Using the UCT documentation template for Microsoft Word

Working with the UCT Microsoft Word templateTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z Overview PAGEREF _Toc403746793 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc403746794 \h 2Showing hidden files and folders PAGEREF _Toc403746795 \h 2Installing and using the template PAGEREF _Toc403746796 \h 2Before you begin PAGEREF _Toc403746797 \h 3Showing hidden files and folders in Windows 8 PAGEREF _Toc403746798 \h 3Showing hidden files and folders in Windows 7 PAGEREF _Toc403746799 \h 3Showing hidden files and folders in Windows XP PAGEREF _Toc403746800 \h 3List of procedures PAGEREF _Toc403746801 \h 3Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2013 in Windows 8 PAGEREF _Toc403746802 \h 4Opening and saving the template PAGEREF _Toc403746803 \h 4Saving the default personal templates location PAGEREF _Toc403746804 \h 4Starting a new document based on the template PAGEREF _Toc403746805 \h 5Attaching the template to an existing document PAGEREF _Toc403746806 \h 5Fixing document styles PAGEREF _Toc403746807 \h 6Showing the toolbars PAGEREF _Toc403746808 \h 6Inserting SAP buttons not in the template PAGEREF _Toc403746809 \h 7Policy PAGEREF _Toc403746810 \h 7Checking for existing images on the Web PAGEREF _Toc403746811 \h 7Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2010 in Windows 7 PAGEREF _Toc403746812 \h 8Opening and saving the template PAGEREF _Toc403746813 \h 8Starting a new document based on the template PAGEREF _Toc403746814 \h 8Attaching the template to an existing document PAGEREF _Toc403746815 \h 9Fixing document styles PAGEREF _Toc403746816 \h 10Showing the toolbars PAGEREF _Toc403746817 \h 10Inserting SAP buttons not in the template PAGEREF _Toc403746818 \h 11Policy PAGEREF _Toc403746819 \h 11Checking for existing images on the Web PAGEREF _Toc403746820 \h 11Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2007 in Windows XP PAGEREF _Toc403746821 \h 12Opening and saving the template PAGEREF _Toc403746822 \h 12Starting a new document based on the template PAGEREF _Toc403746823 \h 12Attaching the template to an existing document PAGEREF _Toc403746824 \h 13Showing the toolbars PAGEREF _Toc403746825 \h 13Fixing document styles PAGEREF _Toc403746826 \h 14Inserting SAP buttons not in the template PAGEREF _Toc403746827 \h 14Overview IntroductionThis document covers the following procedures in the context of the following Windows operating systems:Showing hidden files and foldersWindows 8 Windows 7 Windows XPInstalling and using the templateMicrosoft Word 2013 in Windows 8 Microsoft Word 2010 in Windows 7 Microsoft Word 2007 in Windows XPFollow the applicable procedures depending on your current Windows operating system (Windows 8, Windows 7 or Windows XP) and your version of Microsoft Word (i.e. 2013, 2010 or 2007). The procedures have been ordered with the most current system first. The template has been tested in Microsoft Word 2013 and works in a similar way to the Microsoft Word 2010 procedures. If you are using Microsoft Word 2003 or older versions of Word, refer to the Word 2003 version of this document, see: Working with the UCT Microsoft Word template.Before you beginPlease ensure that you have shown your hidden files and folders by following the steps directly appropriate to your Windows operating system. Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows XPShowing hidden files and folders in Windows 8In Windows Explorer, click View Options.The Folder Options dialog box appears. In the Navigation Pane section, select the Show all folders radio button.Click Apply.Click OK. The Windows Explorer screen reappears and any hidden files and folders will now be displayed.Showing hidden files and folders in Windows 7In Windows Explorer, click Organize Folder and search options.The Folder Options dialog box appears. In the View tab, in the Advanced settings section, select the Show hidden files, folders, or drives radio button.Click Apply.Click OK. The Windows Explorer screen reappears and any hidden files and folders will now be displayed.Showing hidden files and folders in Windows XPIn Windows Explorer, click Tools Folder Options.The Folder Options dialog box appears. In the View tab, in the Advanced settings section, expand Files and Folders Hidden files and folders and select the Show hidden files, folders, or drives radio button.Click OK. The Windows Explorer screen reappears and any hidden files and folders will now be displayed. List of proceduresUsing the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2013 in Windows 8Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2010 in Windows 7Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2007 in Windows XPUsing the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2013 in Windows 8Opening and saving the templateThe template is available on the ICTS web site.In Internet Explorer go to and choose Technical Writing Templates and tools.The ICTS – Templates