Public Utilities Commission of the State of California

Paul Clanon, Executive Director

|Headquarters |Southern California Office |

|505 Van Ness Avenue |320 West 4th Street, Suite 500 |

|San Francisco, CA 94102 |Los Angeles, CA 90013 |

|(415) 703-2782 |(213) 576-7000 |


Calendar Archive:

Daily Calendar

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Commission Meetings


Public Meetings and Workshops

Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code § 311(g))

New Filings

Petitions for Modification and Applications for Rehearing

Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer’s Decisions/Arbitrator’s Reports

Advice Letter Filings

Miscellaneous Transportation Items

Miscellaneous Communications Matters

Table of Submission Dates for the Preceding Two Weeks

Changes to Hearing Calendar


Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code §1701.3(c))

Notice of Ex Parte Communications

|[pic] | |

| |The Commission’s policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with |

| |disabilities. |

|The CPUC encourages all Californians to participate in its meetings, hearings, workshops, and proceedings. We try to hold our public meetings only in |

|places that are wheelchair accessible and which can accommodate specialized equipment and other services useful to people with disabilities. Please see|

|the notice of the meeting you wish to attend for more specifics. |

| |

|If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for a particular meeting that are not listed in the notice, request them from the Public |

|Advisor’s Office at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Contact the Public Advisor’s Office by any one of the following: |

| Email: public.advisor@cpuc. |FAX: 415-355-5404 (Attn.: Public Advisor) |

|toll-free: 1-866-849-8390 |TTY: 1-866-836-7825 (toll-free) |

|Voice: 415-703-2074 |1-415-703-5282 |


|May 24, 2007 |10:00 a.m. |San Francisco |

|June 7, 2007 |10:00 a.m. |San Francisco |

|June 21, 2007 |10:00 a.m. |San Francisco |


(Not Open to the Public)

Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered.

|May 21, 2007 |1:30 pm |San Francisco |

|June 4, 2007 |1:30 pm |San Francisco |

|June 18, 2007 |1:30 pm |San Francisco |




Central Files Revised Office Hours

Starting May 24, 2004, the Central Files Office will be open for business from 8 a.m. to 12 noon only.

San Diego Office Closes

The Commission’s San Diego Office will be closing permanently effective June 22, 2007 and will no longer be able to accept hand delivered filings. Documents may be filed electronically on the Commission’s website at . In the event that you wish to file your document in hard copy, rather than electronically, documents should be taken directly to the Commission's lobby or mailed to the Commission's Docket Office in San Francisco, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California 94102. Only hand-delivered documents will be accepted by the Los Angeles office, 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles.

Charge for Commission Documents

To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00.

Commission Resources Available for Rental

The auditorium, hearing rooms and training room at the headquarters of the California Public Utilities Commission, located at 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, are available for rent. Further information about requirements and fees can be obtained by contacting Colette Kondo at (415) 703-1401.


Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Administrative Committee Meeting (CANCELLED)

|May 16, 2007 |California Public Utilities Commission |

|10 am |505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2204 |

| |San Francisco |


1. Introduction; 2. Approval of minutes; 3. Legal Liaison report on conflict of interest and other legal developments; and 4. Public Comments; Marketing program development, review, and suggestions for next marketing contract RFP; Approve 08-09 ULTSAC budget; Communications Division Liaison Report on Solix contract; verification suspension update; Universal Service OIR; Pending changes of regulations and legislation; and Establish next meeting date.

Call Katherine Morehouse at 415-703-5331 for questions.

Public Meeting Notice - California High Cost Fund-A Administrative Committee

|May 17, 2007 |California Public Utilities Commission |

|10 am |505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 |

| |(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) |

| |San Francisco |

The CHCF-A Administrative Committee will hold this public meeting on the following items: (1) Introduction; (2) August 17, 2006 Meeting Minutes: Committee will review and approve meeting minutes prepared by TD; (3) Annual Report submitted to the Executive Director by Michael Ochoa – Inform the Committee of the submission of the CHCF-A AC Annual Report for FY 2005-06; (4) Liaison Reports, a. Telecommunications Division (TD) - Inform the Committee of the approval of Resolution

T-17064: CHCF-A CY 2007 Funding, b. Legal Division - Update the Committee on the issue of Conflict of Interest, and information and Management Services Division (IMSD) - Financial Report on the CHCF-A Fund; (5) Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget – Committee will review and approve the proposed FY 2008-09 Expense Budget for submission to the Communications Director; (6) Public Comments; (7) Future Meeting Dates - The Committee will schedule the next meeting date;

and (8) Adjournment.

The contact person for this meeting is Michael W. Coen at (415) 703-2628.

Workshop Notice - R.06-02-013: Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans

|May 21, 2007 |California Public Utilities Commission |

|10 am - 5 pm |505 Van Ness Avenue |

| |(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) |

|and |San Francisco |

| | |

|May 22, 2007 | |

|10 am - 5 pm | |

| | |

|and | |

| | |

|May 23, 2007 | |

|10 am - 5 pm | |

The focus of this workshop will be on IOU procurement practices including but not limited to: Request for Offers (RFOs), Contract and Bid Evaluation, Role, Scope, and Function of the Independent Evaluator (IE), the Role, Scope and Function of the Procurement Review Group (PRG), IOU Procurement Rulebooks. Agenda materials will be available prior to the workshops. The workshop will be held before ALJ Carol Brown. The workshop is open to the public and is wheelchair accessible. For more information contact Matthew Deal (email: mjd@cpuc.); phone: 415-703-5649.

