, to provide that a nonprofit limited liability company shall not issue interests, make distributions, or make loans to its members or managers; provide for the distribution of assets of a nonprofit limited liability company in the process of dissolution; provide for judicial sale of assets of a nonprofit limited liability company; provide for the involuntary dissolution of a nonprofit limited liability company; amend KRS 275.015 to include new definitions for the chapter; amend KRS 275.020 to require the organizer to name the initial manager or initial member; specify that the limited liability company begins on the date the articles of organization are filed with the Secretary of State; provide that the Secretary of State's filing of the articles of organization is proof that the organizer satisfied all conditions precedent to organization, except in proceedings by the state to cancel or revoke the organization or involuntarily dissolve the limited liability company; amend KRS 275.025 to include articles of organization requirements for nonprofit, series, and special purpose limited liability companies; create a new section of KRS Chapter 275 to place therein substantive language describing a written operating agreement in KRS 275.0125; amend KRS 275.030 to specify that members have no right to dissent from an amendment to the articles of organization unless otherwise provided in the articles or in the written operating agreement; amend KRS 275.045 to allow the Secretary of State to accept electronically transmitted documents for filing and payment of filing fees by credit or debit card; make technical amendments to KRS 275.060, relating to effective date and time of filing; make technical and conforming amendments to KRS 275.065, relating to articles of correction; make technical and conforming amendments to KRS 275.070 and KRS 275.080, relating to filing of documents with the Secretary of State; amend KRS 275.095, relating to joint and several liability for persons purporting to act for a limited liability company that is not organized, to preclude liability to any person with knowledge that the organization had not yet taken place so long as the organization took place shortly thereafter; amend KRS 275.105 to allow holders of reserved names to cancel that reservation; amend KRS 275.170 to provide that voting and quorum requirements for member or manager actions subject to review shall not include the member or manager whose action is being reviewed; amend KRS 275.175 to provide that a member has no right to dissent from an amendment to the operating agreement unless otherwise provided in the articles of organization or the written operating agreement; amend KRS 275.195 to allow persons to be admitted as members of the limited liability company and to receive an interest therein without making a contribution or a promise thereof, and to allow persons to be admitted without acquiring an interest in the LLC; make technical and conforming amendments to KRS 275.200, relating to the obligations of members to make contributions; amend KRS 275.225 to exempt reasonable compensation and payments from a bona fide retirement plan from the definition of "distribution" for the purpose of that section; amend KRS 275.240 to include a "series" limited liability company; amend KRS 275.255 to notwithstand KRS 355.9-406 and 355.9-408, relating to restrictions on assignment; amend KRS 275.285 to provide additional contingencies relating to the last remaining member or successor in interest before a limited liability company shall be dissolved; amend KRS 275.345 and KRS 275.350 to provide that members shall not have the right to dissent from a merger unless otherwise provided in the articles of organization, a written operating agreement, or an agreement and plan of merger, and to prohibit a nonprofit limited liability company from merging with any entity other than a domestic nonprofit limited liability company; amend KRS 313.240 to allow dentists to practice under the organization of a professional limited liability company; and make technical amendments to KRS 11A.010, 11A.201, 304.38-040, 304.38-070, 311A.070, 273.161, and 68.200 to change the phrase "limited liability corporation" to "limited liability company" and to alphabetize definitions.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

HB 222 (BR 294) - T. Kerr, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to real property.

Amend KRS 382.365 to allow any party with an interest in real property that was subject to a lien to recover against the lienholder for a failure to release the lien.


HCS - Retain original language; insert additional provision providing that if multiple parties recover against the lienholder, the amount of damages recovered shall be allocated equally among the recovering parties.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 223/LM/CI (BR 25) - T. Kerr, C. Walton, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 510 to prohibit a registered sexual offender from living within 1000 feet of a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 510 to prohibit a registered sexual offender from entering school grounds without permission of school authorities; create a new section of KRS Chapter 510 to prohibit a registered sexual offender from loitering near school grounds; amend KRS 508.140 relating to stalking in the first degree to include registered sexual offenders within the elements of the crime of stalking in the first degree and increase penalty for second or subsequent offense to a Class C felony; amend KRS 508.150 relating to stalking in the second degree to increase second and subsequent offense penalties to a Class D felony; amend KRS 510.040 relating to rape in the first degree to increase second or subsequent offense to Class A felony; amend KRS 510.050 relating to rape in the second degree to increase second or subsequent offense penalty to Class B felony; amend KRS 510.060 relating to rape in the third degree to increase second or subsequent offense penalty to Class C felony; amend KRS 510.070 relating to sodomy in the first degree to increase second and subsequent offense penalty to Class A felony; amend KRS 510.080 relating to sodomy in the second degree to increase second or subsequent offense penalty to Class B felony; amend KRS 510.090 relating to sodomy in the third degree to increase third and subsequent offense penalty to Class C felony; amend KRS 510.110 relating to sexual abuse in the first degree to increase second and subsequent offense penalty to Class C felony; amend KRS 510.120 relating to sexual abuse in the second degree to increase second and subsequent offense penalty to Class D felony; amend KRS 510.130 relating to sexual abuse in the third degree to increase second offense penalty to Class A misdemeanor and third and subsequent offense penalty to Class D felony; amend KRS 510.140 relating to sexual misconduct to increase second and subsequent offense penalty to Class D felony; repeal KRS 510.015 relating to treating third or subsequent misdemeanor offense under Chapter 510 as a Class D felony.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 26-discharge petition filed

HB 224 (BR 1074) - C. Walton, T. Kerr

AN ACT relating to the expulsion of students.

Amend KRS 158.150 to permit rather than require a board of education to provide alternative educational opportunities for a student expelled from the regular school setting.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Education (H)

Introduced Jan. 8, 2004

HB 225/LM (BR 952) - M. Weaver, J. Richards, E. Ballard, P. Clark, R. Damron, F. Nesler, S. Riggs, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to military discharge papers.

Amend KRS 422.090 to establish procedures for county clerks to follow in the release and the destruction of military discharge papers.


SFA (1, D. Seum) - Add a provision with regard to military discharge papers filed with the county clerk before the effective date of the Act and commingled with documents unrelated to military discharge; grant a county clerk handling such discharge papers the discretion to decide whether to comply with certain provisions of the Act.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 13-posting waived retroactively; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, passed 94-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 1-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 2-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with floor amendment (1) ; received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendment (1)

Mar 23-House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; passed 93-0

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 52)

HB 226/LM (BR 407) - M. Weaver, B. Buckingham, L. Clark, P. Clark, P. Marcotte, R. Palumbo, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to wireless communications.

Amend KRS 11.5162 to expand the definitions of "frequency," "interoperability," and "standards," and create definitions for "public safety shared infrastructure" and "primary wireless public safety voice or data communications systems"; amend KRS 11.5163 to require all state and local agencies utilizing state or federal funds for public safety wireless communications systems to submit project plans to the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee for review; require the committee to review the plans and forward them to the chief information officer for approval; provide that if project plans do not meet standards, agencies shall not receive state funds for projects, and shall not receive federal funds if they are distributed through and at the discretion of a state agency; encourage all agencies to submit project plans for review and recommendations; require the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee to develop funding and support plans for public safety shared infrastructure, and make recommendations to the chief information officer, the Governor, and the General Assembly.


HCS/LM - Retain the original provisions, except exclude "911" telephone systems from the definition of "Primary wireless public safety voice or data communications systems"; omit provisions that would have allowed the chief information officer to block funding for proposed wireless communications systems that did not meet standards; require state wireless communications plans to be sent to the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee for review and recommendation, and require the committee to send the plans to the chief information officer for final approval; require local governmental agencies to submit wireless communications plans to the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee for review and recommendation only.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 6-3rd reading, passed 87-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 9-received in Senate

Feb 12-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 48)

HB 227 (BR 873) - J. Higdon, J. Bruce, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, J. Gooch, M. Harmon, R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to catastrophic health benefit plans.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to permit a health insurer that offers, renews, or delivers a health benefit plan in Kentucky to offer as an option a limited health benefit plan that excludes any or all of the state-mandated health benefits; require the applicant at the time of application, and the policyholder upon renewal, to sign a written disclosure statement and return it to the insurer; provide that the disclosure statement must clearly state that the limited health benefit plan does not cover all state-mandated benefits and list each covered mandated benefit and each excluded mandated benefit; require the insurer to retain the disclosure statement for a reasonable period of time as determined by the commissioner.


HCS - Retain original provisions; permit insurer to offer a health benefit plan, rather than a catastrophic health benefit plan, that excludes any or all state mandated benefits except for federal mandated benefits and except for mandated benefits that mandate the payment, indemnification, or reimbursement of providers licensed under KRS Chapter 312 or any other specified health care provider as defined in KRS 304.17A-005(19); provide that an insurer shall not be required to utilize the experience of enrollees of health benefit plans that contain the mandated benefits to develop the insurer's index rate for health benefit plans offered, renewed, or delivered under this section; permit the insurer to meet the requiremet of retaining the disclosure statement in its records by retaining an electronic copy of the disclosure statement.

HCA (1/Title, J. Higdon) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Prohibit the waiver of mandated benefits for diabetes.

HFA (2, C. Miller) - Require the optional health benefit plan to cover mammography screenings and breast cancer treatment.

HFA (3, J. Higdon) - Prohibit the waiver of mandated benefits for diabetes; require a disclosure statement be signed by prospective policyholder or insured prior to application or renewal; provide that any advertisement of a policy that waives mandated benefits clearly state that the policy does not cover all mandated health benefits.

SFA (1, T. Shaughnessy) - Amend KRS 304.17A-200 to permit an individual to refuse coverage under a small employer group of two to ten employees within an employer-organized association; create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to permit an insurer to not include any additional state-mandated benefits between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2007; require the commissioner of insurance to promulgate administrative regulations setting forth standards and procedures for disclosure of information, including protected health information, required by insurers; create a new section of Subtitle 18 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that beginning no later than August 1, 2004, every insurer offering or issuing health benefit plans must use the uniform employee application form developed by the commissioner of insurance when a person or employer applies for coverage under a health benefit plan offered by the employer insurer; amend KRS 304.17B-015 to provide that a person is eligible for coverage under Kentucky Access if the person has been a Kentucky resident for 12 months, and the individual is eligible to be enrolled in a small group of two to ten employees which is eligible for participation in an employer-organized association health benefit plan, and the individual has voluntarily waived the coverage, and the individual has a high-cost condition, and the individual's employer will pay the same percentage or dollar amount of premium as the employer pays for his or her other employees.

SFA (2, T. Shaughnessy) - Add a list of the state health mandates that may be excluded by health insurers pursuant to this Act.

SFA (3, C. Borders) - Amend Section 1(1)(a) of GA bill to include benefit for hospice care under KRS 304.17A-250(8).

SFA (4, J. Denton) - Direct the Legislative Research Commission to create a Task Force on Health Care Cost Containment; direct the task force to study health care cost increases and potential solutions; direct the task force to review legislation in other states on limited benefit or mandate-free health insurance plans, the impact of such plans on premiums in Kentucky, and the effect of such plans on competition in the health insurance market; direct the task force to review how health savings accounts or other health care reimbursement accounts may affect premiums; direct the task force to report by December 1, 2004; direct the Legislative Research Commission to contract with a health insurance actuary to assist the task force.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 81-6 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendments (2) and (3)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-floor amendments (3) and (4) filed

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

HB 228/LM/CI (BR 1101) - C. Miller, C. Siler, L. Clark, P. Clark, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, R. Meeks, J. Wayne


HB 229 (BR 450) - E. Ballard

AN ACT relating to school attendance.

Amend KRS 158.070, relating to school term, to allow students participating in school sponsored subsectional, sectional, district, regional, or state competitions held in Kentucky to be counted present at school if the competition occurs on a regularly scheduled school day; amend KRS 158.649 to conform.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Education (H)

HB 230 (BR 303) - J. Comer


HB 231 (BR 974) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to indemnification.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 371 to define "construction services contract"; establish that indemnification clauses purporting to indemnify or hold harmless another person from that person's own negligence or from the negligence of his or her contractors, agents, or employees are void and unenforceable.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

HB 232 (BR 422) - D. Pasley


HB 233 (BR 861) - M. Cherry

AN ACT relating to contact lenses.

Amend KRS 320.300 to prohibit the sale of nonprescription contact lenses to minors; amend KRS 320.210 to define "contact lens."

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 234/LM (BR 474) - M. Cherry, M. Weaver, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to unlawful practices by employers.

Amend KRS 344.040 to provide that it is an unlawful practice for an employer to use the genetic test result of an individual in hiring, firing, and other employment decisions; and provide that it is an unlawful practice for an employer to require genetic testing as a condition of employment for any employee or applicant for employment.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 18-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

HB 235 (BR 473) - M. Cherry


HB 236/AA (BR 477) - M. Cherry

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 21.580, relating to the Senior Status Program for Special Judges, to permit judges participating in the Kentucky Retirement Systems to participate in the Senior Status Program; provide eligible judges with a supplemental retirement benefit from the Judicial Retirement Plan; repeal sunset provision to reflect extension of program.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Judiciary (H)

HB 237/AA (BR 472) - M. Cherry

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.552 to allow employees participating in KERS, CERS and SPRS to purchase service credit for up to three years of service as a teacher in another state; employee must be vested in KERS, CERS or SPRS; purchased service does not apply toward insurance benefit under KRS 61.702.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to State Government (H)

HB 238 (BR 387) - J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to require the Transportation Cabinet to use the image of the official State Steam Engine, the Number 152, located at the Kentucky Railway Museum in New Haven, Kentucky, when redesigning the regular license plates issued in 2008.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Transportation (H)

HB 239/LM (BR 1021) - J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to wineries.

Amend KRS 243.155, 243.156, 244.090, and 244.095 to allow the holder of a small winery license or a farm winery license to remain open on Sunday during the established hours in that locality and to conduct tours and sell wines by the drink and by the package if the winery is located in a wet territory and the county, city, or urban-county government has permitted sales of wine and distilled spirits by the drink on Sunday by election or ordinance.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 240/FN (BR 167) - H. Moberly

AN ACT relating to the state budget.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 48 to reaffirm that the General Assembly has the power to repeal, amend, modify, or suspend statutes and to create substantive law relating to financial matters in a biennial budget bill; amend KRS 48.310 and 48.316 to conform.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Feb 26-posting waived

Introduced Jan. 9, 2004

HB 241 (BR 1133) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 411.045 to make technical corrections.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Judiciary (H)

HB 242 (BR 1123) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to public health.

Amend KRS 202A.011 to expand the definition of "hospital" to include health care facilities that have a psychiatrist on their medical staff.


HCS - Delete original provisions and amend KRS 202A.031 to specify that a hospital with a psychiatrist on staff may hold a person who may be mentally ill for up to 72 hours without a court order.

SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Retain original provisions; add provision to include health care facilities that have a physician on staff under the definition of "hospital" in KRS 202A.011(6)(a).

SFA (3, D. Thayer) - Provide that, for the purposes of allowing an authorized staff physician to order the admission into a hospital of any person who is present or is presented at the hospital, "hospital" includes an acute care hospital licensed by the Commonwealth, rather than a licensed medical facility that has a licensed psychiatrist on staff.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-floor amendment (1) withdrawn

Mar 25-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 26-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 29-taken from Committee, placed in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 26-3 with floor amendment (3) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Apr 12-taken from committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendment (3)

Apr 13-House concurred in Senate floor amendment (3) ; passed 96-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 139)

HB 243 (BR 1137) - G. Lindsay, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to the Court of Justice.

Amend KRS 26A.030, relating to judicial successors, to remove gender specific language.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Judiciary (H)

HB 244 (BR 1134) - G. Lindsay, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to state government.

Amend KRS 21.380, relating to retirement for judge, to change gender specific language.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to State Government (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

HB 245 (BR 1125) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 510.020, relating to consent, to eliminate gender specific language.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

HB 246/LM (BR 989) - T. Feeley


HB 247 (BR 24) - T. Kerr, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to education.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the administrator of each public or private elementary or secondary school in the Commonwealth to obtain and distribute, at the start of school each year, to the parents of the children attending the school information relating to each registered sexual offender residing within the service area of the school; require quarterly updating and publication of information.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Judiciary (H)

HB 248 (BR 1073) - T. Kerr

AN ACT relating to the custody of children.

Amend KRS 620.040 to require social workers conducting child abuse assessments or investigations to provide information on the status of de facto custodians to adults, other than a parent or guardian, with whom a child resides.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Judiciary (H)

HB 249/FN (BR 1114) - H. Moberly, Ji. Lee, B. Buckingham, L. Clark, M. Denham, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, D. Pasley, S. Riggs, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

Amend KRS 141.010 to adopt the provisions of the Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003, Pub. L. No. 108-121; provide that the provisions of Pub. L. No. 108-121 shall be effective in Kentucky using the same effective dates as provided under federal law.


HCA (1, H. Moberly) - Make technical corrections.

SCS/FN - Amend to create new sections of KRS Chapter 142 to provide nonrefundable tax credits of one dollar per gallon for biodiesel producers, two cents per gallon for blenders, and one cent per gallon for retailers of biodiesel fuel; limit total credits available each year for each group (producers, blenders, retailers) to one million dollars; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2005.

SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Attach provisions of SB 3.

SFA (2/FN, E. Scorsone) - Amend and create various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to reverse the ITW decision for past tax years; repeal of the corporate license tax; provide for the inclusion of all limited liability entities in the corporate tax base; require mandatory consolidated filing for corporations with nexus in Kentucky; disallow the deduction of certain intangible transactions between related entities; reduce the top marginal corporate tax rate to 6%; impose an alternative minimum calculation based on 9.5 cents per $100 of gross receipts; impose a minimum tax of $250; disallow the net operating loss carryback; expand the definition of "doing business"; reduce the top individual income tax marginal rate to 5.68%; freeze the pension exclusion at the current amount of $40,200 per year; increase the low-income tax credit to $12,000; allow a credit for taxes paid at the corporate level to be passed through to individual members or partners of limited liability entities; repeal the intangible property tax; allow the exclusion of new property in calculating the HB 44 rate; provide a sales and use tax refund for construction and research and development expenses with a total overall limit of approvals for refunds during any year of $25 million; provide a three-day sales tax holiday in 2004 and 2005; expand the sales tax nexus definition; impose a surtax of 26 cents per pack on cigarettes, along with a floor stock tax; impose a tax on smokeless tobacco and other tobacco products; impose an equity assessment on nonparticipating manufacturers; repeal two existing taxes and increases the rate of the wholesale sales tax on distilled spirits, beer, and wine; replace several local and state levies with a uniform communications excise tax at a rate of 7.62% on revenues from the provision of telecommunications services, include in the base both cable and direct broadcast satellite; impose a 1% tax on receipts from the rental of lodging to be deposited in a fund dedicated to supporting and promoting tourism; amend and repeal various sections to conform; provide for various effective dates.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with committee amendment (1)

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004; 3rd reading; floor amendments (1) and (2) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 23-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Thursday, March 25, 2004

HB 250 (BR 63) - S. Lee

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship program.

Amend KRS 164.7874 to permit a student to use a Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship award to attend an accredited out-of-state institution that offers a degree program in a field of study not offered at any institution in Kentucky.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Education (H)

HB 251/FN (BR 121) - C. Belcher, D. Sims, M. Denham

AN ACT relating to lost and missing children.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 199 to institute the "Code Adam" program for the location of children who become lost or missing in public buildings; assign responsibility for program to Cabinet for Families and Children; specify action and reporting requirements.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions, except clarify that only state government office buildings are subject to "Code Adam" implementation, and not local government offices; give primary oversight of program to the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

Jan 9-introduced in House

Jan 12-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Mar 19-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 31-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 21)

Introduced Jan. 12, 2004

HB 252 (BR 1087) - B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverage fees.

Amend KRS 243.070 to permit a local government that imposes fees for the privilege of manufacturing and trafficking in alcoholic beverages to use part of its fees to provide educational programs to deter substance and alcohol abuse.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 253 (BR 1155) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Emergency Response Commission.

Amend KRS 39E.30 to add the Executive Director of the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education or their designee to the membership of the Kentucky Emergency Response Commission.


HCS - Make technical correction.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HB 254 (BR 1152) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle sales.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 190, relating to motor vehicle sales, to require a car dealer to allow a person to return within three business days of purchasing either a new or used motor vehicle to surrender the vehicle purchased and retrieve any money given toward the purchase of the vehicle and any motor vehicle given as a trade-in toward the purchase of the vehicle; prohibit a dealer from disposing of any vehicle taken as a trade-in for three business days; provide that a dealer would not have to return a person's money or vehicle traded in if the vehicle purchased from the dealer that is being returned is not in the exact same physical condition, excluding mileage, as when it was delivered from the dealer to the purchaser.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Transportation (H)

HB 255/FN (BR 1104) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.630 to require the Cabinet for Health Services to submit a waiver to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to implement a Medicaid partnership in regions six and seven; EMERGENCY.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

HB 256 (BR 1131) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to corporations.

Amend KRS 271B.6-220, relating to corporations, to eliminate gender specific language.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Feb 25-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Judiciary (H)

HB 257 (BR 1124) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 507.030 to eliminate gender specific language and make other technical corrections.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Feb 25-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Judiciary (H)

HB 258/LM (BR 8) - S. Riggs, R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to the office expenses of county clerks and sheriffs.

Amend KRS 64.345 relating to expenses of county clerks and sheriffs in counties having a population of seventy thousand (70,000) and over, counties containing a city of the first class, and an urban-county or consolidated local government to specify that necessary office expenses shall include discretionary funds as specified in amounts not to exceed $5000 a year, and authorized by the approving authority.


HCA (1, S. Riggs) - Delete language capping the amount which can be appropriated by the approving authority for necessary office expenses.

SCS - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 70.045 to permit a sheriff in a county with a population under 10,000 to appoint a special deputy for each 1,000 in population.

SCA (1/Title, W. Blevins) - Make title amendment.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Local Government (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 29-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 89-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Apr 12-received in House; to Rules (H); taken from committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Apr 13-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; passed 94-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 140)

HB 259 (BR 1072) - J. Gooch

AN ACT relating to the state insurance group.

Amend KRS 18A.225, relating to the state health insurance group, to define "state contribution" as an amount equal to the lowest premium for the highest benefit in a county for single or dependent coverage.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to State Government (H)

Introduced Jan. 13, 2004

HB 260 (BR 1185) - T. Burch, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Early Intervention System.

Amend KRS 200.654 to add definitions of "assessment," "developmental delay," "diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay or established risk diagnosis," "evaluation," "infant and toddlers with disabilities," and "service coordination"; add informed clinical opinion to the diagnostic instruments and procedures that may be used to determine eligibility of infants and toddlers with disabilities; amend KRS 200.658 to require the interagency coordinating council to review administrative regulations related to the early intervention system; amend KRS 200.660 to require input by the district committee in identifying a local point of entry; require the cabinet to submit proposed administrative regulations to the interagency coordinating council for review and recommendations; require the cabinet to prepare and make available written policy procedures and implementation plans when administrative regulations are promulgated; require the cabinet to comply with federal statutes and regulations related to the early intervention system; require the cabinet to consult with appropriate agencies to maintain effective and efficient best practice policy standards; require the recruiting and hiring of appropriately and adequately trained personnel; amend KRS 200.664 to comply with requirements in federal law for the individualized family services plan, including statements of major outcomes expected, child and family needs, specific services to be provided, funding, dates of services, name of service coordinator, and transition services; clarify periodic review and annual review procedures and requirements, including the need for repeated evaluation procedures.


HCS - Retain original provisions except amend developmental delay; add required annual report; amend periodic review and annual review requirements; require that program expenditures not exceed designated amount in the budget.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Retain original provisions except make technical corrections; add that eligibility for services be the lowest priority for cutting services; add a requirement for the Division of Early Childhood Development to convene a work group by July 15, 2004 to make recommendations to the cabinet regarding the use of informed clinical opinion, recommended practice and service delivery, professional development and training, and measures for cost cutting and to submit a report by October 1, 2004; and require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations as recommended by the work group report.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Feb 10-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 261 (BR 1095) - T. Feeley, T. Burch, M. Marzian, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to school beverages.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "school day" and "healthy beverage"; prohibit an elementary school from selling soda waters during a school day; require that at least 75% of the beverages sold in middle and high schools be healthy beverages; prohibit the sale of beverages during the breakfast and lunch serving periods in competition with the School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program; amend KRS 156.160 to establish penalties for the failure to comply with the beverage sale standards in schools.


HFA (1, T. Feeley) - Clarify that no beverage can be sold in competition with the School Breakfast Program or National School Lunch Program during the school day until 30 minutes after the close of the last lunch serving period unless a waiver has been obtained from the Kentucky Board of Education; and delete the penalty for habitual violations.

HFA (2/P, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 155.

HFA (3/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title amendment.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 12-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 18-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 26-floor amendments (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 3-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) ruled not germane ; passed 64-30 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 4-received in Senate

Mar 9-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HB 262 (BR 1018) - S. Westrom, De. Butler, J. Gray, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, T. Riner

AN ACT relating to accessible electronic information for the disabled, and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 163 to provide legislative findings and declarations; define "accessible electronic information service" and "blind and disabled persons"; create the Accessible Electronic Information Service Program and provide the scope of the program; require the program to be administered by a nonprofit entity selected in a competitive bidding process; create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to direct the Public Service Commission to require all local exchange telecommunications companies to impose periodic surcharges on bills rendered to all local exchange telecommunications company providers; names short title of Act to be "Accessible Electronic Information Act"; appropriation.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except clarify that the Public Service Commission shall require all local exchange telecommunications companies to impose periodic surcharges on bills rendered to all local exchange telecommunications company customers; delete provision that requires excess funds to be transmitted to the Department for the Blind.

HFA (1, S. Westrom) - Retain original provisions except allow the Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide intrastate access for eligible persons to read newspapers using a touch-tone telephone, rather than daily newspapers.

HFA (2, S. Westrom) - Retain original provisions except incorporate the use of radio, telecommunications, and voice-based information systems in the legislative findings and declarations as a cost-efficient information delivery system for this state; allow the Department for the Blind to select the nonprofit entity or entities that participate in the accessible electronic information service program and require the department to administer the funding to participating entities; provide that the program include intrastate access to audio editions or newspapers, magazines, newsletters, schedules, announcements, and other information; require the Department for the Blind to review any new technologies that may expand audio communication availability to consumers; require the Public Service Commission, the Department for the Blind, and the entity or entities that participate in the program to consult on the annual surcharge to consumers.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mar 3-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 73-3 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2)

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 34-0

Mar 29-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-line items vetoed

Apr 12-veto message received in House

Apr 13-veto overriden; bill passed 53-30; received in Senate; bill minus line item vetoed provisions became law without Governor's signature (Acts ch. 129)

HB 263/LM (BR 1066) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to the dissemination of public information.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to require the Office of the Attorney General, within 90 days of the effective date of this Act and within 90 days of the effective date of any legislation amending the Open Meetings or Open Records Act, to distribute to all county judge/executives, mayors, county attorneys, city attorneys, superintendents of public school districts, presidents of the state public postsecondary education institutions, and attorneys of public school districts or public postsecondary education institutions, written information prepared by the Office of the Attorney General that explains the procedural and substantive provisions of the Open Meetings and Open Records Act and other information that shall be prepared by the Department for Libraries and Archives; allow distribution to be made by electronic means; create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to require the Department for Library and Archives, within 90 days of the effective date of this Act and within 90 days of the effective date of any legislation amending provisions of the Open Records or Open Meetings Act, to deliver to the Office of the Attorney General written information that explains proper retention and management of public records; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to require county judge/executives and mayors, or their respective designees, to distribute the written information provided by the Office of the Attorney General and the Department for Library and Archives to specified elected and appointed officials and board, commission, authority, and committee members within 60 days of receiving the written information; allow distribution by electronic means; require county judge/executives and mayors to require signatory proof that each person identified has received the written information; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to require superintendents of public school districts to distribute the written information provided by the Office of the Attorney General and the Department for Libraries and Archives to school board members and school council members within 60 days; require signatory proof that each school board member and school council member has received the written information; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require the presidents of public state universities to distribute the written information provided by the Office of the Attorney General and the Department for Libraries and Archives to each board of regents or governing board member within 60 days; require signatory proof that board of regent or governing board members has received the required information; allow distribution by electronic means.


HCS/LM - Retain the original provisions of the bill; add a new subsection (2) to Section 1 to require superintendents of public school districts and the presidents of each of the state public postsecondary education institutions to designate and submit the names and addresses of the attorneys to whom the written information will be sent to by the Office of the Attorney General; amend from 90 days to 60 days the timeframe for the Department for Libraries and Archives to deliver written information to the Office of Attorney General.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 86-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 264/CI (BR 1051) - D. Graham, J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 525.125, the offense of cruelty to animals in the first degree, to include the unlawful and intentional damage or destruction of cattle (which includes horses and other animals) causing pecuniary loss of $1,000 or more within the coverage of the offense.


HCS/CI - Delete original provisions and insert new section amending KRS 512.010, the definitional section for KRS Chapter 512 relating to criminal damage to property, to specify that "property" includes cattle.

SCS - Delete original provisions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 246 to prohibit tampering with or sabotage of livestock; define “tamper” and “sabotage”; amend KRS 246.990 to establish penalties.

SCA (1/Title, A. Robinson) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, T. Buford) - Prohibit gunshot as a routine form of euthanasia in animal shelters; exempt situations involving dangerous animals; establish a fine for violations.

SFA (2, T. Buford) - Amend KRS 512.010, the definitional section for KRS Chapter 512 relating to criminal damage to property, to specify that property includes cattle.

CCR - Request free conference committee.

FCCR - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 246 to prohibit tampering with or sabotaging livestock; define "tamper" and "sabotage"; specify that where a person violates provisions of the section and a section of KRS Chapter 512, the person may be prosecuted under the provisions of KRS Chapter 512; amend KRS 246.990 to establish penalties; amend KRS 512.010 to specify that property includes cattle; amend KRS 13A.312 to establish the procedures for upgrading administrative regulations to conform to reorganizations made either by statute or executive order; amend the title to read "AN ACT relating to governmental authority."

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 18-received in Senate

Feb 23-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 19-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 25-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) ruled out of order ; floor amendment (2) withdrawn ; passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 29-placed in the Orders of the Day; House refused to concur in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; received in Senate

Apr 13-posted for passage for receding from Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; Senate refused to recede from Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; Conference Committee appointed in House and Senate; Conference Committee report filed in House and Senate; Conference Committee report adopted in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee appointed in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee report filed in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee report adopted in Senate; bill passed 35-1; received in House; Free Conference Committee report adopted in House; bill passed 90-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 141)

HB 265/CI (BR 1217) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 531.340, relating to distribution of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, to increase penalty for repeat offense from Class D to Class C felony; amend KRS 531.360, relating to advertising material portraying a sexual performance by a minor, to increase penalty for repeat offense from Class A misdemeanor to a Class C felony.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Mar 2-discharge petition filed

HB 266 (BR 1008) - R. Damron, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to guardianship.

Amend KRS 387.330 to permit a licensed advanced registered nurse practitioner to submit an affidavit to accompany a petition for guardianship; amend KRS 387.540 to permit an advanced registered nurse practitioner or a physician to be a member of an interdisciplinary evaluation team; amend KRS 387.610 to permit an advanced registered nurse or physician to submit an affidavit for renewal of various forms of guardianship.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Judiciary (H)

HB 267 (BR 1160) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to Medicaid, declaring an emergency, and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS 205.510 to 205.630 to authorize the Cabinet for Health Services to implement a Medicaid disease management program for individuals with health care utilization patterns which are not cost-effective; require the program to encourage the use of evidence-based medicine; identify components of the program; authorize the Department for Medicaid Services to promulgate administrative regulations to implement the program; require the department to report to the Legislative Research Commission regarding the strategies implemented and the outcomes of the program; authorize the cabinet to explore partnerships with private organizations in implementing the program; fund the disease management program with supplemental rebates; authorize the Cabinet for Health Services to establish a preferred drug formulary and negotiate supplemental rebates from pharmaceutical manufacturers for consideration of a drug being on the formulary; appropriate supplemental rebates to the Medicaid program for disease management and Medicaid benefits; EMERGENCY.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 268 (BR 1192) - J. Hoover, S. Nunn, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to Commonwealth individual development accounts.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 41 to create within the office of the State Treasurer the Commonwealth Individual Development Account Program; require the program to encourage an individual or household with an income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level to establish a savings account to be used for qualified purposes; define "qualified purposes" as postsecondary education expenses, first home purchases, business capitalization expenses, home renovation expenses, home computer expenses, and automobile expenses; direct the Treasurer to solicit proposals from qualified administering agencies to establish pooled accounts and implement the program; define "pooled accounts" as accounts established within financial institutions by a qualified administering agency to match funds withdrawn from a Commonwealth Individual Development Account for a qualified purpose; restrict matching funds to $2,000 per year and limit total matching funds to no more than $10,000; limit administrative costs; exempt from income taxes funds deposited in or withdrawn from accounts; exempt from income taxes funds withdrawn from a pooled account and paid directly to a vendor for a qualified purpose; permit funds deposited in a pooled account to be eligible for a tax credit of 25 percent of the amount of contribution during a calendar year but restrict credit to lesser of $10,000 or the amount of the individual or corporate income tax due; restrict total amount of credits to $1,000,000 per year; direct each qualifying administering agency to establish an appropriate financial education program for account participants which participants must complete to establish an account; amend KRS 141.010 and 141.0205 to conform.

Jan 13-introduced in House

Jan 14-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Introduced Jan. 14, 2004

HB 269 (BR 1098) - H. Moberly, Ji. Lee

AN ACT relating to child support.

Amend KRS 403.213 relating to the effect of emancipation on child support to specify that if a court has determined that the child is mentally ill, mentally retarded, or incompetent that emancipation does not occur at age 19 until the court determines otherwise.


HCA (1, G. Lindsay) - Retain original provisions except change one term from "incompetent" to "disabled."

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 91-1 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Judiciary (S)

HB 270/FN (BR 872) - C. Walton, P. Marcotte, J. Draud, T. Kerr

AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program.

Amend KRS 157.360 and 157.390 to provide that a local school district not receive less support education excellence in Kentucky program funding per pupil in each fiscal year than was received in FY 1991-92 increased by one percent.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Education (H)

Jan 16-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 271 (BR 1149) - C. Geveden, F. Rasche, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to tax returns.

Amend KRS 67.768 to delete the requirement that a copy of the federal income tax return be filed with the filing of a return with the tax district.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 272 (BR 1191) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to state government.

Amend various sections in KRS Chapter 2, relating to state citizenship and official state emblems of the Commonwealth.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to State Government (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

HB 273 (BR 950) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, R. Adams, C. Hoffman, C. Miller, F. Nesler, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to a veterans' personal loan program.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 40 to establish a veterans' personal loan program.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 90-0

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HB 274 (BR 951) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, C. Miller, S. Riggs, B. Smith

AN ACT relating to the lottery.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 154A to establish a new lottery scratch-off game designated as the Kentucky veterans' benefit game; require the deposit of 50% proceeds in the Kentucky veterans' trust fund for use in veterans' programs throughout the state; amend KRS 154A.130 and 154A.020 to conform.


HCS - Retain original provisions; require that Kentucky veterans' benefit game advertising shall state that 50 percent of net revenues from the game shall fund veterans' programs.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 69-17 with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-received in Senate

Feb 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 275/CI (BR 1226) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to parole.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 439 to require the Department of Corrections to identify nonviolent substance abuse offenders and report their names to the Parole Board; require the Parole Board to consider persons on the nonviolent substance abuse offender list for parole not less than twice annually; specify that a person paroled as a nonviolent substance abuse offender must have substance abuse treatment and education.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

HB 276 (BR 1130) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 413.140 and KRS 454.050 to delete obsolete references to the abolished tort of breach of promise to marry.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

HB 277/LM (BR 1107) - M. Weaver, T. Thompson, J. Adams, S. Brinkman, R. Palumbo, S. Riggs, D. Sims

AN ACT relating to certification of contractors.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 198B to require that residential and light commercial contractors be certified; define terms; create the Kentucky Board of Residential and Light Commercial Contractors within the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction; establish board membership criteria, responsibilities, and terms of office; exempt specific entities from certification requirement; require that hearings be conducted in compliance with KRS Chapter 13B; establish January 1, 2006, for residential and light commercial contractors to be certified; allow local government entities to apply to administer and enforce state certification program; require certified electrical inspectors to include contractor's certification number or exemption status on certificate of approval; establish criteria for contracts between contractors and consumers for projects that exceed $2,500; preclude uncertified contractors from filing claims for compensation or liens with the board or a court for breach of contract; and require six hours of annual continuing education for recertification.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

HB 278/AA (BR 50) - P. Clark, M. Marzian, T. Riner

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.691 to increase retirement allowances of recipients of the Kentucky Retirement Systems based on the number of months benefits have been received.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to State Government (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

HB 279 (BR 1145) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to the Capital Construction and Equipment Purchase Contingency Account.

Amend KRS 45.770 to allow the Capital Construction and Equipment Purchase Contingency Account to be used for moving and relocation expenses under certain conditions.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 280 (BR 1146) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to establishment of a capital renewal account.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 45 to create a capital renewal account to fund major maintenance of state facilities.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 281 (BR 308) - T. McKee, A. Arnold, J. Adams, R. Adams, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, R. Crimm, M. Denham, J. Draud, J. Gray, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, D. Pasley, R. Rand, A. Smith, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Turner, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to agricultural land use.

Create various sections of KRS Chapter 262 to create the Interagency Farmland Advisory Committee; require all state agencies, including but not limited to boards and commissions to submit a report to the committee on all state-proposed projects that convert farmland to nonfarm use and require the acquisition of 50 or more acres of farmland; require the committee to submit a report to the Governor and to the reporting agency regarding the committees findings and recommendations; prohibit the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet and the reporting agency from expending funds prior to the secretary receiving a letter of review from the committee.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 27-3rd reading, passed 88-1

Jan 28-received in Senate

Feb 2-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

HB 282 (BR 215) - C. Walton, T. Kerr, P. Marcotte

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle usage tax.

Amend KRS 138.450, regarding definitions for motor vehicle usage tax, to clarify that the "retail price" of a used vehicle that is registered in another state and purchased by a Kentucky resident excludes any trade-in value given in the transaction; define "notarized affidavit" to include signed and notarized title transfer documents containing all information required on the printed affidavit form produced by the Revenue Cabinet.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 283 (BR 400) - R. Thomas, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to eggs.

Amend KRS 260.630 to increase the date of expiration on egg pack labels from 30 to 45 days from the date of packing.


HCS - Same as original, except specify the language used on wholesale egg packs and graded egg packs.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, passed 81-4 with Committee Substitute

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 31)

HB 284/CI (BR 1228) - T. Kerr, C. Walton


HB 285 (BR 388) - C. Walton, T. Kerr, P. Clark

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to exemption of property from taxation.

Propose amendment of Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the "homestead exemption" of property from age 65 to age 62; provide for ballot language; provide for submission to the voters.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 286 (BR 1093) - J. Arnold Jr, D. Sims, P. Clark, J. Gooch, T. McKee, R. Thomas, T. Thompson, M. Weaver, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to bovine animal assessments.

Amend KRS 247.650 to allow an assessment up to one dollar per head of bovine animals if the assessment is adopted by a state referendum of bovine producers; amend KRS 247.652 to impose the state assessment of up to one dollar per head of bovine animals if the federal assessment is discontinued; make technical corrections.


HCA (1, R. Thomas) - Make technical corrections.

HFA (1, J. Arnold Jr) - Amend KRS 247.610 to encourage the use and sale of bovine animal products; amend KRS 247.625 to permit assessments to be used in programs to increase the use and sale of bovine animal products.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 27-floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 81-6 with floor amendment (1)

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 32)

HB 287 (BR 1094) - J. Arnold Jr, Dw. Butler, P. Clark, J. Gooch, T. McKee, D. Sims, R. Thomas, M. Weaver, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to porcine animal assessment referendums.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 247 to allow a recognized pork association to apply to the State Board of Agriculture to conduct referendums to levy an assessment on the sales of porcine animals, to authorize the association to conduct referendums on an area or statewide basis, to require the Commissioner of Agriculture to establish the manner in which a referendum is held, to limit any referendum from assessing more than fifty cents per hundred dollars worth of sales on porcine animals, to restrict the collection of any pork assessment as long as the federal pork checkoff is in effect, to require licensed livestock operators, meat packers, and slaughter establishments to collect the assessment, to establish the procedure for a producer to get a refund of his assessment, to require an annual review of the assessment program by the board, to allow the termination of the assessment program, and to allow for the board or association to enjoin livestock operators, meat packers, and slaughter establishments from violating any provisions of the Act.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, passed 83-11

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 37-0

Feb 20-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Feb 23-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Mar 4-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 2)

HB 288 (BR 1254) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to Medicaid oversight.

Amend KRS 6.940 to change the name of the Medicaid Managed Care Oversight Advisory Committee to the Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee and expand its oversight to include the entire Medicaid program, instead of being limited to Medicaid managed care.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 93-0

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 289/LM (BR 488) - C. Geveden, J. Vincent, J. Adams, A. Arnold, C. Belcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, L. Clark, B. Crall, M. Denham, J. Draud, T. Feeley, K. Hall, P. Marcotte, F. Rasche, R. Thomas, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to county consolidation.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 67 to establish a new procedure for the optional consolidation of counties; permit two or more counties to consolidate with such action initiated by public petition or local ordinance; require signatures of 20% or more of the number of persons voting in last presidential election for initiation petition; provide for the contents and certification of petitions as prescribed; require the county judge/executive in the initiating county within 10 days to notify the other local governments and their citizens of the proposal as prescribed; require responding action in adjoining counties within 120 days or initial action void; require a special election within 90 days if adjoining counties enter the process; require approval in each county for consolidation to become effective; prescribe the language for the ballot, other election procedures, and advertisement of the election by the sheriff; require a simple majority of those voting in each county for approval; require all election costs to be paid for by the state, and prohibit any organizational changes in a newly consolidated county for 10 years; prohibit any new county from becoming effective until the end of terms of current officeholders and require new officers to be elected in the same manner and at same time as other county officials; require county judge/executive in each county to appoint 6 citizens to a transition committee as prescribed; require transition committee to divide county into 3-8 magisterial districts and to select 2-5 names for the new county to be decided by the voters; require final report of the transition committee as prescribed; provide for a gubernatorial appointee to break tie vote on questions relating the name of the new county, the formation of magisterial districts or other issues on ballot; require all taxes from immediate year to remain in effect until changed by new county; require the creation of a special taxing district for repayment of prior financial obligations in previously existing counties as prescribed; require surplus funds to be spent in the areas where funds were raised as prescribed; permit voters to determine location of new county seat from previously existing locations; require county seat to remain at location for not less than 10 years; require other remaining county buildings to be maintained as branch offices for 10 years as prescribed; provide for federal and state election districts as prescribed; require the Department for Local Government to promulgate administrative regulations awarding preference points on community development block grant applications and provide technical and advisory assistance to consolidated counties; and repeal KRS 67.190, 67.200, 67.210, 67.220, 67.230, 67.240, 67.250, 67.260, 67.270, 67.280, 67.290, and 67.310.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to State Government (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 5-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 82-14

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

HB 290/LM/AA (BR 842) - C. Geveden, C. Siler

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS Chapters 16 and 61 relating to benefits in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, County Employees Retirement System, and State Police Retirement System for employees who begin participating August 1, 2004, or after; require a minimum age before retirement benefits may commence; prohibit the use of purchased service credit toward eligibility for retirement or insurance benefits; limit the amount of disability benefits payable; set the benefit factor for new employees in nonhazardous positions in the County Employees Retirement System; establish a monthly insurance contribution accrual and an automatic increase in the accrual rate based on the consumer price index for employees who began participating July 1, 2003, and after.


HCS/LM/AA - Retain original provisions except delete the minimum retirement ages of 50 for hazardous employees and 55 for nonhazardous employees; prohibit service purchased after August 1, 2003, from inclusion in service used to determine insurance benefits; and apply new insurance benefits to employees hired on or after July 1, 2003.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to State Government (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 34-0

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 33)

HB 291/LM (BR 120) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to real property.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 382 to allow owners of real estate, persons with an interest in real estate, attorneys, or persons with knowledge of facts to file an affidavit in the county clerk's office stating facts relating to title to real estate; establish requirements for the affidavit; provide for the filing, recording, and indexing the affidavit; create a rebuttable presumption that the facts stated therein are true.


HCS/LM - Retain original provisions of the bill, except change all references of "real estate" to "real property"; require that the facts stated in the affidavit must relate to a previously recorded deed, mortgage, or other instrument; change certain persons who may file the affidavit, deleting persons with knowledge of facts, and changing attorney to attorney who represents the owner of the real property or a person who has an interest in the real property; require the current mailing address of the owner of the real property to be included in the affidavit; require the affidavit to be recorded and indexed in the name of the person who has an interest in the real property instead of the name of the affiant; delete provision that the affidavit raises a rebuttable presumption; include provision for rerecording an existing deed, mortgage, or other instrument; and require the county clerk to send a copy of the affidavit to the record owner of the real property and require the affiant to pay a $10 fee.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 78-10 with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to Judiciary (S)

HB 292/FN (BR 1078) - H. Moberly, Ji. Lee, C. Miller

AN ACT relating to the corporate license tax and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 136.071 to allow a corporation that holds, directly or indirectly, stock or securities in other corporations equal to or greater than 50% of its total assets to either file a consolidated return with such corporations, or to file a separate return and deduct the book value in its investment in the such companies; apply retroactively to all returns filed for the calendar year ending December 31, 2003; EMERGENCY.


HFA (1, R. Thomas) - Provide that in computing taxable capital under KRS Chapter 136, agricultural credit associations may deduct the book value of their investment in other institutions chartered by the farm credit administration that pay or are exempt from the tax.

SCS - Create new sections of KRS Chapter 142 to provide for a provider assessment on nursing facilities equal to 2% of gross revenues received from non-Medicare patients; provide for an additional assessment not to exceed 4% on gross receipts from non-Medicare patients and that rate may be varied based upon a facility's total annual census days, if deemed an acceptable waivered class by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; provide that a portion of the funds may be used to increase reimbursement rates for nursing facilities and the remainder for the Medicaid program; provide that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services shall submit an application for a waiver; provide that the provisions are void if the waiver is not approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; provide for an assessment equal to 5.5% of gross revenues received by intermediate care facility services for the mentally retarded; provide that funds shall be used for rate increases for the intermediate care facility services for the mentally retarded and the remainder for the Medicaid program; provide that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services shall submit an application for a waiver; provide that the provisions are void if the waiver is not approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; create a new section of KRS Chapter 154.20 to provide that an investment fund may invest 100% of its committed cash contributions in a single knowledge-based entity; provide that a city, county, other local governments entity, or any entity approved by the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority may invest in an investment fund and may transfer any tax credits received pursuant to Kentucky Investment Fund Act to a private entity; amend KRS 136.071 to provide that a bank holding company that holds directly or indirectly stock or securities in financial institutions equal to or greater than 50% of its total assets may deduct from capital employed its investment in stock and securities of the financial institution; apply retroactive for tax periods beginning on or after January, 1, 2003, EMERGENCY; provide that notwithstanding any statutory law or any administrative regulation that any debt approved and funded by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation or the Kentucky Economic Finance Authority may be renegotiated, amended, or forgiven and any debt collected on behalf of the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation or the Kentucky Economic Finance Authority shall be returned to them.

SCA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Provide that in computing taxable capital under KRS Chapter 136, agricultural credit associations may deduct the book value of their investment in other wholly owned institutions chartered by the farm credit administration that are subject to the tax or are exempt from the tax.

SCA (2/Title, D. Kelly) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Provide that in computing taxable capital under KRS Chapter 136, agricultural credit associations may deduct the book value of their investment in other wholly owned institutions chartered by the farm credit administration that are subject to the tax or are exempt from the tax.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 10-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 19-placed in the Orders of the Day for March 19, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 92-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 22-received in Senate

Mar 23-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Apr 13-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) to Committee Substitute and (2-title) to the bill; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, April 13, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H); posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1) ; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; passed 95-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 142)

Introduced Jan. 15, 2004

HB 293 (BR 1165) - C. Siler, C. Miller, Dw. Butler, J. Draud, R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to reduction in force in public schools.

Amend KRS 161.011 to delete "funding and other compelling reasons" as allowable reasons for a local school district superintendent to reduce the number of classified employees; amend KRS 161.800 to establish a preference based on seniority of experience for teachers in a school district where a teacher staffing reduction occurs; provide that the nonrenewal of limited contracts shall conform to the provisions of KRS 161.750 and the reduction in the number of teachers shall conform to any employer-employee bargained contract in the district.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Education (H)

HB 294/LM (BR 1175) - C. Siler

AN ACT relating to the alteration of city boundaries.

Amend KRS 81A.410 to allow a city to annex territory in a contiguous county, and establish procedure; amend KRS 81A.475 to provide that the appropriate county clerk is sent a map indicating the boundaries of the affected area and a list of residents; amend KRS 81A.440 to provide for the reduction of territory of a city when the territory is in another county and establish procedure for doing so.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Local Government (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

HB 295 (BR 226) - J. Bruce, J. Gooch, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, R. Crimm, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to administrative regulations and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 13A to declare the administrative regulations found deficient since March 27, 2002, to be null, void, and unenforceable; prohibit the administrative agencies from promulgating administrative regulations identical to or substantially the same as those administrative regulations for a specified period of time; EMERGENCY.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to State Government (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Jan 30-received in Senate

Feb 4-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Feb 27-passed over; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 15-became law without Governor's signature (Acts ch. 11)

HB 296 (BR 1214) - R. Webb, B. Smith

AN ACT relating to fair competition in the marketing of motor fuel.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 365, relating to trade practices, to define "affiliate", "competition", "dealer", "motor fuel", "nonrefiner", "nonrefiner cost", "person", "posted terminal price", "refiner", "refiner cost", "relevant geographic market", "retail facility", "sale", "supplier", "terminal facility", "ust system", and "wholesaler"; prohibit pricing schemes, price discrimination, and discriminatory rebates in the sale and marketing of motor fuel; establish legal exemptions for sales that meet lawful competition, clearance sales and liquidations, court orders, grand openings, and price differences due to differences in costs; establish a fine up to $10,000 per day for violations of the Act; allow the Attorney General to investigate violations and issue subpoenas; provide for damages to be tripled by the court for private actions seeking injunctive relief for violations of the Act; establish the short title of Kentucky Fair Competition Act of 2004.


HCS - Replace existing text with an LRC study of subsidized pricing of motor fuels and its effect on competition.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 297/FN (BR 1213) - R. Webb, B. Smith

AN ACT relating to contracts for the payment of taxes.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 371 to provide that if a contract calls for one party to reimburse another for manufacturers' excise taxes, the reimbursement shall not be required more than one business day before the tax has to be remitted; require written notification to reimbursed party; allow security for the tax due.


HCA (1, H. Moberly) - Clarify that provisions apply only to the federal manufacturers' excise tax on petroleum products levied under Part III of Subchapter A of Chapter 32 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with committee amendment (1)

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 143)

HB 298/FN (BR 923) - J. Wayne, A. Arnold, P. Bather, T. Burch, M. Cherry, J. Crenshaw, T. Edmonds, K. Hall, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, R. Nelson, D. Pasley, T. Riner, K. Stein, R. Webb, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to income taxes.

Amend KRS 141.020 to change individual income tax rates to levels ranging from 6% on incomes under $30,000 to 9% on incomes over $100,000, and to exempt from tax all individuals with incomes at or below the federal poverty level; amend KRS 141.066 to replace the low income credit with an earned income tax credit equal to 20% of the federal credit; amend KRS 141.180 to conform; make effective for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2004.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 299/FN (BR 924) - J. Wayne, A. Arnold, P. Bather, T. Burch, J. Crenshaw, T. Edmonds, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, R. Nelson, D. Pasley, T. Riner, R. Webb, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

Amend KRS 141.010 and 141.040 to change corporate nexus standard to doing business in Kentucky and to tax S corporations as corporations; amend KRS 139.340 to tighten sales tax nexus standard; amend KRS 141.208 to tax limited liability companies and limited liability partnerships as corporations; amend KRS 141.011 to repeal net operating loss carryback allowance; amend KRS 141.120 to expand definition of taxable business income to include profits from irregular transactions and to institute a "throwback rule" for sales of tangible personal property shipped from Kentucky; amend KRS 141.200 to institute mandatory combined reporting; create new sections of KRS Chapter 141 to enact a 0.85% business activity tax (BAT), based on sum of all compensation, interest, and dividends paid; provide apportionment formula for BAT; allow credit for BAT against corporate income tax; Repeal corporate license tax provisions of KRS 136.070, 136.0704, 136.071, 136.078, 136.090, 136.100 and 141.416; amend KRS 136.530, 136.990, 141.0405, 141.068, 141.206, 141.347, 141.400, 141.401, 141.403, 141.405, 141.407, 141.414, 141.415, 144.135, 154.20-258, 154.26-090, 154.34-080, 154.34-090, 155.170, 272.333, and 275.205 to conform.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 300 (BR 380) - J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to the placement of children.

Amend KRS 610.125, relating to permanency hearings, to specify that the Cabinet for Families and Children or the Department of Juvenile Justice shall report to the court within 7 days of a determination that reasonable efforts to reunify the child with the child's parents will not be made and in all other cases to notify the court within 120 days prior to the expiration of one year of the child entering foster care, rather than 60 days, and to require the court to enter a written order of the permanency plan with the clerk within three days of the hearing or to make written findings in the record if the case is to be redocketed; amend KRS 610.127, relating to circumstances negating the requirement to reunify the child with the parent, to add a continuous or repeated failure by the parent to cooperate and actively participate in reunification programs; amend KRS 610.160, relating to court-ordered participation in treatment of the child, to specify those parents who are not eligible for any court-ordered reunification programs; create a new section of KRS Chapter 620, relating to dependency, abuse, and neglect cases, to direct the cabinet to develop a system of concurrent planning consistent with the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997; create a new section of KRS Chapter 625, relating to termination of parental rights, to direct the cabinet to file a petition and motion for trial within 7 days of determining that reasonable efforts to reunify the child with the parent will not be made; create a new section of KRS Chapter 27A, relating to judicial support agencies, to direct the Administrative Office of the Courts to develop an automated system to track the placement of children in foster care, to apply for federal grants to help implement the program, to copy any reports sent to a federal officer to the General Assembly and the Governor and to require annual reports to the General Assembly and the Governor on the number of permanency hearings, termination of parental rights hearings, and any orders issued pursuant thereto, and the number of adoption judgments entered; amend KRS 620.023, relating to considerations for the best interest of the child, to add a continuous or repeated failure by the parent to cooperate and actively participate in reunification programs; and amend KRS 610.010, 620.180, 625.090, 620.020, and 600.020 to conform.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Judiciary (H)

HB 301 (BR 970) - T. McKee, T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to waste tires.

Amend KRS 224.50-878 to require unobligated money in the waste tire trust fund be used for projects to manage and develop markets for waste tires, including projects that use crumb rubber for athletic fields as a first priority.


HFA (1/LM/P, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 155.

HFA (2/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Feb 26-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 302 (BR 374) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend KRS 413.190 relating to tolling the statute of limitations when defendant is out of state or concealing himself to include KRS 413.249 relating to child sexual abuse; amend KRS 413.249 relating to statutes of limitations in child sex abuse cases to change the time limit for bringing an action from 5 years to 20 years.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Judiciary (H)

HB 303 (BR 471) - M. Cherry, R. Crimm, R. Palumbo, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to sexual offenders.

Amend KRS 17.495 to prohibit registered sex offenders from being on or about school and day care grounds, with exceptions for parent-teacher conferences, transportation, civic functions, and attendance at school; amend KRS 17.990 to provide that a violation of the prohibition be classified as a Class A misdemeanor; amend KRS 525.090, relating to loitering, to increase penalty to Class A misdemeanor if sex offender loiters on school grounds.


HCS (1) - Amend to insert provision allowing minor who is a sex offender to return to his parents house until the age of eighteen, to remove the provision relating to criminal loitering, and to expand the provision prohibiting sex offender registrants on probation or parole from residing within 1,000 feet of a school to all sex offender registrants.

HCS (2) - Amend to insert provision allowing minor who is a sex offender to return to his parents house until the age of eighteen; to remove the provision relating to criminal loitering; to expand the provision prohibiting sex offender registrants on probation or parole from residing within 1,000 feet of a school to all sex offender registrants; and to only allow sex offenders on school grounds with the permission of the principal or school board after full disclosure of the offender's status as a sex offender.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Feb 9-recommitted to Judiciary (H)

Feb 24-posting waived

Feb 25-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2)

Feb 27-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 90-0 with Committee Substitute (2)

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Judiciary (S)

HB 304 (BR 1199) - M. Cherry

AN ACT relating to drivers' licenses.

Amend KRS 159.051 to delete the requirement that a school district have an alternative education program as a condition for imposing the provision that a student under the age of 18 shall be enrolled in school and passing in at least four courses.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the original bill and add a new subsection (5) to prohibit a student from withdrawing from school in favor of home schooling solely for the purpose of avoiding the loss of a driver's license for being academically deficient.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 62-31 with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-received in Senate

Mar 9-to Judiciary (S)

HB 305 (BR 1010) - R. Thomas, S. Brinkman, C. Hoffman, T. McKee

AN ACT relating to retailers of farm equipment and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 365.800 to define "Consumer products", "Superseded parts", and "Supplier"; amend KRS 365.810 to require the purchase or repurchase of repair tools, certain hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment, and inventory used for demonstration or lease purposes; amend KRS 365.815 to allow retailers to purchase equipment held under recourse contracts; amend 365.830 to establish the procedure for heirs of retailers and their suppliers to liquidate or renew contracts; amend KRS 365.835 to require a supplier to accept inventory from a retailer if the supplier does not inspect the inventory within 60 days of a notice of termination of a contract; amend KRS 365.840 to establish the effective date for the Act to affect retail contracts; create new sections of KRS 365.800 to 365.840 to describe what constitutes "good cause" to terminate a retail contract, to prohibit a supplier from coercing a retailer, to establish the procedure for suppliers to reimburse retailers for warranty work, and to specify that the provisions in the Act are not waivable in any retail agreement contract; amend KRS 365.805, 365.820, and 365.825 to conform; make technical corrections; EMERGENCY.


HCS - Same as original, except include construction and excavating equipment in the definition of "Inventory"; require, upon termination of a retail agreement contract, a supplier to purchase signage from a retailer at its amortized value, to reimburse employee training costs incurred within one year of the termination of a contract, and to purchase, at its amortized value, trade fixtures and other improvements required by a supplier; remove language relating to majority stockholders and replace it with majority owner; and specify the conditions under which a notice of termination is required from a supplier to a retailer.

HCA (1/Title, S. Brinkman) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 5-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 6-received in Senate

Feb 11-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 22-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 144)

HB 306 (BR 882) - A. Arnold, J. Comer, M. Harmon

AN ACT relating to elections.

Amend KRS 117.035 to require a member of a county board of elections who is appointed by the State Board of Elections to resign if he or she is a candidate for office; amend KRS 117.345 to delete the approval requirement for a precinct containing less than 350 voters; amend KRS 117.187 to include disability awareness and provisional voting in the list of training topics for election officers; amend KRS 117.235 to prohibit the creation of a checkoff list or recording the identity of voters in the voting room.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except create new section of KRS Chapter 117 to prohibit use of a checkoff list or recording identity of voters in the voting room.

SCS (1) - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 118.365 to exempt independent candidates for federal office from filing a statement-of-candidacy form; amend KRS 118.367 to provide that independent candidates for federal office shall not be required to file a statement-of-candidacy form; and amend KRS 118.176 to require a challenge of the bona fides of a candidate for President and Vice President to be brought in Franklin Circuit Court; EMERGENCY.

SCS (2) - Retain original provisions, except permit challengers to have a checkoff list in the voting room; amend KRS 118.365 to exempt independent candidates for federal office from filing a statement-of-candidacy form; amend KRS 118.367 to provide that independent candidates for federal office shall not be required to file a statement-of-candidacy form; EMERGENCY.

SCA (1/Title, A. Robinson) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, A. Robinson) - Exempt candidates for city offices, members of boards of education, and supervisors of soil and water conservation districts from requirement of filing state of candidacy form.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day; recommitted to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2) as a Consent Bill

Mar 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute (2) ; passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 26-3rd reading; Committee Substitute (1) withdrawn; committee amendment (1-title) ruled out of order ; passed 34-0 with Committee Substitute (2), floor amendment (1) ; committee title amendment reconsidered; committee amendment (1-title) adopted

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H)

HB 307 (BR 1055) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to advertising in county jails.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 441 to allow a county jailer to sell advertising space on jail walls to attorneys offering legal services; the jailer shall determine where advertisements shall be displayed in the jail and the rates and length of duration for the advertisements; require advertisements to be accessible for viewing in areas where preliminary breath tests are administered; specify that the revenue collected from the sale of the advertisements shall be deposited directly into the county jail fund; require the advertisements to be consistent with rules established by the Kentucky Supreme Court for lawyer advertisement; allow advertisements to contain the attorney's name, daytime, evening, and cellular telephone numbers; prohibit the use of photographs in advertisements.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Local Government (H)

HB 308 (BR 1245) - J. Hoover, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to civil actions.

Amend 61.103, relating to civil actions by public employees, to extend statute of limitations from 90 days to 1 year.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

HB 309/FN (BR 1162) - Dw. Butler, R. Nelson, H. Collins, C. Embry Jr, F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to school employees' sick leave.

Amend KRS 161.155 to require local school boards to award a minimum ten (10) days sick leave during the school year to all full time and all part time employees; establish guidelines for use of sick days and accumulated sick time; amend definition to include the immediate family members of all school employees.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions except require a board of education to provide a minimum ten days of paid sick leave during each school year only to full-time classified employees and allow classified employees to take sick leave on any ten days of the school year.

SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Attach provisions of SB 71.

SFA (2/Title, B. Guthrie) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Education (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-received in Senate

Mar 17-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 26-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Apr 13-taken from committee; placed in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) withdrawn ; passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 145)

HB 310/LM (BR 1105) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to a surtax on cigarettes, declaring an emergency, and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 138.140 to impose a surtax of 70 cents on each 20 cigarettes, to be deposited into a new Commonwealth fund; amend KRS 138.146 to require the surtax to be paid at the same time as the purchase of the cigarette tax evidence stamps; amend KRS 248.652 to specify that the $0.03 cigarette tax remains credited to the agriculture diversification and development fund; amend KRS 438.335 to specify that the Department of Agriculture retains $0.0005 of the $0.03 tax; amend KRS 438.337 to specify that the Department of alcoholic Beverage Control retains $0.0005 of the $0.03 tax; create a new section of KRS Chapter 41 to create the Commonwealth fund to receive funds from the surtax imposed on cigarettes; designate 50% of the surtax for Medicaid, 17% to support excellence education in Kentucky; 8% to the Council on Postsecondary Education for postsecondary institutions; and 25% for county and city governments; EMERGENCY.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 311 (BR 1169) - J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to public employees.

Amend KRS 161.155 to provide that there shall be no loss of income or benefits to a teacher or school employee for work time lost because of personal injury incurred by the teacher or employee as the result of an assault while in the performance of assigned duties for a period of one year subsequent to the assault; amend KRS 156.026, 161.157, 161.623, and 61.680 to conform.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 312/CI (BR 1263) - J. Fischer, B. Smith

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 531.335, relating to possession of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, to change the penalty for a first offense form a Class A misdemeanor to a Class D felony.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 2-discharge petition filed

Introduced Jan. 16, 2004

HB 313 (BR 1148) - B. Crall, J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to window tinting on motor vehicles.

Amend KRS 189.110, relating to vehicle window tinting standards, to define the terms "multipurpose passenger vehicle" and "limousine"; provide that sunscreening material be tested on the window of the vehicle on which it has been installed rather than clear glass; and allow limousines to have window tint which transmit at least eight percent of visible light on rear and side windows.

Jan 16-introduced in House

Jan 20-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 314 (BR 1262) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Rules of Evidence.

Amend KRE 804, relating to hearsay, to allow into evidence hearsay from an unavailable declarant where the unavailability is the result of wrongdoing by a party; repeal and reenact retroactively KRE 412 and KRE 608 to conform with changes made by the Supreme Court which became effective July 1, 2003.

Jan 16-introduced in House

Jan 20-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 96-1

Feb 18-received in Senate

Feb 23-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

HB 315 (BR 1259) - D. Sims, S. Riggs, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, J. Barrows, C. Belcher, B. Buckingham, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, J. Coleman, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. Farmer, J. Gray, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, H. Moberly, M. Rader, R. Rand, T. Riner, R. Thomas, J. Vincent, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to vulnerable adults.

Amend KRS 209.005 to create the Commission on Elder Abuse and define the membership to consist of heads of the various state agencies dealing with adults; provide for the Governor to appoint the initial chair and vice chair, with subsequent chairs elected by the membership; create a new section of KRS Chapter 209 to define the duties of the commission to include developing by-laws and a work plan, acting as liaison with the Governor's Office, General Assembly, and public, working with local community leaders, developing model protocols on elder maltreatment, making recommendations for training and education on elder issues, funding sources, and data collection; require a report by September 30 each year; permit members to receive actual expenses, and require the Cabinet for Families and Children to provide staffing.

Jan 16-introduced in House

Jan 20-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 21-posted in committee

HB 316 (BR 1296) - K. Stein, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to the inheritance and estate tax.

Amend KRS 140.130 to provide that the estate tax shall apply according to the federal law as it was on January 1, 2001, prior to the estate tax reductions; make these provisions effective for persons dying after July 31. 2004.

Jan 16-introduced in House

Jan 20-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Introduced Jan. 20, 2004

HB 317 (BR 1333) - D. Sims, S. Nunn

AN ACT designating the official state repertory theater.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate Horse Cave Theatre as the official state repertory theater.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 90-1

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 318/CI (BR 1236) - J. Draud, S. Baugh, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Feeley, H. Moberly, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 516.010, relating to forgery definitions, to include a definition of academic degree; amend KRS 516.030 relating to forgery in the second degree to include forgery of an academic degree.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Judiciary (S)

HB 319 (BR 1205) - T. Thompson, R. Damron, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to establishing bank branches.

Amend KRS 287.920, pertaining to establishing bank branches by an interstate merger, to provide that if the laws of the home state of the out-of-state bank place more restrictive terms or conditions on Kentucky banks seeking to acquire or merge with a bank in the home state of the out-of-state bank, the interstate merger may be allowed in Kentucky only under substantially the same terms and conditions as applicable to Kentucky state banks in the home state of the out-of-state bank.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 27-posting waived

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Feb 2-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Feb 3-received in Senate

Feb 6-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 37-0; received in House

Mar 10-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 13)

HB 320 (BR 1308) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to public contracts.

Amend KRS 45A.690 to include municipal corporations which exercise authority or provide services on a statewide or multicounty basis as contracting bodies subject to the government contracts review process; amend sections of KRS Chapters 56, 96, 148, 151B, 153.33, 154.50, 154.47, 154.85, 154A, 164A, 175, 198A, 224A, 247, 248, 251, 262, and 342 to require contracts made by or on behalf of the following entities to be in writing: Central State Hospital Recovery Authority, waterworks corporation in a city of the first class or consolidated local government, Appalachian/Kentucky Artisans Gateway Center Authority, Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation, East Kentucky Corporation, Red Fox Tri-County Cooperative Corporation, Eastern Kentucky Exposition Center Corporation, Kentucky Wood Products Competitiveness Corporation, West Kentucky Corporation, Kentucky Lottery Corporation, Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, Turnpike Authority of Kentucky, Kentucky Housing Corporation, Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation, Kentucky Tobacco Settlement Trust Corporation. Kentucky Grain Insurance Corporation, Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easement Corporation, and Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority; require personal service contracts and memoranda of agreement of the entities to be subject to the government contracts review process.


HCS - Exempt certain entities related to Kentucky higher education from the definition of memorandum of agreement in KRS 45A.690.

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Exempts Louisville Water Authority from requirement that contracts be in writing and from certain requirements set out in KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725; remove the exemption for the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, Kentucky Affordable Prepaid Tuition, and the Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust; require contracts to be in writing and in compliance with KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to State Government (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 321/FN (BR 1253) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to the practice of dentistry.

Amend KRS 216.940 to include a dentist within the definition of "charitable health care provider"; amend KRS 304.40-075 to include a dentist within the definition of "charitable health care provider"; and amend KRS 313.445 to permit a dentist with a specialty license to provide general dental treatments when providing services as a charitable health care provider.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions except amend the definition of "charitable health care provider" to permit dentists to perform invasive or surgical procedures; and amend KRS 313.445 to limit a dentist's practice to procedures that the dentist is competent to perform; and make technical correction.

SCS/FN - Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 216.940 to clarify that "charitable health care provider" includes a dentist that practices within the scope of practice for dentists under KRS Chapter 313; and amend KRS 304.40-075 to clarify that "charitable health care provider" includes a dentist that practices within the scope of practice for dentists under KRS Chapter 313.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 12-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 22-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 23-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute

Mar 25-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 95-0

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 62)

HB 322 (BR 1297) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to services for children with serious emotional disturbances.

Amend KRS 200.505 to add the director of the Office of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers and the general manager of the Office of Juvenile Services of the Administrative Office of the Courts to the State Interagency Council for Services to Children with an Emotional Disability.


SFA (1, J. Denton) - Retain original provisions and add a new section that requires the Commission on Mental Illness, Alcohol and Other Drug Disorders, and Dual Diagnoses, and the Commission on Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disorders to establish ad hoc committees to develop recommendations for action plans for children transitioning from children's services systems to adult services systems; require preliminary report by October 30, 2004 and a final report by December 30, 2004 to commissions and the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare.

SFA (2/Title, J. Denton) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, J. Denton) - Retain original provisions and add new sections to require the Commission on Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disorders and the Commission on Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, and Dual Diagnoses to establish a joint ad hoc committee to make recommendations on plans of action for children transitioning from children's services systems to adult services systems; specify membership; require preliminary report by October 30, 2004, and final report by December 30, 2004, to the commissions and the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare.

SFA (4, J. Denton) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require a postsecondary education institution to give first-floor housing priority to a student with a disability, or sensory, cognitive, or neurological impairments, or certain developmental impairments; provide that an institution that does not have first-floor housing available must allow the student to live elsewhere on-campus or off-campus; and require the institution to maintain a record of any on-campus housing assignment for the student and to alert appropriate safety and emergency personnel of the location of the student.

SFA (5, J. Denton) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require a postsecondary education institution to give first-floor housing priority to a student with a disability, or sensory, cognitive, or neurological impairments, or certain developmental impairments; provide that an institution that does not have first floor housing available must allow the student to live elsewhere on-campus or off-campus; and require the institution to maintain a record of any on-campus housing assignment for the student and to alert appropriate safety and emergency personnel of the location of the student.

SFA (6, J. Denton) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require a postsecondary education institution to give first-floor housing priority to a student who informs the institution of a disability, or sensory, cognitive, or neurological impairments, or certain developmental impairments; provide that an institution that does not have first floor housing available must allow the student to live elsewhere on-campus or off-campus; and require the institution to maintain a record of any on-campus housing assignment for the student and to alert appropriate safety and emergency personnel of the location of the student.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 91-0

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 10-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 12-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004; floor amendment (4) filed

Mar 15-floor amendment (5) filed

Mar 17-floor amendment (6) filed

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Mar 22-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (4) and (5) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with floor amendments (2-title) (3) and (6)

Mar 23-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendments (2-title) (3) and (6) for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 29-House concurred in Senate floor amendments (2-title) (3) and (6) ; passed 93-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 119)

HB 323/FN (BR 1365) - R. Adams, J. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, J. Barrows, C. Belcher, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, P. Clark, J. Coleman, J. Comer, T. Couch, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Higdon, T. Kerr, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, R. Mobley, F. Nesler, R. Rand, A. Simpson, D. Sims, J. Stacy, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, C. Walton, M. Weaver, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to critical access hospitals and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 216.380 to authorize a critical access hospital to increase its acute care bed capacity to 25 beds without obtaining a certificate of need; permit a critical access hospital to operate a distinct psychiatric unit or distinct rehabilitation unit, with a maximum of ten beds per unit, subject to certificate of need approval; and exclude the psychiatric unit and the rehabilitation unit beds from calculations used to determine the number of beds or the average length of stay for purposes of applying limitations; EMERGENCY.


HCA (1, H. Moberly) - Provide that no acute care hospital shall convert to a critical access hospital unless the hospital has either a feasibility study funded through the Kentucky State Office of Rural Health or has filed a written request by February 1, 2004, with the Office of Rural Health requesting funding for a feasibility study.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 35-0; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 56)

HB 324 (BR 1100) - Dw. Butler, J. Thompson

AN ACT relating to consumer protection.

Amend KRS 287.730 to provide that violation of KRS 287.730(2), with intent to defraud, is an unlawful act, subject to KRS 367.110 to 367.300; create new sections of KRS 367.110 to 367.370 to define terms; provide that intentionally imposing a fraudulent finance charge after payment in full by a bank or a credit card issuer is a violation of KRS 367.170, subject to the Consumer Protection Act, KRS 367.110 to 367.300 and to the penalties contained in KRS 367.990.


HCS - Delete Section 1 to amend KRS 287.730 which provided that violation of KRS 287.730(2) with intent to defraud is an unlawful act.

HFA (1, D. Butler) - Make technical correction.

HFA (2/LM/P, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 155.

HFA (3/Title, M. Marzian) - Make title amendment.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 27-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 26-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 325 (BR 1084) - L. Clark

AN ACT relating to boards and commissions.

Amend KRS 12.070 to establish automatic renewal of appointments to boards and commissions if Governor has not taken action within 30 days of expiration of the term.


HCS - Change 30-day expiration period to 60 days.

HFA (1, B. Crall) - Suspends the 60 day time frame for automatic renewal for 180 days after a new Governor is sworn in, provisions effective on one hundred eighty-first day of the new Governor's term.

HFA (2, B. Crall) - Change 60 day expiration period to 180 days.

HFA (3, B. Crall) - Change 60-day expiration period to 90 days.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to State Government (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 5-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 10-3rd reading, passed 92-4 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3)

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 326 (BR 1032) - J. Richards

AN ACT relating to state aeronautics programs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 183 to establish Kentucky Aviation Commission to advise the Transportation Cabinet, General Assembly, and Governor on matters relating to the state's air transportation system and its impact on economic development; provide that the commission shall be composed of the secretaries of the Transportation and Economic Development Cabinets, the adjutant general and eight members appointed by the Governor representing commercial airlines, air cargo carriers and the state's airports; authorize the commission to review aeronautics programs and approve the Transportation Cabinet's aeronautics budget and state airport plan; require the commission to issue an annual report to the Governor and Legislation Research Commission and recommend legislation to improve the state air transportation system.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following changes: delete subsection (5), relating to the compensation of commission members, in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof a provision for members to be reimbursed necessary travel expenses for attending meeting of the commission, subject to approval by the secretary of the transportation cabinet; permit the secretary to authorize reimbursement of other expenses necessary in the performance of a commission member's official duties; in subsection (7), paragraph (b), clarify that the commission shall review the cabinet's aeronautics budget and state airport plan rather than approve the budget and plan; provide for the commission to make recommendations on the budget and airport plan to the secretary of the transportation cabinet.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Transportation (H)

Jan 26-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 4-3rd reading, passed 92-1 with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-received in Senate

Feb 10-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 327 (BR 44) - S. Lee

AN ACT relating to barber schools.

Amend KRS 317.540 to change the instructor/pupil ratio for barber schools from 1 to 15 to 1 to 25.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 328 (BR 1341) - K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. DeWeese

AN ACT relating to county clerks.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to allow county clerks to accept documents via electronic means; allow clerks to maintain archives in electronic formats and to redact portions of Social Security numbers for filing; require Department of Libraries and Archives to promulgate related administrative regulations.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Local Government (H)

HB 329 (BR 1342) - K. Bratcher

AN ACT relating to penalties for a violation of traffic regulations.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 520, relating to the Kentucky Penal Code, to establish the offenses of leaving the scene of an accident in the first degree and in the second degree; establish a penalty of a Class D felony for leaving the scene of an accident in the first degree and a Class A misdemeanor for in the second degree; amend KRS 186.560, relating to persons who are subject to license revocation, to include a conviction for leaving the scene of an accident in either the first or second degree; amend KRS 189.580 to delete current provisions for stopping at the scene of an accident and to require police reports on noninjury accidents to be filed within 48 hours; amend KRS 189.990, 189.999, 431.005, 431.015, and 431.410 to conform.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Transportation (H)

HB 330 (BR 1290) - P. Clark, R. Meeks, S. Brinkman, L. Clark, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to pupil transportation.

Amend KRS 156.360 to delete language concerning the payment formula adopted by local school districts to transport students attending nonpublic schools; amend KRS 156.370 to require the commissioner of education to administer funds appropriated to public school districts for pupil transportation; include in aggregate and average daily attendance certain students transported less than one mile; delete obsolete language; make technical changes to conform.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Education (H)

HB 331 (BR 1366) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to airport safety and security.

Amend KRS 183.137, relating to contracts for airports, to limit airport boards' contract performance to entities actually contracted with, unless the airport board consents to the assignment and assumption of a contract with a new entity after reviewing factors deemed important by the airport board, including impact on airport safety and security.


SCS - Add a new section to amend KRS 382.135, relating to deeds, to exempt deeds conveying real property to a local airport authority from giving a statement of full consideration.

SCA (1/Title, V. Moore) - Make title amendment.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 87-0

Mar 1-received in Senate

Mar 4-to Transportation (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 33-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 22-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 23-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 25-House refused to concur in Senate Committee Substitute ; received in Senate

Mar 29-posted for passage for receding from Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; Senate receded from Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; passed 37-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 83)

HB 332 (BR 1294) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to the operation of railroads.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 277 governing railroads to define "certified railroad locomotive engineer" and "qualified railroad trainsman"; require trains operated in Kentucky to have a crew of at least one certified railroad locomotive engineer and one qualified railroad trainsman; establish limited exceptions; establish penalties.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Transportation (H)

HB 333 (BR 1293) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to railroad employees.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 277, relating to railroads, to require a railroad company when requested to give a member of a train crew two consecutive days off without pay if the person has been on duty any portion of seven consecutive days.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Transportation (H)

HB 334 (BR 948) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 421 to establish procedures for the use of jailhouse informant testimony in capital cases, including disclosure to the defendant of informant's criminal background and prior testimonial history, the elements of any arrangement the Commonwealth has made in exchange for the testimony, and the substance of the testimony itself together with the circumstances of its disclosure to the Commonwealth, and additionally require the court to deny admission into evidence of statements the court finds to not be reliable.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Judiciary (H)

HB 335 (BR 949) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 421, relating to witnesses, to require the Commonwealth to disclose, in capital cases, any deal the Commonwealth has made in exchange for the testimony of the witness, prior testimony given by the witness, the criminal history of the witness, and any other evidence the Commonwealth has as to the credibility of the witness.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Judiciary (H)

HB 336/LM (BR 3) - R. Thomas, K. Bratcher, L. Clark, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, S. Lee, M. Marzian, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, T. Riner, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to animals.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 258 to prohibit the use of gunshot as a method of euthanasia in animal control situation; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 258 to delete references to dog pounds and dog wardens and use the terms animal shelter and animal control officer; define "cat," "animal control officer," "ferret," "board," "euthanasia," "animal shelter," and "quarantine;" require dogs, cats, and ferrets to be vaccinated against rabies; require a dog to wear a rabies tag; allow a qualified person to vaccinate his own dog; allow a dog, cat, or ferret from out of state to not be vaccinated against rabies if the animal is already vaccinated and meets the rabies standards of Kentucky; allow, rather than require, local health departments to sponsor mass rabies immunization clinics; require the destruction and testing for rabies of a wild or exotic animal that has bitten a person; require an owner of an animal with rabies to be responsible for costs associated with any quarantine or rabies testing of that animal; allow a governmental agency to contract with other counties or entities to maintain an animal shelter; establish minimum standards for animal shelters; delete the requirement that all dogs be licensed and allow each county to establish its own licensing program; require all counties to meet the minimum standards established regarding animal shelters within two years of the effective date of this Act; allow animal control officers to impound dogs that do not bear a valid rabies tag; reduce the minimum holding period of impounded dogs from seven to five days; require proof of, or the purchase of, a valid rabies vaccination before an impounded dog, cat, or ferret may be reclaimed from a shelter; require the confinement of a vicious dog; prohibit a dog from violating local nuisance ordinances; require the owner of any dog, cat, or ferret that bites a person to be responsible for any damages resulting from the bite; amend KRS 436.605 to require agents of humane societies to be employed by or have a contract with a governing body before the agent can have the power of a peace officer in enforcing statutes relating to cruelty to animals; amend KRS 67.592, 212.625, 257.100, 321.181, and 436.610 to conform; make technical corrections; repeal KRS 258.025, 258.105, 258.115, 258.125, 258.145, 258.155, 258.165, 258.175, 258.185, 258.205, 258.275, 258.285, 258.295, 258.305, 258.325, 258.345, 258.355; and provide that funds remaining in the livestock fund be deposited in the animal control and care fund.


HCS/LM - Retain original provisions, except allow gunshot in animal shelters if an animal presents a threat to the health or safety of an animal control officer, and clarify the definition of "euthanasia."

HFA (1, B. Montell) - Require people with feral cats on their premises to make a reasonable effort to capture and vaccinate them against rabies.

HFA (2, R. Nelson) - Delete the requirement for cats and ferrets to be vaccinated against rabies.

HFA (3, R. Damron) - Broaden the circumstances where an animal control officer may use gunshot to kill an animal at an animal shelter to include when immediately necessary to protect any other person or animal lawfully on the premises; delete all other remaining provisions of the bill.

HFA (4, R. Thomas) - Delete all provisions of the bill; create a new section of KRS 258.095 to 258.365 to prohibit the use of gunshot as a routine method of euthanasia in animal shelter situations; amend KRS 258.095 to define "Euthanasia"; amend KRS 258.119 to strengthen animal shelter standards for applicants seeking grants from the Animal Control and Care Fund; amend KRS 258.215 to conform.

HFA (5, R. Thomas) - Specify that gunshot may be used in animal shelter situations if an animal presents a threat to anyone lawfully on the premises of the shelter; amend the definition of "animal control officer" to include the duties of enforcing the provisions of the KRS relating to cruelty, mistreatment, or torture of animals; define "Livestock" and "Poultry"; require any person with feral cats on his property to make a reasonable effort to capture or vaccinate the cats for rabies; require the Animal Control Advisory Board to promulgate administrative regulations regarding its duties; allow counties 3, rather than 2, years to meet the new animal shelter standards; allow animal control officers to issue uniform citations, local citations, or local notices to enforce animal control, cruelty, and torture laws; require owners of all animals, not just dogs, cats, or ferrets, to be responsible for costs involved in impounding and quarantining; specify that money collected from fines be credited to the Animal Control and Care Fund; prohibit animal control officers and officers or agents of humane societies from having the power of arrest, unless they are peace officers; make conforming and technical corrections.

HFA (6, R. Thomas) - Delete all provisions of the bill; create a new section of KRS 258.095 to 258.365 to prohibit the use of gunshot as a routine method of euthanasia in animal shelter situations; amend KRS 258.095 to define "Euthanasia"; amend KRS 258.215 to conform.

HFA (7, R. Thomas) - Clarify what constitutes "reasonable effort" regarding the attempted vaccination of feral cats.

HFA (8, R. Thomas) - Allow, rather than require, a wild or exotic animal to be destroyed and tested for rabies if the animal bites a human being or exhibits symptoms of rabies.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 27-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 2-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 5-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 8-floor amendments (4) (5) and (6) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 9-floor amendments (7) and (8) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (5)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 337 (BR 1347) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to Medicaid and declaring an emergency.

Prohibit the Cabinet for Health Services from making any policy changes to the Medicaid program and suspend all hearings and final decisions on appeal cases related to denial of services related to changes in eligibility criteria or benefits that were in effect on January 1, 2003 until the passage of the executive budget for the 2004-2006 biennium or July 1, 2004; EMERGENCY.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

HB 338 (BR 1248) - K. Stein, M. Marzian, P. Bather, T. Burch, R. Meeks, R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to civil rights.

Amend KRS 344.010 to define "gender identity" and "sexual orientation"; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 344 to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Judiciary (H)

HB 339/FN (BR 1328) - M. Rader, J. Adams, D. Graham, M. Harmon, T. McKee, S. Nunn, T. Pullin, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to property taxes and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 132.020 to exclude new property from the calculation of the state tax rate on real property; amend KRS 132.590 to create a property tax administration fund; establish purposes of fund; provide that fund does not lapse.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 340/FN (BR 853) - T. Pullin, R. Nelson, S. Brinkman, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, J. Comer, R. Damron, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, S. Riggs, C. Siler, B. Smith, J. Stewart, J. Vincent, R. Webb

AN ACT relating to the state health insurance group.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A, relating to the state health insurance group, to establish a fund for providing a contribution toward dependent coverage; direct the Finance and Administration Cabinet to administer the fund and determine annually if sufficient moneys are available to have an employer contribution toward dependent coverage; extend the contribution to employees whose employers are participating in the state health insurance group and receive a state appropriation for health insurance; include information on the fund in the annual report of the Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board; amend KRS 18A.225 to conform.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to State Government (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 6-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 10-posted in committee

HB 341 (BR 1258) - J. Jenkins, R. Thomas, J. Adams, J. Barrows, T. Burch, Dw. Butler, R. Crimm, R. Damron, T. Feeley, D. Graham, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Mobley, R. Rand, K. Upchurch, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to the practice of pharmacy.

Amend KRS 315.010 to expand the definition of "practice of pharmacy" to include the dispensing of biologics, and the administration of adult immunizations pursuant to a prescriber-approved protocol.


HCS - Retain original provision; add language naming this Act the Robert L. Barnett, Jr. R. Ph. Act.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 4-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-received in Senate

Feb 10-to Health and Welfare (S)

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 27-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 36-1; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 15-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 10)

Introduced Jan. 21, 2004

HB 342 (BR 1151) - T. Burch, B. Crall

AN ACT relating to vaccination for meningococcal meningitis disease.

Amend KRS Chapter 164 to require institutions of higher learning to provide all students enrolling full-time and living in student housing with information on meningococcal disease and to require evidence of receiving the vaccine or a statement indicating receipt of information and refusal of the vaccine; require mailing of meningococcal vaccine information at least one time per year; prohibit requiring institutions to pay or provide for vaccines.


HCS - Require each public and private educational institution offering postsecondary degree to provide vaccination information about meningitis to full-time students living in residence housing; require the information to be contained in the student housing or enrollment application or in the lease document, with a space for the student to indicate whether the student has received the vaccination; delete requirement that all persons enrolling as full-time students at universities provide evidence of vaccination against meningitis; delete requirement that institutions provide detailed information about the disease at least one time per year; and delete provisions authorizing students to opt out of vaccination.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 28-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 93-3 with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 146)

HB 343 (BR 1345) - J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to juries.

Amend KRS 29A.040 and 29A.170 to revise the method for compiling the master list of county jurors and to revise the eligibility for and amounts of juror pay.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

HB 344 (BR 1374) - J. Richards, R. Adkins, J. Barrows, S. Brinkman, J. Callahan, L. Clark, B. DeWeese, J. Hoover, K. Upchurch

AN ACT relating to electioneering and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 117.235 to reduce the prohibited distance for electioneering to 100 instead of 500 feet from the county clerk's office or entrance to the polling place; EMERGENCY.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except provide for delayed repeal of KRS 117.235, to be effective June 30, 2005; state General Assembly intention; reenact prohibition against electioneering within 500 feet EFFECTIVE July 1, 2005.

HFA (1, S. Brinkman) - Define electioneering as applying to the solicitation of votes for or against a clearly identified candidate or issue in a manner which expressly advocates the election or defeat of the candidate or issue.

HFA (2, J. Comer) - Reduce the prohibited distance for electioneering to 250 instead of 500 feet from the county clerk's office or entrance to the polling place, make conforming changes.

SCS - Retain original provisions, except define electioneering as the solicitation of votes for or against a clearly identified candidate or question on the ballot in a manner which expressly advocates the election or defeat of the candidate or issue; amend KRS 6.611,6.784, and 11A.231 to delete references to KRS Chapter 121A; amend KRS 83A.045 to require candidates for city office to file for office no later than the first Tuesday after the second Monday in April, and require independent candidates for city office to file no later than the fourth Tuesday in August; amend KRS 83A.165 to change references to August primary; amend KRS 116.055, 117.085, 117.275, 117.295, 118.035 to delete references to runoff primary election; amend KRS 117.066 to conform; amend KRS 118.025 to change primary election date from the first Tuesday after the third Monday in May to the first Tuesday in August, and repeal runoff primary for slates of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor; amend KRS 118.165 to change filing deadline for office from the last Tuesday in January to the first Tuesday after the second Monday in April; amend KRS 118.215 to delete references to runoff primary and change certification date to the Monday after the filing deadline for the general election, and change deadline for notification to the Secretary of State that ballots cannot accommodate the number of candidates to the last Tuesday in May before the primary or the day after the certification deadline preceding the general election; amend KRS 118.225 to change the time for the drawing by lot for ballot position to the Thursday following the second Monday in April preceding the primary, or the Thursday following the fourth Tuesday in August preceding the general election; amend KRS 118.245 to repeal runoff primary and provide that the slate of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be the nominees of the party; amend KRS 118.255 to eliminate the forwarding of filing fees to the election campaign fund; amend KRS 118.365 to change date for filing of certificates and petitions of nomination for candidates to the fourth Tuesday in August; amend KRS 118.367 to change date for filing statement of candidacy for independent candidates to June 16; amend KRS 118.425 to require the State Board of Elections to certify the election by the second Monday after the election; amend KRS 118.555 to require state political parties to pay for the presidential preference primary if held on a date different than the August primary, and provide for notification of decision to hold primary or caucus or combination thereof by March 15; amend KRS 118.561 to change the presidential preference primary date to the first Tuesday in August, require parties to pay for preference primary if held on a different date than the first Tuesday in August; amend KRS 118.581 to require the State Board of Elections to convene on the last Tuesday in March to nominate presidential candidates who have qualified for federal matching funds; amend KRS 118.591 to require petitions and notices of candidacy to be filed by presidential preference primary candidates by the first Tuesday after the second Monday in April; amend KRS 118.601 to set drawing by lot for ballot order on the Thursday following the second Monday in April, and change certification date to the second Monday following the filing deadline; amend KRS 118.561 to change date for notification date for state political party chair to May 1; amend KRS 118A.060 to change filing deadline for judicial office to first Tuesday after the second Monday in April, change drawing by lot for the primary election to the Thursday following the second Monday in April, and change certification date to the second Monday following the filing deadline; amend KRS 118A.090 to change drawing by lot for the general election to the Thursday following the fourth Tuesday in August; amend KRS 118A.100 to change vacancy provisions; amend KRS 121.015 to delete references to runoff primary and provisions of KRS Chapter 121A, define exploratory committee; amend KRS 121.056 to change references; amend KRS 121.120 to delete references to KRS Chapter 121A and require continuing audits of slates; amend KRS 121.150 to delete reference to the election campaign fund, include slates in contribution limits, delete references to runoff primary, remove prohibition against slates' receipt of contributions within last 28 days before primary or general election, include slates in contribution limits for permanent committees and executive committees; amend KRS 121.170 to delete references to KRS Chapter 121A; amend KRS 121.180 to delete references to KRS Chapter 121A and runoff primary, require additional reporting of contributions and expenditures of slates of candidates and fundraisers for slated candidates in the last 28 days prior to the primary or general election, within 24 hours of the contribution or expenditure, and require additional reporting of political parties, in a year in which a statewide election for state or federal office is held, of contributions and expenditures of political parties in the last 28 days prior to the primary or general election, within 24 hours of the contribution or expenditure, provide that replacement of slate member shall not affect the slate's ability to take action to utilize funds in the campaign account if otherwise permitted by law; amend KRS 121.220 to delete reference; amend KRS 121.990 and 154A.160 to delete references to KRS Chapter 121A; create new section of KRS Chapter 121 to provide for exploratory committees for slates of candidates; create new section of KRS Chapter 118 to provide procedures in the event of a vacancy in a slate of candidates; repeal provisions of public financing campaign act, KRS 121A.005, 121A.010, 121A.015, 121A.020, 121A.030, 121A.040, 121A.050, 121A.060, 121A.070, 121A.080, 121A.090, 121A.100, 121A.110, 121A.990; make Sections 3 to 43 effective January 1, 2005.

SCA (1/Title, A. Robinson) - Make title amendment.

Jan 21-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H); posting waived

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 27-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute ; 3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 28-received in Senate

Feb 2-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 20-17 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 23-recommitted to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 345 (BR 858) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to the sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.531 to exempt the sale of all horses under two years of age at the time of sale from the sales and use tax; provide that the Act takes effect on August 1, 2004.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 346 (BR 385) - B. DeWeese, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to sales and use taxes.

Amend KRS 139.495 to provide a sales tax refund on sales of donated goods by nonprofit, charitable institutions, if the refund is used as reimbursement for constructing new retail facilities in this state, and if the institution is involved in job training and placement and other community services; provide procedures for processing refund.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 347/FN (BR 366) - M. Harmon, K. Bratcher

AN ACT proposing to amend the Constitution of Kentucky relating to taxes and expenditures.

Propose to create new sections of the Kentucky constititution, providing that budget expenditures for any biennium shall not exceed expenditures for the previous biennium plus growth; providing a mechanism for a self-financing budget without taxation.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 348/LM (BR 1383) - T. Edmonds

AN ACT relating to county clerks and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to establish a county clerk motor vehicle registration supplement fund; provide that fees from 3% of the tax collected under KRS 138.463 be deposited monthly into the fund; provide that funds shall be disbursed quarterly by the State Treasurer in order to supplement county clerks' commissions for registering motor vehicles; provide that disbursements shall be made equally to counties have a population of 18,000 or less as determined by the most recent census; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2004.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Transportation (H)

HB 349 (BR 1301) - M. Marzian, L. Clark, D. Graham, J. Jenkins, R. Meeks, C. Miller, T. Riner

AN ACT relating to lead poisoning prevention and containing an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 211.900 to add the definition of affected property; create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to establish lead-free and lead-safe certification requirements; establish a "lead accreditation fund" to be used for certification activities; require owners of affected properties to register with the Cabinet for Health Services; establish civil immunity for certified owners; require liability insurance policies to cover affected properties that are certified; provide for a tax credit for the costs certification; authorize the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 350 (BR 1360) - C. Miller, C. Siler, Dw. Butler, L. Clark, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, R. Meeks, S. Riggs, J. Thompson

AN ACT relating to fines for traffic offenses.

Amend KRS 189.394, regarding fines for speeding, to double fines for speeding in a school zone where the speed limit has been lowered and flashing lights have been installed pursuant to KRS 189.336.


HFA (1, C. Miller) - Delete Section 1 in its entirety and amend the same statute to make a technical correction to the format of the fine table and to clarify in subsection (7) that fines are doubled in a school zone only when the flasher caution lights are flashing.

HFA (2, S. Riggs) - Add a new Section 2 to the bill to amend KRS 189.336, relating to the installation of flasher lights in school zones, to require the governmental unit that installs flasher lights to ensure the lights are continually maintained and monitored for proper operation; require any flasher light found to be inoperative to be immediately repaired or replaced.

Jan 21-introduced in House

Jan 22-to Transportation (H)

Jan 26-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (2) filed

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 88-2 with floor amendments (1) and (2)

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to Transportation (S)

Introduced Jan. 22, 2004

HB 351/FN (BR 913) - D. Pasley, H. Moberly, D. Sims, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to prescription drugs.

Create various sections of KRS Chapter 194A to define terms; establish a Kentucky Rx Program for residents with family incomes equal to or less than 350% of the federal poverty guidelines or families with medical expenses above a certain level; require the Secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to negotiate manufacturer rebates which shall be used to provide discount prescriptions and cover administrative costs of the program; require retail pharmacies to initially charge qualified residents the Medicaid reimbursement rate for a covered drug; provide for larger discounts subsequent to the receipt of manufacturer rebates; require public disclose of the names of manufacturers who do not enter into a rebate agreement with the cabinet; create the Kentucky Rx Program fund in the State Treasury; require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations for the establishment of maximum retail prices; require the secretary to compare the costs of drugs in the Kentucky Rx Program to other payors and permit the secretary to set maximum retail prices for drugs; amend KRS 315.191 to require the Board of Pharmacy to promulgate administrative regulation to require retail pharmacies participating in the Kentucky Rx Program to disclose to the client the amount of saving realized as a result of the program.


HCS/FN - Delete all provisions; create various new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to define terms; require the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to negotiate rebates from drug manufacturers to be used to provide a refundable prescription drug tax credit for uninsured Kentucky residents who have incomes at 350% of the federal poverty guidelines and to cover administrative costs; require the secretary to negotiate initial rebates equal to or greater than discounts provided under the Medicaid program; require larger discounts for rebates beginning October 1, 2005; authorize the secretary to negotiate any amount of rebate obtainable; require the cabinet to submit a Medicaid state plan amendment prior to developing a preferred drug list for the Medicaid program based upon the provision of rebates from manufacturers; require public disclosure of the names of manufacturers that do not enter into a rebate agreement related to drug sales to qualified Kentucky residents; establish a Kentucky Rx refundable tax credit fund in the State Treasury; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to allow a refundable tax credit for prescription drug costs for qualified residents; authorize the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet to determine the amount of the tax credit based on the amount of funds available divided by the number of estimated qualified residents; prohibit the amount of the tax credit to exceed the out-of-pocket costs; amend KRS 141.0205 to establish the order in which the refundable prescription drug credit is applied against tax imposed by KRS 141.020; and apply the refundable tax credit beginning with the 2005 tax year.

HCA (1/Title, H. Moberly) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, D. Pasley) - Retain original provisions except add a definition for "health benefit plan;" require the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to negotiate the highest obtainable rebates from drug manufacturers to be used to provide a refundable prescription drug tax credit for uninsured Kentucky residents who have incomes at 350% of the federal poverty guidelines, including Medicare recipients and enrollees of Medicare-approved prescription drug discount cards; require that the secretary use the amount of rebates provided to the Medicaid program and other federal programs as a basis for negotiating the rebates; permit the Cabinet for Health Services to submit a state plan amendment to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to develop a preferred drug list for the Medicaid program as a condition of providing rebates to "qualified residents" instead of requiring the cabinet to submit the state plan amendment; and make technical corrections.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 18-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 352 (BR 1362) - R. Damron, J. Bruce, P. Clark, D. Pasley, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to the corporate license tax and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 136.071 to allow bank holding companies that hold stock or securities in financial institutions subject to the tax imposed under KRS 136.500 to 136.575 equal to 50% or more of its total assets to determine its "capital" for purposes of the corporate license tax by deducting the value of its investment in the stock and securities in such financial institutions; provide that the provisions of the act are retroactively effective for tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 2003; declare an emergency.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 353/CI (BR 1415) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 403.763 relating to violation of a domestic violence order to specify that the sentence be served consecutively if the violator of the order is incarcerated, on probation, or other form of alternative to incarceration; amend KRS 532.055 and 532.110 relating to service of sentence to conform.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Judiciary (H)

HB 354/CI (BR 1416) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to criminal sexual abuse.

Amend the statutes relating to criminal sexual abuse to increase the penalty where penetration not falling within the scope of rape or sodomy occurs.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Judiciary (H)

HB 355 (BR 1014) - R. Nelson

AN ACT relating to forest lands.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 149 to create a designation of "classified forest" property; provide that to qualify, property must have 50 acres, 700 trees per acre, and limited uses; require application to and oversight by Division of Forestry; require classified forests to have a forest management plan and undergo periodic inspection; require special tax assessment guidelines for classified forest property; provide procedures and requirements for withdrawal of designation; make applicable to property assessments made on or after January 1, 2005.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee

HB 356/FN (BR 1083) - J. Thompson

AN ACT relating to driver education programs and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 67 to permit a fiscal court to increase by ordinance, traffic fees for each violation of KRS Chapter 189 by an additional $3; provide that the ordinance shall be submitted to the Administrative Office of the Courts, which shall direct the circuit clerk of the county to collect the fees and transfer the funds to the fiscal court on a quarterly basis; provide that the funds shall be distributed to participating local school districts to establish or improve driver education programs, and shall not be used for administrative personnel costs.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Transportation (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

HB 357/LM (BR 883) - R. Rand, R. Adams, J. Callahan, J. Draud, D. Sims

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles.

Repeal and reenact KRS 189.752, relating to abandoned vehicles, to define "abandoned vehicle," "cabinet," "city street," "county road," "motor vehicle," "owner," "state highway," and "towing company"; establish presumption that any motor vehicle left on a city street, county road, or state highway for three consecutive days is an abandoned vehicle; require law enforcement agencies to issue a citation to the owner of the vehicle when the agency calls for a towing company to remove the vehicle from the highway and notify the owner of the citation, court, date, and penalties; require the owner of an abandoned vehicle to pay for the towing, recovery, and storage of the vehicle in addition to any other penalty; establish a limited exemption to penalties but not the payment of towing, recovery, and storage fees; require the Transportation Cabinet to suspend a person's driver's license, as well as the registration of any vehicle registered in the person's name if the person fails to appear and pay the fees and fine associated with abandoning a motor vehicle; amend KRS 376.275 to reduce the time a towing company must hold a vehicle before being able to sell the vehicle from 45 days to 30 days; amend KRS 189.990 to establish a $500 fine for a first offense and $1,000 for a second or subsequent offense of abandoning a motor vehicle; amend KRS 189.450 and 376.268 to conform; repeal KRS 189.751 and 189.753.


HCS (1/LM) - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following exception: In Section 1 delete the definition of "owner" and insert in lieu thereof the definition that "owner" means as defined in KRS 186.010; make a technical correction to clarify the definition of an abandoned vehicle.

HCS (2/LM) - Delete all provisions of the bill in their entirety and insert in lieu thereof a new Section 1 to amend KRS 189.450 to reduce the time frame to thirty days before a towed vehicle may be sold; add a new Section 2 to amend KRS 376.275 to conform.

HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 1, delete subsection (6) in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof provisions for a court to have the authority to order a person ineligible to operate a motor vehicle for abandoning a motor vehicle and failing to pay the associated fine and towing, recovery, and storage charges; add a new Section 6 to amend KRS 186.570, relating to reasons a person's driver's license will be suspended, to conform; renumber existing Section 6 as Section 7.

HFA (2, R. Rand) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 1, amend subsection (2) to make the towing of an abandoned vehicle permissive rather than mandatory; amend subsection (3) to provide that the owner of an abandoned vehicle will be issued a citation at the time the vehicle is towed unless issuing a citation would be in conflict with the law enforcement agency's internal policies and procedures, and provide for the owner to be notified the vehicle has been towed with 10 business days of the date the vehicle is towed rather than within 24 hours of the citation being issued; and in Section 2, amend subsection (2) to conform.

HFA (3, M. Harmon) - Delete the provisions of the committee substitute in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof a new Section 1 to amend KRS 189.450 to reduce the time frame to thirty days before a towed vehicle may be sold; add a new Section 2 to amend KRS 376.275 to conform.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Feb 11-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 18-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 20-3rd reading; Committee Substitute (1) adopted; floor amendments (1) and (2) adopted ; returned to the Orders of the Day

Feb 26-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 1-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Transportation (H)

Mar 4-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2) ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 12-Committee Substitute (2) adopted; passed 69-18 with Committee Substitutes (1) and (2), floor amendments (1) and (2)

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Transportation (S)

HB 358 (BR 841) - J. Gray, K. Hall, K. Bratcher, H. Collins, R. Crimm, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, M. Harmon, M. Harper, S. Lee, R. Mobley, R. Nelson, M. Rader, D. Sims, T. Turner

AN ACT relating to child welfare.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 199, relating to adoption and protective services for children, to declare a public policy preference for adoptive homes with married parents, create a rebuttable presumption that it is not in the best interest of the child to be placed in a home where two unmarried persons cohabit or are otherwise engaging in sexual relations; prohibit the cabinet from placing children for adoption in homes where the petitioner or other person acting as a parent in the home is homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered, or in a home where more than two persons are cohabiting or otherwise engaging in sexual relations with one another; amend KRS 600.020, the definitions section for the Kentucky Unified Juvenile Code, to add language to the definition of "foster family home" which excludes those homes where a parent is homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered, or where more than two persons are cohabiting or otherwise engaging in sexual relations with one another; make technical corrections thereto; make technical amendments to KRS 199.011, 199.467, 199.470, 199.471, 199.472, 199.473, and 199.990.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Health and Welfare (H)

Introduced Jan. 23, 2004

HB 359/LM (BR 1426) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to controlled substances.

Repeal KRS 218A.210 relating to possession of a controlled substance in an unauthorized container; amend KRS 218A.992 relating to penalties to conform.


HCS/LM - Delete provisions of original bill; amend KRS 218A.210, relating to possession of a controlled substance in an unauthorized container, to require dismissal of charge and expungement of records if the defendant presents to the court a valid prescription or evidence of a valid prescription.

Jan 23-introduced in House

Jan 26-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Feb 9-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 10-received in Senate

Feb 13-to Judiciary (S)

HB 360 (BR 1395) - K. Stein, M. Marzian, J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.

Amend KRS 341.370 to prohibit a worker's disqualification for unemployment insurance benefits if the worker's unemployment resulted from being a victim of domestic violence; amend KRS 341.530 to charge benefits to pooled account; amend KRS 341.360 to conform.

Jan 23-introduced in House

Jan 26-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 79-10

Feb 24-received in Senate

Feb 27-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 361 (BR 1067) - M. Denham, R. Thomas, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, J. Barrows, J. Bruce, J. Callahan, L. Clark, J. Comer, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, D. Pasley, R. Rand, J. Richards, J. Stacy, R. Webb, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to rural development.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to establish the Rural Enhancement and Development Committee as a permanent subcommittee of the Legislative Research Commission; and establish its purposes, duties, members, and terms.

Jan 23-introduced in House

Jan 26-to Agriculture and Small Business (H); posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Jan. 26, 2004

HB 362 (BR 1305) - J. Jenkins, D. Horlander

AN ACT relating to containers for wine and distilled spirits.

Amend KRS 244.260 and 244.340 to provide that a wholesaler shall not purchase, import, keep upon the licensed premises, or sell distilled spirits in any container except the original sealed package containing quantities of not less than 50 milliliters; remove language relating to nonexistent federal revenue and state excise tax stamps on containers.


HCS - Retain original language; amend KRS 244.230 to adopt federal standards of fill for distilled spirits and wine; deem distilled spirits and wine to be properly labeled if the labels conform to federal standards of fill.

SCS (1) - Retain original provisions; create new sections of KRS Chapter 244 to define "good cause", "affected wholesaler", "affected distributors", and "good faith"; require every brewer and importer of malt beverages to contract and agree in writing with each of its wholesalers and distributors to specify the rights and duties of the parties in regard to the sale of the brewers' and importers' products; prohibit certain specified actions in contract or agreements among the parties entered into after the effective date of this Act and any renewal or extension of contract existing prior to the effective date of this Act; require the wholesaler or distributor to maintain adequate physical facilities and personnel; require damages to be paid by brewers and importers who violate Section 6 of this Act.

SCS (2) - Amend to delete the original provisions; create new sections of KRS Chapter 244 to define "good cause," "affected distributor," and "good faith"; require every brewer and importer of malt beverages to contract and agree in writing with each of its distributors to specify the rights and duties of the parties in regard to the sale of the brewers' and importers' products; prohibit certain specified actions in agreements between the parties entered into after the effective date of the Act and any renewal or extension of agreements existing prior to the effective date of this Act; establish good cause reasons for termination of an agreement by a brewer or importer; require the distributor to maintain adequate physical facilities and personnel; establish damages to be paid by the party that engaged in the prohibited conduct including costs incurred by the brewer or distributor, under certain specified circumstances reasonable damages are the fair market value of the distributor's business unless there are liquidated damages agreed by the parties in the agreement, and in its discretion the court may consider attorney fees reasonably incurred as a result of the prohibited conduct; amend KRS 244.590 to permit a brewer or distributor to give, rent, loan, or sell to a malt beverage retailer certain specified advertising matter and to provide or furnish draught line cleaning or coil-cleaning service to a malt beverage retailer either directly or indirectly with the consent of the distributor.

SCA (1, G. Tapp) - Amend to remove provisions that adopt federal standards of fill for distilled spirits and wine; amend to remove provisions that prohibit wholesalers and retailers from purchasing, importing, or keeping upon the licensed premises, or to sell distilled spirits in any container except the original sealed package containing quantities of not less than 50 milliliters.

SCA (2/Title, G. Tapp) - Make title amendment.

SCA (3, G. Tapp) - Make technical corrections.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 69-17 with Committee Substitute

Feb 17-received in Senate

Feb 20-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 22-recommitted to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendment (3) as a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; 3rd reading; Committee Substitute withdrawn; committee amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 31-2 with Committee Substitute (2), committee amendments (2-title) and (3) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 29-placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute (2), committee amendments (2-title) and (3) ; passed 51-36; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 120)

HB 363/CI (BR 1311) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 530.050, relating to nonsupport, to create an affirmative defense that the defendant's failure to provide support was unavoidable and due to circumstances beyond the defendant's control.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

HB 364 (BR 1232) - M. Weaver, A. Arnold, R. Damron, J. Haydon, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to legislative sessions.

Propose to amend Section 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky to require the General Assembly to remain in even-year regular session beyond 60 days if necessary to enact a budget bill; prohibit consideration of any other bill or resolution having the force of law, except for budget memoranda, after the 60th legislative day; provide for 2 day veto override period after enactment of budget in extended session; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 365 (BR 1329) - T. McKee

AN ACT relating to traffic regulations.

Amend KRS 189.214, relating to traffic regulations governing travel trailers and recreational vehicles, to delete references to travel trailers; clarify permissible appurtenances and the width of a recreational vehicle including the appurtenances.


SCS - Retain original provisions of the bill and include new sections to amend KRS 189.390 and 189.394 to set a maximum speed limit of 70 MPH on interstates and parkways; create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to enhance penalties for drivers violate any of the yielding of right of way provisions in KRS Chapter 189 and are involved in an injury accident involving a motorcyclist, bicyclist, or pedestrian.

SFA (1, V. Moore) - Set speed limit of 65 MPH on four-lane state highways that are not interstates or parkways.

SFA (2, V. Moore) - Set speed limit of 60 MPH on state highways that are not interstates or parkways.

SFA (3, V. Moore) - Retain provisions of committee substitute and add sections establishing an Off-Road Motorcycle and ATV Commission attached to the Transportation Cabinet; set forth duties, membership, and procedures, of the commission; amend KRS 186.891, regarding the motorcycle safety education fund, to restrict the use of fee-generated revenue to provide training only and require training providers to give monthly attendance and billing figures.

SFA (4/Title, V. Moore) - Make title amendment.

SFA (5, R. Roeding) - Retain the provisions of the Senate Committee Substitute to House Bill 365 in their entirety and add a new Section 5 to create a special Kentucky Colonel license plate; establish a minimum number of applications that must be received before the plate is printed; establish fees for the initial purchase or renewal of the special plate; permit a person initially purchasing or renewing the plate to make a voluntary contribution of $10 to be used by the Kentucky Colonels in the organization's good works program.

SFA (6/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 97-0

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Transportation (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (4-title) filed

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 26-floor amendment (5) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (6-title) filed ; 3rd reading; floor amendment (2) withdrawn ; passed 31-3 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) (3) and (4-title)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House refused to concur in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) (3) and (4) ; received in Senate

Apr 13-posted for passage for receding from Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) (3) and (4-title); Senate refused to recede from Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) (3) and (4-title) ; Conference Committee appointed in Senate; received in House

HB 366/CI (BR 1445) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to crimes against children.

Amend KRS 531.335 to make possession of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor a Class D felony for the first offense, as well as for subsequent offenses.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Judiciary (H)

HB 367/LM (BR 1446) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 510 to define "sexual conduct" and establish the offense of inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor; establish the offense as a Class A misdemeanor.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Judiciary (H)

HB 368/LM (BR 1447) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to peace officer training.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to require any law enforcement agency whose officers kill two or more people in a five year period to undergo specialized training, retroactive for 5 years.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to State Government (H)

HB 369 (BR 1355) - H. Collins, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to on-site sewage disposal system permits.

Amend KRS 211.350 to provide a 15-day timeline for local health departments to respond to requests for on-site sewage disposal system evaluations and permit approval; provide owners with information necessary to obtain permits, and forward permit evaluation and permit documentation to the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet if a surface discharge is involved; amend KRS 211.380 to provide for 15-day response to requests for alternative systems if site fails to meet criteria for septic tank system if system requires surface discharge, require local health departments to forward documentation to agency providing permits for systems involving surface discharge; amend KRS 318.134 to provide 15-day timeline for response to requests for plumbing installation permits.


HCS - Retain original provisions; specify that the 15-day timelines for agency response shall be 15 "working" days.

HFA (1, C. Belcher) - Changes 15-day timeline for Health Department approval/disapproval to provide for an extension if cause for delay due to inclement weather can be shown.

HFA (2, R. Damron) - In Section 1, delete provisions relating to denial of a permit application submitted by a licensed engineer, provide for an extension of the 15-day timeline for local health department response in cases of inclement weather.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 11-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2)

Feb 13-received in Senate

Feb 19-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

HB 370 (BR 894) - H. Collins, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to on-site sewage disposal.

Amend KRS 211.180 by deleting the exception of surface discharge systems to on-site sewage disposal systems that local health departments approve and permit; amend KRS 211.350 by deleting the exception of surface discharge systems to on-site sewage disposal systems that local health departments approve and permit and by providing for 15 day deadlines for responding to requests for evaluations, inspections, and permits, amend KRS 318.134 by deleting the exception of surface discharge systems to on-site sewage disposal systems that local health departments approve and permit, amend KRS 318.160 by deleting the exception of surface discharge systems to on-site sewage disposal systems that local health departments approve and permit and by providing for a 15 day deadline for approving or deny sewage disposal system plans.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

HB 371/LM (BR 1435) - R. Wilkey, P. Clark, J. Crenshaw

AN ACT relating to criminal record expungement.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 533 to allow persons convicted of one Class D felony or a series of Class D felonies arising out of a single event to petition to have their record expunged; provide steps for Commonwealth's attorneys' involvement in the process, notification of victim, payment of fee; amend KRS 431.078 to provide that a person convicted of a misdemeanor may petition for expungement of their record five years after adjudication and to increase the fee; amend KRS 431.076 to add a fee; amend KRS 527.040 to exempt individuals who have had their records expunged from the felon in possession of a firearm statute.


HFA (1, R. Wilkey) - Amend to prohibit expungement if the offense was a felony under KRS Chapter 507 relating to criminal homicide and KRS Chapter 508 relating to assault.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Feb 19-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 79-9 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Judiciary (S)

HB 372 (BR 1303) - T. Thompson, B. Smith, J. Adams, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, D. Horlander, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, R. Thomas, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to insurance.

Amend KRS 304.17A-200 to permit small employers with two to ten employees to refuse coverage to all individuals; allow an insurer to refuse to accept all small employers in the small group market who apply for coverage if the insurer's small group offering is made through a bona fide association program or employer-organized association program; create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to direct an insurer to offer to employer-organized associations a health benefit plan that excludes mandated health benefits; create new sections of Subtitles 17A, 18, and 38 of KRS Chapter 304 to require group insurers to provide to an employer-organized association health benefit plan requested claim and expense information for the previous three years; create a new section of Subtitle 18 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that beginning no later than August 1, 2004, every insurer shall use the uniform employee application form developed by the commissioner; amend KRS 304.12-090 to prohibit an insurer from negotiating any pricing with any person for a good or service under a health insurance contract that includes a rebate or return of funds in any form to the insurer, unless that insurer returns such funds directly to the policyholder in the form of direct funds or premium reductions, and accounts directly to the policyholder for the application of any such funds returned to the insurers.


HCS - Retain original provisions except: substitute employer-organized association for small group market; provide that state-mandated benefits that are excluded from coverage shall not include payment, indemnity or reimbursement of specified health care providers for specific health care service; provide that drug rebates are included in restrictions on price negotiations; and, amend KRS 304.17B-15 to authorize selection to participate in Kentucky access rather than the employer-organized association health benefit plan.

HFA (1, T. Thompson) - Provide that upon request an insurer must offer an employer-organized association a health benefit plan that excludes coverage for any state-mandated health insurance benefits; change limited health benefit plan to modified health benefit plan; clarify that an employer-organized association may request information from an insurer pertaining to the association's plan; provide that the uniform employee application form be used in the association and employer-organized association insurance markets; clarify that a person is eligible for Kentucky Access coverage if the person is enrolled in a small group of two (2) to ten (10) employees which is eligible for participation in an employer-organized association health benefit plan and the person has voluntarily waived the association group coverage pursuant to this Act; provide that this Act may be cited as the Small Business Health Insurance Relief Act of 2004.

HFA (2, T. Thompson) - Provide that upon request an insurer must offer an employer-organized association a health benefit plan that excludes coverage for any state-mandated health insurance benefits; change "limited" health benefit plan to "modified" health benefit plan; clarify that an employer-organized association may request information from an insurer pertaining to the association's plan; provide that the uniform employee application form be used in the association and employer-organized association insurance markets; clarify that a person is eligible for Kentucky Access coverage if the person is eligible to be enrolled in a small group of two to ten employees that is eligible for participation in an employer-organized association health benefit plan and the person has voluntarily waived the association group coverage pursuant to this Act; provide that this Act may be cited as the Small Business Health Insurance Relief Act of 2004.

HFA (3, B. Crall) - Delete provisions that expand eligibility for Kentucky Access coverage to persons who refuse coverage in groups of two (2) to ten (10) persons.

HFA (4, B. Crall) - Provide that effective January 1, 2005, an insurer that offers, renews, or delivers a health benefit plan in Kentucky may offer as an option a plan that excludes from coverage state mandated health insurance benefits; provide that an insurer shall not be required to utilize the experience of enrollees of plans that contain mandated benefits to develop the insurer's index rate for plans offered under this section that exclude mandated benefits.

HFA (5, B. Crall) - Delete provision that permits employer-organized association plan to request the insurer of the plan to provide detailed claim and expense information as the plan may request; permit the insurer to charge a reasonable fee per page to cover its administrative costs in providing the requested information to the plan.

HFA (6, B. Crall) - Delete provision that allows a rebate or return of funds, including but not limited to drug rebates, under certain circumstances.

HFA (7, T. Thompson) - Provide that upon request an insurer shall offer a small employer, association, or employer-organized association a health benefit plan that excludes coverage for any state-mandated health insurance benefits, except coverage for diabetes and those benefits mandated by federal law; change limited health benefit plan to modified health benefit plan; clarify that an employer-organized association may request information from an insurer pertaining to the association's plan but that the insurer shall not be required to provide confidential network pricing information; provide that the uniform employee application form be used in the association and employer-organized association insurance markets; clarify that a person is eligible for Kentucky Access coverage if the person is eligible to be enrolled in a small group of two (2) to ten (10) employees which is eligible for participation in an employer-organized association health benefit plan and the person has voluntarily waived the association group coverage pursuant to this Act; provide that this Act may be cited as the Small Business Health Insurance Relief Act of 2004.

HFA (8, B. Smith) - Provide that upon request an insurer must offer a small employer, association, or employer-organized association a health benefit plan that excludes coverage for any state-mandated health insurance benefits, except coverage for diabetes and those benefits mandated by federal law; change "limited" health benefit plan to "modified" health benefit plan; clarify that an employer-organized association may request information from an insurer pertaining to the association's plan but that the insurer shall not be required to provide confidential network pricing information; provide that the uniform employee application form be used in the association and employer-organized association insurance markets; clarify that a person is eligible for Kentucky Access coverage if the person is eligible to be enrolled in a small group of two to ten employees which is eligible for participation in an employer-organized association health benefit plan and the person has voluntarily waived the association group coverage pursuant to this Act; provide that this Act may be cited as the Small Business Health Insurance Relief Act of 2004.

HFA (9/HM, S. Nunn) - Require an insurer, upon request, to offer a small employer, association, or employer-organized association a benefit plan that excludes coverage for any state-mandated health insurance benefits, except for antipsychotic medications prescribed to treat mental illness and prescription drugs prescribed to treat human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; and create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit a health benefit plan from restricting or denying access to antipsychotic medications prescribed to treat a mental illness or prescription drugs prescribed to treat human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

HFA (10, J. Wayne) - Permit eligibility for Kentucky Access to an individual enrolled or eligible to be enrolled in a small group of 2 to 10 employees which is eligible for participation in an employer-organized association plan and the individual has a high-cost health condition.

HFA (11, P. Bather) - Provide that as to a health benefit plan that waives mandated benefits, mandated benefits excluded shall be deemed to include the payment, indemnity, or reimbursement of specified health care providers unless authorized in writing by the health benefit plan prior to delivery of services.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 6-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 9-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 10-floor amendments (3) (4) (5) (6) and (7) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 11-floor amendment (8) filed to Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 12-floor amendment (9) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-floor amendment (10) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 19-floor amendment (11) filed to Committee Substitute ; 3rd reading; floor amendment (4) ruled out of order ; floor amendment (5) rejected ; passed 89-4 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (8) and (10)

Feb 20-received in Senate

Feb 25-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 3-reassigned to Banking and Insurance (S)

HB 373 (BR 1002) - A. Simpson

AN ACT relating to the taxation of abandoned urban property by cities of the second class.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 92 to allow any city of the second to sixth class to levy a separate rate of taxation on abandoned urban property; stipulate that prior to levying a tax upon abandoned urban property, the city legislative body shall delegate responsibility to the vacant properties review commission or another department or agency of city government for determining which properties within the city are abandoned properties; require a list of abandoned properties to be furnished to the county property valuation administrator; amend KRS 132.012 and all sections of KRS 99.705 to 99.730 to conform.


HCS - Retain original provisions; amend language throughout bill to read "cities of any class" or "cities of all classes."

HCA (1/Title, A. Simpson) - Make title amendment.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Local Government (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 84-5 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 26-2; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 76)

HB 374 (BR 1432) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 527.020 relating to carrying concealed deadly weapons to permit state probation and parole officers to carry concealed deadly weapons at all times throughout the state.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 91-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Judiciary (S)

HB 375/LM (BR 1471) - T. Kerr, P. Marcotte, R. Adams, A. Simpson, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the licensing and registration of motor vehicles, to create a special license plate for the Northern Kentucky Baptist Association; require the association to gather 900 applications with a $25 fee before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; require the cabinet to work with the association on the design of the plate.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Transportation (H)

HB 376/FN (BR 1168) - J. Jenkins, S. Brinkman, P. Bather, K. Bratcher, T. Burch, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Comer, R. Crimm, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, S. Riggs, J. Wayne, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to the homelessness prevention pilot project.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to direct the Cabinet for Health Services, the Justice Cabinet, and the Cabinet for Families and Children to develop and implement a homelessness prevention pilot project that offers institutional discharge planning to persons exiting from state-operated or supervised institutions involving corrections, mental health, and foster care programs; direct the pilot project to be jointly supported by each of the cabinets, and provide for one office for the pilot project in a family resource center or Department for Community Based Services building in Jefferson County due to its urban population, and one office in Clinton, Cumberland, McCreary, or Wayne County, due to their rural population; establish the components of the pilot project to include the primary goal of preparing a limited number of persons in a foster home under supervision by the Cabinet for Families and Children, a corrections facility under the supervision by the Justice Cabinet, and mental health facility under supervision by the Cabinet for Health Services for return or reentry into the community, and to offer information about any necessary linkage of the person to needed community services and supports; require participation of the person being discharged from the foster home or facility to be voluntary; provide that at least six months prior to discharge, one of each five persons discharged will be offered the opportunity to participate in the pilot program, with a cap on persons served in each office determined by available funding and staffing requirements; require cabinets to collect information on available employment, social, housing, medical, mental health, and other community services in the county, and to develop a program of education for each of the cabinet and foster home and facility staff who will participate in the development of a discharge plan for eligible persons; require all applicable privacy and confidentiality laws to be followed; provide that six months prior to the release of a person from a foster home, corrections facility, or mental health facility, a discharge coordinator for each such facility will contact the homelessness prevention director for Jefferson County or the homelessness prevention director for Clinton, Cumberland, McCreary, or Wayne County, as appropriate, about the pending release of the person; require the director to assist the discharge coordinator with the development of a final comprehensive discharge plan that addresses the employment, health care, housing, and other needs of the person to be released; provide that the discharge plan will not be completed unless written consent, consistent with state and federal privacy laws, has been obtained from the person being released; provide that discharge may be made to appropriate housing, including but not limited to a 24-month transitional program, supportive housing, or halfway house, and that discharge to an emergency shelter is not appropriate; require discharge planning to be individualized, comprehensive, and coordinated with community-based services; provide that for persons who require follow-up treatment, appropriate treatment services shall be included in the discharge plan; require data collection and analysis; require each homelessness prevention director to have regular meetings with appropriate state cabinet and agency staff to review the pilot project and make recommendations for the benefit of the program; require each director to be assisted by a local advisory council composed of local providers of services and consumer advocates who are familiar with homelessness prevention issues, with priority for membership given to existing resources and regional mental health and substance abuse advisory councils; and require each cabinet to submit an annual report to various commissions, the Governor, and the Legislative Research Commission.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions, except clarify that participation in the pilot project is voluntary and that the corrections portion of the pilot project applies only to persons being released after serving out a sentence; and provide that the discharge plan shall also include information about education and employment services.

SCS/FN - Retain original provisions; clarify that development and implementation of the project is subject to sufficient funding being available in the Executive Budget; provide that the pilot project office in Jefferson County will serve persons intending to locate in Jefferson County after serving out their sentences from any state-operated prison in Oldham County, rather than any state correctional facility; provide that the staff members designated as the homelessness prevention coordinator for that prison shall maintain a file containing appropriate forms completed and updated by each person voluntarily participating in the project, rather than requiring the coordinator to make summaries of information; require the director for the Jefferson County pilot project office to visit the facility and work together with the discharge coordinator to assist with preparation of the final comprehensive discharge plan; and provide that the Department of Corrections shall, through an administrative regulation, develop a discharge plan that addresses the education; employment, technical, and vocational skills; and housing, medical, and mental health needs of a person who is to be released after serving out his or her sentence in a state-operated prison facility participating in the pilot project.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-received in Senate

Feb 25-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Apr 12-received in House; to Rules (H); taken from committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute

Apr 13-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 95-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 147)

Introduced Jan. 27, 2004

HB 377 (BR 857) - S. Westrom, R. Adams

AN ACT relating to sales and use tax.

Amend KRS 139.480 to exempt feed and feed additives, chemicals, on-site facilities, fencing, equipment, machinery, attachments, and repair and replacement parts used in the raising of equine as a business from the sales and use tax; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2003.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 378 (BR 190) - M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to patient safety.

Amend KRS 216B.165 to permit licensed health care professionals to recover monetary damages resulting from disciplinary actions and reinstatement if terminated after a report of problems regarding patient care or safety if no violation of licensure, law, or regulation is found.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

HB 379 (BR 1413) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to public security at airports.

Amend KRS 39A.010 to include within legislative intent immunity for airport boards and employees; amend KRS 39A.020 to define "airport board," "aviation threat," and "aviation threat response"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to confer immunity from liability to airport boards and employees for responses to aviation threats, to confer this immunity regardless of the status of individual liability insurance, and to clarify that this immunity would not prevent otherwise legal compensation to an individual from other sources.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

HB 380 (BR 1348) - T. Edmonds, R. Damron, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to annuities.

Amend KRS 304.15-315, pertaining to the standard nonforfeiture law for individual deferred annuities, to permit the contract owner to request in writing a paid-up annuity benefit; provide that the interest rate in determining minimum nonforfeiture amounts shall be an annual rate of interest determined as the lesser of three percent pre annum and the terms in subsection (5) of this section, which must be specified in the contract if the terms are to be reset; permit a contract, during the period or term it provides substantive participation in an equity based indexed benefit, to increase the reduction in subsection (5)(b) of this section up to an additional 100 basis points to reflect the value of the equity index benefit; authorize the commissioner of insurance to promulgate administrative regulations to provide for further adjustments to the calculation of minimum nonforfeiture amounts for contracts that provide substantive participation in an equity index benefit and for other contracts that the commissioner determines justify adjustments.


HCS - Delete the original provisions; amend KRS 304.15-315 to provide that after August 1, 2004, any insurer may file a notice of election to apply the provisions of Section 2 on a contract-form by contract-form basis to annuity contracts issued during the period from the date of election through June 30, 2006; provide that in all other instances insurers shall apply the provisions of Section 1 to annuity contracts issued through June 30, 2006; provide that insurers shall apply the provisions of Section 2 to all annuity contracts issued on or after July 1, 2006; create a new section of Subtitle 15 of KRS Chapter 304 to be known as the Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Individual Deferred Annuities of 2004; require certain provisions to be in annuity contracts issued on or after July 1, 2006; define minimum nonforfeiture amount; specify the interest rate used in determining minimum nonforfeiture amounts; authorize the commissioner to promulgate administrative regulations to provide for further adjustments to the calculation of minimum nonforfeiture amounts for contracts that provide substantive participation in an equity index benefit and for other contracts that the commissioner determines adjustments are justified; provide that as to any paid-up annuity benefit available under a contract the present value on the date annuity payments are to commence is at least equal to the minimum nonforfeiture amount on that date; provide for the cash surrender benefits available prior to maturity for contracts which provide cash surrender benefits; provide for the present value of any paid-up annuity benefit available as a nonforfeiture option at any time prior to maturity for contracts which do not provide cash surrender benefits; provide that after August 1, 2004 any insurer may file with the commissioner a written notice of its election to apply the provisions of Section 2 on a contract-form by contract-form basis to annuity contracts issued from the date of election through June 30, 2006; require insurers to apply the provisions of Section 2 to annuity contracts issued on or after July 1, 2006.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 5-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

HB 381 (BR 826) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to local option elections.

Amend KRS 242.020 to provide for filing of petition where territory to be affected is in more than one county; provide that county judge/executive makes an order specifying the date of the local option election, except where the date is specified by the petition; provide that county clerk shall notify the State Board of Elections of the date and subject matter of the election; amend KRS 242.030 to specify that the local option election shall not be held within 60 days of a primary or general election, except as provided in KRS 242.185, provide filing deadlines for elections held on primary or general election days; amend KRS 242.040 to provide that the county clerk shall notify the sheriff that a valid petition stating a specific date for the election has been filed; amend KRS 242.070 to delete provisions relating to nomination of election officers, witnesses, and guards and provide that the officers of election shall be those appointed for all other elections under KRS 117.045; amend KRS 242.110 to provide for certification of local option election when territory affected lies in more than one county; amend KRS 242.120 to provide for recanvass procedures in local option election and specify where recount or contest action shall be filed; repeal KRS 242.080 and KRS 242.090.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

HB 382 (BR 831) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to school closings for elections.

Amend KRS 118.025 to require public schools to close on primary and regular election days, but not for a runoff primary; amend KRS 158.070 to require public schools to close on primary election day, but not for a runoff primary.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 383/FN (BR 1407) - F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to Medicaid.

Create a new section of KRS 205.510 to 205.645 to increase the personal needs allowance to at least $80 for individuals eligible for nursing facility services in the Medicaid program.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

HB 384 (BR 1406) - F. Nesler, P. Clark, K. Hall, T. McKee

AN ACT relating to highway signs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 177, relating to state and federal highways, to permit any local government to erect motorcycle awareness signs in the right-of-way of any highway that is part of the state primary road system established under KRS 177.020; require a local government wanting to erect the signs to give written notice to the Transportation Cabinet identifying the routes and specific locations on the routes where motorcycle awareness signs will be erected; permit the cabinet to suggest alternative locations if the original location poses a traffic hazard; establish the color, design, and language to be used on motorcycle awareness signs; require signs to meet the standards for retroreflectivity and illumination established in the federal "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices."

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, passed 98-0

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Transportation (S)

HB 385 (BR 866) - F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to parking facilities.

Amend KRS 189.705, relating to rules governing parking lots and storage garages, to require the owner of the parking facility to erect signs at each entrance and exit that posts the hours of operation for the facility, information on how payment is to be made if an attendant is not on duty, and information on how unauthorized vehicles will be towed at the owner's expense if parked in violation of the posted terms; require the signs to be erected at or near the eye level of a motorist seated in an automobile; require the signs to be brightly illuminated at night or during inclement weather; require that if a parking lot is operated on an honor system of payment, the method of payment and payment location must be conspicuously posted on signs in at least five locations within the parking facility, in addition to being posted at each entrance and exit; amend KRS 189.725 to permit vehicles parked in violation of posted rules to be towed at the owners expense; prohibit vehicles from being towed if the parking lot or storage garage has not erected the requisite signs; require the owner, operator, or attendant of a lot that fails to post the appropriate signs and who has an unauthorized vehicle towed to be personally responsible for reimbursing the owner of the vehicle for all costs charged to tow the vehicle.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

HB 386 (BR 420) - F. Nesler, P. Clark

AN ACT relating to operator's licenses.

Amend KRS 186.412, relating to the issuance of a driver's license, to permit a person to be issued an instruction permit or driver's license without a photograph, based upon religious convictions; require as a condition of being issued a license without a photograph for the applicant to undergo a criminal history background check, submit an affidavit attesting to the person's religious objection to having a photograph taken, and submit to having a fingerprint placed upon the person's application and kept on file by the Transportation Cabinet; require the results of the background check to be sent to the Transportation Cabinet within 72 hours and require the cabinet to notify both the applicant and the circuit clerk as to the person's eligibility to be issued a license; require the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations specifying conditions that will cause an applicant to be either eligible or ineligible to be issued a license based upon the background check; permit the State Police to charge a fee for conducting the background checks; amend KRS 186.450, relating to the issuance of an instruction permit, to conform; amend KRS 186.990 to establish a penalty of a Class D felony for any person who presents false or misleading information pertaining to his or her religious convictions to fraudulently obtain a license without a photograph, and upon conviction, permanently prohibit the person from being eligible to be issued an instruction permit or operator's license.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

HB 387 (BR 1229) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to presidential elections.

Amend KRS 118.315 to remove requirement that petitioners signing petitions for presidential electors affix Social Security number; amend KRS 118.591 to require petitioners signing petition to place candidates on the presidential preference primary ballot to include residence address, date of birth, and post office address.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 388/LM (BR 271) - J. Wayne, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to land use.

Amend KRS 65.003 to include members and employees of planning commissions within purview of county and city ethics provisions; amend KRS 100.167 to require a record of each member's vote on a planning commission; amend KRS 147A.027 to provide that within 120 days after the effective date of the Act each planning commissioner, board of adjustment member, planning professional, and specified others undergo initial training if they have not already done so; increase the minimum requirement for orientation training for planning commissioners and board of adjustment members from 4 to 6 hours and continuing education minimum requirement from 8 hours to 12 hours; increase the minimum requirement for orientation training for planning professionals and specified others from 8 hours to 12 hours and continuing education requirement from 16 hours to 24 hours; amend KRS 100.183 to require comprehensive plan to be prepared in consolidation with representatives from private and public utilities, school districts, chambers of commerce, and taxing districts; amend KRS 100.187 to require that comprehensive plans be prepared with a view at least 20 years into the future; amend KRS 100.191 to require that research into the comprehensive plan anticipate conditions at least 20 years into the future; amend KRS 100.193 to include the representatives in preparation of goals and objectives statement as well as plan elements; amend KRS 100.197 to require that review comprehensive plan be done in consultation with the representatives.


HCS/LM - Retain original provisions of bill, but delete provisions relating to KRS 147A.027; provide that planning commissioners and board of adjustment members do not have to file financial disclosure statements; provide that the planning commission consult with various groups on the comprehensive plan formation and reexamination, as well as adding groups, rather than providing for individuals representing the groups to be appointed to provide input to the planning commission in a committee format.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Local Government (H)

Jan 29-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 49-37 with Committee Substitute

Feb 13-received in Senate

Feb 19-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 389/CI (BR 1482) - J. Hoover, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to inmates.

Amend KRS 454.415, relating to inmate lawsuits, to require exhaustion of all administrative remedies prior to filing of a lawsuit; delete the provision permitting a court to continue an inmate lawsuit while the inmate exhausts administrative remedies.


HCS/CI - Retain provisions of original bill except make technical corrections.

HFA (1, P. Bather) - Retain original provisions of the bill; create a new section that allows inmates to be granted an accompanied furlough to the deathbed or funeral of an inmate's spouse or family member; direct the Department of Corrections to promulgate administrative regulations detailing specifics.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to Judiciary (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Mar 16-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Introduced Jan. 28, 2004

HB 390/CI (BR 1325) - L. Napier, J. Adams, S. Baugh, T. Burch, Dw. Butler, P. Clark, H. Cornett, B. Crall, C. Embry Jr, T. Feeley, D. Ford, K. Hall, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Palumbo, A. Simpson, K. Stein, T. Turner, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb

AN ACT relating to criminal law.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 455 to require that all felony interrogations be recorded; allow for use of the recording at trial by both the prosecution and defense, establish control over the use of taped interrogations outside court proceedings, and set a schedule for destruction of recordings.


HCS - Delete original provision of the bill requiring all felony interrogations be recorded and insert provision requiring that all capital felony interrogations be recorded; insert an additional provision allowing public access to recordings in limited circumstances; delete provision relating to destruction and replace with extended period.

