King Alfred's Student Union - Amazon Web Services

-952553975President: Harry SampsonVice President, Activities: Jordan RudgeVice President, Education: Samuel Chivers General Manager: Andrew Harry SampsonVice President, Activities: Jordan RudgeVice President, Education: Samuel Chivers General Manager: Andrew Winchester Student UnionSports Teams and Societies can be very time consuming but very rewarding at the same time. Sports teams and societies offer a chance for people to learn new things, meet new people and build confidence. It can make the university experience all the more rewarding whilst adding to your C.V. Setting up a New Club or SocietyThere are five steps to help you start you new club or society:MembershipMembership feesForming Your CommitteeSetting Aims & ObjectivesApplying for a GrantMembership. It is advised that you have as many members as possible when you start your society, normally a minimum of fifteen members is required for a club or society to be affiliated with the Student Union however special dispensation maybe given.Membership Fees There is a minimum membership fee of ?40 per person in any BUCS team or ?20 for non-BUCS. Some teams may charge more than this due to cost of running.Societies have no set subscription fee but it is recommended to include one (max ?50). Any such fees should be set annually by the Chair/Captain and agreed by the Student Union Vice President Activities (VPA).In addition to this we do stipulate that each member must have a Student Activities Number that can be purchased primarily during Fresher's Week, but also throughout the year, when required. This number gives the Holder the right to join any legitimate club or society throughout their time at The University of Winchester and also provides the holder with participation insurance for all legitimate club/society activity. It is also a means by which that the Union can supply extra funding to clubs and societies if the need arises, and also help new clubs and societies form with financial help. Forming Your CommitteeOnce you have formed your membership the next step is to elect a committee to focus your club/society and reach your aims and objectives (see step 4).To elect a committee the Vice President, Activities must be present to oversee the election process, advice on how to run this is available on request.Setting Aims & Objectives It is important for your club and society to set out aims and objectives for the year and the future development of your club or society. It is also important to define the objectives that will help you achieve your aims. This will form the focus of your committees work for the year.The aims and objectives of your club or society should be included when you submit your proposal, to form the society. It should also be recognised that the union will not accept a proposal if a societies aims and objectives are the same as another.You will be asked to complete this form annually, in order to track progress and focus development.Grant ApplicationAs soon as you have formed your club/society, your account 1 will receive ?50. The VPA & P&V Officer will also consider any grant requests you may present them with for equipment, kit etc, or the use of SU vehicles for certain events.These tasks may not only help you in the formation of your club/ society, but also helps the Union ensure that your club or society does not contravene Union policy. These procedures also enable the union to be certain that your club/society is gaining the required level of financial assistance from the Union and from the members of the club/society.Once a proposal has been submitted to the Vice President Activities, it will be taken to the next available Executive meeting and you will be contacted once an outcome is decided.Please feel free to contact the Vice President Activities regarding this situation with any queries or questions you may have via the information below.CONTACT DETAILS:SO22 4NRTEL:01962 a proposal to be considered for affiliation the following documents are attached and must be submitted:Sport and Society Development planClub Name: RotaractAcademic year: 2013-2014Captain/Chair: Bianca MyersTitle:Group category (Academic, affecting change etc): Volunteering What does your club do?State here the basic reason for the club or society to exist e.g.: Bird watching society – to allow members to come together and discuss bird watching activities on and around campus. To provide members with information and opportunities to further their interests etc. What are your aims for this year?List here anything you want to have achieved in the year ahead for your club or society eg: To get all members formal society uniform. To have members attend the rspb annual conference. To spot and log a greater spotted woodpecker.When will you meet/train?Note here how often you society will formal meet and any resource required to do so eg; Once a week in a room with PC’s and at least one field trip a month for spotting.Please list any major events/projects you are working on this yearNote here for each month if you have any specific projects, activities or events that you are hoping to undertake.September- Freshers Fair- will be using this as a chance to recruit freshers and other interested parties we haven’t yet been able to reach.October- November-December- January-February-March-April-May-June-Strengths and areas for development for your clubNote here what you think the strengths of your club and society are and what they will add to the Union’s overall extracurricular offerings.Things the SU can help you with List here anything you would like the SU to directly assist with eg:Room BookingsFunding to help get events off the groundAdvertising to get more members. What would you like your club to be doing in 3 years’ time?List here aspirations for your club or society eg:To have spotted & logged at least 80% of Hampshire bird species.To have held an annual field trip to Exmouth RSPB bird reserve.To have 50 active members.Society SignaturesName: Position: Date: Email Address: Name: Position: Date: Email Address: Winchester Student UnionRisk AssessmentActivityBird watching field tripNameJane BloggsPositionChairSignedDate1/1/11.Each event organiser should nominate a person responsible for health and safety.The nominated person responsible for this activity is:[Who is in charge on the day]Telephone/ Mobile no.Activity/RiskWho is affectedWorst outcomeLikelihoodPrecautionsHazard identifiedPerson(s) at risk4. Possible death3. Serious injury2. First aid injury1. Minor injury/ damage4. Very likely3. Possibility2. Unlikely1. RemoteWhat you will due to reduce/control the risk.Eg Hiking over rough terrain.Field trip Participants33Participants to wear suitable clothing/footwear.Hike to only be undertaken in daylight hoursParticipants to declare they are fit & healthy to participateList of initial members (15 minimum required for new start ups)NameEmailSignature-66675542925Winchester Student Union, Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NRTele: 01962 827418 Fax: 01962 827449Email: orders must be accompanied by an official order formVAT: 458 535419A larger print version of this document is available upon request00Winchester Student Union, Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NRTele: 01962 827418 Fax: 01962 827449Email: orders must be accompanied by an official order formVAT: 458 535419A larger print version of this document is available upon request ................

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