Public Meeting Notice – Public Payphone Programs

|Payphone Service Providers Advisory Committee |California Public Utilities Commission |

|May 22, 2007 |505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2204 |

|10 am – 1 pm |San Francisco |

The Payphone Service Providers Advisory Committee will hold a meeting to address the following:


1. Meeting Overview; 2. Public Input; 3. Review of Minutes from 01/23/07 Meeting; 4. Unfinished Business: a. Order Instituting Rulemaking 06–05–028: Motion to Review the Telecommunications Public Policy Programs, b. Legislative Draft to Abolish PSPC, c. Stabilization of Funding for Program, d. Financials: Clarifications on Cleartel – November 2006 Payphone Line Count; All Pro Rata charges being charged to PSPE and other than Fiscal; and why are other Divisions charging to PPPP, e. Large LEC Alternate Replacement, and f. Division of Ratepayer Advocates Primary & Alternate Member replacements; 5. Program Financials; 6. PPPP Discussion; 7. PSPE Discussion: a. Payphone Inspections Report, b. 2007 Payphone Line Count Report,

and c. Staffing; 8. New items: a. 2nd and 3rd Quarter Reports to the Commission and b. Proposed Budget for PSPC for

FY 07–08; and 9. Date of next meeting.

MEETING INFORMATION: For more information, please contact Janeen Long, PSPC Liaison at (415) 703-1246 voice or 1 (800) 229-6846 TTY.

ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE: If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for this meeting, such as Deaf/Hearing Impaired sign language services, contact the Commission’s Public Advisor’s Office by any of the following:

Email: Public.advisor@cpuc. FAX: 415-355-5404 (Attn.: Public Advisor)

Toll-free: 1-866-849-8390 TTY: 1-866-836-7825 (toll-free)

Voice: 415-703-2074 1-415-703-5282

Workshop Notice - R.06-02-013: Order Instituting Rulemaking, to Integrate Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans

|May 24, 2007 |California Public Utilities Commission |

|10 am – 5 pm |505 Van Ness Avenue |

| |(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) |

|and |San Francisco |

| | |

|May 25, 2007 | |

|10 am – 5 pm | |

This workshop will focus on AB1576, Repowering and Generation Retirements. Agenda materials will be available prior to the workshop.

The workshop will be held before ALJ Carol Brown. The workshop is open to the public and is wheelchair accessible. For more information contact Matthew Deal (email: mjd@cpuc.); phone: 415-703-5649.

Workshop and Training Notice – Intervenor Compensation.

|June 11, 2007 |California Public Utilities Commission |

|10 am – 5 pm |505 Van Ness Avenue, Commission Training Room B |

| |(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) |

| |San Francisco |

The workshop on the above-entitled topic will be held before Administrative Law Judge Regina DeAngelis and Administrative Law Judge Kim Malcolm.

Workshop – Ordered in R.07-04-015 to implement AB 2393

|June 5, 2007 |California Public Utilities Commission |

|9 am – 3:30 pm |505 Van Ness Avenue, Auditorium |

| |(Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) |

|June 6, 2007 |San Francisco |

|10 am – 4:30 pm | |

| | |

|June 19, 2007 | |

|10 am – 4:30 pm | |

The purpose of this workshop is to review standards and protocols for telecommunications backup power and emergency notification systems pursuant to AB 2393.  The Commission will develop and implement performance standards if in the public interest, if technically feasible and if the benefits exceed the costs.  Additional information about this proceeding is available at:

For questions about this workshop, please contact

Simin Litkouhi at (415) 703-1865 or sim@cpuc.

Phyllis White at (415) 703-1955 or prw@cpuc.


(Pursuant to PU Code § 311(g))

Draft Resolution M-4819 adopting levels of Utilities Reimbursement Account Fees for fiscal year 2007-08 is available at the Commission’s web site:

Parties who wish to file comments on this resolution may do so no later than May 25 2007. Contact person: Mike Cooper, (415) 703-2691, dmc@cpuc., 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102


Draft Resolution L-343 authorizes disclosure of records related to the Consumer Protection and Safety Division’s investigation of a June 29, 2004 fire at 1251 W. Keats Avenue in Fresno, California.

Draft Resolution L-343 will be on the agenda at the Commission’s May 24, 2007, meeting. The Commission may then vote on the resolution or it may postpone a vote until later.

On May 8, 2007, the draft resolution was circulated to the Resolution L-343 service list, pursuant to Public Utilities Code section 311(g) and Rules 14.2(c) and 14.5 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. Interested parties may review the draft resolution and service list at the “Currently Open for Comment” section of the Commission’s Internet site at cpuc..

Interested parties may file comments on the draft resolution, and may file replies to comments. The original and two copies must be filed with the Legal Division by May 15, 2007, at the address set forth below. Reply comments must be filed by

May 20, 2007. Commenters may also serve comments, and reply comments, on the service list, and send copies of comments and reply comments by electronic mail to the email address below. Comments shall focus on factual, legal or technical error in the draft resolution, and reply comments shall be limited to identifying misrepresentations of law and fact contained in the comments of other parties. (Rule 14.3(c), (d).) Parties may view comments at the Commission’s San Francisco Office.

