Annual Report

Annual Report2017A statement of activities and outcomes of Givlife Inc for the 12 months of operation from July 2016 to June 2017Givlife Inc Registered PBI Charity ABN: 44044110068Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Contents PAGEREF _Toc497032484 \h 2Overview PAGEREF _Toc497032485 \h 3Board of Management PAGEREF _Toc497032486 \h 3Chairperson’s Report PAGEREF _Toc497032487 \h 4Community Assistance Report PAGEREF _Toc497032488 \h 6Seniors and Multi-cultural Report PAGEREF _Toc497032489 \h 6Programs and Activities PAGEREF _Toc497032490 \h 7Current Year – July 2016 to June 2017 PAGEREF _Toc497032491 \h 7Proposed – July 2017 to June 2018 PAGEREF _Toc497032492 \h 7Financial Report – Audited PAGEREF _Toc497032493 \h 8Minutes from Givlife AGM 2016 PAGEREF _Toc497032494 \h 9OverviewGivlife Incorporated (Givlife) is a public beneficiary institution and has endorsement as a Deductible Gift Recipient, under section 30-B of the Income tax Assessment act. Givlife commenced operations in 2008, with a published Givlife Constitution that states the mission of this association is to provide relief to those in society who are or could be in situations of suffering, poverty, isolation, destitution, sickness or distress, irrespective of race, creed, or religious beliefs. Givlife fulfills its mission through the following means:conducting seminars and events that promote healthy life-style, build self-esteem and help participants develop better family relationships providing mechanisms and events for non English speaking people including refugees, new migrants and long-term migrants to better mix into Australian societysupporting youth education programs and eventshelping the elderly and socially isolated to participate in communityBoard of ManagementGivlife is administered by a board of management that is elected every two years, as stated in the Constitution. The current board tabled below are in place until June 2018. Givlife Board of ManagementChairperson’s ReportIn reflection, the past year has been one of growing community involvement and integration. The depth of commitment shown by volunteers and strategic partners to see sustainable positive change come about in the community and provide support that gives hope to the families and individuals we serve is impressive. We see this commitment expressed in a number of ways through relationships that are built, connection with community and sharing and caring that brings hope and turns low self-esteem into self-worth.The most significant way we have shown our commitment to the community in need is through the commencement of the Givlife Soup Kitchen , this year. Each Tuesday we offer a hand of friendship to those in need and share food and fellowship to the hurting and hungry, working alongside our exceptional new partners from Bridge Inc. Unexpectedly, the Soup Kitchen added real value to our work as we have developed a special relationship with Kendall Staines and The Bridge Inc community from Joshua and Caleb Houses, supporting the soup kitchen with a team of volunteers each week. We have served more than 500 people over the past year, starting out with just one lonely and hungry person who came on the first night in July 2016. During the year we realized that many of those coming for friendship and food were also cold and in need of fresh clothes. As a result, we have added clothing and blankets to our Tuesday night offerings. The impact of the soup kitchen goes beyond Queens Park. Barrett’s Bakery in Nedlands on the other side of the river, provide freshly baked bread rolls each week, to support our work. We have continued to provide Telstra Vouchers from Anglicare and support the Youth and Senior Citizens in the activities held by Hope Church. For the first time in our nine year history, we reached out to the membership base for annual members donation of $25 plus. This is a new initiative to provide recurrent annual income to build our programs around. Many thanks to our members for their help and generosity. Our funding has all come through fundraising and donations this year as there have been very few grant opportunities arising. This highlights the need for and the value of, our membership base. Without members we would not exist and would not have funds to support the good work we do. A sincere thank you to all volunteers and partners of Givlife, for their loyal support and to the dedicated board members who continue to work to help the lost and lonely in the community find a little piece of joy. Margaret ArmitageChair, GivlifeThe Board wishes to say a special note of thanks to: Anglicare for Telstra vouchers for our community assistance work. Barrett’s Bakery, Nedlands for weekly donations of bread rolls to the Soup Kitchen.Hope City Church, our main benefactor, for providing the premises to run Givlife from and to host our events. Westfield Carousel Shopping Centre Management who support Givlife with regular donations of ‘lost property’ to keep our Op Shop helping others.Patrica Mori and Lidia Rivis for supporting the Soup Kitchen with fresh home-made soup.Kendall Staines and Salvatore Fimognari for their on-going commitment to serve on the Soup KitchenThe Bridge Inc team who have volunteered to setup and clean up and cook sausages and welcome guests to the soup kitchen each week.Terry Armitage, Wendy O’Dowd and David Wilson for their regular support as volunteers at the Soup Kitchen Community Assistance ReportWe applied for extra Telstra Booklets, and in doing so during this financial year we distributed 70 Telstra Vouchers, valued at $3,500 to 35 families, enabling them to pay their telephone accounts which has made a huge difference and has alleviated some financial pressure on these families. It has been a privilege and honout to do this work for the community and make a difference to people’s lives. Eva Zurzolo Community Assistance Officer, GivlifeSeniors and Multi-cultural ReportWe held regular seniors events and a special end-of-year outing for seniors in November 2016. In addition to this we provided Christmas presents to local community of Tamil children to brighten their lives. It has been a privilege to serve the seniors and ethnic groups in our community. Mrs Angela Rossi Board Member, Givlife Programs and ActivitiesCurrent Year – July 2016 to June 2017A large portion of our activity was spent in fundraising in order to provide community assistance and support youth events and multi-cultural senior events.