HFA (1, C. Geveden) - Retain original provisions of the bill; create a new provision stating that press access to recorded interrogations is subject to the limitations of the Kentucky Open Records Act.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-recommitted to Judiciary (H)

HB 391/AA (BR 1429) - C. Miller, C. Siler, L. Clark, K. Hall, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, S. Riggs, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to Kentucky Retired Teachers' Retirement System.

Amend KRS 161.605 to allow a retired teacher to be eligible for reemployment in a part-time position at the beginning of the school year immediately following the fiscal year in which he or she retired.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Education (H)

HB 392 (BR 373) - R. Damron, M. Weaver, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, C. Belcher, D. Graham, R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to the Capital City Airport.

Amend KRS 36.400, 36.405, and KRS 36.410, relating to the Capital City Airport, to rename the airport John "Russell" Groves Capital City Airport; direct Clerk of the House to send copy of the Act to Mrs. Barbara Meyer Groves.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 5, 2004

Feb 6-3rd reading, passed 86-0

Feb 9-received in Senate

Feb 12-to Transportation (S)

HB 393/LM (BR 1384) - B. Smith, H. Cornett

AN ACT relating to handicap access at state-owned marinas.

Amend KRS 148.001 to define "boating access area"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 148 to require all state-owned marinas for public use to have at least one boating access area designated and accessible to persons with physical disabilities; direct the commissioner of the Department of Parks to promulgate administrative regulations to establish requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 235 to allow those with disabilities to obtain a handicap parking placard upon application of title and registration of motorboat; require the placard to be available for inspection whenever the motorboat is in operation or docked at a boating access area designated for use by persons with physical disabilities.


HFA (1, B. Smith) - Required access improvements to be made as funds become available.

HFA (2/Title, A. Arnold) - Make title amendment; make technical correction.

HFA (3/P, A. Arnold) - Attach provisions of HJR 156.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 9-posting waived

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 22-floor amendments (2-title) and (3) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 394 (BR 1421) - B. Smith

AN ACT relating to school district employees.

Amend KRS 161.164 to allow local school district employees to take part in the activities of any political campaign for school board, and allow candidates for school board to accept any political assessment, subscription, contribution, or service of any employee of the school district.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Education (H)

HB 395 (BR 1317) - J. Hoover

AN ACT relating to appropriations and revenue measures providing financing for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.

The State/Executive Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund, General Fund-Tobacco, Road Fund, Restricted Funds, Federal Funds, Bond Funds, Agency Bonds, Capital Construction Surplus, Investment Income, and other funds, $133,947,200 in fiscal year 2003-04, $21,305,785,000 in fiscal year 2004-05, and $19,166,984,000 in fiscal year 2005-06, as follows:

General Government

2003-04 $7,978,200

2004-05 $631,132,400

2005-06 $645,236,800

Commerce Cabinet

2003-04 $550,000

2004-05 $192,127,100

2005-06 $197,032,600

Economic Development Cabinet

2003-04 $1,452,300

2004-05 $25,117,400

2005-06 $25,688,700

Department of Education

2004-05 $3,487,163,900

2005-06 $3,580,979,800

Education Cabinet

2003-04 $7,000

2004-05 $1,198,343,900

2005-06 $1,219,227,100

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet

2003-04 $23,500

2004-05 $645,860,400

2005-06 $646,640,300

Finance and Administration Cabinet

2003-04 $554,000

2004-05 $539,109,300

2005-06 $547,379,800

Health and Family Services Cabinet

2003-04 $110,000

2004-05 $5,714,402,800

2005-06 $5,575,540,200

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet

2004-05 $663,883,400

2005-06 $666,379,100

Postsecondary Education

2003-04 $122,309,200

2004-05 $3,760,111,400

2005-06 $3,977,804,200

Transportation Cabinet

2004-05 $1,768,553,800

2005-06 $1,868,838,400

Necessary Governmental Expenses

2004-05 $10,000,000

2005-06 $10,000,000;

Not included in the above appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows:

Capital Projects

2003-04 $963,000

2004-05 $2,669,979,200

2005-06 $206,237,000;

provide for allocations of the Local Government Economic Development Fund; direct that appropriations for existing line-item capital construction projects expire on June 30, 2004, except under specified conditions; prohibit the sale of permanent bonds to finance certain bond projects before January 1, 2005; permit the lapse of General Fund appropriated debt service under certain conditions; allow funding of capital projects from specified funding sources; direct use of investment income from bond proceeds and the Technology Trust Fund; direct the issuance and use of economic development bonds; provide appropriation and reporting requirements for specified capital projects; provide for the recording, reporting, allotment, and expenditure of appropriated funds; provide for the deposit of Restricted Funds and Federal Funds; prohibit the transfer of funds between budget units unless specifically authorized and upon review and determination by the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue; prohibit the expansion of an appropriation from any fund source over the sum specified until the agency has submitted required documentation to the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue for review and action under KRS 48.630; require the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet to make decisions concerning questions relating to interpretations of any appropriation; require the Governor's Office for Policy and Management to prepare, within 60 days after adjournment of the 2004 General Assembly, a final budget document based on the proposed State/Executive Branch Budget, the statutory budget memorandum, other acts that contain appropriation provisions as enacted by the 2004 General Assembly, and other supporting documentation and legislative records as considered by the 2004 General Assembly; provide for construction of budget provisions regarding executive reorganization orders; require the State Budget Director to monitor and report on the financial condition of the Commonwealth pursuant to KRS 48.400; authorize the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet to establish a formula to prorate certain administrative costs; require Road Fund resources to be utilized to meet the lease-rental payments of the Kentucky Turnpike Authority for Resource Recovery Road projects; direct that confirmation or ratification of executive orders must be confirmed or ratified in an Act of the 2004 Regular Session of the General Assembly; specify that the employer contribution for KERS cannot exceed 5.89% for nonhazardous duty employees, 18.84% for hazardous duty employees, and 21.58% for State Police for the period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005, and 5.89% for nonhazardous duty employees, 18.84% for hazardous duty employees, and 21.58% for State Police for the period July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2006; direct the Finance and Administration Cabinet, in conjunction with the Consensus Forecasting Group, to provide a budget planning report by August 15, 2005; direct the Office of State Budget Director to provide estimates relating to the General Fund and Road Fund and loss of revenues effected by tax expenditures; require that all unclaimed lottery prize money be transferred to the KEES Reserve subsidiary account of the Student Financial Aid and Advancement Trust Fund in each fiscal year; specify the funding and uses of the Technology Trust Fund; confirm and adopt General Fund Budget Reduction Order No. 04-01 for fiscal year 2003-04 and Road Fund Budget Reduction Order No. 04-01 for fiscal year 2003-04; waive sovereign immunity for motor vehicles covered under government agencies; provide a tax exemption for commercial printers; establish the cigarette tax evidence compensation at $0.15 face value for each $3 of cigarette tax evidence purchased at face value; provide for retention of all abandoned property receipts in the General Fund; limit the total number of filled permanent positions within the Executive Branch to the number authorized in the Act; provide a 1.5% cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2004-05 and a 3% cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2005-06 for each eligible state employee on their anniversary date; provide for identification and filling of positions not funded within the Act; provide a mechanism for employee furloughs and reductions in hours; provide for funds transfers to the General Fund totaling $47,563,200 in fiscal year 2003-04, $28,751,500 in fiscal year 2004-05, and $81,359,300 in fiscal year 2005-06; provide for a General Fund Budget Reduction Plan, a Road Fund Budget Reduction Plan, and a Road Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; provide conditions, directives, and mandates for implementation of the budget plan; provide for a General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan; and provide for identification and appropriation of Phase I Master Settlement Tobacco Settlement funds totaling $108,800,000 in fiscal year 2004-05 and $108,600,000 in fiscal year 2005-06.


HCS/Analysis - Retain provisions of the bill as introduced with the following changes: The State/Executive Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund, General Fund-Tobacco, Road Fund, Restricted Funds, Federal Funds, Bond Funds, Agency Bonds, Capital Construction Surplus, Investment Income, and other funds, $133,606,000 in fiscal year 2003-04, $22,005,794,000 in fiscal year 2004-05, and $19,508,990,700 in fiscal year 2005-06 as follows:

General Government

2003-04 $8,037,000

2004-05 $635,102,200

2005-06 $664,594,300

Commerce Cabinet

2003-04 $550,000

2004-05 $193,485,000

2005-06 $198,632,500

Economic Development Cabinet

2003-04 $1,452,300

2004-05 $24,584,400

2005-06 $26,155,700

Department of Education

2004-05 $3,573,415,900

2005-06 $3,739,647,700

Education Cabinet

2003-04 $7,000

2004-05 $1,205,591,800

2005-06 $1,230,692,900

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet

2003-04 $23,500

2004-05 $629,110,200

2005-06 $629,383,300

Finance and Administration Cabinet

2003-04 $554,000

2004-05 $525,019,200

2005-06 $546,195,500

Health and Family Services Cabinet

2003-04 $110,000

2004-05 $5,727,927,800

2005-06 $5,600,717,500

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet

2004-05 $661,175,400

2005-06 $663,675,200

Postsecondary Education

2003-04 $122,309,200

2004-05 $3,759,578,400

2005-06 $3,983,048,800

Transportation Cabinet

2004-05 $2,123,835,800

2005-06 $1,993,441,600

Necessary Governmental Expenses

Not included in the above appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows:

Capital Projects

2003-04 $563,000

2004-05 $2,946,967,900

2005-06 $232,805,700;

give the Governor time-limited flexibility to transfer up to 10% of appropriated funds within state agencies; provide no new or additional leased office space except to reduce costs or address health and safety issues; limit the number of political appointees to the number employed on December 1, 2003, which represents a reduction of 250 employees mandated by the General Assembly; permit sole source contracts only for emergencies; direct state agencies to reduce printing-related expenses by 25% and use Internet and other electronic technology as much as possible to provide public access to information; limit permanent use vehicles to the Court of Justice, Cabinet Secretaries, and law enforcement or for other public safety purposes; require state agencies to monitor all travel expenditures and use state parks or other state facilities to the fullest extent feasible; prohibit state agencies from privatizing any state service or facility that is currently performed by state employees unless the Legislative Research Commission is given notice and an opportunity to review; direct the Office of Educational Accountability to conduct an assessment of indicators for evaluating school performance; reduce the period a bank can hold unclaimed property from seven years to three years; allow the Treasury Department three years to sell escheated securities; provide an annual increment of 1.5% in FY 2004-05 and 3% in FY 2005-06 to all state employees; provide an additional health insurance COLA of 1.5% to help offset the new employment policy of charging state employees and teachers a premium for single coverage in FY 2004-05 and a second 1.5% adjustment in FY 2005-06 to help offset the increases in co-pay and deductibles they will absorb under the new health insurance plan; delete language regarding the furlough of state employees; establish a process to review all organizational units in State Government with fewer than five filled positions and eliminate units that are not justified, but include protection for merit employees where units are abolished; retain the current salary maximum for political appointees of $9,000 per month as of July 1, but allow for them to get the same COLAs as other employees; require that the current practice of allowing two spouses to combine their single coverage to a family plan to be continued; provide a monthly housing allowance of up to $1,000 for the Lieutenant Governor in each fiscal year of the biennium; provide the Commission on Military Affairs additional funding for Base Realignment and Closure; provide additional funding for increases in administrative costs to administer the Deferred Compensation Program due to increased participants; provide funding for the Commonwealth's Personnel Payroll System, State Agencies' Health Insurance Supplemental Funding, and online health insurance applications; fund a one-time bonus for county extension agents in each year; allow counties allocated in excess of $20,000 annually from Tobacco Settlement Funds to provide up to 4% of the individual county allocation, not to exceed $15,000, to the county council for administrative expenses; provide funding for a FY 2005 Bond Issue totaling $17 million to replace tobacco funds; provide $50,400,000 for the Fund A, Waste Water Revolving Loan Program, $45,600,000 for the Fund F, Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Program, $50,000,000 in new Bond Funds for the Water and Sewer Resource Development Fund for Coal Producing Counties, and $62,925,000 in new Bond Funds for the Water and Sewer Resource Development Fund for Tobacco Counties; authorize the Veterans' Centers (Nursing Homes) to continue the weekend and holiday premium pay incentive component of the Personnel Pilot Program for FB 2004-2006; allow unexpended balances remaining in the Veterans' Centers (Nursing Homes) in FY 2004 not to lapse, but to carry forward into FY 2005; permit approval of travel and per diem expenses incurred when Kentucky residents who have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor to attend veterans', military, or memorial events in Kentucky; provide funding for the two Veterans' Cemeteries necessary for Federal Funds support; provide funding for the operations of a veterans' homeless shelter at the Veterans' Affairs Medical Center (VMAC) at the Lexington/Leestown Campus, the Veterans' Burial Honor's Program, the Flood Control Matching Fund, the Cemetery Preservation Fund, the Bluegrass State Games, the Community Development Block Grant program, the Knott County Arts and Crafts Center, Richmond Arts Center, and the Trover Clinic; provide for 50% of Coal Severance Receipts to be returned to the counties; provide funding for the Osteopathic Scholarship Program; increase funding for the High-Tech Construction Investment Pool, School Facilities Construction, tourism marketing, parks renovations, and the Governor's Early Reading Program; decrease funding originally provided to the state to pay for the state's share of county election expenses and voter registration expenses and direct necessary governmental expense payments up to the same maximum amounts for these state expenditures; require state agencies to first submit proposals for legal services to the Office of the Attorney General before outside legal council can be obtained; authorize the Office of the Attorney General to retain a portion of legal settlements up to $50,000 per settlement to pay costs, fees, or staffing expenses associated with such litigation; require state agencies to contact the Office of the Attorney General for hearing officer services before contracting for outside services; fully fund salary parity for all Assistant Attorneys General; fund additional attorneys for Medicaid recoupment litigation, pursuit of claims owed the Commonwealth, and for other general personnel and operating support; transfer the Lieutenant Governor's Mansion for use by the Kentucky Historical Society and provide for recognition for Dr. Thomas D. Clark, Kentucky Historian Laureate for Life; fund the future renovation of the Capital Plaza, the Capitol Complex, and the State Office Building; appropriated $31,500,000 in Bond Funds for a Statewide Repair, Maintenance and Replacement Pool Fund; expand the use of 911 Emergency Communications System; establish the Office of Statewide 911 Coordination in the Governor's Office for Technology; direct that any Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that chooses to consolidate operations after July 15, 1998, shall continue to receive pro rata shares of dispatch funds as if each had remained separate and distinct entities; fund the Kentucky Landscape Snapshot Project with federal grant (100%) funds from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); fund expanded federal defense contract activity at the Bluegrass Station and the Central Clothing Distribution Facility; increase funding for increased expenditures relating to federal civil rights contract obligations; provide funding for Outdoor Drama Grants; restore funding to the Kentucky Coal Council and Office of Coal Marketing and Export Council; permit craftspeople who are employed by Fort Boonesborough State Park and Old Fort Harrod State Park to sell their crafts at the park's gift shop; direct a feasibility study for construction of a lodge at Fort Boonesborough State Park; increase funding for the Kentucky Horse Park; restore funding for the Kentucky Center for the Arts for operating expenses; direct state agencies to work together to provide technical assistance and financial support as necessary to attract a federal research lab to the Commonwealth; direct the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority to reduce the existing loan balance of the Franklin-Simpson Industrial Authority project to expand the Interstate Industrial Park; provide funding for the East Kentucky Jobs Creation Corporation and the West Kentucky Jobs Creation Corporation for both fiscal years; provide funding for the Seeding Innovation Project in elementary and secondary schools; provide additional funds for Learning and Results Services for at least continuation funding of programmatic areas; increase funding for Extended School Services, Safe Schools, Education Technology, Locally Operated Vocational Schools, State Operated Vocational Schools, the Professional Growth Fund, the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, and Community Education; increase the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) base per pupil by 2.2% above the current level of $3,191 to $3,261 in FY 2004-05 and an additional 6.5% to $3,474 in FY 2005-06, including a 3% cost-of-living adjustment in FY 2004-05 and a 4.5% cost-of-living adjustment in FY 2005-06 for certified and classified personnel. provide $6,183,500 in FY 2004-05 and $13,223,500 in FY 2005-06 to match the additional employer contributions as a result of cost-of-living adjustments of active members of the system; provide $9,282,500 in FY 2005-06 to fund a portion of the underestimates of required state appropriations to the system in fiscal year 2002 and fiscal year 2003; provide funding to fulfill the commitments made by the 2000 Regular Session of the General Assembly and the 2003 Regular Session of the General Assembly for school construction; provide an additional $100,000,000 in offers of assistance; provide additional funding for the Governor's Scholars Program; increase funding for local public libraries; permit the expenditure of funds to provide salary equity for Transportation Cabinet engineers; extend the authorization for the Hazardous Waste Assessment Fee to June 30, 2006; allocate funding to help secure a federal grant for a coal waste impoundment research initiative; allow Quarter horses foaled by artificial insemination to be eligible to race; authorize additional plumbing and Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling inspectors; allow water districts with values less than $250,000 to add small water extensions without prior approval by the Public Service Commission; increase funding for child/day care assistance, foster care, residential care, Alternatives for Children Classrooms; increase funding for the Supports for Community Living Program, the Acquired Brain Injury Program Expansion, the Kentucky All-Schedule Prescription Reporting System, immunization and vaccine programs, the Personal Care Attendant Program, Older Americans Act services, the KY Medication Algorithm Training and Evaluation Project, the Commission Safety Net/Community Care services, Substance Abuse Treatment Services in drug courts, Substance Abuse Treatment Services through Regional MH/MR Boards, and a Homelessness Prevention Pilot Project; provide funding for free legal services for indigents; provide funding for additional juvenile detention centers and programs for juvenile; provide funds from the proceeds of firearm sales for the purchase of body armor for State Police Cadets; provide additional support for debt service for Bond Funds for Phase I of the Offender Management System; continue the mental health screening training program in local jails; require inmates to be placed in county jails or state-operated facilities if space is available before housing them in other facilities; provide for contract renewals for the operation of private prisons if there are no beds available in state-operated facilities; require that no action be taken to privatize any service that is not currently being performed at or for an entire adult correctional facility; provide funding the state operation of the prison in Elliott County and prevent the reallocation of funds provided for operation of prison; provide additional funding for the continuation of the Inmate Education Program at current services levels; provide additional funding to support costs associated with increased felon population in local jails; provide additional funding for the Halfway House program; transfer funding to the Cabinet of Mental Health Mental Retardation, Substance Abuse Treatment Services; provide funding of the Strategic Investment and Incentive Funding Program in the amount of $116.4 million in FY 2004-05 and $145.9 million in FY 2005-06 to keep the HB 1 1997 Postsecondary Education Reforms on track; include funding for a new initiative--Regional Stewardships--to encourage the universities to more fully engage the unique local challenges in their regions; fully fund the Contract Spaces in Veterinary and Optometry; increase funding for Student Financial Aid; includes full funding for the KEES merit scholarship program; provide funding for the National Guard Tuition Award Program and Teacher Scholarships; increase the amount of transfer to Kentucky State Police from $40,000,000 per year to $50,000,000 per year; reduce an additional 500 vehicles from the State Fleet; issues $250,000,000 of Road Bonds for state-funded road construction projects; transfer $5,000,000 of Restricted Funds in FY 2004-05 and $1,000,000 of Restricted Funds in FY 2005-06 from the Fleet Management Program to the General Fund; add specific reporting language regarding the Biennial Highway Construction Program; include language for the authorization of $250,000,000 in Economic Development Road Bonds; provide for half-year debt service in FY 2004-05 and a full-year debt service in FY 2005-06; increase the Federal Fund appropriation by $120,282,000 in FY 2004-05 and $135,603,000 in FY 2005-06; increase funding for the State Resurfacing Program by $655,000 each fiscal year; include language for issuance of $250,000,000 of Economic Development Bonds and direct the Proceeds to State Construction; reduce the Highway Construction Contingency Account by $23,240,000 each fiscal year; include language authorizing Nonpublic School Transportation; and authorize the Transportation Cabinet to use Toll Credits to match federal funds for transit system's capital grants.

HFA (1, D. Ford) - Retain original provisions of the bill with the following changes: State/Executive Branch Budget Totals: Decreases Operating Budget General Fund appropriations by $5,508,900 in fiscal year 2004-2005; increases Operating Budget General Fund appropriations by $7,892,900 in fiscal year 2005-2006; increases Operating Budget Restricted Funds appropriations by $1,924,900 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $3,920,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006; and increases Capital Budget Agency Bonds appropriations by $10,000,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 as follows: Department of Military Affairs: Increases General Fund appropriation by $1,530,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; adds a capital project of $10,000,000 in Agency Bonds in fiscal year 2004-2005 for a Hangar/Warehouse/Office Buildings at Bluegrass Station; Local Government Economic Development Fund: Decreases allocations to the Department for Regional Development by $15,100 in fiscal year 2004-2005, and adds language permitting allocations to coal-producing counties to be used to support non-recurring investments in public health and safety, economic development, public infrastructure, information technology development and access, and public water and wastewater development; Economic Development Cabinet: Adds language in Part II, Capital Projects Budget, encouraging the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority (KEDFA) Board to work with the Office for the New Economy to provide up to $500,000 each fiscal year to fund the Seeding Innovation Project for elementary and secondary schools; Department of Education: Decreases General Fund appropriations for the Operations and Support Services budget unit, by $100,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 and allocates $200,000 in each fiscal year for a Management Assistance Program; increases General Fund appropriations for Learning and Support Services by $10,350,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $13,450,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; deletes the allocation of $15,000 each fiscal year for the education technology escrow account; deletes the allocation of $9,415,600 each fiscal year for reimbursements to local school districts for the education of state agency children; insert allocations for specific other purposes; deletes language allocating General Fund dollars of $322,887,100 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $338,025,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for health and life insurance coverage for employees of local school districts; replaces language regarding program flexibility in determining the amount of funds to be allocated to local school districts; increases General Fund appropriations for the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) Program of $500,000 in each fiscal year for secondary vocational education in state-supported vocational schools; replaces language regarding salary supplements for nationally certified teachers to provide supplements only to teachers who attain national certification and teachers who have applied and successfully completed certification requirements by February 1, 2004; deletes substitute teachers from employees to receive the one and one-half percent salary increase in fiscal year 2004-2005 and three percent salary increase in fiscal year 2005-2006; adds language specifying that the salary increases in each fiscal year are in addition to normal rank and step increases for certified personnel; adds language concerning standards to be set by the Office of Education Accountability for local school district allocations of administrative and classroom moneys to include a requirement of the concurrence of the Secretary of the Education Cabinet; Education Cabinet: increases the Restricted Funds appropriations to the Teachers' Retirement System by $1,524,900 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,990,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006; increases Restricted Funds appropriations to Department for Technical Education by $400,000 in each fiscal year; Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet: Adds language permitting the Secretary to reallocate specified Restricted Funds within the Cabinet; adds language authorizing the Department of Public Advocacy to convert some attorneys' compensatory time to sick leave if internal budgetary pressures warrant further austerity measures; deletes language regarding the freezing of the Workers' Compensation assessment at 11.5 percent for the biennium; Finance and Administration Cabinet: Decreases General Fund appropriations for debt service by $12,974,600 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $3,076,800 in fiscal year 2005-2006; Health and Family Services Cabinet: Allocates $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 for Supports for Community Living Slots from Restricted Funds instead of the General Fund; Justice and Public Safety Cabinet: Decreases the allocation of General Fund moneys for inmate medical care expenses by $104,100 in each fiscal year; Postsecondary Education: Makes a technical correction in Part II, Capital Projects Budget, to add a Franklin County lease; increases by $875,000 an agency bonds reauthorization to Kentucky State University for Young Hall renovation in Part II, Capital Projects Budget; decreases General Fund appropriations for debt service to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTSCS) by $3,234,800 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $3,508,100 in fiscal year 2005-2006; increases General Fund appropriations for debt service to Kentucky State University by $778,200 in fiscal year 2005-2006; decreases General Fund appropriations for debt service to Morehead State University by $29,400 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $28,200 in fiscal year 2005-2006; increases General Fund appropriations for debt service to the University of Kentucky by $120,100 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $122,200 in fiscal year 2005-2006; Transportation Cabinet: Adds language allocating Restricted Funds appropriations of $23,000,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $93,000,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for Grant Application Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) Bond Funds; General Provisions: Adds language regarding Cabinet reallocations of appropriations among budget units to permit reallocations of Restricted Funds appropriations as well as General Fund appropriations; add language requiring a carry forward of $5,508,900 in the undesignated fiscal year 2004-2005 General Fund balance to be appropriated in fiscal year 2005-2006 in the Department of Education SEEK and Learning and Results Services budget units; Funds Transfer: Increases the funds transfer from the Local Government Economic Development Fund in fiscal year 2005-2006 by $2,384,000; increases the funds transfer from the Board of Auctioneers in fiscal year 2003-2004 by $7,700; decreases the funds transfer from the Board of Nursing in fiscal year 2003-2004 by $8,000; increases the funds transfer from the Board of Private Investigators in fiscal year 2003-2004 by $300; and makes technical corrections to budget unit entries in the Department of Education.

HFA (2, R. Nelson) - Eliminate Highly Skilled Educator Program and appropriate those funds to the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System.

HFA (3, J. Lee) - Amend the Supports for Community Living slots to specify that the House appropriates an additional $1,416,400 in General Fund support and $3,261,100 in Federal Funds for an additional 100 slots in FY 2004-05, and an additional $2,500,000 in General Fund support, $2,508,000 in Restricted Funds, and $11,465,600 in Federal Funds for an additional 300 slots in FY 2005-06.

HFA (4, B. Farmer) - Provide temporary suspension of prevailing wage law for school construction for school districts and cities acting under KRS 162.150.

HFA (5, B. Farmer) - Provide temporary suspension of prevailing wage for school construction and state-funded construction.

HFA (6, B. Farmer) - Provide temporary suspension of prevailing wage for school construction and state-funded construction.

HFA (7, B. Farmer) - Provide temporary suspension of prevailing wage law for school construction for school districts and cities acting under KRS 162.150.

HFA (8, B. Farmer) - Provide temporary suspension of prevailing wage for state-funded construction.

HFA (9, B. Farmer) - Provide temporary suspension of prevailing wage for state-funded construction.

HFA (10, B. DeWeese) - Restore the Secretary of Education's authority over Department of Education and Council on Postsecondary Education.

HFA (11, S. Nunn) - Amend KRS 141.066 to provide for a nonrefundable credit equal to 20% of the federal earned income credit rather than the low-income credit; amend KRS 141.180 to provide for state filing requirements for gross income which exceeds the federal poverty guidelines; create new sections of KRS Chapter 142 to impose a 7% tax on the gross receipts of any wholesaler or distributor derived from the sales at wholesale of smokeless tobacco, cigars, loose tobacco, or pipe tobacco; amend KRS 138.146 to impose a 40 cent per pack surtax on cigarettes; amend KRS 138.220 to impose a 4 cent per gallon surtax on gasoline and special fuels effective July 1, 2004, and an eight cent per gallon surtax effective July 1, 2005; provide that the motor fuel tax and surtax shall be indexed to CPI July 1, 2006, and each July 1 thereafter; create a new section of KRS Chapter 136 to provide for a doing business standard for corporate license tax; provide that an entity for corporation license tax includes any limited liability company, registered limited liability company or registered limited liability partnership that elects to be treated as a corporation under federal income tax law, and any single-member limited liability company that is not treated as an entity separate from its corporate member under federal income tax law; amend KRS 136.070 to provide that any entity doing business in the state is subject to the corporation license tax; amend KRS 136.071 to deduct from capital the book value or apportioned book value of an owned entity; amend KRS 139.195 to include cable service and satellite broadcast in the definition of communication service; amend KRS 132.020 to exclude the assessment of new property from the calculation of the state real property tax rate; amend KRS 138.146, 248.652, 438.335, 438.337, 138.210, 138.660, 234.320, 136.090, 136.100 to conform.

HFA (12, R. Damron) - Require the Department for Public Health to continue an abstinence education program.

HFA (13, R. Damron) - Allow Agricultural Credit Associations to exclude the value of their investment in other associations from the computation of taxable capital, if those other associations are already taxed under the statute or are exempt from tax under federal law.

HFA (14, S. Nunn) - Require the Department for Public Health to complete an interdepartmental transfer from the public health general fund appropriations to the Department for Medicaid Services to assure full funding of preventive services to Medicaid recipients provided under contracts with local health departments; and require that the funding, including Medicaid matching funds, not be less than $23,000,000 in each fiscal year of the 2005-2006 biennium.

HFA (15, R. Webb) - Prohibit seeking the death penalty of a person who was age 16 or 17 at the time of the commission of the offense.

HFA (16, R. Webb) - Prohibit the execution of a person who was age 16 or 17 at the time of the commission of the offense.

HFA (17, T. Burch) - Prohibit the execution of a person sentenced to death.

HFA (18, T. Burch) - Prohibit the execution of a person sentenced to death.

HFA (19, J. Fischer) - Provide that "gross income" includes any amounts in excess of $250,000 from the proceeds of a judgment for noneconomic or punitive damages against a health care provider in a civil action for medical malpractice in the provision of health care; provide that such gross income is taxed at the rate of 90% and the proceeds from the tax are appropriated to the Kentucky Health Care Providers Mutual Insurance Authority created in 2004 Regular Session House Bill 450.

HFA (20, J. Fischer) - Provide that "gross income" includes any amounts in excess of $250,000 from the proceeds of a judgment for noneconomic or punitive damages against a health care provider in a civil action for medical malpractice in the provision of health care; provide that such gross income is taxed at the rate of 90% and the proceeds from the tax are appropriated to the Kentucky Health Care Providers Mutual Insurance Authority created in 2004 Regular Session House Bill 450.

HFA (21, J. Fischer) - Prohibit expenditures on human cloning or experimentation on embryos.

HFA (22, J. Fischer) - Prohibit expenditures on human cloning and research on embryos.

HFA (23, T. Riner) - Increase the cigarette excise tax to 20 cents per pack; allocate $4 million from the tax each year to Family Resource and Youth Services Centers and Extended School Services; allocate remaining revenue to SEEK.

HFA (24, H. Cornett) - Provides for a reallocation of Letcher County Coal Severance Projects.

HFA (25, B. Smith) - Provide for a reallocation of Harlan County Coal Severance Projects.

HFA (26, B. DeWeese) - Provide funds from the Legislative Branch Budget to restore funds to the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority.

HFA (27, B. DeWeese) - Provide funds from the Department of Corrections to support the recruitment of a federal research lab to the Commonwealth.

HFA (28, B. DeWeese) - Provide funds from the Department of Corrections to support debt service on Economic Development Bonds.

HFA (29, B. DeWeese) - Provide funds from the Department of Corrections to restore funds to the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority.

HFA (30, B. DeWeese) - Move funds from the Legislative Research Commission General Fund Continuing appropriation to the Department of Education to expand the Read to Achieve Program.

HFA (31, B. DeWeese) - Accelerate bonding.

HFA (32, B. DeWeese) - Move funds from the corrections appropriation to the Little Sandy Correctional Complex in Elliott County.

HFA (33, B. DeWeese) - Provide funds from the Legislative Branch Budget to support the recruitment of a federal research lab to the Commonwealth.

HFA (34, B. DeWeese) - Amend HB 395/HCS to provide General Fund support totaling $4,224,200 from the Justice Cabinet, Adult Correctional Institutions General Fund appropriation and provide to the Judicial Branch budget in the Court Operations and Administration appropriation unit in fiscal year 2005-2006 to support additional drug court sites.

HFA (35, B. DeWeese) - Amend HB 395/HCS to provide General Fund support totaling $4,224,200 from the Legislative Research Commission General Fund continuing appropriation and provide to the Judicial Branch budget in the Court Operations and Administration appropriation unit in fiscal year 2005-2006 to support additional drug court sites.

HFA (36, K. Upchurch) - Increase funding for Community Services and Local Facilities for the local jail per diem and reduce funding for the Little Sandy Correctional Complex in Elliott County.

HFA (37, B. DeWeese) - Provide funds from the Legislative Budget to support debt service on Economic Development Bonds.

HFA (38, H. Moberly) - Provide for fiscal year 2005-2006 debt service in the amount of $953,000 to be paid from the Budget Reserve Trust Fund for the newly authorized $10,000,000 of Economic Development Bond Pool Bonds.

HFA (39, H. Moberly) - Clarify Health care COLA language for Restricted, Federal, Road, and other funds; adjust General Government totals to reflect House COLA calculation adjustment; delete duplicate language for Bluegrass State Games from Education Cabinet; clarify Kentucky Housing Corporation language relating to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund; clarify Lexington Community College language; clarify health care COLA for Transportation Cabinet; add a line to reflect $250,000,000 in Bond Funds in Transportation Cabinet; in Kentucky Horse Park, move equipment lease language and associated money to Part II; move Coal Waste Impoundment language from Environmental Protection to General Administration and Program Support; remove investment income project in Part II that belongs in the state maintenance pool; adjust Pike County Coal Severance Tax projects; adjust Breathitt County Coal Severance Tax projects; correct fiscal year references and name the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority as the budget unit for the Water and Sewer projects; in Funds Transfer section, insert tabs to appropriately align appropriation amounts for Board of Geologists; clarify treatment of projects listed in HB 489.

HFA (40, B. DeWeese) - Accelerate debt service.

HFA (41, B. DeWeese) - Accelerate debt service.

HFA (42, B. DeWeese) - Accelerate debt service.

HFA (43, B. DeWeese) - Accelerate debt service.

SCS/Analysis - Retain provisions of the bill as passed by the House with the following changes: The State/Executive Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund, General Fund-Tobacco, Road Fund, Restricted Funds, Federal Funds, Bond Funds, Agency Bonds, Capital Construction Surplus, Investment Income, and other funds, $133,043,000 in fiscal year 2003-04, $19,182,618,200 in fiscal year 2004-2005, and $19,024,209,900 in fiscal year 2005-2006, as follows:

General Government

2003-04 $8,037,000

2004-2005 $632,972,300

2005-2006 $655,179,600

Commerce Cabinet

2003-04 $550,000

2004-2005 $193,957,100

2005-2006 $201,424,100

Economic Development Cabinet

2003-04 $1,452,300

2004-2005 $24,584,400

2005-2006 $25,916,200

Department of Education

2004-2005 $3,549,487,600

2005-2006 $3,690,434,800

Education Cabinet

2003-04 $7,000

2004-2005 $1,205,341,800

2005-2006 $1,235,311,500

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet

2003-04 $23,500

2004-2005 $625,410,200

2005-2006 $625,880,300

Finance and Administration Cabinet

2003-04 $554,000

2004-2005 $521,237,200

2005-2006 $537,247,600

Health and Family Services Cabinet

2003-04 $110,000

2004-2005 $5,723,414,300

2005-2006 $5,585,282,200

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet

2004-2005 $651,509,100

2005-2006 $653,095,500

Postsecondary Education

2003-04 $122,309,200

2004-2005 $3,759,275,400

2005-2006 $3,969,404,800

Transportation Cabinet

2004-2005 $2,089,785,800

2005-2006 $2,003,441,600

Budget Reserve Trust Fund

2004-2005 $47,234,700

Not included in the above appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows:

Capital Projects

2003-04 $6,463,000

2004-2005 $3,052,603,500

2005-2006 $217,973,500;

increase transfers of Restricted Funds to the General Fund in fiscal year 2003-2004 by $1,300,000, decrease transfers in fiscal year 2004-2005 by $9,480,800, and decrease transfers in fiscal year 2005-2006 by $7,356,000; remove all restrictive language relative to the Lieutenant Governor's Office, including language relating to the Governor's and Lieutenant Governor's expense allowances, expenditure restrictions on the Lieutenant Governor's mansion, vehicle restrictions, State Police security services restrictions, and a monthly housing allowance of $1,000; remove capital budget biennial authority of $900,000 for the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) capital project, returning the project to the Finance and Administration Cabinet capital budget; delete the provision that repeals all statutes related to the State Planning Fund; provide General Fund support of $500,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for the State Planning Fund; provide a current year Federal Funds appropriation of $58,800 in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the Commission on Human Rights to provide for contract obligations related to federal civil rights enforcement; provide a current year General Fund appropriation of $25,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the Executive Branch Ethics Commission to support current operating expenditures; provide a current year Federal Funds appropriation of $1,669,800 in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the Board of Elections to support increased personnel, operating, and grant expenditures for the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA); provide General Fund appropriations of $3,434,800 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,479,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for the state's share of county election expenses and the state's share of voter registration expenses; remove the provision regarding providing necessary governmental expense of a maximum amount of $3,434,800 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,479,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for the state's share of county election expenses and the state's share of voter registration expenses; decrease General Fund support of $500,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 to the Treasury Department for personnel and operating expenditures; decrease General Fund support of $500,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 to the Auditor of Public Accounts for personnel and operating expenditures; provide a current year Federal Funds appropriation of $554,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 to support increased expenditures for implementation of the Kentucky Landscape Snapshot Project with a federal grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); remove language directing that up to 50% of a 911 Emergency Communications System Restricted Fund surplus, upon the approval of the governing body, may be used to purchase or repair equipment and supplies, including ambulances; remove language that establishes the Office of Statewide 911 Coordination within the Governor's Office for Technology, with the State Administrator of Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Emergency Telecommunications serving as the Statewide 911 Coordinator with training, reporting, monitoring, enforcing, and coordinating duties concerning the 911 and enhanced 911 systems; direct the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet to provide a semiannual report to the Legislative Research Commission beginning December 30, 2004, on all information technology procured from state master contracts by all Executive Branch agencies; direct the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet to oversee and approve the use of hourly-based information technology contract resources procured from state master contracts by all Executive Branch agencies and report management actions to the Legislative Research Commission by December 31, 2004; direct the Secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, working with the Office of State Budget Director and the Department of Personnel, to minimize reliance on hourly-based information technology contract resources procured from state master contracts with resulting savings actions including adjustments to the personnel cap, compensation schedule, and classification structure for information technology classifications; direct that any Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that consolidates operations after July 15, 1998, will continue to receive pro rata shares as if each had remained separate and distinct entities; redirect in the Capital Budget Bond Funds authorization of $26,768,000 to fiscal year 2004-2005 from fiscal year 2005-2006 for the Public Safety Communications Infrastructure Kentucky Emergency Warning System (KEWS) capital project; delete language provisions related to the Office of the Education Cabinet Secretary; delete language provisions related to employer's contribution to teacher's retirement system and medical fraud; provide Bond Funds in support of the Roof Replacement at the network center of Kentucky Educational Television; include a language provision for a $100,000 General Fund related debt service for fiscal year 2005-2006; add a "Hold Harmless Provision" for direct local aid to public libraries; provide a 2% increment in fiscal year 2004-2005 and a 3.5% increment in fiscal year 2005-2006 to all state employees; reinstate the employee furlough language; establish a process to review all organizational units in State Government with fewer than five filled positions and eliminate units that are not justified; include protection for merit employees where units are abolished; provide that the salary for Cabinet Secretaries cannot exceed the total salary for all Cabinet Secretary positions as of December 1, 2003; require that the current practice of allowing two spouses to combine their single health insurance coverage to a family plan be continued; reduce Community Based Services base funding for alternatives for children; direct child care assistance program changes to serve more children; provide $100,000 in General Fund support in each fiscal year for Alzheimer's Disease respite services; support a Medicaid Smartcard capital project in fiscal year 2005-2006 totaling $2,000,000 in General Fund support and $2,000,000 in Federal Funds; delete substance abuse treatment services in drug courts and regional mental health/mental retardation boards, and reinstate the Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse policy; reduce the Supports for Community Living slots to the Governor's recommendation of 75 additional slots in fiscal year 2004-2005 and 150 additional slots in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide language relating to mental health/mental retardation contracting; remove language prohibiting the reallocation of funds to General Administration and Support or Medicaid Administration from any other budget unit; delete the $100,000 expansion for Lead Poisoning Services; change the fund source for First Steps expansion from agency to federal funds; reauthorize the water pipe extension at Eastern State Hospital; increase funding for the Criminal Justice Council; reduce funding for the Survivors II Program, Gateway Diversion Center, and Mary Kendall Homes; authorize Bond Funds for the Kentucky Public Safety Training Center; provide funding for the Elliott County Prison; restore the Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy; provide funding of the Strategic Investment and Incentive Funding Program in the amount of $116,400,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $145,900,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide funding authorization for $288,000,000 in new construction and renovation, including $40,000,000 for UK and UL to provide research space; fund the Contract Spaces in Veterinary and Optometry at $3,100,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $3,500,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; fund student financial aid at $164,500,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $180,200,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; include full funding for the KEES merit scholarship program at $80,200,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $82,600,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide additional funds for Learning and Results Services for at least continuation funding of programmatic areas; increase funding for Extended School Services, Safe Schools, Education Technology, Locally Operated Vocational Schools, State Operated Vocational Schools, the Professional Growth Fund, the Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, and Community Education; increase federal funding for Jobs for Kentucky's Graduates; increase funding for Read to Achieve; increase the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky base per pupil to $3,221 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and to $3,413 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide a 2% cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2004-2005 and a 3.5% cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2005-2006 for certified and classified personnel; provide an additional $2,564,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $6,028,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 to match the additional employer retirement contributions as a result of cost-of-living adjustments of active members; provide $9,282,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006 to fund a portion of the underestimates of required state appropriations to the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System in fiscal year 2001-02 and fiscal year 2002-03; provide funds to support an additional eight-tenths of one percent cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2004-2005 and an additional seven-tenths of one percent cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2005-2006 for eligible members of the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System; provide debt service to fulfill the commitments made by previous General Assemblys for school construction purposes; provide an additional $43,484,200 in offers of assistance in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide $4,768,600 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for debt service and $56,515,800 in new bonding authority to support the Urgent Need School Trust Fund; provide equalized facility funding of $2,038,900 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,840,200 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide growth nickel equalization totaling $9,100,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $8,000,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; restore $15,000 Restricted Funds transfer in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $15,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 in the Department of Personnel; provide funds for Housing, Buildings, and Construction to fill vacant positions for 51 Plan Reviewers, Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors, and Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling Inspectors; add language allowing municipalities to issue and sell Revenue Bonds for the purchase of natural gas or electric; add language allowing Public Advocacy to lease additional space to accommodate attritional personnel; create the Community Economic Growth Grant program in the Department for Local Government, providing $5,000,000 Bond Funds each fiscal year and create a program to administer the Coal Severance Projects, Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund for Tobacco Counties, and the Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund for Coal Producing Counties; restore the funding for the State Office Building project to $46,000,000; eliminate funding for the Capital Complex project and the design of renovation for the Capital Plaza project; restore most maintenance projects as proposed by the Governor's budget; add language authorizing $200,000,000 of Road Bonds; add language provisions regarding surplus property; add language regarding the location of the proposed I-66; add language provision regarding toll road facilities; add language regarding programmatic adjustments; include language regarding nonpublic school transportation; add language regarding the use of toll credits; add language regarding Biennial Highway Construction Programs, providing oversight and reporting directives for the Transportation Cabinet; define the approach to the Six Year Highway Plan that the cabinet is required to follow; direct the cabinet to develop a long term capital facilities infrastructure plan; creates a legislative Transportation Oversight Subcommittee; define change orders and supplemental contracts; direct a major overhaul of the DBE Program; restore Restricted Funds support of $300,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $300,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for the Horse Racing Authority for administration and regulation personnel expenditures; remove language allowing Quarter horses foaled by artificial insemination to be eligible to race in dates approved under KRS Chapter 230; delete language regarding the Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy directing funds up to $1.6 million each year to be provided for one-time bonuses for county extension agents; amend language to clarify fiscal year "administrative costs" relating to providing funds from county allocations for county council administrative costs; add language directing $4,000,000 each year for grants to the Environmental Stewardship Program and direct that these grants cannot limit the Program from applying for or receiving additional grant awards through the agricultural development council; increase General Fund debt service for the Department of Military Affairs in fiscal year 2005-2006 for $450,000 Bond Funds for a statewide radio system by $48,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide new capital projects totaling $353,900 each year in investment income for an air transportation maintenance pool; provide $676,300 investment income each year for a facilities maintenance pool; provide $450,000 Bond Funds to construct 10 new T-Hangars at the Capital City Airport; provide language that increases support for the UK Diagnostic Laboratories from $370,000 each year to $478,500 each year and redirect $108,500 each year from the enforcement of tobacco sales restrictions account in the Department of Agriculture; fund the Kentucky Coal Council and Coal Marketing and Export Council with Local Government Economic Development Funds; fund the Coal Waste Impoundment research initiative with Local Government Economic Development Funds; allow craft sales in Fort Boonesborough and Old Fort Harrod gift shops by artisans employed by the parks; allow the Kentucky Horse Park to lease equipment, up to $1,000,000; provide $50,000,000 in Bond Funds for the Kentucky State Fair Board; allow the Fair Board to spend Restricted Funds on maintenance projects; provide $40,000,000 in Bond Funds for a Parks Renovation Pool; provide $127,900 each year for the Main Street program; provide funding for Kentucky Center for the Arts; provide language relating to recruitment of a Federal Research Lab; provide language relating to allocations of funds to the Office for the New Economy; provide language relating to the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation and loan forgiveness; provide language relating to Airport Relocation Assistance; provide language relating to engineering salary parity; provide funds for and add language regarding the Environmental Stewardship Program; clarify language on surface mining permits (ownership and control); provide bond funds for State-Owned Dam Repair; provide language granting the Governor flexibility to transfer funds within state agencies; prohibit new or additional office space leases except to reduce costs or address health and safety issues; limit permanent use vehicles to the Court of Justice, Cabinet Secretaries, and law enforcement or for other public safety purposes; require State agencies to monitor all travel expenditures and use state parks or other state facilities to the fullest extent feasible; reduce the number of vehicles assigned to agencies by an additional 500 vehicles; reduce the period a bank can hold unclaimed property from seven years to three years; give the Treasury Department three years to sell escheated securities; require each municipal corporation, independent state board, bureau, commission, department, division, authority, university, college, or office, and any other state entity authorized by law to enter into agreements or contracts for services to abide by the provisions of KRS 45A.690 to 45A.725; require the Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Emergency Telecommunications Board to charge a one dollar monthly subscriber rate; transfer $2,756,000 from the CMRS fund to the General Fund to provide debt service associated with Public Safety Communications Infrastructure Kentucky Emergency Warning System (KEWS) capital project; permit public agencies located in a county with a consolidated local government or an urban county government, that were previously required to use newspapers for certain advertising, to use alternative methods or distributing information, either by the Internet or through public libraries; provide $500,000 from the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Fund in fiscal year 2004-2005 for the University of Kentucky Oral History Program, which shall be named the University of Kentucky/Louis B. Nunn Oral History Program; designate the Horse Cave Repertory Theatre located in Hart County, Kentucky as the official repertory theatre; limit the payment from the Tennessee Valley Authority in lieu of taxes otherwise due any county, city or school district to a maximum of $2,500,000; provide $17,000,000 in Bond Funds to the Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy to replace tobacco funds that were transferred to the General Fund under the Governor's Budget Reduction Order; provide debt service to support $25,000,000 in Bond Funds for the PACE (Purchase of Agriculture Conservation Easements) and PDR (Purchase of Development Rights) Programs; provide $50,000,000 in Bond Funds for Infrastructure for Economic Development for Tobacco Counties; provide debt service for KIA water and sewer projects; provide $5,000,000 each year for the Environmental Stewardship Program in the Department for Natural Resources and reserve an additional $4,000,000 in the Governor's Office for Agricultural Policy for this program; provide $2,228,600 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $2,222,700 in fiscal year 2005-2006 to the Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy; amend the General Fund Surplus Expenditure Plan to provide $2,000,000 each fiscal year to the Read to Achieve program and to provide for directing available funds to the Medicaid Benefits budget unit to alleviate the projected deficit in funding and to qualify for federal matching dollars; require each cabinet to develop and apply preaudit procedures to all expenditure transactions for the purpose of detecting errors, fraud, or abuse prior to the issuance of a check or warrant; require initial procedures to be established by October 1, 2004, and provide the actions each cabinet must take in establishing these preaudit procedures; require cabinets to attempt to collect amounts paid venders due to error, fraud, or abuse for 90 days after the improper payment is discovered and require the cabinet, after 90 days, to certify the improper payment as a debt and refer all certified debts to the Finance and Administration Cabinet for further collection action; provide procedures and reporting requirements, and Attorney General referrals; impose interest and collection fee on all certified debts received by the Finance and Administration Cabinet; permit the Finance and Administration Cabinet to retain the collection fee and require the interest and recovered funds to be deposited in the budget reserve trust fund; exempt Medicaid benefits and funds required by law to be remitted to a federal agency from the debt collection program; require the Administrative Office of the Courts to establish a similar debt collection system and provide procedures and reporting requirements; require each cabinet to provide information on all certified debts due to error, fraud, or abuse to the State Treasurer for action to prevent money being paid to a person indebted to the state; provide a tax credit to companies/interested parties to clean up Brownfield sites; provide credit equal to 25% of the cost of cleaning up a Brownfield site under an agreed order, but only after $250,000 in capital expenditures have been made toward the development of the site; revise the method for compiling the master list of county jurors to consist of persons over the age of 18 who hold a valid driver's license which was issued in the county and registered voters in the county; revise the eligibility for and amounts of juror pay by deleting the $5 per day for jury service and providing for all jurors who lose their usual compensation as a result of jury duty a daily pay totaling $10, effective July 1, 2004, and increase to $17.50 effective July 1, 2005; increase the allowable co-payment on Medicaid prescriptions from $1 to $1 for generic drugs and $3 for brand name drugs; allow investment funds approved for credits under KIFA to invest up to 100% of its contributions to a single knowledge-based entity; allow a city, county, or other local government entity to invest in an investment fund and transfer KIFA credits to a private entity; and require that KEDFA approve all applications for entities seeking credits under this provision; amend KRS 6.420 relating to provision of legislative security by the Kentucky State Police to provide for the appointment of legislative security specialists; amend KRS 16.010 relating to definitions to conform; amend KRS 16.185 relating to indemnification to conform; restore General Fund dollars for operating expenses at the Kentucky Center for the Arts; provide that if the balance of the Petroleum Storage Tank Environmental Assurance Fund falls below required amounts, it shall be deemed a necessary government expense and, with approval from the State Budget Director, the funds shall be transferred from the General Fund Surplus Account if available, or from any available balance in the Budget Reserve Trust Fund Account; establish that the goal of a Narcotic Treatment Program shall be to gradually lower doses to get the patient off narcotics or illegal drugs, with maintenance allowed only when the need is documented by a NTP physician; make qualified businesses in an enterprise zone eligible for tax incentives for projects begun before the expiration date of the enterprise zone, retroactive to January 1, 2004; allow the Premium and Retaliatory Taxes collected by the Department of Revenue to be credited to the General Fund; create new sections of KRS Chapter 23A and 24A to define "local government" and "police department"; require the payment of an additional $27 court cost fee for distribution to local governments with police departments, a new jail mental health telephonic triage system, and the Public Service Student Law School Assistance Program; require the circuit clerk to remit funds to the Finance and Administration Cabinet for quarterly distribution to local governments; require funds to be used for the expenses of the operation of the police department; prescribe formula for distribution of funds; require the Justice Cabinet to annually certify the number of certified police officers employed by each local police department and authorize the Finance and Administration Cabinet to promulgate necessary administrative regulations; repeal KRS 24A.190, 24A.191, 24A.192, and 24A.193; create a new section of KRS Chapter 210 to require the Cabinet for Health Services to create a telephonic behavioral health jail triage system to screen jail prisoners for mental health, suicide, mental retardation, and acquired brain injury risk factors, with the system consisting of a written screening instrument to be used upon a prisoner's admission to jail and a telephonic hotline to be used if an increased risk-factor is identified, and with the system recommending protocols for the prisoner's housing, supervision, and care to reduce the identified risks; create a new section of KRS Chapter 441 to require jailers to use the triage system created in and to consider utilizing the triage system's recommended protocols for housing, supervision, and care; create new sections of KRS Chapter 164A to create the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program, to be administered by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, to defray indebtedness incurred for law school for eligible attorneys employed in the Office of the Attorney General, the Prosecutors Advisory Council, the Department of Public Advocacy, or nonprofit legal services organizations designated as eligible; create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to set forth General Assembly findings, declarations, and goals; create the 9 member Commission for a Healthy Kentucky within the Cabinet for Health Services to develop an action plan to improve the health and well-being of all Kentuckians pursuant to the goals identified by Health Kentuckians 2010; establish membership qualifications with members to be appointed by Governor by June 1, 2004; require Governor to appoint the chair; require the First Lady of the Commonwealth to be a special advisor to the commission; permit members to be reappointed to a second term of 4 years, and permit staggering of terms to assure continuity of experience; require commission to cease to exist no later than December 31, 2010; require commission to meet monthly for first 18 months, and quarterly thereafter, with first meeting by August 1, 2004; establish duties of the commission to include an inventory of local resources, including faith-based, for-profit, and not-for-profit entities that are active in providing health care education, preventive care, disease detection, and treatment; require testimony to be solicited from local citizens, health department directors, directors of family resource and youth services centers, teachers, students, school cafeteria administrators, and others; require strategies to be developed to achieve goals of commission; require input from local extension agents; place local groups with responsibility to implement the plan, such as 4-H Club councils, faith-based organizations, extension advisory councils, among others; encourage development of incentives for participation in employee wellness programs; involve state college and university personnel for assistance with developing action plan; require media consultation for advice on methods to disseminate information about the action plan; build upon existing collaborative initiatives, wherever possible; assess availability of federal and other grant opportunities; permit commission to employ consultants; permit commission to form subcommittees or work groups consisting of members or nonmembers of the commission; require commission to use available data to assess effectiveness of local entities in meeting the health care goals; require recommendations for an action plan in a report to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission; amend KRS 61.878 to exempt from the Kentucky Open Records Law certain homeland security records pertaining to preventing, protecting against, mitigating, or responding to a terrorist act and to exclude from the Open Records Law under certain circumstances the identity of an individual or a business making a donation to a public agency providing financial support to an institution of education; exclude from the Open Records Law the amount of the donation; exclude from the Open Records Law public or private records having historic, literary, artistic, or commemorative value when accepted by the archivist of a public university, museum, or government depository from a donor or depositor other than a public agency; limit the exclusion by requiring that the donor or depositor request the extent of the nondisclosure in writing; amend KRS 61.805 to apply the Open Meetings Law to arts organizations receiving $25,000 or more in public funds; amend KRS 61.810 to close public agency meetings during the discussion of a homeland security record; amend KRS 61.815 to conform; amend KRS 61.870 to apply the Open Records Law to arts organizations receiving $25,000 or more in public funds; amend KRS 13A.270 to require the administrative body to e-mail a copy of each administrative regulation filed by the agency to persons requesting notification who have provided an e-mail address and to require the administrative body to mail a copy of the regulatory impact analysis to those persons who have not provided an e-mail address; create nonrefundable tax credits of one dollar per gallon for biodiesel producers, two cents per gallon for blenders, and one cent per gallon for retailers of biodiesel fuel; limit total credits available each year for each group (producers, blenders, retailers) to $1,000,000, effective January 1, 2005; provide up to $6,000,000 in additional funding for the Elliott County prison each fiscal year as a necessary government expense; provide $165,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for the Elizabethtown Communicare Comprehensive Care Board- Washington County Duplex project; provide debt service for the Southeastern Kentucky Regional Agriculture and Exhibition Center; provide $1,000,000 in Bond Funds for construction of the Clay County Health Technology Center; provide $13,066,000 in Bond Funds for the Henderson Tri-County Technical Center; provide $7,000,000 in Bond Funds for the Madisonville Community College Technology Building; include recognition that increasing taxes on tobacco should reduce consumption and, therefore, result in a healthier lifestyle, and that smokeless tobacco poses fewer health risks than other tobacco products; amend and create various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to reverse the ITW decision for past tax years; provide for the inclusion of all limited liability entities in the corporate tax base; require mandatory consolidated filing for corporations with nexus in Kentucky; disallow the deduction of certain intangible transactions between related entities; reduce the top marginal corporate tax rate to 6%; impose an alternative minimum calculation based on 9.5 cents per $100 of gross receipts; impose a minimum tax of $250; disallow the net operating loss carryback; expand the definition of "doing business"; reduce the top individual income tax marginal rate to 5.7%; freeze the pension exclusion at the current amount of $40,200 per year; increase the low-income tax credit to $12,000; allow a credit for taxes paid at the corporate level to be passed through to individual members or partners of limited liability entities; repeal the intangible property tax; allow the exclusion of new property in calculating the HB 44 rate; provide a sales and use tax refund for construction and research and development expenses with a total overall limit of approvals for refunds during any year of $25 million; provide a three-day sales tax holiday in 2004 and 2005; expand the sales tax nexus definition; impose a surtax of 26 cents per pack on cigarettes, along with a floor stock tax; impose a tax on smokeless tobacco and other tobacco products; repeal two existing taxes and increase the rate of the wholesale sales tax on distilled spirits, beer, and wine; replace several local and state levies with a uniform communications excise tax at a rate of 7.62% on revenues from the provision of telecommunications services, include in the base both cable and direct broadcast satellite; impose a 1% tax on receipts from the rental of lodging to be deposited in a fund dedicated to supporting and promoting tourism; amend and repeal various sections to conform; provide for various effective dates.

SCA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the EKU Business Technology Center.

SCA (2, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the Renovation of Young Hall at KSU.

SCA (3, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the NASA Space Science Center at MoSU.

SCA (4, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete Funding for the KCTCS Ashland Technology Center.

SCA (5, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the KCTCS Henderson Technology Center.

SCA (6, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the New Science Complex at MuSU.

SCA (7, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the KCTCS Owensboro Technology Center.

SCA (8, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete funding for the KCTCS Madisonville Technology and Coal Bed Methane Research Center.

SCA (9, R. Sanders Jr) - Decrease funds for Breathitt Diagnostic Lab by $100,000 each fiscal year.

SCA (10, R. Sanders Jr) - Provide for Diversity in Recruitment and Retention in the Research Challenge Trust Fund.

SCA (11, R. Sanders Jr) - Require the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority and the Department for Local Government to require that recipients of Infrastructure for Economic Development Projects and Coal Severance Projects have made efforts to secure funding from all available sources prior to the disposition of funds.

SCA (12, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete Lincoln County project from the Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund for Tobacco Counties.

SCA (13, L. Saunders) - Adjust funding for Rockcastle County project in the Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund for Tobacco Counties.

SCA (14, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete Leslie County from the FB 2004-2006 Urgent Need School Trust Fund List.

SCA (15, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete Perry County from the FB 2004-2006 Urgent Need School Trust Fund List.

SCA (16, R. Sanders Jr) - Delete Pike County from the FB 2004-2006 Urgent Need School Trust Fund List.

SCA (17, R. Sanders Jr) - Provide that the corporate license tax no longer apply for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2004; specify that any tax or penalties due for tax periods prior to that date still apply.

SCA (18, R. Sanders Jr) - Adjust funding for Jessamine South Elkhorn Water District project.

SCA (19, R. Sanders Jr) - Add project in Rockcastle County.

SCA (20, R. Sanders Jr) - Provide necessary government expense for cattle identification programs to address such issues as bovine spongiform encephalopathy upon request by the commissioner of Agriculture and approval by the State Budget Director.

SCA (21, R. Stivers) - Add project in Greenup County.

SCA (22, R. Sanders Jr) - Amend projects funded from coal severance tax in Harlan County.

SCA (23, R. Sanders Jr) - Amend coal severance tax projects in Pike and Letcher Counties.

CCR - Include provisions of HB 395/SCS and Senate Committee Amendments 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 23, with the following changes: The State/Executive Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund, General Fund-Tobacco, Road Fund, Restricted Funds, Federal Funds, Bond Funds, Agency Bonds, Capital Construction Surplus, Investment Income, and other funds, $133,043,000 in fiscal year 2003-04, $19,021,969,500 in fiscal year 2004-2005, and $19,216,770,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006, as follows:

General Government

2003-04 $8,037,000

2004-2005 $634,072,300

2005-2006 $656,279,600

Commerce Cabinet

2003-04 $550,000

2004-2005 $193,957,100

2005-2006 $201,424,100

Economic Development Cabinet

2003-04 $1,452,300

2004-2005 $24,584,400

2005-2006 $26,012,200

Department of Education

2004-2005 $3,549,487,600

2005-2006 $3,690,434,800

Education Cabinet

2003-04 $7,000

2004-2005 $1,205,341,800

2005-2006 $1,235,311,500

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet

2003-04 $23,500

2004-2005 $625,410,200

2005-2006 $625,880,300

Finance and Administration Cabinet

2003-04 $554,000

2004-2005 $521,237,200

2005-2006 $537,247,600

Health and Family Services Cabinet

2003-04 $110,000

2004-2005 $5,723,914,300

2005-2006 $5,590,327,600

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet

2004-2005 $652,159,100

2005-2006 $653,745,500

Postsecondary Education

2003-04 $122,309,200

2004-2005 $3,759,775,400

2005-2006 $3,969,616,300

Transportation Cabinet

2004-2005 $2,089,785,800

2005-2006 $2,003,441,600

Budget Reserve Trust Fund

2004-2005 $40,962,300

Not included in the above appropriation amounts are capital project amounts as follows:

Capital Projects

2003-04 $6,463,000

2004-2005 $3,266,461,200

2005-2006 $218,740,200;

add language requiring recipients of appropriated Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund for Coal Producing Counties and recipients of Infrastructure for Economic Development Fund for Tobacco Counties to certify that other sources of funds have been applied for, and give the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority the ability to reduce funds based upon alternative funding sources; add language requiring recipients of appropriated Coal Severance Tax Projects to certify that other sources of funds have been applied for, and give the Commissioner of the Department for Local Government the authority to reduce funds based upon alternative funding sources; restore the General Fund appropriation of $100,000 in each fiscal year of the biennium for the Richmond Arts Center; provide $250,000 each fiscal year for the Knott County Arts and Craft Center from the Knott County Single County Coal Severance Account; authorize the Office of the Attorney General to retain up to $50,000 per legal settlement to pay costs, fees, or staffing expenses associated with such litigation; restore increased General Fund support of $500,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for personnel and operating expenditures; restore General Fund support of $500,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006 for personnel and operating expenditures; provide language relating to the allocations for Outdoor Drama Grants; amend the language provision related to the Tax Credit Pilot Project to include Boone County; provide $11,000,000 in Bond Funds in FY 05 for the Economic Development Bond Pool; provide language related to the Kentucky Investment Fund Act regarding which entities may be eligible to participate in an investment fund; provide language prohibiting the Board of Claims from investigating, hearing proof, or adjudicating claims against the Department of Education or the Kentucky Board of Education for the actions of local education agencies; provide language that allows the Education Cabinet Secretary flexibility in the expenditure of funds from certain Restricted Fund accounts within the cabinet; provide an additional $500,000 in General Fund support in each fiscal year to expand Older Americans Act services; provide an additional $4,545,400 in FY 2005-06 (includes $2,500,000 General Fund) in Private Child Care to retain 70 current staff (direct service positions) and provide benefits for 108 children (Private Child Care is Foster Care or Residential care); provide $350,00 in each fiscal year for the Gateway Juvenile Diversion Center; provide $300,000 in each fiscal year for Mary Kendall Homes; authorize funds not to exceed $1.7 million to be available as a necessary government expense in the event that the Secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet determines the funding is necessary to operate the new juvenile detention centers in FY 2004-05; allow the Secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet to request approval from the State Budget Director for up to $10,412,800 in FY 2004-05 and up to $12,107,600 in FY 2005-06 as a necessary government expense if needed to postpone utilization, operate, or privatize the operations of the adult correctional facility located in Elliott County; create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to allow specific Class D felons or Class C felons who are serving a sentence in a state-operated prison to be eligible to serve the remainder of their sentences outside the walls of the detention facility under terms of home incarceration if an approved monitoring device as defined in KRS 532.200 is utilized; provide additional General Fund moneys totaling $2,000,000 in FY 2004-05 and $5,600,000 in FY 2005-06 to support costs associated with increased felon population in local jails, with the per diem to remain at $27.31; provide $500,00 each year of the biennium for the Rural Innovation Act; provide $7,000,000 in FY 2004-05 to expand the Allied Health Building for additional classroom and laboratory space at Paducah Community College; provide $9,000,000 in FY 2004-05 for retrofitting of the Morgantown Coal Bed Methane Research Technology Center; provide $13,066,000 in FY 2004-05 for the Henderson Technology Center; do not provide $12,000,000 in FY 2004-05 for the Madisonville Technology Center; provide an additional surplus property transfer for the Transportation Cabinet; provide language to allow the Department of Veterans' Affairs, along with the Office of Public Advocacy, to secure additional lease space to accommodate new staff supported by the budget; provide language for a Cattle Identification Program that would address such issues as Mad Cow Disease; provide language that removes cost-of-living increases for members of the General Assembly for fiscal years 2004-2005 and 2005-2006; include a provision for funding up to $500,000 each year for Kentucky Adult Education base funding and family literacy; amend KRS 134.460 and 134.500 to provide that the 12 percent interest that attaches to a certificate of delinquency also applies to the clerk's add-on fee and the county attorney's add-on fee; amend sections of KRS Chapter 439 to increase the number of parttime members on the Parole Board, revise the membership rules, and implement measures to expedite inmate parole hearings; add language relating to Judicial Branch Operations to provide General Fund dollars totaling $1,282,000 in FY 2005 and $922,400 in FY 2006 to support the operations of the Judicial Branch from savings from changes in payments to jurors as indicated in the Jury Selection and Compensation section of the bill; add $26,127,000 in fiscal year 2006 for six months of use allowance, including utilities and one-time nonrecurring furniture and equipment for 18 new courthouse projects; add language to require judges and justices to be provided the same cost-of-living adjustments as Executive Branch employees in Part IV of the Act; add language to direct the Administrative Office of the Courts to collect a minimum of $4,000,000 excess funds from the local operating accounts of Master Commissioners in FY 2004 and to transfer these funds and all future excess funds collected from the local operating accounts of Master Commissioners to the General Fund Surplus Account each fiscal year; add language to require the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide $565,000 each year for the employer's share of retirement and FICA for master commissioners; add language to require the Administrative Office of the Courts to conduct a comprehensive study of the court system and the cost of access to the courts.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004; floor amendments (6) (7) (8) (16) (18) (20) (22) and (39) filed ; floor amendments (2)(3)(4)(5)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15) (17)(19)(21)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27) (28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37) (38)(40)(41)(42) and (43) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 64-36 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (39)

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 17-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 29-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) and (16) to Committee Substitute; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Rules with committee amendments (17) (18) and (19) to Committee Substitute ; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Rules with committee amendments (20) (21) (22) and (23) to Committee Sub ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004; 3rd reading; committee amendments (1) (4) (7) (13) (14) and (15) withdrawn ; passed 22-0-16 with committee substitute, committee amendments (2) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) and (23); received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day for concurrence in Senate amendments; House refused to concur in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendments (2) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) and (23); received in Senate; Senate refused to recede from Committee Substitute, committee amendments (2) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) and (23); Conference Committee appointed in House and Senate

Apr 12-Conference Committee report #1 filed in Senate; Conference Committee report #1 adopted in Senate; passed 22-0-16; Not accepted in House (violation of House Rules and Mason's Manual)

Apr 13-Not accepted in House

HB 396 (BR 1081) - H. Moberly

AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the judicial branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities.

The Judicial Branch Budget: appropriate in the Court of Justice moneys from the General Fund, Restricted Funds, and Federal Funds totaling $249,746,800 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $281,935,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide a 1.5% salary adjustment in fiscal year 2004-2005 and 3% salary adjustment in fiscal year 2005-2006 for nonelected court personnel and justices and judges; include funds for the salaries of circuit clerks and trial commissioners in fiscal year 2004-2005 and fiscal year 2005-2006 as recommended in the Judicial Branch Budget Recommendation; include funds for existing and additional Drug Courts and Family Courts; include funds for additional deputy clerk, architect, and facilities officer positions; provide for the 2003 actuarial assessed need for the Judicial Form Retirement System; continue funding for the Kentucky Legal Education Opportunities (KLEO) Program; and provide that funding for previously authorized court facilities shall not be reduced.


HCS/Analysis - Appropriate in the Court of Justice moneys from the General Fund, Restricted Funds, and Federal Funds totaling $234,648,400 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $242,990,500 in fiscal year 2005-2006; limit additional funding to General Fund support to replace the loss of Federal Funds and Restricted Funds support for existing Drug Courts totaling $2,768,700 in FY 2005 and $5,612,200 in FY 2006; provide additional General Fund support for a cost-of-living adjustment for nonelected personnel and Circuit Clerks to help offset the rising cost of employee health insurance premiums totaling $482,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,486,900 in fiscal year 2005-2006; add language that allocates $225,000 each year to be provided for the Kentucky Legal Education Opportunities Program; add language restricting the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from utilizing funds allocated for increments, COLA, and health insurance premiums for deputy clerk salary enhancements for Restricted Funds and General Fund positions and other Judicial Branch positions for any other purpose or for any unfunded initiatives not specified in the Act; require staffing levels not fall below those on January 1, 2004; and add language that restores reporting requirements of the Judicial Branch to the LRC or the Interim Appropriations and Revenue Committee.

SCS/Analysis - Retain original provisions and appropriate in the Court of Justice moneys from the General Fund, Restricted Funds, and Federal Funds totaling $235,846,900 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $263,570,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006; delete funding for a health insurance COLA for nonelected personnel and Circuit Clerks and amend related language provisions accordingly; increase increments by one-half percent for all judicial employees providing additional General Fund support totaling $585,600 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $1,589,800 in fiscal year 2005-2006 and provide related language provisions; provide additional General Fund support for the operations of the Judicial Branch totaling $1,282,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $922,400 in fiscal year 2005-2006; provide language requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide the employer's share of FICA and retirement for Master Commissioners; provide language that directs the Administrative Office of the Courts to collect a minimum of $4,000,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 from Master Commissioners' local operating accounts and to transfer all moneys collected from this source to the credit of the General Fund Surplus Account; provide $19,948,400 additional General Fund support in fiscal year 2005-2006 for 15 new courthouse projects; require the Administrative Office of the Courts to conduct a comprehensive study of the Court's system and the allocation of judgeships for all Courts, Domestic Relations Commissioners, and the cost for access to the courts; require the report be submitted to the Interim Committees on Appropriations and Revenue and Judiciary no later than December 15, 2004.

SCA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Remove Livingston County courthouse project.

SCA (2, R. Sanders Jr) - Remove Trigg County Courthouse project.

SCA (3, R. Sanders Jr) - Remove Rowan Cournty Courthouse project.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 96-1 with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 17-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 29-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) and (3) ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 22-0-16 with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) and (3) ; received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House refused to concur in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) and (3) ; Conference Committee appointed in House

Apr 12-received in Senate; posted for passage for receding from Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) and (3); Senate receded from Committee Substitute, committee amendments (1) (2) and (3) ; passed 36-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 23-line items vetoed; bill minus line item vetoed provisions signed by Governor (Acts ch. 197)

HB 397/Analysis (BR 1079) - H. Moberly

AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, and support of the legislative branch of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The Legislative Branch Budget: appropriate from the General Fund $40,616,400 for fiscal year 2004-2005 and $40,616,400 for fiscal year 2005-2006; appropriate from Restricted Funds $115,000 for fiscal year 2004-2005 and $200,000 for fiscal year 2005-2006;

Appropriations are allocated as follows:


2004-2005 $13,377,300

2005-2006 $13,387,300


2004-2005 $27,354,100

2005-2006 $27,429,100


HFA (1, B. DeWeese) - Direct the General Assembly carryforward of $7,582,200 and the Legislative Research Commission carryforward of $7,697,000 in fiscal year 2003-2004 to both lapse to the credit of the General Fund Surplus account (KRS 48.700).

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 57-37

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 17-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 25-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 22-0-16; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 82)

HB 398 (BR 829) - D. Horlander, A. Arnold, J. Barrows, K. Bratcher, J. Bruce, P. Clark, J. Gray, C. Hoffman, M. Marzian, J. Reinhardt

AN ACT relating to school board elections.

Amend KRS 160.190 to provide that no seat on a board of education is to be filled by write-in vote unless another candidate appears on the ballot; amend KRS 160.210 to provide that chief state school officer shall fill new term of office for all openings that have no candidate filings under KRS 118.315.


HFA (1, J. Hoover) - Amend KRS 160.180 to disqualify from school board membership a person who has a member of his or her immediate family who is a member of the General Assembly or an elected county official, define "immediate family."

HFA (2, D. Horlander) - Amend to delete Section 1 of the bill, relating to vacancies in office for school board, amend to specify that county school board terms of office are filled by the state school officer when there are no candidate filings, and add that independent school board terms of office shall be filled by the state school officer when there are no candidate filings, unless a number of candidates equal to or greater than the number of positions to be filled file petitions for nomination.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Education (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Mar 2-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 88-2 with floor amendment (2)

Mar 12-received in Senate

Mar 17-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 148)

Introduced Jan. 29, 2004

HB 399/LM (BR 1367) - A. Smith, J. Stacy, L. Napier, F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to the registration of motor vehicles.

Amend KRS 186.020 to require motor vehicles to be registered in the county of the owner's residence; amend KRS 186.180, 186.190, 186A.100, 186A.120, 186A.220, and 186A.295 to conform.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

HB 400/FN (BR 1460) - T. Thompson, M. Weaver, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, B. Buckingham, T. Edmonds, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, F. Nesler, D. Sims

AN ACT relating to vital statistics.

Amend KRS 213.141 to require the state registrar to furnish birth and death certificates for free under certain circumstances for current or past members of the armed forces including the Kentucky National Guard.


HCS/FN - Clarify that birth certificates shall be provided at no charge to members of the Kentucky National Guard who are being deployed within 60 days of requesting the birth certificate.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 100-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 149)

HB 401 (BR 1108) - L. Napier

AN ACT relating to attorneys.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 309 to define "internship" and "solo practice," to require attorneys admitted to practice before the Court of Justice to complete a 1 year internship before engaging in solo practice, and to exempt attorneys admitted to practice by reciprocity and who practiced law in the other state for not less than 5 years.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 402/LM (BR 1280) - L. Napier

AN ACT relating to the discharge of liens.

Amend KRS 382.360 to require, rather than allow, county clerks to maintain marginal entry records of the discharge of liens; amend KRS 382.470, 382.290, and 426.715 to conform.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Judiciary (H)

HB 403 (BR 1515) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to employment.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 336 to provide limited immunity to an employer who discloses job performance information about a former or current employee to a prospective employer of that employee; require disclosure of information relating to the discharge of the employee for causing or threatening bodily harm to another person; name the bill the "Kentucky Workplace Safety Act."

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Labor and Industry (H)

HB 404/LM (BR 1462) - T. Burch, R. Adams, A. Arnold, S. Brinkman, L. Clark, P. Clark, R. Crimm, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, B. Montell, S. Nunn, R. Rand, R. Thomas

AN ACT relating to agricultural uses of land.

Amend KRS 100.111, relating to zoning, to include various horse-related activities within definition of "agricultural use."


HCS/LM - Retain provisions of original, except add projects for educational purposes as an activity allowed on land use involving horse activities.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Require at least five acres for certain activities involving horses to be considered agricultural use; exempt existing horse operations from the acreage limitation.

SFA (1, K. Stine) - Allow contemplative walking paths in cemeteries within boundaries of cities.

SFA (2, D. Kelly) - Specify that all shows, competitions, sporting events, and similar activities that are associated with youth and amateur programs and are not regulated by KRS Chapter 230 and have more than 70 participants shall be subject to local applicable zoning regulations; remove provision that only land less than five acres is grandfathered in to specify that land being used for equine uses as of the effective date of the Act, regardless of the size of land, is considered agricultural in use; amend KRS 100.203 to specify equine uses on tracts of land five acres or more may be subject to conditional use permits.

SFA (3, T. Buford) - Amend KRS 183.861, regarding the Airport Zoning Commission, to expand the Commission's jurisdiction over land use to include private airports with paved runways greater than 2,900 feet in length.

SFA (4/Title, T. Buford) - Make title amendment.

SFA (5, D. Kelly) - Specify that all shows, competitions, sporting events, and similar activities that are associated with youth and amateur programs and are not regulated by KRS Chapter 230 and have more than 70 participants shall be subject to local applicable zoning regulations; remove provision that only land less than five acres is grandfathered in to specify that land being used for equine uses as of the effective date of the Act, regardless of the size of land, is considered agricultural in use; amend KRS 100.203 to specify equine uses on tracts of land five acres or more may be subject to conditional use permits.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 17-3rd reading, passed 91-4 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Feb 18-received in Senate

Feb 23-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Mar 24-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendments (1) (2) (3) (4-title) and (5) filed

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (2) and (3) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with floor amendments (4-title) and (5) ; received in House; to Rules (H); taken from Rules committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendments (4-title) and (5) ; House concurred in Senate floor amendments (4-title) and (5) ; passed 60-24; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 150)

HB 405/FN (BR 1509) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to performance bond limitations.

Amend KRS 45A.190 to increase the limitations on performance bonds from $25,000 to $40,000, the maximum construction small purchase limit.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 10-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 406 (BR 1298) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to fire protection districts.

Amend KRS 75.040 to allow a fire protection district or a volunteer fire department district that operates an emergency ambulance service and is the primary service provider in the district to levy a tax upon the property in the district not to exceed 20 cents per $100 of valuation as assessed for county taxes; amend KRS 75.015 to conform.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Local Government (H)

Feb 5-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 90-0

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 35-2-1

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 151)

HB 407/CI (BR 236) - J. Richards

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 439 to provide that when a defendant applies for shock probation that the defendant must show that he or she will not be a hazard to the community, and will not benefit from incarceration, and that release will not unduly depreciate the seriousness of their crime; limit shock probation of convicted felons; provide for appearance of prosecutor or Attorney General, or both, on the matter of release; permit Commonwealth to appeal a decision to grant shock probation; amend KRS 439.235 and KRS 439.267 to conform; prohibit shock probation for persons trafficking in controlled substances, and to allow a defendant to file only one motion for shock probation.


HCS/CI - Amend to change requirement that defendant submit evidence relating to why defendant should be granted shock probation to a requirement to submit an affidavit as to reasons for shock probation; delete requirement for defendant to submit evidence that the defendant will not commit new crimes if released; delete requirement that judge find for shock probation by a preponderance of the evidence; delete presumption that if defendant has committed previous crimes or probation violations that the defendant should not receive shock probation; delete prohibition against probation of controlled substances statute violators; delete references to conditional discharge; delete option for Commonwealth to appeal granting of shock probation; retain all other original provisions of bill.

HFA (1, K. Bratcher) - Amend Section 1 of the bill to require a court to find, prior to granting shock probation, that the provisions of the Crime Victim's Bill of Rights relating to victim notification have been met; amend KRS 421.500 to require victim notification where a motion for shock probation is filed in addition to when a hearing is scheduled; amend KRS 421.520 to allow a victim to submit a new victim impact statement in response to a motion for shock probation.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Judiciary (S)

HB 408 (BR 1473) - J. Gooch, H. Collins

AN ACT relating to cosmetology fees.

Amend KRS 317A.050 to increase the fees paid for obtaining and maintaining licenses issued by the cosmetology board; require providers of continuing education classes to pay an application fee of $200; require such providers to pay a fee of $50 if requesting changes in the continuing education program; effective August 1, 2004.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 409/CI (BR 1480) - J. Hoover, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to placing inmates on home incarceration.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 532 to permit convicts selected by the Department of Corrections to serve the final 6 months of their sentence on home incarceration with a monitoring device; permit the inmate to be charged with escape if they violate the provisions of home incarceration.


HCS/CI - Amend to change time period from six months to 60 days and to require felon to have been incarcerated in a stateoperated facility.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 410/CI (BR 1481) - J. Hoover, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to sex offenders.

Amend KRS 17.500, relating to sex offender registration, to clarify that a person convicted of a violation of KRS 530.064, relating to unlawful transaction with a minor, is required to register only when the person has caused a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity; amend various sections of KRS Chapters 17, 197, 439, and 532 to change term "sexual offender" to "sex offender."


HFA (1, J. Hoover) - Retain original provisions of bill and amend KRS 17.500 to require certain provisions to be retroactive and apply to persons convicted before, on, or after the effective date; establish that any person who is not covered under the Act after the effective date does not have to register as a sex offender, unless required to do so pursuant to another provision of law; require a registered sex offender who is no longer required to register as a sex offender under this Act to apply to the deputy commissioner of Local Facilities and Community Services of the Department of Corrections for a document indicating that the person is no longer required to register as a sex offender; require the deputy commissioner, after performing a record check and verifying identity, to notify the applicant as to whether the applicant is required to register as a sex offender; require the Department of Corrections to promulgate administrative regulations for the application process and for an appeal process; make technical corrections.

HFA (2/LM/P, J. Draud) - Attach the provisions of HB 43.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 4-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Mar 8-floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 411 (BR 1477) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to resignations by school personnel.

Amend KRS 161.780 to permit school teachers and superintendents to resign within 14 days prior to the first student attendance day rather than 30 days prior to the beginning of school.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Education (H)

HB 412 (BR 1433) - M. Marzian, S. Brinkman

AN ACT relating to the merger of fire protection districts.

Amend KRS 75.020 to delete language which would prevent the merger of a newly merged district from changing its boundaries for a 2-year period.

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Local Government (H)

Feb 5-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 12-3rd reading, passed 90-4

Feb 13-received in Senate

Feb 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House

Mar 17-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 29-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 19)

Introduced Jan. 30, 2004

HB 413/FN/LM (BR 1514) - S. Riggs, J. Callahan, R. Crimm, R. Palumbo

AN ACT making an appropriation to local government police departments and declaring an emergency.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 23A and 24A to define "local government" and "police department", require the payment of an additional $20 court cost fee for distribution to local governments with police departments, require the circuit clerk to remit funds to the Finance and Administration Cabinet for quarterly distribution to local governments, require funds to be used for the expenses of the operation of the police department, prescribe formula for distribution of funds, require the Justice Cabinet to annually certify the number of certified police officers employed by each local police department, and authorize the Finance and Administration Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; repeal KRS 24A.190, 24A.191, 24A.192, and 24A.193; EMERGENCY.


HFA (1, K. Upchurch) - Provide proportional share of funding to sheriff's office for law enforcement activities in those counties which do not contain a city.

HFA (2, T. Riner) - Amend Section 2 to exclude cases arising from traffic violations from the $20 court costs fee.

HFA (3, T. Riner) - Amend House Bill 413 to increase the fees access to $34 rather than $20.

HFA (4, S. Nunn) - Amend HB 413 to allow local law enforcement personnel to exchange confiscated firearms for firearms and equipment with a federally licensed firearms dealer, extend time limit for exchanges or transfers to 180 days from 90 days.

HFA (5/Title, S. Nunn) - Amend title to read as follows: "AN ACT relating to law enforcement agencies, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency."

HFA (6, C. Walton) - Add new language to permit the use of funds generated from district and circuit court costs to be additionally used for contracted police services, county jails and the transporting of prisoners; require 30% of the funds to be distributed equally for local police departments or contracted police services, 50% to be distributed on a per capita basis based upon the number of certified police officers as prescribed, and 20% to be distributed to counties for jails or the transporting of prisoners, of the 20% going to counties, 30% shall be distributed equally to all counties and 70% shall be distributed on a per capita basis according to county population; require local governments to annually certify the amount expended for contracted police services to the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

HFA (7, C. Walton) - Insert new language to make eligible to receive funds generated from increased district and circuit court fees those counties who previously received net court revenue but who no longer have police departments; permit counties not having police departments to use the funds for other law enforcement activities as prescribed; require counties without police departments to annually certify the number of certified deputy sheriffs employed by the sheriff's department as prescribed.

HFA (8, S. Riggs) - Insert new language to permit the use of funds generated from increased district and circuit court costs to be additionally used for contracted police services, county jails, and the transporting of prisoners; require 30% of the funds to be distributed equally for local police departments or contracted police services, 50% to be distributed on a per capita basis based upon the number of certified police officers as prescribed, and 20% to be distributed to counties for jails or the transporting of prisoners; require local governments to annually certify the amount expended for contracted police services to the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

HFA (9/Title, S. Riggs) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, E. Tori) - Insert language to require that counties with detention centers be included in those county governments eligible to receive funding from increased court costs.

SFA (2, J. Denton) - Amend various sections referring to providing moneys for transportation of prisoners to specify transportation of misdemeanant prisoners.

SFA (3, J. Pendleton) - Insert new subsection in Sections 1 and 2 to require distribution of an amount of funds from new court costs fees equal to 2001 net court revenue levels to those counties which were receiving net court revenue funds in 2001; and require distribution of such funds prior to the distribution of funds to other local governments as provided by subsection 5 of the Act.


Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Local Government (H)

Feb 5-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 18-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 20-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 5-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 8-floor amendments (4) and (5-title) filed

Mar 9-floor amendments (6) (7) (8) and (9-title) filed ; floor amendments (2) and (3) withdrawn

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 65-26 with floor amendments (8) and (9-title)

Mar 12-received in Senate

Mar 17-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 19-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S); floor amendment (1) withdrawn

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill; floor amendments (2) and (3) filed

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; 3rd reading; floor amendments (2) and (3) withdrawn ; passed 36-0

Mar 26-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 78)

HB 414 (BR 1115) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to fines for traffic offenses.

Amend KRS 189.394, regarding fines for speeding, to double fines for speeding in a school zone where the speed limit has been lowered and flashing lights have been installed pursuant to KRS 189.336.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Transportation (H)

HB 415 (BR 1544) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

Amend KRS 198B.650 to delete the definition of "apprentice heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanic," and add a definition for "Class A heating, ventilation, and air conditioning mechanic"; amend KRS 198B.654, 198B.656, 198B.658, 198B.674, and 198B.676 to conform.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 9-reassigned to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

HB 416 (BR 1255) - G. Lindsay, A. Simpson

AN ACT relating to continuing education.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to provide that a legislator who is properly licensed, whose business or profession is governed by KRS 6.744, and who completes the annual orientation course or current issues seminar required by KRS Chapter 6, shall be exempt from the continuing education requirements of the board, commission, or association by which the legislator is licensed.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to State Government (H)

HB 417/AA (BR 1525) - C. Walton, J. Draud, D. Graham, T. Kerr, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, C. Siler, A. Simpson, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to school employees and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 158.070 to require school districts or schools that extend the length of regular school days to make up instructional time missed due to weather, illness, or other emergency to calculate the additional time toward the required 185-day minimum school calendar days and toward service credit for retirement for certified and classified personnel; EMERGENCY.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Education (H)

HB 418/FN (BR 1510) - R. Adkins, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission.

Amend KRS 56.8605, relating to the Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission, to amend the definition of "authorized project" to include projects that will be payable from receipts of federal transportation funds; change the definition of "project notes" to mean notes issued with a final maturity of not more than twenty years, instead of ten years; amend KRS 56.863 to clarify the duties of the commission relating to financial matters.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 33-0

Mar 26-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 99)

HB 419 (BR 1116) - T. McKee

AN ACT relating to accessible parking placards.

Amend KRS 189.456, relating to permanent accessible parking placards, to tie the definition of a debilitating condition to the definition established in KRS 186.042; amend KRS 189.458, relating to temporary accessible parking placards, to require a person either initially applying for or renewing a temporary placard to provide the county clerk with a physician's statement; amend KRS 189.459 to establish a $1,000 fine for any person who makes, possesses, or knowingly uses any imitation, counterfeit, or transferable permanent or temporary placard, or any person who steals a valid parking placard; establish a $500 fine for any person who misrepresents a debilitating condition to a physician with the intention of obtaining a permanent or temporary placard; amend KRS 189.990 to conform.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

HB 420 (BR 1141) - C. Belcher, De. Butler

AN ACT relating to public accountancy.

Amend KRS 322.280 to permit the board to grant a privilege to practice public accountancy to an applicant whose principal place of business is not in this state; change the application cost for the privilege from $200 to $100; require the holder of the privilege to notify the board immediately if the license in the applicant's home jurisdiction becomes inactive, lapses, or is subjected to disciplinary action; require that the privilege be automatically suspended or revoked if the home jurisdiction takes identical action on the license upon which the privilege is granted; require that the privilege expire at the earlier of a period of two years or until the license upon which the privilege is granted expires; permit the privilege to be renewed; permit the board to take disciplinary action against a licensee for an act committed in another state if the act at the time of its commission is a violation of this chapter; amend KRS 325.431 to exempt from the privilege extended the peer review committee's proceedings, records, and workpapers, correspondence, and records of the peer review program obtained by the board from a licensee or applicant seeking licensing or the renewal of such licensing, and statements of the peer committee to determine if the licensee or applicant for licensing or renewal is enrolled in a peer review program.


HCS - Retain original provisions; replace references referring to the practice of accountancy to the practice of the regulated activities; delete language excluding records of the peer review program that are obtained by the board from the person seeking licensing or renewal from privileged communications and replace with language excluding from such privilege, reports so obtained.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 74-13 with Committee Substitute

Feb 17-received in Senate

Feb 20-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 17-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 18-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Mar 22-received in House

Mar 23-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 34)

HB 421/LM (BR 1097) - S. Brinkman, P. Clark, D. Horlander

AN ACT relating to property taxes.

Amend KRS 91A.070 to provide that, if the city collects delinquent property taxes, the city is entitled to reasonable attorney fees and other costs; amend KRS 134.420 to provide that the lien for delinquent tax bills shall also include costs and reasonable attorney fees; amend KRS 134.440 to provide that the actual cost of advertising each tax claim shall initially be paid by the county and added to the tax claim as a part of the certificate of delinquency; amend KRS 134.490 to provide that a private person shall be entitled to include, as part of the certificate of delinquency, actual and reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in enforcing the certificate; amend KRS 134.500 to provide that, other than in a county containing a city of the first class or a consolidated local government, the sheriff's fee for advertising, the clerk's add-on fee, and the county attorney add-on fee shall be excluded from the interest calculation except upon adoption of an ordinance by a county to include them in the calculation.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to Local Government (H)

Introduced Feb. 2, 2004

HB 422 (BR 1511) - J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to government records.

Create a new section of the Open Records Act to allow a residential landlord to inspect any records held by the state relating to payments made to the landlord by recipients of public funds.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to State Government (H)

HB 423/LM (BR 1050) - J. Callahan

AN ACT relating to the vehicle emission testing program.

Amend KRS 224.20-740 to provide that the county clerk shall receive $0.25 for each vehicle registered in the county during the preceding month from the reimbursement the Commonwealth receives from the contractor for the vehicle emission testing program.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 424 (BR 1562) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to methamphetamine.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 15A to direct that the Justice Cabinet establish and maintain a work group on methamphetamine awareness; provide membership of the work group; direct that the secretary of the Justice Cabinet and the Attorney General, or their designees, shall chair the work group; direct the work group to seek a federal grant to fund the program; require a progress report to the Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary by September 30, 2004.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Judiciary (H)

HB 425 (BR 1508) - F. Rasche

AN ACT relating to the selection of school personnel.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to specify the roles of the superintendent, principal, and school-based decision making councils in the selection of personnel; incorporate and clarify existing responsibilities previously found in KRS 160.345; add definitions; require that a superintendent and school-based decision making council develop criteria in addition to certification that will be used in the selection of a school principal based on the needs of the school; specify the limitations relating to interim principals; require superintendents to rank all applicants for principal and send to the council; specify that consultations between the superintendent and the council and all rankings are confidential and not subject to open records and open meetings requirements; provide that a superintendent may appeal a council's decision; outline the role of the commissioner of education; amend KRS 160.345 to provide clarifying subheadings and to delete requirements to selection of personnel that are incorporated into the new section.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Education (H)

Feb 4-posted in committee

HB 426 (BR 1113) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to charitable gaming.

Amend KRS 238.535 to establish two-year rather than three-year residency requirement for charitable organizations seeking licensing to conduct charitable gaming.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 427 (BR 1517) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to the taxing authority of emergency services boards.

Amend KRS 65.670 to allow an emergency services board to collect up to $0.10 for each $100 of property value for each special district whose board is merged.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Local Government (H)

Feb 9-posting waived

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 78-11

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 35-2-1

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 152)

HB 428 (BR 1257) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to federal candidates and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 118.365 to exempt independent candidates for federal office from filing a statement-of-candidacy form; amend KRS 118.367 to provide that independent candidates for federal office shall not be required to file a statement-of-candidacy form; and amend KRS 118.176 to require a challenge of the bona fides of a candidate for President and Vice President to be brought in Franklin Circuit Court; EMERGENCY.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 429/AA (BR 1499) - A. Arnold, M. Cherry, T. Edmonds, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.552 to permit an employee participating in one of the retirement systems administered by the Kentucky Retirement System to purchase service credit for service on a school board; require the employee to pay the retirement system the full cost of the service purchased; require an employee who opts to purchase service credit for service on a school board to contract with the system prior to December 31, 2004.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to State Government (H)

HB 430 (BR 1545) - T. Feeley, T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to reorganization.

Amend KRS 164A.700 to redefine "board," "qualified beneficiary," "qualified postsecondary education expenses," and "tuition," and define "tuition account program officer"; amend KRS 164A.701 to move the administration of the Commonwealth postsecondary education prepaid tuition trust fund from the Office of the State Treasurer to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority's Tuition Account Program Office; amend KRS 164A.709 to conform; repeal KRS 41.025 and KRS 164A703; confirm Executive Order 2003-652.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to State Government (H)

Feb 5-posted in committee

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 27-3rd reading, passed 89-0

Mar 1-received in Senate

Mar 4-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 431/CI (BR 1540) - T. Kerr

AN ACT relating to driving under the influence for persons under the age of twenty-one.

Amend KRS 189A.010 relating to DUI to specify that the prohibition relating to persons under the age of 21 applies only where the alcohol concentration is between 0.02 to 0.08.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

HB 432 (BR 1573) - D. Sims

AN ACT relating to the establishment of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 171 to establish and attach the Commonwealth of Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission; attach the commission to the Kentucky Historical Society; assign membership and duties; sunset on June 30, 2010.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Tourism Development and Energy (H); posting waived

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Feb 6-3rd reading, passed 88-0

Feb 9-received in Senate

Feb 12-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 433 (BR 162) - J. Richards

AN ACT relating to economic development.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 154 to provide definitions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 154 to authorize the authority to promulgate administrative regulations; authorize a $1,000 nonrefundable tax credit to any qualified business that does not participate in other economic development incentive programs for each newly hired qualified employee; provide for the tax credit to be taken against taxes imposed by KRS Chapter 141; allow for a carry-forward provision for five years for unused credits; require that no existing full-time jobs within a qualified business shall be adversely affected or terminated; require the authority to make all inquiries concerning an application that it deems necessary; require the authority to provide the Revenue Cabinet with appropriate notification and documentation of the tax credits that are provided to the qualified business; amend KRS 141.0205 to include the job creating tax credit among the prioritized list of credits; provide that credit shall be permitted for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Introduced Feb. 3, 2004

HB 434/FN/AA (BR 1452) - F. Rasche

AN ACT relating to retired teachers and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 161.220 to continue KTRS membership for former Department of Adult Education employees; exclude accountability rewards program compensation from definition of “annual compensation"; amend definition of “last annual compensation”; amend KRS 161.260 to reference statute permitting persons providing substitute and part-time services to vote in retirement board of trustees elections; amend KRS 161.340 to make technical correction; amend KRS 161.420 to remove archaic statutory references; amend KRS 161.430 to make gender correction; amend KRS 161.480 to specify beneficiary designations for the accounts of non-retired members and provide guidelines in the event of divorce or failure to name a beneficiary, and provide that this section shall not apply to the accounts of members who have retired or to the life insurance benefit; amend KRS 161.507 to remove archaic reference; amend KRS 161.515 to clarify that only full-time out-of-state teaching service may be purchased, and provide that effective July 1, 2005, out-of-state teaching, Kentucky Peace Corps, and federal Peace Corps service shall be purchasable only at full actuarial cost; amend KRS 161.520 to specify that benefits are available when the surviving widow or widower is named as the primary beneficiary; amend KRS 161.525 to specify that benefits are available when the surviving widow or widower or legal dependent is named as the primary beneficiary; amend KRS 161.545 to provide that non-current leaves of absence may be purchased for reasons of health as defined under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act, and provide alternative forms of proof that non-current leaves of absence were granted; amend KRS 161.550 to require an employer medical insurance fund stabilization contribution; amend KRS 161.553 to update funding schedule; amend KRS 161.597 to remove archaic provisions, and provide that, subject to IRS approval, members may purchase service credit by payroll deduction on a tax-deferred basis; amend KRS 161.600 to provide that KRS retirees with KTRS reciprocity accounts may retire subject to KRS 61.559(2)(c) with actuarial discount applied; amend KRS 161.605 to reduce percentage of retirees an employer may hire from 4% to 3% of employer’s workforce, provide that local school districts shall make requests to exceed the quota no sooner than two weeks after the start of the school year, provide that second accounts shall not entitle members to duplicate adult handicapped child benefits, permit cost-of-living allowances to be applied each July 1 to members’ last annual compensation no matter when it was earned, provide alternative separation-from-service requirements, provide a critical shortage program, provide that KTRS may reduce a member’s retirement allowance on a dollar-for-dollar basis for each dollar that a retired member earns in employment exceeding 100 days, provide that any retired member may be employed by a university or community college for 12 teaching hours in a teaching position or 100 days in a non-teaching position, specify that subsections (1) through (9) of the section do not apply to retired members returning to work for a university or community college, provide that KTRS may reduce a member’s retirement allowance on a dollar-for-dollar basis for each dollar that a retired member earns in employment exceeding 100 days or 12 teaching hours, and provide that the board shall adopt a methodology for a pro rata apportionment of days and hours for retired members who return to work in both teaching and non-teaching positions; amend KRS 161.612 to specify that the provisions for substitute and part-time employment do not apply to universities or community colleges, provide that the board may adopt a pro rata methodology to determine the annual compensation of members providing substitute and part-time services to determine disability benefits, provide conditions under which members providing substitute and part-time services may vote in retirement board elections, and provide that instructional assistants who are used on an emergency basis as substitute teachers for 5 or fewer days in a fiscal year shall not be considered members of KTRS for those 5 or fewer days; amend KRS 161.614 to provide that a member may have court-ordered service credited to his or her account only after the retirement system has received contributions on the full compensation normally earned in the position which is the subject of the litigation, and make technical correction; amend KRS 161.620 to provide reference to basic retirement allowance as a base in calculating retirement allowance; change reference to “last annual compensation” to “last yearly salary” and provide definition, and permit ad hoc cost of living allowances to retirees; amend KRS 161.630 to clarify language permitting changing retirement options; amend KRS 161.640 to provide conditions under which members who are customarily employed under 12-month contracts may retire prior to July 1; amend KRS 161.650 to specify beneficiary designations for refund of retirees’ account balances and provide guidelines for the event of divorce, naming trusts as beneficiaries and failure to designate a beneficiary; amend KRS 161.655 to specify beneficiary designations for refund of retirees’ account balances and provide guidelines for the event of divorce, naming trusts as beneficiaries and failure to designate a beneficiary; amend KRS 161.680 to change reference to “employee or beneficiary” to “individual”; Effective July 1, 2004; EMERGENCY.


HCS (1/FN/AA) - Retain original provisions except provide that a university employee who originally elected to participate in the optional retirement plan may irrevocably elect one time during his or her lifetime to change his or her election and to prospectively participate in the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System; make technical correction to the cost of living monetary chart; and delete ambiguous language.

HCS (2/FN/AA) - Retain provisions of house committee substitute; clarify that the state makes the medical insurance fund stabilization contribution; allow department to hire retired members without compensation limits if necessary to fill critical shortage areas in the schools it operates; reduce benefit improvements for 2004 - 2006.

SCS/AA - Retain original provisions except delete ad hoc cost of living allowances to retirees.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Education (H); posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2)

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute (2)

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-recommitted to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute as a Consent Bill ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 26, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 29-placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 90-1; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 121)

HB 435/FN (BR 1492) - M. Cherry, C. Geveden, J. Bruce, T. McKee, F. Nesler, S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to fire departments and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 95A.262 to allot one million dollars each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2004-2005 from money in the firefighters foundation program fund to be used the by the commission to conduct training related activities; amend KRS 95A.220 to appropriate funds.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 93-1

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Mar 26-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 71)

HB 436/FN (BR 1424) - M. Cherry, C. Geveden, J. Bruce, T. McKee, F. Nesler, S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to volunteer fire department aid.

Amend KRS 95A.262 to increase aid to volunteer fire departments under the Firefighters Foundation Program from $8,250 annually to $10,000 if at least 50% of the firefighters in that department are IFSAC I certified and to $11,000 if at least 50% of the firefighters in that department are IFSAC II certified.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions of the bill; amend KRS 95A.250 to entitle the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to an annual supplement of $3,000 for each Kentucky fire and rescue training coordinator employed who meets the qualifications of KRS 95A.230; entitle the Kentucky Air National Guard to an annual supplement of $3,000 for each civilian firefighter employed who meets the qualifications required by KRS 95A.230; require that the annual supplement received by the employer be paid to the qualified employee in addition to his or her regular salary.

HCA (1/Title, M. Weaver) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, B. Montell) - Amend KRS 95A.262 to increase the allotment made to qualifying fire departments by $500 annually if half or more of the firefighters complete at least 25 hours of continuing education each year.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 2-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute ; reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 437 (BR 1322) - M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to barbering.

Amend KRS 317.430 to change the Kentucky Board of Barbering's membership composition; change the board's terms of appointment to four years with staggered terms; increase compensation rates for board members; amend KRS 317.450 to require licensed apprentices to barber an average of twenty hours per week under the specified conditions to be eligible for a license to practice barbering; expand the definition of the educational requirement for an apprentice barber to include the General Educational Development (GED) test raise the maximum license fee the board may charge to operate a barber shop; add to requirement for operating a school of barbering that at least one teacher must have twelve months' experience teaching barbering an average of twenty hours per week; require that schools of barbering are responsible for documenting and tracking teaching experience requirements; indicate that the board may promulgate regulations concerning teaching documentation and tracking; require that a school of barbering designate a licensed teacher as the manager; require that the owners and managers of a school of barbering are responsible for compliance with KRS Chapter 317 and any administrative regulations promulgated under the authority of KRS Chapter 317; expand the definition of the educational requirement to teach barbering to include the General Educational Development (GED) test; raise the maximum renewal license fee the board may charge to teachers of barbering; set the maximum fee to issue a duplicate license; amend KRS 317.570 to make a technical correction; amend KRS 317.590 to clarify the actions the board may take against licensees who commit actionable offenses; add obtaining a license by fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit to the list of offenses actionable by the board.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 438/LM (BR 1578) - J. Vincent, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to the sale or other disposition of city or county property.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 82 to provide the methods for cities to sell or otherwise dispose of real and personal property; amend KRS 67.0802 to conform.


SFA (1, D. Karem) - Allow cities to transfer property for economic development purposes.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Local Government (H)

Feb 11-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 92-1

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with floor amendment (1) ; received in House; to Rules (H); taken from Rules committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendment (1) ; House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; bill passed 91-2; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 153)

HB 439 (BR 1300) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to the assessment of students attending nonpublic schools receiving public funds.

Create a new section of KRS 158.645 to 158.650 to require that, in the event that state funds are provided to support nonpublic schools, a participating nonpublic school shall be certified by the Kentucky Board of Education, assess its students in the same manner as public school students are assessed, and provide the results to the Kentucky Department of Education; require the Kentucky Department of Education to provide assessments and scoring to nonpublic schools at no charge, provide technical assistance, and conduct an annual evaluation of nonpublic school student achievement; and require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations to implement the provisions of this Act.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Education (H)

HB 440 (BR 1519) - T. Feeley


HB 441 (BR 1581) - T. McKee

AN ACT relating to licensing veterinarians.

Amend KRS 321.211 to require veterinarians to pay a renewal fee for licensing in even-numbered years only, rather than every year; modify renewal fee grace period to conform with revised licensing period.


SCA (1, G. Tapp) - Permit the cosmetology board to promulgate administrative regulations establishing a reasonable schedule of fees and charges for examinations, licenses, and renewals established under this chapter; require that fees be paid into the State Treasury and credited to a trust and agency fund established under KRS 317A.080.

SCA (2/Title, R. Stivers) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, E. Worley) - Amend KRS 315.150 to change the term beginning January 1, 2005, of each board member from three years to four years.

SFA (2, R. Stivers) - Require the Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists to promulgate administrative regulations allowing continuing education credit for programs at trade shows; require that credit be given to programs that use brand-name and particular products if they otherwise meet the criteria for programs using generic products.

SFA (3, D. Kelly) - Permit the board of cosmetology to promulgate administrative regulations establishing fees; set upper limit on the amounts to be charged.

SFA (4, D. Thayer) - Prohibit euthanasia by gunshot in animal shelters except on order of a veterinarian who shall be present at the time of euthanasia.

SFA (5, A. Robinson) - Retain provisions of bill and insert new provisions to amend KRS 311.723 to prohibit all abortions in Kentucky; amend KRS 311.990 to penalize the performance of an abortion as a Class D felony; repeal KRS 311.725, 311.732, 311.733, 311.735, 311.750, 311.760, 311.765, 311.770, 311.780, 311.800.

SFA (6/Title, A. Robinson) - Make title amendment.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Feb 20-received in Senate

Feb 25-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 25-floor amendments (3) (4) (5) and (6-title) filed

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; 3rd reading; floor amendments (4) (5) and (6-title) withdrawn ; passed 35-0 with committee amendments (1) and (2-title), floor amendments (1) (2) and (3)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate committee amendments (1) and (2-title), floor amendments (1) (2) and (3) ; passed 72-18; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 96)

HB 442 (BR 1211) - R. Webb, R. Rand, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to land surveyors.

Amend KRS 32.110 to allow the holder of a professional land surveyor license to be deemed a professional for the purposes of KRS 413.245, which relates to professional malpractice

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 19-posting withdrawn

HB 443 (BR 1212) - R. Webb, R. Rand, M. Harper, C. Hoffman

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 100 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the office of County Surveyor.

Propose amendment to Section 100 of the Kentucky Constitution to require any person who holds the office of county surveyor to be licensed; require provisions to be effective at the regular election for 2006; submit question to voters.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

HB 444 (BR 1187) - M. Denham

AN ACT relating to agritourism.

Create a new section of KRS 247.800 to 247.810 to limit the liability of persons who have agritourism operations.


HFA (1, M. Denham) - Clarify that the purpose of agritourism is to make it more available to the public.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 25-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Judiciary (H)

HB 445 (BR 1450) - C. Geveden, J. Vincent, G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to the protection of Social Security number disclosures in domestic relations cases.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to require in domestic relations cases where the disclosure of a Social Security number is required, that the disclosure be made not in the text of a document in the public record of the case, but in a separate form to be stored in a separate, secure area; amend KRS 403.150, 403.160, 403.211, 407.5311, and 407.5602 to conform.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 6-posted in committee

Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 13-3rd reading, passed 86-1

Feb 17-received in Senate

Feb 20-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

HB 446 (BR 448) - C. Geveden, M. Cherry, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to political advertising.

Amend KRS 121.015 to define "full screen," "radio," "scan line," "sponsor," "television," and "unobscured"; amend KRS 121.190 to require political advertisements on radio or television to comply with additional disclosure requirements; require television advertisements purchased by candidates, executive committees, permanent committees, individuals, or other sponsors that support or oppose the election of one or more clearly identified candidates to include specified statements and the placement of an unobscured, full screen picture of the disclosing individual; require radio advertisements purchased by candidates, executive committees, permanent committees, individuals, or other sponsors that support or oppose the election of one or more clearly identified candidates to include specified statements; require disclosure for jointly sponsored advertisements; provide for civil penalties for violation; amend KRS 121.990 penalty requirements to conform.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except delete definition of "scan line" in KRS 121.015; require disclaimers on radio or television advertising that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate to include audio statements by the candidate and states that the candidate has approved the communication; require written disclaimers; apply requirements to sponsors, executive committees, permanent committees, or other persons paying for communications; provide that disclaimers apply unless in conflict with the Federal Communications Act; provide that no radio or television station shall be held responsible for the content of the disclaimers.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 73-18 with Committee Substitute

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 447 (BR 1552) - R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to the relocation of utilities in conjunction with a highway construction project.

Amend KRS 177.035, relating to the relocation of public utilities in conjunction with a highway project, to authorize the Transportation Cabinet to reimburse private utilities the cost of relocating facilities if required due to a highway project; specify conditions before costs may be reimbursed to a private utility; require a private utility, at its own expense, to inspect the work to relocate facilities whether the utility is doing the work or if someone else is doing the work; require private utilities, at their own expense, to relocate its facilities out of a highway right-of-way if the relocation is required due to a highway construction project and the utility had not received the proper permits from the Transportation Cabinet for its facilities to be on the highway right-of-way.


HCS - Delete the provisions of the original bill and insert in lieu thereof a new Section 1 to amend KRS 177.035 to define "utility" and establish steps a private utility is required to take to be eligible to be reimbursed relocation costs if the utility's facilities must be moved in conjunction with a highway project.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Transportation (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-received in Senate

Mar 9-to Transportation (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 22-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 154)

HB 448/AA (BR 1474) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to health insurance.

Amend KRS 18A.225 to require a statewide policy of group health care coverage for preferred provider organization (PPO) for coverage for all classes of employees in 2005 and thereafter; require the Personnel Cabinet and Kentucky Group Health Insurance board to develop a proposal for legislation to be presented to the 2005 Regular Session to establish statewide self-funded health insurance plan; make technical corrections.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to State Government (H)

HB 449 (BR 1243) - J. Barrows


HB 450 (BR 1106) - R. Wilkey, M. Marzian, J. Adams, J. Barrows, M. Cherry, L. Clark, C. Geveden, J. Gray, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, T. McKee, C. Miller, H. Moberly, S. Nunn, D. Pasley, J. Richards, K. Stein, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to medical malpractice and making an appropriation.

Amend KRS 304.13-051 to require medical malpractice insurers to file rates with the Department of Insurance; authorize the commissioner to hold a hearing on the rate filing; require the insurer to notify policyholders of the proposed rate increase; create a new section of Subtitle 40 of KRS Chapter 304 to require medical malpractice insurers before the first of March 2005 and annually thereafter to file with the commissioner a medical malpractice insurance premium and market statement for the preceding calendar year; create new sections of Subtitle 40 of KRS Chapter 304 to create the Kentucky Health Care Providers' Mutual Insurance Authority to provide medical malpractice insurance to health care providers; provide that the authority is a nonprofit, independent, self-supporting de jure municipal corporation and political subdivision of the Commonwealth; provide for a board of directors which shall function in a manner similar to the governing body of a mutual insurance company; direct the board to hire a manager who shall have proven successful experience for a period of at least five (5) years as an executive at the general management level in insurance operations or in the management of a state fund for medical malpractice; establish powers and duties of the manager; require the authority to provide medical malpractice insurance to any health care provider who pays the premium and complies with any other qualifications and conditions adopted by the authority; require the authority to provide coverage to any health care provider who is unable to secure coverage in the voluntary market unless the provider owes undisputed premiums to a previous medical malpractice carrier or to a medical malpractice residual market mechanism; direct the authority to establish separate rating plans, rates, and underwriting standards for different classes of risks; require rates to be based only on Kentucky experience; authorize the board to declare an annual dividend and distribute it in the form of premium discounts, dividends, or a combination of discounts and dividends if certain conditions are met; require a quarterly report of assets and liabilities to be provided to the board, the Governor, and the Legislative Research Commission; require the board to file an annual report indicating the business done in the previous year and deliver the report to the Governor, commissioner of the Department of Insurance, Auditor of Public Accounts, Attorney General, and co-chairs of the Legislative Research Commission; prohibit the authority from entering into a contract for an audit unless the Auditor of Public Accounts has turned down a request to perform the audit; provide that if the assets of the authority are less than its liabilities, the board may levy an assessment on its policyholders; require the board to formulate and adopt an investment policy; require the manager to compile and maintain statistical and actuarial data; prohibit the authority from receiving any direct state general fund appropriation; authorize the board to initiate a one-time or annual surcharge on all licensed providers; provide that upon request of the board, the Governor and the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet may determine additional initial funding which may include a loan from an existing state agencies not to exceed seven million dollars ($7,000,000); authorize the issuance of revenue bonds not to exceed forty million dollars ($40,000,000) upon approval of the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet; provide that the authority may utilize only agents duly and legally licensed and in good standing with the provisions of this chapter; exempt board members, the manager, and any employee from being held personally liable for acts taken in official capacity; require the board, manager, and employees to comply with the Executive Branch Code of Ethics; prohibit the authority from participating in any plan, pool, association, guarantee, or insolvency fund required by this chapter; require the board to comply with the open meetings and open records laws; direct the Attorney General and the Auditor of Public Accounts to monitor operations of the authority and authorize each to make examinations or investigations of the operations, practices, management, and other matters of the authority; require the Attorney General and the Auditor of Public Accounts to report jointly to the General Assembly in January in each even-numbered year in which the General Assembly convenes in a regular session the results of their monitoring activities; create a new section of KRS Chapter 454 to define "health care provider"; permit either party to request a medical review panel be established; provide that if a panel is requested, proceedings on the malpractice action are stayed during the period of review; provide that the panel shall determine whether the evidence supports the conclusion that the defendant acted or failed to act within the appropriate standards of care as charged in the complaint; provide that the report of the panel is admissible in any action brought by the claimant in a court of law; create a new section of KRS Chapter 454 to require that a lawsuit against a health care provider be submitted to mediation to be held within 90 days after all responsive pleadings are filed; create a new section of KRS Chapter 454 to permit the substitution of the liability insurer as the real party in interest in a claim for medical malpractice or negligence against a health care provider if the plaintiff files a verified acknowledgment that the plaintiff will accept the limits of any available insurance in payment of any settlement or verdict; create new sections of KRS 216B to create a patient safety center within the Cabinet for Health Services to maximize patient safety, reduce medical errors, and improve the quality of health care; require as a condition of licensure that every hospital and ambulatory surgical center report a medical error, adverse medical event, sentinel event, and related patient safety data to the center; amend KRS 311.377 to conform.


HCS - Retain original provisions; amend KRS 304.13-051 to require medical malpractice insurers who for the 90-day period prior to filing did not issue or renew medical malpractice insurance policies in Kentucky to file rates at least 30 days before the proposed effective date of the rates; delete provision authorizing the Kentucky Health Care Providers' Mutual Insurance Authority board to levy an annual or one-time surcharge on participating health care providers; delete Sections 25 to 32 on medical review panels and replace with new sections of KRS Chapter 411 on medical malpractice screening panels; permit a party to an action for medical malpractice to file a memorandum with the Circuit Court requesting a medical malpractice screening panel be convened; permit a Circuit Court judge to convene a panel if neither party makes a request; provide that if a claim for damages on account of medical malpractice has not been formalized by filing a complaint, any party affected by the claim may request the court to convene a screening panel; provide for a four-member screening panel consisting of a health care provider selected by the plaintiff, a health care provider selected by the defendant, a health care provider selected jointly by plaintiff and defendant, and an attorney who serves as chair selected by the Circuit Court judge; direct state licensing authorities to maintain lists of health care providers available to serve on panels; direct the judge to notify parties that screening panel members are to be appointed within 10 days of the notice; provide that screening panels are to submit written reports within 90 days after the panel is commenced as to whether there was a departure from the standard practice of the health care provider specialty involved and whether a causal relationship existed between the damages suffered by the claimant and any such departure; provide that the written report is admissible in any legal proceeding; provide for screening panel members to be paid a total of $500 and the chair to be paid a total of $1000; require each side to pay 50 percent of the costs of the panel; provide that in those cases before a screening panel which have not been formalized by filing a complaint in a court of law the filing of the request for the panel shall toll any applicable statute of limitations until 30 days after the panel has issued its recommendations; provide that mediation must take place within 180 days after all responsive pleadings are filed unless a screening panel was convened, in which case mediation must take place within 90 days after the filing of the panel's report; delete Section 34 on liability insurer substituted as real party in interest; deleted Sections 35 to 37 on patient safety and replace with new sections of KRS Chapter 216B on patient safety; create a patient health safety center in the Cabinet for Health Services or the Cabinet for Public Health; require as a condition of licensure that every hospital and ambulatory surgical center establish a process for identifying and managing sentinel events; provide that hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations shall be in compliance if they comply with joint commission standards for sentinel events; require the cabinet to analyze the root cause for each sentinel event directly reported to the center and provide evidence-based recommendations to the facility reporting the event; require the cabinet to annually obtain from the joint commission a nonidentifiable report summarizing the number and type of sentinel events and types of root causes reported to it by Kentucky facilities; require every hospital to establish a patient safety program as a condition of licensure; and amend KRS 311.377 to provide that certain information is confidential and cannot be used in a civil action alleging negligent credentialing.

HFA (1, J. Gooch) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to tax as income at a rate of 100% the proceeds of punitive damages recovered in a civil action against a health care provider; distribute the funds to aid in funding the Kentucky Access program.

HFA (2, J. Gooch) - Amend to insert new provision prohibiting an attorney from receiving for services rendered in a medical malpractice case not more than twenty percent of the damages recovered for pain and suffering.

HFA (3, T. Riner) - Retain original provisions except define "medical error"; require the Patient Safety Center to collect and analyze information on medical errors and unanticipated adverse events; require hospitals to report medical errors and unanticipated adverse events to the Patient Safety Center; and require medical error information to be privileged and confidential.

HFA (4, T. Riner) - Retain original provisions, except add a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to require the Cabinet for Health Services to collect and disseminate hospital data related to utilization and performance, coordinating its efforts with the national forum for health care quality measurements and reporting; and provide for the correction of factual inaccuracies prior to making the data public.

HFA (5, R. Wilkey) - Make technical changes.

HFA (6/Title, R. Wilkey) - Make title amendment.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to State Government (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004; floor amendments (1) (2) (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute

Feb 19-floor amendment (5) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (6-title) filed

Feb 20-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) ruled not germane ; floor amendment (3) rejected ; passed 70-19 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (5) and (6-title)

Feb 23-received in Senate

Feb 26-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 25-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading; returned to Banking and Insurance (S)

HB 451 (BR 1579) - A. Simpson, J. Callahan

AN ACT relating to tax credits for historic property rehabilitation and construction.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to provide a tax credit for qualified rehabilitation expenses paid to rehabilitate a certified historic structure against the individual income tax, corporate income tax, corporate license tax, public service corporation property tax, or bank franchise tax; define terms; provide that the credit is equal to 30% of the expenses in the case of owner-occupied residential property and 20% in the case of all other property; provide that the maximum amount of the credit is $60,000; provide that the credit may be transferred or assigned with some or no consideration; require the Revenue Cabinet to assess a penalty for disqualifying work; provide that the director of the Kentucky Heritage Council may impose fees for processing applications; allow the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide that the provisions of this section apply to applications filed on or after January 1, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to allow a tax credit for qualified construction expenses for a certified home; define terms; provide that the credit is equal to 10% of the expenses; provide that the maximum amount of the credit is $20,000; provide that the credit may be transferred or assigned with some or no consideration; require the Revenue Cabinet to assess a penalty for disqualifying work; provide that the director of the Kentucky Heritage Council may impose fees for processing applications; allow the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide that the provisions of this section apply to applications filed on or after January 1, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 136 to reference the credits permitted in this Act; amend KRS 141.0205 to conform.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Introduced Feb. 4, 2004

HB 452 (BR 1486) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to the creation of the Kentucky Center for African-American Studies and Research.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to create the Kentucky Center for African-American Studies and Research at a public university in Kentucky; establish the mission, functions, and scope of inquiry of the center; subject to the availability of funds, require the Council on Postsecondary Education to use a request for proposal process to select the university site of the center; require the university site to be the fiscal agent and employer for the center; require the center to operate within the university's and council's fiscal policies; require the center to report annually to the council.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Education (H)

HB 453 (BR 1633) - B. Yonts


HB 454/FN (BR 1498) - C. Hoffman, T. McKee

AN ACT relating to the Disaster Relief Funding Program.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 39A to establish a disaster relief funding program; establish a disaster relief funding program trust fund.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; require that eligible individuals are those whose needs have not been met by other relief agencies; specify that the Disaster Relief Funding Program trust fund shall not solicit contributions from the general public that may impact fundraising efforts of not-for-profit disaster relief agencies.

HFA (1, C. Hoffman) - Clarify the identity of eligible applicants that qualify to receive funds under the Disaster Relief Funding Program.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 20-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HB 455 (BR 1639) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to a health insured's right to obtain his or her liability for a CPT code from the insured.

Amend KRS 304.17A-150 to provide that it is an unfair trade practice for an insurer to refuse to provide to an insured the insured's liability for a CPT code or codes within 24 hours of receipt of the CPT code or codes from the insured.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

HB 456 (BR 1516) - R. Damron, B. DeWeese

AN ACT relating to medical licensure.

Amend KRS 311.550 to include "special faculty license" limited to instruction as part of an accredited medical school program; amend KRS 311.571 to permit the board to grant a special faculty license for 1 year when conditions are met, require a fee for the license, prohibit the practice of medicine outside an academic setting, and permit the board to grant a regular license to a person who has held a special faculty license for 5 consecutive years; amend KRS 311.560 to prohibit first-year postgraduate trainees from violating KRS 311.595 or 311.597 and require a training program to report any violation to the board; amend KRS 311.617 to change the Committee on Impaired Physicians to the Physicians Health Foundation; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311.840 to 311.862 to permit the executive director of the board to grant a temporary certificate to practice as a physician assistant, specify conditions and expiration of temporary certificate.


HFA (1, R. Damron) - Retain original provisions and add language to specify that a special faculty license may be issued to osteopaths for instruction as part of an accredited school of osteopathy; and make technical change.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, passed 100-0 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 36-0

Mar 23-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 35)

HB 457/LM (BR 1090) - J. Gray, R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to the tax collection duties of the sheriff in counties containing a consolidated local government and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 67C.147 to require the sheriff to collect the taxes in an urban service district created by a consolidated local government and require the commission paid to the sheriff for the collection of these taxes be the same as permitted by KRS 134.290(2); amend 134.290 to clarify its applicability to consolidated local governments regarding the allowable tax collection commission for sheriffs; EMERGENCY.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Local Government (H)

Feb 11-posted in committee

HB 458/LM (BR 996) - C. Belcher

AN ACT relating to local taxation.

Amend KRS 67.750 to revise the definitions of "employee," "gross receipts," and "internal revenue code"; define "sales revenue" and add school districts and other special taxing districts to the definition of "tax district"; amend KRS 67.753, 67.755, 67.760, 67.770, 67.778, 67.780, and 67.788 to make technical changes; amend KRS 67.790 to add penalties for violating unauthorized inspection provisions or divulging confidential taxpayer information; amend KRS 67.795 to except the utilities gross receipts tax levied by school districts from the provisions of KRS 67.750 to 67.790.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Local Government (H)

Feb 11-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 20-3rd reading, passed 83-4

Feb 23-received in Senate

Feb 26-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 36-0; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 63)

Introduced Feb. 5, 2004

HB 459 (BR 1330) - H. Collins, D. Horlander

AN ACT relating to consumer protection.

Amend KRS 186A.530, relating to branded titles for motor vehicles, to prohibit issuing a Kentucky title branded "rebuilt" for a vehicle that has been issued a previous title branded "junk," "unrebuildable," or other similar classification by another state.


HFA (1, K. Upchurch) - Delete the prohibition on vehicles with an out-of-state junking certificate, or a designation as unrebuildable from being ineligible to be titled in Kentucky and insert in lieu thereof a provision that a vehicle with an out-of-state junking certificate, or a designation as unrebuildable to be eligible to be issued a rebuilt Kentucky title that contains a brand that the vehicle may not be eligible to be titled in all states; require the customer disclosure statement to contain a place for the owner to designate if the vehicle may not be eligible to be titled in all states.

HFA (2, J. Comer) - Delete the prohibition on vehicles with an out-of-state junking certificate, or a designation as unrebuildable from being ineligible to be titled in Kentucky and insert in lieu thereof a provision that a vehicle with an out-of-state junking certificate, or a designation as unrebuildable to be eligible to be issued a rebuilt Kentucky title that contains a brand that the vehicle may not be eligible to be titled in all states; require the customer disclosure statement to contain a place for the owner to designate if the vehicle may not be eligible to be titled in all states.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 1-floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 3-floor amendment (1) withdrawn

Mar 10-3rd reading; floor amendment (2) rejected ; passed 61-27

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Transportation (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Transportation (S)

HB 460 (BR 1646) - C. Hoffman, M. Weaver, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, L. Clark, T. Couch, T. Edmonds, J. Gooch, K. Hall, T. McKee, C. Miller, R. Nelson, C. Siler, D. Sims, T. Thompson, C. Walton

AN ACT relating to waiver of tuition fees for dependents of veterans.

Amend KRS 164.507 to allow a tuition waiver to any student under the age of 23 who is a dependent of a deceased veteran and is enrolled in a state-supported university, junior college, or vocational school; amend KRS 164.515 to allow a tuition waiver to any student under the age of 23 who is a dependent of a disabled veteran and is enrolled in a state-supported university, junior college, or vocational school.


SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Attach the provisions of SB 52, relating to children; amend KRS 610.345 to require that the school principal of the public or private elementary or secondary school that a child attends be notified within 24 hours when a petition that involves a controlled substance or the possession, carrying, or use of a deadly weapon is filed against the child; amend KRS 158.153 to conform.

SFA (2/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 12-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 91-0

Feb 25-received in Senate

Mar 1-to Education (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed ; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) withdrawn ; passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 155)

HB 461 (BR 1553) - M. Cherry

AN ACT relating to electrical licensing and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 227.480 to prohibit the issuance of a permit unless the applicant submits proof of being licensed as an electrical contractor or of acting on behalf of a licensed electrical contractor; amend KRS 227A.010 to prohibit a master electrician from working for more than one electrical contractor if the electrical contractor is not a master electrician and the contractor has employed the master electrician full-time; amend KRS 227A.100 to change the license renewal time from the anniversary date of the license to the last day of the licensee's birth month; to allow the department to establish an inactive license for licensees who are not actively engaged in the electrical business but wish to maintain their license, to reduce the license and renewal fees of inactive licensees, to waive the insurance requirements for inactive licensees; amend KRS 227A.080 to allow the department to issue a pending license to an applicant prior to July 15, 2004; EMERGENCY.


HCS - Retain original provisions of bill, except amend KRS 227A.030 to exempt low-voltage, power-limited installations by persons licensed under various statutes; require the department to determine experience and testing for low-voltage installer certification and to set fees not to exceed actual cost of issuing certificate.

HFA (1, D. Ford) - Permit a person who has twenty-five years or more experience in electrical contracting or heating, ventilation, or air conditioning to qualify for licensing as an electrical contractor without taking and passing an examination.

HFA (2, J. Coleman) - Allow a person to be licensed as an electrician upon submitting an application, paying fees, and passing an examination if the applicant completes a postsecondary electrical program that culminates in a diploma or degree; require that the program be substantially equivalent to a program approved by the Council on Postsecondary Education.

SCS - Amend to retain original provisions except delete provisions that allow a person to be licensed as an electrician upon submitting an application paying fees, and passing an examination if the applicant completes a postsecondary electrical program that culminated in a diploma or degree.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 2-floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2)

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 23-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 29-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 93-1; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 81)

HB 462/CI (BR 1660) - C. Walton, T. Kerr, T. Burch, C. Miller


HB 463 (BR 1475) - R. Webb, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to debtor-creditor relations.

Amend KRS 379.080, 427.060, 427.080, and 427.090 to increase the homestead exemption from $5,000 to $25,000.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Judiciary (H)

HB 464/FN (BR 1016) - P. Clark

AN ACT relating to property taxes.

Amend KRS 132.810 to increase the homestead exemption to one hundred thousand dollars, but only if the General Assembly passes, and the voters approve, a constitutional amendment to do the same.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 465/FN (BR 956) - P. Clark

AN ACT proposing to amend Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property taxes.

Propose to amend Section 170 of the Kentucky Constitution to increase the homestead exemption to one hundred thousand dollars.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

HB 466/LM (BR 1563) - De. Butler

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 243 to clarify the purpose and uses of a supplemental bar license; amend KRS 241.010 to define "caterer," "limited restaurant," "minor," "restaurant," "service bar," and "supplemental bar"; amend KRS 243.033 to expand the territories in which the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control may issue a caterer's license and impose limits on food sales based on the types of alcoholic beverage sales permitted in the territory; require that records be maintained consistently with other records required by the department and delete the requirement that a list of functions catered, and other identifying information, be submitted to the board upon request; amend KRS 243.030, 243.040, 243.060, and 243.070 to establish license fees for limited restaurants and limited golf courses; amend KRS 243.480 to permit the board to require board-ordered training in lieu of or in addition to suspension; permit the board to order a licensee and some or all of its servers to attend a training program; permit the board to require the licensee attending board-ordered training to pay for the program; amend KRS 243.025 to require that all moneys generated from the department's server training program, except from board-ordered training, be placed in the department's revolving trust and agency account.


HCS - Retain original provisions; make technical corrections.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 23-3rd reading, passed 46-38 with Committee Substitute

Feb 24-received in Senate

Feb 27-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 32-5

Mar 18-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 30-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 20)

Introduced Feb. 6, 2004

HB 467 (BR 1696) - B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to Kentucky automobile insurance plan and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of Subtitle 13 of KRS Chapter 304 to require the Kentucky automobile insurance plan to adopt Rule 90 on hired autos in the Commercial Lines Manual, published by the Insurance Services Office, when rating trucks, truck-tractors, trailers, and semitrailers.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 468 (BR 1672) - J. Gooch

AN ACT relating to cervids.

Amend KRS 150.280 to allow cervid farmers to erect fences on their property boundaries rather than six feet from the line; supercede the executive order which prohibits new permits for shooting preserves and new permits for holding captive cervids.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

HB 469/CI (BR 1687) - L. Napier

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 514.060, relating to theft of services, to include child care within the coverage of the offense.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Judiciary (H)

HB 470 (BR 1688) - S. Riggs, H. Cornett, T. Couch, K. Hall, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, R. Thomas

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky insurance guaranty association.

Amend KRS 304.36-050 and 304.36-110, pertaining to the Kentucky insurance guaranty association, to delete the net worth requirement; amend KRS 304.36-080 to require the limit on claims to be adjusted annually by the rate of change in the consumer price index.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

HB 471/LM/CI (BR 1379) - T. Thompson, R. Meeks, R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to consumer protection.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to define certain terms; prohibit price gouging during a state of emergency; permit the Attorney General to enforce the Act; establish criminal penalties for violation of the Act.


HCS/LM/CI - Retain original provisions of bill, except delete the term "Local emergency" and its definition, and delete references to local emergency and local governing body.

SCS - Permit the Governor, following the declaration of a state of emergency, to implement the Act's provisions; prohibit a person during an emergency from charging for a listed good or service a price grossly in excess of the price prior to the emergency; require the Division of Emergency Management to notify the public of the Governor's implementation of the Act's provisions; delete the criminal penalties; establish civil fines of not more than $5,000 for the first violation and not more than $10,000 for each subsequent violation.

SFA (1, T. Buford) - Amend KRS 360.100 pertaining to high-cost home loans to delete the provision prohibiting a lender of such loans from financing single premium credit life, credit accident, credit health, credit disability, or credit loss of income insurance.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee; posting waived

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Apr 13-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute; received in House; to Rules (H); taken from Rules committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute ; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 92-2; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 156)

HB 472 (BR 149) - J. Stewart

AN ACT relating to the removal of railroad crossings.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 277 to define the terms "land-locked" and "necessary access"; prohibit a railroad company from removing a grade crossing on a private drive that would leave a property land-locked unless the railroad company follows notification procedures; define the notification procedures, deadlines and protest rights of property owners; specify that the section does not apply to public roads; amend KRS 277.990, to fine a railroad company that violates the provisions of Section 1 of the Act $100 for each day a crossing is removed from the private road.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Transportation (H)

HB 473 (BR 1650) - T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to toll roads.

Amend 175.525 to make school district vehicles being operated in an official capacity eligible for a non-paying toll-road identification card.


HCS - Retain original provisions of the bill and add an exemption from tolls for disaster relief vehicles owned or leased by nonprofit organizations while the vehicles are responding to a declared federal or state disaster.

SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of HB 473 in their entirety and add a new section to create a special Kentucky Colonel license plate.

SFA (2/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, L. Casebier) - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of HB 473 in their entirety and add two new sections to create a Support the Arts license plate and a Support Public Education license plate.

SFA (4/Title, L. Casebier) - Make title amendment.

Feb 6-introduced in House

Feb 9-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Transportation (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Transportation (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-floor amendments (1) (2-title) (3) and (4-title) filed ; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with floor amendments (1) (2-title) and (3) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Introduced Feb. 9, 2004

HB 474/FN (BR 1652) - R. Nelson, M. Marzian


HB 475/CI (BR 1408) - R. Webb, T. Feeley, J. Adams, P. Bather, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, P. Clark, R. Crimm, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, D. Graham, K. Hall, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, R. Mobley, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, T. Riner, A. Simpson, K. Stein, J. Wayne, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to youthful offenders.

Amend KRS 640.040, relating to penalties for youthful offenders convicted of a capital offense, to eliminate the possibility of the youthful offender being sentenced to death or to life imprisonment without parole; retain provision permitting a youthful offender convicted of a capital offense to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for 25 years.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Judiciary (H)

HB 476/LM/CI (BR 1702) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to adult misdemeanant probation and work release agencies in urban-counties and consolidated local governments.

Amend KRS 439.550 to require the creation of an adult misdemeanant probation and work release agency within a correctional services division in counties containing a consolidated local government, require the employees of the agency to be classified civil service employees, make employees subject to the direction of the judges of the District Court, require provision of adequate number of employees, and require salaries of agency employees to come from the general fund of the affected local government.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Judiciary (H)

HB 477 (BR 1441) - Ji. Lee

AN ACT relating to the asset forfeiture funds.

Amend KRS 218A.435 to provide that the first 20% of funds received through the sale of forfeited property or assets obtained through violations of the controlled substances laws shall be paid to the Cabinet for Families and Children for the purpose of assisting with the care of foster children.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 83-9

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 478 (BR 369) - T. Riner

AN ACT relating to public safety.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to establish findings of fact regarding young people riding all-terrain vehicles; amend KRS 189.010 to define "youth ATV license"; amend KRS 189.515 to prohibit operating an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) on any public highway or right-of-way of a public highway; require Kentucky residents under the age of 16 to have a youth ATV license in their possession at all times they are operating an ATV; require persons under the age of 16 who are not Kentucky residents to have either a youth ATV license or a certificate from another state recognized by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet when operating an ATV within the Commonwealth; create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to require the Transportation Cabinet to develop a youth ATV license; establish the requirements and fee that must be met before a person will be issued a youth ATV license.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Transportation (H)

HB 479 (BR 1380) - T. Riner

AN ACT relating to awards for students and teachers.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish a fund to provide awards to high achieving high school students and to their teachers; identify the corporation responsible for administering the awards program; amend KRS 164A.337 to conform; name Section 1 of this Act for the Commonwealth's official Latin motto in honor of the students who advocated the passage of legislation designating the phrase in the 2002 Regular Session of the General Assembly.


HCS - Retain original provisions; add language to clarify that a sponsoring donor shall not be permitted to designate an individual student to receive an award.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Education (H)

Mar 16-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 480 (BR 900) - T. Riner

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.

Amend KRS 164.7879 to require that, beginning with the 2004-05 school year, the KEES base scholarship amount shall be calculated based on a student's numerical grade average between 80 and 100 rather than grade point average between 2.5 and 4.0; amend KRS 164.7874 to define "numerical grade average" and make changes to other definitions to conform; require that numerical scores for AP and international baccalaureate courses be increased by 10 points; amend KRS 164.7881 and 164.7885 to conform.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Education (H)

Introduced Feb. 10, 2004

HB 481 (BR 1691) - Dw. Butler, J. Thompson

AN ACT relating to consumer protection.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to define terms and to provide that the issuer of a credit card may change a cardholder's credit limit only after providing written notice 15 days prior to the effective date and that the issuer shall not collect an over-the-limit-fee if the cardholder exceeds the new credit limit and the issuer has not provided the written notice.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

HB 482/CI (BR 1507) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to provider self-referral restrictions.

Amend KRS 216.2950, relating to the prohibition against provider self-referrals, to delete the provisions limiting the applicability of the prohibition to health care providers who receive reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 483/FN (BR 1701) - R. Wilkey, J. Adams, A. Arnold, C. Belcher, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, P. Clark, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, T. Feeley, K. Hall, T. Kerr, M. Marzian, T. McKee, L. Napier, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164A to create the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program to defray indebtedness incurred for law school for eligible attorneys employed in the Office of the Attorney General, the Prosecutors Advisory Council, the Department of Public Advocacy, or nonprofit legal services organizations designated as eligible; the program shall be administered by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority which shall promulgate administrative regulations; create the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program trust fund in the State Treasury where interest and funds shall not lapse but be carried forward for the purposes of the program; amend KRS 42.320, the court cost distribution fund, to direct that 2% of each court cost, up to $1,200,000, deposited in the fund be paid to the Public Service Student Law School Loan Assistance Program; amend KRS 164A.337 to conform; Appropriation.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Education (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 89-0

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 484 (BR 1201) - J. Wayne, L. Clark, R. Adkins, E. Ballard, P. Clark, J. Gray, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, K. Stein, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to changes in party affiliation.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 121 to allow a civil action for recoupment for any party or individual who provided campaign contributions to a candidate who changes parties; require action to be filed within 90 days of the change of party affiliation; require action to be filed in the county of the candidate's residence; provide for copy of complaint and judgment or decree to be sent to the Registry of Election Finance.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except clarify that the recoupment action may be filed if the contributions were made for the election which resulted in the candidate's election for the current term of office, and provide for interest at the legal rate of interest.