An original and two copies of the comments, with a certificate of service, should be submitted to:

Fred Harris

Legal Division

California Public Utilities Commission

505 Van Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94102

Telephone: (415) 703-1557

Email: fnh@cpuc.


|5/10/07 |C07-05-014 - Andrade & Associates, a Professional Law Corporation vs. Southern California Edison Company (U338E), for an order|

| |that it is not responsible for all or any part of the approximate sum of Thirty Six Thousand ($36,000.) Dollars, or if it is, |

| |for apportionment with defendant based on legal and equitable considerations. |

|5/10/07 |A07-05-015 – Carlo Fernandez Martinez, doing business as Lime Shuttle Service, for authority to operate as an on-call |

| |Passenger Stage Corporation between points in the following Counties: Sacramento and Placer, and the International Airport |

| |located in Sacramento; and to establish a Zone of Rate Freedom (6240 Jack Frost Court, Rocklin, CA 95765; Telephone (916) |

| |789-7874). |


| |A07-01-017 – Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority, for an order authorizing the construction of a two-track at-grade |

| |crossing for the Exposition Boulevard Corridor Light Rail Transit Line across the Los Angeles Trade Technical College |

| |Driveways (1) Machine Shop/Welding Nos.1 & 2, (2) Exit Only, (3) Motorcycle Technology No.3, (4) Collision Repair No.4, (5) |

| |Automotive Technology No.5, (6) Consumer Assistance and Reference No.5A, (7) Diesel Technology No.6, and (8) Parking Lot No.7,|

| |all eight (8) crossings on Flower Street and located in the City and County of Los Angeles, California. The Amendment |

| |consists of revised and supplemental information regarding the proposed alignment of the two of Applicant’s Light Rail Tracks |

| |on Flower Street and the Construction of only two at-grade crossings to service the Los Angeles Trade Technical College (Trade|

| |Tech) driveways at (1) Diesel Technology No.6 and (2) Parking Lot No.7 rather than the eight at-grade crossings proposed in |

| |the original Application. |


|5/14/07 |A06-05-025 - California-American Water Company (U-210-W), a California Corporation, RWE Aktiengesellschaft, a Corporation |

| |Organized Under the Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, Thames Water Aqua Holdings, GmbH, a Corporation Organized Under |

| |the Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, and American Water Works Company, Inc., for an order authorizing the sale by |

| |Thames GmbH of up to 100% of the common stock of American Water Works Company, Inc., resulting in a change of control of |

| |California-American Water Company; and for such related relief as may be necessary to effectuate such transaction; Application|

| |for Rehearing of Decision 07-05-031 by San Lorenzo Valley Water District. |




| |

|To inquire about a filing, call the Energy Division (703-1093), Telecommunications Division (703-1330) or Water Division (703-2028). |

|To protest a filing, mail the original letter/telegram to the Chief of the appropriate division (i.e., "Chief, [Energy, Telecommunications |

|or Water] Division"), to be received no later than 20 days after the date the Advice Letter was filed. |

|"Effective TBD" means that the date is to be determined by further Commission action. A date listed as "anticipated effective" may be |

|subject to change. An Advice Letter Supplement is not a new filing, and there is no protest period unless indicated. |

|04/24/07 |Telecom 423 |SBC LONG DISTANCE, LLC, Modify terms and conditions on Business Unlimited Long Distance |

| | |Plans. (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/25/07 |Telecom 571 |TCG LOS ANGELES, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/26/07 |Telecom 572 |TCG LOS ANGELES, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/26/07 |Telecom 1216 |XO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, Increases toll free monthly recurring charges (effective TBD)|

| | | |

|04/27/07 |Telecom 3688 |AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF CALIFORNIA, INC, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/30/07 |Telecom 16 |CLEARTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., Incorporates various text changes throughout tariff. |

| | |(effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/30/07 |Telecom 375 |MCI METRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES, To make various revisions to the Local Calling |

| | |Areas, and introduce the following optional business calling plans: LD Voice 800 Minute |

| | |Package; LD Voice 500 Minute Package and LD Voice 300 Minute Package. (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/30/07 |Telecom 29975 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/30/07 |Telecom 29976 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|04/30/07 |Telecom 29978 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/01/07 |Telecom 2 |UNITED STATES TELESIS, INC., Revise income eligibility levels for the ULTS and Taxes and |

| | |Surcharges. (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/02/07 |Telecom 138 |BELL ATLANTIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC., Service changes (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/02/07 |Telecom 8 |BUDGET PHONE, INC., Utility name and address change (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/03/07 |Telecom 3695 |AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF CALIFORNIA, INC, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/03/07 |Telecom 1362 |SUREWEST TELEPHONE, Contract - Primary Rate Interface (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 91 |ASTOUND BROADBAND, LLC, New service (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 139 |BELL ATLANTIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC., Service changes (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30033 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30034 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30036 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30037 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30039 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30041 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30042 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30043 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30045 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30046 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30048 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30049 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |


| | |TBD) |

| | | |

|05/07/07 |Telecom 30052 |PACIFIC BELL, To introduce Centrex Nonrecurring Charge Waiver Promotion (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30053 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30054 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30056 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30057 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30059 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30060 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30061 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30063 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30064 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/08/07 |Telecom 30066 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 3698 |AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF CALIFORNIA, INC, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 3701 |AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF CALIFORNIA, INC, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30068 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30069 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30070 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30072 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30073 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30075 |PACIFIC BELL, INTRODUCE PROMOTION PRI GOLD COLLATION 2007 (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30076 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30077 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30079 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30080 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30082 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30083 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30084 |PACIFIC BELL, Contract (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30086 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/09/07 |Telecom 30087 |PACIFIC BELL, CONTRACT (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/10/07 |Energy 3025E-A |PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, Supplements A.L.No.3025E, Establish a Sub-Account in the |

| | |Demand Response Revenue Balancing Account to Recover Costs of Air Conditioner Cycling |

| | |Equipment in Excess of the 5000 Installations Approved in Res E-4061 (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/10/07 |Energy 2123E |SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, SCE"s Request for Establishment of the Compact |

| | |Fluorescent Lamp Memorandum Account (anticipated effective 05/30/07) |

| | | |

|05/10/07 |Energy 779G |SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION, Annual Adjustment of Income Criteria for CARE Program |

