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( “Lifeline of the Gasoline Industry, the Independent Gasoline Dealer.” (

CLXXXII Edition September 2014

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida

214 Stevenage Drive Longwood, Florida 32779

e mail pat@

407-774-9700 SSDA/NCPR-AT

Pat Moricca President Member Service Station Dealers of America




Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida is a non-profit association representing Independent Gasoline Retailers, Convenience Stores, Gasoline Service Stations, Repair Shops, Tire Retailers, Truck Stops and Associates throughout Florida. Our goal is to improve the interests of these independent businesses and the motoring public. Cooperation with insurance companies provides benefits for our members. These benefits include money-saving programs for AFLAC, group health, workers' compensation, casualty and property and gasoline tank liability insurance. Benefits also include financing to purchase your gasoline station property and much more.

The problems facing our industry today affect every dealer, no matter how large or small. And, since no one individual could possibly begin to solve these problems alone, it remains that each should join in a collective effort to protect his/her business investment.

Join the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida and help in the fight to keep the

Florida Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act (Below Cost) law.

Make an important investment in your business future for less than $1 a day.

Computer Trouble

I was having Trouble with my computer. So I called John, the 11 year old next door whose room looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over.

John clicked a couple buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, “So what was wrong?”

He replied, “It was an ID ten T error.”

I didn’t want to appear stupid, but none-the less inquired “An, ID ten T error”? What’s that? In case I need to fix it again.” John grinned. “Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before? “No” I replied.

Write it down he said and I think you’ll figure it out. So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T. I used to like the little Pat Moricca brat. .

2014 average wholesale gasoline prices have changed up or down 135 times from 1st of year to date.

Does America need more oil refineries?

Do we have enough oil refineries?  Enough refining capacity?  The answers often depend not only on whom you ask but when.

If it’s springtime when refineries are wrestling with annual maintenance checks and balances and the often bumpy transition from ‘winter-blend’ to ‘summer-blend’ that boils our blood. Many of us may be inclined to say that a few more refineries might ease bottlenecks and price spikes particularly in some regions where fuel supply logistics and options are nonexistent or extremely limited.   (Sure, build those refineries, they’ll say almost anywhere, except the Gulf Coast that already has nearly 50% of the nation’s refining capacity.)  What do you say?

On the other hand, if you ask these questions in October or November when most states see substantial declines in gasoline prices from mid-summer levels, you might hear that’s not needed now; it’s a problem that’s under control.      

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) last week released its ‘Refinery Capacity Report’ which surveys refinery ownership and capacity at the start of each year. 

Most notable is the fact that U.S. refineries continue to increase capacity, even as domestic consumption of gasoline is projected to show consistent decline. As of January 1, 2014, there were 139 operating refineries and 3 others currently idle with a total capacity of 17.9 million barrels per day.

In 2000 we had 159 refineries operating with capacity at 16 million bpd.  And in 1990, believe it or not, we had 205 refineries in operation, at capacity of 15.1 million bpd.   Hard to believe but apparently, the 139 refineries we have now are easily meeting current demand for domestic needs as well as exports of petroleum products other than crude oil and gasoline.

The current refining leaders ranking first second and third are Valero Energy, ExxonMobil and Marathon Petroleum.  Philips 66 and Motiva rank fourth and fifth, and combined, according to ; these five companies own 45 percent of U.S. refining capacity.  

Believe it or not, some refineries are looking to increase their production of distillates such as ultra low-sulfur diesel and decrease gasoline, reflecting emerging trends in domestic and international demand.  But, while domestic gasoline demand appears tame, if not flat, keep an eye on ‘millennials.’  Trend watchers say their apparent indifference to automobiles is more a lifestyle fit than a deeply held position and for that reason it’s likely to change; perhaps quickly, once they find spouses and children arrive. Where do you think we're headed nationwide?  Toward a long-term reduction in gasoline consumption or perhaps an increase?

Chevron Gains City Approval for $1 Billion Upgrade to Richmond, CA Refinery.

The City of Richmond, California has given Chevron approval to finish a $1 billion upgrade at its Northern California refinery that’s been planned for almost a decade, after agreeing to spend $90 million on community programs.

The city said Chevron must meet several conditions imposed by the city’s planning commission while installing a new hydrogen plant at its Richmond complex, including limits on sulfur processing and emissions. The world’s third-largest energy company by market value agreed to spend $90 million on city initiatives, including Internet access  for residents and scholarships.

Chevron appealed to the council after the planning commission attached its own conditions to the project, which will allow the refinery to run a slate of higher-sulfur crudes. The city and the company later agreed to a modified set of requirements. The company gained permission for a larger project in 2008 and was halfway finished when a judge reversed the city’s decision, saying its environmental assessment was flawed.

“We’re pleased with the City Council’s decision to approve the Modernization Project so we can get to work on making this refinery newer, safer and cleaner and putting 1,000 people back to work,” Melissa Ritchie, a Chevron spokeswoman at the refinery, told Bloomberg News by e-mail.