and tools web page opens.In the Templates section click UCT Documentation Template for Microsoft Word.The ICTS – Using the UCT Documentation Template for Microsoft Word web page opens.Right click the appropriate template (UCT2014_Arial_comprehensive_Word2010_with_macros.dotm), and choose Save Target As...The Save As dialog box appears.In the Save In field, browse to C:\USERS\<YOUR PROFILE NAME >\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\TEMPLATES.Saving the template in this folder lets Word find the template when you start a new document, or attach the template to an existing document. If you do not see this folder, follow the procedure: Showing hidden files and folders.Click Save.The selected template is now saved on your computer and is ready for use.Saving the default personal templates locationIn Microsoft Word, choose Open Other Documents.The Open pop-out screen menu appears.Choose Options.The Word Options dialog box appears with the General menu item selected and displaying the General options/content.In the menu, choose Save.The Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Save options/content.In the Default personal templates location field enter the location of the saved template (i.e. C:\USERS\<YOUR PROFILE NAME >\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\TEMPLATES).Click OK.Your default personal template location is now saved.Starting a new document based on the templateIn Microsoft Word, select Personal on the pop-out screen menu showing featured templates.Select <name of required template>.A new document opens based on the selected template.Attaching the template to an existing documentIn the Microsoft Word ribbon, click File and choose Options.The Word Options dialog box appears with the General menu item selected and displaying the General options/content.In the menu, choose Add-Ins.The Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Add-ins options/content.From the Manage drop-down list, choose TemplatesClick Go…The Templates and Add-ins dialog box appears.Click Attach….The Attach Template dialog box appears.Select <name of required template>. (If you don’t see the template it may not be stored in the correct place on your C: drive).Click Open.The Templates and Add-Ins dialog box reappears.Ensure that the Automatically update document styles check box is selected.Click OK.The selected template is now attached to your document.Fixing document stylesFollow this procedure if the styles in your document with the attached template stop working and need to be fixed. In the Microsoft Word ribbon, click File and choose Options.The Word Options dialog box appears with the General menu item selected and displaying the General options/content.In the menu, choose Add-Ins.The Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Add-ins options/content.From the Manage drop-down list, choose TemplatesClick Go…The Templates and Add-Ins dialog box appears.The Document template displayed should be <name of template previously selected>. If it is not then follow the procedure for attaching the template to an existing document.Select the Automatically update document styles check box.Click OK.When you close Word, you may be prompted to save changes to the template. Do not save changes.Showing the toolbarsFollow this procedure if the toolbars are not showing after opening a Word document with the template attached:In Word from the ribbon:If you are using one of the UCT2009 templates, choose Add-Ins tab. If you are using the UCT2014 template, choose UCT Template tab. The toolbars that are part of the document template display either as Custom Toolbars or are labelled according to function. When using one of the templates, do not use the normal Word toolbars to apply styles, only use the styles on the template’s toolbar.Depending on which template you have attached, not all of the toolbars listed below may be available.Inserting SAP buttons not in the templatePolicyAT UCT, the Content Architecture team is responsible for creating all the button images for SAP documentation and for keeping an inventory of these images.Only the most commonly used SAP buttons are available on the template toolbar, however the full inventory is available on the Web.Before creating a new button image, documenters must check whether it already exists either on the template or on the Web.If a button does not exist, the Content Architecture team will create it for you.Checking for existing images on the WebIn Word with a document with the required template attached open, place your cursor on a blank line. In the Add-Ins ribbon, in the SAP buttons section, click More buttons.A web site address is inserted into your document. Press CTRL + Click on this address.A Word document opens from the Web containing a table of all available images. The list is in alphabetical order by file name.Look for the image that you need. If you don’t find the image that you need and you are creating documentation to be published online, contact the Content Architecture team who will create it for you.If you are creating documentation to be used in a paper form, highlight the image and press CTRL+C to copy it to the clipboard.If you are writing documentation to be used online, highlight the file name and press CTRL+C to copy it to the clipboard. The Content Architecture team will replace the file name with the image when the document is converted to web help.Click Close to return to your previous document.Your document reappears.Position your cursor where you want the image to appear and press CTRL+V to paste it from the clipboard.Delete the web site address that was inserted into your document in step 3.Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2010 in Windows 7Opening and saving the templateThe template is available on the ICTS web site.In Internet Explorer go to and choose Technical Writing Templates and tools.The ICTS – Templates and tools web page opens.In the Templates section click UCT Documentation Template for Microsoft Word.The ICTS – Using the UCT Documentation Template for Microsoft Word web page opens.Right click the appropriate template (Times New Roman or Arial font and with or without SAP styles and buttons), and choose Save Target As...The Save As dialog box appears.In the Save In field, browse to C:\USERS\<YOUR PROFILE NAME >\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\TEMPLATES.Saving the template in this folder lets Word find the template when you start a new document, or attach the template to an existing document. If you do not see this folder, follow the procedure: Showing hidden files and folders.Click Save.The selected template is now saved on your computer and is ready for use.Starting a new document based on the templateIn the Microsoft Word ribbon, click File New.The pop-out screen menu appears showing Available Templates and the template selected by default, e.g. Blank document.In the Available Templates pane, click My templates.The New dialog box appears.In the Personal Templates tab, select <name of required template>.In the Create New section, ensure that the Document radio button is selected.Click OK.A new document opens based on the selected template.Attaching the template to an existing documentIn the Microsoft Word ribbon, click File and choose Options.The Word Options dialog box appears with the General menu item selected and displaying the General options/content.In the menu, choose Add-Ins.The Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Add-ins options/content.From the Manage drop-down list, choose TemplatesClick Go…The Templates and Add-ins dialog box appears.Click Attach….The Attach Template dialog box appears.Select <name of required template>. (If you don’t see the template it may not be stored in the correct place on your C: drive).Click Open.The Templates and Add-Ins dialog box reappears.Ensure that the Automatically update document styles check box is selected.Click OK.The selected template is now attached to your document.Fixing document stylesFollow this procedure if the styles in your document with the attached template stop working and need to be fixed. In the Microsoft Word ribbon, click File and choose Options.The Word Options dialog box appears with the General menu item selected and displaying the General options/content.In the menu, choose Add-Ins.The Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Add-ins options/content.From the Manage drop-down list, choose TemplatesClick Go…The Templates and Add-Ins dialog box appears.The Document template displayed should be <name of template previously selected>. If it is not then follow the procedure for attaching the template to an existing document.Select the Automatically update document styles check box.Click OK.When you close Word, you may be prompted to save changes to the template. Do not save changes.Showing the toolbarsFollow this procedure if the toolbars are not showing after opening a Word document with the template attached:In Word from the ribbon:If you are using one of the UCT2009 templates, choose Add-Ins tab. If you are using the UCT2014 template, choose UCT Template tab. The toolbars that are part of the document template display either as Custom Toolbars or are labelled according to function. When using one of the templates, do not use the normal Word toolbars to apply styles, only use the styles on the template’s toolbar.Depending on which template you have attached, not all of the toolbars listed below may be available.Inserting SAP buttons not in the templatePolicyAT UCT, the Content Architecture team is responsible for creating all the button images for SAP documentation and for keeping an inventory of these images.Only the most commonly used SAP buttons are available on the template toolbar, however the full inventory is available on the Web.Before creating a new button image, documenters must check whether it already exists either on the template or on the Web.If a button does not exist, the