| | |Eligibility (anticipated effective 06/01/07) |

| | | |

|05/10/07 |Telecom 1 |STARVOX COMMUNICATIONS, INC., Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of Control (effective |

| | |TBD) |

| | | |


| | |TBD) |

| | | |

|05/11/07 |Energy 3051E |PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, Request to Extend Agricultural Internal Combustion Engine|

| | |Conversion (AG-ICE) Program (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/11/07 |Energy 1896E |SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, Request for Approval for the Expansion of the Agreement|

| | |to the SDG&E/EnerNoc, Inc. Contract (anticipated effective 06/10/07) |

| | | |

|05/11/07 |Water 38 |WEST SAN MARTIN WATER WORKS, INC., To offset the Consumer Price Index increase for 2006. |

| | |(effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/14/07 |Energy 3743G |SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, Revision of the Income-Eligibility Guidelines and |

| | |Submission of Revised Application Forms and Instructions for the CARE Program |

| | |(anticipated effective 06/01/07) |

| | | |

|05/14/07 |Water 1808 |CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, Seeking authorization to commence a 12-month pilot |

| | |credit card payment option for its customers. (anticipated effective ) |

| | | |

|05/14/07 |Water 348 |SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER COMPANY, [Fontana Water Company] To implement rates for Test |

| | |Year 2006-2007 in compliance with Decision 0704046. (effective TBD) |

| | | |

|05/15/07 |Water 1809 |CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, [Chico District] Attrition increase per Decision |

| | |05-07-022 dated July 21, 2005. (anticipated effective 07/01/07) |

| | | |

|05/15/07 |Water 1810 |CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, [East Los Angeles District] Attrition increase per |

| | |Decision 05-07-022 dated July 21, 2005. (anticipated effective 07/01/07) |

| | | |

|05/15/07 |Water 1811 |CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, [Bear Gulch District] Attrition increase per Decision |

| | |06-08-011 dated August 24, 2006. (anticipated effective 07/01/07) |

| | | |

|05/15/07 |Water 1812 |CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, [Hermosa-Redondo District] Attrition increase per |

| | |Decision 06-08-011 dated August 24, 2006. (anticipated effective 07/01/07) |

| | | |

|05/15/07 |Water 1813 |CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY, [Kern River Valley District] Attrition increase per |

| | |Decision 06-08-011 dated August 24, 2006. (anticipated effective 07/01/07) |

| | | |

| |

|ADVICE LETTER SUSPENSIONS (Pursuant to M-4801, 04/19/01) |

| |

|To inquire about a suspension, call the Energy Division (703-1093), Telecommunications Division (703-1330) or Water Division (703-2028). |

|05/10/07 |Energy 2117E |SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY. Initial suspension on the following grounds: advice |

| | |letter requires staff review. Date suspension ends: 09/06/07. Note: Initial suspensions |

| | |will be automatically extended for an additional 180 days if the Commission has not |

| | |issued an order regarding the advice letter by the date the first suspension period ends.|

| | | |

|05/14/07 |Energy 1889E |SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY. Initial suspension on the following grounds: advice |

| | |letter requires staff review.. Date suspension ends: 09/10/07. Note: Initial suspensions |

| | |will be automatically extended for an additional 180 days if the Commission has not |

| | |issued an order regarding the advice letter by the date the first suspension period ends.|

| | | |

|05/14/07 |Water 18-S |LITTLE BEAR WATER COMPANY, INC.. Initial suspension on the following grounds: resolution |

| | |is needed. Date suspension ends: 09/11/07. Note: Initial suspensions will be |

| | |automatically extended for an additional 180 days if the Commission has not issued an |

| | |order regarding the advice letter by the date the first suspension period ends. |

| | | |

|05/14/07 |Water 48 |LITTLE BEAR WATER COMPANY, INC.. Initial suspension on the following grounds: resolution |

| | |is needed. Date suspension ends: 09/11/07. Note: Initial suspensions will be |

| | |automatically extended for an additional 180 days if the Commission has not issued an |

| | |order regarding the advice letter by the date the first suspension period ends. |

| | | |

| |


| |

|To inquire about a protest, call the Energy Division (703-1093), Telecommunications Division (703-1330) or Water Division (703-2028). To |

|obtain a copy of the protest, please direct your request to the protestor. |



Filings with Consumer Protection and Safety Division





|5/10/07 |A.06-12-026 - Southern California Edison Company’s Application for Approval of Advanced Metering Infrastructure |

|ALJ Hecht |Pre-Deployment Activities and Cost Recovery Mechanism. (U 338-E) |

| | |



| | |


|ALJ Bushey |C.06-10-012 - Big Bird Partnership, a California General Partnership, Complainant, vs. Union Pacific Railroad, a Corporation,|

| |formerly known as Southern Pacific Railroad Company, Defendant, |

| |Prehearing Conference currently set for May 15 reset to June 8 |

| | |


| | |


|ALJ Pulsifer |A.06-08-026 - In the Matter of the Application of Southern California Gas Company (U 904 G), San Diego Gas & Electric Company|

| |(U 902 G) and Southern California Edison Company (U 338 E) for Approval of Changes to Natural Gas Operations and Service |

| |Offerings, |

| |Evidentiary Hearing held and continued to May 16 |

| | |


| | |


|ALJ Weissman |A.06-08-010 - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a Certificate of Public |

| |Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

| |Workshop held and concluded |

| | |

|ALJ Weissman |A.06-08-010 - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a Certificate of Public |

| |Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

| |Telephonic Law and Motion held and concluded |

| | |

|ALJ Wong |A.07-03-012 - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Establish Revenue Requirements, Rates, and Terms and |

| |Conditions of Service for Gas Transmission and Storage Services, for the Period 2008-2010. (U 39 G), |

| |Prehearing Conference held and concluded |

| | |

|ALJ Wong |A.07-03-024 - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Authorization to Change Certain Allocations of Firm |

| |Backbone Pipeline Capacity to Core Natural Gas Procurement Customers, and for Related Changes to the Core Procurement |

| |Incentive Mechanism. (U 39 G), |

| |Prehearing Conference held and concluded |

| | |


Dates in parentheses following the word “also” are subject to change without notice. The assigned Commissioner’s name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing.