The city approved permits for an “environmentally superior” version of the project that limits Chevron to processing 750 long tons a day of sulfur, down from the 900 the company had requested. The panel also prohibited an increase in greenhouse-gas emissions and said the company couldn’t import oil by rail unless it applies for additional permits from the city.

Groups including Communities for a Better Environment in Oakland had said the project would allow the refinery to run more carbon-intensive crudes and increase emissions. Opposition increased after a crude unit fire in August 2012, California's worst refinery blaze in a decade. Federal and state investigators have said the line that ruptured, igniting the fire, appeared to have corroded after being exposed to sulfur compounds at high temperatures.

The San Ramon, California-based company said in April that the revamp may be finished as soon as mid-2016 should it receive approval this month. The Richmond plant can process 245,271 barrels a day, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Shrinking Revenue Spurs Gasoline Tax Alternatives

Several states test programs to tax miles driven, not gallons purchased.

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​WASHINGTON – State officials across the country are beginning to recognize that the current per-gallon gasoline tax is outdated and increasingly insufficient, according to a new report from the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Stateline publication. Gasoline taxes are raising less revenue as cars become more fuel efficient and more people turn to public transportation and electric cars. Meanwhile, crumbling infrastructure is increasing the need for funding. Faced with these facts, many states are looking for alternatives to the gasoline tax.

Oregon is already testing a program that would levy a tax on miles driven, rather than on each gallon of fuel purchased, and California is considering a similar model. Last year, Virginia eliminated the state’s 17.5 cents per gallon motor vehicle tax on gasoline and diesel, replacing it with a 3.5% tax on the wholesale price of gasoline and a 6% tax on the wholesale price of diesel, dedicating a portion of the general sales tax to the highway fund. And Missouri put a multi-billion-dollar sales tax hike for transportation on the ballot earlier this month, but voters soundly rejected it.

Only a few states index gasoline taxes for inflation: Florida, Maryland and Massachusetts. Stateline cites a study by the conservative Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy which concludes that most state gasoline taxes, especially those not indexed, are “built to fail.” After adjusting to account for growth in construction costs, the average state’s gasoline tax rate has effectively fallen by 20%, or 6.8 cents per gallon, since the last time it was increased.

The U.S. Gasoline Demand

A month in front of the Labor Day holiday in the U.S., the unofficial end of the peak summer driving season, gasoline demand spiked from what has been lackluster consumption this summer, with preliminary data showing a surge in demand to the highest weekly rate so far in 2014.

The Energy Information Administration said gasoline supplied to the primary market jumped 353,000 bpd to 9.359 million bpd during the week-ended August 1, and flipped the four-week average from a 1% decline against year prior during the preceding period to a 0.3% gain through August 1. After all, gasoline demand entered summer like a lion, but has been on the lam (b) through much of July.

A very strong run rate by refiners looks ready to give way to lower utilization. After holding above 90% since late June, including two weeks in July at a 93.8% eight-year high, the refinery run rate is set to ease as some refiners move units into early seasonal maintenance. Geopolitical risks abound, although the market has taken increased violence in the Middle East and in eastern Ukraine in stride. U.S. fighter jets bombed artillery positions held by the radical Islamic militants in northern Iraq August 8. Wide ranging geopolitical threats to oil supply remain.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in their Monthly Oil Market Report released August 8 said oil demand in the U.S. “remains strongly dependent on the development of the U.S. economy.” Gasoline demand in the U.S. has trended down since 2007 due to several factors. The primary reason for lower consumption has been greater vehicle efficiency.

The consumer should keep conserving.

Where Fuel Prices Pinch

The pain of high gasoline prices is especially acute in rural areas, where incomes can be modest and driving distances between jobs and shopping areas long. Nationwide, Americans spend roughly 4 percent of their income on gasoline, but in some counties of the Mississippi Delta, where Will Young was putting $5 worth of gas into his 1988 Chevrolet Silverado, it can consume more than 13 percent.

North Dakota’s crude production continues to grow on strength of Bakken, Three Forks

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A drilling rig aims for oil in the Bakken Shale near Watford City, N.D.

HOUSTON — North Dakota’s crude oil production passed a record 1 million barrels per day in April and remained above the benchmark in May on the strength of production from the Williston Basin’s Bakken and Three Forks formations, according to government reports.

In April, the North Dakota produced 30,097,687 barrels of crude and averaged 1,003,256 barrels produced per day through the 30-day month, according to data compiled by North Dakota’s Department of Mineral Resources. In May, the state produced 32,228,691 barrels for average daily production of 1,039,635 barrels per day through the 31-day month, according to the latest preliminary data available.

One reason for the growth in oil production was the addition of 227 producing wells through the state. North Dakota counted 10,892 producing wells in May compared to 10,665 in April.

Average production per well in the state also grew between the months, from about 2,822 barrels per month per well in April to about 2,959 barrels per month per well in May.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration said in a report Monday that the growth in drilling may have yielded knowledge about the North Dakota formations that contributed to the increased production.

