University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Stephanie NoranderCurriculum VitaeApril 2018 Office of Undergraduate Education/Department of Communication Studies University of North Carolina at Charlotte9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC, 28223Ph: 704.687.5631/Email: Colvard 2102EDUCATIONPh.D., Communication Studies, Ohio University, Athens, OHDissertation: Peaceful Alternatives: Women’s Transnational Organizing in Post-ConflictAreas Primary concentration: Organizational Communication Advisor: Lynn Harter, Ph.D. M.S., Economics and International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, SwedenThesis: Managing Cultural Diversity: A Comparative Study between the U.S. and SwedenAdvisor: Laurence Romani, Ph.D.B.B.A., Business - Marketing Ohio University, Athens, OHACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS2015 - presentAssociate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2015 - presentExecutive Director, Communication Across the Curriculum, Office of Undergraduate Education, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2015 - presentAffiliate Faculty, University Writing Program, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2014 - 2015Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Missouri State University2013 - 2015Provost Fellow for Faculty Development - Writing, Missouri State University2008 - 2014Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Missouri State University 2004 - 2007Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Communication Studies, Ohio UniversitySCHOLARSHIPJournal Articles (13) 2018 Norander, S. (2018, forthcoming). Best practices for communication-centered faculty development. Journal of Communication Pedagogy. 2017Norander, S., & Rouse, M. (2017). Centering the center in new technology initiatives: Integrating communication into ePortfolios. Communication Center Journal, 3, 125-133. Norander, S. (2017). Embodied moments: Revisiting the field and writing vulnerably. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 45, 346-351. Norander, S. (2017). Kamala Harris and the interruptions heard around the internet. Feminist Media Studies, 17, 1104-1107. 2014 Norander, S., & Galanes, G. (2014). “Bridging the gap: Difference, dialogue, and community organizing. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42, 345 - 365. (Lead Article)2012Norander, S., & Harter, L. M. (2012). Reflexivity in practice: Challenges and potentials of transnational organizing. Management Communication Quarterly, 26, 74-105.2011Cole, C., & Norander, S. (2011). From Sierra Leone to Kosovo: Exploring possibilities for gendered peacebuilding. Women and Language, 34.1, 29-49. (Authors listed alphabetically)Norander, S., Mazer, J. P., & Bates, B. R. (2011). “D.O. or die:” Identity negotiation among osteopathic medical students. Health Communication, 26, 59-70.Norander, S. (2011). Complicating empowerment and privilege. Women & Language, 34.2, 121-24. (Editor reviewed)2009 Aden, R., Han, M., Norander, S., Pfahl, M., Pollock, T., & Young, S. (2009). Re-collection and rhetorical experience: A proposal for refining the study of collective memory and its places. Communication Theory, 19, 311-336. (Authors listed alphabetically)Bates, B. R., Mazer, J. P., Ledbetter, A. M., Norander, S. (2009). The DO difference: Ananalysis of causal relationships affecting the degree-change debate. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 109, 359-369.2008Norander, S. (2008). Surveillance/discipline/resistance: Carly Fiorina under the gaze of The Wall Street Journal. Communication Studies, 59, 99-113. (Lead article)Harter, L. M., Leeman, M., Norander, S., Young, S., & Rawlins, W. K. (2008). Theintermingling of aesthetic sensibilities and instrumental rationalities in a collaborative arts studio. Management Communication Quarterly, 21, 423-453.Book Chapters (10) 2016Norander, S. (2016). Corporations. In S. Wahl (Ed.) Public Relations Principles: KEYS for Professional Success. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.Norander, S. (2016). Nonprofit organizations. In S. Wahl (Ed.) Public Relations Principles: KEYS for Professional Success. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. McBride, M.C., Kirby, E.L., Bergen, K.M., Wahl, S.T., Norander, S., & Robinson, T. (2016). Social identities in the classroom. In P. Witt (Ed.) Communication and Learning. Boston, MA: De Gruyter Mouton.2011Harter, L. M., Mitchell, P., Norander, S., Leeman, M., & Quinlan, M. M., (2011). Creating expressive and vocational opportunities for individuals marked as (dis)abled. In Case Studies in Participatory Community Based Research (pp. 73 – 97). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.2009 Harter, L.M., Ellingson, L., Dutta, M., & Norander, S. (2009). The poetic is political...and other notes on engaged scholarship. In L.M. Harter & M. Dutta (Eds.), Communicating for social impact (pp. 33-46). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.2007Harter, L. M., Norander, S., & Quinlan, M. (2007). Imaginative renderings in the service of renewal and reconstruction. Management Communication Quarterly, 21, 105-117.2006Harter, L. M., Graham, E., Norander, S., Rossi Keen, D. E. (2006). The use of professional seminars to prepare future faculty for teaching basic communication courses. Basic Communication Course Annual, 18, 261-282.Norander, S., Thompson, M., & Wright, K. (2006). Finding and evaluating sources. In M. Leeman, A. Smith, & S. Titsworth (Eds.), Skills for the engaged speaker. (pp. 1-12). Boston: McGraw-Hill.2005 Norander, S. (2005). Exploring self and other through impromptu speaking. Teaching Ideas for the Basic Communication Course, 9, 51-55.Norander, S., & Rossi Keen, D. E. (2005). Topic selection. In D. Novak, M. Leeman, & S. Titsworth, (Eds.), Fundamentals of public communication. (pp. 1-9). Plymouth, MI: Hayden- McNeil.Invited Encyclopedia Chapters (6)2017Norander, S. (2017). Advocacy. In C. R. Scott & L. K. Lewis (Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.Novak, D., & Norander, S. (2017). Ideology. In C. R. Scott & L. K. Lewis (Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Norander, S. (2017). Researcher-participant relationships in observational research. The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Norander, S. (2017). Critical ethnography. The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Norander, S., & Brandhorst, J. (2017). Case study. The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2014 Norander, S. (2014). Osteopathy. In T. Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Research Reports and Public Reviewed Publications (7) 2014Norander, S. & Galanes, G. (2014). Communicating about race and diversity. Communication Currents, 9. Available at: , S. (2014). Evaluation of the National Survey for Student Engagement focus groups. Technical report presented to the Office of Assessment, Missouri State University.2013Norander, S. (2013). Understanding the welcome deficit in Springfield. Technical report presented to the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, Springfield, Missouri.2007Norander, S. (2007). Sexual and reproductive health and rights. Available at:, L. M., Slavik, S., & Norander, S. (2007). Inception and development of Passion Works. Passion Works Arts Studio Process Guide (pp. 5 – 13).Harter, L. M., Smith, A. K., Quinlan, M., Norander, S., & Slavik, S. (2007). Product development. Passion Works Arts Studio Process Guide (pp. 66 – 87).2005Harter, L. M., Norander, S., & Young, S. (2005). Collaborative art: Cultivating connections between self and other. Available at reviews (3) 2012Norander, S. (2012). Contemplating maternity in an era of choice: Explorations into thediscourses of reproduction (S. Hayden & L. O’Brien Hallstein, Eds.). Book review, Women & Language, 35.1, 141 – 142.2009Norander, S. (2009). Charting the dialectics of social change: A journey through four tension in four contexts. Review of Communication, 9, 42-46.2006Norander, S. (2006). Feminist communication theory: Selections in context. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 30, 197-199Works in progress Norander, S., & Brandhorst, J. (under initial review; submitted 11/26/17). BLINDED. Under review at Management Communication Quarterly. Norander, S. (under review). Organizational communication activism for social justice. Book proposal under review with the University of California Press. PRESENTATIONSCompetitively Selected Conference Presentations 2018Bastian, H., Norander, S., Byker, E., & Freidus, A. (2018, June). Connecting disciplines, connecting faculty: The WI teaching academy. Panel to be presented at the bi-annual meeting of the International Writing Across the Curriculum conference in Auburn, GA. Mullin, J., Bastian, H., & Norander, S. (2018, June). Starting, expanding, and sustaining a writing initiative on campus. Workshop to be presented at the bi-annual meeting of the International Writing Across the Curriculum conference in Auburn, GA. 2017Norander, S. (2017, November). Keeping the organizational mission: A study of hospital chaplains in a Catholic hospital. Presented in the Spiritual Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Dallas, TX. *Top Four Paper Award. Norander, S., & Littlejohn, S. (2017, October). Looking back and moving forward: A reviewand proposal for research on women’s leadership inhigher education. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Omaha, NE.2015Polley, C., & Norander, S. (2015, November). Exploring college access narratives of rural high school students. Presented in the Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Las Vegas, NV.2013Norander, S., Brandhorst, J., Howard, J., Sukmuk, R., Wei, S. (2013, November). Creating interdisciplinary connections through training and development: A working research report on training writing project teachers. Presented in the Training and Development Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Washington, D.C. *Top Four Paper Award. Norander, S., Coker, W., Malone, D. (2013, November). Exploring volunteer and community connections. Presented in the Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Washington, D.C.2011Norander, S. (2011, November). From Sierra Leone to Kosovo: Exploring possibilities for gendered Peacebuilding. Presented in the Peace and Conflict Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in New Orleans, LA. *Top Four Paper Award.Norander, S. & Galanes, G. (2011, November). Decreasing the welcome deficit: Exploring community initiatives to increase diversity. Presented in the Scholar to Scholar Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in New Orleans, LA.Norander, S. (2011, October) Postpartum reflexivity: Remembering (Dis)Embodied knowledge from the field. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Evanston, IL.2009Norander, S., Mazer, J. P., & Bates, B. R. (2009, November). “D.O. or die:” Identity negotiation among osteopathic medical students. Presented in the HealthCommunication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.Norander, S. (2009, May). Imagining sustainable possibilities for peace. Presented in the Organizational Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association in Chicago, IL.2007Norander, S. (2007, November). Engendering the peace process: The case of NGO work in the Balkans. Presented in the Peace and Conflict Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.Norander, S. (2007, November). “Women’s rights are human rights:” An analysis of Hillary Clinton’s address to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. Presented in the Public Address Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.Aden, R., Han, M., Norander, S., Pfahl, M., Pollock, T., & Young, S. (2007, November). Re-collection and rhetorical experience: A proposal for refining the study of collective memory and its places. Presented in the Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.Norander, S. (2007, November). Living the life of a chick lit heroine: City, career, and consumption. Presented in the Feminist and Women’s Studies Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.Norander, S. (2007, October). Dialogic partnerships: Exploring relationships among women’s NGOs. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Omaha, NE.2006Norander, S. (2006, November). Disciplinary surveillance: Carly Fiorina under the gaze of the Wall Street Journal. Presented in the Feminist and Women’s Studies Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in San Antonio, TX.Harter, L., Leeman, M., Norander, S., & Young, S. (2006, November). The storied nature of disability: A narrative ethnographic account of Passion Works. Presented in the Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in San Antonio, TX.Norander, S. (2006, November). Permanence and change: A story of a public library. Presented in the Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in San Antonio, TX.Norander, S. (2006, August). Negotiating global-local tensions in NGOs: Expanding feminist frameworks for transnational organizing. Presented at the triennial European Gender Research Conference in L?dz, Poland.2005Medved, C., & Norander, S. (2005, November). The dialectic of organizational disengagement and renewal: The case of stay at home fathers. Presented in the Organizational Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Boston, MA.Norander, S. (2005, November). Doctor! Doctor! Help me find a speech topic! Leading students to examine self and other in developing speech topics. Presented in the Great Ideas for Teaching Speech session at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Boston, MA.Invited Presentations: 2016Norander, S., & Bastian, H. (2016, October). Integrating critical thinking and communication across the college curriculum. Presented at the UNC system Critical Thinking Symposium in Charlotte, NC. 2015Norander, S. (2015, October). Navigating academic leadership and administration. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Bowling Green, KY. Roundtable Participation 2012Norander, S. (2012, October). Vulnerable stories, vulnerable moments. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Tacoma, WA.2011Norander, S. (2011, April). Teaching and learning communication theory: Cultivating reflective practices. Presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association in Milwaukee, WI.2010 Norander, S. (2010, October). Constructions of the good life in research: Our researchparticipants and ourselves. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in St. Petersburg, FL.2009Norander, S. (2009, October). Ethically engaging gender and research. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Los Angeles, CA.2008Norander, S. (2008, October). Organizing to remember: How feminist organizations resist invisibility and re-story cultures. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Nashville, TN.Norander, S. (2008, May). Negotiating insider/outsider tensions. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association in Montreal, Canada.2007 Harter, L., & Norander, S. (2007, October). What do you advise? How do you advise?: Raising the curtain on the practical details of managing a graduate student advising relationship. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Omaha, NE.2006Norander, S. (2006, November). Connecting multicultural perspectives on feministcommunication theory. Presented in the Women’s Caucus at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in San Antonio, TXNorander, S. (2006, October). Academic freedom and classroom discussion. Presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Communication Association in Perrysburg, OH.2005Norander, S. (2005, November). Kenneth Burke, narratives and applied communicationscholarship: A roundtable discussion. Presented in the Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Boston, MA.Norander, S. (2005, November). Improving the health of our discipline through graduate education reform: A roundtable discussion. Presented in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Section at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Boston, MA.Harter, L. M., Norander, S., Young, S., & Leeman, M. (2005, October). Collaborative art: Connecting self with other. Presented at the annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender in Reno, NV.Grants and FellowshipsExternal: 2016North Carolina Career Development Association Best Practices Grant. Awarded $900 to facilitate undergraduate student research on the project: Exploring student perspectives and crafting best practices for the University Professional Internship Program. Internal: 2012Missouri State University Summer Faculty Fellowship. Awarded $6000 to facilitate community engaged research with the Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Minorities in Business. 2011Missouri State University Public Affairs Grant. Awarded $4000 to plan and execute campus programming Women’s History Month 2012. 2010Missouri State University Course Innovation Grant. Awarded $2400 to redesign the undergraduate Communication Theory into a hybrid course. 2009 Missouri State University Summer Faculty Fellowship. Awarded $6000 to work on the manuscript: Reflexivity in practice: Challenges and potentials of transnational organizing. 2007 Ohio University Claude Kantner Graduate Fellowship. Awarded full tuition scholarship to complete dissertation research. Research Awards and Honors 2017Top Four Paper Award. Spiritual Communication Division, Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association. 2013Top Four Paper Award. Training and Development Division, Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association. 2011Top Four Paper Award. Peace and Conflict Division, Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association. 2009Cheris Kramarae Outstanding Dissertation Award. Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender. TEACHINGTeaching Awards and Honors 2017Finalist, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Award for the Integration of Undergraduate Teaching and Research, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 2010Outstanding Graduate Faculty Member Award, Missouri State University. 2006Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award, Ohio University. Academic Teaching The University of North Carolina at Charlotte:Organizing for Social Change (Graduate) Advanced Topics in Organizational Communication (Undergraduate) First Year Seminar, Exploring Pathways for Success (Undergraduate) Missouri State University: Organizational Communication (Graduate) Nonprofit Organizing (Graduate) Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis (Graduate) Applied Research Methods (Graduate) Conflict Systems Design (Graduate) Advanced Organizational Communication (Undergraduate) Introduction to Organizational Communication (Undergraduate) Communication Theory (Undergraduate) Communication Research Methods (Undergraduate) Interpersonal Communication (Undergraduate) Ohio University: Public Speaking (Undergraduate) Interpersonal Communication (Undergraduate) Fundamentals of Human Communication (Undergraduate) Undergraduate Student Teacher Training (Undergraduate) Introduction to Women’s Studies (Undergraduate) Student Mentoring The University of North Carolina at Charlotte2017 - 2018Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Miranda Rouse, Department of Communication StudiesGraduate Research Assistant Mentor, Miranda Rouse, Department of Communication Studies Graduate Research Assistant Mentor, Jordyn Biffle, Department of Communication Studies 2016 - 2017 Graduate Research Assistant Mentor, Shanice Littlejohn, Liberal Studies (Interdisciplinary program) Undergraduate Professional Internship Mentor, Hannah Rayburn Undergraduate Research Conference Mentor, Patrice Donatien 2015 - 2016Undergraduate Professional Internship Mentor, Tiera Gibson Missouri State University2013 - 2014 Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Jacqueline Brandhorst (Completed Spring 2014) Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Kevin Babbitt (Completed Spring 2014) Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Eva Patterson (Completed Summer 2013)Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Jason Howard (Completed Spring 2014)Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 25 Communication Studies Majors 2012 - 2013 Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Steven Jenkins (Completed Spring 2013) Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Rathamanee Sukmuk (Completed Spring 2013)Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Vecthyna Villayphone (Completed Spring 2013)Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Melissa Rice (Completed Spring 2013) Graduate