|(PHC) = Prehearing Conference |(ECP) = Expedited Complaint Procedure |(CA) = Closing Argument |

|(EH) = Evidentiary Hearing |(OSC) = Order to Show Cause |(LM) = Law & Motion |

|(PPH) = Public Participation Hearing |(WS) = Workshop |(OA) = Oral Argument |

|(IAM) = Initial Arbitration Meeting |(FPH) = Full Panel Hearing |(STC) = Status Conference |

|(AH) = Arbitration Hearing |(FOA) = Final Oral Argument | |

|5/16/07 |A.06-08-026 (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of Southern California Gas Company (U 904 G), San Diego Gas & Electric |

|9:30 a.m. |Company (U 902 G) and Southern California Edison Company (U 338 E) for Approval of Changes to Natural Gas Operations and |

|ALJ Pulsifer |Service Offerings, |

|Comr Peevey |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also May 17) |

| | |

|5/17/07 |C.07-03-008 (OA) - Neutral Tandem California, LLC, Complainant, vs. Level 3 Communications and its Subsidiaries, Defendants, |

|3:00 p.m. |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|ALJ Reed | |

|Comr Simon | |

| | |

|5/17/07 |A.07-01-010 (PPH) - Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to increase rates for |

|7:00 p.m. |water service by $492,400 or 8.57% in 2008; by $122,500 or 1.94% in 2009; and by $160,000 or 2.47% in 2010 in its Bay Point |

|ALJ DeAngelis |Customer Service Area, |

|Comr Grueneich |Ambrose Community Center – Auditorium, 3105 Willow Pass Road, Bay Point, CA |

| | |

|5/21/07 |R.06-02-013 (WS) - Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans, |

|10:00 a.m. |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|ALJ Brown |(Also May 22 – 24) |

|Comr Peevey | |

| | |

|5/21/07 |C.07-03-006 (TELEPHONIC – PHC) – Carole Dominquez, Complainant, vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Defendant, |

|2:00 p.m. |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|ALJ Prestidge | |

|Comr Simon | |

| | |

|5/22/07 |A.06-07-027 (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Pre-Approval of Exceptional Case Contracts Pursuant to |

|10:00 a.m. |Electric Rules 15.l.3 and 16.G., |

|ALJ O’Donnell |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Grueneich |(Also May 23 – 25 at 9:30 a.m.) |

| | |

|5/22/07 |A.06-08-010 (TELEPHONIC - LM) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a |

|2:00 p.m. |Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

|ALJ Weissman |Administrative Law Judge’s Office, San Francisco |

|Comr Grueneich |(Note: No Court Reporter needed) |

| | |

|5/29/07 |A.06-03-005 (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company To Revise Its Electric Marginal Costs, Revenue Allocation, |

|10:00 a.m. |and Rate Design. U 39 M, |

|ALJ Fukutome |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Chong | |

| | |

|5/29/07 |A.07-04-001 (TELEPHONIC – PHC) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) for a Commission Finding that its|

|10:00 a.m. |Procurement-Related and Other Operations for the Record Period January 1 Through December 31, 2006 Complied with its Adopted |

|ALJ Patrick |Procurement Plan; for Verification of its Entries in the Energy Resource Recovery Account and Other Regulatory Accounts; and |

|Comr Peevey |for Recovery of $4.863 Million Recorded in Four Memorandum Accounts, |

| |Administrative Law Judge’s Office, San Francisco |

| | |

|5/29/07 |R.06-04-010 (Phase 1) (EH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking to Examine the Commission’s post-2005 Energy Efficiency Policies, |

|10:00 a.m. |Programs, Evaluation, Measurement and Verification, and Related Issues, |

|ALJ Gottstein |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Grueneich |(Also May 30 – June 1 at 9:00 a.m.) |

| | |

|5/29/07 |A.06-08-010 (TELEPHONIC - LM) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a |

|2:00 p.m. |Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

|ALJ Weissman |Administrative Law Judge’s Office, San Francisco |

|Comr Grueneich |(Note: No Court Reporter needed) |

| | |

|5/30/07 |A.07-02-026 (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY (U 338-E) for Approval of Results of|

|10:00 a.m. |Fast Track of Its New Generation Request for Offers and for Cost Recovery, |

|ALJ Brown |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Peevey |(Also May 31) |

| | |

|5/30/07 |C.07-03-027 (PHC) - The Garrett Group, Complainant, vs. CF Communications, LLC, dba Telekenex, Defendant, |

|10:00 a.m. |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|ALJ Reed | |

|Comr Simon | |

| | |

|6/4/07 |A.07-01-036 (EH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U 210 W), to Decrease Revenues for Water Service in its |

|9:30 a.m. |Coronado District By ($73,100) or (0.46%) in 2008 and Increase Revenues by $266,200 or 1.67% in 2009 and $260,900 or 1.61% in |

|ALJ Rochester |2010, |

|Comr Bohn |And Related Matters: |

| |A.07-01-037 |

| |A.07-01-038 |

| |A.07-01-039 |

| |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also June 5 – 8 ) |

| | |

|6/4/07 |R.06-02-013 (EH) - Order Instituting Rulemaking to Integrate Procurement Policies and Consider Long-Term Procurement Plans, |