In the Bakken, the relatively low thickness and low permeability of the formation means that better information on the location of the oil can translate quickly into more production. Though oil production in North Dakota first began in the 1950′s, the large-scale production didn’t begin until the discovery of the Parshall Field in 2007, according to the report. Since then, North Dakota’s crude oil production has grown at a staggering rate.

The state’s oil fields now account for 12 percent of all U.S. oil production, and more than 1 percent of global production.

Venezuela looking to offload Citgo

The days of Citgo may be winding down as Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA looks to sell its Citgo Petroleum unit if it receives a good offer, Petroleum Minister Rafael Ramirez said this week.

"As soon as we receive a proposal that serves our interests, we will exit Citgo," Ramirez said during a celebration of the 100th anniversary of Venezuela's oil production. "This is not something simple like deciding to take off a jacket; this is an issue that we're working on."  Citgo's asset in the U.S. includes three refineries, which have a combined capacity of 750,000 barrels per day. They are in Lemont, Illinois, Lake Charles, Louisiana, and Corpus Christi, Texas. Finding a buyer may be a bit tricky for Citgo, as two of its three refineries are set up to run heavy Venezuelan crudes while many U.S. refineries are looking to run cheap domestic or Canadian crudes. Only Citgo's refinery in Lemont has good access to the cheaper crude. 

On the other hand, Citgo owns quite a few terminals and pipelines that would be highly attractive as demand for such remains high in light of booming domestic production of crude oil.

The impact to Citgo's branded retail outlets is not yet known, but any potential buyer of its retail assets would likely shy away from the Citgo brand, which many American motorists tie to Venezuela.

If upheld, National Labor Relations Board ruling would forever change the business of franchising.

Page ContentWASHINGTON -- The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled yesterday that franchisor companies could be liable for the labor practices of their franchisees. If the decision is not reversed, it could be a watershed development for the U.S. economy, including the convenience store industry, disrupting longtime business practices. This ruling would lead to huge potential liabilities for franchisors, facilitate easier unionization and remove one of the major reasons for operating through franchise agreements. 

Specifically, the NLRB’s General Counsel notified McDonald’s Corporation yesterday that it can be named as a “joint employer” for workers in its franchise-owned fast-food restaurants.  This would make the company liable for working conditions in its franchisees’ stores. The next stage of the proceeding is for the issue to be argued before an Administrative Law Judge. If that judge upholds yesterday’s decision, the issue would likely be taken to court. Such legal challenges typically take years to resolve.

Although the McDonald’s case concerned allegations of unfair labor practices, the outcome’s impact could be also be felt in wage and unionization disputes. It is much easier for unions such as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to target a single corporate entity and organize all of the workers at once, rather than having to approach and organize each franchisee on a piecemeal basis. Yesterday’s decision could enable unions to focus their efforts on a single corporate entity. Further, as workers in the fast-food industry have advocated for chains to adopt a minimum wage of $15 per hour, the companies have often said that franchise owners, not the larger corporate entity, set employee wages. This response would be substantially weakened if the larger corporate franchisor is considered a joint employer.   

“The NLRB’s flawed, unfortunate decision yesterday is very concerning,” said Lyle Beckwith, NACS senior vice president of government relations. “If it is not overturned, thousands of small-business convenience store owners could be forced to surrender control of the operations of their own company."

Yesterday’s development has its genesis in 181 unfair labor practice complaints filed with the NLRB against McDonald’s and its franchisees over the past 20 months. The NLRB’s general counsel announced yesterday that 43 such complaints had merit, and that he would include McDonald’s as a joint employer rather than limiting the defendant in those complaints to the franchisee.

Franchisees Suing 7-Eleven

Franchisee group claims racial discrimination, among other allegations.

7-Eleven celebrated its birthday, the Franchise Owners Association of Greater Los Angeles (FOAGLA) filed a lawsuit against 7-Eleven, alleging racism, and ageism, invasion of privacy and illegal surveillance and mistreatment.

The lawsuit represents 1,200 franchisees in the area, the majority of whom are South Asian American, and claims a number of franchisees were stripped of their stores illegally, without evidence of wrongdoing or any compensation, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Some plaintiffs allege that 7-Eleven is making a practice of targeting successful stores in high-traffic areas, then in a process called “churning,” flips the stores to new franchisees who are willing to pay the company higher fees.

The lawsuit is not the first of its kind, as more than a dozen franchisees nationwide have sued 7-Eleven in the last two years with similar allegations.

Reportedly, the problems began after Tokyo-based Seven and I Holdings Co. took over the 7-Eleven chain in 2005.

“Tragically, 7-Eleven has now become a cautionary tale of the dangers of corporate greed in the franchise context,” the complaint stated, as reported by the Court House News Service. “7-Eleven has become an unfortunate example of the tragic results that occur when a franchisor ceases to consider its franchisees as valuable, independent contractors and business owners and to see them merely as disposable assets to be exploited for short-term profits, and then discarded once their value has been extracted.”

According to the franchisees, 7-Eleven changed the role of the franchisee from independent contractor and small business owner to that of a low-level employee with no voice in the operations of their store, according to the complaint.

