
Clerk: Mrs S Porter

3 Packwood Close



NN11 8AJ

Tel: 01327 301570


Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Spratton Parish Council

held on Thursday 28th January 2016 in the Brasserie 23, The King's Head, Manor Road, Spratton at

7:30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Present: Cllrs: Bill Blowfield, John Hunt, Janine Spence, Jay Tindale and Paul Vellam (5 members)

In attendance: Sue Porter, Interim Clerk/RFO and 4 members of the public.

16. Open Forum - J Gaywood advised that a Parish Councillor has been raising concerns about the village school and wondered about the general feeling from the Parish Council? These concerns need investigating and further clarification will be sought from the Chair of Governors along with an invitation to a Parish Council Meeting to explain the latest position with the School. The latest Ofsted report shows the school is out of special measures and has received good reports. J Gaywood would also like his letter of resignation posted on the noticeboard, and asked why this had not yet been undertaken by the Clerk? It was the feeling that last year’s resignation letters were posted so all councillors should be treated the same.

16. Resolution to approve apologies for absence – G Bandy (hospital), C Chivers (work), H Mallinder (rugby), Janice Thomas (holiday) – B Blowfield proposed that these apologies are accepted, seconded by J Spence and all voted in favour.

16.16 Members’ declarations of interests/dispensation requests for relevant items on the Agenda – Nil

17.16 Approve 2016/2017 Precept – The precept was presented by the Resources Committee and a copy of the final version is attached to these minutes. J Tindale proposes that the figure of £39,000 is requested from Daventry District Council, payable in two instalments (April and September 2016), this was seconded by J Spence, and all voted in favour. There has been no increase from 2015/16.

£10,000 has been ring fenced from reserves into the Churchyard Wall budget. P Vellam is in talks with the MEP about the grant funding which may be available.

Many thanks were given to all the hard work from the Resources Committee.

18.16 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 16th February 2016 at 7:30 pm

Meeting Closed: 7:55pm

Chairman Signature…………………………………………………… Dated:………………………………………


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