Juvenile (film)

2009年「 ASTRO BOY: Tetsuwan Atomu」Name:

Q1. Please match the name of each character from the list below, to their description

Trashcan・ Dr Tenma・ Zog・ President Stone ・ “Astro Boy”・         Robotsky・Hamegg ・ Toby・ Mike・Astro・ Dr Elefan・ Sparx・ 

1)Toby’s Dads name:             Dr Tenma   

2)The leader of Metro City _____________

3)The name of Cora’s pet _____________

4)The English title of the movie “Tetsuwan Atom”:      ______________

5)The name of Dr Tenma’s son _____________

6) The name of Astro’s robot friend:  _____________

7)He has “rocket legs”                    _____________

8)He is like a father to Cora                _____________

9) He is a talented scientist ____________

10)He is a “brainy” robot                    _____________

11)This robot has “muscle” _____________

12)This robot is “cool” ____________

Q2. Circle your “Astro Boy” movie rating out of 5 points: 

5 4 3 2 1

Q3. What is your favourite part of the movie?

2009年「 ASTRO BOY: てつわん・あとむ」なまえ:

Q1. Please learn these useful words. They will help you in answering Q2

|ろぼっと |robot |てつわん |limbs of steel |

|むすこ |son |ぺっと |pet |

|むすめ |daughter |ろけっと |rocket |

|ともだち |friend |かがくしゃ |scientist |

|りいだあ |leader |えい |English language |

|おとうさんの よう |like a father |えいが |movie |

Q 2. きゃらくたあ: Match the name of each character from the box, to their description

Trashcan・ てんまさん・ ろぼっとのZog・ Stone ・ “Astro Boy”・         Hamegg・ とうびい・ あとむ(Astro)   

あ)  :             てんまさん   

い)Metro Cityの りいだあの なまえ:        ______________

う)こうらの ぺっとの なまえ: _____________

え)てつわん・あとむの えいがの えい語の なまえ:      ______________

お)てんまさんの むすこの なまえ:            _____________

か) あとむの ろぼっとの ともだちの なまえ:  _____________

き)あしが ろけっとです。                    _____________

く)こうらの おとうさんの よう:                _____________

Q3. Circle your “Astro Boy” movie rating out of 5 points: 

五点:さいこう 四点:大好き 三点:好き 二点:まあまあ好き 一点:さいやく  

2009年「 ASTRO BOY: Tetsuwan Atomu」Answers

Q1. Please match the name of each character from the list below, to their description

Trashcan・ Dr Tenma・ Zog・ President Stone ・ “Astro Boy”・         Robotsky・Hamegg ・ Toby・ Mike・Astro・ Dr Elefan・ Sparx・ 

1)Toby’s Dads name:             Dr Tenma   

2)The leader of Metro City President Stone

3)The name of Cora’s pet Trashcan

4)The English title of the movie “Tetsuwan Atom”:      Astro Boy

5)The name of Dr Tenma’s son Toby

6) The name of Astro’s robot friend:  Zog

7)He has “rocket legs”                    Astro Boy

8)He is like a father to Cora                Hamegg

9) He is a talented scientist Dr Elefan

10)He is a “brainy” robot                    Sparx

11)This robot has “muscle” Robotsky

12)This robot is “cool” Mike

Q2. Circle your “Astro Boy” movie rating out of 5 points: 

5 4 3 2 1

Q3. What is your favourite part of the movie?












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