Ethnic South Asian franchisees across California further allege that they were specific targets of these practices because of their cultural background, a key point that sets this case apart from past lawsuits, Louis Tambaro, a partner with New Jersey law firm Marks & Klein, the franchise owners group’s lead counsel told the Los Angeles Times.

FOAGLA said it is not seeking monetary compensation from 7-Eleven, but wants a court ruling to declare that 7-Eleven’s actions violate both federal and California state laws. 7-Eleven told the Los Angeles Times that the allegations are false and it will “vigorously defend itself.”  “This is a frivolous lawsuit filed by a very small number of franchisees and a local franchisee group,” the company said in a statement. Previously, 7-Eleven has said its takeovers were a result of some franchisees stealing or falsifying sales records.

Mixed Reactions to Kentucky’s Government-Run Gasoline Station

Many call it socialism, but customer’s line up for cheaper fuel.

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​SOMERSET, Ky. – The City of Somerset has recently entered the retail fueling business, having converted a city-owned fuel storage facility into a no-frills gasoline station that sells gasoline for just a few cents below local fuel retailers. Somerset city officials claim they have the best interest of their 11,000 residents in mind, trying to keep gasoline prices low, while showing “big oil” that they won’t be pushed around. According to an Associated Press report, Somerset Mayor Eddie Girdler said “We … decided we’ve got backbone and we’re not going to allow the oil companies to dictate to us what we can and cannot do. We don’t care if we don’t sell a drop of gasoline. Our objective is to lower the price.”

“There are at least two facts that get in the way of the premise that this will force oil companies to reduce prices,” said Jeff Lenard, vice president of strategic initiatives at NACS. “First, only about 0.4% of gas stations are owned by an integrated oil company. Second, retailers, regardless of makeup, have a very small impact on prices at the pump. And then, there is the issue of funding the competition.

“They’ve used the taxpayer money that I have paid them over these years to do this, to be against us. I do not see how they can’t see that as socialism,” Somerset convenience store owner Duane Adams told the Associated Press in a recent interview. Leaders in neighboring cities have questioned both the management logistics of operating a fueling station and the “slippery slope” that comes with the government controlling prices by getting involved in the retail business.  In response to the media attention over Somerset’s move, leaders in nearby cities have emphasized that they don’t plan to go into business anytime soon.

"We all complain about high gas prices at times, but what would the city do if milk prices go up high, or bread prices. Would the city of Bowling Green go into the business of selling milk or bread or any commodity?" Bowling Green, Kentucky, City Commissioner Melinda Hill said in one news report.

She also expressed concern about potential job losses if her town were to follow Somerset’s lead, emphasizing that they would not want to do anything to compete with existing businesses or drive retailers away from her town.

Buc-ee’s Eying Another Enormous Store

Plans call for a 60,000-square-foot convenience store, which has become a normal model for the expanding Texas chain.

They say everything is bigger Texas, and Buc-ee’s Ltd proves it with every new convenience store it builds.

Its newest location is in the works in Corinth, Texas, after that city’s planning and zoning commission on July 28 authorized a zoning change that will allow the Lake Jackson, Texas-based retailer to go ahead with the design. Plans call for a 60,000-square-foot convenience store at least 10 times the size of area c-stores with a parking lot for more than 400 vehicles. Corinth city council must also approve the development plan.

The “mega travel center” would be built on about 20 acres at the corner of the I35E and South Corinth Street. The Texas-sized 96 gas pumps and 31 cash registers.

Jeff Nadalo, Buc-ee’s general counsel, earlier this year told the Fort Worth-Star Telegram that interested in developing its footprint in the North Texas region. With 29 stores in the central and Gulf Coast regions of Texas, Buc-ee’s is close to beginning construction on the store later this year.

Buc-ee’s prides itself on the cleanliness of its restrooms and the grand scale of its product offerings and customer service.

Touted as having the cleanest bathrooms in the business, Buc-ee’s offers everything from Texas-shaped waffle irons to fishing tackle to a bevy of food and snacks. Once fully operational, the 24- hour c-store will employ between 150 and 225 people. Founders Arch “Beaver” Aplin III and Don Wasek opened their first store in Lake Jackson in 1982.

Hydrogen fueled vehicles: Their future is closer than you think

To the 48% of consumers who think that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are at least a decade away, the auto industry is saying, “Welcome to the year 2024!”

In May, Hyundai Motor Co. began leasing a fuel-cell version of its Tucson sport-utility vehicle in California the first mass- produced fuel cell vehicle to be sold in the United States. Other automakers plan to introduce their vehicles next year.

To support the sale or leasing of these new vehicles, the California Energy Commission announced in May that it is investing $46.6 million to help develop the hydrogen fueling infrastructure in the state.  This latest investment will add 28 stations to the nine in operation and 17 under development in the state, according to USA Today.