|10:00 a.m. |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|ALJ Brown |(Also June 5 – 8; June 11 – 15; and June 25 – 28 if need) |

|Comr Peevey | |

| | |

|6/4/07 |C.07-03-008 (EH) - Neutral Tandem California, LLC, Complainant, vs. Level 3 Communications and its Subsidiaries, Defendants, |

|12:30 p.m. - |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|4:30 p.m. |(Also June 5) |

|ALJ Reed | |

|Comr Simon | |

| | |

|6/8/07 |C.06-10-012 (PHC) - Big Bird Partnership, a California General Partnership, Complainant, vs. Union Pacific Railroad, a |

|10:00 a.m. |Corporation, formerly known as Southern Pacific Railroad Company, Defendant, |

|ALJ Bushey |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Grueneich | |

| | |

|6/11/07 |C.07-01-023 (PHC) - Wild Goose Storage, LLC, Complainant, v. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Defendant, |

|10:00 a.m. |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|ALJ Vieth | |

|Comr Peevey | |

| | |

|6/19/07 |A.07-01-031 (PPH) - In the Matter of the Application of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY (U 338-E) for a Permit to Construct|

|2:00 p.m. |Electrical Facilities With Voltages Between 50 kV and 200 kV: Valley-Ivyglen 115 kV Subtransmission Line Project, |

|ALJ Yacknin |Lake Elsinore Cultural Center, 183 North Main Street, Lake Elsinore, CA |

|Comr Grueneich | |

| | |

|6/22/07 |C.07-05-004 (ECP) - Randall J. and Elizabeth J. Hart, Complainants, vs. AT & T Communications of California, Inc., Defendant, |

|1:00 p.m. |Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, 1880 North Main Street, Suite 100, Salinas, CA |

|ALJ Ryerson | |

| | |

|6/25/07 |A.07-01-009 (EH) - In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to|

|10:00 a.m. |increase rates for water service by $2,812,100 or 32.61% in 2008; by -$178,700 or -1.51% in 2009; and by $109, 900 or 0.92% |

|ALJ DeAngelis |in 2010 in its Arden Cordova Customer Service Area, and |

|Comr Grueneich |A.07-01-010 – In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to |

| |increase rates for water service by $492,400 or 8.57% in 2008; by $122,500 or 1.94% in 2009; and by $160,000 or 2.47% in 2010 |

| |in its Bay Point Customer Service Area, and |

| |A.07-01-011 – In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to |

| |increase rates for water service by $214,200 or 12.99% in 2008; by $20,500 or 1.10% in 2009; and by $32,800 or 1.72% in 2010 |

| |in its Clearlake Customer Service Area, and |

| |A.07-01-012 – In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to |

| |increase rates for water service by $1,107,200 or 52.69% in 2008; by $69,900 or 2.17% in 2009; and by $145,400 or 4.43% in |

| |2010 in its Los Osos Customer Service Area, and |

| |A.07-01-013 – In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to |

| |increase rates for water service by $1,432,900 or 43.95% in 2008; by -$89,500 or -1.89% in 2009; and by $33,000 or 0.71% in |

| |2010 in its Ojai Customer Service Area, and |

| |A.07-01-014 - In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to |

| |increase rates for water service by $2,937,400 or 36.15% in 2008; by $455,100 or 4.09% in 2009; and by $310,900 or 2.67% in |

| |2010 in its San Maria Customer Service Area, and |

| |A.07-01-015 - In the matter of the Application of the GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY (U 133 W) for an order authorizing it to |

| |increase rates for water service by $1,605,100 or 16.96% in 2008; by $113,300 or 1.02% in 2009; and by $222,000 or 1.97% in |

| |2010 in its Simi Valley Customer Service Area, |

| |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also June 26 – 29) |

| | |

|6/26/07 |A.06-08-010 (PHC) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a Certificate of Public|

|10:00 a.m. |Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

|ALJ Weissman |Clerk of the Board of Supervisors – South Board Chambers Room 358, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA |

|Comr Grueneich | |

| | |

|7/9/07 |A.06-08-010 (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a Certificate of Public |

|10:00 a.m. |Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

|ALJ Weissman |Clerk of the Board of Supervisors –Board Chambers Room 310, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA |

|Comr Grueneich |(Also July 10 – 11) |

| |7/12/07, 10:00 a.m., Clerk of the Board of Supervisors –South Board Chambers Room 358, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA |

| |(Also July 13 and July 23 – 26) |

| |7/16/07, 10:00 a.m., San Diego Regional Energy Office, 8690 Balboa Avenue, Suite 100, San Diego, CA |

| |(Also July 17 – 20 and July 27) |

| | |

|7/10/07 |A.07-01-035 (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY (U 168 W) for an Order Approving the Sale of the|

|10:00 a.m. |Main Office under Section 851 and Authorizing the Investment of the Sale Proceeds under Section 790, |

|ALJ Smith |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Grueneich |(Also July 11) |

| | |

|7/13/07 |A.07-01-024 (TELEPHONIC - PHC) - Southern California Edison Company’s Application For Approval of Embedded Energy Efficiency |

|2:00 p.m. |Pilot Programs for 2007-2008, and |

|ALJ Weissman |A.07-01-026 - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company Seeking Approval of Water-Embedded Energy Savings Pilot Program |

|Comr Grueneich |(U 39 M), and |

| |A.07-01-029 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U-902-E) for Approval of Energy & Water Efficiency Partnership and Budget for |

| |Years 2007 Through 2008, and |

| |A.07-01-030 - Southern California Gas Company (U-904-G) for Approval of Energy & Water Efficiency Partnership and Budget for |

