IQC Minutes September 24-25, 2015 - Instructional Quality ...

Instructional Quality Commission

An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MEETING MINUTES: September 24–25, 2015

Instructional Quality Commission Meeting

(Approved on November 19, 2015)

Report of Action

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:

Jo Ann Isken, Chair

Louis “Bill” Honig, Vice Chair

Jocelyn Broemmelsiek

Jose Flores

Robert Foster

Lori Freiermuth

Marlene Galvan

Carla Herrera

Risha Krishna

Brian Muller

Dean Reese

Socorro Shiels

Julie Spykerman

Carlos Ulloa

Lauryn Wild

Assemblymember Kevin McCarty

Commissioners Absent:

Nancy McTygue

Senator Carol Liu

Executive Director:

Thomas Adams

State Board of Education (SBE) Liaison Present:

Patricia Rucker

Trish Williams

1. Full Instructional Quality Commission (Commission or IQC)

A. Call to Order

Commission Chair Isken called the meeting to order at approximately 10:11 a.m.

B. Salute to the Flag

Commissioner Herrera led the salute to the flag.

C. Overview of Agenda

There were no changes to the agenda. Commission Chair Isken welcomed the Commission’s legislative member Assemblyman Kevin McCarty to the meeting.

D. Approval of Minutes for the Following Meetings (Action):

• February 5–6, 2015, Commission Meeting

• March 25, 2015, English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Teleconference Meeting

• April 13, 2015, ELA/ELD SMC Meeting

• April 27, 2015, ELA/ELD SMC Meeting

• May 8, 2015, History–Social Science SMC Meeting

• June 2, 2015, ELA/ELD SMC Teleconference Meeting

• June 23, 2015, Ad Hoc Committee on Assessment & Accountability Teleconference Meeting

• July 13, 2015, ELA/ELD SMC Meeting

• July 27, 2015, ELA/ELD SMC Meeting

• August 27–28, 2015, Science SMC Meeting

ACTION: Commissioner Freiermuth moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Spykerman seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (16–0). Commissioners McTygue and Liu were absent from the meeting.

E. Report of the Chair

Commission Chair Isken expressed her appreciation to all IQC members who over the summer participated in the ELA/ELD adoption activities and worked on the revision of the draft Science Framework and draft History–Social Science Framework.

F. Executive Director’s Report

Thomas Adams, Executive Director, thanked the Commissioners for all of their participation over the summer. He reported that the IQC application is open until 3 p.m. on October 12, 2015. He introduced new CFIRD staff, Alejandro Hernandez, Consultant, and Susan Sweeney, Executive Secretary. He also reported that the Mathematics Framework’s higher mathematics chapters along with universal access are now posted on the CDE Web page. In addition, the ELA/ELD Framework in final form is posted on the CDE Web page.

G. Report from the State Board of Education

SBE Liaison Patricia Rucker reported on the release of the statewide assessment results. The CDE and SBE are looking at the results and beginning to have conversations about what the results mean and where we need to focus the work. Assessment is one of the tools in the “toolbox”.

H. California Department of Education Update (Information)

Michelle Zumot, Chief Deputy Superintendent, California Department of Education (CDE) Introduced herself. She oversees CDE’s administration and support side, while Glen Price oversees policy. She distributed copies of A Blueprint for Great Schools, Version 2.0.

I. Assessment Update (Information)

Michelle Center, Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division, CDE provided an assessment update.

J. Accountability Update (Information)

Nancy Brownell, Senior Fellow, Local Control and Accountability, CA SBE provided an update on transitioning to a new accountability system.

K. English Language Development Update (Information)

Veronica Aguila, Director, English Learner Support Division, CDE, provided an update on Assembly Bill 899 – Academic Content Standards: English Language Development Standards.

L. Other Matters/Public Comment

Wendy Smith, California Teachers Association Liaison

Daly Jordan Cook, California Teachers Association Liaison

2. English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee

A. ELA/ELD Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Information)

ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Galvan called the meeting of the ELA/ELD Subject Matter Committee (ELA/ELD SMC) to order and asked Cynthia Gunderson, acting administrator of the Curriculum Frameworks Unit, to provide an update on the status of the ELA/ELD Framework. Cynthia provided information on upcoming Framework Launch events, as well as supplemental resources currently under development.