The promise of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has been touted for years, and was a big focus at this year’s Washington Auto Show. From the retail perspective, one of the biggest advantages of hydrogen fueling is that it is very similar to current fueling procedures. Customers fill up their vehicles in a 3 to 4-minute experience that mimics traditional fueling. 

It is expected that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will soon hit the market in several other countries. Toyota announced that it will sell hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Japan in early 2015, and will expand sales to the United States and Europe later in the year.

So with vehicles hitting the market and the infrastructure being developed, will consumers buy hydrogen fuel cell vehicles? It may take a bit of education given the results of a July 2014 NACS consumer survey. Nearly half of consumers surveyed by NACS (48%) say that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are at least a decade away (42%) or will never reach the market (6%). Meanwhile, 36% say that they could hit the market in the next year or two and only 15% say that the vehicles are currently available.

While California has been the focus of developing a U.S. market for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, consumers in the West were no more likely to say that they are currently available, with 46% saying that that these vehicles would either never hit the market (5%) or are at least a decade away (41%).

“The roll-out plan for vehicles and refueling infrastructure is a coordinated strategy to ensure that fuel is available when and where the vehicles are introduced,” said NACS Vice President of Government Relations John Eichberger, who also serves as executive director of the Fuels Institute. “As the market develops, the experience gained in these initial California markets will inform market participants concerning the feasibility of the hydrogen market and facilitate the expansion of the service area to more consumers.”

GSP Enhances Point-of-Purchase Tracking Solution

Adds improved functionality to POPInteract order data platform

CLEARWATER, Fla. --GSP, a leading provider of retail services for convenience stores, has announced a new release of its proprietary point-of-purchase (POP) tracking platform, POPInteract.

The release includes a newly redesigned user interface and several new features, designed to improve usability by marketing department field employees of leading retailers.

The updated user interface features a streamlined menu navigation that provides retailers with easier access to design work and enables faster access to POP order data. Enhanced filtering capabilities have been added to all screens, providing a consistent way to find information. Order reports and store modules have also been refined, making export of data to Excel even easier than before.

"We redesigned POPInteract's interface to make searching and reporting more intuitive," said Kevin Farley, GSP's COO. "We have also integrated the interface of POPInteract with the interface of our site intelligence system, GSPSurveyor, so retailers who use both systems now have a seamless, integrated user experience. These enhancements will make POPInteract an even more effective tool for retailers to lower their POP costs and streamline the management of their in-store marketing campaigns."

POPInteract provides retailers with a web-based platform for easily accessing real-time information on POP artwork, orders, inventory and shipments as well as site profile data. POPInteract uses an easy-to-use interface for searching, sorting and filtering POP data and a dashboard tool that highlights items most recently changed. POPInteract also enables retailers to quickly generate order-level GTR and data mashup reports to determine how many signs and items exist, and in which stores.

Clearwater, Fla.-based GSP provides retail branding and marketing services with a focus on site-specific execution. It provides the lowest-cost POP program available by ensuring stores only get what they need and nothing more.

Credit Card Fraud on the Rise

Thieves attempting last-minute scams before U.S. EMV adoption takes effect.

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​BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – With America on the verge of converting to EMV credit cards in the next few years, fraudsters are trying to get in on last-minute scams. This is particularly true for credit card thieves in Europe, who consider the unsecured American system an easy target, according to a recent article on the credit card information website, .

The issue is so bad that some European credit card companies simply do not trust purchases made in the America and may even decline American credit cards at the point-of-sale, causing problems for retailers and card users.

The United Kingdom in particular has already seen a big hit from the vulnerable U.S. credit card systems. According to the article, fraud went up significantly in U.K. because cards were being counterfeited and used in the U.S.

On the bright side, experts expect that once adoption begins, the U.S. will adopt EMV much more rapidly than other countries have, and this rapid adoption will be a big advantage against continuing fraud. By October 2015, more than 70% of American credit cards are scheduled to have chip and PIN technology.

Ruling Makes Franchisors Liable for Labor Practices of Franchisees

Intelligent analytics help merchants identify fraud before it happens.

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​FOSTER CITY, Calif. — Visa is now helping U.S. fuel retailers prevent credit and debit card fraud at the pump with intelligent analytics that identify higher-risk transactions that may be fraudulent.

While global fraud rates across the Visa payment system remain near historic lows – less than 6 cents for every $100 transacted – fuel pumps can be targets for criminals because they are often self-service terminals. According to a press release, the new solution, Visa Transaction Advisor (VTA), enables merchants to use real-time authorization risk scores to identify transactions that could involve lost, stolen or counterfeit cards. A pilot test of the new service showed a 23% reduction in the rate of fraudulent transactions.

The service works by analyzing multiple data sets such as past transactions, whether the account has been involved in a data compromise and nearly 500 other pieces of data to create a risk score each time a card is swiped at the pump. This allows merchants to identify those transactions with a higher risk of fraud and perform further cardholder authentication before gas is pumped.

