BCD420 - 2015 IBC Essentials for Wood Construction

BCD420 - 2015 I BC Essentials for Wood Construction

Based on Code Conforming Wood Design, 2015 Edition and the 2015 I nternational Building Code? ( I BC? )

Copyright Materials

This presentation is protected by US and I nternational Copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, display and use

of the presentation without written permission of AWC is pr ohibit ed.

? American Wood Council 2015

Copyright ? 2015 American Wood Council. All rights reserved.



? The American Wood Council is a Registered Provider with The American I nstitute of Architects Continuing Education Systems (AI A/ CES), Provider # 50111237.

? Credit(s) earned on completion of this course will be reported to AI A CES for AI A members. Certificates of Completion for both AI A members and non-AI A members are available upon request.

? This course is registered with AI A CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AI A of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.

? Questions related to specific materials, methods, and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this presentation.


Course Description

Based on the popular Code Conforming Wood Design ( CCWD) , a joint publication of the American Wood Council ( AWC) and the I nternational Code Council ( I CC) , this presentation concisely summarizes the 2015 I BC for commercial and multi-family residential construction. I t w ill explain the determination of maximum building size for eight common use groups using the new height and area tables of the 2015 I BC and pre-calculated tables provided in the CCWD. I t w ill also address establishing fire resistance for w ood assemblies and heavy timber; special provisions for pedestal buildings; criteria for finishes, appendages, and other w ood features; the scoping of referenced w ood design standards; an overview of structural provisions in Chapter 23; and requirements for precautions during construction.


Copyright ? 2015 American Wood Council.

All rights reserved.


2015 Code Conforming Wood Design Document (CCWD)

? The CCWD includes: ? Allow able building size ? Special occupancies ? Fire resistance ? Building features ? Wood in noncombustible construction types ? Structural considerations ? Precautions during construction


Obj ect ives

Upon completion, participants w ill be better able to: ? Apply 2015 I BC provisions for building size limits w hen w ood is

used as the primary structural element for buildings w ithin its scope. ? I dentify I BC methods for establishing fire resistance of w ood assemblies and elements. ? I dentify I BC requirements for fire precautions during const r uct ion. ? Apply I BC provisions for the use of w ood in finishes and trim; in building appendages such as balconies; in noncombustible construction types; and in other building features. ? Locate the fundamental I BC structural provisions for w ood design and identify the I BC-referenced w ood design standards.


Copyright ? 2015 American Wood Council.

All rights reserved.


About American Wood Council (AWC)

Provides engineering data, consensus standards and information on traditional and engineered w ood products. More info at aw .


I nternational Code Council (I CC)

? The I CC is a member-focused association.

? I t is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance processes to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient st r uct ur es.

? More info at .

Copyright ? 2015 American Wood Council. All rights reserved.



Polling Question

1. What is your profession? a) Architect b) Engineer c) Code Official d) Building Designer e) Other


I ntroduction

? Wood has distinct economic, environmental and design a dva nt a ges.

? More buildings are constructed of w ood than any other structural material.

Copyright ? 2015 American Wood Council. All rights reserved.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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