Welcome to AP Biology Boot Camp 2010

AP Biology Summer Assignment 2014-2015

This summer assignment has been designed:

1. To get you to think about AP Biology & to keep your mind sharp, because I will expect a lot out of it.

2. To have you earn some strong grades to help you begin the first quarter with confidence.

3. To decrease the amount of new material that you will have to learn during the school year.


| | |COMPLETED | |

|1 |Due by | |Email Mrs. Perry at perryb@ (Letter Assignment #1) |

| |Fri. June 6th | |See directions below. |

| |Due by | |Have your parents email me at perryb@ |

| |Fri. June 6th | | |

|2 |Throughout | |Purchase Cliff Notes: AP Biology 4th Edition |

| |Summer | |Make sure it’s not an earlier edition, as the course has changed. |

| | | |There will be HW and assignments from this book. Please purchase |

| | | |one before the start of school. Available at Barnes & Noble or . |

|3 |Throughout Summer | |Experimental Design (Assignment #2) |

| | | |Due the 2nd class period after school starts. |

|4 |Throughout | |Read/Notes (Assignment #3) |

| |Summer | |Take Cornell Notes on Ch 20,17,18,19. |

| | | |Due the 2nd class period after school starts. |

|5 |Throughout | |Start reviewing the Evolution Unit PowerPoints (Assignment #4) |

| |Summer | |Power Points are on my website – Ch 20, 17, 18, 19. |

| | | |Complete the guided notes pages in this packet. |

| | | |Due the 2nd class period after school starts. |

|6 |Ongoing | |Login to YouTube and Subscribe to Bozeman Biology |

| | | |This is a great resource! Watch often. |


Welcome to AP Biology! We are going to spend a lot of time together next year, so it’s best if I get a head start on learning a bit about you. Also we will use the Internet and the Web a lot next year for this course, so let’s get you used to communicating with me via e-mail.

Your first digital assignment is to successfully send me an e-mail.

Due date: Friday, June 6, 2013

Draft an e-mail to me following these rules:

1. Use clearly written, full sentences.

2. Use spell check! This is a professional communication like you would have with a college professor, so let’s practice for your rapidly nearing future!

3. Make the Subject: AP Bio: Introduction to

4. Begin the e-mail with a formal salutation, like “Dear Mrs. Perry,”

5. Now introduce yourself (your name) and tell me a little bit about yourself, like:

a. What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests, etc.)?

b. Do you have a job?

c. Tell me a little bit about your family (Mom? Dad? Guardian? Siblings? Pets?)

d. What do your parents do for a living?

e. Was there anything that you liked about your earlier biology class?

f. What was the last book you read for fun?

g. What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology?

h. What are you most anxious about in AP Biology?

6. Send the email to perryb@


The College Board requires that we complete 12 labs.

I would like to give you’re the opportunity to review and practice your experimental design skills prior to entering the class. Due the 2nd day of AP Biology. This assignment is to be word processed.

You will be investigating how different environmental conditions affect the germination of a seed. Develop a hypothesis and design an experiment to test your hypothesis. You will then set up your experiment and collect data.


bean and pea seeds are cheap and germinate quickly

you may use potting soil or regular dirt from your yard

Ideas to Investigate: soil pH, sunlight, water, temperature, salinity

Use the Following Template:


Introduction – Background information on the topic being researched

Purpose – A statement of what you want to observe or measure.

Hypothesis – An educated guess as to the outcome of the experiment using If …then….because….

Materials – A BULLETED list of all items used in the experiment

Procedure – A NUMBERED list of the steps in the experiment

Data – A section to record any information gathered in the experiment. Be sure to use metric units for measurement.

← data tables/charts

← graphs (bar graph = comparing different groups, line graph = change over time)

Results – Paragraph(s) stating in words what you did and your observations

Analysis – Answer questions

For this experiment, answer the following questions:

1. What is a hypothesis?

2. What is the difference between a control group and an experimental group?

3. Why is it vital to work with large sample sizes of organisms in an experiment?

4. What is an independent variable (IV)?

5. What is a dependent variable (DV)?

6. What are controlled variables (CVs)?

7. Why is it important to have a limited number of independent variables?

8. In the experiment below, identify the IDV, DV, and CV.

Conclusion - Paragraph(s) stating:

← ONE sentence about whether the data support or contradicts (or neither) your hypothesis

← WHY you think your results support/contradict your hypothesis.

← Explain why the results occurred the way they did

← State something that you learned about science from the experiment.

← Be sure to state at least one source of error – you’re not perfect so you can always improve!!

ASSIGNMENT #4: Evolution Unit Guided Notes

Use the PPT’s located on my website to fill in the guided notes.