New Study Suggests Accelerated Corrosion Of UST Sumps Caused By Ethanol

A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) laboratory study has found accelerated corrosion in sump areas of USTs storing gasoline blended with 10 percent ethanol. The study was conducted after field inspectors reported incidents of accelerated corrosion of sump pump equipment in UST systems in nine states. These incidents are generally associated with the presence of bacteria which convert ethanol to acetic acid, a component of vinegar, according to the study.

Following up on the field inspection data, the NIST laboratory study suggests submersible pump casings made of steel or cast iron may need to be replaced sooner than expected. The NIST study confirmed corrosion damage similar to that seen on sump pumps by field inspectors. NIST researchers developed new test methods and equipment to study copper and steel alloy samples either immersed in ethanol-water solutions inoculated with bacteria, or exposed to the vapors above the medium conditions mimicking those around sump pumps. Corrosion rates were measured over 30 days. The worst damage, flaky iron oxide particles covering corrosion, was found on steel exposed to vapors. Copper tubing also showed damage though at a much slower rate than steel and cast iron casings. However, the study concluded that stress corrosion cracking for bent copper tubing posed a risk for leaks.

A previous NIST study found that ethanol-loving bacteria accelerated pipeline cracking. The NIST test equipment developed for the study will be used in future studies of special coatings and biocides designed to prevent sump pump failures and leaks.

Audi Tests 'Piloted Driving' in Traffic Jams

In the scorching heat of Tampa's Lee Roy Selmon Expressway Audi engineers recently tested its 'Piloted Driving' system that enables a driver in slow moving traffic on a highway to press a button on the steering wheel to let the car take over, freeing the human driver to check emails, make a phone call or send a text at speeds up to 40 mph.

Sue Chrzan, communications director for the Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority experienced it first-hand and, apparently, is sold on the technology. "I was in the car when the engineer took his hands off the wheel and his feet off the gas pedal," she said. "I was pretty amazed. The car stayed in its lanes better than 99 percent of the drivers out there." 

The feature is expected to take some of the grind out of the most tedious driving conditions, as well as improve safety, Howard Altman of the Tampa Tribune reports.

To make that happen, Audi has bundled several sensory technologies from existing vehicles like those assisting drivers to stay in their lanes and avoid blind spots with newer equipment, says Brad Stertz, communications director for Audi of America. The demonstration vehicle has between 17 and 20 sensors using radar, sonar and lidar a laser-based remote sensing technology. Working with cameras, the system, developed in Germany, “makes millions and billions of decisions every minute,” Stertz said.

It will still be about five years before the system as tested will hit the showrooms, says Stertz, adding that he expects it to ultimately cost a little more than the current Audi sensor packages that run upwards of $10,000.

But you will have to wait another couple of decades for a car that really drives itself, he says.

Aside from technological hurdles, there are potential regulatory roadblocks as well.

While states regulate drivers, the federal government regulates vehicles. “Who will regulate a driverless car?” Stertz asks.

Prius Claims World Record: 581 mpg

It's no secret that one of the obstacles automakers must overcome to sell hybrids is the apprehension consumers have about driving range and how far they'll be able to go before refueling...

Now Toyota is bragging that it’s Prius plug-in hybrid hit the equivalent of 581 miles per gallon on Germany’s famous Nürburgring Grand Prix-style race track, known as the “The Green Hell” for its challenging curves and steep climbs in the forests 75 miles northwest of Frankfurt. 

According to a video posted on Toyota’s You Tube channel, automotive journalist Joe Clifford ran the 12.9-mile loop almost exclusively on the car’s electric power, using gasoline only on the uphill climbs.

Toyota was the first automaker to mass produce a hybrid, and the Prius remains the most popular one on the market even as competing brands are beginning to grab market share.

Granted, this Prius was decked out in weight-saving features from Toyota Racing Development, such as low-resistance tires and aerodynamic front and rear bumpers. Clifford also kept the average speed of his run to 40 miles per hour, making the loop in an agonizingly slow 21 minutes, more than three times longer than a typical run.

International Business Times says the purpose of the publicity stunt was to underscore the Prius plug-in hybrid’s ability to handle a commute using almost no fuel, at least by European standards, where people tend to drive more slowly and live closer to their jobs than Americans.

First introduced in 2010, the Prius plug-in hybrid is rated by the U.S. Department of Energy at 95 miles per gallon equivalent in combined city and highway driving. The U.S. rates the car’s range at six miles on electric-only power. A feather-footed driving practice called 'hypermiling' can squeeze out extra efficiency by driving at a slow, moderate pace and coasting on hills.

Candy makers Boost Prices

Both Hershey and Mars announce price increases.

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​NEW YORK – Mars Chocolate North America announced a price increase which follows a similar July 15 announcement by The Hershey Company.

Mars said on July 23 that is raising its prices by an average of 7% to offset rising costs; its first increase in three years.

"In the three years since our last price increase, in March 2011, we have invested significantly in the category and have experienced a dramatic increase in our costs of doing business," a Mars spokesperson said in an email to Reuters.

On July 15, Hershey announced an increase in wholesale prices across the majority of its U.S., Puerto Rico and export portfolio.

