Exam Revision.docx

Exam RevisionThe exam will be on content studied throughout the year in Religion and Society Unit 1.All content on the exam can be found in your workbook and on the webpages (). You should be reading your notes from the year in preparation for the exam. 1. What are the eight aspects of religious tradition (TRIBESSS) 2. Name the 5 major world religions that we studied this year 3. For each of the five major world religions answer the following:a) Identify the sacred text usedb) Name and describe ritual practiced. c) Record name given to the Supreme Beingd) Identify symbol used.e) Key places important to religion (eg. originated, highest numbers of followers, pilgrimage to…)f) Key people involved (prophets/founder etc)4. Countries where 5 major world religions are most popular/ originated in 5. Define the following terms:- Ritual - Religion (according to High Court definition 1993) - Interfaith Dialogue - Ecumenism 6. Outline each of the following rituals:- Buddhist Sand Mandalas - Australian Aboriginal Land, Water, Fire Ceremony - Jewish Passover - Islam Prayer 7. Record a summary of the stages of Life’s Journey of Faith 8. Review the 2011 census results on religious affiliation. - religion with most followers - religion with least followers10. Summarise the development of religion in Australia, ‘waves of religion’ 11. Explain how The Chosen demonstrates a journey of faith for one of the major characters. 13. Recall an experience of the person you interviewed for your biography that tells us about how religion played a part in their lives, either positively or negatively.This is also a good time to check with your RE teacher to make sure that you have completed all required tasks so that you achieve a satisfactory result. ................

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