Andrew Colvard

A Baseball Game with a Football Mentality.Intro:Sports play a vital role in many people’s lives. Whether it be as a fan or as a player, all sports have the ability to impact one’s life in so many ways. For me, sports have pretty much been my life. Growing up that’s all I wanted to do, the front yard and driveway transpired into just about any playing surface you could imagine. For kids, sports are something they will be able to play forever. Every kid dreams of one day being like their favorite player in the big leagues. Getting a chance to play in immaculate stadiums while thousands of fans chant your name. Let’s just say I was definitely one of those kids.Football, hockey and baseball were the three I loved most. And if you really would like to know it was Brett Favre, just about any Minnesota Gopher hockey player, and Ken Griffey Jr. Those were the guys that I wanted to be most. For me I could never pick a favorite sport, I loved everything about all three that it just turned out to be whatever season it currently was… that was my favorite sport at the time. As I grew older things started to separate out but the passion and love for the sports was never lost.Currently I am a college baseball player at the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN. My coach always jokes with me when we are talking to a recruit and his family by asking me what my least favorite sport in high school was. And to every recruits shock I say baseball, and this was true. Football was hands down my favorite, I mean nothings beats those ‘Friday Night Lights’ right? Hockey was the one I wanted to pursue after high school and baseball was the one I happened to be pretty good at and had played my entire life, I could not just give it up after all the time invested. Now in college it is weird to be playing just one sport, sure it keeps me busy but sometimes I catch myself wishing I still was still playing the other two. I try my best to still keep in touch, through intramurals and pickup games with buddies at the rink we can all reminisce on the memories made. Although all three of these sports include many different components from the other, they all include two things important to success in athletics. One, you have to be and athlete, and two, you need to have the desire to compete and want to win. One thing I miss most about football and hockey is the competition, one on one battles and physical play, man that was fun. Baseball doesn’t quite offer the same in terms of physicality but the mental part is what matters. For me I always tried to be the best athlete on the field or ice. And to do that it meant incorporating skills from one sport into the others. Something else that always helped was just imagining yourself doing something great in one sport that could relate to another. For instance hitting a walk-off homerun and taking a penalty shot in overtime. If you were able to do one who says you can’t handle to pressure of the other if given the opportunity. Let your athleticism and competitive spirit take over and things will fall into place.The content below is a comparison between baseball and football. More specifically how I sometimes compare a typical baseball play to a common football play. No they are not that similar but when you can incorporate the mindset and skills from one sport to another is when your athleticism and true competitive nature within will begin to show.The GameAt the Plate: Batting is like stepping up to the line as a quarterback. You have done your scouting, seen what the pitcher/defense has to offer and now it’s time to execute. Your focus is at an all-time high and as soon as that ball is snapped/pitch is thrown, big things are going to happen.right508000Infield Single: hitting an infield single is like being on the kickoff team. As soon as the play starts it’s a straight line sprint. Reckless abandoned down the field/ through the base until you reach your destination. right698500Stealing Second: Swiping second base compares to recovering a fumble on the gridiron. You are on your toes ready to pounce, ball is loose/pitcher goes home and you take off. Once near it’s a headfirst dive/slide to the ball/base claiming it yours.right1333500right8597900Stealing Third: Swiping third base varies a bit from second. It’s a feel and anticipation move. Therefore stealing third is like a cornerback blitz. As you creep towards the line you are timing the snap/pitch, ready to take off. As soon as the ball is snapped/pitch is thrown you are on an island taking a big risk. Either you make the play or a touchdown is thrown to the guy you left wide open.03175left8382000right8477250Tagging from Third: A tag from third to home is one of those plays where everyone holds their breathe. Much like a deep ball to the end zone. As a wide receiver you have to get on your horse to make the play. Likewise for a baserunner it’s a dead sprint to home. In both situations your goal is one simple thing… score.Hitting a double: Right away when you hit this ball you should be thinking two, it is hit to a spot perfect for stretching a single into a double. In comparison to football it is like taking a handoff up the middle as a running back and finding a big hole. Right from the snap you are full speed hitting the hole with a full head of steam. A big hole opens up and you have room to run straight up the middle. In baseball, right away off contact you are full speed rounding first base. You see you have a chance for a double and you turn on the jets heading into second full speed and with a hard slide to beat the throw.right190500left00Legging out a Triple: The rare triple is like the rare punt return, but from the start… there is big play possibilities ahead. Returning the punt means you have a long way to run just like getting three fourths around the diamond. The return starts with a read, where are my blockers? When things set up its go time and you are off to the races. The triple is quite similar, off the bat you are thinking extra bases, once you realize that ball is going to make it to the wall the speed kicks in. Hoping it’s like a TD punt return, best outcome you are in at third with a stand up triple.right88900061912583820000In the Outfield: As an outfielder the mentality is simple, CATCH THE BALL. In football I compare it to a man on man deep ball for a wide receiver. The throw is leading you perfect and your job is to track that thing down and make the grab. Just like tracking down the deep fly and hauling it in.609600293751000 ................

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