B. Report on the 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Information)

ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild continued the meeting on the next item on instructional materials and proceeded to provide a brief report that included a review of the process that would be followed during discussion, the hearing for public comment, and then voting by the SMC members on the recommendations contained in the IMR/CRE Reports of Findings. During the course of the report, SMC Co-Chair Wild asked if any Commissioners wished to remove any programs from the list of programs on the Consent List. IQC Chair Isken requested that The College Board–SpringBoard’s Grade 6 materials from their submission for Grades 6–8 (Program 1 Basic ELA) and from their submission for Grades 6–8 (Program 2 Basic ELA/ELD) be removed from the consent list pending discussion of issues raised by public comments received by the August 20, 2015, deadline. The comments asserted that the materials for Grade 6 did not address all the criteria required for adoption as outlined in the 2014 ELA/ELD Adoption Category 1 of the Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials for Kindergarten Through Grade Eight (Criteria) – specifically Category 1, Criterion 22d. The SMC Members held a brief discussion of the issues and then suspended that discussion pending the input from publisher representatives during the public hearing.

C. Public Hearing on the Submissions for the 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Time Certain – 11 a.m.)

At the completion of the report and initial discussion, ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild proceeded to conduct the public hearing during which the SMC received comment from Douglas Waugh, Senior Director of Product Development, for The College Board–SpringBoard, and Lori O’Dea, Executive Director of Content Development, for The College Board–SpringBoard. The representatives addressed the concerns of the SMC members and presented new evidence that they believed demonstrated Criterion 22d was met.

D. Recommendations to the Full Commission on the Submissions for the 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Action)

1. Proposed Consent List of Instructional Materials Programs (Recommended in the Reports of Findings of the Review Panels)

ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild initiated a discussion of the information received during the public hearing. The SMC members discussed the merits of the evidence and comments received, asked additional questions of the representatives (who were asked to return to the podium), and engaged in further discussion. The ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair concluded the SMC was ready to take action on the materials on consent and action on the two programs that were not recommended.

ACTION: ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild called for a motion to recommend the programs on the consent list, including The College Board–SpringBoard’s submission for Grades 7–8 (Program 1 Basic ELA) and The College Board–SpringBoard’s submission for Grades 7–8 (Program 2 Basic ELA/ELD), to the full Commission. Commissioner Isken made the motion. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the SMC members present (8-0). In addition to the seven ELA/ELD SMC members present, Commission Chair Isken participated in the vote.

|Publisher |Program Title |Program Type |Grade Level(s) |IMR/CRE Finding |

|Amplify Education, Inc. |Amplify ELA: California Edition and Amplify |2 |6-8 |Recommend |

| |ELD: California Edition | | | |

|Benchmark Education Company |Benchmark Advance |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

|Benchmark Education Company |Benchmark Adelante |3 |K-6 |Recommend |

|EMC Publishing, LLC |Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature |1 |6-8 |Recommend |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California Journeys |2 |K-5 |Recommend |

| |©2017 | | | |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

| |Journeys-Collections ©2017 | | | |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California |2 |6-8 |Recommend |

| |Collections ©2017 | | | |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California Escalate |5 |4-8 |Recommend |

| |English ©2017 | | | |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |Reading Wonders |1 |K-6 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |Reading Wonders |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |StudySync |1 |6-8 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |StudySync |2 |6-8 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |Lectura Maravillas |3 |K-6 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |FLEX Literacy |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning |Reach for Reading |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

|National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning |Inside |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|Pearson Education, Inc., p.a. Scott Foresman |CA Pearson System of Courses |1 |K-8 |Recommend |

|and Prentice Hall | | | | |

|Pearson Education, Inc., p.a. Scott Foresman |CA Pearson iLit |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|and Prentice Hall | | | | |

|Pearson Education, Inc., p.a. Scott Foresman |CA Pearson iLit ELL |5 |4-8 |Recommend |

|and Prentice Hall | | | | |

|Scholastic Inc. |California Read 180 Universal System |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|Scholastic Inc. |California English 3D Course A and Course I |5 |4-8 |Recommend |

| |System | | | |

|The College Board – SpringBoard |SpringBoard, English Language Arts |1 |7-8 |Recommend |

|The College Board – SpringBoard |SpringBoard, English Language Arts & English |2 |7-8 |Recommend |

| |Language Development | | | |

|Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. |LANGUAGE! Live California |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

2. Consideration of Individual Programs

ACTION: ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild called for a motion to recommend Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts California Edition, K–5, to the full Commission. Commissioner Isken made the motion. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion received a unanimous no vote of the SMC members present (0-8), causing the motion to fail. In addition to the seven ELA/ELD SMC members present, Commission Chair Isken participated in the vote.

Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts with Language Studio California Edition (Program 2), K–5

ACTION: ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild called for a motion to recommend Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts with Language Studio: California Edition, K–5, to the full Commission. Commissioner Isken made the motion. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion received a unanimous no vote of the SMC members present (0-8), causing the motion to fail. In addition to the seven ELA/ELD SMC members present, Commission Chair Isken participated in the vote.

At the conclusion of the three actions, and due to the lateness of the day, SMC Co-Chair Wild adjourned the ELA/ELD SMC meeting until the next morning when the ELA/ELD SMC would reconvene to hear further comment and evidence from the publisher and allow the ELA/ELD SMC to take action on the last two action items and conclude its work.

E. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

3. Science Subject Matter Committee

SMC Chair Rob Foster called the Science SMC meeting to order.

A. Science Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (Science Framework), 2016 Revision (Information/Action)

1. Review the Draft Science Framework (Information)

SMC Chair Foster acknowledged the work of the Science Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (Science CFCC); the leadership of CFCC Co-Chairs Helen Quinn and Robert Sherriff; the work of primary authors of the draft framework, Maria Simani, Kirk Brown, and Matthew d’Alessio; the expertise from the WestEd writers Art Sussman and Kathy DiRanna; and the excellent support from the Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff. He also expressed appreciation for the involvement of IQC members and the SBE liaison Trish Williams.

SMC Chair Foster asked Bryan Boyd to facilitate discussion of the Science SMC’s list of 405 suggested edits. Bryan facilitated the dialogue by highlighting items in 10 to 15 increments, in numerical order, from item 1 through item 405.

Cynthia Gunderson asked the Science SMC members who facilitated the chapter discussion at the Science SMC Meeting on August 27–28 to review and approve the edits from the writers and CDE staff. Additional IQC members volunteered to serve as a second reader to review the draft chapters in preparation for the first 60–day public review.

2. Public Comment on the Draft Science Framework

Charlene Zettle, Donate Life California

Lisa Hegdahl, California Science Teachers Association

Will Parish, Environmental Literacy Task Force and Ten Strands

Barbra Woods, Early Implementer

Christy Porter Humpert, CalRecycle

3. Approval of the Draft Science Framework for the First 60-Day Public Review (Action)

Following a discussion led by SMC Chair Foster, the committee took action.

ACTION: Commissioner Spykerman moved to approve the field review draft of the Science Framework for its first 60-day field review with the Science SMC recommended edits. Commissioner Muller seconded the motion. There was no additional discussion. A member of the public, Helen Quinn, made a public comment. The motion passed by a unanimous vote of the SMC members present (8–0).

ACTION: Commissioner Isken moved to approve the “Review of Science Framework Chapters – IQC Assignments” chart, which delegates IQC members to review and approve the designated chapters of the draft framework with any edits approved by the IQC and any minor edits identified by the staff or the writers (e.g., grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the draft framework is sent out for the first 60-day public review. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the SMC members present (8–0).

4. Online Survey Form for the Draft Science Framework Public Review (Information/Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Muller moved to approve the online survey form template for the draft Science Framework first 60-day public review period. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the SMC members present (8–0).

5. Revised Schedule of Significant Events (Timeline) (Information/Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Spykerman moved to approve the Revised Schedule of Significant Events and forward it to the SBE for approval. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the SMC members present (8–0).

B. Other Matters/Public Comment: None


Report of Action

Friday, September 25, 2015

Instructional Quality Commissioners Present:

Jo Ann Isken, Chair

Louis “Bill” Honig, Vice Chair

Jocelyn Broemmelsiek

Jose Flores

Robert Foster

Lori Freiermuth

Marlene Galvan

Carla Herrera

Risha Krishna

Nancy McTygue

Brian Muller

Dean Reese

Julie Spykerman

Carlos Ulloa

Lauryn Wild

Commissioners Absent:

Socorro Shiels

Assemblymember Kevin McCarty

Senator Carol Liu

Executive Director:

Thomas Adams

State Board of Education Liaison Present:

Patricia Rucker

2. English Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee (Reconvened)

SMC Co-Chair Wild reconvened the ELA/ELD SMC meeting.

D. Recommendations to the Full Commission on the Submissions for the 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Action)

1. Public Comment

ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild opened the meeting with an invitation to the representatives from The College Board–SpringBoard to address the issues left unaddressed from the previous day. Douglas Waugh, Senior Director of Product Development, began by addressing the committee’s concerns regarding Category 1, Criterion 22d – specifically the question of where their program provides a set of materials/tools for teachers to provide differentiated instruction, specifically for foundational skills, as called for in Category 1, Criterion 22d.

