University of Arizona

Alex Karaman

1722 E. Copper St. Tucson, AZ, 85714

(818) 926-0213


• PhD Candidate, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Arizona, 2018

• Master of Arts Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Arizona, 2014

Master’s Paper: (Re)Assembling the “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Totality Thinking and Radical Solidarity

• Bachelor of Arts, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies & Political Science, California State University, Long Beach, 2011

Teaching Experience

• Introduction to Chicana/Latina Studies

Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona, Spring 2013

• Gender in Contemporary Society

Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona, Fall 2014 & Fall 2015

• Sex, Health, and AIDS

Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona. Spring 2015

• Gender in a Transnational World

Instructor, University of Arizona, Summer 2015 & Fall 2016

• Introduction to LGBTQ Studies

Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona, Spring 2016

• Women in Western Culture

Instructor, University of Arizona, Summer 2016 & Spring 2017

Scholarly Presentations

• Karaman, A. Going Out/Coming Out: The Queer Affects of Palestinian Hip-Hop

Presented at the 2017 Emotional Geographies Conference, Long Beach, CA

• Karaman, A. Going Out/Coming Out: Queering Public Space Through Palestinian Hip-Hop

Presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting Assoc. of American Geographers, Boston, MA

• Karaman, A. Audio-Mobilities: Exploring Geographic Imaginaries in Palestinian Hip-Hop Culture

Presented at the 2016 Southwest Graduate Conference in Middle Eastern and North African Studies, University of Arizona

• Karaman, A. Queer Ruminations on Past and Present: Affect and Belonging in Palestinian Hip-Hop

Presented at the 2016 New Directions Graduate Conference, University of Arizona

• Karaman, A. Digging Tunnels to the Moon: Sonic Affects and the Spatio-Cultural Politics of Palestinian Solidarity

Presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting Assoc. of American Geographers, Chicago, IL

• Karaman, A. Author Meets Critics: Debt to Society: Accounting for Life Under Capitalism by Miranda Joseph

Presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting Assoc. of American Geographers, Chicago, IL

• Karaman, A. Digging Tunnels to the Moon: Queer Affect and Sonic Solidarity in Israel-Palestine

Presented at the 2014 National Women’s Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico

• Karaman, A. Frat Boys and Drag Queens: Engaging Men and Masculinity on College Campuses

Presented at the 4th Annual Women's Conference, UNC, Greeley, CO

• Karaman, A. Bro-Choice: Finding a Place for Men in the Reproductive Justice Movement

Presented at the 3rd Annual Women’s Conference, UNC, Greeley, CO

• Karaman, A. The Hard-to-Read Feminist Newspaper: Post-Modern Media and College Rape Culture

Presented at the 2011 National Women’s Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, GA

Invited Lectures

• Karaman, A. Queering Palestine: An Exploration of Affective and Cultural Production in Israel-Palestine

Deep Dish Lecture Series, Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona, Spring 2015

• Conference Presenter: “Viral Politics: Building Capacity and Coalition”

Common Ground Alliance Conference, Fall 2013

Department/University Service:

• Student Services Fee Advisory Board

Representative for Graduate Students, 2015-2016

• University of Arizona Graduate and Professional Student Council

Representative for School of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2014-2016

• Anti-Racism Task Force, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies

University of Arizona, Member Fall 2014-Present

• Men's Project, Women's Resource Center

University of Arizona, Graduate Assistant June 2013-June 2014

• Undergraduate Committee, Department of Gender and Women's Studies

University of Arizona, Member Fall 2013

• Conference Organizer: Common Ground Alliance Conference

Common Ground Alliance, Fall 2013

• Awards Committee, Department of Gender and Women's Studies

University of Arizona, Member Fall 2013, Fall 2016


• Women Plaza of Honor Graduate Fellow

University of Arizona, 2012-2013

• Research and Projects Grant Awardee, Graduate and Professional Student Council

University of Arizona, Spring 2015

• Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry Graduate Fellow

University of Arizona, 2016-2017

• Palestinian American Research Center Graduate Fellow

PARC, 2017-2018


• National Women’s Studies Association: 2010-Present

• American Association of University Women: 2010-Present

• Association of American Geographers: 2013-Present

• Association of Pacific Coast Geographers: 2014-Present

• Palestinian American Research Council: 2016-Present


• English, Native Speaker

• Classical Arabic, Intermediate proficiency

• Levantine Arabic, Intermediate Proficiency, Heritage Learner

• Spanish, Intermediate Proficiency


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