‘Don’t Stop’ Youth Event. October 2016, Support for Youth event ‘Don’t Stop’ with $500 sponsorhip for equipment. Fashion Fundraisers. We conducted two high-end fashion fundraisers with new and recycled clothing donations in September 2016 and May 2017. We raised over $2500. Tamil Children’s Christmas Box. We gave 14 Christmas presents to the children of Tamil families in the local area. Seniors Outing. To provide opportunity for social integration for those isolated due to age-limitations and language limitations we hosted 50 senior citizens for a day out. Lost Property Donations. Carousel shopping Centre continue to support our cause by giving unclaimed lost property bi monthly. Most of the items are new and unused and we give these to those in need and use items to fundraise through Op shop sales.Tuesday Soup Kitchen. We have served over 500 people, 900 sausages with roasted corn cobs, 1000 bread rolls and cups of soup outside Hope Church to the local community and homeless and disenfranchised.Household goods sales on Gumtree. We had a number of items of furniture donated which we sold on Gumtree to help new migrants establish their homes. Proposed – July 2017 to June 2018Soup Kitchen – Held weekly on Tuesday evening from 5pm -7pm to provide sustenance and friendship to those in need in the local area. Community Assistance Program – Continue providing assistance to those in need through Telstra Vouchers to the value of $2,500 and Coles Food and Petrol Vouchers $1,500. (Givlife and Anglicare funded)Youth Suicide Awareness Program - A program for raising awareness on youth suicide as a prevention measure. Also have supporting programs such as part-time drop-in after school, Teen Mums and Teen Parents programs. Tamil Youth Support – an initiative to support activities for Tamil Youth and provide trampoline and other sport equipment to establish a ‘games centre’. Financial Report – Audited As secretary / treasurer it is a privilege to work alongside the boards and volunteers of Givlife. Although there may not be a lot of finances, we still manage to bless many and be involved in a number of things. We agreed as a Board to a distribution of unallocated funds toward four main sectors:Community Assistance and outreach – 25%Youth, Seniors, Families – 25%Admin Management – 50% Cathy CarboneSecretary/Treasurer, GivlifeThe full Financial Report to June 2017 will be provided on request to Cathy Carbone, Treasurer. Minutes from Givlife AGM 2016MINUTESANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS GIVLIFE INC25 September 2016 12pm at Hope City Church 164 Railway Parade Queens Park WA 6107Attendees: 20 members plus 6 board members ( see Attendees list ) Open: 12:15pm Welcome from Chairperson. Open in prayer from Director. Item 1. Minutes of AGM 25 September 2016. Presented as per Annual Report Accepted by Ray Gullaci; Seconded by Karin Klenner Item 2: Board positions Reinstate current board members until 1st July 2018 as follows: Ray Gullaci, Director, Cathy Carbone, Secretary/Treasurer, Margaret Armitage, Chairperson, Domenica Casci, Youth and Family representative, Angela Rossi, Multicultural representative , Eva Zurzolo, Community AssistanceA new board member has been appointed: Mr Perry McKerlie who brings experience in other NFPs, business management and strategy. Item 3: Chairperson’s message. Thanked everyone who has contributed and presented outline of FY2016. The main focus was on making a difference in individuals’ lives and fundraising events to provide revenue to support the activities undertaken in this respect. Once again we received significant Fashion clothing donations which contributed to the majority of our revenue – Adam Heath in Claremont, high end fashion donated new silk ballgowns retail value of $20,000 and Mary Ellen Cliff from Ethopia Connect donated a large quantity of designer clothes for fundraising. Angela Rossi started a quarterly luncheon for Italian seniors as fundraiser for seniors outing. So far over $700 raised. A new initiative in 2017 has been to start a soup kitchen. Arthur Surin, recipient of help from Soup Kitchen spoke about what this has done in his life. To date – 220 soups been served, connected with local people, recovery house workers from Caleb House, Barretts bakery in Nedlands making fresh bread rolls each week and Reflect Young Adults serving and setting up. Non members have made soup and participated as helpers. A ‘giving’ portal established with Give Now to provide easier access for donations and contributions. We have received $2,718 since it began late 2014. Terry Armitage proposed a non-compulsory membership fee of $25 annually. This could be made as donation through GiveNow portal and is Tax Deductible donation. The initiative was accepted by membership. ................

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