Lori O’Dea, Executive Director of Content Development for The College Board–SpringBoard, followed Mr. Waugh and provided a more detailed explication of the evidence submitted that the representatives believed addressed the committee’s concerns. The ELA/ELD SMC members, facilitated by ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild, engaged in an extensive discussion of the evidence, in light of the specific requirements of Criterion 22d. During the discussion, the members also expanded their deliberations to include concerns about whether the materials also did not address the requirements outlined in Criterion 22b. The SMC’s assertion that the Grade 6 materials did not meet these two criteria was contrary to the recommendations made in the review panel’s Report of Findings for both programs.

2. Consideration of Individual Programs

After the lengthy discussion and deliberation, the ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair concluded the SMC was ready to take action on the final two items.

The College Board–SpringBoard, SpringBoard English Language Arts (Program 1), Grade 6

ACTION: ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild called for a motion to recommend The College Board–SpringBoard, SpringBoard English Language Arts, Grade 6, to the full Commission. Commissioner Isken made the motion. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion received a split vote of the SMC members present (4–4), causing the motion to automatically fail. In addition to the seven ELA/ELD SMC members present, Commission Chair Isken participated in the vote.

The College Board–SpringBoard, SpringBoard English Language Arts/English Language Development (Program 2), Grade 6

ACTION: ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild called for a motion to recommend The College Board–SpringBoard, SpringBoard English Language Arts/English Language Development, Grade 6, to the full Commission. Commissioner Isken made the motion. Commissioner Galvan seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion received a split vote of the SMC members present (4–4), causing the motion to automatically fail. In addition to the seven ELA/ELD SMC members present, Commission Chair Isken participated in the vote.

There was no addition public comment, and ELA/ELD SMC Co-Chair Wild adjourned the meeting.

4. Full Commission Reconvened

A. Public Hearing: 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials

(Time Certain – 9 a.m.)

Commission Chair Isken opened the public hearing. There were no speakers.

B. Commission Recommendations to the State Board of Education: 2015 ELA/ELD Adoption of K–8 Instructional Materials (Action)

The IQC took action to recommend programs to the SBE. Motions were stated in the affirmative in each case. A vote for the motion meant that the Commissioner recommended the program to the SBE, while a vote against the motion meant that the Commissioner did not recommend the program to the SBE.

1. Proposed Consent List of Instructional Materials Programs (Recommended in the Reports of Findings of the Review Panels)

ACTION: Commissioner Galvan moved to recommend the programs on the list of consent items to the SBE, which include:

|Publisher |Program Title |Program Type |Grade Level(s) |IMR/CRE Finding |

|Amplify Education, Inc. |Amplify ELA: California Edition and Amplify |2 |6-8 |Recommend |

| |ELD: California Edition | | | |

|Benchmark Education Company |Benchmark Advance |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

|Benchmark Education Company |Benchmark Adelante |3 |K-6 |Recommend |

|EMC Publishing, LLC |Mirrors & Windows: Connecting with Literature |1 |6-8 |Recommend |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California Journeys |2 |K-5 |Recommend |

| |©2017 | | | |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

| |Journeys-Collections ©2017 | | | |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California |2 |6-8 |Recommend |

| |Collections ©2017 | | | |

|Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |Houghton Mifflin Harcourt California Escalate |5 |4-8 |Recommend |

| |English ©2017 | | | |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |Reading Wonders |1 |K-6 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |Reading Wonders |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |StudySync |1 |6-8 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |StudySync |2 |6-8 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |Lectura Maravillas |3 |K-6 |Recommend |

|McGraw-Hill School Education |FLEX Literacy |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning |Reach for Reading |2 |K-6 |Recommend |

|National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning |Inside |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|Pearson Education, Inc., p.a. Scott Foresman |CA Pearson System of Courses |1 |K-8 |Recommend |

|and Prentice Hall | | | | |

|Pearson Education, Inc., p.a. Scott Foresman |CA Pearson iLit |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|and Prentice Hall | | | | |

|Pearson Education, Inc., p.a. Scott Foresman |CA Pearson iLit ELL |5 |4-8 |Recommend |

|and Prentice Hall | | | | |

|Scholastic Inc. |California Read 180 Universal System |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

|Scholastic Inc. |California English 3D Course A and Course I |5 |4-8 |Recommend |

| |System | | | |

|The College Board – SpringBoard |SpringBoard, English Language Arts |1 |7-8 |Recommend |

|The College Board – SpringBoard |SpringBoard, English Language Arts & English |2 |7-8 |Recommend |

| |Language Development | | | |

|Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc. |LANGUAGE! Live California |4 |4-8 |Recommend |

• with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Reports of Findings,

• with any social content citations recommended by the review panels, and

• with any publisher-submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Herrera seconded the motion.