Independent Study Director, Elizabeth Pamfilis (Narrative and Organizing) Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Elizabeth Pamfilis, (Completed Spring 2013) Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 25 Communication Studies Majors2011 - 2012Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Katherine Shellenberg Haring (Completed Spring 2012)Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Eric Zackrison (Completed Summer 2012) Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 12 Communication Studies Majors2010 - 2011Graduate Thesis Committee Chair, Jessica Clements (Completed Spring 2011) Independent Study Director, Katherine Shellenberg Haring (Gender and Organizing) Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Kristine Cotton (Completed Spring 2011)Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Theresa Decker (Completed Spring 2011) Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Moulay Moukrime (Completed Spring 2011) Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Meaghan Younker (Completed Spring 2011) Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 10 Communication Studies Majors2009 - 2010Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Lauren Wilson (Completed Spring 2010)Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Amanda Kuda (Completed Spring 2010)Graduate Seminar Paper Director, Natalie Rasnick (Completed Spring 2010)Graduate Thesis Committee Member, Spencer Harris (Completed Spring 2010) Undergraduate Academic Advisor, 10 Communication Studies Majors2008 - 2009 Independent Study Director, Laura Chamberlain (Organizational Communication) Faculty Development Designed and Facilitated The University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2017Writing and Oral Communication Teaching Academy (six months; blended) Participants: 27 Faculty from across the disciplines Health Sciences and Management Writing and Oral CommunicationTeaching Academy (six months; blended) Participants: Five Public Health Sciences FacultyFacilitating Student Discussions and Training Student Facilitators (webinar) Participants: 25 Faculty from across the disciplines 2016 Improving Learning through Speaking Participants: 5 Faculty from across the disciplinesCxC in the Classroom: Improving Student Writing and Speaking Participants: 11 Faculty from across the disciplinesQuick and Constructive: Responding to and Evaluating Student Writing Participants: 6 Faculty from across the disciplinesCxC Institute: Transforming Curriculum Participants: 30 Faculty from across the disciplines Missouri State University 2014Summer Intensive Faculty Writing Retreat (one week) Participants: 23 Faculty from across the disciplines Monthly Faculty Writing Retreats (eight months) Participants: 30 Faculty from across the disciplines 2013Workplace Bullying Participants: 25 Faculty from across the disciplinesSERVICEUniversity ServiceThe University of North Carolina at Charlotte2017 - presentSecretary, Phi Kappa Phi 2016 (fall) Chair, Search Committee for Associate Dean for Curriculum2016 (fall) Chair, Search Committee for Associate Dean for Advising 2016 - 2017Chair, ePortfolio Platform Taskforce 2015 - presentCommittee Member, Prospect for Success Leadership Team 2015 - presentAdvisory, Prospect for Success Steering Committee2015 - presentAdvisory, University College Faculty Council Editorial ServiceEditorial Board Member: Southern Journal of Communication (2015-2018)Women & Language (2012-Present) Ad-hoc ReviewerWomen’s Studies in Communication Management Communication QuarterlyHealth CommunicationElectronic Journal of CommunicationJournal of Applied Communication ResearchJournal of International and Intercultural CommunicationCommunication StudiesCommunication TheoryService and Leadership in Professional Associations National Communication Association, Legislative AssemblyAt-large Representative (2015-2017)National Communication Association, Applied Communication DivisionSecretary (2012-2014)Panel Respondent (2009, 2011, 2012) Submission Reviewer (2008 - 2014) National Communication Association, Organizational Communication DivisionSubmission Reviewer (2010 - present)National Communication Association, Feminist and Women’s Studies DivisionSubmission Reviewer (2006 - 2007)Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and GenderManaging Director (2015 - 2018) Board Member (2009 - 2011) OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEPeople Centric Consulting Group (2014)Facilitated annual strategic planning meeting for top organizational consulting corporation inSpringfieldSpringfield Regional Arts Council (2014)Developed and presented communication workshops on organizational mission and board communicationOzarks Writing Project (2013-2014)Designed research project to collect, analyze and present data on how to better communicate organizational valueCenter for Diversity and Reconciliation (2013)Facilitated strategic planning session on clarifying mission, vision, values, and goalsDiscovery Garden Montessori School (2013)Facilitated strategic planning session on creating viable action plans to meet organizational goals ................

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