“Over the last year key input costs have been volatile and remain at levels that are above historical averages,” said Michele G. Buck, president, North America, The Hershey Company. “Commodity spot prices for ingredients such as cocoa, dairy and nuts have increased meaningfully since the beginning of the year. Given these trends, we expect significant commodity cost increases in 2015.”

*If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep; you are richer

than 75% of this world.

*If you have money in the bank, in your wallet and spare change in a dish someplace; you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy.

*If you woke up this morning with more health than illness; you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

*If you have never experienced the danger of the battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

*If you can attend a church meeting without fear or harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.


Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida has endorsed Evan Rabinowitz ON DECK

a leader in the gasoline industry specializing in small business and

Gasoline station commercial loans.

For more information please contact:

Evan Rabinowitz Direct: 646-405-5944 • Cell: 917-208-6936

e mail-newpartner@


Enrolled to practice before the IRS

Prompt and Reliable Services

682 Maitland Ave. *****************Accounting

Altamonte Springs, FL 32701****************Payroll & Income Tax

407-332-8311***********************Electronic Filing

Dinesh Chokshi

Enrolled Agent

Barry’s goal!

To provide high quality legal services in a timely fashion. We consider the representation of our clients a privilege and we promise you we will work hard to get the best possible result for you. We welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help you with no cost or obligation.* Please contact us @ 561-242-9400 or toll-free at 866-452-9400 or e-mail at

My staff and I welcome you to our Web site .

On this site, there is more information on my education, experience, qualifications, and area of practice as well as links to other informative sites. We hope you will find our site informative and useful.


Barry S. Balmuth, P.A.                                    

Centurion Tower-Eleventh Floor *Petroleum Marketing Practices Act Federal (PMPA)

1601 Forum Place, Suite 1101

West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 *Motor Fuels Marketing Practices Act Florida (MFMPA)

Toll free at 866-452-9400



Many years of experience in the gasoline industry representing dealers in PMPA matters and franchise disputes!

Barry Balmuth, litigates in eminent domain and can represent you at no cost and help you in obtaining compensation for business damages and for property loss when the government or Barry Balmuth a utility takes a portion of the property on which your station operates for a road project.  Government agencies and utilities must pay full compensation and, in many situations, business damages as well as attorney’s fees and costs when they use the power of eminent domain to acquire property. 

For complete information go to or call toll free at 866-452-9400.


The Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida Inc. proudly endorses AFLAC for all our supplemental insurance into our “Benefit Program”.

For information Contact; Jennifer Foss

941.286.8010 / Fax 941.237.4876


Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation dividend program

The Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida proudly sponsors Meadowbrook Insurance Group as its source for workers’ compensation insurance. Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation is available to the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida membership.

For more Information contact: Contact: Meadowbrook Nancy Clay @ (800) 726-9006 or Pat Moricca 407-774-9700.

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida-Meadowbrook Group Workers’ compensation dividend program has produced a dividend on paid premiums for nine out of the last ten years.

Department of the Treasury

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network


FenCEN’s Web site is located at:


December 4, 2006

FinCEN Announces Launch of FinCEN Updates E-mail Subscription News Service

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today announced the launch of FinCEN Updates – a new, free

e-mail subscription management service designed to keep the financial industry, the media and the public informed of news, rulemakings, advisories and other developments at FinCEN. This new secure e-mail subscription management service permits users to customize their updates, which enables them to receive e-mails related to the topics to which they have subscribed.

FinCEN Updates allows users to choose their subscription preferences. Subscription items include advisories, guidance, news releases, rulings, enforcement actions, and current career opportunities at FinCEN. Users can add or delete subscription items themselves, and have the option to password protects their accounts for increased security. Users can opt to have FinCEN Updates sent immediately, daily, weekly, or monthly to their e-mail accounts or directly to a wireless device.

FinCEN selected the GovDelivery® E-Mail Subscription Management service to monitor designated website content and to send an e-mail to alert subscribers when there is new information posted on FinCEN’s public websites. Subscribers will receive e-mails from the

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at the address fincenupdates@.

To subscribe to FinCEN Updates, visit FinCEN’s website at or subscribe directly at .

S. O. S.

Safehouse of Seminole Domestic violence is a social issue, which crosses all boundaries and threatens the very fabric of our society. At Safehouse of Seminole, we are dedicated to breaking this cycle of violence through our shelter and community outreach programs. Our crisis line and shelter programs provide victims and their children with the resources they need to begin healing from past and preparing for their future. Believing that education and awareness are vital tools for change, we provide educational programs in Seminole County Schools and other community organizations. 24-Hour Crisis Line 407-330-3933.

Safehouse of Seminole needs your donations

Your contribution to Safehouse may be tax deductible on your annual tax return, as Safehouse is an organization of the type described in section 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(A)(vi) under the Internal Revenue Code. Our registration number is SC-05086.

Safehouse of Seminole Wish List:

Personal Needs – Bedding Needs – Baby Food & Needs -- School Needs – Grocery/Kitchen/Cleaning Needs – Holiday Needs – Miscellaneous Items for everyday Needs!