There was no discussion or public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was approved by a vote of the members present (14–0–1). Commissioner McTygue abstained from voting, and Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

2. Consideration of Individual Programs

Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts California Edition (Program 1), K–5

ACTION: Commissioner Galvan moved to recommend Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts California Edition (Program 1), K–5, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Reports of Findings, with any social content citations recommended by the review panels, and with any publisher-submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Herrera seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was not approved by a vote of the members present (0–14–1). Commissioner McTygue abstained from voting, and Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts with Language Studio California Edition (Program 2), K–5

ACTION: Commissioner Galvan moved to recommend Amplify Education, Inc., Core Knowledge Language Arts with Language Studio California Edition (Program 2), K–5, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Reports of Findings, with any social content citations recommended by the review panels, and with any publisher-submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Herrera seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was not approved by a vote of the members present (0–14–1). Commissioner McTygue abstained from voting, and Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

College Board – SpringBoard, SpringBoard, English Language Arts (Program 1), Grade 6

ACTION: Commissioner Galvan moved to recommend College Board – SpringBoard, SpringBoard, English Language Arts (Program 1), Grade 6, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Reports of Findings, with any social content citations recommended by the review panels, and with any publisher-submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Herrera seconded the motion. There was a discussion. There was no public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was not approved by a vote of the members present (7–7–1). Commissioner McTygue abstained from voting, and Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

College Board – SpringBoard, SpringBoard, English Language Arts and English Language Development (Program 2), Grade 6

ACTION: Commissioner Galvan moved to recommend College Board – SpringBoard, SpringBoard, English Language Arts and English Language Development (Program 2), Grade 6, with minor edits as noted in the IMR/CRE Reports of Findings, with any social content citations recommended by the review panels, and with any publisher-submitted errata (printing errors) that were submitted to the CDE. Commissioner Herrera seconded the motion. There was a discussion. There was no public comment. A roll-call vote was taken. The motion was not approved by a vote of the members present (4–10–1). Commissioner McTygue abstained from voting, and Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

C. Science Action Items:

1. Approval of the Draft Science Framework for the First 60-Day Public Review (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Foster moved to approve the field review draft of the Science Framework for its first 60-day field review with the Science SMC recommended edits. Commissioner Broemmelsiek seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

2. Approval of the “Review of Science Framework Chapters – IQC Assignments” chart, which delegates IQC members to review and approve the designated chapters of the draft framework with any edits approved by the IQC and any minor edits identified by the staff or the writers (e.g., grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the draft framework is sent out for the first 60-day public review. (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Foster moved to approve the “Review of Science Framework Chapters – IQC Assignments” chart, which delegates IQC members to review and approve the designated chapters of the draft framework with any edits approved by the IQC and any minor edits identified by the staff or the writers (e.g., grammar, punctuation, word order, citations) before the draft framework is sent out for the first 60-day public review. Commissioner Broemmelsiek seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

3. Approval of the Online Survey Form for the Draft Science Framework Public Review (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Foster moved to approve the field review survey form for the first 60-day field review of the draft Science Framework. Commissioner Honig seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

4. Approval of Revised Schedule of Significant Events (Timeline) (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Foster moved to approve the revised Timeline and forward it to the SBE for approval. Commissioner Reese seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

D. History–Social Science Action Items:

1. Authorize the History–Social Science SMC to Review and Approve an Application for Content Experts (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner McTygue moved to authorize the History–Social Science SMC to review an application for content experts to review the revised drafts. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

2. Approval of an Additional History–Social Science SMC Meeting Date of October 8, 2015 (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Krishna moved to add a second day, October 8, 2015, to the existing October 9, 2015, History–Social Science SMC meeting. Commissioner Freiermuth seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

3. Approval of an Additional History–Social Science SMC Teleconference Meeting Date the Week of October 19–23, 2015 (Action)

ACTION: Commissioner Krishna moved to add a conference call meeting of the History–Social Science SMC on October 23, 2015, at 3 p.m. Commissioner Flores seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the members present (15–0). Commissioners Shiels, Liu, and McCarty were absent from the meeting.

E. Individual Commissioner Reports

F. Other Matters/Public Comment

Daly Jordan Cook, California Teachers Association Liaison

Will Parish, Ten Strands


Commission Chair Isken adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:04 p.m.

© California Department of Education, October 15, 2015


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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