| |Years 2007 Through 2008, |

| |Administrative Law Judge’s Office, San Francisco |

| | |

|7/30/07 |A.06-12-009 (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company for authority to update its gas and electric revenue |

|10:00 a.m. |requirement and base rates effective on January 1, 2008, and |

|ALJ Long |A.06-12-010 - Application of Southern California Gas Company for authority to update its gas revenue requirement and base |

|Comr Bohn |rates effective on January 1, 2008, |

| |Al Bahr Shriners Center, 5440 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, CA |

| |(Also July 31 – August 3 at 9:30 a.m.) |

| | |

|7/30/07 |I.07-01-022 (EH) - Order Instituting Investigation to Consider Policies to Achieve the Commission’s Conservation Objectives |

|10:00 a.m. |for Class A Water Utilities, and |

|ALJ Grau |A.06-09-006 - In the Matter of the Application of Golden State Water Company (U 133 E) for Authority to Implement Changes in |

|Comr Bohn |Ratesetting Mechanisms and Reallocation of Rates, and |

| |A.06-10-026 - Application of California Water Service Company (U 60 W), a California Corporation, requesting an order from the|

| |California Public Utilities Commission Authorizing Applicant to Establish a Water Revenue Balancing Account, a Conservation |

| |Memorandum Account, and Implement Increasing Block Rates, and |

| |A.06-11-009 - Application of Park Water Company (U 314 W) for Authority to Implement a Water Revenue Adjustment Mechanism, |

| |Increasing Block Rate Design and a Conservation Memorandum Account, and |

| |A.06-11-010 - Application of Suburban Water Systems (U 339 W) for Authorization to Implement a Low Income Assistance Program, |

| |an Increasing Block Rate Design, and a Water Revenue Adjustment Mechanism, |

| |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also July 31 – August 3) |

| | |

|8/6/07 |A.06-12-009 (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company for authority to update its gas and electric revenue |

|10:00 a.m. |requirement and base rates effective on January 1, 2008, and |

|ALJ Long |A.06-12-010 - Application of Southern California Gas Company for authority to update its gas revenue requirement and base |

|Comr Bohn |rates effective on January 1, 2008, |

| |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also August 7 – 10 and August 13 – 17) (Note: Hearing will start at 10:00 a.m. on the 1st day of each week and 9:30 a.m. on |

| |the remaining days) |

| | |

|8/13/07 |A.07-02-014 (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for Review of Entries to the Energy Resources |

|10:00 a.m. |Recovery Account (ERRA) and Compliance Review of Electric Contract Administration, Economic Dispatch of Electric Resources, |

|ALJ Kolakowski |and Utility Retained Generation Fuel Procurement Activities for the Record Period of January 1 through December 31, 2006, |

|Comr Peevey |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also August 14 – 15) |

| | |

|8/20/07 |A.06-11-005 (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to Recover Incremental Costs Related to the 2005- 2006 New |

|10:00 a.m. |Year’s Storms and July 2006 Heat Storm Recorded in the Catastrophic Event Memorandum Account (CEMA) Pursuant to Public Utility|

|ALJ Long |Code Section 454.9., |

|Comr Bohn |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also August 21 – 24 at 9:30 a.m.) |

| | |

|8/21/07 |A.06-11-021 (EH) - Application of CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY (Applicant) (U-60-W), a California corporation, requesting |

|10:00 a.m. |an order from the California Public Utilities Commission (Commission) authorizing the continuation of the existing service |

|ALJ Ebke |connection moratorium in the Coast Springs Water System, |

|Comr Bohn |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also August 22 at 9:30 a.m.) |

| | |

|8/23/07 |C.07-01-018 (EH) - James F. Donahue, Complainant, vs. San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Defendant, |

|9:30 a.m. |San Diego State Office Building, 1350 Front Street, Room B-107, San Diego, CA |

|ALJ Barnett | |

|Comr Chong | |

| | |

|8/23/07 |C.07-05-011 (ECP) - Dale Kubacki, Complainant, vs. Sprint Telephony PCS L.P. (U3064C), Defendant, |

|1:00 p.m. |San Diego State Office Building, 1350 Front Street, Room B-107, San Diego, CA |

|ALJ Barnett | |

| | |

|8/24/07 |C.07-05-002 (ECP) - Mrs. Amparo Sierra, Complainant, vs. Blue Casa Communications (U6764C), Defendant, |

|12:00 p.m. |Junipero Serra State Office Building, 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA |

|ALJ Barnett | |

| | |

|8/27/07 |A.07-01-045 (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) for Authorization to Update and Revise the |

|10:00 a.m. |Direct Access and Other Service Fees in Schedules ESP-DSF, CC-DSF and ESP-NDSF, |

|ALJ Smith |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Peevey |(Also August 28 – 29) |

| | |

|9/5/07 |A.07-01-047 (PPH) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY for Authority To Update Marginal Costs, Cost Allocation, |

|1:30 p.m. |and Electric Rate Design. (U 902-E), |

|ALJ Wong |The Safety Center Conference Room, 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad, CA |

|Comr Bohn | |

| | |

|9/5/07 |A.07-01-047 (PPH) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY for Authority To Update Marginal Costs, Cost Allocation, |

|7:00 p.m. |and Electric Rate Design. (U 902-E), |

|ALJ Wong |El Cajon Community Center, 195 East Douglas Avenue, East Room, El Cajon, CA |

|Comr Bohn | |

| | |

|9/6/07 |A.07-01-047 (PPH) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY for Authority To Update Marginal Costs, Cost Allocation, |

