Classroom Procedures - Weebly

Technology Engineering and Design

Cary High School Mr. McGhee

Fall 2017 Emial: mmcghee@

Welcome to Technology, Engineering, and Design! The TED curriculum will be broadly speaking about technology and how people modify the natural world to suit their own purposes. From the Greek word techne, meaning art/artifice/craft, technology literally means the act of making, but more generally it refers to the diverse collection of processes and knowledge that people use to extend human abilities in order to satisfy needs and wants. The students will learn about theory and gain hands-on experience designing, building, troubleshooting, and working with different materials. Additionally, many of the topics and skills can be applied universally. Students will have choices in future projects once they learn the basics. Safety is of the upmost importance and taught from day one. I look forward to meeting each of you and helping guide your son/daughter along the way. If you have any questions throughout the school year, please feel free to call or email me. The following is a brief description of each unit to be covered this semester.

Unit 1: Technological Innovations and Inventions

This unit is designed to teach students that most inventions and innovations are the result of an evolutionary process and have students understand how a series or refinements leads to an improvement in a technological device; that new technologies create new processes and have students be able to explain how a change in technology would change the process of creating a product; teach the students all the factors that lead to changes in technology; and that research and development is a problem-solving approach used by companies to prepare products and systems for the marketplace.

Unit 2: Technology Changes History

Unit 2 prepares students to analyze the historic significance of technological advancements and to gain an understanding of the influences of technology on history. The use of technology has had profound effects on the course of history. This unit looks into some of those occurrences that have affected society and the environment. Additionally the unit encourages students to think about our future with technology. Students will research some of the major technological developments from ancient history to the present time.

Unit 3: Systems

This unit will enable students to identify the core technologies, subsystems, and systems that make up technological devices, reverse engineer a product, and to diagnose problems when they occur through troubleshooting techniques.

Unit 4: Design

This unit will enable students to apply the engineering design process as they solve a variety of problems.

Unit 5: The Designed World

This unit will enable students to learn to apply a design process, to a variety of resources - materials, tools and machines, people, information, energy, capital, and time – to produce products and services in the technologies of energy and power, construction, manufacturing, information and communication, agriculture and transportation, and telemedicine.

Materials a Student Will Need

Students are expected to have a pencil or pen, a bound composition notebook, and a 3 ring binder.

Students May Need

Mobile devices (iPods, mobile phones, tablets) – Some objectives allow the use of mobile devices to enhance learning. These objectives will be specifically pointed out by the instructor. Your device is to not serve as a distraction during class.

Assigning Seats

Seats may be assigned and reassigned periodically through the semester. This may be done for classroom management purposes or for group related activity.

Starting Class

Students should be in their seat when the bell rings and actively ready to participate in class. If a warm up activity is posted students should begin once they enter the classroom.


Students arriving after the bell will be required to go to the Discipline Office and return with a ‘Pink’ sheet.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests and most quizzes will be announced in advance or through the use of Remind 101. There will be a review session preceding all tests.

Behavioral Expectations

Students will not use any inappropriate language. If a student is caught doing so they will be referred for Lunch Detention, After School Detention (ASD) or Out of School Suspension (OSS).

The same policy applies for blatant rudeness toward other students.


Employability Skills & Work Ethic: 5%

Homework, Sketchs, Worksheets: 35%

Projects: 40%

Test/Quiz: 20%

Late Work

Late work will result in a 10% reduction each day after an assignment is due. The lowest score for a completed submitted assignment will be 50%. No work will be accepted two weeks after the assignment date.

It is the students’ responsibility to obtain the missed notes from class, and to make up any missed work (homework, quizzes, tests). The notes must be obtained from classmates or the course website. The assignments must be acquired from the teacher or the website.

Assessment Mastery Policy

• Any student who scores below an 80 on a major assessment is eligible for the chance to show mastery on a similar assignment. The highest mastery grade a student may attain is a 80.

• The teacher is responsible for promoting and encouraging participation in AMP by including the AMP policy in their syllabus and notifying students when AMP is an option.

• In order for a student to have this opportunity to show mastery, the following parameters must be met:

▪ The student must take responsibility for taking advantage of AMP

▪ The student has three school days from the day the major assessment was returned to speak to his/her teacher

▪ The teacher will establish a completion timeline based on their PLT’s AMP plan

▪ Students who have an unexcused absence on the original date of the major assessment forfeits their AMP

▪ AMP will be limited according to class level:

➢ 3 opportunities for Academic classes

➢ 2 opportunities for Honors classes

➢ 1 opportunity for AP classes

Extra Credit Policy

There will be no extra credit given throughout the semester, however, a student may complete an extra assignment at the teachers discretion.


Please let me know if you need extra help! Students are expected to work hard and be prepared. If you get behind, take responsibility, get help, and get caught up!

Student Information

_______________________ _______________________ ____________________

Last Name First Name prefer to be called

Best way to contact you:

Email_______________________ OR phone______________

Three things you would like to know about Technology, Engineering, and Design within the next 90 days:




Please fill in your class schedule.

|School Schedule |Subject |Teacher |Room Number |

|1st period | | | |

|2nd period | | | |

|3rd period | | | |

|4th period | | | |

|Lunch (check one) |1st |2nd | |

Parental Information

_______________________ wk phone ____________ home phone_____________


email address _______________________

_______________________ wk phone ____________ home phone_____________


email address _______________________

I have read and understand the information in this document.

Student Signature


Parent Signature



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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