VCE Chemistry: Sample teaching plan

VCE Chemistry: Sample teaching planSample Course Outline – VCE Chemistry Unit 1: How can the diversity of materials be explained?Note: This is a sample guide only and indicates one way to present the content from the VCE Chemistry Study Design over the weeks in each school term. Teachers are advised to consider their own contexts in developing learning activities: Which local fieldwork sites would support learning in the topic area? Which local issues lend themselves to debate and investigation? Which experiments can students complete within the resource limitations of their learning environments?WeekAreaTopicsLearning activities 1How can knowledge of elements explain properties of matter?Elements and the periodic table (relative particle size; element definitions and symbols including atomic number, mass number and isotopic forms; atomic spectra; electronic configurations; periodic table patterns and trends) Class display: creation of a ‘relative scale’ of particlesExperiment: flame tests and spectraSimulation: atomic structure Data analysis: periodic trends and explanations in terms of electronegativities and graphs of first ionisation energies of elementsCommunication: students research a useful isotope and write a media article Investigation: trends across a period or down a group of the periodic table23Metals (properties explained by structure; main group versus transition metals; relative reactivities; extraction of a metal; modification by heat; metallic nanomaterials) Experiment: comparison of the properties of main group and transition metalsModel: properties of alloys using plasticene and sand practical-chemistry/modelling-alloys-plasticineObservation: metallic crystals under a stereomicroscope – class comparisons Experiment: extraction of copper from a solution of a copper ore45Ionic compounds (properties explained by structure; crystal formation; uses) Experiment: investigation of the properties of ionic compoundsModel: structures of ionic compoundsExperiment: simulation of crystal formation in rocks by making chocolate fudge under different temperature conditions67Quantifying atoms and compounds (relative isotopic mass; carbon-12 standard; relative atomic mass; mass spectrometry; mole concept; Avogadro constant; calculations of numbers of moles of atoms in samples; molar mass of ionic compounds; empirical formula)Model: visualisation of the mole though calculations (depth of a ‘blanket’ of a mole of marshmallows over Australia; height of a ‘tower’ made from a mole of dollar coins or sheets of A4 paper; length of time to count a mole of marbles if one was counted every second every day until finished)Calculations: worksheets related to mole and empirical formula calculationsExperiment: determination of the empirical formula of magnesium oxide89How can the versatility of non-metals be explained?Materials from molecules (modelling of molecular substances; polarity of molecules; properties explained by structure; relative strengths of bonds; ice and water comparisons) Modelling: ball-and-stick models of simple polyatomic molecules and interactionsIndividual student hypothesis formulation and experimental investigation: capillarityPredict-observe-explain: investigation of volume contraction in alcohol-water mixtures10Carbon lattices and carbon nanomaterials (properties explained by structure; graphene; fullerenes; nanomaterial applications in society) Models: create and annotate models of carbon allotropesStudent research: contemporary application of a carbon nanomaterial1112Organic compounds and polymers (origin and use of crude oil and its hydrocarbon components; families of hydrocarbon compounds; organic chemistry IUPAC nomenclature; empirical and molecular formula determinations; polymers from monomers; addition polymerisation of alkenes; thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers; designer polymers; use of polymers in society) Experiment: steam distillation of eucalyptus leaf/orange peel/ti-tree leaf/cloves; method improvement by investigating different collection, heating or extraction methodsModelling: organic structures and polymersPrediction: trends in melting and boiling points of a range of organic moleculesExperiment: making and modifying slime Site tour: polymer manufacturing plant Problem-based learning scenario: plastic versus paper shopping bag alternatives131415Practical investigationStudents register an individual research question (development of a research question and aims; purpose of communication and target audience and/or product; characteristics of effective science communication; investigation methodology, primary and/or secondary sources of information including surveys, interviews; undertaking of investigation; analysis and evaluation of data and methods; limitations of conclusions; development of effective communication and/or product) 161718Unit revision19 ................

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