Loudoun County Public Schools

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:________________One to the World U.S. History ProjectDirections:Your One to the World Project will be to create a timeline using a PowerPoint of events about 3 local historical dates/events and link them to national events based on one of the following themes on the back of this sheet. You will be visiting some local history sites on B day Wednesday, May 25, A day Thursday, May 26 and we will be visiting Oatlands, Mont Zion Church, and Aldie Mill. Requirements: For the timeline: You will be picking 3 local history dates and 3 national history dates that associate with your theme. You will needed a minimum of ten slides.The information you will need for the PowerPoint:Introduction – It briefly explains a local site or event of your choosing. A picture per dateDescription of your earliest historical national date and connect it to your local theme. Description of your next historical national date and connect it to your local theme. Description of your last historical national date and connect it to your local theme. Rubric:(10 pts. ) ______ Introductory slide that includes a general overview of your theme and a possible graphic timeline.Teacher comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(30 Pts. ) ______ 3 Pictures - one for each sate that accurately reflects the theme for that date.Teacher comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(30 pts. ) ______ 3 Local history slides that reflect the impact of the chosen theme and an accurate explanation of the impact on local history connected to each of the 3 dates chosen.Teacher comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(30 pts. ) ______ 3 National history slides that reflect the impact of the chosen theme and an accurate explanation of the impact on American National history connected to each of the 3 dates chosen.Teacher comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(10 Points) _______ A Works Cited slide for all your sources. Include sources for pictures. Total Points scored ___________/110Loudoun History Project Suggested Topics 2016Suggested Topics:Note: These are simply suggestions. You are free to explore your particular interests as they relate to Loudoun county, but if you use a topic that is not on this list, you must get that approved by a teacher. We want to make sure you will be able to find enough suitable information in your research.The African-American experience in LoCoWomen’s experiences in LoCo historyGood times, bad times: economic cycles in Loudoun, their causes, and the effects they had on the lives of people in Loudoun countyThe Civil War in Leesburg (or another town in Loudoun)The Colonial Period in Leesburg and LoCoThe effect of World Wars I and II on LoCoThe role of technology in Loudoun’s history (effects on people’s lives and the local economy)Slavery, Segregation and/or the Civil Rights Movement in LoCoThe Underground Railroad in LoCoSegregated schooling in LoCoHorses, planes, trains, canals, and airplanes: A History of Transportation in LoCoEquestrian sports in LoudounThe role of journalism and media in Loudoun history (especially the Loudoun Times-Mirror, which dates back to 1798)Sports in Loudoun countyHome Sweet Home: changes in the engineering and architecture of Loudoun homesHow Agriculture Changed in Loudoun over the YearsReligion in LoudounSchooling and education in LoudounThe history of specific buildings or locations over time (e.g. Waterford Mill, the W&OD trail, the Loudoun courthouse in Leesburg)The history of specific Loudoun families over timeNative Americans in the Loudoun areaThe history of specific western Loudoun towns (e.g. Round Hill, Lovettsville, Lincoln, Waterford ................

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