HFA (1, M. Harmon) - Amend to delete provisions; direct the staff of the Legislative Research Commission to consult with the Legislative Ethics Commission to perform a study of whether allowing contributors to recoup contributions presents a conflict of interest to General Assembly members; report to the 2005 General Assembly.

HFA (2, M. Harmon) - Amend to delete provisions; direct the staff of the Legislative Research Commission to consult with the Legislative Ethics Commission to perform a study of whether allowing contributors to recoup contributions presents a conflict of interest to General Assembly members; report to the 2005 General Assembly.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 485 (BR 1708) - De. Butler, R. Meeks, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to the Uniform State Building Code.

Amend KRS 198B.060 to require local governments to grant local plumbing petitions unless the commissioner of housing, buildings and construction determines that the local government cannot perform the functions in accordance with KRS 198B.050 to 198B.090.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Local Government (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 68-22

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 486/LM (BR 261) - R. Crimm, S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to economic development and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 154.45-010 to change "Enterprise Zone" to "Economic Growth District" or "district"; amend KRS 154.45-030 to allow a local government to apply for the designation of an area as an economic growth district; specify that only one economic growth district shall be located within the jurisdictional area of a local government; amend KRS 154.45-040 to require that the population of all census tracts in the area decreased by ten percent or more between 1990 and 2000; amend KRS 154.45-050 to provide that enterprise zones existing on December 29, 2003, shall be designated as economic growth districts; delete the requirement that economic growth district shall sunset on the twentieth year following designation; amend KRS 154.45-070 to require the authority to promulgate administrative regulations to verify whether the qualified employees of a qualified business reside within a district or are considered to be within the targeted workforce and to verify the total number of qualified employees of economic growth district firms; require that the sales taxes on equipment, machinery, and building materials and the motor vehicle usage tax are paid at the point of sale and refunded after documentation has been provided to the Revenue Cabinet; require cooperation between the authority and the Revenue Cabinet in collecting information to be used to determine the fiscal impact of the program on state tax revenues; require a qualified business that accepts economic growth district tax advantages to supply the authority or the Revenue Cabinet with its payroll, books, and other requested documentation demonstrating compliance with the provisions of economic growth district requirements; amend KRS 65.680, 141.0205, 141.120, and 154.12-224 to conform; repeal KRS 154.45-001; provide that qualified businesses may apply retroactively to the Revenue Cabinet for a refund on taxes paid from December 30, 2003, through the effective date of this Act; EMERGENCY.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Economic Development (H)

HB 487 (BR 1674) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to faith-based initiatives.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 12 to establish an office for faith-based and community nonprofit social services in the Office of the Governor; define "government funding" and "social service program"; include legislative findings; establish principles for all government agencies to include nondiscrimination practices, separation of government funded and religious activities, accountability for government funds; specify office shall review policies affecting opportunities for funding for social services programs, provide information and technical assistance to faith-based and nonprofit organizations and public officials; require specified agencies to designate liaisons to the office established and require agencies to review existing policies and report to the office established; specify that this Act shall not be contrary to state or federal law and shall not establish any preference for government funding.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to State Government (H)

HB 488 (BR 1717) - J. Bruce, K. Hall, J. Adams, E. Ballard, P. Bather, H. Collins, R. Crimm, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, J. Gray, J. Jenkins, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, D. Sims, A. Smith, J. Stewart, J. Vincent, M. Weaver, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to tuition at public postsecondary education institutions and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 164.020 to require that for the fall and spring academic terms through spring 2006, tuition at public postsecondary education institutions remain at the levels in place during the spring 2004 academic term; require that tuition for the 2004 and 2005 summer academic terms remain at the levels in place during the summer 2003 academic term; EMERGENCY.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 489/FN (BR 1068) - R. Damron, R. Adkins, L. Clark, J. Draud, J. Stacy, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to postsecondary institution debt.

Create new sections and amend existing sections of KRS Chapters 48 and 164A to provide a process for postsecondary institutions to issue auxiliary enterprises agency revenue bonds or hospital agency revenue bonds upon authorization by the General Assembly; provide an intercept clause to ensure bond payment; and require all postsecondary institutions' general fund-supported bonds to be issued by the State Property and Buildings Commission unless otherwise approved by the Finance and Administration Cabinet.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Education (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 17-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H); posting withdrawn

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 27-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 95-1

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Feb. 11, 2004

HB 490/LM (BR 15) - J. Wayne, L. Napier

AN ACT relating to distributed and environmentally sustainable generation of electricity.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 278 to establish definitions for "commission," "retail electric supplier," "eligible customer-generator," "independent green power producer," "kilowatt hour," and "net metering"; require every retail electric supplier to provide net metering to any eligible customer-generator; require the retail electric supplier to provide a net meter to the eligible customer-generator; establish a formula for calculating the amount of electricity billed to the eligible customer-generator using net metering; provide a formula for valuing the electricity supplied to the grid by an eligible customer-generator when time-of-day or time-of-use metering is used; require that the net meeting contract or tariff for rates provided by the retail electric supplier be identical to the contract or tariff that the eligible customer-generator would normally be assigned; prohibit certain charges to the customer bill under net metering contracts; provide for annualized billing period; establish requirements for net electricity measurement; establish standards for electric generating systems used by eligible customer generators; permit the commission to promulgate administrative regulations to adopt additional control and testing requirements for eligible customer generators; provide that disputes between the retail electric supplier and eligible customer-generator be resolved by the Public Service Commission; establish rates for net electricity delivered by independent green power producers to the retail electric supplier and require the commission to review and adjust the rate for inflation; provide for the Public Service Commission to have limited jurisdiction over municipal corporations that provide retail electric service to eligible customer-generators; provide that the commission shall have original jurisdiction over disputes between eligible customer-generators and retail electric suppliers as pertains to net metering; require the commission to promulgate administrative regulations to implement the provisions of this Act; set penalty for willful violation of provisions of this Act; and create new section of KRS Chapter 96 to provide for the Public Service Commission to have jurisdiction over net metering contracts between a city and an eligible customer-generator.


HCS/LM - Require electric suppliers to facilitate interconnection with "customer generators" who generate a portion of their own electricity with photovoltaic cells; require suppliers to issue credit to such generators who feed power back to the grid; reduce rated capacity of eligible customer generators from 25 to 15 kilowatts and below; eliminate eligibility for non-residential customers; reduce cap on cumulative capacity of all such home systems from 1% to one-tenth of 1% of supplier's single hour peak load; change responsibility for additional meter cost from supplier to customer; eliminate transferability of excess electricity credits; require verification of safety and compliance when any system is transferred to a new owner.

HFA (1, R. Webb) - Interconnecting equipment added to section requiring systems to meet safety and power quality standards; systems must use a standard kilowatt-hour meter.

Feb 11-introduced in House

Feb 12-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 5-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

HB 491 (BR 1728) - C. Belcher

AN ACT relating to income tax withholding and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 131 to provided that the provisions of 103 KAR 18:070 apply for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003; EMERGENCY.

Feb 11-introduced in House

Feb 12-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 492/FN (BR 224) - J. Callahan

AN ACT relating to trauma care.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to establish the office of trauma care and staff; require the development of a trauma system and specify contents of system, including a requirement for additional education for physicians, nurses, and emergency medical services personnel, and for verification of hospital trauma centers by the American College of Surgeons; require the office to investigate funding sources; and require annual reporting to the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except provide that establishment of the Office of Trauma Care is subject to available funds; delete requirement for additional staffing other than the state trauma director and registrar; require the trauma system advisory committee, rather than licensure boards, to consult with the Office of Trauma Care; include representatives of the Kentucky Hospital Association and the Kentucky Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons on the advisory committee; provide for voluntary, rather than mandatory, hospital trauma center verification; and extend quality assurance and peer review programs to entire trauma system, rather than just emergency medical services.

Feb 11-introduced in House

Feb 12-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Health and Welfare (S)

Introduced Feb. 12, 2004

HB 493 (BR 1754) - S. Nunn, B. Farmer, J. Haydon, M. Marzian, T. Riner

AN ACT relating to nonsmoking in public areas of the Capitol and Capitol Annex.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to restrict smoking in the Capitol and Capitol Annex to designated smoking areas; amend KRS 61.165 to conform.


HFA (1, P. Clark) - Retain original provisions except add that Barren County shall use funds received from the Master Settlement Agreement for the purpose of establishing smoking lounges in the Capitol and Capitol Annex.

HFA (2, S. Nunn) - Clarify definition of "public area" within which smoking in the Capitol and Capitol Annex is prohibited; specify that the governing authority of each branch of government may designate smoking areas in the Capitol and Capitol Annex for space allocated to and occupied by the respective branch.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to State Government (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 8-floor amendment (1) withdrawn

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-floor amendment (2) filed

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 72-15 with floor amendment (2)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 31-3; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 72)

HB 494 (BR 1748) - J. Callahan


HB 495 (BR 1634) - Ji. Lee

AN ACT relating to commercial drivers.

Amend KRS 281A.190, relating to reasons a commercial driver's license (CDL) may be suspended or revoked, to prohibit a person's CDL from being suspended or revoked due to a failure of his or her employer to pay applicable license fees, registration fees, or taxes on a commercial motor vehicle.


HCS - Delete the provisions of the original bill and insert in lieu thereof a new Section 1 to create a new section of KRS Chapter 281 to require motor vehicle enforcement officers to impound any commercial motor vehicle that has improper or invalid registration, no registration, or outstanding taxes due on the vehicle; add a new Section 2 to amend KRS 186.570 to limit the Transportation Cabinet's discretionary authority to suspend a driver's license to moving traffic violations.

HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, J. Lee) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: In subsection (2) of Section 1 delete the reference to an "out-of-service notice" and insert in lieu thereof a reference to a "cease operations order."

SCS/LM - Delete existing Section 1 in its entirety and replace with a new Section allowing a motor carrier to avoid impoundment if the motor carrier resolves the citation; allow impoundment for second offense; and exempt vehicles carrying perishable goods from impoundment; specify in Section 2 that a driver shall not be subject to arrest or license suspension based on an employer's failure to pay taxes and registration fees.

SFA (1, R. Jones II) - Add a new section 1 to create a new section of KRS Chapter 281, to specify that the registered owner or lessee of a commercial motor vehicle is responsible for payment of registration fees and ad valorem taxes; specify that the registered owner or lessee is the entity subject to citation if a commercial motor vehicle is operated on a highway with improper, invalid, or non-existent registration or with unpaid taxes; clarify that a driver shall not be subject to arrest or license suspension for a citation issued to an owner or lessee for a registration or taxation violation.

SFA (2, J. Denton) - Amend to insert provision amending KRS 431.015 to allow a peace officer to issue upon probable cause a citation for driving without a license or driving on a suspended license.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 56-35 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (1)

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to Transportation (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 22-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Mar 23-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 24-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; returned to Transportation (S)

HB 496 (BR 1512) - S. Brinkman

AN ACT relating to the state autism training center.

Amend KRS 164.981 to define "regional interagency council" and "community mental health center"; amend KRS 164.9813 to require the state autism center to provide technical assistance, training, and consultation to regional interagency councils and community mental health centers.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 497/LM (BR 1494) - R. Webb, S. Nunn, D. Pasley

AN ACT relating to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning and making an appropriation therefor.

Create new sections of KRS 198B.650 to 198B.689 to require a permit for the installation or major repair of HVAC systems; establish requirements for permit, create exemptions from permitting process; grant the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction the authority to promulgate administrative regulations for HVAC permitting process and the establishment of fees to fund permitting process, grant local authorities the right to act as the agent for the department and to enter into contractual relations to act as agent, grant local authorities the right to fix compensation of local inspectors; forbid local authorities from establishing additional permitting or inspection programs for HVAC; establish an agency trust and surplus account for the fees to fund the HVAC permitting process; define the powers of HVAC inspectors to include stop-work authority; allow county, city, and Commonwealth's attorneys and the Attorney General to represent the department or its agents; grant Circuit Courts jurisdiction and venue in civil and injunctive actions and the Franklin Circuit Court concurrent venue and jurisdiction for civil and injunctive actions; grant District Courts venue and jurisdiction for criminal actions and the grant Franklin Circuit Court appeals jurisdiction for criminal action, grant aggrieved parties administrative hearings in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B; amend KRS 198B.650 to define "major repair" and "permit"; amend KRS 198B.990 to include infractions of the HVAC permitting process within the fines and punishment section; create a noncodified section to allow the initial funding of the program from existing agency trust and surplus accounts, to require repayment of these accounts within two fiscal years; provide that the Act to takes effect January 1, 2005.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

HB 498/FN (BR 1693) - A. Simpson

AN ACT relating to delinquent property taxes.

Amend KRS 134.500(4) to provide that the 13% county attorney fee attaches when a court action is filed or a cross claim is answered; delete requirement that action must be litigated by the taxpayer; make the attachment of the fee mandatory rather than permissive.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 74-11

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Judiciary (S)

HB 499 (BR 1683) - R. Webb, H. Cornett, T. Couch, C. Embry Jr, J. Gray, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, L. Napier, R. Nelson, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stewart, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to workers' compensation

Amend KRS 342.316 to delete consensus procedure for coal-related occupational pneumoconiosis claims and require submission of two "B" reader x-ray interpretations; amend 342.732 to permit miners aged 52, rather than 57, to elect cash benefits in lieu of retraining; amend 342.792 to permit filing and reopening of claims with last exposure occurring between December 12, 1996, and effective date of the Act by December 12, 2005, or within the limits of 342.316, whichever is longer; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 342 to change reference from coal workers' pneumoconiosis to coal-related occupational pneumoconiosis; repeal KRS 342.794, relating to the "B" reader list.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-recommitted to Labor and Industry (H)

Mar 11-reported favorably, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 88-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 500 (BR 1461) - J. Gooch, J. Bruce, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, P. Bather, C. Belcher, P. Clark, R. Damron, T. Edmonds, K. Hall, J. Higdon, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, J. Reinhardt, A. Smith, J. Stacy, R. Thomas, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to juror pay.

Amend KRS 29A.170 to increase juror pay; provide that the amount of increase shall be determined in a Judicial Branch budget enacted by the General Assembly and the funding shall be provided through the elimination of any out-of-Frankfort office expenses for Justices of the Supreme Court.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

HB 501 (BR 1587) - J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to sales and use taxes.

Amend KRS 139.470 to specify that undyed diesel fuel or kerosene sold from a blocked pump and used for residential heating purposes is exempt from the sales tax; EFFECTIVE, August 1, 2004.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 502 (BR 460) - J. Stacy, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to Medicaid.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to encourage the Cabinet for Health Services to work with units of local government and other interested entities to maximize state resources available to support the state Medicaid program; provide that qualifying proposals be submitted to the federal Department of Health and Human Services for consideration; require the cabinet to work with units of local government and any other interested entities to develop financing arrangements to establish enhanced Medicaid payments for specifically designated providers.


HCS - Retain original provisions and add that notwithstanding KRS 42.450 to 42.495, coal severance tax proceeds allocated to a local government economic assistance fund may be utilized as a resource for the state match portion for the Medicaid program.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 89-1 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 503/LM (BR 153) - R. Crimm, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, S. Riggs, M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to local government insurance premium taxes.

Amend KRS 91A.080 to limit the amount of premiums subject to the tax to the first 12 months of coverage for life insurance policies as prescribed; require all insurance applications to contain information identifying the tax district to receive fees or taxes, and exempt agents from liability if such information is incorrect; create new sections of KRS Chapter 91A, relating to the collection and remittance of local government insurance premium taxes, to establish definitions; require insurance companies to select from two options as to how and when they will remit taxes as prescribed and prohibit further changes unless approved by the commissioner of the Department of Insurance; establish an alternative method for the remittance of insurance tax to permit the Kentucky Department of Insurance to act as tax administrator if so selected by insurance companies; prescribe the method for the calculation of the tax by determining the tax effective date of the policy and the premiums upon which the tax is to be based; permit a collection fee to be determined by administrative regulation as prescribed; prohibit retaliation by insurers in other states by requiring a similar tax to be placed upon their policies; permit any local government or the tax administrator to request an examination of an insurer by the Department of Insurance as to the proper disbursement of the funds by the company; require the cost to be borne by the insurance company if additional tax is found to be due; establish willful failure to properly collect and remit the taxes as grounds for the revocation of a company's license; provide for the reporting and payment of the taxes and fees by the insurance companies and to the local governments on an annual and quarterly basis as described; prescribe the method for repayment of overpayments of estimated taxes, establish the administrator as a fiduciary for holding, investing, and remitting the taxes and fees; require all funds, including interest, to be allocated to the local governments; provide for a credit of overpayments by the insurance companies towards future tax payments or permit a refund for amounts in excess of $1000; permit the commissioner to promulgate administrative regulations for operation of the program; require an annual report by the administrator; require a one-time fee to be paid by specified insurers to help defray administrative costs for the administrator; prohibit fees or taxes to be levied on group health insurance for state employees; prohibit a county from levying a tax on public service companies paying ad valorem taxes; require the crediting of city license fees or taxes against county fees or taxes if the county adopts their fee or tax after July 13, 1990; require those insurers who have opted for alternative remittance plans to file an information return to the Department of Insurance as prescribed; establish an eight-member Local Government Premiums Tax Administrator Advisory Council to advise the commissioner on issues impacting the program; require the submission of an annual report by the Department of Insurance to the council as specified; require an annual audit of the administrator by the State Auditor and provide for the billing for the audit as specified; require the administrator to file a blanket faithful performance bond issued by an authorized corporate surety, payable to the local government, and prohibit the surety from terminating the bond without prior written approval of the commissioner; permit the commissioner to revoke or suspend elections of insurers for alternative methods of payments if an insufficient number exists to provide adequate funding for the administrators.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Local Government (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

Introduced Feb. 13, 2004

HB 504 (BR 155) - E. Ballard

AN ACT relating to trespass on retail or commercial premises.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 511, relating to burglary and related offenses, to establish the offense of trespass on a retail or commercial premises; provide that a person is guilty of the violation when he or she uses the driveway or parking lot of a retail or commercial business in an attempt to circumvent traffic signals or as a shortcut; establish the offense as a violation.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

HB 505 (BR 115) - E. Ballard

AN ACT relating to tax credits for purchase of coal combustion by-product.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide for a $2.00 per ton individual and corporation income tax credit for the purchase of coal combustion by-product for use as construction aggregate or fill material; provide that the credit be allowed for five years; provide that credit not be carried forward for tax years beyond the year in which purchase is made; provide for credit pass-through in same proportion as the distributive share of income or loss is passed through; provide for proof of purchase for tax credit; amend KRS 141.0205 to add tax credit.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 506 (BR 1755) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to trusts.

Amend KRS 386.295 to eliminate gender specific language.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Judiciary (H)

HB 507 (BR 1803) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to refund of unearned insurance premium.

Create new sections of Subtitle 17 of KRS Chapter 304, KRS 304.14-500 to 304.14-550, and KRS 304.14-600 to 304.14-625 to provide that if an individual health insurance policy, individual Medicare supplement insurance policy, or a long-term care insurance policy is cancelled, the insurer shall promptly return the unearned portion of the premium.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 508 (BR 1805) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to insurance.

Amend KRS 304.14-650, 304.17A-245, 304.17A-527 and 304.38-191 to make technical corrections.


HFA (1, S. Westrom) - Amend KRS 304.10-050 to require the affidavit filed by surplus lines brokers to be in a manner and form as prescribed by the commissioner through administrative regulation.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 157)

HB 509 (BR 1807) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Health Care Improvement Authority.

Amend KRS 304.17B-003, pertaining to the Kentucky Health Care Improvement Authority, to permit the commissioner of Insurance, the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services, the deans of the University of Louisville School of Medicine and the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, and the commissioner of Public Health to designate a persons to represent them on the board; delete requirement that the authority establish priorities for programs and the expenditure of funds.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 510/LM (BR 1313) - S. Riggs, R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to delinquent taxes in a newly-formed consolidated local government.

Amend KRS 67C.123 to allow the county clerk to handle delinquent taxes from a former city of the first class when it is part of a consolidated local government and dispense with advertising under the provisions of KRS 134.440 and with the necessity of a sheriff's sale under the provisions of KRS 134.480; amend KRS 67C.115 to conform.


HFA (1, S. Riggs) - Insert new sections to amend KRS 134.420 to include other costs and reasonable attorney fees as part of lien relating to delinquent taxes or certificates of delinquency; and amend KRS 134.500 to establish uncollectible tax claims as certificates of delinquency, limit the sheriff's add-on fee to $5, require add-on fees and advertising costs to be included in the interest calculation for certificates of delinquency in cities of the 1st class or consolidated local governments, and permit such fees and costs to be included on certificates of delinquency in other counties upon passage of a county ordinance.

HFA (2/Title, S. Riggs) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, E. Tori) - Amend KRS 134.460 and 134.500 to provide that the 12% interest that attaches to a certificate of delinquency also applies to the clerk's add on fee and the county attorney's add on fee.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Local Government (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 27-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 1-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 8-3rd reading, passed 86-2 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 26-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, passed 30-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; passed 84-6; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 104)

HB 511 (BR 1310) - C. Miller, J. Jenkins, T. Burch, L. Clark, R. Crimm, D. Graham, C. Hoffman

AN ACT relating to proof of motor vehicle insurance.

Amend KRS 304.39-117, relating to motor vehicle insurance, to provide that failure to maintain proof of insurance in the vehicle at all times creates a presumption that the vehicle does not have insurance coverage; provide that an owner cited for failure to maintain insurance shall be responsible for providing the court with proof that he or she did have the proper coverage at the time he or she was cited; amend KRS 186A.065 to conform.


HCS - Clarify that an insurance card, rather than a certificate of insurance, must be kept in vehicle; establish that failure to maintain an insurance card in a vehicle shall be prima facie evidence that the vehicle does not have insurance.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 52-36 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Judiciary (S)

HB 512 (BR 1455) - C. Geveden, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to public employee benefits.

Amend KRS 212.792, relating to local health departments, to correct a citation.


HCS - Delete the provisions of the original bill; create a new section of KRS Chapter 150 to allow hunters to enter private property to retrieve hunting dogs.

HCA (1/Title, C. Geveden) - Make title amendment.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to State Government (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

HB 513 (BR 1454) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.552, relating to the purchase of service in the Kentucky Retirement Systems, to delete a purchase provision which expired December 31, 2002.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to State Government (H)

HB 514/LM (BR 1795) - C. Miller, T. Burch, L. Clark, D. Graham, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to highway work zones.

Amend KRS 189.2325 relating to highway work zones to require use of a flashing yellow light to indicate when workers are physically present in a work zone; amend KRS 189.394 relating to speeding to specify that double fines in work zones are only applicable when flashing yellow lights are in operation and workers are physically present in the work zone.


HCS/LM - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following change: In Section 1, delete subsection (4) in its entirety.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Transportation (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 94-3 with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Transportation (S)

HB 515 (BR 1742) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to university tuition for advanced degrees.

Amend KRS 164.020 to require in-state tuition for nonresident graduates of Kentucky's public postsecondary educational institutions who are pursuing advanced degrees.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Education (H)

Introduced Feb. 17, 2004

HB 516 (BR 1816) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to prescription drugs dispensed through programs under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet for Health Services.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to prohibit the Cabinet for Health Services from placing prior authorization restrictions on HIV/AIDS drugs or diagnostic tests if prescribed and medically necessary; specify classes of drugs that may not be limited; require the cabinet to make these exemptions and exclusions from limitations applicable to all programs operated by all offices, agencies, and departments under the cabinet's jurisdiction.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except remove the requirements relating to opportunistic diseases and infections, and remove the references to the classes of drugs that may not be limited and the requirement that the cabinet apply the provisions to all programs operated by the cabinet.

HFA (1, T. Burch) - Make technical change.

HFA (2/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendent.

HFA (3/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendment.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004; floor amendment (2-title) withdrawn ; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 66-24 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (3-title)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 517 (BR 1879) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to the administration of trusts and estates.

Amend KRS 386.130 to remove gender specific language.


HCS - Delete original provisions of the bill and insert new provisions to adopt the Kentucky Principal and Income Act by creating new sections to KRS Chapter 386; establish definitions; establish provisions pertaining to decedent's estate or terminating income interest; establish apportionment at beginning and end of income interest; establish allocation of receipts during administration of trust; establish allocation of disbursements during administration of trust; establish miscellaneous provisions; repeal the Kentucky Revised Uniform Principal and Income Act.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Banking and Insurance (H); reassigned to Judiciary (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 86-1 with Committee Substitute

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 9-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 158)

HB 518/FN (BR 1906) - J. Callahan

AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

Amend KRS 132.320 to require the Revenue Cabinet to send a list of each taxpayer making a payment and the amount of the payment to local taxing districts at the time that funds collected by the cabinet on behalf of local taxing districts are made.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; specify that information be subject to confidentiality and reciprocity provisions of KRS 131.190(2).

SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Amend and create various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to reverse the ITW decision for past tax years; repeal the corporate license tax; provide for the inclusion of all limited liability entities in the corporate tax base; require mandatory consolidated filing for corporations with nexus in Kentucky; disallow the deduction of certain intangible transactions between related entities; reduce the top marginal corporate tax rate to 6%; impose an alternative minimum calculation based on 9.5 cents per $100 of gross receipts; impose a minimum tax of $250; disallow the net operating loss carryback; expand the definition of "doing business"; reduce the top individual income tax marginal rate to 5.68%; freeze the pension exclusion at the current amount of $40,200 per year; increase the low-income tax credit to $12,000; allow a credit for taxes paid at the corporate level to be passed through to individual members or partners of limited liability entities; repeal the intangible property tax; allow the exclusion of new property in calculating the HB 44 rate; provide a sales and use tax refund for construction and research and development expenses with a total overall limit of approvals for refunds during any year of $25 million; provide a three-day sales tax holiday in 2004 and 2005; expand the sales tax nexus definition; impose a surtax of 26 cents per pack on cigarettes, along with a floor stock tax; impose a tax on smokeless tobacco and other tobacco products; impose an equity assessment on nonparticipating manufacturers; repeal two existing taxes and increase the rate of the wholesale sales tax on distilled spirits, beer, and wine; replace several local and state levies with a uniform communications excise tax at a rate of 7.62% on revenues from the provision of telecommunications services, include in the base both cable and direct broadcast satellite; impose a 1% tax on receipts from the rental of lodging to be deposited in a fund dedicated to supporting and promoting tourism; amend and repeal various sections to conform; provide for various effective dates.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 95-1 with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 22-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S); floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 23-taken from committee; 2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 519/AA (BR 1478) - J. Barrows, Dw. Butler, J. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, C. Belcher, B. Buckingham, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, J. Coleman, R. Damron, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, T. Feeley, C. Geveden, D. Graham, T. Kerr, D. Pasley, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, J. Vincent, J. Wayne, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapters 16, 61, and 78, relating to the State Police Retirement System, Kentucky Employees Retirement System, and County Employees Retirement System; establish disability benefits for employees hired August 1, 2004, or after; authorize the retirement board to establish the budget and report to the Governor and General Assembly; authorize the board to issue payments directly; allow the board to select a custodian of funds other than the State Treasurer; authorize payment of job-related legal expenses for system employees; set contribution reporting dates and increase minimum penalty for delinquent contributions to $1,000; set vesting requirements for the purchase of service prior to participation; prohibit use of purchased service for meeting insurance vesting requirements; require disability applicants to obtain medical records and alter disability procedures to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; authorize the system to conduct audits to detect possible fraud and grant the system authority to issue subpoenas to obtain information; determine treatment of bonuses; establish circumstances under which city managers and local executives may decline participation in the County Employees Retirement System.


HCS/AA - Retain original provisions; delete language changing disability benefits for employees hired on or after July 1, 2004; require the retirement office to assist members applying for disability in obtaining medical information; require employers with positions eligible to participate in multiple retirement systems to designate the positions to participate in KERS, but allow KERS employees hired by the employer to continue to contribute to KERS; allow certain employees of the Council on Postsecondary Education to apply service toward medical insurance benefits.

HFA (1, J. Barrows) - Delete various provisions permitting retirement systems to issue payments; restore the State Treasurer as custodian of funds and as the issuing authority.

HFA (2, J. Barrows) - Delete various provisions permitting retirement systems to issue payments; restore the State Treasurer as custodian of funds and as the issuing authority; delete Section 9 relating to membership in KERS.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to State Government (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 27-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 4-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 88-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2)

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 19-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 36-0-2

Mar 23-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 36)

HB 520 (BR 1832) - R. Rand, K. Bratcher, R. Crimm, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT relating to public decency.

Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 233 relating to the abatement of houses of prostitution to broaden the chapter to include the abatement of an obscenity-based enterprise violating the provisions of KRS Chapter 531 relating to obscenity, by allowing the costs of the action to be recovered in addition to the recovery of a reasonable attorney's fee, by allowing the fine for a continuing violation to be imposed for each day of the violation, and to allow for a civil penalty.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Judiciary (H); posted in committee

HB 521/LM (BR 1833) - R. Rand, K. Bratcher, R. Crimm, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT relating to the zoning of adult businesses.

Amend KRS 100.187 to specify requirements for comprehensive planning for localities in relation to adult-oriented, sexually based entertainment or material; amend KRS 100.203 to direct that zoning regulations adopted by a locality require that businesses offering sexually based entertainment or material that is inappropriate for residential or commercial areas be located in an appropriate zone.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Local Government (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

HB 522 (BR 1959) - R. Webb, B. Smith

AN ACT relating to the gasoline and special fuels excise tax.

Amend KRS 131.190 to require the Revenue Cabinet to report total tax-paid gasoline and special fuels gallonage by individual taxpayers.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 523 (BR 1811) - S. Westrom, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to consumer contracts.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 372 to provide that a choice of forum provision in a consumer contract is voidable as contrary to public policy if the contract involves the sale or lease of goods, services, or information, a jurisdiction other than Kentucky is selected as the exclusive judicial forum for actions on the contract, the consumer against whom the choice of forum provision is sought is a resident of this state; amend KRS 454.210 to define "information"; provide that courts of the Commonwealth may exercise personal jurisdiction over persons who contract to supply information in this state; make retroactive five years prior to the effective date.


HFA (1, S. Westrom) - Retain original provisions of the bill; insert additional provisions stating that the choice of forum provision in consumer contracts shall only be considered invalid if the transaction is an Internet transaction and the amount in question is equal to or less than the statutory limitation for a claim brought in the small claims division of the District Court, as specified in KRS 24A.230.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 5-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 9-recommitted to Judiciary (H)

HB 524/FN (BR 1182) - D. Sims

AN ACT relating to the Tourism Development Act.

Amend KRS 148.851 to include within the definition of "tourism attraction" lodging facilities located within one of the 70 least populated counties in the Commonwealth, in terms of total population, according to the most recent census.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 525 (BR 1899) - F. Rasche

AN ACT relating to the selection of school personnel.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to specify the roles of the superintendent, principal, and school-based decision making councils in the selection of personnel; incorporate and clarify existing responsibilities previously found in KRS 160.345; add definitions for "qualified candidates" and qualified applicants"; require that a superintendent and school-based decision making council develop criteria in addition to certification that will be used in the selection of a school principal based on the needs of the school; require that the criteria be in the position description; specify the limitations relating to interim principals; require superintendents to rank all applicants for principal and send to the council; specify that consultations between the superintendent and the council relating to the review and discussion of individual applications and all rankings are confidential and not subject to open records and open meetings requirements; provide that a superintendent may appeal a council's decision to the commissioner of education; outline the role of the commissioner of education; amend KRS 160.345 to provide clarifying subheadings and to delete requirements to selection of personnel that are incorporated into the new section; make technical changes.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Education (H)

HB 526 (BR 1901) - H. Collins

AN ACT relating to the Motor Vehicle Commission.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 190, relating to motor vehicle sales, to prohibit the Motor Vehicle Commission from charging any person licensed under KRS Chapter 190 any fee that is not expressly set forth in the chapter; prohibit the commission from attempting to charge fees under administrative regulations if the fees are not established in Chapter 190.


HCS - Delete the provisions of the original bill in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof provisions to require the Transportation Cabinet to allow auto dealers access to information contained in AVIS to expedite the titling and transfer of motor vehicles; prohibit the cabinet or any other vendor from charging auto dealers any fee in excess of the cabinet's actual documented cost of providing the dealers access to the information.

HCA (1/Title, H. Collins) - Amend the title to read as follows: "AN ACT relating to motor vehicles."

HFA (1, H. Collins) - Delete the provisions of the House Committee Substitute in its entirety and insert in lieu thereof a new section in KRS Chapter 186A to require the Transportation Cabinet to provide access to information in AVIS to any entity as needed to expedite the titling and transfer of motor vehicles; prohibit the cabinet from charging an entity more than the actual documented cost to provide access to the data; prohibit the cabinet from including administrative fees or other charges in its documented cost.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 11-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (1)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HB 527 (BR 1740) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to massage therapy.

Amend KRS 309.362 and allow fines for massage therapists who violate the provisions of KRS 309.350 to 309.364 and administrative regulations promulgated pursuant to those sections.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 528/AA (BR 1888) - C. Geveden, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, L. Clark, B. Crall

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.691, relating to retiree cost of living increases for CERS, KERS, and SPRS, to increase the monthly benefits of retirees who retired in or prior to 1980.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to State Government (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 97-0

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 529 (BR 1871) - R. Damron, K. Stein, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to long-term care ombudsman services.

Create a new section of KRS 216.537 to 216.590 to require the Commonwealth to provide supplementary funds to the federal Older Americans Act to provide at least one long-term care ombudsman in each area development district and one full-time ombudsman for each 2,000 nursing home residents in each area development district.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 530 (BR 2048) - D. Ford, J. Higdon, R. Mobley

AN ACT relating to use of credit information in underwriting or rating insurance risks.

Create a new section of Subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit an insurer that uses credit information to underwrite or rate risks from using certain credit inquiries as a negative factor in any insurance score methodology or in reviewing credit information for the purpose of underwriting or rating a policy of personal insurance; define "personal insurance" as private passenger automobile, homeowners, motorcycle, mobile-homeowners, and noncommercial dwelling fire insurance policies individually underwritten for personal, family, or household use.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 531 (BR 1793) - D. Ford

AN ACT relating to constables.

Amend KRS 189.950 to provide that in addition to the fiscal court, a sheriff may grant permission for a constable to use blue lights and sirens; provide that neither the fiscal court nor the sheriff shall be required to pay for the costs of the equipment when approval to use is granted; and provide that the approving authority may also revoke permission.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Local Government (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

HB 532 (BR 1791) - D. Ford, R. Mobley, R. Damron, J. Higdon

AN ACT relating to consumer credit.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to prohibit any consumer reporting agency that furnishes a credit report that contains a credit score on any consumer from using the number of inquiries to check a consumer's credit as a factor in determining the credit score on any consumer; prohibit creditors, lenders, employers, or other users of credit reports who use the report to establish a credit score for any consumer from using the number of inquiries to check a consumer's credit as a factor in determining the credit score on any consumer; provide that a violation of this section is an unfair, false, misleading, and deceptive act or practice in the conduct of trade or commerce in violation of KRS 367.170.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

HB 533/LM (BR 1947) - C. Hoffman

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles, to define "KQHA"; create a special Quarter Horse Association license plate for the Kentucky Quarter Horse Association; require the KQHA to obtain a minimum 900 applications along with a $25 state fee for each application before the Transportation Cabinet is required to print the plate; provide that if the 900 applications are not submitted to the cabinet within a year of the effective date of the Act, the provisions creating the special plate expire; establish an initial fee for the plate of $28 and a renewal fee of $15; permit initial applicants and persons renewing their registration to make a voluntary $10 contribution that will be sent to the KQHA; require that all funds received by the KQHA shall be used for riding scholarships for Kentucky children; require the KQHA to pay to annually audit the funds received from the sale of the license plate and submit the audit to the Transportation Cabinet.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Transportation (H)

Introduced Feb. 18, 2004

HB 534 (BR 2010) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance.

Amend KRS 304.20-060 to delete the requirement that comprehensive motor vehicle coverage provide complete coverage for damaged safety equipment and to delete reference to the deductible or minimum amount.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 535 (BR 1808) - J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to the Capitol restoration trust fund.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 11 to create the Capitol restoration trust fund as a separate trust fund to be administered by the Finance and Administration Cabinet with advice from the Historic Properties Advisory Commission, the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, and the Chief Justice; require proceeds from the trust fund to be used only for the restoration and renovation of the Kentucky State Capitol; provide that the fund shall not lapse to the general fund; authorize the state to accept private and corporate contributions and appropriations from the state and federal governments; specify restoration and renovation expenses for which the funds may be used; require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to publish an annual financial report of the activities of the trust fund and provide a copy of that report to the Governor, the Legislative Research Commission, the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, and the Chief Justice.


HCS - Retain the original provisions; add the Attorney General to the list of those who advise the Finance and Administration Cabinet regarding administration of the fund; add the Attorney General to the list of those receiving a copy of the cabinet's annual financial report.

HFA (1, J. Barrows) - Add the Secretary of State to the list of those who advise the Finance and Administration Cabinet regarding administration of the fund; prohibit the Commonwealth from advertising or displaying the name, business logo, brand, trademark, plaque, or any combination thereof of a private or corporate contributor on state property in return for a contribution to the fund; provide that nothing prohibit the contributor from mentioning the contributor's donation in its publications or advertisements; require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to provide, with its annual report on the fund, a list of the names of all contributors to the fund; add the Secretary of State to the list of those receiving a copy of the annual report and list of contributors.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to State Government (H)

Feb 20-posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 2-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 4-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 536/LM/CI (BR 1900) - J. Stacy

AN ACT relating to driving under the influence.

Amend KRS 189A.010 to establish a per se violation of the DUI statute if the driver has at least a certain amount of a substance such as amphetamine, cocaine, or heroin in the urine or blood.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

HB 537 (BR 1753) - B. Smith, J. Gooch, K. Hall

AN ACT relating to mines and minerals.

Amend KRS 350.280 to delete the requirement that an order of cessation be issued by the cabinet directing the permittee or operator to abate a violation before granting an easement of necessity in emergency situations; require the permittee or operator to submit to the property owner a statement that abatement of the violation will be diligently pursued; require that the appraisal be done by an appraiser certified under KRS Chapter 324A; require that the appraisal measure the damages to the property that have resulted from the violation; require that the appraisal be completed and provided to the owner or occupant within three days of abatement of the violation; provide that the property owner or occupant may reject the appraisal within seven days of its receipt; provide a process for the owner or occupant to obtain another appraisal and provide that it shall be completed and submitted to the permittee or operator within 30 days; provide for exchange of funds after acceptance of an appraisal by the owner or occupant; provide that if the owner or occupant does not accept or reject the appraisal within seven days that the appraisal will be deemed accepted; provide for a method of calculating the damages to the property; provide for commencement of the easement of necessity for the purpose of conducting an appraisal; provide for the calculation and remittance of an entry fee to the owner or occupant for the privilege of entering the property to conduct the appraisal in nonemergency situations; provide that the permittee or occupant's easement of necessity shall be recognized upon payment of the entry fee; provide that the entry fee be deducted from any subsequent payment due the property owner or occupant as a result of post-abatement appraisals; and provide that if the entry fee exceeds the amount of all appraisals, the property owner or occupant shall be entitled to retain the fee in its entirety.


HFA (1, B. Smith) - Prohibit a person's acceptance of the entry fee or the appraisal as limiting the person's right to bring civil suit for injunctive relief.

HFA (2, B. Smith) - Require the coal operator or the permittee to provide the person with a plan of action, proof of liability insurance and worker's compensation insurance before an easement of necessity becomes effective and the coal operator or the permittee is allowed to enter the property to undertake remedial action to abate the violation.

HFA (3, B. Smith) - Prohibit a person's acceptance of the entry fee or the appraisal as limiting the person's right to bring civil suit to obtain damages or any other appropriate relief.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 5-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 8-floor amendment (3) filed

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 90-0 with floor amendments (2) and (3)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 159)

HB 538/LM/CI (BR 1363) - S. Nunn

AN ACT relating to the conduct and financing of gubernatorial elections.

Amend KRS 118.125 to delete joint notification and declaration for slates of candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor in a primary election; amend 118.127 to delete requirement for Governor and Lieutenant Governor to run as a slate in the primary election; require Governor to be nominated at a primary election; specify that no notification and declaration shall be filed by a Lieutenant Governor candidates and no primary election shall be held for the office of Lieutenant Governor; provide that the candidate who secures the party's nomination for Governor shall designate a person to be that party's nominee for Lieutenant Governor by filing a form within 10 days of the primary election and specify contents of form to be filed; provide that the slate of candidates shall be elected in a regular election by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices; amend KRS 118.245 to eliminate the runoff primary for gubernatorial slates and provide for nominee for Governor's designation of Lieutenant Governor; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 121A to conform; amend various sections of KRS Chapters 6, 117, 118, and 121 to conform; create a new section of KRS Chapter 121 to prohibit a legislative agent or executive agency lobbyist from making a campaign contribution to a candidate for Governor or slate; amend KRS 6.811 to prohibit a legislative agent from making a contribution to a candidate for Governor or slate; amend KRS 11A.231 to prohibit an executive agency lobbyist from making a contribution to a candidate for Governor or slate and provide penalties; amend KRS 121.220 to conform; repeal KRS 121A.015 relating to exploratory committees.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 539 (BR 1949) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to the official theatre pipe organ of Kentucky.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 to designate the Kentucky Theatre's Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ located in Lexington as the official theatre pipe organ of Kentucky.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 1-3rd reading, passed 86-1

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 540 (BR 1427) - B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, J. Coleman, C. Geveden, C. Miller, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, J. Thompson

AN ACT relating to the safety and well-being of students.

Amend KRS 158.441 to define "bullying"; amend KRS 158.148 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop and provide a sample policy to address bullying prevention, intervention, and follow-up services for the bully and the victim; require a school district's code of conduct to prohibit bullying, require the district code to include procedures for reporting and investigating incidents, and require a district to provide information to employees, volunteers, and students; amend KRS 158.150 to include bullying as a cause for suspension or expulsion of a student; amend 158.444 to require school districts to report all incidents of bullying resulting in corporal punishment, suspension, or expulsion to the Kentucky Department of Education; amend KRS 160.345 to require a school council to include procedures to address bullying as part of the school's discipline and classroom management policy.


HCS - Retain original provisions except delete language that would require the incidences of bullying by a school employee or school volunteer to be included in the statewide data collection system; insert language to require a local board of education to include provisions related to civility in its code of acceptable behavior and discipline.

HFA (1, S. Nunn) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to define bullying of legislators; amend KRS 6.706 and KRS 6.711 to specify training regarding bullying; require procedures for complaints and investigations relating to bullying of legislators.

HFA (2/Title, S. Nunn) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, C. Walton) - Express the finding of the General Assembly that the psychological well-being of a student is injured when his or her faith-based values and convictions against homosexuality and same-sex marriage are openly ridiculed, mocked, or mischaracterized as bigoted, hateful, or homophobic.

HFA (4, C. Walton) - Express the finding of the General Assembly that the psychological well-being of a student is injured when his or her faith-based values and convictions against homosexuality and same-sex marriage are openly ridiculed, mocked, or mischaracterized as bigoted, hateful, or homophobic.

HFA (5, R. Meeks) - Delete language that permits a person to report an incident of bullying anonymously; insert language that permits a person to report an incident of bullying confidentially; insert a provision that permits a student or the parent or guardian of a student who is a victim of bullying to request confidentiality when reporting an incident of bullying.

HFA (6, C. Walton) - Amend KRS 158.441 to change the definition of bullying by deleting the provision that "bullying" includes actions that create a hostile environment which substantially interferes with a student's "psychological well-being."

HFA (7, C. Walton) - Amend KRS 158.441 to change the definition of bullying by deleting the provision that "bullying" includes actions that create a hostile environment which substantially interferes with a student's "psychological well-being."

HFA (8, C. Walton) - Delete language that permits a person to report an incident of bullying anonymously; insert language that allows a person to report an incident of bullying confidentially.

HFA (9, C. Walton) - Delete language that permits a person to report an incident of bullying anonymously; insert language that allows a person to report an incident of bullying confidentially.

HFA (10, C. Walton) - Add language to state the right of a student or school official to express opinions on political, social, or moral issues shall not be discouraged or inhibited.

HFA (11, C. Walton) - Add language to state the right of a student or school official to express opinions on political, social, or moral issues shall not be discouraged or inhibited.

HFA (12, M. Marzian) - Require reporting of all incidences of bullying of a student by another student, school employee, or volunteer resulting in disciplinary action and incidences of bullying that manifest evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the victim's actual or perceived race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or disability, or because of the victim's association with an individual who falls into one of the protected categories.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Education (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) (3) and (5) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendments (2-title) and (4) filed

Feb 27-floor amendments (6) (8) and (11) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendments (7) (9) and (10) filed

Mar 2-floor amendment (12) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 3-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 541/AA (BR 1204) - J. Jenkins, J. Wayne, T. Burch, De. Butler, M. Cherry, P. Clark, J. Crenshaw, D. Graham, J. Gray, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, S. Riggs, D. Sims, K. Stein, R. Wilkey

AN ACT relating to hazardous duty retirement.

Amend KRS 61.592, relating to hazardous duty retirement, to include waste water treatment positions involved in the treatment of waste water or raw sewage or in the installation or maintenance of waste water or sewage systems in the definition of "hazardous positions."

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

HB 542 (BR 1836) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to human services.

Amend KRS 194A.070 and KRS 194B.070 to specify that any agencies that contract with the cabinet to provide family services, mental health services, or substance abuse services and which are accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting organization shall not be subject to additional licensing and certification requirements by the cabinet; specify accrediting organizations; permit cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to specify requirements not covered by accreditation, require proof of compliance with fire, health, and safety standards; permit cabinet to perform inspections and monitoring of contracted services.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Introduced Feb. 19, 2004

HB 543 (BR 1385) - P. Marcotte

AN ACT relating to mining.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 350 to require any person that applies for a permit to strip or steep slope mine a mineral other than coal to request certification by ordinance from the county fiscal court that the operations will not degrade county roads; allow the permit applicant to submit a transportation impact plan if the permit applicant cannot obtain an ordinance from the county; specify requirements for the transportation impact plan; require the cabinet to review and approve or deny the transportation impact plan within 90 days, and provide that a denial shall result in denial of the applicants permit to mine; permit the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; amend KRS 350.062 to require applicants for a permit to strip mine or steep slope mine any mineral other than coal to submit an ordinance from the county or a transportation impact plan.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

HB 544 (BR 1323) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to county law libraries.

Amend KRS 172.180 to allow a fee of $1.50 per case to be levied on criminal actions to support county law libraries, and in District and Circuit Courts, to allow a $3.00 per case fee to be levied on civil actions to support county law libraries.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Judiciary (H)

HB 545 (BR 2009) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to the replacement of life insurance contracts and annuities.

Amend KRS 304.12-030 to provide that if a person solicits an application for an annuity contract and knows the purchase will be a replacement transaction, the annuity shall not be issued until thirty (30) days after notice of such proposed replacement and all soliciting material has been delivered by the replacing insurer to the existing insurer; require the replacing insurer to agree in writing with the insured that the new annuity contract will not be contestable in the event of the insured's death to any greater extent than the existing annuity would have been contestable by the existing insurer had such replacement not taken place; provide that the new annuity contract issued by the replacing insurer may be voluntarily surrendered by the insured at any time within thirty (30) days after its delivery to the insured in exchange for a full refund of premiums paid by the replacing insurer to the insured.


HCS - Delete original provisions; amend KRS 304.12-030 to define "replacement," "existing insurer," "replacing insurer," "existing life insurance policy or annuity contract," "financed purchase," and "direct-response solicitation"; provide that no replacing insurer shall issue a life policy or annuity contact in a replacement transaction to replace an existing policy or contract unless the replacing insurer agrees in writing with the insured that the policy or contract owner has the right to return a life insurance policy or annuity contract within thirty (30) days of delivery of policy or contract; provide that subsection (2) does not apply to group life insurance or group annuities where there is no direct solicitation of individuals by an insurance producer, does not apply to group life insurance and annuities used to fund prearranged funeral contracts, does not apply to policies or contracts used to fund certain plans as specified in paragraph (g), and does not apply where new coverage is provided under a life policy or contract and the cost is borne wholly by the insured's employer or by an association of which the insured is a member; and immediate annuities purchased with proceeds from an existing contract, and structured settlements.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 546 (BR 2040) - J. Gooch

AN ACT relating to state risk.

Amend KRS 44.055 to make technical change; amend KRS 56.080 to require the Department of Insurance to reconsider its appraisal and valuation of all real property belonging to or under the control and use of the state or state agency before July 1 each year; require each state agency to receive an independent appraisal for the value of all personal property and submit it by July 1 each year to the Department of Insurance or submit the certified value to the department; amend KRS 56.090 to require the department before July 1 each year to fix the rate of premium upon all real property and each class of personal property based upon one hundred percent of the valuation of all real property and each class of personal property; amend KRS 56.100 to provide that no premium shall be charged on any 1 risk upon a valuation of more than $1,000,000 unless the department has contracted for reinsurance that limits the liability of the fund to $1,000,000 upon such subject of risk; amend KRS 56.120 to provide that no debit, credit, or payment on account of the damage to any 1 subject of risk shall be in excess of $1,000,000 unless the department has contracted for reinsurance that limits the liability of the fund to $1,000,000; amend KRS 56.140 to permit the State Treasurer to invest the state fire and tornado insurance fund in compliance with KRS 42.500; amend 56.150 to restrict expenses of the fund to not more than 10% of the total calculated premiums prior to the application of any experience credits; amend KRS 56.160 to conform; amend KRS 56.170 to provide that if the department becomes aware of a hazard in a building owned by the state, the department may make recommendations regarding removal or correction of the hazard to the agency having control or custody of the building.


HCS - Delete Section 1 of the Act; amend KRS 56.080 to require each state agency to notify the Department of Insurance of the value of the personal property belonging to or under the control of the state agency by July 1 of each year; amend KRS 56.140 and 56.150 to delete reference to State Treasurer.

HCA (1/Title, J. Gooch) - Make title amendment.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 547/CI (BR 2166) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 218A.992, relating to possession of firearm during a drug offense, to change elements from possession to "use or carrying" of firearm during a drug offense.


HCS/CI - In amendment of KRS 218A.992 relating to controlled substances penalties, delete requirement that the defendant "was at the time of" the commission of the offense carrying a firearm and replace with the requirement that the firearm was used or carried "during and in relation to" the commission of the offense; insert requirement "or in furtherance of any such crime, possesses a firearm".

HFA (1, C. Geveden) - Delete original amendments and replace with provision requiring that the possession of the firearm be in furtherance of the offense.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 25-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 15-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 92-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Judiciary (S)

HB 548 (BR 1703) - C. Hoffman


HB 549 (BR 1848) - M. Cherry, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to state employee political activities.

Amend KRS 18A.140 to provide that a certified instructor at a vocational or technical school that is an employee governed by KRS Chapter 151B shall have the same political rights and privileges afforded to any instructor in a locally controlled area vocational or technical school.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to State Government (H); posted in committee

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 550/CI (BR 1839) - R. Webb, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to the Department of Juvenile Justice and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 15A.065 to allow the Department of Juvenile Justice to contract with other state and federal agencies to provide services to youth of those agencies; amend KRS 610.265 and 610.290 to provide temporary parental supervised release of a juvenile if a detention hearing is not held in a timely manner; amend KRS 635.060 to provide for parental supervision of juvenile probation; amend KRS 635.100 to provide that a juvenile who breaks the terms of his parole shall be taken into custody; amend KRS 635.510 to clarify that the time of the commission of the offense is the time to be taken into account in determining juvenile sexual offender status; amend KRS 640.030 to provide that, at the time of majority, a youthful offender is to be probated or placed in an institution operated by the Department of Corrections; amend KRS 17.495 to make it inapplicable to juvenile offenders probated or paroled during their minority or enrolled in secondary education; amend KRS 17.552 to provide that KRS 635.500 and 635.520 shall govern juvenile sexual offender presentence evaluations and treatment; amend KRS 532.050 to provide that the Department of Juvenile Justice shall conduct sex offender presentence evaluations for juveniles; EMERGENCY.


HCS/CI - Retain provisions of the original bill; specify that Sections 2, 3, 4 and 7 are all emergencies.

HFA (1, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions; create new language dealing with youthful offenders between the age of eighteen and eighteen years and five months.

HFA (2, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions; create new language dealing with youthful offenders between the age of eighteen and eighteen years and five months.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 11-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2)

Mar 12-received in Senate

Mar 17-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 160)

HB 551/AA (BR 315) - R. Adkins

AN ACT relating to certified employees called to active military service.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 161 to identify benefits for certified staff called to active duty, permit a board of education to provide the employer's contribution for health insurance as long as the certified employee or spouse provides the difference in cost for a family plan; permit military service to count toward continuing service contracts; provide that a certified staff person shall receive credit on the single salary schedule for time spent in active military service; provide that a lump sum may be paid on behalf of a certified employee to the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System by a local school district when the employee returns to education service in the district; amend KRS 161.720 and KRS 161.740 to conform.


HFA (1, M. Weaver) - Require a certified employee of a local school board, granted military leave by that school board, to commit to return to work at the conclusion of military leave before that school board agrees to provide the employer's contribution for that certified employee's state family health insurance during military leave.

SCS/AA - Retain original provisions, except require that if the leave time will qualify the teacher for continuing contract status, the local district may require the teacher to complete a one-year probationary period upon return.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee; posting waived

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 88-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute ; received in House; to Rules (H); taken from Rules committee; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute ; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; bill passed 93-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 161)

HB 552 (BR 1479) - R. Meeks, R. Webb, J. Crenshaw, D. Graham, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Sections 145 and 150 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the restoration of civil rights for felons.

Propose an amendment to Section 145 of the Kentucky Constitution to provide for automatic restoration of civil rights upon completion of a sentence; propose an amendment to Section 150 of the Kentucky Constitution to provide for automatic restoration of ability to serve in public office upon completion of a sentence; provide for submission to voters.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Introduced Feb. 20, 2004

HB 553 (BR 1857) - K. Hall, R. Nelson, J. Stewart

AN ACT relating to educators and making an appropriation therefor.

Repeal KRS 158.782, the highly skilled educator program; amend KRS 45A.690, 157.197, 158.6452, 158.6455, 158.647, 158.6472, 160.350, and 161.220 to conform; APPROPRIATION.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Education (H)

HB 554 (BR 2082) - H. Collins, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT relating to certified personnel evaluation.

Amend KRS 156.557 to require elections of teachers and administrators on the committee to develop the procedures of evaluation; require the evaluation committee to convene to consider any changes in district policy; require that no instrument, forms, or procedures be used in the evaluation process that have not been adopted by the committee; establish penalty for violators of evaluation procedures.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Education (H)

HB 555 (BR 2103) - S. Baugh

AN ACT relating to health insurance.

Amend KRS 304.12-250 to clarify that an insurer is prohibited from excluding coverage in a health insurance policy based solely on the fact that a health condition is work-related, but that an insurer may exclude coverage if the condition, injury, or illness is work-related and the claimant is eligible for worker's compensation or similar legislation, and that if the Board of Workers' Claim determines that the condition is not work-related the insurer may not exclude coverage.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 556 (BR 1643) - J. Gooch, K. Hall, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, B. Buckingham, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to coalbed methane development and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new KRS Chapter 349 relating to coalbed methane development; declare the importance of coalbed methane development in the Commonwealth and find that development of a process to extract coalbed methane does not imply ownership of coalbed methane; establish definitions; establish a 5-member Coalbed Methane Review Board; establish the authority, jurisdiction, responsibilities and duties of the review board; authorize the Department of Natural Resources to receive applications for permits to drill coalbed methane wells and require a coalbed methane operator making an application for a coalbed methane permit to submit a plat; require that the plat become a public record subject to inspection; require notifications to surface and subsurface owners; require descriptions of mineral tract boundaries and of drilling operations; provide a method for interested parties to make objections to the Department of Natural Resources concerning the drilling of a coalbed methane well; prescribe rules for the plugging and abandonment of a coalbed methane well; authorize the Department of Natural Resources to receive and oversee the plugging and abandonment of coalbed methane wells; establish rules and procedures for a mine licensee to obtain authorization to mine through a coalbed methane well; authorize the review board to issue orders and issue mine-through certificates to mine operators to allow mine-through operations; prescribe a method for determining compensation to all parties with an interest in a coalbed methane well; establish a method for appeals of the review board's authorization for mine-through certificates and provide a method for the escrow of funds; prohibit the waste of coalbed methane and provide for certain exceptions from the definition of waste; establish submission, authorization, and bonding requirements for an application to obtain a permit to drill a coalbed methane well; authorize voluntary pooling agreements for operators and owners of coalbed methane; establish requirements and procedures for stimulating a workable coal seam; prohibit stimulation of a coal seam absent a filed agreement to stimulate; authorize the review board to consider and order the stimulating the coalbed; establish the authority, powers, and rules of procedure for review board hearings; authorize the review board to promulgate and enforce administrative regulations; authorize the review board to hear and rule upon appeals of departmental actions on permits, field rules, drilling units, pooling, and unitization; establish spacing requirements for both vertical and horizontal coalbed methane wells; authorize the review board to act upon applications and prescribe pooling for coalbed methane wells when the ownership is in dispute; authorize the department to receive applications to pool; establish requirements for pooling applications; permit persons aggrieved by an action of the review board to bring civil action; establish requirements, procedures, and defenses for civil actions; establish requirements and procedures for the installation and removal of casings in a coalbed methane well; authorize the department to bid for the plugging of coalbed methane wells; establish a coalbed methane well plugging fund to receive funds paid on the sale of equipment removed from a well that is being plugged and bond forfeitures; authorize the expense of funds from the coalbed methane well plugging fund for plugging coalbed methane wells; authorize the department to supervise the drilling, casing, plugging, and filling of coalbed methane wells; authorize the department to adopt rules, promulgate administrative regulations, and conduct hearings; require applicants for a permit to drill a coalbed methane well to submit a bond or a blanket bond; prescribe alternate bonding requirements for applicants; establish rules for succession on a permit to drill a coalbed methane well; establish termination of operations requirements for coalbed methane well operators; provide that applicants for coalbed methane drilling permits comply with KRS 353.5901 and 353.595; set an expiration date for coalbed methane drilling permits and allow for the extension of the permit for one year; establish an affirmative defense for willful trespass arising from coalbed methane drilling operations; authorize the department to bring suit in Circuit Court for violations and to seek restraint of operations; allow persons to protect water resources affected by coalbed methane operations; require the operator of a coalbed methane well to replace water to the person affected; establish penalties for violations; establish the rights of surface owners, where the surface and subsurface rights are severed, and contractual rights of mineral rights owners; provide that ownership of coalbed methane is not affirmed; prohibit rules and requirements affecting coalbed methane permits to apply to non-coalbed methane permits unless converted; require that provisions be liberally construed; and unless expressly provided, exempt coalbed methane wells from the provisions of KRS Chapter 353.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Natural Resources and Environment (H); posted in committee; posting waived

HB 557 (BR 1442) - L. Napier

AN ACT relating to presidential preference primaries.

Amend KRS 118.025 and 118.561 to provide that the presidential preference primary shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January and provide that the entire cost shall be paid by the state; amend KRS 118.555 to require state executive committees to notify the State Board of Elections of a decision to hold a presidential preference primary, party caucus, or a combination of the two methods of selecting nominees by November 1, rather than December 31; amend KRS 118.571 to provide that voter's eligibility to vote in the presidential preference primary shall be determined as of the date that the registration books close for the presidential preference primary; amend KRS 118.581 to provide that the State Board of Elections shall meet on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November to nominate all candidates that have qualified for federal matching funds; amend KRS 118.591 to require petitions and notices of candidacy to be filed by the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November; amend KRS 118.601 to provide that the public drawing for ballot order shall be held on the first Friday following the first Monday in November and provide that the Secretary of State shall certify to the county clerks the names of the candidates by the second Monday in November; amend KRS 117.045 to provide that election officers nominated from the prior year shall serve in the presidential preference primary; and amend KRS 116.045 to provide that a voter may register or change party affiliation while the books are closed for the regular election immediately preceding the presidential preference primary, but shall not be permitted to vote in the regular election and shall be permitted to vote in the presidential preference primary.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 558 (BR 2169) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Board of Licensure and Certification for Dietitians and Nutritionists.

Amend KRS 310.041 to grant retired or inactive licensure status to dietitians and nutritionists through administrative regulations promulgated by the board.


SFA (1/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

SFA (2, R. Roeding) - Attach provisions of SB 214/GA; amend KRS 315.150 to limit the Kentucky Pharmacists Association's submission of its list of Board of Pharmacy candidates to years that are the last full year in a sitting board member's term; limit outside recommendations for the candidate list to the same years; limit appointments by the Governor to the same years; extend the length of the terms of board members from three years to four years starting January 1, 2005; and make technical corrections.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004; floor amendments (1-title) and (2) filed

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Introduced Feb. 23, 2004

HB 559/LM (BR 2110) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to cemeteries.

Allow taxpayers to allocate a portion of refund as voluntary check-off for Department for Local Government's county cemetery fund; designate the week prior to Memorial Day as Kentucky Cemetery Cleanup Week; establish criteria to grant families and others the right of ingress and egress to cemeteries on privately owned lands; require deeds to property with a cemetery to indicate location; increase $25 fine-per-incident for judicial officers who fail or refuse to enforce statutes related to cemeteries to no less than $500 and no more than $1,000; repeal and reenact selected statutes from KRS Chapter 381 to KRS Chapter 307; require Secretary of Finance Cabinet to inventory all Native American remains currently held by state-funded agencies and to inventory state-owned real estate that would be suitable for reinterment of Native American remains and report to General Assembly on or before January 15, 2004; require individual who files death certificate to include specific location of interment site, effective January 1, 2004; require cemetery owners to keep records at cemetery's place of business to allow families to readily access interment site of loved ones; impose on cemetery owners who do not keep records fines not less than $100 and not more than $500 for each offense.


HCS/LM - Retain original provisions of bill except delete amended portion of KRS Chapter 141 to create a tax-refund check-off donation to the Department for Local Government's cemetery fund; add penalty for landowner who denies cemetery access on his or her property to deceased's family members.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 63-22 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HB 560 (BR 2111) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to human remains and burial objects.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter to require persons excavating archaeological sites on private property to obtain a permit from the Kentucky Heritage Council; establish a process by which the landowner shall provide reasonable access to the cemeteries to the descendants and relatives of those buried within; place responsibility on the land owner to maintain the cemetery's integrity; make denial of access to the cemetery a violation; set out a process by which the state shall dispose of human remains within its custody and control; permit a legally-recognized tribal government to conduct reinterment ceremonies for Native Americans; require a person who encounters or accidentally disturbs human remains to immediately cease disturbing the ground in the area of the human remains; place responsibility of encountered or accidentally discovered human remains on the cemetery owner or the state and require responsible party to dispose of; require persons wishing to possess human remains or burial objects to obtain a permit from the Office of Vital Statistics and limit possession to teaching, medical, scientific, or training purposes; make unlawful possession of human remains or burial objects a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class D felony for each subsequent offense; make a person who unlawfully possesses human remains or burial objects to reimburse the state for the cost of properly disposing of the remains and objects; prohibit the excavation of human remains and burial objects; amend KRS 525.105 to delete the requirement that desecration of a venerated object is shown only when one's purpose is commercial gain or exploitation; require that the tools, implements, or vehicles used in desecrating human objects be seized and sold with profits from such sale going to the council; require violator to reimburse the Commonwealth for its costs in properly disposing the human remains and the land owner for damage to the property; amend KRS 525.120 to increase penalty for abuse of a corpse from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class D felony; require human remains possessed or so used to be seized and forfeited to the state; require the violator to reimburse the Commonwealth for the cost of properly disposing the human remains.


HCS - Retain original provisions of bill and make technical corrections.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 44-41 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 561 (BR 2099) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to livery transportation and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 281.910 to define "livery vehicle"; permit consolidated local governments and urban county governments to regulate livery vehicles following the same local guidelines used to regulate taxicabs; amend KRS 281.011 and 281.912 to conform; declare an EMERGENCY.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Transportation (H)

HB 562 (BR 2183) - M. Weaver, H. Collins

AN ACT relating to the issuance of operator's licenses and nondriver identification cards.

Amend KRS 186.412 to delete reference to the U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service and insert U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; delete references to specific documents that must be presented and insert a provision for the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to specify the documentation issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that will be accepted; amend the licensing process for permanent residents to require permanent residents to apply for an operator's license or nondriver identification card in the cabinet's Frankfort office or in a cabinet field office, rather than in the office of the circuit clerk; provide for the cabinet to issue a certificate of verification to persons who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents to take to the circuit clerk in order to be issued a driver's license or nondriver's I.D. card; require persons who are not U.S. citizens to apply for a nondriver I.D. card in the cabinet's Frankfort office or in a cabinet field office rather than in the office of the circuit clerk; reduce the time a nondriver's I.D. card will be issued from four years to one year; delete the prohibition on being issued a driver's license and a nondriver's I.D. card at the same time; provide that a person located outside the boundaries of the Commonwealth for purposes other than military service may be issued by mail a license without a photograph under limited circumstances until April 1, 2006; beginning April 1, 2006, require the cabinet to use the digital photograph stored in the cabinet's system on licenses renewed by mail; require all persons issued a license by mail to renew the license in person within 30 days of returning to Kentucky; amend KRS 186.430 to reduce the time a driver's license will be issued to a person who is not a U.S. citizen who is a Kentucky resident to the time on their documentation from the Department of Homeland Security to be in the United States or one year, whichever time period is shorter; amend KRS 186.435 to require a person applying for a Kentucky driver's license to surrender to the circuit clerk their out-of-state license and provide the clerk with two other forms of identification; provide that if the clerk has a question as to the validity or interpretation of the license or documentation, the clerk shall refer the person to the cabinet to obtain a certificate of verification before the license will be issued; amend KRS 186.440 and 186.580 to conform; repeal KRS 186.5315, relating to the posting of a notice about the 1994 increases in fees of circuit clerks.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the original bill with the following changes: In Section 1 allow a circuit clerk to refer a person to the Transportation Cabinet if the clerk has a question about the validity or interpretation of documentation presented by a person applying for a driver's license; delete references in Section 1 and throughout the bill to the U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service and insert in lieu thereof U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; delete references to an "I-551" card and insert a requirement for the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to specify the documentation issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that a circuit clerk may accept from a person applying for a driver's license; delete provisions in Section 1 and throughout the bill requiring permanent residents to apply for a license or a nondriver's I.D. card with the Transportation Cabinet rather than with the circuit clerk of the county where the person lives; prohibit persons applying for a license from wearing a hat when his or her photograph is taken for the license; delete provision reducing the time an initial or renewal nondriver I.D. card is issued and restore existing language governing the issuance; provide that if a person is out of Kentucky and does not have a digital photograph on file in the cabinet's driver license information system, the person may renew their existing license by mail and the cabinet will extend the expiration date for a period not to exceed one year; require the cabinet to provide the person with documentation as to the valid expiration date of the license; require a person issued a license by mail to renew the license in person within 90 days of returning to the United States rather than within 30 days of returning to the Commonwealth; add a new Section 5 to amend KRS 186.520 to delete provisions relating to the issuance of a duplicate chauffeur's license and insert in lieu thereof a provision to permit a person with a nondigital driver's license to renew the license early in order to obtain a digital license.

HFA (1, M. Weaver) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: In subsection (2) of Section 1 and in subsection (3) of Section 3 make the circuit clerk's referral of applicants to the Transportation Cabinet permissive rather than mandatory.

HFA (2, K. Hall) - Add a new section to create a new section of KRS Chapter 186 to require a clerk, when referring an applicant to the Transportation Cabinet because of questions about documentation, to identify what documents are in question and why; require the cabinet to collect demographic information of applicants referred to it by the circuit clerk; require the cabinet to report annually to LRC on summary data of the demographic information collected.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 1-reassigned to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-floor amendment (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 85-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (1) and (2)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HB 563 (BR 2185) - M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to detection of deception examiners.

Amend KRS 329.030 to authorize the cabinet to exchange fingerprint data with the Kentucky State Police and the FBI to conduct a criminal background check on detection of deception examiner applicants.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 25-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, passed 99-0

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 162)

HB 564 (BR 2141) - M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to military affairs.

Amend KRS 40.305 to clarify language creating the Governor's Advisory Board for Veterans' Affairs.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

HB 565 (BR 2252) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to fees.

Amend KRS 64.090, relating to fees for sheriffs and constables, to increase the arrest fee from $10 to $30.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Judiciary (H)

HB 566 (BR 2150) - B. Smith, H. Cornett

AN ACT relating to death benefits for police and firefighters in cities of the second and third class.

Amend KRS 95.570 to allow cities of the third class to purchase group life insurance to pay the widow, widower, or family of police and firefighters a death benefit sum of not more than $10,000; amend KRS 95.865 to extend the provisions to active or retired members of police and firefighters in cities of the second class.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Local Government (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 567 (BR 2241) - J. Gooch

AN ACT relating to life insurance.

Create a new section of Subtitle 12 of KRS Chapter 304 to require a life insurance company to contact the owner of a life insurance policy if moneys held by the insurer become due and payable under a life insurance policy that has terminated or matured and the owner of the policy during the preceding three years has not assigned, readjusted, or paid premiums or subjected the policy to a loan or corresponded with the insurer, or if the moneys are not due and payable but the owner has not assigned, readjusted, or paid premiums or subjected the policy to a loan or corresponded with the insurer within any five year period; require the insurer to submit a written statement to the Department of Insurance if unable to contact the owner; require the department to maintain the statements and at least annually compare the names of insureds to certificates of death filed with the Commonwealth; require the department to notify the insurer if a name appears in the death records and require the insurer to notify the beneficiary.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 568 (BR 2242) - J. Gooch


HB 569/FN (BR 1951) - T. McKee

AN ACT authorizing the payment of certain claims against the state which have been duly audited and approved according to law, and have not been paid because of the lapsing or insufficiency of former appropriations against which the claims were chargeable, or the lack of an appropriate procurement document in place, making an appropriation therefore, and declaring an emergency.

Appropriate funds for the payment of claims against the state; appropriation; EMERGENCY.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 91-1

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 35-0

Mar 26-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 64)

HB 570/LM (BR 2055) - J. Jenkins, L. Clark, K. Bratcher, T. Burch, De. Butler, P. Clark, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, S. Riggs, T. Riner, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to collective bargaining for police officers in a consolidated local government.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 67C to establish methods by which officials of and police officers employed by a consolidated local government shall conduct collective bargaining.


HFA (1, J. Jenkins) - Amend to require that when a labor organization has been designated as the exclusive representative of police officers in a consolidated local government, the mayor of the consolidated local government or his designated representative shall represent the local government in collective bargaining with the labor organization.

HFA (2, S. Nunn) - Amend HB 570 to allow local law enforcement personnel to exchange confiscated firearms for firearms and equipment with a federally licensed firearms dealer; extend time limit for exchanges or transfers to 180 days from 90 days.

HFA (3/Title, S. Nunn) - Amend title to read as follows: "AN ACT relating to local law enforcement agencies."

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 8-floor amendments (2) and (3-title) filed

Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 68-3 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 32-1; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 101)

HB 571 (BR 2215) - T. Feeley, M. Marzian, T. Pullin, A. Simpson, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to the Board of Dentistry.

Amend KRS 313.130 to create a private admonishment as a disciplinary action that the Board of Dentistry may impose, and provide that this action is not subject to the Open Records provisions.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 163)

HB 572/LM (BR 2249) - K. Stein, C. Belcher, J. Crenshaw, B. Farmer

AN ACT relating to collective bargaining.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 67A to establish collective bargaining for police officers and firefighters of an urban-county government.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 87-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 31-1; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 100)

HB 573/HM (BR 2244) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to health insurance coverage for contraceptives.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to define "outpatient contraceptive services"; prohibit a health benefit plan that provides benefits for prescription drug services or devices from excluding or restricting benefits to covered persons for any prescription contraceptive drug or device approved by the FDA; prohibit a health benefit plan that provides outpatient services from excluding or restricting outpatient contraceptive services; prohibit a health benefit plan from imposing a deductible, coinsurance, cost-sharing, or waiting period on prescription contraceptive drugs or devices or on outpatient contraceptive services if the deductible, coinsurance, cost-sharing, or waiting period is greater than that imposed on other prescription drugs, devices, or services; prohibit a health benefit plan from denying a person eligibility or enrollment due to use or potential use of contraceptive devices or services; prohibit a health benefit plan from penalizing or reducing payments to a health care provider because the provider had prescribed or provided contraceptive drugs or devices; prohibit a health benefit plan from providing incentives to a health care professional to withhold contraceptive devices or services; provide that these provisions apply to all health benefit plans issued, renewed, or delivered on or after the effective date.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Banking and Insurance (H); posted in committee

HB 574 (BR 2134) - K. Stein

AN ACT abolishing divorce, divorce from bed and board, legal separation, and annulment of marriage.

Amend KRS 403.010 to abolish divorce, divorce from bed and board, legal separation, and annulment of marriage; amend KRS 6.515, 23A.100, 23A.110, 161.700, 213.116, 403.040, 403.041, 403.042, 403.090, 403.110, 403.130, 403.150, 403.160, 403.230, 403.250, 403.280, 403.410, 403.460, and 403.725 to conform; repeal KRS 403.025, 403.033, 403.044, 403.050, 403.140, 403.180, 403.190, and 403.200; create noncodified section allowing existing actions for divorce to proceed under existing law.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 25-posted in committee

HB 575 (BR 2231) - R. Thomas, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to personal and family care homes.

Create a new section of KRS 216.750 to 216.780 to provide that the Cabinet for Health Services may grant a waiver to a personal or family care home so that the home can provide services to a resident whose condition has deteriorated beyond the scope of services of the home.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 576 (BR 1994) - B. Buckingham, T. Burch, S. Brinkman, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to public health education.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to require the cabinet to establish an educational program on the dangers, risks, and injuries associated with the operation of all-terrain vehicles, require assistance from the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center of the University of Kentucky.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Transportation (H)

HB 577 (BR 2291) - B. Buckingham, L. Clark, R. Adkins, E. Ballard, H. Cornett, K. Hall, J. Richards, B. Smith, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to coalbed methane development and making an appropriation therefor.

Create a new KRS Chapter 349 relating to coalbed methane development; declare the importance of coalbed methane development in the Commonwealth and find that development of a process to extract coalbed methane does not imply ownership of coalbed methane; establish definitions; establish a 5-member Coalbed Methane Review Board; establish the authority, jurisdiction, responsibilities and duties of the review board; authorize the Department of Natural Resources to receive applications for permits to drill coalbed methane wells and require a coalbed methane operator making an application for a coalbed methane permit to submit a plat; require that the plat become a public record subject to inspection; require notifications to surface and subsurface owners; require descriptions of mineral tract boundaries and of drilling operations; provide a method for interested parties to make objections to the Department of Natural Resources concerning the drilling of a coalbed methane well; prescribe rules for the plugging and abandonment of a coalbed methane well; authorize the Department of Natural Resources to receive and oversee the plugging and abandonment of coalbed methane wells; establish rules and procedures for a mine licensee to obtain authorization to mine through a coalbed methane well; authorize the review board to issue orders and issue mine-through certificates to mine operators to allow mine-through operations; prescribe a method for determining compensation to all parties with an interest in a coalbed methane well; establish a method for appeals of the review board's authorization for mine-through certificates and provide a method for the escrow of funds; prohibit the waste of coalbed methane and provide for certain exceptions from the definition of waste; establish submission, authorization, and bonding requirements for an application to obtain a permit to drill a coalbed methane well; authorize voluntary pooling agreements for operators and owners of coalbed methane; establish requirements and procedures for stimulating a workable coal seam; prohibit stimulation of a coal seam absent a filed agreement to stimulate; authorize the review board to consider and order the stimulating the coalbed; establish the authority, powers, and rules of procedure for review board hearings; authorize the review board to promulgate and enforce administrative regulations; authorize the review board to hear and rule upon appeals of departmental actions on permits, field rules, drilling units, pooling, and unitization; establish spacing requirements for both vertical and horizontal coalbed methane wells; authorize the review board to act upon applications and prescribe pooling for coalbed methane wells when the ownership is in dispute; authorize the department to receive applications to pool; establish requirements for pooling applications; permit persons aggrieved by an action of the review board to bring civil action; establish requirements, procedures, and defenses for civil actions; establish requirements and procedures for the installation and removal of casings in a coalbed methane well; authorize the department to bid for the plugging of coalbed methane wells; establish a coalbed methane well plugging fund to receive funds paid on the sale of equipment removed from a well that is being plugged and bond forfeitures; authorize the expense of funds from the coalbed methane well plugging fund for plugging coalbed methane wells; authorize the department to supervise the drilling, casing, plugging, and filling of coalbed methane wells; authorize the department to adopt rules, promulgate administrative regulations, and conduct hearings; require applicants for a permit to drill a coalbed methane well to submit a bond or a blanket bond; prescribe alternate bonding requirements for applicants; establish rules for succession on a permit to drill a coalbed methane well; establish termination of operations requirements for coalbed methane well operators; provide that applicants for coalbed methane drilling permits comply with KRS 353.5901 and 353.595; set an expiration date for coalbed methane drilling permits and allow for the extension of the permit for one year; establish an affirmative defense for willful trespass arising from coalbed methane drilling operations; authorize the department to bring suit in Circuit Court for violations and to seek restraint of operations; allow persons to protect water resources affected by coalbed methane operations; require the operator of a coalbed methane well to replace water to the person affected; establish penalties for violations; establish the rights of surface owners, where the surface and subsurface rights are severed, and contractual rights of mineral rights owners; provide that ownership of coalbed methane is not affirmed; prohibit rules and requirements affecting coalbed methane permits to apply to non-coalbed methane permits unless converted; require that provisions be liberally construed; and unless expressly provided, exempt coalbed methane wells from the provisions of KRS Chapter 353.


HCS (1) - Retain original provisions of HB 577; add "positive" to description of economic impact; provide that the development of coalbed methane protect and preserve the coal for future safe mining; define "abandoned" as a well or a hole which has never been used or will no longer be used for the production of coalbed methane or the injection or disposal of fluid therein; define "coalbed methane" as gas produced from a reservoir found in a coalbed, a mined-out area or gob; define "field rules" as rules established by orders of the review board relating to the drilling, completion, production of, and specifications for coalbed methane wells in a particular geographic area as defined by an order; delete the word spacing from the definition of "unit operator"; require that a well operator provide the department with a plat prepared by a licensed, professional land surveyor and a licensed, professional engineer; require any executive officer, process agent, or chief engineer of the mine licensee or mine permittee may be considered a mine licensee or mine permittee for the purposes of mailing the plat; permit an objection to stimulation in the workable coalbed or the proposed completion in the workable coalbed; permit objections to be filed in 20 days rather than 15 days; require that authorization have been denied by the mine permittee rather than the mine licensee before an appeal is filed; require a person requesting a hearing to send a copy of the request to the coalbed methane well operator; add permit amendment to the type of permit status that will be subject to mine-through right provisions; provide that a written determination shall be issued by the review board after a hearing; add modification of a permit to the type of permit status that will be subject to mine-through right provisions; delete loss resulting from the mine licensee planned mine-through operations from the type of loss subject to compensation through an agreement; require that the review board base its decision on mine-through operations solely on specified criteria; require actual sales price to be used if the coalbed methane is sold pursuant to an arm's length firm or fixed price gas sales agreement or marketing contract; require verification of the thickness of each coal seam that will be completed for production, a description of the means to stimulate any of the workable coalbeds penetrated by the coalbed methane well; change active permit to existing permit where the operator shall obtain a written authorization from the mine licensee; require notifications to specified parties if the mine licensee is operating in a coal seam not being produced by the operator and has not exercised mine through rights; change 15 days to 20 days of receipt of documents when the well operator may file specific objections; prohibit stimulation if a coal interest holder has objected to the proposed stimulation except after making specific filings with the department; attach the review board to the Department of Mines and Minerals and delete Public Protection and Regulation Cabinet; delete requirement that all final orders issued by the review board be effective 31 days after the order is issued; allow the review board to consider specified criteria in hearings or proceedings that the board deems appropriate; require well locations to correspond with mine operations including the drilling of multiple wells on the same surface location of each drilling unit; provide that the department issue a permit to drill, deepen, convert, or reopen the well provided all provisions of this chapter are complied with; allow the review board to deny the pooling order; delete provision granting department authority to promulgate administrative regulations for the protection of funds delivered to escrow accounts; delete requirement that the department conduct the sale of equipment removed from wells; provide that suit may be brought in the Circuit Court in the county where the defendant resides or in Franklin Circuit Court if there is more than one defendant; add coal to the list of natural resources identified that this chapter whose contractual rights or obligations shall not be superseded, impaired, abridged or affected; and make technical corrections.

HCS (2) - Retain provisions of HCS1; include notification to surface owners and the sending of a plat as requirements to obtain a permit to drill a coalbed methane well; delete unreasonable damage and prohibit the unlawful damage of the water supply and coalbeds; require an operator to submit a groundwater protection plan to the department if the well is within 1/2 mile of a water supply used for residential or domestic purposes and permit deviation from the requirement; allow the designee of the Commissioner of Natural Resources to serve on the review board; require notice of hearings to be sent to surface owners; require restoration of the surface and any improvements to the property in conjunction with plugging and abandonment of a coalbed methane well and allow for a waiver from this requirement in writing; establish requirements for reclamation when there is and is not a complete severance of surface from the subsurface ownership rights; make technical corrections; and renumber subsections accordingly.

SCS - Retain original provisions of HB 577/GA; require the application for a coalbed methane permit include proof of public liability insurance coverage; and allow the department to establish a bond sum greater than $5,000 for an individual well and greater than $100,000 for a blanket bond.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Tourism Development and Energy (H); posting waived

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Tourism Development and Energy (H); posting waived

Feb 27-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (2) ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Committee Substitute (2)

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 23-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 93-0

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 65)

HB 578 (BR 2102) - S. Baugh

AN ACT relating to insurable interests.

Amend KRS 304.14-040 to provide that as to employer-provided pension and welfare plans, the life insurance coverage purchased to finance the plans shall only be allowed on the life of an employee or retiree who is eligible to participate in the plan; require an employer to notify eligible employees of their proposed participation in the plan and provide all employees with opportunity to refuse to participate; require the employer to obtain written consent of the employee; prohibit retaliation by an employer against an employee or retired employee for refusing to consent to be insured.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 579 (BR 2104) - S. Baugh

AN ACT relating to continued group health insurance and conversion health insurance.

Amend KRS 304.18-110 to make group health insurance continuation coverage consistent with COBRA; and amend KRS 304.18-114 with respect to conversion coverage to delete the requirement that a conversion policy be substantially similar to the previous group plan and clarify who is eligible for conversion coverage.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 580 (BR 1750) - T. Burch, A. Smith

AN ACT relating to Medicaid estate recovery.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 205 to define terms, provide for exemptions from Medicaid estate recovery, and establish conditions for undue hardship for which estate recovery may not be pursued.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except clarify definitions of "estate" and "surviving child"; delete provisions requiring certain family members that assisted the recipients prior to nursing home admission to have also lived continuously in the home after their admission; clarify the government assistance programs the receipt of which would qualify certain heirs to claim the undue hardship exemption; and allow the Department for Medicaid Services to set a base amount for the exemption that is greater than $10,000.

HFA (1, A. Smith) - Add a new section to cite this Act as the Molly Mosley Act of 2004.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 88-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Feb. 24, 2004

HB 581/LM (BR 2008) - P. Clark, C. Walton, J. Reinhardt

AN ACT relating to regulatory takings.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to require the Attorney General to develop guidelines to enable state and local governments to evaluate whether proposed regulatory or administrative actions would result in a loss of private property value.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 582 (BR 2240) - J. Gooch, J. Adams, E. Ballard, C. Belcher, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, L. Clark, B. Crall, Ji. Lee, P. Marcotte, L. Napier, T. Pullin, T. Riner, J. Stacy, T. Thompson, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to life insurance.

Create a new section of Subtitle 14 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that when a life insurance policy becomes a claim by the death of the insured, the insurer shall accept as proof of death a written statement of death by a physician licensed under KRS Chapter 311 in charge of the person's care for the illness or condition which resulted in death, a county coroner, or a funeral director licensed under KRS Chapter 316; provide that if the death is from natural causes and the life insurance policy is incontestable, settlement shall be made in a timely manner upon receipt of such a written statement.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 583 (BR 2352) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to advertisements for bids.

Amend KRS 424.260 to allow local governments to use the Internet in addition to newspapers for the advertisement of bids for materials, supplies, and equipment.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 584 (BR 1960) - M. Denham

AN ACT relating to nuisance abatement.

Amend KRS 381.770, relating to nuisance abatement, to prohibit the collection of junked, wrecked, or nonoperative automobiles, or mobile homes to become a public nuisance, health hazard, or source of filth and permit a city, county, consolidated local government, or urban-county government to provide for the removal of junk automobiles or mobile homes through the enactment of a nuisance ordinance.


HCS - Retain original provisions of bill but exclude properly licensed automotive recyclers and add junked, wrecked, or nonoperative manufactured homes to junked, wrecked, or nonoperative mobile homes, both as defined in KRS Chapter 227.

HFA (1, M. Denham) - Amend KRS 381.770 to also exempt junked, wrecked, or nonoperative automobiles, including parts cars that are stored out of ordinary public view, delete reference to "nonoperative" automobiles in paragraph (a) of subsection (1); define "automobile collector," "ordinary public view," and "parts car"; and renumber subsections accordingly.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

HB 585 (BR 1950) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to hospital reporting.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216 to require a hospital to report gunshot wounds, knife wounds, and certain other serious wounds or injuries related to possible criminal activity.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except require emergency care centers and other health care facilities that offer emergency services, in addition to hospitals, to report wounds; provide that stab or slicing wounds, rather than injuries, are to be reported; remove the requirements for the reporting of other wounds believed to have been intentionally inflicted or the result of criminal activity; and provide for immunity from civil or criminal liability for good faith reporting.

HCA (1/Title, T. Burch) - Make title amendment.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 15-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 19, 2004

Mar 19-3rd reading, passed 88-3 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 22-received in Senate

Mar 23-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 586 (BR 2120) - R. Adams

AN ACT relating to county surcharges on local event tickets.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 67 relating to county surcharges on local event tickets; define organized event, motor vehicle racing, and private entertainment facility; exclude facilities regulated by KRS Chapter 230 from the definition of a private entertainment facility; allow county fiscal courts containing private entertainment facilities capable of seating over 50,000 persons for an organized event to levy a surcharge of not more than three percent of the ticket admission price; direct facility owner to collect the surcharges; deem the surcharges collected to be held in trust by the facility owner for the county; categorize the surcharges collected as a debt of the facility owner owed to the county; establish a quarterly payment of the surcharges to the county on the twentieth day of the month following the end of the quarter; allow the owner to retain not more than one-half of one percent of the total balance of surcharges to cover its costs; and authorize the county to apply the surcharge funds collected to listed priority categories.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 69-19

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

HB 587 (BR 1987) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to offenses against public health and safety.

Amend KRS 438.330 to clarify that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control will provide information to the Cabinet for Health Services for use in the report that the Governor submits to the federal government; amend KRS 438.337 to allow for property seized by the department to be maintained and forfeited; create a new section of KRS Chapter 438 to provide for court costs and attorney fees for the department in the prosecution of any civil collection action against a person who has failed to pay a fine; and amend KRS 500.090 to provide for the disposition of property seized by the department.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 588 (BR 1485) - P. Bather, R. Meeks, R. Adkins, J. Barrows, J. Bruce, T. Burch, De. Butler, L. Clark, T. Edmonds, D. Graham, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, T. McKee, S. Riggs, T. Riner, A. Simpson, J. Wayne, M. Weaver

AN ACT providing for the creation of the Governor's Advisory Council on Minority Affairs.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 11 to establish the Governor's Advisory Council on Minority Affairs (GACMA) to enhance minority access to government programs.


HFA (1, P. Bather) - Adds Transportation Cabinet Secretary to the Governor's Advisory Council on Minority Affairs; adds a member from government at large.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to State Government (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 589 (BR 2005) - D. Sims

AN ACT relating to bids on highway projects.

Amend KRS 176.080, relating to bids on highway projects, to require the Transportation Cabinet to receive a minimum of two bids before awarding a construction project; require the project to be in three consecutive lettings in an attempt to receive at least two bids; provide that if the minimum number of bids has not been achieved after three lettings for the project shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder from the three lettings.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Transportation (H)

HB 590 (BR 1731) - K. Upchurch

AN ACT relating to the long-term care ombudsman program.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216.537 to 216.590 to require a full-time long-term care ombudsman in each area development district; require the Commonwealth to fund additional full-time ombudsman positions to achieve the minimum of one ombudsman for every 2,000 licensed long-term care beds in each area development district.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 591 (BR 2161) - K. Upchurch

AN ACT relating to operation or use of a motor vehicle.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to prohibit recovery of noneconomic losses that resulted from a motor vehicle accident if the injured person was in violation of KRS 189A.010, 189A.090, or 189A.105, or was the owner of an uninsured vehicle, or if the injuries were in any way proximately caused by the person's commission of a felony for which he or she was convicted; provide that an insurer shall not be liable to indemnify the person for noneconomic losses under a policy of motor vehicle liability, uninsured motorist, or underinsured motorist insurance; provide that this section shall not be construed to limit the amount of economic losses incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident that may be recovered for injuries resulting in death or for injuries to person or property; create a new section of Subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that an insurer shall not be liable to indemnify certain persons for noneconomic losses under a policy of motor vehicle liability, uninsured motorist, or underinsured motorist insurance.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Judiciary (H)

HB 592 (BR 2331) - R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to health insurance riders to exclude coverage for a specified condition.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to permit insurers to issue individual health benefit plans that contain riders or endorsements excluding coverage for a specified condition that existed prior to issuance of coverage and complications that arise from the specified condition if the listed conditions are met; amend KRS 304.17B-015 to provide that an individual is eligible for Kentucky Access coverage if the individual received an offer for coverage by an individual health benefit plan that contains a rider or endorsement excluding coverage for a specified condition.


HFA (1, R. Crimm) - Restrict application of the Act to new policies issued on and after the effective date of this Act; prohibit exclusion of high-cost conditions described in KRS 304.17A-001.

HFA (2, R. Crimm) - Restrict application of the Act to new policies issued on and after the effective date of this Act; prohibit exclusion of high-cost conditions described in KRS 304.17B-001.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed

Mar 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Introduced Feb. 25, 2004

HB 593 (BR 2032) - R. Palumbo, D. Sims

AN ACT relating to economic development.

Amend KRS 147.075 to remove the secretary of the Cabinet for Economic Development from the State Planning Committee; amend KRS 154.22-010 to remove from KREDA the requirement that the cabinet use the most current wage and employment data to determine the "average hourly wage"; amend KRS 154.22-050 to require approved companies under KREDA to maintain the minimum 15 new full-time employees at the employment site throughout the term of the agreement; require suspension and allow termination of inducements if the minimum 15 full-time employees are not maintained; amend 154.23-010 to remove from KEOZ the requirement that the Cabinet use the most current wage and employment data to determine the "average hourly wage"; clarify that eligible service or technology activities are limited to those that are new or expanded; include under the definition of "economic development project" the service or technology activity of an approved company with one or more of its affiliates; define "person"; limit relocation costs included under "start-up costs" to the relocation of out-of-state equipment; include under the definition of "service or technology" the regional or headquarters operations of an entity engaged in service or technology activities; exclude from the definition of "service or technology" the activities of individuals providing direct service to the public pursuant to an issued license; amend KRS 154.23-015 to allow a KEOZ applicant to modify or maintain its zone if a census tract becomes noncontiguous as a result of decertification by the authority; amend various sections of subchapter 23 of KRS chapter 154 to require that all approved companies under KEOZ shall select the activation date within two years of the date of final approval; require approved companies under KEOZ to maintain the minimum 10 new full-time qualified employees at the site throughout the term of the agreement; require suspension and allow termination of inducements if the minimum 10 new full-time qualified employees are not maintained; amend KRS 154.23-055 to allow, with the authority's consent, an affiliate of an approved company under KEOZ to require an assessment; amend KRS 154.24-010 to remove from KJDA the requirement that the Cabinet use the most current wage and employment data to determine the "average hourly wage"; clarify that eligible service or technology activities are limited to those that are new or expanded; include under the definition of "economic development project" the service or technology activity of an approved company with one or more of its affiliates; limit relocation costs included under "start-up costs" to the relocation of out-of-state equipment; include under the definition of "service or technology" the regional or headquarters operations of an entity engaged in service or technology activities; exclude from the definition of "service or technology" the activities of individuals providing direct service to the public pursuant to an issued license; amend KRS 154.24-120 to require that approved companies under KJDA maintain the minimum 15 new full-time employees at the site and provide more than 75% of services out-of-state throughout the term of the agreement; require suspension and allow termination of inducements if the minimum 15 new full-time employees are not maintained or the services provided out-of-state do not exceed 75%; amend various sections of subchapter 26 of KRS chapter 154 to increase the percentage of approved costs that the company may recover, to be negotiated by the authority and not to exceed 75%; remove the employee contribution portion of the wage assessment, and limit total assessment to 5%; allow the authority to negotiate the license tax credit up to 100% of the computed license tax attributable to the location of the project; create a new section of subchapter 26 of KRS chapter 154 to give preliminarily approved companies the option to operate under existing terms or request that the agreement be amended to comply with amendments to the program; give companies under a final agreement the option to operate under existing terms or request that the agreement be amended to comply with the amendments to the employee assessment portion of the agreement; amend 154.28-010 to remove from KIDA the requirement that the cabinet use the most current wage and employment data to determine the "average hourly wage"; amend 154.28-090 to require that approved companies under KIDA maintain the minimum 15 new full-time employees at the site; require suspension and allow termination of inducements if the minimum 10 new full-time employees are not maintained; amend KRS 154.47-110 to detach the Kentucky Forest Products Council from the Cabinet for Economic Development; remove the secretary of the Cabinet for Economic Development as an ex officio member; add one representative from public interest groups to be appointed by the Governor; amend 198A.035 to remove the secretary of the Cabinet for Economic Development from the advisory committee on housing policy; amend 342.1224 to remove the secretary of the Cabinet for Economic Development from the board of the Workers' Compensation Funding Commission; add one at-large member to be appointed by the Governor; amend 141.310 and 154.26-010 to conform.


HCS - Retain original provisions; delete new language that removes the secretary of the Cabinet for Economic Development from the Worker's Compensation Commission, and instead allow the secretary to name a designee; make technical corrections.

HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Amend KRS 136.0704 to articulate the formula used by the Revenue Cabinet to determine the license tax attributable to a revitalization project.

SFA (1, J. Westwood) - Amend KRS 148.851 to change the criteria for theme restaurant destination attraction; amend to expand the definition for lodging facilities to include the construction or rehabilitation of a lodging facility which is an integral part of a major convention or sports facility with costs exceeding $6,000,000, or lodging facilities located within a fifty mile radius of a property listed on the National Register of Historic Places and are located in any of the one hundred least populated counties in terms of population density.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 34-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 26-received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 29-placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; passed 95-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 105)

HB 594/CI (BR 2076) - S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to offender registration and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 17.500 relating to sex offender registration to add persons who must register as sex offenders for unlawful transaction with a minor in the first degree, unlawful transaction with a minor in the second degree, stalking in the first degree, and stalking in the second degree and create various definitions; amend KRS 15.510 relating to implementation of the sex offender registration program to make technical changes; amend KRS 17.520 relating to who must register as a sex offender to make technical changes; amend KRS 17.530 relating to sharing of sex offender registration information with law enforcement agencies to include federal law enforcement agencies; amend KRS 17.574 relating to sharing of sex offender registration information with the Justice Cabinet to make technical changes; amend KRS 197.010 relating to definitions for the Department of Corrections chapter to add definitions of "classification," "eligible sexual offender," and "sexual offender"; amend KRS 530.064 relating to unlawful transaction with a minor in the first degree to separate elements of the offense into subsections; repeal KRS 17.540, 17.550, and 197.410 relating to definitions for sex offender registration program; RETROACTIVE; EMERGENCY.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 3-posted in committee

HB 595 (BR 2115) - M. Marzian, R. Thomas, P. Bather, C. Belcher, T. Burch, De. Butler, L. Clark, J. Coleman, T. Edmonds, D. Graham, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, K. Stein, J. Wayne, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority of advanced registered nurse practitioners.

Amend KRS 314.011 to authorize advanced registered nurse practitioners to prescribe and dispense controlled substances; amend KRS 314.042 to require an advanced registered nurse practitioner to enter into a written collaborative practice agreement with a physician that defines the scope of the prescriptive authority prior to prescribing or dispensing controlled substances; amend KRS 218A.010 to define an advanced registered nurse practitioner as a practitioner and add an advanced registered nurse practitioner to the list of practitioners authorized to sign a prescription.


HCS - Require a collaborative agreement between a physician and an advanced registered nurse practitioner before the ARNP may prescribe Schedule II to V controlled substances; make technical correction.

SCS - Direct the Legislative Research Commission to conduct a study regarding the advisability of advanced registered nurse practitioners prescribing Schedule II through Schedule V controlled substances; report study results to the appropriate committees by October 1, 2004.

SCA (1/Title, G. Tapp) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, B. Guthrie) - Deletes language in the third "WHEREAS" regarding advanced registered nurse practitioners working under the supervision of a physician and inserts language to state that they work "in collaboration with" a physician.

SFA (2, T. Buford) - Retain original provisions of the bill; add physician assistants to the study on prescriptive authority for controlled substances.

SFA (3/Title, T. Buford) - Make title amendment.

SFA (4, B. Guthrie) - Clarify language related to a shortage of physicians in rural areas, and the role of advanced registered nurse practitioners in improving access to care in those areas; change controlled substance language from Schedule II through V to "various levels"; and make technical corrections.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Health and Welfare (H); posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 77-15 with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 25-floor amendments (2) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (3-title) filed ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; floor amendment (2) defeated ; floor amendment (3-title) ruled out of order ; passed 30-2 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (4)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (4) ; passed 89-1; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 106)

HB 596 (BR 1668) - M. Denham, R. Webb, T. McKee

AN ACT relating to covered wooden bridges and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 176.400 to require entities administering a project that involves a covered wooden bridge to consider recommendations of and consult with the covered wooden bridge authority dedicated to that bridge, and to hold at least one public hearing no later than 60 days before the project is commenced or contracted, whichever is earlier; exempt emergency maintenance projects less than $50,000; require approval by the Kentucky Heritage Council for any project involving a covered wooden bridge; amend KRS 176.410 to require equal representation from each county participating in a covered wooden bridge authority; require that a portion of the membership be appointed by the Governor from candidate lists submitted by the fiscal courts of each participating county; allow for an authority to consist of more than five members; require an authority to dedicate itself to all covered wooden bridges within its jurisdiction; and limit an authority's duties for covered wooden bridges open to vehicular traffic; EMERGENCY.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 96-0

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Transportation (S)

Mar 18-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to Transportation (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 29-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 164)

HB 597 (BR 2308) - R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to special private club licenses.

Amend KRS 243.270 to allow the issuance of a special private club license for alcoholic beverages to any local chapter of a national fraternal society, order, or association operating under the lodge system, which possesses a tax exempt status under 26 U.S.C. secs. 501(c)(8) or 501(c)(10), or is covered under a group ruling issued by the Internal Revenue Service under the authority of that section.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Licensing and Occupations (H); posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 46-35

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

HB 598 (BR 2309) - R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to private clubs.

Amend KRS 244.290 to allow, by local ordinance, in counties having cities of the first, second, third, or fourth class, Sunday sales of distilled spirits and wine by the drink in private clubs licensed under KRS 243.270 after 1 p.m.


HCS - Apply provision allowing Sunday sales at private clubs in first, second, third, and fourth class city or counties thereof upon the enactment of an ordinance by the territory's governing body to urban county governments.

HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Exempt a county or city in which prohibition has been discontinued under KRS 242.1292 from provision allowing its legislative body to enact an ordinance permitting Sunday sales at private clubs.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Licensing and Occupations (H); posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, defeated 34-54 with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

HB 599 (BR 1154) - T. Burch

AN ACT relating to retail gasoline sales.

Prohibit gasoline retailers from raising prices more than 15 cents per gallon above the wholesale price plus taxes.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

HB 600 (BR 2246) - P. Bather

AN ACT relating to the human service delivery program.

Amend KRS 281.872 to require the Transportation Cabinet to provide a 30-day notice to a Medicaid recipient who is determined to be ineligible for the human service transportation delivery program due to a vehicle being registered to an individual residing at the same residence as the Medicaid recipient; require transportation services to be continued during the 30-day timeframe; provide the opportunity for the recipient to submit evidence that appropriate free transportation does not exist.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 27-posted in committee

HB 601 (BR 1456) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Historical Events Celebration Commission.

Repeal KRS 153.310 to 153.370, relating to the Kentucky Historical Events Celebration Commission that was established in 1970 to prepare plans for celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of Fort Harrod, the 100th running of the Kentucky Derby, and the national bicentennial celebration, and that expired December 1, 1976.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to State Government (H)

HB 602/LM (BR 2112) - R. Meeks, T. Burch

AN ACT relating to child safety.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define "engage in a call," "hand-held mobile telephone," "hands-free mobile telephone," "immediate proximity," "mobile telephone," "using," and "wireless telephone service"; prohibit operation of motor vehicle while using mobile telephone in a call while vehicle is in motion; create presumption that motor vehicle operator is engaging in a call if he or she is holding the telephone in the immediate proximity of his or her ear; create exemptions from prohibition for persons communicating with emergency response operators, medical personnel, fire and police personnel, and people using a hands-free mobile telephone; permit law enforcement officials to issue verbal warnings for 30 days after the effective date of the Act; require reporting by the secretary of the Transportation Cabinet; preempt local laws and ordinances, except for those relating to business or professional licenses, permits, or certifications; amend KRS 189.990 to establish penalty of not less than $20 nor more than $100 for each offense.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Transportation (H)

HB 603 (BR 1897) - F. Rasche

AN ACT relating to programs.

Amend KRS 158.100 to remove obsolete language.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 604 (BR 870) - F. Rasche

AN ACT relating to school personnel.

Amend KRS 158.150, 160.295, and 160.345 to delete the term "head teacher."


HCS - Delete the original provisions in their entirety; and amend KRS 156.160 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations setting forth voluntary guidelines to assist schools in conducting assessments and developing plans to address student health issues.

HCA (1/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title amendment.

HFA (1, R. Nelson) - Add new section to amend KRS 160.345 to clarify that a superintendent shall send additional names when additional qualified classified or certified applicants are available.

HFA (2/Title, R. Nelson) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3/P, R. Nelson) - Retain original provisions and attach the provisions of HB 651.

HFA (4, R. Nelson) - Add a new section and amend KRS 160.345 to define "qualified applicants" and "qualified candidates"; require that upon request a superintendent provide all additional qualified candidates for school-based personnel to either the principal or the school council in addition to the original list transmitted by the superintendent if they are available; add provision that a superintendent who fails to comply with the personnel hiring procedures or who attempts to impede the implementation of the procedures be subject to a review by the Education Professional Standards Board who may impose a formal reprimand on the superintendent.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title); floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (3) and (4) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 605 (BR 2034) - R. Damron

AN ACT relating to establishment of an interstate compact to regulate designated insurance products.

Establish Subtitle 50 of KRS Chapter 304 and create a new section thereof to establish the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact and make Kentucky a member of the compact; provide that among the purposes of the compact is to develop uniform standards for insurance products pertaining to individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term insurance products; create among the compacting states a joint public agency known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission; establish powers of the commission; provide that each compacting state shall have one member of the commission; authorize the commission to establish bylaws, a management committee, and legislative and advisory committees; provide that a uniform standard shall become effective 90 days after its promulgation by the commission or such later date as determined by the commission; permit a compacting state to opt out of a uniform standard; provide that the commission shall attempt to resolve any disputes which may arise between two or more compacting states; require insurers and third-party filers who seek to have a product approved by the commission to file the product with the commission and pay filing fees; provide for appeal of disapproval of a product; authorize the commission to accept contributions and other forms of funding from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, compacting states, and other sources; provide that any state is eligible to be a compacting state; provide that the compact shall become effective upon legislative enactment by two compacting states; provide that the compact shall be effective for adopting uniform standards for products filed with the commission only after 26 states are compacting states or states representing greater than 40 percent of the premium volume for life insurance, annuity, disability income, and long-term care insurance products based on records of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for the prior year; provide for withdrawal from the compact; provide for action by the commission upon default by a compacting state; provide for dissolution of the compact; provide that all lawful actions of the commission are binding upon the compacting states.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 606/LM/CI (BR 2307) - P. Clark, L. Napier, F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to domestic relations.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to provide civil remedies for parental interference where court ordered visitation with minor children is intentionally denied without good cause; create a new section of KRS Chapter 403 to allow interaction in public places between noncustodial parents and their children unless good cause exists to prohibit the interaction; create a new section of KRS Chapter 509 to create the crime of parenting interference involving a violation of either of the first two sections of the Act.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

HB 607 (BR 2273) - T. Kerr

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance.

Amend KRS 304.39-080 to require an operator, as well as an owner, of a motor vehicle to maintain motor vehicle insurance.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 608 (BR 2355) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to exemptions from jury service.

Amend KRS 29A.090, relating to exemption from jury service, to specify that full-time paid peace officers, full-time paid firefighters, and full-time paid emergency medical services personnel are exempt from jury duty.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Judiciary (H)

HB 609 (BR 1390) - R. Thomas, J. Comer, M. Denham, K. Hall, R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to administrative regulations.

Amend KRS 11.202 to require the Commission on Small Business Advocacy to review administrative regulations that may impact small business and to establish reporting requirements; amend KRS 13A.010 to change the definition of "economic impact" to include small businesses and to define "small business"; amend KRS 13A.030 to authorize a nonbinding determination that an administrative regulation is deficient if the administrative regulation imposes an unreasonable burden on small business; amend KRS 13A.210 to authorize tiering to reduce, modify or waive fines or other penalties for noncompliance; amend KRS 13A.270 to require agencies to e-mail administrative regulations that may impact small business to the Commission on Small Business Advocacy with a request that the commission review the administrative regulation and file a report; amend KRS 13A.280 to require consideration of the commission's report along with other comments received during the public comment period; add a noncodified section stating that the act shall be known as the Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act of 2004.


HCS - Retain original provisions; extend provisions relating to agencies providing copies of administrative regulations for review by Commission on Small Business Advocacy to local governments and special districts in the state; provide for review of government comments.

SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Amend KRS 13A.270 to require the administrative body to e-mail a copy of each administrative regulation filed by the agency to persons requesting notification who have provided an e-mail address and to require the administrative body to mail a copy of the regulatory impact analysis to those persons who have not provided an e-mail address.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) withdrawn

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 165)

HB 610 (BR 2344) - K. Stein

AN ACT relating to voluntary certification of home schools.

Require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administration regulations to establish a voluntary in-state certification process for home schools by June 30, 2005; identify the minimum organizational and instructional standards to be addressed by the administrative regulations.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Education (H)

Introduced Feb. 26, 2004

HB 611/LM (BR 1953) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to county clerks and making an appropriation therefor.

Amend KRS 64.012 to increase selected fees for county clerks and to provide for copying expenses; specify when clerk may charge duplication fees; amend KRS 382.110 to specify that changes to records shall be recorded on the record itself and all records shall be lodged within 24 hours of delivery to the clerk; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to create an advisory committee, to assist the Department for Local Government in establishing and implementing a standardized indexing system to be used for clerks; set out duties and membership; provide that the recommendations be set within 6 months after effective date of Act; provide that the committee must also set out standards for the dissemination of funds to the county clerks technology fund for equipment, software, and training, and provide reporting dates; allow the committee to adjust standards; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to set out the record standards that must be a part of the uniform records management process set out by the committee; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to create and administer the county clerks technology fund that will allow county clerks to apply for grants for record management equipment, software and training; set out county clerks' obligations for accepting money and set out Department for Local Government reporting requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to require that $2 be sent by the county clerks for each deed of trust or assignment and for each mortgage recorded to be sent into the county clerks technology fund; EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2004.


HCS/LM - Retain the original provisions except reduce the fee for recording a deed of trust or assignment for the benefit of creditors from $14.00 to $10.00 and reduce the fee for recording a mortgage of real estate, certificates, and all associated services from $14.00 to $10.00.

HFA (1, B. Crall) - Delete fee for electricity used in copying records.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 51-32 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 612 (BR 971) - C. Geveden

AN ACT relating to title companies.

Create several new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to define "title company"; to require title companies to be licensed with the Attorney General; to establish licensing procedures, requirements, and fees; to establish that a title company is liable to the purchaser of real estate for title defects that the title company negligently or intentionally failed to discover, and for any other errors or omissions resulting from the services related to the title company business; require title companies to maintain liability insurance coverage; to require the Attorney General to suspend or revoke a title company's license, or levy a fine against a licensee in certain situations; to establish an investigation and complaint procedure; to require the Attorney General to order a hearing before denying an application for license or before ordering any disciplinary action against a licensee, and to allow an aggrieved licensee to appeal; and, to give Attorney General authority to promulgate administrative regulations that are necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Judiciary (H)

HB 613/FN (BR 2176) - M. Harmon, J. Fischer, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, R. Crimm, B. DeWeese, C. Embry Jr, M. Harper, J. Higdon, J. Hoover, T. Kerr, S. Lee, P. Marcotte, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, J. Reinhardt, C. Siler, B. Smith, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton

AN ACT proposing an amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky by creating a Section 3A relating to marriage.

Propose amendment of the Constitution of Kentucky to create a Section 3a to define marriage as the union in marriage of one man and one woman, to prohibit same sex marriages, and to permit the General Assembly to ban other marriages by law; submit amendment to the voters for approval or rejection.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 23-posting waived

HB 614 (BR 2258) - R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to economic development.

Amend KRS 65.6851 to expand the criteria for a development area; amend KRS 65.6971 to expand the criteria for a development area, and set parameters by which areas shall be deemed under the control of a city, county or agency.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 81-1

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

HB 615 (BR 1908) - R. Wilkey, G. Lindsay, J. Vincent

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Sections 109, 230, and 43 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Propose amending Section 109 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit courts from ordering substitution of alternative law for any act found unconstitutional, and to prohibit courts from ordering the General Assembly to pass laws, including laws to increase taxes or appropriations; propose amending Sections 109 and 230 to clarify that public money may be spent only by act of the General Assembly; propose amending Section 43 to designate the parties to be named when challenging the constitutionality of a law; provide question for submission to the voters.


HFA (1, J. Barrows) - Amend to include decreases in tax, fee, or appropriation in list of prohibited actions of courts; delete restriction on court's power to declare act or program unconstitutional based upon exercise of discretion to appropriate funds; amend ballot language to conform.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 10-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 11-recommitted to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 23-posting waived

HB 616/LM (BR 1837) - R. Damron, F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to certification of peace officers and court security officers.

Create a new section of KRS 15.380 to 15.404 to establish minimum qualifications for court security officers; create a new section of KRS 15.380 to 15.404 to establish reasons for revoking the certification of a peace officer or court security officer; amend KRS 15.310 to define "certified court security officer" and "court security officer," and to include court security officer in existing terms; amend KRS 15.380 to establish that court security officers must be certified; amend KRS 15.382 to exclude court security officers from the qualifications for peace officers; amend KRS 15.386 to include court security officers in the certification categories, and to establish minimum qualifications for a person returning from inactive to active certification; amend KRS 15.388 to include court security officers, and to provide transfer requirements of a court security officer to another court security officer position or to a peace officer position; amend KRS 15.392, regarding reports on separation from service, to provide that a person separated from service who successfully completes basic training shall be placed on inactive certification status, and if the person separated from service has not successfully completed basic training, the certification shall lapse; amend KRS 15.404 to include law enforcement training and in-service training requirements for court security officers; amend KRS 15.420 to provide that the term "police officer" does not include court security officers; amend KRS 23A.090 to provide that the sheriff of the county in which the Circuit Court is sitting shall provide certified court security officers as the Chief Circuit Judge deems necessary to provide security services; create a new section of KRS Chapter 70 to establish the duties of certified court security officers; amend KRS 70.030 to allow the sheriff to appoint his own certified court security officers and revoke the appointment at his pleasure; amend KRS 70.036 to provide that certified court security officers are authorized to wear approved uniforms; amend KRS 70.140 to allow certified court security officer to attend and keep order in the fiscal court and any court of the Court of Justice; amend KRS 527.020 to authorize certified court security officers to carry concealed weapons on or about their person.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Judiciary (H)

HB 617/AA (BR 2056) - R. Nelson, T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 161.507, relating to military service credit in the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, to allow teachers to purchase military service at 35% of actuarial cost.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Education (H)

HB 618 (BR 2077) - D. Graham, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to the National Guard Tuition Award Program.

Amend KRS 164.5161 to provide tuition assistance for former members of the National Guard who have been unable to complete the member's degree due to activations of the member's unit which have interfered with his or her ability to complete a degree.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

HB 619/LM (BR 2100) - A. Arnold, B. Crall, C. Siler, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to the preparation of maps for the annexation, transference, or severance of land by cities.

Amend KRS 81A.470, relating to preparation of the map that is required when a city proposes to annex territory, to provide that an actual field survey is not required; set out the requirements for a map prepared for that purpose.


HFA (1, A. Arnold) - Amend KRS 81A.480 to remove conditions that a field survey is not required and that the documents accompanying the map need not be prepared by a professional land surveyor; set out further requirements for the preparation of the map and accompanying documents.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 12-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 92-1 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 166)

HB 620 (BR 2028) - B. Buckingham, S. Brinkman

AN ACT relating to premises liability actions.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 411 to restore Kentucky law regarding premises liability actions to the common law as it existed on and prior to March 20, 2003; establish codified language to articulate the common law for premises liability.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Judiciary (H)

HB 621 (BR 2148) - J. Jenkins, S. Brinkman, K. Bratcher, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.510 and KRS 61.520, relating to the Kentucky Employees Retirement System, to allow state university police departments to participate in the retirement system.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 622 (BR 1909)

Not introduced for technical reasons.

HB 623 (BR 2047) - C. Meade, P. Clark, J. Barrows, T. Burch, D. Graham, D. Horlander, R. Meeks, F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to health insurance.

Amend KRS 18A.225, relating to the state health insurance group, to define the state contribution toward employee coverage; establish minimum coverage and employee costs equal to the in-network coverage and cost under the current Option A PPO plan; require the Personnel Cabinet to develop legislation for the 2005 General Assembly to establish a statewide self-insured PPO plan.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Introduced Feb. 27, 2004

HB 624 (BR 480) - J. Higdon

AN ACT relating to taxation of cigarettes and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 142 to impose a tax on wholesalers of cigarettes at a rate of 8.8% of the gross receipts from the wholesale sale of cartons of cigarettes in Kentucky; impose a floor stock tax on retailers of cigarettes in their possession at 12:01 on July 1, 2004; define terms and set forth provisions for the administration and payment of the tax; amend KRS 139.470 to exempt from the sales and use tax gross receipts from the sale of cigarettes on or after July 1, 2004; provide that the Act takes effect July 1, 2004; declare an emergency.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 625 (BR 2184) - M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to commercial driver's licenses and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 281A, regarding commercial driver's licenses, to require a fingerprint verified national criminal background check for all applicant seeking an initial, transfer, or renewal of a hazardous materials endorsement on a CDL; require State Police to collect the fingerprints; set fee to defray cost of fingerprinting and records check; EMERGENCY

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-recommitted to Transportation (H)

HB 626 (BR 966) - T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to administrative regulations, and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 13A.010 to amend the definition of "promulgate"; amend KRS 13A.040 to authorize the regulation compilers to make technical changes to an administrative regulation in response to a specific written request from the agency; amend KRS 13A.150 to provide that if meetings are required to be held by a specified date and that date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the meeting shall be held by close of business on the next workday; amend KRS 13A.190 to change the effective time of emergency administrative regulations from 170 days from the date of publication to 170 days from the date of filing; amend KRS 13A.220 to specify that the line numbers shall begin with line number one on each page; amend KRS 13A.222 to specify that references to physicians shall include osteopaths; amend KRS 13A.2245 to require a clear statement of how a code or uniform standard was changed by an agency; amend KRS 13A.2251 to make technical changes; amend KRS 13A.2261 to prohibit the incorporation by reference of federal statutes or regulations; amend KRS 13A.240 to require the tiering statement to be included as part of the regulatory impact analysis; amend KRS 13A.255 to require the notice sent to organizations to include information about the public comment period; amend KRS 13A.270 to require agencies to accept written comments until the end of the calendar month in which the administrative regulation is published, rather than for thirty days, to authorize agencies to e-mail the proposed administrative regulation to interested parties, and to provide that if administrative regulation notices are not received by the second workday of a month, the administrative regulation shall be deferred; amend KRS 13A.280 to require the filing of statements of consideration by the fifteenth day of the month, rather than fifteen days after the end of the comment period, and to provide that if comments are received, the administrative regulation shall be deferred to the following month's meeting; amend KRS 13A.290 to specify the items to be included on the subcommittee's agenda; amend KRS 13A.300 to provide for automatic deferral of administrative regulations upon receipt of a written request from an agency; amend KRS 13A.310 to authorize the Governor, as well as the promulgating agency, to withdraw a deficient administrative regulation; amend KRS 13A.312 to establish the procedure for updating administrative regulations to conform to reorganizations made either by statute or executive order; amend KRS 13A.315 to require the Governor to notify the regulations compiler if he decides a deficient administrative regulation should be withdrawn, rather than having the Governor inform the agency and the agency then informing the regulations compiler; amend KRS 13A.320 to require that all amendments offered by an agency prior to a subcommittee meeting be approved by the agency's head; amend KRS 13A.335 to establish when an administrative regulation shall no longer be considered deficient and to require a statement to be added to deficient administrative regulations by the regulations compiler; amend KRS 13A.230, 13A.330, 13A.331 to conform; repeal KRS 13A.012, 13A.2264, and 13A.2267; EMERGENCY.


SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Retain provisions of GA version of bill, change period of validity for emergency administrative regulations to 180 days after filing; alter requirements for requesting and receiving copies of administrative regulations by e-mail, provide method for notification of persons who have requested information on administrative regulations to be filed, and provide method whereby individuals may receive a copy of the regulatory impact analysis and copy of the administrative regulation via agency web site.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 85-3

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 24-floor amendment (1) filed

HB 627 (BR 2095) - T. Pullin, J. Vincent, B. Buckingham, L. Clark, C. Geveden, J. Gray, D. Horlander, L. Napier, F. Nesler, B. Smith, R. Thomas, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to the provision of broadband service.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 278 to find that state-of-the-art telecommunications is essential and that market-based competition creates innovation and reduces cost; add definitions for "ARMIS," "basic local exchange service," "broadband service," "competing local exchange carrier," and "telephone utility"; prohibit any type of state regulation of broadband services; prohibit the implementation of any requirement on facilities or equipment used to provide broadband; prohibit any type of state regulation of broadband rates, the terms of broadband service, or entry by providers into the broadband market; sunset any existing requirement on broadband service; affirm that the duties of local exchange carriers to provide unbundled network elements to providers to the extent required by federal law; affirm the right to charge for access and other charges for broadband services; affirm the right of service providers to obtain access to the publicly switched network.


HCS - Retain original provisions of HB 627; delete definitions for "ARMIS", "Basic local exchange carrier", "Competing local exchange carrier"; and "Telephone utility"; amend definition of "broadband" to mean a service that is used to access the Internet and that transmits data at not less than 200 kilobits per second; create new Section 4 to establish a 19-member task force to examine the deployment of broadband in the Commonwealth with findings and recommendations to be reported to the Legislative Research Commission and to the Governor no later than November 15, 2004.

HCA (1, T. Pullin) - Amend the definition of "broadband to mean that the service is used to provide access to the Internet and that information is transmitted at" a rate not less than 200 kilobits; affirm that the definition of "broadband" does not include intrastate services other than digital subscriber line service.

HCA (2, K. Hall) - Establish a 19-member Kentucky Broadband Task Force to examine the deployment of broadband in the Commonwealth with a report of findings and recommendations by November 15, 2004.

HFA (1, T. Pullin) - Preserve Public Service Commission jurisdiction over interconnection agreements and the authority granted to the Public Service Commission under 47 U.S.C. section 271.

HFA (2, T. Pullin) - Void state requirements on the provision of broadband established prior to April 1, 2001.

HFA (3, R. Webb) - Permit the Public Service Commission to review and determine the feasibility of using excess earnings of an incumbent local exchange carrier to install equipment or facilities to provide broadband service to unserved or rural areas of the Commonwealth; permit the commission to approve an infrastructure development plan to allow an incumbent local exchange carrier to make those installations in lieu of making refunds.

HFA (4, R. Webb) - Retain state authority to investigate and enforce state or federal laws against cramming, slamming, or spamming customers of a broadband service provider.

HFA (5, R. Webb) - Preserve PSC jurisdiction over broadband; specify continued adherence to federal code and regulations in regard to provision of access to unbundled network elements.

HFA (6, C. Belcher) - Delete all sections except that directing that a study be conducted.

HFA (7, T. Pullin) - Retain jurisdiction for resolving consumer complaints in the Office of the Attorney General and the Public Service Commission.

HFA (8, K. Hall) - Reinstate commission jurisdiction over interconnection agreements involving remote terminals and central office facilities.

HFA (9, T. Pullin) - Allow the Public Service Commission to continue to collect penalties for violation by telephone utilities of the PAP plan.

HFA (10, T. Pullin) - Authorize the Public Service Commission to investigate and enforce consumer service complaints.

SCS - Retain original provisions of HB 627/GA; require telephone utilities to make digital subscriber line service available to competitive local exchange carriers on the same basis as Internet service providers; authorize the task force to meet over a biennium and to complete its study by November 15, 2005; require the Office of the New Economy to prepare a baseline assessment of broadband deployment in the Commonwealth and to give six-month updates on broadband deployment.

SFA (1, E. Harris) - Authorize the Office of the Attorney General to redress consumer service complaints of broadband service.

SFA (2, E. Harris) - Prohibit a telephone company from refusing to provide broadband service if that customer switches to another carrier for voice services.

SFA (3, W. Blevins) - Prohibit a telephone company that offers unregulated broadband to refuse to provide a customer service if that customer switches carriers for regulated voice service.

SFA (4, W. Blevins) - Allow the task force to meet over a biennium to issue an interim and final report; require the Public Service Commission to develop a baseline assessment of broadband deployment and provide six-month updates on deployment over the biennium.

SFA (5, W. Blevins) - Allow the Office of the Attorney General to have jurisdiction over consumer service complaints for broadband service.

SFA (6, E. Harris) - Permit the Public Service Commission to resume jurisdiction over unbundled elements if the Federal Communications Commission does not issue federal regulations.

SFA (7, E. Harris) - Require telephone utilities to offer digital subscriber line service to competing local exchange carriers at the same terms and conditions offered to Internet service providers.

SFA (8, E. Harris) - Permit the task force to meet over a biennium and to issue an interim and final report on broadband deployment; require the Office of the New Economy to develop a baseline assessment of broadband deployment.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 2-posting waived

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendments (1) and (2) ; recommitted to Tourism Development and Energy (H); posting waived

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 15-floor amendments (3) (4) (5) and (6) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004; floor amendments (7) and (8) filed to Committee Substitute ; floor amendments (1) and (2) withdrawn

Mar 17-floor amendments (9) and (10) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 86-7 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (8) and (10)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and (6) filed

Mar 25-floor amendment (7) filed

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; taken from the Orders of the Day; recommitted to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S); reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (8) filed ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; 3rd reading; floor amendments (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) and (8) withdrawn ; passed 29-4 with Committee Substitute

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute

Apr 13-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; passed 78-12; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 167)

HB 628 (BR 2086) - J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to recyclers.

Create a new section of KRS 224.50 requiring junkyard operators to report material quantities and income for taxation purposes; create a new section of KRS 224.50 declaring that violators of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fines; create a new section of KRS 224.50 requiring a bill of sale identifying the seller of a motor vehicle as the owner or power of attorney for the owner, and requiring the receiving operator to file these documents with the county clerk; create a new section of KRS 224.50 to allow a person to qualify as an employee of an operator through a notarized document; require that each operator maintain a file with employee notarized documents; require an intervening operator to furnish its employee's notarized documents to all of its receiving operators; repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 177.905, 177.910, 177.912, 177.915, 177.920, and 177.925 as new sections of KRS 224.50; repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 177.935 as a new section of KRS 224.50; allow the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations regarding reporting sales of recyclable materials for state tax purposes, and develop forms with specific requirements to implement this system; allow for verification of a seller's identity through a drivers license and proof of insurance; allow the cabinet to impose fines on any person or operator who fails to fine vehicle transfer papers with the county clerk; repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 177.940, 177.950, and 177.951 as new sections of KRS 224.50; amend KRS 177.990 to remove the penalty section for the sections that have been moved under this act; make technical corrections to various statutes to conform; amend various statutes to define terms; keep current administrative regulations relating to junkyards in effect and allow the regulations compiler to change existing regulations to reflect the change of regulating authority; and indicate that on the effective date of this Act, all relevant administrative and enforcement powers shall be transferred from the Department of Highways to the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

HB 629 (BR 2251) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to advertisements of bids by local air boards.

Amend KRS 424.260, regarding advertisements for bids by local governments, to allow local air boards to advertise for bids exclusively on the Internet under limited circumstances, set forth limitations and requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 183, regarding local air boards, to conform.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Transportation (H)

Mar 4-reassigned to Local Government (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

HB 630 (BR 2091) - J. Wayne, T. Burch

AN ACT relating to eviction of manufactured home owners and mobile home owners from manufactured and mobile home communities.

Create new sections of KRS 219.310 to 219.410 to establish the reasons for which a manufactured or mobile home community operator may terminate a rental agreement; set forth the procedures required for eviction of manufactured or mobile home owners; make it unlawful for a community operator to retaliate against a resident who has complained to a governmental agency about conditions, complained to the community operator, filed or has the intent to file a lawsuit or administrative action against the community operator, organized or is a member of a resident association, or taken any other action regarding the protection of rights secured to residents; amend KRS 219.320 to define "community operator," "rental agreement," and "resident."

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Local Government (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

HB 631 (BR 1246) - B. Buckingham, J. Comer

AN ACT relating to football.

Amend KRS 156.070 to allow, under certain conditions, two public high schools to join together to create a cooperative football program.


HCS - Delete original provisions; direct the Interim Joint Committee on Education or a subcommittee thereof to conduct a study of cooperative school-sponsored football teams; require a final report be provided to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2004.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Education (H)

Mar 2-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 632 (BR 2157) - T. Feeley, J. Draud

AN ACT relating to property tax.

Amend KRS 68.245 to require the state local finance officer to also certify the amount of revenue expected to be produced by applying the tax rate from the prior year to the current year real property base excluding new property; to clarify the tax levy options available to county fiscal courts; to allow a county to continue to levy the prior year rate if the rate necessary for 4% growth is less than the prior year rate; amend provisions relating to levy and recall to incorporate provisions for counties levying the prior year rate; provide that the amendments shall apply for tax assessment years on or after January 1, 2005.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 633 (BR 2347) - J. Higdon, J. Bruce

AN ACT relating to insurance health care benefit plans and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 304.17A-0952 to provide that an insurer may vary from the 35% index rate for health insurance premiums for individual plans if the insurer is offering an individual health benefit plan that is state-elected under the federal Trade Act of 2002 to cover individuals who are eligible for the health care coverage tax credit; EMERGENCY.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, passed 92-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 168)

HB 634 (BR 2348) - J. Higdon, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to insurance.

Amend KRS 304.20-300 to include surplus lines and workers' compensation insurance in provisions relating to cancellations and declinations; create a new section of subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit cancellation of a workers' compensation policy before the end of the term or within one year of issuance or renewal, whichever occurs first, except for reasons including nonpayment of premium, failure to report payroll or permit payroll audits, and noncompliance with local, state or federal safety laws, orders, regulations, or ordinances; create a new section of subtitle 20 of KRS Chapter 304 to prohibit collection of workers' compensation premiums during audit disputes.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

HB 635 (BR 1973) - C. Belcher

AN ACT relating to voter assistance.

Amend KRS 117.255 and 117.0863 to restrict the number of voters that one person may assist to five voters in any one election.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 636 (BR 408) - L. Clark, T. Burch, De. Butler, J. Draud, J. Haydon, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, R. Meeks, C. Miller

AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky and amend Section 226 of the Constitution of Kentucky, relating to casinos.

Propose a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to casinos; allow the General Assembly to permit the operation of casinos, which may include casinos at horse racing tracks; provide, if General Assembly authorizes casino gaming, for agency of state government to be created to regulate casinos by special law notwithstanding Section 59 or 60 of the Constitution, establish qualifications of individuals and entities authorized to operate casinos, limit number and location of casinos, define types of lotteries, gift enterprises and gambling games to be permitted, provide for other standards to ensure honest operation of casinos; define casino and casino-style gaming; restrict operation of casinos until the state agency shall have first approved the conduct of casinos and the governing body of the county, urban-county, charter county, or consolidated local government has approved the operation; propose to amend Section 226 of the Kentucky Constitution to provide that the new section is an exception to the prohibition against lotteries and gift enterprises; submit to voters; provide ballot language.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 637/FN/LM/CI (BR 457) - L. Clark, T. Burch, De. Butler, J. Callahan, J. Draud, J. Haydon, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, R. Meeks, C. Miller

AN ACT relating to gaming and making an appropriation therefor.

Establish KRS Chapter 239 to authorize gambling at horse racing tracks and casinos; create numerous definitions; create the Kentucky Gaming Commission; establish the duties and responsibilities of the commission; require the commission to determine the occupations related to casino gaming and the qualifications for an occupational license; establish the application procedures for a casino, racing association, manufacturer's, and supplier's license; establish the requirements and qualifications for all gaming related licenses; prohibit a licensee from transferring or assigning the license without prior commission approval; permit a licensee to conduct gaming operations from a temporary facility under certain conditions; require racing association licensees to make certain requests to the Racing Commission regarding the number of racing days the licensee will have scheduled during a year; create an exemption for facilities developed for gaming activities regarding zoning and require that for certain other zoning and building codes there is no exemption; establish the position of and the duties of the executive director of the commission; establish that certain job classifications are to be established by agreement of the parties to a collective bargaining agreement; require that before a gaming license is issued, the governing body in the jurisdiction where gaming operations are proposed must first enact an ordinance to permit casino gaming; require a gaming licensee to post bond and to maintain specific types of insurance; limit the number of gaming licenses to 5 racing association gaming licenses and four casino licenses, establish criteria for gaming operation locations, require certain information from applicants seeking a gaming license; establish the fees for applications, licensure, and renewal for all licensees; create the Kentucky gaming fund, the Kentucky municipal public safety fund, the Kentucky county public safety fund, Kentucky horse racing equity fund, and Kentucky thoroughbred claiming fund; require that certain amounts of the gaming fund support administrative operations of the commission, and other amounts from the gaming fund be dispersed to the Kentucky compulsive gamblers assistance fund, the Department of Education and the Council on Postsecondary Education, the Cabinet for Health Services for health care services for certain indigent Kentuckians and for a prescription drug program for senior citizens, to the Kentucky municipal public safety fund, the Kentucky county public safety fund, capital construction, sewer and water projects administration under the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, the Kentucky veterans trust fund, the state road fund, the budget reserve trust fund, and the equine industry program trust and revolving fund; establish the disbursement of funds to the Kentucky municipal public safety fund and the Kentucky county public safety fund; establish the disbursement of funds to the Kentucky horse racing industry; prohibit licensure to certain people under specific circumstances; establish the expenditure of moneys from the municipal public safety fund and the county public safety fund; establish a wagering tax at a rate of 35% of adjusted gross receipts received and reported monthly by the licensee obliged to pay the tax; establish the terms of all licenses regarding gaming operations; require the commission to promulgate administrative regulations to prescribe procedures for gaming licensees regarding the effective control over their internal fiscal affairs, to require periodic financial reports from gaming licensees, to require annual audits of the financial statements of gaming licensees, to define and limit gambling games and devices, to address how moneys deposited into the compulsive gamblers assistance fund will be expended; require the State Auditor to perform an annual audit of the commission; require gaming licensees to compile a list of persons to exclude or eject from licensed gaming establishments; require the commission to notify a person placed on an exclusion or ejection list; permit the commission to take disciplinary action if a gaming licensee knowingly fails to exclude or eject a person on the list; establish penalties for persons placed on the list who enter premises of a licensed gaming establishment; provide that the transport of gambling equipment and supplies into the state will not be a violation of federal law; define the term cheat and establish penalties for persons who cheat; created the compulsive gamblers assistance fund; establish how expenditures from the compulsive gamblers assistance fund will utilized; require the commission to prepare an annual report detailing activities and expenditures of the compulsive gamblers assistance fund; encourage gaming licensees to cooperate with local business and community organizations to stimulate the economy through tourism; require gaming licensees to pay the salaries of certain commission employees; require gaming licensees to make office space available for certain commission employees; prohibit a person under 21 from placing a wager or being in an area where gambling games are operated; establish that commission members, the executive director, and commission employees are subject to executive branch ethics; limit the administrative fine to $50,000 per offense; establish that administrative review under KRS Chapter 13B is available for persons aggrieved by an action by the commission; create a new section of KRS Chapter 131 to attach the commission to the Revenue Cabinet for administrative purposes; create a new section of KRS Chapter 242 to permit a local option election in certain areas; amend KRS 243.030 to establish a $7,500 annual license fee for a casino entertainment license and a racing association casino entertainment license; amend KRS 243.040 to establish a $3,500 annual license fee for a casino entertainment license and a racing association casino entertainment license; amend KRS 243.040, 243.500, 243.505, 525.090, 528.010, 528.100, 15.380 to conform; include a severability clause; include rules to follow for actions brought for declaratory or injunctive relief regarding constitutionality of this Act; and include language that this Act is void if the voters fail to approve a constitutional amendment permitting the General Assembly to authorize casinos.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

HB 638 (BR 2301) - R. Palumbo, T. Thompson

AN ACT relating to tax credits for historic property rehabilitation and construction.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to provide a tax credit for qualified rehabilitation expenses paid to rehabilitate a certified historic structure against the individual income tax, corporate income tax, corporate license tax, public service corporation property tax, or bank franchise tax; define terms; provide that the credit is equal to 30% of the expenses in the case of owner-occupied residential property and 20% in the case of all other property; provide that the maximum amount of the credit is $60,000; provide that the credit may be transferred or assigned with some or no consideration; require the Revenue Cabinet to assess a penalty for disqualifying work; provide that the director of the Kentucky Heritage Council may impose fees for processing applications; allow the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide that the provisions of this section apply to applications filed on or after January 1, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to allow a tax credit for qualified construction expenses for a certified home; define terms; provide that the credit is equal to 10% of the expenses; provide that the maximum amount of the credit is $20,000; provide that the credit may be transferred or assigned with some or no consideration; require the Revenue Cabinet to assess a penalty for disqualifying work; provide that the director of the Kentucky Heritage Council may impose fees for processing applications; allow the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide that the provisions of this section apply to applications filed on or after January 1, 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 136 to reference the credits permitted in this Act; amend KRS 141.0205 to conform.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 639 (BR 2177) - K. Hall, T. Pullin, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to construction of certain electric transmission lines.

Amend KRS 278.020 to specify certain length and capacity electric transmission lines will require a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the PSC; provide some exemptions and hearing requirements; amend KRS 278.516 to conform.


HCS - Amend KRS 278.020 to require a certificate of public convenience and necessity for certain transmission lines; include cooperatives; shorten time period for commission decision from 120 to 90 days; technical changes; amend KRS 278.516 to conform.

HFA (1, M. Denham) - Require the Public Service Commission when conducting a public hearing to consider the effects of a transmission line extension on agricultural land.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 640 (BR 2205) - Dw. Butler, L. Napier, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, L. Clark, P. Clark, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, C. Embry Jr, J. Gray, M. Harper, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, C. Miller, R. Nelson, T. Pullin, J. Reinhardt, C. Siler, J. Stewart, J. Thompson, J. Wayne, B. Yonts

AN ACT relating to state service contracts.

Requires state service contracts to be performed in the United States.


HCS - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 45A to establish the Kentucky Procurement Advisory Council (KPAC) to collect data on offshore outsourcing by any person that contracts to provide services to the Commonwealth of Kentucky; attach KPAC to the Finance and Administration Cabinet for administrative purposes; amend KRS 45A.030 to define "offshore outsourcing" as the performance of services outside the United States.

HFA (1, D. Butler) - Add the co-chairs of the Government Contract Review Committee of the Legislative Research Commission to Kentucky Procurement Advisory Council (KPAC) membership.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute ; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 641 (BR 2216) - D. Pasley, H. Moberly, Ji. Lee

AN ACT relating to income tax.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide an income tax credit for the cost of prescription drugs; amend KRS 141.0205 to conform; appy for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 642 (BR 2289) - J. Stacy

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance.