|2:00 p.m. & |and Electric Rate Design. (U 902-E), |

|7:00 p.m. |Al Bahr Shriners Center – Upstairs, 5440 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, CA |

|ALJ Wong | |

|Comr Bohn | |

| | |

|9/14/07 |A.07-01-047 (TELEPHONIC - PHC) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY for Authority To Update Marginal Costs, Cost |

|11:00 a.m. |Allocation, and Electric Rate Design. (U 902-E), |

|ALJ Wong |Administrative Law Judge’s Office, San Francisco |

|Comr Bohn | |

| | |

|9/24/07 |A.07-01-047 (EH) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY for Authority To Update Marginal Costs, Cost Allocation, |

|10:00 a.m. |and Electric Rate Design. (U 902-E), |

|ALJ Wong |Al Bahr Shriners Center – Upstairs, 5440 Kearny Mesa Road, San Diego, CA |

|Comr Bohn |(Also September 25 – 28 at 9:00 a.m.) |

| | |

|10/1/07 |A.07-01-047 (EH) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY for Authority To Update Marginal Costs, Cost Allocation, |

|10:00 a.m. |and Electric Rate Design. (U 902-E), |

|ALJ Wong |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

|Comr Bohn |(Also October 2 – 5 and October 9 - 12 at 9:00 a.m.) |

| | |

|10/2/07 |A.06-08-010 (Phase 2) (PHC) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a Certificate|

|10:00 a.m. |of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

|ALJ Weissman |Clerk of the Board of Supervisors – South Board Chambers Room 358, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA |

|Comr Grueneich | |

| | |

|10/9/07 |A.06-08-010 (Phase 2) (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E) for a Certificate |

|10:00 a.m. |of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project, |

|ALJ Weissman |San Diego Regional Energy Office, 8690 Balboa Avenue, Suite 100, San Diego, CA |

|Comr Grueneich |(Also October 10 – 12) |

| |10/15/07, 10:00 a.m., Clerk of the Board of Supervisors –South Board Chambers Room 358, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA |

| |(Also October 16 - 19) |

| | |

|10/29/07 |A.06-12-025 (EH) - Application of CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY (Applicant)(U-60-W), a California corporation, requesting |

|9:00 a.m. |an order from the California Public Utilities Commission authorizing Applicant to increase water rates to fully fund its |

|ALJ Kenney |retiree healthcare plan commonly referred to as a ‘Postretirement Benefits other than Pension plan’ and to adopt a change in |

|Comr Bohn |accounting as proposed by Applicant for ratemaking, |

| |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also October 30 – 31) |

| | |

|11/29/07 |A.07-01-036 (EH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U 210 W), to Decrease Revenues for Water Service in its |

|9:30 a.m. |Coronado District By ($73,100) or (0.46%) in 2008 and Increase Revenues by $266,200 or 1.67% in 2009 and $260,900 or 1.61% in |

|ALJ Rochester |2010, |

|Comr Bohn |And Related Matters: |

| |A.07-01-037 |

| |A.07-01-038 |

| |A.07-01-039 |

| |Commission Courtroom, San Francisco |

| |(Also November 30) |

| | |




Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay.

|5/10/07 |R04-04-003 - Order Instituting Rulemaking, to promote policy and program coordination and integration in electric utility |

| |resource planning; |

| |R04-04-025 - Order Instituting Rulemaking, to Promote Consistency in Methodology and Input Assumptions in Commission |

| |Applications of Short-run and Long-run Avoided Costs, including Pricing for Qualifying Facilities. |

|Summary: On May 7, 2007, R. Thomas Beach, consultant to California Cogeneration Council (CCC) met with Andrew Campbell, advisor to Cmmr. Chong in |

|San Francisco. Also present were David Hermanson of Primary Energy, Barry Lovell of Berry Petroleum, Shakil Rahman of Juniper Generation, and Jerry |

|R. Bloom and Joseph M. Karp of Winston & Strawn, LLP, counsels for CCC. The CCC representatives explained their concerns with the Proposed Decision |

|(PD) and explained that NP-15 and SP-15 market prices need to be adjusted; the adjustment proposed by the CCC should be adopted; and the proposed |

|collar in the PD is unreasonable. The representatives explained that the Commission should clarify the gas prices to be used in the SRAC formula and |

|that forward market prices be used in lieu of historical prices. Subsequent to the meeting, Beach sent an e-mail with attachments (attached to the |

|notice) to the advisor. |

|Filer: California Cogeneration Council |

|Contact: Joseph M. Karp |Phone: (415) 591-1000 |

| |Facsimile: (415) 591-1400 |

| |Email: jkarp@ |

|5/14/07 |R06-02-013 - Order Instituting Rulemaking to integrate procurement policies and consider long-term procurement plans. |

|Summary: On May 9, 2007, Jem Brown, Assistant General Manager, Business and Resource Planning, Merced Irrigation District, met with Pres. Peevey in |

|San Francisco. Also present were Andrew Schwartz, advisor to Pres. Peevey; and Joy Warren, counsel for Modesto Irrigation District, and Ann L. |

|Trowbridge, counsel for Merced and Modesto Irrigation Districts. Written materials (attached to the notice) were used. The representatives stated |

|their concerns regarding the investor owned utilities' (IOUs) proposals to impose nonbypassable charges on municipal departing load customers in |

|connection with procurement of new generation and reliability resources. The representatives explained why there is no need for nonbypassable charges|

|and why publicly owned utilities customers do not benefit from IOU reliability procurement activities. |

|Filer: Merced Irrigation District and Modesto Irrigation District |

|Contact: Teena Lambos |Phone: (916) 570-2500, ext. 100 |

| |Email: tlambos@ |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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