Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc

Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc.

Regular Board of Directors Meeting

Plaza de Flores Clubhouse, 4202 Central Sarasota Pkwy

April 17, 2018 7:00 p.m.

Call Meeting to Order: Robert Ingraham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Determination of a Quorum: Brian Glabb, Mark Habermann, Robert Ingraham & Gerald Ratzer present in person. Constance Shaw was present via telephone conference call.

Proof of Notice: Notice was posted per FL Statute and Bylaws on April 13, 2018.

Owner’s Present: James Atherton (Unit 422), Manny da Cunha (Unit 1226), Anthony D’Elia (Unit 511), Leland Fuller (Unit 1225), Mike Holland (Unit 615), Greta Ingraham (Unit 416), Adreana Leopardi (Unit 1514) and Bob & Carol Levanti (Unit 911).

Approval of the Agenda: The agenda was amended to change the approval of the February 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting Minutes to March 20, 2018 and to delete the Property Manager Search agenda item which will be discussed in May. Plaza de Flores has not received our monthly financial report, so there will not be a traditional treasurer’s report. Gerald Ratzer made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Constance Shaw seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the Minutes from the March 20, 2018 Regular Board Meeting

Gerald Ratzer made a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the March 20, 2018 board meeting. Brian Glabb seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Finance report:

Constance Shaw said that Plaza de Flores asked PCM to make several corrections to our financial statements based on transactions in 2017. The auditor advised PCM to make no corrections until the 2017 audit is complete. As a result, the 2018 financial reports to date contain errors.

Plaza de Flores closed on the BB&T $50,000 Line of Credit, which is for 3 years, with a $250 fee in the second and third year. The total loan origination fees were $843.00.

Old Business

BB&T Line of Credit Application Status

Robert Ingraham added that it was discovered in applying for the line of credit that LM Funding held an active security interest in Plaza de Flores assessments. LM Funding was a company used by Plaza de Flores to collect bad debt a few years ago. The security interest was still in place and has now been terminated. BB&T now has a security interest in Plaza de Flores assessments in connection with the line of credit.

Monthly Assessment Increase Status

The $30 maintenance fee increase to $339 became effective April 1, 2018. However, owners who signed up for auto pay through PCM did not see the fee increase in their April payment because PCM failed to inform BB&T of the increase. In addition, owners who pay by payment coupon did not receive new coupon books. After Robert Ingraham spoke directly with BB&T’s Association Services, new coupon books were ordered and BB&T agreed to begin deducting the increased fee for auto pay owners on May 1, 2018. PCM will send a bill to auto pay owners for the $30 that was not deducted in April.

Sprinkler Head Replacement Status

Robert Ingraham gave a brief update of the sprinkler head project. There are 5 units in building 10 left to finish on Wednesday April 18th. This should complete the replacement of recalled heads. After a slow start and many problems in buildings 1 through 3, the remaining buildings experienced fewer problems. As each building is completed, the red tags have been replaced with green tags. We have 30 days to make final payment. Wallboard repairs will be made for any damage done.

Per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 25, sprinkler heads have to be randomly inspected annually (without the use of a ladder). Also, sprinkler heads that were not replaced and are 20 years or older will have to be sent out for testing by UL Labs annually. When a head is removed for testing, it will be replaced with a new one, so in time all heads 20 years or older will be replaced.

After a brief discussion about painted sprinkler heads, it was decided that the Board would discuss whether to charge owners for the cost to replace painted sprinkler heads at the May meeting.

Pool Area Smoking Policy

Robert Ingraham said that 97 owners returned smoking ban surveys. Out of those, 81 Unit Owners favored a smoking ban at the pool. After a lengthy discussion, Robert Ingraham presented a letter to be mailed to all Unit Owners which prohibits smoking at the pool. Robert made a motion to mail the letter to all Unit Owners stating that smoking will not be allowed at the pool effective June 1, 2018. The motion passed 4 to 1, with Mark Habermann voting against a smoking ban. A “No Smoking” sign will be posted in the pool area.