Amend KRS 304.39-080 to require an operator, as well as an owner, of a motor vehicle to maintain motor vehicle insurance.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 643 (BR 2237) - J. Stacy

AN ACT relating to hospitals.

Amend KRS 142.303 to provide that payments by hospitals for services provided to Medicaid patients shall not be subject to the provider tax unless payments to out-of-state hospitals are reduced to account for the fact that they do not pay the provider tax, and to apply the tax to hospital revenues received during state fiscal year 2003 for each year after fiscal year 2005; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require payments to out-of-state hospitals to be reduced; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require provider tax revenues from hospitals to be used first to increase payments to hospitals.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 644/FN (BR 2109) - M. Harmon, R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to residential schools serving students with disabilities operated by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Amend KRS 18A.115 to clarify that certified employees in the Kentucky School for the Deaf and Kentucky School for the Blind are exempt from the KRS Chapter 18A provisions; amend KRS 163.032 to clarify that the salary schedule for the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf does not limit experience as defined in KRS 157.320 for a certified employee who transfers to the school, provide that if teachers in these schools request a tribunal under certain circumstances under KRS 161.790 that the Attorney General will appoint the tribunal members, provide that the Department of Education may employ retired teachers in critical shortage areas in the schools under provisions of KRS 156.106 and KRS 161.605, require the Kentucky Department of Education and the Personnel Cabinet to complete hiring processes for teachers in these schools within two weeks; amend KRS 158.6455 to include the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf in the accountability system of rewards and consequences.


SCS/FN - Delete the provision that exempted the employees of the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf from the KRS Chapter 18A personnel system; amend KRS 156.160 and 167.150 to direct the Kentucky Board of Education with advice from various groups to create a pilot program to implement an alternative education program leading toward a diploma that consists of vocational education and life skills for pupils who attend the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf.

SFA (1, V. McGaha) - Attach provisions of SB 241/GA.

SFA (2/Title, V. McGaha) - Make title amendment.

SFA (3, R. Roeding) - Attach the provisions of SB 52, relating to children; amend KRS 610.345 to require that the school principal of the public or private elementary or secondary school that a child attends be notified within 24 hours when a petition that involves a controlled substance or the possession, carrying, or use of a deadly weapon is filed against the child; amend KRS 158.153 to conform.

SFA (4/Title, R. Roeding) - Make title amendment.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 94-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Education (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2-title) filed

Mar 26-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Mar 29-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (4-title) filed

Apr 13-3rd reading; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) withdrawn ; passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (3) and (4-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

HB 645 (BR 2318) - R. Meeks

AN ACT relating to equity in hiring in the public schools.

Amend KRS 156.500 to require every board, commission, council, or other type of advisory or decision-making body created by state statute regarding public elementary and secondary education to regularly review data on participation of men, women, persons of different racial backgrounds, and persons of different socioeconomic circumstances in the programs for which that body is responsible; amend KRS 158.6455 to require that the scholastic audit review a school's planning in relation to the participation of men, women, persons of different racial backgrounds, and persons of different socioeconomic circumstances; amend KRS 160.345 to require a school council, prior to filling a vacancy, to review the current minority and gender composition of the personnel in the school to determine if there is adequate representation of the various groups; require the school council to adopt a policy establishing procedures for selection of a principal, including but not limited to meetings, timelines, interviews, review of written applications, review of references, and development of written criteria for selection; amend KRS 160.350 to require the local board and the superintendent's screening committee to receive training endorsed by the Department of Education when there is a vacancy in the position of the superintendent; require the board to establish written criteria to be used in selecting an applicant to be hired as superintendent; require the local board to adopt a plan for recruitment of applicants for superintendent, including minority applicants; and amend KRS 160.380 to define "district-level vacancy" and require the superintendent to establish written criteria to be used in selecting applicants to be hired in district-level vacancies; amend KRS 158.153 to conform.


HFA (1, R. Meeks) - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require that the Kentucky Department of Education and central office personnel in each school district be responsible for the collection, compilation, disaggregation, and distribution of data, except for data that is generated at the school level and not routinely transmitted to either the department or the central office; require that the data be provided to school councils in a usable form that does not increase the paperwork requirements of school-level personnel; make technical changes to conform.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 16-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 81-1 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Education (S)

HB 646 (BR 2158) - T. Riner

AN ACT relating to breast-feeding.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to encourage breast-feeding; require state agencies that provide maternal and child health services to provide information that encourages breast-feeding; require the department to publish statistical information related to breast-feeding annually, beginning in fiscal year 2005-2006.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 95-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Introduced Mar. 1, 2004

HB 647 (BR 2304) - R. Palumbo, K. Stein

AN ACT relating to the Lexington Community College.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to provide that the University of Kentucky shall delegate the management of the Lexington Community College to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; responsibilities shall include the management of facilities, grounds, assets, liabilities, revenues, personnel, programs, financial and accounting services, and support services; the Kentucky Community and Technical College System shall have the right to appoint and dismiss personnel and to set the compensation for the employees; amend KRS 164.001, 164.125, and 164.591 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HB 648 (BR 2302) - R. Palumbo, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to economic development.

Create new sections of subchapter 20 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish definitions for "approved company," "approved expense," "economic development project," "equipment used in research and development," "inducements," "preference zone," and "service and technology"; grant the authority the powers to establish guidelines to approve companies; require an eligible company to certify expenses, describe its project, and provide supporting documentation as requested; require that the total tax refund available by the authority for commitment shall not exceed $20,000,000 for construction materials and $5,000,000 for research and development equipment; allow an eligible company to transfer its designation as an approved company upon approval by the authority; allow an approved company to receive a refund of sales and use taxes paid on building materials and research and development equipment; allow the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; state that no approvals shall be effective before January 1, 2005; require an approved company to enter into an agreement with the authority prior to receiving inducements; state that the term of the agreement shall be not longer than eighteen months; describe the requirements of an agreement; exempt from the Kentucky Open Records Act a company's filings; require the authority to submit to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission an annual report that details the incentives granted and company participation; make conforming changes; repeal KRS 154.45-001, 154.45-020, 154.45-030, 154.45-040, 154.45-080, 154.45-100; repeal, effective December 31, 2007, KRS 154.45-010, 154.45-050, 154.45-060, 154.45-070, 154.45-090, 154.45-110, 154.45-120.


HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Require the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority to promulgate administrative regulations for approving eligible companies; clarify the confidentiality protections afforded to a company's filings; make technical corrections.

HFA (2, R. Palumbo) - Require the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority to promulgate administrative regulations for approving eligible companies; require that a company's filings be subject to the Open Records Act; make technical corrections.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 3-posting waived

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 11-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 16-floor amendment (2) filed

HB 649 (BR 2315) - R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to small business.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to require each organizational unit and administrative body that is required to regulate small business entities and has the authority to assess civil penalties to establish a policy or program to provide for the reduction, and if appropriate the waiver, of civil penalties for violations of a statutory or regulatory requirement by a small business entity; define "small business entity"; establish conditions or exclusions that may be included in policies or programs; require each department and program cabinet that is required to regulate small business entities and has the authority to assess civil penalties to submit a report to the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee and LRC.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 3-posted in committee

HB 650 (BR 2035) - J. Bruce, H. Cornett, B. Crall, M. Denham, B. Farmer, J. Gooch, J. Higdon, T. Thompson, K. Upchurch

AN ACT relating to health benefit plans.

Create new sections of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require that a health benefit plan provided to individuals through an association not related to employment be considered coverage in the individual market; provide that an insurer issuing or renewing a health benefit plan on or after January 1, 2005 until December 31, 2007, not be required to include any additional mandated state benefits; require an insurer that is not a managed care plan but provides financial incentives for a person to access a network of providers must notify the covered person that certain information is available at the time of enrollment and upon request; amend KRS 304.17A-095 to restrict retroactive reduction of rates to filings containing misrepresentations or based on fraudulent information; amend KRS 304.17A-250 to permit, rather than require, insurers in the individual and small group market to offer the standard plan after July 15, 2004; delete the benefits comparison; amend KRS 304.17A-330 to exempt from the annual data reporting requirement insurers, employer-organized associations that self-insure, and health purchasing outlets that insure less than 500 persons; amend KRS 304.17A-500 to change the definition of "enrollee" and other terms; amend KRS 304.17A-527, 304.17A-550, 304.17A-520, and 304.17A-532 to make technical changes to eliminate certain requirements for non-HMO insurers; amend KRS 304.17A-545 to provide that the medical director of a managed care plan may be licensed in the state where the insurer is domiciled or in any state in which the insurer is licensed to do business; amend KRS 304.17A-600 to define "urgent care"; amend KRS 304.17A-607 to delete requirement of rendering written notice of utilization review decision within one (1) day of decision and delete other time requirements for preadmission review of hospital admission, preauthorization for a treatment, procedure, drug, or device, and receipt of requested information when a retrospective review is initiated; amend KRS 304.17A-617 as to the internal appeal determination letter to delete requirement that letter contain a description of alternative benefits, services, or supplies in cases retrospective review; amend KRS 304.17A-623 to provide that external reviews which are not expedited must be conducted by the review entity and a determination made within 21 days from the receipt of all information required from the insurer rather than from the receipt of the request for external review; amend KRS 304.17A-627 to delete requirement that the independent review entity annually submit certain information to the department in a form acceptable to the department; amend KRS 304.17A-722 to exempt, with approval of the commissioner, an insurer from the data reporting requirements if the total number of insureds is less than 500; amend KRS 304.17A-700 to conform; repeal KRS 304.17A-533.


HCS - Retain original provisions; make technical changes; define "urgent care" as including all requests for hospitalization and outpatient surgery; clarify provision on utilization review decision as one relating to urgent and nonurgent care in accordance with 29 C.F.R. Part 2560; delete Section 19 and renumber subsequent sections.

HFA (1, R. Damron) - Make the provisions of Section 1 apply to employer-organized associations in addition to associations.

HFA (2, R. Damron) - Delete Section 1 of the bill that provides that health benefit plan coverage provided to individuals through an association that is not related to employment shall be considered coverage in the individual market.

HFA (3, R. Damron) - Delete Sections 3 and 7 of the bill; amend subsection (2) of Section 11 to continue the current practice of having utilization management decisions that are made by chiropractors or optometrists be made by chiropractors and optometrists licensed in Kentucky.

HFA (4, R. Damron) - Delete Sections 1 and 11 of the Act; require an insurer that offers a health benefit plan that is not a managed care plan but that provides financial incentives for a covered person to access a network of providers to be subject to certain patient protection provisions that apply to managed care plans.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Banking and Insurance (H); posted in committee; posting waived

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 5-floor amendments (1) (2) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 9-floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 10-3rd reading, passed 95-2 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (4)

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Banking and Insurance (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, passed 35-1; received in House

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 59)

HB 651 (BR 2144) - D. Sims, R. Mobley, B. Buckingham

AN ACT relating to compensatory time for certified employees.

Amend KRS 158.070 to require local boards of education to compensate teachers with compensatory time or compensation at their normal rate of pay for time extended beyond seven and 1/2 hours or 37 1/2 hours per week; allow compensatory time to accumulate; state that no teacher shall be required to work more than the minimum term during the school year; amend KRS 158.649 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HB 652 (BR 2145) - D. Sims, B. Buckingham, R. Mobley

AN ACT relating to professional development of certified staff.

Amend KRS 158.070 to limit when professional development may take place, require a local board to compensate teachers at their daily rate of pay if the employee is required to attend a professional development activity beyond the four days of professional development, prohibit a board from adding additional requirements to the Kentucky teacher internship program, and require scheduling of staff for professional development to conform to bargained agreements.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HB 653/FN (BR 79) - M. Harmon, R. Meeks, C. Embry Jr

AN ACT relating to alternative programs for students with developmental disabilities.

Amend KRS 156.160 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to develop an alternative education program consisting of vocational education and life skills for pupils with developmental disabilities; require Kentucky Department of Education to implement the program.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 12-posting withdrawn

HB 654/FN (BR 2023) - Ji. Lee

AN ACT relating to sales tax.

Amend KRS 139.470 to exempt from the sales tax gross receipts from the sale of telephone services from a pay phone where the method of payment is by direct deposit of United Sates currency; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2004.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 10-posted in committee

HB 655 (BR 2221) - J. Fischer

AN ACT relating to school finance.

Amend KRS 157.360 to require that SEEK funding be provided for limited English proficient students, limit the funding for individual students to those students enrolled in Kentucky schools for two academic years or less; amend KRS 157.370 to provide that, effective with the 2006-2007 school year and thereafter, the aggregate and average daily attendance of transported pupils shall include all public school pupils transported at public expense who live one-half mile or more from school; define equivalent property tax rate and amends KRS 157. 440 to permit local boards of education to levy an equivalent property tax rate up to the maximum of Tier 1 and for purposes of participation in Facilities Support Program of Kentucky (FSPK), subject to recall; equalize permissive tax revenue at 150% of the statewide average; allow districts currently not levying a permissive tax to do so subject to recall; allow continued use of permissive tax revenue to calculate the equivalent tax rate for purposes of equalizing Tier 1 and FSPK, but disallow the use of permissive tax revenue for both the equalization of permissive tax revenue and the continued use to calculate the equivalent tax rate for purposes of equalizing Tier 1 and FSPK; amend KRS 160.470 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H); reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 656 (BR 2223) - J. Fischer

AN ACT relating to educational services for expelled students.

Amend KRS 158.150 to release a local board of education from the requirement of providing educational services in an appropriate alternative environment to an expelled student if the student "posed," rather than "poses," a threat to the safety of other students or school staff and cannot be placed into a state-funded agency program.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HB 657 (BR 2239) - J. Fischer

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Sections 36 and 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to legislative sessions.

Propose an amendment to Section 36 of the Constitution of Kentucky to provide that the January organizational session not exceed 10 consecutive legislative days; enable the General Assembly to convene for ten days in March and ten days in October during the regular odd-year sessions; and convene for thirty days in February and ten days in September during regular even-year sessions; and propose an amendment to Section 42 of the Constitution of Kentucky to provide that no change in the General Assembly members' compensation shall take effect during the biennial legislative term in which it is enacted into law, restrict total number of legislative days in a biennial legislative term to 60 days, restrict extraordinary sessions to 15 legislative days, and define biennial legislative term; provide for submission to voters.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 658/CI (BR 2222) - J. Fischer

AN ACT relating to abortion.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to prohibit use of contraceptive drug after pregnancy is determined and prohibit performance of abortion; permit use of a contraceptive drug prior to the time pregnancy is determined; provide that medical treatment designed to prevent the death of the mother, even if that results in an abortion, is not a crime; repeal current abortion statutes; amend and repeal various other statutes to conform; set forth findings of the General Assembly.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 659/LM (BR 922) - J. Fischer, H. Cornett, S. Lee

AN ACT to promote the uniform application of civil rights law in the Commonwealth.

Amend KRS 344.020, 344.190, and 344.320, and repeal and reenact KRS 344.300, relating to the Commonwealth's civil rights laws, to provide that the Commonwealth has occupied the field of civil rights law and that local laws on the subject are prohibited.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Labor and Industry (H)

Mar 8-reassigned to Judiciary (H)

HB 660 (BR 1657) - J. Hoover, S. Baugh, S. Brinkman, J. Comer, B. DeWeese, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, D. Ford, M. Harmon, J. Higdon, T. Kerr, S. Lee, R. Mobley, B. Montell, M. Rader

AN ACT relating to the prevailing wage and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to exempt educational institutions from paying prevailing wages on construction projects during fiscal year 2004-2005 and fiscal year 2005-2006; provide that provisions expire on June 30, 2006; EFFECTIVE DATE IS JULY 1, 2004; EMERGENCY.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Labor and Industry (H)

HB 661/FN (BR 1863) - M. Harmon

AN ACT relating to child welfare.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 199, relating to adoption and protective services for children, to declare a public policy preference for adoptive homes with married parents, create a rebuttable presumption that it is not in the best interest of the child to be placed in a home where two unmarried persons cohabit or are otherwise engaging in sexual relations; prohibit the cabinet from placing children for adoption in homes where the petitioner or other person acting as a parent in the home is homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered, or in a home where more than two persons are cohabiting or otherwise engaging in sexual relations with one another; amend KRS 600.020, the definitions section for the Kentucky Unified Juvenile Code, to add language to the definition of "foster family home" which excludes those homes where a parent is homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered, or where more than two persons are cohabiting or otherwise engaging in sexual relations with one another; make technical corrections thereto; make technical amendments to KRS 199.011, 199.467, 199.470, 199.471, 199.472, 199.473, and 199.990.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 662/FN (BR 2163) - S. Brinkman, J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

Amend KRS 141.040 to impose a flat rate of 6% on the taxable income of corporations for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003; amend KRS 141.206 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 15-posted in committee

HB 663 (BR 2220) - S. Brinkman


HB 664/LM (BR 802) - J. Callahan, C. Siler, A. Arnold, J. Draud, J. Haydon

AN ACT relating to highway user fees and local highway construction from such funds.

Amend KRS 138.210 to delete the provisions defining average wholesale price; amend KRS 138.220 to provide for a $0.04 per gallon supplemental fuel tax effective August 1, 2004; provide for a $0.08 per gallon supplemental fuel tax effective July 1, 2005; provide for a CPI adjustment to the motor fuel tax and supplemental fuel tax effective July 1, 2006; amend KRS 224.60-145 to provide that the $0.01 per gallon levy for the Underground Storage Tank Fund is deposited to the road fund effective August 1, 2004, and is not subject to revenue sharing; amend KRS 177.320 to provide that effective August 1, 2004, the supplemental fuel tax revenues set aside for the secondary and rural roads, and county roads and bridges shall be allocated based on population; amend KRS 177.360 to provide for an allocation formula based on county population for the supplemental fuel tax revenues; create a new section of KRS Chapter 177 to provide that the amount set aside for the allocation of motor fuel tax revenues are calculated after a reduction by any amount of road fund appropriations to the State Police, the Revenue Cabinet, or the Finance and Administration Cabinet in any budget bill enacted by the General Assembly; amend KRS 186.050 to increase the motor vehicle registration fees effective January 1, 2005; amend KRS 186.531 to double the cost of operators' license and permits effective January 1, 2005; amend KRS 281A.150 to double the CDL license fees effective January 1, 2005; repeal and reenact KRS 177.330 to provide for the submission of a transportation plan; amend KRS 177.350 to provide that the Department of Rural and Municipal Aid shall promulgate administrative regulations to establish standards for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance of roads by January 1, 2005; amend KRS 177.369, 178.330, 179.415, 177.020, 177.330. 224.60-130, 224.60-140, 234.320, 234.380 to conform; repeal KRS 117.340, 179.440 effective July 1, 2005; provide that Section 13 is effective July 1, 2005.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Transportation (H)

Mar 3-reassigned to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 665 (BR 1829) - T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to school principal certification.

Amend KRS 161.027 to require that with the completion of an approved preparation program and passage of the required examinations for principal certification prior to July 1, 2002, a person be given a principal's certificate for five years from the time of issuance; require the provisions to apply until the time the General Assembly reinstates funding for the principal's internship program; direct the Education Professional Standards Board to give principal certification to educators who have met the requirements prior to the passage of this Act.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 12-posting withdrawn

HB 666/LM/CI (BR 1841) - J. Callahan

AN ACT relating to the crime of failure to return to custody.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 520 to create the criminal offense of failure to return to custody; set the penalty at a Class D felony.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 667 (BR 2200) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to social workers.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 335 to permit an individual to be licensed as a social worker when that individual's time commitment to military service prevented him or her from being licensed under KRS 335.110 before the statute was repealed.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

HB 668 (BR 1840) - J. Callahan

AN ACT relating to local government code enforcement boards.

Amend KRS 65.8825 to outline the methods by which local government code enforcement officers are authorized to issue and serve citations for violations of local ordinances; permit, in addition to direct service, citation to be left with eligible family members on the premises, a copy of the citation to be posted on the premises, and a copy of the citation to e mailed as prescribed; require a response to a citation from alleged violator within seven days if directly served and 14 days from postmarked date if mailed.


HFA (1, J. Wayne) - Amend KRS 65.8821 to allow code enforcement boards to assign a hearing officer to conduct hearings; amend KRS 65.8828 to specify that if a hearing officer conducts the hearing, the hearing officer shall make a written report to the board with findings and recommendations.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Local Government (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 669/LM (BR 2171) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to county clerk fees.

Amend KRS 64.012 to permit duplication of records by personal imaging equipment, to allow county clerks to charge $0.50 per page for duplication of records.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-recommitted to Local Government (H)

HB 670 (BR 1673) - A. Arnold

AN ACT relating to contributions to candidates' campaigns and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 121.150 to repeal restriction on candidates' total personal loan limits; create new section of KRS Chapter 121 to permit candidates to accept contributions for primary election expenses for 60 days after the date of the primary to the extent that the aggregate contributions shall not exceed the net debts outstanding from the election and provided that the debts were existing or obligated prior to the primary election, and provide that no contribution shall exceed the applicable contribution limit, require reporting of all contributions and expenditures under KRS 121.180; permit slates of candidates to accept contributions for runoff primary election expenses for 60 days after the date of the runoff primary to the extent that the aggregate contributions shall not exceed the net debts outstanding from the election and provided that the debts were existing or obligated prior to the runoff primary election, and provided that no contribution shall exceed the applicable contribution limit, require reporting of all contributions and expenditures under KRS 121.180; permit candidates to accept contributions for regular election expenses for 60 days after the date of the regular election to the extent that the aggregate contributions shall not exceed the net debts outstanding from the election and provided that the debts were existing or obligated prior to the regular election, and provide that no contribution shall exceed the applicable contribution limit, require reporting of all contributions and expenditures under KRS 121.180; permit candidates to accept contributions for special election expenses for 60 days after the date of the special election to the extent that the aggregate contributions shall not exceed the net debts outstanding from the election and provided that the debts were existing or obligated prior to the special election, and provide that no contribution shall exceed the applicable contribution limit, require reporting of all contributions and expenditures under KRS 121.180; define "net debts outstanding"; apply provisions to elections occurring after the effective date of the Act; repeal loan limit for slates of candidates; provide for delayed repeal of Section 1 of this Act, to be effective June 30, 2005; provide nonretroactive effect; state General Assembly intention; create new section banning post-election contributions, and candidate loans over a certain amount; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2005; EMERGENCY.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except make technical amendment to include reporting requirements for slates.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 85-8 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

HB 671 (BR 1723) - R. Palumbo, M. Marzian, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to the release of information in child abuse cases.

Amend KRS 620.050 to require the Cabinet for Families and Children to conduct an internal review of each case where child abuse or neglect has resulted in a child fatality or near fatality, and the cabinet had prior contact with the child or the child's family; require the cabinet to prepare a summary of the investigation of each incident; require the cabinet to submit an annual report analyzing the summaries of internal reviews to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the state child fatality review team.


HCS - Retain original provisions; make technical amendments.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 3-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 29-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 13-3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 169)

HB 672 (BR 2299) - R. Palumbo, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to boarding homes.

Amend KRS to permit the cabinet to summarily suspend the licenses of boarding homes that pose significant risks to the health and safety of their patrons.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 216B.305 to provide that no person who has been convicted of a crime of abuse under KRS 508.100 to 508.120 or who has had a report substantiated by the cabinet shall be registered to operate a boarding home; allow for a violation of a local ordinance to constitute grounds for revocation of initial or annual registration; provide that cabinet may summarily suspend registration for failure of a facility to meet certain standards; and make technical correction.

HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Delete the original provisions of the bill in entirety and insert a new section of KRS 216.300 to 216.320 to permit the cabinet to penalize boarding homes that are not registered; permit the cabinet to seek issuance of an injunction and enforcement of civil penalties; permit penalties of at least $1,000 but not more than $5,000; permit the cabinet to impose a civil penalty of at least $1,000 but not more than $5,000 upon a person that aids and abets the operation of an unregistered boarding home; permit collection of attorney's fees and costs incurred by the cabinet or local government related to relocating boarders; amend KRS 216B.305 to prohibit a person convicted of a crime of abuse under KRS 508.100 to 508.120 or substantiated abuse by the cabinet from registering a boarding home; require nutritional standards sufficient to meet the needs of the boarders; require screening to ensure that individuals meet the definition of "boarder" under KRS 216B.300(3); prohibit registration of a boarding home in cases of previous penalties, denials, or revocation for a period of five years; permit appeal of registration denial and an expedited hearing for a summary suspension; create a penalty for concealing information on a registration application; permit denial or revocation for noncompliance with administrative regulations, failure to correct violations, or conviction of a crime related to abuse, neglect, or exploitation; prohibit handling, storing, or dispensing of a boarder's prescription; require access to a lockable compartment; permit the cabinet to summarily suspend the registration of a boarding home in cases of significant risk; permit a penalty for advertising, soliciting boarders, or operating a boarding home without registration.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 3-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 96-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 170)

HB 673/LM (BR 2298) - R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to public morals.

Create two new sections of KRS Chapter 510 to set out the offense of public indecency.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 674 (BR 1136) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to the courts.

Amend KRS 27A.010 to remove gender-specific language with regard to the Chief Justice of the Commonwealth.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 675 (BR 1135) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to state government.

Amends KRS 21A.110 to remove gender-specific language with regard to retired judges called back to service.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

HB 676 (BR 421) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT proposing to amend Section 226 of the Constitution of Kentucky to permit expanded gambling.

Propose amendment of Section 226 of the Constitution of Kentucky to permit gambling at any location; provide for vote of county prior to authorizing gambling in the county; provide for ballot language; provide for submission of proposed amendment to the voters.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HB 677 (BR 2297) - M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to noncompetition clauses.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 372 to provide that noncompetition clauses in broadcasting employees' contracts are invalid; provide that attempts to enforce such clauses are subject to a civil action for damages, attorney's fees, and court costs.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Labor and Industry (H)

Mar 3-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, defeated 37-47

HB 678 (BR 1911) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to civil matters.

Amend KRS 411.045, relating to defenses allowed in action for libel or slander, to eliminate gender-specific references.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 679 (BR 1129) - G. Lindsay, J. Vincent

AN ACT relating to trusts and estates.

Amend KRS 387.070, relating to bonding of guardians and conservators, to provide exemption from requirement of giving surety on bond when the District Court orders the assets of a ward's estate to be deposited in a restricted account as set out in KRS 387.122.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H); posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 24, 2004

HB 680 (BR 1138) - G. Lindsay

AN ACT relating to juries.

Amend KRS 29A.190 to correct a technical error.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 681 (BR 2036) - B. Crall

AN ACT relating to state employee health insurance.

Amend KRS 18A.225 to require the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, upon recommendation of the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet, to procure one or more third-party administrators for the administration of group health care coverage under a self-funded plan for state employees; require the health care coverage to be offered to all members of the state group, including active employees and retirees and their eligible dependents and beneficiaries; require all employees to be rated as a single entity, except for those retirees whose former employers insure their active employees outside the state-sponsored health insurance program; permit the Personnel Cabinet to use a statewide rating structure or a regional rating structure that allows administrators to submit bids that vary by region; amend KRS 61.702 and 161.675 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

HB 682 (BR 295) - T. Pullin

AN ACT relating to annexation of territories by cities other than cities of the first class.

Amend KRS 81A.425 to require notification of any volunteer fire departments when cities seek to annex territory served by those departments.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Local Government (H)

HB 683 (BR 1352) - J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to government actions and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 11 to provide that the Governor shall not repeal any statute through an executive order; provide that every executive order in effect at the end of a Governor's final term of office shall expire thirty days thereafter; change from ninety days to thirty days the amount of time until an executive order shall expire; require executive orders issued by the Governor to be identified by year of issuance and subject area, to be numbered consecutively within year of issuance and subject area categories, and to be filed with the Secretary of State; require the Secretary of State to forward certain executive orders to the director of the Legislative Research Commission on the date filed; require the co-chairs of the Legislative Research Commission to refer executive orders relating to appointments requiring confirmation, reorganization of state government, and other matters pertaining to the operation or official policy of the government, to the legislative committee of jurisdiction within two working days after the order is received by the Legislative Research Commission; provide that executive orders relating to appointments requiring confirmation, reorganization of state government, and other matters pertaining to the operation or official policy of the government shall not become effective until thirty-five days after being filed with the Secretary of State; require the committee of referral to review the executive order within thirty days and report its findings and objections; require an objection by the reviewing committee to be upon the vote of a majority of the committee members of either chamber; direct that executive orders pertaining to governmental policy which were objected to by a reviewing committee be identified in legislation drafted for introduction by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House on the first day of the regular session; require the proposed legislation to declare each identified deficient executive order void upon enactment of the legislation, prohibit the Governor from adopting executive orders that are the same or substantially the same as the voided executive order for one year from sine die adjournment of the legislative session in which the legislation is enacted, and contain an emergency clause; permit the General Assembly to amend the proposed legislation to add executive orders, delete executive orders, or include reorganization orders which have not been enacted into law; require the Governor to compile a list of all executive orders currently in effect and provide the list to the Legislative Research Commission by September 30, 2004; require the Governor to identify orders that should remain in effect and those he shall revoke or repeal as obsolete or unnecessary; provide that executive orders the Governor does not continue in effect or revoke or repeal on another date will expire as of October 31, 2004; create a new section of KRS Chapter 12 to require each administrative body created by executive order or administrative order to expire 90 days after the end of the issuing Governor's or other statewide elected official's term of office unless established by General Assembly enactment; amend KRS 12.028, relating to the reorganization of state government, to conform; amend KRS 11.160, relating to confirmation of appointments, to reduce from seven days to two working days the time limit for the Governor to deliver letters of appointment and resumes for appointments subject to interim committee hearings; EMERGENCY.


HFA (1, J. Barrows) - Exempt executive orders issued pursuant to KRS 61.520, which are in effect at the end of a Governor's final term of office, from expiring within ninety (90) days after the Governor leaves office.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 11-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 52-32 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to State and Local Government (S)

HB 684 (BR 1409) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to the development of primary health care facilities.

Create new sections in Subchapter 20 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish definitions; create a revolving loan program to provide financial assistance to nonprofit, primary health care clinics licensed through the provisions of KRS Chapter 216B; require that eligible primary health care clinics provide health care services in rural, medically underserved counties designated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services; allow the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority to receive appropriations, borrow money, and issue bonds to fund the revolving loan program; require that loans shall be restricted to finance nonrecurring, fixed asset costs; permit the authority to promulgate administrative regulations and establish the terms and conditions for loans; specify that a loan shall be for a period of less than ten years and be no greater than $1,000,000; specify that the interest rate shall be fixed at the Wall Street Journal's published prime rate with a minimum rate of 5%; specify that the obligations issued shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or obligation of the Commonwealth; establish July 1, 2006 as the effective date.


HFA (1, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions, except clarify the definition of "Eligible primary health care clinic" by requiring the clinic's location to be in a county designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area pursuant to 42 C.F.R. Part 491 and also be designated as a priority area in the Statewide Strategic Plan recognized by the federal Bureau for Primary Health Care.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 93-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

HB 685/FN (BR 2092) - B. DeWeese, M. Marzian

AN ACT relating to diabetes research.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to define terms; create the Kentucky Diabetes Research Board and establish membership and duties; create the Kentucky Diabetes Research Trust Fund and identify the scope of the fund; establish application process for proposed research projects and establish review criteria by the board for research project proposals; establish terms of contracts and final reports to the board; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to entitle tax refund money to be donated to the Kentucky Diabetes Research Trust Fund.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions, except add the secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to membership of the Kentucky Diabetes Research Board; provide that funds for diabetes research programs may be credited to the trust fund; delete the involvement of the Science Advisory Council of the American Diabetes Association; delete funding mechanism from income tax returns.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, passed 89-1 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Health and Welfare (S); reported favorably to Consent

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, passed 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 171)

HB 686 (BR 2322) - D. Pasley

AN ACT relating to the Public Service Commission.

Amend KRS 278.0152 to prevent local governments from being charged tapping fees or for upgrades of water systems, unless the local government has authorized the upgrade by ordinance.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

HB 687/CI (BR 2295) - R. Palumbo

AN ACT relating to the death penalty.

Amend KRS 532.025 to include torture of a victim twelve and under which causes or contributes to the minor's death as an aggravating circumstance in applying the death penalty.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 688 (BR 2350) - J. Gray, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to the composition of the Kentucky State Board of Medical Licensure.

Amend KRS 311.530 to add a chiropractor and a representative of the office of Attorney General to the State Board of Medical Licensure; and delete one consumer member and one physician member from the board; amend KRS 311.535 to require that the representative of the office of Attorney General serve on the board only while holding his or her title.


HCS - Delete all of the original provisions; add provisions to direct the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare to study the composition of the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure to determine whether the current composition adequately supports the ability of the board to objectively investigate complaints and render disciplinary actions; direct the committee to report its recommendations to the 2005 Regular Session of the General Assembly.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-recommitted to Health and Welfare (H)

HB 689/CI (BR 1070) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to voyeurism.

Amend KRS 531.090 to include camera phones used to create image transmissions of sexual conduct, genitals, or the nipple of the female breast of another person without that person's consent; amend KRS 531.100 to include camera phones used to create image transmissions of sexual conduct, genitals, or the nipple of the female breast of another person without that person's consent, and that divulges any image so obtained by live or recorded visual medium, electronic mail, the Internet, or a commercial on-line service without that person's consent.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 690/AA (BR 442) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to retirement.

Amend KRS 61.510, relating to the definition of compensation used for determining retirement benefits, to remove the reference to an assumed salary of $27,500 for members of the General Assembly and base compensation on actual salary instead; amend KRS 6.520 and KRS 6.525 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

HB 691 (BR 2349) - J. Gray

AN ACT relating to physician profiles.

Create a new section of KRS 311.530 to 311.620 to require the Kentucky State Board of Medical Licensure to create individual physician profiles; require the profile to include information related to any criminal conviction, disciplinary actions taken by the board, and medical malpractice court judgments or settlements, and other information; require physicians to provide information for the profiles upon request; provide an opportunity for the physician to review his or her profile for factual inaccuracies prior to it being disseminated to the public; require the board to provide a hard copy of a profile upon request and to provide Internet access to profiles; require the board to provide notice to the public regarding the availability of physician profiles; and amend KRS 311.597 to classify the failure to provide information related to the profile as dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

HB 692 (BR 1903) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to instant races.

Amend KRS 230.361 to permit the Racing Commission to issue a license to an eligible association or simulcast facility to conduct instant racing; require the commission to promulgate administrative regulations establishing criteria for licensing, a process by which moneys wagered are accounted for, the content of such an accounting, and other matters deemed necessary; create a new section of KRS Chapter 230 allotting 15 percent of the receiving track's commission to the purse program of the receiving track; amend KRS 230.210 to define simulcasting and instant racing; amend KRS 138.510 to impose a one percent excise tax on all moneys wagered in instant racing. specify that the proceeds from instant racing are not subject to any other taxes or commission rates other than those expressly set out in this Act.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 693/FN (BR 2290) - J. Jenkins

AN ACT relating to horse racing.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 230 to provide for licensure as an international wagering hub; require that KRS 230.378, 230.379, and 230.380 apply, except where expressly excepted in this Act; permit a licensee to operate the system independently or in association with one or more racetracks licensed to run live racing and pari-mutuel wagering in the state; require applicants to submit a detailed plan of operations to the commission; set out the contents of the plan; permit the commission to require changes to the proposed plan; permit the commission to conduct investigations or inspections or request additional information from the applicant as the commission deems appropriate; permit the applicant to enter into agreements that are necessary to promote, advertise, and further horse racing or the effective operation of the hub; require the commission to promulgate administrative regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act; require that no fees or taxes be imposed on the hub operations; require that a wager made for an account maintained with the hub operator be considered to have been made in the Commonwealth; authorize the commission to review and audit all records and financial information of the hub operator; amend KRS 230.3615 to increase the commission on wagers where the patron is required to select three or more horses to 25%.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 694 (BR 1699) - C. Miller, T. Burch, L. Clark, D. Horlander, C. Siler, D. Sims

AN ACT relating to consumer protection.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to define "automotive mobility equipment dealer"; require a dealer to obtain a permit from the Transportation Cabinet and ensure that any modifications made to a motor vehicle in order for the vehicle to be operated by a disabled person must meet all applicable state and federal safety standards and quality assurance measures for modified vehicles; create a new section of KRS Chapter 281 to establish a permit for an automotive mobility equipment dealer; provide that a dealer shall not be required to obtain a certificate of necessity issued under Chapter 281 and shall not be subject to licensure or regulation by the motor vehicle commission under KRS Chapter 190; establish permit fee at $100; require the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations governing application of requirements; require the cabinet to suspend a permit under specified conditions; allow suspensions to be appealed under KRS Chapter 13B.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 695 (BR 1814) - J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to continuing care retirement communities.

Amend KRS 216B.015 to provide that a continuing care retirement community shall include residential living options with one or more independent living units, plus nursing home beds, assisted living units, or personal care beds; and amend KRS 216B.330 to extend the sunset provision for the establishment of continuing care retirement communities from July 31, 2004, to July 31, 2008.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 8-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 696 (BR 1820) - M. Weaver

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Amend KRS 186.041, relating to veterans' license plates, to increase the renewal fee by $5 on selected categories of plates to be designated for the Veterans' Program Trust Fund established under KRS 40.460; amend KRS 186.171, relating to congressional license plates, KRS 186.178, relating to legislative license plates, and KRS 186.179, relating to judicial license plates, to increase the renewal fee by $5 to be designated for the Veterans' Program Trust Fund established under KRS 40.460.


HFA (1, J. Stewart) - Retain the provisions of the original bill in their entirety and add a new Section 4 to authorize any person to make a voluntary contribution to the veterans' program trust fund when initially applying for or renewing any type of license plate; require the Transportation Cabinet to provide each county clerk's office with a poster to promote contributions to the veterans' program trust fund; establish specifications for the poster; require the design of the poster to be developed collectively by the cabinet and the Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 18-recommitted to Transportation (H)

HB 697/LM (BR 1842) - S. Riggs

AN ACT relating to the tax collection duties of the sheriff in counties containing a consolidated local government and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 67C.101 to delete authorization for consolidated local governments to collect specified taxes; amend KRS 67C.147 to require the sheriff to collect the taxes in an urban service district created by a consolidated local government and require the commission paid to the sheriff for the collection of these taxes be the same as permitted by KRS 134.290(4); amend 134.290 to permit the sheriff a fee of 4.25% for the collection of taxes for consolidated local governments and permit the sheriff a fee of 2.833% for tax collection in urban service districts contained in counties containing consolidated local governments; EMERGENCY.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 698/CI (BR 2250) - J. Jenkins, T. Burch, P. Clark, T. Feeley

AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.

Amend KRS 514.010 and 514.040, relating to theft, to create a rebuttable presumption of intent to commit the offense of theft by deception when a person does not make a bad check good within ten days when the check was used for the payment of rent on commercial or residential property.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Judiciary (H)

HB 699/LM (BR 995) - C. Belcher, M. Denham

AN ACT relating to special license plates.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 186, relating to the licensing and registration of vehicles, to create a special Kentucky Walking Horse Association license plate.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Transportation (H)

HB 700/FN (BR 2314) - R. Palumbo, T. Thompson, S. Riggs, R. Crimm

AN ACT relating to economic development.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 154 to establish findings and definitions; allow businesses to apply annually with the Cabinet for Economic Development to become eligible for benefits; require the Cabinet for Economic Development to approve or deny applications based on criteria for minimum capital expenditures, minimum qualified employees, and average wage; allow qualified businesses to file for a refund with the Revenue Cabinet on sales and use taxes paid on capital expenditures; allow motor vehicle usage tax exemption for vehicles not considered commercial vehicles but purchased and used by qualified businesses solely for business purchases; allow the Cabinet for Economic Development and the Revenue Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; provide short title of the Kentucky Enterprise Zone Reform and Job Creation Act; allow an eligible business to apply for a refund on sales and use taxes paid on capital expenditures made on or after January 1, 2004.


HCS/FN - Retain original provisions, include in legislative findings the encouragement of research and development and technology; exclude from the definition of "capital expenditures" the costs associated certain lodging facilities unless they have at least 200 rooms and are integral to attracting tourism or conventions to the local area; exclude from expenditures eligible for sales and use tax refund those associated with activities governed by Section 226 of the Constitution or by KRS Chapter 230, office equipment, office furnishings, and office supplies; eliminate requirement of average hourly wage as 200% of federal minimum, replace with requirement for base hourly wage for 90% of full-time employees at 75% of state or county average hourly wage or 150% of federal minimum, whichever is higher; require business to provide employee benefits equal to 15% of the base hourly wage or provide 90% of full-time employees total compensation of 115% of applicable base hourly wage; limit motor vehicle usage tax exemption to commercial vehicles licensed at more than 26,000 pounds, purchased by a qualified business, and used solely for business purposes; set annual refund cap of $40,000 million, split between businesses operating inside and outside of areas designated by 154.45-050; change short title to the Kentucky Enterprise Zone Reform and Job Preservation Act; change the earliest date on which paid sales and use taxes may be eligible for refund from January 1, 2004 to July 1, 2004; make technical corrections.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 3-posting waived

Mar 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 9-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 701 (BR 1336) - D. Graham

AN ACT relating to local industrial development authorities.

Amend KRS 154.50-326 to allow members of local industrial development authorities to be chosen by agreement between legislative bodies of the cities and counties.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Economic Development (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

HB 702 (BR 1910) - J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to health benefit plan coverage of infertility.

Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to provide that health benefit plans offering pregnancy-related benefits shall contain coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, and permit health benefit plan to limit coverage to $15,000 lifetime maximum benefit.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

HB 703 (BR 1312) - D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, K. Bratcher, T. Burch, De. Butler, L. Clark, P. Clark, T. Feeley, R. Meeks, C. Miller, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to county detectives.

Amend KRS 69.360 to specify that county detectives hired by county attorneys have the power of arrest in the county and the right to execute process statewide.


HFA (1, D. Horlander) - Amend Section 1 to give county detectives hired by county attorneys in counties containing a consolidated local government the power of arrest in the county and the right to execute process statewide; require county detectives with these powers to be certified in accordance with KRS 15.380 to KRS 15.404: amend KRS 15.380 to conform.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 80-0 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Judiciary (S)

Mar 25-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)

Mar 29-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Apr 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, April 13, 2004; 3rd reading, passed 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 172)

HB 704 (BR 1503) - D. Horlander, L. Clark, T. Burch, P. Clark, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, J. Wayne

AN ACT relating to the research challenge trust fund.

Amend KRS 164.7917 to apportion the research challenge trust fund equally between the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HB 705 (BR 2020) - D. Horlander

AN ACT relating to charitabale gaming.

Amend KRS 238.530 to permit a distributor to rent specified equipment to a licensed charitable organization; permit a distributor to store such equipment at the licensed facility; require a manufacturer and a distributor to submit an annual financial audit to the department that conforms with administrative regulations promulgated by the department; amend KRS 238.525 to allow the department to waive fingerprinting requirements for those who have previously been fingerprinted; amend KRS 238.540 to allow a charitable organization to hire a trained, paid bingo caller; permit a charitable organization to lease specified equipment from a charitable gaming facility; permit persons to advertise the current value of a progressive bingo game even if the prize's value exceeds $5,000; amend KRS 238.545 to establish a progressive bingo game with an unlimited prize limit; allow a charitable organization to use a video or computerized charity game ticket dispenser at the facility during the bingo sessions; require that the dispenser not offer instant payouts; extend the upper cap on cumulative prizes for charity game tickets from $2,400 to $10,000; amend KRS 238.547 to increase the number of limited charity fundraising events a charitable organization may have from two to four; amend KRS 238.555 to allow the department to charge upward to $5,000 for a facility license; require a facility making application to include in its application, notice as to whether it will be providing specified equipment to the charitable organization; permit the charitable organization to establish a reward system for frequent players; permit a facility irrespective of the size of the largest city in the county to hold as many as 20 bingo sessions per week; create an optional license for those wishing to hold no more than 10 sessions; require a charitable gaming facility to submit to a financial audit that conforms to administrative regulations promulgated by the department.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 706 (BR 1040) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to state contracts.

Amend KRS 45A.030 and 45A.045 prohibit a state agency from contracting for goods or services with an expatriated business; define "expatriated business" and "tax haven country."

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

HB 707 (BR 1278) - R. Webb

AN ACT relating to mortgage loans.

Amend KRS 360.100 to change the definition of "high-cost home loan" to include a loan whose terms exceed either of two thresholds; define "total points and fees payable by the consumer at or before the loan closing," "points and fees," and "total loan amount"; provide that a lender cannot refinance, replace, or consolidate an existing home loan if the primary tangible benefit of the refinancing is an interest rate lower than the interest rate on debts satisfied or refinanced in connection with the home loan and it will take more than four years for the borrower to recoup the costs of the points and fees and other closing costs; provide that a person who successfully enforces the provisions of this section to be entitled to reasonable attorney's fee as determined by the court.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Banking and Insurance (H)

HB 708 (BR 2178) - J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to horse racing.

Amend KRS 230.443 to make technical corrections.


HCS - Delete original language; add provision allowing quarter horses, Appaloosas, and Arabian horses foaled by artificial insemination or other means to race under KRS Chapter 230.

SCS/FN - Retain original provisions of bill, except create new sections of KRS Chapter 230 to establish an international wagering hub; define terms; require that KRS 230.378 to 230.380 apply, except where expressly excepted in Sections 1 to 6 of this Act; permit a licensee to operate the system independently or in association with one or more racetracks licensed to run live racing and pari-mutuel wagering in the state; require applicants to submit a detailed plan of operations to the commission or its successor authority; set out the contents of the plan; permit the commission or its successor authority to require changes to the proposed plan; permit the commission or its successor authority to conduct investigations or inspections or request additional information from the applicant as the commission deems appropriate; permit the applicant to enter into agreements that are necessary to promote, advertise, and further horse racing or the effective operation of the hub; require the commission or its successor authority to promulgate administrative regulations to carry out the provisions of this act; require that no fees or taxes be imposed on the operations authorized under Sections 1 to 6 of this Act; require that a wager made for an account maintained with the hub operator be considered to have been made in the Commonwealth; authorize the commission or its successor authority to review and audit all records and financial information of the hub operator.

SFA (1, R. Stivers) - Exempt harness racetracks from the tax imposed under KRS 138.510(2); dedicate moneys that would have been paid to promote and maintain the track's facilities and live meet; clarify that other tax exemptions apply to hub operations and not racetracks and simulcast facilities.

CCR - Cannot agree.

FCCR - Retain original SCS provisions; add provision defining "call center" and prohibiting call center from being located on state property; prohibit the commission from licensing more than four hubs; allow the commission to establish a license fee and a fee on gross wagering receipts; set upper cap on such fees; exempt the hub's records and financial statement from the Open Records requirements; permit the Auditor of Public Accounts to review and audit the hub's records and financial information and require that the report of the review be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission; prohibit wagers made at the tracks and the simulcast facilities from being processed by the hub; make the violation of the proscriptions grounds for license revocation; clarify that racetracks or simulcast facilities, unless exempt, shall be subject to existing racing taxes; add new section exempting harness racetracks from the excise tax imposed under KRS 138.510(2) and (3) and devote moneys that would have been paid to the promotion and maintenance of the tracks' facilities and live meets.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H); posting waived

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 90-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Mar 26-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn ; passed 27-5 with Committee Substitute ; bill reconsidered; floor amendment (1) reconsidered; passed 31-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House refused to concur in Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; received in Senate; posted for passage for receding from Senate Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Senate refused to recede from Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1) ; Conference Committee appointed in Senate

Apr 12-Conference Committee appointed in House

Apr 13-Conference Committee report filed in House and Senate; Conference Committee report adopted in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee appointed in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee report filed in House and Senate; Free Conference Committee report adopted in Senate; bill passed 32-3-1; received in House; Free Conference Committee report adopted in House; bill passed 64-24; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 173)

HB 709 (BR 1965) - J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to postsecondary education and declaring an emergency.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to transfer the Lexington Community College from the University of Kentucky to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System effective July 1, 2004; amend KRS 164.001 change the definition of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to mean the public community and technical colleges including those postsecondary institutions operated by the Cabinet for Workforce Development and those community colleges in the University of Kentucky Community College System on May 30, 1997; delete the reference to two branches; amend 164.5807 to direct the University of Kentucky board of trustees to delegate to the board of regents of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System the management responsibilities, including personnel responsibilities of the Lexington Community College; amend KRS 45A.840, 161.220, 164.125, 164.580, and 164.591 to conform; EMERGENCY.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HB 710 (BR 1392) - R. Thomas, H. Moberly, J. Bruce, T. McKee, B. Montell, R. Rand, S. Westrom

AN ACT relating to biofuels.

Create new sections of KRS Chapter 142 to establish tax credits for producers of ethanol and biodiesel, the total amount of such credits not to exceed one million dollars for each fuel for all taxpayers and years; EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2005.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

HB 711 (BR 2179) - R. Thomas

AN ACT relating to agriculture.

Amend KRS 246.080 to make technical corrections.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

HB 712 (BR 1852) - R. Damron

AN ACT relating to athletics.

Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 229 to establish a promoter's duties relating to making payments and contracts; specify the contents of the contract; establish penalty for noncompliance; amend KRS 229.011 to define terms; amend KRS 229.041 to establish a late fee for failing to submit fees to the commission in a timely manner; amend KRS 229.051 to specify the purposes for which the surety bond or other collateral shall be used; permit the commission to prorate the bonds or collateral if they are insufficient to pay all claims; amend KRS 229.081 to preclude a person whose license has been suspended or revoked by another state's boxing authority from boxing unless certain conditions are met; amend KRS 229.101 to require that a promoter provide the boxer medical insurance, a death benefit, and ambulance service, personnel and equipment at the match; amend KRS 229.111 to require the physician to certify whether or not the contestant is physically fit to compete and disclose to the contestant the medical risks associated with boxing; amend KRS 229.121 to require that those involved in professional kick boxing or martial arts matches or exhibitions comply with the same age limits imposed on boxing contestants; amend KRS 229.151 to prohibit commission members from receiving compensation from those with a financial interest in the boxer or boxing match; amend KRS 229.250 to increase the upper cap on administrative costs from $100,000 to $200,000.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Licensing and Occupations (H)

HB 713 (BR 1725) - F. Nesler

AN ACT relating to search and rescue.

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 39F relating to rescue squads to permit police dogs and handlers and the state police, police, and sheriffs departments, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to be certified as specialized rescue squads and to use the police dogs to search for lost and missing persons; amend KRS 39F.010, relating to definitions, to conform; amend KRS 39F.040, relating to search and rescue dogs and handlers being certified as specialized rescue squads, to conform; and amend KRS 39F.170, relating to workers compensation for search and rescue personnel, to permit law enforcement officers engaging in search and rescue to have state emergency management workers compensation.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Local Government (H)

Mar 12-posted in committee

HB 714 (BR 2003) - J. Barrows

AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation, making an appropriation, and declaring an emergency.

Amend KRS 132.020 to exclude new property from the calculation of the state tax rate on real property; amend KRS 157 to deposit into the support education excellence in Kentucky fund all revenues generated from the state real property tax in excess of prior state real property tax revenues; define prior state real property revenues; EMERGENCY.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HB 715 (BR 1729) - K. Upchurch

AN ACT relating to public safety.

Amend KRS 189.378 to change reference to a "police officer," to "peace officer"; amend KRS 189.450 to change the references to "police officers" to "peace officers" or "safety and security officers"; amend KRS 189.910 to include mail carriers within the term "public safety vehicle" and to include peace officer vehicles within the term "emergency vehicle"; amend KRS 189.930 to, in addition to police officers and firefighters, allow peace officers, safety officers, and rescue squad members to direct traffic; amend KRS 189.940 to change references to "police vehicles" to "law enforcement vehicles" and to expand the times during which lights and sirens may be used; amend KRS 431.005 to expand the number of peace officers who may make warrantless arrests in domestic violence situations; amend KRS 446.010 to define "law enforcement agency," "law enforcement officer," "law enforcement vehicle," "police officer," "police vehicle," "member of a rescue squad," and "safety officer"; amend KRS 508.025 to expand the assault in the third degree to include an assault on any peace officer; amend KRS 520.095 and 520.100 to have the crime of fleeing police relate to fleeing from a peace officer.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Transportation (H)

House Resolutions

Introduced Jan. 6, 2004

HR 1 (BR 875) - J. Richards

Extend an invitation to the pastors of the Frankfort churches to open sessions of the 2004 Regular Session with prayer.

Jan 6-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 2 (BR 877) - J. Richards

Direct the appointment of a committee to wait upon the Governor.

Jan 6-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 3 - See Introductions on January 7, 2004

HCR 4 (BR 150) - L. Napier, S. Baugh, Dw. Butler, H. Collins, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, T. Kerr, S. Lee, P. Marcotte, C. Miller, R. Mobley, B. Montell, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, C. Siler, J. Stacy, J. Vincent, C. Walton

Urge Congress to propose and submit to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which recognizes marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

HCR 5 (BR 75) - R. Damron, L. Clark, C. Embry Jr

Designate September as Character Education Month in Kentucky.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Education (H); posting waived

Jan 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 8-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 12, 2004

Jan 12-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Jan 13-received in Senate

Jan 16-to Education (S)

HCR 6 (BR 160) - R. Nelson, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, H. Cornett, T. Edmonds, J. Gooch, K. Hall, D. Pasley, R. Rand, D. Sims, J. Stewart, M. Weaver

Urge Congress to propose and submit to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which recognizes marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

HJR 7 (BR 125) - B. Yonts, D. Pasley

Rename the Hal Rogers Parkway the "Daniel Boone-Hal Rogers Parkway".


HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Delete all references to "Hal Rogers" and Sections 1 and 2 of the Resolution; replace with language directing the Transportation Cabinet to name US 25E from Corbin to the Cumberland Gap Tunnel the "Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail" and erect appropriate signs.

HFA (2/Title, B. Yonts) - Make title amendment

HFA (3, M. Rader) - Add a new Section 3 to the resolution to prohibit the Transportation Cabinet from changing the name of, or expending funds to change the name of, the Hal Rogers Parkway until the cabinet investigates the safety hazard posed to citizens of Breathitt County from swinging bridges, and require the cabinet to develop a plan and design for ensuring the safety and access to residents of Breathitt County affected by swinging bridges.

SCA (1, R. Sanders Jr) - Retain the provisions of the GA Copy of HJR 7 and attach the provisions of the GA Copies of HJR 126 and HJR 10; name a segment of KY 72 in Harlan County in memory of the victims of the 1932 Yancey Mine Disaster; direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate the bridge on US 119 over US 23 in Letcher County (mile marker 28.08) the "Cpl. Joshua D. Harris Memorial Bridge."

SCA (2/Title, R. Sanders Jr) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 12-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 13, 2004

Feb 13-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Feb 19-floor amendment (3) filed

Feb 20-3rd reading, adopted 88-0 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Feb 23-received in Senate

Feb 26-to Transportation (S)

Mar 24-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading; returned to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S); reported favorably, to Rules with committee amendments (1) and (2-title)

Apr 13-taken from committee; placed in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted 38-0 with committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H); House refused to concur in Senate committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; received in Senate; posted for passage for receding from Senate committee amendments (1) and (2-title) ; Senate refused to recede from committee amendments (1) and (2-title)

HCR 8 (BR 264) - J. Vincent, R. Adkins, C. Belcher, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to create a task force to examine the development of the Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail and suggest a strategy for its completion; establish membership; establish duties; require report of its findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission by December 17, 2004.


HCS - Change date for completion of the task force report from 2002 to 2004.

SCS - Direct the Interim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Tourism to examine the development of the Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail and suggest a strategy for its completion; report its findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission by December 17, 2004.

SCA (1/Title, K. Stine) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 28-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Mar 1-3rd reading, adopted 97-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 2-received in Senate

Mar 5-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Mar 23-3rd reading, adopted 38-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; received in House; to Rules (H)

Mar 24-posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title) ; passed 90-0

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 66)

HJR 9 (BR 239) - T. Edmonds

Name KY 15 in Breathitt County the "Breathitt County Veterans Highway."

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to Transportation (S)

HJR 10 (BR 197) - B. Smith, H. Cornett, T. Couch, R. Nelson

Name a segment of KY 72 in Harlan County in memory of the victims of the 1932 Yancey Mine Disaster.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 95-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HJR 11 (BR 241) - Ji. Lee, M. Weaver

Name KY 1357 in Hardin County the "Sheriff Bobby Thomas Memorial Highway."


HCS - Make technical corrections.

SCS - Retain original provisions and insert language directing the Cabinet to name the following roads: name a section of US 460/KY 80 in Pike County the "Brandon Jacob Rowe and Gary Brent Coleman Memorial Highway"; name a section of KY 54 in Daviess County the "PFC David Paulie Nash Memorial Highway"; name a section of US 421 in Madison County the "Battlefield Memorial Highway"; name a section of KY 112 in Hopkins County the "Dr. Loman C. Trover Highway"; name a section of KY 70 in Muhlenberg County the "Tom Christerson Memorial Highway."

SCA (1/Title, V. Moore) - Make title amendment.

SFA (1, V. Moore) - Name a section of US 421 in Clay and Jackson Counties the "Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway."

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, adopted 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 20-received in Senate

Feb 25-to Transportation (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Transportation (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules as a Consent Bill

Mar 25-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted 35-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (1)

Mar 29-received in House; to Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; House concurred in Senate committee amendment (1-title), floor amendment (1) ; adopted 91-0; bill reconsidered; House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute ; resolution adopted 92-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 95)

HJR 12 (BR 384) - P. Marcotte, J. Fischer, R. Adams, P. Clark, J. Draud, T. Kerr, T. McKee, J. Reinhardt, A. Simpson, C. Walton

Direct the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet to close the Northern Kentucky Emissions Check Program on or before November 1, 2004, and terminate the price contract through which emissions testing services is provided.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Local Government (H)

Jan 30-posted in committee

HCR 13 (BR 206) - R. Crimm

Create a Sex Offender Management Task Force composed of 8 Senate members and 8 House members to examine Kentucky's system of sex offender management, including community notification systems, probation and parole supervision, and available treatment programs and direct specific study of the advisability of chemical or hormonal treatment programs and the option of civil commitment for sexually violent predators, with a mandated report to be submitted to the Legislative Research Commission by October 1, 2004.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HCR 14 (BR 417) - R. Nelson, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, P. Clark, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, R. Damron, M. Denham, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, R. Rand, S. Riggs, A. Smith, J. Stewart, T. Thompson, M. Weaver, B. Yonts

Urge the United States Supreme Court to overturn United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion ruling the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 20-3rd reading, adopted 93-0

Jan 21-received in Senate

Jan 26-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 15 (BR 428) - R. Webb

Confirm the appointment of Bayard Collier to the Mine Safety Review Commission for a term expiring May 23, 2007.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 22-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 16 (BR 233) - L. Clark, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, T. Thompson

Urge the Legislative Research Commission to join the executive branch and the statewide constitutional officers in adopting for their employees the provisions of the Governor's Executive Order 2001-1084 relating to implementation of the Governor's model policy for domestic violence and sexual assault in the public workplace; set forth the six principles contained in the executive order.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

Jan 15-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 22, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, adopted 95-0

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 17 (BR 840) - J. Gray, R. Adams, J. Bruce, M. Cherry, H. Collins, H. Cornett, R. Damron, J. Fischer, D. Ford, M. Harmon, T. Kerr, S. Lee, P. Marcotte, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, B. Smith, C. Walton

Urge the Congress of the United States to pass an amendment to the Constitution of the United States defining marriage as the union in marriage of one man and one woman.


HFA (1, M. Marzian) - Retain original provisions and add findings that the sanctity of marriage is threatened by adultery and divorce and urge the United States Congress to enact federal laws to penalize adulterous behavior.

HFA (2, J. Jenkins) - Add finding that marriage is threatened by no-fault divorce, and urge Congress to pass federal law to abolish no-fault divorce.

HFA (3, K. Stein) - Add finding that marriage is threatened by the marriage of persons unsuited to one another, and urge Congress to pass federal laws to prevent marriage between insurance agents and lawyers, doctors and lawyers, legislators and poets, and journalists and members of the Governor's staff.

HFA (4, M. Marzian) - Add finding that households should only be composed of one male and one female joined in matrimony and urge Congress to pass federal laws to prohibit legislators of the same sex from cohabitating.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Feb 26-posting waived retroactively; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004; floor amendments (2) and (3) filed

Mar 2-floor amendment (4) filed ; 3rd reading; floor amendment (2) rejected ; floor amendment (1) ruled not germane ; adopted 75-11

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 29-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 12-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

HJR 18 (BR 19) - T. Couch, M. Rader

Name US 421 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway beginning at the northern city limits of the City of Manchester and continuing through Clay and Jackson Counties and ending at the Rockcastle County line.


HFA (1, J. Haydon) - Direct the Transportation Cabinet to name a section of KY 245 as the "Christopher Leo Hite Memorial Highway" and erect appropriate signs.

HFA (2/Title, J. Haydon) - Make title amendment.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 25-discharge petition filed

Feb 26-discharge petition rejected 37-52

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 92-0 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HJR 19 (BR 402) - T. Thompson, C. Embry Jr

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to name a section of KY 54 in Daviess County in honor of PFC David "Paulie" Nash of Whitesville, recipient of the Medal of Honor; EMERGENCY.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to Transportation (S)

HCR 20 (BR 972) - R. Nelson, H. Cornett, K. Hall, B. Yonts

Urge the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the U.S. Postmaster General to issue a U.S. Postal Service stamp commemorating American coal miners.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 20-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 21-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for

Jan 22-3rd reading, adopted 95-0

Jan 23-received in Senate

Jan 28-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HCR 21 (BR 1000) - B. Farmer

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to study state imposed user fees and report the results of the study to the appropriate committees prior to the 2005 Regular Session.

(Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

Jan 6-introduced in House; to State Government (H)

HCR 22 (BR 102) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of Tanya A. McGaha to the Governor's Postsecondary Education Nominating Committee.


HCS - Make technical corrections.

HCA (1/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Jan 27-3rd reading, adopted 89-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 28-received in Senate

Feb 2-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 23 (BR 175) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of Dan H. Branham to the Education Professional Standards Board.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 16-3rd reading, adopted 89-0

Jan 20-received in Senate

Jan 23-to Education (S)

Jan 27-reassigned to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch.4)

HCR 24 (BR 176) - R. Adkins

Confirm the appointment of Wilson L. Stone to the Education Professional Standards Board.


HCS - Make technical correction.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 16-3rd reading, adopted 89-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 20-received in Senate

Jan 23-to Education (S)

Jan 27-reassigned to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch.5)

HCR 25 (BR 177) - R. Adkins

Confirm the appointment of Cynthia M. Turner to the Education Professional Standards Board.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

HCR 26 (BR 279) - R. Adkins

Confirm the appointment of Sid Stewart to the Agricultural Development Board for a term expiring July 6, 2007.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 27 (BR 280) - R. Adkins

Confirm the reappointment of Sam Lawson to the Agricultural Development Board for a term expiring July 6, 2007.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 26-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Jan 27-received in Senate

Jan 30-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 174)

HCR 28 (BR 319) - R. Adkins

Confirm the appointment of Bayard Collier to the Mine Safety Review Commission for a term expiring on May 23, 2007, and his designation as chair of the commission.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

HCR 29 (BR 425) - R. Adkins

Confirm the reappointment of Jennifer M. Headdy, Henderson, Kentucky, to the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Board for a term expiring October 6, 2007.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, adopted 93-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 30 (BR 426) - R. Adkins

Confirm the reappointment of Daniel Hall, Louisville, Kentucky, to the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Board for a term expiring October 6, 2007.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules

Jan 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 20, 2004

Jan 20-3rd reading, adopted 93-0

Jan 21-received in Senate

Jan 26-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 4-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

Mar 11-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 14)

HCR 31 (BR 464) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of Linda L. Livers to the Education Professional Standards Board for a term expiring September 18, 2006.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 21-3rd reading, adopted 93-0

Jan 22-received in Senate

Jan 27-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch.6)

HCR 32 (BR 465) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial reappointment of Thomas James Stull to the Education Professional Standards Board for a term expiring September 18, 2007.


HCS - Make technical correction.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 21-3rd reading, adopted 94-0 with Committee Substitute

Jan 22-received in Senate

Jan 27-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 17-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 15)

HCR 33 (BR 466) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial reappointment of Kristin Moe Gregory to the Education Professional Standards Board for a term expiring September 18, 2007.


HCA (1/Title, F. Rasche) - Make title amendment.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 21-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 with committee amendment (1-title)

Jan 22-received in Senate

Jan 27-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 17-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 23-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 17)

HCR 34 (BR 467) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial reappointment of Lydia Sweeney Coffey to the Education Professional Standards Board for a term expiring September 18, 2007.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Education (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 14-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 15-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 16, 2004

Jan 21-3rd reading, adopted 95-0

Jan 22-received in Senate

Jan 27-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch.7)

HCR 35 (BR 863) - R. Adkins, M. Denham

Confirm the reappointment of Willa H. Poynter to the Agricultural Development Board for a term expiring July 6, 2005.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 26-3rd reading, adopted 95-0

Jan 27-received in Senate

Jan 30-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 36 (BR 864) - R. Adkins

Confirm the reappointment of Susan G. Harkins to the Agricultural Development Board for a term expiring July 6, 2007.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Jan 20-posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 28-3rd reading, adopted 95-0

Jan 29-received in Senate

Feb 3-to State and Local Government (S)

HR 37 (BR 914) - R. Adkins, J. Adams, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Janice Clay Benson Noel.

Jan 6-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HJR 38 (BR 1045) - S. Nunn

Direct the Cabinet for Health Services to study the expansion of the federal 340B prescription drug discount program; require report to Legislative Research Commission by October 30, 2004.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Health and Welfare (H)

HCR 39 (BR 1013) - R. Adkins, J. Callahan

Confirm the appointment of Marshall D. Slagle, Covington, Kentucky, to the Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Board to serve the remainder of an unexpired term ending October 6, 2004.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to State Government (H)

Jan 8-posted in committee

Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 15, 2004

Jan 15-3rd reading, adopted 93-0; received in Senate

Jan 21-to State and Local Government (S)

HJR 40 (BR 1009) - B. Buckingham

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to name the new KY 80 under construction between KY 402 and KY 94 the "Euris Chaney Connector," and erect appropriate signs upon completion of construction.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, adopted 92-0

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Transportation (S)

HCR 41 (BR 1058) - R. Nelson, B. Montell, S. Brinkman, R. Damron, S. Westrom

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to study auto insurance rate increases, make recommendations to decrease or stabilize auto insurance rates, and report to the 2005 General Assembly.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Jan 29-posting withdrawn

HJR 42 (BR 847) - R. Nelson, K. Hall

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate a section of US 119 in Bell County the "Kentucky Veterans Highway" and erect appropriate signs.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to Transportation (S)

HJR 43 (BR 322) - M. Denham

Mandate the Transportation Cabinet to work with the Tourism Cabinet and the agritourism industry to develop a highway signage program for temporary events that will comply with federal law; require the cabinet to develop a signage program that uses low cost materials and can be easily covered and removed; require the cabinet to find methods for erecting temporary signs that meets the needs of the tourism industry while complying with state and federal laws; require the cabinet to report its findings to the LRC not later than September 1, 2004.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Feb 12-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Feb 13-received in Senate

Feb 19-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 44 (BR 1023) - J. Gray, R. Adams, E. Ballard, M. Cherry, H. Collins, H. Cornett, R. Damron, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, K. Hall, T. Kerr, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, S. Riggs, A. Smith, B. Smith, T. Thompson, M. Weaver

Urge the United States Congress to enact legislation requiring tighter regulations on indecent television and radio broadcasts; direct Clerk of the House of Representatives to transmit a copy of the resolution to each member of the Kentucky Congressional delegation and the Clerk of the United States Congress.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Jan 23-3rd reading, adopted 87-3

Jan 26-received in Senate

Jan 29-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 29-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 12-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

HCR 45 (BR 1024) - J. Gray, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, H. Collins, H. Cornett, R. Damron, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, T. Kerr, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, S. Riggs, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, T. Thompson, M. Weaver

Urge the Federal Communications Commission to impose tighter regulations on indecent television and radio broadcasts and direct the Clerk of the House of Representatives to transmit a copy of the resolution to the five Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Jan 23-3rd reading, adopted 88-2

Jan 26-received in Senate

Jan 29-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 29-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 12-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

HJR 46 (BR 321) - J. Gray

Name US 62 in Lyon County the "Veterans Memorial Highway."

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Transportation (S)

HR 47 (BR 930) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Gary B. Coleman.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to House Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

HR 48 (BR 926) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Major General John R. Groves, Jr.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to House Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

HR 49 (BR 925) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Martin Andrew Tori II.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to House Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

HR 50 (BR 927) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Darrin K. Potter.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to House Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

HR 51 (BR 929) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Michael D. Acklin II.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to House Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

HR 52 (BR 928) - M. Weaver, H. Cornett, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Specialist James E. Powell.

Jan 6-introduced in House

Jan 7-to House Floor

Jan 9-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 7, 2004

HR 3 (BR 879) - R. Adkins, L. Clark, J. Callahan, J. Richards

Adopt Rules of Procedure to govern the 2004 Regular Session of the House of Representatives.

Jan 7-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 53 (BR 1030) - C. Hoffman, J. Gray

Urge the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to study, develop and adopt an ergonomics standard for the state; require the board to establish a special committee to conduct the study; the study report shall contain recommendations on approaches the state can use to strengthen and coordinate efforts to reduce work-related injuries and illnesses due to ergonomic factors; the committee shall report findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission and the Interim Joint Committee on Labor and Industry no later than October 31, 2005.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Labor and Industry (H)

Jan 12-posted in committee

Feb 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 18-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 19, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HJR 54 (BR 171) - E. Ballard, R. Palumbo

Name KY 112 in Hopkins County in honor of Dr. Loman Trover from the intersection of Main Street and Railroad Street in Earlington, KY and continuing to the junction of KY 112 and US 62.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, adopted 93-0

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Transportation (S)

HJR 55 (BR 172) - E. Ballard

Name the bridge on KY 109 over the Trade Water River near the town of Dawson Springs in honor of Dudley Riley.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 88-0

Mar 1-received in Senate

Mar 4-to Transportation (S)

HR 56 (BR 181) - E. Ballard, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of James N. Halvatgis upon the occasion of his retirement from the Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to House Floor

Jan 21-adopted by voice vote

HCR 57 (BR 1025) - K. Upchurch

Urge the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the U.S. Postmaster General to issue a stamp commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kentucky author Harriet Simpson Arnow.

Jan 7-introduced in House

Jan 8-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 97-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Introduced Jan. 8, 2004

HJR 58 (BR 470) - M. Cherry

Request the Kentucky Department of Education to provide education and training to school personnel regarding the use of psychotropic drugs as a part of children's treatment; urge the Cabinet for Families and Children to ensure that a parent's refusal to allow a child to receive psychotropic drugs as a part of treatment not be used as the sole ground for taking a child into custody; and request the Kentucky Commission on Services and Supports for Individuals with Mental Illness, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Disorders, and Dual Diagnoses, and Regional Mental Health Planning Councils to study the issues relating to psychotropic drugs in Kentucky.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (H)

HCR 59 (BR 475) - M. Cherry

Urge the United States Congress, Department of Health and Human Services, and Food and Drug Administration to limit, ban, or otherwise impose strict standards on direct-to-consumer advertising of drugs by pharmaceutical companies.

Jan 8-introduced in House

Jan 9-to Health and Welfare (H)

Introduced Jan. 12, 2004

HCR 60 (BR 868) - C. Walton, P. Marcotte, J. Draud, J. Fischer, T. Kerr, A. Simpson

Proclaim May 24 as Aircraft Maintenance Technician Day in honor of the first aircraft maintenance technician, Charles Edward Taylor.


HCA (1, H. Collins) - Make Technical Correction.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HR 61 (BR 1188) - M. Denham

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Leon H. Brammer.

Jan 12-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 62 (BR 1163) - R. Meeks

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of the American Printing House for the Blind.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to House Floor

Jan 14-adopted by voice vote

HCR 63 (BR 1052) - R. Webb, J. Stewart

House concurrent resolution confirming the appointment of Stephen C. Cawood to the Mine Safety Review Commission.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, January 29, 2004

Feb 4-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Feb 5-received in Senate

Feb 10-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 175)

HJR 64 (BR 1071) - R. Webb, R. Adkins

Change the name of the Caveland Lodge at Carter Caves State Resort Park to the Lewis Caveland Lodge, recognizing the Lewis family's dedication to promoting and protecting the caves for future generations.


SFA (1, C. Borders) - Make technical corrections.

Jan 12-introduced in House

Jan 13-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Jan 14-posted in committee

Jan 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 23, 2004

Jan 27-3rd reading, adopted 92-0

Jan 28-received in Senate

Feb 2-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Feb 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 11-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 19-3rd reading, adopted 35-0 with floor amendment (1)

Feb 20-received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendment (1)

Mar 23-House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; adopted 95-0

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 51)

Introduced Jan. 14, 2004

HJR 65 (BR 1190) - C. Siler, T. Burch

Urge the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville to survey the research literature regarding new treatments for addiction and explore additional research that needs to be conducted.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 100-0

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HCR 66 (BR 1181) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of John S. Turner to the Council on Postsecondary Education.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Education (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Jan 28-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 29-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, January 30, 2004

Jan 30-3rd reading, adopted 91-0

Feb 2-received in Senate

Feb 5-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House

Mar 3-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Mar 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch.8)

HCR 67 (BR 1180) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of Kenneth W. Winters to the Council on Postsecondary Education.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Education (H)

Jan 16-posted in committee

Feb 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 5-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 6, 2004

Feb 6-3rd reading, adopted 84-0

Feb 9-received in Senate

Feb 12-to State and Local Government (S)

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 35-0; received in House

Feb 27-enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Mar 1-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Mar 9-signed by Governor (Acts ch.3)

HCR 68 (BR 1186) - P. Clark

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to establish a Kentucky Retirement Systems Study Group; set membership and reporting parameters.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to State Government (H)

HJR 69 (BR 1147) - H. Collins

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to name bridge number B00013 in Martin County on KY 292 over Wolf Creek the "John C. Cline Memorial Bridge" and to erect appropriate signs.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 19-3rd reading, adopted 92-0

Feb 20-received in Senate

Feb 25-to Transportation (S)

HR 70 (BR 1222) - M. Denham

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Raymond Edward Curtis.

Jan 14-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 71 (BR 1209) - J. Richards, R. Adkins, J. Adams, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, M. Rader, F. Rasche, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Recognize Disabilities Awareness Day.

Jan 14-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HCR 72 (BR 1270) - K. Upchurch

Urge United States legislators from Kentucky to remove interstate class actions from the state court system and place them in the federal court system; request that additional legislation be drafted to safeguard fair and prompt recoveries under class action suits.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

HCR 73 (BR 1271) - K. Upchurch

Urge United States Senators from Kentucky to allow a timely vote on presidential nominees to fill federal judicial vacancies.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

HCR 74 (BR 1273) - K. Upchurch

Urge United States congressional delegation from the Commonwealth of Kentucky to reform tort law relating to the firearms industry.

Jan 14-introduced in House

Jan 15-to Judiciary (H)

Introduced Jan. 15, 2004

HR 75 (BR 1208) - J. Barrows, J. Richards, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gooch, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, B. Montell, L. Napier, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Pamela S. Johnson.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 76 (BR 101) - T. Feeley, R. Webb, R. Crimm

Name the cafeteria in the Capital Annex the "Heleringer Cafe" in honor of former Representative Bob Heleringer.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to State Government (H)

HR 77 (BR 1218) - M. Denham, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Amo Lucille Powell Peters upon being the recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Citizenship Award on January 15, 2004.

Jan 15-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HCR 78 (BR 1166) - L. Clark, R. Adkins, R. Adams, M. Cherry, C. Embry Jr, C. Hoffman

Create a task force to study the needs of grandparents raising their grandchildren and to develop an action plan to address their needs; require report on findings and recommendations no later than December 15, 2004.


SCS - Delete the provisions establishing the task force; direct the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare to study the issues and barriers that confront grandparent caregivers and to report to the 2005 Regular Session of the General Assembly.

SFA (1/Title, J. Denton) - Make title amendment.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Health and Welfare (H)

Jan 22-posted in committee

Jan 29-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 30-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Feb 3-3rd reading, adopted 93-0

Feb 4-received in Senate

Feb 9-to Health and Welfare (S)

Mar 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 16-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1-title) filed

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HJR 79 (BR 1210) - P. Bather, J. Wayne, T. Feeley

Urge the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to adopt new rules of civil procedure with regard to lawsuits against public participation; include setting out definitions; set out the rules for interpretation; set out civil immunity for acts done in furtherance of a citizen's right to petition government; set out scope of applicability of the rules; provide legal means for disposing of civil claims brought to stifle a citizen's right to participate in government; declare that provisions of the rules are supplementary to other law.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

HR 80 (BR 1292) - F. Nesler

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Mr. James Edward Perkins.

Jan 15-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 81 (BR 1251) - R. Webb, K. Stein, C. Belcher, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, D. Sims, S. Westrom

Adjourn the House of Representatives i n loving memory and honor of Captain Kimberly N. Hampton, killed in Fallujah, Iraq, January 2004.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HJR 82 (BR 1256) - H. Moberly, L. Napier, D. Pasley

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate US 421 in Madison County, between US 25 and KY 1016, the "Battlefield Memorial Highway," and erect appropriate signs.

Jan 15-introduced in House

Jan 16-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, adopted 91-0

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Transportation (S)

Introduced Jan. 16, 2004

HR 83 (BR 1343) - T. Burch, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, Dw. Butler, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, B. Montell, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Mary Lou Heleringer.

Jan 16-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 84 (BR 1223) - K. Stein, J. Bruce

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Paul C. Van Booven.

Jan 16-introduced in House

Jan 20-to House Floor

Introduced Jan. 20, 2004

HR 85 (BR 1235) - T. Thompson, J. Gooch, J. Arnold Jr

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Martin David Warren Sr.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HCR 86 (BR 1295) - P. Clark

Urge the United States Congress to mandate the Federal Railroad Administration to conduct a rule making process on the use of unmanned remote control locomotives.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Transportation (H)

HCR 87 (BR 1306) - D. Pasley, R. Thomas, R. Adams, A. Arnold, J. Comer, M. Denham, C. Hoffman, T. McKee, B. Yonts

Urge Congress to suspend the carry-forward adjustment provision relating to burley tobacco.

Jan 20-introduced in House

Jan 21-to Agriculture and Small Business (H); posting waived; posted in committee

Jan 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Jan 23-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 26, 2004

Jan 26-3rd reading, adopted 90-0

Jan 27-received in Senate

Jan 30-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Introduced Jan. 21, 2004

HR 88 (BR 1393) - T. Burch, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Robert L. Barnett Jr.

Jan 21-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 89 (BR 1368) - L. Napier, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Julian Moss Sr.

Jan 21-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 22, 2004

HJR 90 (BR 1316) - B. Yonts

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate KY 70 in Muhlenberg County from the intersection with Reservoir Street in Central City (Kentucky Route 277) to the Hopkins County line the "Tom Christerson Memorial Highway" and to erect appropriate signs.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Transportation (S)

HJR 91 (BR 1411) - C. Belcher

Rename the Paris By-Pass in Bourbon County "Thoroughbred Run."

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to Transportation (H)

Feb 3-posted in committee

Feb 5-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 6-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Feb 10-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Feb 11-received in Senate

Feb 17-to Transportation (S)

HR 92 (BR 1216) - T. McKee

Honor Dr. Edward Sinclair Ford, Jr.

Jan 22-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 93 (BR 1423) - P. Clark

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of the Reverend Terry L. Sammons upon the occasion of his retirement from the ministry on December 31, 2003.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to House Floor

Jan 28-adopted by voice vote

HR 94 (BR 1410) - R. Webb, M. Rader

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Dr. Virginia Daugherty Kratz.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 95 (BR 1430) - T. Thompson, J. Arnold Jr, R. Palumbo

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Carrie Lee Newman Kuegel.

Jan 22-introduced in House

Jan 23-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 23, 2004

HR 96 (BR 1412) - J. Callahan, M. Denham, R. Damron, J. Draud, T. Feeley, C. Hoffman, J. Jenkins, P. Marcotte, R. Palumbo, R. Rand, A. Simpson, C. Walton, M. Weaver

Declare January 29, 2004 as Preservation Day and adjourn the House in honor of the Kentucky Heritage Council and Renaissance Kentucky Main Street Program.

Jan 23-introduced in House

Jan 26-to House Floor

Jan 29-adopted by voice vote

HR 97 (BR 1428) - C. Geveden

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Wyman Maxey.

Jan 23-introduced in House

Jan 26-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 26, 2004

HJR 98 (BR 1391) - J. Gooch, J. Arnold Jr, J. Gray, F. Nesler

Declare emergency administrative regulations pertaining to noncoal mineral operations deficient; require the administrative body to promulgate new emergency administrative regulation restoring the previous regulatory program for noncoal mineral operations; EMERGENCY.


HCA (1, J. Gooch) - Delete 405 KAR 5:053 from the list of noncoal administrative regulations receiving a finding of deficiency and renumbers accordingly.

SCA (1, R. Leeper) - Insert language into the administrative regulation defining "tar sand or rock asphalt", as well as, including "tar sand or rock asphalt" in definition of mineral operation.

Jan 26-introduced in House

Jan 27-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 2-posted in committee

Feb 6-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 10-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Feb 11-3rd reading, adopted 90-1 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 12-received in Senate

Feb 18-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 2-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, adopted 36-0 with committee amendment (1) ; received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate committee amendment (1)

Mar 23-House concurred in Senate committee amendment (1) ; adopted 93-0

Mar 24-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 47)

Introduced Jan. 27, 2004

HR 99 (BR 1493) - R. Nelson

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Mason Slusher.

Jan 27-introduced in House

Jan 28-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Jan. 28, 2004

HR 100 (BR 1198) - F. Rasche

Recognize the importance of providing appropriate educational opportunities for gifted and talented students; encourage all components of the Kentucky educational system to identify and provide opportunities to gifted and talented students.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to House Floor

Feb 3-adopted by voice vote

HR 101 (BR 1197) - L. Clark, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Jamie Jo Franklin upon the occasion of her fiftieth birthday on January 28, 2004.

Jan 28-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HCR 102 (BR 1241) - S. Lee, M. Harmon

Urge Congress to propose and submit to the states an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which recognizes the holiday of Christmas.


HFA (1, P. Clark) - Substitute St. Patrick's Day as the holiday subject to the petition.

HFA (2/Title, P. Clark) - Make title amendment.

HFA (3, K. Stein) - Designate official phrase of the Christmas holiday.

HFA (4, K. Stein) - Designate official song of Christmas holiday.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 11-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 15-floor amendments (3) and (4) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Apr 13-taken from committee; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, April 13, 2004

HJR 103 (BR 1318) - J. Hoover

Provide that any mandates, directives, or initiatives in the 2004-2006 State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum have the force and effect of law.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, adopted 64-31

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 17-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HJR 104 (BR 1082) - H. Moberly

Provide that any directives, mandates, or initiatives in the 2004-2006 Judicial Branch Budget Memorandum have the force and effect of law.


SCS/Analysis - Attach provisions of the Judicial Branch Budget Memorandum.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, adopted 94-3

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 17-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Apr 13-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; 3rd reading, adopted 22-0-14 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

HJR 105 (BR 1080) - H. Moberly

Provide that any mandates, directives, or initiatives in the 2004-2006 Legislative Branch Budget Memorandum have the force and effect of law.


SCS/Analysis - Attach provisions of the Legislative Branch Budget Memorandum.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Feb 26-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

Mar 8-reported favorably, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 9-3rd reading, adopted 58-36

Mar 10-received in Senate

Mar 11-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 17-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Apr 13-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; taken from committee; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, April 13, 2004; 3rd reading, adopted 22-0-15 with Committee Substitute ; received in House

HCR 106 (BR 1158) - M. Denham, J. Richards

Urge transmission-owning utilities to work cooperatively to improve transmission-related reliability with the least amount of impact to agricultural landowners.


HCS - Retain the original provisions, but revise the explanation and rationale; delete a reference to meeting reliability needs without adding transmission lines.

Jan 28-introduced in House

Jan 29-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 9-posting waived

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 92-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Introduced Jan. 29, 2004

HJR 107 (BR 1472) - R. Meeks, J. Jenkins, T. Burch, L. Clark, D. Graham, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, C. Miller, J. Wayne

Name I-65 in Jefferson County the "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Highway."

Jan 29-introduced in House

Jan 30-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to Transportation (S)

Introduced Jan. 30, 2004

HR 108 (BR 1559) - R. Damron, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to House Floor

Feb 3-adopted by voice vote

HR 109 (BR 1551) - J. Callahan, C. Walton

Express support for Cinergy/ULH&P acquisition of 1105 megawatts of electric generation facilities at net book value and urge Federal Regulatory Commission and Securities and Exchange Commission to grant approvals.

Jan 30-introduced in House

Feb 2-to House Floor

Feb 4-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 2, 2004

HR 110 (BR 1518) - P. Marcotte, T. Burch

Recognize the third Saturday in May as Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day.

Feb 2-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 111 (BR 1571) - J. Hoover, J. Richards, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Louie B. Nunn.

Feb 2-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HCR 112 (BR 1386) - M. Weaver, R. Adams, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, B. Buckingham, J. Gray, S. Lee, C. Siler, T. Thompson, J. Vincent

Encourage Congress to enact legislation establishing an ".xxx" Internet domain for posting of obscene and pornographic materials in order to make it easier to block children's access to these objectionable materials.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Mar 4-received in Senate

Mar 9-to State and Local Government (S)

HJR 113 (BR 1239) - M. Cherry, J. Gray, J. Adams

Direct the Department of Corrections, the Cabinet for Economic Development, the Finance and Administration Cabinet, and the Pennyrile Westpark Industrial Development Authority to facilitate the potential sale of the Pennyrile Westpark Industrial Park for the purpose of economic development within the Commonwealth.


HCS - Retain original provisions; add Section 6 to allow the Department of Corrections to conduct its current on-site operations until 30 days prior to the title transfer; require the Department of Corrections to permanently cease activity at the point of sale.

Feb 2-introduced in House

Feb 3-to Judiciary (H)

Feb 12-reassigned to Economic Development (H)

Feb 24-posted in committee

Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 1, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004; passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 13-3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 176)

Introduced Feb. 3, 2004

HCR 114 (BR 1497) - M. Denham

Urge the Division of Conservation to give greater consideration to unsuccessful previous applicants for soil erosion and water quality cost share program.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 12-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 13-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Feb 18-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Feb 19-received in Senate

Feb 24-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

HR 115 (BR 1655) - J. Bruce

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Ralph W. Penick.

Feb 3-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HJR 116 (BR 1577) - J. Coleman

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate US 68 in Mercer County from KY 152 to the Boyle County line the "Charles H. McGinnis Memorial Highway," and erect appropriate signs.


HCA (1, H. Collins) - Make technical correction.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to Transportation (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 26-3rd reading, adopted 96-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 27-received in Senate

Mar 3-to Transportation (S)

HR 117 (BR 1649) - H. Moberly, L. Napier, D. Pasley

Memorialize Nannie Lee Sallee Lackey and adjourn the House of Representatives in her honor.

Feb 3-introduced in House

Feb 4-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 118 (BR 1638) - T. Burch, J. Jenkins, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, D. Graham, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, T. Kerr, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Blanche R. Mahoney.

Feb 3-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 4, 2004

HJR 119 (BR 1484) - P. Bather

Direct the Historic Properties Advisory Commission to relocate the statue of Jefferson Davis to the Kentucky History Center where it can be displayed for its historical value and context in history.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to State Government (H)

HCR 120 (BR 1593) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of Bonnie Lash Freeman to the Kentucky Board of Education as a member at large for a term ending April 14, 2008.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Education (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, adopted 90-0

Mar 5-received in Senate

Mar 10-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 177)

HCR 121 (BR 1592) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of David B. Rhodes to the Kentucky Board of Education as a member at large for a term ending April 14, 2008.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Education (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 88-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 178)

HCR 122 (BR 1594) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of Janna P. Vice to the Kentucky Board of Education as a member at large for a term ending April 14, 2008.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Education (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 92-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Mar 29-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Apr 12-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 179)

HCR 123 (BR 1595) - R. Adkins

Confirm the gubernatorial appointment of David L. Webb to the Kentucky Board of Education as a member at large for a term ending April 14, 2008.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Education (H)

Feb 9-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 92-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 19-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 25-taken from committee; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 26-2nd reading; returned to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 29-reported favorably, to Rules as a Consent Bill; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 29, 2004

Apr 12-3rd reading, adopted 37-0

Apr 13-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 180)

HCR 124 (BR 1582) - D. Pasley, J. Arnold Jr, T. McKee

Extend the reporting deadline for the Off-Road Motorcycle and All Terrain Vehicle Task Force to September 30, 2005.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, adopted 97-0

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to Transportation (S)

HR 125 (BR 1585) - C. Hoffman

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Charles Kavanaugh Hamilton.

Feb 4-introduced in House

Feb 5-to House Floor

Feb 6-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 5, 2004

HJR 126 (BR 1671) - H. Cornett, M. Weaver

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate the bridge on US 119 over US 23 in Letcher County (mile marker 28.08) the "Cpl. Joshua D. Harris Memorial Bridge," and erect appropriate signs.


HCS - Retain the provisions of the original bill and make a technical correction to a family member's first name.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Transportation (H)

Feb 27-discharge petition filed

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HR 127 (BR 1663) - R. Nelson

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Dr. W. B. Bingham II.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HJR 128 (BR 1564) - R. Webb

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to require the Interim Joint Committee on Banking and Insurance to study the feasibility of self-funding at least one health insurance option for state employees.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Banking and Insurance (H)

Feb 10-posted in committee

Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 27, 2004

Mar 2-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Mar 3-received in Senate

Mar 8-to Banking and Insurance (S)

HJR 129 (BR 1591) - T. Pullin

Urge the establishment of a committee to evaluate existing school civic literacy programs, determine a strategy for enhancing long-term civic education, and recommend a plan for implementing a civic education program.


HCS - Retain original provisions, except modify WHEREAS statements and delete the requirement that a goal of the committee includes evaluating the current voluntary and required civic literacy programs in Kentucky.

Feb 5-introduced in House

Feb 6-to Education (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 20-3rd reading, adopted 88-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 23-received in Senate

Feb 26-to Education (S)

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 18-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Introduced Feb. 9, 2004

HR 130 (BR 1637) - T. Burch, R. Palumbo, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House in loving memory of William J. Kearney, Jr.

Feb 9-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 131 (BR 1692) - R. Damron, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, P. Bather, S. Baugh, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, Dw. Butler, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, C. Siler, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Recognize 2003-2004 state officers of the Kentucky FFA Association for their work with local FFA chapters.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HJR 132 (BR 1340) - S. Nunn

Establish a collaborative task force on pain management medical practice between UK and U of L medical schools, specify membership, permit workgroups and interested persons to participate, specify duties and require recommendations for policies, regulations, or legislation to improve pain management practice, permit task force to accept funds, require report by October 30, 2005.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Health and Welfare (H)

HR 133 (BR 1716) - C. Hoffman

Honor participants of the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education Student Organization Leadership Day on February 10, 2004.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HCR 134 (BR 1656) - J. Adams, J. Gray

Direct the Program Review and Investigations Committee to study administrative costs in local school districts; report findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission by November 15, 2004.


HCA (1, F. Rasche) - Retain original provisions of the resolution, except specify that the study shall use data from the 2002-2003 school year.

HFA (1, J. Adams) - Require study to review 2002-2003 school year data.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Education (H)

Feb 12-floor amendment (1) filed

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with committee amendment (1)

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 23-3rd reading, adopted 92-0 with committee amendment (1)

Feb 24-received in Senate

Feb 27-to Education (S)

HJR 135 (BR 901) - T. Riner

Direct the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to conduct an analysis of the potential use of KEES awards to pay for dual credit courses and Advance Placement exams, and the manner in which KEES funds are distributed; require the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Kentucky Department of Education to provide assistance; require the authority to report its findings to the Interim Joint Committee on Education by October 1, 2004.


HCS - Retain original provisions of the resolution, and require the analysis to address the use of a high school student's numeric grade score average rather than grade point average to determine the annual KEES base amount.

Feb 9-introduced in House

Feb 10-to Education (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, adopted 93-0 with Committee Substitute

Feb 25-received in Senate

Mar 1-to Education (S)

Introduced Feb. 10, 2004

HJR 136 (BR 1726) - Ji. Lee, B. Crall, R. Palumbo

Urge the Department for Medicaid Services to modernize the Medicaid program through care management, benefit management, and technology improvement; specify that technology improvement may include an assessment of computer systems technology and creation of a data warehouse; specify that care management may include disease management, self-directed care, and utilization management; specify that benefit management may include pharmacy benefit management, empowering of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, and supplemental rebates; cite the Act as the "Omnibus Medicaid Modernization Program Act of 2004."

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Health and Welfare (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 91-0

Mar 1-received in Senate

Mar 3-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading; returned to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Apr 13-taken from committee; placed in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, adopted 38-0; received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 181)

HR 137 (BR 1695) - R. Meeks, J. Crenshaw, P. Bather, T. Burch, L. Clark, D. Graham, K. Hall, C. Hoffman, S. Nunn, A. Simpson

Recognizing the month of February as Black History Month.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to House Floor

Feb 13-adopted by voice vote

HR 138 (BR 1741) - R. Thomas, J. Richards

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Rachel D. Blevins.

Feb 10-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 139 (BR 1734) - L. Napier, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, R. Crimm, R. Damron, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Urge the U.S. Congress to repeal the North American Free Trade Agreement and to curtail further consideration of the Free Trade Area of the Americas.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Labor and Industry (H)

Feb 19-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 4-3rd reading, adopted 87-0

HR 140 (BR 1705) - J. Stacy

Urge the Transportation Cabinet to name the new bridge planned over Elk Fork on KY 519 in Morgan County in memory and honor of County Judge William Lykins.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Feb 24-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

HR 141 (BR 1718) - C. Hoffman

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of William Carrick James.

Feb 10-introduced in House

Feb 11-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 11, 2004

HJR 142 (BR 1569) - C. Belcher, M. Weaver

Designate Millersburg Military Institute as the official Kentucky military school.

Feb 11-introduced in House

Feb 12-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee; posting waived

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 3-3rd reading, adopted 92-0

Mar 4-received in Senate

Mar 9-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

Mar 22-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 23-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 24-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HJR 143 (BR 1589) - D. Sims

Designate the Lincoln Jamboree as a Kentucky Country Music Landmark.

Feb 11-introduced in House

Feb 12-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 13-posted in committee

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 25-3rd reading, adopted 100-0

Feb 26-received in Senate

Mar 2-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 23-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Mar 24-Reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day

Apr 13-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Introduced Feb. 12, 2004

HCR 144 (BR 1707) - S. Baugh

Request the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to review statutory definitions relating to subdivisions.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Local Government (H)

Feb 18-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

HR 145 (BR 1724) - D. Pasley, J. Richards, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, D. Ford, C. Geveden, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Paul W. Richardson Sr.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to House Floor

Feb 17-adopted by voice vote

HR 146 (BR 1752) - S. Brinkman

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Whitten Montgomery of Louisville Collegiate School upon being the recipient of the 2004 Prudential Spirit of Community Award.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HJR 147 (BR 1762) - A. Arnold, C. Belcher, M. Denham

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate KY 11 in Powell and Montgomery Counties as "The Veterans Highway", and erect appropriate signs.


HFA (1, M. Denham) - Extend designation as "The Veterans Highway" to include Bath, Mason, and Fleming Counties.

HFA (2/Title, M. Denham) - Make title amendment.

Feb 12-introduced in House

Feb 13-to Transportation (H)

Feb 17-posted in committee

Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules

Feb 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 24, 2004; floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Feb 27-3rd reading, adopted 91-0 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

Mar 1-received in Senate

Mar 4-to Transportation (S)

Introduced Feb. 13, 2004

HR 148 (BR 1769) - J. Arnold Jr

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Mary Elizabeth Preston upon the occasion of her 100th birthday on February 17, 2004.

Feb 13-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 149 (BR 1759) - R. Meeks

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Ruth Ann Wyatt.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HJR 150 (BR 1662) - T. Pullin, K. Hall

Direct Office of the New Economy to conduct inventory of state owned resources which could be shared through public-private partnerships to improve rural communities' access to broadband and cellular service.

Feb 13-introduced in House

Feb 17-to Tourism Development and Energy (H); posting waived

Feb 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 20, 2004

Feb 20-3rd reading, adopted 87-0

Feb 23-received in Senate

Feb 26-to Economic Development, Tourism & Labor (S)

Introduced Feb. 17, 2004

HR 151 (BR 1969) - J. Arnold Jr, R. Palumbo, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Brenda Denise Cowan.

Feb 17-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 152 (BR 1902) - J. Richards

Honor Kentucky's independent college and university students.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HJR 153 (BR 1645) - M. Harmon, R. Meeks

Urge the Commissioner of Education to appoint superintendents for the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf based on the recommendations of search committees appointed by the Kentucky Board of Education.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Education (H)

HR 154 (BR 1766) - M. Denham, J. Callahan, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, J. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Justin Scott.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to House Floor

Feb 19-adopted by voice vote

HR 155 (BR 1775) - J. Richards, R. Thomas

Urge the United States Congress to amend title II of the Social Security Act to repeal the Government pension offset and windfall elimination provisions.


HFA (1, J. Hoover) - Urge the U.S. Congress to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

HFA (2/Title, J. Hoover) - Make title amendment.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Feb 23-posted in committee; posting waived

Feb 24-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Feb 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 26, 2004

Mar 2-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HJR 156 (BR 1838) - A. Arnold

Authorize Mark Herres to bring a civil action against the Commonwealth to resolve questions relating to a right of ingress and egress across the Natural Bridge State Resort Park to a parcel of land owned by Mark Herres.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to Judiciary (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 23-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HR 157 (BR 1970) - D. Graham, J. Barrows, T. Burch

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Gene Hilen.

Feb 17-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 158 (BR 1971) - D. Graham, J. Barrows, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gray, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, T. Kerr, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, J. Vincent, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of A. J. "Jim" Higgs.

Feb 17-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 159 (BR 2019) - S. Lee

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Brenda Denise Cowan.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to House Floor

HR 160 (BR 1853) - C. Siler

Amend House Rule 22 to require members to give their full attention to the Speaker, or to a member recognized for any purpose by the Speaker; amend House Rule 26 to authorize the Speaker to levy a fine not to exceed $25 on any member who fails to maintain decorum in the Chamber.

Feb 17-introduced in House

Feb 18-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Introduced Feb. 18, 2004

HCR 161 (BR 1636) - J. Gray, T. Burch, J. Adams, B. Buckingham, M. Cherry, H. Collins, J. Gooch, K. Hall, J. Jenkins, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, T. Pullin, T. Thompson

Urge Congress to enact legislation to exclude the first $25,000 in retirement income from federal income tax.


HFA (1, J. Gray) - Amend to recommend the exclusion be prorated based on gross retirement income.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to State Government (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 9-floor amendment (1) filed

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 85-2 with floor amendment (1)

Mar 11-received in Senate

Mar 16-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HR 162 (BR 1907) - De. Butler, T. Burch, L. Clark, P. Clark, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, S. Riggs, J. Wayne

Designate March 6, 2004 as Louisville Water Company Day in Kentucky.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to House Floor

Mar 4-adopted by voice vote

HR 163 (BR 1264) - K. Upchurch

Request and urge the state's congressional delegation to support legislation making the federal tax cuts permanent.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HR 164 (BR 1267) - K. Upchurch

Request and urge the state's congressional delegation to support and vote for a ban on the federal estate tax.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HR 165 (BR 1373) - K. Upchurch

Urge the United States Congressional Delegation from the Commonwealth of Kentucky to reform tort law relating to the firearms industry.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Judiciary (H)

HR 166 (BR 1372) - K. Upchurch

Urge United States legislators from Kentucky to allow a timely vote on presidential nominees to fill federal judicial vacancies.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Judiciary (H)

HCR 167 (BR 1561) - S. Westrom

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to study cervical cancer and human papillomavirus, make recommendations on education and awareness efforts, improving access to screening, and enhancing screening accuracy, and report to the 2005 General Assembly.

Feb 18-introduced in House

Feb 19-to Health and Welfare (H)

Introduced Feb. 19, 2004

HR 168 (BR 2059) - T. McKee

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Annie Pearl Crawford Welsh.

Feb 19-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 169 (BR 1077) - F. Rasche

Adjourn the House of Representatives in memory of Ethel Alston.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to House Floor

Mar 2-adopted by voice vote

HR 170 (BR 1076) - P. Bather

Adjourn the House of Representatives in memory of the Reverend Edward Deedom Alston.

Feb 19-introduced in House

Feb 20-to House Floor

Introduced Feb. 20, 2004

HR 171 (BR 1957) - B. Crall, T. Thompson

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Wilma D. Colby.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to House Floor

Mar 3-adopted by voice vote

HCR 172 (BR 1770) - L. Clark, J. Adams, P. Bather, T. Burch, De. Butler, P. Clark, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, R. Rand, S. Riggs, J. Wayne

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to establish a task force to study pupil transportation funding in local school districts and provide the appropriate committees with a final report of the results of the study by December 15, 2004.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 89-0

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HR 173 (BR 1476) - S. Riggs, P. Bather, T. Burch, De. Butler, L. Clark, P. Clark, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, J. Wayne

Strongly urge reduction of pollution at the Cinergy Gallagher Plant and urge Louisville officials to pursue lawful remedies and means for reducing pollution at the Gallagher Plant.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to House Floor

Mar 8-adopted by voice vote

HR 174 (BR 1685) - F. Rasche, L. Clark, R. Adkins, J. Barrows, J. Callahan, J. Crenshaw, J. Draud, C. Geveden, J. Richards

Urge the United States Congress to fully fund the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Mar 3-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 4-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 5, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 91-0

HR 175 (BR 2021) - J. Jenkins, Ji. Lee

Recognize March as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and honor Kentucky's rape crisis centers.

Feb 20-introduced in House

Feb 23-to House Floor

Feb 26-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 23, 2004

HR 176 (BR 2117) - R. Adkins

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Glen O. Boodry.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to House Floor

HR 177 (BR 2116) - R. Adkins

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Benjamin F. Lowe.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to House Floor

HR 178 (BR 2364) - F. Nesler

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Kenneth Ray Mathis.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 179 (BR 2362) - H. Moberly

Declare February 26, 2004, as Kentucky Museum and History Day.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to House Floor

HR 180 (BR 2361) - D. Graham, J. Barrows, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Lieutenant Jeffrey C. Graham.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to House Floor

Feb 27-adopted by voice vote

HR 181 (BR 2359) - K. Stein

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Sheldon Schiller.

Feb 23-introduced in House

Feb 24-to House Floor

Introduced Feb. 24, 2004

HR 182 (BR 1958) - J. Barrows, S. Lee, C. Belcher, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, B. Farmer, R. Palumbo, K. Stein, S. Westrom

Honor the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School Cheerleaders, winners of the 2004 National High School Cheerleading Championship.

Feb 24-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 183 (BR 2369) - R. Adkins

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of James Howard "Sheepie" Queen.

Feb 24-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HCR 184 (BR 2234) - P. Clark, C. Walton

Create a ten legislative member Eminent Domain Task Force to study the use of eminent domain by state and local government and by private entities and to assess the advisability of safeguards used by other jurisdictions to protect private property owners and the environment in eminent domain situations; require submission of report by October 1, 2005.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Transportation (H)

HR 185 (BR 1886) - C. Geveden

Urge the Governor to fully fund the state's contribution to the Kentucky Retirement System and to include the full actuarially-determined contribution rate in the Executive Budget.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HCR 186 (BR 2343) - J. Draud

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to have the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government study the benefits to local governments of pooling resources for the provision of health and dental benefits, and study obstacles to this pooling; report to the Legislative Research Commission by November 1, 2004.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Local Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

HCR 187 (BR 1554) - M. Denham, T. McKee

Urge the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board to lower the proportion of tobacco-county applicants' contribution requirement when applying for funds.


HCS - Retain original provisions except to insert language to urge the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board to find creative ways to use other means to reduce the applicant loan match requirement, particularly those from tobacco-dependent counties.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, adopted 93-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

HR 188 (BR 2113) - T. Burch

Encourage support of a "2-1-1" dialing code for health and human services information and assistance.


HFA (1, J. Hoover) - Urge the executive branch to facilitate the development of a 6-1-1 system for the reporting of waste, fraud, and abuse in state and local government.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Feb 27-to House Floor; placed in the Orders of the Day

Mar 2-floor amendment (1) filed ; Resolution adopted 98-0

HR 189 (BR 2114) - T. Burch

Urge the United States Congress to pass the "Calling For 2-1-1 Act," directing funds to the states for the national implementation of a 2-1-1 dialing code system for health and human service information and referral.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

Mar 2-reassigned to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 3-posting waived; posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 10-3rd reading, adopted 88-0

HCR 190 (BR 2317) - R. Adams

Reauthorize the Task Force on Funding for Wildlife Conservation.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

Feb 26-posted in committee

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 5-3rd reading, adopted 91-0

Mar 8-received in Senate

Mar 11-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 182)

HR 191 (BR 1948) - D. Sims

Amend House Rule 44 to provide that a conference or free conference committee report on a branch budget bill shall not be in order until 48 hours after paper copies of the report have been received by members of the House.

Feb 24-introduced in House

Feb 25-to State Government (H)

Introduced Feb. 25, 2004

HJR 192 (BR 1818) - H. Collins

Name the bridge on US 23 in Johnson County located at the junction of US 23 and the Licking Fork, CSX Railroad, and KY 825 the "World War II Veterans Memorial Bridge."

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 98-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HR 193 (BR 2367) - J. Higdon

Recognize the Kentucky Festivals and Events Association as a premier organization representing Kentucky's festivals and events.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to House Floor

HCR 194 (BR 1819) - H. Collins

Urge Congress to amend the provisions of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act before the act is implemented in 2005.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Transportation (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, adopted 93-0

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Transportation (S)

HJR 195 (BR 1898) - F. Rasche

Urge the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Board of Education to provide guidance to local school districts regarding ways to combat the growing problem of overweight and obesity among students.

Feb 25-introduced in House

Feb 26-to Education (H)

Mar 1-posted in committee

Introduced Feb. 26, 2004

HJR 196 (BR 1249) - R. Webb, H. Collins, J. Gray, K. Hall

Direct the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations for emergency action plans for coal waste impoundment dams.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Natural Resources and Environment (H)

HR 197 (BR 2373) - T. Thompson, R. Palumbo

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Earl Mac "Mack" Cambron.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to House Floor

Mar 2-adopted by voice vote

HCR 198 (BR 2368) - J. Adams

Request the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct a census of the planning units within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Local Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 88-1

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to State and Local Government (S)

HR 199 (BR 2358) - K. Hall

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Gary Brent Coleman.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to House Floor

HR 200 (BR 2382) - T. Thompson, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Senator Wendell H. Ford, and praying for his speedy recovery.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 201 (BR 2386) - T. Thompson

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Bob D. Martin.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to House Floor

Mar 2-adopted by voice vote

HCR 202 (BR 2133) - K. Hall, B. Smith, H. Cornett, T. Couch, T. Edmonds, C. Meade, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, A. Smith, J. Stacy, J. Stewart, T. Thompson

Urge the U.S. Office of Surface Mining and the Kentucky Department for Natural Resources to encourage the Reforestation Initiative that promotes tree growth on coal mine sites.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Natural Resources and Environment (H); posted in committee; posting waived

Mar 2-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 3-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 4, 2004

Mar 8-3rd reading, adopted 90-0

Mar 9-received in Senate

Mar 12-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 26-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

HCR 203 (BR 2033) - J. Bruce, R. Thomas, E. Ballard, P. Bather, R. Crimm, M. Denham, T. McKee, D. Pasley

Reauthorize the Kentucky Tobacco Task Force to help resolve the problems facing the tobacco industry and the tobacco program.


HFA (1, J. Bruce) - Retain original provisions of the resolution, except to specify that the task force shall report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the House of Representatives prior to the 2005 Regular Session.

HFA (2/Title, J. Bruce) - Make title amendment.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 2-posted in committee

Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 8-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Mar 11-floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 87-1 with floor amendments (1) and (2-title)

HCR 204 (BR 2007) - C. Belcher, J. Barrows, C. Hoffman, R. Palumbo

Encourage the documentation of rock fences worth preservation and the development of criteria for their protection and preservation; specify that the Kentucky Heritage Council and the Dry Stone Conservancy of Kentucky are encouraged to provide training and documentation.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

HR 205 (BR 2387) - F. Nesler, J. Gray, R. Adkins, E. Ballard, M. Cherry, J. Richards, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Ulus Lee Johnson.

Feb 26-introduced in House

Feb 27-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Feb. 27, 2004

HCR 206 (BR 1751) - E. Ballard, J. Bruce, J. Adams, R. Adams, C. Belcher, M. Cherry, P. Clark, R. Damron, J. Gray, J. Haydon, Ji. Lee, L. Napier, F. Nesler, T. Pullin, J. Reinhardt, S. Riggs, C. Siler, J. Thompson, M. Weaver

Request the Legislative Research Commission to reestablish a Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs to operate during the 2004 interim and present recommendations to the Kentucky General Assembly.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Mar 16-received in Senate

Mar 19-to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)

HJR 207 (BR 2282) - J. Thompson, B. Crall

Direct the Personnel Cabinet and Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board to study the feasibility of establishing a health reimbursement arrangement for state employees.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 83-0

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 183)

HR 208 (BR 2306) - R. Palumbo, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Urge the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council to increase compensation for police and firefighters in Fayette County.

Feb 27-introduced in House

Mar 1-to House Floor

Mar 17-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 1, 2004

HJR 209 (BR 2151) - J. Fischer

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to place signs on the access road off the AA Highway, which begins at Station 278+50 and ends at Station 270+00, that designate the road as the "Lloyd Rogers Highway."

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Transportation (H)

HCR 210 (BR 2224) - S. Westrom, J. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, J. Coleman, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, J. Jenkins, S. Lee, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, M. Rader, R. Rand, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, T. Riner, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, C. Walton, J. Wayne, R. Webb, R. Wilkey

Create a legislative Task Force on Trafficking in Persons to identify current statutory and programmatic provisions relating to preventing trafficking in persons and serving victims of human trafficking and to recommend needed changes; specify report to LRC by October 1, 2004.


HCS - Retain original provisions except decrease the Task Force membership from ten to six; direct the President of the Senate to appoint three members from the Senate, at least one to be a minority party member; direct the Speaker of the House to appoint three members from the House of Representatives, at least one to be a minority party member; specify the executive branch members and the nonlegislative members; permit the Task Force to begin meeting upon approval of the Legislative Research Commission (LRC); change the deadline for submission of the Task Force report to the LRC from October 1, 2004, to November 1, 2004.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 87-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to State and Local Government (S)

HJR 211 (BR 2293) - R. Palumbo

Direct the Cabinet for Health Services to study the problem of teenage in-vehicle drinking and related drug abuse.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 3-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 23-taken from the Regular Orders of the Day; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)

HJR 212 (BR 2090) - R. Nelson

Direct the Transportation Cabinet to designate KY 74 in Bell County as the "Reverend Hobart Dail Sowders Memorial Highway," and to erect appropriate signs.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Transportation (S)

HR 213 (BR 2390) - J. Gray, P. Clark, L. Napier, F. Nesler, J. Richards, C. Siler

Commend the work of the Kentucky Community and Technical Education College System faculty and staff; urge the leadership of the Kentucky Community and Technical Education College System to place the highest priority on the fair and equitable distribution of pay raises for faculty and staff.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to House Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

HJR 214 (BR 2247) - C. Belcher, J. Barrows

Direct the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees to delegate the governance and management responsibilities for the Lexington Community College to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System on or before July 1, 2004; require certain provisions related to funds, property, personnel, students, and other responsibilities; direct that equal representation of the University of Kentucky, the Lexington Community College, and the Kentucky Community and Technical College System form a transition team to oversee the implementation of the requirements of the Resolution; require the President of the University of Kentucky to notify the accrediting agency of the Resolution; direct that funds appropriated to support Lexington Community College be allotted to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; EMERGENCY.


HCS - Delete specific language related to workers' compensation claims, unemployment claims, and retirement benefits; clarify that the Lexington Community College Advisory Board shall continue to serve in an advisory capacity.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 10-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 86-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 17-to Education (S)

Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, March 22, 2004

Mar 22-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Mar 23-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 2-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 50)

HCR 215 (BR 1242) - T. Riner, R. Palumbo

Direct LRC to secure and maintain a plaque or memorial display to honor former House Speaker Joe Clarke.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

Mar 4-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 12-3rd reading, adopted 88-0

Mar 15-received in Senate

Mar 18-to State and Local Government (S)

HJR 216 (BR 1677) - T. Riner, J. Crenshaw

Require the Division of Historic Properties to place a plaque and/or monument honoring certain African-American civil rights figures near the floral clock on the grounds of the New Capitol Annex; require the Historic Properties Advisory Commission to design the plaque and/or monuments; permit the commission to accept appropriations, gifts, grants, or any other funds, both public and private, to fund the acquisition of the plaque and/or monuments and its upkeep; require the Department of Facilities Management to be responsible for routine maintenance and upkeep.


HCS - Retain original provisions except remove references to the African American ministers of Kentucky; add specific text to be placed on the plaque, monument, and/or memorial display; add provision requiring that all appropriations, gifts, grants, or any other funds, both public and private, used for funding be voluntary.

HCA (1/Title, T. Riner) - Make title amendment.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to State Government (H)

Mar 11-posted in committee

Mar 16-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 17-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 18, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, adopted 89-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title)

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

HCR 217 (BR 2320) - J. Barrows

Direct the Legislative Research Commission to appoint a subcommittee of the Interim Joint Committee on Education to review the recommendation to transfer the Lexington Community College to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System; define membership, to include eight members of the Interim Joint Committee on Education and six members representing the Lexington Community College region; require the subcommittee to report its findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission no later than October 1, 2004.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

HJR 218 (BR 204) - F. Nesler, R. Thomas, R. Adams, A. Arnold, C. Belcher, B. Buckingham, J. Crenshaw, T. McKee, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, J. Richards

Reauthorize the Kentucky Aquaculture Task Force; appropriate $15,000 in fiscal year 2004-2005 and $15,000 in fiscal year 2005-2006.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 94-0

Mar 17-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 26-passed over and retained in the Consent Orders of the Day

Mar 29-3rd reading, adopted 38-0

Apr 12-received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House

Apr 13-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor

Apr 22-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 184)

HR 219 (BR 2380) - C. Geveden

Urge that an agreement be reached between Murray State University and Kentucky's Tourism Development Cabinet to transfer the Wickliffe Mounds Research Center to the Cabinet.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Education (H)

Mar 10-posting waived retroactively; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 11-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 12, 2004

Mar 15-3rd reading, adopted 91-0

HCR 220 (BR 2316) - S. Westrom

A resolution authorizing and directing the creation of a Task Force on Horse Farming to research and study various components of the horse farming industry.


HCS - Authorize Task Force on Horse Farming membership to include members of the 2003 Interim Subcommittee on Horse Farming; require the Task Force membership be divided equally between the House and the Senate.

Mar 1-introduced in House

Mar 2-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 16-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Mar 17-3rd reading, adopted 95-0 with Committee Substitute

Mar 18-received in Senate

Mar 22-to Agriculture and Natural Resources (S)

Introduced Mar. 2, 2004

HR 221 (BR 2377) - R. Crimm

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Michael Eady upon being the recipient of a National Heroism Award presented by the Boy Scouts of America.

Mar 2-introduced in House

Mar 3-to House Floor

Mar 11-adopted by voice vote

HR 222 (BR 2394) - J. Stacy

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Colonel James O. Day.

Mar 2-introduced in House

Mar 3-to House Floor

Mar 9-adopted by voice vote

HCR 223 (BR 2374) - J. Hoover, C. Geveden, M. Harper

Urge the House Armed Services Committee as well as the entire United States Congress to adopt H.R. 327 to award a Medal of Honor posthumously to First Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner for his service during World War II.

Mar 2-introduced in House

Mar 3-to Seniors, Military Affairs, and Public Safety (H)

Mar 5-posted in committee

Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 11, 2004

Mar 18-3rd reading, adopted 96-0

Mar 19-received in Senate

Mar 22-to State and Local Government (S)

Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar

Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 25, 2004

Mar 25-3rd reading, adopted 36-0; received in House

Mar 26-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor

Apr 7-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 67)

Introduced Mar. 4, 2004

HR 224 (BR 2426) - T. Pullin

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of the Sunshine United Methodist Church members upon the occasion of their second annual visit to the State Capitol.

Mar 4-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 225 (BR 2379) - C. Geveden

Urge the United States Congress to direct the construction of Interstate 66 through the Purchase Area of Western Kentucky.

Mar 4-introduced in House

Mar 5-to Transportation (H)

Mar 9-posted in committee

Mar 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 12-2nd reading, to Rules

Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mar 16-3rd reading, adopted 88-0

HR 226 (BR 2418) - R. Adkins

Memorialize Mary Jean Arrowood and adjourn the House of Representatives in her memory.

Mar 4-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 227 (BR 2419) - R. Adkins

Honor the Facilities Security Branch of the Kentucky State Police.

Mar 4-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 228 (BR 2395) - B. Buckingham

Urge the Secretary of the Commerce Cabinet to develop and promote the use of coalbed methane.

Mar 4-introduced in House

Mar 5-to House Floor

Mar 16-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 5, 2004

HR 229 (BR 2430) - E. Ballard

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Irvin A. Peacock.

Mar 5-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 230 (BR 2412) - K. Stein

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Marie Abrams upon being named chairwoman of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

Mar 5-introduced in House

Mar 8-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 8, 2004

HR 231 (BR 2428) - T. Edmonds

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Michael Lynn Moreland.

Mar 8-introduced in House

Mar 9-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 232 (BR 2433) - S. Riggs, T. McKee

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Harry Redmon Lair Jr.

Mar 8-introduced in House

Mar 9-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 233 (BR 2427) - R. Webb

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Frank P. Rice Sr.

Mar 8-introduced in House

Mar 9-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 9, 2004

HR 234 (BR 2437) - B. Farmer, D. Pasley

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Rachel Elaine Sutherland.

Mar 9-introduced in House

Mar 10-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 235 (BR 2435) - J. Coleman

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Nicholas P. Beasley.

Mar 9-introduced in House

Mar 10-to House Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 10, 2004

HR 236 (BR 2438) - T. McKee

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Claude Lee Hixson.

Mar 10-introduced in House

Mar 11-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 11, 2004

HR 237 (BR 1431) - M. Marzian, S. Brinkman, S. Baugh, Dw. Butler, C. Geveden, J. Jenkins, Ji. Lee, T. McKee, R. Thomas

Encourage the President of the United States, the Kentucky United States Congressional Delegation, and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to make it a priority to advance the commitment to community integration and personal security for individuals with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities by ensuring a stable, high quality, direct support workforce.

Mar 11-introduced in House

Mar 15-to Health and Welfare (H)

Mar 24-posting waived; reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar

Mar 25-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 26, 2004

HR 238 (BR 1506) - J. Wayne, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Charles W. Vanover.

Mar 11-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 239 (BR 2448) - H. Collins, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of the bravery and service of Sergeant Samuel Kevin Hannah.

Mar 11-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 240 (BR 2446) - R. Adkins, J. Vincent

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Marie Blake Ross.

Mar 11-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Mar 15-to House Floor

Introduced Mar. 12, 2004

HR 241 (BR 2439) - T. McKee

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Theodore "Bud" Curtis.

Mar 12-introduced in House

Mar 15-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 15, 2004

HR 242 (BR 2434) - Dw. Butler

Urge Congress to enact legislation establishing English as the official language of the United States of America.

Mar 15-introduced in House

Mar 16-to House Floor

Mar 17-adopted by voice vote

HR 243 (BR 2453) - F. Nesler

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Garrie "Dwain" Wilson Sr.

Mar 15-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 244 (BR 2440) - R. Meeks, K. Hall, P. Clark, H. Cornett, T. Couch, C. Meade, B. Smith

Urge Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) to protect endangered, threatened, rare, and reintroduced animals, such as elk, that move or migrate from protected areas; urge the KDFWR to avoid eliminating such animals; killed animals to benefit Hunters for the Hungry program; urge KDFWR to establish mediation for use in private property and reintroduced animal conflicts.

Mar 15-introduced in House

Mar 16-to House Floor

HR 245 (BR 2451) - R. Adkins, J. Adams, R. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, G. Lindsay, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Gordon F. Mullins.

Mar 15-introduced in House

Mar 16-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 16, 2004

HR 246 (BR 2401) - M. Denham

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Katherine "Kay" Lansdale Wood.

Mar 16-introduced in House

Mar 17-to House Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

HR 247 (BR 2458) - T. Burch, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, T. Feeley, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, G. Lindsay, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Bobby Gene Lee.

Mar 16-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 248 (BR 2429) - J. Gooch, E. Ballard, J. Arnold Jr, Dw. Butler, H. Cornett, T. Couch, K. Hall, B. Smith, J. Stewart, T. Thompson, B. Yonts

To acknowledge the employees of Dotiki Mine, the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals for their tireless efforts in restoring operation at Dotiki Mine.

Mar 16-introduced in House

Mar 17-to House Floor

HR 249 (BR 2457) - J. Hoover

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Opal Mae McWhorter-Hendley upon the occasion of her 75th birthday on October 14, 2003.

Mar 16-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 17, 2004

HR 250 (BR 2467) - R. Palumbo

Urge the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council to increase compensation for police and firefighters in Fayette County.

Mar 17-introduced in House

Mar 18-to House Floor

HR 251 (BR 2463) - J. Richards, R. Adkins, J. Adams, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Herbert "Hoover" Dawahare.

Mar 17-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 18, 2004

HR 252 (BR 2460) - M. Denham, J. Thompson

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Earnest Baxter Stith and Mary Lucille Stith.

Mar 18-introduced in House

Mar 19-to House Floor

Mar 25-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 19, 2004

HR 253 (BR 2485) - B. Montell, J. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, C. Embry Jr, J. Fischer, D. Ford, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, R. Wilkey

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Robert Leslie Samples.

Mar 19-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 254 (BR 2470) - R. Adkins

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Reginald K. Meeks, the Gentleman from Jefferson Forty-two, upon the occasion of his fiftieth birthday on March 21, 2004.

Mar 19-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 23, 2004

HR 255 (BR 2495) - F. Nesler

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Thomas "Cloyd" Wilson.

Mar 23-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 256 (BR 2489) - T. Pullin

Honor and commend the Russell High School Academic Team, 2004 Governor's Cup Champions.

Mar 23-introduced in House

Mar 24-to House Floor

HR 257 (BR 2488) - J. Barrows

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

Mar 23-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 258 (BR 2493) - R. Rand

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Eric Reed West.

Mar 23-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 259 (BR 2492) - J. Richards, R. Thomas

Honor the Warren Central HS Dragons, 2004 KHSAA Boys Sweet Sixteen Basketball Champions.

Mar 23-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 24, 2004

HR 260 (BR 2505) - T. Pullin

Honor and commend the Russell High School Academic Team, 2004 Governor's Cup Champions.

Mar 24-introduced in House

Mar 25-to House Floor

Apr 12-adopted by voice vote

HR 261 (BR 2504) - M. Denham

Honor the Mason County Middle School cheerleaders, winners of the 2004 Eastern Cheerleaders Association National Championship.

Mar 24-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 262 (BR 2499) - J. Draud

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Officer Douglas Bryant.

Mar 24-introduced in House

Mar 25-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 263 (BR 2501) - M. Denham

Encourage the passage of federal legislation extending the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.

Mar 24-introduced in House

Mar 25-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 264 (BR 2503) - J. Arnold Jr, J. Richards, G. Lindsay

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Judge Faust Y. Simpson.

Mar 24-introduced in House

Mar 25-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 265 (BR 2508) - R. Adkins

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of David R. Gibson.

Mar 24-introduced in House

Mar 25-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 266 (BR 2479) - J. Barrows, J. Crenshaw, C. Belcher, R. Damron, B. Farmer, C. Hoffman, S. Lee, R. Palumbo, K. Stein, S. Westrom

Urge the Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to study the salaries and benefits of Lexington urban-county police and firefighters.

Mar 24-introduced in House

Mar 25-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 25, 2004

HR 267 (BR 2441) - C. Meade, K. Hall, J. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Attorney General Greg Stumbo for his many years of service as a public servant.

Mar 25-introduced in House

Mar 26-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 268 (BR 2496) - M. Marzian, J. Adams, R. Adkins, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, T. Burch, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Turner, J. Vincent, C. Walton, M. Weaver, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Honor Kristy and Mary Worthen for bringing a mental health flag to Kentucky and declare March 25, 2004 as Focus on Mental Health Issues Day.

Mar 25-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 269 (BR 2513) - S. Riggs

Honor the duPont Manual High School Dance team, winners of the 2004 National Dance Alliance National Dance Championship.

Mar 25-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 270 (BR 2450) - B. Smith, J. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, T. Edmonds, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. Riggs, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, S. Westrom, B. Yonts

Urge that September 25th of each year be designated as Bicycle Safety Awareness Day.

Mar 25-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 271 (BR 2494) - C. Hoffman

Urge the Lexington-Fayette Urban-County Government to appoint a resident of Scott County to the task force established to study the possible condemnation of Kentucky American Water Company.

Mar 25-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 26, 2004

HR 272 (BR 2510) - S. Brinkman

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Jan Rowland upon being the recipient of the 2004 Woman Business Owner of the Year award, given by the Louisville chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners.

Mar 26-introduced in House

Mar 29-to House Floor

Apr 12-adopted by voice vote

Introduced Mar. 29, 2004

HR 273 (BR 2520) - D. Pasley, C. Belcher

Declare the month of May 2004 as Motorcycle Awareness Month.

Mar 29-introduced in House

Apr 12-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 274 (BR 2524) - S. Riggs

Name Jeff Fossett as Kentucky's Official International "Farscape" Ambassador.

Mar 29-introduced in House

Apr 12-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 275 (BR 2518) - J. Barrows

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Jim Owen Gaines.

Mar 29-introduced in House

Apr 12-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 276 (BR 2526) - T. Pullin, J. Bruce, K. Hall, R. Nelson, R. Rand, S. Westrom

Urge the Kentucky Attorney General to investigate pricing of gasoline.

Mar 29-introduced in House

Apr 12-to House Floor

Introduced Apr. 12, 2004

HR 277 (BR 2536) - F. Nesler

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Kenedy Brooke Ellegood.

Apr 12-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 278 (BR 2537) - T. Pullin

Urge the Legislative Research Commission to appoint two members from the cable industry to the Broadband Task Force, if established.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Apr 13-to House Floor

HR 279 (BR 2560) - J. Callahan

Recognize Newport Aquarium's First Annual Turtle Derby.

Apr 12-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 280 (BR 2559) - J. Coleman, J. Adams, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, H. Collins, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Haydon, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, T. Thompson, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Honor Charles "Pat" Patrick.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Apr 13-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

HR 281 (BR 2566) - T. Pullin

Authorize the Legislative Research Commission to appoint two members from the cable industry to the Broadband Task Force.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Apr 13-to House Floor

HR 282 (BR 2523) - R. Adkins

A Resolution honoring President Ronald G. Eaglin upon his retirement as the President of Morehead State University.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Apr 13-to House Floor

HR 283 (BR 2548) - K. Stein

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Barbara Adams.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Apr 13-to House Floor

HR 284 (BR 2563) - H. Collins, J. Adams, R. Adkins, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, J. Comer, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, D. Graham, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, C. Meade, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Siler, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Lucian Thomas "L. T." Hardin.

Apr 12-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 285 (BR 2565) - T. Pullin, J. Gooch

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Kenneth W. Storey.

Apr 12-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

HR 286 (BR 2555) - D. Horlander, J. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, H. Cornett, T. Couch, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, C. Embry Jr, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, M. Harmon, M. Harper, C. Hoffman, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, B. Montell, L. Napier, R. Nelson, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, S. Riggs, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, T. Thompson, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Lynda Marie Cunningham.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Apr 13-adopted by voice vote

HR 287 (BR 2567) - T. Pullin

Encourage the Office of the New Economy to cooperate with Kentucky's Center for Information Technology Enterprise Incorporated (CITE) in studying state agency and university resources which could be made available for improving broadband and cellular access and service in rural communities.

Apr 12-introduced in House

Introduced Apr. 13, 2004

HR 288 (BR 2570) - K. Upchurch

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Milford Owen Anderson.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 289 (BR 2568) - R. Adkins

A Resolution honoring President Ronald G. Eaglin upon his retirement as the President of Morehead State University.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 290 (BR 2541) - J. Richards

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Jim Callahan upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 291 (BR 2539) - J. Richards

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Paul Bather upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 292 (BR 2542) - J. Richards

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Jodie Haydon upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 293 (BR 2540) - J. Richards

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Jack Coleman upon the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 294 (BR 2543) - J. Richards

Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Charlie Walton on the occasion of his retirement.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 295 (BR 2571) - K. Stein

Affirm the House of Representatives' appreciation of ethnic diversity in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Apr 13-introduced in House

HR 296 (BR 1291) - J. Richards, R. Adkins, J. Barrows, J. Callahan, L. Clark, R. Palumbo

Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of William T. Young.

Apr 13-introduced in House; adopted by voice vote

Bills and Amendments by Sponsor

* - denotes primary sponsorship of Bills and Resolutions


Blevins, Walter

SB 17, 28, 32, 44, 67, 71, 73, 99, 112*, 128, 131, 134, 144, 167*, 236*, 272*, 281*, 282*, 283*, 285*

SJR 18, 21, 44, 126, 152*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 35, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 60, 62, 72, 74, 91*, 92*, 103, 110, 132, 138*, 141*, 146, 150, 155*, 160*, 161, 169, 175*, 177, 189, 190, 191, 209, 241*, 242*

HB 161: SFA(1), (2); HB 258: SCA(1); HB 627: SFA(3), (4), (5)

SB 52: SFA(1); SB 238: SFA(2), (3), (4); SB 261: SFA(1), (2)

Borders, Charlie

SB 1, 2, 4, 31*, 71, 93*, 104*, 244*, 245, 248*, 265*

SCR 125*

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 28*, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 65*, 66*, 67*, 68*, 69*, 70*, 71*, 72, 73, 74, 77, 91, 92, 103, 121*, 122*, 123*, 142*, 146, 160, 169, 175, 179*, 181*, 182*, 183*, 184*, 185*, 186*, 187*, 189, 191, 203*, 204*, 209, 235

HB 105: SFA(1); HB 227: SFA(3)

HJR 64: SFA(1)

Boswell, David

SB 3, 4, 6*, 36, 37*, 46*, 56, 59, 61*, 70, 71, 73, 99, 128, 131, 132*, 157*, 158*, 162, 164*, 191*, 205*, 215, 243*, 249*, 250*, 256*, 263, 272

SCR 5*

SJR 18, 21, 34

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20*, 22, 26, 27, 35*, 41, 42, 48, 52*, 55, 58, 60, 62, 72, 74, 91, 92, 103, 105*, 110, 132*, 138, 146*, 149, 150*, 160, 161*, 169, 175, 177*, 191, 209*, 241, 242

SB 37: SFA(1), (2), (3); SB 130: SFA(5)

Buford, Tom

SB 4, 5*, 12*, 18*, 19*, 29*, 31, 32*, 38, 47*, 48*, 56*, 57*, 59, 62, 64, 66*, 72*, 79*, 97*, 112, 116*, 128, 131*, 135*, 136*, 139*, 141*, 142*, 144, 149*, 169*, 171*, 172*, 177*, 178, 181*, 190*, 196*, 217, 230*, 237*, 252*, 274*

SCR 5, 115*

SJR 148*, 156

SR 8, 9*, 10*, 11*, 12, 13, 15, 16*, 22, 26, 27, 29, 30*, 41, 42, 48, 50*, 55, 58, 62, 72, 73, 74, 77, 85*, 86*, 87*, 88*, 91, 92, 103, 131*, 144*, 146, 160, 165*, 166*, 169, 184*, 189, 191, 209, 228*, 229*, 235*, 238*, 239, 246*

HB 90: SFA(1), (2); HB 188: SFA(1); HB 202: SFA(2), (3), (4), (5); HB 208: SFA(1); HB 264: SFA(1), (2); HB 404: SFA(3), (4); HB 471: SFA(1); HB 595: SFA(2), (3)

SB 237: SFA(1)

Casebier, Lindy

SB 59, 97, 98*, 113*, 115, 123*, 124*, 125*, 126*, 127*, 131, 202*, 203*, 226*, 232*, 234*, 237, 238*

SJR 54

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27*, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 77, 91, 92, 103, 112*, 113*, 114*, 146, 159*, 160, 169, 188*, 191, 194*, 209, 217*, 261*

HB 37: SCA(1); HB 71: SFA(3), (4); HB 195: SCA(1); HB 473: SFA(3), (4)

SB 28: SCA(1); SB 100: SCA(1), (2), (3); SB 115: SCA(1); SB 151: SCA(1); SB 234: SFA(1), (2)

SJR 156: SCA(1)

Denton, Julie

SB 1, 16*, 23*, 40*, 41*, 45*, 50, 58*, 59*, 60*, 75*, 76*, 80*, 81*, 97, 119*, 132*, 137*, 138*, 147*, 159*, 165*, 171*, 182*, 183*, 184*, 185*, 186*, 187*, 188*, 189*, 192*, 193*, 194*, 199*, 213*, 217*, 218*, 219*, 234*, 253*, 255*, 258*, 259*, 264*

SJR 3, 54, 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 41, 42, 48, 55, 57*, 58, 59*, 62, 73, 77, 91, 92, 103, 146, 160, 161, 169, 175, 189*, 191, 209, 239

HB 161: SFA(4); HB 202: SFA(1); HB 227: SFA(4); HB 322: SFA(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6); HB 413: SFA(2); HB 495: SFA(2)

HCR 78: SFA(1)

SB 60: SFA(1); SB 75: SCA(1), SFA(1); SB 80: SFA(1); SB 153: SCA(1); SB 189: SFA(1); SB 261: SFA(3)

Guthrie, Brett

SB 59, 61, 96*, 98, 111*, 115*, 118*, 144*, 206*, 238, 240*, 256*, 263*

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 77, 91, 92, 103, 113, 146, 160, 161, 169, 191, 209, 220*, 261

HB 309: SFA(1), (2); HB 595: SFA(1), (4)

SB 2: SFA(5); SB 111: SFA(1); SB 115: SFA(1), (2), (3); SB 206: SFA(1); SB 226: SFA(1)

Harris, Ernie

SB 1, 59, 68*, 69*, 70*, 77*, 97, 110*, 114*, 222*, 223*, 224*, 227*, 245, 247*, 271*

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 35, 37*, 38*, 39*, 40*, 41, 42, 46*, 47*, 48, 49*, 55, 58, 62, 73, 101*, 103, 146, 169, 175, 176*, 191, 192*, 193*, 209*, 245*

HB 627: SFA(1), (2), (6), (7), (8)

SB 37: SCA(1); SB 70: SFA(1); SB 114: SFA(1); SB 215: SFA(5)

Herron Jr, Paul

SB 3, 4, 28, 61, 67, 73, 99, 128*, 131, 191, 235*

SJR 18, 21, 34, 126

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20*, 22, 26, 27, 35, 41, 42, 48, 52*, 55, 56, 58, 62, 91, 92, 95, 96, 103, 110, 132, 138, 146, 150, 155, 160, 161, 169, 177*, 189, 191, 209, 241, 242

Jackson, Bob

SB 59, 73*, 99*, 118, 128, 131

SJR 18, 21, 126, 154*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19*, 20, 22, 26, 27, 35, 36, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 72, 103, 110, 130*, 132, 138, 140, 146, 150, 160, 169, 175*, 189, 190*, 191, 209, 241*, 242*

Jones II, Ray

SB 28, 42*, 44, 59, 67*, 73, 99, 131, 134*, 140*, 162*, 178*, 191, 198*, 212*, 215, 216*, 245, 269*, 270*, 278*

SJR 4*, 18*, 21*, 44*, 116*, 126*, 127*, 153*, 157*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 35, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55, 56*, 58, 60*, 62, 91, 92, 95, 96, 100, 102, 103, 104, 110*, 132, 137*, 138*, 139*, 140*, 146, 150, 155*, 158*, 160, 161, 163*, 164*, 169, 189, 191, 195*, 196*, 197*, 198*, 206*, 209, 210*, 211*, 212*, 222*, 226, 230*, 231*, 232*, 234*

HB 495: SFA(1)

SB 4: SFA(1)

Karem, David K.