Contact the Safehouse of Seminole @ 407-302-5220 for a copy of their Wish List.

Please make checks payable to and mail to

Safehouse of Seminole PO Box 471279, Lake Monroe, FL, 32747-1279





Corporate Defense Strategies Inc. / Information Research Specialist Inc.

Corporate Defense Strategies / Information Research Specialist provides national and worldwide services. We are a full service private investigation firm that is licensed, bonded and insured. Our principle investigator has over twenty-five years experience in loss prevention and corporate security.  Our investigators are also experts in corporate theft investigations, background checks, interview & interrogations / skip tracing and major asset investigations / judgment recovery.  In addition, CDS is a member of many national investigative associations.

Toll free (888) 361-3800

Fax - (407) 324-9856

e-mail- CDSInvest@

Web Site- Corporate Defense Strategies Inc.


Cars New

Trucks Wholesale For the lowest possible cost of buying and selling your next vehicle; utilize our service to save hundreds to thousands on your next vehicle purchase or lease.

No gimmicks or games, IDPS will utilize our network of dealers and work the deal from start to finish. IDPS guarantees a savings to the buyer or there is NO CHARGE. 250 FLAT RATE FEE

If anyone has any R12 Freon in storage,  IDPS Group is paying $15 dollars per pound for R12 Freon virgin or reclaimed any size amounts.

Contact Ken Broudy Office: (407) 324-5422 & (407) 383-9889 Cell E-mail: idpsgrp@


*Newsletter (407) 774-9700

*Help Line Pat Moricca (407) 774-9700

*Attorney Barry S. Balmuth Toll free (866) 452-9400

*Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers' Comp. Dividend Program Contact: Meadowbrook

*Meadowbrook Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPL) @ (800) 726-9006 ex 5325

*General Liability, Property Underground Gasoline Tanks Insurance (941) 955-2133 ex 526

*Health Insurance Michael A. Moran, CIC (941) 955-2133 ex 526

* AFLAC Contact; Jennifer Foss (941).286.8010 / Fax 941.237.4876

*Chokshi Accounting & Tax Services, Inc. Dinesh Chokshi (407) 332-8311 Fax (407) 332-7111

Gasoline station commercial loans Evan Rabinowitz Direct: (646)-405-5944 • Cell: 917-208-6936

*ATM EXPRESS contact: Linda Stewart or Keith Howard Toll Free (888) 600-4368

*RPM Inc. Receipts-Printing-Marketing Bill Page (727) 443-1442 (800) 398-0987


Lewis & Raulerson, Inc.

P. O. Box 59

Waycross, Georgia 32502

Florida: Ryan Firth 561-756-5203

912-283-5951 Office

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida

Welcomes All New Members

Membership Does Not Cost, It Pays

Consumer Advocates, LLC

Amy Cottrill, Owner

Titilayo “T” Cogdell, Manager



E mail acottrill4@

A Medwaiver provider for companion, respite, PCA and in home support services. "Our passion is to help individuals with disabilities and the elderly".

Serving Seminole, Orange, Osceola and Brevard.

For information contact: Amy Cottrill or Titilayo “T” Cogdell @ 321-352-0607 or 941-773-8758

Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida

The Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida is the leading voice for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. We offer hope, encouragement and acceptance through advocacy, education and awareness so that each may realize their potential as members of our community.

For information, 407-540-1121 web site

Altamonte Springs Special Needs Cheerleading - Sparklers

Through successful sports training and competition, City of Altamonte Springs Special Needs Cheerleading - Sparklers develop physically, socially, and physiologically. The positive experiences the athletes have and ongoing, City of Altamonte Springs Special Needs Cheerleading - Sparklers programs builds confidence and self image, which carries over into all aspects of their lives.

Altamonte Springs Sparklers information

contact Ranwa Nin El-khoury C(407)929-7254 W(407)571-8814 F(407)571-8809

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church

Altamonte Springs Florida

A Unique Stars Theatre Program

‘Angels Among Us’


The Best Of

‘Angels Among Us’

With Unique Special Angels of all Ages


Lisa Cioffi - Frank Corso

Produced and Directed by

Elsie Doughty

A must-see!

For information, please contact

Elsie Doughty @ (321) 948-4998 or

Pat Moricca @ 407-774-9700

‘Angels Among Us’ shows have received GREAT REVIEWS. Comments from people; I never saw any performance like it; I was moved by the special angels; Everyone should see the show; It brought tears of joy to my eyes; It is a heart-warming experience that makes you feel better as a human being; A classic and much more.

****************************** SHOW TIME *******************************

Sunday November 16th 2014

St. Augustine Catholic Church

375 N Sunset Dr.

Casselberry, FL 32707

Show Time 3:00 PM (doors open 2:15 PM)

No Charge -- Donations Welcomed


'Angels Among Us'

A group of physical & special challenged people to perform with their

professional instructors of song, dance, comedy & good news.

Contact Information (407) 774-9700 or (407) 695-3262


$10____ $15____

$20____ $50____



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