Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies

Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts

74th Annual Conference

June 22-22, 2017 - Peoria Civic Center

| |Exceptional | | |Did Not Attend|Comments & Suggestions |

| | |Good (Needs |Fair | | |

| | |Work) |(I was disappointed)| | |

|Overall Program Topics & Schedule |( |( |( |( | |

|Value received for the cost |( |( |( |( | |

|Trade Show – Events, Meals, Hours |( |( |( |( | |

|Opening Keynote - |( |( |( |( | |

|Dave Sanderson - “Brace for Impact” | | | | | |

|Caterpillar Visitor’s Center Social Event (Thurs) |( |( |( |( | |

|Greenview Nursery Trip |( |( |( |( | |

|Her Majesty’s Tea Room |( |( |( |( | |

|Riverfront Museum Party (Venue, Setting, Music) |( |( |( |( | |

|Fire Service Memorial Ceremony |( |( |( |( | |

|Paint Workshop |( |( |( |( | |

|Fire Service Luncheon – Menu/Food Quality |( |( |( |( | |

|Fire Service Luncheon Speaker/Program- |( |( |( |( | |

|Chief (ret) Steve Chikerotis, Chicago FD | | | | | |

|Demos (Rope rescue) |( |( |( |( | |

|Saturday Tribute – Menu/Food Quality |( |( |( |( | |

|Saturday Tribute – Awards Program |( |( |( |( | |

|Saturday Tribute – Entertainment | | | | | |

|Your Hotel |Service |Service |Service |Service |Please Comment |

|Circle one: Pere Marquette Courtyard |( |( |( |( | |

|Other (Name): |Room |Room |Room |Room | |

| |( |( |( |( | |

Is this your first time attending the IAFPD Conference? ( Yes ( No

Are you a new Trustee? ( Yes ( No

What was the best part of the convention this year? _________________________________________________________

What was the worst? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________

What would you suggest we improve? ___________________________________________________________________

Are you planning to attend our 2018 conference in Peoria (June 21 – 23)? ( Undecided ( Yes, definitely ( Absolutely Not

If not, why? _______________________________________________________________________

Please share the company names for any vendor(s) you would like to see at the IAFPD Tradeshow next year: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Education Topics or Speakers you would like to see presented at future IAFPD conferences:


Would you like to see the 2019 IAFPD Conference in: Springfield ( or Peoria (

Are you interested in volunteering for the 2018 Conference? If so, please provide your contact information:

Name: _________________________________ Affiliation/District: ___________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________________

Other Comments____________________________________________________________________________________



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