SB 19, 27*, 30*, 33*, 59, 64*, 66*, 73, 97*, 98, 105*, 128, 131, 144, 215, 234, 273*

SJR 18, 21, 54

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 20, 22, 26, 27*, 35, 41, 42*, 48, 52, 55, 58, 62*, 74, 78*, 91, 92, 103, 105, 107*, 110, 113, 114, 124*, 132, 146*, 150, 155, 160, 161, 169*, 172*, 175, 177, 189*, 191, 199*, 209, 224*, 241, 242, 255*, 261*

HB 438: SFA(1)

SB 39: SFA(1); SB 40: SFA(1); SB 72: SFA(1); SB 96: SFA(1); SB 199: SFA(1)

Kelly, Dan

SB 35*, 36*, 62*, 64*, 100*, 150*, 151*, 152*, 153*, 154*, 155*, 156*, 160*, 161*

SJR 156*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22*, 26, 27, 36, 41, 42*, 48, 55, 58*, 62, 72, 73, 77, 89*, 103, 108*, 141*, 146, 169, 178*, 191, 209, 251*, 252*, 253*, 254*

HB 11: SFA(1); HB 59: SCA(1); HB 157: SCA(1); HB 292: SCA(2); HB 404: SFA(2), (5); HB 441: SFA(3)

SB 154: SFA(1)

Kerr, Alice

SB 1, 4, 59, 92*, 139*, 274

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15*, 22, 24*, 26, 27, 29*, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 72, 73, 77, 91, 92, 103, 146, 160, 169, 175, 191, 209, 216*, 219*, 239, 262*

Leeper, Robert

SB 2*, 59, 200*, 254*, 271*, 276*

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 64*, 73, 77, 91, 92, 99*, 103, 130*, 146, 167*, 168*, 169, 189, 191, 204*, 209, 218*, 239

HJR 98: SCA(1)

SB 2: SFA(2); SB 200: SFA(1)

McGaha, Vernie

SB 1, 2, 3, 4, 71*, 88*, 146*, 241*, 245*, 284*

SCR 93*

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 35, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 74*, 77, 103, 146, 161, 169, 175, 191, 209, 239

HB 644: SFA(1), (2)

SB 245: SFA(1)

Mongiardo, Daniel

SB 32, 42*, 44, 65*, 67, 71, 73, 90*, 97, 99, 128*, 233*, 245

SCR 17*

SJR 7*, 18, 21, 44, 133*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 76*, 91, 92, 103, 146, 149*, 150, 169, 172*, 175, 177, 189, 191, 209, 226*, 241, 242

SB 1: SFA(7)

Moore, Virgil

SB 36, 106*, 129*, 131, 245, 257*, 272

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 41, 42, 45*, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 77, 91*, 92*, 103, 124*, 141, 146, 160*, 161, 169, 191, 209, 236*, 241, 242

HB 331: SCA(1); HB 365: SFA(1), (2), (3), (4)

HJR 11: SCA(1), SFA(1)

SB 18: SCA(1); SB 84: SCA(1)

Neal, Gerald

SB 22, 28, 59, 64, 67, 73, 82*, 99, 105, 111*, 121*, 128, 131, 144*, 166*, 170*, 191, 237*, 239*, 272*

SJR 18, 21, 34, 44, 54*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19*, 22, 26, 27, 28*, 35, 36*, 41*, 42, 48, 52, 55, 58, 62, 72, 84*, 103*, 110, 113*, 114*, 129*, 136*, 146, 149, 151*, 155, 161, 169, 173*, 174*, 189, 191, 209, 240*, 241, 242

SB 130: SFA(1), (2); SB 145: SFA(2); SB 163: SFA(1)

Palmer II, R.J.

SB 28, 59, 66, 67, 73, 97, 99, 128, 131, 191, 266*, 267*, 268*, 275*, 276*

SJR 18, 21, 44, 83

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 35, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 60, 62, 91, 92, 95, 96, 103, 110, 138, 146, 160, 161, 169, 189, 191, 209, 241, 242

SB 225: SCA(1); SB 267: SFA(1)

Pendleton, Joey

SB 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 42, 43*, 52, 59, 71, 73, 98, 99, 112, 118, 128, 131, 146*, 166*, 173*, 215, 216, 217, 240

SCR 5, 93*

SJR 21, 34*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 20, 22, 26, 27, 35, 41, 42, 48, 51*, 55, 58, 62, 72*, 74, 91, 92, 94*, 103, 110, 132*, 138, 146, 149, 150, 160, 161, 162*, 169, 177, 189, 191, 209, 223*, 241, 242, 257*

HB 20: SFA(1), (2); HB 413: SFA(3)

Rhoads, Jerry

SB 3, 6, 37, 43, 61*, 64, 71, 73, 99, 128, 131, 144, 191, 217, 263, 272


SJR 18, 21, 34*, 126

SR 8*, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 35, 41, 42, 48, 55, 56, 58, 62, 72, 74, 91, 92, 103, 105, 110, 132, 138, 146, 150, 155, 160, 161*, 169, 177, 189, 191, 209, 241, 242

SB 1: SFA(3), (4), (5), (6), (8), (9); SB 145: SFA(1)

Robinson, Albert

SB 4, 94*, 95*, 201*, 245

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 42, 48, 55, 57*, 58, 59*, 62, 72, 77, 103, 146, 169, 180*, 191, 202*, 209, 239, 244*

HB 208: SCA(1); HB 264: SCA(1); HB 306: SCA(1), SFA(1); HB 344: SCA(1); HB 441: SFA(5), (6)

SB 94: SFA(1); SB 129: SCA(1); SB 150: SCA(1)

Roeding, Richard

SB 1, 2, 3, 4*, 10, 14*, 15*, 17*, 36, 49*, 50*, 51*, 52*, 53*, 62, 64, 78, 83, 87*, 89*, 95, 100, 101*, 102*, 103*, 122*, 132, 135, 143, 179, 180*, 183, 184, 186, 187, 197*, 214*, 220, 245, 248

SJR 3*, 83, 156

SR 8, 9, 12*, 15, 22, 23, 26, 27, 33*, 41, 42, 43*, 48, 55, 58, 61*, 62, 73*, 77, 81*, 90, 91, 98, 103, 109*, 146, 169, 170*, 171*, 175, 191, 227, 239*, 247*, 248*, 258*, 259*

HB 71: SFA(1), (2); HB 90: SFA(3), (4), (5), (6), (7); HB 365: SFA(5), (6); HB 460: SFA(1), (2); HB 473: SFA(1), (2); HB 558: SFA(1), (2); HB 609: SFA(1); HB 626: SFA(1); HB 644: SFA(3), (4)

SB 4: SFA(3); SB 15: SFA(1), (2); SB 52: SFA(2), (3); SB 209: SFA(1)

SJR 3: SFA(1)

Sanders Jr, Richard

SB 215*, 221*, 260*, 263*

SJR 111*, 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 36, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 74, 103, 143*, 146, 169, 191, 200*, 209, 220*

HB 97: SFA(1), (2); HB 162: SFA(1), (2); HB 242: SFA(1); HB 249: SFA(1); HB 292: SCA(1), SFA(1); HB 395: SCA(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (22), (23); HB 396: SCA(1), (2), (3)

HJR 7: SCA(1), (2)

SB 97: SCA(1), (2); SB 215: SFA(1), (2), (3), (4); SB 228: SFA(1)

Saunders, Larry

SB 59, 73, 97, 99, 128, 131, 191

SJR 18, 21, 44, 54*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 35, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 95, 96, 103, 110, 146, 150, 161, 169, 175, 189, 191, 201*, 208*, 209, 241, 242, 260*

HB 395: SCA(13)

Scorsone, Ernesto

SB 11*, 22*, 26*, 29, 32, 43*, 44*, 59, 73, 90*, 91*, 105*, 112*, 113, 120*, 128, 139, 168*, 274*

SJR 21

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26*, 27, 42, 48, 51*, 55, 58, 62, 74, 103*, 110, 113, 114, 132, 146, 149*, 150, 155, 160, 161, 169, 172, 175, 177, 189, 191, 205*, 209, 225*, 241, 242

HB 249: SFA(2); HB 518: SFA(1)

SB 2: SFA(1), (4); SB 14: SFA(1); SB 103: SCA(1)

Seum, Dan

SB 1, 4, 10*, 49*, 54*, 55*, 68, 74*, 107*, 108*, 117*, 130*, 176*, 245, 262*, 279*, 280*

SJR 3, 54, 156

SR 8, 9*, 10*, 11*, 12*, 13*, 14*, 15, 22, 26, 27, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 74, 77, 79*, 91, 92, 103, 128*, 146, 169, 175, 191, 207*

HB 188: SCA(1); HB 195: SFA(1), (2); HB 225: SFA(1)

SB 55: SFA(1)

Shaughnessy, Tim

SB 73*, 85*, 97, 98*, 105, 113*, 128, 238*, 254*, 271

SJR 18, 54

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 20, 22, 24*, 26, 27, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 74, 78*, 91, 92, 103, 113, 114, 132, 138, 146, 161, 169, 172, 189, 191, 241, 242, 249*, 261

HB 188: SFA(2); HB 227: SFA(1), (2)

SB 1: SFA(1), (2); SB 224: SFA(1), (2); SB 238: SFA(5)

Stine, Katie

SB 1, 3, 4, 89, 95, 135, 220*, 245

SJR 3, 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 23, 26, 27, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 74, 77, 90*, 98*, 103, 145*, 146, 147*, 161, 169, 191, 207*, 224*, 227*, 239, 259*

HB 152: SFA(1); HB 404: SFA(1)

HCR 8: SCA(1)

SB 89: SCA(1); SB 209: SCA(1); SB 220: SFA(1)

Stivers, Robert

SB 140, 143*, 163*, 207*, 208*, 209*, 210*, 211*, 231*, 242*, 246*, 261*, 277*

SJR 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 103, 117*, 120*, 146, 169, 191

HB 48: SFA(1), (2); HB 161: SFA(3), (5); HB 395: SCA(21); HB 441: SCA(2), SFA(2); HB 708: SFA(1)

SB 75: SFA(2); SB 155: SCA(1)

Tapp, Gary

SB 1, 2, 3*, 4, 8, 9, 13*, 20*, 24*, 25*, 34*, 36, 59, 63*, 70, 71, 86*, 133*, 148*, 175*, 229*, 245*

SJR 32*, 44, 156

SR 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13*, 15, 22, 26, 27, 31*, 35, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 74*, 77, 103, 118*, 146, 160, 161, 169, 191, 214*, 215*, 237*

HB 362: SCA(1), (2), (3); HB 441: SCA(1); HB 595: SCA(1)

SB 34: SFA(1); SB 47: SFA(1), (2); SB 122: SFA(1); SB 156: SCA(1)

Thayer, Damon

SB 1, 4, 7*, 8*, 9*, 38, 50*, 83, 89, 100, 102, 145*, 197, 228*, 245

SJR 3, 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15*, 22, 23*, 26, 27, 29*, 33, 42, 48, 49*, 53*, 55, 58, 62, 63*, 73, 74, 77*, 82*, 90, 97*, 98, 103, 135*, 146, 169, 175, 191, 209, 227, 235*, 239*, 250*

HB 67: SFA(1); HB 242: SFA(3); HB 441: SFA(4)

SB 4: SFA(2); SB 130: SFA(3), (4)

Tori, Elizabeth

SB 1, 4, 8, 78*, 83*, 84*, 99, 204*, 245

SJR 44, 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 73, 75*, 77, 103, 146, 160, 169, 191, 209

HB 187: SFA(1), (2); HB 413: SFA(1); HB 510: SFA(1)

Turner, Johnny Ray

SB 21*, 28*, 67*, 73, 99, 128, 131, 134*, 140*, 143*, 191*, 215, 240, 246, 263, 272

SJR 18*, 21*, 44*, 126*

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 25*, 26, 27, 35, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55*, 56*, 58, 60*, 62, 72, 91, 92, 95*, 96*, 100*, 102*, 103, 104*, 110*, 132, 134*, 138, 139*, 140, 146, 150*, 160, 161, 164*, 169, 175, 177, 189, 190*, 191, 195*, 196*, 209, 213*, 226*, 230*, 231*, 234*, 241, 242

SB 28: SFA(1)

Westwood, Jack

SB 1, 4, 15, 36, 38*, 39*, 52, 59, 71*, 89, 97, 100*, 109*, 145*, 174*, 179*, 195*, 197*, 220, 245

SJR 3, 80*, 83*, 156

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 23*, 26, 27, 33*, 41*, 42, 48, 55, 58, 62, 72, 73*, 74, 77*, 81*, 90*, 91, 92, 98*, 103, 119*, 146, 160, 161, 169, 175, 189, 191, 209, 227*, 239

HB 593: SFA(1)

SB 109: SFA(1), (2); SB 197: SFA(1), (2); SB 238: SFA(1)

Williams, David L.

SB 1*, 2*, 251*

SCR 233*, 256*

SJR 156*

SR 1*, 2*, 6*, 8, 9, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 35*, 42, 48*, 55, 58*, 62*, 72, 77, 103, 106*, 146, 169, 191*, 221*, 243*, 251*, 252*, 253*, 254*

SB 2: SFA(3)

Worley, Ed

SB 42, 44, 64, 73, 99, 128, 131*, 140, 168*, 173*, 191, 214*, 225*, 235*, 240, 272

SJR 18, 21

SR 8, 9, 12, 15, 22*, 26, 27, 35, 36, 41, 42, 48, 55, 58, 60, 62, 72*, 91, 92, 103, 113, 132, 137*, 140*, 146, 150, 160, 161, 169, 175, 189, 191, 209, 241, 242, 251, 252, 253, 254

HB 441: SFA(1)


Adams, John

HB 52, 94, 105, 277, 281, 289, 323, 339, 341, 372, 390, 450, 475, 483, 488, 519, 582

HCR 134*, 161, 172, 198*, 206, 210

HJR 113

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 108, 111, 118, 139, 145, 151, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HCR 134: HFA(1)

SB 34: HFA(1)

Adams, Royce

HB 18, 26, 52, 97, 108, 188, 202*, 203*, 207, 273, 281, 315, 323*, 357*, 361, 375, 377*, 400, 404, 586*

HCR 6, 14, 17, 44, 45, 78, 87, 112, 190*, 206

HJR 12, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 280

Adkins, Rocky

HB 52, 97, 108, 113, 344, 361, 418*, 484, 489*, 551*, 577, 588

HCR 8*, 22*, 23*, 24*, 25*, 26*, 27*, 28*, 29*, 30*, 31*, 32*, 33*, 34*, 35*, 36*, 39*, 66*, 67*, 78*, 120*, 121*, 122*, 123*, 210

HJR 64*

HR 3*, 37*, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71*, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 174, 176*, 177*, 180, 183*, 200, 205, 208, 226*, 227*, 238, 239, 240*, 245*, 247, 251*, 253, 254*, 265*, 267, 268, 270, 280, 282*, 284, 286, 289*, 296*

HB 9: HFA(1)

Arnold Jr, John

HB 18, 26, 52, 55, 97, 105, 123, 188, 286*, 287*, 295, 315, 323, 400, 460, 500, 519, 556

HCR 6, 14, 45, 124*, 210

HJR 98

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 83, 85, 88, 95*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 148*, 151*, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 245, 248, 251, 253, 264*, 267, 270, 280, 286

HB 286: HFA(1)

Arnold, Adrian

HB 18, 26, 97, 108, 188, 208*, 209*, 210*, 211*, 281*, 289, 298, 299, 306*, 315, 323, 361, 364, 381*, 382*, 398*, 400, 404, 406*, 426*, 427*, 428*, 429*, 460, 483, 519, 619*, 664, 669*, 670*

HCR 14, 45, 87, 210

HJR 147*, 156*, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284

HB 209: HCA(1); HB 393: HFA(2), (3); HB 619: HFA(1)

SB 245: HCA(1)

Ballard, Eddie

HB 3, 18, 100, 108, 113, 123, 188, 198*, 199*, 200*, 201*, 225, 229*, 295, 392, 484, 488, 500, 504*, 505*, 556, 577, 582

HCR 14, 44, 45, 203, 206*, 210

HJR 54*, 55*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56*, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 205, 208, 229*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248*, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

SB 106: HFA(15); SB 160: HFA(4)

SJR 83: HFA(4)

Barrows, Joe

HB 58, 108, 113, 264, 281, 315, 323, 341, 344, 361, 392, 398, 449*, 450, 519*, 535*, 588, 623, 683*, 702*, 708*, 709*, 714*

HCR 112, 204*, 210, 217*

HJR 214

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75*, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 145, 151, 154, 157*, 158*, 174, 180*, 182*, 200, 208, 239, 251, 253, 257*, 266*, 267, 270, 275*, 280, 284, 286, 296

HB 519: HFA(1), (2); HB 535: HFA(1); HB 615: HFA(1); HB 683: HFA(1)

SB 1: HFA(3), (4); SB 75: HFA(1), (2); SB 106: HFA(11); SB 139: HFA(2), (3); SB 246: HFA(3)

Bather, Paul

HB 1, 2, 7, 52, 98, 105, 212*, 215*, 216*, 255*, 267*, 275*, 288*, 298, 299, 310*, 338, 368*, 376, 452*, 475, 488, 500, 588*, 595, 600*

HCR 172, 203

HJR 79*, 119*

HR 56, 71, 77, 88, 89, 130, 131, 137, 139, 154, 170*, 173, 208, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284

HB 372: HFA(11); HB 389: HFA(1); HB 588: HFA(1)

SB 245: HFA(10), (11)

Baugh, Sheldon

HB 3, 40, 55, 134*, 165*, 166*, 169*, 170, 171, 281, 318, 390, 555*, 578*, 579*, 613, 660

HCR 4, 112, 144*, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 237, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

Belcher, Carolyn

HB 18, 52, 57, 94, 97, 105, 127*, 135, 136, 192*, 251*, 281, 289, 315, 323, 392, 420*, 458*, 483, 491*, 500, 519, 572, 582, 595, 635*, 699*

HCR 8, 204*, 206, 210

HJR 91*, 142*, 147, 214*, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 182, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 266, 267, 268, 270, 273*, 280, 284, 286

HB 127: HFA(1), (2); HB 172: HFA(4), (5), (6), (7); HB 369: HFA(1); HB 627: HFA(6)

SB 106: HFA(6), (7)

Bratcher, Kevin

HB 3, 13, 52, 55, 105, 108, 124*, 125*, 328*, 329*, 336, 347*, 358, 376, 398, 520*, 521*, 570, 613, 621, 640, 703

HCR 14, 112, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 180, 200, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 407: HFA(1)

SB 189: HFA(1), (2)

Brinkman, Scott

HB 3, 13, 52, 96*, 105, 113, 124, 133*, 190*, 221*, 277, 281, 289, 305*, 318, 328, 330, 340, 344, 376*, 404, 412*, 421*, 475, 496*, 576, 613, 620*, 621*, 640, 660, 662*, 663*

HCR 6, 14, 41, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 145, 146*, 151, 154, 180, 200, 237*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 272*, 280, 284, 286

HB 305: HCA(1); HB 344: HFA(1)

Bruce, James

HB 3, 18, 55, 113, 227, 281, 295*, 352*, 361, 398, 435, 436, 488*, 500*, 582, 588, 633*, 650*, 710

HCR 17, 203*, 206*, 210

HR 56, 71, 75, 77, 84*, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 115*, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 276, 280, 284, 286

HCR 203: HFA(1), (2)

Buckingham, Buddy

HB 1, 2, 18, 26, 65*, 94, 97, 108, 113, 116, 123, 153, 155, 157, 182*, 183*, 188, 226, 249, 252*, 271, 289, 315, 318, 319, 400, 460, 475, 483, 512*, 519, 528*, 540*, 549*, 556, 576*, 577*, 582, 620*, 627, 631*, 651, 652

HCR 6, 14, 45, 112, 161, 210

HJR 40*, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 228*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284

Burch, Tom

HB 45*, 46*, 47*, 52, 56, 67, 81*, 82*, 83*, 84*, 85*, 86*, 87*, 88*, 89*, 90*, 105, 115, 116, 148*, 149*, 150*, 213*, 214*, 218*, 253*, 254*, 260*, 261, 298, 299, 322*, 338, 341, 342*, 376, 390, 404*, 455*, 462, 475, 511, 514, 516*, 541, 561*, 570, 576*, 580*, 587*, 588, 595, 599*, 602*, 623, 630*, 636*, 637*, 694, 698*, 703, 704

HCR 161*, 172, 210

HJR 65*, 107

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83*, 88*, 108, 110*, 111, 118*, 130*, 131, 137, 139, 145, 151, 157, 158, 162, 173, 180, 188*, 189*, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247*, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 284, 286

HB 85: HFA(1); HB 90: HFA(1); HB 148: HFA(1), (3); HB 149: HFA(1); HB 260: HFA(1); HB 395: HFA(17), (18); HB 404: HFA(1); HB 516: HFA(1), (2), (3); HB 585: HCA(1)

SB 17: HFA(3), (4); SB 40: HFA(6), (7), (8); SB 115: HFA(1), (2); SB 153: HFA(1), (2), (5); SB 156: HFA(2), (3); SB 206: HCA(1)

Butler, Denver

HB 18, 52, 105, 113, 262, 420*, 466*, 485*, 541, 570, 588, 595, 636, 637, 703

HCR 172, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 88, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 162*, 173, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

SB 55: HFA(7), (8), (9); SB 106: HFA(9); SB 156: HFA(1)

Butler, Dwight

HB 3, 11*, 55, 94, 187*, 195, 281, 287, 293, 309*, 323, 324*, 340, 341, 350, 372, 390, 481*, 519*, 640*

HCR 4, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 237, 238, 239, 242*, 245, 248, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 324: HFA(1); HB 640: HFA(1)

Callahan, Jim

HB 52, 54, 58, 94, 107, 108, 113, 207, 315, 344, 357, 361, 413, 423*, 451*, 475, 492*, 494*, 518*, 519, 637, 664*, 666*, 668*

HCR 39, 210

HR 3, 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 88, 89, 96*, 101, 108, 109*, 111, 118, 139, 145, 151, 154*, 158, 174, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 279*, 280, 284, 286, 296

SB 60: HFA(1)

Cherry, Mike

HB 18, 26, 52, 55, 67, 69*, 80, 97, 105, 108, 113, 123, 185*, 233*, 234*, 235*, 236*, 237*, 281, 289, 298, 303*, 304*, 315, 323, 340, 372, 429, 435*, 436*, 446*, 450, 460, 461*, 475, 483, 519, 528, 540*, 541, 549*

HCR 17, 44, 45, 59*, 78, 161, 206, 210

HJR 58*, 113*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 89, 108, 111, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 200, 205, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

SB 52: HFA(6), (7); SB 85: HFA(1), (2); SB 138: HFA(1), (2)

Clark, Larry

HB 11, 52, 58, 94*, 105, 108, 113, 116, 226, 228, 249, 289, 315, 325*, 330, 336, 340, 344, 349, 350, 361, 376, 391, 404, 450, 460, 484*, 489, 511, 514, 528, 570*, 577*, 582, 588, 595, 627, 636*, 637*, 640, 694, 703, 704*

HCR 5, 16*, 78*, 172*, 210

HJR 107

HR 3*, 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101*, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 137, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 162, 173, 174*, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286, 296

SB 150: HFA(3), (4)

SJR 156: HFA(1), (2)

Clark, Perry

HB 7, 18, 20, 26, 52, 82, 100, 108, 113, 116, 183, 188, 225, 226, 228, 278*, 279*, 280*, 285, 286, 287, 323, 330*, 331*, 332*, 333*, 334*, 335*, 352, 371, 376, 384*, 386*, 390, 398, 404, 421*, 464*, 465*, 475, 483, 484, 500, 541, 570, 581*, 606*, 623*, 640, 698, 703, 704

HCR 14, 68*, 86*, 172, 184*, 206

HJR 12

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 93*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 162, 173, 180, 200, 208, 213, 238, 239, 244, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 493: HFA(1)

HCR 102: HFA(1), (2)

Coleman, Jack

HB 27*, 52, 105, 108, 144, 176*, 177*, 178*, 179*, 180*, 192, 220, 315, 323, 519, 540, 595

HCR 210

HJR 116*

HR 37, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 235*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 267, 270, 280*, 284, 286

HB 178: HFA(1); HB 461: HFA(2)

SB 60: HFA(3); SB 148: HFA(1); SB 150: HFA(5); SB 151: HFA(3), (4); SB 154: HFA(6), (7)

Collins, Hubert

HB 13, 18, 55, 95, 108, 113, 172*, 195, 309, 358, 369*, 370*, 408, 459*, 488, 526*, 554*, 562

HCR 4, 17, 44, 45, 161, 194*

HJR 69*, 192*, 196*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 200, 208, 238, 239*, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284*, 286

HB 71: HCA(1); HB 172: HFA(1), (2), (3); HB 200: HFA(1), (2); HB 495: HCA(1); HB 526: HCA(1), HFA(1)

HCR 60: HCA(1)

HJR 116: HCA(1)

SB 106: HCA(1); SB 142: HFA(1), (2); SB 154: HFA(1), (2), (5)

Comer, James

HB 3, 44*, 62*, 97, 113, 230*, 306*, 323, 340, 361, 376, 609*, 631*, 660

HCR 14, 87, 210

HR 37, 56, 71, 75, 83, 88, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 151, 208, 238, 239, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 280, 284

HB 344: HFA(2); HB 459: HFA(2)

Cornett, Howard

HB 3, 13, 95, 113, 171, 273*, 274*, 390, 393*, 470, 499*, 566*, 577, 613, 650, 659

HCR 6, 14, 17, 20, 44, 45, 202, 210

HJR 10, 126*

HR 37, 47*, 48*, 49*, 50*, 51*, 52*, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 244, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 395: HFA(24)

Couch, Tim

HB 3, 10*, 16, 55, 323, 460, 470, 499, 613

HCR 14, 202, 210

HJR 10, 18*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 244, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

SB 155: HFA(1)

Crall, Brian

HB 3, 13, 113, 116, 289, 313*, 342, 390, 528, 582, 613, 619*, 640, 650, 681*

HCR 210

HJR 136, 207

HR 37, 56, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 111, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 171*, 180, 200, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 325: HFA(1), (2), (3); HB 372: HFA(3), (4), (5), (6); HB 611: HFA(1)

Crenshaw, Jesse

HB 7, 25, 52, 55, 58, 76, 130, 140, 298, 299, 371, 483, 541, 552, 572, 640

HCR 210

HJR 216, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 137*, 145, 151, 154, 158, 174, 180, 182, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 266*, 267, 268, 280, 284, 286

Crimm, Ron

HB 3, 13, 14, 29*, 30*, 35*, 43, 52, 55, 95, 105, 124, 125, 157, 175*, 195, 204*, 205*, 223, 247, 281, 295, 303, 341, 346, 358, 376, 387*, 404, 413, 475, 476*, 486*, 488, 503*, 507*, 508*, 509*, 511, 520, 521, 527*, 534*, 592*, 613, 618, 634, 639, 648, 700

HCR 4, 13*, 203

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 76, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 221*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270

HB 592: HFA(1), (2)

SB 135: HFA(1)

Damron, Robert

HB 4*, 5*, 6*, 7*, 18*, 19*, 20*, 21*, 26, 52, 59*, 68*, 94, 108*, 113, 188, 192*, 225, 266*, 315, 319*, 340, 341, 352*, 364, 380*, 392*, 456*, 483, 489*, 500, 519, 529*, 532, 605*, 616*, 712*

HCR 4, 5*, 14, 17, 41, 44, 45, 206, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 96, 101, 108*, 111, 130, 131*, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 182, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 266, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 108: HFA(3); HB 336: HFA(3); HB 369: HFA(2); HB 395: HFA(12), (13); HB 456: HFA(1); HB 650: HFA(1), (2), (3), (4)

SB 52: HFA(8); SB 95: HFA(2), (3); SB 96: HFA(1); SB 106: HFA(12), (13); SB 251: HFA(1), (2)

Denham, Mike

HB 57*, 63, 64, 65, 97, 113, 130, 189*, 217*, 249, 251, 281, 289, 315, 361*, 444*, 584*, 596*, 609, 650, 699*

HCR 14, 35, 87, 106*, 114*, 187*, 203, 210

HJR 43*, 147

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 61*, 70*, 71, 77*, 83, 88, 89, 96*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 145, 151, 154*, 158, 180, 200, 238, 239, 245, 246*, 247, 251, 252*, 253, 261*, 263*, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 62: HFA(1); HB 444: HFA(1); HB 584: HFA(1); HB 639: HFA(1)

HJR 147: HFA(1), (2)

SB 106: HFA(2); SB 246: HFA(2)

DeWeese, Bob

HB 3, 52, 55, 116, 328, 344, 346*, 456*, 613, 660, 685*

HCR 4, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 395: HFA(10), (26), (27), (28), (29), (30), (31), (32), (33), (34), (35), (37), (40), (41), (42), (43); HB 397: HFA(1)

Draud, Jon

HB 3, 13, 43*, 54*, 55, 77, 98*, 107*, 203, 206*, 207*, 270, 281, 289, 293, 318*, 323, 357, 417*, 475, 489, 519, 632, 636, 637, 664

HCR 60, 186*

HJR 12

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 174, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 262*, 268, 280, 284, 286

HB 98: HFA(1); HB 410: HFA(2)

Edmonds, Ted "Teddy"

HB 3, 18, 26, 99, 108, 113, 227, 298, 299, 323, 348*, 380*, 400, 429, 460, 475, 488, 500, 519, 588, 595

HCR 4, 6, 14, 202, 210

HJR 9*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 231*, 238, 239, 245, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

SB 106: HFA(1)

Embry Jr, C.B.

HB 3, 11, 13, 31, 36, 52, 55, 90, 95, 104, 108, 113, 144*, 157, 159, 165, 195, 309, 358, 390, 499, 519, 520, 521, 554, 613, 640, 653

HCR 5, 14, 44, 45, 78

HJR 19

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 89, 101, 108, 111, 130, 139, 151, 154, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 280, 284, 286

Farmer, Bill

HB 3, 55, 108, 113, 114*, 135*, 136*, 227, 315, 488, 493, 572, 650, 660

HCR 21*, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 182, 200, 208, 234*, 238, 239, 245, 251, 266, 268, 270, 280, 284

HB 395: HFA(4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)

Feeley, Tim

HB 3, 52, 55, 105, 107, 133, 151*, 193, 207, 219*, 246*, 261*, 289, 318, 341, 390, 430*, 440*, 475*, 483, 519, 571*, 632*, 660, 698, 703

HCR 210

HJR 79

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 76*, 77, 83, 88, 89, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 1: HFA(2); HB 25: HFA(1); HB 187: HFA(1); HB 261: HFA(1)

SB 153: HFA(3), (4), (6); SB 246: HFA(1)

Fischer, Joseph

HB 3, 13, 95, 143*, 170*, 171*, 173*, 312*, 323, 358, 613*, 655*, 656*, 657*, 658*, 659*

HCR 4, 17, 44, 45, 60

HJR 12*, 209*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 154, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 395: HFA(19), (20), (21), (22)

Ford, Danny

HB 3, 13, 97, 108, 113, 323, 390, 530*, 531*, 532*, 660

HCR 4, 17

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 75, 83, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

HB 395: HFA(1); HB 461: HFA(1)

Geveden, Charles

HB 58, 94, 105, 185*, 271*, 289*, 290*, 291*, 435*, 436*, 445*, 446*, 450, 488, 512*, 513*, 519, 528*, 540, 547*, 565*, 601*, 611*, 612*, 627

HCR 44, 45, 210, 223*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 89, 97*, 101, 108, 111, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 174, 185*, 200, 208, 219*, 225*, 237, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 390: HFA(1); HB 512: HCA(1); HB 547: HFA(1)

SB 139: HFA(1); SB 152: HFA(1); SB 219: HCA(1)

Gooch, James

HB 13, 18, 26, 97, 108, 188, 227, 259*, 286, 287, 295*, 400, 408*, 460, 468*, 488, 500*, 537, 546*, 556*, 567*, 568*, 582*, 650

HCR 6, 14, 45, 161, 210

HJR 98*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 85*, 88, 89, 101, 111, 131, 151, 154, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248*, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 285*, 286

HB 450: HFA(1), (2); HB 546: HCA(1)

HJR 98: HCA(1)

Graham, Derrick

HB 52, 74*, 105, 106*, 108, 263*, 264*, 321*, 339, 341, 349, 392, 411*, 417, 475, 511, 514, 519, 541, 552, 588, 595, 608*, 618*, 623, 667*, 701*

HCR 210

HJR 107

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 137, 139, 145, 151, 154, 157*, 158*, 180*, 200, 208, 238, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

SB 80: HFA(1)

Gray, J. R.

HB 18, 66*, 95*, 108, 186, 188, 191*, 196*, 262, 281, 315, 358*, 374*, 398, 400, 415*, 450, 457*, 484, 488, 499, 541, 627, 640, 688*, 689*, 690*, 691*

HCR 4, 14, 17*, 44*, 45*, 112, 134*, 161*, 206, 210

HJR 46*, 98, 113*, 196

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53*, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 205*, 208, 213*, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HCR 161: HFA(1)

SB 52: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 55: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 92: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 135: HFA(2), (3), (4); SB 146: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 187: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 200: HFA(1), (2), (3)

Hall, Keith

HB 13, 15, 16, 18, 26, 28, 36, 52, 63, 64, 65, 69, 92, 95, 106, 108, 113, 130, 178, 185, 186*, 188, 190, 192, 195, 196, 249, 289, 298, 299, 340, 358*, 369*, 370*, 384, 390, 391, 400, 460, 470, 475, 483, 484, 488*, 499, 500, 502*, 537, 553*, 556*, 577, 609, 639*

HCR 4, 6, 14, 16, 20, 44, 45, 161, 202*, 210

HJR 42, 150*, 196

HR 37, 56, 71, 77, 88, 89, 101, 111, 131, 137, 139, 151, 154, 180, 199*, 200, 208, 238, 239, 244*, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 267*, 268, 270, 276, 280, 284, 286

HB 199: HFA(1); HB 562: HFA(2); HB 627: HCA(2), HFA(8)

SB 245: HFA(7)

Harmon, Mike

HB 3, 55, 95, 108, 170, 171, 227, 306, 339, 347*, 358, 613*, 644*, 653*, 660, 661*

HCR 4, 17, 102*

HJR 153*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 154, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 357: HFA(3); HB 484: HFA(1), (2)

Harper, Mary

HB 3, 13, 55, 181*, 184*, 358, 443, 475, 613, 640

HCR 4, 210, 223

HR 37, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

Haydon, Jodie

HB 18, 26, 33*, 70*, 188*, 238*, 239*, 298, 364, 400, 475, 493, 501*, 588, 636, 637, 662, 664

HCR 14, 206, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 77, 88, 89, 101, 108, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280

HJR 18: HFA(1), (2)

Higdon, Jimmy

HB 3, 148, 218, 227*, 323, 341, 475, 500, 530, 532, 588, 613, 624*, 633*, 634*, 650, 660


HR 37, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 193*, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284

HB 227: HCA(1), HFA(3)

Hoffman, Charlie

HB 11, 13, 18, 52, 92, 94, 97, 105, 108, 113, 116, 144, 145*, 158, 159, 188, 195, 196*, 197*, 228, 249, 273, 274, 281, 298, 299, 305, 315, 336, 340, 341, 350, 361, 376, 398, 400, 404, 443, 450, 454*, 460*, 484, 499, 511, 514, 533*, 548*, 595, 640

HCR 14, 16, 45, 78, 87, 204, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53*, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118, 125*, 130, 131, 133*, 137, 139, 141*, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271*, 280, 284, 286

HB 108: HFA(1), (2); HB 454: HFA(1)

SB 106: HFA(14)

Hoover, Jeffrey

HB 3, 137*, 138*, 139*, 140*, 141*, 146*, 268*, 308*, 313*, 344, 389*, 395*, 409*, 410*, 613, 640, 660*

HCR 210, 223*

HJR 103*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111*, 118, 130, 131, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 249*, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

HB 6: HFA(1); HB 50: HFA(1); HB 172: HFA(9); HB 398: HFA(1); HB 410: HFA(1)

HR 155: HFA(1), (2); HR 188: HFA(1)

SB 245: HFA(8), (9)

Horlander, Dennis

HB 52, 82, 94, 195, 200, 228, 281, 315, 341, 350, 362, 372, 376, 391, 398*, 421, 459, 475, 484, 514, 541, 570, 595, 623, 627, 636, 637, 640, 694, 703*, 704*, 705*

HCR 172

HJR 107

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 162, 173, 180, 200, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286*

HB 398: HFA(2); HB 703: HFA(1)

Jenkins, Joni

HB 52*, 54, 55, 71, 105, 116, 124, 125, 148, 228, 298, 299, 302*, 315, 330, 336, 337*, 340, 341*, 349, 353*, 354*, 360, 362*, 363*, 376*, 390, 450, 488, 499, 503*, 511*, 514, 541*, 552, 570*, 583*, 588, 595, 621*, 629*, 636, 637, 692*, 693*, 698*, 703*, 704

HCR 161, 172, 210

HJR 107*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81, 83, 88, 89, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118*, 130, 131, 139, 151, 154, 173, 175*, 180, 200, 208, 237, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

HB 570: HFA(1)

HCR 17: HFA(2)

SB 40: HFA(4), (5); SB 64: HFA(5); SB 79: HFA(1), (2); SB 179: HFA(1), (2)

Kerr, Thomas

HB 3, 13, 52, 77*, 222*, 223*, 224*, 247*, 248*, 270, 282*, 284*, 285*, 323, 375*, 417, 431*, 462*, 483, 519, 607*, 613, 660

HCR 4, 17, 44, 45, 60

HJR 12

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 83, 88, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

SB 143: HFA(1)

Lee, Jimmie

HB 18, 34*, 52, 55, 94, 105*, 116*, 249*, 269*, 292, 315, 477*, 495*, 582, 641, 654*

HCR 206

HJR 11*, 136*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 175*, 180, 200, 208, 237, 238, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 105: HFA(1), (2); HB 116: HFA(1); HB 395: HFA(3); HB 495: HFA(1)

SB 160: HFA(1)

Lee, Stan

HB 3*, 12*, 13, 14*, 31*, 32*, 48*, 51*, 55, 108, 170, 171, 250*, 327*, 336, 358, 613, 659, 660

HCR 4, 17, 102*, 112, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 75, 77, 83, 101, 108, 111, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 159*, 180, 182*, 200, 208, 238, 239, 251, 253, 266, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 108: HFA(4)

SB 245: HFA(1), (2)

Lindsay, Gross

HB 25*, 161*, 241*, 242*, 243*, 244*, 245*, 256*, 257*, 272*, 276*, 314*, 416*, 445, 506*, 517*, 544*, 615, 674*, 675*, 676*, 678*, 679*, 680*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 118, 130, 131, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 264, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 269: HCA(1)

SB 14: HFA(4); SB 89: HFA(1), (2); SB 155: HCA(1), (2); SB 163: HCA(1); SB 174: HCA(1)

Marcotte, Paul

HB 3, 13, 32, 53*, 55, 94, 108, 226, 270*, 282, 289, 323, 375*, 417, 543*, 582, 613

HCR 4, 17, 60*, 210

HJR 12*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 96, 101, 108, 110*, 111, 118, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 180, 200, 208, 239, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 53: HFA(1), (2)

Marzian, Mary Lou

HB 52, 54, 71*, 72*, 73*, 80, 89, 93, 105, 107, 116, 148, 153*, 154*, 155*, 157*, 260, 261, 278, 298, 299, 315, 316*, 330, 336, 338*, 341, 349*, 360*, 376, 378*, 390, 391, 398, 412*, 417, 450*, 474, 475, 483, 493, 503, 541, 552, 570, 571*, 575*, 576, 588, 595*, 671*, 677*, 685, 704

HCR 172, 210

HJR 107

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81, 83, 88, 89, 101, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 162, 173, 200, 208, 237*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268*, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 71: HFA(2); HB 72: HFA(1); HB 100: HFA(1); HB 108: HFA(5); HB 132: HFA(1), (2); HB 146: HFA(1), (2); HB 157: HCA(1); HB 261: HFA(2), (3); HB 301: HFA(1), (2); HB 324: HFA(2), (3); HB 540: HFA(12)

HCR 17: HFA(1), (4)

SJR 148: HFA(1)

McKee, Thomas

HB 52, 57, 58*, 65, 77, 92, 97*, 113, 116, 274, 281*, 286, 287, 301*, 305, 323, 339, 361, 365*, 376, 384, 400, 404, 419*, 435, 436, 441*, 450, 454, 460, 483, 569*, 588, 596, 710

HCR 87, 124, 187, 203, 210

HJR 12, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 92*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 168*, 180, 200, 208, 232, 236*, 237, 238, 239, 241*, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 286

Meade, Charles E.

HB 18, 595, 623*

HCR 202, 210

HR 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 244, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267*, 268, 270, 280, 284

Meeks, Reginald

HB 18, 52, 78*, 89, 105, 109*, 110*, 111*, 113, 119*, 123, 126*, 167*, 168*, 195, 198, 228, 293, 298, 299, 330*, 338, 349, 350, 376, 457, 471, 475, 485, 510, 541, 552*, 559*, 560*, 570, 588*, 595, 602*, 623, 636, 637, 644*, 645*, 653*, 703, 704

HCR 172, 210

HJR 107*, 153*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 62*, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 137*, 139, 145, 149*, 151, 154, 158, 162, 173, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 244*, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 109: HCA(1); HB 540: HFA(5); HB 645: HFA(1)

SB 106: HFA(8)

Miller, Charles

HB 52, 105, 113, 195*, 228*, 273, 274, 292, 293*, 349, 350*, 376, 391*, 450, 460, 462, 511*, 514*, 540, 541, 570, 595, 636, 637, 640, 694*, 703, 704

HCR 4, 172, 210

HJR 107

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 162, 173, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 227: HFA(2); HB 350: HFA(1)

Moberly, Harry

HB 52, 58, 105, 113, 116, 152*, 162*, 163*, 164*, 193*, 194*, 240*, 249*, 269*, 292*, 315, 318, 351*, 396*, 397*, 450, 641*, 710*

HJR 82*, 104*, 105*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 108, 111, 117*, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 179*, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 162: HFA(1), (2); HB 163: HFA(1); HB 193: HFA(1); HB 249: HCA(1); HB 297: HCA(1); HB 323: HCA(1); HB 351: HCA(1); HB 395: HFA(38), (39)

SB 64: HCA(1), HFA(1); SB 100: HCA(1), (2), (3); SB 228: HFA(1); SB 251: HCA(1), HFA(4)

Mobley, Russ

HB 3, 13, 28, 43, 55, 97, 99, 113, 323, 341, 358, 475, 530, 532*, 613, 651*, 652, 660

HCR 4, 17

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

Montell, Brad

HB 3, 52, 95, 99*, 101*, 105, 124, 125, 170, 171, 404, 613, 660, 710

HCR 4, 41*, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 245, 251, 253*, 267, 268, 270, 280, 286

HB 336: HFA(1); HB 436: HFA(1)

Napier, Lonnie

HB 3, 13*, 55*, 108, 195, 207, 390*, 399, 401*, 402*, 469*, 483, 490*, 499, 557*, 582, 606, 613, 627, 640*

HCR 4*, 17, 206, 210

HJR 82*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 88, 89*, 101, 108, 111, 117*, 118, 130, 131, 139*, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 213, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

SB 34: HFA(2), (3); SB 148: HFA(2), (3); SB 163: HFA(1), (2); SB 206: HFA(1), (2); SB 219: HFA(2), (3); SB 245: HFA(3), (4)

Nelson, Rick

HB 3, 11*, 16*, 17*, 18, 26, 28*, 43, 52, 63, 64, 69, 95, 105, 106, 108, 113, 176, 177, 178, 186*, 188, 192, 195, 298, 299, 309*, 340*, 355*, 358, 460, 470, 474*, 488, 499, 500, 540, 553*, 595, 617*, 640

HCR 6*, 14*, 17, 20*, 41*, 44, 45, 161, 202, 210

HJR 10, 42*, 212*

HR 37, 56, 71, 77, 83, 88, 89, 99*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 127*, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 276, 280, 284, 286

HB 336: HFA(2); HB 395: HFA(2); HB 604: HFA(1), (2), (3), (4)

SB 111: HFA(1), (2), (3), (4); SB 245: HFA(5), (6)

Nesler, Fred

HB 7, 18, 20, 26, 97, 100, 108, 113, 185, 188, 225, 262, 273, 309, 323, 364, 372, 383*, 384*, 385*, 386*, 399, 400, 435, 436, 488, 500, 606, 616, 623, 627, 713*

HCR 14, 44, 45, 206, 210

HJR 98, 218*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 80*, 88, 89, 101, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 178*, 200, 205*, 208, 213, 238, 239, 243*, 245, 251, 255*, 267, 268, 270, 277*, 280, 284

SB 106: HFA(16)

Nunn, Stephen

HB 3, 52, 56*, 60*, 67*, 94, 97, 103*, 104*, 105, 112*, 115*, 116, 220*, 265*, 268*, 317*, 320*, 336, 339, 404, 405*, 435, 436, 450, 470, 475, 482*, 483, 487*, 493*, 497*, 538*

HJR 38*, 132*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 130, 131, 137, 139, 145, 151, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 1: HFA(1); HB 15: HFA(1); HB 56: HCA(1); HB 81: HFA(1); HB 115: HFA(1); HB 148: HFA(2), (4); HB 156: HFA(2), (3); HB 320: HFA(1); HB 372: HFA(9); HB 395: HFA(11), (14); HB 413: HFA(4), (5); HB 493: HFA(2); HB 540: HFA(1), (2); HB 570: HFA(2), (3)

SB 14: HFA(1), (2); SB 16: HFA(1), (2); SB 17: HFA(1), (2); SB 40: HFA(1), (2); SB 45: HFA(1), (2); SB 83: HFA(1), (2), (3); SB 186: HFA(1), (2)

Palumbo, Ruth Ann

HB 18, 52, 76, 82, 89, 105, 107, 113, 148, 159, 188, 193, 226, 227, 258, 262, 277, 303, 336, 338, 364, 372, 390, 392, 413, 471, 475, 483, 540, 593*, 595, 597*, 598*, 609, 614*, 638*, 647*, 648*, 649*, 671*, 672*, 673*, 687*, 700*

HCR 8, 14, 161, 202, 204, 210, 215

HJR 54, 136, 211*, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81, 83, 88, 89, 95, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130*, 131, 139, 145, 151*, 154, 158, 180, 182, 197*, 200, 208*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 250*, 251, 253, 266, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286, 296

HB 227: HFA(1); HB 593: HFA(1); HB 598: HFA(1); HB 648: HFA(1), (2); HB 672: HFA(1)

SB 95: HFA(4)

Pasley, Don

HB 1, 2, 18, 26, 49, 50, 52, 92*, 97, 105, 108, 113, 188, 232*, 249, 281, 298, 299, 351*, 352, 361, 450, 483, 488, 497, 519, 595, 641*, 686*

HCR 6, 14, 44, 45, 87*, 124*, 203, 210

HJR 7, 82, 218

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 117, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145*, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 234*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 273*, 280, 284, 286

HB 351: HFA(1)

SB 16: HFA(3), (4); SB 40: HFA(3); SB 106: HFA(3), (4), (5)

Pullin, Tanya

HB 18, 55, 79*, 80*, 94, 96, 113, 135, 301, 339, 340*, 430*, 488, 571, 582, 617, 626*, 627*, 639*, 640, 665, 682*

HCR 8, 44, 45, 161, 206

HJR 129*, 150*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 81, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 224*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 256*, 260*, 267, 268, 270, 276*, 278*, 280, 281*, 284, 285*, 286, 287*

HB 627: HCA(1), HFA(1), (2), (7), (9), (10)

Rader, Marie

HB 3, 13, 52, 55, 105, 207, 315, 339*, 358, 660

HCR 4, 210

HJR 18

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 94*, 101, 108, 111, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284

HJR 7: HFA(3)

Rand, Rick

HB 13, 18, 26, 55, 97, 108, 113, 174*, 188, 281, 315, 323, 341, 357*, 361, 404, 442*, 443*, 488, 520*, 521*, 710

HCR 4, 6, 14, 44, 45, 172, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 258*, 267, 268, 270, 276, 280, 284, 286

HB 357: HFA(2)

Rasche, Frank

HB 193*, 194*, 271*, 289, 425*, 434*, 525*, 603*, 604*

HJR 195*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 100*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 145, 151, 154, 158, 169*, 174*, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 10: HCA(1); HB 37: HFA(1); HB 131: HFA(1); HB 152: HCA(1); HB 193: HCA(1); HB 604: HCA(1)

HCR 22: HCA(1); HCR 33: HCA(1); HCR 134: HCA(1)

SB 28: HFA(1); SB 63: HFA(1)

Reinhardt, Jon David

HB 3, 13, 52, 398, 500, 581, 613, 640

HCR 4, 206, 210

HJR 12

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 280, 284, 286

Richards, Jody

HB 1*, 2*, 26, 49*, 50*, 52, 58, 63*, 64*, 108, 113, 225*, 326*, 344*, 361, 407*, 433*, 450, 577

HCR 4, 106*, 210

HJR 218

HR 1*, 2*, 3, 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71*, 75*, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111*, 118, 130, 131, 138*, 139, 145*, 151, 152*, 154, 155*, 158, 174, 180, 200, 205, 208, 213, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251*, 253, 259*, 264*, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 290*, 291*, 292*, 293*, 294*, 296*

HB 1: HFA(3)

Riggs, Steve

HB 18, 26, 52, 105, 108, 113, 116, 156*, 188, 225, 226, 231*, 249, 258*, 273, 274, 277, 315*, 318, 340, 350, 376, 379*, 380, 388*, 391, 413*, 414*, 438*, 470*, 485, 486*, 503, 510*, 541, 545*, 570, 585*, 588, 697*, 700*

HCR 14, 44, 45, 172, 206

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 75, 83, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 162, 173*, 180, 200, 208, 232*, 238, 239, 245, 251, 253, 267, 268, 269*, 270, 274*, 280, 284, 286

HB 156: HFA(1); HB 258: HCA(1); HB 350: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA(8), (9); HB 510: HFA(1), (2)

SB 95: HFA(1)

Riner, Tom

HB 3, 11, 13, 25, 262, 278, 298, 299, 315, 336, 349, 475, 478*, 479*, 480*, 493, 570, 582, 588, 646*

HCR 210, 215*

HJR 135*, 216*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 280, 284

HB 395: HFA(23); HB 413: HFA(2), (3); HB 450: HFA(3), (4)

HJR 216: HCA(1)

Siler, Charles

HB 3, 36*, 52, 105, 113, 195*, 228*, 290, 293*, 294*, 340, 350*, 391*, 417, 460, 613, 619, 640, 664*, 694

HCR 4, 112, 206

HJR 65*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 160*, 180, 200, 208, 213, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

Simpson, Arnold

HB 55, 77, 108, 143, 207, 323, 373*, 375, 390, 416*, 417, 451*, 475, 498*, 571, 588

HCR 60, 210

HJR 12

HR 37, 71, 75, 77, 88, 89, 96, 101, 108, 111, 118, 137, 145, 151, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 286

HB 373: HCA(1)

Sims, Dottie

HB 7, 18, 20, 26, 52, 97, 104*, 105, 108, 113, 116, 121*, 122*, 123*, 128*, 188, 207, 251*, 277, 286*, 287, 315*, 317*, 323, 351, 357, 358, 400, 432*, 460, 488, 524*, 541, 589*, 593, 651*, 652*, 694

HCR 6, 45, 210

HJR 143*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81, 83, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 191*, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

SB 135: HFA(5); SB 266: HFA(1), (2)

Smith, Ancel

HB 13, 108, 188, 281, 399*, 470, 488, 499, 500, 580

HCR 14, 44, 45, 202, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 151, 154, 180, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 580: HFA(1)

Smith, Brandon

HB 3, 55, 113, 129*, 142*, 274, 296*, 297*, 312*, 340, 372*, 393*, 394*, 470, 499, 522*, 537*, 566*, 577, 613, 627

HCR 17, 44, 45, 202*, 210

HJR 10*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 244, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270*, 280, 284, 286

HB 372: HFA(8); HB 393: HFA(1); HB 395: HFA(25); HB 537: HFA(1), (2), (3)

Stacy, John Will

HB 323, 361, 399*, 470, 489, 500, 502*, 536*, 582, 642*, 643*

HCR 4, 202, 210

HR 37, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 140*, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 222*, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 286

Stein, Kathy

HB 52, 75*, 76*, 93*, 105, 116, 158*, 159*, 220, 268, 298, 307*, 308*, 316*, 338*, 359*, 360*, 390, 417, 439*, 450, 475, 483, 484, 529*, 539*, 541, 572*, 573*, 574*, 595, 610*, 647*

HCR 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81*, 83, 84*, 88, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 181*, 182, 200, 208, 230*, 238, 239, 247, 251, 253, 266, 267, 270, 280, 283*, 286, 295*

HB 161: HFA(1)

HCR 17: HFA(3); HCR 102: HFA(3), (4)

SB 95: HFA(5)

Stewart, Jim

HB 3, 13, 55, 113, 323, 340, 472*, 488, 499, 553, 640

HCR 6, 14, 63*, 202, 210

HR 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 696: HFA(1)

Thomas, Roger

HB 13, 57, 58, 97*, 108, 113, 123, 281, 283*, 286, 287, 289, 305*, 315, 323, 336*, 341*, 361*, 372, 404, 450, 470, 500, 575*, 595*, 609*, 627, 710*, 711*

HCR 87*, 203*, 210

HJR 218*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 138*, 145, 151, 155*, 158, 180, 200, 208, 237, 238, 245, 247, 251, 253, 259*, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 127: HFA(3); HB 140: HCA(1); HB 286: HCA(1); HB 292: HFA(1); HB 336: HFA(4), (5), (6), (7), (8)

SB 77: HCA(1); SB 133: HCA(1); SB 209: HFA(1)

SCR 93: HCA(1), (2)

Thompson, Jim

HB 52, 69, 105, 113, 187*, 195, 281, 324, 350, 356*, 450, 481*, 519, 540, 640

HCR 206

HJR 207*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 252*, 253, 267, 268, 270, 284, 286

Thompson, Tommy

HB 1, 2, 3, 18, 26, 49, 61*, 63, 64, 69, 94, 97, 108, 113, 120*, 188, 193, 277*, 286, 303, 319*, 352, 372*, 400*, 442, 460, 471*, 473*, 519, 582, 619, 638*, 650, 700*

HCR 14, 16, 44, 45, 112, 161, 202, 210

HJR 19*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 85*, 88, 89, 95*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 158, 171*, 180, 197*, 200*, 201*, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 372: HFA(1), (2), (7)

SB 135: HFA(6), (7), (8)

Turner, Tommy

HB 3, 281, 358, 390, 613

HCR 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 280

Upchurch, Ken

HB 3, 102*, 341, 344, 590*, 591*, 613, 650, 715*

HCR 57*, 72*, 73*, 74*, 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 130, 139, 145, 151, 154, 163*, 164*, 165*, 166*, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286, 288*

HB 395: HFA(36); HB 413: HFA(1); HB 459: HFA(1)

Vincent, John

HB 3, 13, 52, 55, 100, 137*, 138*, 139*, 140*, 141*, 146*, 243, 244, 289*, 300*, 315, 340, 343*, 422*, 438*, 445*, 488, 519, 523*, 550*, 571, 613, 615, 627*, 628*, 679

HCR 4, 8*, 112

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 240*, 245, 247, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 71: HFA(1); HB 139: HFA(1); HB 140: HFA(1); HB 357: HFA(1)

Walton, Charles

HB 3, 13, 53, 55, 108, 117*, 195, 222*, 223*, 224*, 266, 270*, 282*, 284*, 285*, 323, 375, 390, 417*, 460, 462*, 581*, 613

HCR 4, 17, 60*, 184*, 210

HJR 12

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 96, 101, 108, 109*, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 180, 200, 208, 239, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 413: HFA(6), (7); HB 540: HFA(3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)

SJR 3: HFA(1)

Wayne, Jim

HB 52, 54, 94, 105, 107, 160*, 228, 298*, 299*, 311*, 336, 376, 388*, 390, 391, 450, 475, 484*, 490*, 519, 541*, 570, 582, 588, 595, 621, 630*, 640, 695*, 703, 704

HCR 172, 210

HJR 79*, 107

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 162, 173, 200, 238*, 245, 251, 253, 267, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 372: HFA(10); HB 668: HFA(1)

SB 60: HCA(1); SB 95: HCA(1); SB 109: HFA(1); SB 153: HFA(7); SB 163: HFA(3); SB 186: HFA(3); SB 219: HFA(1)

Weaver, Mike

HB 7, 18, 20, 26*, 52, 55, 63, 64, 92, 94, 100*, 105, 108, 113*, 123, 183, 188*, 225*, 226*, 234, 249, 273*, 274*, 277*, 286, 287, 315, 323, 341, 364*, 392*, 400*, 437*, 460*, 488, 500, 503, 562*, 563*, 564*, 588, 625*, 696*

HCR 6, 14, 44, 45, 112*, 206

HJR 11, 126, 142*

HR 37, 47*, 48*, 49*, 50*, 51*, 52*, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 96, 101, 108, 111, 130, 139, 145, 151, 158, 180, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 172: HFA(8); HB 436: HCA(1); HB 551: HFA(1); HB 562: HFA(1)

SB 55: HFA(4)

Webb, Robin L.

HB 18, 69, 91*, 97, 108, 132*, 147*, 189*, 192, 296*, 297*, 298, 299, 340, 361, 390, 442*, 443*, 448*, 450, 463*, 475*, 497*, 499*, 522*, 550*, 552*, 596*, 684*, 706*, 707*

HCR 15*, 63*, 210

HJR 64*, 128*, 196*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 71, 75, 76*, 77, 81*, 83, 88, 89, 94*, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 233*, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 280, 286

HB 395: HFA(15), (16); HB 490: HFA(1); HB 550: HFA(1), (2); HB 627: HFA(3), (4), (5); HB 684: HFA(1)

SB 55: HFA(5), (6); SB 64: HFA(2), (3), (4)

Westrom, Susan

HB 7, 52, 57, 59, 71, 82, 90, 94, 98, 105, 113, 130*, 131*, 133, 140, 148, 157, 159, 160, 196, 227, 234, 261, 262*, 281, 338, 345*, 364, 377*, 403*, 450, 475, 484, 489, 515*, 523*, 529, 542*, 558*, 594*, 595, 671, 672, 688, 710

HCR 41, 167*, 210*, 220*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 81, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 182, 200, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 251, 266, 267, 268, 270, 276, 280, 284, 286

HB 262: HFA(1), (2); HB 508: HFA(1); HB 523: HFA(1)

SB 251: HFA(3)

Wilkey, Rob

HB 18, 58*, 97, 108, 113, 123, 281, 286, 287, 289, 323, 339, 361, 371*, 372, 376, 389*, 409, 410, 418, 446, 447*, 450*, 463, 475, 483*, 541, 615*

HCR 210

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 208, 245, 247, 251, 253, 267, 268, 280, 284, 286

HB 371: HFA(1); HB 450: HFA(5), (6)

SB 1: HFA(2); SB 245: HFA(12)

Yonts, Brent

HB 1, 2, 8*, 9*, 15*, 18, 22*, 23*, 24*, 37*, 38*, 39*, 40*, 41*, 42*, 49, 50, 52, 55, 69, 97, 108, 113, 118*, 225, 283, 295, 298, 299, 351, 366*, 367*, 372, 424*, 429, 450, 453*, 467*, 475, 488, 499, 519, 556, 577, 627, 640

HCR 14, 20, 87

HJR 7*, 90*

HR 37, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 71, 75, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 108, 111, 118, 130, 131, 139, 145, 151, 154, 158, 180, 200, 205, 208, 238, 239, 245, 247, 248, 251, 267, 268, 270, 280, 284, 286

HB 22: HFA(1)

HJR 7: HFA(1), (2)

SB 1: HFA(1), (5); SB 14: HFA(3); SB 52: HFA(4), (5); SB 60: HFA(2); SB 106: HFA(10); SB 111: HFA(5), (6); SB 150: HFA(1), (2); SB 151: HFA(1), (2); SB 154: HFA(3), (4); SB 155: HFA(2), (3); SB 160: HFA(2), (3); SB 161: HFA(1), (2)

SJR 83: HFA(1), (2), (3)

Index Headings


Actuarial Analysis

Administrative Regulations and Proceedings


Aeronautics and Aviation

Aged Persons and Aging


Alcoholic Beverages


Amusements and Recreation

Animals, Livestock, and Poultry





Archives and Records

Area Development Districts

Arts and Crafts



Attorney General

Attorney, Commonwealth's

Attorney, County



Auditor of Public Accounts

Audits and Auditors

Bail and Pretrial Release


Banks and Financial Institutions

Barbers and Cosmetologists

Blind or Deaf Persons

Boats and Boating

Bonds of Surety

Bonds, Public


Budget and Financial Administration

Campaign Finance

Capital Construction

Cemeteries and Burials

Chambers of Commerce

Charitable Organizations and Institutions

Children and Minors

Circuit Clerks


Cities, Classification

Cities, First Class

Cities, Fourth-Sixth Class

Cities, Second Class

Cities, Third Class

Civil Actions

Civil Procedure

Civil Rights




Collective Bargaining

Commendations and Recognitions




Conference Committee Reports

Confirmation of Appointments

Conflict of Interest

Congressional Districts

Consolidated Local Governments


Constitution, Ky.

Constitution, U.S.

Consumer Affairs





Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State

Corrections Impact


Counties of 75,000 or More

Counties with Cities of the First Class

Counties with Cities of the Second Class

Counties with Cities of the Third Through Sixth Class

Counties, Urban

County Clerks

County Judge/Executives

Court of Appeals

Court Reporters

Court, Supreme


Courts, Circuit

Courts, District

Courts, Fiscal

Crime Victims

Crimes and Punishments

Criminal Procedure

Dairying and Milk Marketing

Data Processing


Deeds and Conveyances

Disabilities and the Disabled



Distilled Spirits


Domestic Relations

Drugs and Medicines

Economic Development

Education, Elementary and Secondary

Education, Finance

Education, Higher

Education, Vocational

Effective Dates, Delayed

Effective Dates, Emergency

Effective Dates, Retroactive

Elections and Voting


Embalmers and Funeral Directors

Emergency Medical Services

Eminent Domain and Condemnation


Engineers and Surveyors

Environment and Conservation




Federal Laws and Regulations



Financial Responsibility

Fire Prevention

Firearms and Weapons

Firefighters and Fire Departments


Fiscal Note

Fish and Wildlife

Flood Control and Flooding


Forests and Forestry




General Assembly




Hazardous Materials

Health and Medical Services

Health Benefit Mandate

Highways, Streets, and Bridges

Historical Affairs


Home Rule

Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Hotels and Motels

Housing, Building, and Construction

Information Technology



Insurance, Health

Insurance, Motor Vehicle

Interest and Usury

Interlocal Cooperation

International Trade and Relations

Interstate Cooperation

Jails and Jailers

Judges and Court Commissioners

Judicial Circuits

Judicial Districts


Juries and Jurors

Justices of the Peace and Magistrates

Labor and Industry

Land Use

Landlord and Tenant

Legislative Research Commission




Lieutenant Governor

Loans and Credit

Local Government

Local Mandate


Malt Beverages




Mental Disability

Mental Health

Military Affairs and Civil Defense

Minerals and Mining

Motor Carriers

Motor Vehicles

Negotiable Instruments

News Media

Noise Control



Nuclear Energy



Obscenity and Pornography

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupations and Professions

Oil and Natural Gas


Parental Rights

Parks and Shrines


Peace Officers and Law Enforcement

Personnel and Employment


Physicians and Practitioners

Piggybacked Bills

Planning and Zoning

Plumbers and Plumbing

Police, City and County

Police, State


Popular Names and Short Titles


Probation and Parole


Property Valuation Administrators


Public Advocate

Public Assistance

Public Authorities

Public Buildings and Grounds

Public Ethics

Public Health

Public Medical Assistance

Public Officers and Employees

Public Records and Reports

Public Salaries

Public Utilities

Public Works



Race Relations



Real Estate




Reproductive Issues

Research and Methods

Retirement and Pensions



Science and Technology

Secretary of State


Sewer Systems


Small Business

Space and Offices

Special Districts

State Agencies

State Employees

State Symbols and Emblems


Studies Directed

Substance Abuse

Sunday Closing

Surface Mining


Taxation, Income--Corporate

Taxation, Income--Individual

Taxation, Inheritance and Estate

Taxation, Property

Taxation, Sales and Use

Taxation, Severance


Technical Corrections

Television and Radio



Title Amendments



Trade Practices and Retailing

Traffic Safety



Unemployment Compensation

Uniform Laws

United States

Universities and Colleges

Urban Renewal

Veterans' Affairs


Vetoed Legislation

Wages and Hours

Waste Management

Water Supply

Waterways and Dams

Weights and Measures

Wills and Estates

Withdrawn Legislation



Workers' Compensation

Bill and Amendment Index


Accountants, privileged information, scope of - HB 420: HCS

Limited liability company, series, special purpose, and nonprofit, authorization for - HB 221

Peer review records, privilege extended, exceptions - HB 420

Practice of accountancy, licensing privilege extended, conditions of - HB 420

Actuarial Analysis

Adjustment fee for unescorted retirees, payment of - HB 11

Assistants, participation in KERS - HB 519: HCS

Benefits for certified staff called to active military duty - HB 551

CERS, retirees, increase in benefits - HB 528

Certified staff on military leave, benefits and status of - HB 551: SCS

Creditable compensation, definition for General Assembly - HB 690

Elected officials, retirement, reemployment restrictions - HB 9

Extended instructional days - SB 28: HCS

Hazardous duty, coverage of waste water treatment positions - HB 541

Head Start, purchase of retirement service credit - HB 36

Health insurance, fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS

Instructional day, lengthening, reasons for - HB 417

Judges, eligibility for Senior Status Program - HB 236


Retirement Systems, board to set budget for pension administration - HB 519

Retirement Systems, purchase of out-of-state teaching service - HB 237

Retirement Systems, retiree raises - HB 278

Teachers' Retirement System - HB 434: SCS

Teachers' Retirement System, option to elect participation in - HB 434: HCS(1)

Pensions, CERS, benefits for new employees - HB 290: HCS

Public servants, employment requirements for - HB 9: HCS

Purchased service, expired provision - HB 513


of retired employees and officials, restrictions on hiring - SB 150: HFA(1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

of retired employees, restrictions on hiring - SB 60: HFA(2)

of retirees and officials, restrictions on hiring - SB 151: HFA(1)

Retired teachers, reemployment of - HB 391


benefits codified in KRS Chapter 21 - SB 201

benefits, new employees - HB 290

School board member, purchase service for retirement - HB 429

Service credit, certified and classified school personnel - SB 28

State health insurance, statewide PPO plan, self-insurance - HB 448

Teacher retirement - HB 434: HCS(2)

Teachers' Retirement System, required contributions, cost of living percentages - HB 434

Teacher's Retirement System, required contributions; cost of living percentages; - HB 434

Teachers, purchase of military service for retirement - HB 617

Administrative Regulations and Proceedings

Accountancy, limited privilege to practice, disciplinary proceedings for - HB 420


regulation procedures and requirements, omnibus revisions to - HB 626

regulations, procedures for upgrading to conform - HB 264: FCCR

Alcoholic Beverage Control, forfeited property, disposition of - HB 587


of Medical Licensure, emergency contraceptives, standards for - HB 87

of Nursing, emergency contraceptives, standards for - HB 87

of Nursing, licenses for retired nurses, fees - HB 72: HCS

of Pharmacy, charitable drug repository program, creation of - HB 86


for Families and Children, standards for contracted agencies - HB 542

for Health Services, standards for contracted agencies - HB 542

Corrections, homelessness prevention, discharge plan for - HB 376: SCS


fees and charges, maximum amount to be charged - HB 441: SFA(3)

fees, administrative regulations, establishment in - HB 441: SCA(1)

Crime Victims' Compensation Board, sexual assault examination, payment for - SB 138; SB 138: SCS

Deficient administrative regulations, declare null, void, and unenforceable - HB 295

Dietitians and nutritionists, licensure, retired or inactive status - HB 558

Education Professional Standards Board to promulgate administrative regulations - HB 185

Emergency administrative regulations, reasons for - SB 50

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, government funding, administrative regulation review - HB 487

Finance and Administration Cabinet - HB 413


Commission to promulgate administrative regulations to regulate gambling - SB 250

commission to promulgate administrative regulations, gaming regulation - HB 637


and Family Services, Division of Administrative Hearings, within - SB 153: HFA(2)

Services, Public Health Services Advisory Council, regulation review by - SB 187

Hearing officers assigned by Division of Administrative Hearings in Justice Cabinet - SB 76

Home schools, voluntary certification of - HB 610

HVAC permitting process, authority to promulgate administrative regulations - HB 497

Increase emergency period, obtaining regulations by e-mail - HB 626: SFA(1)

Junk and scrap recyclers, cabinet authority to promulgate regulations regarding - HB 628

KEES program, promulgating authority transferred from CPE to KHEAA - SB 238


Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulation for state adjustment - HB 117

Board of Education to promulgate regulations - HB 193: HCS

Board of Education to promulgate requirements for reading diagnostic and intervention funds - SB 100

Board of Education to promulgate school health guidelines - HB 604: HCS

Department of Education, promulgation by - HB 439

Real Estate Commission, investigative powers of - SB 244; SB 244: SCS

Virtual High School - HB 37: HCS

Virtual High School, credit toward graduation from - HB 37

Local superintendents advisory council, review by - SB 241


care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - SB 32; HB 158

care staffing committee, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112

Medicaid estate recovery, undue hardship exemptions from - SB 40: HFA(7); SB 153: HFA (5)


consumer-directed services program, creation of - HB 116

estate recovery, exemptions from - HB 580

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Noncoal mineral administrative regulation, retention of - HJR 98: SCA(1), HCA (1)

Notifications regarding filed regulations, what to send by mail or email - HB 609: SFA(1)


activity for students daily, Kentucky Board of Education - HB 207

therapists, continued competency requirement for - SB 206: HCS


program for residential services for sibling group, establish - HB 98: HFA(1)

program for residential services for sibling groups, establish - HB 98

program for residential services for sibling groups, requirement for - HB 98: HCS

Promulgation, Council on Postsecondary Education - HB 169

Regulation comment and review, include governments - HB 609: HCS

Regulatory impact analysis, include affect on regulated parties - SB 50

Small businesses, procedures for administrative regulations affecting - HB 609


assistants, certification of, administrative regs. promulgated for - SB 206: SCS, SFA (1)

assistants, licensing of - SB 206

Veterinarians, renewal fee to board, biennial license periods for - SB 133; HB 441

Volunteer firefighter ID program - HB 20: HCS


Billboards, vegetation control permits, allow on highways other than interstates - SB 114: SFA(1)

Drugs, direct-to-consumer, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59

Illegal billboards, eliminate deadline of 7/1/05 for removal - SB 114: SCS

Internet advertisement for bids, allow the use of by local governments - HB 583

Local Air Boards, allow Internet advertisement for bids - HB 629

Permit jailer to sell legal advertising space in county jail to attorneys - HB 307

Real estate sale advertising, requirements for - SB 244; SB 244: SCS

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Special license plate, create to promote design talent in Kentucky - HB 168

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64


control around advertising devices, establish process for - SB 114

control, make penalties permissive and allow for extension of grace period - SB 114: SCS

Veterans' lottery game, advertising for - HB 274: HCS

Aeronautics and Aviation

Aircraft Maintenance Technician Day, May 24 - HCR 60


boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Zoning commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - HB 404: SFA(3)

Zoning Commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - SB 142

Aviation Commission, creation of, clarify compensation and duties of members - HB 326: HCS

Cambron, II, George Leonard, resolution memorializing - SR 245

Capital City Airport, rename John "Russell" Groves Capital City Airport - HB 392

Kentucky Aeronautics Commission, creation of - HB 326


Air Boards, allow Internet advertisement for bids - HB 629

airport authorities, exempt from deed reporting requirements - HB 331: SCS

Aged Persons and Aging

Abuse, reporting, attorney and clergy privilege relating to - HB 105: HFA(1)

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Alzheimer's and dementia, staff training, long-term care facility to provide - SB 29

Assisted-living community, business entity operation of - SB 264

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659

Commission on Elder Abuse, creation of - HB 315


care retirement community nursing home beds, extension of sunset clause - HB 59: SCA(1)

care retirement community, independent living unit, options to include at least one - SB 153: HFA(7); SB 186: HFA (3)

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, extension - HB 59: HCS

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, removal of - HB 59

Criminal record check, out-of-state fees for - SB 182

Definitions, technical clarification - HB 105: SFA(1)

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Elder maltreatment, protective services for victims of - HB 105; HB 105: HCS, HFA (2)

Federal tax, urge exclusion for retirees - HCR 161; HCR 161: HFA (1)

Grandparents needs, Health and Welfare Committee study of - HCR 78: SCS


legislative task force on raising grandchildren by - HCR 78

legislative task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5

Guardianship, affidavits and assessments, permit advance registered nurse practitioner to submit - HB 266

Health care decisions, persons authorized - HB 67


and community-based waiver, eligibility for - SB 189: HFA(1)

and community-based waiver, prohibit exclusions from - SB 40: HFA(4)


exemption, lower age to 62 - HB 285

exemption, stacking for joint marital residence - HB 122

Jury service, deferment for primary caregivers - SB 251: HFA(3)


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care ombudsman program, funding of full-time positions for - HB 529

care ombudsman, area development district, full-time position for - HB 590

care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - SB 32; HB 158

care staffing committee, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112


estate recovery, undue hardship exemptions from - SB 40: HFA(7); SB 153: HFA (5)

nonemergency transportation, eligibility for - HB 600

prescription drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16


consumer-directed program for - HB 116: SCS

consumer-directed services program, allocation of funds - HB 116: HCS

consumer-directed services program, creation of - HB 116

consumer-directed services program, services and supports in - HB 116: HFA(1)

estate recovery, exemptions from - HB 580

estate recovery, requirements for - HB 580: HCS

PACE, implementation of - SB 186

personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

temporarily suspend hearings and program policy changes for - SB 73; HB 337

Minimum wage & overtime provisions, exempt individuals who provide companionship services - SB 45

Overtime exemption, in-home companionship services provided by a third party - SB 45: SCS, HCS

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Personal and family care homes, waiver to - HB 575

Psychiatric treatment, hospitalization not to exceed 14 days - HB 67

State parks, establish reduced rates at campsites for persons age 60 & over Sunday through Thursday - SB 191


Ag Development Board, urge use of creative loan methods - HCR 187: HCS


credit associations, taxation of - HB 292: SCA(1), SFA (1), HFA (1)

Development Board confirmation, Sam Lawson - HCR 27

Development Board, confirmation, Sid Stewart - HCR 26

Development Board, urge lowering of applicants' contribution requirements - HCR 187

Agritourism highway signs, mandate Transportation Cabinet to promote usage of - HJR 43


liability, protection from - HB 444

purpose, clarification of - HB 444: HFA(1)

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41


euthanasia, restrictions on - HB 441: SFA(4)

identification program, funding, request for - SCR 93: HCA(1)

shelter standards, strengthening of - HB 336: HFA(4)

Aquaculture Task Force, reauthorization of - HJR 218

Beef cattle, assessment, increase of - HB 286

Bovine referendum, assessment, levy of - HB 286: HFA(1)

Breathitt Diagnostic Lab, decrease funds by $100,000 each fiscal year - HB 395: SCA(9)

Cats, rabies, vaccination for - HB 336: HFA(1)

Cattle identification program, funding for - HB 395: SCA(20)

Confirmation of reappointment, Agricultural Development Board - HCR 35, 36

Congressional delegation, request assistance for food animal tracking - SCR 93

Criminal mischief, cattle within scope of offense - HB 264: SFA(2), HCS

Cruelty to animals, pecuniary loss of $1,000 or more - HB 264

Department of Agriculture, reorganization of - SB 77: HCA(1)


law, revision of - SB 216; SB 133: HCS; HB 336: HCS, HFA (5)

laws, revision of - HB 336


euthanasia, prohibition of - HB 336: HFA(4)

euthanasia, prohibition of gunshot - HB 336: HFA(6)

Egg packs and cartons, labeling, expiration date - HB 283; HB 283: HCS


equipment, retail contracts - HB 305; HB 305: HCS

products, hauling without a permit, conform to provisions for hauling building materials - HB 34

Farmland, nonfarm use - HB 281

Feral cats, rabies, vaccination of - HB 336: HFA(7)

Horse Farming Task Force, creation of - HCR 220

Horses, activities of - HB 404: HCS, HFA (1)


Agricultural Finance Corporation, broaden loan purposes - SB 146

FFA Association, recognize 2003-2004 state officers of - HR 131


sabotage - HB 264: SCS

tampering - HB 264: SCS

tampering and sabotaging, prohibition of - SB 209: HFA(1); HB 264: FCCR

Local ordinances affecting farm equipment, void - SB 129

Methamphetamine, possession of chemical or equipment to manufacture - HB 24


Plant Board, creation of - HB 127

Plant Board, exclude agricultural crops - HB 127: HFA(2),(3)

Plant Board, exclude agronomic crops - HB 127: HFA(1)

plant board, require report to LRC, no regulatory authority - HB 127: HCS

Pesticide application, regulation of - SB 175

Planning and zoning, agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)

Pork assessment referendum, authority for - HB 287


hearings on transmission line extensions, require consideration of effect on farms - SB 246: HFA(2); HB 639: HFA (1)

hunting, cooperator permits - SB 209: SCS

Rabies vaccination requirement, cats and ferrets, removal from - HB 336: HFA(2)

Reorganization, Department of Agriculture, Executive Order 04-01 - SB 77; SB 77: SCS


and use tax exemption, equine industry - HB 377

tax exemption for horses under 2 years - HB 345

tax exemption for straw, wood shavings, and sawdust - HB 57

Smoking ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)


Buyout income, tax exemption - SB 7

quota buyout, state income tax, exemption from - HB 97: FCCR

regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

Task Force, reauthorization - HCR 203; HCR 203: HFA (1)


carry-forward quota adjustment, suspension of - HCR 87

nonparticipating manufacturer - HB 58; HB 97: SFA (1)

nonparticipating manufacturers, escrow payment, requirements for - HB 97: FCCR

Wild or exotic animals, rabies, testing for - HB 336: HFA(8)

Wildlife management, liability - SB 209: SFA(1)

Alcoholic Beverages


beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 30 days for - SB 79: SCS

beverages omnibus bill - HB 466

Appropriation clause, inclusion of - HB 157: HCS

Board-ordered training permitted, supplement or suspension alternative - SB 149; HB 466

Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157

Caterer's license, limited restaurant license, applicability to - SB 149; HB 466


spirits and wine, adoption of federal standards of fill for - HB 362: HCS

spirits and wine, federal standards of fill, compliance with - SB 79: HFA(1)

spirits and wine, Sunday sales at private clubs, ordinance for - HB 598

DUI service fee, increase and allocation of - HB 157: SCS(1)

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Licensed farm and small wineries, prohibited from selling beer - HB 70


government-imposed regulatory license fees, permissible use of - HB 252

option election - HB 208: SCS

option elections coinciding with general elections, time frame for conducting - SB 154: HFA(6)

option elections, procedures for - HB 381


beverage brewers and importers, agreements with distributors requirements of - HB 362: SCS(2)

beverage brewers and importers, agreements with wholesalers and distributors requirements of - HB 362: SCS(1)

National fraternal society, special private club license for - HB 597

Omnibus bill - SB 149

Private club alcoholic beverage sales, Sunday sales permitted, exception to - HB 598: HFA(1)

Small and farm wineries, Sunday sales permitted - HB 239

Smoking ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

Sunday alcoholic beverage sales at private clubs, ordinance required - HB 598: HCS

Time of election - HB 208: SFA(1)

Wholesalers and retailers, minimum quantities of distilled spirits in containers kept or sold by - HB 362; HB 362: SCA (1)

Wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 20 days for - SB 79


Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 155

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Substance abuse, involuntary treatment, procedure for - HB 77; HB 67: SFA (1)

Amusements and Recreation

Agritourism, liability, protection from - HB 444

Boxing and wrestling matches, regulation of - HB 126

Charitable gaming license, two-year residency requirement imposed - HB 426


gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, appropriations - HB 46

gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, omnibus bill - HB 45

Facilities, gambling, authorize at horse racing tracks and other locations - HB 676

Highway signs to promote lakes area of West Ky, require - HB 191

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Recreational vehicles, clarify permissible appurtenances - HB 365

Simulcasting, international wagering hub, establishment and regulation of - HB 693; HB 708: SCS

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257

Animals, Livestock, and Poultry


shelter, euthanasia at - HB 336: HFA(3)

shelters, euthanasia, prohibited method - HB 264: SFA(1)

Aquaculture Task Force, reauthorization of - HJR 218

Beef cattle, assessment, increase of - HB 286

Bovine referendum, assessment, levy of - HB 286: HFA(1)

Breathitt Diagnostic Lab, decrease funds by $100,000 each fiscal year - HB 395: SCA(9)

Cats, rabies, vaccination for - HB 336: HFA(1)

Cattle identification program, funding for - HB 395: SCA(20)

Cervids, new permits for captive cervids, shooting preserves - HB 468

Congressional delegation, request assistance for food animal tracking - SCR 93

Criminal mischief, cattle within scope of offense - HB 264: SFA(2), HCS, FCCR

Cruelty to animals, pecuniary loss of $1,000 or more - HB 264; HB 264: FCCR


law, revision of - SB 216; SB 133: HCS; HB 336: HCS, HFA (5)

laws, revision of - HB 336


euthanasia, prohibition of - HB 336: HFA(4)

euthanasia, prohibition of gunshot - HB 336: HFA(6)

Euthanasia, restrictions on - HB 441: SFA(4)

Feral cats, rabies, vaccination of - HB 336: HFA(7)

Horse Farming Task Force, creation of - HCR 220

Horses, activities of - HB 404: HCS, HFA (1)

Hunting dogs, hunters may retrieve from private lands - HB 512: HCS

Identification program, funding, request for - SCR 93: HCA(1)

Include various horse-related activities as agricultural uses for zoning - HB 404

Kentucky Walking Horse Association, create special license plate for - HB 699

KY Quarter Horse Association, special license plate for - HB 533

Livestock tampering, prohibition - HB 264: SCS

Planning and zoning, agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)

Pork assessment referendum, authority for - HB 287

Rabies vaccination requirement, cats and ferrets, removal from - HB 336: HFA(2)

Reintroduced animal species, urge protection of - HR 244

Shelter standards, strengthening of - HB 336: HFA(4)


and sabotaging, prohibition of - SB 209: HFA(1)

or sabotaging, prohibition of - HB 264: FCCR

Wild or exotic animals, rabies, testing for - HB 336: HFA(8)


Cities of 2nd through 6th class, enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

Cities, boundary changes, mapping requirements - HB 619: HFA(1)

City annexation, notification of intent to annex - HB 682

Lexington Community College, transfer - SB 274

Map requirement for cities wishing to annex property - HB 619


Appropriation clause, inclusion of - HB 157: HCS

Aquaculture Task Force - HJR 218


cancer education and research fund - HB 52

cancer research fund - SB 97

Breathitt Diagnostic Lab, decrease funds by $100,000 each fiscal year - HB 395: SCA(9)

Budget bill, effect on existing statutes - HB 240


gaming regulated by the Kentucky Gaming Commission - SB 250

gaming, regulation of - HB 637

Cigarette surtax, funding for Medicaid, local government, and SEEK - HB 310

Claims bill - HB 569


methane development - SB 263

methane well plugging fund - HB 556

Compulsive gamblers assistance fund, funding mechanism, creation of - HB 144


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - for local government public safety - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs, additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

Economic Development Bonds, funding for FY 2005-2006 debt service - HB 395: HFA(38)


expenses, reimbursement for - HB 209: HCS

expenses, reimbursement of - HB 210

Electronic gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery - HB 46

Firefighters foundation program fund, training-related activities - HB 435

HVAC permitting process, borrowing from agency trust fund for - HB 497

Increased traffic penalties, support drivers' education - HB 356


Branch Budget Bill - HB 396: HCS

Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 104

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 396; HB 396: SCS

Juror pay increase, appropriation for in Judicial Branch budget - HB 500


Asset/Liability Commission, duties of - HB 418

Teachers' Retirement System - HB 553

KLEFPF fund, authorize payment of supplements - SB 107

Lead poisoning, prevention of - HB 349


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 105

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 105: SCS

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 397

Lexington Community College - HJR 214

Livingston County Courthouse project, remove - HB 396: SCA(1)

Medicaid, disease management, funding for - HB 267

Motor vehicle registration supplement fund, creation of - HB 348

Payments to county clerks, increase in - HB 211

Power, vested solely in General Assembly - HB 615; SB 245: HCS

Powers of General Assembly - SB 89: HFA(1)

Prevailing wage, exemption for - HB 395: HFA(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)


health, Medicaid funding for - HB 395: HFA(14)

Service Student Loan Program - HB 483

PVA administration fund, creation of - HB 339

Rowan County Courthouse project, remove - HB 396: SCA(3)

Sexual abuse, medical examinations - SB 138

Special EMS license plates, establish - SB 193

State Art fund, creation of - SB 236


Branch Budget Bill, appropriation of - SB 100: HCS; HB 395: HCS, CCR

Branch Budget Bill, omnibus technical revisions - HB 395: HFA(1)

Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 395; HB 395: SCS

Trigg County Courthouse project, remove - HB 396: SCA(2)


Consumer contracts, Internet, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523: HFA(1)

Medical malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)


Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

Interior designers, grandfather licensing provision, extension of - SB 132; HB 175

Archives and Records

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Homeland security records, Open Records Law exemption - SB 49: SCS

Methods of destroying records, require reasonable only - HB 140: HCA(1)

Military discharge papers, release and destruction of - HB 225: SFA(1)


Records Law, delete exception to - HB 188: SFA(2)

Records law, exception to - HB 188: SFA(1)

Records Law, exceptions to - SB 55: HFA(4); HB 188: SCS


records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

records, permit an elected official on behalf of a constituent to obtain - HB 100: HFA(1)

records, security of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS

Area Development Districts

Children's psychiatric treatment facilities, location and beds - HB 90; HB 90: HCS, HFA (1)

Employees, working as industrial recruiters - HB 62: HFA(1)

Homeland security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55

Long-term care ombudsman, full-time position for - HB 590

Arts and Crafts

Arts organizations, apply Open Meetings and Open Records Law - HB 188: SCS

State Art fund, creation of - SB 236

Support the Arts, create a special license plate for - SB 202

Theatre pipe organ, official designation of - SB 26


Boxing, contractual obligations, promoter's duty to comply - HB 712

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Corporations, technical corrections - HB 256

Criminal Justice Council, addition of two members - SB 81

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Kentucky Cattleman's Association, beef cattle assessment - HB 286

Limited liability company, series, special purpose, and nonprofit, authorization for - HB 221

National fraternal society, special private club alcohol license for - HB 597

Pork assessment referendum, authority for - HB 287


Boxing and wrestling, health and safety rules imposed - HB 126: HCS(2)

Boxing, health and safety conditions, regulations governing - HB 126

Cooperative football teams, study of - HB 631: HCS

Interscholastic football program, cooperative agreement for - HB 631

Local Air Boards, allow Internet advertisement for bids - HB 629

School sponsored sports events, participation in - HB 229

Waste tire trust fund, portion of funds to crumb rubber used on athletic fields - HB 301

Attorney General

Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, Attorney General added as adviser and report recipient - HB 535: HCS

Cemeteries, contracts for burial space, human and animal remains, separation of - HB 198

Change title to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances" - SB 163: HCA(1)


abuse or neglect causing fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671: HCS

abuse or neglect, fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671


challenges, defend - SB 245: HCS

challenges, party defendant - HB 615


protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibit - HB 471: HCS

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471

protection, price gouging, prohibit - HB 471: SCS

Credit cards, prosecution of unlawful acts relating to - HB 324: HCS


penalty for persons aged 16 or 17 - HB 395: HFA(15)

penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Doctors and dentists, new prescription drug protocols, office develop continuing education for - HB 151


of person sentenced to death - HB 395: HFA(17),(18)

of persons aged 16 or 17 - HB 395: HFA(16)

Felony murder - SB 25

Fuel marketing, allow AG to investigate unfair competition - HB 296

Gasoline, investigate pricing of - HR 276

Methamphetamine, direct Justice Cabinet to establish a work group to study problem in Commonwealth - HB 424; SB 155: HCA (2)


meetings and open records information, dissemination to local governments and school districts - HB 263: HCS

meetings/open records information, preparation and distribution to local governments - HB 263

Private property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581

Prosecution of unlawful acts relating to credit cards - HB 324

Public records, exemption for records creating vulnerability to terrorist acts - HB 188: HCS

Shock probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Title company, licensing of - HB 612

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64

Attorney, Commonwealth's

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Change title to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances" - SB 163: HCA(1)

Commission on Elder Abuse, membership of - HB 315

Concealed weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Definitions, technical clarification - HB 105: SFA(1)

Driving under the influence, substances other than alcohol - HB 536

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HFA (2)


of person sentenced to death - HB 395: HFA(17),(18)

of persons aged 16 or 17 - HB 395: HFA(16)


of records, Class D felony/misdemeanors - HB 371

of records, Class D felony/Misdemeanors - HB 371: HFA(1)

Felony murder - SB 25

KASPER, request on behalf of law enforcement related to - SB 14: HFA(3)

Manslaughter in the first degree technical corrections - HB 257

Sexual offenses, lack of consent, technical correction - HB 245

Shock probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS

Attorney, County


of delinquency, interest attaches to fees on - SB 204

of delinquency, interest on fees - HB 510: SFA(1)

Commission on Elder Abuse, membership of - HB 315

Concealed weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18


detectives appointed by county attorneys, powers and training of - HB 703: HFA(1)

detectives, give power of arrest in county and right to execute process statewide - HB 703

Definitions, technical clarification - HB 105: SFA(1)

Domestic violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HFA (2)

KASPER, request on behalf of law enforcement related to - SB 14: HFA(3)

Manslaughter in the first degree technical corrections - HB 257

Sexual offenses, lack of consent, technical correction - HB 245

Shock probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS

Tax, delinquent property, collection, county attorney fee for litigation - HB 498



title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Attorney licensing, make provisions for GA members to become licensed attorneys - SB 34: HFA(2); SB 206: HFA (1)

Attorneys, limit contingency fee in medical negligence cases - SB 137

Civil actions by public employees, statute of limitations extended - HB 308

Competency hearings, permit trial by court without a jury during - HB 22; HB 22: HFA (1)

Contingent fee agreements, limitation on - HB 450: HFA(2)

County law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Driving under the influence, substances other than alcohol - HB 536

Elder abuse, reporting, privilege relating to - HB 105: HFA(1)

Felony murder - SB 25


and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, admitted to practice of law - SB 163: HFA(1); SB 219: HFA (2)

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, granted license to practice law - SB 148: HFA(2)

Inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor, establish offense of - HB 367


liability companies, regulation of - SB 260

liability company act, amendments to - HB 221

Manslaughter in the first degree technical corrections - HB 257

Medicaid, third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194


malpractice actions - HB 450

malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

malpractice, mediation - HB 450: HFA(5)

malpractice, screening panels - HB 450: HCS

negligence actions - SB 1: SFA(3),(4),(8)

Nonbinding alternative dispute resolution system and trial by jury, provide for - SB 1: SFA(5),(6),(9)

One year internship - HB 401

Permit jailer to sell legal advertising space in county jail to attorneys - HB 307

Personal injury, premises liability actions - HB 620

Public Service Student Loan Program - HB 483

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Rules of evidence, amendments - HB 314

Sexual offenses, lack of consent, technical correction - HB 245

Termination of parental rights, appointment of appellate counsel - HB 23

Vital records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

Auditor of Public Accounts

Claims bill - HB 569

State agency debt collection procedures, review in annual audit - HB 162

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103


Exemptions of property, bankruptcy and execution - SB 212

Homestead exemption, increase - HB 463

Banks and Financial Institutions

BB&T Corporation, urged to fulfill commitment to former employees of Bank of Louisville - SR 128

Branches, restrictions on interstate merger - HB 319

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)


of deposit, best available rate - SB 225

of deposit, interest - SB 225: SCA(1)

Consumer loans, maximum interest - HB 215

Corporate license tax, deduction for - HB 352


card limit reduction, notice required - HB 481

card solicitations on college campuses, regulation of - HB 63

cards - HB 324; HB 324: HCS

cards, acceptance by Circuit Clerks - SB 282

Elder financial exploitation, procedures regarding - HB 105; HB 105: HFA (2)

Exemptions of property, bankruptcy and execution - SB 212


home loans, limitations on - HB 707

home loans, single premium credit insurance - HB 471: SFA(1)

Individual development accounts - SB 82; HB 268

ITW fix - HB 292: SCS

Kentucky Principal and Income Act, adoption of - HB 517: HCS

Motor vehicle installment sales contract, statute of limitations - SB 72: SFA(1)

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Student credit card regulation - HB 130

Title company, licensing of - HB 612

Barbers and Cosmetologists


schools, minimum pupil/teacher ratio - HB 327

shop license holder, nonliability for actions of independent contractor - HB 200


education, product-specific courses permitted, criteria established - HB 441: SFA(2)

education, specific and brand-name products, credit given for - HB 134

Cosmetologists' and nail technicians' licensing fees, increases in - HB 408

Cosmetologists and nail technicians, independent contractor defined - HB 200: HFA(1)


fees and charges, maximum amount to be charged - HB 441: SFA(3)

fees, administrative regulations, establishment of - HB 441: SCA(1)

Independent contractors, statutory violations, liability for - HB 200: HCS

License holders, fees, requirements, and duties of - HB 437

Blind or Deaf Persons

Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)


electronic information for, nonprofit entity providing - SB 56; HB 262

Electronic Information Service Program, radio technology - HB 262: HFA(2)

Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, special license plate for - SB 18


study a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 60; SB 45: HFA (1)

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS

Superintendents of the Kentucky Schools for the Blind and the Deaf, appointment of - HJR 153

Boats and Boating

Handicapped boaters, access at state marinas - HB 393: HFA(1)

State-owned marinas, designation of a boating access area for handicapped required - HB 393

Bonds of Surety

Guardians and conservators, no surety on bond required if restricted account - HB 679

Performance bonds, increase limitations on - HB 405

Supersedeas bonds - SB 277

Bonds, Public

Economic Development Bonds, funding for FY 2005-2006 debt service - HB 395: HFA(38)

Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation, broaden loan purposes - SB 146

Local governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19

Postsecondary institutions, debt issuance by - HB 489; SB 96: HFA (1)

Budget and Financial Administration

Annual report to Kentucky taxpayers - HB 49


bill, effect on existing statutes - HB 240

to include proposed privatization projects - SB 58

Budget, constitutional amendment for enactment of - SB 262


Construction and Contingency Account, use of for agency moving expenses - HB 279

planning and budgeting, definitions for - SB 230

Project for Greenup County - HB 395: SCA(21)

renewal account for state facilities, creation of - HB 280


Restoration Trust Fund, Attorney General added as adviser and report recipient - HB 535: HCS

restoration trust fund, established - HB 535

Restoration Trust Fund, prohibit display of contributor's name or symbol - HB 535: HFA(1)

Cigarette tax increase, smokeless, loose, and other tobacco, impose tax - HB 107

Claims bill - HB 569


Severance Tax Project in Harlan County - HB 395: SCA(22)

Severance Tax Project in Pike and Letcher Counties - HB 395: SCA(23)

Community services and local facilities - HB 395: HFA(36)

Debt collection, make provisions for forgivable loan agreements - HB 162: HFA(2)

Debts owed to the state due to error, fraud, or abuse, collection of - SB 228

Department of Education, contribution for school board insurance adjustment fee - HB 11; HB 11: SFA (1)

Drug court sites - HB 395: HFA(34),(35)


Development Bonds, funding for FY 2005-2006 debt service - HB 395: HFA(38)

Development Bonds, restore debt service funding - HB 395: HFA(28),(37)

Employer contribution to state pension, urge full funding - HR 185

Establish systems for the collection of debts - SB 228: SCS

Even-year legislative session, extension of - HB 364

Executive Budget Bill, make technical corrections to - HB 395: HFA(39)


Lab Recruitment, provide funds from Department of Corrections to support - HB 395: HFA(27)

Lab Recruitment, provide funds from Legislative Branch to support - HB 395: HFA(33)


Branch Budget Bill - HB 396: HCS

Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 104

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 104: SCS

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 396; HB 396: SCS


Asset/Liability Commission, duties of - HB 418

Economic Development Finance Authority, restore funds to - HB 395: HFA(26),(29)

Procurement Advisory Council, collect data on offshore outsourcing - HB 640: HCS

Retirement Systems, board to set budget for pension administration - HB 519


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 105

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 105: SCS

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 397

Research Commission and General Assembly, lapse of carryforward - HB 397: HFA(1)

Lincoln County Sewer Project - HB 395: SCA(12)

Liquidated debts - collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 162: HCS

Prevailing wage, exemption for - HB 395: HFA(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)


funds, prohibition from use for abortion-related education or counseling - HB 32

health, Medicaid funding for - HB 395: HFA(14)

Remove legislative cost-of-living increase - SB 100: HCA(1)

Reorganization, Finance and Administration Cabinet - SB 152


agencies, constitutional taking - SB 89; SB 89: SCS

budget director, preparation of annual report to Kentucky taxpayers - HB 49

Capitol, Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, addition of Secretary of State as advisor on - HB 535: HFA(1)


Branch Budget Bill, appropriation of - SB 100: HCS; HB 395: HCS, CCR

Branch Budget Bill, omnibus technical revisions - HB 395: HFA(1)

Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 395; HB 395: SCS

Campaign Finance


contributions, recoupment if candidate switches parties - HB 484

contributions, study of - HB 484: HFA(1),(2)


for General Assembly, require filing of - HB 50: HFA(1)

information, redaction of - HB 50: HCS

loans and postelection contributions, limits on - HB 670; HB 670: HCS

Contributions, recoupment of - HB 484: HCS

Federal offices, exclusion of - HB 50: HCS

Gubernatorial campaign finance, requirements for - HB 538

Political advertising, regulation of - HB 446; HB 446: HCS

Public financing for gubernatorial slates, repeal of - HB 344: SCS

Registry of Election Finance, confirm member of - SR 143, 262

Capital Construction

Art work in state buildings, percentage of appropriation - SB 236

Bonding, accelerated - HB 395: HFA(31)


construction - HB 395: HFA(40),(41),(42),(43)

Construction and Contingency Account, use of for agency moving expenses - HB 279

planning and budgeting, definitions for - SB 230

renewal account for state facilities, creation of - HB 280


Restoration Trust Fund, Attorney General added as adviser and report recipient - HB 535: HCS

restoration trust fund, established - HB 535

Restoration Trust Fund, prohibit display of contributor's name or symbol - HB 535: HFA(1)

Economic Development Bonds, funding for FY 2005-2006 debt service - HB 395: HFA(38)

Postsecondary institutions, debt issuance by - HB 489; SB 96: HFA (1)

Prevailing wage, exemption for - HB 395: HFA(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

Research Challenge Trust Fund, diversity in Recruitment and Retention - HB 395: SCA(10)


Branch Budget Bill, appropriation of - SB 100: HCS; HB 395: HCS, CCR

Branch Budget Bill, omnibus technical revisions - HB 395: HFA(1)

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 395; HB 395: SCS

Cemeteries and Burials


contracts for burial space, human and animal remains, separation of - HB 198

on-site record keeping, owners required to - HB 559

on-site recordkeeping, owners required to - HB 559: HCS

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178

Embalmers and funeral directors, licensing requirements for - SB 143; SB 143: HFA (1)


remains and burial objects, archaeological sites, require access permit - HB 560: HCS

remains and burial objects, archaeological sites, require access permit for - HB 560

Use of as contemplative walking paths - HB 404: SFA(1)

Charitable Organizations and Institutions


gaming gross receipts, partial funding for compulsive gamblers, requirement for - HB 144

gaming, omnibus changes - HB 705

gaming, two-year residency requirement imposed - HB 426

health care provider, amend definition of - HB 321: HCS

Dental care, access to - HB 321

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487

Governor's Scholars program, governance of - SB 98

Individual development accounts - SB 82

Kentucky Colonels, create special license plate for - SB 87

National fraternal society, special private club alcohol license for - HB 597

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Provision of social services, government funding for - HB 487

Sales and use taxes, refund for - HB 346

Social workers, certification or licensure requirements for - HB 160: HCS

Sunday alcoholic beverage sales at private clubs, ordinance required - HB 598: HCS

Children and Minors

"Code Adam," state buildings, implementation in - HB 251: HCS


or neglect causing fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671; HB 671: HCS

or neglect investigations, information on de facto custodian status to be provided - HB 248

Adoption records, release of - SB 75: HFA(2)

Adoption, records, release of - SB 75: HFA(1)

Alcoholic Beverage Control, forfeited property, disposition of - HB 587


vehicles, injury prevention, educational program - HB 576

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate - HB 155; HB 132: HFA (1); HB 146: HFA (1); HB 261: HFA (2); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

vehicles, require to be at least 12 years of age to operate - HB 478


medications in school - SB 15

medications, allow students in schools to selfadminister - HB 90: SFA(7)

Bicycle helmets, require for all persons age sixteen - HB 142

Breast-feeding, encouragement of - HB 646

Bullying, definition of - HB 540: HFA(6),(7)

Cabinet for Families and Children and Department for Juvenile Justice, children committed to - SB 218


booster seats, require and make violations a primary offense - HB 93

pornography, make possession of a Class D felony for first offense - HB 366

pornography, penalty for possession - HB 312

pornography, penalty increases - SB 281; HB 265

sex abuse, change statute of limitations - SB 66; HB 302

support, emancipation - HB 269: HCA(1)

support, emancipation of physically or mentally incapacitated - HB 269

support, update guidelines table - HB 75

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171


for a Healthy Kentucky, reduction of injury, goal of - SB 179: HCS

for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179


school age, six to eighteen - HB 38

school attendance, ages six to eighteen - HB 39

school attendance, exemption from - HB 10: HCA(1)


substance endangerment to a child - SB 163; SB 163: HFA (1),(3)

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2)

Court appointed special advocates, provisions relating to - HB 189

Credit card solicitations on college campuses, regulation of - HB 63


by students, notification to school districts - SB 52: SFA(2)

by students, notification to school districts, disposal of records - SB 52: SFA(3)

Daycare, buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

Death penalty for juveniles, elimination of - SB 166; HB 475

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Disabilities, recommendations on transition to adult systems, establish committees - HB 322: SFA(1)

Disability, definition of - HB 81: HFA(1)

Divorce, abolishment of - HB 574

Domestic violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Dropout rate, inclusion in - HB 178: HCS

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Education of expelled students, provision for - HB 224

Exemption from compulsory school attendance for home or hospital placement - HB 10

Expelled students, educational services for - HB 656


homicide - SB 4; SB 4: SFA (3)

homicide, creation of crime - HB 108: HCS

homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

homicide, crime of - HB 3; HB 108: HFA (3),(4)

homicide, exclude stem cell research - SB 4: SFA(1)


adoption, Kentucky recognition of - SB 38: SCS

judgments of adoption, recognition of - SB 38

Foster care, asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Friedreich's Ataxia, third Saturday in May recognized as - SR 61; HR 110


and talented students, opportunities and support for - SR 64

and talented students, opportunities for - HR 100


drivers license, changes in passenger restrictions - HB 85: HFA(1)

driver's license, expand program - HB 85

Grandparents needs, Health and Welfare Committee study of - HCR 78: SCS


legislative task force on raising grandchildren by - HCR 78

legislative task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5


and Family Services Cabinet, creation of - SB 153

services provided to, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Homelessness prevention, foster care discharge pilot project for - HB 376

Homelessness, prevention, voluntary foster care discharge pilot project for - HB 376: HCS

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

Immunizations, reporting of - SB 184

Inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor, establish offense of - HB 367

Indecent exposure - SB 145; SB 145: SFA (1),(2), HCS

Individual student health care plans, schools, requirements for - HB 217

Injury to pregnant woman, penalties, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)

Internet, pornographic content - HCR 112

Interstate compact for juveniles - HB 6; HB 6: HCS, HFA (1)

Jury service, deferment for primary caregivers - SB 251: HFA(3)

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213


Child's Day, first Sunday in June as - SR 175

early intervention system, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260: HCS, HFA (1)

Early Intervention System, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260

Early Intervention System, make correction and addition to - SB 115: HFA(1)

Lead poisoning, prevention of - HB 349

Lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Marriage, judicial bypass procedure for pregnant minors - HB 146

Medicaid, third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194

Mental health/mental retardation commissions, child to adult services, establish ad hoc committee - HB 322: SFA(3)

Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 of each year recognized as - HB 74

Nonprescription contact lenses, prohibit sale to - HB 233

No-pass, no-drive provisions, clarify provisions relating to home schooled children - HB 304: HCS


of certain alleged crimes - SB 52: HFA(6); SB 138: HFA (1)

of certain alleged crimes, school principal - SB 52


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption - HB 300

Physical activity in schools daily - HB 207


program for residential services for sibling group, establish - HB 98: HFA(1)

program for residential services for sibling groups, establish - HB 98

program for residential services for sibling groups, requirement for - HB 98: HCS

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, recognize - SR 25, 55


treatment facilities, location and beds - HB 90; HB 90: HCS, HFA (1)

treatment facilities, requirements for expansion of - HB 90: SCS

Roe v. Wade, memorializing - SR 73


accountability, students included - HB 176

accountability, students included in dropout rate - HB 177, 178

bus specifications, Kentucky Board of Education to set - SB 124

dropout rate, student inclusion in - HB 178: HFA(1)

floor level assignment for early grades - HB 81: HCS

foods, restrictions on sale of - SB 179: HFA(2)

zones, double fines for speeding in, clarify procedures to - HB 350: HFA(1)


beverages, requirements for sale of healthy - HB 261

beverages, sale of - HB 261: HFA(1)

competitive food, create definition of - HB 148: HFA(3),(4)

competitive foods, definition of - HB 148: HFA(1),(2)

foods, requirements for sale of healthy - HB 148, 218; HB 148: HCS


offender registration, not always required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410

offender registration, not required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 161: SFA(3); HB 410: HFA (1)

offenders, prohibit from school grounds - HB 303; HB 303: HCS (1),(2)


abuse, medical examinations, payments for - SB 138; SB 138: SCS

abuse, penalty increase for specified conduct - HB 354

Assault Awareness Month, declare March as - SR 149; HR 175

offender information, distribution of - HB 247

offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 102

offenses, charge stacking - SB 102: HCS

offenses, penalty enhancement - HB 223

offenses, using communications device to procure a minor - SB 102: SCS

Shared parenting time, adjust child support for - HB 76; HB 76: HCS


autism center, consultation and training by - HB 496

Interagency Council, add members - SB 188; HB 322


bullying, protection from - HB 540: HCS, HFA (5),(8),(9),(10),(11)

harassment, intimidation, and bullying, protection from - SB 113

harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - HB 540

Support of dependents, crime of nonsupport - HB 363

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257

Task Force on Trafficking in Persons, membership of, report deadline - HCR 210: HCS

Teenage drinking and driving, study of - HJR 211

Termination of parental rights, appointment of appellate counsel - HB 23

Theft of services, child care - HB 469

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, update of - HB 91

Circuit Clerks

Adoption records, release of - SB 75: HFA(2)

Adoption, records, release of - SB 75: HFA(1)

Credit cards, acceptance by Circuit Clerks - SB 282


license applicant, verifying information, make referral to Trans Cab by clerk permissive - HB 562: HFA(1)

licenses & I.D. cards, omnibus revision of issuance to non US citizens - HB 562


of records, Class D felony/misdemeanors - HB 371

of records, Class D felony/Misdemeanors - HB 371: HFA(1)

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, apply for - HB 85

Identification cards for volunteer firefighters - HB 20

Lists of treatment programs and hospitals, regional community mental health boards to provide - HB 77; HB 67: SFA (1)


license, questioned documentation, require written reasons for - HB 562: HFA(2)

licenses, allow undocumented noncitizens to acquire - SB 170

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Social Security number, protection from public disclosure in domestic relations cases - HB 445

Special license plate for KY Quarter Horse Association - HB 533

Unserved warrants, clerk to report to Administrative Office of the Courts - SB 54

Volunteer firefighter ID program - HB 20: HCS

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207



urban property, allow all cities to levy tax on - HB 373: HCS

urban property, allow cities of the second class to levy tax on - HB 373

Adjustment fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS


boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Annexation, map requirement - HB 619

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Board of directors for sanitary and storm water systems, powers and duties of - SB 197: SCS

Boundary changes, mapping requirements - HB 619: HFA(1)

Building inspectors, prohibitions placed on - HB 147

Buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

Cellular telephones, purchase and operation for emergency services personnel - HB 180

Cemeteries, use of as contemplative walking paths - HB 404: SFA(1)

CERS, retirees, increase in benefits - HB 528

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Cities of 2nd through 6th class, enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

City annexation, notification of intent to annex - HB 682

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659


enforcement boards, hearing officers for - HB 668: HFA(1)

enforcement boards, service of citations - HB 143, 668


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226


firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)

Construction permit for repairing existing structures crossing streams, exempt local government from - HB 179

County Employees Retirement System, retiree raises - HB 278


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs fees, allocation to counties - HB 413: SFA(3)

costs, additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

costs, increased, disposition of - HB 413: SFA(2)

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566


property taxes, collection costs - HB 421

taxes - fees and certificates of delinquency - HB 510: HFA(1)


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

Relief Funding Program, qualifying applicants for funds - HB 454: HFA(1)

relief funding, program for - HB 454

Distilled spirits and wine, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th class cities, Sunday sales at private clubs - HB 598

Employees, working as industrial recruiters - HB 62: HFA(1)

Fee for CERS retirees health insurance - HB 11; HB 11: SFA (1)

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)

Firearms dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

Historic rock fences, encourage documentation and preservation of - HCR 204

Homeland security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55

HVAC permitting process, allowing local participation - HB 497

Industrial recruiters, requirement to disclose - HB 62

Insurance premium taxes, collection and remittance of - HB 503

Internet advertisement for bids, allow the use of by local governments - HB 583

Joint Parks Department, creation of - HB 4

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

Kentucky residency requirements for public servants, make permissive - SB 60: SFA(1)

Lexington, benefits for police and firefighters - SB 139

Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail, establish task force to examine development of - HCR 8


employees, planning and zoning training and residence requirements - SB 60: HCS

governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19

tax statutes, amendments to - HB 458

Manufactured and mobile homes, inspection - SB 109: HFA(1)

Marriage, solemnization of by mayors - SB 140

Mobile and manufactured homes, transportation into state - SB 109

Municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, electricity sales to - SB 118


metering, retail electric service, provision for - HB 490

profits tax, submission of federal tax return - HB 271

Nuisance abatement - HB 584: HCS

Nuisance, application of - HB 584: HFA(1)

Open meetings/open records infor, preparation & distribution by Attorney General, to local officials - HB 263

Peace officer training - HB 212

Pensions, CERS, benefits for new employees - HB 290: HCS


and zoning, agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)

and zoning, commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388: HCS

and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

and zoning, comprehensive plans - HB 388: HCS

commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388

units, census of, request Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct - HCR 198


inspections, local government, conduct by, conditions to be met - SB 148: HCS

petitions, grant by local government or commissioner - HB 485

Private club alcoholic beverage sales, Sunday sales permitted, exception to - HB 598: HFA(1)


sale of real and personal owned by city, methods of - HB 438

transfer for economic development purposes - HB 438: SFA(1)


funds, prohibition from use for abortion-related education or counseling - HB 32

servants, employment requirements for - SB 60; SB 60: SCS; HB 9: HCS

Radon mitigation systems, installation in new buildings - HB 145

Recreational fishing program, enabling statute - SB 270

Regulation comment and review, include governments - HB 609: HCS

Renaissance Kentucky, resolution honoring - HR 96

Road fund aid programs, supplemental fuel tax receipts - HB 664

Roads, repaving of - SB 198

Sanitary and storm water systems, board of directors for, powers and duties of - SB 197


ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

policies - SB 10, 130

policies, Braille code - SB 130: SFA(1)

policy in city buildings - SB 130: SFA(5)

Sunday alcoholic beverage sales at private clubs, ordinance required - HB 598: HCS

Tax recall procedures - SB 70: SCS, SFA (1)

Third class, pensions, police and fire - SB 235

Tobacco surtax, funding from - HB 310

Transient room tax, certain local governments may levy in addition to 1% transient room tax - SB 60: HFA(3); SB 150: HFA (5); SB 151: HFA (4)


authority, expand Airport Zoning commission authority to include certain private airports - HB 404: SFA(3)

authority, expand Airport Zoning Commission authority to include certain private airports - SB 142

definitions, agricultural use, include various horse-related activities - HB 404

Zoning, firearms manufacturers, importers, and dealers - SB 95: HFA(1)

Cities, Classification


from 5th to 4th class - SB 53

from the 5th to the 4th - HB 203

Cities, Fourth-Sixth Class

Enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

Cities, Second Class

Abandoned urban property, allow cities of the second class to levy tax on - HB 373

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566

Enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

Cities, Third Class

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566

Enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

Pensions, police and fire, medical insurance - SB 235

Civil Actions

Add various bills relating to crimes and punishments - HB 161: SFA(5)

Adverse possession, increase statute of limitations - HB 166

Agent liability, technical correction - SB 209

Agritourism, liability, protection from - HB 444

Airport boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Alcoholic Beverage Control, forfeited property, disposition of - HB 587

Attorneys, limit contingency fee in medical negligence cases - SB 137

Boarding home registration, penalties for - HB 672: HFA(1)

Breach of promise to marry, delete references to tort of - HB 276

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Campaign contributions, recoupment if candidate switches parties - HB 484

Change title to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances" - SB 163: HCA(1)

Charitable drug repository program, immunity for health care providers in - HB 86


sex abuse, change statute of limitations - SB 66; HB 302

support, emancipation - HB 269: HCA(1)

support, emancipation of physically or mentally incapacitated - HB 269

Choice-of-forum provision, limitation on viability in Kentucky contracts - SB 168

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Competency hearing, when jury need not be used - SB 251: HCS(1)

Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

Contingent fee agreements, limitation on - HB 450: HFA(2)

Contributions, recoupment of - HB 484: HCS

Corporations, technical corrections - HB 256

County law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544

Definition of marriage - SB 245; HB 613; HCR 17; SB 245: HFA (1),(3),(5),(8),(9)

Domestic violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Eminent domain, procedure to test legality of in multiple parcel projects - SB 27; SB 27: SCS

Employee job performance, employer disclosure, limited immunity - HB 48; SB 55: HFA (5),(7),(9)

Employer-supplied employee information - HB 48: SFA(1),(2)

Employment reference, nonliability for - HB 403

Exemptions of property, bankruptcy and execution - SB 212

Firearms manufacturers and dealers, urge United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law - HR 165

Food manufacturers and others, no liability for weight gain, obesity, or related condition - SB 176


care liability limitations - SB 1: HFA(3),(4)

care professionals, monetary damages and job reinstatement, right to recover - HB 378

care, liability limitations - SB 1; SB 1: HCS, HFA (1),(5)

Services, counterfeit prescription drug, civil fine for - SB 180

Homestead exemption, increase - HB 463

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 389: HCS

Lawsuits against public participation, urge Supreme Court to adopt new rules of civil procedure - HJR 79

Lead poisoning, liability for - HB 349


and slander, defenses - HB 678

and slander, technical corrections - HB 241

Maintenance, modification of - SB 159

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)

Manufactured and mobile home owners, eviction from manufactured or mobile home communities - HB 630

Marriage, judicial bypass procedure for pregnant minors - HB 146

Medicaid, third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194


malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

malpractice, damages recoverable - SB 1: SFA(2)

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

malpractice, tax on awards - HB 395: HFA(19),(20)

negligence actions - SB 1: SFA(3),(4),(8)

Nonbinding alternative dispute resolution system and trial by jury, provide for - SB 1: SFA(5),(6),(9)


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Permission to sue Commonwealth - HJR 156

Personal injury, premises liability actions - HB 620

Prisoner transportation, costs of - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Public employees' actions, statute of limitations extended - HB 308

Punitive damages, taxation of - HB 450: HFA(1)

Real property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Riot liability, technical correction - SB 211

Sex offender management, study of - HCR 13

Social Security number, protection from public disclosure in domestic relations cases - HB 445

Statute of limitations for claims under IDEA - SB 115; SB 115: SFA (1),(3)

Supersedeas bonds - SB 277

Surveyors, statute of limitations - HB 442

Title company, licensing of, liability - HB 612

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64

Urge U.S. legislators from Kentucky to reform the class action process - HCR 72

Wrongful imprisonment, claims for - SB 272

Civil Procedure

Attorneys, limit contingency fee in medical negligence cases - SB 137

Autopsy records, petition for access to - HB 111

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Choice-of-forum provision, limitation on viability in Kentucky contracts - SB 168

Civil actions by public employees, statute of limitations extended - HB 308


enforcement boards and officers, service of citations - HB 143

enforcement boards, code enforcement officers, service of citations - HB 668

Contingent fee agreements, limitation on - HB 450: HFA(2)

County law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544

Credit cards, acceptance by Circuit Clerks - SB 282

Domestic violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Eminent domain, procedure to test legality of in multiple parcel projects - SB 27; SB 27: SCS

Exemptions of property, bankruptcy and execution - SB 212

Food manufacturers and others, no liability for weight gain, obesity, or related condition - SB 176

Foreign judgments of adoption, recognition of - SB 38


list, compilation of - SB 251; HB 343

service, deferment for primary caregivers - SB 251: HFA(3)

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Lawsuits against public participation, urge Supreme Court to adopt new rules of civil procedure - HJR 79


and slander, defenses - HB 678

and slander, technical corrections - HB 241

Maintenance, modification of - SB 159

Manufactured and mobile home owners, eviction from manufactured or mobile home communities - HB 630

Marriage, judicial bypass procedure for pregnant minors - HB 146


malpractice actions - HB 450

malpractice, damages recoverable - SB 1: SFA(2)

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

Meritless medical malpractice claims, task force to make recommendations - SB 91


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Permanency and termination of parental rights, time of hearings - HB 300

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Police merit board, citizen appeal to - HB 212

Punitive damages, taxation of - HB 450: HFA(1)

Real property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Rules of evidence, amendments - HB 314

Sex offender management, study of - HCR 13

Shared parenting time, adjust child support for - HB 76; HB 76: HCS

Social Security number, protection from public disclosure in domestic relations cases - HB 445

Substance abuse, involuntary treatment, petition - HB 77; HB 67: SFA (1)

Supersedeas bonds - SB 277

Surveyors, statute of limitations - HB 442

Termination of parental rights, appointment of appellate counsel - HB 23

Urge U.S. legislators from Kentucky to reform the class action process - HCR 72

Civil Rights

Abortion, abolish - HB 441: SFA(5)

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Constitutional amendment to provide restoration of - HB 552


penalty, abolition of - HB 88

penalty, torture of a minor resulting in death - HB 687

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., name I-65 in Jefferson County in memory of - SJR 54; HJR 107

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Employee job performance, employer disclosure, limited immunity - HB 48; SB 55: HFA (5),(7),(9)


homicide, creation of crime - HB 108: HCS

homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

homicide, crime of - HB 3; HB 108: HFA (3),(4)

homicide, exclude stem cell research - SB 4: SFA(1)

Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 234

Governor's Advisory council on Minority Affairs, creation of - HB 588

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213

Lawsuits against public participation, urge Supreme Court to adopt new rules of civil procedure - HJR 79

Marriage - SB 245: HFA(11)


definition of - SB 52: HFA(1),(2); SB 55: HFA (1),(2); SB 92: HFA (1),(2); SB 135: HFA (2),(3); SB 146: HFA (1),(2); SB 187: HFA (1),(2); SB 200: HFA (1),(2)

validity of - SB 245: HCS


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Preemption of field by state - HB 659

Public indecency, offense of, exceptions to - HB 673

Relationships conferring marital benefits, legislative power to define - SB 245: HFA(12)

Restoration of civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 239

Roe v. Wade, memorializing - SR 73


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205

offenders, prohibit from school grounds - HB 303; HB 303: HCS (1),(2)


entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 338


bullying, protection from - HB 540: HCS, HFA (5),(8),(9),(10),(11)

harassment, intimidation, and bullying, protection from - SB 113

harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - HB 540

Task Force on Trafficking in Persons, membership of, report deadline - HCR 210: HCS


regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Unmarried individuals, rights of - SB 245: HFA(10)


proposal of constitutional amendment on marriage - HCR 4, 6

United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law relating to firearms industry - HCR 74


Adverse possession, increase statute of limitations - HB 166

Boards of education, claims against - SB 232

Civil actions by public employees, statute of limitations extended - HB 308

Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

Corporations, technical corrections - HB 256

Food manufacturers and others, no liability for weight gain, obesity, or related condition - SB 176

Medicaid, third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194

Motor vehicle insurance diminution in value - HB 206

Public hunting, cooperator permits - SB 209: SCS

Title company, licensing of, liability - HB 612

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64

Urge U.S. legislators from Kentucky to reform the class action process - HCR 72

Wildlife management, liability - SB 209: SFA(1)

Workers' compensation, black lung revisions - HB 499

Wrongful imprisonment, claims for - SB 272


Elder abuse, reporting, privilege relating to - HB 105: HFA(1)

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487

Provision of social services, government funding for - HB 487

Sectarian instruction, KEES scholarship permitted for - HB 28


Abandoned surface mine sites, allow easing of compacting restrictions on - HCR 202

Administrative regulations relating to emergency action plans, direct cabinet to promulgate - SJR 127; HJR 196

Black lung - HB 499

Capital Project for Greenup County - HB 395: SCA(21)


combustion by-product, tax incentives for use as aggregate - HB 505

miner stamp by the U.S. Postal Service, urges issuance of a - HCR 20

mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS

Severance Tax Project in Harlan County - HB 395: SCA(22)

Severance Tax Project in Pike and Letcher Counties - HB 395: SCA(23)


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - SB 263; HB 556

methane development, requirements for - HB 577

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(1),(2)

methane, public protections, requirements for - HB 577: SCS

methane, urge Secretary of Commerce Cabinet to develop and promote use of - SR 161; HR 228

Dept. for Natural Resources, allow tree growing initiative for uncompacted mine sites - HCR 202

Dotiki Mine, honoring - HR 248

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537; HB 537: HFA (1),(2),(3)

Funding requirements on projects - HB 395: SCA(11)

Harlan County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(25)

Letcher County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(24)


Safety Review Commission, appointment of Bayard Collier - HCR 28

Safety Review Commission, Bayard Collier - HCR 15

Safety Review Commission, confirmation, Stephen C. Cawood - HCR 63

safety, electricity in mines, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(2)

Mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(1)

Public utilities, installations in coal mines, exemptions for - SB 37: SFA(3)

Severance tax and local assistance fund, use for Medicaid state match - HB 502: HCS

U.S. Office of Surface Mining, permit initiative to grow trees on uncompacted mine sites - HCR 202

Collective Bargaining

Labor organizations, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 173

Police officers, consolidated local government, provisions for - HB 570; HB 570: HFA (1)

Urban-county government, authorization for firefighters and police officers - HB 572

Commendations and Recognitions

"Eula Hall Highway," designate in Floyd County - SJR 44

"Farscape" Ambassador, name - HR 274

"O. Stanley Johnson Bridge," designate in Pike County - SJR 157

Abrams, Marie, honoring - SR 169; HR 230

Adams, Barbara, commending - HR 283

Aircraft Maintenance Technician Day, May 24 - HCR 60

American Printing House for the Blind, honoring - HR 62

Appreciation Day, 7th Battalion-101st Aviation Regiment, resolution declaring - SR 257

Arnow, Harriet, urge U.S. Post Office to issue commemorative stamp honoring - HCR 57

Bather, Representative Paul, honoring - HR 291

Big Brothers/Big Sisters, honoring - HR 257

Black History Month, recognizing - SR 129; HR 137

Callahan, Representative Jim, honoring - HR 290

Carbajal, Rogelio, honoring - SR 188

Cardwell, Paige, honoring - SR 208

Casebier, Senator Lindy, honoring - SR 251

Casey, Ancie, KHSAA Hall of Fame inductee - SR 230

Chaney, James, honoring - SR 223

Civil Rights March on Frankfort - SR 174

Coal miner stamp by the U.S. Postal Service, urges issuance of a - HCR 20

Coleman, Representative Jack, honoring - HR 293

Conrad, Betsy, honoring - SR 170

Cronin, Coach Bill, Georgetown College Football, honor - SR 250

Dean, the Reverend Lloyd, honoring - SR 242

Dotiki Mine, honoring - HR 248

duPont Manual High School Dance team, 2004 National Champions - HR 269

Eady, Michael, honoring - HR 221


Dr. Ronald G., resolution honoring - HR 282

President Ronald G., Morehead State University, honor - HR 289

Education Committee Staff, honoring - SR 261


Security Branch of the Kentucky State Police, honor - HR 227

Security Branch, Kentucky State Police, honoring - SR 237

Fleming, Specialist Robert, honoring - SR 163


Edward Sinclair, honor - HR 92

Wendell H., speedy recovery - SR 146; HR 200

Franklin, Jamie Jo, honoring - HR 101

Gaines, Jim Owen, adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of - HR 275

Glaser, Bill, honoring - SR 24

Grand Lodge of Kentucky, honoring - SR 57; HR 108

Halvatgis, James N., honoring - HR 56

Hannah, Sergeant Samuel Kevin, honoring - SR 140; HR 239

Haydon, Representative Jodie, honoring - HR 292

Heleringer, Bob, name annex cafeteria in honor of - HR 76

Huddleston, Phil, honoring - SR 260

Independent college and university students, honor - SR 106; HR 152

Jackson, Senator Bob, honoring - SR 252

Jasmin, Ernest, honoring - SR 173


David, honoring - SR 249

Senator David, honoring - SR 254


Child's Day, first Sunday in June as - SR 175

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, resolution honoring - SR 27

Federation of Republican Women, honoring - SR 221

FFA Association, recognize 2003-2004 state officers of - HR 131

Museum and History Day, declare February 26, 2004 as - HR 179

Museum and History Day, declaring February 26, 2004, as - SR 108


11, extend designation as "The Veterans Highway" - HJR 147: HFA(1)

11, Powell and Montgomery Counties, designate as "The Veterans Highway" - HJR 147

Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner, medal of honor, urge Congress to award - HCR 223

Lincoln, Abraham, commemorating his birthday - SR 89

Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center, resolution honoring opening of - SR 130

Mason County Middle School cheerleaders, 2004 National Champions - HR 261

McWhorter-Hendley, Opal Mae, honoring - HR 249

Meeks, Reginald K. commemorating the birthday of - HR 254

Montgomery, Whitten, honoring - HR 146

Newport Aquarium, recognize First Annual Turtle Derby - HR 279

Order of the Eastern Star, honoring - SR 59

Patrick, Charles "Pat," honoring - HR 280

Paul Laurence Dunbar HS Cheerleaders, 2004 National Champions - HR 182

Peters, Amo Lucille Powell, honoring - SR 28; HR 77

Preston, Mary Elizabeth, honoring - HR 148

Read Across America Day, recognize - SR 147

Riley, Dudley, name a bridge in honor of - HJR 55

Rowland, Jan, honoring - HR 272

Russell High School Academic Team, resolution honoring - HR 256

Sammons, Terry L., honoring - HR 93

Sandford, Jr., James "Jim" Franklin, honoring - SR 219

Saunders, Senator Larry, honoring - SR 253

Smith, Buddy J., honoring - SR 99

Stevens, Paige, honoring - SR 50

Stumbo, Attorney General Greg, commending and honoring - HR 267

Sunshine United Methodist Church members, honoring - HR 224

Superintendent of the Year, honor Frank Welch for being named - SR 234


Charles Edward, Aircraft Maintenance Technician Day, May 24 - HCR 60

Cora, honoring - SR 232

Joan Neal, adjourn in honor of - SR 240

Toadvine, George and Shirley, honoring - SR 171

Toms, Pauline, honoring - SR 200

Troopers and Facilities Security Branch Officers of the Kentucky State Police, honor - SR 209


Dr. Loman C., name a segment of KY 112 in Hopkins County in honor of - SB 106: HCS

Dr. Loman, name highway in honor of - HJR 54

United States Armed Forces, liberation of Iraq, resolution recognizing - SR 15

Veterans, name KY 15 in Breathitt County in honor of - HJR 9

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 868, name US 421 in honor of - HJR 18

Walton, Representative Charlie, honoring - HR 294

Warren Central HS, KHSAA Boys Sweet Sixteen Champions - SR 220; HR 259

Welch, III, Master Sergeant Charles B., honoring - SR 217



beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 20 days for - SB 79

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 30 days for - SB 79: SCS

Assumed business names, filing of - HB 112; HB 112: HCS

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Coalbed methane, urge Secretary of Commerce Cabinet to develop and promote use of - SR 161; HR 228


contracts, Internet, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523: HFA(1)

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibit - HB 471: HCS

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Employee job performance, employer disclosure, limited immunity - HB 48; SB 55: HFA (5),(7),(9)

Federal standards of fill, distilled spirits and wine deemed properly labeled if meeting - HB 362: HCS

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Junk and scrap recyclers, activities allowed by and duties of - HB 628

Kentucky Procurement Advisory Council, collect data on offshore outsourcing - HB 640: HCS


liability companies, regulation of - SB 260

liability company act, amendments to - HB 221

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Making telephone solicitations to wireless telephone numbers, prohibition of - HB 65

Misrepresentation of business location resulting in long distance phone calls, prohibit - SB 221

NAFTA, urge Congress to repeal and end talks on Free Trade Area of the Americas - HR 139

NAFTDA, urge President and Congress to evaluate trade policies - SR 155

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Sales tax holiday, creation of - HB 192

Schools, beverage requirements during school day in - HB 261: HFA(1)

Tobacco use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Wholesalers and retailers, minimum quantities of distilled spirits in containers kept or sold by - HB 362


Criminal Justice Council, addition of two members - SB 81

Long-term care staffing, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112

Open Meetings and Open Records Law, exceptions to - SB 55: HFA(4)

Rural enhancement and development committee, creation of - HB 361


Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)

Accessible Electronic Information Service Program, radio technology - HB 262: HFA(2)

Blind and disabled persons, accessible electronic information for - SB 56; HB 262

Boardband, consumer service complaints, jurisdiction for - HB 627: HFA(4)


service, interconnection agreements, authority for - SB 215: SFA(4)

study, baseline assessment, requirement for - HB 627: SFA(4),(8)

Task Force, cable industry representation, LRC appointment of - HR 278, 281


consumer complaints, jurisdiction for - HB 627: HFA(10)

consumer service complaints, authority for - HB 627: HFA(7)

consumer service complaints, jurisdiction for - HB 627: SFA(1),(5)

definition of - HB 627: HCA(1)

deregulation of - HB 627: HCA(2)

direct study of issues surrounding - HB 627: HFA(6)

interconnection agreements, commission jurisdiction for - HB 627: HFA(1)

preserve PSC jurisdiction - HB 627: HFA(5)

preventing discriminatory access, penalties for - HB 627: HFA(9)

provision of - SB 215: SFA(2)

regulation of - SB 215: SFA(5); HB 627: SCS, SFA (6), HCS

remote terminals, jurisdiction over - HB 627: HFA(8)

state requirements for - HB 627: HFA(2)

Camera phones, limiting use of - HB 689

Communications, wireless - HB 226: HCS

Definition of telephone utility, municipal government, exemption from - SB 215: SFA(3)

Emergency telephone services, use of 911 funds for other emergency purposes - SB 110

Extending boradband service, excess earnings, use for - HB 627: HFA(3)

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of - HB 602

Human services, 2-1-1 dialing code for - SR 144; HR 188, 189

Internet, encourage Congress to establish ".xxx" domain - HCR 112

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS

Making telephone solicitations to wireless telephone numbers, prohibition of - HB 65

Misrepresentation of business location resulting in long distance phone calls, prohibit - SB 221

Refusal of broadband service for voice switch, prohibition against - HB 627: SFA(3)

Sales tax, pay phone exemption from - HB 654

Telecommunications, broadband services, deregulation of - SB 215; HB 627; SB 215: SFA (1)


solicitation and telemarketing, consumer education pamphlet regarding - HB 65: HCS

solicitation, making campaign calls, prohibition - HB 44

Television and radio broadcasts, urge tighter regulations - HCR 44, 45

Tying regulated and unregulated services, prohibition against - HB 627: SFA(2)

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64

Wholesale DSL service, equal service offerings, requirement for - HB 627: SFA(7)

Wireless public safety systems - HB 226

Conference Committee Reports


264/SCS - HB 264: CCR

97/GA - HB 97: CCR

Confirmation of Appointments


Development Board, reappointment of Susan G. Harkins - HCR 36

Development Board, reappointment of Willa H. Poynter - HCR 35

Board of Tax Appeals, Appointment of George H. Helton - SR 65

Branham, Dan H., Education Professional Standards Board - HCR 23

Burchett, Sam, Registry of Election Finance - SR 262

Cawood, Stephen C., Mine Safety Review Commission - HCR 63

Collier, Bayard, Mine Safety Review Commission - HCR 15

Combs, Patricia Ann - SR 68

Daugherty, Kammy - SR 70

David H. Snowden - SR 183

Demaree, George, Jr., Kentucky Lottery Corporation Board of Directors - SR 122


Professional Standards Board, Kristin Moe Gregory - HCR 33

Professional Standards Board, Lydia Sweeney Coffey - HCR 34

Freeman, Bonnie Lash, Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 120

Glass, Nell O. - SR 69

Grant S. Roark - SR 179

Hall, Daniel, Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Board - HCR 30

Headdy, Jennifer M., Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Board - HCR 29

Howard E. Frasier, Jr. - SR 181

Howard, James F. - SR 244

Howerton, James William, Board of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation - SR 187

Keith Dana Griffee, Kentucky Lottery Corporation Board of Directors - SR 118

Kerns, Kenneth Wade, Kentucky Housing Corporation Board of Directors - SR 142

Kerr, James L. - SR 123

Koester, Joseph J. - SR 119

Lambert, Cicely Jaracz - SR 185

Larry Sanderson - SR 204

Lawrence F. Smith - SR 182

Lawson, Sam, Agricultural Development Board - HCR 27

Livers, Linda L., Education Professional Standards Board - HCR 31

Lynda B. Wright, Kentucky Lottery Corporation Board of Directors - SR 186

Mark Goss, confirm appointment as commissioner to PSC - SR 184

McCune, William S., appointment to Personnel Board - SR 67

Mine Safety Review Commission, Collier, Bayard - HCR 28

Postsecondary Education Nominating Committee, Tanya McGaha - HCR 22

Provence, James D. - SR 71

R. Scott Borders - SR 202

Rhodes, David B., Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 121

Robert D. Neff - SR 117

Rogers, John C., Registry of Election Finance - SR 143

Sheila C. Lowther - SR 180

Slagle, Marshall D., Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center Board, serve unexpired term - HCR 39


Jack C., appointment to Personnel Board - SR 66

Marcel - SR 120

Stewart, Sid, Agricultural Development Board - HCR 26

Stone, Wilson L., Education Professional Standards Board - HCR 24

Stull, Thomas James, Education Professional Standards Board, members - HCR 32


Cynthia M., Education Professional Standards Board - HCR 25

John S., confirmation to the Council on Postsecondary Education - HCR 66

Vice, Janna P., Kentucky Board of Education - HCR 122

Webb, David L., Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 123

William Bruce Cowden, Jr. - SR 203

Williams, Ellen, confirm appointment as commissioner to PSC - SR 243

Winters, Kenneth W., confirmation to the Council on Postsecondary Education - HCR 67

Young, Kent T. - SR 121

Conflict of Interest


Branch Ethics Code, nepotism provisions applied to all statewide elected officers - HB 1: HFA(3)

branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, application of - HB 1: HCS

branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, nepotism provision - HB 1; HB 1: HFA (1)

OEA, former employees, limitation of legislative roles - SB 30

Congressional Districts

Broadband and cellular service for rural areas, improve access to - HJR 150

Members of Congress, renewal of congressional license plate, increase renewal fee - HB 696

Consolidated Local Governments

Agencies, formation of adult misdemeanant probation and work release agency - HB 476

Airport boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(6),(7)

costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs fees, allocation to counties - HB 413: SFA(3)


taxes - fees and certificates of delinquency - HB 510: HFA(1)

taxes, disposition of when from former city of first class - HB 510

Disaster relief funding, program for - HB 454

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)

Firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers, zoning - SB 95: HCA(1)

Insurance premium taxes, collection and remittance of - HB 503

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

Kentucky residency requirements for public servants, make permissive - SB 60: SFA(1)

Livery vehicles, allow to regulate following guidelines for local regulation of taxicabs - HB 561

Ordinances affecting farm equipment, exemption from - SB 129: SCA(1)


and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

and zoning, location of firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HFA(4)

Plumbing petitions, grant by local government or commissioner - HB 485


merit board, citizen appeal to - HB 212

officers, collective bargaining - HB 570

officers, collective bargaining, provisions for - HB 570; HB 570: HFA (1)

Regulation comment and review, include governments - HB 609: HCS


ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

policies - SB 130

policies, Braille code - SB 130: SFA(1)

Tax collection in urban service districts - SB 223; HB 697


Arrest fee for sheriffs, increase - HB 565

Blue lights and siren, use of - HB 531

Constitution, Ky.