New Business

Comcast HD Cable TV proposal

The Comcast contract will expire next year. Robert Ingraham has been speaking with a representative of Comcast. The pricing options in the proposal received from Comcast involved more than a $10 increase for HD service, which was not acceptable because owners currently can get HD service for less than $10. The Board voted to reject the proposal. Comcast will be asked to review their pricing and the committee will be looking at other options to Comcast cable television.

Purchase Application

A purchase application was recently received and approved as an individual buyer. The buyer turned out to be a corporation. Robert Ingraham revised the purchase application to include the purchase of a unit by a corporation or a trust. Gerald Ratzer made a motion to approve the revised application. Constance Shaw seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Manager’s Report

Right of Entry – Steve Wisniewski has to drive over to the county offices to submit the paperwork for the county to enter our property. It will be done after season when things slow down.

Annual Roof Inspection – A contract was signed with Crown Roofing to complete our annual roof inspection and gutter cleaning. The work was completed in March. A roofing report with pictures will follow.

Munyan Painting – Munyan completed the painting of building 10. Building 15 should be completed by the end of the week. They will finish up with building 14 and the clubhouse. The estimated cost will be $49,000.00.

Pressure Washing – The pressure washing of the roofs of buildings 13, 14 and 15 has been completed. Estimated cost was $6,000.00.

Re-apply Roof-A-Cide to buildings 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 - To maintain the warranty, Roof-A-Cide needs to be re-applied every 2 years. The estimated cost is $6,550.00.

Dryer vent cleaning – The cleaning of dryer vents of all 200 units will be schedule for the fall of 2018. Estimated cost is $13,000.00.

Pressure clean buildings 1, 2 and 3 – Pressure cleaning buildings 1, 2 and 3 will cost $6,300.00.

Courtyard pavers – A quote has been requested to have all of the courtyards inspected and pavers leveled. Ricky was out to inspect but never quoted the job.

Carport at building 7 – The owner of a unit in building 6 has been notified of the damage to the carport at building 7 by her tenant. The Unit Owner will be responsible for the cost. Quotes will be requested from Bishop’s Aluminum and Yoder Aluminum for the repair of the damage. They will want to replace the panel. Rick Sluga has repaired our carports in the past by bending the aluminum back into shape. Replacement will be more expensive.

Gate entry keypad – The keypad post was knocked down over the weekend. It was replaced on Monday April 16th. The speaker was damaged and replaced. Also, an LED light strip will be installed to be able to see the keypad at night.

Tree behind building 1 – The tree behind building 1 was trimmed on Monday April 16th. The estimated cost is $550.00.

Pool equipment – The sub-breaker panel needs to be replaced for an estimated cost of $600.00 and a stenner pump may also need to be replaced at an estimated cost of $400.00. The breakers in the panel look melted.

Landscape Lighting – The landscape lighting in the front island is in need of replacement. Quotes will be requested to install lighting similar to the lighting installed at buildings 12 and 15.

Committee reports

Landscaping Committee – Mark Habermann said all of the courtyards have been done, sod has been installed to shrink the beds and mulch is being installed. Mark received comments that the mulch is not being put down at a consistent thickness. The Landscaping Committee will need to take a walk around the buildings to inspect.

Mike Holland (Unit 615) said a tenant in his building complained to him about poor lighting in front of building 6. The board told Mike that if a written request is received, they will consider installing courtyard lighting.

Capital Projects Committee – Brian Glabb stated the Capital Projects Committee has started looking at the Estimated Useful Life (EUL) of the pavement, the carports and the roof. They are using the latest insurance appraisal, the Reserve Study and the 2018 approved budget to determine the EUL of each. A lengthy discussion took place about the committee’s important work.

Owner’s Comments

Mike Holland (Unit 615) said the flag on the flagpole has a tear in it and needs to be replaced. He donated a flag to have the flag replaced. He also asked to have the maintenance person empty the plastic garbage bags in the compactor area since it is always full. He also spoke about palm branches that have fallen and are lying around looking unsightly.

Next meeting dates

The next meeting will be Tuesday May 15, 2018


Gerald Ratzer made a motion to adjourn. Constance Shaw seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Prepared by Steve Wisniewski, Association Manager – Plaza de Flores

Amended by Robert Ingraham


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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