Chapter 20: Origin of Life

1. Identify the time frame, conditions, and evidence for each of the following steps leading to current life forms on earth.

a. Origin of the earth ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Prokaryotes


c. Oxidizing atmosphere ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. Eukaryotic cells ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e. Multicellular life ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Describe the theory of endosymbiosis. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What is special about chloroplasts and mitochondria? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Describe the hypothesized conditions on earth when life arose. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Based on the hypothesis about the origin of life, list the 4 events that are thought to be required for the formation of life.

a. _____________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________________

d. ._____________________________________________________________________

6. What processes characterize protobionts?


7. Why is RNA now thought to be the first genetic code?


8. What did Oparin, Haldane, Miller and Urey do to support the various theories of life?


9. What is the basis of the classification system developed by Linneaus?


10. Why is taxonomy considered a work in progress?


11. What are two problems with the five kingdom system of classification?

a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. How has the Domain System altered our view of taxonomy?


13. Which prokaryote is closer to the eukaryotes? List several reasons for your answer.


14. Place the following metabolic processes in an order that fits this hypothesis for the origin of life: Photosynthesis, Aerobic Respiration, Fermentation, Nucleic Acid replication (RNA or DNA), Membrane transport


15. Label the diagram to explain the Miller and Urey experiment to test the Abiotic Synthesis hypothesis.

16. Label the diagram to indicate the major events, the time frame, of the origin of life on Earth.

Chapter 17: Darwin, Evolution and Evidence

17. Describe Lamarck’s theory of evolution.


18. How did the observations during his voyage on the Beagle influence Darwin’s theories?


19. What was so important about the Galápagos Islands in Darwin’s observations?


20. What is the driving force behind the evolution of the 14 species of finches on the Galapagos?


21. What were the five inferences Darwin made after visiting the Galapagos?

a. _____________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________

d. _____________________________________________________________

e. _____________________________________________________________

22. How did Darwin’s experience with artificial selection influence his theories of evolution?


23. What is the primary mechanism for evolutionary change?________________________________________

24. What is another name for a successful trait? _________________________________________________

25. What are the three conditions in nature that must be met to drive natural selection?

a. ____________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________

26. Briefly discuss how artificial selection leads to new species


27. How is selective breeding different from artificial selection?


28. What is a Homologous structure and how do they support the theory of evolution by Natural Selection?


29. What is an Analogous structure?


30. What is parallel evolution, give an example


31. Compare and Contracts Convergent and Divergent evolution, give an example of each.


32. How does the molecular record support the theory of evolution by means of Natural Selection?


33. For each of the following, indicate how it is used as evidence of evolution by natural selection.

a. Paleontology ___________________________________________________________________________

b. Biogeography ___________________________________________________________________________

c. Homologous structures ___________________________________________________________________________

d. Vestigial organs ___________________________________________________________________________

e. Embryology ___________________________________________________________________________

f. Biochemical similarity ___________________________________________________________________________

34. To Summarize this chapter, list the 4 major lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution by means of Natural Selection

a. ____________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________

35. How is a breed different from a species? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

36. How are pesticide resistance and drug resistance evidence of Natural selection?


37. List the different types of Natural selection and give an example of each

a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

38. Discuss how a Lion’s Mane leads to great fitness. _____________________________________________


Chapter 18: The Evolution Of Populations

39. What is another name for favorable traits? ___________________________________________________

40. What are (3) sources of mutations?

a. ____________

b. ____________

c. ____________

41. What are the (5) agents of evolutionary change?

a. ____________________________________

b. ____________________________________

c. ____________________________________

d. ____________________________________

e. ____________________________________

42. Describe in detail how mutation leads to a change in relative fitness.


43. Why is genetic variation important to evolution?


44. What is the role of mutations to forming variation?


45. What factors of sexual reproduction lead to variations within a population?


46. Population genetics puts a mathematical approach to the study of microevolution. Define each of the terms commonly used in population genetics.

a. population: _______________________________________________________________

b. gene pool: _______________________________________________________________

c. allele frequency: __________________________________________________________

47. How does genetic drift apply to each of the following? Give an example of each.

a. Founders effect: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Bottleneck effect ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

48. Discuss how Cheetahs have been affected by genetic drift.


49. List the five conditions that must be met by populations to insure stability (no evolution).

a. _____________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________

d. _____________________________________________________________

e. ____________________________________________________________

50. Assuming Hardy-Weinberg distribution of genes in a population, write the equation that describes genotype frequencies. ___________________________________

51. Define the following:

a. p=___________________________________________________________

b. 2pq=_________________________________________________________

c. q=___________________________________________________________

52. How does Hardy Weinberg account for large numbers of people that are heterozygous for Sickle Cell? _____________________________________________________________________________________

a. What is that called? _______________________________________________________________

b. What do sickled cells provide an advantage? _______________________________________________________________________________

53. In a biological sense, what is fitness? ____________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 19: The Origin Of Species

54. Define the term species. _____________________________________________________________________________________

55. Define and give an example for each of the following mechanisms that produce reproductive isolation.

a) Geographic isolation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Ecological isolation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c) Temporal isolation __________________________________________________________________________________

d) Behavioral isolation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e) Mechanical isolation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

f) Gamete isolation ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

g) Postzygotic Mechanisms ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

h) Hybrid inviability ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

i) Hybrid sterility ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

56. Define these modes of Speciation

a. allopatric speciation ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. sympatric speciation ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. Define and compare gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. ____________________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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