Ballot language, prescribe - SB 245: SFA(1)

Budget, provide for enactment of - SB 262

Casino gaming and electronic gaming devices at racetracks, require referendum on - SB 249

Casinos, General Assembly may provide for - HB 636

Civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide restoration of - HB 552

County surveyor, requirements for - HB 443

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Definition of marriage - SB 245; HB 613; SB 245: HFA (1),(3),(5),(8),(9)

Facilities, gambling, authorize at horse racing tracks and other locations - HB 676


Assembly and courts, clarify balance of powers - HB 615

Assembly, appropriation power - HB 615: HFA(1)

Assembly, extension of even-year session - HB 364

Government taking, rights of owners - SB 89; SB 89: SCS

Governmental authority and balance of powers, clarify - SB 245: HCS


care liability limitations - SB 1: HFA(3),(4)

care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

care, liability limitations - SB 1; SB 1: HCS, HFA (1),(5)

care, liability limitations and dispute resolution system - SB 1: SCS(2)

care, liability limitations, ballot language - SB 1: SCS(1)


exemption, increase of - HB 464

exemption, lower age to 62 - HB 285

exemption, propose increase of - HB 465

Kentucky Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283

Legislative sessions, timing and duration, amendment - HB 657

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)

Marriage - SB 245: HFA(11)


definition of - SB 52: HFA(1),(2); SB 55: HFA (1),(2); SB 92: HFA (1),(2); SB 135: HFA (2),(3); SB 146: HFA (1),(2); SB 187: HFA (1),(2); SB 200: HFA (1),(2); SB 245: HFA (7)

validity of - SB 245: HCS


malpractice screening panel, creation of - SB 12

malpractice, damages recoverable - SB 1: SFA(2)

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

negligence actions - SB 1: SFA(3),(4),(8)

Nonbinding alternative dispute resolution system and trial by jury, provide for - SB 1: SFA(5),(6),(9)

Powers of General Assembly and courts, delineation of - SB 89: HFA(1)

Relationships conferring marital benefits, legislative power to define - SB 245: HFA(12)

Restoration of civil rights - SB 239

Tax and expenditure limits, imposition of - HB 347

Unmarried individuals, rights of - SB 245: HFA(10)

Video lottery terminals at horse racing tracks, establishment of - HB 47

Constitution, U.S.


holiday, official phrase of - HCR 102: HFA(3)

holiday, official song for - HCR 102: HFA(4)

holiday, urge proposal of amendment on - HCR 102

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Definition of marriage - HCR 17

Pledge o allegiance, urge Supreme Court to overturn case on - HCR 14

St. Patrick's Day, recognize - HCR 102: HFA(1)

Urge proposal of amendment on marriage - HCR 4, 6

Consumer Affairs

Alcoholic beverage containers, federal standards of fill, compliance with - SB 79: HFA(1)

Boxing contract, content specified - HB 712

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Cemeteries, contracts for burial space, human and animal remains, separation of - HB 198

Choice-of-forum provision, limitation on viability in Kentucky contracts - SB 168


contracts, Internet, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523: HFA(1)

contracts, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibit - HB 471: HCS

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471


and debit card, protection of - HB 7

card balance, payment in full - HB 324

card limit reduction, notice required - HB 481

cards, payment in full - HB 324: HCS

Denturists, licensing, exemptions - SB 280

Flea markets, medicine, medical devices, and baby formula sales, prohibition on - HB 204

Food manufacturers and others, no liability for weight gain, obesity, or related condition - SB 176

Fuel marketing, prohibit unfair competition - HB 296


investigate pricing of - HR 276

price cap - HB 599

Health insurance, CPT codes, insured liability for - HB 455

Licensing, automotive mobility equipment dealers - HB 694

Life insurance beneficiaries, notification of - HB 567

Making telephone solicitations to wireless telephone numbers, prohibition of - HB 65

Malt beverage brewers and importers, agreements with distributors requirements of - HB 362: SCS(1),(2)

Misrepresentation of business location resulting in long distance phone calls, prohibit - SB 221


vehicle titles, new brand to warn that not all rebuilt vehicles may be titled in another state - HB 459: HFA(1),(2)

vehicles, unrebuildable titles on, prevent issuance in - HB 459

Price gouging, prohibit - HB 471: SCS

Purchase of a car, require 3 days to return and retrieve vehicle & money given in trade - HB 254

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Telephone solicitation and telemarketing, consumer education pamphlet regarding - HB 65: HCS

Television and radio broadcasts, urge tighter regulations - HCR 44, 45

Tongue splitting, regulation of - HB 14

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64


Airport boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

BB&T Corporation, urged to fulfill contractual obligations - SR 128

Boxing promoter's disclosures, penalty for noncompliance - HB 712

Broadcasting industry, noncompetition clauses invalid - HB 677

Cemeteries, burial contracts, restrictions on burial of animals - HB 198

Choice-of-forum provision, limitation on viability in Kentucky contracts - SB 168


contract requirement, residential and light commercial, projects $2,500 or over - HB 277

services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231


contracts, Internet, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523: HFA(1)

contracts, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523

Contract for VET testing in Northern Kentucky, termination of - SJR 3: HCS


police force appointment by county judge/executives, change from 1 year to 4 year contract - HB 156

police force contracts, change for 1 year to 4 - HB 156: HFA(1)

Exemption from filing - SB 96

Farm equipment, retailers - HB 305; HB 305: HCS

Government contracts review, contracts subject to - HB 320

Industrial recruiters, duty to disclose, sanctions for noncompliance - HB 62

Internet advertisement for bids, allow the use of by local governments - HB 583


Affordable Prepaid Tuition, exemption - HB 320: HCS

Affordable Prepaid Tuition, removes exemption - HB 320: HFA(1)

Educational Savings Plan Trust, exemption - HB 320: HCS

Educational Savings Plan Trust, removes exemption - HB 320: HFA(1)

Higher Education Assistance Authority, exemption - HB 320: HCS

Higher Education Assistance Authority, removes exemption - HB 320: HFA(1)

Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, exemption - HB 320: HCS

Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, removes exemption - HB 320: HFA(1)

Procurement Advisory Council, collect data on offshore outsourcing - HB 640: HCS

Louisville Water Authority, exemption - HB 320: HFA(1)


beverage brewers and importers, agreements with distributors requirements of - HB 362: SCS(2)

beverage brewers and importers, agreements with wholesalers and distributors requirements of - HB 362: SCS(1)

Motor vehicle retail installment, statute of limitations - SB 72

Noncompetitive negotiation, limitations on - HB 2

Public, certain contracts to be in writing - HB 320

Sole source purchases, limited to certain users under restricted circumstances - HB 2


contracts, damage for delay clauses, unenforceable - SB 229

contracts, prohibit with expatriated businesses - HB 706

service contract, performance required to be in the United States - SB 278

service contracts, required to be performed in the United States - HB 640

Tax exemption for purchases made to fulfill a contract with a governmental entity or school district - HB 114

Taxes, contract for the payment of - HB 297



transmission lines, PSC certificate for - SB 246: SCS

transmission lines, PSC certificate required - HB 639: HCS

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, electricity sales to - SB 118


Autopsy records, petition for access to - HB 111

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178

Death certificate, unknown cause of death - SB 62

Life insurance, proof of death - HB 582

Training incentive benefits, allow coroners participation in - SB 24


Agricultural credit associations, taxation of - HB 292: SCA(1), SFA (1), HFA (1)

Assumed business names, filing of - HB 112; HB 112: HCS

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Cinergy/ULH&P acquisition of electric generation facilities, support for - SR 81


income tax, establish 6% rate for 2007 - SB 251: HFA(4)

tax reform - SB 251: HCS(2)

Corporations, technical corrections - HB 256

Employer-supplied employee information - HB 48: SFA(1),(2)

Employment reference, nonliability for - HB 403

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Impose a flat rate of 6% on corporate income - HB 662

Income tax, reform - HB 299

Individual development accounts - SB 82

Insurer rehabilitation and liquidation - SB 171

Interstate bank mergers - HB 319

Kentucky e-Health Information Network Corporation, creation of - HB 56

License tax, consolidated return allowed - HB 292


liability companies, regulation of - SB 260

liability companies, share exchange with - HB 221

Online notarization for business filing requirements, allow Secretary of State to accept - HB 135

Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State

Add various bills relating to crimes and punishments - HB 161: SFA(5)

Adult correctional institutions - HB 395: HFA(34)

Concealed weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

Convicts, home incarceration for - HB 409; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 409: HCS


penalty for persons aged 16 or 17 - HB 395: HFA(15)

penalty, abolition of - HB 88

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Drug testing, corrections employees - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Economic Development Bonds, restore debt service funding - HB 395: HFA(28)


of person sentenced to death - HB 395: HFA(17),(18)

of persons aged 16 or 17 - HB 395: HFA(16)


Lab Recruitment, provide funds from Department of Corrections to support - HB 395: HFA(27)

prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Felony murder - SB 25


prevention, institutional discharge pilot project for - HB 376

prevention, pilot project for - HB 376: SCS

Homelessness, prevention, voluntary foster care discharge pilot project for - HB 376: HCS

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 389: HCS

Inmates, allow funeral and deathbed visits - HB 389: HFA(1)

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, restore funds to - HB 395: HFA(29)

Little Sandy Correctional Complex - HB 395: HFA(36)

Move funds to Department of Education - HB 395: HFA(32)

Parole board, voting, hearings - SB 242; SB 242: SCS


Westpark Industrial Park, on-site operations - HJR 113: HCS

Westpark Industrial Park, transfer, requirements for - HJR 113

Prisoner transportation, costs of - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)


and parole, supervision fee - SB 261: SFA(3)

and Parole, supervision fee - HB 161: SFA(3),(4)


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offender registration, not always required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410

offender registration, not required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 161: SFA(3); HB 410: HFA (1)

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205

Wrongful imprisonment, claims for - SB 272

Corrections Impact

Abortion, prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Academic degree, forgery of - HB 318

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Alcohol and drug test, defrauding of - SB 86

Assault in the third degree, include personnel of various emergency related services - SB 217

Camera phones, limiting use of - HB 689

Casinos and racetracks gaming operations, omnibus bill - HB 637

Checks, rental payments - HB 698


pornography, make possession of a Class D felony for first offense - HB 366

pornography, penalty increases - SB 281; HB 265

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Concealed weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

Consumer protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471


substance endangerment to a child - SB 163; SB 163: HCS (1)

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, HCS (1),(2)

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, possession of nonoriginal container, repealed - HB 359

Convicts, home incarceration for - HB 409; HB 409: HCS

Coroners, soliciting for funeral business prohibited - SB 178

Corrections Impact - HB 7

Credit and debit card, protection of - HB 7

Criminal mischief, cattle within scope of offense - HB 264: HCS

Cruelty to animals, pecuniary loss of $1,000 or more - HB 264


penalty for juveniles, elimination of - SB 166; HB 475

penalty, abolition of - HB 88

penalty, torture of a minor resulting in death - HB 687

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

DNA collection, any felony - HB 119

Domestic violence order, consecutive sentencing - HB 353


offense, carrying firearm during commission of - HB 547: HCS

offense, use or carrying of firearm during - HB 547

testing, corrections employees - SB 261

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105

Electronic gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, omnibus bill - HB 45

Failure to return to custody, establish offense of - HB 666

Fees for administering special license plate donations, increase - HB 172: HCS(1)


interrogations, require audio or video recording, conditions for use and destruction of - HB 390

murder - SB 25


homicide - SB 4

homicide, creation of crime - HB 108: HCS

homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

homicide, crime of - HB 3

Flea market sales, restrictions on - HB 204

Gaming at racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - SB 250

Gubernatorial campaign finance, requirements for - HB 538

Health Services Cabinet, abuse, attorney and clergy privilege relating to - HB 105: HFA(1)

Indecent exposure - SB 145; SB 145: HCS

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 389: HCS

Jail inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS

Juvenile Justice, detention hearings, services, registration - HB 550; HB 550: HCS

KASPER system - tolerance rates for data errors - SB 14: SCS

Long-term care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Methamphetamine precursors, controls on sale - HB 118


chemicals and equipment for manufacture - HB 27, 182

possession of chemical or equipment to manufacture - HB 24

unlawful manufacture of - HB 25; HB 25: HCS

Nonviolent substance abusers, parole of - HB 275

Offender registration - HB 594

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Partial-birth abortion - HB 26

Primary health care clinics, establishment of revolving loan program - HB 684

Prisoner transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Probation and work release, direction of - HB 476

Real estate brokers, requirements and duties of - SB 244

Scanning devices, intent to defraud - HB 7: HCS

Self-referral prohibition, elimination of Medicaid and Medicare distinction for - HB 482


offender registration, not always required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410

offender, residence near school prohibited - SB 167

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205


abuse, penalty increase for specified conduct - HB 354

offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 102

offenses, charge stacking - SB 102: HCS

offenses, penalty enhancement - HB 223

offenses, using communications device to procure a minor - SB 102: SCS

Shock probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS


license plates, establish guidelines for Transportation Cabinet to follow prior to issuing - HB 172: HCS(3)

license plates, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 172

license plates, remove clerk from process to retain and distribute funds to groups - HB 172: HCS(2)

Support of dependents, crime of nonsupport - HB 363

Theft of services, child care - HB 469

Tongue splitting, finding of therapeutic or clinical basis required - HB 14

Traffic signals, prevent use of mobile infrared transmitters to change - HB 141

Unlicensed real estate brokerage, designating a Class D felony for - SB 244: SCS

Victims, abuse, required reports regarding - HB 105: HCS


records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

records, security of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS


Adjustment fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS


boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Allow growth counties to freeze property tax rate - HB 632

Animal shelter, euthanasia at - HB 336: HFA(3)

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Authorized office expenses, sheriffs and county clerks - HB 258

Board of directors for sanitary and storm water systems, powers and duties of - SB 197: SCS

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271

Building inspectors, prohibitions placed on - HB 147

Buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS


Project for Greenup County - HB 395: SCA(21)

Project for Jessamine County - HB 395: SCA(18)

Projects in Rockcastle County - HB 395: SCA(19)

Cellular telephones, purchase and operation for emergency services personnel - HB 180

Cemeteries, county cemetery boards, grants available for - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

CERS, retirees, increase in benefits - HB 528

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659


document recording and archiving - HB 328

fees, copying - HB 611: HFA(1)

fees, increase in selected - HB 611

fees, reduce the increase in two fees - HB 611: HCS

records maintenance - HB 611


severance tax and local assistance fund, use for Medicaid state match - HB 502: HCS

Severance Tax Project in Harlan County - HB 395: SCA(22)

Severance Tax Project in Pike and Letcher Counties - HB 395: SCA(23)


enforcement boards, hearing officers for - HB 668: HFA(1)

enforcement boards, service of citations - HB 143, 668


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226


firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)

Consolidated local governments, zoning, firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HCA(1)

Constables, blue lights and siren, use of - HB 531

Construction permit for repairing existing structures crossing streams, exempt local government from - HB 179


clerks, fees for duplicating - HB 669

consolidation, process for - HB 289

detectives appointed by county attorneys, powers and training of - HB 703: HFA(1)

detectives, give power of arrest in county and right to execute process statewide - HB 703

Employees Retirement System, retiree raises - HB 278

law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544

police force appointment by county judge/executives, change from 1 year to 4 year contract - HB 156

police force contracts, change for 1 year to 4 - HB 156: HFA(1)

roads and public roads, adoption into county system, omnibus revision - HB 199

roads, create limited exemption on minimum right-of-way - HB 199: HCS

roads, lack of maintenance precludes inclusion in county road system, delete - HB 199: HFA(1)

roads, minimum right of way, exempt existing roads - HB 199: SCS

surveyor, requirements for - HB 443


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs fees, allocation to counties - HB 413: SFA(3)

costs, additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

costs, increased, disposition of - HB 413: SFA(2)


property taxes, exception for add-on fees in interest calculation - HB 421

taxes - fees and certificates of delinquency - HB 510: HFA(1)


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

Relief Funding Program, qualifying applicants for funds - HB 454: HFA(1)

relief funding, program for - HB 454

Distilled spirits and wine, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th class cities, Sunday sales at private clubs - HB 598

Elected officials, salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201

Electric transmission siting, location of - HCR 106

Elliott County, Little Sandy Correctional Complex - HB 395: HFA(36)

Emergency services boards, taxing authority - HB 427

Employees, working as industrial recruiters - HB 62: HFA(1)

Fee for CERS retirees health insurance - HB 11; HB 11: SFA (1)

Fire protection districts, limitations on board of trustees, removal of - SB 195

Firearms dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

Funding requirements on projects - HB 395: SCA(11)

Harlan County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(25)

Health departments, core functions of - SB 199

Historic rock fences, encourage documentation and preservation of - HCR 204

Homeland security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55

HVAC permitting process, allowing local participation - HB 497

Industrial recruiters, requirement to disclose - HB 62

Insurance premium taxes, collection and remittance of - HB 503


agreements, incentives for - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

agreements, making provisions for - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, provisions affecting - HB 109: HCS(1)

agreements, provisions affecting counties - HB 109

Internet advertisement for bids, allow the use of by local governments - HB 583

Jails, failure to return to custody, establish offense of - HB 666

Joint Parks Department, creation of - HB 4

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

Kentucky residency requirements for public servants, make permissive - SB 60: SFA(1)

Letcher County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(24)

Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail, establish task force to examine development of - HCR 8

Liens filed for labor and materials in county clerk's office, change filing deadline for - SB 174

Lincoln County Sewer Project - HB 395: SCA(12)


employees, planning and zoning training and residence requirements - SB 60: HCS

event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19

ordinances affecting farm equipment, void - SB 129

tax statutes, amendments to - HB 458

Manufactured and mobile homes, inspection - SB 109: HFA(1)

Marginal entry records, require county clerks to maintain - HB 402

Mobile and manufactured homes, transportation into state - SB 109

Muhlenberg, designation as birthplace of thumb picking style of guitar playing - HB 40

Net profits tax, submission of federal tax return - HB 271

Noncoal mining, transportation impact plan, requirement for - HB 543

Northern Kentucky VET program, elimination of - SJR 3

Nuisance abatement - HB 584: HCS

Nuisance, application of - HB 584: HFA(1)

Open meetings/open records information, preparation and distribution to local governments - HB 263

Peace officer training - HB 212

Pensions, CERS, benefits for new employees - HB 290: HCS

Permit jailer to sell legal advertising space in county jail to attorneys - HB 307


and zoning, agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)

and zoning, commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388: HCS

and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

and zoning, comprehensive plans - HB 388: HCS

and zoning, location of firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HFA(4),(5)

commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388

units, census of, request Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct - HCR 198


inspections, local government, conduct by, conditions to be met - SB 148: HCS

petitions, grant by local government or commissioner - HB 485

Prisoner transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Private club alcoholic beverage sales, Sunday sales permitted, exception to - HB 598: HFA(1)

Property tax assessment and PVA administration fund, creation of - HB 339


funds, prohibition from use for abortion-related education or counseling - HB 32

servants, employment requirements for - SB 60; SB 60: SCS; HB 9: HCS

Radon mitigation systems, installation in new buildings - HB 145

Regulation comment and review, include governments - HB 609: HCS

Road fund aid programs, supplemental fuel tax receipts - HB 664

Roads, repaving of - SB 198

Rockcastle County Water Project - HB 395: SCA(13)

Sanitary and storm water systems, board of directors for, powers and duties of - SB 197

Sanitation districts - administration, functions, and structure - SB 197: HCS

School board membership, disqualification for elected county officials' immediate family - HB 398: HFA(1)

Sheriff, special deputies - HB 258: SCS

Sheriffs, office expenses - HB 258: HCA(1)


ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

policies - SB 10, 130

policies, Braille code - SB 130: SFA(1)

policy in county buildings - SB 130: SFA(5)

Sunday alcoholic beverage sales at private clubs, ordinance required - HB 598: HCS


information to be reported - HB 136

recall procedures - SB 70: SCS, SFA (1)

Tobacco surtax, funding from - HB 310

Training incentive benefits, allow coroners participation in - SB 24

Transient room tax, certain local governments may levy in addition to 1% transient room tax - SB 60: HFA(3); SB 150: HFA (5); SB 151: HFA (4)

Vehicle emissions testing in Northern Kentucky counties, ending of - SJR 3: HCS

Volunteer fire departments, additional monetary award for continuing education - HB 436: HFA(1)

Waste tire trust fund, recycling projects to include crumb rubber - HB 301


authority, expand Airport Zoning commission authority to include certain private airports - HB 404: SFA(3)

authority, expand Airport Zoning Commission authority to include certain private airports - SB 142

definitions, agricultural use, include various horse-related activities - HB 404

Zoning, firearms manufacturers, importers, and dealers - SB 95: HFA(1)

Counties of 75,000 or More

Sheriffs, office expenses - HB 258: HCA(1)

Counties with Cities of the Second Class

Ordinances affecting farm equipment, exemption from - SB 129: SCA(1)

Planning and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

Counties, Urban

Condemnation proceedings, Ky. American Water, urge apppointment of Scott Co. resident to task force - HR 271


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs fees, allocation to counties - HB 413: SFA(3)

Explosives use, limit - SB 11

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)

Firearms dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

Insurance premium taxes, collection and remittance of - HB 503

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

Lex-Fayette County, resolution urging pay increase for police and firefighters - HR 250

Lex-Fayette, resolution urging pay increase for police and firefighters - HR 208

Livery vehicles, allow to regulate following guidelines for local regulation of taxicabs - HB 561

Ordinances affecting farm equipment, exemption from - SB 129: SCA(1)

Pension fund, benefits for police and firefighters - SB 139: HFA(1),(2),(3)

Pension, police and firefighters - HR 266


and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

and zoning, location of firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HFA(4),(5)

Police officers and firefighters, collective bargaining, provisions for - HB 572

Retirement benefits for police and firefighters - SB 139

Sheriffs, office expenses - HB 258: HCA(1)


ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

policies - SB 10, 130

policies, Braille code - SB 130: SFA(1)

County Clerks

Adverse possession, adverse possessor may file notice - HB 166


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Assumed business names, filing of - HB 112; HB 112: HCS

Authorized office expenses, sheriffs and county clerks - HB 258


of delinquency, interest attaches to fees on - SB 204

of delinquency, interest on fees - HB 510: SFA(1)

Choose Life license plate, establish - SB 39

Cities of 2nd through 6th class, enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

Clerks, fees, reduce the increase in two fees - HB 611: HCS

Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, special license plate for - SB 18

Contributions to the veterans' program trust fund, require posters in each office to promote - HB 696: HFA(1)

County clerks, fees for duplicating - HB 669

Deeds conveying real property to governmental agency, exempt from certain requirements - SB 121

Document recording and archiving - HB 328

Fees for administering special license plate donations, increase - HB 172: HCS(1)


copying - HB 611: HFA(1)

increase in selected - HB 611

Liens filed for labor and materials in county clerk's office, change filing deadline for - SB 174

Marginal entry records, require county clerks to maintain - HB 402

Military discharge papers, release and destruction of - HB 225; HB 225: SFA (1)


vehicle identification numbers database - SB 147; HB 29

vehicle security interest, termination statement - SB 181

Vehicle Usage Tax, definition of retail price, proof of total consideration given - HB 282

vehicles, require to be registered in the county of the purchaser's residence - HB 399

Personalized license plates, divide the fee between the Transportation Cabinet and the county clerk - HB 172: HFA(4)

Property tax, commission for collecting - HB 107

Records, maintenance - HB 611

Relay for Life special license plate, collection of voluntary contributions - SB 104

Report sale of junked cars, duty of junk and scrap recyclers to - HB 628

Salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201


EMS license plates, establish - SB 193

license plates, remove clerk from process to retain and distribute funds to groups - HB 172: HCS(2)

license plates, require the Transportation Cabinet to forward funds to groups - HB 172: HFA(6)

license plats, holding fees collected for groups, allow to hold in one account - HB 172: HFA(7)

military license plates, fees for - SB 117

military-related license plates, make motorcycles eligible for - HB 92

Vehicle emission testing program, fee for - HB 423

County Judge/Executives


consolidation, duties of the judge/executive in - HB 289

police force appointment by county judge/executives, change from 1 year to 4 year contract - HB 156

police force contracts, change for 1 year to 4 - HB 156: HFA(1)

Fire protection districts, merger - SB 259; HB 412

Library boards, authorize fiscal court to make appointments - HB 120

Open meetings/open records information, preparation and distribution to local governments - HB 263

Sanitation districts - appointments - SB 197: HCS

Court of Appeals


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 104

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 104: SCS

Court, Supreme

Attorneys, one year internship before solo practice - HB 401

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88


Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, admitted to practice of law - SB 163: HFA(1); SB 219: HFA (2)

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, granted license to practice law - SB 148: HFA(2)


Branch Budget Bill - HB 396: HCS

Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 104

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 104: SCS

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 396; HB 396: SCS

Juror pay increase, funding provided through elimination of office expense - HB 500

Lawsuits against public participation, urge Supreme Court to adopt new rules of civil procedure - HJR 79

Partial-birth abortion, establish rules for access to court for necessity determination - HB 26

Unserved warrants, clerk to report to Administrative Office of the Courts - SB 54


Adjournment of juries, technical correction - HB 680


Office of the Courts, collection of delinquent debts - HB 162

Office of the Courts, system for collecting fines, fees, and other payments owed - SB 228

Agent liability, technical correction - SB 209


definition of liquidated debts of the courts - HB 162: HFA(1)

time for filing of reports by the courts - HB 162: HFA(1)

Attorney licensing, make provisions for GA members to become licensed attorneys - SB 34: HFA(2); SB 206: HFA (1)

Attorneys, limit contingency fee in medical negligence cases - SB 137

Authority and balance of power, clarification of - SB 245: HCS

Collaboration to collect old court debts, require - HB 162: SFA(2)


hearing, when jury need not be used - SB 251: HCS(1)

hearings, permit trial by court without a jury during - HB 22; HB 22: HFA (1)

Concealed weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

Contingent fee agreements, limitation on - HB 450: HFA(2)


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs fees, allocation to counties - HB 413: SFA(3)

costs, additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

costs, remove assessment of for prepaid seat belt violation fines - HB 33

of Justice, technical correction - HB 243

security officers - HB 616


by students, notification to school districts - SB 52: SFA(2)

by students, notification to school districts, disposal of records - SB 52: SFA(3)

Crimes, notification of - SB 52: SFA(1), HCS

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Develop system for collecting old debts - SB 228: SFA(1)

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Divorce, abolishment of - HB 574

Drug court sites - HB 395: HFA(34)

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HCS, HFA (2)

Eminent domain, procedure to test legality of in multiple parcel projects - SB 27; SB 27: SCS

Establish systems for the collection of debts - SB 228: SCS

Federal judicial nominees, urge United States Senators to allow a timely floor vote on - HR 166

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)

Fees, telephonic behavioral health jail triage system - HB 157: SCS(2)

Felony murder - SB 25

Firearms manufacturers and dealers, urge United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law - HR 165

Food manufacturers and others, no liability for weight gain, obesity, or related condition - SB 176

Forgery, technical correction - SB 210

General Assembly, appropriation power - HB 615: HFA(1)

HVAC permitting process, jurisdiction for actions & appeals in civil, criminal, and injunctive cases - HB 497


personnel, technical correction - HB 674

retirement, technical correction - HB 244

Juror pay, calculation of - SB 251; HB 343


duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

list, compilation of - SB 251; HB 343

service, deferment for primary caregivers - SB 251: HFA(3)

Juvenile Justice, detention hearings, services, registration - HB 550; HB 550: HCS, HFA (1),(2)

Kentucky Principal and Income Act, adoption of - HB 517: HCS

Lawsuits against public participation, urge Supreme Court to adopt new rules of civil procedure - HJR 79


and slander, defenses - HB 678

and slander, technical corrections - HB 241

Liquidated debts - collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 162: HCS

Livingston County Courthouse project, remove - HB 396: SCA(1)


- SB 245: HFA(11)

between selected persons, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(3)

Marriage, validity of - SB 245: HCS

Medical malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

No fault divorce, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(2)

Notification of certain alleged crimes, school principal - SB 52

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Partial-birth abortion, petition for determination of necessity - HB 26

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption, annual report - HB 300

Personal injury, premises liability actions - HB 620

Pledge of allegiance, urge Supreme Court to overturn case on - HCR 14

Power relative to acts of General Assembly, clarify - HB 615

Powers of General Assembly, with respect to - SB 89: HFA(1)

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Public intoxication, technical correction - SB 207

Punitive damages, taxation of - HB 450: HFA(1)

Relationships conferring marital benefits, legislative power to define - SB 245: HFA(12)


courts to establish a system of controls for debts - SB 228: HCS

establishment of debt tracking system - SB 228: HFA(1)

the courts to establish a debt tracking system - HB 162: SFA(1)

Retired judges, remove gender-specific language - HB 675

Riot liability, technical correction - SB 211

Rowan County Courthouse project, remove - HB 396: SCA(3)

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Shared parenting time, adjust child support for - HB 76; HB 76: HCS

Supersedeas bonds - SB 277

Termination of parental rights, appointment of appellate counsel - HB 23

Trigg County Courthouse project, remove - HB 396: SCA(2)

Unmarried individuals, rights of - SB 245: HFA(10)


U.S. legislators from Kentucky to reform the class action process - HCR 72

United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law relating to firearms industry - HCR 74

United States Senators to allow a timely floor vote on federal judicial nominees - HCR 73

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207

Courts, Circuit

Adjournment of juries, technical correction - HB 680

Adoption records, release of - SB 75: HFA(2)

Adoption, records, release of - SB 75: HFA(1)

Amend definition of liquidated debts for courts - HB 162: HFA(1)


support, emancipation - HB 269: HCA(1)

support, emancipation of physically or mentally incapacitated - HB 269

support, update guidelines table - HB 75

Civil actions by public employees, statute of limitations extended - HB 308


appointed special advocates, provisions relating to - HB 189

costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs, increased, disposition of - HB 413: SFA(2)

services, compensation of sheriffs and other law enforcement officers for - SB 158

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Divorce, abolishment of - HB 574

Drug court sites - HB 395: HFA(35)

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)


accessed on cases - HB 413: HFA(3)

telephonic behavioral health jail triage system - HB 157: SCS(2)


adoption, Kentucky recognition of - SB 38: SCS

judgments of adoption, recognition of - SB 38


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 104

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 104: SCS

Jurors, exempt persons caring for others - SB 251: HFA(1),(2)

Medical malpractice claims, reports of - SB 90

Notification of certain alleged crimes, school principal - SB 52

Partial-birth abortion, petition for determination of necessity - HB 26

Real property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, update of - HB 91

Courts, District

Adjournment of juries, technical correction - HB 680

Amend definition of liquidated debts for courts - HB 162: HFA(1)

Cabinet for Families and Children and Department for Juvenile Justice, children committed to - SB 218


support, emancipation - HB 269: HCA(1)

support, emancipation of physically or mentally incapacitated - HB 269

support, update guidelines table - HB 75


contracts, Internet, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523: HFA(1)

contracts, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523


appointed special advocates, provisions relating to - HB 189

costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs, increased, disposition of - HB 413: SFA(2)

services, compensation of sheriffs and other law enforcement officers for - SB 158

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)


accessed on cases - HB 413: HFA(3)

telephonic behavioral health jail triage system - HB 157: SCS(2)

Guardians and conservators, no surety on bond required if restricted account - HB 679

Hardship license, authority to grant for traffic offenses other than DUI - SB 21

Judges, probation and work release agency employees - HB 476


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 104

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 104: SCS

Jurors, exempt persons caring for others - SB 251: HFA(1),(2)

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213

Marriage, judicial bypass procedure for pregnant minors - HB 146

Medical malpractice claims, reports of - SB 90

Partial-birth abortion, petition for determination of necessity - HB 26

Real property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Substance abuse, involuntary treatment, petition - HB 77; HB 67: SFA (1)

Trial Commissioners, pension benefits - HB 9: HFA(1)

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, update of - HB 91

Vital records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

Courts, Fiscal


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

security officers - HB 616

Increased traffic penalties, support drivers' education - HB 356

Library boards, authorize fiscal court to make appointments - HB 120

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Crime Victims

Assault in the third degree, include personnel of various emergency related services - SB 217

Child pornography, penalty increases - SB 281; HB 265

Criminal injuries, hospital reporting of - HB 585


penalty, abolition of - HB 88

penalty, torture of a minor resulting in death - HB 687

Fetal homicide - SB 4; SB 4: SFA (3)

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

Inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor, establish offense of - HB 367

Indecent exposure - SB 145; SB 145: SFA (1),(2), HCS

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Sex offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 410: HFA (2)


assault and abuse, medical examinations, payment by Crime Victims' Compensation Board - SB 138: SCS

assault and abuse, medical examinations, payments by Crime Victims' Compensation Board - SB 138

Assault Awareness Month, declare March as - SR 149; HR 175

offenses, lack of consent, technical correction - HB 245

Shock probation, victim notification - HB 407: HFA(1)

Wounds, health facility reporting of - HB 585: HCS

Crimes and Punishments

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)


abolish - HB 441: SFA(5)

prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Abuse of a corpse, increase penalty for - HB 560; HB 560: HCS

Academic degree, forgery of - HB 318

Add various bills relating to crimes and punishments - HB 161: SFA(5)

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Alcohol and drug test, defrauding of - SB 86


vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for - HB 155

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate, helmets required for - HB 132: HFA(1); HB 146: HFA (1); HB 261: HFA (2); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41

Arrest fee for sheriffs, increase - HB 565

Assault in the third degree, include personnel of various emergency related services - SB 217

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Cabinet for Families and Children and Department for Juvenile Justice, children committed to - SB 218

Camera phones, prohibit improper use of - HB 689

Capital felony interrogations, require to be recorded, set conditions for use/time for destruction - HB 390: HCS

Capitol felony interrogations, require recording, set conditions for use/schedule for destruction - HB 390: HFA(1)

Change title to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances" - SB 163: HCA(1)

Checks, rental payments - HB 698


pornography, make possession of a Class D felony for first offense - HB 366

pornography, penalty for possession - HB 312

pornography, penalty increases - SB 281; HB 265

sex abuse, change statute of limitations - SB 66; HB 302

Civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide restoration of - HB 552

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171


deadly weapon - SB 95: HFA(3)

deadly weapon license, military may apply - SB 83

deadly weapons - SB 95: HFA(2)

weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

weapons, permit state probation and parole officers to carry - HB 374


substance endangerment to a child - SB 163; SB 163: HFA (1),(3)

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2)

substances, electronic reporting, penalty for unauthorized sharing of data - SB 14; SB 14: SFA (1)

substances, possession in non-original container, dismissal if valid prescription - HB 359: HCS

substances, possession of nonoriginal container, repealed - HB 359

Convicts, home incarceration for - HB 409; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 409: HCS

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178

Court costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)


and debit card, protection of - HB 7

cards, acceptance by Circuit Clerks - SB 282


Justice Council, addition of two members - SB 81

mischief, cattle within scope of offense - HB 264: SFA(2), HCS

Cruelty to animals, pecuniary loss of $1,000 or more - HB 264


penalty for juveniles, elimination of - SB 166; HB 475

penalty, abolition of - HB 88

penalty, torture of a minor resulting in death - HB 687

Definitions, technical clarification - HB 105: SFA(1)

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Domestic violence order, consecutive sentencing - HB 353

Driving under the influence, substances other than alcohol - HB 536


offense, carrying firearm during commission of - HB 547: HCS

offense, possession of firearm - HB 547: HFA(1)

offense, use or carrying of firearm during - HB 547

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431


abuse, caretaker penalties for - HB 105: HCS

abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HFA (2)

Euthanasia by gunshot, penalty for - HB 264: SFA(1)

Execution of persons aged 16 or 17 - HB 395: HFA(16)


of records, Class D felony/misdemeanors - HB 371

of records, Class D felony/Misdemeanors - HB 371: HFA(1)

Failure to return to custody, establish offense of - HB 666


interrogations, require audio or video recording, conditions for use and destruction of - HB 390

murder - SB 25


homicide - SB 4; SB 4: SFA (3)

homicide, creation of crime - HB 108: HCS

homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

homicide, crime of - HB 3; HB 108: HFA (3),(4)

homicide, exclude stem cell research - SB 4: SFA(1)

Fines for seat belt and infant restraint law violations, increase - HB 153

Forgery, technical correction - SB 210

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

Inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor, establish offense of - HB 367

Indecent exposure - SB 145; SB 145: SFA (1),(2), HCS

Injuries, hospital reporting of - HB 585

Injury to pregnant woman, penalties, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 389: HCS

Interstate compact for juveniles - HB 6; HB 6: HCS, HFA (1)

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 155


Justice, detention hearings, services, registration - HB 550; HB 550: HCS, HFA (1),(2)

offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213

KASPER, define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

Kentucky Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283

Law enforcement, duties and responsibilities of officers - HB 715


tampering and sabotaging, prohibition of - SB 209: HFA(1)

tampering, penalty - HB 264: SCS

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)


care facilities, crimes prohibiting employment in - SB 189

care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS

Manslaughter in the first degree technical corrections - HB 257

Massage therapist violations, fines for - HB 527


precursor, technical correction - HB 25: HFA(1)

precursors, controls on sale - HB 118


chemicals and equipment for manufacture - HB 27, 182

direct Justice Cabinet to establish a work group to study problem in Commonwealth - HB 424; SB 155: HCA (2)

possession of chemical or equipment to manufacture - HB 24

unlawful manufacture of - HB 25; HB 25: HCS

MIRET devices, unauthorized use of, penalties for - HB 141: HCS

Mobile infrared transmitters, prevent use to change traffic signals - HB 141

Nonviolent substance abusers, parole of - HB 275

Notification of certain alleged crimes, school principal - SB 52


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Offender registration - HB 594

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Parole board, voting, hearings - SB 242; SB 242: SCS

Partial-birth abortion, ban, exceptions - HB 26

Penalty for misuse of condominium funds, Class B misdemeanor - HB 137

Prisoner transportation, costs of - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Prohibited labor activities, penalties for violations - HB 173


indecency, establish offense of - HB 673

intoxication, technical correction - SB 207

Restoration of civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 239

Scanning devices, intent to defraud - HB 7: HCS

School zones, double speeding fines in, technical corrections - SB 85: SCS

Seat belts, primary offense for riding in pickup truck bed - SB 275


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offender registration, not always required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410

offender registration, not required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 161: SFA(3); HB 410: HFA (1)

offender, residence near school prohibited - SB 167

offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 410: HFA (2)

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205

offenders, prohibit from school grounds - HB 303; HB 303: HCS (1),(2)


abuse, penalty increase for specified conduct - HB 354

offender information, distribution of - HB 247

offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 102

offenses, charge stacking - SB 102: HCS

offenses, lack of consent, technical correction - HB 245

offenses, penalty enhancement - HB 223

offenses, using communications device to procure a minor - SB 102: SCS

Shock probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS

Speeding in a school zone, double fines for - SB 85; HB 350, 414

Support of dependents, crime of nonsupport - HB 363

Swimming pools, violation if no fence - SB 257

Theft of services, child care - HB 469

Traffic right of way violations, enhanced penalties for involvement in accidents - HB 365: SCS

Trespass on retail or commercial property, shortcuts by motorists - HB 504


real estate brokerage, Class D felony for - SB 244

real estate brokerage, designating a Class D felony for - SB 244: SCS

Unserved warrants, clerk to report to Administrative Office of the Courts - SB 54

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64

Weapons on school property, required notice - SB 94; SB 94: SCS, SFA (1)

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514

Wounds, health facility reporting of - HB 585: HCS

Wrongful imprisonment, claims for - SB 272

Criminal Procedure

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Abortion, prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Academic degree, forgery of - HB 318

Add various bills relating to crimes and punishments - HB 161: SFA(5)

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Agritourism, liability, protection from - HB 444

Arrest fee for sheriffs, increase - HB 565

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477


felony interrogations, require to be recorded, set conditions for use/time for destruction - HB 390: HCS

trials, required witness disclosures - HB 335

Capitol felony interrogations, require recording, set conditions for use/schedule for destruction - HB 390: HFA(1)

Change title to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances" - SB 163: HCA(1)

Checks, rental payments - HB 698


pornography, penalty for possession - HB 312

pornography, penalty increases - SB 281; HB 265


deadly weapon - SB 95: HFA(3)

deadly weapon license, military may apply - SB 83

deadly weapons - SB 95: HFA(2)

weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

weapons, permit state probation and parole officers to carry - HB 374


substance endangerment to a child - SB 163; SB 163: HFA (1),(3)

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2)

substances, electronic reporting, penalty for unauthorized sharing of data - SB 14; SB 14: SFA (1)

substances, possession in non-original container, dismissal if valid prescription - HB 359: HCS

substances, possession of nonoriginal container, repealed - HB 359

Convicts, home incarceration for - HB 409; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 409: HCS

County law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544


and debit card, protection of - HB 7

cards, acceptance by Circuit Clerks - SB 282

Criminal mischief, cattle within scope of offense - HB 264: SFA(2), HCS

Cruelty to animals, pecuniary loss of $1,000 or more - HB 264


penalty for juveniles, elimination of - SB 166; HB 475

penalty, abolition of - HB 88

penalty, torture of a minor resulting in death - HB 687

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Domestic violence order, consecutive sentencing - HB 353

Driving under the influence, substances other than alcohol - HB 536


offense, carrying firearm during commission of - HB 547: HCS

offense, possession of firearm - HB 547: HFA(1)

offense, use or carrying of firearm during - HB 547

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Failure to return to custody, establish offense of - HB 666


interrogations, require audio or video recording, conditions for use and destruction of - HB 390

murder - SB 25


homicide - SB 4; SB 4: SFA (3)

homicide, creation of crime - HB 108: HCS

homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

homicide, crime of - HB 3; HB 108: HFA (3),(4)

homicide, exclude stem cell research - SB 4: SFA(1)

Inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor, establish offense of - HB 367

Indecent exposure - SB 145; SB 145: SFA (1),(2), HCS

Injury to pregnant woman, charges and penalties, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 389: HCS

Interstate compact for juveniles - HB 6; HB 6: HCS, HFA (1)

Jailhouse informant, testimony of - HB 334


list, compilation of - SB 251; HB 343

service, deferment for primary caregivers - SB 251: HFA(3)

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 155

Juvenile Justice, detention hearings, services, registration - HB 550; HB 550: HCS, HFA (1),(2)

KASPER, define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

Kentucky Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)

Long-term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS


precursor, technical correction - HB 25: HFA(1)

precursors, controls on sale - HB 118


chemicals and equipment for manufacture - HB 27, 182

possession of chemical or equipment to manufacture - HB 24

unlawful manufacture of - HB 25; HB 25: HCS

Nonviolent substance abusers, parole of - HB 275


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Offender registration - HB 594

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Parole board, voting, hearings - SB 242; SB 242: SCS

Permit jailer to sell legal advertising space in county jail to attorneys - HB 307

Prisoner transportation, costs of - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Rules of evidence, amendments - HB 314

Seat belts, primary offense for riding in pickup truck bed - SB 275


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offender registration, not always required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410

offender registration, not required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 161: SFA(3); HB 410: HFA (1)

offender, residence near school prohibited - SB 167

offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 410: HFA (2)

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205

offenders, prohibit from school grounds - HB 303; HB 303: HCS (1),(2)


offender information, distribution of - HB 247

offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 102

offenses, charge stacking - SB 102: HCS

offenses, penalty enhancement - HB 223

offenses, using communications device to procure a minor - SB 102: SCS


probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS

probation, victim notification - HB 407: HFA(1)

Support of dependents, crime of nonsupport - HB 363

Unserved warrants, clerk to report to Administrative Office of the Courts - SB 54

Weapons on school property, required notice - SB 94; SB 94: SCS

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514

Wrongful imprisonment, claims for - SB 272

Data Processing


data, electronic transfer of - SB 128; HB 216

information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

Kentucky e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56

Methods of destroying records, require reasonable only - HB 140: HCA(1)


Autopsy records, petition for access to - HB 111


abuse or neglect causing fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671: HCS

abuse or neglect, fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671

Compulsory school attendance, exemption from - HB 10: HCA(1)

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178

Criminal Justice Council - HB 161: SFA(1), HFA (1)


benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566

certificate, unknown cause of death - SB 62

penalty for juveniles, elimination of - SB 166; HB 475

penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Embalmers and funeral directors, licensing requirements for - SB 143; SB 143: HFA (1)

Injury to pregnant woman, penalties, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, recognize - SR 25, 55

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Vital records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

Deeds and Conveyances

Adverse possession, increase statute of limitations - HB 166


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Deeds conveying real property to governmental agency, exempt from certain requirements - SB 121

Escheat of nonresident alien's real estate, repeal - SB 120

Local airport authorities, exempt form filing affidavit of consideration - HB 331: SCS

Private property deeds, cemetery location required on - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

Real property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Title company, licensing of - HB 612

Disabilities and the Disabled

Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)


electronic information for, nonprofit entity providing - SB 56; HB 262

Electronic Information Service Program, entities selected by the Department for the Blind - HB 262: HFA(2)

parking placards, established fines for violations of provisions - HB 419

Alternative education program, pupils with developmental disabilities - HB 653

Alzheimer's and dementia, staff training, long-term care facility to provide - SB 29

Children, recommendations on transition to adult systems, establish committees - HB 322: SFA(1)

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659

Commission for a Healthy Kentucky, reduction of injury, goal of - SB 179: HCS

Competency hearings, permit trial by court without a jury during - HB 22; HB 22: HFA (1)

Direct support for the disabled, encourage - SR 189; HR 237

Disabilities Awareness Day, recognizing - SR 22; HR 71

Disability, definition of - HB 81: HFA(1)


study a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 60; SB 45: HFA (1)

Exemption from compulsory school attendance for home or hospital placement - HB 10

Friedreich's Ataxia, third Saturday in May recognized as - SR 61; HR 110

Guardianship, affidavits and assessments, permit advance registered nurse practitioner to submit - HB 266


parking fines, make technical correction to distribution of - HB 71: HFA(2)

parking placards, omnibus revision of procedure to issue - HB 71: HCS

parking placards, provide for free renewal on permanent placards - HB 71: HFA(1)


care decisions, persons authorized - HB 67

Professional Shortage Area, eligible primary health clinic to be located in - HB 684: HFA(1)

Hearings for exceptional child complaints, statute of limitation of two years for - SB 115: SCA(1)

Hospitalization of mentally ill, definitions - HB 242: SFA(1), HCS

Hospitals for mentally ill, expand definitions - HB 242

Housing, university priority for - HB 322: SFA(4),(5),(6)


Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Trust Fund, funds may be credited to - HB 685: HCS

early intervention system, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260: HCS, HFA (1)

Early Intervention System, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260

Early Intervention System, make correction and addition to - SB 115: HFA(1)

Licensing, automotive mobility equipment dealers - HB 694

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS

Location of classrooms for students with disabilities, preschool students, and primary students - HB 81


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care ombudsman, area development district, full-time position for - HB 590


estate recovery, undue hardship exemptions from - SB 40: HFA(7); SB 153: HFA (5)

nonemergency transportation, eligibility for - HB 600

prescription drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16


consumer-directed program for - HB 116: SCS

consumer-directed services program, services and supports in - HB 116: HFA(1)

personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

Mental health/mental retardation commissions, child to adult services, establish ad hoc committee - HB 322: SFA(3)

Personal and family care homes, waiver to - HB 575

Psychiatric treatment, hospitalization not to exceed 14 days - HB 67

Senior/disabled fish & Wildlife license, duration of proof of disability. - SB 43

State autism center, consultation and training by - HB 496

State-owned marinas, designate boating access area for - HB 393

Statute of limitations for claims under IDEA - SB 115; SB 115: SFA (1),(3)

Superintendents of the Kentucky Schools for the Blind and the Deaf, appointment of - HJR 153

Time limit on request for administrative hearing under IDEA, exception to - SB 115: HCS


brain injury trust fund, direct increased fine for seat belt violations into - HB 153

brain injury trust fund, increase limit for - SB 59

Voters, assistance of - HB 635


Administrative regulations relating to emergency action plans, direct cabinet to promulgate - SJR 127; HJR 196

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

Relief Funding Program, qualifying applicants for funds - HB 454: HFA(1)

relief funding, program for - HB 454

relief vehicles, exempt from tolls on tolls roads - HB 473: HCS

Interlocal agreements, incentives for disaster and emergency services - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713


Alzheimer's and dementia, staff training, long-term care facility to provide - SB 29


cancer, create a license plate with funds designated for screening fund - SB 84

cancer, insurance coverage for - HB 227: HFA(2)

Colorectal cancer screening, health insurance, required coverage by - SB 19; HB 89

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Friedreich's Ataxia, third Saturday in May recognized as - SR 61; HR 110

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Hepatitis B vaccinations, require - HB 149; HB 149: HFA (1)


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

Health Services Cabinet, drug program requirements of - HB 516: HCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82

prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)

Individual student health care plans, schools, requirements for - HB 217


Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Trust Fund, funds may be credited to - HB 685: HCS

Lung Cancer Research Project, institutional review board for - SB 254

Management, Medicaid related to - HJR 136

Meningitis, information, universities to provide - HB 342: HCS

Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 of each year recognized as - HB 74

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65

Organ donation, April recognition for - SR 151

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Substance abuse, involuntary treatment, procedure for - HB 77; HB 67: SFA (1)

Distilled Spirits


beverage containers, federal standards of fill, compliance with - SB 79: HFA(1)

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 20 days for - SB 79

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 30 days for - SB 79: SCS

Distilled spirits and wine, Sunday sales at private clubs - HB 598

Federal standards of fill, distilled spirits and wine deemed properly labeled if meeting - HB 362: HCS

Limited restaurant and golf course fees, license fee established - SB 149; HB 466


government-imposed regulatory license fees, permissible use of - HB 252

option elections coinciding with general elections, time frame for conducting - SB 154: HFA(6)

option elections, procedures for - HB 381

National fraternal society, special private club alcohol license for - HB 597

Private club alcoholic beverage sales, Sunday sales permitted, exception to - HB 598: HFA(1)

Small and farm wineries, Sunday sales permitted - HB 239

Sunday alcoholic beverage sales at private clubs, ordinance required - HB 598: HCS

Wholesalers and retailers, minimum quantities in containers kept or sold by - HB 362



control, strengthening of - HB 336: HFA(5)

shelter standards, strengthening of - HB 336: HFA(4)

shelter, euthanasia at - HB 336: HFA(3)


law, revision of - SB 216; SB 133: HCS; HB 336: HCS

laws, revision of - HB 336


prohibited method - HB 264: SFA(1)

prohibition of - HB 336: HFA(4)

prohibition of gunshot - HB 336: HFA(6)

restrictions on - HB 441: SFA(4)

Hunters may retrieve dogs from private property - SB 131

Hunting dogs, hunters may retrieve from private lands - HB 512: HCS

Rabies vaccination requirement, cats and ferrets, removal from - HB 336: HFA(2)

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713

Domestic Relations


abuse or neglect causing fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671: HCS

abuse or neglect, fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671

support, emancipation - HB 269: HCA(1)

support, emancipation of physically or mentally incapacitated - HB 269

support, update guidelines table - HB 75

Definition of marriage - SB 245; HB 613; HCR 17; SB 245: HFA (1),(3),(5),(8),(9)

Divorce, abolishment of - HB 574


violence order, consecutive sentencing - HB 353

violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Elder abuse, attorney and clergy privilege relating to reporting of - HB 105: HFA(1)

Ethnic diversity, appreciation of - SR 255; HR 295

Grandparents needs, Health and Welfare Committee study of - HCR 78: SCS


legislative task force on raising grandchildren by - HCR 78

legislative task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5

Homestead exemption, stacking for joint marital residence - HB 122

Kentucky Child's Day, first Sunday in June as - SR 175

Maintenance, modification of - SB 159


defense of - HCR 17: HFA(1)

definition of - SB 245: HFA(7); HR 155: HFA (1)

judicial bypass procedure for pregnant minors - HB 146

solemnization of by mayors - SB 140

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption - HB 300

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Shared parenting time, adjust child support for - HB 76; HB 76: HCS

Social Security number, protection from public disclosure in domestic relations cases - HB 445

Support of dependents, crime of nonsupport - HB 363

Unemployment insurance, benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360

Victims abuse, required reports regarding - HB 105: HCS

Drugs and Medicines

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Abortion, prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65


registered nurse practitioner, controlled substances, prescriptive authority for - SB 240; HB 595: HCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescriptions, authority for - HB 595: SFA(1),(4)

Advertising, direct-to-consumer, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59

Anaphylactic medications, allow students in schools to selfadminister - HB 90: SFA(7)

Anaphylaxis, epinephrine, student use of - SB 15: SCS

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41


of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214: SCS

of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214; HB 441: SFA (1); HB 558: SFA (2)

Boarding home dispensing, prohibition of - HB 672: HFA(1)

Change title to "AN ACT relating to controlled substances" - SB 163: HCA(1)

Charitable drug repository program, transfer of unused prescription drugs to - HB 86


dependency treatment, Medicaid, payment for - SB 233

dependency treatment, temporary exemption of certificate of need for - SB 233


substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

substance endangerment to a child - SB 163; SB 163: HFA (1),(3)

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2)

substances, advanced registered nurse practitioner, prescriptive authority for - HB 595

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

substances, possession in non-original container, dismissal if valid prescription - HB 359: HCS

substances, possession of nonoriginal container, repealed - HB 359

Counterfeit prescription drug, civil fine for - SB 180

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Doctors and dentists, new prescription drug protocols, continuing education for - HB 151

Driving under the influence, substances other than alcohol - HB 536


offense, carrying firearm during commission of - HB 547: HCS

offense, possession of firearm - HB 547: HFA(1)

offense, use or carrying of firearm during - HB 547

testing, corrections employees - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Flea markets, medicine and baby formula sales, prohibition on - HB 204

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83


benefit plan, required coverage by - HB 372: HFA(9)

insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Services, program requirements relating to - SB 40: HFA(6)

HIV/AIDS prescriptions, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516: HFA(1)


Health Services Cabinet, drug program requirements of - HB 516: HCS

prescriptions, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516

Immunizations, reporting of - SB 184

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 155

KASPER system - tolerance rates for data errors - SB 14: SCS


Commonwealth's or county attorney to request law enforcement data from - SB 14: HFA(3)

define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

reporting to - SB 14: HFA(1)

Kentucky Rx Program, establishment of - HB 351


Kentucky Rx Program, rebates from - HB 351

prescription drug refundable tax credit, funding by - HB 351: HCS

Medicaid prescription drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16


copayments within - SB 192

pharmacy, lock-in restrictions for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

supplemental rebates, negotiation of - HB 267


errors, reporting and analysis of - SB 90

errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73


illness, access to drug treatment of - SB 40: HFA(3)

illness, Medicaid, access to drug treatment of - SB 16: HFA(3)

Mercury in immunizations and dental restorations, prohibit - SB 141


precursor, technical correction - HB 25: HFA(1)

precursors, controls on sale - HB 118


chemicals and equipment for manufacture - HB 27, 182

direct Justice Cabinet to establish a work group to study problem in Commonwealth - HB 424; SB 155: HCA (2)

possession of chemical or equipment to manufacture - HB 24

unlawful manufacture of - HB 25; HB 25: HCS

Nonviolent substance abusers, parole of - HB 275

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Patient assistance program, anticonvulsants, distribution of - SB 255

Pharmacy practice, expand definition of - HB 341


drug, refundable tax credit for - HB 351: HCS

drugs, refundable tax credit for - HB 351: HFA(1)

Psychotropic, training and education relating to - HJR 58

Tax credit, prescription drug costs - HB 641

Tobacco dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Economic Development

Broadband and cellular service for rural areas, improve access to - HJR 150

County income information available - HB 136

Covered wooden bridges, preservation of - HB 596


Development Bonds, funding for FY 2005-2006 debt service - HB 395: HFA(38)

Development Bonds, restore debt service funding - HB 395: HFA(28),(37)

Development Cabinet, secretary to serve on aeronautics commission - HB 326

development, international wagering hub, establishment and regulation of - HB 708: SCS


initiative program, administrative regulations, authority to promulgate - HB 648: HFA(2)

initiative program, company filings, Open Records Act - HB 648: HFA(2)

Initiative Program, creation of - HB 648

zones, designate as economic growth districts - HB 486

Excise tax on harness racetracks, exemption of - HB 708: SFA(1)


Lab Recruitment, provide funds from Department of Corrections to support - HB 395: HFA(27)

Lab Recruitment, provide funds from Legislative Branch to support - HB 395: HFA(33)

Government employees, working as industrial recruiters - HB 62: HFA(1)

Horse racing industry, Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, agency responsible for - SB 156

Industrial recruiters, requirement to disclose - HB 62

Job creation tax credit - HB 433


Economic Development Finance Authority, restore funds to - HB 395: HFA(26),(29)

Economic Opportunity Zones - HB 593

e-Health Network, creation of - HB 216

e-Health Network, software development and manufacturing related to - SB 128

Industrial Development Act - HB 593

Industrial Revitalization Act - HB 593

Industrial Revitalization program - SB 248

Investment Fund Act, provisions for - HB 292: SCS

Jobs Development Act - HB 593

Procurement Advisory Council, collect data on offshore outsourcing - HB 640: HCS

Rural Economic Development Act - HB 593

KREEDA minimum wage requirements, exempt nonprofits' handicapped workers from - SB 231

Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail task force, study role in economic development - HCR 8


industrial development authorities, members - SB 203

industrial development authorities, selection of members - HB 701

option elections coinciding with general elections, time frame for conducting - SB 154: HFA(6)

NAFTA, urge Congress to repeal and end talks on Free Trade Area of the Americas - HR 139

NAFTDA, urge President and Congress to evaluate trade policies - SR 155


Westpark Industrial Park, on-site operations - HJR 113: HCS

Westpark Industrial Park, transfer, requirements for - HJR 113

Primary health care clinics, establishment of revolving loan program - HB 684

Require the authority to promulgate administrative regulations - HB 648: HFA(1)

Revitalization project, license tax credit, formula for determining - HB 593: HFA(1)

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42


broadband access, encourage Office of New Economy to study - HR 287

enhancement and development committee, creation of - HB 361


and farm wineries, Sunday sales permitted - HB 239

business regulation, reduction or waiver of penalties - HB 649


incentives, qualified businesses - HB 700

increment financing, development area - HB 614

inducements - HB 700: HCS

Technical corrections - HB 593: HCS

Tourism Development Act, lodging facilities, project eligibility - HB 524

Education, Elementary and Secondary

"Competitive food," create definition of - HB 148: HFA(3),(4)

Academic degree, forgery of - HB 318

Accountability system, Kentucky School for the Deaf, Kentucky School for the Blind - SB 237; HB 644


students included - HB 176

students included in dropout rate - HB 177, 178

Administrative costs, study of - HCR 134: HFA(1)


certification - HB 152: SFA(1)

education program, pupils with developmental disabilities - HB 653


medications in school - SB 15

medications, allow students to selfadminister - HB 90: SFA(7)

Anaphylaxis, epinephrine, student use of - SB 15: SCS

Annual average school drop-out rate, student inclusion in - HB 178: SCS

Appropriations for - HB 395: HFA(23)

Assault-related injury, leave time for - HB 311

Benefits for certified staff called to active military duty - HB 551; HB 551: HFA (1)

Beverages, requirements for sale of healthy - HB 261; HB 261: HFA (1)

Boards of education, claims against - SB 232

Buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

Bullying - HB 540: HFA(1),(12)

Bullying, definition of - HB 540: HFA(6),(7)

Career and technical education student leaders, honor - HR 133

CATS accountability index, students to be counted in - HB 176: HCS

Certification of teachers - HB 152: SCS

Certification, school principals - HB 665


personnel, evaluation of - HB 554

staff on military leave, benefits and status of - HB 551: SCS


Education - SB 52: HFA(8)

Education Month, designate September as - HCR 5

Cigarette tax increase - HB 107


literacy, conference - SJR 80: HCS

literacy, voluntary and required programs - SJR 80; HJR 129; HJR 129: HCS


employee, definition of - SB 71; SB 71: SCS; HB 309: SFA (1)

school employees, accumulated sick leave, use of - HB 309; HB 309: HCS

school employees, leaves of absence for - HB 195: SFA(1)

school employees, sick leave, reasons for granting - HB 309; HB 309: HCS

school employees, sick leave, requirement - HB 309: HCS

Committee for Mathematics Achievement - HB 193: HFA(1)


Accountability Testing System, study of - SJR 156

assessment and accountability system, study of - SJR 156: HCS


school age, six to eighteen - HB 38

school attendance, ages six to eighteen - HB 39

school attendance, exemption from - HB 10: HCA(1)

Cooperative football teams, study of - HB 631: HCS

Corrections, move funds to the Department of Education - HB 395: HFA(32)


by students, notification to school districts - SB 52: SFA(2)

by students, notification to school districts, disposal of records - SB 52: SFA(3)

Crimes, notification of - SB 52: SFA(1), HCS; HB 460: SFA (1),(2); HB 644: SFA (3),(4)

Data, review of - HB 645: HFA(1)

Diplomas, high school - HB 113: SCS

Disability, definition of - HB 81: HFA(1)

Drivers' education programs, funding provided - HB 356

Driver's license requirements - SB 52: HFA(7)


license requirements - SB 85: HFA(1)

licenses, educational requirements - HB 304

Dropout rate, student inclusion in - HB 178: HCS

Dual Credit Students, KEES scholarship eligibility for - HB 99


of expelled students, provision for - HB 224

Professional Standards Board, confirmation of Kristin Moe Gregory - HCR 33

Professional Standards Board, confirmation of Lydia Sweeney Coffey - HCR 34

Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Cynthia M. Turner - HCR 25

Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Dan H. Branham - HCR 23

Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Linda L. Livers - HCR 31

Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Thomas James Stull - HCR 32

Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Wilson L. Stone - HCR 24

Education, Arts, and Humanities Cabinet, partnership with Native American Heritage Commission - HB 167

Educational institutions, construction projects, exempt from paying prevailing wages - HB 660

Educators, highly skilled, repeal program - HB 553

Eliminate Highly Skilled Educator Program and appropriate those dollars to KTRS - HB 395: HFA(2)

Emergency days - SB 28: HCS

Employee health insurance, state contribution for dependent coverage - HB 259

Employees, reduction in force, reasons for - HB 293

Employment of teachers - HB 651


absences for educational purposes - SB 80

educational absences, determination of - SB 80: SFA(1), HFA (1)

Exemption from compulsory school attendance for home or hospital placement - HB 10

Expelled students, educational services for - HB 656


aid, use of ACT and SAT scores to determine - HB 479

statements, publication of - HB 12

Floor level assignment for early grades - HB 81: HCS

Food service director, requirement for credentialing of - HB 148, 218; HB 148: HCS

Foods and beverages, requirements for the sale of - SB 153: HFA(3),(6); SB 179: HFA (1)


competitive, definition of - HB 148: HFA(1),(2)

requirements for sale of healthy - HB 148, 218; HB 148: HCS

Freeman, Bonnie Lash, Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 120


and talented students, opportunities and support for - SR 64

and talented students, opportunities for - HR 100

Governor's Scholars program, governance of - SB 98

Head teacher, delete reference to - HB 604

Health insurance, employer contribution for dependent coverage - HB 340

Hearings for exceptional child complaints, statute of limitation of two years for - SB 115: SCA(1)

Home schools, voluntary certification of - HB 610

Improving student achievement in mathematics and reading - HB 193: HFA(1)

Individual student health care plans, requirements for - HB 217


day, lengthening, reasons for - HB 417; SB 28: SCA (1), SFA (1)

days, lengthening to make up for time missed, counted toward minimum term - SB 28

time, adding - HB 417; SB 28: SCA (1), SFA (1)

Interscholastic football program, cooperative agreement for - HB 631

Intervention services - HB 193


award program, GPA required and awards made for - SB 238: SFA(4)

awards, calculations to determine - HB 480

awards, eligibility for - SB 238: SFA(2),(5)

awards, high school eligibility for - SB 238

funds, disbursal of - SB 238: SFA(3)

program, analysis of - HJR 135

program, changes to - SB 238: SCS

program, study by KHEAA of - HJR 135: HCS

scholarships, supplement for CATS scores - SB 238: SFA(1)


Board of Education, confirmation, Janna P. Vice - HCR 122

Early Intervention System, make correction and addition to - SB 115: HFA(1)

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, resolution honoring - SR 27

School for Blind and Kentucky School for the Deaf - HB 644: SCS

Teachers' Retirement System benefits - HB 434; HB 434: SCS

Virtual High School - SB 52: HFA(4); SB 111: HFA (5); HB 37: HCS, HFA (1)

Virtual High School, credit toward graduation from - HB 37

Korean War veterans, high school diplomas awarded to - HB 113

Ky. Teachers' Retirement System Board, transferred to Finance and Administration Cabinet - SB 152


of absence - HB 195: SCA(1)

of absence, acceptable reasons - HB 195


superintendent advisory council - HB 644: SFA(1)

superintendents advisory council, responsibilities of - SB 241

Location of classrooms for students with disabilities, preschool students, and primary students - HB 81

LRC budget, move funds to Department of Education - HB 395: HFA(30)

Mathematics and reading coaches and mentors, grants to prepare - HB 194

Millersburg Military Institute, designate as official military school - SJR 83; HJR 142

No Child Left Behind Act, funding for - SR 172; HR 174

Nonpublic schools receiving state aid, assessment of students in - HB 439

No-pass, no-drive provisions, clarify provisions relating to home schooled children - HB 304: HCS


of certain alleged crimes - SB 52: HFA(6); SB 138: HFA (1)

of certain alleged crimes, school principal - SB 52

Notification, children with court petitions - HB 90: SFA(4)

OEA, former employees, limitation of legislative roles - SB 30

Out-of-state teaching service, purchase in Kentucky Retirement Systems - HB 237

Overweight students, guidance to local school districts - HJR 195

P-16 Council, membership on - SJR 32

Personnel hiring, equity in - SB 144; HB 645


activity for students daily, requirement - HB 207

activity, daily requirement for - SB 153: HFA(3)

Primary election day, require schools to close on - HB 382


internship, eligibility for - SB 269

selection - SB 226: SFA(1)


development for certified staff - HB 652

growth fund, priority for teachers of mathematics and reading - HB 194


in mathematics and reading - HB 193

in mathematics and reading, professional growth fund, mathematics achievement fund, read - HB 193: HCS

Program of studies, include ROTC - HB 113: SCS

Programs for students through age 21 - HB 603

Psychological well-being of students, injury of - HB 540: HFA(3),(4)

Psychotropic drugs, teacher training and education relating to - HJR 58


attendance - HB 229

transportation, funding in local school districts - HCR 172

transportation, funds for - HB 330


diagnostic and intervention fund, establish, requirements for reading intervention program - SB 100

grants to address struggling readers - SB 100: SCA(1),(2),(3)

Recognition, Student Organization Leadership Day - SR 74

Reemployment of retired employees, restrictions on hiring - HB 15

Reimbursement of tuition costs to teachers for master's degree or equivalent - HB 185

Residential schools for students with disabilities - HB 644: SFA(1)

Restrictions on employing retirees, exemption for schools - HB 15; SB 60: HFA (2); SB 150: HFA (1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

Retired teachers, reemployment of - HB 391

Rhodes, David B., Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 121

Russell High School Academic Team, resolution honoring - HR 256, 260

Scholarship, Kentucky educational excellence - HB 183: HCS


board elections, district employees, activities of - HB 394

board elections, provisions for - HB 398: HFA(2)

board membership, disqualifications from - HB 398: HFA(1)

board vacancies, filling of - HB 398

bus specifications - SB 124

council, selection of personnel - SB 111: HFA(1); HB 604: HFA (1)

councils - SB 111: SFA(1), HCS

councils, accountability - SB 111

district administrative costs, study of - HCR 134: HCA(1)

district funding, levying taxes for - SB 220: SFA(1)

dropout rate, student inclusion in - HB 178: HFA(1)

facilities, levy of taxes - SB 125

foods, restrictions on sale of - SB 179: HFA(2)

personnel resignations - HB 411

personnel, procedures for selecting - HB 425

property, public and private, unlawful possession of weapons on - SB 94: SFA(1)

taxes, notice of hearing - SB 123

zone, double fines for speeding - SB 85; HB 414

zone, double fines for speeding in - HB 350

zones, double speeding fines in, technical corrections - SB 85: SCS


decision making council, membership, addition of classified employee - SB 71; SB 71: SCS

decision making council, membership, eligibility of classified employee - SB 71; SB 71: SCS

Secretary of Education, restoring authority over Department of Education and CPE - HB 395: HFA(10)


formula - SB 220: SCS

revenues, revenues from rate calculation difference deposited into - HB 714

SEEK, Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulation for state adjustment - HB 117

Selecting school personnel, school-based decision making council responsible for - HB 16, 17


of school personnel - SB 226; HB 102; SB 111: HFA (4); SB 226: SCS; HB 604: HFA (4)

of school personnel, roles of superintendent and school council in - HB 525


offender, residence near school prohibited - SB 167

offenders, prohibit from school grounds - HB 303; HB 303: HCS (1),(2)


offender entering school grounds, prohibited - HB 223

offender information, distribution of - HB 247

offender living near school, prohibited - HB 223

Statute of limitations for claims under IDEA - SB 115; SB 115: SFA (1),(3)


bullying, protection from - HB 540: HCS, HFA (5),(8),(9),(10),(11)

discipline or supervision, liability of teacher for damages resulting from - HB 51

financial aid awards, designation of - HB 479: HCS

harassment, intimidation, and bullying, protection from - SB 113

harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - HB 540

Study of CATS - SJR 156: SCA(1)

Study, administrative costs - HCR 134

Superintendent of the Year, honor Frank Welch for being named - SR 234

Superintendents of the Kentucky Schools for the Blind and the Deaf, appointment of - HJR 153


Education Excellence in Kentucky, adjustment to the formula - SB 126

Education Excellence in Kentucky, calculation of Tier I - SB 220

education excellence in Kentucky, per pupil funding, guarantee for - HB 270

Public Education, create a special license plate for - SB 202


& administrator certification requirements, Education Professional Standards Board to set - HB 152

and administrator certification requirements, Education Professional Standards Board - SB 284

retirement - HB 434: HCS(2)

Teachers' retirement benefits - HB 434: HCS(1)


Kentucky School for Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf - SB 237: SFA(1)

purchase of military service for retirement - HB 617

Technology, pilot project to provide laptop computers - SJR 152

Time limit on request for administrative hearing under IDEA, exception to - SB 115: HCS

Tobacco surtax, funding from - HB 310

Toll road fees, exemption for school vehicles - HB 473


gross receipts tax, clarification of communication service - HB 163: SCS

gross receipts tax, distribution of - HB 163: HFA(1)

Virtual high school - HB 37: SCA(1)

Voluntary school health guidelines, development of - HB 604: HCS

Weapons on school property, required notice - SB 94; SB 94: SCS

Webb, David L., Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 123

Education, Finance

Adjustment fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS

Assault-related injury, leave time for - HB 311

Average daily attendance, excused educational absences counted toward - SB 80: SFA(1)

Cigarette tax increase - HB 107

Compensatory time for teachers - HB 651

Contributions for health insurance for certified staff called to active military duty - HB 551; HB 551: HFA (1)

Drivers' education programs, funding provided - HB 356

Dual Credit Students, KEES scholarship eligibility for - HB 99

Employees, reduction in force, reasons for - HB 293

Financial aid fund, establishment of - HB 479

Grants - SB 96: SCS


amount awarded and eligibility for - SB 96

reading - HB 193: HFA(1)

Health insurance, employer contribution for dependent coverage - HB 340

Intervention services, preparation of coaches and mentors, grants to prepare - HB 193: HCS


awards, calculations to determine - HB 480

awards, eligibility for - SB 238: SFA(2),(5)

funds, disbursal of - SB 238: SFA(3)

program, analysis of - HJR 135

program, changes to - SB 238: SCS

program, study by KHEAA of - HJR 135: HCS

scholarship amounts, determination of - HB 183

scholarships, supplement for CATS scores - SB 238: SFA(1)


eligibility for - HB 169

full funding of - HB 69


Education Excellence Scholarship Awards, out-of-state use of - HB 79

Educational Excellence Scholarship program - SB 238

Leslie County - HB 395: SCA(14)

Levy of tax for school facilities, levy of growth nickel - SB 125

Mathematics institutes - HB 193: HFA(1)

No Child Left Behind Act, funding for - SR 172; HR 174

Nonpublic schools receiving state aid, assessment of students in - HB 439

Perry County - HB 395: SCA(15)

Pike County - HB 395: SCA(16)

Public postsecondary tuition freeze - HB 488

Pupil transportation, funds for - HB 330


diagnostic and intervention fund grants - SB 100

grants to address struggling readers - SB 100: SCA(1),(2),(3)

Reimbursement of tuition costs to teachers for master's degree or equivalent - HB 185

Research challenge trust fund, allocation of - HB 704


district funding, levying taxes for - SB 220: SFA(1)

districts, include among entities that law applies to - HB 458

tax levies - HB 655

taxes, notice of hearing - SB 123

Sectarian instruction, KEES scholarship permitted for - HB 28


formula - SB 220: SCS

funding, adjustment for students with limited English proficiency - HB 655

revenues, revenues from rate calculation difference deposited into - HB 714

Student financial aid awards, designation of - HB 479: HCS


Education Excellence in Kentucky, adjustment to the formula - SB 126

Education Excellence in Kentucky, limited English proficient student - SB 220

Education Excellence in Kentucky, transportation - SB 220

Tax recall procedures - SB 70: SCS


Retirement System, cost of living percentages - HB 434: SCS

Retirement System, required contributions, cost of living percentages - HB 434

Toll road fees, exemption for school vehicles - SB 61

Tuition assistance, National Guard - HB 618

Tuition, prohibit postsecondary institutions from raising, with exception - HB 35


gross receipts tax, amendments to - HB 163

gross receipts tax, collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 163: HCS


gross receipts tax, clarification of communication service - HB 163: SCS

gross receipts tax, distribution of - HB 163: HFA(1)

Virtual high school - HB 37: SCA(1)

Education, Higher

Academic degree, forgery of - HB 318

Career and technical education student leaders, honor - HR 133


engagement programs, establishment of - SJR 80; HJR 129; HJR 129: HCS

literacy, conference - SJR 80: HCS

Commission for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179

Community and Technical College System, fire and rescue training coordinator, supplement for - HB 436: HCS


on Postsecondary Education, postsecondary institutions' ethics code, guidelines for - SB 172

on Postsecondary Education, service used for retiree insurance - HB 519: HCS

on Postsecondary Education, transfer of Governor's Scholars Program to - SB 98

Credit card solicitations on college campuses, regulation of - HB 63

Definitions, amending for conformity - SB 96

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Dual Credit Students, KEES scholarship eligibility for - HB 99

Educational institutions, construction projects, exempt from paying prevailing wages - HB 660

Ethics codes, postsecondary educational institutions, faculty, staff, governing boards - SB 172

Financial aid, use of ACT and SAT scores to determine - HB 479

Fire prevention, on-campus housing facilities - SB 63: HFA(1)

Grants, amount awarded and eligibility for - SB 96

Health technology centers, encourage development of - SB 128

Hepatitis B vaccinations, require - HB 149; HB 149: HFA (1)

Homelessness prevention, education, pilot project involving information about - HB 376: HCS


disabilities and diseases, priority for persons who inform institution of - HB 322: SFA(6)

disabilities and diseases, priority for persons with - HB 322: SFA(4),(5)

Independent college and university students, honor - SR 106; HR 152

Individual development accounts - SB 82


award program, GPA required and awards made for - SB 238: SFA(4)

awards, calculations to determine - HB 480

awards, eligibility for - SB 238: SFA(2),(5)

funds, disbursal of - SB 238: SFA(3)

program, analysis of - HJR 135

program, changes to - SB 238: SCS

program, study by KHEAA of - HJR 135: HCS

scholarship amounts, determination of - HB 183

Scholarship, "participating institution" definition for - HB 250


eligibility for - HB 169

full funding of - HB 69


Center for African-American Studies and Research, creation of - HB 452

Community and Technical College System, employees' salary increases - SB 116

Community and Technical College System,honoring faculty and staff of - HR 213

Education Excellence Scholarship Awards, out-of-state use of - HB 79

Educational Excellence Scholarship program - SB 238


Community College, delegation of responsibilities for - HB 647

Community College, transfer - SB 274; HB 709; HJR 214; HCR 217; HJR 214: HCS

Lung Cancer Research Project, institutional review board for - SB 254

Meningitis, information, universities to provide - HB 342: HCS


meningitis vaccine, full-time students to be provided with information - SB 119

vaccine, require full-time students - HB 342


campus housing rental agreement, fire suppression system disclosure - SB 63: SCS

campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler disclosure - SB 63

campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler notice - HB 131; HB 131: HFA (1)


Records Law, delete exception to - HB 188: SFA(2)

Records law, exception to - HB 188: SFA(1)

Records Law, exceptions to - HB 188: SCS

P-16 Council, membership on - SJR 32


Education Nominating Committee, appointment to - HCR 22

institutions, debt issuance by - HB 489; SB 96: HFA (1)


postsecondary tuition freeze - HB 488

Service Student Loan Program - HB 483

Recognition, Student Organization Leadership Day - SR 74


Council on Postsecondary Education - SB 151

Department for Adult Education and Literacy - SB 151

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, Executive Order 2003-652 - HB 430

Research challenge trust fund, allocation of - HB 704

Residency requirements - SB 200: SFA(1)

Restrictions on employing retirees, exemption for postsecondary institutions - SB 60: HFA(2)

Retirement, adult education employees - SB 151: SCA(1)

Review of student records scoring below proficiency, intervention required - HB 193: HCS

Scholarship, Kentucky educational excellence - HB 183: HCS

Secretary of Education, restoring authority over Department of Education and CPE - HB 395: HFA(10)

Sectarian instruction, KEES scholarship permitted for - HB 28

State university police, participation in KERS - HB 621


credit card regulation - HB 130

financial aid awards, designation of - HB 479: HCS

Loan Corporation, board powers - SB 96: SFA(1)


assistance, National Guard - HB 618

fees, waiver for dependents of veterans - HB 460

for advanced degrees, in-state rate for Kentucky graduates - HB 515


definition of in-state - SB 200

postsecondary institutions - HB 35

Turner, John S., confirmation to the Council on Postsecondary Education - HCR 66


governing boards, authority to use sole source purchasing - HB 2

of Kentucky board of trustees, meetings of the - SB 92

Winters, Kenneth W., confirmation to the Council on Postsecondary Education - HCR 67

Education, Vocational

Academic degree, forgery of - HB 318

Career and technical education student leaders, honor - HR 133

Certified instructors, political rights and privileges of - HB 549

Homelessness prevention, education, pilot project involving information about - HB 376: HCS


Community and Technical College System, employees' salary increases - SB 116

Community and Technical College System,honoring faculty and staff of - HR 213


Community College, delegation of responsibilities for - HB 647

Community College, transfer - SB 274; HJR 214: HCS

P-16 Council, membership on - SJR 32

Recognition, Student Organization Leadership Day - SR 74


Office of Early Childhood Development abolished - SB 151

Workforce Development Cabinet abolished - SB 151

Retirement, adult education employees - SB 151: SCA(1)

School dropout rate, student inclusion in - HB 178: HFA(1)


assistance, National Guard - HB 618

fees, waiver for dependents of veterans - HB 460

Effective Dates, Delayed

Biofuel producer tax credits effective January 1, 2005 - HB 710


1409, July 1, 2006 - HB 684

1587, August 1, 2004 - HB 501

20232, August 1, 2004 - HB 654

802, Section 13 - HB 664

Candidate loans and postelection contributions, limits on - HB 670

Charter bus tax exemptions, effective August 1, 2004 - SB 51

Credit and debit card, protection of - HB 7

Exemption for equine industry, August 1, 2004 - HB 377

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

HB 249/SCS - HB 249: SCS

Homestead exemption, increase of - HB 464

Horse breeding fees, exemption, effective August 1, 2004 - SB 9

HVAC permitting process, effective January 1, 2005 - HB 497

Interstate compact for juveniles - HB 6; HB 6: HCS, HFA (1)


e-Health Network, appointment of board members delayed for - SB 128

Military Museum Committee, composition of - HB 21

Limited health service benefit plans, January 1, 2005 - SB 135

Minimum wage, increase, January 1, 2005 - HB 186

Motor vehicle registration supplement fund, effective August 1, 2004 - HB 348

Nursing, clinical internship, effective date for - HB 72

Primary date, change in - HB 344: SCS

Provisions relating to definition of vehicle, to take effect after EPA approval of amended SIP - HB 53: HFA(1)

Runoff primary, repeal of - HB 344: SCS

Sales tax, equine business, exemption, August 1, 2004 - SB 8

Seat belt law, primary enforcement, delayed until July 1, 2005 - HB 33

Tax credit for biodiesel producers, blenders and retailers - SB 3

Utilities gross receipts tax, collection by Revenue Cabinet, effective July 1, 2005 - HB 163: HCS

Effective Dates, Emergency

"PFC David 'Paulie' Nash Memorial Highway," designate in Daviess County - HJR 19

Administrative regulation procedures and requirements, in response to reorganization - HB 626

Anaphylaxis medications, students, self-administration of - SB 15: SFA(1)


1553 - HB 461

1555 - SB 148

1717 - HB 488

1839 - HB 550

2187 - SB 253

Buildings, environmental toxins, task force involving - HB 132

Candidate loans and postelection contributions, limits on - HB 670

Candidates and elections provisions - HB 306: SCS(1),(2)

CDL, HazMat endorsement, require fingerprint criminal background check for - HB 625

Cigarette tax increase, smokeless, loose, and other tobacco, impose tax, July 1, 2004 - HB 107

Commission for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179

Corporate license tax, deduction for - HB 352

Corporation license tax, consolidated return allowed - HB 292

Court costs, additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

Covered wooden bridges, preservation of - HB 596

Critical access hospital, expand services of - HB 323


limits on - HB 344: HCS

reduce distance to 100 feet - HB 344

Electricians, pending license, emergency provision for - SB 148: SCS; HB 461: HCS


Enterprise zones, designate as economic growth districts - HB 486

Executive orders, procedures for - HB 683

Federal candidates - HB 428


108/HCS - HB 108: HFA(1)

292 SCS - HB 292: SCS

Health care partnership, regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255

Income tax withhold on pass-through entities after 12-31-03 - HB 491

Individual health insurance premium rates - HB 633


agreements, declaring an emergency - HB 109: HCS(1)

agreements, making provisions for and declaring an emergency - HB 109: HCS(2)


1, 2003, compulsive gamblers assistance fund, creation of - HB 144

1, 2004, Emergency - HB 434

Juvenile Justice, detention hearings, services, registration - HB 550: HCS, HFA (1),(2)

Kentucky e-Health Network, implementation of - SB 128

Lexington Community College, transfer, effective July 1, 2004 - SB 274

Livery vehicles, local regulation by urban-county and consolidated local governments - HB 561


disease management - HB 267

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - HB 337

Methamphetamine, chemicals and equipment for manufacture - HB 27, 182

Noncoal mineral operations, administrative regulations, deficiency of - HJR 98

Offender registration - HB 594

Parole board, voting, hearings - SB 242; SB 242: SCS

Prevailing wage, educational institutions exempt for construction projects, effective July 1, 2004 - HB 660

Privatization of prisons, prohibit - HB 161: SFA(1)

Provision relating to filing of amended SIP, to take effect on signing or otherwise becoming law - HB 53: HFA(1)

Reading diagnostic and intervention fund, establish, requirements for reading intervention program - SB 100

SEEK revenues, revenues from rate calculation difference deposited into - HB 714


abuse, medical examinations - SB 138

assault and abuse, medical examinations, payment by Crime Victims' Compensation Board - SB 138: SCS

assault and abuse, medical examinations, payments by Crime Victims' Compensation Board - SB 138

Tax collection in urban service districts - SB 223; HB 457, 697

Teacher advancement fund, established in State Treasury - HB 185

Tobacco surtax - HB 310

Wholesale tax on cigarettes - HB 624

Effective Dates, Retroactive

Adoption of the Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 - HB 249

Corporation license tax, consolidated return allowed - HB 292

HB 292 SCS - HB 292: SCS

Law enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

Offender registration - HB 594

Privatization of prisons, prohibit - HB 161: SFA(1)

Retroactive for health care providers - SB 162

Sex offender registration, not required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410: HFA(1)

Elections and Voting

Amend tax referendum process - SB 70

Campaign contributions, recoupment if candidate switches parties - HB 484


for General Assembly, require filing of - HB 50: HFA(1)

information, redaction of - HB 50: HCS

Candidates for President and Vice President, challenge of - HB 428; HB 306: SCS (1)

Casino gaming and electronic gaming devices at racetracks, require referendum on - SB 249


list in voting room, prohibition against - HB 306: HCS

lists, prohibition of - HB 306: SCS(2)

City offices, statement of candidacy not required - HB 306: SFA(1)

Civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide restoration of - HB 552

Contributions, recoupment of - HB 484: HCS


board of elections, members of - HB 306; HB 306: SCS (2), HCS

boards of elections, members of - HB 306: SCS(1)

election officers, payment for - HB 209; HB 209: HCS


expenses, payment of - HB 306; HB 306: SCS (1),(2), HCS

expenses, reimbursement for - HB 209: HCS

expenses, reimbursement of - HB 210


- HB 344: SCS

within 250 feet, prohibition of - HB 344: HFA(2)


definition of - HB 344: HFA(1)

limits on - HB 344: HCS

reduce distance to 100 feet - HB 344


candidates, statement of candidacy not required for - HB 428; HB 306: SCS (1),(2)

offices, exclusion of - HB 50: HCS


deadlines for office, change in - HB 344: SCS

papers for statewide office, income tax returns included - HB 50

Gubernatorial slating, requirement for - HB 538

Income tax returns of candidates for statewide office, disclosure to the public - HB 50

Interlocal agreements, dissolution of taxing districts, requirement for election - HB 109: HCS(2)

Kentucky Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283


option election - HB 208: SCS

option elections coinciding with general elections, time frame for conducting - SB 154: HFA(6)

option elections, procedures for - HB 381

Payments to county clerks, increase in - HB 211

Political advertising, regulation of - HB 446; HB 446: HCS


candidates, petitions for - HB 387

preference primary, change date of - HB 557


date, change in - HB 344: SCS

elections, allow independents to vote in - HB 184

Public schools, closure on primary election day - HB 382

Registry of Election Finance, placement of candidates' income tax returns on the Internet - HB 50


primary election, repeal of - HB 538

primary, repeal of - HB 344: SCS


board elections, district employees, activities of - HB 394

board elections, provisions for - HB 398: HFA(2)

board vacancies, filling of - HB 398

board, candidates, actions of - HB 394

boards, statement of candidacy not required - HB 306: SFA(1)

Smoking ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

Statement of candidacy form, filing requirements, exceptions - HB 306: SFA(1)

Straight party ticket voting, elimination - HB 68

Telephone solicitation, making campaign calls, prohibition - HB 44

Time of election - HB 208: SFA(1)

Timeline for approval response for on-site sewage system, to be 15 workings days - HB 369: HCS


for election officers - HB 306: SCS(1),(2)

for elections officers - HB 306; HB 306: HCS

Voters, assistance of - HB 635

Write-in candidates, filing deadline for - HB 208


An inactive license may be established by the department - SB 148: HFA(2)

Coal mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS


contractor, licensing on the basis of experience - HB 461: HFA(1)

facilities owned by retail electric suppliers or cooperatives, exclude from Act - SB 37: SCA(1)

licensing, experienced based - HB 461: HFA(1)


licensing provisions and exemptions for - SB 148: SCS; HB 461: HCS

licensing requirements - SB 148: HFA(1); HB 461: HFA (2)

Inactive license, establishment - SB 148; HB 461

Licensing requirements - HB 461: SCS

Embalmers and Funeral Directors

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178

Death certificate, interment site included on - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

Human remains, Native American, reinterment procedure for - HB 560; HB 560: HCS


funeral establishments, practice allowed only in - SB 143

funeral establishments, practice allowed only in, exemption to - SB 143: HFA(1)

Life insurance, proof of death - HB 582

Emergency Medical Services

Assault in the third degree, include personnel of various emergency related services - SB 217

Cellular telephones, purchase and operation for emergency services personnel - HB 180


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226


services boards, taxing authority - HB 427

telephone services, local taxation for equipment and supplies - HB 174

telephone services, use of 911 funds for other emergency purposes - SB 110

Health care, liability limitations - SB 1; SB 1: HFA (1),(5)

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608


malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

Special EMS license plates, establish - SB 193


care, development of system for - HB 492

system, establishment of voluntary - HB 492: HCS

Eminent Domain and Condemnation

Condemnation proceedings, Ky. American Water, urge apppointment of Scott Co. resident to task force - HR 271

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537: HFA(1),(2),(3)

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Farmland, nonfarm use - HB 281

Government taking, rights of owners - SB 89; SB 89: SCS

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Legality, procedure to test in multiple parcel projects - SB 27; SB 27: SCS

Private property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581

Sanitation districts - eminent domain - SB 197: SFA(2)

Sewer acquisitions, require ratepayer referendum - HB 202: SFA(1)


"Domestic use only" permit, natural gas drilling, requirements for - SB 164

Cinergy Gallagher Plant, resolution urging reduction of pollution at - HR 173


acquisition of 1105 megawatts of electric generation facilities, House support of - HR 109

acquisition of electric generation facilities, support for - SR 81

Coal mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - SB 263; HB 556

methane development, requirements for - HB 577

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(1),(2)

methane, public protections, requirements for - HB 577: SCS


suppliers, net metering of electricity to customers with photovoltaic generating capacity - SB 247

transmission siting, location of - HCR 106

Electrical facilities owned by retail electric suppliers or cooperatives, exclude from Act - SB 37: SCA(1)

Mark Goss, confirm appointment as commissioner to PSC - SR 184


Safety Review Commission, confirmation, Bayard Collier - HCR 15

safety, electricity in mines, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(2)

Mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(1)

Motor Fuel, subsidized pricing, study of - HB 296: HCS

Municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, electricity sales to - SB 118

Net metering, retail electric service, provision for - HB 490


utilities, authorize Transportation Cabinet to reimburse for cost of relocating facilities - HB 447

utilities, permit reimbursement for moving facilities in conjunction with a highway project - HB 447: HCS

Public utilities, installations in coal mines, exemptions for - SB 37: SFA(3)


lines, delete reference to meeting reliability without adding lines - HCR 106: HCS

lines, locating in cemeteries, prohibition of - SB 246: HFA(1)

siting, public hearings, requirement for - SB 246: HFA(3)

Williams, Ellen, confirm appointment as commissioner to PSC - SR 243

Engineers and Surveyors

Business entity permit renewals, required date for, changing of - HB 96

Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

County surveyor, proposed amendment, requirements for - HB 443

Engineers and land surveyors, private investigator licensure, exemption for - SB 47: SFA(1); SB 75: HFA (2)

Engineers, private investigator licensure, exemption for - SB 47

On-site sewage system permit, local health department to issue within 15 days - HB 369: HFA(2)

Statute of limitations - HB 442

Environment and Conservation

Abandoned surface mine sites, encourage planting and growth of trees on certain - HCR 202

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271

Bryant, Officer Douglas, resolution memorializing - SR 227; HR 262

Buildings, mold and toxins, task force and inspections involving - HB 132

Cervids, new permits for captive cervids, shooting preserves - HB 468

Cinergy Gallagher Plant, resolution urging reduction of pollution at - HR 173


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - SB 263; HB 556

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(2)

methane, public protections, requirements for - HB 577: SCS

Contained landfills, reduce public nuisances from - SB 69

Directors of offices in Dept. of Public Protection, responsible to commissioner - SB 154: SFA(1)

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537; HB 537: HFA (1),(2),(3)

Electric transmission siting, location of - HCR 106

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, correct in text references - SB 154: SCS

Farmland, nonfarm use - HB 281

Forest property, management of - HB 355

Hazardous waste assessment fee, extend to June 30, 2006 - SB 222

Junk and scrap recyclers, activities allowed by and duties of - HB 628

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Louisville/Jefferson County, support its seeking a revised SIP without a VET program - SR 79


mineral administrative regulation, retention of - HJR 98: SCA(1), HCA (1)

mineral operations, administrative regulations, deficiency of - HJR 98

mining, transportation impact plan, requirement for - HB 543


Kentucky vehicle emissions testing, elimination of - HJR 12

Kentucky VET program, elimination of - SJR 3

Ky Vet program, declare unconstitutional - SJR 3: SFA(1)


sewage disposal systems, deadlines for permit process - HB 370

sewage disposal systems, permit timelines and procedures - HB 369

sewage system permit approval process timeline, extended past 15 days if inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(2)


Plant Board, creation of - HB 127

Plant Board, exclude agricultural crops - HB 127: HFA(2),(3)

Plant Board, exclude agronomic crops - HB 127: HFA(1)

plant board, require report to LRC, no regulatory authority - HB 127: HCS


environmental assurance fee, divert to road fund - SB 224: SFA(2)

environmental assurance fee, sunset - SB 224: SFA(1)

Reintroduced animal species, urge protection of - HR 244

Reorganization, Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, Executive orders 2003-064 and 2004-031 - SB 154


of well operator and landowner dispute, delete requirement to make a permit condition - SB 154: HFA(1)

of well operator and landowner disputes, revise impact of mediator recommendations - SB 154: HFA(5)

Rock fences, encourage KY Heritage Council and Dry Stone Conservancy to document - SCR 115

Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program, reexamine point system for awarding funds - HCR 114

State Implementation Plan, NREPC to submit revision to - SJR 3: HCS

Timeline for approval of on-site sewage system, extended if delay caused by inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(1)

Transmission siting, public hearings, requirement for - SB 246: HFA(3)


storage tank fund claim disputes, follow KRS 224 instead of 13B - SB 154: HCS

storage tank fund, revise sunset dates - SB 224


emission testing program, county clerk fee - HB 423

emissions testing, submit revised SIP to EPA to remove and provide technical assistance - SJR 3: HFA(1)

Waste tire trust fund to include crumb rubber - HB 301


Nonresident alien's real estate, repeal - SB 120

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42


Use in urban-county, limit - SB 11



Festivals and Events Association, official organization - SR 124

Festivals and Events Association, premier organization - HR 193

Livestock, tampering and sabotaging, prohibition of - SB 209: HFA(1); HB 264: FCCR

Federal Laws and Regulations

Cohabitation of legislators, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(4)

Congressional delegation, urged to support President Bush's tax plan - SR 239

Drugs, direct-to-consumer advertising, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59


Fair Housing Act, real estate brokers' compliance - SB 244

Fair Housing Act, real estate brokers must comply with - SB 244: SCS

judicial nominees, urge United States Senators to allow a timely floor vote on - HR 166

Firearms manufacturers and dealers, urge United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law - HR 165

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, compliance with - SB 128; HB 216

Income tax, urge exclusion for retirees - HCR 161; HCR 161: HFA (1)

Individual health insurance premium rates, Trade Act of 2002 - HB 633

J-1 waivers, recommendations for - SB 42


early intervention system, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260: HCS, HFA (1)

Early Intervention System, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, support extension of - SR 224; HR 263

Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner, medal of honor, urge Congress to award - HCR 223

Marriage between selected persons, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(3)

Medicaid, personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

No fault divorce, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(2)

Presidential preference primary, change date of - HB 557

Social Security number, protection from public disclosure in domestic relations cases - HB 445

Statute of limitations for claims under IDEA - SB 115; SB 115: SFA (1),(3)

Tax exempt lodge-based national fraternal society, special private club alcohol license for - HB 597

Television and radio broadcasts, urge tighter regulations - HCR 44, 45

Terrorism, efforts against, urge Congressional support - SR 236

Unmanned locomotives, urge Congress to mandate FRA regulation of - HCR 86

Urge United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law relating to firearms industry - HCR 74


Adverse possession, notice filed with county clerk - HB 166


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Alcoholic beverages, local license fees, permissible use of - HB 252

Appropriation clause, inclusion of - HB 157: HCS

Arrest fee for sheriffs, increase - HB 565

Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157

Charitable gaming distributors, manufacturers, and facility owners, fee increases for - HB 705

City recreational fishing program, user fee, enabling statute - SB 270


copying - HB 611: HFA(1)

fees, reduce the increase in two fees - HB 611: HCS

increase in selected - HB 611

Cosmetologists' and nail technicians' licensing fees, increases in - HB 408

County clerks, fees for duplicating - HB 669


costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

costs fees, allocation to counties - HB 413: SFA(3)

costs, increased, disposition of - HB 413: SFA(2)

costs, remove assessment of for prepaid seat belt violation fines - HB 33

costs, telephonic behavioral health jail triage system - HB 157: SCS(2)

DUI service fee, increase and allocation of - HB 157: SCS(1)

Fees - court costs - HB 413: HFA(2)

Fees, accessed on cases - HB 413: HFA(3)

Fireworks fee, annual, increase to no more than $50 - SB 273

General and limited partnerships, Secretary of State, filings with - HB 190

Hazardous waste assessment fee, extend to June 30, 2006 - SB 222

Jails, telephonic behavioral health jail triage system - HB 157: SCS(2)

Law enforcement officers, compensation for District and Circuit Court services - SB 158

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Pesticide application, licensing of - SB 175


environmental assurance fee, divert to road fund - SB 224: SFA(2)

environmental assurance fee, sunset - SB 224: SFA(1)

Prisoner transportation, costs of - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Sheriffs, compensation for District and Circuit Court services - SB 158

Special military license plates - SB 117


assistants, certification fees for - SB 206: SCS, SFA (1)

assistants, licensing fees for - SB 206

Teachers of barbering, license renewal, requirements for - HB 437

Toll road fees, exempted vehicles - SB 61; HB 473

Vehicle emission testing program, county clerk fee - HB 423

Veterinarians, biennial license renewal periods for - SB 133; HB 441


General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Guardians and conservators, no surety on bond required if restricted account - HB 679

Guardianship, affidavits and assessments, permit advance registered nurse practitioner to submit - HB 266

Kentucky Principal and Income Act, adoption of - HB 517: HCS

Proceeds of real estate sale, technical correction - SB 208

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Special purpose limited liability company, duties of independent member or manager - HB 221

Technical correction, eliminate gender specific language - HB 506

Trust administration, technical correction to remove gender-specific language - HB 517

Financial Responsibility

Collection of performance reclamation bonds, exclude - HB 162: SFA(2)

Credit card solicitations on college campuses, regulation of - HB 63

Develop system for collecting old court debts - SB 228: SFA(1)


internal controls for payment system - SB 228: HFA(1)

systems for the collection of debts - SB 228: SCS

Impose pre-audit controls for state agencies - SB 228: HCS

Improper payments, include - HB 162: SFA(2)

Include improper payments in debt collection system - HB 162: SFA(1)


abuse, involuntary treatment, payment for - HB 77

abuse, involuntary treatment, procedure for - HB 67: SFA(1)

Fire Prevention

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41


department aid, increase of - HB 436; HB 20: SFA (1)

Department aid, increase of - HB 436: HCS

protection districts, merger - SB 259; HB 412


campus housing rental agreement, fire suppression system disclosure - SB 63: SCS

campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler disclosure - SB 63

campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler notice - HB 131; HB 131: HFA (1)

On-campus housing facilities - SB 63: HFA(1)

Public display of fireworks, permit for - SB 273

Training-related activities, appropriation for - HB 435

Firearms and Weapons

Animal shelter, euthanasia at - HB 336: HFA(3)


deadly weapon - SB 95: HFA(3)

deadly weapon license, military may apply - SB 83

deadly weapons - SB 95: HFA(2)

weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

weapons, permit state probation and parole officers to carry - HB 374


firearms, disposition of - HB 156: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA (4); HB 570: HFA (2)

firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)

Consolidated local governments, zoning, firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HCA(1)


offense, carrying firearm during commission of - HB 547: HCS

offense, possession of firearm - HB 547: HFA(1)

offense, use or carrying of firearm during - HB 547


of records, Class D felony/misdemeanors - HB 371

of records, Class D felony/Misdemeanors - HB 371: HFA(1)


dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

manufacturers, importers, and dealers, zoning of - SB 95: HFA(1)

Kentucky Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283

Notification of certain alleged crimes, school principal - SB 52

Planning and zoning, location of firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HFA(4),(5)

Restrictions on employing retirees, exemption for postsecondary institutions - SB 150: HFA(1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

School property, unlawful possession of weapons on - SB 94: SFA(1)

Weapons on school property, required notice - SB 94; SB 94: SCS

Firefighters and Fire Departments

Airport boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Assault in the third degree, include personnel of various emergency related services - SB 217

Cellular telephones, purchase and operation for emergency services personnel - HB 180

City annexation, notification of intent to annex - HB 682

Collective bargaining, urban-county government, provisions for - HB 572


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566

Department aid, increase of - HB 436; HB 20: SFA (1); HB 436: HCS


ambulance service by, allow levy up to .20 cents tax - HB 406

services boards, taxing authority - HB 427


Commission, make director member of Kentucky Emergency Response Commission - HB 253; HB 253: HCS

protection districts, limitations on board of trustees, removal of - SB 195

protection districts, merger - SB 259; HB 412

Firefighters license plate, allow professional firefighters to acquire - SB 106

Homeowners insurance, premium discount for firefighters - SB 67

Identification cards for volunteer firefighters - HB 20


agreements, exemption of Chapter 75 department from provisions of bill - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, incentives for firefighters - HB 78

agreements, study of incentives for and volunteer fire departments - HB 78: HCS

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

Labor organizations, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 173

Lex-Fayette County, resolution urging pay increase for firefighters - HR 208, 250

Pensions, medical insurance benefits, third-class cities - SB 235

Public display of fireworks, permit for - SB 273

Sandford, Jr., James "Jim" Franklin, resolution honoring - SR 219

State aid, increase of - SB 99

Training-related activities, appropriation for - HB 435

Urban-county, retirement benefits - SB 139: HFA(1),(2),(3)


fire departments, additional monetary award for continuing education - HB 436: HFA(1)

firefighter ID program - HB 20: HCS

Workers' compensation, heart or lung disease, benefits for - SB 196


Public display of fireworks, permit for - SB 273

Fiscal Note

Accountability system, Kentucky School for the Deaf, Kentucky School for the Blind - HB 644

Administrative Office of the Courts, collection of delinquent debts - HB 162

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Allow Secretary of State to accept electronic signatures for business filing requirements - HB 135: HCS

Biodiesel tax credit - HB 249: SCS

Board of Nursing, licenses for retired nurses, fees - HB 72: HCS

Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157


cancer - SB 97: SCS

cancer education and research, establish tax check-off fund, and board - HB 52

cancer research fund - SB 97

Broadband, provision of - SB 215: SFA(2)

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271

Budget bill, effect on existing statutes - HB 240

Cabinets, collection of debts, certification of debts to Finance and Administration Cabinet - SB 228

Casinos and racetracks gaming operations, omnibus bill - HB 637

Charitable dental care, provision of - HB 321

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Claims bill - HB 569


school employees, sick leave requirement - HB 309

school employees, sick leave, requirement - HB 309: HCS

Community and Technical College System, fire and rescue training coordinator, supplement for - HB 436: HCS


care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, extension - HB 59: HCS

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, removal of - HB 59


substance endangerment to a child - SB 163; SB 163: HCS (1)

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, HCS (2)

Corporation license tax, consolidated return allowed - HB 292

County income information available - HB 136

Court costs - additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

Critical access hospital, expand services of - HB 323

Definition of marriage - HB 613

Delinquent property tax collection, county attorney fee for litigation - HB 498

Dentist, charitable health care provider to include - HB 321: SCS

Dentists, charitable health care practice by - HB 321: HCS


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

relief funding, program for - HB 454

Drug manufacturer rebates, negotiation of - HB 351: HCS

DUI service fee, increase and allocation of - HB 157: SCS(1)

Employer contribution toward insurance - SB 93

Establish systems for the collection of debts - SB 228: SCS


and Administration, "Code Adam," implementation of - HB 251: HCS

facilities, performance bonds, increase limitations on - HB 405

Fire department aid, increase of - HB 436

Gambling, international wagering hub, establishment and regulation for - HB 708: SCS

Government taking, rights of owners - SB 89; SB 89: SCS

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)


care providers - SB 162

insurance, employer contribution for dependent coverage - HB 340

Services Cabinet, abuse, attorney and clergy privilege relating to - HB 105: HFA(1)


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - HB 82: SCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82


prevention, employment, pilot project involving information about - HB 376: HCS

prevention, pilot project for - HB 376: SCS


exemption, increase of - HB 464

exemption, propose increase of - HB 465

exemption, stacking for joint marital residence - HB 122

Horse racing, international wagering hub, tax exemption provided - HB 693

Impose a flat rate of 6% on corporate income - HB 662


tax exemption for active duty military outside U.S. - SB 173

tax, reform - HB 299

Income, rate and filing threshold changes - HB 298

Increased traffic penalties, support drivers' education - HB 356


exposure - SB 145

exposure, penalty for - SB 145: HCS

Interlocal agreements, incentives for - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

Jail inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64

Justice, homelessness prevention, discharge pilot project for - HB 376

KEES program, changes to - SB 238: SCS


Asset/Liability Commission, duties of - HB 418

Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulation for state adjustment - HB 117

Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Trust Fund, funds may be credited to - HB 685: HCS

Education Excellence Scholarship Awards, out-of-state use of - HB 79

Educational Excellence Scholarship program - SB 238

Rx Program, establishment of - HB 351

School for Blind and Kentucky School for the Deaf - HB 644: SCS

Teachers' Retirement System, option to elect participation in - HB 434: HCS(1)

Ky. Board of Education, establish alternative program, pupils with developmental disabilities - HB 653

Limited liability companies, regulation of - SB 260

Liquidated debts, collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 162: HCS

Long-term care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - HB 158

Manufacturers' excise, contract for the payment of - HB 297

Medicaid partnership in regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255


consumer-directed program for - HB 116: SCS

consumer-directed services program, allocation of funds - HB 116: HCS

consumer-directed services program, creation of - HB 116

personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

Medical errors, reporting and analysis of - SB 90

National Guard, birth certificate, free copy of - HB 400: HCS

Nursing licensure, requirements for - HB 72

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 661

Postsecondary institutions, debt issuance by - HB 489


tax assessment and PVA administration fund, creation of - HB 339

tax, assessment of - HB 518

Psychiatric treatment, hospitalization not to exceed 14 days - HB 67

Public Service Student Loan Program - HB 483

Quota buydowns, exempt from income tax - HB 97

Reading diagnostic and intervention fund grants - SB 100

Require courts to establish a system of controls for debts - SB 228: HCS

Sales tax, pay phone exemption from - HB 654


competitive foods, definition of - HB 148: HFA(1),(2)

food sale requirements in - HB 148


of Personnel, annual review of units with 5 or fewer employees - HB 164

of State, online notarization for business filing requirements - HB 135


offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 102

offenses, charge stacking - SB 102: HCS

offenses, using communications device to procure a minor - SB 102: SCS

Smoking cessation programs, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

State registrar, birth and death certificates, furnish free for the military - HB 400

Support education excellence in Kentucky, per pupil funding, guarantee for - HB 270


and expenditure limits, imposition of - HB 347

exemption for purchases made to fulfill a contract with a governmental entity or school district - HB 114

incentives, qualified businesses - HB 700

inducements - HB 700: HCS

information, report of - HB 518: HCS

Teacher retirement - HB 434: HCS(2)

Toll roads, nonpaying users - SB 61

Tourism Development Act, lodging facilities, project eligibility - HB 524

Training-related activities, appropriations for - HB 435

Trauma care, development of system for - HB 492


gross receipts tax, amendment to - HB 163

gross receipts tax, collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 163: HCS

gross receipts tax, collection by Revenue Cabinet, effective July 1, 2005 - HB 163: HCS

Utility gross receipts tax, clarification of communication service - HB 163: SCS

Fish and Wildlife

Aquaculture Task Force, reauthorization of - HJR 218

Cervids, new permits for captive cervids, shooting preserves - HB 468

City recreational fishing program, enabling statute - SB 270

Hunters may retrieve dogs from private property - SB 131; HB 512: HCS

Licenses, forfeiture for failure to appear pursuant to a citation or summons - SB 267; SB 267: SFA (1)


Plant Board, creation of - HB 127

Plant Board, exclude agricultural crops - HB 127: HFA(2)

Plant Board, exclude agronomic crops - HB 127: HFA(1)

plant board, require report to LRC, no regulatory authority - HB 127: HCS

Public hunting, cooperator permits - SB 209: SCS

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713

Senior/disabled license, duration of proof of disability - SB 43

Task Force on Funding for Wildlife Conservation, reauthorization of - HCR 190

Title change to "An Act relating to fish and wildlife resources" - SB 209: SCA(1)

Weapons on rural or remote school property, hunting permitted if not posted - SB 94: SFA(1)

Wildlife management, liability - SB 209: SFA(1)

Flood Control and Flooding

Building permits, local government may issue in floodplain - SB 243


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

Relief Funding Program, qualifying applicants for funds - HB 454: HFA(1)

relief funding, program for - HB 454


"Competitive food," create definition of - HB 148: HFA(3),(4)

Blackberry, official state fruit - SB 266

Congressional delegation, request assistance for food animal tracking - SCR 93

Egg packs and cartons, labeling, expiration date - HB 283; HB 283: HCS

Food manufacturers and others, no liability for weight gain, obesity, or related condition - SB 176

Foods and beverages, requirements for school sale of - SB 153: HFA(3),(6); SB 179: HFA (1)


beverage requirements during school day in - HB 261: HFA(1)

beverage requirements for breakfast and lunch in - HB 261

beverage vending machine requirements in - HB 261

competitive foods, definition of - HB 148: HFA(1),(2)

food sale requirements in - HB 148; HB 148: HCS

requirements for breakfast and lunch in - HB 148, 218; HB 148: HCS

vending machine requirements in - HB 218

Forests and Forestry

Abandoned surface mine sites, promote planting and growth of trees on certain - HCR 202


products, hauling without a permit, conform to provisions for hauling building materials - HB 34

property, management, classification, and tax assessment of - HB 355

Noncoal mineral operations, administrative regulations, deficiency of - HJR 98

Pest plant board, require report to LRC, no regulatory authority - HB 127: HCS


"Domestic use only" permit, natural gas drilling, requirements for - SB 164

Biodiesel tax credit - HB 249: SCS

Biofuels, tax credits for - HB 710

Coal mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - SB 263; HB 556

methane development, requirements for - HB 577

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(1)

Gasoline and special fuels, imposition of tax on - SB 198

Gasoline, price cap - HB 599

Liquefied petroleum gas, limit liability for work done by other than licensee - SB 256

Marketing, prohibit unfair competition - HB 296


fuel taxes, supplemental tax imposed - HB 664

fuel taxes, surtax imposed - HB 395: HFA(11)

Fuel, subsidized pricing, study of - HB 296: HCS

Net metering, retail electric service, provision for - HB 490

Public utilities, installations in coal mines, exemptions for - SB 37: SFA(3)

Tax credit for biodiesel producers, blenders and retailers - SB 3

Tax, reporting of - HB 522

Taxation of - HB 297: HCA(1)

Underground storage tank fund claim disputes, follow KRS 224 instead of 13B - SB 154: HCS

Undyed diesel, sales tax exemption for - HB 501


Biodiesel tax credit - HB 249: SFA(1)

Casino gaming and electronic gaming devices at racetracks, require referendum on - SB 249

Casinos and racetracks gaming operations, omnibus bill - HB 637


gaming distributors, manufacturers, and facility owners, accounting required of - HB 705

gaming distributors, proscription on conduct of, exceptions to - HB 705

gaming license, two-year residency requirement imposed - HB 426

gaming, progressive bingo game, establishment of - HB 705

Compulsive gamblers assistance fund, creation of - HB 144

Constitutional amendment to permit casinos - HB 636


gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, appropriations - HB 46

gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, omnibus bill - HB 45

Gambling, international wagering hub, establishment and regulation for - HB 708: SCS

Gaming at racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - SB 250

Kentucky Lottery Corporation, permit advertising of government programs by the - HB 154

Pari-mutuel wagering, Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, agency responsible for - SB 156

Underwriting and rating, use of third-party liability claims for - SB 5

Video lottery terminals at horse racing tracks, constitutional amendment for - HB 47

General Assembly

Adjourn, veto recess - SCR 233

Adjournment, sine die - SCR 256


regulation review subcommittee, meeting requirements - HB 626

regulations, declare deficient ones null, void, and unenforceable - HB 295

Appointments, Senate confirmation of - SB 285

Appropriation powers, clarify - HB 615

Appropriations power, clarify - HB 615: HFA(1)

Assistants, participation in KERS - HB 519: HCS

Balance of power, clarify - SB 245: HCS

Bills, House and Senate co-sponsorship - HB 94

Board of Tax Appeals, Appointment of George H. Helton - SR 65

Budget, provide for enactment of - SB 262

Bullying legislators - HB 540: HFA(1)

Campaign contributions, study of - HB 484: HFA(1),(2)

Candidate, require filing of - HB 50: HFA(1)

Capitol and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493

Cohabitation of legislators, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(4)

Committee to wait upon the Governor, direct the appointment of - SR 6; HR 2

Constitutional amendment to permit casinos - HB 636

Creditable compensation for retirement purposes, definition - HB 690

Drugs, direct-to-consumer advertising, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59

Even-year session, extension of - HB 364

Executive orders, procedures for - HB 683

Facilities, gambling, authorize at horse racing tracks and other locations - HB 676

Former Rep. Joe Clarke, honor with memorial plaque - HCR 215


Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, admitted to practice of law - SB 163: HFA(1); SB 219: HFA (2)

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, granted license to practice law - SB 148: HFA(2)

Assembly, joint sponsorship of bills between chambers - SB 214: HCS

Assembly, joint sponsorship of bills between chambers, procedures established for - SB 214: HCS


task force on raising grandchildren by - HCR 78

task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5


security report, filing of - SB 74

security, report of funding to - SB 55


Rules, adoption of - HR 3

Rules, budget bill conference reports - HR 191

Rules, decorum of members - HR 160

Joint bill sponsorship between chambers, procedures established for - SB 214: HCS


Long-Term Policy Research Center Bd, appointment of Marshall D. Slagle to unexpired term - HCR 39

Long-Term Policy Research Center Board, reappointment of Daniel Hall to - HCR 30

Long-Term Policy Research Center Board, reappointment of Jennifer M. Headdy - HCR 29

Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 105

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 105: SCS

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 397

transportation oversight subcommittee, additional membership - SB 2: SCS

Legislators, continuing education - HB 416

Long-Term Policy Research Center, purpose, quadrennial reports, studies, findings, policy options - SB 127

Lottery, mention of government programs in advertising - HB 80

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee, jurisdiction of - SB 17; HB 288; HB 90: SFA (6)

Members of General Assembly, renewal of legislative license plate, increase renewal fee - HB 696

Methamphetamine, direct Justice Cabinet to establish a work group to study problem in Commonwealth - HB 424; SB 155: HCA (2)

Open sessions with prayer, invitation to pastors - SR 2; HR 1


Board, James D. Provence, confirmation of appointment to - SR 71

Board, Kammy Daugherty, confirmation of appointment to - SR 70

Board, Nell O. Glass, confirmation of appointment to - SR 69

Board, Patricia Ann Combs, confirmation of appointment to - SR 68

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption, annual report to - HB 300

Powers of courts, with respect to - SB 89: HFA(1)

Relationships conferring marital benefits, legislative power to define - SB 245: HFA(12)

Remove legislative cost-of-living increase - SB 100: HCA(1)


benefits codified in KRS Chapter 21 - SB 201

benefits, compensation used to determine - HB 690

School board membership, disqualification for members' immediate family - HB 398: HFA(1)

Senate Rules, adoption of - SR 1

Sessions, timing and duration, constitutional amendment - HB 657

Sex offender management, study of - HCR 13

Smoking Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)

Special GA license plates, add $10 extra fee for KECC - HB 172: HFA(9)

Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, LRC reestablishment of - HCR 206

Task Force on Funding for Wildlife Conservation, reauthorization of - HCR 190


Cabinet contracts, require to be reviewed by LRC Government Contract Review Committee - SB 2: SFA(1)

Oversight Subcommittee, co-chairs' duties, quorum, vote required for actions - SB 2: SFA(5)

Oversight Subcommittee, require review of all Transportation Cabinet contracts - SB 2: SFA(3),(4)


Appointments, Senate confirmation of - SB 285

Board of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214

Boards and commissions, appointment, automatic renewal - HB 325; HB 325: HCS, HFA (1),(2),(3)

Capitol and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493


protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibit - HB 471: HCS

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471

protection, price gouging, prohibit - HB 471: SCS

Designation of activities designated for privatization, inclusion in budget - SB 58


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

Relief Funding Program, qualifying applicants for funds - HB 454: HFA(1)

relief funding, program for - HB 454


Orders 2003-064 and 2004-027, confirm as they relate to the Transportation Cabinet - SB 160

orders 2003-064 and 2004-031 - SB 154

orders, expiration at end of term, exemption from - HB 683: HFA(1)

orders, identification and expiration of - HB 683

orders, procedures for - HB 683

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487

Governor's Advisory Council on Minority Affairs, adds at large member from government - HB 588: HFA(1)

Gubernatorial campaign finance, requirements for - HB 538

Homeland security, funding of - SB 55: SFA(1)


Housing Corporation, appointment of Kenneth Wade Kerns to - SR 142

Military Museum Committee, appointment of - HB 21

Pardon Board, constitutional amendment - SB 283

Minorities, create Governor's advisory council - HB 588

Nepotism provisions - HB 1; HB 1: HFA (1)


of Homeland Security, executive director, appointment of - SB 74

of the Governor, Department of Personnel, Executive Order 2003-064, Part 1 - SB 150

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption, annual report to - HB 300

Presentation of legislation to General Assembly - SB 262

Provision of social services, government funding for - HB 487

Public financing for gubernatorial slates, repeal of - HB 344: SCS

Reorganization, Department of Personnel - SB 150: SCA(1)

Restoration of civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 239

Runoff primary, repeal of - HB 344: SCS

Smoking Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Waste, 6-1-1 system for reporting of - HR 188: HFA(1)


Child abuse or neglect investigations, information on de facto custodian status to be provided - HB 248


hearing, when jury need not be used - SB 251: HCS(1)

hearings, permit trial by court without a jury during - HB 22; HB 22: HFA (1)


of disabled adults, study a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 17: HFA(1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

of disabled adults, study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 60; SB 16: HFA (1)

Employment, study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 45: HFA(1)

Guardianship, affidavits and assessments, permit advance registered nurse practitioner to submit - HB 266


care decisions, persons authorized - HB 67

services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption - HB 300

Psychiatric treatment, hospitalization not to exceed 14 days - HB 67

Surety on bond, exemption if assets in restricted account - HB 679

Hazardous Materials

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41

Hazardous waste assessment fee, extend to June 30, 2006 - SB 222

Lead paint, screening for - SB 199: SFA(1)

Liquefied petroleum gas, limit liability for work done by other than licensee - SB 256

Health and Medical Services

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Abortion counseling public funding prohibited - HB 32


abolish - HB 441: SFA(5)

prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Academy for Health Care Improvement and Cost Reduction, creation of - SB 90

Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)

Accessible Electronic Information Service Program, entities selected by the Department for the Blind - HB 262: HFA(2)


registered nurse practitioner, controlled substances, prescriptive authority for - SB 240; HB 595: HCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescriptions, authority for - HB 595: SFA(1),(4)

Anaphylactic medications, allow students in schools to selfadminister - HB 90: SFA(7)

Anaphylaxis, epinephrine, student use of - SB 15: SCS

Appropriation clause, inclusion of - HB 157: HCS

Assisted-living community, business entity operation of - SB 264

Attorneys, limit contingency fee in medical negligence cases - SB 137

Birth control programs, state participation in - HB 31

Blind and disabled persons, accessible electronic information for - SB 56; HB 262

Board of Medical Licensure, membership of - HB 688


home, registration of - HB 672: HCS

home, registration required, suspension of - HB 672

Boxers, required physical examination, scope of - HB 126


and wrestling, health and safety rules imposed - HB 126: HCS(2)

regulations, medical requirements established - HB 126: HCS(1)

Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157


cancer education and research, establish tax check-off fund, and board - HB 52

cancer tax check-off, establish fund and board - SB 97

Breast-feeding, encouragement of - HB 646

Cabinet for Health Services, teenage drinking and driving, study of - HJR 211

Catasrophic health insurance, exclusion of mandated benefits - SB 165


of need requirements, exempt primary care centers and rural health clinics from - SB 185

of need, nonsubstantive review, rehabilitation agencies eligible for - SB 23

Cervical cancer, LRC study - HCR 167


dental care, provision of - HB 321

drug repository program, transfer of unused prescription drugs to - HB 86

health care provider, amend definition of - HB 321: HCS

health care provider, dentist included as - HB 321: SCS


dependency treatment, Medicaid, payment for - SB 233

dependency treatment, temporary exemption of certificate of need for - SB 233


psychiatric treatment facilities, expansion of - HB 90: SCS

psychiatric treatment facilities, location and beds - HB 90; HB 90: HCS, HFA (1)

Cigarette tax increase, smokeless, loose, and other tobacco, impose tax - HB 107

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Colorectal cancer screening, health insurance, required coverage by - SB 19; HB 89


for a Healthy Kentucky, reduction of injury, goal of - SB 179: HCS

for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179

Complementary and alternative health care, without a license, allowing practice of - HB 181

Compulsive gamblers assistance fund, within Division of Substance Abuse, creation of - HB 144

Contingent fee agreements, limitation on - HB 450: HFA(2)


care retirement community nursing home beds, extension of sunset clause - HB 59: SCA(1)

care retirement community, extension of sunset provision relating to - HB 695

care retirement community, independent living unit, options to include at least one - SB 153: HFA(7); SB 186: HFA (3)

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, extension - HB 59: HCS

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, removal of - HB 59

care retirement community, residential living options for - HB 695


substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

substances, advanced registered nurse practitioner, prescriptive authority for - HB 595

Counterfeit prescription drug, civil fine for - SB 180

Criminal record check, out-of-state fees for - SB 182


access hospital, acute care hospital, study by - HB 323: HCA(1)

access hospital, expand services of - HB 323

Death certificate, unknown cause of death - SB 62

Denturists, licensing established, scope of practice defined - SB 280

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Direct support for the disabled, encourage - SR 189; HR 237

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Doctors and dentists, continuing education for - HB 151

Drugs, direct-to-consumer advertising, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59

Emergency contraceptives, prescribing and dispensing of - HB 87

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Feral cats, rabies, vaccination of - HB 336: HFA(7)

Friedreich's Ataxia, third Saturday in May recognized as - SR 61; HR 110

Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 234

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83


and Family Services Cabinet, creation of - SB 153

care decisions, persons authorized - HB 67

care employees, monetary damages and job reinstatement, right to recover - HB 378

care liability limitations - SB 1: HFA(3),(4)

care liability, ballot language for constitutional amendment, revision of - SB 1: SFA(7)

care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

care, liability limitations - SB 1; SB 1: HCS, HFA (1),(5)

care, liability limitations and dispute resolution system, constitutional amendment - SB 1: SCS(2)

care, liability limitations, ballot language for constitutional amendment - SB 1: SCS(1)

departments, citation correction - HB 512

Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

Professional Shortage Area, eligible primary health clinic to be located in - HB 684: HFA(1)

Healthy Kentuckians, commission on, add duties on school foods - SB 179: HFA(2)


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

Health Services Cabinet, drug program requirements of - HB 516: HCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82

prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)


and community-based waiver, eligibility for - SB 189: HFA(1)

and community-based waiver, prohibit exclusions from - SB 40: HFA(4)

Hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

Hospital, acute care, admission at - HB 242: SFA(3)

Human services, 2-1-1 dialing code for - SR 144; HR 188, 189


health insurance riders, exclude coverage - HB 592

student health care plans, schools, requirements for - HB 217

Infertility, health benefit coverage of - HB 702

Injury to pregnant woman, health care providers, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)

Insurance mandate for hospice care - HB 227: SFA(3)


CPT codes, insured liability for - HB 455

mammography and breast cancer, coverage for - HB 227: HFA(2)

KASPER system - tolerance rates for data errors - SB 14: SCS


Board of Medical Licensure, study of the composition of - HB 688: HCS

Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Board, secretary of Cabinet for Health Services member of - HB 685: HCS

early intervention system, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260: HCS, HFA (1)

Early Intervention System, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260

early intervention system, definitions of - SB 153: HFA(1)

e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56

e-Health Network, implementation of - SB 128

e-Health Network, voluntary participation in - HB 216

Health Care Improvement Authority, membership - HB 509

Rx Program, establishment of - HB 351

Lead paint, screening for - SB 199: SFA(1)

Limited insurance plans - HB 227

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care facility, employees, criminal background information about - SB 189

care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS

care ombudsman program, funding of full-time positions for - HB 529

care ombudsman, area development district, full-time position for - HB 590

care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - SB 32; HB 158

care staffing committee, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112

Lung Cancer Research Project, institutional review board for - SB 254

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)


buy-in program for disabled adults, study - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

buy-in program for disabled adults, study and implement - HB 60; SB 45: HFA (1)

nonemergency transportation, eligibility for - HB 600

Oversight and Advisory Committee, jurisdiction of - SB 17; HB 288; HB 90: SFA (6)

partnership in regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255

prescription drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16

prospective payment, Cabinet for Health Services directed to study impact of - SJR 133

tobacco surcharge, funding for - HB 310


consumer-directed program for - HB 116: SCS

consumer-directed services program, allocation of funds - HB 116: HCS

consumer-directed services program, creation of - HB 116

consumer-directed services program, services and supports in - HB 116: HFA(1)

encourage maximization of resources - HB 502: HCS

maximization of resources, encourage - HB 502

PACE, implementation of - SB 186

personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

pharmacy, lock-in restrictions for - SB 14: HFA(2)

provider tax and payments, hospital services subject to - SB 265

recipients, lock-in restrictions for - HB 220

supplemental rebates, negotiation of - HB 267

supplies and durable medical equipment, any-willing-provider exemption for - SB 41

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

malpractice, damages recoverable - SB 1: SFA(2)

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

malpractice, omnibus reform - HB 450; HB 450: HCS

negligence actions - SB 1: SFA(8)

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Meningitis, information, universities to provide - HB 342: HCS


meningitis vaccine, full-time college students to be provided with information - SB 119

vaccine, require full-time students - HB 342


health and substance abuse services, standards for contracted agencies - HB 542

health, HIV, and AIDS, drug coverage for - HB 372: HFA(9)

illness, access to drug treatment of - SB 40: HFA(3)

illness, Medicaid, access to drug treatment of - SB 16: HFA(3)

illness, psychotropic drugs, teacher training and education relating to - HJR 58

Mercury in immunizations and dental restorations, prohibit - SB 141

Minimum wage & overtime provisions, exempt individuals who provide companionship services - SB 45

Nonbinding alternative dispute resolution system and trial by jury, provide for - SB 1: SFA(9)

Nonprescription contact lenses, prohibit sale to minors - HB 233

Nursing, clinical internship, requirements for - HB 72

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65

Organ donation, April recognition for - SR 151

Overtime exemption, in-home companionship services provided by a third party - SB 45: SCS, HCS

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Partial-birth abortion - HB 26


assistance program, anticonvulsants, distribution of - SB 255

safety center - SB 91

Personal and family care homes, waiver to - HB 575

Pharmacy practice, expand definition of - HB 341

Pharmacy, scope of practice expanded - HB 341: HCS


activity daily, requirement - HB 207

therapists, continued competency requirement for - SB 206: HCS


assistant, temporary certificate - HB 456; HB 456: HFA (1)

assistant, temporary certificate for - SB 276

profiles, creation and dissemination of - HB 691

Physician, licensure, special faculty license - HB 456; HB 456: HFA (1)

Physicians Health Foundation, creation of - SB 276

Physicians, medical and osteopathic schools, practice within - SB 276


drug rebates, negotiation of - HB 351: HFA(1)

drug, refundable tax credit for - HB 351: HCS

Primary health care clinics, establishment of revolving loan program - HB 684

Psychiatric treatment, hospitalization not to exceed 14 days - HB 67


Health, core functions of - SB 199

Health, immunizations, reporting of - SB 184

health, Medicaid funding for - HB 395: HFA(14)

Punitive damages, taxation of - HB 450: HFA(1)

Radon, buildings, mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

School foods, restrictions on sale of - SB 179: HFA(2)

Schools, food and beverage requirements for - SB 153: HFA(3),(6); SB 179: HFA (1)

Self-referral prohibition, elimination of Medicaid and Medicare distinction for - HB 482

Services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Social workers, licensing of - HB 667


assistants, certification of - SB 206: SCS, SFA (1)

assistants, licensing of, required physician supervision of - SB 206

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

Tobacco dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Tongue splitting, finding of therapeutic or clinical basis required - HB 14


care, development of system for - HB 492

system, establishment of voluntary - HB 492: HCS


brain injury trust fund, direct increased fine for seat belt violations into - HB 153

brain injury trust fund, increase limit for - SB 59

Wild or exotic animals, rabies, testing for - HB 336: HFA(8)

Health Benefit Mandate

Colorectal cancer screening, health insurance, required coverage by - SB 19; HB 89

Contributions for health insurance for certified staff called to active military duty - HB 551


benefit plan, required coverage by - HB 372: HFA(9)

insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

Mercury in immunizations and dental restorations, prohibit - SB 141

Highways, Streets, and Bridges

"Battlefield Memorial Highway," designate section of US 421 in Madison County - HJR 82

"Charles H. McGinnis Memorial Highway," designate a portion of US 68 in Mercer County - HJR 116

"Christopher Leo White Memorial Highway," designate a portion of KY 245 - HJR 18: HFA(1)

"Cpl. Joshua D. Harris Memorial Bridge," designate in Letcher County - HJR 126; HJR 7: SCA (1)

"Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail," designate part of US 25E as - HJR 7: HFA(1)

"Eula Hall Highway," designate in Floyd County - SJR 44

"Euris Chaney Connector," designate in Calloway County - HJR 40

"John C. Cline Memorial Bridge," designate in Martin County - HJR 69

"Kentucky Veterans Highway," designate in Bell County - HJR 42

"Lloyd Rogers Highway," designate in Campbell County - HJR 209

"O. Stanley Johnson Bridge," designate in Pike County - SJR 157

"PFC David 'Paulie' Nash Memorial Highway," designate in Daviess County - HJR 19

"Tom Christerson Memorial Highway," designate in Muhlenberg County - SJR 34; HJR 90


motor vehicles, amend penalties relating to - HB 357: HFA(1)

vehicles, clarify notification to owner of vehicle - HB 357: HFA(2)

vehicles, reduce time before vehicle may be sold - HB 357: HFA(3)

vehicles, towing procedures for, define owner - HB 357: HCS(1)

Agritourism highway signs, mandate Transportation Cabinet to promote usage of - HJR 43

Alice Lloyd, name KY 899 in Pippa Passes, KY in memory and honor of - SJR 126


vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for - HB 155

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate, helmets required for - HB 132: HFA(1); HB 146: HFA (1); HB 261: HFA (2); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

vehicles, prohibit operating on a public road - HB 478

Billboards, vegetation control permits, allow on highways other than interstates - SB 114: SFA(1)

Code enforcement boards, service of citations - HB 142

Construction permit for repairing existing structures crossing streams, exempt local government from - HB 179

Consultants working on a highway project, delete fine for certain violations - SB 2: SFA(2)


roads and public roads, adoption into county system, omnibus revision - HB 199

roads, create limited exemption on minimum right-of-way - HB 199: HCS

roads, lack of maintenance precludes inclusion in county road system, delete - HB 199: HFA(1)

roads, minimum right of way, exempt existing roads - HB 199: SCS

Dudley Riley Bridge, name on KY 109 near Dawson Springs - SB 160: HFA(4)

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Farm and forest products, hauling without permit, follow provisions for hauling building materials - HB 34

Hal Rogers Parkway, rename Daniel Boone-Hal Rogers Parkway - HJR 7

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of - HB 602


construction projects, require two bids before awarding, establish limited exception - HB 589

work zones, penalty for failure to illuminate lights, delete - HB 514: HCS

I-65 Jefferson County, name in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - HJR 107

I-65, Jefferson County, name in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - SJR 54

Illegal billboards, eliminate deadline of 7/1/05 for removal - SB 114: SCS


agreements, establish a fund for counties that establish interlocal agreements - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, highway fund established, fund to lapse - HB 109: HCS(1)

Interstate 66, urge Congress to extend route through the Purchase Area - SR 168; HR 225

Junk automobiles, local government removal under nuisance ordinance - HB 584


109, bridge over Trade Water River, name in honor of Dudley Riley - HJR 55

11, extend designation as "The Veterans Highway" - HJR 147: HFA(1)

11, Powell and Montgomery Counties, designate as "The Veterans Highway" - HJR 147

112, Hopkins Co., name in honor of Dr. Loman Trover - HJR 54

1336 access point to the relocated KY 11 - SB 100: HCA(2)

1357, Hardin County, name in memory of Sheriff Bobby Thomas - SB 160: HFA(1)

1357, Hardin County, name the "Sheriff Bobby Thomas Memorial Highway" - HJR 11

1469 in Pike Co., name a bridge in memory of Epp Bartley - SJR 153

15 in Breathitt County, name in honor of veterans - HJR 9

1824, Calloway County, name new bridge in memory of Dexter Community veterans - SJR 154

519, Morgan County, urge a bridge to be named in memory of William Lykins - HR 140

72, Harlan Co., name segment in memory of victims of 1932 Yance Mine Disaster - HJR 10

72, Harlan Co., name segment in memory of victims of 1932 Yancey Mine Disaster - SJR 7; HJR 7: SCA (1)

74, designate as the Hobart Dail Sowders Memorial Highway in Bell County - HJR 212

Leaving the scene of a traffic accident, establish penalties - HB 329

MIRET devices, unauthorized use of, penalties for - HB 141: HCS

Motorcycle awareness signs, permit local governments to erect in the right-of-way - HB 384

Paris By-pass, Bourbon County, rename Thoroughbred Run - HJR 91

Pike Co., Big Creek, name bridge in memory of Ernest Cochran - SJR 18


utilities, authorize Transportation Cabinet to reimburse for cost of relocating facilities - HB 447

utilities, permit reimbursement for moving facilities in conjunction with a highway project - HB 447: HCS

Recreational vehicles, clarify permissible appurtenances - HB 365

Removal of railroad crossings on private roads, restrictions - HB 472


zones, double fines for speeding in, clarify procedures to - HB 350: HFA(1)

zones, double speeding fines in, technical corrections - SB 85: SCS

zones, flasher lights for, maintain in proper working order - HB 350: HFA(2)

Seat belts, primary offense for riding in pickup truck bed - SB 275


limits, 60 MPH on noninterstate highways - HB 365: SFA(2)

limits, 65 MPH on four-lane noninterstate highways - HB 365: SFA(1)

limits, 70 MPH on interstates - HB 365: SCS

Speeding in a school zone, double fines for - SB 85; HB 350, 414

Swinging bridges, require Transportation Cabinet to review in Breathitt County - HJR 7: HFA(3)

Toll roads, exempt disaster relief vehicles from tolls - HB 473: HCS

Tourism, highway signs to promote in West Kentucky, limit number required to be erected - HB 191: HCS

Towing abandoned vehicles, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 357

Traffic signals, prevent use of mobile infrared transmitters to change - HB 141

Trover, Dr. Loman C., name a segment of KY 112 in Hopkins County in honor of - SB 106: HCS


421, Clay and Jackson Counties, name Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway - HJR 18

460/KY 80 in Pike County, name in memory of Brandon Jacob Rowe - SJR 4

460/KY 80 in Pike County, name in memory of Brandon Rowe and Brent Coleman - SJR 21

62 in Lyon Co, name the "Veterans Memorial Highway" - HJR 46


bridges, name in memory of World War II veterans and John C. Cline - SB 106: HCS

highways throughout the state, name - HJR 11: SCS

roads and bridges, name statewide - SB 160: HFA(2)


control around advertising devices, establish process for - SB 114

control, make penalties permissive and allow for extension of grace period - SB 114: SCS

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway, designate a section of US 421 - HJR 11: SFA(1)

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514

World War II Memorial Bridge, name on US 23 in Johnson County - SJR 116; HJR 192

Historical Affairs

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, establishment and membership of - SB 36; HB 432

Boone, Daniel, official state portrait - HB 129

Carter Caves State Resort Park, name Lewis Caveland Lodge - HJR 64

Covered wooden bridges, preservation of - HB 596

Highway signs to promote lakes area of West Ky, require - HB 191

Historic rock fences, encourage documentation and preservation of - HCR 204

Jefferson Davis statute, relocate to history center - HJR 119


Heritage Council and Renaissance Kentucky Main Street Program, adjourning in honor of - SR 31

Historical Events Celebration, expiration in l976, repeal of - HB 601

Military Museum Committee, composition of - HB 21

Museum and History Day, declare February 26, 2004 as - HR 179

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, support extension of - SR 224; HR 263

Native American Heritage Commission, creation of - HB 167


Day and Heritage Council, resolution honoring - HR 96

Day, declaring January 29, 2004 as - HR 96

Day, declaring January 29, 2004, as - SR 31

Rock fences, encourage KY Heritage Council and Dry Stone Conservancy to document - SCR 115


Capitol, Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, addition of Secretary of State as advisor on - HB 535: HFA(1)

Capitol, Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, prohibit display of contributor's name or symbol - HB 535: HFA(1)

Capitol, establishment of the Capitol restoration trust fund for - HB 535

Capitol, establishment of the Capitol Restoration Fund, Atty. General added as adviser - HB 535: HCS

Tax credits for historic renovation - SB 22; HB 638

Theatre pipe organ, official designation of - SB 26; HB 539

Wickliffe Mounds Research Center, urge agreement to transfer - SR 167; HR 219



holiday, official phrase of - HCR 102: HFA(3)

holiday, official song for - HCR 102: HFA(4)

holiday, urge proposal of constitutional amendment for - HCR 102

Memorial Day, week prior, designate for cemetery clean up - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 of each year recognized as - HB 74