Content Architecture team will create it for you.Checking for existing images on the WebIn Word with a document with the required template attached open, place your cursor on a blank line. In the Add-Ins ribbon, in the SAP buttons section, click More buttons.A web site address is inserted into your document. Press CTRL + Click on this address.A Word document opens from the Web containing a table of all available images. The list is in alphabetical order by file name.Look for the image that you need. If you don’t find the image that you need and you are creating documentation to be published online, contact the Content Architecture team who will create it for you.If you are creating documentation to be used in a paper form, highlight the image and press CTRL+C to copy it to the clipboard.If you are writing documentation to be used online, highlight the file name and press CTRL+C to copy it to the clipboard. The Content Architecture team will replace the file name with the image when the document is converted to web help.Click Close to return to your previous document.Your document reappears.Position your cursor where you want the image to appear and press CTRL+V to paste it from the clipboard.Delete the web site address that was inserted into your document in step 3.Using the UCT template for Microsoft Word 2007 in Windows XPOpening and saving the templateThe template is available on the ICTS web site.In Internet Explorer go to and choose Technical Writing Templates and tools.The ICTS – Templates and tools web page opens.In the Templates section click UCT Documentation Template for Microsoft Word.The ICTS – Using the UCT Documentation Template for Microsoft Word web page opens.Right click the appropriate template (Times New Roman or Arial font and with or without SAP styles and buttons), and choose Save Target As...The Save As dialog box appears.In the Save In field, browse to C:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR PROFILE NAME >\Application Data\Microsoft\TemplatesSaving the template in this folder lets Word find the template when you start a new document, or attach the template to an existing document. If you do not see this folder, follow the procedure: Showing hidden files and folders.Click Save.The selected template is now saved on your computer and is ready for use.Starting a new document based on the templateIn the Microsoft Word ribbon, click Office Button.In the drop down menu, click New.The New Document dialog box appears.In the Templates pane, click My Templates.The New dialog box appears.In the My Templates tab, select <name of required template>.Make sure that the Document radio button is selected.Click OK.A new document opens based on the selected template.Attaching the template to an existing documentIn the Microsoft Word ribbon, click Office Button.In the drop down menu, click Word Options.The Word Options dialog box appears displaying the Popular options/content.In the menu, choose Add-insThe Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Add-ins options/content.From the Manage drop-down list, choose TemplatesClick Go…The Templates and Add-ins dialog box appears.Click Attach….The Attach Template dialog box appears.Select <name of required template>. (If you don’t see the template it may not be stored in the correct place on your C: drive).Click Open.The Templates and Add-Ins dialog box reappears.Ensure that the Automatically update document styles check box is selected.Click OK.The selected template is now attached to your document.Showing the toolbarsFollow this procedure if the toolbars are not showing after opening a Word document with the template attached:In Word from the ribbon choose Add-InsThe toolbars that are part of the document template display as Custom Toolbars.When using one of the templates, do not use the normal Word toolbars to apply styles, only use the styles on the template’s toolbar.Depending on which template you have attached, not all of the toolbars listed above may be available.Fixing document stylesFollow this procedure if the styles in your document with the attached template stop working and need to be fixed. In Word, click the Office Button In the drop down menu, click Word Options.The Word Options dialog box appears displaying the Popular options/content.In the menu, choose Add-insThe Word Options dialog box refreshes displaying the Add-ins options/content.From the Manage drop-down list, choose TemplatesClick Go…The Templates and Add-Ins dialog box appears.The Document template displayed should be <name of template previously selected>. If it is not then follow the procedure for attaching the template to an existing document.Select the Automatically update document styles check box.Click OK.When you close Word, you may be prompted to save changes to the template. Do not save changes.Inserting SAP buttons not in the templateSee: Inserting SAP buttons not in the template ................

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