6th Grade Integer Timeline Project

6th Grade Integer Timeline Project


What is this project?

You will be creating a timeline that uses events prior “now” and imagined events in the future. You will be labeling them with years as well as integers.

When is the project due?

This project has been handed out on January 13th or 14th and will be due Friday, January 22nd

What do I need to do to receive the most points possible?

• You need to find any 5 events that occurred prior to RIGHT NOW. Since these events happened before this school year, they will be your negative events. (you can use 2015 or 2016.) On the number line, you need to label both the year that they happened and a number that corresponds to the year.

• You need to imagine 5 events that will happen in the future. These will be your positive events. On the number line, you need to label both the year that they will happen and a number that corresponds to the year.

• You need to include “6th grader at Del Mar” on your timeline. This will be the zero on your timeline. Please label it with a “0” as well as the year.

How do I figure out what number corresponds to the year?

• To figure out which number to assign to the year, start at “now” (zero). If you were born in 2003, that would be 12 years ago, or (– 12). If something happened in 1995, that was 20 years ago, so it should have a (–20). If you predict you will graduate high school in 2021, it should be a (+6).  You may use events from your own life or family, or significant events from history. Your predictions should be reasonable and not science fiction!

How should my timeline look?

• Your timeline should be very neat and in pen or marker. I will NOT accept a piece of notebook paper turned in with pencil writing. Put some time into this please. Include some type of illustration (colored) for each event. Some students have included snapshots and/or clip art. This makes it look very nice!!!

• Remember that this is a number line. Therefore, you should have a line for every number. You need only to plot the numbers for which you have corresponding events and years. The years should be spaced relative to the time passed. (The distance for showing 4 years should be double the distance for showing 2 years.) Think: equal intervals!

• The timeline needs to be on poster board paper or construction paper. It would be best to use the paper given to you in class! This is not a poster. It should be a long sheet of paper.

How much is this project worth?

This project will be worth a total of 25 points.


Grading Criteria


Do you have 6th grade labeled as zero?

_____(2) Yes. The year/integer are labeled correctly.

_____(1) The year is labeled, but the integer is incorrect.

_____(1) The integer is labeled, but there is no year.

_____(0) There is no year or integer listed.

Are all 5 items that happened prior to

6th grade labeled with a year?

_____(5) All five items are present/labeled.

_____(4) Four items are present/labeled.

_____(3) Three items are present/labeled.

_____(2) Two items are present/labeled.

_____(1) One item is present/labeled.

_____(0) No items are listed before 6th grade.

Are all 5 items that will happen after

6th grade labeled with a year?

_____(5) All five items are present/labeled.

_____(4) Four items are present/labeled.

_____(3) Three items are present/labeled.

_____(2) Two items are present/labeled.

_____(1) One item is present/labeled.

_____(0) No items are listed after 6th grade.

Do all of the negative numbers correspond

to items prior to 6th grade?

_____(5) All five items correctly correspond.

_____(4) Four items correctly correspond.

_____(3) Three items correctly correspond.

_____(2) Two items correctly correspond.

_____(1) One item correctly corresponds.

_____(0) No items correctly correspond.

Do all of the positive numbers correspond

to items yet to come?

_____(5) All five items correctly correspond.

_____(4) Four items correctly correspond.

_____(3) Three items correctly correspond.

_____(2) Two items correctly correspond.

_____(1) One item correctly corresponds.

_____(0) No items correctly correspond.

Is the project presented in a neat,

well organized manner with illustrations?

_____(3) The project is clearly written, creative, and well presented. (Used ink/marker. Colorful)

_____(2) The project is clearly written, but lacks any extra effort. (No color, or sloppy work)

_____(1) The project is complete, but is poorly presented. (No illustrations. No ink)

_____(0) No project is submitted.



**** Please note…Getting zeros will not be acceptable. You will take late grades until you can accomplish a higher grade****


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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