St. Patrick's Day, constitutional amendment - HCR 102: HFA(1)

Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Advanced registered nurse practitioner, controlled substances, prescriptive authority for - SB 240; HB 595: HCS

Alzheimer's and dementia, staff training, long-term care facility to provide - SB 29

Assisted-living community, business entity operation of - SB 264

Board of Medical Licensure, membership of - HB 688

Buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS


of need requirements, exempt primary care centers and rural health clinics from - SB 185

of need, critical access hospital acute care beds, exclusion from - HB 323

Charitable drug repository program, transfer of unused prescription drugs to - HB 86


dependency treatment, Medicaid, payment for - SB 233

dependency treatment, temporary exemption of certificate of need for - SB 233


care retirement community nursing home beds, extension of sunset clause - HB 59: SCA(1)

care retirement community, extension of sunset provision relating to - HB 695

care retirement community, independent living unit, options to include at least one - SB 153: HFA(7); SB 186: HFA (3)

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, extension - HB 59: HCS

care retirement community, nursing home bed sunset clause, removal of - HB 59

care retirement community, residential living options for - HB 695


substances, advanced registered nurse practitioner, prescriptive authority for - HB 595

substances, possession in non-original container, dismissal if valid prescription - HB 359: HCS

substances, possession of nonoriginal container, repealed - HB 359


injuries, reporting of - HB 585

record check, out-of-state fees for - SB 182


access hospital, expand services of - HB 323

access, conversion requirements for - HB 323: HCA(1)

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Elder abuse, intimidation, good faith action exemption from - HB 105: HFA(1)


care employees, monetary damages and job reinstatement, right to recover - HB 378

care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

care, liability limitations - SB 1; SB 1: HFA (1),(5)

Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

insurance, CPT codes, insured liability for - HB 455

Professional Shortage Area, eligible primary health clinic to be located in - HB 684: HFA(1)

Hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

Hospital, acute care, admission at - HB 242: SFA(3)

Hospitalization of mentally ill, definitions - HB 242: SFA(1), HCS

Hospitals for mentally ill, expand definitions - HB 242


Board of Medical Licensure, study of the composition of - HB 688: HCS

e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care facility, employees, criminal background information about - SB 189

care ombudsman program, funding of full-time positions for - HB 529

care ombudsman, area development district, full-time position for - HB 590

care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - SB 32; HB 158

care staffing committee, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112


partnership in regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255

prospective payment, Cabinet for Health Services directed to study impact of - SJR 133


encourage maximization of resources - HB 502: HCS

estate recovery, exemptions from - HB 580

maximization of resources, encourage - HB 502

personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

provider tax receipts for - SB 265

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

malpractice, omnibus reform - HB 450

Nursing, clinical internship, requirements for - HB 72

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Personal and family care homes, waiver to - HB 575


assistants, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SFA(2)

profiles, professional disciplinary actions included on - HB 691

Physicians, medical and osteopathic schools, practice within - SB 276

Primary health care clinics, establishment of revolving loan program - HB 684

Self-referral prohibition, elimination of Medicaid and Medicare distinction for - HB 482


care, American College of Surgeons, verification by - HB 492

system, establishment of voluntary - HB 492: HCS

Use of provide tax receipts - HB 643

Wounds, health facility reporting of - HB 585: HCS

Hotels and Motels

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105


Development Act, eligibility for lodging - HB 593: SFA(1)

Development Act, eligibility of - HB 524

Housing, Building, and Construction

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41

Board of Home Inspectors, membership revised - SB 34: HCS

Building inspectors, prohibitions placed on - HB 147

Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

Contractor certification program, residential and light commercial, oversight agency for - HB 277

Educational institutions, construction projects, exempt from paying prevailing wages - HB 660

Environmental toxins, task force and education about - HB 132

Historic properties, tax credit for - HB 638


inspectors board, number of members increased - SB 34: SFA(1)

inspectors license, requirements for - SB 34; SB 34: SCS

Homelessness prevention, institutional discharge pilot project for - HB 376

Homelessness, prevention, voluntary foster care discharge pilot project for - HB 376: HCS


mechanic, deletion of apprentice and creation of a Class A - HB 415

providers, electrical licensing exemption for - SB 148: SCS; HB 461: HCS

Kentucky Housing Corporation, appointment of Kenneth Wade Kerns to - SR 142

Lead poisoning, prevention of - HB 349


and mobile homes - SB 109: SFA(1)

and mobile homes, inspection - SB 109: HFA(1)

and mobile homes, transport and installation - SB 109: SFA(2)

Master plumbers, liability insurance required - SB 122: SFA(1)

Mobile and manufactured homes - SB 109; SB 109: SCS


campus housing rental agreement, fire suppression system disclosure - SB 63: SCS

campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler disclosure - SB 63

campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler notice - HB 131; HB 131: HFA (1)


inspections, local government, conduct by, conditions to be met - SB 148: HCS

petitions, grant by local government or commissioner - HB 485

Plumbing, liability insurance required - SB 122


mitigation systems, installation in new buildings - HB 145

mitigation systems, regulations pertaining to - HB 145

Radon, mitigation of - HB 145: HCS

Real estate brokers, requirements and duties of - SB 244; SB 244: SCS


orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 338

Smoking policies - SB 10

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257

Universities, priority for disabled persons at - HB 322: SFA(4),(5),(6)

Information Technology

Broadband and cellular service for rural areas, improve access to - HJR 150

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Commonwealth Office for Technology, reorganization relating to - SB 152: HCS


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226


Office for Technology, transferred to Finance and Administration Cabinet, renamed - SB 152

Office for Technology, transferred, Executive Order 2003-064, Part 1 - SB 150

Health Information Network Board, information highway, use of - HB 56: HCS

Information highway, use of - SB 128

Internet, encourage Congress to establish ".xxx" domain - HCR 112


e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56

e-Health Network, funding, exclude state appropriations for - HB 216

e-Health Network, implementation of - SB 128; HB 216

Rural broadband access, encourage Office of New Economy to study - HR 287

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64


Board of Home Inspectors, membership revised - SB 34: HCS

Buildings, environmental toxins, task force and education about - HB 132


inspectors board, establish an inactive license - SB 34: SFA(1)

inspectors, licensing exceptions - SB 34: HFA(1)

HVAC permitting process, creation of - HB 497

Long-term care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

Plumbing petitions, grant by local government or commissioner - HB 485


Accounting practices and procedures - SB 177


replacement of - HB 545

standard nonforfeiture law for individual deferred - HB 380

standard nonforfeiture law for individual deferred annuities - HB 380: HCS

Auto ins. rates, direct LRC to study rate increases & report on feasibility of lowering or stabilize - HCR 41

Building inspectors, prohibitions placed on - HB 147

Charitable health care provider, dentist included as - HB 321: SCS

Credit inquiries, restrict use of for personal insurance - HB 530, 532

Direct support for the disabled, encourage - SR 189; HR 237

Employer-organized association health plan - HB 372: HCS

Fire and tornado fund, insurance on state property - HB 546

Health care providers - SB 162


CPT codes, insured liability for - HB 455

mammography and breast cancer, coverage for - HB 227: HFA(2)

Homeowners, premium discount for firefighters - SB 67

Insurance premium surcharge, penalty fee - HB 139

Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact - HB 605


Board of Directors, appointment, James F. Howard - SR 244

Board of Directors, appointment, Koester, Joseph J. - SR 119

Board of Directors, appointment, Larry Sanderson - SR 204

Board of Directors, appointment, Robert D. Neff - SR 117

Board of Directors, reappointment, David H. Snowden - SR 183


Insurance Guaranty Association - SB 162

insurance guaranty association, delete net worth requirement - HB 470

insurance guaranty association, recovery of assessment - SB 169

Lead poisoning, liability for - HB 349

Liability insurance required for licensure - SB 109: SCS

Liability, required for master plumbers - SB 122: SFA(1)


and annuities - HB 545: HCS

insurance, notification to Department of Insurance if not able to contact policy owner - HB 567


disclosure by employer to employee - HB 578

proof of death - HB 582


government, refund fees or taxes paid to wrong local government - HB 139: HFA(1)

governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19


malpractice, funding for - HB 395: HFA(19),(20)

malpractice, omnibus reform - HB 450; HB 450: HCS, HFA (5)

malpractice, physicians mutual insurance authority - SB 91

Plumbing, liability insurance required - SB 122

Premium taxes, collection and remittance of - HB 503

Property and casualty, reinsurance - SB 171: SCS


estate brokers, commission to potentially provide errors and omissions insurance for - SB 244: SCS

estate brokers, errors and omissions insurance for - SB 244

Reinsurance - SB 171; SB 171: HCS

Reinsurance, existing contracts - SB 171: SCS

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

State risk - HB 546: HCS


and workers' compensation, premium audits and cancellations - HB 634

lines, affidavit filed by broker - HB 508: HFA(1)

Technical corrections - HB 508

Workers' compensation, black lung revisions - HB 499

Insurance, Health


fee for unescorted retirees, determination of - HB 11: SFA(1)

fee for unescorted retirees, payment of - HB 11

Administration transactions, electronic submission of - HB 216

Cancellation, return of premium - HB 507

Charitable health care provider, amend definition of - HB 321: HCS


cancer screening, coverage for - SB 19

cancer screening, health insurance, required coverage by - HB 89

Continuation coverage - HB 579

Contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

Conversion health insurance - HB 579

CPT codes, insured liability for - HB 455

Electronic administrative transactions, submission of - SB 128

Employer-organized association health plan - HB 372: HCS, HFA (1),(2),(7),(8)


for specified condition - HB 592: HFA(1)

of specified condition - HB 592: HFA(2)

prohibited, work-related condition - HB 555


insurers, provide certain information to employer-organized association plans - HB 372; SB 135: HFA (7),(8)

plans, request insurer for information pertaining to - HB 372: HFA(5)


benefit plan, association - HB 650: HFA(2)

benefit plans, amend various provisions on - SB 258; HB 650

benefit plans, employer-organized associations - HB 650: HFA(1)

benefit plans, urgent care - HB 650: HCS

Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

Individual premium rates may vary from index rate - HB 633

Individual, riders to exclude coverage - HB 592

Infertility, health benefit coverage of - HB 702

Insurance mandate for hospice care - HB 227: SFA(3)


access, eligibility for coverage - HB 372: HFA(3)

Access, eligibility for coverage - HB 372: HFA(10)

e-Health Network, funding, exclude state appropriations for - HB 216

Health Care Improvement Authority, membership - HB 509


benefit plan - HB 227

health service benefit plans for the provision of dental only benefits - SB 135

Mammography and breast cancer, coverage for - HB 227: HFA(2)


care plan - SB 252

care plans, definition of - HB 650: HFA(3)


benefits for diabetes - HB 227: HFA(1)

benefits waiver, title amendment - HB 227: HCA(1)

benefits, exclusion of - SB 165

benefits, health benefit plan that excludes - HB 372: HFA(4)

benefits, policies that waive - HB 227: HFA(3)

benefits, specified health care providers - HB 372: HFA(11)

benefits, waiver of - HB 227: HCS

Mandates, list - HB 227: SFA(2)

Mental health, HIV, and AIDS, drug coverage for - HB 372: HFA(9)

Mercury in immunizations and dental restorations, coverage of - SB 141

Non-managed care plans, requirements of - HB 650: HFA(4)

Payment of claims - SB 135

Preferred provider policy - SB 252

Rate reduction - SB 135: HFA(5)

Rebates, prohibited except for certain circumstances - HB 372: HFA(6)

Small group, individual may refuse coverage under - HB 227: SFA(1)


employees, self-funded plan - HB 681

employees, state contribution amounts - SB 93

employees, study of health reimbursement arrangement - SJR 111; HJR 207

group, adjustment fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS

group, contribution for dependent coverage - HB 340

group, employer contribution - SB 93

group, insurance coverage - HB 623

group, participation by inactive Kentucky National Guard members - SB 136

group, self-funding network - SB 135: HFA(6),(8)

group, self-insured plan - HB 623

group, state contribution - HB 623

group, state contribution for dependent coverage - HB 259

group, statewide PPO plan, self-insurance - HB 448

State, self-insured plan, study of - HJR 128

Task force on health care cost containment, create - HB 227: SFA(4)

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

Insurance, Motor Vehicle

Auto ins. rates, direct LRC to study rate increases & report on feasibility of lowering or stabilizi - HCR 41


reparation and liability, operator as well as owner required to maintain - HB 607

reparation benefits, medical expenses - SB 234: SCS

Diminution in value, element of property damage - HB 206

Emergency medical expense, definition of - SB 234: SFA(1)


to maintain in vehicle, establish as prima facie evidence of no coverage - HB 511: HCS

to maintain proof in vehicle, establish presumption of lack of insurance - HB 511

License plate, surrender for failure to maintain insurance - SB 20


expenses, additional exams - SB 234; SB 234: SCS

expenses, reasonable presumption deleted - SB 234

expenses, reasonableness - SB 234: SCS

expenses, review process - SB 234: SCS

expenses, submission - SB 234; SB 234: SCS


carriers require reporting of insurance cancellation - SB 253

vehicle accidents - HB 591

Noneconomic losses, recovery restrictions - HB 591

Operator as well as owner required to maintain - HB 642

Operators, basic reparation insurance - SB 268

Safety equipment, coverage - HB 534

Trucks, rating methods under the Kentucky automobile insurance plan - HB 467

Underwriting and rating, use of third-party liability claims for - SB 5

Vehicle identification numbers, monthly report by insurers - SB 147; HB 29; HB 29: HCS

Interest and Usury

Certificate of deposit, best available rate - SB 225

Interlocal Cooperation

Condemnation proceedings, Ky. American Water, urge apppointment of Scott Co. resident to task force - HR 271


agreements, incentives for - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

agreements, making provisions for - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, provisions affecting - HB 109: HCS(1)

agreements, provisions affecting counties - HB 109

Tobacco use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

International Trade and Relations

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

J-1 waivers, recommendations for - SB 42

NAFTA, urge Congress to repeal and end talks on Free Trade Area of the Americas - HR 139


contracts, prohibit with expatriated businesses - HB 706

service contract, require that performance be in the United States - SB 278

service contracts, required to be performed in the United States - HB 640

Interstate Cooperation

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Choice-of-forum provision, limitation on viability in Kentucky contracts - SB 168

Controlled substances, electronic reporting, reciprocity involving - SB 14; SB 14: SFA (1)

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210


compact for juveniles - HB 6; HB 6: HCS, HFA (1)

Insurance Product Regulation Compact - HB 605

Jails and Jailers

Capital felony interrogations, require to be recorded, set conditions for use/time for destruction - HB 390: HCS

Capitol felony interrogations, require recording, set conditions for use/schedule for destruction - HB 390: HFA(1)


deadly weapon - SB 95: HFA(3)

deadly weapons - SB 95: HFA(2)

weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

County consolidation, process for - HB 289

Court costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Failure to return to custody, establish offense of - HB 666

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Fees, telephonic behavioral health jail triage system - HB 157: SCS(2)


interrogations, require audio or video recording, conditions for use and destruction of - HB 390

murder - SB 25

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 389: HCS

Inmates, allow funeral and deathbed visits - HB 389: HFA(1)


inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)

inmates, transportation of misdemeanants - SB 64: HFA(5)

Permit jailer to sell legal advertising space in county jail to attorneys - HB 307


transportation, costs of - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201

Judges and Court Commissioners

Concealed weapon, carrying in detention facility - HB 18

Court of Justice, technical correction - HB 243

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HCS, HFA (2)

Felony murder - SB 25


personnel, technical correction - HB 674

retirement, technical correction - HB 244

Juvenile Justice, detention hearings, services, registration - HB 550; HB 550: HCS, HFA (1),(2)

Members of Judiciary, renewal of judicial license plate, increase renewal fee - HB 696

Partial-birth abortion, petition for determination of necessity - HB 26

Personal injury, premises liability actions - HB 620


and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

and work release, direction of - HB 476

Retired judges, remove gender-specific language - HB 675

Rules of evidence, amendments - HB 314

Senior Status Program, judges in KERS - HB 236

Judicial Circuits

Court security officers - HB 616

Judicial Districts

Court security officers - HB 616


Emergency medical expense, definition of - SB 234: SFA(2)

Junk and scrap recyclers, activities allowed by and duties of - HB 628

Juries and Jurors

Adjournment of juries, technical correction - HB 680


hearing, when jury need not be used - SB 251: HCS(1)

hearings, permit trial by court without a jury during - HB 22; HB 22: HFA (1)

Juror pay, calculation of - SB 251


exempt persons caring for others - SB 251: HFA(1),(2)

pay increase - HB 500


duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

list, compilation of - SB 251

service, deferment for primary caregivers - SB 251: HFA(3)

List, compilation of - HB 343

Medical malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

Pay, calculation of - HB 343

Justices of the Peace and Magistrates

County consolidation, process for, magistral districts - HB 289

Labor and Industry


law judge, appointment, Grant S. Roark - SR 179

law judge, appointment, Howard E. Frasier, Jr. - SR 181

law judge, appointment, Smith, Marcel - SR 120

law judge, reappointment, Kerr, James L. - SR 123

law judge, reappointment, Lawrence F. Smith - SR 182

law judge, reappointment, R. Scott Borders - SR 202

law judge, reappointment, Sheila C. Lowther - SR 180

law judge, reappointment, William Bruce Cowden, Jr. - SR 203

Alzheimer's and dementia, staff training, long-term care facility to provide - SB 29

Coal mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS

Collective bargaining, police officers and firefighters of an urban-county government - HB 572

Drug testing, corrections employees - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Educational institutions, construction projects, exempt from paying prevailing wages - HB 660

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Employee job performance, employer disclosure, limited immunity - HB 48; SB 55: HFA (5),(7),(9)

Employer-supplied employee information - HB 48: SFA(1),(2)


of disabled adults, study a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

of disabled adults, study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 60

reference, nonliability for - HB 403

Employment, study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 45: HFA(1)

Former Bank of Louisville employees, paid leave sought - SR 128

Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 234

Homelessness prevention, employment, pilot project involving information about - HB 376: HCS

HVAC mechanic, deletion of apprentice and creation of a Class A - HB 415

Job development assessment fee - SB 248


Board of Directors, appointment, James F. Howard - SR 244

Board of Directors, appointment, Koester, Joseph J. - SR 119

Board of Directors, appointment, Larry Sanderson - SR 204

Board of Directors, appointment, Robert D. Neff - SR 117

Board of Directors, reappointment, David H. Snowden - SR 183

Kentucky Procurement Advisory Council, collect data on offshore outsourcing - HB 640: HCS

KREEDA minimum wage requirements, exempt nonprofits' handicapped workers from - SB 231

KY Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board, ergonomics standard, study & adoption urged - HR 53


organizations, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 173

Relations Board, hearings conducted by officers of Div. of Admin. Hearings in Justice Cabinet - SB 76

Liens filed for labor and materials in county clerk's office, change filing deadline for - SB 174

Life insurance purchased by employer - HB 578

Long-term care facility, employees, criminal background information about - SB 189

Mine safety, electricity in mines, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(2)


wage & overtime provisions, exempt individuals who provide companionship services - SB 45

wage revision - HB 186

NAFTDA, urge President and Congress to evaluate trade policies - SR 155

Overtime exemption, in-home companionship services provided by a third party - SB 45: SCS, HCS


and firefighters, resolution urging pay increase - HR 208, 250

officers, collective bargaining in a consolidated local government, provisions for - HB 570; HB 570: HFA (1)

Reorganization, Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, Executive orders 2003-064 and 2004-031 - SB 154


orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 338

State contracts, prohibit with expatriated businesses - HB 706

Train crews, establish minimum staffing standards - HB 332

Unemployment insurance, benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360

Workers' Compensation Board, appointment, Kent T. Young - SR 121

Workers compensation, black lung revisions - HB 499

Workers' compensation, firefighters, heart or lung disease, benefits for - SB 196

Workplace safety improvements, tax credit for - HB 196

Land Use

"Domestic use only" permit, natural gas drilling, requirements for - SB 164

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)


Zoning commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - HB 404: SFA(3)

Zoning Commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - SB 142

Alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Annexation, map requirement for cities - HB 619

Cities, cemeteries, use of as contemplative walking paths - HB 404: SFA(1)

Definitions, agricultural use, include various horse-related activities - HB 404

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537


domain, procedure to test legality of in multiple parcel projects - SB 27; SB 27: SCS

Domain, study of - HCR 184

Farmland, nonfarm use - HB 281

Government taking, rights of owners - SB 89; SB 89: SCS


Westpark Industrial Park, on-site operations - HJR 113: HCS

Westpark Industrial Park, transfer, requirements for - HJR 113


and zoning, commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388: HCS

and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

and zoning, comprehensive plans - HB 388: HCS

commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388

units, census of, request Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct - HCR 198

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Sexual entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

Soil Erosion and Water Quality Cost Share Program, reexamine point system for awarding funds - HCR 114

Subdivision, review definitions relating to - HCR 144

Tax increment financing, development area - HB 614

Waste disposal facility, permit requirements for new and expanded facilities - SB 227

Zoning, firearms manufacturers, importers, and dealers - SB 95: HFA(1)

Landlord and Tenant

Boarding home registration, requirements for - HB 672: HFA(1)

Checks, rental payments - HB 698

Inspection of payment records held by the state or political subdivisions - HB 422

Lead poisoning, liability for - HB 349

Manufactured and mobile home owners, eviction from manufactured or mobile home communities - HB 630

On campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler notice - HB 131; HB 131: HFA (1)

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Legislative Research Commission

Administrative regulation review subcommittee, meeting requirements - HB 626

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Capitol and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493

Department of Education, move funds to - HB 395: HFA(30)

Drug court sites - HB 395: HFA(35)

Economic Development Bonds, restore debt service funding - HB 395: HFA(37)

Federal Lab Recruitment, provide funds to support - HB 395: HFA(33)

Government contracts review, contracts subject to - HB 320

Governor's policy for domestic violence and sexual assault in the workplace, LRC adoption of - HCR 16

Grandparents needs, Health and Welfare Committee study of - HCR 78: SCS


task force on raising grandchildren by - HCR 78

task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5


Farming Task Force, creation of - HCR 220

Farming Task Force, membership - HCR 220: HCS


Economic Development Finance Authority, restore funds to - HB 395: HFA(26)

Procurement Advisory Council, membership - HB 640: HFA(1)


Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 105

Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 105: SCS

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 397

Research Commission and General Assembly, lapse of carryforward - HB 397: HFA(1)

Long-Term Policy Research Center, purpose, quadrennial reports, studies, findings, policy options - SB 127

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)

OEA, former employees, limitation of legislative roles - SB 30

Report of contracts for privatization by Finance and Administration - SB 58

Rural enhancement and development committee, creation of - HB 361

Sex offender management, study of - HCR 13

Smoking Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)


created, review of Lexington Community College transfer - HCR 217

on Veterans' Affairs, reestablish - HCR 206


Force on Funding for Wildlife Conservation, reauthorized - HCR 190

force on health care cost containment, create - HB 227: SFA(4)

force on meritless medical malpractice claims, appoint - SB 91

Force on Trafficking in Persons, membership of, report deadline - HCR 210: HCS


Cabinet contracts, require to be reviewed by LRC Government Contract Review Committee - SB 2: SFA(1)

Oversight Subcommittee, co-chairs' duties, quorum, vote required for actions - SB 2: SFA(5)

Oversight Subcommittee, require review of all Transportation Cabinet contracts - SB 2: SFA(3),(4)


County law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544

Library boards, authorize fiscal court to make appointments - HB 120


meetings and open records information, delivering information to Attorney General - HB 263: HCS

meetings/open records information, preparation and distribution to local governments - HB 263


Accountancy, limited privilege to practice, conditions for issuance - HB 420

Accountants, privileged information, scope of - HB 420: HCS

Administrative regulations authorizing fees, promulgation of - HB 441: SCA(1)

Alcoholic beverage wholesalers and retailers, activities permitted for - HB 362

An inactive license may be established by the department - SB 148: HFA(2)

Attorney licensing, make provisions for GA members to become licensed attorneys - SB 34: HFA(2); SB 206: HFA (1)

Attorneys, one year internship before solo practice - HB 401


schools, minimum pupil/teacher ratio - HB 327

shop owners, liability for independent contractor's violations, extent of - HB 200: HCS

Beauty salon and nail salons owners, independent contractors' actions, liability for - HB 200: HFA(1)

Board of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - HB 558: SFA(2)


home, registration of - HB 672: HCS

home, registration required, suspension of - HB 672

homes, registration of - HB 672: HFA(1)


and wrestling, health and safety rules imposed - HB 126: HCS(2)

promoter's conduct, proscriptions on - HB 712

regulations, medical requirements established - HB 126: HCS(1)

Caterer's license, limited restaurant license, applicability to - SB 149; HB 466

Cervids, new permits for captive cervids, shooting preserves - HB 468


gaming license, two-year residency requirement imposed - HB 426

gaming, omnibus changes - HB 705

Complementary and alternative health care, without a license, allowing practice of - HB 181


deadly weapon - SB 95: HFA(3)

deadly weapon license, military may apply - SB 83

deadly weapons - SB 95: HFA(2)

Contractor certification program, residential and light commercial, requirements for - HB 277

Cosmetologists' and nail technicians' licensing fees, increases in - HB 408

Cosmetologists and nail technicians, independent contractor defined - HB 200: HFA(1)

Cosmetologists, continuing education, product-specific courses permitted, criteria established - HB 441: SFA(2)

Cosmetology fees and charges, maximum amount to be charged - HB 441: SFA(3)

Denturists, licensing established, scope of practice defined - SB 280

Detection of deception examiners, fingerprint data exchange required - HB 563

Dietitians and nutritionists, retired or inactive license status, make provisions for - HB 558


spirits and wine, adoption of federal standards of fill for - HB 362: HCS

spirits and wine, licensed private clubs, Sunday sales - HB 598

Dogs, requirements for - SB 216; HB 336; SB 133: HCS; HB 336: HCS

Electrical contractor, licensing on the basis of experience - HB 461: HFA(1)


licensing provisions and exemptions for - SB 148: SCS; HB 461: HCS

licensing requirements - SB 148: HFA(1); HB 461: HFA (2)

Embalmers and funeral directors, requirements for - SB 143; SB 143: HFA (1)

Engineers and land surveyors, private investigator licensure, exemption for - SB 47: SFA(1); SB 75: HFA (2)

Engineers, private investigator licensure, exemption for - SB 47

Fish and wildlife, forfeiture of license for failure to appear pursuant to a citation or summons - SB 267; SB 267: SFA (1)


Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, admitted to practice of law - SB 163: HFA(1); SB 219: HFA (2)

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, granted license to practice law - SB 148: HFA(2)

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, apply for - HB 85

Hairdressers and cosmetologists, continuing education, specific and brand-name products, credit give - HB 134


inspectors license, renewal date changed - SB 34: SFA(1)

inspectors license, requirements for - SB 34; SB 34: SCS

inspectors, licensing exceptions - SB 34: HFA(1)


racing licensure, Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, agency responsible for - SB 156

racing, conduct of, eligible horses - SB 156: HCS; HB 708: HCS

racing, quarter horse participation, eligibility for - HB 708: CCR

Hub system operations, simulcasting at racetracks, taxes, effect on - HB 708: SFA(1)

Inactive electrician's license, establishment - SB 148; HB 461

Instant racing, regulation and establishment of - HB 692

Interior designers, grandfather licensing provision, extension of - SB 132; HB 175


change in license and fee requirements - SB 75

changes in license and fee requirements - SB 75: SCS

exclude an authorized agent of an attorney-at-law from licensing provisions - SB 75: SFA(2)

include the intention to conduct fire investigations - SB 75: SFA(1)

Junk and scrap recyclers, roads and highways, permits to operate within specified distances from - HB 628

Kentucky Gaming Commission to approve applicants - SB 250; HB 637

Liability insurance required for licensure - SB 109: SCS

Licensed farm and small wineries, prohibited from selling beer - HB 70

Licensing requirements - HB 461: SCS


option elections coinciding with general elections, time frame for conducting - SB 154: HFA(6)

option elections, procedures for - HB 381

Massage therapist license violations, fines for - HB 527

Mental health and substance abuse services, standards for contracted agencies - HB 542

National fraternal society, special private club alcohol license for - HB 597


clinical internship, requirements for - HB 72

retired nurses, requirements for - HB 72: HFA(1)

Pesticide application, fees for - SB 175

Pharmacists, immunizations administered by, authorization of - HB 341: HCS

Physical therapists, continued competency requirement for - SB 206: HCS

Physical, special faculty - HB 456


assistant, temporary certificate - HB 456; HB 456: HFA (1)

assistant, temporary certificate for - SB 276

Physician, special faculty - HB 456: HFA(1)

Private investigators, licensing required, exemptions from - SB 75: HCS


Authority membership, geographic diversification required - SB 156: HFA(1)

Authority membership, political affiliation requirements - SB 156: HFA(1)

Real estate brokers, duties of and commission jurisdiction over - SB 244; SB 244: SCS

Senior/disabled Fish & Wildlife license, duration of proof of disability - SB 43

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Simulcasting, international wagering hub, establishment and regulation of - HB 693; HB 708: SCS

Small and farm wineries, Sunday sales permitted - HB 239


workers, certification or licensure requirements for - SB 88; HB 160; HB 160: HCS

workers, licensing of - HB 667


assistants, certification of - SB 206: SCS, SFA (1)

assistants, licensing of - SB 206

Teachers of barbering, maximum renewal fees for - HB 437

Title company, licensing of - HB 612

Tongue splitting, practice, limitations on - HB 14


biennial renewal periods for - SB 133; HB 441

renewal of - SB 133: HCS


Delinquent property taxes, includes reasonable attorney fees - HB 421

Liens filed for labor and materials in county clerk's office, change filing deadline for - SB 174

Marginal entry records, require county clerks to maintain - HB 402


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Real property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Storage lien on vehicles, reduce time period before lien holder can sell vehicle - HB 357: HCS(2)

Title company, licensing of - HB 612

Towing abandoned vehicles, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 357

Lieutenant Governor

Gubernatorial slating, changes in - HB 538

Nepotism provisions - HB 1; HB 1: HFA (1)

Public financing for gubernatorial slates, repeal of - HB 344: SCS

Runoff primary, repeal of - HB 344: SCS

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Loans and Credit

Consumer loans, maximum interest - HB 215


card solicitations on college campuses, regulation of - HB 63

cards, acceptance by Circuit Clerks - SB 282

Debt collection, make provisions for forgivable loan agreements - HB 162: HFA(2)

Exemptions of property, bankruptcy and execution - SB 212

High-cost home loans, limitations on - HB 707

Insurance, restrict use of credit inquiries - HB 530, 532

Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corp, broaden applicants qualifying for loans from - SB 146

Local Government


urban property, allow all cities to levy tax on - HB 373: HCS

urban property, allow cities of the second class to levy tax on - HB 373

Adjustment fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Agencies, consolidate local governments - HB 476


boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Alcoholic beverages, local license fees, permissible use of - HB 252

Amend tax referendum process - SB 70

Authorized office expenses, sheriffs and county clerks - HB 258

Board of directors for sanitary and storm water systems, powers and duties of - SB 197: SCS

Boarding home registration, enforcement of - HB 672: HFA(1)

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271


inspectors, prohibitions placed on - HB 147

permits, local government may issue in floodplain - SB 243


environmental toxins, task force and inspections involving - HB 132

radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

Casinos, local government approval required for - HB 636

Cellular telephones, purchase and operation for emergency services personnel - HB 180

CERS, retirees, increase in benefits - HB 528

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Cities of 2nd through 6th class, enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294


annexation, map requirement - HB 619

boundary changes, mapping requirements - HB 619: HFA(1)

cemeteries, use of as contemplative walking paths - HB 404: SFA(1)

property, sale of real and personal owned by city, methods of - HB 438

recreational fishing program, enabling statute - SB 270


annexation, notification of intent to annex - HB 682

property, transfer for economic development purposes - HB 438: SFA(1)

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659


fees, copying - HB 611: HFA(1)

fees, increase in selected - HB 611

fees, reduce the increase in two fees - HB 611: HCS

records maintenance - HB 611

Coal severance tax and local assistance fund, use for Medicaid state match - HB 502: HCS


enforcement boards, hearing officers for - HB 668: HFA(1)

enforcement boards, service of citations - HB 143, 668

Commission for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179


firearms, disposition of - HB 156: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA (4); HB 570: HFA (2)

firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)

Consolidated local governments, zoning, firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HCA(1)

Constables, blue lights and siren, use of - HB 531

Construction permit for repairing existing structures crossing streams, exempt local government from - HB 179


protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibit - HB 471: HCS

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471

Contractor certification program, residential and light commercial, local administration of - HB 277

Coroners, soliciting for funeral businesses prohibited - SB 178


clerks, document recording and archiving - HB 328

clerks, fees for duplicating - HB 669

consolidation, process for - HB 289

detectives appointed by county attorneys, powers and training of - HB 703: HFA(1)

detectives, give power of arrest in county and right to execute process statewide - HB 703

Employees Retirement System, disability benefits for new employees - HB 519

law libraries, alternate funding system for - HB 544

police force appointment by county judge/executives, change from 1 year to 4 year contract - HB 156

police force contracts, change for 1 year to 4 - HB 156: HFA(1)

roads and public roads, adoption into county system, omnibus revision - HB 199


costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

costs, additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566

Delinquent taxes, consolidated local government, disposition of when from former city of first class - HB 510

Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control, direct to design smoking policy logo - SB 130: SCS


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

Relief Funding Program, qualifying applicants for funds - HB 454: HFA(1)

relief funding, program for - HB 454

Distilled spirits and wine, Sunday sales at private clubs, ordinance for - HB 598

Elected county officials, salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201


services boards, taxing authority - HB 427

telephone services, local taxation for equipment and supplies - HB 174


domain, procedure to test legality of in multiple parcel projects - SB 27; SB 27: SCS

Domain, study of - HCR 184

Employees, working as industrial recruiters - HB 62: HFA(1)

Employment of retirees, restrictions - HB 15: HCS, HFA (1)

Enterprise zones, designate as economic growth districts - HB 486

Fee for CERS retirees health insurance - HB 11: SFA(1)

Fees, accessed on cases and distribution of to police departments - HB 413: HFA(3)


districts operating an emergency ambulance service, allow levy up to .20 cents tax by - HB 406

protection districts, limitations on board of trustees, removal of - SB 195

protection districts, merger - SB 259; HB 412

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of, local law superceded - HB 602

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Historic rock fences, encourage documentation and preservation of - HCR 204

Homeland security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55

HVAC permitting process, allowing local participation - HB 497

Industrial recruiters, requirement to disclose - HB 62


premium surcharge, penalty fee - HB 139

premium taxes, refund of fees or taxes paid to wrong local government - HB 139: HFA(1)


agreements, incentives for - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

agreements, making provisions for - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, provisions affecting - HB 109: HCS(1)

agreements, provisions affecting counties - HB 109

Internet advertisement for bids, allow the use of by local governments - HB 583


inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)

inmates, transportation of misdemeanants - SB 64: HFA(5)

Joint Parks Department, creation of - HB 4

Junk automobiles, local government removal under nuisance ordinance - HB 584


residency requirements for public servants, make permissive - SB 60: SFA(1)

Retirement Systems, delinquent contributions, penalty - HB 519

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Lex-Fayette County, resolution urging pay increase for police and firefighters - HR 208, 250

Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail task force, creation of - HCR 8; HCR 8: HCS

Library boards, authorize fiscal court to make appointments - HB 120

Liens filed for labor and materials in county clerk's office, change filing deadline for - SB 174


employees, planning and zoning training and residence requirements - SB 60: HCS

event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19

industrial development authorities, members - SB 203

industrial development authorities, selection of members - HB 701

ordinances affecting farm equipment, void - SB 129

Manufactured and mobile homes, inspection - SB 109: HFA(1)

Marginal entry records, require county clerks to maintain - HB 402

Motorcycle awareness signs, permit local governments to erect in the right-of-way - HB 384


metering, retail electric service, provision for - HB 490

profits tax, submission of federal tax return - HB 271

Northern Kentucky VET testing, elimination of - HJR 12

Nuisance abatement - HB 584: HCS

Nuisance, application of - HB 584: HFA(1)

Open meetings/open records information, preparation and distribution to local governments - HB 263

Ordinances affecting farm equipment, exemptions from - SB 129: SCA(1)


Westpark Industrial Park, on-site operations - HJR 113: HCS

Westpark Industrial Park, transfer, requirements for - HJR 113

Permit jailer to sell legal advertising space in county jail to attorneys - HB 307


and zoning, agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)

and zoning, commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388: HCS

and zoning, comprehensive plans - HB 388: HCS

and zoning, location of firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HFA(4),(5)

commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388

units, census of, request Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct - HCR 198


inspections, local government, conduct by, conditions to be met - SB 148: HCS

petitions, grant by local government or commissioner - HB 485

Prisoner transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Private property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581


tax assessment and PVA administration fund, creation of - HB 339

tax, assessment of - HB 518


agency meetings and records, public access to - SB 49

display of fireworks, permit for - SB 273

servants, employment requirements for - SB 60; SB 60: SCS; HB 9: HCS

Radon mitigation systems, installation in new buildings - HB 145


of retirees and officials, restrictions on hiring - SB 150: HFA(1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

of retirees, restrictions on hiring - HB 15; SB 60: HFA (2)

Road fund aid programs, supplemental fuel tax receipts - HB 664


and storm water systems, board of directors for, powers and duties of - SB 197

and storm water systems, improvements to, appeals to board - SB 197: SFA(1)

School zones, flasher lights for, maintain in proper working order - HB 350: HFA(2)

Sex offender management, study of - HCR 13


entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 338

Sheriff, special deputies - HB 258: SCS


compensation for District and Circuit Court services - SB 158

office expenses - HB 258: HCA(1)


policies - SB 10, 130

policy in local government buildings - SB 130: SFA(5)

Special districts - sanitation districts - SB 197: HCS

State contracts, damage for delay clauses, unenforceable - SB 229

Sunday alcoholic beverage sales at private clubs, ordinance required - HB 598: HCS

Tapping fees, exemption of local governments from - HB 686


collection in consolidated local governments - SB 223; HB 457, 697

increment financing, development area - HB 614

information, report of - HB 518: HCS


regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Training incentive benefits, allow coroners participation in - SB 24

Transient room tax, certain local governments may levy in addition to 1% transient room tax - SB 60: HFA(3); SB 150: HFA (5); SB 151: HFA (4)

Vehicle emission testing programs, exempt cars four model years and newer - HB 53


fire departments, additional monetary award for continuing education - HB 436: HFA(1)

fire departments, aid for - SB 99

Waste, 6-1-1 system for reporting of - HR 188: HFA(1)

Zoning definitions, agricultural use, include various horse-related activities - HB 404

Zoning, firearms manufacturers, importers, and dealers - SB 95: HFA(1)

Local Mandate

Abandoned vehicles, towing procedures for, define owner - HB 357: HCS(1)


fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS

fee for unescorted retirees, payment of - HB 11

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Adverse possession, increase statute of limitations - HB 166

Advertising special license plate, create to promote design talent in Kentucky - HB 168


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Agencies, formation of adult misdemeanant probation and work release agency - HB 476

Alcohol and drug test, defrauding of - SB 86


vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for - HB 155

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate, helmets required for - HB 146: HFA(1); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

Amend tax referendum process - SB 70

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41

Authorized office expenses, county clerks and sheriffs - HB 258

Autopsy records, petition for access to - HB 111

Board of Home Inspectors, membership revised - SB 34: HCS


Cancer Awareness license plate, create - SB 84: SCS

cancer, create a license plate with funds designated for screening fund - SB 84

Casinos and racetracks gaming operations, omnibus bill - HB 637

Cemetery laws, failure to enforce, fines imposed for - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

Certificates of delinquency, interest attaches to fees on - SB 204

Certification requirements for peace officers and court security officers - HB 616

Child pornography, penalty for possession - HB 312


Life license plate, establish - SB 39

life license plates, establish - SB 39: SCS

Cities, annexation, map requirement - HB 619

City property, methods of sale or disposition of - HB 438

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659


fees, increase in selected - HB 611

fees, reduce the increase in two fees - HB 611: HCS

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Colorectal cancer screening, health insurance, required coverage by - SB 19; HB 89

Commercial vehicles, exempt drivers from citation or conviction of violations caused by employers - HB 495

Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, special license plate for - SB 18

Communications wireless - HB 226: HCS

Communications, wireless public safety systems - HB 226


protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibit - HB 471: HCS

protection, price gouging during an emergency, prohibition - HB 471

Contractor certification program, residential and light commercial, insurance requirements for - HB 277


substance endangerment to a child - SB 163

substance, endangerment to a child - SB 163: SCS, HCS (2)

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, possession in non-original container, dismissal if valid prescription - HB 359: HCS

substances, possession of nonoriginal container, repealed - HB 359

Coroners, soliciting for funeral business prohibited - SB 178


clerk fees for administering special license plate donations, increase - HB 172: HCS(1)

clerks, fees for duplicating - HB 669

consolidation, process for - HB 289

election officers, payment for - HB 209

police force appointment by county judge/executives, change from 1 year to 4 year contract - HB 156

roads system, omnibus revision - HB 199

Court costs - additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

Credit and debit card, protection of - HB 7


property taxes, collection costs - HB 421

taxes, disposition of when from former city of first class - HB 510

Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control, direct to design smoking policy logo - SB 130: SCS

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110


law, revision of - HB 336: HCS

laws, revision of - HB 336

Driving under the influence, substances other than alcohol - HB 536

Drug testing, corrections employees - SB 261


abuse, caretaker penalties for - HB 105: HCS

abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105

Election expenses, reimbursement for - HB 209: HCS

Electronic gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, omnibus bill - HB 45

Enlargement or reduction of territory across county lines by city - HB 294

Enterprise zones, designate as economic growth districts - HB 486

Expungement of records, Class D felony/misdemeanors - HB 371

Failure to return to custody, establish offense of - HB 666

Fetal homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

Firearms dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

Firefighter license plate, allow professional firefighters to acquire - SB 106

Gaming at racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - SB 250

Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 234

Gubernatorial campaign finance, requirements for - HB 538

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of, local law superceded - HB 602

Hardship driver's license, permit for general traffic offenses - SB 21

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Highway work zones, penalty for failure to illuminate lights, delete - HB 514: HCS


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103

Home inspectors license, requirements for - SB 34; SB 34: SCS

Homeland security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55

Homestead exemption, stacking for joint marital residence - HB 122

HVAC permitting process, creation of - HB 497

Inappropriate sexual conduct in the presence of a minor, establish offense of - HB 367

Indecent exposure - SB 145; SB 145: HCS

Jail inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64: SCS

KASPER system - tolerance rates for data errors - SB 14: SCS


Colonels, create special license plate for - SB 87

Walking Horse Association, create special license plate for - HB 699

KLEFPF fund, pay supplement to part-time police officers - SB 107

KY Quarter Horse Association, special license plate for - HB 533

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 125

Law enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

Library boards, authorize fiscal court to make appointments - HB 120


plate, surrender for failure to maintain insurance - SB 20

plates, create decal to cover "smiley face" sun - SB 57

Licensing, renewal of - SB 133: HCS

Limited restaurant and golf course fees, license fee established - HB 466


employees, planning and zoning training and residence requirements - SB 60: HCS

governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19

Mandate - HB 7, 105

ordinances affecting farm equipment, void - SB 129

tax statutes, amendments to - HB 458

Long-term care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

Marginal entry records, require county clerks to maintain - HB 402

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Methamphetamine precursors, controls on sale - HB 118

Methamphetamine, unlawful manufacture of - HB 25

Military discharge papers, release and destruction of - HB 225

Minimum wage revision - HB 186

MIRET devices, unauthorized use of, penalties for - HB 141: HCS


carriers, registration and taxation violations, impoundment for - HB 495: SCS

fuel taxes, supplemental tax imposed - HB 664

vehicle identification numbers database - HB 29

vehicle registration supplement fund, creation of - HB 348

vehicles, require to be registered in the county of the purchaser's residence - HB 399


metering of electricity to residential customers with photovoltaic generation - HB 490: HCS

metering, retail electric service, provision for - HB 490

Northern Kentucky Baptist Association, create a special license plate for - HB 375

Open meetings and open records information, dissemination to local governments and school districts - HB 263: HCS

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Peace officer training - HB 212

Pensions, police and fire, medical insurance - SB 235


and zoning, commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388: HCS

commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388


officers and firefighters of an urban-county govmt., collective bargaining, provisions for - HB 572

officers, collective bargaining in a consolidated local government, provisions for - HB 570

Premium taxes, collection and remittance of - HB 503

Preparation and distribution of open meetings/open records information - HB 263

Prisoner transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Private property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581

Property tax. motor vehicles, exemption of - HB 107


funds, prohibition from use for abortion-related education or counseling - HB 32

Health, core functions of - SB 199

indecency, offense of, exceptions to - HB 673

Rabies immunization, administration of - SB 216

Radon mitigation systems, installation in new buildings - HB 145

Relay for Life special license plate, collection of voluntary contributions - SB 104


benefits for police and firefighters - SB 139

benefits, new employees - HB 290

Retirement, benefits for new employees - HB 290: HCS

Salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201

Scanning devices, intent to defraud - HB 7: HCS


offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 410: HFA (2)

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205


entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 102

offenses, charge stacking - SB 102: HCS

offenses, penalty enhancement - HB 223

offenses, using communications device to procure a minor - SB 102: SCS

Small and farm wineries, Sunday sales permitted - HB 239

Smoking policies - SB 10, 130


deaf and hard of hearing license plate, establish - SB 18: SCS

EMS license plates, establish - SB 193

license plate, creation of - SB 106: HFA(6),(7),(14)

license plates, establish guidelines for Transportation Cabinet to follow prior to issuing - HB 172: HCS(3)

license plates, fees for - SB 117

license plates, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 172

license plates, remove clerk from process to retain and distribute funds to groups - HB 172: HCS(2)

State-owned marinas, designation of a boating access area for handicapped required - HB 393

Substance abuse, involuntary treatment, petition - HB 77

Support the Arts, Support Public Education, create special license plates for - SB 202

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257


collection in urban service districts - SB 223; HB 457, 697

recall procedures - SB 70: SCS

Technical correction - SB 87: SCS

Telecommunications, broadband services, deregulation of - SB 215


surtax, funding from - HB 310

use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Tongue splitting, finding of therapeutic or clinical basis required - HB 14

Towed vehicles, reduce time period before lien holder can sell vehicle - HB 357: HCS(2)

Towing abandoned vehicles, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 357

Traffic signals, prevent use of mobile infrared transmitters to change - HB 141

Training incentive benefits, allow coroners participation in - SB 24


emission testing program, county clerk fee - HB 423

identification numbers, monthly report by insurers - HB 29: HCS

Workers' compensation, firefighters, heart or lung disease, benefits for - SB 196

Zoning definitions, agricultural use, include various horse-related activities - HB 404



of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation, confirmation of George Demaree, Jr. - SR 122

of Directors of the Kentucky Lottery Corporation, confirmation of Lynda B. Wright - SR 186

of Directors, Kentucky Lottery Corporation, confirm the appointment of Keith Dana Griffee - SR 118


gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, appropriations - HB 46

gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, omnibus bill - HB 45

Government programs, mention in advertising - HB 80

Gross revenues, compulsive gamblers assistance fund, partial funding for - HB 144

Howerton, James William, appointment to Board of Directors - SR 187


award program, GPA required and awards made for - SB 238: SFA(4)

program, changes to - SB 238: SCS

Lottery game created, proceeds used for veterans' programs - HB 274; HB 274: HCS

Permit advertising of government programs funded by the lottery - HB 154

Sectarian instruction, KEES scholarship permitted for - HB 28

Malt Beverages


beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 20 days for - SB 79

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 30 days for - SB 79: SCS

beverages omnibus bill - SB 149; HB 466

Brewers and importers, agreements with distributors requirement of - HB 362: SCS(2)

DUI service fee, increase and allocation of - HB 157: SCS(1)

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Local government-imposed regulatory license fees, permissible use of - HB 252

National fraternal society, special private club alcohol license for - HB 597


Adult day centers, advisory council for - SB 17: HFA(3); HB 90: SFA (1)

Advisory council, adult day representation on - SB 17: HFA(4)

Any-willing-provider provision, exemption from - SB 41

Breast-feeding, encouragement of - HB 646


program, study - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

program, study and implement - HB 60; SB 45: HFA (1)

Care management, implementation of - HJR 136

Certificate of need requirements, exempt primary care centers and rural health clinics from - SB 185

Chemical dependency treatment, payment for - SB 233

Children's psychiatric treatment facilities, location and beds - HB 90: HCS


program for - HB 116: SCS

services program, allocation of funds - HB 116: HCS

services program, creation of - HB 116

services program, services and supports in - HB 116: HFA(1)

Controlled substance data, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

Cost-based reimbursement and incentives, study feasibility of - SJR 133

Critical access hospital, expand services of - HB 323


management, implementation of - HB 267; HJR 136

management, supplemental rebates, funding for - HB 267

Drugs, copayments for - SB 192

Encourage maximization of resources available for Medicaid - HB 502: HCS


recovery, exemptions from - HB 580

recovery, requirements for - HB 580: HCS

recovery, undue hardship exemptions from - SB 40: HFA(7); SB 153: HFA (5)

Health care partnership, regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255

Hearings and policy changes, temporary suspension of - SB 73; HB 337

HIV/AIDS, prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)


and community-based waiver, eligibility for - SB 189: HFA(1)

and community-based waiver, prohibit exclusions from - SB 40: HFA(4)

Hospital prospective payment, Cabinet for Health Services directed to study impact of - SJR 133

Human service transportation delivery, eligibility for - HB 600


e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56

e-Health Network, exclude required participation in - HB 216

e-Health Network, voluntary participation in - SB 128

Rx Program, prior authorization related to - HB 351


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care ombudsman, area development district, full-time position for - HB 590

care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - SB 32; HB 158

care staffing committee, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112

Managed care, transportation, prior approval for - SB 183

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee, jurisdiction of - SB 17; HB 288; HB 90: SFA (6)

Mental illness, prohibit prior authorization of drugs to treat - SB 16: HFA(3); SB 40: HFA (3)

PACE, implementation of - SB 186

Personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 383

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Advisory Committee, preferred drug list, responsibilities of - HB 267


drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16

drug rebates, state plan amendment for - HB 351: HFA(1)

drug refundable tax credit,manufacturer rebates for funding of - HB 351: HCS

drugs, requirements for - SB 40: HFA(6)


tax and payments to hospitals - HB 643

tax and payments, hospital services subject to - SB 265

tax for - HB 292: SCS

Psychiatric treatment facilities, requirements for expansion of - HB 90: SCS

Recipients, lock-in restrictions for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

Resources available for Medicaid, maximization of, encourage - HB 502

State Interagency Council, add members - SB 188

Substance abuse treatment, coverage for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

Technology improvement, implementation of - HJR 136

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

The Molly Mosley Act of 2004, citation as - HB 580: HFA(1)

Third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194


dependence treatment, coverage for - SB 65

surtax, funding from - HB 310


"Battlefield Memorial Highway," designate section of US 421 in Madison County - HJR 82

"Charles H. McGinnis Memorial Highway," designate a portion of US 68 in Mercer County - HJR 116

"Christopher Leo White Memorial Highway," designate a portion of KY 245 - HJR 18: HFA(1)

"Cpl. Joshua D. Harris Memorial Bridge," designate in Letcher County - HJR 126; HJR 7: SCA (1)

"Euris Chaney Connector," designate in Calloway County - HJR 40

"John C. Cline Memorial Bridge," designate in Martin County - HJR 69

"Kentucky Veterans Highway," designate in Bell County - HJR 42

"PFC David 'Paulie' Nash Memorial Highway," designate in Daviess County - HJR 19

"Tom Christerson Memorial Highway," designate in Muhlenberg County - SJR 34; HJR 90

1932 Yancey Mine Disaster, name a segment of KY 72 in Harlan Co. in memory of - SJR 7; HJR 10

Acklin II, Sergeant Michael D., memorializing - SR 13; HR 51

Alice Lloyd, name KY 899 in Pippa Passes, KY in memory and honor of - SJR 126

Allen, Donna Faye Hall, memorializing - SR 213


Ethel Blanche Richardson, memorializing - SR 113

Ethel, memorializing - HR 169

Rev. Edward Deedom, memorializing - HR 170

the Reverend Edward Deedom, memorializing - SR 114

Anderson, Milford Owen, memorializing - HR 288


Jean, memorializing - SR 160

Mary Jean, memorialize and adjourn House in memory of - HR 226

Baird, Hannah Hume, memorializing - SR 259

Barnett, Robert L. Jr., memorializing - SR 43; HR 88

Bartley, Epp, name a bridge on KY 1469 in Pike Co. in memory of - SJR 153

Bearden, William S. "Billy," memorializing - SR 8

Beasley, Nicholas P., memorializing - SR 194; HR 235


Dr. W. B. II, memorializing - HR 127

Dr. W.B. II, memorializing - SR 76

Blevins, Rachel D., memorializing - HR 138

Bobby Thomas, Hardin County, name KY 1357 in memory of - HJR 11

Bockweg, Bernard H., memorializing - SR 162

Bonner, Dr. Mel, memorializing - SR 88

Boodry, Glen O., memorializing - SR 91; HR 176

Boone, Ronald Allen, memorializing - SR 75

Brammer, Leon H., memorializing - HR 61

Brigandi, Colonel Joseph, memorializing - SR 246

Britt, the Reverend Jerome Charles, memorializing - SR 247

Bryant, Officer Douglas, memorializing - SR 227; HR 262

Cahill, Nancy B., memorializing - SR 109


Earl Mack "Mack," memorializing - HR 197

II, George Leonard, memorializing - SR 245

Capital City Airport, rename John "Russell" Groves Capital City Airport - HB 392

Carey, Granville O., memorializing - SR 77

Clarke, Joe, former representative, honor with memorial plaque - HCR 215

Cochran, Ernest, name bridge in Pike Co. in memory of - SJR 18

Colby, Wilma D., memorializing - HR 171


Sergeant Gary B., memorializing - SR 14; HR 47

Sergeant Gary Brent, memorializing - SR 137; HR 199

Conn, Irene Spurlock, memorializing - SR 104

Cowan, Brenda Denise, memorializing - SR 103; HR 151, 159

Crisp, Tincy Lafferty, memorializing - SR 139

Crutchfield, Pamela Lea Vickers, memorializing - SR 85

Cunningham, Lynda Marie, memorializing - HR 286


Raymond Edward, memorializing - HR 70

Theodore "Bud," memorializing - HR 241

Daniel Boone, rename Hal Rogers Parkway the Daniel Boone-Hal Rogers Parkway in memory of - HJR 7

Dawahare, Herbert "Hoover," memorializing - SR 199; HR 251

Day, Colonel James O., memorializing - SR 141; HR 222

Definition of marriage - HCR 17

Dexter Community veterans, name bridge in Calloway County in memory of - SJR 154

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., name I-65 in Jefferson County in memory of - SJR 54; HJR 107

Dunigan, Staff Sergeant Joe L., memorializing - SR 218

Durham, Lucy Perry, memorializing - SR 107

Ebelhar, Maurice Peter, memorializing - SR 177

Ellegood, Kenedy Brooke, memorializing - HR 277

Fetterolf, Andrew N., memorializing - SR 176

Fischer, Bernard J., memorializing - SR 105

Fowler, Captain Mark Steven, memorializing - SR 47

Gargala, Ronald Ray Sr., memorializing - SR 215


David R., memorializing - SR 225; HR 265

Roy D., memorializing - SR 94

Goemmer, Kevin, memorializing - SR 82

Graham, Lieutenant Jeffrey C., memorializing - SR 216; HR 180

Greer, Gertrude Crider, memorializing - SR 110

Groves, Jr., Major General John R., memorializing - SR 9; HR 48


Curtis "Curt," memorializing - SR 102

Lona "Pet," memorializing - SR 195

Hamilton, Charles Kavanaugh, memorializing - SR 63; HR 125

Hampton, Captain Kimberly N., memorializing - HR 81

Hardin, Lucian Thomas "L. T.," memorializing - HR 284

Harris, Joshua D., memorializing - SR 60

Hart, Captain Jack, memorializing - SR 191

Hatfield, James Howard, memorializing - SR 210

Hawthorne, Alma Jeanette, memorializing - SR 41

Hays, Nolan A., memorializing - SR 190

Heilman, Donald, memorializing - SR 37

Heleringer, Mary Lou, memorializing - SR 42; HR 83

Helmig, Alan T., memorializing - SR 258

Higgs, A.J. "Jim," memorializing - HR 158


Gen, memorializing - HR 157

Gene, memorializing - SR 112

Hill, Bill, memorializing - SR 238

Hixson, Claude Lee, memorializing - HR 236

Hobart Dail Sowders Memorial Highway, designate KY 74 in Bell County - HJR 212

Holland, Carol Blackburn, memorializing - SR 96

Hopkins, James "Jim," memorializing - SR 212

Horn, Bobby J., memorializing - SR 30

Jackson, Dennis Sr., memorializing - SR 164

James, William Carrick, memorializing - HR 141


Carolyn Stamper, memorializing - SR 197

Coolidge, memorializing - SR 222

Pamela S., memorializing - HR 75

Ulus Lee, memorializing - HR 205

Juanita Blakey Vasser - SR 36

Kearney, William J., Jr., memorializing - HR 130

Kratz, Virginia Daugherty, memorializing - SR 48; HR 94

Kroggel, Jo Ann, memorializing - SR 87

Kuegel, Carrie Lee Newman, memorializing - SR 35; HR 95

Kupper, Irvin J. Sr., memorializing - SR 201

KY 72, Harlan Co., name segment in memory of victims of 1932 Yancey Mine Disaster - HJR 7: SCA(1)

Lackey, Nannie Lee Sallee, memorializing - SR 72

Lair, Harry Redmond Jr., memorializing - HR 232

Lane, Minnie Pearl, memorializing - SR 228

Lee, Bobby Gene, memorializing - HR 247

LeFan, William C. Jr., memorializing - SR 192

Lincoln, Abraham, commemorating his birthday - SR 89

Little, David Harmon, memorializing - SR 196

Lowe, Benjamin F., memorializing - SR 92; HR 177

Lusby, Mary Samantha, memorializing - SR 53

Lykins, William, urge a bridge to be named in memory of - HR 140

Lyon, Dr. Robert "Bob" William Sr., memorializing - SR 86

Mahoney, Blanche R., memorializing - SR 62; HR 118


Bob D., memorializing - SR 132; HR 201

Joyce "Joy" Hagan, memorializing - SR 131

Mathis, Kenneth Ray, memorializing - HR 178

Maxey, Wyman, memorializing - HR 97

McConnell, June Mallory Redding, memorializing - SR 49

McNari, Jewel K., memorializing - SR 84

Meade, MeloDee Denise, memorializing - SR 226

Moreland, Michael Lynn, memorializing - HR 231

Mosley, Ballard James, memorializing - SR 56


Julian "Moose," memorializing - SR 16

Julian, Sr., memorializing - HR 89

Mounts, Johnny Dean, memorializing - SR 206

Mullins, Gordon F., memorializing - HR 245

Nannie Lee Sallee Lackey, memorialize and adjourn House in honor of - HR 117

Neace, Marshea Nicole, honoring - HR 270

Newman, Virginia N., memorializing - SR 52

Noble, Charles F., adjourn Senate in memory and honor of - SR 159

Noe, Frederick Booker II, memorializing - SR 178

Noel, Janice Clay Benson, memorializing - HR 37

Nunn, Louie B., memorializing - SR 58; HR 111

Owens, Draxie R., memorializing - SR 198

Peacock, Irvin A., memorializing - HR 229

Penick, Ralph W., memorializing - HR 115

Perkins, James Edward, memorializing - HR 80

Porter, Harriet Elizabeth Bibb, memorializing - SR 136

Potter, Sergeant Darrin K., memorializing - SR 10; HR 50

Powell, Specialist James E., memorializing - SR 11; HR 52

Queen, James Howard "Sheepie," memorializing - SR 138; HR 183

Ranier, Harry Alan, memorializing - SR 231

Rice, Frank P. Sr., memorializing - HR 233

Richardson, Paul W., Sr., memorializing - HR 145

Richey, Harry D., memorializing - SR 39

Riney, Charles Lynn "Charlie," memorializing - SR 150

Robinson, Robert C. "Bucky", memorializing - SR 23

Roe v. Wade, memorializing - SR 73

Ross, Marie Blake, memorializing - HR 240


Brandon and Coleman, Brent, name US 460/KY 80 in Pike County in memory of - SJR 21

Brandon Jacob, name US 460/KY 80 in Pike County in memory of - SJR 4

Rowland, Michael, memorializing - SR 135

Samons, Freddie Jr., memorializing - SR 100

Samples, Robert Leslie, memorializing - SR 214; HR 253


Dr. Sheldon, memorializing - SR 101

Sheldon, memorializing - HR 181


Sergeant Justin A., memorializing - SR 98

Sergeant Justin, memorializing - HR 154

Sebastian, Bluford E., memorializing - SR 229

Senior, Vincent, Jr., memorializing - SR 46

Severance, Elizabeth Lee, memorializing - SR 38

Simpson, Faust Y., memorializing - HR 264

Sipe, Russell Wilson "Buzz," memorializing - SR 205

Slusher, Mason, memorializing - HR 99

State Interagency Council, add members - HB 322

Steele, Nancy, memorializing - SR 40


Donald W., memorializing - SR 248

Earnest Baxter and Mary Lucille, memorializing - HR 252

Storey, Kenneth W., memorializing - HR 285

Sutherland, Rachel Elaine, memorializing - HR 234

Syck, Thomas Daniel, memorializing - SR 211

Tackett, Veda Hamilton, memorializing - SR 95

Taylor, Joseph Lannon, memorializing - SR 29

Thacker, Betty Louise Slone, memorializing - SR 134

Thompson, Beulah Coulter, memorializing - SR 166

Tori II, Martin Andrew, memorializing - SR 12

Tori, Martin Andrew, II, memorializing - HR 49

Turner, Jr., Staff Segregant Roger Clinton, memorializing - SR 158

Van Booven, Paul C., memorializing - SR 51; HR 84

Vandiviere, Dr. H. Mac, memorializing - SR 165

Vanover, Charles W., memorializing - HR 238

Veterans from Lyon Co, name US 62 in memory of - HJR 46

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway, designate a section of US 421 - HJR 11: SFA(1)

Von Hoene, Richard A. "Dick," memorializing - SR 90

Warren, Martin David Sr., memorializing - SR 20; HR 85

Watts, Steve, memorializing - SR 241

Welsh, Annie Pearl Crawford, memorializing - HR 168

West, Eric Reed, memorializing - HR 258

Wheat, Vicki Joy, memorializing - SR 193

Whitfield, Nellie Armstrong, memorializing - SR 19

William J. Kearney, Jr., memorializing - SR 78


Garrie "Dwain" Sr., memorializing - HR 243

Thomas "Cloyd," memorializing - HR 255

Woizeschke, William E. "Bill," memorializing - SR 97

Wood, Katherine "Kay" Lansdale, memorializing - HR 246


War II Memorial Bridge, name on US 23 in Johnson County - SJR 116; HJR 192

War II veterans, John C. Cline, name various bridges in memory of - SB 106: HCS

Wulfeck, James A. Sr., memorializing - SR 33

Wyatt, Ruth Ann, memorializing - HR 149

Young, William T., memorializing - SR 26; HR 296


Ballot language, prescribe - SB 245: SFA(1)

Breach of promise to marry, delete references to tort of - HB 276

Cohabitation of legislators, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(4)

Commission for a Healthy Kentucky, reduction of injury, goal of - SB 179: HCS

Definition of marriage - SB 245; HB 613; HCR 17; SB 245: HFA (1),(3),(5),(8),(9)

Divorce, abolishment of - HB 574

Domestic violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Ethnic diversity, appreciation of - SR 255; HR 295

Governor's policy for domestic violence and sexual assault in the workplace, LRC adoption of - HCR 16

Health insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210


- SB 245: HFA(11)

between selected persons, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(3)


definition of - SB 52: HFA(1),(2); SB 55: HFA (1),(2); SB 92: HFA (1),(2); SB 135: HFA (2),(3); SB 146: HFA (1),(2); SB 187: HFA (1),(2); SB 200: HFA (1),(2); SB 245: HFA (7)

validity of - SB 245: HCS

Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 of each year recognized as - HB 74

No fault divorce, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(2)


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Relationships conferring marital benefits, legislative power to define - SB 245: HFA(12)

Roe v. Wade, memorializing - SR 73


abuse, penalty increase for specified conduct - HB 354

Assault Awareness Month, declare March as - SR 149; HR 175

Task Force on Trafficking in Persons, membership of, report deadline - HCR 210: HCS

Unemployment insurance, benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360

Unmarried individuals, rights of - SB 245: HFA(10)

Urge proposal of constitutional amendment on marriage - HCR 4, 6

Mental Disability

Children, recommendations on transition to adult systems, establish committees - HB 322: SFA(1)


psychiatric treatment facilities, location and beds - HB 90; HB 90: HCS, HFA (1)

psychiatric treatment facilities, requirements for expansion of - HB 90: SCS

Competency hearing, when jury need not be used - SB 251: HCS(1)

Direct support for the disabled, encourage - SR 189; HR 237


study a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 60; SB 45: HFA (1)

Focus on Mental Health Issues Day, declare - HR 268

Guardianship, affidavits and assessments, permit advance registered nurse practitioner to submit - HB 266

Health care decisions, persons authorized - HB 67


and community-based waiver, eligibility for - SB 189: HFA(1)

and community-based waiver, prohibit exclusions from - SB 40: HFA(4)

Jail inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213


early intervention system, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260: HCS, HFA (1)

Early Intervention System, assessment and evaluation procedures - HB 260

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)

Long-term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65

Peace officer training - HB 212

Psychiatric treatment, hospitalization not to exceed 14 days - HB 67


autism center, consultation and training by - HB 496

mental retardation commission, child transition to adult services, establish ad hoc committee - HB 322: SFA(3)

Statute of limitations for claims under IDEA - SB 115; SB 115: SFA (1),(3)

Suicide prevention workgroup, establish - SJR 148: HFA(1)

Mental Health

Antipsychotics, health benefit plan coverage of - HB 372: HFA(9)


dependency treatment, Medicaid, payment for - SB 233

dependency treatment, temporary exemption of certificate of need for - SB 233


psychotropic drugs, teacher training and education relating to - HJR 58

recommendations on transition to adult systems, establish committees - HB 322: SFA(1)

Cigarette tax increase - HB 107

Compulsive gamblers assistance fund, within Division of Substance Abuse, creation of - HB 144

Criminal record check, out-of-state fees for - SB 182

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Focus on Mental Health Issues Day, declare - HR 268


and community-based waiver, eligibility for - SB 189: HFA(1)

and community-based waiver, prohibit exclusions from - SB 40: HFA(4)

Hospital, acute care, admission at - HB 242: SFA(3)

Hospitalization of mentally ill, definitions - HB 242: SFA(1), HCS

Hospitals for mentally ill, expand definitions - HB 242

Housing, university priority for - HB 322: SFA(5)

Jail inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS


consumer-directed program for - HB 116: SCS

substance abuse treatment, coverage for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65

Prescription drugs, Medicaid, prohibit prior authorization of - SB 16: HFA(3); SB 40: HFA (3)

Social workers, licensing of - HB 667


autism center, consultation and training by - HB 496

mental health commission, child transition to adult services, establish ad hoc committee - HB 322: SFA(3)


prevention advisory committee, establish - SJR 148

prevention workgroup, establish - SJR 148: HFA(1)

Traumatic brain injury trust fund, increase limit for - SB 59

University housing, priority for - HB 322: SFA(4),(6)

Military Affairs and Civil Defense

Acklin II, Sergeant Michael D., resolution memorializing - SR 13; HR 51

Airport boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Appreciation Day, 7th Battalion-101st Aviation Regiment, resolution declaring - SR 257

Birth and death certificates, furnish free for members of the armed forces - HB 400

Cambron, II, George Leonard, resolution memorializing - SR 245

Capital City Airport, rename John "Russell" Groves Capital City Airport - HB 392

Certified school employees called to active duty, contributions for health insurance - HB 551: HFA(1)


Sergeant Gary B., resolution memorializing - SR 14, 137; HR 47

Sergeant Gary Brent, resolution memorializing - HR 199


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226

Concealed deadly weapon license, military may apply - SB 83

Day, Colonel James O., resolution memorializing - SR 141; HR 222


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

relief funding, program for - HB 454

Dunigan, Staff Sergeant Joe L., resolution memorializing - SR 218

Fleming, Specialist Robert, resolution honoring - SR 163

Graham, Lieutenant Jeffrey C., resolution memorializing - SR 216; HR 180

Hannah, Sergeant Samuel Kevin, resolution honoring - SR 140; HR 239


security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55; SB 55: SFA (1)

security records, Open Records Law exemption - HB 188


tax exemption for active duty military - SB 190; HB 165

tax exemption for active duty military outside U.S. - SB 173


Air National Guard, civilian firefighter, supplement for - HB 436: HCS

Military Museum Committee, composition of - HB 21

National Guard, health insurance coverage - SB 136

Korean War veterans, high school diplomas awarded to - HB 113

Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner, medal of honor, urge Congress to award - HCR 223

Lottery game created, proceeds used for veterans' programs - HB 274: HCS

Military discharge papers, release and destruction of - HB 225; HB 225: SFA (1)

Millersburg Military Institute, designate as official military school - SJR 83; HJR 142


Guard tuition assistance - HB 618

Guard, birth certificate, free copy of - HB 400: HCS

Office of Homeland Security, responsibilities of - SB 74

Potter, Sergeant Darrin K., resolution memorializing - SR 10; HR 50

Powell, Specialist James E., resolution memorializing - SR 11; HR 52


Sergeant Justin A., resolution memorializing - SR 98

Sergeant Justin, resolution memorializing - HR 154

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713

Special license plates, fees for - SB 117

Terrorism, efforts against, urge Congressional support - SR 236

Turner, Jr., Staff Sergeant Roger Clinton, resolution memorializing - SR 158

United States Armed Forces, liberation of Iraq, resolution recognizing - SR 15

Veterans' personal loan program, creation of - SB 279; HB 273

Welch, III, Master Sergeant Charles B., resolution honoring - SR 217

Minerals and Mining

Administrative regulations relating to emergency action plans, direct cabinet to promulgate - SJR 127; HJR 196


miner stamp by the U.S. Postal Service, urges issuance of a - HCR 20

mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - HB 556

methane development, requirements for - HB 577

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(1),(2)

methane, public protections, requirements for - HB 577: SCS

Dotiki Mine, honoring - HR 248

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537; HB 537: HFA (1),(2),(3)

Explosives use in urban-county, limit - SB 11


Safety Review Commission, Appointment of Bayard Collier - HCR 28

Safety Review Commission, confirmation, Bayard Collier - HCR 15

Safety Review Commission, confirmation, Stephen C. Cawood - HCR 63

safety, electricity in mines, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(2)

Mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(1)


mineral administrative regulation, retention of - HJR 98: SCA(1), HCA (1)

mineral operations, administrative regulations, deficiency of - HJR 98

mining, transportation impact plan, requirement for - HB 543

Public utilities, installations in coal mines, exemptions for - SB 37: SFA(3)

Reorganization, Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, Executive orders 2003-064 and 2004-031 - SB 154


of well operator and landowner dispute, delete requirement to make a permit condition - SB 154: HFA(1)

of well operator and landowner disputes, revise impact of mediator recommendations - SB 154: HFA(5)

Motor Carriers

Breast Cancer Awareness license plate, create - SB 84: SCS


HazMat endorsement, require fingerprint criminal background check for - HB 625

reasons for suspension and impoundment of vehicle, omnibus revision of - HB 495: HCS

Charter buses, exempt from motor vehicle usage tax and repair parts from sales tax - SB 51

Choose life license plates, establish - SB 39: SCS


vehicles, cease operations order, affix for license and taxation issues - HB 495: HFA(1)

vehicles, exempt drivers from citation or conviction of violations caused by employers - HB 495

Livery vehicles, definition and registration procedures - SB 253

Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, urge Congress to amend - HCR 194


and taxation violations, impoundment for - HB 495: SCS

and taxes, subject registered owner to citation for nonpayment - HB 495: SFA(1)

Towing companies, reduce time before eligible to sell an abandoned vehicle - HB 357: HFA(3)

Motor Vehicles


motor vehicles, amend penalties relating to - HB 357: HFA(1)

vehicles, clarify notification to owner of vehicle - HB 357: HFA(2)

vehicles, towing procedures for, define owner - HB 357: HCS(1)

Accessible parking placards, established fines for violations of provisions - HB 419

Accidents, recovery restrictions - HB 591

Advertising special license plate, create to promote design talent in Kentucky - HB 168

Appropriation clause, inclusion of - HB 157: HCS


and Public Education license plates, create - HB 473: SFA(3)

and Public Education special license plates, create - HB 71: SFA(3)

Automobile recyclers, activities allowed by and duties of - HB 628


access to information in, limit cost of providing access to - HB 526: HFA(1)

information accessed by auto dealers from, limit charges by Transportation Cabinet - HB 526: HCS

Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157

Breast cancer license plate, create - SB 84

Child booster seats, require and make violations a primary offense - HB 93

Choose Life license plate, establish - SB 39

Citation issuance, allow upon probable cause for driving without license - HB 495: SFA(2)

Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, special license plate for - SB 18

Consumer loans, maximum interest - HB 215

County clerk fees for administering special license plate donations, increase - HB 172: HCS(1)


license applicant, verifying information, make referral to Trans Cab by clerk permissive - HB 562: HFA(1)

license, issue without a photograph due to religious convictions - HB 386

licenses & I.D. cards, omnibus revision of issuance to non US citizens - HB 562

licenses and nondriver I.D. cards, issuance to non-US citizens, omnibus revision of - HB 562: HCS

DUI service fee, increase and allocation of - HB 157: SCS(1)

DUI, persons under 21 - HB 431

Firefighters license plate, allow professional firefighters to acquire - SB 106

Gasoline, investigate pricing of - HR 276

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, expansion of - HB 85

Graduated drivers license, changes in passenger restrictions - HB 85: HFA(1)

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of - HB 602


parking fines, make technical correction to distribution of - HB 71: HFA(2)

parking placards, omnibus revision of procedure to issue - HB 71: HCS

parking placards, provide for free renewal on permanent placards - HB 71: HFA(1)

parking rules, increase fine for violations of, dedicate revenues - HB 71

Hardship driver's license, permit for general traffic offenses - SB 21

Highway work zones, penalty for failure to illuminate lights, delete - HB 514: HCS

Instruction permit, extend term of to 3 years - HB 85: HFA(1)

Insurance, diminution in value - HB 206

Junk automobiles, local government removal under nuisance ordinance - HB 584


Colonel license plate, create - HB 71: SFA(1); HB 473: SFA (1)

Colonels license plate, create - HB 365: SFA(5)

Colonels, create special license plate for - SB 87

Walking Horse Association, create special license plate for - HB 699

KY Quarter Horse Association, special license plate for - HB 533

Leaving the scene of a traffic accident, establish penalties - HB 329


plate design, omnibus revision of - SB 13

plate design, use image of official state steam engine - HB 238

plate, surrender for failure to maintain insurance - SB 20

plates, create decal to cover "smiley face" sun - SB 57

Licensing, automotive mobility equipment dealers - HB 694

Livery vehicles, allow local regulation following guidelines for local regulation of taxicabs - HB 561

Louisville/Jefferson County, support its seeking a revised SIP without a VET program - SR 79

Military license plates, increase renewal fee by $5 - HB 172: HFA(8)


Vehicle Commission, prohibit charging fees not established in KRS Chapter 190 - HB 526

vehicle enforcement officers, peace officer authority - SB 155: HCA(1)

vehicle insurance, require operator as well as owner to maintain - HB 607, 642

vehicle registration supplement fund, creation of - HB 348

vehicle security interest recording - SB 72: SCS

vehicle titles, new brand to warn that not all rebuilt vehicles may be titled in another state - HB 459: HFA(1),(2)

vehicles, require to be registered in the county of the purchaser's residence - HB 399

Motorcycle safety education program fund, limit to use to provide training courses - SB 106: HFA(5)


accidents involving, failure of motor vehicle to yield right-of-way, increase penalties - SB 106: HFA(3)

allow special military plates to be issued for - HB 92

No-pass, no-drive provisions, clarify provisions relating to home schooled children - HB 304: HCS


Kentucky Baptist Association, create a special license plate for - HB 375

Kentucky vehicle emissions testing, elimination of - HJR 12

Ky Vet program, declare unconstitutional - SJR 3: SFA(1)

Off-road Motorcycle and ATV Commission, create - SB 106: HFA(4)


license, questioned documentation, require written reasons for - HB 562: HFA(2)

licenses, allow undocumented noncitizens to acquire - SB 170

Parking lots, towing unauthorized vehicles, omnibus revision - HB 385


environmental assurance fee, divert to road fund - SB 224: SFA(2)

environmental assurance fee, sunset - SB 224: SFA(1)


of insurance in vehicle, failure to maintain, establish presumption of lack of insurance - HB 511

of Insurance, failure to maintain in vehicle, establish as prima facie evidence of no coverage - HB 511: HCS

Property tax, exemption of - HB 107

Protect Choice license plates, create - SB 39: SFA(1)

Provisions relating to definition of vehicle, to take effect after EPA approval of amended SIP - HB 53: HFA(1)

Purchase of a car, require 3 days to return and retrieve vehicle & money given in trade - HB 254


fees and driver license fees, supplemental tax imposed - HB 664

for undercover vehicles, allow for Public Protection Cabinet - SB 106: HFA(9)

Regular license plates, authorize for investigators of the Public Protection Cabinet - HB 172: HFA(1)

Relay for Life special license plate, for benefit of American Cancer Society - SB 104

Retail installment contracts, statute of limitations - SB 72

School zones, double fines for speeding in, clarify procedures to - HB 350: HFA(1)


belt law, primary enforcement - HB 33

belts and infant restraints, increase fines for violations - HB 153

belts, primary offense for riding in pickup truck bed - SB 275

Security interest, termination statement - SB 181


Big Brothers Big Sisters license plates, establish - SB 106: HFA(11)

deaf and hard of hearing license plate, establish - SB 18: SCS

EMS license plates, establish - SB 193

General Assembly license plates, add $10 extra fee for KECC - HB 172: HFA(9)

license plates, establish guidelines for Transportation Cabinet to follow prior to issuing - HB 172: HCS(3)

license plates, increase renewal fees for selected categories - HB 696

license plates, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 172

license plates, remove clerk from process to retain and distribute funds to groups - HB 172: HCS(2)

license plates, require the Transportation Cabinet to forward funds to groups - HB 172: HFA(6)

license plates, require Transportation Cabinet to forward funds to groups - HB 172: HFA(4)

license plats, holding fees collected for groups, allow clerk to hold in one account - HB 172: HFA(7)


limits, 60 MPH on noninterstate highways - HB 365: SFA(2)

limits, 65 MPH on four-lane noninterstate highways - HB 365: SFA(1)

limits, 70 MPH on interstates - HB 365: SCS

Speeding in a school zone, double fines for - SB 85; HB 350, 414

Support the Arts, Support Public Education, create special license plates for - SB 202

Teenage drinking and driving, study of - HJR 211

Towed vehicles, reduce time period before lien holder can sell vehicle - HB 357: HCS(2)

Towing abandoned vehicles, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 357

Trespass on retail or commercial property with, shortcuts by motorists - HB 504

Trucks, rating methods under the Kentucky automobile insurance plan - HB 467


petroleum storage tank fund, revise sunset dates - SB 224

storage tank fund claim disputes, follow KRS 224 instead of 13B - SB 154: HCS

Unrebuildable titles on, prevent issuance in Kentucky - HB 459

Usage Tax, definition of retail price, proof of total consideration given - HB 282


emission testing program, county clerk fee - HB 423

emission testing programs, exempt cars four model years and newer - HB 53

emissions testing in Northern Kentucky counties, ending of - SJR 3: HCS

Emissions Testing in Northern Kentucky, elimination of - SJR 3

identification numbers, monthly report by insurers - SB 147; HB 29; HB 29: HCS

registration, not denied to vehicle owners after end of VET program - SJR 3: HFA(1)


license plates, add $5 to renewal for Veteran's Trust Fund - HB 172: HFA(5)

program trust fund, promote contributions to when obtaining a license plate - HB 696: HFA(1)

Window tinting, provide for testing of sunscreen material on vehicle windows - HB 313

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514

News Media

Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)

Accessible Electronic Information Service Program, radio technology - HB 262: HFA(2)

Blind and disabled persons, accessible electronic information for - SB 56; HB 262

Broadcasting industry, noncompetition clauses invalid - HB 677

Homeland security records, Open Records Law exemption - HB 188


and slander, defenses - HB 678

and slander, technical corrections - HB 241

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS


Meetings and Open Records Law, exceptions to - SB 55: HFA(4); HB 188: SCS

Records Law, delete exception to - HB 188: SFA(2)

Records law, exception to - HB 188: SFA(1)

Public agency meetings and records, public access to - SB 49

Volunteer firefighter ID program-access to personal information - HB 20: HCS


Allow Secretary of State to accept electronic signatures - HB 135: HCS

Electronic signatures, allow Secretary of State to accept - HB 135


On campus housing, rental agreement, fire sprinkler notice - HB 131; HB 131: HFA (1)

Sex offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 161: SFA (2),(3); HB 410: HFA (2)

Smoking ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

Weapons on school property, required notice - SB 94; SB 94: SCS

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514



urban property, allow all cities to levy tax on - HB 373: HCS

urban property, allow cities of the second class to levy tax on - HB 373


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Television and radio broadcasts, urge tighter regulations - HCR 44, 45



registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescriptions, authority for - HB 595: SFA(1),(4)

Anaphylaxis, epinephrine, student use of - SB 15: SCS

Any-willing-provider provision, exemption from - SB 41

Clinical internship, licensure, requirements for - HB 72


substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

substances, advanced registered nurse practitioner, prescriptive authority for - HB 595

Criminal record check, out-of-state fees for - SB 182

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Emergency contraceptives, prescribing and dispensing of - HB 87


care employees, monetary damages and job reinstatement, right to recover - HB 378

care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

Professional Shortage Area, eligible primary health clinic to be located in - HB 684: HFA(1)

Hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

Kentucky Rx Program, establishment of - HB 351

Licensure, retired nurses, requirements for - HB 72: HCS


care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

care facility, employees, criminal background information about - SB 189

care staffing committee, nursing staff requirements developed by - SB 32; HB 158

care staffing committee, staffing requirements developed by - SB 48, 112

Medicaid, temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


error reporting, requirement for - SB 90

errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Substance abuse treatment, coverage for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

Tobacco dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Trauma care, development of system for - HB 492

Obscenity and Pornography

Camera phones, prohibit voyeurism - HB 689


pornography, make possession of a Class D felony for first offense - HB 366

pornography, penalty for possession - HB 312

Encourage Congress to establish ".xxx" Internet domain - HCR 112


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Television and radio broadcasts, urge tighter regulations - HCR 44, 45

Occupational Safety and Health

Boxing and wrestling matches, regulation of - HB 126

Broadcasting industry, noncompetition clauses invalid - HB 677

Coal mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS

KY Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board, ergonomics standard, study & adoption urged - HR 53

Mine safety, electricity in mines, requirements for - SB 37: SFA(2)

Train crews, establish minimum staffing standards - HB 332

Workers' compensation, firefighters, heart or lung disease, benefits for - SB 196

Workplace safety improvements, tax credit for - HB 196

Occupations and Professions

Accountancy, limited privilege to practice, conditions for issuance - HB 420

Accountants, privileged information, scope of - HB 420: HCS

Administrative regulations authorizing fees, promulgation of - HB 441: SCA(1)


registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescriptions, authority for - HB 595: SFA(1),(4)

Any-willing-provider provision, exemption from - SB 41

Attorneys, one year internship before solo practice - HB 401


schools, minimum pupil/teacher ratio - HB 327

shop license holder, nonliability for actions of independent contractor - HB 200

shop owners, liability for independent contractor's violations, extent of - HB 200: HCS

Beauty salons and nail salons, owners' responsibilities - HB 200: HFA(1)


of Medical Licensure, first-year postgraduate trainee, discipline of - SB 276

of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214: SCS

of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214; HB 441: SFA (1); HB 558: SFA (2)


agents and managers serving dual roles, prescription on - HB 126

and wrestling, health and safety rules imposed - HB 126: HCS(2)

promoter, disclosures required, content of - HB 712

regulations, medical requirements established - HB 126: HCS(1)

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

CDL, HazMat endorsement, require fingerprint criminal background check for - HB 625

Cemeteries, repeal and reenact statutes, consolidate in KRS 307 - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

Contractor certification program, residential and light commercial, requirements for - HB 277

Cosmetologists' and nail technicians' licensing fees, increases in - HB 408

Cosmetologists, continuing education, product-specific courses allowed, criteria established - HB 441: SFA(2)

Cosmetology fees and charges, maximum amount to be charged - HB 441: SFA(3)

Dentist, charitable health care provider to include - HB 321: SCS


limited liability companies, operating as - SB 260

private admonishment as action against - HB 571

professional limited liability company, formation of - HB 221

Denturists, licensing established, scope of practice defined - SB 280

Detection of deception examiners, fingerprint data exchange required - HB 563

Dietitians and nutritionists, retired or inactive license status, make provisions for - HB 558

Direct support for the disabled, encourage - SR 189; HR 237

Doctors and dentists, continuing education for - HB 151

Electrical contractor, licensing on the basis of experience - HB 461: HFA(1)


licensing provisions and exemptions for - SB 148: SCS; HB 461: HCS

licensing requirements - SB 148: HFA(1); HB 461: HFA (2)

Embalmers and funeral directors, licensing requirements for - SB 143; SB 143: HFA (1)

Employment reference, nonliability for - HB 403

Engineers and land surveyors, private investigator licensure, exemption for - SB 47: SFA(1); SB 75: HFA (2)

Engineers, private investigator licensure, exemption for - SB 47


and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, admitted to practice of law - SB 163: HFA(1); SB 219: HFA (2)

Assembly members, sit for and pass state bar examination, granted license to practice law - SB 148: HFA(2)

Hairdressers and cosmetologists, continuing education, specific and brand-name products, credit give - HB 134

Horse racing industry, Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, agency responsible for - SB 156

Hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

HVAC mechanic, deletion of apprentice and creation of a Class A - HB 415

HVAC, environmental toxins, task force and education about - HB 132

Industrial recruiters, prohibition from accepting other governmental employment - HB 62

Inspectors, environmental toxins, task force and education about - HB 132

Interior designers, grandfather licensing provision, extension of - SB 132; HB 175

Investigators, changes in license and fee requirements - SB 75: SCS

Kentucky Gaming Commission to determine and approve occupations at gaming establishments - SB 250; HB 637

Licensed barbers, fees, education, and standards of conduct for - HB 437

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)

Long-term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS

Making telephone solicitations to wireless telephone numbers, prohibition of - HB 65

Massage therapist violations, fines for - HB 527

Medicaid, temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


error reporting, requirement for - SB 90

errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Nurses, criminal background information about - SB 189


licensure, requirements for - HB 72; HB 72: HFA (1)

licensure, retired nurses, requirements for - HB 72: HCS

Pharmacy, scope of practice expanded - HB 341: HCS

Physical therapists, continued competency requirement for - SB 206: HCS

Physician assistant, temporary certificate for - SB 276

Physicians Health Foundation, creation of - SB 276

Physicians, medical and osteopathic schools, practice within - SB 276

Plumbing, liability insurance required - SB 122

Prescribers, KASPER, reporting to - SB 14: HFA(1)

Private investigators, licensing required, exemptions from - SB 75: HCS

Real estate brokers, duties of and commission jurisdiction over - SB 244; SB 244: SCS

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105


workers, certification or licensure requirements for - SB 88; HB 160; HB 160: HCS

workers, licensing of - HB 667


assistants, certification of - SB 206: SCS, SFA (1)

assistants, licensing of - SB 206

Telephone solicitation and telemarketing, consumer education pamphlet regarding - HB 65: HCS

Tobacco dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Tongue splitting, practice of, prohibitions on - HB 14

Oil and Natural Gas

"Domestic use only" permit, natural gas drilling, requirements for - SB 164


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - SB 263; HB 556

methane development, requirements for - HB 577

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(1)

methane, urge Secretary of Commerce Cabinet to develop and promote use of - SR 161; HR 228

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537


investigate pricing of - HR 276

price cap - HB 599

Motor Fuel, subsidized pricing, study of - HB 296: HCS

Public utilities, installations in coal mines, exemptions for - SB 37: SFA(3)


of well operator and landowner dispute, delete requirement to make a permit condition - SB 154: HFA(1)

of well operator and landowner disputes, revise impact of mediator recommendations - SB 154: HFA(5)

Tax credit for biodiesel producers, blenders and retailers - SB 3


Health care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

Medicaid, temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337

Medical error reporting, requirement for - SB 90

Nonprescription contact lenses, prohibit sale to minors - HB 233

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

Parental Rights

"Code Adam," state buildings, implementation in - HB 251: HCS

Adoption records, release of - SB 75: HFA(2)

Adoption, records, release of - SB 75: HFA(1)


abuse or neglect investigations, information on de facto custodian status to be provided - HB 248

support, emancipation - HB 269: HCA(1)

support, emancipation of physically or mentally incapacitated - HB 269

Foreign adoption, Kentucky recognition of - SB 38: SCS


legislative task force on raising grandchildren by - HCR 78

legislative task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Infertility, health benefit coverage of - HB 702

Permanent placement, foster care and adoption - HB 300

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Termination of parental rights, appointment of appellate counsel - HB 23

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, update of - HB 91

Parks and Shrines

Archaeological sites, require access permit for - HB 560; HB 560: HCS

Boone, Daniel, official state portrait, Cumberland Gap National Park - HB 129

Carter Caves State Resort Park, name Lewis Caveland Lodge - HJR 64

Covered wooden bridges, preservation of - HB 596

Joint Parks Department, creation of - HB 4

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, support extension of - SR 224; HR 263

Lexington/Big Sandy Rail Trail task force, creation of - HCR 8

Permission to sue Commonwealth - HJR 156

Pest plant board, require report to LRC, no regulatory authority - HB 127: HCS

State parks, establish reduced rates at campsites for persons age 60 & over Sunday through Thursday - SB 191

State-owned marinas, designation of a boating access area for handicapped required - HB 393

Wickliffe Mounds Research Center, urge agreement to transfer - SR 167; HR 219


Assumed business names, filing of - HB 112; HB 112: HCS

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Peace Officers and Law Enforcement

Alcohol and drug test, defrauding of - SB 86

Bryant, Officer Douglas, resolution memorializing - SR 227; HR 262

Cemetery laws, failure to enforce, fines imposed for - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

CERS hazardous duty, disability benefits for new employees - HB 519

Certification requirements for peace officers and court security officers - HB 616


abuse or neglect causing fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671: HCS

abuse or neglect, fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671

Citation issuance, allow upon probable cause for driving without license - HB 495: SFA(2)

Commission on Elder Abuse, membership of - HB 315


firearms, disposition of - HB 156: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA (4); HB 570: HFA (2)

firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)

Constables, blue lights and siren, use of - HB 531

County detectives appointed by county attorneys, powers and training of - HB 703: HFA(1)


law, enforcement of - SB 216; SB 133: HCS; HB 336: HCS

laws, enforcement of - HB 336

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HFA (2)

Fees, accessed on cases and distribution of to police departments - HB 413: HFA(3)

Fish and wildlife, forfeiture of license for failure to appear pursuant to a citation or summons - SB 267; SB 267: SFA (1)

Grandfathered peace officer, change of agency authorized - HB 187; HB 187: HFA (1)


agreements, incentives for peace officers - HB 78

agreements, study incentives for - HB 78: HCS

Jury duty, exempt peace officers, fire fighters and EMS paid personnel - HB 608

KASPER, define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

KLEFPF fund, pay supplement to part-time police officers - SB 107

KLEPF, inclusion of state police in - SB 134


enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

enforcement, duties and responsibilities of officers - HB 715

License plate, removal for failure to maintain insurance - SB 20

MIRET devices, unauthorized use of, penalties for - HB 141: HCS


vehicle enforcement officers, authority - SB 155: HFA(1)

vehicle enforcement officers, peace officer authority - SB 155: HCA(1)

Peace officer training - HB 212

Police and firefighters, resolution urging pay increase - HR 208, 250

Police, part-time, KLEFPF incentive - SB 107

Prisoner transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Registration for undercover vehicles, allow for Public Protection Cabinet - SB 106: HFA(9)

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713

Sheriff, special deputies - HB 258: SCS


police, disability benefits under SPRS for new employees - HB 519

university police, participation in KERS - HB 621

U.S. Mint Police, Kentucky peace officer powers for - SB 78; HB 187: SFA (1)

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207

Personnel and Employment

Alcohol and drug test, defrauding of - SB 86

Broadcasting industry, noncompetition clauses invalid - HB 677


unclassified employees, delay of ineligibility for classified position, exceptions - HB 1: HFA(2)

unclassified employees, one-year ineligibility for classified position - HB 1


employees, Kentucky School for the Deaf, Kentucky School for the Blind - SB 237; HB 644

personnel, evaluation of - HB 554


school employees, sick leave requirement - HB 309

school employees, sick leave, requirement - HB 309: HCS

Educational requirements, exempt highway superintendents from - HB 123

Elected officials, retirement, reemployment restrictions - HB 9


branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions - HB 1

branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, application of - HB 1: HCS


funded time-limited employees, grievances filed with appointing authority - SB 219: HFA(1)

funded time-limited positions, expiration and documentation of - SB 219: HCA(1)

Full-time hearing officers transfer positions to Justice Cabinet's Div. of Admin. Hearings - SB 76

Labor organizations, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 173

Layoff provisions, exemptions from - HB 106: HCS

Management position, vacant or not posted for 90 days, abolished - HB 164

McCune, William S., appointment to Personnel Board - SR 67


wage & overtime provisions, exempt individuals who provide companionship services - SB 45

wage revision - HB 186

Organizational units of five or fewer employees - HB 164

Overtime exemption, in-home companionship services provided by a third party - SB 45: SCS, HCS


state employment, 2-year ban - HB 1: HCS

state employment, 2-year ban, exception - HB 1

Principal assistants in the executive branch, limit of 50 - HB 1


agencies, employment of retirees, restrictions - HB 15: HCS, HFA (1)

employees, retirement benefits for new hires - HB 290

Purchase of retirement credit for out-of-state teaching service - HB 237


of retired employees and officials, restrictions on hiring - SB 150: HFA(1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

of retired employees, restrictions on hiring - HB 15; SB 60: HFA (2)

School board member, service credit for retirement - HB 429

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Smith, Jack C., appointment to Personnel Board - SR 66


employees, insurance contribution amount - SB 93

personnel, reorganization - SB 150: SCA(1)

Teachers, employment following retirement - HB 391

Unemployment insurance, benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360


compensation, black lung revisions - HB 499

compensation, policy cancellations and premium audits,restrictions on - HB 634


Advanced registered nurse practitioner, controlled substances, prescriptive authority for - SB 240; HB 595: HCS


of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214: SCS

of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214; HB 558: SFA (2)

of Pharmacy, hearings conducted by officers in Justice Cabinet - SB 76


substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

substances, advanced registered nurse practitioner, prescriptive authority for - HB 595

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

Counterfeit prescription drug, civil fine for - SB 180

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Doctors and dentists, new prescription drug protocols, board develop continuing education for - HB 151

Drugs, direct-to-consumer advertising, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83


care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

Services, prescription drugs, program requirements for - SB 40: HFA(6)

HIV/AIDS, prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)

Hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

KASPER system - tolerance rates for data errors - SB 14: SCS


Rx Program, client savings, disclosure of - HB 351

Rx Program, establishment of - HB 351

Medicaid prescription drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16


drugs, copayments for - SB 192

recipients, lock-in restrictions for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


error reporting, requirement for - SB 90

errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

Methamphetamine precursors, controls on sale - HB 118

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Pharmacists, immunizations administered by, authorization of - HB 341: HCS

Physician assistants, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SFA(2)

Practice, expand definition of - HB 341

Retail drug prices, maximum set for - HB 351

Self-referral prohibition, elimination of Medicaid and Medicare distinction for - HB 482

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

Tobacco dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Physicians and Practitioners

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Abortion, prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Adult day centers, advisory council for - SB 17: HFA(3); HB 90: SFA (1)


registered nurse practitioner, controlled substances, prescriptive authority for - SB 240; HB 595: HCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SCS

registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescriptions, authority for - HB 595: SFA(1),(4)

Anaphylaxis, epinephrine, student use of - SB 15: SCS

Any-willing-provider provision, exemption from - SB 41


of Medical Licensure, first-year postgraduate trainee, discipline of - SB 276

of Medical Licensure, hearings conducted by hearing officers in Justice Cabinet - SB 76

of Medical Licensure, membership of - HB 688

of Medical Licensure, physical assistant, temporary certificate - HB 456

of Medical Licensure, physician assistant, temporary certificate - HB 456: HFA(1)

of Medical Licensure, Physicians Health Committee - HB 456

of Medical Licensure, Physicians Health Committee, establish - HB 456: HFA(1)

of Medical Licensure, specialty faculty license, permit issuance - HB 456

of Medical Licensure; specialty faculty license, permit issuance - HB 456: HFA(1)


of need requirements, exempt primary care centers and rural health clinics from - SB 185

of need, nonsubstantive review, rehabilitation agencies eligible for - SB 23


drug repository program, transfer of unused prescription drugs to - HB 86

health care provider, dentist included as - HB 321: SCS

Chemical dependency treatment, Medicaid, payment for - SB 233

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Contingent fee agreements, limitation on - HB 450: HFA(2)


substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

substances, advanced registered nurse practitioner, prescriptive authority for - HB 595

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

Counterfeit prescription drug, civil fine for - SB 180

Criminal injuries, hospital reporting of - HB 585

Death certificate, unknown cause of death - SB 62

Dental care, charitable provision of - HB 321


charitable health care practice by - HB 321: HCS

competency requirements for - HB 321: HCS

private admonishment as action against - HB 571

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267

Doctors and dentists, continuing education for - HB 151

Drugs, direct-to-consumer advertising, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59

Emergency contraceptives, prescribing and dispensing of - HB 87


care employees, monetary damages and job reinstatement, right to recover - HB 378

care liability, limitations on noneconomic and punitive damages, deletion of - SB 1: SFA(7)

care, liability limitations - SB 1; SB 1: HFA (1),(5)

Foundation, creation of - SB 276

Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

insurance, CPT codes, insured liability for - HB 455

Professional Shortage Area, eligible primary health clinic to be located in - HB 684: HFA(1)


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

Health Services Cabinet, drug program requirements of - HB 516: HCS

patient name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82

Hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

Hospital, acute care, admission at - HB 242: SFA(3)

Infertility, health benefit coverage of - HB 702

Injury to pregnant woman, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)

J-1 waivers, recommendations for - SB 42

Juvenile offenders, competency examinations - SB 213


Board of Medical Licensure, study of the composition of - HB 688: HCS

e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56

Life insurance, proof of death - HB 582

Long-term care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

Lung Cancer Research Project, institutional review board for - SB 254

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)


advisory council adult day membership on - SB 17: HFA(4)

managed care, transportation, prior approval for - SB 183

partnership in regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255


consumer-directed services program, creation of - HB 116

drugs, copayments for - SB 192

recipients, lock-in restrictions for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


and osteopathic schools, practice within - SB 276

error reporting, requirement for - SB 90

errors, require reporting of - HB 450: HFA(3)

malpractice screening panel, constitutional amendment for creation of - SB 12

malpractice, damages recoverable - SB 1: SFA(2)

malpractice, legislative authority regarding - SB 1: SFA(1)

malpractice, mutual insurance authority - SB 91

malpractice, omnibus reform - HB 450; HB 450: HCS, HFA (5)

negligence actions - SB 1: SFA(8)

Medication aides, Board of Nursing requirements for - HB 73

Nonbinding alternative dispute resolution system and trial by jury, provide for - SB 1: SFA(9)

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65

Organ donation, April recognition for - SR 151

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Partial-birth abortion - HB 26


assistance program, anticonvulsants, distribution of - SB 255

safety - SB 91

Pharmacy practice, expand definition of - HB 341

Physical therapists, continued competency requirement for - SB 206: HCS


assistants, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SFA(2)

profiles, creation and dissemination of - HB 691

Prescribers, KASPER, reporting to - SB 14: HFA(1)

Prescription drugs, Health Services, program requirements relating to - SB 40: HFA(6)

Public Health, immunizations, reporting of - SB 184

Punitive damages, taxation of - HB 450: HFA(1)

Self-referral prohibition, elimination of Medicaid and Medicare distinction for - HB 482

Substance abuse treatment, coverage for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)


assistants, certification of, required physician supervision of - SB 206: SCS, SFA (1)

assistants, licensing of, required physician supervision of - SB 206

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115

Tobacco dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Tongue splitting, performance limited to dentist or physician - HB 14


care, development of system for - HB 492

system, establishment of voluntary - HB 492: HCS

Wounds, health facility reporting of - HB 585: HCS

Piggybacked Bills

CA Copies of HCR's 5 and 60 to SB 161/GA - SB 161: HFA(1)


Copies of HB's 40, 74, 317, 392, and 539 to SB 161/GA - SB 161: HFA(1)

Copies of HJR's 64 and 142 to SB 161/GA - SB 161: HFA(1)


148/GA to SB 153/GA - SB 153: HFA(3),(6)

148/GA to SB 179/GA - SB 179: HFA(1)

15/GA to SB 150/GA - SB 150: HFA(1)

15/GA to SB 151/HCS - SB 151: HFA(1)

15/GA to SB 154/HCS - SB 154: HFA(3)

15/GA to SB 155/GA - SB 155: HFA(2)

15/GA to SB 60/GA - SB 60: HFA(2)

155 to HB 132 - HB 132: HFA(1)

155 to HB 146 - HB 146: HFA(1)

155 to HB 261 - HB 261: HFA(2)

155 to HB 301 - HB 301: HFA(1)

155 to HB 324 - HB 324: HFA(2)

18/GA to SB 95/GA - SB 95: HFA(2)

207 to SB 153/GA - SB 153: HFA(3)

220 to SB 14/GA - SB 14: HFA(2)

261/GA to SB 153/GA - SB 153: HFA(3),(6)

261/GA to SB 179/GA - SB 179: HFA(1)

303/GA to SB 138/GA - SB 138: HFA(1)

303/GA to SB 52/HCS - SB 52: HFA(6)

304 to SB 52/HCS - SB 52: HFA(7)

304 to SB 85/GA - SB 85: HFA(1)

317 to SB 266 - SB 266: HFA(1)

37 to SB 111/HCS - SB 111: HFA(5)

37 to SB 52/GA - SB 52: HFA(4)

384/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(16)

389/HCS to HB 161/SCS - HB 161: SFA(5)

392/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(13)

40 to SJR 83/GA - SJR 83: HFA(1),(3)

40/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(10)

410 to HB 161/SCS - HB 161: SFA(5)

424 to SB 155/GA - SB 155: HCA(2)

43 to HB 161/SCS - HB 161: SFA(5)

43 to HB 410 - HB 410: HFA(2)

526/GA to SB 142/GA - SB 142: HFA(1)

533 to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(14)

592 to SB 135 - SB 135: HFA(1)

60 to SB 16/GA - SB 16: HFA(1)

60 to SB 17/GA - SB 17: HFA(1)

60 to SB 186/GA - SB 186: HFA(1)

60 to SB 40/GA - SB 40: HFA(1)

60 to SB 45/HCS - SB 45: HFA(1)

651 to HB 604/HCS - HB 604: HFA(3)

651 to SB 111/HCS - SB 111: HFA(2)

668 to SB 60/HCS - SB 60: HFA(1)

699 to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(6)

9/GA to SB 15/HCS - SB 151: HFA(1)

9/GA to SB 150/GA - SB 150: HFA(1)

9/GA to SB 154/HCS - SB 154: HFA(3)

9/GA to SB 155/GA - SB 155: HFA(2)

9/GA to SB 60/GA - SB 60: HFA(2)


16 to SB 150/GA - SB 150: HFA(3)

172/GA to SJR 156/HCS - SJR 156: SCA(1), HFA (1)

5 to SB 52/HCS - SB 52: HFA(8)


107/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(8)

11/GA to SB 160/GA - SB 160: HFA(1)

156 to HB 393 - HB 393: HFA(3)

43 to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(2)

55/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(15)

55/GA to SB 160/GA - SB 160: HFA(4)

55/GA to SJR 83/GA - SJR 83: HFA(4)

9 to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(1)


7, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 40, 42, 46, 54, 55, 69, 82, 90, to SB 160/GA - SB 160: HFA(2)

91, 107, 116, 126, 147, 192, and 212 to SB 160/GA - SB 160: HFA(2)


142/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(12)

245/GA to SB 135/GA - SB 135: HFA(2)

245/GA to SB 146/GA - SB 146: HFA(1)

245/GA to SB 187/GA - SB 187: HFA(1)

245/GA to SB 200 GA - SB 200: HFA(1)

245/GA to SB 52/HCS - SB 52: HFA(1)

245/GA to SB 55/GA - SB 55: HFA(1)

245/GA to SB 92/GA - SB 92: HFA(1)

47 to SB 75 - SB 75: HFA(2)

84/GA to SB 106/HCS - SB 106: HFA(7)

Planning and Zoning

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Agricultural use, set parameters for equine uses - SB 156: HFA(2); HB 404: SFA (2),(5)


Zoning commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - HB 404: SFA(3)

Zoning Commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - SB 142

Census of planning units, request Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct - HCR 198

Commissions and related boards and personnel, omnibus revisions - HB 388; HB 388: HCS

Comprehensive plans - HB 388: HCS

Definitions, agricultural use, include various horse-related activities - HB 404

Electric transmission siting, location of - HCR 106

Firearms dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

Horses, activities of - HB 404: HCS, HFA (1)

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133


employees, planning and zoning training and residence requirements - SB 60: HCS

ordinances affecting farm equipment, void - SB 129


and zoning, comprehensive plan - HB 388

and zoning, location of firearms dealers, manufacturers, and importers - SB 95: HFA(4),(5)

Sexual entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

Subdivision, review definitions relating to - HCR 144

Plumbers and Plumbing


insurance required for master plumber license - SB 122

insurance, required for master plumbers - SB 122: SFA(1)


sewage disposal systems, permit timelines and procedures - HB 369

sewage system permit approval process timeline, extended past 15 days if inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(2)


electrical licensing exemption for - SB 148: SCS

electrical licensing exemptions for - HB 461: HCS

Plumbing inspections, local government, conduct by, conditions to be met - SB 148: HCS

Timeline for approval of on-site sewage system, extended if delay caused by inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(1)

Police, City and County

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Airport boards, officers, employees, and responders, immunity and liability for - HB 379

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Capital felony interrogations, require to be recorded, set conditions for use/time for destruction - HB 390: HCS

Capitol felony interrogations, require recording, set conditions for use/schedule for destruction - HB 390: HFA(1)

Cellular telephones, purchase and operation for emergency services personnel - HB 180

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Commission on Elder Abuse, membership of - HB 315

Communications, wireless public safety systems - HB 226


firearms, disposition of - HB 156: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA (4); HB 570: HFA (2)

firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)


substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

Counterfeit prescription drug, seizure of - SB 180


consolidation, process for - HB 289

police force appointment by county judge/executives, change from 1 year to 4 year contract - HB 156

police force contracts, change for 1 year to 4 - HB 156: HFA(1)


costs - additional fees for local police departments - HB 413

costs - counties without police departments - HB 413: HFA(7)

costs - local government public safety funding - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

Criminal injuries, hospital reporting of - HB 585

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566

Elder abuse, reports of and duties relating to - HB 105; HB 105: HFA (2)

Felony interrogations, require audio or video recording, conditions for use and destruction of - HB 390

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, expansion of - HB 85

Grandfathered peace officer, change of agency authorized - HB 187; HB 187: HFA (1)


Commonwealth's or county attorney to request law enforcement data from - SB 14: HFA(3)

define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

KLEPF, inclusion of state police in - SB 134

Labor organizations, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 173


enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

enforcement, duties and responsibilities of officers - HB 715


County, resolution urging pay increase for police - HR 250

County, resolution urging pay increase for police officers - HR 208

Peace officer training - HB 212

Pensions, medical insurance benefits, third-class cities - SB 235


officers and firefighters of an urban-county govmt., collective bargaining, provisions for - HB 572

officers, collective bargaining in a consolidated local government, provisions for - HB 570; HB 570: HFA (1)

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713

U.S. Mint Police, Kentucky peace officer powers for - SB 78; HB 187: SFA (1)

Urban-county, retirement benefits - SB 139: HFA(1),(2),(3)

Wounds, health facility reporting of - HB 585: HCS

Police, State

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Capital felony interrogations, require to be recorded, set conditions for use/time for destruction - HB 390: HCS

Capitol felony interrogations, require recording, set conditions for use/schedule for destruction - HB 390: HFA(1)

CDL, HazMat endorsement, require fingerprint criminal background check for - HB 625

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226


firearms, disposition of - HB 156: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA (4); HB 570: HFA (2)

firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)


substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

Counterfeit prescription drug, seizure of - SB 180


background checks, conduct on applicants for a license without a photograph - HB 386

injuries, hospital reporting of - HB 585

Facilities Security Branch, resolution honoring - SR 237

Felony interrogations, require audio or video recording, conditions for use and destruction of - HB 390

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, expansion of - HB 85

Grandfathered peace officer, change of agency authorized - HB 187; HB 187: HFA (1)


Commonwealth's or county attorney to request law enforcement data from - SB 14: HFA(3)

define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

KLEPF, inclusion of state police in - SB 134


enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

enforcement, duties and responsibilities of officers - HB 715

Offender registration - HB 594

Peace officer training - HB 212

Search dogs, use of police dogs as - HB 713

Sex offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 161: SFA (2),(3); HB 410: HFA (2)

U.S. Mint Police, Kentucky peace officer powers for - SB 78; HB 187: SFA (1)

Wounds, health facility reporting of - HB 585: HCS


Administrative regulations relating to emergency action plans, direct cabinet to promulgate - SJR 127; HJR 196

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271

Cinergy Gallagher Plant, resolution urging reduction of pollution at - HR 173

Coal combustion by-product, tax incentives for use as aggregate - HB 505

Louisville/Jefferson County, support its seeking a revised SIP without a VET program - SR 79


Kentucky vehicle emissions testing, elimination of - HJR 12

Kentucky VET program, elimination of - SJR 3


sewage disposal systems, deadlines for permit process - HB 370

sewage disposal systems, permit timelines and procedures - HB 369

sewage system permit approval process timeline, extended past 15 days if inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(2)

Provisions relating to definition of vehicle, to take effect after EPA approval of amended SIP - HB 53: HFA(1)


for approval of on-site sewage system, extended if delay caused by inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(1)

for approval response for on-site sewage system, to be 15 workings days - HB 369: HCS


emission testing programs, exempt cars four model years and newer - HB 53

emissions testing in Northern Kentucky counties, ending of - SJR 3: HCS

emissions testing, submit revised SIP to EPA to remove and provide technical assistance - SJR 3: HFA(1)


disposal facility, permit requirements for new and expanded facilities - SB 227

tire trust fund, recycling projects to include crumb rubber - HB 301

Popular Names and Short Titles

"Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention" - HB 67: SFA(1)

Accessible Electronic Information Act - SB 56; HB 262

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Harm Reduction Act of 2004 - HB 83

Kentucky Core Public Health Act - SB 199

Marshea Nicole Neace Bicycle Safety Act - HB 142

Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention - HB 77

Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 of each year recognized as - HB 74

Omnibus Medicaid Modernization Program Act of 2004 - HJR 136

Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act of 2004 - HB 609


Charitable drug repository program, transfer of unused prescription drugs to - HB 86

Dentist, charitable health care provider to include - HB 321: SCS

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487


prevention, institutional discharge pilot project for - HB 376

prevention, pilot project for - HB 376: SCS

Homelessness, prevention, voluntary foster care discharge pilot project for - HB 376: HCS


disease and care management in - HJR 136

drugs, copayments for - SB 192

Probation and Parole

Concealed weapons, permit state probation and parole officers to carry - HB 374

Corrections, homelessness prevention, discharge plan for - HB 376: SCS

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Domestic violence order, consecutive sentencing - HB 353

Nonviolent substance abusers, parole of - HB 275


Board, James D. Provence, confirmation of appointment to - SR 71

Board, Kammy Daugherty, confirmation of appointment to - SR 70

Board, Nell O. Glass, confirmation of appointment to - SR 69

Board, Patricia Ann Combs, confirmation of appointment to - SR 68

board, voting, hearings - SB 242; SB 242: SCS

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205


probation, limits, appeals - HB 407; HB 407: HCS

probation, victim notification - HB 407: HFA(1)

Supervision fee, increase - SB 261: SFA(3); HB 161: SFA (3),(4)


Adverse possession of real property, increase statute of limitations - HB 166


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Alcoholic Beverage Control, forfeited proceedings by - HB 587


sites, allow family access, landowner compliance with - HB 560

sites, allow family access, require landowner compliance with - HB 560: HCS

Cemetery, private property, allow family ingress and egress - HB 559; HB 559: HCS

City property, transfer for economic development purposes - HB 438: SFA(1)

Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

Deeds conveying real property to governmental agency, exempt from certain requirements - SB 121

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Escheat of nonresident alien's real estate, repeal - SB 120

Government taking, rights of owners - SB 89; SB 89: SCS

Historic property rehabilitation, tax credits for - HB 451


exemption, increase - HB 463

exemption, lower age to 62 - HB 285

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Manufactured and mobile home owners, eviction from manufactured or mobile home communities - HB 630

Permission to sue Commonwealth - HJR 156


property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581

property, hunters may retrieve hunting dogs from - HB 512: HCS

Proceeds of real estate sale, technical correction - SB 208

Public hunting, cooperator permits - SB 209: SCS


estate brokers, sale of property, duties of and commission jurisdiction over - SB 244; SB 244: SCS

property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Reintroduced animal species, mediation procedures for conflict with property owners - HR 244

Removal of railroad crossings on private roads, restrictions - HB 472

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257

Tax increment financing, development area - HB 614

Title change to "An Act relating to fish and wildlife resources" - SB 209: SCA(1)

Use of condominium common funds, restricted - HB 137

Wildlife management, liability - SB 209: SFA(1)

Property Valuation Administrators


urban property, allow all cities to levy tax on - HB 373: HCS

urban property, allow cities of the second class to levy tax on - HB 373

Property tax assessment and PVA administration fund, creation of - HB 339


Capital trials, required witness disclosures - HB 335

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Jailhouse informant, testimony of - HB 334

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213

Rules of evidence, amendments - HB 314

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207

Public Advocate

Criminal Justice Council - HB 161: HCS

Death penalty, abolition of - HB 88

Juvenile offenders, competency to participate in legal proceedings - SB 213

Public Advocacy Commission, membership of - HB 161; HB 161: SFA (1), HFA (1)

Public Assistance

AIDS Drug Assistance Program, prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487

Landlords, inspection of payment records - HB 422

Medicaid managed care, transportation, prior approval for - SB 183


drugs, copayments for - SB 192

PACE, implementation of - SB 186

third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194

Provision of social services, government funding for - HB 487

Supports for Community Living Slots - HB 395: HFA(3)

Public Authorities

Homeland security records, Open Records Law exemption - HB 188

Meetings and records, public access to - SB 49


Meetings and Open Records Law, exceptions to - SB 55: HFA(4); HB 188: SCS

meetings and open records laws, exemptions to - SB 49: SCS

Records law, exception to - HB 188: SFA(1)

Public Buildings and Grounds

Art work in state buildings, acquisition of - SB 236


Construction and Contingency Account, use of for agency moving expenses - HB 279

renewal account for state facilities, creation of - HB 280


and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493

and Capitol Annex, smoking - HB 493: HFA(2)

Rotunda, relocate Jefferson Davis Statue from - HJR 119

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Facilities Security Branch, Kentucky State Police, resolution honoring - SR 237

Insurance on state property - HB 546


Capitol Annex, place memorial to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on grounds of - HJR 216: HCS

Capitol Annex, place plaque to honor Ky's African-American civil rights figures on grounds of - HJR 216

Smoking Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)


Capitol, Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, addition of Secretary of State as advisor on - HB 535: HFA(1)

Capitol, Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, prohibit display of contributor's name or symbol - HB 535: HFA(1)

Capitol, establishment of the Capitol restoration trust fund for - HB 535

Capitol, establishment of the Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, Atty. General added as adviser - HB 535: HCS

State-owned marinas, designation of a boating access area for handicapped required - HB 393

Public Ethics

Campaign contributions, study of - HB 484: HFA(1),(2)


Branch Ethics Code, nepotism provisions applied to all statewide elected officers - HB 1: HFA(3)

branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, application of - HB 1: HCS

branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, nepotism provision - HB 1; HB 1: HFA (1)

Branch Ethics Code, various provisions - SB 172

Branch Ethics Commission, duties of - HB 1: HFA(2)

Branch Ethics, boards and commissions, conflict of interest provisions - SB 172

Branch Ethics, employment of a public servant's family members - SB 172

Branch Ethics, ethics codes for state postsecondary educational institutions - SB 172

Gubernatorial slates or candidates for Governor, contributions to - HB 538

Public Health

"The Rush Limbaugh Anti-Doctor Shopping Act of 2004," cite Act as - SB 40: SFA(1)

Abstinence education program - HB 395: HFA(12)

All-terrain vehicles, injury prevention, educational program - HB 576

Board of Pharmacy members, appointment and terms of - SB 214; HB 558: SFA (2)


home registration, enforcement of - HB 672: HFA(1)

home, registration of - HB 672: HCS

home, registration required, suspension of - HB 672

Breast-feeding, encouragement of - HB 646

Buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

Certificate of need, nonsubstantive review, rehabilitation agencies eligible for - SB 23

Cervical cancer, LRC study - HCR 167

Child pornography, penalty for possession - HB 312


for a Healthy Kentucky, reduction of injury, goal of - SB 179: HCS

for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179


substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40; HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

Department, functions of - SB 199

Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 170

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83


and Family Services Cabinet, creation of - SB 153

departments, citation correction - HB 512

information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Healthy Kentuckians, commission on, add duties on school foods - SB 179: HFA(2)

Hepatitis B vaccinations, require - HB 149; HB 149: HFA (1)


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82

Hospital, acute care, admission at - HB 242: SFA(3)

Immunizations, reporting of - SB 184

Individual student health care plans, schools, requirements for - HB 217

J-1 waivers, recommendations for - SB 42

Jail inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)


Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Board, secretary of Cabinet for Health Services member of - HB 685: HCS

Rx Program, establishment of - HB 351


paint, screening for - SB 199: SFA(1)

poisoning, prevention of - HB 349

Local health departments, Medicaid funding for - HB 395: HFA(14)

Long term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SFA(1)

Long-term care facility, record check requirements - SB 189: SCS


disease and care management in - HJR 136

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337


meningitis vaccine, full-time college students to be provided with information - SB 119

vaccine, require full-time students - HB 342

Mercury in immunizations and dental restorations, prohibit - SB 141

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 65

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132


drug, refundable tax credit for - HB 351: HCS

drugs, refundable tax credit for - HB 351: HFA(1)


Health Services Advisory Council, regulation review by - SB 187

indecency, establish offense of - HB 673

Radon mitigation systems; installation of mitigation systems - HB 145

Smoking policy in government buildings - SB 130: SFA(5)


prevention advisory committee, establish - SJR 148

prevention workgroup, establish - SJR 148: HFA(1)

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115


dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Trauma care, development of system for - HB 492


records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

records, permit an elected official on behalf of a constituent to obtain - HB 100: HFA(1)

records, security of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS

Waste disposal facility, permit requirements for new and expanded facilities - SB 227

Public Medical Assistance

AIDS Drug Assistance Program, prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)

Breast-feeding, encouragement of - HB 646

Charitable dental care, provision of - HB 321


psychiatric treatment facilities, location and beds - HB 90; HB 90: HCS, HFA (1)

psychiatric treatment facilities, requirements for expansion of - HB 90: SCS

Dental specialists, provision of general dentistry by - HB 321

Direct support for the disabled, encourage - SR 189; HR 237

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13


buy-in program for disabled adults, study - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

buy-in program for disabled adults, study and implement - HB 60; SB 45: HFA (1)

prescription drug dispensing fee study, repeal of - SB 16

Medicaid, supplies and durable medical equipment, any-willing-provider exemption for - SB 41

Traumatic brain injury trust fund, increase limit for - SB 59

Public Officers and Employees


hearing officers, positions transferred to Justice Cabinet - SB 76

law judge, appointment, Grant S. Roark - SR 179

law judge, appointment, Howard E. Frasier, Jr. - SR 181

law judge, appointment, Smith, Marcel - SR 120

law judge, reappointment, Kerr, James L. - SR 123

law judge, reappointment, Lawrence F. Smith - SR 182

law judge, reappointment, R. Scott Borders - SR 202

law judge, reappointment, Sheila C. Lowther - SR 180

law judge, reappointment, William Bruce Cowden, Jr. - SR 203

Allow Secretary of State to accept electronic signatures for business filing requirements - HB 135: HCS

Boards and commissions, appointment, automatic renewal - HB 325

Certified instructors in area vocational and technical schools, political rights and privileges of - HB 549

Civil actions by public employees, statute of limitations extended - HB 308


enforcement boards and officers, service of citations - HB 143

enforcement boards, code enforcement officers, service of citations - HB 668

Constables, blue lights and siren, use of - HB 531

County consolidation, process for - HB 289

Drug testing, corrections employees - SB 261; SB 261: SFA (1)

Educational requirements, exempt highway superintendents from - HB 123


county officials, salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201

officials, retirement, reemployment restrictions - HB 9

Employment of retirees, restrictions - HB 15: HCS, HFA (1)

Federally funded time-limited positions, expiration and documentation of - SB 219: HCA(1)

Fire Commission, make director member of Kentucky Emergency Response Commission - HB 253; HB 253: HCS


Assembly, benefits codified in KRS Chapter 21 - SB 201

Assembly, retirement benefits of - HB 690

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13


inmates, behavioral health risk assessment - SB 64; SB 64: SCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)

inmates, transportation of misdemeanants - SB 64: HFA(5)

Judges, eligibility for Senior Status Program - HB 236


Board of Directors, appointment, James F. Howard - SR 244

Board of Directors, appointment, Koester, Joseph J. - SR 119

Board of Directors, appointment, Larry Sanderson - SR 204

Board of Directors, appointment, Robert D. Neff - SR 117

Board of Directors, reappointment, David H. Snowden - SR 183


of executive branch employees, priorities for - HB 106

provisions, exemptions from - HB 106: HCS

Local employees, planning and zoning training and residence requirements - SB 60: HCS

Meetings and records, public access to - SB 49

Multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub, State Auditor's review, applicability of - HB 708: FCCR

Office of Homeland Security, executive director, duties of - SB 74


Meetings and Open Records Law, exceptions to - SB 55: HFA(4); HB 188: SCS

meetings and open records laws, exemptions to - SB 49: SCS

Records Law, delete exception to - HB 188: SFA(2)

Public servants, employment requirements for - SB 60; SB 60: SCS; HB 9: HCS

Purchase of retirement credit for out-of-state teaching service - HB 237


of retired employees and officials, restrictions on hiring - SB 150: HFA(1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

of retired employees, restrictions on hiring - HB 15; SB 60: HFA (2)


benefits for new hires - HB 290

benefits, disability retirement under Kentucky Retirement Systems - HB 519

Retirement, benefits for new employees - HB 290: HCS

Secretary of State, online notarization for business filing requirements - HB 135


employees, federally funded time-limited positions, creation and termination of - SB 219; SB 219: HFA (2)

employees, self-insured health plan, study of - HJR 128

health insurance group, contribution for dependent coverage - HB 259

health insurance, statewide PPO plan, self-insurance - HB 448

registrar, birth and death certificates, furnish free for the military - HB 400

registrar, vital records, access to - HB 100: HCS

registrar, vital records, security of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS

State, group health insurance plan, coverage - HB 623


employment following retirement - HB 391

purchase of military service for retirement - HB 617

Vital records, permit an elected official on behalf of a constituent to obtain - HB 100: HFA(1)

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207

Workers' Compensation Board, appointment, Kent T. Young - SR 121

Public Records and Reports

Adoption records, release of - SB 75: HFA(2)

Adoption, records, release of - SB 75: HFA(1)

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Annual report to Kentucky taxpayers - HB 49

Autopsy records, petition for access to - HB 111

Birth and death certificates, furnish free for members of the armed forces - HB 400

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

County clerks, document recording and archiving - HB 328

Court appointed special advocates, provisions relating to - HB 189

Death certificate, unknown cause of death - SB 62

Foreign adoption, Kentucky recognition of - SB 38: SCS


security records, Open Records Law exemption - HB 188; SB 49: SCS

security records, public access to - SB 49

Landlords, inspection of payment records - HB 422

Malpractice claim reports, distribution of - SB 1: HFA(2)

Military discharge papers, release and destruction of - HB 225; HB 225: SFA (1)

Multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub, Open Records requirements, exemption created - HB 708: FCCR

Offender registration - HB 594


meetings and open records information, dissemination to local governments and school districts - HB 263: HCS

meetings/open records information, preparation and distribution to local governments - HB 263

Records Law, exceptions to - SB 55: HFA(4); HB 188: SCS

Records exempted from open records acts - HB 188: HCS

School financial statements, publication of - HB 12


offender registration, not always required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 410

offender registration, not required for unlawful transaction with minor - HB 161: SFA(3); HB 410: HFA (1)

Unserved warrants, clerk to report to Administrative Office of the Courts - SB 54


records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

records, permit an elected official on behalf of a constituent to obtain - HB 100: HFA(1)

records, security of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS

Public Salaries

KLEFPF fund, pay supplement to part-time police officers - SB 107

Public Utilities

Boardband, consumer service complaints, jurisdiction for - HB 627: HFA(4)


service, interconnection agreements, authority for - SB 215: SFA(4)

study, baseline assessment, requirement for - HB 627: SFA(4),(8)

Task Force, cable industry representation, LRC appointment of - HR 278, 281


consumer complaints, jurisdiction for - HB 627: HFA(10)

consumer service complaints, authority for - HB 627: HFA(7)

consumer service complaints, jurisdiction for - HB 627: SFA(1),(5)

definition of - HB 627: HCA(1)

deregulation of - HB 627: HCA(2)

direct study of issues surrounding - HB 627: HFA(6)

interconnection agreements, commission jurisdiction for - HB 627: HFA(1)

preserve PSC jurisdiction - HB 627: HFA(5)

preventing discriminatory access, penalties for - HB 627: HFA(9)

provision of - SB 215: SFA(2)

regulation of - SB 215: SFA(5); HB 627: SCS, SFA (6), HCS

remote terminals, jurisdiction over - HB 627: HFA(8)

state requirements for - HB 627: HFA(2)

Camera phones, limiting use of - HB 689

Cinergy Gallagher Plant, resolution urging reduction of pollution at - HR 173


acquisition of 1105 megawatts of electric generation facilities, House support of - HR 109

acquisition of electric generation facilities, support for - SR 81

Condemnation proceedings, Ky. American Water, urge apppointment of Scott Co. resident to task force - HR 271

Definition of telephone utility, municipal government, exemption from - SB 215: SFA(3)


suppliers, net metering of electricity to customers with photovoltaic generating capacity - SB 247

transmission lines, PSC certificate for - SB 246: SCS

transmission lines, PSC certificate required - HB 639: HCS

transmission lines, requirement for certificate of public convenience and necessity - SB 246; HB 639

transmission siting, location of - HCR 106


facilities owned by retail electric suppliers or cooperatives, exclude from Act - SB 37: SCA(1)

facilities owned by retail electric suppliers or cooperatives, exempt from - SB 37: SFA(1)

Emergency telephone services, use of 911 funds for other emergency purposes - SB 110

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Extending boradband service, excess earnings, use for - HB 627: HFA(3)

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)

Mark Goss, confirm appointment as commissioner to PSC - SR 184

Misrepresentation of business location resulting in long distance phone calls, prohibit - SB 221

Municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, electricity sales to - SB 118


metering of electricity to residential customers with photovoltaic generation - HB 490: HCS

metering of electricity to residential customers with solar power - SB 247: SCS

metering, interconnecting equipment - HB 490: HFA(1)

metering, retail electric service, provision for - HB 490


hearings on transmission line extensions, require consideration of effect on farms - SB 246: HFA(2); HB 639: HFA (1)

utilities, installations in coal mines, exemptions for - SB 37: SFA(3)

Referendum of ratepayers, required for acquisition of sewer system, other public utilities - HB 202: SFA(4)

Refusal of broadband service for voice switch, prohibition against - HB 627: SFA(3)

Telecommunications, broadband services, deregulation of - SB 215; HB 627; SB 215: SFA (1)

Telephone service to churches, residential rate - HB 55


lines, delete reference to meeting reliability without adding lines - HCR 106: HCS

lines, locating in cemeteries, prohibition of - SB 246: HFA(1)

siting, public hearings, requirement for - SB 246: HFA(3)

Tying regulated and unregulated services, prohibition against - HB 627: SFA(2)

Utilities gross receipts tax for schools, amendment to - HB 163


gross receipts tax, clarification of communication service - HB 163: SCS

gross receipts tax, distribution of - HB 163: HFA(1)

Wholesale DSL service, equal service offerings, requirement for - HB 627: SFA(7)

Williams, Ellen, confirm appointment as commissioner to PSC - SR 243

Public Works


Project for Jessamine County - HB 395: SCA(18)

Projects in Rockcastle County - HB 395: SCA(19)

Cosmetologists, continuing education, product-specific courses permitted, criteria established - HB 441: SFA(2)

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Funding requirements on projects - HB 395: SCA(11)

Harlan County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(25)

Letcher County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(24)

Lincoln County Sewer Project - HB 395: SCA(12)

Local event tickets, supporting local public services, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Rockcastle County Water Project - HB 395: SCA(13)

State contracts, damage for delay clauses, unenforceable - SB 229


Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)

Accessible Electronic Information Service Program, entities selected by the Department for the Blind - HB 262: HFA(2)

Annual report to Kentucky taxpayers - HB 49

Blind and disabled persons, accessible electronic information for - SB 56; HB 262

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS


Finance facilities, increase limitations on performance bonds - HB 405

Noncompetitive negotiation, limitations on - HB 2

Sole source purchases, limited to certain users under restricted circumstances - HB 2

Race Relations

Civil rights, preemption of field by state - HB 659

Ethnic diversity, appreciation of - SR 255; HR 295

Governor's Advisory council on Minority Affairs, creation of - HB 588

Kentucky Center for African-American Studies and Research, creation of - HB 452


Casino gaming and electronic gaming devices at racetracks, require referendum on - SB 249

Casinos at horse racing tracks, constitutional amendment to permit - HB 636


gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, appropriations - HB 46

gaming at race tracks, part of state lottery, omnibus bill - HB 45

Facilities, gambling, authorize at horse racing tracks and other locations - HB 676

Gaming at racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - SB 250


and Welfare fund, distribution of - HB 84

and Welfare funds, investment practices, appropriateness of - HB 84


Racing Authority, membership, composition of - SB 156: HCS

Racing Authority, political and geographical representation, distribution among - SB 156: HCS

racing, conduct of, eligible horses - SB 156: HCS; HB 708: HCS

racing, multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub established - HB 708: CCR

racing, multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub, fees authorized - HB 708: FCCR

racing, multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub, limitations on number licensed - HB 708: FCCR


racing, conduct of, regulations for - HB 692

racing, permissible taxes, authorization of - HB 692

International wagering hub, establishment and regulation of - HB 693; HB 708: SCS

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on, excluded from - HB 586

Multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub, licensing of - HB 708: CCR


and casinos, omnibus bill - HB 637

and simulcast facilities, excise and admission taxes, applicability of - HB 708: SFA(1)


Authority membership, geographic diversification required - SB 156: HFA(1)

Authority membership, political affiliation, distribution among - SB 156: HFA(1)

Receipts subject to taxes, compulsive gamblers assistance fund, partial funding for - HB 144

Video lottery terminals at horse racing tracks, constitutional amendment for - HB 47


Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Removal of crossings on private roads, restrictions - HB 472


crews, establish minimum staffing standards - HB 332

crews, permit time off without pay under limited circumstances - HB 333

Unmanned locomotives, urge Congress to mandate FRA regulation of - HCR 86

Real Estate

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Adverse possession, increase statute of limitations - HB 166


title to real estate - HB 291

title to real property - HB 291: HCS

Buildings, environmental toxins, task force and inspections involving - HB 132

Checks, rental payments - HB 698

City property, methods of sale or disposition of - HB 438

Construction services contract, indemnification clause - HB 231

Deeds conveying real property to governmental agency, exempt from certain requirements - SB 121

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Escheat of nonresident alien's real estate, repeal - SB 120

Government taking, rights of owners - SB 89; SB 89: SCS


property rehabilitation, tax credits for - HB 451

rock fences, encourage documentation and preservation of - HCR 204


inspectors license, requirements for - SB 34; SB 34: SCS

inspectors, licensing exceptions - SB 34: HFA(1)


exemption, lower age to 62 - HB 285

exemption, stacking for joint marital residence - HB 122

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Manufactured and mobile home owners, eviction from manufactured or mobile home communities - HB 630

Permission to sue Commonwealth - HJR 156

Private property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581


estate brokers, duties of and commission jurisdiction over - SB 244; SB 244: SCS

property lien, party with an interest in the real property - HB 222; HB 222: HCS

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Sexual entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

Subdivision, review definitions relating to - HCR 144

Surveyors, statute of limitations - HB 442

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257

Title company, licensing of - HB 612



holiday, official phrase of - HCR 102: HFA(3)

holiday, official song for - HCR 102: HFA(4)

holiday, urge proposal of constitutional amendment for - HCR 102

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487

Northern Kentucky Baptist Association, create a special license plate for - HB 375

Photographs, religious objections to, issue driver's license without photo - HB 386

Provision of social services, government funding for - HB 487

Psychological well-being of students, injury of - HB 540: HFA(3),(4)

Telephone service to churches, residential rate - HB 55


Administrative regulations, changes in response to reorganizations - HB 626

Commerce Cabinet, create - SB 161

Commonwealth Office for Technology - SB 152: HCS


Justice Council - HB 161: HCS

Justice Council, elimination of - HB 161; HB 161: SFA (1), HFA (1)


of Agriculture, Executive Order 04-01 - SB 77; SB 77: SCS

of Revenue, established in the Finance and Admin. Cabinet, Exec. Order 2003-64 - SB 152

Directors of offices in Dept. of Public Protection, responsible to commissioner - SB 154: SFA(1)

Education Cabinet, confirm reorganization - SB 151

Education, Arts, and Humanities Cabinet, transfer of organizational units from - SB 161


and Public Protection Cabinet, correct in text references - SB 154: SCS

and Public Protection Cabinet, Executive Orders 2003-064 and 2004-031 - SB 154

Finance and Administration Cabinet, Executive Order 2003-64 - SB 152

Governor's Office for Technology, moved to Finance and Adm. Cabinet, renamed, EO 2003-64 - SB 152

Health and Family Services Cabinet, creation of - SB 153

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 155


Foundation for the Arts, attach to Commerce Cabinet - SB 161: SCS

Higher Education Assistance Authority, Executive Order 2003-652 - HB 430

Ky. Teachers' Retirement System Board, transferred to Finance & Adm. Cabinet, EO 2003-64 - SB 152


of the Governor, Department of Personnel - SB 150: SCA(1)

of the Governor, Department of Personnel, Executive Order 2003-064, Part 1 - SB 150

of the Governor, entities transferred to other agencies, Executive Order 2003-064, Part 1 - SB 150

of the State Treasurer, Executive Order 2003-652 - HB 430

Organizational units of five or fewer employees - HB 164

Reorganization orders, limit - SB 151: HCS

Reorganization, abolish Kentucky Racing Commission, create Kentucky Horse Racing Authority - SB 156

Retirement, adult education employees - SB 151: SCA(1)

Revenue Cabinet, abolished, Executive Order 2003-64 - SB 152


Development Cabinet, abolish - SB 161

Development Cabinet, transfer of organizational units from - SB 161

Transportation Cabinet, Executive Orders 2003-064 and 2004-027, confirm - SB 160

Reproductive Issues

Abortion counseling public funding prohibited - HB 32


abolish - HB 441: SFA(5)

prohibition of performance of - HB 658

Emergency contraceptives, prescribing and dispensing of - HB 87


homicide, creation of crime - HB 108: HCS

homicide, crime and penalty enhancement for - HB 108

homicide, crime of - HB 3; HB 108: HFA (3),(4)

homicide, exclude stem cell research - SB 4: SFA(1)

Health insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573

Infertility, health benefit coverage of - HB 702

Partial-birth abortion - HB 26

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Protect Choice license plates, create - SB 39: SFA(1)

Roe v. Wade, memorializing - SR 73


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offenders, chemical treatment for - HB 205

Research and Methods

DNA, collection, any felony - HB 119

Human Cloning - HB 395: HFA(21),(22)


Center for African-American Studies and Research, creation of - HB 452

Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Board, secretary of Cabinet for Health Services member of - HB 685: HCS

Long-Term Policy Research Center, purpose, quadrennial reports, studies, findings, policy options - SB 127

Lung Cancer Research Project, institutional review board for - SB 254

Retirement and Pensions


fee for unescorted retirees, determination of - HB 11: SFA(1)

fee for unescorted retirees, payment of - HB 11

County Employees Retirement System, benefits for new hires - HB 290

Creditable compensation, definition for General Assembly - HB 690

Death benefit payments for city police and firefighters - HB 566


county officials, salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201

officials, retirement, reemployment restrictions - HB 9

General Assembly, retirement benefits of - HB 690

Hazardous duty, coverage of waste water treatment positions - HB 541


departments, citation correction - HB 512

insurance, fee for unescorted retirees - HB 11: HCS

Insurance benefits, employees hired after July 1, 2003 - HB 290

Judicial retirement, technical correction - HB 244


Employees Retirement System, benefits for new hires - HB 290

Retirement Systems Study Group, establishment of - HCR 68

Retirement Systems, benefits for new employees - HB 290: HCS

Retirement Systems, board to determine budget, issue benefits - HB 519

Retirement Systems, custodian of funds - HB 519: HFA(1),(2)

Retirement Systems, delinquent contributions, penalty - HB 519

Retirement Systems, disability application procedures - HB 519: HCS

Retirement Systems, disability benefits for new employees - HB 519

Retirement Systems, increase in benefits - HB 528

Retirement Systems, issuing of payments - HB 519: HFA(1),(2)

Retirement Systems, purchase of out-of-state teaching service - HB 237

Retirement Systems, retiree raises - HB 278

Teachers' Retirement System - HB 434; HB 434: SCS, HCS (1)

Teachers' Retirement System, purchase of military service - HB 617

Teachers' retirement System, purchase of service credit, Head Start teachers - HB 36

Teachers' Retirement System, reemployment following retirement - HB 391


employees of Council on Postsecondary Education - HB 519: HCS

judges eligible for Senior Status Program - HB 236

participation by assistants of the General Assembly - HB 519: HCS

participation of state university police - HB 621

participation of Trial Commissioners - HB 9: HFA(1)

urge Governor to fully fund - HR 185

Legislators' Retirement Plan, benefits codified in KRS Chapter 21 - SB 201

Life insurance purchased by employer - HB 578

Medical insurance, contribution not affected - SB 93

Police and fire, third class cities, medical insurance - SB 235


state employment, 2-year ban - HB 1: HCS

state employment, 2-year ban, exception - HB 1

Purchase of retirement credit for out-of-state teaching service - HB 237


service disallowed for insurance vesting - HB 519

service, disallowed for insurance vesting - HB 290: HCS

service, expired provision - HB 513


after retirement, elected county officials - HB 201

after retirement, hiring restrictions - HB 15: HCS

after retirement, restrictions - HB 9

of retirees and officials, restrictions on hiring - SB 150: HFA(1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

of retirees, restrictions on hiring - HB 15; SB 60: HFA (2)

Retired judges, remove gender-specific language - HB 675

Retirement allowance increase - HB 278

School board member, service credit for retirement - HB 429


credit purchase for certified staff called to active military duty - HB 551

credit, certified and classified school personnel - SB 28; HB 417

credit, certified and classified staff - SB 28: SCA(1), SFA (1)

Social Security, repeal of windfall elimination and pension offset provisions, urge - HR 155

State Police Retirement System, benefits for new hires - HB 290

Teachers - HB 434: HCS(2)


government, benefits for police and firefighters - SB 139

police and firefighters, salaries and benefits - HR 266

Urban-county, benefits for police and firefighters - SB 139: HFA(1),(2),(3)


Airport boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331


vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for - HB 155

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate, helmets required for - HB 132: HFA(1); HB 146: HFA (1); HB 261: HFA (2); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

Anhydrous ammonia storage areas, fence required - HB 41

Assault in the third degree, include personnel of various emergency related services - SB 217

Bicycle Safety Awareness, Day, urging establishment - HR 270

Boxing regulations, medical requirements established - HB 126: HCS(1)

Bullying, definition of - HB 540: HFA(6),(7)


by students, notification to school districts - SB 52: SFA(2)

by students, notification to school districts, disposal of records - SB 52: SFA(3)

Drug testing, corrections employees - SB 261: SFA(1)

Expelled students, educational services for - HB 656

Facilities Security Branch, Kentucky State Police, resolution honoring - SR 237

Firefighters, training-related activities provided - HB 435

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, expand program - HB 85

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of - HB 602

Homeland security records, exempt from Open Records Law - HB 188: SCS

Lead paint, screening for - SB 199: SFA(1)


and mobile homes - SB 109: SFA(1)

and mobile homes, transport and installation - SB 109: SFA(2)

Motorcycle Awareness Month, May 2004, declaring - HR 273

Noncoal mining, transportation impact plan, requirement for - HB 543

Parole board, voting, hearings - SB 242: SCS


display of fireworks, permit for - SB 273

records, exemption for records creating vulnerability to terrorist acts - HB 188: HCS


bus specifications, Kentucky Board of Education to set - SB 124

floor level assignment for early grades - HB 81: HCS

Seat belts, primary offense for riding in pickup truck bed - SB 275

Swimming pools, fence required - SB 257

Unmanned locomotives, urge Congress to mandate FRA regulation of - HCR 86



beverage sales, federal standards of fill, compliance with - SB 79: HFA(1)

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 20 days for - SB 79

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 30 days for - SB 79: SCS

Cigarette manufacturer, enforcement of escrow payments - HB 58; HB 97: SFA (1)


contracts, Internet, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523: HFA(1)

contracts, jurisdiction for adjudication of claims - HB 523


spirits and wine, deemed properly labeled if meeting federal standards or fill for - HB 362: HCS

spirits, minimum quantities in containers allowed for - HB 362

Egg packs and cartons, labeling, expiration date - HB 283; HB 283: HCS

Flea market sales, restrictions and record keeping required - HB 204

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Making telephone solicitations to wireless telephone numbers, prohibition of - HB 65

Motor vehicle retail installment contracts, statute of limitations - SB 72

Sales tax holiday, creation of - HB 192

Telecommunications, broadband services, deregulation of - SB 215; HB 627; SB 215: SFA (1)

Science and Technology

Access to newspapers using a telephone, Accessible Electronic Information Service Program to provide - HB 262: HFA(1)

Accessible Electronic Information Service Program, radio technology - HB 262: HFA(2)

Blind and disabled persons, accessible electronic information for - SB 56; HB 262

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Commonwealth Office for Technology, reorganization relating to - SB 152: HCS

Health Information Network Board, Cabinet for Health Services, creation of - HB 56: HCS

Human services, 2-1-1 dialing code for - SR 144; HR 188, 189

KASPER, Commonwealth's or county attorney to request law enforcement data from - SB 14: HFA(3)

Kentucky e-Health Information Network, creation of - HB 56

Local exchange telecommunications company customers, periodic surcharges rendered to - HB 262: HCS

Medicaid, technology improvement in - HJR 136

Rural broadband access, encourage Office of New Economy to study - HR 287

Unsolicited commercial electronic mail communications, prohibition of - HB 64

Secretary of State

Accept online notarization of business filing requirements - HB 135: HCS

Assumed business names, filing of - HB 112; HB 112: HCS

Business filing requirements, accept online notarization of - HB 135

Capitol Restoration Trust Fund, addition of Secretary of State as advisor on - HB 535: HFA(1)

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

KY Higher Education Assistance Authority, KY Student Loan Corp. - SB 96: SCS

Limited liability companies, regulation of - SB 260

Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund - SB 96: SCS

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Sewer Systems

Acquisition of sewer system shall be approved by ratepayers - HB 202: SFA(2)

Board of directors for sanitary and storm water systems, powers and duties of - SB 197: SCS

Entity taking over customers to pay just compensation - HB 202

Funding requirements on projects - HB 395: SCA(11)

Letcher County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(24)

Lincoln County Sewer Project - HB 395: SCA(12)

On-site sewage system installer, electrical licensing exemption for - SB 148: SCS; HB 461: HCS

Referendum of ratepayers, required for acquisition of sewer system, other public utilities - HB 202: SFA(4)


and storm water systems, board of directors for, powers and duties of - SB 197

and storm water systems, improvements to, appeals to board - SB 197: SFA(1)


districts - administration, functions, and structure - SB 197: HCS

districts - eminent domain - SB 197: SFA(2)

Sewer acquisitions, require ratepayer referendum - HB 202: SFA(1)

Waste water treatment facilities, benefits for certain workers - HB 541


Arrest fee for sheriffs, increase - HB 565

Authorized office expenses, county clerks and sheriffs - HB 258

Blue lights and siren, ability to grant constables permission to use - HB 531


wireless - HB 226: HCS

wireless public safety systems - HB 226

Compensation for District and Circuit Court services - SB 158

Concealed deadly weapon license, military may apply - SB 83


firearms, disposition of - HB 156: HFA(2); HB 413: HFA (4); HB 570: HFA (2)

firearms, disposition of for firearms or equipment - SB 83: HFA(1)

firearms, may be exchanged - SB 83: HFA(2)

Court costs - funds for sheriffs in counties without cities - HB 413: HFA(1)

Delinquent taxes - add-on-fee - HB 510: HFA(1)

Deputies, special - HB 258: SCS

Grandfathered peace officer, change of agency authorized - HB 187; HB 187: HFA (1)

KASPER, define which peace officers may request reports - SB 14: HFA(4)

KLEFPF fund, pay supplement to part-time deputies - SB 107


enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

enforcement, duties and responsibilities of officers - HB 715

Peace officer training - HB 212

Prisoner transportation, payment to sheriffs for - SB 157

Salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 201


offender management, study of - HCR 13

offender, residence notification - HB 43; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 410: HFA (2)

Sheriffs, office expenses - HB 258: HCA(1)

Tax collection in urban service districts - SB 223; HB 457, 697

U.S. Mint Police, Kentucky peace officer powers for - SB 78; HB 187: SFA (1)

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207

Small Business

Administrative regulations, procedures for regulations affecting small business - HB 609

Agritourism, liability, protection from - HB 444


beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 20 days for - SB 79

beverage wholesalers, allow purchase credit to retailers, limit 30 days for - SB 79: SCS

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Credit and debit card, protection of - HB 7

Dietary supplement products containing ephedrine group alkaloids, prohibition against sale of - HB 110

Employee job performance, employer disclosure, limited immunity - HB 48; SB 55: HFA (5),(7),(9)

Employer-supplied employee information - HB 48: SFA(1),(2)

Farm equipment, retail contracts - HB 305; HB 305: HCS

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190


insurance, group coverage - HB 372; SB 135: HFA (7),(8)

insurance, limited benefit plans - HB 227

Interior designers, grandfather licensing provision, extension of - SB 132; HB 175

Junk and scrap recyclers, activities allowed by and duties of - HB 628

Massage therapist violations, fines for - HB 527

Methods of destroying records, require reasonable only - HB 140: HCA(1)

Motor Fuel, subsidized pricing, study of - HB 296: HCS

Pesticide application, regulation of - SB 175

Regulation, reduction or waiver of penalties - HB 649

Scanning devices, intent to defraud - HB 7: HCS

Tobacco use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Veterinarians, biennial license renewal periods for - SB 133; HB 441

Space and Offices

Smoking policy in state buildings - SB 130: SFA(5)

Special Districts

Abolition of, interlocal agreements - HB 109

Airport boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

Board of directors for sanitary and storm water systems, powers and duties of - SB 197: SCS

City annexation, notification of intent to annex - HB 682

Emergency services boards, taxing authority - HB 427

Enterprise zones, designate as economic growth districts - HB 486


districts operating an emergency ambulance service, allow levy up to .20 cents tax by - HB 406

protection districts, limitations on board of trustees, removal of - SB 195

protection districts, merger - SB 259; HB 412

Identification cards for volunteer firefighters - HB 20


agreements, dissolution of taxing districts, requirement for election - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, incentives for - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

agreements, provision for abolition of duplicative districts - HB 109: HCS(1)

Kentucky residency requirements for public servants, make permissive - SB 60: SFA(1)

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Library boards, authorize fiscal court to make appointments - HB 120

Local Air Boards, allow Internet advertisement for bids - HB 629

Preference zones - HB 648

Public servants, employment requirements for - SB 60; SB 60: SCS; HB 9: HCS

Regulation comment and review, include governments - HB 609: HCS


and storm water systems, board of directors for, powers and duties of - SB 197

and storm water systems, improvements to, appeals to board - SB 197: SFA(1)


districts - administration, functions, and structure - SB 197: HCS

districts - eminent domain - SB 197: SFA(2)

Sewer system, entity taking over customers to pay just compensation - HB 202

Smoking policies, Braille code - SB 130: SFA(1)

Volunteer fire departments, aid for - SB 99

State Agencies

Acquisition of art work, appropriation for - SB 236


hearing officers, positions transferred to Justice Cabinet - SB 76

Office of the Courts, circuit clerks, collection of increased traffic penalties for - HB 356

regulations, analyze affect on regulated parties - SB 50

regulations, declare deficient ones null, void, and unenforceable - HB 295

regulations, public notifications regarding filing - HB 609: SFA(1)

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Agricultural Development Board, urge lowering of applicants' contribution requirements - HCR 187

Airport Zoning Commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - SB 142

Alcoholic Beverage Control, forfeited property, disposition of - HB 587

Annual report to Kentucky taxpayers - HB 49

Birth control programs, participation in - HB 31


of Barbering, composition, compensation, and powers of - HB 437

of Claims, actions of - SB 232

of Dentistry, private admonishment by - HB 571

of Education, home schools, voluntary certification of - HB 610

of Medical Licensure, membership of - HB 688

of Pharmacy, charitable drug repository program, transfer of unused drugs to - HB 86

Boards and commissions, appointment, automatic renewal - HB 325

Buildings, smoking policy in - SB 130: SFA(5)


for Families and Children, child abuse or neglect, fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671

for Families and Children, children, policies relating to psychotropic drugs - HJR 58

for Families and Children, establish pilot program for sibling groups - HB 98

for Health Services - HB 157: SCS(2)

for Health Services, funding for long-term care ombudsman program within - HB 529

for Health Services, Health Information Network Board, creation of - HB 56: HCS

for Health Services, HIV/AIDS, Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - HB 82: SCS

for Health Services, HIV/AIDS, Class A misdemeanor of disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1)

for Health Services, HIV/AIDS, name reporting system for - SB 103; HB 82

for Health Services, hospital data, collection and dissemination of - HB 450: HFA(4)

for Health Services, Medicaid policy group, staff support to - HB 60; SB 16: HFA (1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 45: HFA (1)

for Health Services, medicaid prospective payment, study impact of - SJR 133

for Health Services; Medicaid policy group, staff support to - SB 186: HFA(1)

Cabinets, collection of debts, certification of debts to Finance & Administration Cabinet - SB 228


City Airport, rename John "Russell" Groves Capital City Airport - HB 392

Construction and Contingency Account, use of for agency moving expenses - HB 279

planning and budgeting, definitions for - SB 230

renewal account for state facilities, creation of - HB 280


and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493

and Capitol Annex, smoking - HB 493: HFA(2)

Certificate of need, critical access hospital acute care beds, exclusion from - HB 323


abuse or neglect causing fatality or near fatality, report of - HB 671: HCS

abuse or neglect investigations, information on de facto custodian status to be provided - HB 248

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Cigarette tax increase, smokeless, loose, and other tobacco, impose tax - HB 107

Civic education programs, committee to review - SJR 80; HJR 129; HJR 129: HCS

Commission on Elder Abuse, creation of - HB 315

Committee membership, Office of Secretary of State, Departments of Education and Justice - SJR 80; HJR 129; HJR 129: HCS

Commonwealth Office for Technology, reorganization relating to - SB 152: HCS


deadly weapon - SB 95: HFA(3)

deadly weapons - SB 95: HFA(2)

Contract for services, prohibited unless services performed in the United States - SB 278

Controlled substance data, Medicaid, use of - SB 40

Corrections, homelessness prevention, discharge plan for - HB 376: SCS

Cosmetology fees and charges, maximum amount to be charged - HB 441: SFA(3)


on Postsecondary Education, administration of KEES by - HB 79

on Postsecondary Education, site, selection for Africian-American research center - HB 452

Court costs - Finance and Administration Cabinet - HB 413: HFA(6),(8)

Crime Victims' Compensation Board, sexual assault examination, payment for - SB 138; SB 138: SCS


Justice Council - HB 161: HCS

Justice Council, elimination of - HB 161; HB 161: SFA (1), HFA (1)

Debt collection, make provisions for forgivable loan agreements - HB 162: HFA(2)

Deeds conveying real property, exempt from certain requirements - SB 121

Delinquent debts owed to, collection of, referral to Revenue Cabinet for collection - HB 162


for Libraries and Archives, responsibilities of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS

for Medicaid Services, charitable drug repository program, participation in - HB 86

for Public Health, charitable drug repository program, participation in - HB 86

of Agriculture, funding for cattle identification program - HB 395: SCA(20)

of Agriculture, reorganization of - SB 77: HCA(1)

of Education, develop criteria for equity in hiring - SB 144

of Education, equity in hiring - HB 645

of Insurance, collection and remittance of local insurance premium taxes - HB 503

of Veterans' Affairs, administration duties - HB 274

of Veterans' Affairs, veterans' personal loan program, administration of - SB 279; HB 273


Relief Funding Program, creation of - HB 454: HCS

relief funding, program for - HB 454

Disease management, Medicaid, implementation of - HB 267


of Emergency Management, price gouging during emergency, prohibit - HB 471: SCS

of Historic Properties, require to install memorial to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - HJR 216: HCS

of Historic Properties,require to install plaque to honor African-American civil rights figures - HJR 216


manufacturer rebates, negotiation of - HB 351: HCS

testing, corrections employees - SB 261


Cabinet, confirm reorganization - SB 151

Professional Standards Board - HB 152; HB 152: SCS

Professional Standards Board, alternate certification standards - SB 284

Professional Standards Board, confirmation of Kristin Moe Gregory - HCR 33

Professional Standards Board, confirmation of Lydia Sweeney Coffey - HCR 34

Elder abuse, protective services for victims of - HB 105; HB 105: HCS, HFA (2)

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184

Employment of retirees, restrictions - HB 15: HCS, HFA (1)

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, correct in text references - SB 154: SCS

Establish internal controls for payment system - SB 228: HFA(1)

Establishment of teacher advancement fund in the State Treasury - HB 185

Faith-based and nonprofit organizations, Governor's office, create - HB 487


and Children Cabinet, merger of - SB 153

and Children, foster care, asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

and children, homelessness prevention, discharge pilot project for - HB 376

and Children, homelessness prevention, discharge pilot project for - HB 376: HCS

Federally funded time-limited positions, expiration and documentation of - SB 219: HCA(1)


& Administration Cabinet, collection of certified debts referred by cabinets - SB 228

Administration Cabinet - Court costs - fees to counties with detention centers - HB 413: SFA(1)

and Administration Cabinet, report on General Government Cabinet's delinquent debts - HB 162

and Administration, "Code Adam," implementation of - HB 251: HCS

facilities, performance bonds, increase limitations on - HB 405

Secretary report, Native Am. remains, inventory interment sites of - HB 559

Secretary report, Native American remains, inventory interment sites for - HB 559: HCS

Foreign adoption, Kentucky recognition of - SB 38: SCS

Freeman, Bonnie Lash, Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 120

Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 234

Governor's Office for Technology, responsibilities of - HB 100; HB 100: SCS

Grandfathered peace officer, change of agency authorized - HB 187; HB 187: HFA (1)

Harlan County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(25)


and Family Services Cabinet, creation of - SB 153

and Family Services, Division of Administrative Hearings, within - SB 153: HFA(2)

and Family Services, Healthy Kentuckians, commission on, add duties on school foods - SB 179: HFA(2)

and Family Services, Healthy Start, goals of - SB 153: SCA(1)

and Welfare funds, investment practices, agency review - HB 84

and Welfare funds, investment practices, appropriateness of - HB 84

insurance, self-funded plan - HB 681

Services Cabinet, abuse, attorney and clergy privilege relating to - HB 105: HFA(1)

Services Cabinet, controlled substances electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)

Services Cabinet, controlled substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

Services Cabinet, merger of - SB 153

Services, assisted-living community, business entity operation of - SB 264

Services, birth certificate, National Guard to receive free copy of - HB 400: HCS

services, boarding home, registration of - HB 672: HCS

Services, buildings, radon mitigation in - HB 145: HCS

Services, certificate of need, nonsubstantive review, rehabilitation agencies eligible for - SB 23

Services, children's psychiatric treatment facilities, requirements for - HB 90: SCS

Services, Commission for a Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179

Services, continuing care retirement community, extension of sunset provision relating to - HB 695

Services, continuing care retirement, independent living unit, options including at least one - SB 153: HFA(7); SB 186: HFA (3)

Services, counterfeit prescription drug, civil fine for - SB 180

Services, estate recovery, undue hardship exemptions from - SB 40: HFA(7); SB 153: HFA (5)

Services, HIV/AIDS, drug program requirements relating to - HB 516: HCS

Services, HIV/AIDS, prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 516; HB 516: HFA (1)

Services, homelessness prevention, discharge pilot project for - HB 376; HB 376: HCS

Services, KASPER, prescriber reporting to - SB 14: HFA(1)

Services, KASPER, process for law enforcement data requests from - SB 14: HFA(3)

Services, Medicaid estate recovery, requirements for - HB 580: HCS

Services, Medicaid, adult day advisory council for - SB 17: HFA(3); HB 90: SFA (1)

Services, Medicaid, advisory council for - SB 17: HFA(4)

Services, mental health commission, establish children's committee - HB 322: SFA(1)

Services, mental retardation commission, establish children's committee - HB 322: SFA(1)

Services, prescription drugs, program requirements for - SB 40: HFA(6)

Services, Public Health Services Advisory Council, regulation review by - SB 187

Services, public health, core functions of - SB 199

Services, schools, nutrition initiative consultation with - SB 153: HFA(3),(6); SB 179: HFA (1)

Services, suicide prevention advisory committee, establish - SJR 148

Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, board powers - SB 96: SFA(1)

Historic Properties Advisory Commission, direct to relocate Jefferson Davis statue - HJR 119

Homeland security funding, reporting requirements - SB 55; SB 55: SFA (1)

Housing buildings and construction, environmental toxins, task force and inspections involving - HB 132

Human Rights commission, sexual orientation and gender identity, discrimination based on, prohibit - HB 338

Impose pre-audit controls for state agencies - SB 228: HCS

Inmate lawsuits - HB 389; HB 161: SFA (3); HB 389: HCS

Insurance on state property - HB 546

Interagency Technical Advisory Committee on Groundwater, composition of - SB 77: HCA(1)

Interscholastic football program, authority to manage - HB 631

Interstate compact for juveniles - HB 6; HB 6: HCS, HFA (1)

Jail per diem - HB 395: HFA(36)

Junk and scrap recyclers, transfer of agency jurisdiction over - HB 628


and Public Safety Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 155

Cabinet and Finance and Administration Cabinet - HB 413


homelessness prevention, discharge pilot project for - HB 376; HB 376: HCS

nurses, criminal background information about - SB 189

KEES, identification of eligible recipients - HB 169


Agricultural Finance Corporation, attach to Governor's Office - SB 146

Asset/Liability Commission, duties of - HB 418

Board of Education, appointment of search committees - HJR 153

Board of Education, student health services, requirements for - HB 217

Community and Technical College System, distribution of faculty and staff pay raises - HR 213

Community and Technical College System, employees' salary increases - SB 116

Department of Education and Kentucky Board of Education, overweight students - HJR 195

Department of Education, teacher training and education relating to psychotropic drugs - HJR 58

early intervention system, definitions of - SB 153: HFA(1)

Early Intervention System, make correction and addition to - SB 115: HFA(1)

Emergency Response Commission, add director of Fire Commission to membership - HB 253; HB 253: HCS

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, resolution honoring - SR 27

Health Care Improvement Authority, membership - HB 509

Historical Events Celebration, expiration in l976, repeal of - HB 601

Historical Society, Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission attached to - SB 36; HB 432

Horse Racing Authority, Environmental & Public Protection Cabinet, oversight agency for - SB 156

Housing Corporation, appointment of Kenneth Wade Kerns to - SR 142

School for the Deaf, Kentucky School for the Blind - SB 237; HB 644

Teachers' Retirement System - HB 434; HB 434: SCS

Virtual High School, credit toward graduation from - HB 37

Ky. Board of Education, establish alternative program, pupils with developmental disabilities - HB 653

Land use, alternative dispute resolution - SB 33; HB 133

Law enforcement agency, specialized training, when required - HB 368

Letcher County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(24)

Liquidated debts - collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 162: HCS

Local superintendents advisory council, function of - SB 241

Location of classrooms for students with disabilities, preschool students, and primary students - HB 81

Lung Cancer Research Project, institutional review board for - SB 254


controlled substance data, use of - HB 220

managed care, transportation, prior approval for - SB 183

partnership in regions 6 and 7, development of - HB 255

reimbursement, tobacco dependence treatment - SB 65


consumer-directed program for - HB 116: SCS

consumer-directed services program, creation of - HB 116

consumer-directed services program, roles within - HB 116: HCS

controlled substance data, use of - SB 14: HFA(2)

disease and care management in - HJR 136

drugs, copayments for - SB 192

estate recovery, exemptions from - HB 580

home and community-based waiver, eligibility for - SB 189: HFA(1)

home and community-based waiver, prohibit exclusions from - SB 40: HFA(4)

PACE, implementation of - SB 186

temporarily suspend hearings and program policies for - SB 73; HB 337

third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194


Health and Mental Retardation Services, abuse, reporting of - HB 105: HFA(1)

health and substance abuse services, standards for contracted agencies - HB 542

Health, criminal record check, out-of-state fees for - SB 182

health/mental retardation commissions, child to adult services, establish ad hoc committee - HB 322: SFA(3)

Monetary award, distribution of - HB 479


vehicle enforcement officers, peace officer authority - SB 155: HCA(1)

vehicle enforcement, authority of officers - SB 155: HFA(1)

Native American Heritage Commission, creation of - HB 167

Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, to file amendment to SIP - HB 53: HFA(1)


of Education Accountability, study of CATS - SJR 156

of Homeland Security, reporting requirements - SB 55: SFA(1)

of Homeland Security, responsibilities of - SB 55, 74

of Rural Health, critical access hospital, feasibility study relating to - HB 323: HCA(1)

Off-road Motorcycle and ATV Commission, create and attach to Transportation Cabinet - SB 106: HFA(4)

Open meetings and open records laws, exemptions to - SB 49: SCS

Organizational units of five or fewer employees - HB 164

Parks department to provide handicapped access to marinas - HB 393: HFA(1)

Parole board, voting, hearings - SB 242

Permission to sue Commonwealth - HJR 156

Pest Plant Board, creation of - HB 127


program for residential services for sibling group, establish - HB 98: HFA(1)

program for residential services for sibling groups, requirement for - HB 98: HCS

Prescription drug rebates, state plan amendment for - HB 351: HFA(1)

Private property, governmental actions affecting - HB 581

Privatization of nongovernmental activities, determination, monitoring - SB 58

Property Insurance - HB 546: HCS

Provision of social services, government funding for - HB 487


agency meetings and records, public access to - SB 49

Health, immunizations, reporting of - SB 184

health, vital records, access to - HB 100: HCS

Protection Cabinet, allow for the registration for undercover vehicles - SB 106: HFA(9)

Protection Cabinet, authorize regular license plates for investigators of - HB 172: HFA(1)

Service Commission, consumer education pamphlet - HB 65: HCS

Pupil transportation, administration of funds for - HB 330

Racing Authority membership, political affiliation, distribution among - SB 156: HFA(1)

Regulation comment and review, include governments - HB 609: HCS


Department of Agriculture, Executive Order 04-01 - SB 77; SB 77: SCS

Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, Executive orders 2003-064 and 2004-031 - SB 154

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, Executive Order 2003-652 - HB 430


Cabinet, collection of delinquent debts owed state agencies, procedures, powers, and reports - HB 162

Cabinet, tax reporting duties of - HB 522

Cabinet, utility gross receipts tax - HB 163: HFA(1)

Rhodes, David B., Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 121

School board, candidates, actions of - HB 394

SEEK, Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulation for adjustment to - SB 126


credit, certified and classified school personnel - SB 28; HB 417

credit, certified and classified staff - SB 28: SCA(1), SFA (1)

Services and Supports for Individuals with Mental Illness, policies relating to psychotropic drugs - HJR 58

Sexual offender information, distribution of - HB 247

Small business regulation, reduction or waiver of penalties - HB 649

Smoking Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)

Special license plates, establish guidelines for Transportation Cabinet to follow prior to issuing - HB 172: HCS(3)


autism center, consultation and training by - HB 496

Board of Medical Licensure, profiles to be created by - HB 691

Fire Marshall - HB 81: HCS

Interagency Council, add members - SB 188; HB 322

service contracts, required to be performed in the United States - HB 640


Branch Budget Bill, appropriation of - SB 100: HCS; HB 395: HCS, CCR

Branch Budget Bill, omnibus technical revisions - HB 395: HFA(1)

Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 395; HB 395: SCS

Student bullying, protection from - HB 540: HFA(8),(9),(10),(11)

Termination of parental rights, appointment of appellate counsel - HB 23

Trans Cab, delete fine for certain violations for consultants working on a highway project - SB 2: SFA(2)


Cabinet contracts, require to be reviewed by LRC Government Contract Review Committee - SB 2: SFA(1)

Cabinet, Aviation Commission, creation of, clarify compensation and duties of members - HB 326: HCS

Cabinet, confirm Executive Orders 2003-064 and 2004-027 - SB 160

Cabinet, KY 1336 access point to the relocated KY 11 - SB 100: HCA(2)

Cabinet, legislative oversight subcommittee, additional membership - SB 2: SCS

Cabinet, omnibus revision of - SB 2

Cabinet, omnibus revision of provisions governing special license plates - HB 172

Cabinet, operator's licenses, allow undocumented noncitizens to acquire - SB 170

Cabinet, report demographic information on license applicants referred by clerks - HB 562: HFA(2)

Cabinet, require review of all contracts - SB 2: SFA(3),(4)

Cabinet, require two bids before awarding a highway project - HB 589

Cabinet, suspension of operator's licenses, restrict to moving violations - HB 495: HCS

Transportation, drivers' licenses, educational requirements - HB 304


director and registrar, creation of - HB 492

system, establishment of voluntary - HB 492: HCS

Turner, John S., confirmation to the Council on Postsecondary Education - HCR 66

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, update of - HB 91

Vital records, permit an elected official on behalf of a constituent to obtain - HB 100: HFA(1)

Volunteer firefighter ID program - HB 20: HCS

Waste, 6-1-1 system for reporting of - HR 188: HFA(1)

Webb, David L., Kentucky Board of Education, appointment to - HCR 123

Winters, Kenneth W., confirmation to the Council on Postsecondary Education - HCR 67

Workforce Development Cabinet, Medicaid policy group, staff support to - HB 60; SB 16: HFA (1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 45: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

State Employees

Administrative hearing officers, positions transferred to Justice Cabinet - SB 76

Benefits, health insurance, study of health reimbursement arrangement - SJR 111; HJR 207

Boards and commissions, executive branch ethics code - SB 172

Buildings, environmental toxins, task force and inspections involving - HB 132

Cabinet secretaries, nepotism provisions - HB 1

Capitol and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493


unclassified employees appointed to classified positions, 12-month probation period - HB 1: HFA(3)

unclassified employees, delay of ineligibility for classified position, exceptions - HB 1: HFA(2)

unclassified employees, one-year ineligibility for classified position - HB 1

Certified instructors in area vocational and technical schools, political rights and privileges of - HB 549

Children, lost and missing, "Code Adam" Program - HB 251

Constitutional officers, nepotism provisions - HB 1: HFA(1)

Court of Justice, technical correction - HB 243

Disability benefits for new employees - HB 519

Educational requirements, exempt highway superintendents from - HB 123

Employer contribution toward insurance - SB 93

Employment after retirement, restrictions - HB 15: HCS, HFA (1)


branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, application of - HB 1: HCS

branch ethics code, postemployment and lobbying restrictions, nepotism provision - HB 1; HB 1: HFA (1)

Branch Ethics, employment of a public servant's family members - SB 172


funded time-limited employees, grievances filed with appointing authority - SB 219: HFA(1)

funded time-limited positions, expiration and documentation of - SB 219: HCA(1)

Finance and Administration, "Code Adam," implementation of - HB 251: HCS


insurance, contribution for dependent coverage - HB 340

insurance, coverage, state contribution - HB 623

insurance, self-funded plan - HB 681

insurance, self-funding network - SB 135: HFA(6),(8)

insurance, self-insured plan, study of - HJR 128

insurance, state contribution for dependent coverage - HB 259

insurance, statewide PPO plan, self-insurance - HB 448

services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Industrial recruiters - HB 62: HFA(1)

Insurance benefits, employees hired after July 1, 2003 - HB 290


personnel, technical correction - HB 674

retirement, technical correction - HB 244

Kentucky Community and Technical College System, employees' salary increases - SB 116


of executive branch employees, priorities for - HB 106

provisions, exemptions from - HB 106: HCS

Long-term care facility inspections, penalty for prior notification of - SB 44; HB 159

Management position, vacant or not posted for 90 days, abolished - HB 164

Organizational units of five or fewer employees - HB 164

Pensions, Kentucky Retirement Systems Study Group, establishment of - HCR 68

Personnel Cabinet, changed to Department of Personnel, Executive Order 2003-064, Part 1 - SB 150


state employment, 2-year ban - HB 1: HCS

state employment, 2-year ban, exception - HB 1


assistants in the executive branch, limit of 50 - HB 1

assistants, limit of 50, not applied to other statewide elected officers - HB 1: HFA(3)

Retired judges, remove gender-specific language - HB 675

Retirees, increase in benefits - HB 528

Retirement benefits, new employees - HB 290


purchased service disallowed for insurance vesting - HB 519

urge Governor to fund - HR 185

School board member, purchase service for retirement - HB 429


of Personnel, annual review of units with 5 or fewer employees - HB 164

of Personnel, elimination of management position vacant or not posted for 90 days - HB 164

of the Governor's cabinet, nepotism provisions - HB 1

Smoking Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)

State employees, federally funded time-limited positions, creation and termination of - SB 219; SB 219: HFA (2)


Branch Budget Bill, appropriation of - SB 100: HCS; HB 395: HCS, CCR

Branch Budget Bill, omnibus technical revisions - HB 395: HFA(1)

Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 395; HB 395: SCS


bullying, protection from - HB 540: HCS, HFA (5)

harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - HB 540

Teacher retirement - HB 434: HCS(2)

Trauma director and registrar, creation of - HB 492

State Symbols and Emblems

Blackberry, official state fruit - SB 266

Horse Cave Theatre, official state repertory theater - HB 104, 128, 317

Official military school, designate Millersburg Military Institute as - SJR 83; HJR 142

Technical corrections - HB 272

Theatre pipe organ, official designation of - SB 26; HB 539

Thumb picking style of guitar playing, designate Muhlenberg County as birthplace - HB 40


Budget bill, effect on existing statutes - HB 240

Criminal Justice Council - HB 161: HCS

Kentucky Historical Events Celebration, expiration in l976, repeal of - HB 601

Relating to Justice Cabinet, technical corrections to - HB 161; HB 161: SFA (1), HFA (1)

Studies Directed

Administrative costs, local school districts - HCR 134

Adult abuse and exploitation - HB 105: SCS

Advanced registered nurse practitioners, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SCS

Auto ins. rates, direct LRC to study rate increases & report on feasibility of lowering or stabilizi - HCR 41

Benefits, health insurance, reimbursement - SJR 111; HJR 207

Cabinet for Health Services, teenage drinking and driving, study of - HJR 211

Campaign contributions, study of - HB 484: HFA(1),(2)

Cervical cancer, LRC study - HCR 167

Commonwealth assessment and accountability system, Office of Education Accountability - SJR 156: HCS

Cooperative football teams, school-sponsored - HB 631: HCS

Eminent Domain, study of - HCR 184


of disabled adults, study a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 16: HFA(1); SB 17: HFA (1); SB 40: HFA (1); SB 186: HFA (1)

of disabled adults, study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - HB 60

Employment, study and implement a Medicaid buy-in program to support - SB 45: HFA(1)

Federal prescription drug discount program, Cabinet for Health Service study of - HJR 38

Grandparents, task force on raising of grandchildren by - SCR 5

Health and dental benefits, pooling of, study to determine ways of allowing local governments to - HCR 186

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

KEES program, analysis of - HJR 135


Board of Medical Licensure, composition of - HB 688: HCS

Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Board, secretary of Cabinet for Health Services member of - HB 685: HCS

KHEAA to study KEES, CAP, and KTG programs - SB 238

KY Occupational Safety & Health Standards Board, ergonomics standard, study & adoption urged - HR 53

Legislative Research Commission, grandparent needs, Health and Welfare Committee to study - HCR 78: SCS


Sandy Rail Trail - HCR 8: SCS

Sandy Rail Trail task force, creation of - HCR 8

Medicaid prospective payment, Cabinet for Health Services directed to study impact of - SJR 133

Methamphetamine, direct Justice Cabinet to establish a work group to study problem in Commonwealth - HB 424; SB 155: HCA (2)

Motor Fuel, subsidized pricing, study of - HB 296: HCS

Obesity and drug addiction, universities, causes of - HJR 65

Office of Education Accountability, study of CATS - SJR 156

Off-Road Motorcycle and All-Terrain Vehicle Task Force, extend reporting deadline - HCR 124

Pain management, task force, establishment of - HJR 132

Pensions, Kentucky Retirement Systems Study Group, establishment of - HCR 68

Physician assistants, controlled substance prescription authority for - HB 595: SFA(2)

Planning units, census of, request Interim Joint Committee on Local Government to conduct - HCR 198

Pupil transportation, funding in local school districts - HCR 172

Salaries and benefits, urban-county police and firefighters - HR 266


administrative costs, study of - HCR 134: HFA(1)

district administrative costs, study of - HCR 134: HCA(1)

Self-insured health plan for state employees - HJR 128

Sex offender management, study of - HCR 13


Force on Funding for Wildlife Conservation - HCR 190

force on health care cost containment, create - HB 227: SFA(4)

Force on Trafficking in Persons, membership of, report deadline - HCR 210: HCS

Transportation Cabinet, report demographic information on license applicants referred by clerks - HB 562: HFA(2)

User fees, adequacy of - HCR 21

Warrants, study on issuance, tracking, and service - SR 207

Substance Abuse

Asset forfeiture funds, disbursement of - HB 477

Cabinet for Health Services, teenage drinking and driving, study of - HJR 211

Cigarette tax increase - HB 107


substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14

substances, electronic reporting, data sharing in system of - SB 14: SFA(1)


offense, possession of firearm - HB 547: HFA(1)

offense, use or carrying of firearm during - HB 547

Focus on Mental Health Issues Day, declare - HR 268

Harm reduction program, creation of - HB 83

Health services provided to minors, parent or guardian notified when - HB 13

Involuntary treatment, procedure for - HB 77; HB 67: SFA (1)

Medicaid, coverage for - HB 220; SB 14: HFA (2)

Peace officer training - HB 212

Probation and conditional discharge, conditions of, authorization of payment to certain programs - SB 6

Suicide prevention workgroup, establish - SJR 148: HFA(1)


dependence, evidence-based treatment of - HB 310

regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

Surface Mining

Coal mines, electrical mine safety, requirements for - SB 37; HB 8; HB 8: HCS


methane development, drilling permits, requirements for - SB 263; HB 556

methane development, requirements for - HB 577

methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(1),(2)


mineral administrative regulation, retention of - HJR 98: HCA(1)

mineral operations, administrative regulations, deficiency of - HJR 98

mining, transportation impact plan, requirement for - HB 543



urban property, allow all cities to levy tax on - HB 373: HCS

urban property, allow cities of the second class to levy tax on - HB 373

Adoption of the Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 - HB 249


credit associations - HB 395: HFA(13)

credit associations, taxation of - HB 292: SCA(1), SFA (1), HFA (1)

Allow growth counties to freeze property tax rate - HB 632

Amend tax referendum process - SB 70

Biodiesel tax credit - HB 249: SCS, SFA (1)

Board of Tax Appeals, Appointment of George H. Helton - SR 65

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271

Businesses to report county income information - HB 136


tax, increase in - HB 395: HFA(23)

tax, surtax imposed - HB 395: HFA(11)

Congressional delegation, urged to support President Bush's tax plan - SR 239


income tax, establish 6% rate for 2007 - SB 251: HFA(4)

income, reform - HB 299

license tax, deduction for - HB 352

license tax, repeal of - HB 395: SCA(17)

tax reform - SB 251: HCS(2)


Income Tax, impose a flat rate of 6% - HB 662

License tax, consolidated return allowed - HB 292

County consolidation, process for, tax districts, tax surplus procedures for expenditure - HB 289

Credit for workplace safety improvements - HB 196

Credit, radon mitigation system cost basis for - HB 145: HCS


property tax collection, county attorney fee for litigation - HB 498

taxes - local governments - HB 510: HFA(1)

taxes, consolidated local government, disposition of when from former city of first class - HB 510

Emergency services boards, taxing authority - HB 427


tax - SR 235

tax, decouple from federal tax changes - HB 316

tax, request and urge ban on - HR 164

Excise tax on harness racetracks, exemption created - HB 708: SFA(1)

Exemption for purchases to fulfill a contract with a governmental entity or public school district - HB 114

Federal tax cuts, request and urge permanent implementation of - HR 163

Financial aid fund, deductions for contributions to - HB 479

Fire districts operating an emergency ambulance service, allow levy up to .20 cents tax by - HB 406

Forest property, assessment of - HB 355

Fuel, imposition of tax on - SB 198

Fuels, private contract terms - HB 297: HCA(1)

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)

Harness racing, tax exemption created - HB 708: FCCR


properties, tax credit for - HB 638

property rehabilitation, credits for - HB 451

Homestead exemption, propose constitutional amendment to - HB 465


racing, international wagering hub, tax exemption provided - HB 693

racing, international wagering hub, tax exemption provided for - HB 708: SCS


tax check-off for breast cancer fund - HB 52

Tax check-off, breast cancer fund - SB 97

tax exemption for active duty military - SB 190; HB 165

tax exemption for active duty military outside U.S. - SB 173

tax withhold on pass-through entities after 12-31-03 - HB 491

Income, rate and filing threshold changes - HB 298

Instant racing, permissible taxes, authorization of - HB 692

Job creation tax credit - HB 433

Junk and scrap recyclers, state tax reporting requirements of - HB 628

Kentucky Industrial Revitalization Act - HB 593


emergency services, expenditures for - HB 174

governments, exempt from insurance premium tax on bonds issued by the local government - HB 19

tax recall procedures - SB 70: SCS, SFA (1)

tax statutes, amendments to - HB 458

Make technical corrections - HB 249: HCA(1)

Manufacturers' excise, contract for the payment of - HB 297

Medical malpractice awards, tax on - HB 395: HFA(19),(20)


fuel taxes, supplemental tax imposed - HB 664

vehicle registration supplement fund, creation of - HB 348

Multi-jurisdictional simulcasting hub, tax exemption provided - HB 708: CCR

Net profits tax, submission of federal tax return - HB 271


drug cost, individual income tax credit for - HB 641

drug, refundable tax credit for - HB 351: HCS

Property tax, motor vehicles, exemption of - HB 107


assessment of - HB 518

homestead exemption - HB 464


tax and payments to hospitals - HB 643

tax and payments, hospitals services subject to - SB 265

Punitive damages, taxation of - HB 450: HFA(1)

Real property rate calculation - HB 714

Revenue Cabinet, reports by - HB 518: HCS

Revitalization project, license tax credit, formula for determining - HB 593: HFA(1)


and use - exemption for horses under 2 years - HB 345

and use tax, exempt horse breeding fees - SB 9

and use, charitable institutions, refund for - HB 346

and use, exemption for equine industry - HB 377

and use, fuel exemption - HB 501

tax exemption for straw, wood shavings, and sawdust - HB 57

tax holiday, creation of - HB 192

tax, exemption for - SB 8

Smokeless tobacco, wholesale tax imposed - HB 395: HFA(11)

Special fuels tax, reporting of - HB 522


collection in urban service districts - SB 223; HB 457, 697

credits for historic renovation - SB 22

increment financing, development area - HB 614

reform - HB 518: SFA(1)

Tobacco surtax, funding from - HB 310

Transient room tax, certain local governments may levy in addition to 1% transient room tax - SB 60: HFA(3); SB 150: HFA (5); SB 151: HFA (4)


gross receipts tax for schools, amendment to - HB 163

gross receipts tax, collection by Revenue Cabinet - HB 163: HCS

Utility gross receipts tax, clarification of communication service - HB 163: SCS

Wholesale tax on cigarettes - HB 624

Wine or distilled spirit containers, revenue or excise stamps no longer affixed on - HB 362

Taxation, Income--Corporate


credit associations - HB 395: HFA(13)

credit associations, taxation of - HB 292: SCA(1), SFA (1), HFA (1)

Biofuels, tax credits for - HB 710


license tax, repeal of - HB 395: SCA(17)

tax reform - SB 251: HCS(2)

Credit for biodiesel producers, blenders and retailers - SB 3

Exempt tobacco quota buydowns - HB 97

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)

Historic property rehabilitation, credits for - HB 451

Impose a flat rate of 6% on corporate income - HB 662

ITW fix for banks - HB 292: SCS

License tax, deduction for - HB 352

Nonrefundable credit for installation of radon mitigation system - HB 145

Reform, comprehensive - HB 299


credits for historic renovation - SB 22

haven countries, state contracts prohibited - HB 706

incentives for using coal combustion by-product as aggregate - HB 505

reform - HB 518: SFA(1)

Top rate of 6% for 2007, establish - SB 251: HFA(4)

Taxation, Income--Individual

Adoption of the Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003 - HB 249

Biofuels, tax credits for - HB 710

Cemetery preservation, tax refund check-of program, creation of - HB 559

Check-off for breast cancer fund - SB 97; HB 52

Credit for biodiesel producers, blenders and retailers - SB 3

Earned income tax credit - HB 395: HFA(11)

Exempt tobacco quota buydowns - HB 97

Exemption for military stationed outside U.S. - SB 173

Exemption, exclude income from tobacco buyout - SB 7


tax cuts, request and urge permanent implementation of - HR 163

tax, urge exclusion for retirees - HCR 161; HCR 161: HFA (1)

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)

Income tax withhold on pass-through entities after 12-31-03 - HB 491


Diabetes Research Trust Fund, delete income tax returns to - HB 685: HCS

Diabetes Research Trust Fund, donation to - HB 685

Make technical corrections - HB 249: HCA(1)

Nonrefundable credit for installation of radon mitigation system - HB 145

Prescription drug cost, tax credit for - HB 641

Rates and filing thresholds, changes to - HB 298


credits for historic renovation - SB 22

exemption for active duty military - SB 190; HB 165

incentives for using coal combustion by-product as aggregate - HB 505

reform - HB 518: SFA(1)

Tobacco quota buyout, exemption from - HB 97: FCCR

Taxation, Inheritance and Estate

Abolishment of federal estate tax - SR 235

Estate tax, decouple from federal tax changes - HB 316

Request and urge repeal of - HR 164

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Taxation, Property

Allow growth counties to freeze property tax rate - HB 632

Assessments, listing of - HB 518

Brownfield site, property assessment moratoriums and tax credits, eligibility for - SB 271


of delinquency, interest attaches to fees on - SB 204

of delinquency, interest on fees - HB 510: SFA(1)


property tax collection, county attorney fee for litigation - HB 498

property taxes, private purchaser include reasonable costs and attorney fees - HB 421

taxes - local governments - HB 510: HFA(1)

Forest property, assessment of - HB 355

General tax rate levy for schools - SB 123

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)

Historic properties, tax credit for - HB 638


exemption, increase of - HB 464

exemption, lower age to 62 - HB 285

exemption, propose constitutional amendment to - HB 465

Levy of taxes for school facilities - SB 125


carriers, subject registered owner to citation for nonpayment of ad valorem taxes - HB 495: SFA(1)

vehicles, exemption of - HB 107

Omitted property, reports of - HB 518: HCS


tax assessment and PVA administration fund, creation of - HB 339

tax for school purpose - SB 220

Real property rate calculation - HB 714

School district funding, equalizing tax levies for - SB 220: SFA(1)

State real property tax rate calculation, exclude new property from - HB 395: HFA(11)


collection in urban service districts - SB 223; HB 457, 697

levies for school purposes - HB 655

reform - HB 518: SFA(1)

Taxation, Sales and Use

Cable and DBS, included in tax base - HB 395: HFA(11)

Charitable institutions, refund for - HB 346

Charter buses, exempt from motor vehicle usage tax and repair parts from sales tax - SB 51

Cigarettes, impose wholesale tax rather than sales and use tax - HB 624

Equine business, exemption for - SB 8

Exempt horse breeding fees - SB 9


for equine industry - HB 377

for horses under 2 years - HB 345

for purchases to fulfill a contract with a governmental entity or public school district - HB 114

for straw, wood shavings, and sawdust - HB 57

Governor's tax proposal - HB 249: SFA(2)

Motor Vehicle Usage Tax, definition of retail price, proof of total consideration given - HB 282

Pay phones, coin operated exempt from - HB 654

Refund and exemption - HB 700: HCS

Refunds and exemptions, qualified businesses - HB 700


and use tax refund - HB 648

tax holiday, creation of - HB 192

Tax reform - HB 518: SFA(1)

Tobacco surtax, funding from - HB 310

Tourism Development Act, lodging facilities, refund of - HB 524

Undyed fuel, exemption for - HB 501



students included - HB 176

students included in dropout rate - HB 177, 178


certification - HB 152: SFA(1), HCA (1)

certification, Education Professional Standards Board - SB 284

Certification, Education Professional Standards Board approval of - HB 152

Anaphylaxis, epinephrine, student use of - SB 15: SCS

Assault-related injury, leave time for - HB 311

Certification - HB 152: SCS

Certification, school principals - HB 665


personnel, evaluation of - HB 554

staff on military leave, benefits and status of - HB 551: SCS

Compensatory time for teachers - HB 651

Contracts, fulfilling requirements of - SB 28; HB 417; SB 28: SCA (1), SFA (1)

Data, review of - HB 645: HFA(1)


Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Linda L. Livers - HCR 31

Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Thomas James Stull - HCR 32

Professional Standards Board, teacher member confirmation of - HCR 34

Professional Standards Board, teacher member, confirmation of - HCR 33

Educators, highly skilled, repeal program - HB 553

Employment following retirement - HB 391

Extended instructional days - SB 28: HCS


Start, purchase of retirement service credit - HB 36

teacher, delete reference to - HB 604

Health insurance, state contribution for dependent coverage - HB 259

Hiring, equity in - SB 144; HB 645

Kentucky School for the Deaf, Kentucky School for the Blind - SB 237; HB 644


of absence - HB 195: SCA(1)

of absence, acceptable reasons - HB 195

Location of classrooms for students with disabilities, preschool students, and primary students - HB 81

Mathematics and reading coaches and mentors, grants to prepare - HB 194

Military service, purchase of - HB 617

Out-of-state teaching service, purchase in Kentucky Retirement Systems - HB 237


selection - SB 111: HFA(1)

selection of - HB 604: HFA(1)

Preparing teachers in mathematics and reading, university institutes - HB 193: HCS


internship, eligibility for - SB 269

selection - SB 226: SFA(1)

Professional development for certified staff - HB 652

Psychotropic drugs, training and education relating to - HJR 58

Reading intervention teachers, training for - SB 100

Reduction in force, reasons for - HB 293

Reimbursement of tuition costs for master's degree or equivalent - HB 185

Retired members, return to work provisions for - HB 434

Retirement - HB 434: HCS(2)

Review of student records, intervention services required - HB 193


councils, accountability - SB 111

personnel resignations - HB 411

personnel, procedures for selecting - HB 425

School-based decision making council to select teachers in a school - HB 16, 17


of school personnel - SB 226; HB 102; SB 111: HFA (4); SB 226: SCS; HB 604: HFA (4)

of school personnel, roles of superintendent and school council in - HB 525


attendance reports, requirements to complete - HB 229

discipline or supervision, liability of teacher for damages resulting from - HB 51

Teachers' retirement benefits - HB 434: HCS(1)

Technical Corrections

"Sexual offender" changed to "sex offender" - HB 410

Agent liability, gender neutral language - SB 209

Breach of promise to marry, delete references to tort of - HB 276

Forgery, gender neutral language - SB 210

Governor's Advisory Board for Veterans' Affairs, clarify language creating - HB 564


105/HCS - HB 105: HCS

116 - HB 116: HFA(1)

116/SCS - HB 116: SCS

161 - HB 161: HFA(1)

161/GA - HB 161: SCS

161/SCS - HB 161: SFA(3)

249 - HB 249: HCA(1)

25/HCS - HB 25: HFA(1)

286 - HB 286: HCA(1)

321/HCS - HB 321: HCS

324/HCS - HB 324: HFA(1)

336/HCS - HB 336: HFA(5)

351/HCS - HB 351: HFA(1)

362/SCS - HB 362: SCA(3)

37/HCS - HB 37: HFA(1)

393 - HB 393: HFA(2)

395/HCS - HB 395: HFA(39)

410 - HB 410: HFA(1)

466 - HB 466: HCS

516/HCS - HB 516: HFA(1)

558/GA - HB 558: SFA(2)

577 - HB 577: HCS(2)

593 - HB 593: HCS

595 - HB 595: HCS

595/SCS - HB 595: SFA(4)

639 - HB 639: HCS

645 - HB 645: HFA(1)

648 - HB 648: HFA(1),(2)

672 - HB 672: HCS

700 - HB 700: HCS


22 - HCR 22: HCS

24 - HCR 24: HCS

32 - HCR 32: HCS

60 - HCR 60: HCA(1)


11 - HJR 11: HCS

116 - HJR 116: HCA(1)

126 - HJR 126: HCS

64 - HJR 64: SFA(1)

Insurance code - HB 508

Justice Cabinet, statutes relating to - HB 161; HB 161: SFA (1)


technical correction - HB 253: HCS

technical corrections - HB 708, 711

Proceeds of real estate sale, gender neutral language - SB 208

Public intoxication, gender neutral language - SB 207

Riot liability, gender neutral language - SB 211


115 - SB 115: SCA(1), SFA (2)

115/HCS - SB 115: HFA(1)

133/GA - SB 133: HCS

150 - SB 150: SCA(1)

152 - SB 152: SCS

152/HCS - SB 152: HFA(1)

153 - SB 153: SCA(1)

155 - SB 155: SCA(1)

156 - SB 156: SCA(1)

161 - SB 161: SCS

189/SCS - SB 189: SFA(1)

206/SCS - SB 206: SFA(1)

215 - SB 215: SFA(5)

220 - SB 220: SCS

228/SCS - SB 228: SFA(1)

238 - SB 238: SCS

246 - SB 246: SCS

28/HCS - SB 28: HFA(1)

34 - SB 34: HCS

45 - SB 45: HCS

64 - SB 64: HCA(1)

75 - SB 75: HCS

87 - SB 87: SCS

96 - SB 96: SCS

97 - SB 97: SCS, SCA (1)

SB1/SCS - SB 1: SFA(7)

SCS/SB 15 - SB 15: SCS

SJR 156 - SJR 156: SCA(1)

State symbols and emblems - HB 272

Technical corrections - SB 215: SFA(2)

Trust administration, remove gender-specific language - HB 517

Trusts, eliminate gender specific language - HB 506

Television and Radio

"Farscape" Ambassador, name - HR 274

Political advertising, regulation of - HB 446; HB 446: HCS

Title Amendments

GA Copy of SB 154/HCS - SB 154: HFA(2)


108 - HB 108: HFA(2)

109 - HB 109: HCA(1)

132 - HB 132: HFA(2)

146 - HB 146: HFA(2)

156 - HB 156: HFA(3)

157 - HB 157: SCA(1), HCA (1)

161/GA - HB 161: SFA(2)

172 - HB 172: HFA(3)

172/HCS - HB 172: HFA(2)

187/GA - HB 187: SFA(2)

188/GA - HB 188: SCA(1)

193 - HB 193: HCA(1)

195/GA - HB 195: SFA(2)

20/GA - HB 20: SFA(2)

200 - HB 200: HFA(2)

202/GA - HB 202: SFA(3),(5)

208 - HB 208: SCA(1)

209 - HB 209: HCA(1)

227 - HB 227: HCA(1)

258 - HB 258: SCA(1)

261 - HB 261: HFA(3)

264 - HB 264: SCA(1)

292 - HB 292: SCA(2)

301 - HB 301: HFA(2)

305 - HB 305: HCA(1)

306/GA - HB 306: SCA(1)

309/GA - HB 309: SFA(2)

322 - HB 322: SFA(2)

324 - HB 324: HFA(3)

331/GA - HB 331: SCA(1)

344/GA - HB 344: SCA(1)

351 - HB 351: HCA(1)

362/GA - HB 362: SCA(2)

365 - HB 365: SFA(6)

365/GA - HB 365: SFA(4)

373 - HB 373: HCA(1)

393 - HB 393: HFA(2)

404/GA - HB 404: SFA(4)

413 - HB 413: HFA(5),(9)

436 - HB 436: HCA(1)

441/GA - HB 441: SCA(2), SFA (6)

450 - HB 450: HFA(6)

473/GA - HB 473: SFA(2),(4)

495 - HB 495: HCA(1)

510 - HB 510: HFA(2)

512 - HB 512: HCA(1)

516 - HB 516: HFA(3)

516/HCS - HB 516: HFA(2)

526 - HB 526: HCA(1)

53 - HB 53: HFA(2)

540 - HB 540: HFA(2)

546 - HB 546: HCA(1)

558/GA - HB 558: SFA(1)

56 - HB 56: HCA(1)

570 - HB 570: HFA(3)

585 - HB 585: HCA(1)

595/HCS - HB 595: SFA(3)

595/SCS - HB 595: SCA(1)

604 - HB 604: HCA(1), HFA (2)

644 - HB 644: SFA(2)

644/GA - HB 644: SFA(4)

71 - HB 71: HCA(1)

71/GA - HB 71: SFA(2),(4)

90/GA - HB 90: SFA(2),(3),(5)

97 - HB 97: SFA(2)

97/GA - HB 97: FCCR

HB460/GA - HB 460: SFA(2)


102 - HCR 102: HFA(2)

203 - HCR 203: HFA(2)

22 - HCR 22: HCA(1)

33 - HCR 33: HCA(1)

78 - HCR 78: SFA(1)

8/GA - HCR 8: SCA(1)


11/GA - HJR 11: SCA(1)

147 - HJR 147: HFA(2)

18 - HJR 18: HFA(2)

216 - HJR 216: HCA(1)

7 - HJR 7: HFA(2)

7/GA - HJR 7: SCA(2)

HR 155 - HR 155: HFA(2)


100 - SB 100: HCA(3)

106/GA - SB 106: HCA(1)

111 - SB 111: HFA(3)

111/GA - SB 111: HFA(6)

115/GA - SB 115: HFA(2)

130 - SB 130: SFA(2)

133/GA - SB 133: HCA(1)

135/GA - SB 135: HFA(4)

138/GA - SB 138: HFA(2)

142/GA - SB 142: HFA(2)

146/GA - SB 146: HFA(3)

148/GA - SB 148: HFA(3)

15 - SB 15: SFA(2)

150 - SB 150: HFA(2)

150/GA - SB 150: HFA(4)

151 - SB 151: HFA(2),(3)

153/GA - SB 153: HFA(4)

154 - SB 154: HFA(4)

154/GA - SB 154: HFA(7)

155 - SB 155: HFA(3)

156/GA - SB 156: HFA(3)

16 - SB 16: HFA(2)

16/GA - SB 16: HFA(4)

160/GA - SB 160: HFA(3)

161/GA - SB 161: HFA(2)

163/GA - SB 163: HCA(1), HFA (2)

17 - SB 17: HFA(2)

174/GA - SB 174: HCA(1)

18 - SB 18: SCA(1)

186 - SB 186: HFA(2)

187/GA - SB 187: HFA(3)

189/GA - SB 189: HFA(2)

200 - SB 200: HFA(3)

206 - SB 206: HCA(1)

206/GA - SB 206: HFA(2)

219/GA - SB 219: HFA(3)

245/GA - SB 245: HCA(1), HFA (2),(4),(6)

251/GA - SB 251: HCA(1)

261 - SB 261: SFA(2)

266/GA - SB 266: HFA(2)

34/GA - SB 34: HFA(3)

4, "Caleb-Haley-Landon Act" - SB 4: SFA(2)

40 - SB 40: HFA(2)

40/GA - SB 40: HFA(5),(8)

45/GA - SB 45: HFA(2)

47 - SB 47: SFA(2)

52/GA - SB 52: HFA(3),(5)

55/GA - SB 55: HFA(3),(6),(8)

60/GA - SB 60: HCA(1)

75 - SB 75: SCA(1)

79/GA - SB 79: HFA(2)

83 - SB 83: HFA(3)

84 - SB 84: SCA(1)

85/GA - SB 85: HFA(2)

89 - SB 89: SCA(1)

89/GA - SB 89: HFA(2)

92/GA - SB 92: HFA(3)

95 - SB 95: HFA(3)

97 - SB 97: SCA(2)

SCR 93/GA - SCR 93: HCA(2)


156 - SJR 156: HFA(2)

83/GA - SJR 83: HFA(2)

Title change to "An Act relating to fish and wildlife resources" - SB 209: SCA(1)


Ag Development Board, urge use of creative loan methods - HCR 187: HCS

Buyout income, tax exemption - SB 7


Project for Jessamine County - HB 395: SCA(18)

Projects in Rockcastle County - HB 395: SCA(19)


and Capitol Annex, designated smoking area for - HB 493

and Capitol Annex, smoking - HB 493: HFA(2)

Carry-forward quota adjustment, suspension of - HCR 87

Cigarette tax increase, smokeless, loose, and other tobacco, impose tax - HB 107

Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage Control, direct to design smoking policy logo - SB 130: SCS

Funding requirements on projects - HB 395: SCA(11)

Lincoln County Sewer Project - HB 395: SCA(12)


manufacturer, escrow fund payment - HB 58; HB 97: SFA (1)

manufacturers, escrow payment, quarterly payments - HB 97: FCCR

manufacturers, escrow payment, requirements for - HB 97: FCCR


buydowns, exempt from income tax - HB 97

buyout, state income tax, exemption from - HB 97: FCCR

Rockcastle County Water Project - HB 395: SCA(13)


ban, local option election for - SB 130: SFA(3),(4)

cessation programs, Medicaid coverage for - SB 65

Lounges in Capitol and Capitol Annex, Barren County tobacco settlement funds used for - HB 493: HFA(1)

policies - SB 10, 130

policies, Braille code - SB 130: SFA(1)

Surtax, levy of - HB 310

Task Force, reauthorization - HCR 203


fund applicants, urge Agricultural Development Board to lower contribution requirement for - HCR 187

fund applicants, urge creative loan methods for - HCR 187: HCS

regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

Task Force, reauthorization - HCR 203: HFA(1)

use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Wholesale tax on cigarettes - HB 624


Agritourism highway signs, mandate Transportation Cabinet to promote usage of - HJR 43


liability, protection from - HB 444

purpose, clarification of - HB 444: HFA(1)

Boone, Daniel, official state portrait - HB 129

Carter Caves State Resort Park, name Lewis Caveland Lodge - HJR 64

Covered wooden bridges, preservation of - HB 596

Handicapped boaters, access at state marinas - HB 393: HFA(1)

Horse racing industry, Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, agency responsible for - SB 156


Country Music Landmark, designation - HJR 143

Festivals and Events Association, official organization - SR 124

Festivals and Events Association, premier organization - HR 193


Sandy Rail Trail - HCR 8: SCS

Sandy Rail Trail task force, creation of - HCR 8; HCR 8: HCS

Sandy Rail Trail, establish task force - SCR 125

Local event tickets, county fiscal court surcharges on - HB 586

Off-road Motorcycle and ATV Commission, establish - HB 365: SFA(3)

Rock fences, encourage KY Heritage Council and Dry Stone Conservancy to document - SCR 115

State parks, establish reduced rates at campsites for persons age 60 & over Sunday through Thursday - SB 191

State-owned marinas, designation of a boating access area for handicapped required - HB 393


Development Act, eligibility for restaurants and lodging - HB 593: SFA(1)

Development Act, lodging facilities, project eligibility - HB 524

Development Cabinet, abolish - SB 161

Tourism, highway signs to promote in West Kentucky, limit number required to be erected - HB 191: HCS

Wickliffe Mounds Research Center, urge agreement to transfer - SR 167; HR 219

Trade Practices and Retailing

Adult entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 521

Business records, personal privacy, protection of - HB 140; HB 140: HFA (1)

Choice-of-forum provision, limitation on viability in Kentucky contracts - SB 168


and debit card, protection of - HB 7

card solicitations on college campuses, regulation of - HB 63

Distilled spirits and wine, deemed properly labeled if meeting federal standards or fill for - HB 362: HCS

Employment reference, nonliability for - HB 403

Firearms dealer, zoning restrictions prohibited - SB 95

Flea markets, medicine and baby formula sales, prohibition on - HB 204

Fuel marketing, prohibit unfair competition - HB 296

Gasoline, price cap - HB 599

Making telephone solicitations to wireless telephone numbers, prohibition of - HB 65

Methamphetamine precursors, controls on sale - HB 118

Methamphetamine, possession of chemical or equipment to manufacture - HB 24

Methods of destroying records, require reasonable only - HB 140: HCA(1)

Misrepresentation of business location resulting in long distance phone calls, prohibit - SB 221

NAFTA, urge Congress to repeal and end talks on Free Trade Area of the Americas - HR 139

NAFTDA, urge President and Congress to evaluate trade policies - SR 155

Sales tax holiday, creation of - HB 192


entertainment or material, zoning requirements relating to - HB 125

orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 105

Telecommunications, broadband services, deregulation of - SB 215; HB 627; SB 215: SFA (1)


solicitation and telemarketing, consumer education pamphlet regarding - HB 65: HCS

solicitation, making campaign calls, prohibition - HB 44

Theft of services, child care - HB 469


regulation, effect of master settlement moneys - SB 68

use and consumption, state preemption of the field - HB 66

Trespass on retail or commercial property with, shortcuts by motorists - HB 504

Wholesalers and retailers, minimum quantities of distilled spirits in containers kept or sold by - HB 362

Traffic Safety


vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for - HB 155

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate, helmets required for - HB 132: HFA(1); HB 146: HFA (1); HB 261: HFA (2); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

vehicles, prohibit operating on a public road - HB 478

Child booster seats, require and make violations a primary offense - HB 93

Code enforcement boards, service of citations - HB 142

Graduated drivers license, changes in passenger restrictions - HB 85: HFA(1)

Leaving the scene of a traffic accident, establish penalties - HB 329


vehicle enforcement officers, peace officer authority - SB 155: HCA(1)

vehicles, unrebuildable titles on, prevent issuance in - HB 459

Motorcycle safety fund, restrict uses to providing training - HB 365: SFA(3)

Recreational vehicles, clarify permissible appurtenances - HB 365

Right of way violations, enhanced penalties for involvement in accidents - HB 365: SCS


zones, double speeding fines in, technical corrections - SB 85: SCS

zones, flasher lights for, maintain in proper working order - HB 350: HFA(2)


belt law, primary enforcement - HB 33

belts and infant restraints, increase fines for violations - HB 153

Speeding in a school zone, double fines for - SB 85; HB 350, 414

Traffic signals, prevent use of mobile infrared transmitters to change - HB 141

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514


"Kentucky Veterans Highway," designate in Bell County - HJR 42


motor vehicles, amend penalties relating to - HB 357: HFA(1)

vehicles, clarify notification to owner of vehicle - HB 357: HFA(2)

vehicles, reduce time before vehicle may be sold - HB 357: HFA(3)

vehicles, towing procedures for, define owner - HB 357: HCS(1)

Accessible parking placards, established fines for violations of provisions - HB 419

Advertising special license plate, create to promote design talent in Kentucky - HB 168

Agritourism highway signs, mandate Transportation Cabinet to promote usage of - HJR 43

Airport boards, limits on contract performance - HB 331

Alice Lloyd, name KY 899 in Pippa Passes, KY in memory and honor of - SJR 126


vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for - HB 155

vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate, helmets required for - HB 132: HFA(1); HB 146: HFA (1); HB 261: HFA (2); HB 301: HFA (1); HB 324: HFA (2)

vehicles, omnibus revision of rules governing - HB 478

Appropriation clause, inclusion of - HB 157: HCS


and Public Education license plates, create - HB 473: SFA(3)

and Public Education special license plates, create - HB 71: SFA(3)

Aviation Commission, creation of, clarify compensation and duties of members - HB 326: HCS


access to information in, limit cost of providing access to - HB 526: HFA(1)

information accessed by auto dealers from, limit charges by Transportation Cabinet - HB 526: HCS

Billboards, vegetation control permits, allow on highways other than interstates - SB 114: SFA(1)

Brain injury services, increase in DUI service fee used for - HB 157

Breast cancer license plate, create - SB 84

CDL, reasons for suspension and impoundment of vehicle, omnibus revision of - HB 495: HCS

Charter buses, exempt from motor vehicle usage tax and repair parts from sales tax - SB 51

Child booster seats, require and make violations a primary offense - HB 93

Choose Life license plate, establish - SB 39

Code enforcement boards, service of citations - HB 142


vehicles, cease operations order, affix for license and taxation issues - HB 495: HFA(1)

vehicles, exempt drivers from citation or conviction of violations caused by employers - HB 495

Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, special license plate for - SB 18

Consultants working on a highway project, delete fine for certain violations - SB 2: SFA(2)


clerk fees for administering special license plate donations, increase - HB 172: HCS(1)

roads and public roads, adoption into county system, omnibus revision - HB 199

roads, create limited exemption on minimum right-of-way - HB 199: HCS

roads, lack of maintenance precludes inclusion in county road system, delete - HB 199: HFA(1)

roads, minimum right of way, exempt existing roads - HB 199: SCS

Covered wooden bridges, preservation of - HB 596

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., name I-65 in Jefferson County in memory of - SJR 54; HJR 107


license applicant, verifying information, make referral to Trans Cab by clerk permissive - HB 562: HFA(1)

license, issue without a photograph due to religious convictions - HB 386

licenses & I.D. cards, omnibus revision of issuance to non US citizens - HB 562

licenses and nondriver I.D. cards, issuance to non-US citizens, omnibus revision of - HB 562: HCS

Drivers' licenses, educational requirements - HB 304

Dudley Riley Bridge, name on KY 109 near Dawson Springs - SB 160: HFA(4)

Executive Orders 2003-064 and 2004-027, confirm reorganization - SB 160

Farm and forest products, hauling without permit, follow provisions for hauling building materials - HB 34

Fuel marketing, prohibit unfair competition - HB 296

Gasoline, investigate pricing of - HR 276

Governor's Advisory Council on Minority Affairs, adds transportation secretary - HB 588: HFA(1)

Graduate driver's license for teenagers, expand program - HB 85

Graduated drivers license, changes in passenger restrictions - HB 85: HFA(1)

Hal Rogers Parkway, rename Daniel Boone-Hal Rogers Parkway - HJR 7

Hand-held mobile telephones, use in moving vehicles, prohibition of - HB 602


parking fines, make technical correction to distribution of - HB 71: HFA(2)

parking placards, omnibus revision of procedure to issue - HB 71: HCS

parking placards, provide for free renewal on permanent placards - HB 71: HFA(1)

parking rules, increase fine for violations of, dedicate revenues - HB 71

Hardship driver's license, permit for general traffic offenses - SB 21


construction projects, require two bids before awarding, establish limited exception - HB 589

signs to promote lakes area of West Ky, require - HB 191

work zones, penalty for failure to illuminate lights, delete - HB 514: HCS


agreements, establish a fund for counties that establish interlocal agreements - HB 109: HCS(2)

agreements, incentives for road construction and maintenance - HB 78; HB 78: HCS

agreements, provide cabinet funding for - HB 109

Interstate 66, urge Congress to extend route through the Purchase Area - SR 168; HR 225

Junk automobiles, local government removal under nuisance ordinance - HB 584


Aeronautics Commission, creation of - HB 326

Asset/Liability Commission, duties of - HB 418

Colonel license plate, create - HB 71: SFA(1); HB 473: SFA (1)

Colonels license plate, create - HB 365: SFA(5)

Colonels, create special license plate for - SB 87

Walking Horse Association, create special license plate for - HB 699


109, bridge over Trade Water River, name in honor of Dudley Riley - HJR 55

112, Hopkins Co., name in honor of Dr. Loman Trover - HJR 54

1336 access point to the relocated KY 11 - SB 100: HCA(2)

1357, Hardin County, name in memory of Sheriff Bobby Thomas - SB 160: HFA(1)

1357, Hardin County, name the "Sheriff Bobby Thomas Memorial Highway" - HJR 11

1469 in Pike Co., name a bridge in memory of Epp Bartley - SJR 153

15 in Breathitt County, name in honor of veterans - HJR 9

1824, Calloway County, name new bridge in memory of Dexter Community veterans - SJR 154

519, Morgan County, urge a bridge to be named in memory of William Lykins - HR 140

72, Harlan Co., name segment in memory of victims of 1932 Yance Mine Disaster - HJR 10

72, Harlan Co., name segment in memory of victims of 1932 Yancey Mine Disaster - SJR 7

Leaving the scene of a traffic accident, establish penalties - HB 329


Sandy Rail Trail task force, creation of - HCR 8

Sandy Rail Trail, establish task force - SCR 125


plate design, omnibus revision of - SB 13

plate design, use image of official state steam engine - HB 238

plates, create decal to cover "smiley face" sun - SB 57

Livery vehicles, allow to regulate following guidelines for local regulation of taxicabs - HB 561

Medicaid nonemergency transportation, eligibility for - HB 600

Medicaid, managed care, prior approval within - SB 183

Military license plates, increase renewal fee by $5 - HB 172: HFA(8)

MIRET devices, unauthorized use of, penalties for - HB 141: HCS


Carrier Safety Improvement Act, urge Congress to amend - HCR 194

carriers, registration and taxation violations, impoundment for - HB 495: SCS

carriers, subject registered owner to citation for nonpayment of taxes and registration - HB 495: SFA(1)

Vehicle Commission, prohibit charging fees not established in KRS Chapter 190 - HB 526

vehicle identification numbers database - SB 147; HB 29

vehicle insurance, require operator as well as owner to maintain - HB 607, 642

vehicle titles, new brand to warn that not all rebuilt vehicles may be titled in another state - HB 459: HFA(1),(2)

Vehicle Usage Tax, definition of retail price, proof of total consideration given - HB 282

vehicles, require to be registered in the county of the purchaser's residence - HB 399

vehicles, unrebuildable titles on, prevent issuance in - HB 459


awareness signs, permit local governments to erect in the right-of-way - HB 384

safety education program fund, limit to use to provide training courses - SB 106: HFA(5)

safety fund, restrict uses to providing training - HB 365: SFA(3)


accidents involving, failure of motor vehicle to yield right-of-way, increase penalties - SB 106: HFA(3)

allow special military plates to be issued for - HB 92

Noncoal mining, transportation impact plan, requirement for - HB 543

No-pass, no-drive provisions, clarify provisions relating to home schooled children - HB 304: HCS

Northern Kentucky Baptist Association, create a special license plate for - HB 375

Off-Road Motorcycle and All-Terrain Vehicle Task Force, extend reporting deadline - HCR 124


Motorcycle and ATV Commission, create - SB 106: HFA(4)

Motorcycle and ATV Commission, establish - HB 365: SFA(3)


license, questioned documentation, require written reasons for - HB 562: HFA(2)

licenses, allow undocumented noncitizens to acquire - SB 170

Paris By-pass, Bourbon County, rename Thoroughbred Run - HJR 91

Parking lots, towing unauthorized vehicles, omnibus revision - HB 385


Plant Board, creation of - HB 127

plant board, require report to LRC, no regulatory authority - HB 127: HCS

Petroleum environmental assurance fee, divert to road fund - SB 224: SFA(2)

Pike Co., Big Creek, name bridge in memory of Ernest Cochran - SJR 18


utilities, authorize Transportation Cabinet to reimburse for cost of relocating facilities - HB 447

utilities, permit reimbursement for moving facilities in conjunction with a highway project - HB 447: HCS


of insurance in vehicle, failure to maintain, establish presumption of lack of insurance - HB 511

of Insurance, failure to maintain in vehicle, establish as prima facie evidence of no coverage - HB 511: HCS

Protect Choice license plates, create - SB 39: SFA(1)

Provisions relating to definition of vehicle, to take effect after EPA approval of amended SIP - HB 53: HFA(1)

Purchase of a car, require 3 days to return and retrieve vehicle & money given in trade - HB 254

Recreational vehicles, clarify permissible appurtenances - HB 365

Regular license plates, authorize for investigators of the Public Protection Cabinet - HB 172: HFA(1)

Relay for Life special license plate, for benefit of American Cancer Society - SB 104

Removal of railroad crossings on private roads, restrictions - HB 472

Roads, repaving of - SB 198


bus specifications, Kentucky Board of Education to set - SB 124

zones, double fines for speeding in, clarify procedures to - HB 350: HFA(1)

Seat belt law, primary enforcement - HB 33


Big Brothers Big Sisters license plates, establish - SB 106: HFA(11)

General Assembly license plates, add $10 extra fee for KECC - HB 172: HFA(9)

license plates, establish guidelines for Transportation Cabinet to follow prior to issuing - HB 172: HCS(3)

license plates, increase renewal fees for selected categories - HB 696

license plates, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 172

license plates, remove clerk from process to retain and distribute funds to groups - HB 172: HCS(2)

license plates, require the Transportation Cabinet to forward funds to groups - HB 172: HFA(6)

license plates, require Transportation Cabinet to forward funds to groups - HB 172: HFA(4)

license plats, holding fees collected for groups, allow clerk to hold in one account - HB 172: HFA(7)

military license plates, fees for - SB 117


limits, 60 MPH on noninterstate highways - HB 365: SFA(2)

limits, 65 MPH on four-lane noninterstate highways - HB 365: SFA(1)

limits, 70 MPH on interstates - HB 365: SCS

Support the Arts, Support Public Education, create special license plates for - SB 202

Swinging bridges, require Transportation Cabinet to review in Breathitt County - HJR 7: HFA(3)

Teenage drinking and driving, study of - HJR 211

Toll roads, nonpaying users - SB 61; HB 473

Tourism, highway signs to promote in West Kentucky, limit number required to be erected - HB 191: HCS

Towing abandoned vehicles, omnibus revision of provisions governing - HB 357


right of way violations, enhanced penalties for involvement in accidents - HB 365: SCS

signals, prevent use of mobile infrared transmitters to change - HB 141


crews, establish minimum staffing standards - HB 332

crews, permit time off without pay under limited circumstances - HB 333


Cabinet contracts, require to be reviewed by LRC Government Contract Review Committee - SB 2: SFA(1)

Cabinet, legislative oversight subcommittee, additional membership - SB 2: SCS

Cabinet, not sanction motorists after closure of VET test program - SJR 3: HCS

Cabinet, omnibus revision of - SB 2

Oversight Subcommittee, co-chairs' duties, quorum, vote required for actions - SB 2: SFA(5)

Oversight Subcommittee, require review of all Transportation Cabinet contracts - SB 2: SFA(3),(4)

Unmanned locomotives, urge Congress to mandate FRA regulation of - HCR 86


421, Clay and Jackson Counties, name Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway - HJR 18

460/KY 80 in Pike County, name in memory of Brandon Jacob Rowe - SJR 4

460/KY 80 in Pike County, name in memory of Brandon Rowe and Brent Coleman - SJR 21

62 in Lyon Co, name the "Veterans Memorial Highway" - HJR 46


bridges, name in memory of World War II veterans and John C. Cline - SB 106: HCS

highways throughout the state, name - HJR 11: SCS

roads and bridges, name statewide - SB 160: HFA(2)

Vegetation control around advertising devices, establish process for - SB 114


emission testing programs, exempt cars four model years and newer - HB 53

Emissions Testing in Northern Kentucky, elimination of - SJR 3

window tinting, provide for testing of sunscreen material on vehicle windows - HB 313


license plates, add $5 to renewal for Veteran's Trust Fund - HB 172: HFA(5)

program trust fund, promote contributions to when obtaining a license plate - HB 696: HFA(1)

Waste tire trust fund, recycling projects to include crumb rubber - HB 301

Work zone, speeding in - HB 514

World War II Memorial Bridge, name on US 23 in Johnson County - SJR 116; HJR 192


Delinquent debts owed the state and referred to Revenue Cabinet for collection, information on - HB 162

Individual development accounts - SB 82; HB 268

Retirement funds, custodian - HB 519: HFA(1),(2)

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 103

Unemployment Compensation

Benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360

Contractor certification program, residential and light commercial, insurance requirements for - HB 277

Uniform Laws

General and limited partnerships, uniform laws on - HB 190

Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact - HB 605

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, update of - HB 91

United States

Candidates for President and Vice President, challenge of - HB 428

Cohabitation of legislators, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(4)


encourage to establish ".xxx" Internet domain - HCR 112

urge to enact English as official language legislation - HR 242

urge to extend route of Interstate 66 through the Purchase Area - SR 168; HR 225

Definition of marriage - HCR 17

Drugs, direct-to-consumer advertising, urge federal restrictions on - HCR 59


candidates, statement of candidacy not required for - HB 428

judicial nominees, urge United States Senators to allow a timely floor vote on - HR 166

Firearms manufacturers and dealers, urge United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law - HR 165

Foreign adoption, Kentucky recognition of - SB 38: SCS

Health information technology, Congress, funding for - SCR 17

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner, medal of honor, urge Congress to award - HCR 223

Marriage between selected persons, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(3)

Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, urge Congress to amend - HCR 194


Child Left Behind Act, funding for - SR 172; HR 174

fault divorce, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(2)

Pledge of allegiance, urge Supreme Court to overturn case on - HCR 14

Social Security, repeal of windfall elimination and pension offset provisions, urge - HR 155

Terrorism, efforts against, urge Congressional support - SR 236

U.S. Mint Police, Kentucky peace officer powers for - SB 78; HB 187: SFA (1)


Congress to mandate FRA regulation of unmanned locomotives - HCR 86

United States legislators from Kentucky to reform tort law relating to firearms industry - HCR 74

United States Senators to allow a timely floor vote on federal judicial nominees - HCR 73

Universities and Colleges

Academy for Health Care Improvement and Cost Reduction, delay implementation date for - SB 90

Capital planning and budgeting, definitions for - SB 230

Cloning of humans, prohibition of - HB 171

Commission for Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 179

Dual Credit Students, KEES scholarship eligibility for - HB 99

Eaglin, President Ronald G., Morehead State University, honor - HR 289

EKU Business Technology Center, deletes funding for - HB 395: SCA(1)

Fire prevention, on-campus housing facilities - SB 63: HFA(1)


disabilities and diseases, priority for persons who inform institution of - HB 322: SFA(6)

disabilities and diseases, priority for persons with - HB 322: SFA(4),(5)

Independent college and university students, honor - SR 106; HR 152


Ashland Technology Center, deletes funding for - HB 395: SCA(4)

Henderson Technology Center, deletes funding for - HB 395: SCA(5)

Madisonville Technology and Coalbed Methane Research Center, delete funding for - HB 395: SCA(8)

Owensboro Technology Center, deletes funding for - HB 395: SCA(7)


awards, calculations to determine - HB 480

awards, eligibility for - SB 238: SFA(2),(5)

funds, disbursal of - SB 238: SFA(3)

program, analysis of - HJR 135

program, changes to - SB 238: SCS

program, study by KHEAA of - HJR 135: HCS

Scholarship, "participating institution" definition for - HB 250

KEES, enrollment of eligible recipients - HB 169


Center for African-American Studies and Research, creation of - HB 452

Diabetes Research Board and Kentucky diabetes research trust fund, creation of - HB 685

Diabetes Research Board, secretary of Cabinet for Health Services member of - HB 685: HCS

Teachers' Retirement System, option to elect participation in - HB 434: HCS(1)


Community College, delegation of responsibilities for - HB 647

Community College, transfer - SB 274; HB 709; HJR 214; HCR 217


schools, faculty, special license - HB 456; HB 456: HFA (1)

schools, pain management task force, establishment of - HJR 132

NASA Space Science Center at MoSU, deletes funding for - HB 395: SCA(3)

New Science Complex at MuSU, delete funding for - HB 395: SCA(6)

Obesity and drug addiction, urge study of - HJR 65

Open meeting/open records infor. to local officials, require university presidents to distribute - HB 263

Physicians, medical and osteopathic schools, practice within - SB 276


Education Nominating Committee, appointment to - HCR 22

institutions, debt issuance by - HB 489; SB 96: HFA (1)

Research challenge trust fund, allocation of - HB 704

Resolution honoring Dr. Ronald G. Eaglin - HR 282

Restrictions on employing retirees, exemption for postsecondary institutions - SB 60: HFA(2); SB 150: HFA (1); SB 151: HFA (1); SB 154: HFA (3); SB 155: HFA (2)

Sectarian instruction, KEES scholarship permitted for - HB 28


credit card regulation - HB 130

financial aid awards, designation of - HB 479: HCS

Telehealth consultation, revised definition of - HB 115: HFA(1)

Telehealth, asynchronous consultations, payment for - HB 115


fees, waiver for dependents of veterans - HB 460

for advanced degrees, in-state rate for Kentucky graduates - HB 515

freeze at public institutions - HB 488


definition of in-state - SB 200

prohibit postsecondary institutions from raising, with exception - HB 35


of Kentucky board of trustees, meetings of the - SB 92

of Kentucky, Injury Prevention Center, educational program on all-terrain vehicles - HB 576

Veterans' personal loan program, creation of - SB 279

Wickliffe Mounds Research Center, urge agreement to transfer - SR 167; HR 219

Young Hall at KSU, deletes funding for renovation - HB 395: SCA(2)

Urban Renewal

Historic property rehabilitation, tax credits for - HB 451

Veterans' Affairs

Acklin II, Sergeant Michael D., resolution memorializing - SR 13; HR 51

Appreciation Day, 7th Battalion-101st Aviation Regiment, resolution declaring - SR 257

Birth and death certificates, furnish free for veterans - HB 400

Cambron, II, George Leonard, resolution memorializing - SR 245

Certified school employees called to active duty, contributions for health insurance - HB 551: HFA(1)


Sergeant Gary B., resolution memorializing - SR 14; HR 47

Sergeant Gary Brent, resolution memorializing - SR 137; HR 199


Colonel James O., resolution memorializing - HR 222

Colonel James O., resolution memorializing - SR 141

Dexter Community veterans, name bridge in Calloway County in memory of - SJR 154

Dunigan, Staff Sergeant Joe L., resolution memorializing - SR 218

Fleming, Specialist Robert, resolution honoring - SR 163

Graham, Lieutenant Jeffrey C., resolution memorializing - SR 216; HR 180

Hannah, Sergeant Samuel Kevin, resolution honoring - SR 140; HR 239


Military Museum Committee, composition of - HB 21

National Guard, health insurance coverage - SB 136

Korean War veterans, high school diplomas awarded to - HB 113

Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner, medal of honor, urge Congress to award - HCR 223

Lottery game created, proceeds used for veterans' programs - HB 274; HB 274: HCS


discharge papers, release and destruction of - HB 225; HB 225: SFA (1)

license plates, increase renewal fee by $5 - HB 172: HFA(8)

National Guard tuition assistance - HB 618

Potter, Sergeant Darrin K., resolution memorializing - SR 10; HR 50

Powell, Specialist James E., resolution memorializing - SR 11; HR 52


Sergeant Justin A., resolution memorializing - SR 98

Sergeant Justin, resolution memorializing - HR 154

Sebastian, Bluford E., resolution memorializing - SR 229

Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, LRC reestablishment of - HCR 206

Tuition fees, waiver for dependents of veterans - HB 460

Turner, Jr., Staff Sergeant Roger Clinton, resolution memorializing - SR 158

United States Armed Forces, liberation of Iraq, resolution recognizing - SR 15

Veterans from Lyon Co, name US 62 in memory of - HJR 46


license plates, add $5 to renewal for Veteran's Trust Fund - HB 172: HFA(5)

license plates, add $5 to renewal for Veterans' Trust Fund - HB 172: HFA(4)

license plates, increase renewal fee for selected categories - HB 696

personal loan program, creation of - HB 273

program trust fund, promote contributions to when obtaining a license plate - HB 696: HFA(1)

Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 868, name US 421 in honor of - HJR 18

Welch, III, Master Sergeant Charles B., resolution honoring - SR 217

World War II veterans, name a bridge in Johnson County in memory of - SB 106: HCS


Licensing, renewal of - SB 133: HCS

Rabies immunization, administration of - SB 216; HB 336; SB 133: HCS; HB 336: HCS

Renewal fee to board, biennial license periods for - HB 441

Veterinarians, biennial license renewal periods for - SB 133

Wages and Hours

Educational institutions, construction projects, exempt from paying prevailing wages - HB 660

KREEDA minimum wage requirements, exempt nonprofits' handicapped workers from - SB 231

Labor organizations, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 173


wage & overtime provisions, exempt individuals who provide companionship services - SB 45

wage revision - HB 186

Overtime exemption, in-home companionship services provided by a third party - SB 45: SCS, HCS

Police officers, collective bargaining in a consolidated local government, provisions for - HB 570; HB 570: HFA (1)

Train crews, permit time off without pay under limited circumstances - HB 333

Unemployment insurance, benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360

Workplace safety improvements, tax credit for - HB 196

Waste Management

Administrative regulations relating to emergency action plans, direct cabinet to promulgate - SJR 127; HJR 196

Airport Zoning commission, expand authority to include certain private airports - HB 404: SFA(3)

Board of directors for sanitary and storm water systems, powers and duties of - SB 197: SCS

Coal combustion by-product, tax incentives for use as aggregate - HB 505

Contained landfills, reduce public nuisances from - SB 69

Hazardous waste assessment fee, extend to June 30, 2006 - SB 222


sewage disposal systems, deadlines for permit process - HB 370

sewage disposal systems, permit timelines and procedures - HB 369

sewage system permit approval process timeline, extended past 15 days if inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(2)

Sanitary and storm water systems, board of directors for, powers and duties of - SB 197

Sanitation districts - eminent domain - SB 197: SFA(2)


acquisitions, require ratepayer referendum - HB 202: SFA(1)

system, entity taking over customers to pay just compensation - HB 202


for approval of on-site sewage system, extended if delay caused by inclement weather - HB 369: HFA(1)

for approval response for on-site sewage system, to be 15 workings days - HB 369: HCS

Vehicle registration, not denied to vehicle owners after end of VET program - SJR 3: HFA(1)


disposal facility, permit requirements for new and expanded facilities - SB 227

tire trust fund, recycling projects to include crumb rubber - HB 301

water treatment facilities, benefits for certain workers - HB 541

Water Supply

Acquisition of waterworks shall be approved by ratepayers - HB 202: SFA(2)


methane production, requirements for - HB 577: HCS(2)

methane, public protections, requirements for - HB 577: SCS

Construction permit for repairing existing structures crossing streams, exempt local government from - HB 179

Easement of necessity, requirements for - HB 537: HFA(1),(2),(3)

Funding requirements on projects - HB 395: SCA(11)

Harlan County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(25)

Letcher County, reallocation of coal severance projects - HB 395: HFA(24)

Louisville Water Company Day, designating - HR 162

Rockcastle County Water Project - HB 395: SCA(13)

Waterways and Dams

Building permits, local government may issue in floodplain - SB 243

Construction permit for repairing existing structures crossing streams, exempt local government from - HB 179

Lakes area of West Ky, require highway signs to promote - HB 191

On-site sewage disposal systems with surface discharge, local health department to permit - HB 370

Timeline for approval response for on-site sewage system, to be 15 workings days - HB 369: HCS

Weights and Measures

Coalbed methane, public protections, requirements for - HB 577: SCS

Surveyors, statute of limitations - HB 442

Wills and Estates

Kentucky Principal and Income Act, adoption of - HB 517: HCS

Medicaid, estate recovery, requirements for - HB 580: HCS

Rule against perpetuities, abolishment - HB 42

Technical correction, eliminate gender specific language - HB 506

Trust administration, technical correction to remove gender-specific language - HB 517

Vital records, access of personal representative and decedent creditor to - HB 100: HCS

Withdrawn Legislation

WITHDRAWN - SB 31, 35, 46, 101, 205; SR 45, 145; HB 5, 30, 54, 61, 95, 101, 103, 121, 150, 197, 213, 214, 219, 228, 230, 232, 235, 246, 284, 440, 449, 453, 462, 474, 494, 548, 568, 663


Capital trials, required witness disclosures - HB 335

Jailhouse informant, testimony of - HB 334

Rules of evidence, amendments - HB 314


Abortion counseling public funding prohibited - HB 32

Abortion, abolish - HB 441: SFA(5)

Arnow, Harriet, urge U.S. Post Office to issue commemorative stamp honoring - HCR 57

Ballot language, prescribe - SB 245: SFA(1)

Birth control programs, state participation in - HB 31

Breach of promise to marry, delete references to tort of - HB 276


cancer education and research, establish tax check-off fund, and board - HB 52

cancer, create a license plate with funds designated for screening fund - SB 84

Breast-feeding, encouragement of - HB 646

Cervical cancer, LRC study - HCR 167

Cohabitation of legislators, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(4)

Commission for a Healthy Kentucky, reduction of injury, goal of - SB 179: HCS

Definition of marriage - SB 245; HB 613; HCR 17; SB 245: HFA (1),(3),(5),(8),(9)

Divorce, abolishment of - HB 574

Domestic violence petitioners, county attorney may represent - HB 138

Establish breast cancer tax check-off, fund and board - SB 97

Ethnic diversity, appreciation of - SR 255; HR 295

Governor's policy for domestic violence and sexual assault in the workplace, LRC adoption of - HCR 16

Health insurance, contraceptive devices and services, coverage for - HB 573


Class A misdemeanor for disclosing identity of person with - SB 103: SCA(1); HB 82: SCS

name reporting upon positive test for - SB 103; HB 82

Human trafficking, study of - HCR 210

Infertility, health benefit coverage of - HB 702

Injury to pregnant woman, penalties, exemptions - HB 108: HFA(5)


- SB 245: HFA(11)

between selected persons, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(3)


defense of - HCR 17: HFA(1)

definition of - SB 52: HFA(1),(2); SB 55: HFA (1),(2); SB 92: HFA (1),(2); SB 135: HFA (2),(3); SB 146: HFA (1),(2); SB 187: HFA (1),(2); SB 200: HFA (1),(2); SB 245: HFA (7)

validity of - SB 245: HCS

Myositis Awareness Day, September 21 of each year recognized as - HB 74

No fault divorce, urge Congress to abolish - HCR 17: HFA(2)


business, abatement of - HB 124

enterprise, abatement of - HB 520

Parental interference, civil remedy and crime for - SB 108; HB 606

Partial-birth abortion - HB 26

Placement for adoption, restrictions on - HB 358, 661

Relationships conferring marital benefits, legislative power to define - SB 245: HFA(12)

Roe v. Wade, memorializing - SR 73


abuse, penalty increase for specified conduct - HB 354

assault and abuse, medical examinations, payment by Crime Victims' Compensation Board - SB 138: SCS

assault and abuse, medical examinations, payments by Crime Victims' Compensation Board - SB 138

Assault Awareness Month, declare March as - SR 149; HR 175

Task Force on Trafficking in Persons, membership of, report deadline - HCR 210: HCS

Unemployment insurance, benefit eligibility for victims of domestic violence - HB 360

Unmarried individuals, rights of - SB 245: HFA(10)

Urge proposal of constitutional amendment on marriage - HCR 4, 6

Workers' Compensation


law judge, appointment, Grant S. Roark - SR 179

law judge, appointment, Howard E. Frasier, Jr. - SR 181

law judge, appointment, Smith, Marcel - SR 120

law judge, reappointment, Kerr, James L. - SR 123

law judge, reappointment, Lawrence F. Smith - SR 182

law judge, reappointment, R. Scott Borders - SR 202

law judge, reappointment, Sheila C. Lowther - SR 180

law judge, reappointment, William Bruce Cowden, Jr. - SR 203

Black lung, compensation - HB 499

Insurance and premium audits, restrictions imposed - HB 634


Board of Directors, appointment, James F. Howard - SR 244

Board of Directors, appointment, Koester, Joseph J. - SR 119

Board of Directors, appointment, Larry Sanderson - SR 204

Board of Directors, appointment, Robert D. Neff - SR 117

Board of Directors, reappointment, David H. Snowden - SR 183

Medicaid, third-party payments, assignments against - SB 194


Compensation Board, appointment, Kent T. Young - SR 121

compensation, firefighters, heart or lung disease, benefits for - SB 196

BR to Bill Conversion List

BR2 (HB97)

BR3 (HB336)

BR5 (SB1)

BR6 (SB249)

BR8 (HB258)

BR9 (SB60)

BR11 (SB11)

BR13 (HB3)

BR15 (HB490)

BR16 (HB108)

BR17 (HB4)

BR18 (HB5)

BR19 (HJR18)

BR20 (HB45)

BR21 (HB46)

BR23 (SB37)

BR24 (HB247)

BR25 (HB223)

BR26 (HB10)

BR27 (SR25)

BR29 (HB8)

BR30 (HB6)

BR31 (HB7)

BR32 (SB51)

BR40 (HB12)

BR41 (HB48)

BR42 (HB51)

BR44 (HB327)

BR45 (HB9)

BR50 (HB278)

BR51 (SB250)

BR52 (SB21)

BR53 (SJR4)

BR54 (HB180)

BR55 (HB179)

BR56 (SB220)

BR59 (HB31)

BR60 (HB32)

BR62 (HB11)

BR63 (HB250)

BR65 (SB3)

BR66 (SB86)

BR67 (HB34)

BR68 (SR114)

BR69 (SR113)

BR70 (HB18)

BR71 (HB192)

BR72 (HB19)

BR73 (HB20)

BR74 (HB21)

BR75 (HCR5)

BR76 (HB59)

BR79 (HB653)

BR80 (SB17)

BR81 (HB14)

BR87 (HB65)

BR88 (HB54)

BR90 (HB44)

BR91 (HB62)

BR92 (HB110)

BR93 (HB47)

BR94 (HB102)

BR97 (HB191)

BR100 (HB33)

BR101 (HR76)

BR102 (HCR22)

BR103 (SJR18)

BR104 (HB37)

BR105 (HB15)

BR106 (SB90)

BR107 (HB13)

BR109 (SB62)

BR111 (HB16)

BR112 (HB17)

BR114 (HB201)

BR115 (HB505)

BR116 (HB27)

BR117 (HB24)

BR118 (HB25)

BR120 (HB291)

BR121 (HB251)

BR122 (HB127)

BR125 (HJR7)

BR128 (HB28)

BR129 (HB145)

BR130 (SB15)

BR131 (SB4)

BR132 (HB23)

BR133 (HB22)

BR139 (HB56)

BR140 (SB12)

BR143 (SB32)

BR145 (SB45)

BR147 (HB196)

BR148 (HB57)

BR149 (HB472)

BR150 (HCR4)

BR152 (SB102)

BR153 (HB503)

BR154 (SB5)

BR155 (HB504)

BR156 (HB128)

BR157 (HB30)

BR158 (HB29)

BR160 (HCR6)

BR162 (HB433)

BR165 (HB99)

BR167 (HB240)

BR168 (HB163)

BR169 (SB42)

BR170 (HB198)

BR171 (HJR54)

BR172 (HJR55)

BR173 (HB81)

BR175 (HCR23)

BR176 (HCR24)

BR177 (HCR25)

BR178 (HB77)

BR181 (HR56)

BR182 (SJR7)

BR183 (SB83)

BR185 (SB285)

BR186 (SB231)

BR190 (HB378)

BR191 (SB99)

BR194 (HB111)

BR195 (SB7)

BR196 (SB6)

BR197 (HJR10)

BR200 (SB26)

BR201 (HB205)

BR202 (HB26)

BR204 (HJR218)

BR206 (HCR13)

BR209 (HB36)

BR210 (SB8)

BR211 (SB9)

BR212 (HB121)

BR214 (HB43)

BR215 (HB282)

BR218 (SJR32)

BR221 (HB78)

BR222 (HB35)

BR223 (HB120)

BR224 (HB492)

BR226 (HB295)

BR231 (SB58)

BR232 (HB93)

BR233 (HCR16)

BR234 (HB94)

BR235 (SB43)

BR236 (HB407)

BR237 (HB66)

BR239 (HJR9)

BR241 (HJR11)

BR242 (HB63)

BR244 (HB182)

BR245 (SB18)

BR248 (HB82)

BR249 (HB83)

BR250 (HB218)

BR252 (SB76)

BR253 (HB188)

BR254 (HB100)

BR255 (SB10)

BR256 (SCR125)

BR257 (SB23)

BR259 (HB137)

BR260 (SB48)

BR261 (HB486)

BR263 (HB202)

BR264 (HCR8)

BR267 (SB91)

BR268 (HB38)

BR269 (HB39)

BR271 (HB388)

BR273 (HB55)

BR274 (HB40)

BR275 (HB41)

BR276 (HB42)

BR278 (SB202)

BR279 (HCR26)

BR280 (HCR27)

BR282 (HB84)

BR284 (HB1)

BR285 (HB49)

BR286 (HB50)

BR287 (HB2)

BR290 (SB13)

BR291 (HB70)

BR294 (HB222)

BR295 (HB682)

BR296 (HB199)

BR297 (SB66)

BR298 (HB126)

BR301 (HB114)

BR302 (SB38)

BR303 (HB230)

BR305 (SJR3)

BR306 (HB69)

BR308 (HB281)

BR309 (HB60)

BR311 (HB67)

BR312 (SB81)

BR315 (HB551)

BR316 (SB93)

BR318 (HB91)

BR319 (HCR28)

BR321 (HJR46)

BR322 (HJR43)

BR323 (SB22)

BR324 (HB184)

BR325 (HB85)

BR326 (HB214)

BR328 (HB204)

BR329 (SB27)

BR330 (HB200)

BR331 (HB109)

BR332 (HB58)

BR337 (SB14)

BR338 (HB164)

BR339 (HB86)

BR340 (HB87)

BR341 (HB88)

BR342 (HB89)

BR343 (SB19)

BR345 (HB115)

BR346 (HB103)

BR347 (HB90)

BR348 (HB162)

BR349 (HB75)

BR350 (HB76)

BR351 (HB64)

BR352 (SB31)

BR354 (HB138)

BR355 (HB74)

BR360 (SB266)

BR361 (HB187)

BR365 (SB236)

BR366 (HB347)

BR369 (HB478)

BR372 (HB101)

BR373 (HB392)

BR374 (HB302)

BR375 (HB52)

BR377 (HB104)

BR378 (HB139)

BR379 (SB98)

BR380 (HB300)

BR382 (HB79)

BR383 (SB105)

BR384 (HJR12)

BR385 (HB346)

BR387 (HB238)

BR388 (HB285)

BR394 (HB157)

BR396 (HB155)

BR398 (SB87)

BR400 (HB283)

BR402 (HJR19)

BR403 (HB71)

BR405 (HB116)

BR406 (HB174)

BR407 (HB226)

BR408 (HB636)

BR409 (HB160)

BR413 (SB16)

BR414 (SB34)

BR415 (HB172)

BR416 (SB20)

BR417 (HCR14)

BR418 (SB74)

BR419 (HB161)

BR420 (HB386)

BR421 (HB676)

BR422 (HB232)

BR423 (SB40)

BR424 (HB154)

BR425 (HCR29)

BR426 (HCR30)

BR427 (HB181)

BR428 (HCR15)

BR433 (SB190)

BR435 (HB80)

BR436 (HB221)

BR437 (HB190)

BR438 (HB153)

BR439 (HB212)

BR440 (HB215)

BR442 (HB690)

BR444 (SB29)

BR446 (HB68)

BR447 (SB33)

BR448 (HB446)

BR450 (HB229)

BR451 (SB24)

BR452 (HB98)

BR453 (HB185)

BR455 (HB150)

BR457 (HB637)

BR458 (HB72)

BR459 (HB73)

BR460 (HB502)

BR462 (HB122)

BR463 (HB207)

BR464 (HCR31)

BR465 (HCR32)

BR466 (HCR33)

BR467 (HCR34)

BR469 (SB54)

BR470 (HJR58)

BR471 (HB303)

BR472 (HB237)

BR473 (HB235)

BR474 (HB234)

BR475 (HCR59)

BR477 (HB236)

BR480 (HB624)

BR483 (SB41)

BR484 (SB136)

BR486 (SB82)

BR488 (HB289)

BR490 (HB106)

BR492 (SB282)

BR493 (SB228)

BR496 (HB61)

BR497 (SB113)

BR498 (SB57)

BR501 (SB150)

BR502 (SB151)

BR503 (SB152)

BR504 (SB153)

BR505 (SB160)

BR506 (SB161)

BR507 (SB154)

BR508 (SB155)

BR509 (SB156)

BR801 (SB118)

BR802 (HB664)

BR807 (HB96)

BR808 (SB59)

BR809 (SB145)

BR810 (SB25)

BR811 (SB28)

BR812 (HB169)

BR813 (SB71)

BR814 (HB105)

BR816 (HB186)

BR817 (HB53)

BR818 (HB166)

BR821 (SB129)

BR826 (HB381)

BR827 (HB209)

BR828 (HB210)

BR829 (HB398)

BR831 (HB382)

BR832 (HB211)

BR834 (HB208)

BR836 (HB140)

BR837 (HB148)

BR839 (HB95)

BR840 (HCR17)

BR841 (HB358)

BR842 (HB290)

BR844 (SB162)

BR846 (HB141)

BR847 (HJR42)

BR849 (HB158)

BR851 (SB103)

BR853 (HB340)

BR854 (HB151)

BR855 (HB130)

BR856 (HB131)

BR857 (HB377)

BR858 (HB345)

BR860 (HB118)

BR861 (HB233)

BR862 (SR16)

BR863 (HCR35)

BR864 (HCR36)

BR865 (SB240)

BR866 (HB385)

BR868 (HCR60)

BR870 (HB604)

BR871 (HB117)

BR872 (HB270)

BR873 (HB227)

BR875 (HR1)

BR876 (SR2)

BR877 (HR2)

BR878 (SR6)

BR879 (HR3)

BR880 (SR1)

BR881 (SB100)

BR882 (HB306)

BR883 (HB357)

BR884 (SB201)

BR894 (HB370)

BR895 (HB189)

BR896 (HB107)

BR897 (SB179)

BR898 (HB144)

BR900 (HB480)

BR901 (HJR135)

BR903 (HB195)

BR904 (HB183)

BR908 (SB96)

BR909 (SB111)

BR910 (HB152)

BR912 (SB115)

BR913 (HB351)

BR914 (HR37)

BR917 (SB30)

BR918 (HB143)

BR919 (HB170)

BR920 (HB171)

BR921 (HB173)

BR922 (HB659)

BR923 (HB298)

BR924 (HB299)

BR925 (HR49)

BR926 (HR48)

BR927 (HR50)

BR928 (HR52)

BR929 (HR51)

BR930 (HR47)

BR931 (SR12)

BR932 (SR9)

BR933 (SR10)

BR934 (SR11)

BR935 (SR13)

BR936 (SR14)

BR937 (SB2)

BR938 (HB123)

BR939 (SB84)

BR943 (HB206)

BR944 (HB134)

BR945 (SJR21)

BR946 (HB167)

BR947 (SB173)

BR948 (HB334)

BR949 (HB335)

BR950 (HB273)

BR951 (HB274)

BR952 (HB225)

BR953 (HB113)

BR954 (SB36)

BR956 (HB465)

BR957 (SCR17)

BR962 (HB124)

BR965 (SB50)

BR966 (HB626)

BR967 (SB44)

BR968 (SB112)

BR969 (HB142)

BR970 (HB301)

BR971 (HB612)

BR972 (HCR20)

BR973 (HB165)

BR974 (HB231)

BR975 (HB112)

BR976 (SB75)

BR977 (SB168)

BR978 (HB176)

BR979 (HB177)

BR980 (HB178)

BR981 (SB55)

BR983 (SB283)

BR984 (SB35)

BR985 (SR8)

BR986 (SCR5)

BR987 (HB125)

BR988 (SB70)

BR989 (HB246)

BR990 (HB133)

BR992 (HB132)

BR993 (HB147)

BR994 (HB146)

BR995 (HB699)

BR996 (HB458)

BR997 (SB69)

BR998 (HB135)

BR999 (HB136)

BR1000 (HCR21)

BR1001 (HB129)

BR1002 (HB373)

BR1005 (SB56)

BR1006 (HB119)

BR1008 (HB266)

BR1009 (HJR40)

BR1010 (HB305)

BR1011 (HB168)

BR1012 (HB92)

BR1013 (HCR39)

BR1014 (HB355)

BR1015 (SB61)

BR1016 (HB464)

BR1017 (HB156)

BR1018 (HB262)

BR1019 (SR45)

BR1021 (HB239)

BR1022 (SB47)

BR1023 (HCR44)

BR1024 (HCR45)

BR1025 (HCR57)

BR1027 (SR15)

BR1028 (HB159)

BR1030 (HR53)

BR1031 (SB101)

BR1032 (HB326)

BR1033 (SB52)

BR1034 (HB197)

BR1035 (HB175)

BR1037 (SB279)

BR1038 (SB53)

BR1039 (HB203)

BR1040 (HB706)

BR1042 (SB67)

BR1044 (SB117)

BR1045 (HJR38)

BR1046 (HB193)

BR1047 (HB194)

BR1048 (SB49)

BR1050 (HB423)

BR1051 (HB264)

BR1052 (HCR63)

BR1055 (HB307)

BR1058 (HCR41)

BR1060 (HB220)

BR1062 (HB149)

BR1064 (SB39)

BR1066 (HB263)

BR1067 (HB361)

BR1068 (HB489)

BR1069 (HB217)

BR1070 (HB689)

BR1071 (HJR64)

BR1072 (HB259)

BR1073 (HB248)

BR1074 (HB224)

BR1076 (HR170)

BR1077 (HR169)

BR1078 (HB292)

BR1079 (HB397)

BR1080 (HJR105)

BR1081 (HB396)

BR1082 (HJR104)

BR1083 (HB356)

BR1084 (HB325)

BR1085 (HB213)

BR1087 (HB252)

BR1089 (HB219)

BR1090 (HB457)

BR1091 (SB233)

BR1092 (SB65)

BR1093 (HB286)

BR1094 (HB287)

BR1095 (HB261)

BR1096 (SB138)

BR1097 (HB421)

BR1098 (HB269)

BR1099 (SB68)

BR1100 (HB324)

BR1101 (HB228)

BR1102 (SB46)

BR1103 (HB216)

BR1104 (HB255)

BR1105 (HB310)

BR1106 (HB450)

BR1107 (HB277)

BR1108 (HB401)

BR1110 (SB64)

BR1112 (SB63)

BR1113 (HB426)

BR1114 (HB249)

BR1115 (HB414)

BR1116 (HB419)

BR1120 (SB72)

BR1121 (SB77)

BR1123 (HB242)

BR1124 (HB257)

BR1125 (HB245)

BR1129 (HB679)

BR1130 (HB276)

BR1131 (HB256)

BR1133 (HB241)

BR1134 (HB244)

BR1135 (HB675)

BR1136 (HB674)

BR1137 (HB243)

BR1138 (HB680)

BR1140 (SR19)

BR1141 (HB420)

BR1142 (SB73)

BR1145 (HB279)

BR1146 (HB280)

BR1147 (HJR69)

BR1148 (HB313)

BR1149 (HB271)

BR1150 (SB135)

BR1151 (HB342)

BR1152 (HB254)

BR1154 (HB599)

BR1155 (HB253)

BR1158 (HCR106)

BR1159 (SB144)

BR1160 (HB267)

BR1161 (SB92)

BR1162 (HB309)

BR1163 (HR62)

BR1164 (SB80)

BR1165 (HB293)

BR1166 (HCR78)

BR1168 (HB376)

BR1169 (HB311)

BR1172 (SB127)

BR1173 (SR27)

BR1175 (HB294)

BR1176 (SR23)

BR1177 (SB79)

BR1178 (SB85)

BR1179 (SR20)

BR1180 (HCR67)

BR1181 (HCR66)

BR1182 (HB524)

BR1183 (SB88)

BR1185 (HB260)

BR1186 (HCR68)

BR1187 (HB444)

BR1188 (HR61)

BR1189 (SJR133)

BR1190 (HJR65)

BR1191 (HB272)

BR1192 (HB268)

BR1195 (SR24)

BR1196 (SB89)

BR1197 (HR101)

BR1198 (HR100)

BR1199 (HB304)

BR1201 (HB484)

BR1203 (SR29)

BR1204 (HB541)

BR1205 (HB319)

BR1206 (SB243)

BR1207 (SB78)

BR1208 (HR75)

BR1209 (HR71)

BR1210 (HJR79)

BR1211 (HB442)

BR1212 (HB443)

BR1213 (HB297)

BR1214 (HB296)

BR1216 (HR92)

BR1217 (HB265)

BR1218 (HR77)

BR1219 (SR30)

BR1222 (HR70)

BR1223 (HR84)

BR1224 (SB272)

BR1226 (HB275)

BR1227 (SJR44)

BR1228 (HB284)

BR1229 (HB387)

BR1230 (SR22)

BR1231 (SB175)

BR1232 (HB364)

BR1235 (HR85)

BR1236 (HB318)

BR1237 (SR41)

BR1238 (SR36)

BR1239 (HJR113)

BR1241 (HCR102)

BR1242 (HCR215)

BR1243 (HB449)

BR1244 (SB122)

BR1245 (HB308)

BR1246 (HB631)

BR1247 (SB108)

BR1248 (HB338)

BR1249 (HJR196)

BR1250 (SR26)

BR1251 (HR81)

BR1252 (SB167)

BR1253 (HB321)

BR1254 (HB288)

BR1255 (HB416)

BR1256 (HJR82)

BR1257 (HB428)

BR1258 (HB341)

BR1259 (HB315)

BR1260 (SB281)

BR1262 (HB314)

BR1263 (HB312)

BR1264 (HR163)

BR1267 (HR164)

BR1270 (HCR72)

BR1271 (HCR73)

BR1273 (HCR74)

BR1275 (SB107)

BR1276 (SB95)

BR1277 (SB94)

BR1278 (HB707)

BR1280 (HB402)

BR1281 (SB109)

BR1282 (SR38)

BR1283 (SR37)

BR1284 (SR39)

BR1285 (SR47)

BR1286 (SR40)

BR1287 (SR46)

BR1288 (SR28)

BR1290 (HB330)

BR1291 (HR296)

BR1292 (HR80)

BR1293 (HB333)

BR1294 (HB332)

BR1295 (HCR86)

BR1296 (HB316)

BR1297 (HB322)

BR1298 (HB406)

BR1300 (HB439)

BR1301 (HB349)

BR1303 (HB372)

BR1305 (HB362)

BR1306 (HCR87)

BR1308 (HB320)

BR1310 (HB511)

BR1311 (HB363)

BR1312 (HB703)

BR1313 (HB510)

BR1315 (SB172)

BR1316 (HJR90)

BR1317 (HB395)

BR1318 (HJR103)

BR1322 (HB437)

BR1323 (HB544)

BR1324 (SR33)

BR1325 (HB390)

BR1328 (HB339)

BR1329 (HB365)

BR1330 (HB459)

BR1332 (SB104)

BR1333 (HB317)

BR1334 (SB97)

BR1335 (SB106)

BR1336 (HB701)

BR1339 (SR31)

BR1340 (HJR132)

BR1341 (HB328)

BR1342 (HB329)

BR1343 (HR83)

BR1344 (SB130)

BR1345 (HB343)

BR1347 (HB337)

BR1348 (HB380)

BR1352 (HB683)

BR1353 (SB110)

BR1354 (SJR34)

BR1355 (HB369)

BR1356 (SR64)

BR1357 (SR35)

BR1360 (HB350)

BR1362 (HB352)

BR1363 (HB538)

BR1365 (HB323)

BR1366 (HB331)

BR1367 (HB399)

BR1368 (HR89)

BR1372 (HR166)

BR1373 (HR165)

BR1374 (HB344)

BR1375 (SJR148)

BR1377 (SB158)

BR1378 (SB157)

BR1379 (HB471)

BR1380 (HB479)

BR1382 (SR48)

BR1383 (HB348)

BR1384 (HB393)

BR1385 (HB543)

BR1386 (HCR112)

BR1388 (SB139)

BR1389 (SB128)

BR1390 (HB609)

BR1391 (HJR98)

BR1392 (HB710)

BR1393 (HR88)

BR1394 (SB116)

BR1395 (HB360)

BR1398 (SB163)

BR1399 (SR42)

BR1402 (SJR54)

BR1404 (SR43)

BR1405 (SB274)

BR1406 (HB384)

BR1407 (HB383)

BR1408 (HB475)

BR1409 (HB684)

BR1410 (HR94)

BR1411 (HJR91)

BR1412 (HR96)

BR1413 (HB379)

BR1415 (HB353)

BR1416 (HB354)

BR1417 (SR49)

BR1420 (SB114)

BR1421 (HB394)

BR1423 (HR93)

BR1424 (HB436)

BR1426 (HB359)

BR1427 (HB540)

BR1428 (HR97)

BR1429 (HB391)

BR1430 (HR95)

BR1431 (HR237)

BR1432 (HB374)

BR1433 (HB412)

BR1435 (HB371)

BR1436 (SR53)

BR1437 (SB121)

BR1438 (SR50)

BR1440 (SB166)

BR1441 (HB477)

BR1442 (HB557)

BR1444 (SB171)

BR1445 (HB366)

BR1446 (HB367)

BR1447 (HB368)

BR1449 (SR52)

BR1450 (HB445)

BR1451 (SB143)

BR1452 (HB434)

BR1454 (HB513)

BR1455 (HB512)

BR1456 (HB601)

BR1457 (SB178)

BR1459 (SR51)

BR1460 (HB400)

BR1461 (HB500)

BR1462 (HB404)

BR1464 (SB120)

BR1465 (SB119)

BR1466 (SB123)

BR1467 (SB124)

BR1468 (SB125)

BR1469 (SB126)

BR1471 (HB375)

BR1472 (HJR107)

BR1473 (HB408)

BR1474 (HB448)

BR1475 (HB463)

BR1476 (HR173)

BR1477 (HB411)

BR1478 (HB519)

BR1479 (HB552)

BR1480 (HB409)

BR1481 (HB410)

BR1482 (HB389)

BR1483 (SR73)

BR1484 (HJR119)

BR1485 (HB588)

BR1486 (HB452)

BR1488 (SB131)

BR1490 (SB257)

BR1491 (SB164)

BR1492 (HB435)

BR1493 (HR99)

BR1494 (HB497)

BR1496 (SR55)

BR1497 (HCR114)

BR1498 (HB454)

BR1499 (HB429)

BR1503 (HB704)

BR1504 (SB146)

BR1506 (HR238)

BR1507 (HB482)

BR1508 (HB425)

BR1509 (HB405)

BR1510 (HB418)

BR1511 (HB422)

BR1512 (HB496)

BR1514 (HB413)

BR1515 (HB403)

BR1516 (HB456)

BR1517 (HB427)

BR1518 (HR110)

BR1519 (HB440)

BR1520 (SB133)

BR1525 (HB417)

BR1534 (SB265)

BR1540 (HB431)

BR1542 (SB132)

BR1543 (SB149)

BR1544 (HB415)

BR1545 (HB430)

BR1546 (SB137)

BR1548 (SB170)

BR1549 (SB134)

BR1550 (SR61)

BR1551 (HR109)

BR1552 (HB447)

BR1553 (HB461)

BR1554 (HCR187)

BR1555 (SB148)

BR1556 (SR60)

BR1557 (SR56)

BR1558 (SR57)

BR1559 (HR108)

BR1560 (SB280)

BR1561 (HCR167)

BR1562 (HB424)

BR1563 (HB466)

BR1564 (HJR128)

BR1565 (SB169)

BR1567 (SB140)

BR1568 (SR59)

BR1569 (HJR142)

BR1571 (HR111)

BR1572 (SR58)

BR1573 (HB432)

BR1574 (SB142)

BR1576 (SJR83)

BR1577 (HJR116)

BR1578 (HB438)

BR1579 (HB451)

BR1581 (HB441)

BR1582 (HCR124)

BR1583 (SB191)

BR1585 (HR125)

BR1586 (SR72)

BR1587 (HB501)

BR1588 (SB141)

BR1589 (HJR143)

BR1591 (HJR129)

BR1592 (HCR121)

BR1593 (HCR120)

BR1594 (HCR122)

BR1595 (HCR123)

BR1596 (SR82)

BR1598 (SR69)

BR1599 (SR142)

BR1602 (SR70)

BR1603 (SR68)

BR1604 (SR71)

BR1605 (SR65)

BR1606 (SR143)

BR1607 (SR262)

BR1608 (SR118)

BR1610 (SR186)

BR1611 (SR122)

BR1612 (SR244)

BR1615 (SR204)

BR1616 (SR66)

BR1617 (SR67)

BR1618 (SR121)

BR1619 (SR117)

BR1620 (SR119)

BR1621 (SR183)

BR1622 (SR120)

BR1623 (SR202)

BR1624 (SR123)

BR1625 (SR180)

BR1626 (SR182)

BR1627 (SR203)

BR1628 (SR77)

BR1629 (SR62)

BR1630 (SR98)

BR1631 (SJR80)

BR1632 (SR78)

BR1633 (HB453)

BR1634 (HB495)

BR1635 (SR63)

BR1636 (HCR161)

BR1637 (HR130)

BR1638 (HR118)

BR1639 (HB455)

BR1640 (SR75)

BR1642 (SR74)

BR1643 (HB556)

BR1645 (HJR153)

BR1646 (HB460)

BR1647 (SR79)

BR1649 (HR117)

BR1650 (HB473)

BR1652 (HB474)

BR1654 (SR76)

BR1655 (HR115)

BR1656 (HCR134)

BR1657 (HB660)

BR1659 (SB276)

BR1660 (HB462)

BR1662 (HJR150)

BR1663 (HR127)

BR1668 (HB596)

BR1669 (SB159)

BR1670 (SB197)

BR1671 (HJR126)

BR1672 (HB468)

BR1673 (HB670)

BR1674 (HB487)

BR1675 (SB198)

BR1677 (HJR216)

BR1679 (SB147)

BR1680 (SR84)

BR1681 (SR92)

BR1682 (SR91)

BR1683 (HB499)

BR1685 (HR174)

BR1686 (SR81)

BR1687 (HB469)

BR1688 (HB470)

BR1689 (SB165)

BR1691 (HB481)

BR1692 (HR131)

BR1693 (HB498)

BR1694 (SCR93)

BR1695 (HR137)

BR1696 (HB467)

BR1699 (HB694)

BR1701 (HB483)

BR1702 (HB476)

BR1703 (HB548)

BR1704 (SB278)

BR1705 (HR140)

BR1707 (HCR144)

BR1708 (HB485)

BR1709 (SJR152)

BR1712 (SR85)

BR1713 (SR86)

BR1714 (SR87)

BR1715 (SR88)

BR1716 (HR133)

BR1717 (HB488)

BR1718 (HR141)

BR1721 (SR96)

BR1722 (SR102)

BR1723 (HB671)

BR1724 (HR145)

BR1725 (HB713)

BR1726 (HJR136)

BR1727 (SR90)

BR1728 (HB491)

BR1729 (HB715)

BR1731 (HB590)

BR1734 (HR139)

BR1737 (SB226)

BR1738 (SB232)

BR1740 (HB527)

BR1741 (HR138)

BR1742 (HB515)

BR1743 (SR89)

BR1744 (SB176)

BR1748 (HB494)

BR1750 (HB580)

BR1751 (HCR206)

BR1752 (HR146)

BR1753 (HB537)

BR1754 (HB493)

BR1755 (HB506)

BR1756 (SR99)

BR1758 (SR189)

BR1759 (HR149)

BR1760 (SB174)

BR1762 (HJR147)

BR1763 (SR100)

BR1764 (SR95)

BR1765 (SR104)

BR1766 (HR154)

BR1767 (SR94)

BR1769 (HR148)

BR1770 (HCR172)

BR1771 (SR128)

BR1772 (SR106)

BR1774 (SB193)

BR1775 (HR155)

BR1776 (SB196)

BR1778 (SB183)

BR1780 (SB185)

BR1781 (SB194)

BR1782 (SB192)

BR1783 (SB186)

BR1791 (HB532)

BR1793 (HB531)

BR1794 (SB238)

BR1795 (HB514)

BR1796 (SB189)

BR1797 (SB182)

BR1798 (SB213)

BR1799 (SB188)

BR1800 (SB187)

BR1801 (SB199)

BR1802 (SB184)

BR1803 (HB507)

BR1805 (HB508)

BR1806 (SJR111)

BR1807 (HB509)

BR1808 (HB535)

BR1809 (SB180)

BR1810 (SR97)

BR1811 (HB523)

BR1812 (SCR115)

BR1814 (HB695)

BR1816 (HB516)

BR1818 (HJR192)

BR1819 (HCR194)

BR1820 (HB696)

BR1828 (SB177)

BR1829 (HB665)

BR1831 (SR105)

BR1832 (HB520)

BR1833 (HB521)

BR1835 (SB200)

BR1836 (HB542)

BR1837 (HB616)

BR1838 (HJR156)

BR1839 (HB550)

BR1840 (HB668)

BR1841 (HB666)

BR1842 (HB697)

BR1848 (HB549)

BR1849 (SB195)

BR1850 (SR151)

BR1851 (SR101)

BR1852 (HB712)

BR1853 (HR160)

BR1854 (SB203)

BR1855 (SB204)

BR1857 (HB553)

BR1863 (HB661)

BR1870 (SB181)

BR1871 (HB529)

BR1879 (HB517)

BR1886 (HR185)

BR1888 (HB528)

BR1897 (HB603)

BR1898 (HJR195)

BR1899 (HB525)

BR1900 (HB536)

BR1901 (HB526)

BR1902 (HR152)

BR1903 (HB692)

BR1904 (SR109)

BR1905 (SB214)

BR1906 (HB518)

BR1907 (HR162)

BR1908 (HB615)

BR1909 (HB622)

BR1910 (HB702)

BR1911 (HB678)

BR1947 (HB533)

BR1948 (HR191)

BR1949 (HB539)

BR1950 (HB585)

BR1951 (HB569)

BR1952 (SR110)

BR1953 (HB611)

BR1957 (HR171)

BR1958 (HR182)

BR1959 (HB522)

BR1960 (HB584)

BR1965 (HB709)

BR1968 (SR107)

BR1969 (HR151)

BR1970 (HR157)

BR1971 (HR158)

BR1972 (SR141)

BR1973 (HB635)

BR1979 (SR103)

BR1984 (SB218)

BR1985 (SB255)

BR1986 (SB264)

BR1987 (HB587)

BR1994 (HB576)

BR1995 (SB229)

BR2002 (SR108)

BR2003 (HB714)

BR2005 (HB589)

BR2007 (HCR204)

BR2008 (HB581)

BR2009 (HB545)

BR2010 (HB534)

BR2011 (SB222)

BR2012 (SB224)

BR2013 (SB247)

BR2019 (HR159)

BR2020 (HB705)

BR2021 (HR175)

BR2023 (HB654)

BR2025 (SR191)

BR2028 (HB620)

BR2032 (HB593)

BR2033 (HCR203)

BR2034 (HB605)

BR2035 (HB650)

BR2036 (HB681)

BR2040 (HB546)

BR2042 (SB206)

BR2045 (SB212)

BR2046 (SJR127)

BR2047 (HB623)

BR2048 (HB530)

BR2055 (HB570)

BR2056 (HB617)

BR2059 (HR168)

BR2066 (SB251)

BR2072 (SB254)

BR2073 (SB284)

BR2074 (SJR156)

BR2076 (HB594)

BR2077 (HB618)

BR2078 (SB205)

BR2079 (SB258)

BR2082 (HB554)

BR2083 (SB267)

BR2084 (SB275)

BR2085 (SB268)

BR2086 (HB628)

BR2090 (HJR212)

BR2091 (HB630)

BR2092 (HB685)

BR2094 (SB256)

BR2095 (HB627)

BR2098 (SR135)

BR2099 (HB561)

BR2100 (HB619)

BR2101 (SB219)

BR2102 (HB578)

BR2103 (HB555)

BR2104 (HB579)

BR2109 (HB644)

BR2110 (HB559)

BR2111 (HB560)

BR2112 (HB602)

BR2113 (HR188)

BR2114 (HR189)

BR2115 (HB595)

BR2116 (HR177)

BR2117 (HR176)

BR2118 (SR112)

BR2119 (SB263)

BR2120 (HB586)

BR2122 (SJR154)

BR2123 (SB273)

BR2128 (SJR153)

BR2129 (SJR157)

BR2130 (SB269)

BR2132 (SB270)

BR2133 (HCR202)

BR2134 (HB574)

BR2135 (SB262)

BR2136 (SB210)

BR2137 (SB207)

BR2138 (SB209)

BR2139 (SB211)

BR2140 (SB208)

BR2141 (HB564)

BR2142 (SB244)

BR2144 (HB651)

BR2145 (HB652)

BR2146 (SB215)

BR2147 (SB216)

BR2148 (HB621)

BR2150 (HB566)

BR2151 (HJR209)

BR2157 (HB632)

BR2158 (HB646)

BR2159 (SB235)

BR2160 (SR124)

BR2161 (HB591)

BR2163 (HB662)

BR2166 (HB547)

BR2169 (HB558)

BR2171 (HB669)

BR2172 (SJR126)

BR2176 (HB613)

BR2177 (HB639)

BR2178 (HB708)

BR2179 (HB711)

BR2183 (HB562)

BR2184 (HB625)

BR2185 (HB563)

BR2186 (SJR116)

BR2187 (SB253)

BR2188 (SB259)

BR2190 (SB248)

BR2191 (SB225)

BR2200 (HB667)

BR2201 (SB239)

BR2202 (SB217)

BR2205 (HB640)

BR2206 (SB261)

BR2215 (HB571)

BR2216 (HB641)

BR2217 (SB277)

BR2220 (HB663)

BR2221 (HB655)

BR2222 (HB658)

BR2223 (HB656)

BR2224 (HCR210)

BR2231 (HB575)

BR2234 (HCR184)

BR2237 (HB643)

BR2239 (HB657)

BR2240 (HB582)

BR2241 (HB567)

BR2242 (HB568)

BR2243 (SB223)

BR2244 (HB573)

BR2245 (SB237)

BR2246 (HB600)

BR2247 (HJR214)

BR2249 (HB572)

BR2250 (HB698)

BR2251 (HB629)

BR2252 (HB565)

BR2258 (HB614)

BR2259 (SB246)

BR2260 (SB241)

BR2273 (HB607)

BR2281 (SB227)

BR2282 (HJR207)

BR2284 (SB252)

BR2285 (SB260)

BR2286 (SB245)

BR2287 (SR129)

BR2289 (HB642)

BR2290 (HB693)

BR2291 (HB577)

BR2293 (HJR211)

BR2295 (HB687)

BR2297 (HB677)

BR2298 (HB673)

BR2299 (HB672)

BR2301 (HB638)

BR2302 (HB648)

BR2304 (HB647)

BR2306 (HR208)

BR2307 (HB606)

BR2308 (HB597)

BR2309 (HB598)

BR2310 (SB230)

BR2312 (SB221)

BR2313 (SB271)

BR2314 (HB700)

BR2315 (HB649)

BR2316 (HCR220)

BR2317 (HCR190)

BR2318 (HB645)

BR2320 (HCR217)

BR2322 (HB686)

BR2329 (SR137)

BR2330 (SR140)

BR2331 (HB592)

BR2340 (SB242)

BR2342 (SB234)

BR2343 (HCR186)

BR2344 (HB610)

BR2347 (HB633)

BR2348 (HB634)

BR2349 (HB691)

BR2350 (HB688)

BR2352 (HB583)

BR2355 (HB608)

BR2358 (HR199)

BR2359 (HR181)

BR2360 (SR130)

BR2361 (HR180)

BR2362 (HR179)

BR2363 (SR216)

BR2364 (HR178)

BR2365 (SR132)

BR2366 (SR185)

BR2367 (HR193)

BR2368 (HCR198)

BR2369 (HR183)

BR2370 (SR131)

BR2371 (SR134)

BR2372 (SR139)

BR2373 (HR197)

BR2374 (HCR223)

BR2375 (SR187)

BR2377 (HR221)

BR2378 (SR136)

BR2379 (HR225)

BR2380 (HR219)

BR2381 (SR138)

BR2382 (HR200)

BR2383 (SR172)

BR2384 (SR175)

BR2386 (HR201)

BR2387 (HR205)

BR2388 (SR158)

BR2389 (SR163)

BR2390 (HR213)

BR2391 (SR155)

BR2392 (SR168)

BR2393 (SR146)

BR2394 (HR222)

BR2395 (HR228)

BR2396 (SR161)

BR2397 (SR149)

BR2398 (SR145)

BR2401 (HR246)

BR2402 (SR144)

BR2403 (SR173)

BR2404 (SR167)

BR2408 (SR150)

BR2409 (SR166)

BR2410 (SR147)

BR2412 (HR230)

BR2413 (SR169)

BR2414 (SR162)

BR2415 (SR181)

BR2416 (SR179)

BR2417 (SR184)

BR2418 (HR226)

BR2419 (HR227)

BR2420 (SR174)

BR2422 (SR159)

BR2423 (SR164)

BR2424 (SR160)

BR2425 (SR165)

BR2426 (HR224)

BR2427 (HR233)

BR2428 (HR231)

BR2429 (HR248)

BR2430 (HR229)

BR2431 (SR171)

BR2432 (SR170)

BR2433 (HR232)

BR2434 (HR242)

BR2435 (HR235)

BR2436 (SR176)

BR2437 (HR234)

BR2438 (HR236)

BR2439 (HR241)

BR2440 (HR244)

BR2441 (HR267)

BR2442 (SR177)

BR2443 (SR188)

BR2444 (SR190)

BR2445 (SR178)

BR2446 (HR240)

BR2448 (HR239)

BR2449 (SR194)

BR2450 (HR270)

BR2451 (HR245)

BR2452 (SR200)

BR2453 (HR243)

BR2454 (SR193)

BR2455 (SR196)

BR2456 (SR192)

BR2457 (HR249)

BR2458 (HR247)

BR2459 (SR195)

BR2460 (HR252)

BR2461 (SR201)

BR2462 (SR208)

BR2463 (HR251)

BR2464 (SR197)

BR2465 (SR198)

BR2466 (SR249)

BR2467 (HR250)

BR2468 (SR199)

BR2469 (SR205)

BR2470 (HR254)

BR2471 (SR206)

BR2472 (SR210)

BR2473 (SR212)

BR2474 (SR222)

BR2476 (SR211)

BR2477 (SR217)

BR2478 (SR209)

BR2479 (HR266)

BR2480 (SR219)

BR2482 (SR215)

BR2483 (SR214)

BR2484 (SR207)

BR2485 (HR253)

BR2486 (SR218)

BR2487 (SR213)

BR2488 (HR257)

BR2489 (HR256)

BR2490 (SR223)

BR2491 (SR220)

BR2492 (HR259)

BR2493 (HR258)

BR2494 (HR271)

BR2495 (HR255)

BR2496 (HR268)

BR2497 (SR226)

BR2498 (SR221)

BR2499 (HR262)

BR2500 (SR227)

BR2501 (HR263)

BR2502 (SR224)

BR2503 (HR264)

BR2504 (HR261)

BR2505 (HR260)

BR2506 (SCR233)

BR2507 (SR225)

BR2508 (HR265)

BR2509 (SR231)

BR2510 (HR272)

BR2511 (SR229)

BR2512 (SR228)

BR2513 (HR269)

BR2514 (SR232)

BR2515 (SR230)

BR2516 (SR242)

BR2517 (SR241)

BR2518 (HR275)

BR2520 (HR273)

BR2522 (SR234)

BR2523 (HR282)

BR2524 (HR274)

BR2525 (SCR256)

BR2526 (HR276)

BR2528 (SR235)

BR2530 (SR239)

BR2531 (SR236)

BR2533 (SR237)

BR2534 (SR238)

BR2536 (HR277)

BR2537 (HR278)

BR2538 (SR240)

BR2539 (HR291)

BR2540 (HR293)

BR2541 (HR290)

BR2542 (HR292)

BR2543 (HR294)

BR2544 (SR254)

BR2545 (SR253)

BR2546 (SR251)

BR2547 (SR252)

BR2548 (HR283)

BR2549 (SR245)

BR2550 (SR246)

BR2551 (SR255)

BR2552 (SR257)

BR2553 (SR248)

BR2554 (SR247)

BR2555 (HR286)

BR2556 (SR250)

BR2558 (SR243)

BR2559 (HR280)

BR2560 (HR279)

BR2561 (SR258)

BR2562 (SR259)

BR2563 (HR284)

BR2564 (SR260)

BR2565 (HR285)

BR2566 (HR281)

BR2567 (HR287)

BR2568 (HR289)

BR2569 (SR261)

BR2570 (HR288)

BR2571 (HR295)


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